OUR AGENTS. A D V E 11 T I S K M E NTS. ADVE11T1SEM KNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS, ADVKltTISEMENTS ,A D VEHTI SEMEN TS. awe ....MARCH 14, 1863. The cfTect of the Radical Finan cial policy upon Emigration. It would secia that when influential ltadical newspapers brand their own par ty with corruption unparalleled, and charge to their own party the ills with which the industry and business of the country aro afflicted, it were time for the people of all classes to unhesitatingly condemn not only the policies of tho Radical party- but the entire party. Politicians and editors aro apt to give evidence against themselves, except as a last resort, to gaiu tho sympathies of tho people on the questionable merit of ac knowledging their own crimes. The Chicago Tribune, tho recognized "Western Radical organ, in discussing the causes that have .recently checked Ger man and Canadian immigration to the United States and actually turned them back in some instances to their foreign homes, males the following homo thrusts at its own party's mismanagement to call it by no harsher name : "Hence we ask, why is the tide of hu manity formerly flowing hither arrested ? "Why, when the transit is so easy, tho fare so cheap, and the required time so short, should Canadians no longer avail themselves of the advantages which our country is supposed to offer? Wo an swer : Because our legislative folly has neutralized those advantages and made it far more profitable for Canadians to stav at home. Take, for instances, the case of a thrifty farmer anywhere in Canada est. lie nas an unkmaiv sou ana a rigid climate. Pcssibly, he i3 dissatisfied with the bastard royalty that is set up over him. Hut why should he come tcre ? In Canada, as here, the markets, in which he sells his leading articles of produce is governed by the demand and supply in the markets of Europe, where his surplus finally goes, lint he can law fully buy where he sells. For him there is a tariff of about ten per cent, on im portations. His beef, his pork, lard, tal low, wheat, corn and flour net him, in many articles which his industry and his household require, nearly twice as much its they would yield him here. , He has our prices, at which he may sell what he raises : he has Liverpool prices, with charges added, at which he can buy what he needs. He has cheap iron, cheap woolens, cheap cottons, cheap leather, cheap groceries, cheap drugs, cheap paints; and if he u at all prudent when he strikes the ba'ance at the end of the year, he 13 usually ahead. Here the snare and delusion of "protection" envel op the industry in every direction, turn whichsoever our estern farmer may. iOur xnarkc ts in which the prices of the great staples are regulated are the Euro pean markets. As they rise or fall, every .barrel or flour, bushel of wheat and pound of perk in the "West is sent up or down. But our wise legislators have set up a barrier at every port of entry, and "t .. t M. inscriDea on 11 inese woras: "xou men who till the soil, you may send out to Europe what you please, without let or hindrance; but you shall bring nothing back thai you do not pay roundly for. You shall pay the price m hurope : and at this barrier you shall pay on your iron for your plow3, hoes, reapers, horse-shoef and wagons, on your woo!en3 for your family, for your cotton of which your sheets ana shirte are made, on your leather for your boots and shoes, on the lead with which your house, barn and fences are painted, oa your hundred un enumerate 1 articles of ornament and utility, an average of more than sixty jper cent, in god; which sixty per cent. or eishty odd per cent, in currency, is in tended as a bounty to the iron master, the owner of cotton mills, the maker of cloth and other staffs in the Eastern States who erected this barrier and enacted this law !" In thi3 fact we see clearly enough not only the operation of that robbery .called "Protection of American indus try," but the reasan why Canadian farm ers had ceased to come among us. They can make more money in Canada; and what is true of them is true in a less de gree of the Germans, who are looking this way for homes. As every able-bodied emigrant is worth two or three thou sand dollars to the country as soon as his foot touches our shore, we, in the West, axq made to submit to an inquitious ar rangement by which our chances of pros perity are likened to a candle lighted at both end3.- We are made to sell at Euro- . pean prices, and to buy at prices in Penn sylvania and New England; and that fact is the reason for the .existence of the other fact that immigration is falling off, whereby we have lost or are losing the market of our l?.nd3, ia which so much of our .wealth consists. The most rapacious robbery ever practiced upon any people since Austria gave up Lombardy, and the Bourbon wa3 driven out of Naples, is the jobbery of the agricultural "West by tho tariff a3 it i3 to-day. Nigger Wisdom at a Premium. 