ginuoaal SATURDAY .'...MARCH 28, 1S6S. PROCEEDINGS OF THE DEMO CRATIC STATE CONVENTION. . Portland, 0 March 19, 18GB. The dalesates to the Dcmncrntic State Con- Tention met at Oro Fino Hall, at 10 o'clock, a. x., and was called to order hv Hon. L. F. Groter, Chairman of the State Central Com mittee. - On motion Col. N. II. Gates vaa elected temporary chairman, Victor Trevitt, Secreta ry, and II. II. Gilroy, AssiVt Secretary. On motion a committee of fivo on creden tials were appointed by the chair, consisting of Messrs. Dennison, of Multnomah, Miller, of Marion, Alexander, of Linn, Parker, of Douglas, and Humason, of Wasco. On motion the reporters of the press of all parties within the btate, (desks and station ary having been previously provided for them), vrero invited to take seats within the bar, by a unanimous vote. , On motion Won. MoMillen, Esq., was ap pointed temporary Sergcant-at-Arms. On motion the Convention adjourned to 12 o'clock, x. At 12 o'clock, the Convention met and -was called to order pursuant to adjournment, .and the committee on credentials submitted the following report, which was read and adopted : ' ,The committee stated that the Stato Cen tral Committee in making the apportionment for Union county, bad only allowed 0 dele gates, while they were entitled to 7 ; also, bad only allowed Polk county 7, while they were entitled to 8, and that "those counties -were present with a full delegation and rec ommended that they be allowed their full representation, which was adoptedwith the report. V J;aortWV P Burke. Cree, A L Love joy, J C Ainswottb, W TV Weatherfurd, J Catlin. C S Fechheimer. R J Ladd. A P Dennison. J C Hawthorne. Beriah Brown, J F By bee, J as Pow II. S Roberts. Jfarion J F Miller. Wm "Waldo, T J Hcrrco. J B McLaln, F X Matthieu. E F Colby, V II Wadkins. F E EUriJr, Jacob Conser, Joseph Holman, C O Curl. Linn XT F Alexander. K A Johns. D Alling hara, M Bryaon, J R Locke, E B Moore. A t? Knox. W C Bair I, S D Haley, A Jones. W Gaines, A Miller, jr. R D Johnson, by J Nixon, proxy, B Carl, C P Burkbart, James Blskelcy. Benton J C Avery, G B Smith, John Foster, J II alter. John Burnett, Andrew Palmer, A J Thayer. Baker A II Brown. R A Pieree, J Thompson, by Brown, proxy, R L Curtis, by Pierce, proxy. Claekama J S M Vancleave, Wm More! and. J A McDonald. Joseph Young, A F Hedges, A W Faucet. J R Ralston. Umatil'a R Harrison. S Johnson. Wm MitcfceU," by Johnson, proxy. G W Bail, by Johnson, proxy, W T Barker, by Johnson, proxy, R B Morford, by Johnson, proxy. P. Howell. Jaekton F Heber. by J E Rosa, proxy. J D Far. ty E A Cronia, proxy, J E Rss, J S Miller, y J E Roes, jroxy, T Wright, by E A Cronin. proxy. TUB Stpley, by C E Rosa, proxy, David Linn, by J E Ross, proxy, J T Glenn, by J E Ross, proxy. Si'as Day, by J E Ross, pr?xy. Doujln J N Barker, J Martin, by Barker, proxy, R M Gourncy, by Barker, proxy. A Marks, by Barker, proxy, James Hutchinson, C Drain, by Hutchinson, proxy, J Cox. by Hutchinson, proxy. Polk XT C Brn, F Waymir. J M Fulkinson, J B V Butler, Becj Hayden. O H Smith, H X V Holmes, F Bircb. WVwco 0 Humana, OSSarage. Frank Dodge. J as Fulton, by CA Gates, proxy, Vic Trevitt. by Col Kelly, proxy. Claln A VanDasen. Tillfxnuok None. .- Columbia S F Go. , Coo R II Lowe. Curry R II Lowe. Caioa J U Slater. 3Iat Rice, Dan Hilty. J II Wheeler, A C Craig, P S .Morten; J T Hunter, by ASU e vu( . a i i a Aaa I'- WhiUker, E P Coleman, II U Gilfrcy. D Smith, E X Tandy, E LBrist.w. Grant.J M Dellinger, by T E Gray, proxy. W B Las well, by Gray, proxy, 31 Goodwin. T Gray, R II Neil, by Gray, proxy. I Hare, by Gray, proxy, II Workings, by C II Miller, proxv, J W r iu rv v r r a ii..i.. r Baldwin, by Miller, proxy, J II Stevens, by Gray, proxy. . Jottepkime Wm' Chapman, Chaa Hughes, by Chapman, proxy. YamhulG W Gouchcy, II Jackson, Jasper W JoLnson. John W Johnson. T Staadly, W B Hen dricks, Dr. Oden. by Hendricks, proxv. Washington Wm Blanc-bard, A Flippen. Dr. F A Bailer, U Jackson, by Bailey, proxv, W G Scroggini, by Blancbarl, proxy. And thereupon Jacob Conser offered the following resolution, which was read and adopted : Besotted, That the following order of bus iness be adopted for the governmeat of this Convention, viz : 1st The election of Permaneut President 2d Two Secretaries. 3d One Sergeant-at-Arms. 4tn A Committee on Ke.olntions, com posed of one member from each Judicial District. 5th Nomination of candidate for Con grcss. Cth Three candidates for Presidentia Electors. 7th Nomination of six Delegates to th National Democratic Convention. 