Mark Twain ox Female Suffrage. In a letter on this thetnc, Mark Twain says: A. female political canvass would bo an outrageous thing. Think of the torchliht processions that would distress our eves. Think of tlvo curious legends on tho transparencies: "liobbins forovcr! Vote for Sallic liobbins, tho only virtuous candU.ito in the field 1" And this: "Chastity, modesty, patriot ism ! Let the great people staud by Ma ria Sanders, the champion of morality and progress, aud the only candidate with a stainless reputation 1" And this : "Vote for Judy McGiunis, the incorruptible ! Nine chilrea one at the breast " In that day a man shall say to hi3 serv ant, What is tho matter with tho baby V And the servant shall reply, "It has been iick fur hours." "And where is its moth er?" ''She is out electioneering for Sal lie Bobbins." And such conversations as thct te shall transpire between ladies and its applying for situations : "Can you cook ?" "Yes." "Wash V "Yes." "Do gonernl housework ?" "Yes.? "All right; who is' vour choice for State Milliner V "Judy McGinniss." "Well, you can tramp." And women shall talk politics instead of discussing the fashions; and they shall neglect the duties of tho household to go out and take a drink with candidates ; and men shall nurse the baby while their wives travel to the polls to vote. And also in that day the man who hath beautiful whiskers -shall beat the homely man of wisdom for Gov crnor. and the man who waltzes with cs quisite grace shall be Chief of Police in preference to the man ot cuort, sagacity and determined energy. Emerson on "The Baby." Ono of the sweetest nd prettiest of Emerson's latest writings is the following ; "Who knows not ihe beautiful group of babe and mother, sacred in nature, sacred also in the religious associations oi half the globe ? Welcome to the parents is the puny little struggler, strong xn nis weakness. Ins little arms more ir rosistiblo than the soldier's; his Iip3 touched with persuasion which Chat ham anl Pericles in manhood had not The SKiall despot asks so little that all nature and icason are on his side. His ienorance is more charminir than all knowledge, and his little sins more be witching than all virtue. All day, be tween his three or four sleops, he coos like a pigeon, sputters and spurns and tsuts on laces of importance : and when he fasts, the little Pharisee fails not to sound his trumpet before him. Out of blocks, thread spools, cards and check ers, he will build hi? pyramid with the gravity of a Palladio. V ith an accous tic apparatus of whistle and rattle he explores the laws of sound. But chielly like, hb senior countrymen, the young American studies new nnd speedier modes of transportation. Mistrusting the cun nincr of his Email lejrs, ho wishes to ride on the necks and shoulders of all flesh. The small enchanter nothing can withstand no seniority of age, no grav ity of character; uncles, aunts, cousins, grandsires, grandmas all fall an easy prey ; he conforms to nobody, all con form to him, all caper and make mouths. and babble and chirrup to him. On on the strongest shoulders he rides, and pulls the hair of laureled heads.; A Literalist or a JoKER.-The Bishop of Oxford sent round to the church wardens in his diocese a circular of inquiries, among which was : "Does your officiating clergyman preach the gospel, and is his conversation and carnage consistent therewith?" The church warden near Wallinford replied ' He preaches the Gospel, but docs not ceep a carriage. Wool Fraud. The wool circular of ihe San Francisco Wool Exchange says ; A system of fraud, practiced by woo growers in the interior, has been the cause of great annoyances to our manu facturers and buyers. They have found themselves victimized so cleverly as to be enable for a long time to ascertain mean3 by which it was done. . Purchasers in the interior "suffer severely wool bought by item losjqg from 7 to 13 per cent, in weight while m transit to this city. After dili gent search for the cause of these losses it was fcund that quite a number of woo growers were in the habit of sprinkling wa ter on the fleeces before packing them for ala. The pvjj of this fraud does not end