'The members of the nigger convention which is to "reconstruct" Old Virginia have raised their wages to eight dollars per day. One sable Solon, in advocating this measure, said that unless "members done gone an' got de full walue of deir services, dey would hab to go to stealin' agin to pay deir vexpenses." In mercy to the hen roDsts and bog pen3 of Old Vir ginia, the convention immediately passed the bill raisiBg the wages of the coons to .eight dollars per day. This nigger put his knowledge and experience of Aboli tion politics to practical use. His moni tors and friends have acted upon -tho principle, that if they did not get satis factory wages for their loyal labors, .they had the rrjht to rob and steal .from the Government at will. But that niggers, whose ancestors for fifty, .centuries had been slave3 working for their hog and hominy, should demand eight dollars per day for framing a Constitution for the white race, whose laborers work for one third that sum per diem, may serve to show the vcrkingmen of the North, who foot the bill, the wisdom of their Invest ment in the -scheme .to- Africanize the South upon the Rump Congressional plan sissued from Washington. -Columbus Cri' .sis. ! The " su ;ar wedding," which occurs thirty days after marriage, in said to be followed, .after a verv short interval,," hy the "vinegar ,wcdding.?V r ... . . . . ... ... . .. SATURDAY...... The following named gentlemen. Are authorised to act a Agents fur Tub State Rights Dkmo rat, and to receive nd, receipt for subscriptions o tho paper . . , LINN COUNTY. Robert Watkiuson and Jamea Dorris ..Scto Jason Wheolor...,. Lebanon II. L. Brown Brownsville Matthew Fountain.. llarrUburg J. M. Smith , -Peoria LANE COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton.- Kugcne City BENTON COUNTY. R. ll.Strahn Corvallis POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovclady Dallas J. B. V. Butler and Dr. Harris ..Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy ..La Creolo Benj. Hayden Kola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. J. R. Balaton Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MA1UON COUNTY. N. M. Bell B. F. Bonhara zr Salem L. F. Eisenhart.. .......Sllverton Tho. Koyec, Newspaper A (rent. San Francisco, is authoriied to receive subscriptions anl advertisements lor our paper, and aet as bust ncss agent generally. ADVERTISEMENTS. T II E OLD STOVE DEPOT! WAIN STREET - - - ALBANY. J-OKOXr BRIGGS, (late c. c. 6om.it a co.) Keeps constantly on band a general assortment of STOVES! Of the Most Favorite Patterns. Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves ! With a full and general assortment of TIN, SHEET-IRON COPPER AND BRASS-WARE! And all other articles usually found in TIN STORE! Repairing Xcally and Promptly Executed T Kit. IIS Casta or Produce. "Short Reckonings moke Long Friends." Feb. 2, 67 v2n25tf a-IR -A 1ST HD GIFT ENTERPRISE! The distribution of Valuable Pbesests will Positively Take Place on the 9th of June, A. D. 18G8. EVERY TICKET WARRANTED TO DHAWA PKIZE! READ THE LIST. Corner lot No. 1, in Block No. 5, as recorded in the Town Plat of the town of Brownsville Linn county, Oregon, fronting on Washington and Pine streets: improvements, consisting of Dwel ling House, ehicken lloute, Ac, Ac. ; dwelling house,20x24 feet, 4 rooms and pantry below and two twelve feet rooms above. The house is new and not entirely finbhed, but is now occupied as a residence. TLere is a splendid well of wator, ! made rat-proof. All enclosed with a good sub stantial board fence. The foregoing pr'ue is val ued at $800 00 And also the following valuable real eitate, to wit : Sixty-one feet off the east end of Lot No. 8, Block No. 3. and 39 feet off the east end of Lot 7, in Block Z, in the town of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon. Improvements, consisting of dwelling bouse 20x23 feet, five rooms, a fine. large brick chimney, and a splendid well of n ater. All enclosed in a good, substantial board fence Valued at $700 00 One 91 Bureau, valued at 1-15 00 ; one Bu reau, mahogany. Valued at $35 00 ; ono mahog any fluted centre-table, valued at $25 00 ; one span sorrel match horses, rained at $400 00; one bay " Rifleman" stud colt, two years old, valued at $300 00 : one dark chestnut sorrel 'stallion, 5 years old, 15 bands and 3 inches high, weighing 1,200 lbs., valued at $600 00 ; One saddle horse, valned at $120 00. Ther will bo $2,000 consisting in part of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. FAMILY BIBLES, MUSIC BOXES, ACC0RDE0X8, GOLD PENS, SEWELRY, Ac Ac, comprising over 5,000 val nrble articles to bo disposed of on the popular plan of One dollar Tor each Ticket. Only one dollar. It is desirable to sell all the Tickets, and of course it does not make any diff erence who gets the property at a fair diatribu tion. Possession of the property will be Riven to the lucky ticket-holders immediately after the drawing, except the first prize named and the sorrel stal lion. Possession of the first will be eiven in 30 days after the drawing; the do d will be made to the ticket-holder at the time of drawing. The horse will be given up as soon as the season is out,-or on the 1st day of Jnly, 1868. Persons residing at a distance wishing tickets, can have tnem sent by bxpiess or Mail, by for warding One Dollar in U. 6. coin for each ticket, or for clubs at club rates, by addressing A. GEORGE, Brownsville, Linn connty, Oregon, or P. C. HARPER, Albany, Ltnn county. No ticket will be beld good unlets duly reported and registerd previous to tne drawing. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLUD RATES. Any person procuring five or more names for tickets and forwarding the money for the same, can have tickets at the following rates : 5 Tickets to ono address..... $1 50 10 20 30 40 50 100 do A Jt It . 9 00 .17 50 26 50 J .35 00 43 00 85 00 In every case send the name of each subscriber, their post office address, with county and State in full. The drawiDg and distributions will be on TUES DAY, JUNE 9, in the city of ALBANY, Linn Co., Oregon, by a Committee of fire selected by and from the Ticket-holders in attendance. Two clerks will be appointed one by the Committee and one by the undersigned to record, with pen and lak, the number and prizes as they are drawn. ifor pedigrees or tne btaiiions tn at are up as prizes, address Hugh Fields, Brownsville, Oregon Title to all property gived clear of all encum brances. 3-Mr. W. F. Howlett is an authorized trav eling agent for the sale of tickets. - -; - . A. GEORGE. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 We are well acquainted with A. George, and hare no hesitation in saying that we believe the foregoing enterprise, under his management, will be conducted fairly and. impartially. M. ABRAMS, Merchant, Brownsville. G. C. COOLEY, - 44 L.H. WASIIBURNV , " -A. LEWIS, " " HUGH FIELDS, " SENDERS, STERNBERG, A Co., Brownsville. HAYWOOD & CO., Merchants, Albany, G. F. SETTLEMIER, - " " A. H. MARSHALL & CO., Livery. ' - J. B. SPRENGER, Pacific Hotel, " . A. W. STANARD, Clerk of Court of Linn Co. - HARVEY SMITH, Sheriff of Linn county. Jebl5y3n26tf : V ; TO THE U NFO RTUNATE NEW REMEDIES ! NEW REMEDIES 1 Dr. GlbbonMllNieiiNnryt "I Ml KEARNEY STREET, JLU NEAR COMMERC'L, Fan Froneisoo, Established n 1854, for tho treatment of Sexual and Sotnlnal dlscum. suca as uoiiorrncca, (I lect, Ftrio- 4 turo, bypbiUis in all its forms, Seminal Weakness, luipofcney, gv, etc. bktn Uini'iices (of years standing) and Ulcerated Legs succcsafully treated, Horrible Diseases. : ; How many thousands of persons, both male and female, aro there who aro suffering outatniserablo xistcuco from the cuecls or secret indulgences, or from virus absorbed luto the system ! Look at their pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces and their broken dowu contitutlou, disqualifying them for the happiness of marriage or tho enjoy ment of life. In this horrid situation thousands sutler until death clones tho scene. Let parent. guardiaus, friend, attend to those who are sufler ing with any of those horrible life-destroying mal adies ace that they aro cared for and cured before it bo too lata. Send them immediately to Dr. (libbon, a physician who has ma le private disease his study for years, and who is certain to cure the most Inveterate cases without mercury orother in- urlous drugs. It is important to those who are afttietod, or tbosa who are interented in the welfare of their friends, to be careful of the many pretend ed doctors who infcut all cities, publihing their skill in curing all diseases in a few days, imposing upon ttie public by using the names or eminent physicians from Europe and other places, lie therefore careful, and mako strict inquiry, or you may lau into tlte nanus or tbosccbarlatau. Seminal Weakness, Seminal Emissions, th consequence of clf- abuae. This solitary vie, or depraved sexual in dulgence, Is prartined by tho youth of both sexes to an alutott unlimited extent, producing, with un erring certainty, tho following train of morbid symptom, unless corobatted by noientifio medical measure, tm : fallow eounteuanee, dark spot under the eyes, paiu in the head, rinzinir in the ears. noUe like the rustling of leave and ruttlinsr or cbarit, uneasiness about the loins, weakness of the liuibs, coufuied vUiou. blunted intellect. loss ot confluence, uiludetice iu approaching ftran gers, a Uuhke to form new aenuatotanee. a di- position to huu Society, om of memory, hectic flushes, pimple and varum eruptions about the laoc, icrreu tongue, fetid breath, coughs, consump tion, mgnt sweau, monomania ana rrrqa?tit in vanity. If relief be not obtained, should atply immediately, cither in person or by kttcr. and have a cure effocteU by his new and scientific mode of treating Ibis dueae, wbielt never fails of effect em - i i . ... iuk iuii su'i imcw cure. in. u. will -rive Ooe Hundred Dollars to any peron who will prove futUfactorilr to him that ho cured i( this cofflpUwt by either uf the au FranHco Attacks, MARRIED MEN Or those who coiiU tap'ntc marriage, who are uf. fering under any of thcc fearful maladies, should not forget the sacred rci.njiibi!iiy resting upo them, cor delay to obtain immediate relief. TO THE LADIES. QTbe various complicated en 1 dutrcusin diMUu mciaeni ia jemasc, trrateu with eminent succos. Such as up pre? ions, Irrigularitk-N, Whites, fall ing or the Womb, Tumor, all Urinary Dicac, Ncrvouj debility, Painful or Difficult Meiiitruatin, Harre'ior. etc., will be speedily cured, without poisonou dru,', injurious or unpalatable Weill, ciues of any kind. Have no delicacy in calling, do difference what your trouble may he. The af Dieted are cordially invited t call and satisfy themselves. DOCTOR GIBBON is responsible, and will siro to each patient a written inHrumcnt, binding him self to effect a radical and permanent cure, or make no charge. CURED AT HOME. Perons at a distance may be Cl'RED AT HOME, by addreiog a letter t-i Dr. Gibbon. stating case, yn j torn , length of time the diea nas continued, and have tnedirincs irotoKly for warucu, iree irora ua'aage aaa eurity, to any part of the eouotry, with full and plain directions fur Ui-e. By enclosing $15 in currency or $10 in eoin, in a rcgutered letter tbrourh the tot-t,fi5ce. or through Wells, Farj;o A Co.. a rai kajre of me 1- ieiae will be forwarded by express t any part f ine union. AdJre DR. J. F. GIBBON', CM Kearr.ey trctt, corner of Commercial, Fan FrancUeo. pjet Ofiiec Box 252. Consultation FREE. 