8th Nomination of State Central Com mittee, to be composed of one from each -county. ; On motion of O. Humason, Col. Jas. R. Kellv was elected nermanent Chairman of the Convention. Upon the Colonel taking -the chair, he returned bis thanks for the Ihonor conferred upon him by the Conven t ion, in that gentlemanly and good natared jljie which of bim alone is characteristic. timid the applause and frequent cheers o the house. Victor Trevitt was nominated Secretary and II. H. Gilfrey Assistant Secretary, and were nninimouslv elected. And thereupon Jas. II. Lapreus and Wil liam Hill were nominated for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Lappeus. And the Chairman announced the Com nittee of five on Resolutions, consisting o Messrs. Beriah Brown, J. H. Slater, John E. Ross, R. B. Cochrane, and Bern. Hayden ' On motion of Mr. Dennison, Beriah Brown Jr., was appointed as Page of the Conven tion. And thereupon a motion was made to ad journ nntil 7 o'clock, p. sc., which was put jum lost. And upon motion of Mr. Miller the Con Tention adjourned until 3 o clock, p. u. AFTERXOOX SESSION v At 3 o'clock p. m., the Convention met as per adjournment, and On motion, Mr Van Dusen, from Clatsop was authorized to cast the vote of the ab "Sent delegate from Tillamook. f .ar- i r r l. n tu t olutions, reported progress, and asked for v further time in which to report. And after remarks were made by several of the mem tiers, an I divers motions to adjourn were put ana lost, tne convention nnally adjourned xiniu i o oiocK p. if. During the afternoon, while waiting for tne report ot the Uommutee. the Convention was addressed by Judge Strong, and the old Apostls of Uemocrrcy," Frederick War mire, by whom able and effective speeches were made. - At o ciock p. m., me convention was called to order by the President, and there upon Mr. Hayden, from the Committee on Kesoluti ms, submitted a msjority report and stated to the convention that saiu com " mittee were unable to agree as a whole as to the form and matter that should be embod ied in the resolutions. Whereupon Mr. . Brown from the same rCommitt je, submitted a minority report, and expiainei the matter of difference of opin ion and the reasons why the committee were unable t ) agree. He suggested to the Con- Tention the propriety of discharging the committee and referring both reports to an other conmittee, consisting of five, -- Concluded on Second Pae.j - OUR AG K NTS The following named gentlemen are authorised to act' as Agents fur The State Rights Dkmo uat, and to receive nd receipt for subscriptioui o the paper : LINN COUNTY. Robert! Watkinsoo and James Dorris ..Selo Jason Wheeler... ...... Lebanon H. L. Brown ....Brownsville Matthew Fountain Harrtsburg J. M. Smith Peoria LANE COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton... Eugene City BENTON COUNTY. VL U.Strahn Corvollis VOLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady DrIIri J. B. V. Butler and Dr. Harris -Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy M;..Lu Creole Beuj. Hayden ....Eola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. R. Ralston M Orezon Citv MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MARION COUNTY. N. M. Bell e. B. F. Bonhwn J Salcm It. t. Mwnbart Silvcrton lanley Waterman .....Jefferson TIlOA. Ilojre, Newspaper Apcnt. San rancisco, is authorized to receive subscriptions and advertisements fur our paper, and act aa busi ness agent generally. ADVEHTISKMKNTS. NO MORE HIGH PRICES ion -A- Xj 33 .A. 1ST HT 1 00 TO THE STORE OF . E. BENTLEY & CO. And Buy your Goods nx you did in I860! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. THK LARGEST STOCK Or - coxsuTixc Or el E NTS' FINE SEWED ROOTS, FINK PECGED ROOTS. vJE.NTS D0Yf AND CHILDREN'S LADIES AND MISSES' CONGRESS GAITER.S. BOOTS, ROOTS, KID AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS. RUBUER OVER-SHOES. AND SHOES OFALLDESCRIPTIONS GEXTLEJIE.VS UOOTN JSCAJDE TO OKDER ON SHORT NOTICE. AXI ALL KIND OF REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. XfAbo, a jt of Kole and I'nner Leather, fur sale at the Luwest Figure for Cash. GIVE THEM A CALL AND SE FOR YOURSELVES ! t-pil-3n0mSj GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valuable Pbesests will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. I). 18GS. EVERY TICKET YVAKRATEI TO DRAW A PltlZK! 11KADTHC LIST. Comer lot No. 1. in Block No. b, aa recorded in tue Iowa Plat of tue town of Urownirule. Lion county. Oregon, fronting on Washington and Pine ftrectf : improremenUr, eonKirtinz of DweU ling IIouc, cbickm Houe, &c., ic. ; dwelling houe,20x24 fret, 4 rootna and pantrjr belw and two twelre feet rcorns above. The bouae ia new and not entirely finbbed, but ia now occupied aa a residence. There ia a eplendid well of wator, made rat proof. All enclofed with a good ub stantial board fence. The foregoing prize ia val ued at $800 00 And also the following valuable real estate, to wit: Sixty-one feet off the eait end of Lot No. 8, Block No. 3. and Z'i feet off the eat end of Lot 7, in Block Z. in the town of Brownviilc, Lion County, Oregon. Improvements, confuting of dwelling house 20x23 feet, fire room, a fine, large brick chimney, and a splendid well of Water. All enclosed in a good, substantial board fence. Valued at...... ..........$700 00 One 91 Bareau, valued at $35 (10 ; one V Bu reau, mahogany, valued at $35 00 ; one mahog any fluted centre-table, valued at $25 00 ; one span t orrel match horses, valued at $400 00 ; one bay " Rifleman" itud colt, two year old, valued at $300 00: one dark chestnut f orrel stallion, 5 years old, 15 hands and 3 inches high, weighing 1,200 lbs., valued at $000 00 ; One toddle horse, valued at $120 00. Tbre will be $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. FAMILY BIBLES, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, GOLD PENS, SEWELRY, Ac, &c, comprising OTer 5,000 val urble articles to be disposed of on the popular plan of One dollar Tor each Ticket. Only one dollar. It is desirable to sell all the Tickets, and of eourse it does not make any diff erence who gets the property at a fair distribu tion. Possession of the property will be given to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, except the first prize named and the sorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will bo given in 30 days after the drawing; the ded will be made to the ticket-holder at tbo time of drawing. The horse will be given up as soon as the season is out, or on the 1st day of July. 1S68. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets, can have them sent by Expiess or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. S. coin for each ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressing A. GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, or P. C. HAUFtU, Albany, L,inn county. No ticket will be held good unless duly reported and registerd previous to the drawing. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLUB RATES. Any person procuring five or more names for tickets and forwarding the money for the same, can have tickets at the following rates : 5 Tickets to one address... $1 50 10 20 30 40 50 100 do 9 17 ....26 35 43 85 In every case send the name of each subscriber, their post office address, with county and State in full. .' . - The drawing and distributions will be on TUES DAY, JUNE 9, in thecity of ALBANY, Linn Co., Oregon, by a Committee of five selected by and from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two clerks will be appointed one bj the Committee and one by the undersigned to record, with pen and iak, the number aud prizes as tbey aro drawn. J; or pedigrees o: tne fctainons tnat are up as prizes, address Hagh Fields, Brownsville, Oregon. Title to all property gived clear of all encum brances. tJ-Mr. "W. F. Howlett is an authorized trav eling agent for the sale of tickets. A, GSORGC TO THE PUBLIC, ( , : We are well acquainted with A. George, and hare no hesitation in saying that we believe the foregoing enterprise, under his management, will be conducted fairly. and impartially. M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsville. G. C. COOLEY. " " L. H. WASHBURN, " A.-LEWIS, , ; - ? . HUGH FIELDS, " ' ; .. SENDERS. STERNBERG, A Co., Brownsville. - HAYWOOD A CO., Merchants, Albany, . U. F. SETTLE MIER, " A H. MARSHALL & CO., Livery ' i J. B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, 41 It A. W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co, HARVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Linn county. Febl5v3n26tf A D V K II T I S E U K N T 8 . ADDRESS- TO TDK NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED! mo THOSE WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE JL been protracted from hidden cauirs, and whose oases require prompt treatment to render ex istence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effoct does it produce upon your coneral health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired T Does a little extra cxertiou produce palpitation of the heart? Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or vour kldnevs. freauentlv iret out of order? Is r- ft w your urine sometimes thick, milky, or flacky, or Is it ropy on settling? Or does a thtok scum rUc to the ton ? Or it a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowids eonstl- nated ? Do vou have spells of falntinir or ruUc of blood to the head ? If your memory impaired? Is your mind eoustantly dwelling upon this sub ject? Do vou feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life ? Do you wish !o be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any Utile thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep bro ken or restless ? It the lustre of your eye at bril liant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well r Do you pursue your buoincis with the same tnergy ? Do you feel as much confidence in youm-lf? Areyour spirits dull and flareing, giveu to fits of melan choly ? If to, do not lay it to vout liter or dys peptia. Have you rettles nights? Your back weak, your krees weak, and have but Utile appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-Himplaint? Now, reader, self-abue, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro ducing a weakness of the gererallve organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, prevering. succciful buiuess-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of ner vousness, of palpitation of the heart. Tbey are never afraid they cannot succeed la buines ; they don't become sad and dUcouragcd; tbey are always polite and pleasant ia the company of ladies, and took yoo ad them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any other mean ness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to txe. The will not only ruin their eonttitottuns. but also those they do buiinrts with or for. How many men, from badly cored dfoeasc. frm the effects of self-alone and exrtes, have brought about that state of weakness in those or gans that hat reduced the general sayttera so much as to produce almost every other diseaae idiocy, luoaey. paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which hu manity is heir to, and the real cao of the trouble scarcely ever suepectd, ad have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases cf these organs require