however, by the loss of weight, as the wa ter, in connection with the natural grease causes fermentation, which injures the strength of the staple, and causes it to be black yellow instead of white, so that it can only be used for dark colored and inferior grades of goods. Oregon wools received in this city have also been found in very, bad condition, the fleeces in some cases being mixed with stones, and others with sheep mannre. These adulterations have been made purposely to defraud, the adulterations in 6ome fleeces being three pounds each. Wool growers on tho Pacific coast must be. very shortsighted to thus destroy the L-l' 1 it j cpuiuuuLi oi mmr cups oy mesa practi ces mat are to plainly irauaulent, 3?A- lady, out with her little girl and poy, purchased him a rubber balloon which escaped him and flew into the air me girl, seeing the tears in his eyes saia: "iNever mind, Aeddy, when .you die and do to heaven you 11 dit it." - l9"The following curious epitaph may now do seen in Uunmore churchyard. Ireland : " Here lies John Hall, frrocer. The world is not worth a fig, and I have good raisins in saying go." ; ' - : Disrespect to the Pharaotts As on illustration of the ravages of time, it is stated tuat trie present Egyptian . Gyp sies made fuel of the mummies of over three thousand years ago, and hey do their cooking ivith the embalmed limbs of the citizens of ancient Thebes : whil tho button makers of the world convert the- bone3 of the Pharaohs, or of their sub jects at least, i a to ornaments for " cuta ivay " coats an l ladies' saques. . .. . I6A Yankee 'at ""Pittsburg tWat bristles to the tail of a rat, and sold the reconstructed animal for a squirrel:- 11 J is but an humble imitator of ih-oserwho peek to reconstruct negroes wto intelli gent citizens;;';, : ' '- ' OUH AGENTS. Tho following named gentlemen are authorised to aot as AgonU for Tit Statk Rights Demo rat, and to rocciro bd receipt for mbffcrlptious lo the paper ; LINN COUNTY. Robert Watkinson and James Dorrls.... ..-Polo Jason Whoelcr Lebanon II. L. Brown Brownsvillo Matthew Fountain,..; HarrUburg J. M. Smith .... Peoria LANK COUNTY. Iloa. J. J. Walton........ Eugono City BENTON COUNTY. R. Il.Strahn Corvallis POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady - Dallas J. B. V. Butler ami Dr. Harris Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy -La Creole Dcnj. llaydon ......kola CLACKAMAS COUNTY., J. It. Ralston..... - Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MA1U0N COUNTY. N. M. Bell ) . ' B. F. Bonhatu J 6lom TliOM. Iloyco. Newspaper Agent. Fan Francisco, is authorized to receive subscriptions and advertisements for our paper, and act as busi ness agent generally. A 1) V K It T I S E 3 1 E N T S . FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE. a. hveelvt- sc co. Corner ofTirst and Broad Albin Street (First Door Eat of J. Norcross Krick) Albany, Una County, Oregon, Keep constantly on hajsd A FULL ASSORTMENT Of everything in their lino of Business, it Lower Fisures Ihaa any ether Ilccse This side of Portland. 1TE CHALLENGE COMPETITION In the line of UPHOLSTERY, PARLOR SETS Chamber Sets, Picture Frames BUREAUS, SAFES, WARDROBES, ETC. ETC., VTc bare afco on band the celebrated "ECONOMY WASHING I5XACXIINE," Wbich Las no equal in tlte world. Get one ana eatuiy yonrscli. Particular attention paid to all orders in onr line. UNDERTAKING FROMPTIY ATTENDED TO. aulS-ly INSURANCE COMPANY, Of San Francisco, California, CASII CAPITAL $1,000,000 00 SURPLUS , Jan'y 1, 'C7 238,054 00 CASH ASSETS in G OLD, $1,233,054 91 All Losses Paid Immediately in United States Gold Coin, FIRE, OCEAN", MARINE, INLAND NSURANCE. T HE PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, baring arranged withMeam. BIGELOW It BROTHER for the transfer of all tie tmginci of the Fire Insurance Companies lately represented by them, ia now prepared to offer to all parties formerly insured by said companies, equally good terms and prompt payment of losses, in United States old coin. Mr. II. II. RIGELOW will bo the general Agent for this Company from this date. Directors of Paeifle Insurance Co. A frakcisco Jas. D'Frcmcry,Llyd Teris, Lonis