'Ty- Correspondent will plcaoe inform DR. GIBBON that they read bis a.v-trti mint in the Democrat. fct,2'Jv.lB2vl NO MORE HIGH PRICES roa- ALB AU X GO TO THE STORE OF J. E. BENTLEY & CO. And Bay yoar Goods at yon did in bGO! THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THE tABOEST TOCr Of coxsistiso or GENTS' FIXE SEWED BOOTS, JENTS' FINE PEGGED BOOTS, BOYb AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, LADIES AND MISSES' BOOTS. KID CONGRESS GAITERS, AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS, RUBBER OVER-SHOES, AND SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GENTLEMEN BOOTH ON' SHORT NOTICE, AND ALL KIND OF REPAIRING! done wrrn neatness and dispatch. ST-Also, a lot of Hole and Vnner Ieather9 for sale at the Lowest Figure for casn. . ; - t GIVE THEM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES I sep21-v3n6m8 ALBANY FERRY ! A T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI t sens of Linn and Benton counties, I bare fitted up the ', LOWER FERRY, (it being the Stage Route), in such manner as to secure to the public better facilities, at all seasons of the year, than can be had elsewhere. : My Boat is what is known as a CURRENT BOAT, and is the best on the River, without any excep tion. Living quite near my Boat Landing, in Benton county, I am enabled, at all hours, to ac commodate the public. My boat is scoured by good wire rope, and is otherwise constructed with the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for safety and durability. My connection with the Upper Ferry, heretofore existing, nas recently been severed. Rates of ferriage are tho same as the Upper Ferry. r , - f A FJSAKUJS, augl8'66v2nlly ' ' : -' ' Proprietor. PUMPS ! PUMPS! The Beit and Cheapest Now in Use rf1HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFUL- i ' ly inform the citizens of Albany and surround ing country that no is now manufacturing a very superior WOODEN PUMP, the best and cheapest no"w in tise. All kindf of. Pumps repair 8 J ed at snort notice. Also pipe laid. Shop first door north of etage office. - - d. marsh. Albany, December 14, 1867 v3nl8m3 ( ... Dtt. R. C. II ILL. QKO. r. SETTI.KMlKtl. SETTLEMIER. & CO., DRUGGISTS, AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. HAW NT., --- ALHANV. ' ' ' DEALfcnS IN 1 tL DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS, , IMIiUm, OUn, Uliiti, Dye-Stullx, V A It N I S II K S AXD A irt'LL AaMOUTMKVT OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. AdENTS UV APPOINTMENT TOR Dr. D. Jaynct & Sod'i Family Medicioti. We also keep on hand a full supply of All Patent ITIciIiciiic ill Uhv. Our stock of I)rug, Fluids, Kxtraots.eto.,aro from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be fouud OV THi: IIKST QUALITY 1 srKriiL ATTKSTiox eivitji to conforvnisa PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We Nolle. lie rntronage of the Public. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH DRUB STORE AT SCIO rytKR thk viiiiitunT or G. A. HILL, Who will keep a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, et, etc., for sale at to t-nu es. SETTLEMIER A CO. April 6. M57-v2n3lly g no irs IITSTITUTE. -ALSO DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. THIS IXNTITL'Ti: IM 8ITl'ATi:i) in a rtti.-cl and beautiful loialiou, ay (rora the buine M.riin ot Ihm city, uo THIRD, Utweeu I; and C hTIiKKTr, P...tUcd, Orrgott. AlUclt'l Ui tle building are c!crifc nnd beu tiful gri'uud fr tl.o rciAeuic.n-e of puj-ii. Tb Educational Drpariroent will l in charge t-f an tHieknt c'rp of Tracber. CAPT. J. P. C. A LLSOPP, (formerly a Pr fcs..r in the I'nirerf ity of Louisiana, at! fr the lait five vi-ar Prineifal of a Coli. -Ute Iutitute in tLe .Southern part of California.) PrineipaL N effort will lc spared l' make thU Inttitute cfjtja! t the Wt on the Pacific rutf l. The nmrte of studies wilt ernlrnc alt tho l.rr: uaally taught in llrl-cU Hroiiuarie iu the Eat, in- 'cludttijr the Clatttcs. I'rcnrti, German, Kpantth, Malfcetnat'ic. A-., g. The Musical Department will be eonduned by PROF. II. GL'IDO GltOI!, Graduate of Plant!' ConjcrtraUrie. Partit from the country may ml inure! tbst undi-r the eare of MRS. GROB, (Matrun o( the tb1Lh tnent.) they t ill ex per icnee all the attention of a mother and enjy the comforts of a home. N. JJ. Partlflolar attention will be paJ J to the choice of Text lI'Mik. In order t avoid anything of a Stciiunal ur i'artUtn mature, in our curriculum of studies. For further particulars, enquire at the Inntitute, or ad lres II. GUI DO