the use of a diuretic. FLUID. EXTRACT BXJCKCXJ IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, and is a certain cure for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, ' General Debility, AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS! Whether existing in HALE OH FEMALE! from whatever cause originating, and no matter ' of how long standing. If no. treatment is resorted to, Consumption or in sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aro supported from these sources, and the ; , health and happiness, and tnat of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a ro- " liable remedy. IIEWIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, - ...... - . ' 1 ' - established upward of 18 years, prepared ; ' by n. ' T r, ncLinoLD, 594 Broadway, Nev York, and . 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. . Price$1.25 per bottle, or 8 bottles for $6,50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druhglsts everywhere, marCV63r3n31yI AD VE K T 1 3 E M E NTS. Dlt. n. C. lltLL. I or.o. r. SETTLEMIEFl & CO., DRUGGISTS, , AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. A MM N Y. MAIN ST., - - - DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, IMlnt, Oil. CalniN, Dyc-StuHn, V A It N I S II K S AMD A ri'l.J. ASSORTMENT Of ,' DRUGGISTS1 SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR D. Jaynu k Sod's Family Mrdiclnr Dr. We also keep on hand full supply of All Patent MctliciiiCM in Unc. Our stock of Drug, Fluids, Ettraei. etc., are from Woll Known Manufacturers, and will bo found or tiii: m:sT quality i srrciAi. ATTr.Tio civr to rovr-oPsnura PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We Nollc.'t fti Patronage of Che Public. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! t SlitR THK M4S tUKMET or G. A. HILiL, Who will kp a fall supply of Drugs, Medicines, etc.. etc., for sale at Low rntct: SETTLEMIER A CO. April . 1M7 2n34ly GitOU'S JIINKAL AM) EDUCATIONAL USTSTITXJTE- At DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. mm ixntitlti: in ni tim.ti:i J ia a rrttrrd and lrauiiful loration. away ttw the btiiocts iwrUon of the city, n THIRD, between 15 and C HTRKhT.. I'o.Uand, Orrgon. Attached to the boil lios are extcnuive and Lcu tiful crnd f-r tb et.neriiene of Th Edttlioral Dptarimnl will tc in charge of an rlSclcBt crvt of Teachers. CA VT. J. I. C A LIOl'I, (formerly a I'rofcttor in lh I nitcriity of IouUtana, and for the Ul 8e yar rrtncipa of a C'o'iU-eUic Iniitul in lUa tfuutbern t-arl o California.) l'riocital. N effort will Le rarrd ti tnaVe this Institute rqol to hatl am tho I'j-iCc "wt. The court of studies will rrnbrare all tho branches Uiaally taught in Crt cla Heminarirs in the EaM. in. clu Jioj the CU.ic. French, (Jertnan, h'i'BtoiU, Mathematics. Ac, Ac. The Musical Dcfartmerj will be cmducte1 ty PROF. II. OTIDO liROB.Graduate of 1'lanel's Coerratortc. Fartie from the oontrr may rest arnrcd that under the eare of MKS. UlUAi. (Matron of tbe Etablisbnicnt.)theywilleiterienre all the attention of a mother and enjy the eomfurts -f a bone. N. I). FnrtteuUr atienlion wt!I be pail to tbe choice of Text Rooks, in order to aroid anyihiug of a Strtianul or Parti tn m.iiure, in our currtculoiu of Studies. For further particular, enquire at the Institute, or address II. OUUK) (SROH. F. O. Box No. 1(4. CAFT. ALLSOPP will continue to glre Kveniog Lessons in tbo Modern Languages and EnglUh branches. Octol- 12. 1867 T.lnOyl A LI J A A --rovrvDRir. AND RflACHIWE SHOP A. F. CHERRY, f TAVIXG PUItCIIANED THE E tire inU-rcrt in the ALU ANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SIIOF. I am Prepared to FurniMh . WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for MILL WORK Will Le filled with dirpatch, and in a satisfactory manner. HORSE POWERS Agricultural Implement Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WORK done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 13, lS66-ly ALBANY BOOK STORE I E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oregon. CONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Juvenile, Toy GUt rtnd Clank Docks, COLD I T SI, AND SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind used in the State. pS BOOKS short notice. IMPORTED TO ORDER, 1 at DeolnlSly WHEAT WANTED! fflHE UNDERSIQTO IS NOW READY TO JL;pay the , If IGIIEST MARKET PRICE DELIVERED AT OUR WAREHOUSE, NEAR PBA.RCe'8 FERRT. ' ' ' ', ee28v3n7tf ' S. S. MARKHAM & SON. A;U V K KT I 8 K M K N T9 . H ATS, . M,, HATS. MEUSSJ30RFFER & BRO., Manufttctnrurs ond Importers of, and WhoWuk and ilctMil Dealers iu HATS JLISTID ' AWI ' HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 72 Front Mtreet, Portland, A RE RECEIVING, IN ADDITION TO f their xte.lxiro Htock, by every Ktcamur. ali tUtf LATEST STYLES of New York, Londou and I'tirlxiau taste, for Gentlemen' and Children's Wear Which they will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! DEALEHS IN HATS Willeonsult thoir own interests by examininz our Mock before purchustug UewLcr. Hats of every styl and Description MADE TO ORDER IV I ; A T I. X It 12 1 A 1 11 K I , AT J. C. McussdorfTer & Bro.'s No. 72 Front filn-H , Portland, Oj'n, 0r. D and tfeeond Sts ............... Mary iviUe, Cal. i. Mj J r ttft...... ................. SarrsiiHiit' Nos. fi3i A 637 Comp.erciMl Ht Han Vrnmiii" Z-f W!ioleal IIue at fin Francico, C'al. N . t,2 Comioen lal tbrouzh to 6.17 Clay sireeu. Dee. I, r-'iilCtf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of Sau Franriieo, California. -o- CASH CAPITAL .