McLane, Wra. Bhcnnan, Oliver Eldridge, Wm.Almrd, John 0. Earl, A.B.Forbes, Alo Weill, Alfred Borel, J. O. Kcllo, Ab'm Seliman, O, T. Lawton, M. Cheescman, Anson Q. Stiles, E. L. Goldstein, Q.ll. Howard, John O. Bray, ileecs Ellis, G. W. Bearer, A. Ilayward, i. I. caver, r. btoinbart, Darid Stern, M. Rosenbanm. Jonathan Hunt, sacrav kxto. W. T. Coleman, Edgar Mills, E. W. Leonard, Q.Vi Moire, T. L. Barker, C. T. Wheeler. T. L. Meyer, martsville. S. M. Wilaon, J. II. Jewctt John B. Newton, portlaxd. D. W, C. Ulcff, C. Myer, D. J. Oliver, Alphcns Boll, W. C. Balaton, L. Sachs, Fred. Billings, A. 1j. Tnbbs, H. M. Jfewhall, Edward Martin, W. 8. Ladd, Adam Grant, D. O. Mills, Jacob Kainm. J. D. Fry, II. Ilanssmann, btocktox. L. B. Benchly, T. B. Anthony. Moses Heller, viroixia, kev. Wm. Scbolle, Wm. Sharon, H. II. Bigelow, Wm. Hooper, Chas Maync, OFFICERS ; jl. HU'T, President. A. J. KAjOSTOPT, Secretary. C. A. IiATON, Marino Secretary. II. II. BIGELOW, Gen'l Agepf, LADD &TILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon and Washington Territory. , LOCAL AGENTS t . : S. R. IIAMMER...1..,.. ,Salem F.A. CHENOWETn , Corvallis J. B. UNDERWOOD,...., Eugene S. F. CnADWICK Roseburg JOHNSON & McCOWN.4 ... ......Oregon City CUMMINS & GRANT...U ?..Dallea irtidn.n.r,- .-,.,- , . kbearing date. September 25th, 1867- i ; ; i . - I J. wo or the abore notes are payable in one year from date, and two in two years from date. ' The above notes were obtained by misrerjresen- tation and without consideration for value received, therefore I will not pay them. ' - - THOMAS MONTEITH. Albany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 18C7. vSal7w4 ADVKHTISEMKNTS. nit. it. c. mix. OIlO. r. KTTt.EMIEIt. SETTLEMIER & CO,, DRUGGISTS, AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. MAIN ST., AMI ANY. DEALERS IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, I'nlntN, OHm, Glass, nyc-StuII), VAKNISIIES, Asn A ri i-i. ASsoimiK.tTor DRUG G ISTS' SUNDRIES. AQENTS'DY APPOIXTMKNT FOR Dr. D. Jnyncs k Son's Family .Medicines. We alo keep on hand a full supply of All Patent .Tlccliciiie hi Unc. Our stock of I)ror, Fluid, Ettracts. te.. aro from Well Known Manufacturers, nnd will o found OF TUB IIKST QUALITY ! Si'ECUl. ATTENTION CIVI5S TO COUI'Ol.SMSO PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We NoIIcH the Ialroimce of the Iubllf. WK HAVi: nSTABLI.'HKI A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! out: a tun m .tAoi:ntsTor G. A. HIl.Ii, Who will kc"p a fw!l (uppljr of Iru;;t, Mc liviiK, etc., ttc., for at luw fuicr.. f?KTTLi:Mii:i: a co. April . ISC;-v2D3lly GilOli'S .11 IS It' A I. A N I KDICATIOXAL USTSTITXTT-B. A WO DAY & BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. r III I IS IN.STITL'TE 1H NITIMTKD a in a retired and beautiful lotaUou, away fnm the buine portion of the city, on Till II I, bt'twcea !J and C STltEKTS, ro.tiand. Orvgoa. Attached to the buil linj; arc extcnuixe and beau tiful ground fr th ctnveoirtKe of pupil. Tbo Educational lepartinetit n ill be in charge of an efiicb nt corp of Teacher. CAl'T. J. I. C. A LLSO TP, (formerly ji rrof..or iu the roireriity of Louisiana, and for the lat Crc year Principal of a Collegiate I tittitutc in tho Southern part of California.) Principal. No tiTurt will be (pared tt make Ihi Institute equal to the lurl on the Pacific oat. The coure of tu lie will embraeo all the t ranche usually taught in Crt-cla Sctninarie in the Knt, in. eluding the Ciaic. French, Uermao, Hpamb, Mathematic. Ac., Ac. The Mutical Department will be conducted by PItOF. II. OUIDU 0U0I1, Graduate of Plauel Conervatorie. Parties from the country may re&t ar ured that under the care of MRS. (J HO 11. (Matron of the Kstablbhmcut,) they w ill experience all the attention of a mother and c&joy the comfort of a home. N. D. Particular attention will be paid lo the choice of Text Uookf, in order to avoid anything of a Scetional or J'urtitan nature, in our curriculum of ftudic. For further particular, enquire at tho Institute, or addre II. tJL'IDO GKOH. P. 0. P.o No. ICS. CAPT. ALLSOPP will continue logtve Evening Leftioii In tbo Modern Language end llnshsh branchef. OotoW- 12, 1JS67 v3n9yl AND