GROB, P. O. Box No. 163. CAPT. ALLSOPP will continue togire Evening Leons in the Modern Languages and Enelfoh branch. Oetobc- 12, 1C7 2n9yl V " " AND ' ' MACt4liE SHOP A. F. CHERRY, A VINCI IUIttIIA.Ni:i THE EX tire Intciwt in the ALBANY FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Furnish WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every dcecription, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders fur MILL WORK Will le filled with dispatch, and In a satisfactory manner. HOUSE POWERS Agricultural Implement Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. A1J kinds of " ! A '" 1 , PATTERN WORK done to order on short notice ; , V' 1 A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 18Cfl-ly ALBANY BOOK STORE! E. A. FBEELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND " STATIONER Albany - - - - Oregon. COS8TANTLT ON HAND: STANDABD-AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Juvenile, .Toy ; Gilt and Dlank Books, ' GOLD I r if J, AND SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Of every kind used in the State. a - BOOKS IMPORTED ' TO ORDER, at snort notice. ueclnloly WHEAT WANTED ! fUHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW READY TO HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ,oa:sh; DELIVERED AT OUR WAREHOUSE, ' REAR fKARCE 8 FERRY. 8o28v3o;tf v-f : S. S. MARKIIAM & SON. HATS, M HATS. ; MEUSSDORFFER & BRO., Manufacturer! and Importers of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HEATS -A.3STX) CAPS, Ar HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 72 Front Hired, lorUaudt A RK RKCK1VIN0, IN ADDITION TO JL their exteniivo Htock, by every HUauur, all the LATl'ST HTYLKS of New York, London and l'arlniau taste, for Gentlemen'! and Children's Wear Which they will sell CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! DEALEKS IN II ATS Will consult their own Interests by examining our Stock before purchasing elsewuore. Hats of every style and Description MADE TO ORDER, ALSO IV E2 ATLY 1 1? I A I U 12 , AT J. C. MouBsdoriTor & Bro.'s No. 72 Front Ftreot.. ......... ...... Portland. 0'n, Cor. D and Hecond Hts Marysviile, Cal No. 13' J ftreet Hacramento Nun. A 37 Comnucrcial Bt Han Fr&fteiseo, j:-tT- Wholoaalo lloute at Han FrancUco, Cal. !t . cz Commercial through to CJ7 Clay streets Den. 1, 18Cfi v2nlfltf PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco, California. CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 00 SURPLUS ,Jan y 1, '67 230,054 00 CASH. ASSETS In GOLD, $1,238,054 91 Ail Locaea Paid Immediately ia United States Cold Coin. FII1K, OCEAN, MAI UN re. INIjAND -o- IIIB PACIFIC IN3l-IlAXCK COMPANY, having arranged with M-r. BIGKI.OW A iUOTIIEH t r She tranfvr of all the buitsrf of he Fire InturaftTO CotnpaitU-s lately r-precntcJ by lh"ta, is now prepare 1 la offer to all partks formerly uortd by said eotnpansc, etjuallr f.-fl term and prompt payment f lows, In United Fiates tf'Id coin. Mr. II. II. I! Hi E LOW will be the general Aztnt f-r tLU Company from this date. Director of I'nrlfle Insurance Co, 4J( rasctsco J. I'Fremery, Lloyd Teri. ,oun 3lcj.anc, tn. Miertnan, uiiver t.art l e. Win, Alv-rd. John O. Uarl, A. Ii. Forbcn, AUx Weill. Alfred Uord, J. O. Kellogg, Ab'ro fVIitoan, U. T. Lawlon, M. Cleci-nian, Anton l. Hiiles, K. Ito (ioldsttin, IS. II. Howard, JolmU, Uray, Meses KUU, U. W. Ileaver, A. llayward. I. L. A caver, S. frteinliart, David Stern, M. liocubaum. Jonathan Hunt, sc h iter.sro. W. T. Coleman, Kdgar Mil's, K. W. Leonard, ti. W. Mows, T. h. Ilarker, C. T. Wheeler. T. 1 Meyer, jut?Vi.lk. SI. Wi'lon, J. II. Jewett. John It. New te, fonTLAxn. W. C. Ilice, C. Meyer, ). J. OHvrr, Alpheu Hull, W. C. !'.; ton, L. 8acb. Fred. Iliitiogs, A. I,. Tubb. II. M. NewbaH, Kdward Martin, W. F. Lad I, Adam Cirant, M. o. Mills, Jacob Kaium. II. l(aiiinann, KTocaro.t, L. B. llcnchly, T. D. Anthony. Motet Heller. virgiyu, sky. Wm. Kcholle, Wm. Aharon. I. Fry, H.lf.Iligttow, W. Hooper, Chas Mayne, OFFICERS : J. IIUXT, President. A. J. H AI.STOX, Secretary. C. A. E.ATO.Y, Marino Secretary. II. II. DICaELO W, Gcn'l Agent LADD &-TILTON, PORTLAND, OENKItAL AdENTS FOU Oregon and lYafthingtoii Territory LOCAL AGENTS : S. R. HAMMER. F. A. CIIKKOWKTJI ....Corvallis J. IJ. UNDERWOOD, Eugene 8. F. CHADWICK .......:..........Koscburg JOHNSON A McCOWN Oregon City CUMMINS A (1RANT Dalles J. II. BLEWITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER..... ......Rrownsvillo JAMES RILEY Harrisburg JII COIKAGR....... .Albany Nov. 2, 1867 v3nl2yl THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD XT' EXTRACT FROM A LETTER Lj FROM RARON SOLOMON ROTHSCHILD Paris, 8th April, 1864, 25 Rue Fanby St-Honoro. Will you bo kind enough .o have forwardod to me hero 200 bottles of your Ind ian Liniment; you will send at the same time tbe account. I wil forward you the amount through Messrs. Relmont St Co., New ork. Baron Solomon Rothschild, having recommend ed to many of his friends Major Lane's Liniment, and they being desirous to procure it, he should advise him to establish a depot in Paris, ; The INDIAN LINIMENT; as ' a relief ever ready, as a killer of pain, taken inwardly or out wardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure ot uiiUUMAiiu ana imuuuaijUIU AF