$1,000,000 00 SURPLUS ,Janylf'67. .. 238,054 00 CASH ASSET3 In Q OLD, $1,230,054 91 All Losses Paid Immediately in United State Cold Coin. FIItE. OCEAN, MAltlNE, INLAND -o- THK PACIFIC IXelRANCE COMtMXV. bvlogrranfc, -th Mc.r. 15 1 fi FLOW & lillflTIIKR i,r the tranufvr of all the buinc of th Fire Inurme Cutnpanica lately represented by in i n prepared to Her to all parties formerly insured by aid e.tnpanie, eual!y god term and prompt payment of loscs, in United .-'tatc rld coin. Mr. II. II. iilUKI.mV will', the general Agent fr this Company from thi date. IHrertor or I'ariflc Insurance Co. i4jtr4"tco as. DFr!-mtn?.Ll'yd Terj. lKui MrUane, - Win. Sherman, Oliver F.Mridre, Wm. Al-rd, John O. Karl, A. II, Forhes, Alfrt-d l!n l, J. t. Kellojri, . T. I.awtn, 51. Checenian, V.. I.. Ho Utein, tj.ll. Howard. Kllia. J. W. leaver, F. I.. Wearer, H. Strinl art, David-Stem, M. Roaenhattm. Ale Weill, Ah'ra Felizman. Anon tj. Sli!e, Johnij. Fray, A. llarward, l. W.C. Rke, C. Merer. Joiia'tian Hunt, S4rn rTO. II. J. Oliver. . 1 . i.oieman, IMrar Mil!i, Atpheu ltull. I.. V. . l.-.nrd, T. L. Rarfcer, T. U. XKvcr. S. M. Wilson. U. W. Move, a T. Whee'cr. v nrsvii.LK. J. II. Jewett. W. C. Ralston, I, . fach. Fred. RiH!n?s, A. I. Tuhhi, II. M. Newhall, John R. Newton, roar la. in. Edward Martin, W. B. Ladd, I. O. .Mills, Jacoh Kamm. Adam tiraut. J. D. Fry, 11. llanssmann, stock toi. II. II. Hijrclow, L. D. Renehly. Moses Hrller. Wm. Acholic, J. 1J. Anthony. vmemA, sev, Wm. 8haron. Win. HooiKjr, C'bas Maync, OFFICERS: J. IIUXT, President. A. J. Il.iI.KTOX, Secretary. C. A. LATOX, Marine Secretary. II. II. UICsELOlV, Uen'l Agent. LADD VTILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon and WaKliliizlon Territory. LOCAL AGENTS: S. R. HAMMER...... Salem F.A. CHKNOWETH. .....Corvailis J. R. UNDERWOOD,... S. F. CIIADWICK JOHNSON A Mc COWN Eugene Roscburg .Oregon City CUMMINS A (J RANT J. II . RLE WITT .Dalles Walla Walla A. WHEELER.. ....Brownsville JAMES RILEY llarrisburir JOHN coxm:r Nov. 2, 1867 v3nl2yl Albany THE RICHEST MATIN THE WORLD I E EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM BARON SOLOMON ROTHSCHILD. Paris, 8th April, 1864,25 Rue Fauby St Honoro. Will you be kind enough .o have forwarded to me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment; if you will send at the same time the account, I will forward you tbe amount through Messrs. Belmont & Co., New York. , : Baron Solomon Rothschild, having recommend ed to many of his friends Major Lane's Liniment, and they being desirous to procure it, he should advise him to establish a depot in Paris. Tho INDIAN LINIMENT, as a relief ever ready, as a killer of pain, taken Inwardly or out wardly ' applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure of RHEUMATIC and NEURALGIC AF FECTIONS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, etc., etc.. itis unequalled. It is also most efficacious taken In wordly in the euro of CHOLERA, CRAMPS and PAINS IN THE STOMACH, DIARRHQ3A, DYS ENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN- FANTUM, etc., etc.', and is without exception the, MOST WONDERFUL PANACEA tho world af fords, r NO FAMILY should be without it. . Every TRAVELER by land or sea, should have a bottle. MINERS and FARMERS residing at a distance from physioians should keep iteorstantly on band In case of accidents and sudden attacks of stomach complaints, ita value cannot be estimated. In quire for . MAJOR LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT I AND TAKE HQ OTHER 1 PRICE . FIFTY CEXTS PRB ROTTLE. 1 For sale at wholesale and retail by i IIIJDSON & BIcCARTY, ! 14 Merchant's Exchange, San'Francisoo, Cal., ' General Agents for the Pacifio coast; ' v And by - respectable druggists throughout tbe world. None genuine unless signed by John Thos. Lane and countersigned by J. T, Lane & Co., Pro prietors, 163 Broadway, New York. i 3Send for a Circular. dec23v3n203iri Ap VK KT I Si. Mil HE WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CtNTUB MRS. I. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE WORini For Consanaption, Cottjhs, Colds, Wnoopiog' Cougfa, lioar3 nessv etc, etc. f1IIE DIFFERKNCEH RKTWKKN TffBTIIf X RAriC.HAlSAM and tU Allopalhie Iu.; niudicini s is this 5 two nuliir 'Iriijj nj('?lic-iinc wlicn titkoif in!" the stomach, makeyn si k. the scnuation creaUid by my Thoracic lialfam isa toothing a a cup of ta. V tt-n the dritu medi cine", lakcn by the muilitudo of victims who hsir lied with thecotmumjitioti, find their way into lb. Iiiiiffs. they immtdiately ci in?nnfe to trrHats ati inflame tho ulcers and im-reum ihc flow of rriftfti r its a consequence, the vsititm ext-curate inr. fretrly, and as be cough and rp'An Ins lift awat iie thinks, because he raises u'-h a quantity, an raises it so canity, that h t :i rtuiiily recovering and uttdi-r thi coiftiuon deltnioti h c.""iars t take the medicine, and con tittup to r,nn bi;i, until exhanxtcd suture submits arid he find relief in the grave. On the otit-r band, wh-ft mv Thoracic l'a).an. nnni in way tnt tii longs it 'nrntm'WM; fit (iw to hfal ihr ulf crx. It fc4(( to tb( v ry roi of th Iistift!. and gntlv. but mr ly, dn;ws il morl h iiiin'.r tfitii tl-e iilc tnt( i.ri. It t-Hrifitstl ll'od, u it U com. d w ol'y of v-$f tide in, itais. It trrngitetis ii.d nut w l d'-btiitatc th e)ifral nyrtm. It letsdn to qok-i th; nerve an invigorate th r atit-r,t and nmit in relieving th- c hgcficii oi.Uit.,n or th? lung, ny linui'ing to a eomulal' d blood over the rurfacc, and it c;rar away the- obstruction that iio b- tgre of all 11 wiiuriti ot tbo body throngh tLeir natural rbar.- nel the bowel- and more especially docsitten? to draw all excretion from the Jang, and inducer a new and vigorous action to the liver aud impart? strength and new life to the. pa'.icnt. liearthi in mn'l. tlat the ccrct of tne mfd-n of mv Thoracic Ralmta li trcl'H in thi liMl. .ut-h H : firt, it nt irritate th; lungs sin: crtnus; the patknt lo i xpcct'-rate ; evond, it Amt coir ni' iic-it otic! to I. till the kIc r ; it sootln, and allay the inclination, ai.d stop the cotighiri; and eM t',ratiOii j it rtr ngtMij and crirouragc the pthiit, and, with pr per rurbbmiit, h tnait rccowr. This mcdii ir.e don't give y u ns lung ; it only mends up your old or e, si: 1, wi;l care they may take you away n into a good ol age. I connot clone without saying a word to int(- ?ex. I am now in my txty-rt year, and cat truly y that with all my experience vi'h ft umU .lici-nn . I Lave found it lb safest and bet reme dy, and no woman ir. delicate health should I t without it. lr. Aer truthfully remarks that It" than one-half of the female of 'Jr. ltd rta! have sound hcHlfh. and the condition of ',h- !a r dtrcd one U leaving its impr n the rising gen era'ion. Thtn, bow important e fhonid have remedy for tb-e evils. For painful or sppree-i meo-, irregularities, etc., and lo f r women c? the turn of life, and frail girl. thi medicine will be found invaluable. It should alo be tind bc for? and after eonfinement. "An ounc of pre ventive i belter than a pund f core," Remember, kind fstKcr, or food hut,and. hf i adtoini.tering my me licire to a darling duusbtf or frail wife, that If y are -i -t d of io ile.-tb dealing raU r nau-riS:ng lrng', t make b lit k Ri'r micrab?e and hs!cn lJ--:r Ki-AUuiU ttt'l i but tlry arp a compound "fm dlclna, r-ot her. bark. ioiiji, etc.. wtih hoe g- ncr' ti hea!ir:g virtue ycnrf rxj- rk-ino huve muic in fainiii ,r. For further particular a- pamphlet scei.mpany. ir.g ery bottle. Jiw. u. A. Kid ri. MM1TJI A liAVl.-'. Portland, Geuer! .gent. AH "i JJr. u. A. Mii't'S Metliit arc viduu- faciurrd and f'Ut op l.y W. C. Avrnr. tn. Or r;o. to whom all IctUrs on buoifcen nhguld I c di reet'd. 5!r. L. A. Ftipp Med;pn f'r mle el Y"hi?;; more Co.. Aloanr : l-ik;i Jt s n, i-bai.n II. Mnith. llrrrihnrj;. SrpU li. If C7 r.lciyl. TO THE UNFORTUNATE libit ItklflbWIkV Ilk II liUIIkWIbW Ir. CiIbbon Dispensary, iiltlK K KY rR i: ET, SEMI CUMMERC'L. Fan Frnnti-eo. lt fhiih d In lil, fr the tnatmt-nt of Sexual and Femical ttim'ttinr, such a Ji isf rrha-a. UU-et, KtriC' tare, Syphilli iu all its fni:. Seminal Wcakne, lm('ter.ry , ete. rkin diieaes (;f year" ttndin?) and UlceraJtd Leg ueccfuily trea'd. Horrible Diseases. How many thou sands of persons, both male and fvtnale, arc there who ar suffering out a m'.terablr exic !cn e from the eSects of secret indulgence, or from virus abwubed into th s;ttm i Look at tbvir pa'lid, tmaciatfd and disfigurvd acit ihcir broken dn eon.tituiion-. disuaiifyin? j them for the happiness of txiarriaje or the ei.j iy-1 mint of life. Iu this horrid situativn thousands fU&er until death clom-s the cene. Let isr;ijt. guardiaux, friend?, attend to those who are ufer in with any of these horrible life-dcMroying mal adies ste that they arc eared for and cured bitim it be too late. end them immediately t Ir. (iibbm, a physician who has ma lc private dieam. his study for years, and who is certain to cure tht mott inveterate without mercury orothcr in jurious drug. It i important to those who an faie'ed, or tho who are interested in thewclfari' of tlieir friends, to bo careful of the many prvtend ed doctors wtio infit all cities, puMUh ti thvii skill in curing all in a few days, impinj. upon the public by u:ng toe names of emiuctu physicians frin Eur'j e and other places. Ri thi-reioie careful, and make strict inquiry, or you may lalt into the hands of those charlatan. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Emissions, th consequence of wlf abure. This solitiry vice, or depraved sexual in dulgence, is practised by tho youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited exUnt. producing, with un erring certainty, the following train of morbid symptoms, unless com batted by rcR-utifio medical measures, vix : Sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in Jibe head, ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling of leaves and r'.ittlinji of chariots, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the limbs, coufuscd vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching stran gers, a dislike to form new acquaintances, a dis position to shun society, loss of memory, hectic flushes, pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, night sweats, monomania and frequent in sanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply immediately, either iu person