FECTIONS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, etc., eto.. itis unequalled. It is also- most cfiicacious tfikon in wordly In tbe euro of CHOLERA, CRAMPS and PAINS IN THE STOMACH, DIARRHOSA, DYS ENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN FANTUM, etc., etc, and is without exception the MOST WONDERFUL PANACEA tho world af fords. NO FAMILY should be without it. Every TRAVELER by land or sea, should have a bottle, MINERS and FARMERS residing at a distanoe from physicians should keep it constantly on hand In case of accidents and sudden attaoks of stomach complaints, its value cannot be estimated. In -quire for ; 'I "- ' i! " ' '' MAJOR LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT! AND TAKE NO OTHER ! PRICE FIFTY CENTS PRR BOTTLE. For solo at wholesale and retail by HUDSON at McCAUTY, ; li Merchant's Exchango, San Francisco, Cal., , General Agents for the PaciSo coast .And by respectable druggists throughout the world. , None genuine unless signed by John Thos. Lane and countersigned by J. Ti Lana & Co., Pro prietors, 163. Broadway, New, York. ; J - S3Send for a Circular.- . dec28v3n2"03m JOD WORK Fmtly and cheaply done at tbia Office . . .i ' ! THE WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY J MRS. Is. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE WORLD I Tlioi'ixeic 3Biilwixmf ' For Contnmption,' Cough, Coldf, Whooping Cough, ' Hoarse , nest, ctc etc. I1HK DIFFKRKNCKS UETWEO THE THO RACIC RALSAM and tho Allopathic lung medicines Is this: tbe popular drug medicines, when taken Into the stomach, make you sick, while the sensation created by ray Thoraeio RaUam is as soothing as a cup of tea. When tbe drug rnedi ein!S, taken by tbe multitude of victims wbo hare died with tberonxumptjoa, fina their way into Hie lungs, they immediately commence to irritate and inflame tbe ulcers and inmate ibe Sow of matter. As a eonequence, tbe patient expectorates wore freely, and as bo coughs and spits bis life away, be thinks, because be raises such a quantity, , and raises It so eaully, that he Is certainly recovering; and under this common delusion bo cor'inucs to take tbe mediolnes. and continues to eongb and spit, until exhausted nature s a bin its and be finds relief in tba grave. vo tbe olber band, when my Tboraeic Jialxam finds Us way into tbe lungs it commences at once to heal tbe ulcers. It goes to tbe very root of tbe dint-axe, and Ktntlr, but surely, draws ail morbid humor from the ulcerated parts. It purifies tbe blood, as H is composed wholly of vegetable ma terial, it strengthen! and does not debilitate tbe general system. It tends to ciuiet the nerves and in vlorat6 the patient and astist in relieving tbe congealed condition of tbe lung, by difTusine tbe accumulated blood over tbe surface, and St clears away the obstructions that impede egres of all the impurities of tbe body through their natural chan nels the bowels and more especially does it tend to draw ail excretion from tbe lungs, and induces a new end vigorous action to tbe liver and iu-parts strength and new life to tbe patient. Rear this in mind, that tbe secret of the success of wy Thoracic I'alnant lies endowed in this little nut-nbell : Cri, it docs not irritate tbe lungs and cause tbe patient to expectorate; second, it does commence at once to heal the ulcers; it soothes and allays the inflamation, and stop the coughing and expectoration ; it strengthens and encourages the patient, and, with proper nourishment, be inunt recover. This medicine don't give you new lungs ; it only mends up your old ot.es, And, with care they may take you away on into a good old ge. I eonnot cl without saying a word to my own sex. I am now tn wy sixtv-Brst year, and can truly say that with all my experience with female dicaes, I have found it tbe safest and best reme dy, and no woman in delicate health should be wiihout it. Dr. Ayer truthfully remarks that lew than one-half of tbe females of the United States have sound health, and the condition of the disor dered one is leaving its Impress on the rbing gen eration. Then, bow important we sbonld have a remedy for tbee evils. For painful or suppressed menses, irregularities, etc., and alo for women at the turn of life, arid frail girls, this medicine will be found invaluable. It should alo be used be fore and after confinement. "An ounce of pre ventive I better than a und of cure." RetneraWr, kind father, or fond huaband, when airomtterinz tut maiicine to a darling dauznter or frail wife, that they are composed of no death deal'uig tuincral or nauseating drag, to make the "rk more uiUcrable and baien their uoUmelv n 1 : but they arc a compound of medicinal root, hert, bark. honum. tie., with whoso cenru eaVtog virtues years of experience have made tne familiar. For further particular se r-atnphlet accompany ing every bottle. Jin. L. A. STITP. riJIITII DAVIS, IrtJand, (euerJ AgenU. All of Mrs. L. A. Stipp's Medicines are msso- fiirturvJ and put up by W. C. A VERY", Paletn, Ore gon, tw whom all Utters on business tboula bo ui- reetw!. Mrs, L. A. Stipp's Medicines for sale at Whitti- moro & Co.. Albany ; El kins A Son, Lebanon; II. hjnitn. Harmburg. Sept. II, l7-f3n5jl. STATE EIGHTS DEIOCRAT JOB PRINTING OFFICE. FIRST ST., ALBANY, OREGON. 