or by letter. anO have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, whieh never fails of effect ing a quick and radical cure. Dr. G. will giw One Hundred Dollars to any person who will prow satisfactorily to him that he was cured of this complaint by either of the San Francisco quacks MARRIED MEN Or those who contcmp'ate marriage, who aro suf fering under any of these fearful maladies, should not forget tho sacred responsibility resting upon them, nor delay to obtain immediate relief. f TO THE LADIES. The various complicated and distressing disenscs incident to females, treated with eminent success Such as Suppressions, Irrigu'arities, Whites, fall ing of the Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseasca, Nervous debility, Painful or Difficult Meustruution, Barrenness, etc., will be speedily cured, withou poisonous drugs, injurious or unpalatable medi cines of any kind. t Have no delicacy in calling, no diG'erence what your troubles may be. Thouf Aided are cordially invited to call and sutisn themselves." DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will girc to each patient a written instrument, binding him self to effect a radical and permanent cure, or make no charge. 4 CURED AT HOME. Persons at a distance may bo CURED AT HOME,, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating case, syn.ptoms, length of time the disease has continued, Rnd have medicines promptly for warded, free froa damage and curiosity, to any part of tbe country, with full and plain directions for use. By enclosing $1$ in currenoy or $10 in coin, in a registered letter through the post-office, or through Wells, Fargo & Co., a package of med ioiue will be forwarded by express to any part of tho Union. -. ' ' :. ' Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, 615 Kearney street, corner of Commercial, San Francisoo. PostOffict Box 252. Consultation FREE.- 9 Correspondents will please inform DR. GIBBON that thev read his advertisement in the Demochat. feb29v3n23yl mm RTI SKM KNTS,' Sarsapariirii fou HnnrynTG the blood, And for tbe speed y cure of the following complaints J Scrofula and Pf-rfnlni AflWrlfmsa, awls n Tsrnsmi L'lceri, Hrf Kruptlnf limpien, Ill-, t Jilolch-, t&mll, , IS lain, anil nil Wkin JUemmrm Oakland, Ind.. 6th June, 1859. J. C. ATErt k Co. Cients : 1 feel It my duty to ae knowledge what yoar HarsaparlJIa has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous Infection, 1 bar suffered from it la various ways for years. Some times it bart out In Ulcers on mv hands and tnnsj sometimes it turned Inward and distressed toe at th stomach. Two years ago it broke oat oa my bead and covered my ica!p and ear with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicine and several physicians, but without much relief from anything. In fact, th disorder grew wor. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the Goepel Messenger that yoo had prepared an alterative (8arsaparilla), for 1 knew from yoor reputation that anything yoa made most bo good. 1 sent to Cincinnati and got it, and osed it till it eared me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoon ful over a month, and used almost tbreo bottles. Kew and healthy skin soon began to form nmlcr the scab, which after a whila fell oC My kln is now clear, and 1 know by my feelings' that, the disease lis gone from my system. Yon can well' believe that 1 feel what I am saying when I tll yoo, that I hold yon to be one of the apostles of the tgt, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. J ALLEY, Hi. Anthony's Fire, It r Eryslprlaua. Teller and Mali Kbrm, MesiM lledr Itinavrorm. More lire. Irir. lr. lioU-rt I. Preble writes from halem, K. T.. 12th Kejt., 1K7J, that be baa cured an iaveterat cae of LhpniJt which threatened to terminate la ta! Ir, by the persevering ne of onr garsaparilla, anu aiwJ oaoneroun vj largv does of t he same ; nay he cares the common Ervp tiont by it constantly. TJrnrhocrIr, C5lrre mr HweTMt Jfrrb, Zcbulon Sloan, of 1'rorwt, Texas, writes: Tfare bottles of your gareaparilla cored me from a Goitre a hideous swelling on the neck, which I bad tut- ferea from over two years." 1-neorrhmt or WhiU. Ormrfmm Tmt Dr. J. IS 8 Channlng. of New York City, writes: " I mot cheerfully comply with the reqneat of your agent In saying I have found your 8arsaparlila moct excellent tlU-ratire in tne numerous com plaint for which we employ such a remedv. bst especially in Ft malt JAieatea ot tbe Scroiakma . . ' . . . . . . . . . . m uistnenM. J nave curea many lnveierate cases oi Leucorrhcea by It, and some where tbe complaint was canted by vlcercU'um of tbe uterus. The aJcr ation lt-)f was toon cured. Nothing within mr knowledge equal it for tbeoe female derangemeatev Edward fi. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes: " A dangerous ovarian tumor on one of the female )u my family, which had defied all tbe remedies w could employ, has at length been completely eared by your tract of harsaparilla. Ourpbysieian t nought nothing but extirpation could afford relief but he advl;d the trial of your fe ana pa rill a as the jat retort before cutting, and It proved efZeetoal. After taking your remedy eight weeks bo symptom of the dieaae remains." KyptiIJ nod TXrrenrial Sleeaaev New OaLKaxs, 2'xh Aagust, 133. Da. J. C. Avra: Sir, I cheerfully comply wttb tle requrt of ycur agent, and report to yoa some) of the effects I nave realized with your Hares peril la. I have cured with it. in my practice, moat of th comj.'aiots for w bkh it is recommended, and bar found its effect truly wonderful in the cure of yenrrrttl and Mercurial IH$eae. One of my pa tients bad fcvphiiitic ulcers in bis throat, whiebwer consuming Ljs t slate and tbe top of bis mouth. Yoor Sarajrariil steadily taken cored bint ia five weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp tom in bis nose, and the ulceration bad eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe tbe dis order would soon reach bis brain and kill bim. Bat it yielded to my administration of your SaraaparOla; the ulcers ttt-aied, and be is well again, not of coon without some di-flim ration to bis face. A woman, who lisd U-en treated for the came disorder by mer rury was scCcritig from this poison fa her bone. Tbey had become so sensitive to the weather that oa a damp day she suffered excruciating pain ia ber joints and bones. She, too, was cored entirely try your Sartapariila in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which your a (rent gave me, that thi Preparation from your laboratory must be great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable re tail with it have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, O. V. LARIMER, M. D. rthcaiuattatn, (a eat, Liver Ceiaplmiwt. Isvzr zxvzscz, Preston Co., Vsl, Cth July, Da. J C. Avsr: Sir, 1 have been afflicted wita a painfsl chronic iOiruma'irm. tot a long time, which baflcd the (kill of physicians, and stuck to me ta spite of ail the remedies 1 could find, until I tried your h'artaparilla. One bottle cured me Ia two week, and restored my general health so much that 1 am far better than before I was attacked I thit.k it a wonderful medicine. J. Vi;V-A f. JuTcs Y. Getcltell. of St Lcui. writes: "I bar been abided for year with an affection cf theLitrr, which drtroyed my health. I tried everything, end everything failed to relieve tne; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from bo other eaute than derangement of the Liver. Mjr l lorcd pator, the Kev. Sir. py? adviaed me to try your anssparilia, because be raid be knew yoa, and anything; you made was worth trying. By tbe Licking of God it has cured me, and has so purified my blood a to made a new man of me. X feel you or again Tbe bet that can be said of yoa is not half good tcoagh." ftk-hifras. Cancer Tniaorw. l?n!at 1 Icrmiiaa, Caries aad xltiatiea the It ear. A great variety of cacs have been reported to a where cares of these formidable complaints bar mulled from the use of this remedy, but oar specs here will not admit them. Some or them may be fouad in our American Almanac, which tbe a rents be'.ow tamed are pleased to furnish gratia to all who call for them. DyapepUn, IT rail TinrMr, 'Fit, EpQepery, .vvtaacnedy, IVesiraljrka. Many remarkable cures of these affections bar been made by tbe alterative power of this medicine. It stimulates the vital functions into rigorous actios, and thus overcomes disorders which would be sap pofed beyond its reach. Such a remedy baa Joag Lecn required by the necessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. , Ayef s Cherry Pectoral, FOB THE RAPID CUK.Z OT Cngh, Cli, laflaeaza, ITmi C reap, IsracaitM lacinieat C auifitien, aad for tbe IXelief , f C'ononmptive Patleaita ia ndvanml Suiges of tbe Diaeaee This is a remedy so universally known to rttrpu any other for thi-cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and cold, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the cfru Ucd nations of tae earth. Few are the communities, or even families, amon them who have not soma personal experience of ita effects some living tronhy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of tbe throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as tltey know, too. the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the virtues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon th confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C ATXR & Co., Lowell, Miss. SUold by .Scttlemier & Co Albany, and a Wholesale aud Retail by Smith Davis, Port and. scSly ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. MCCOR.D & CO. - fake pleasure in informing the public that thej are now Manufacturing at Albany, Oregon, A SUPEMOH ARTICLK OF ' Also a superior article of , . " ASSOUTEO TOIUGT SOAP, PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. of which they propose to sell an as favorable terms as the same articles can be imported; and , Warraat Each Article to Gke Satisfaction! ENQUIRE FOR THE IIOME-MANUFACTUP ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER! j2i?-AU kinds of Grease taken in tx jhango for trade.' v2n49tf SPECIA1U ATTRACTION! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersignud. either by note or book account, to settle the same in cash or merchantable produce :t the market value, by the 10th day of December, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that we. collect the same to enal le us to carry on our business. lit? nifimnHv nffunrlinnr in t Vs r- clrtvj nn.ilw.mAnfl you will confer a favor upon ' W. XT. PARRISH & CO. Albany, Oct 2fi, 185rv3nl2tf : V h