7 1 have connected with this oCeea first-eiafs JOB OFFICE, and are prepared, at shortest notice, to fill, in the neatest manner, any order that may be sent us. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING Executed Fpecdily, and in a satis- ' .factory Style, at Prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST!) Theatres, , Concerts, and Public Meetings, Accommodated (it t Shortest Jiotiee! MERCHANTS. BANKERS. AND BUSINESS JIEN SUPPLIED WITH CARDS, BILLS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS , LADING, CHECKS, LETTER nEAP- . INGS, Jto. v. BALL , ; CIRCULARS, ELECTION TICKETS,! BALL TICKETS, CENSUS BLANKS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, ' LIQUOR LABELS, ORDERS OF DAN- I CING, NOTES OF HAND, DRAY RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS OF ALL KINPS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE,..,, PROGRAMMES. SHIPPING RECEIPTS, BOOKS AND ' PAMPHLETS, CATA- ' LOGUES, . AND BY-LAWS. ; AU Orders Promptly "Attended to ' i ABBOTT fc. BROWN, ' "State Rights Democrat" Job Office , PIoAKfING-; Blllilil f . albany; Oregon. - I HAVE AI.1VAYS ON HAND, or .will Manufacture to order, every, stylo of , DOORS, SASH AND; IBLINDS at the shortest notioe and lowest possible charges . Boards Matched and Planed. Work executed in a style not surpassed by any , , , , Sbop;iu the State.' . ' ' The Mill is in the lower part of the town, on the river bank, at the oornars of the joining olauns of the Montieths and Hackleman." j b. COMLEY. Albany, September 20,'1865. ' " , WHEAT! WHEAT!- 100,000 BUSIIEIiS OF WHEAT WANTED within the next two weeks, for which The Highest Cash Price will be Paid, By J. GRADWOHL, v2n5!ti Ban' Francisoo Store. , arsap'ari , TOE FUEITYIHO THE BLOOD," And for tbe speedy ears of the following complaints i HtffaXn and Kerofalsra Affection cis n T ii mr, UU-rniy Crt-, Mtmplnf I'lmplea. fotii tc, mtcfMa, IiiUt Ulaiam, and alt ftkfn lcn!a OAKtASD, Ind.,ftta J one, 3859. J. C. Artn k Co. tients ; I feel It my daty to ac knowledge what your Karsaparill hag done for me. Having inticrited a Scrofulous infection. I bava suffered from it In vsrlons wsy for years. Soaua thnes it burst out in Ulcers on ray bands and anns; sometimes it turned inward and dtatresaed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out oa my bead and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. ? I tried many medicine and several physicians, but without much relief from anything. Ja fact, tho disorder grew wome. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the Gcwpel Messenger that yon had prepared an alterative (garsaptruia), for I knew from your reputation that anything you made most be good. 1 sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took it. as vou advise, in small doses of a teanpoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. JSew and heslthy skin soon began to form. under the scab, which after a while fell off. Mf skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that tbe dlseaae bss gone from my system. Yon tan well believe that 1 iVel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of tbe apotles of the age. Pit. .Anthony Tire, Roe svr EfT"liefaOr Trftrr and Halt Ithenrw, ffealst iisjssdy ian;worm,orKye, Irepy. Dr. Itobert M. l'rebl writes frosra alen, N. Y, 12lh Sept., that be has cured an inveterato caM of bntpijit which threatened to terminate fa tally, by the persevering nse of our fearnsparilia, and alM a dan'ons Malignant ry$ipela$ by largo doses of tbe same ; nays he cures the common rup tkmt by it constantly. UroaelisMttle, CSoltro r wIl4 TleU Zebuloa bloan, of 1'roapcct, Texas, writes: Three' bottles of your fearsspariila cured me from a GotlrfT a hideous swelling on tbe neck, which 1 had suf fered from over two years." SJ neorrlWn or Walts, OrarUa Taasr, t,' Serine Ulceratioa, Female Ileae lr. J. li. H. Channing. of Sew York City, writes r " I most cl"rfully eomply with tbe request of jour gent in aaylng I ttave found your fcamaparilla a. moKt excellent alterative in the numerous eom plaints for which we employ such a remedy, bat tKpecially in Female bi$eat$ of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveterato ease of Leucorrbcea by it, and some where tho complaint was cauaed by vlctratUM of tbe ittenut. The ulcer ation linelf was soon cured, Sotting within my knowledge equals it for theto female derangements. Edward fi. Harrow, of Kewborr. Ala- writea: A dangerous oixtrian tumor on one of tbe female In rov family, which had defied U the remedies wo eotud employ, nas at lengin vera eompiexeiy curea by your Extract of Barsaparilla. Our pbytkian thought nothing but extirpation could afford relief, but be advined the trial of your SaraapariJla as tbo lat resort before cutting, and it proved eSectaaJ. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom. Of tbe dbeaae remains." Nyphiti nnd Tlorenrinl Disease. Xrw Okleaxs, 2,'jlh Augart, 1ST. ' Da. J. C. Aria: Sir, I cheerfully comply with, tbe reqnevt of your azent, and report to you aoroet cf the e Sects I have r alt zed with your Barsaparilla.' I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of too eomxlaiats for which it is recommended, and bava found its effects truly wonderful in the euro of Vcnrrr'U and Mercurial Juwrue. One of my pa-. tieuU bad brpbilttic ulcers in hi throat, which wera conwuming um palate and tbe top of bis laotrtn. Your fearaaparilia steadily taken cured bfm is five weeks. Another waa attacked by secondary symp toms in his nose, and tne nice ration bad talen away a considerable part cf it, to thU 1 believe tbo dis order would soon reach bin brain and kill him. But it yielded to my adnunintraUoB of your &arwparilla; tbe ulcer healed, and be is well again, not of eourao without some dwOga ration to his face. A woman who bad been treated for tne same d-.order or I earv was suSerinr. from this bomob in her bo I Uy bad become so entttre to tbe weather that oa a damp day tbe fuff -red excrcdatiog pain in her joint and bone, hbe, too, waa cured entirety by your Kartapariila in a few weeks. 1 know from ita formula, which your agent gare tne, that this Preparation from your laboratory rout &e a great remedy: conieqnenty, these truly remarkable re tail with it bate not urtri-d me. . Fraternally youro, U. V. LARIMER, 1L D. nbe-cmtttl.tn, CbI, IIrrr Complaint. lxbr.rKiExcE. Preston Co., Va oth Jnlr, l3. D&. J C. Arm: Mr. I have been afflicted with a painful chronic tthtumaiim for a Ion; time, which ba2ed tbe skill of physicians, and stack to mo in I pile or ail ine remeoiee coma caa, noui x inca your ismpari!la. One bottle cured me in two. week, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than before I was attacked I think it a wonderful medicine. J. 1REA3L Jules Y. Getchell, f St. Louis, writes: I hTO been aClicted lor years with an a fret km of the Lirtr, which destroyed my health. I tried every ttiinp, and everything failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from bo olber cause than ds-rmgement r,f the Lirer. My beloved pastor, tbe Rev. 21 r. Kpy, advised mo to try your ar?apari:ia, because he aaid he knew you, and anvtbiag you made waa worth trying;. By tbo b!ettnjc of bod it has cured me, and has so purified my blood a to made anew man of me. I feel younr epaia Tbe beat that can be said of yott is not balf food enough.'" ftrbirrw. Cnactr- Tntuor, I.alarge ssscsitv L'lrrratioa, Crie ausd xJols,sism m (be ilcan. A great variety of carea have been reported to us wbere cares of tbese formidable compiainU bava retulted from tbe ue of this remedy, but our spaco here will not admit them. Some of them may ba found in our American Almanac, which tho ssuta. below named are pleased to furnUb gratia to all wbo call for tbetn. . Drape polo, Urnrt Dlteaw, Fit, Epilepoy .tlelnarholy, lnrala. alany remarkable cures of tbee affection bare been made by the alterative power of this medlcmo. It cumulates tbe ritaJ functioixi into vigorous action. and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup posed bevond its rtach. Such a remedy has long been required by tho neceseitiea of tbe people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Iyer's Cherry; Pectoral, rOS THE RAPID Cf&E OF Consh, Cold, Iiiflurata, IXaaraosieoo, Croup, XlroncfcitM, luciptent Ca oauiptioa, and for the Xiolicf or Cwaaautptive aaliossto of She Oier. This ts a remedy so universally known to rorpast any other for the cure of throat and lunsr complaint, that it is ueleij here to publish tbe evidence of its virtue. Itn unrivalled excellence for coughs and cold, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary dicae, have made it known throughout the civil ized nations of tbe earth. Few are the eommnnitica, pr even tamilie, ataon? them who bare not somo personal experience of : its effects somo Irving trophvin their midst of its victory over tbe subtlo ml dangerous dixorders of the throat and lunra. As all know the dreadful fatality of the disorders, and as tUev know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has iiovr all tbe virtues tbat it did have when making the cures which huve won so strongly upon tho confidence of mankind.' - ' Prepared bj Dr. J. C. AYE2 & Co., Lowell, Uass. SU. Sold by SetUemier & Co Albany, and a Wholesale and Retail by Smith A Datis, Port and. . seSly ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE." 1 MCCOR.D & CO, Take pleasure in informing tho publio" that they : ' la .T v. - ..tlvir.?T Slannfaeturing at Albany, Oreqn, ; . .::.;.-. .!.. ... -. t w , A80PtIU0R AnTICLK OT -. I , I Also a superior , article of- , . . n 1 ASSOHTEH TOILET SOAP, PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. ...... AH of which they propose, to sell an. as., favorabla terms as the same articles can. bo , .di v ;.! imported; and f -''i ; Warrant Each Article to Give Satisfaction! i T. ENQUIRE FOR THE lIOME-M ANTJFACT TJR ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER! n r :f. f&iAU kinds of Grease' '.taken in tx, change for trade. ":' , v2n49tf. ' SPECIAL , ATTRACTION tru- "VTOTICF IS nEREBY GrVEN- TO ALL rw . ; t ii ii . .i.M j)ctsuu! ttDuwtug tutsutcurtg uiaeDiouiO m undersigned, either by note- or, -,booi account, to, settle the same in cish or merchantable produce at the market value, by tho 10th day of December; lbb7, as if 13 absolutely necessary tbat we collect) the same to enable u3 toscarry on our business. i By promptly attending to tho above requirements, ypu will confer fa ror upon . .. PARRISn 4 CO, -Albany, Ocf 28,1807 jSnlZtt . 11a