MACHINE SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, TTAVIXO ILTKCIIAHEU TIIK K- ri tiro intercut in the ALU ANY FOUNDUV AND MACHINE B1I0P, I am Prepared to Farulrdt WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Order for MILL WORK Will Le Cllcd with dispatch, and in a ratiafactory manner. noztsi: FOWJEItS ASD Agricultural IiuplcnictitM Manufactured to order, nnd particular attention paid to Iiepair. LAllkindBof PATTERN WORK done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 18Cfl-1y ALBANY BOOK STORE! E. A. FREELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - Oregon. cossTAjnxr ox haxd : STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOHS. Juvenile, Toy Gilt nad Plank Dook, -COCD IT XI, ASD SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind used in the Stato. BOOKS IMPORTED short notice. TO ORDER, at Declnl61y WHEAT WANTED! ; TIIE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW READY TO pay tbo . fi-t , ? HIGHEST MAIfKET PRICE IN" CASH : ; : ' FOR WHEAT l-'-- DELIVERED AT OCR WAREHOUSE, NEAR TEA-IICE'S FERRY. . C j Ec2Sv3a7tf S. S. MARKIIAM & SON. i ADVKltTISEM KNTS HATS, a HATS. MEUSSDORFFEIt & BRO., Manufuctttrcn nnd Importer of, and Wholoniil and IU;tuil Dcalcrd iu HATS AISTD CAPS, AND HATTERS' MATERIALS, No. 72 Front Hired, lortluiil, V11H KKCKIVINU, IN ADDITION TO tbeir cxtonnivo .kUck, by every Btcamcr, all tho LAT1&T KTYLKBof New York, Lcnduaaud 1'arUiau t.mIo, fur Gcntlemcn'i and Children's Wear Which they will CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST! D 12 A Ij 12 11 H IN HATS WillooiMtilt their wii intm-st ,y examining our block befuro iuruhum t h.wlicrc, Hat of every tlyh and Dticrij'tiun MADE TO ORDER Al-ao IV IS A T A- V It i: I A 1 11 12 1 , AT J. C. MounsdorfTer No. 7 2 lrnt fltift I'oriland, O'm, ('r. 1 and Second !'! ..Mnrvvi!l, Cat. No. 125 J Street No. C3j & (37 C: Kttcraft.-4: cfi ial St ......Kan Tranci' " tf Whottttatit llvuto at H4i l'raiu;ic, Tal N . 62 Commcr 'ial thn uah t C37 Clay utrt-tii Via. 1. l.Sf,fiv2.lCtf aUUHJSiilM ilfi HlifiiJUJIl k, PflAeBLE YABD ! ALBANY. OltHOOX. MARBLE MONUMENTS, GRAVE AND TOMBSTONES, or flvcry Htyle and l'utlcru. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. And Murblt Work of A.' HlmU. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING thi: i'imist i-i;rri;itic; ! Tin; m:sT i:xkcl'tki wouk lit the Mate ofOrrgou ! All wk thine at my '.far Lie Var'I i turn'l oul t's lo fcive jH:fcct (ifttcU to tuy iair'fc. PURE WHITE. VERMONT. CR CALIFORNIA MARBLE Will l ut-4 a jjarilp ofierir.g work thall m-Wt. The I.ftvt Living Irlcc V.'UI he charx'4 ia every intatiC. Orders from any Part of tho State will be FailMuUy ana Fromptly rilled. Tin: .ii iUatM: yard It Jot hl.iw Fftrengcr Palfia !I:tl, n the wtt til? uf tho lret running fru the river. -J The j-ul.Uo ar iorit?'I to call at rny hoj. an'l esarnins ;cunen f wurk. Alhany, Jaiaary 6, 1SC6. T 1 1 IS OLD STOVE DEPOT ! IYIAIN STREET ALBANY. JOHIT BRIGGS, (lat c. c. codlet co.) Keep cfnlant!y on Land a general nortinent of STOVES! Of the Most ruvorUc I'tttferiiM. Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves ! AVilh a full and genera! assortment of TIN, SHEET-IKON, COPPER AND BRASS-WARE! And all other article usually found in a TIN STORE! Repairing Xcatly and Promptly Executed. Trims Cash or Produce. "Short Reckoning: make Lonrj Friends." Feb. 2, '67 v2n25tf THE RICHEST, MAN IN THE WORLD I EH XT It ACT ITlOl A I.KTTKIt FllOM liAKON HOLO.MON ItOTJISCJIILD. Paris, 8th April, 1864,25 Hue Fauby St Ilonoro. AVill you bo kind enough .o have forwarded to mo here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment; if you will send at the same timo tho account, I will forward you tho amount through Meters. Belmont & Co., rew xork. ' Iiaron Solomon Rothschild, having recommend ed to many of hia friend Major Lnno'a Liniment, and they being desirous to procuro it, ho abould advise him to e&tablih a depot in Taria. The INDIAN LINIMENT, as' a rcliof ever ready, as a killer of pain, taken inwardly or out wardly oppliod. hns no equal. For tho relief and cure of RHEUMATIC and NEURALGIC AF FECTIONS, SPRAINS, BRUISES etc., etc., itis unequalled. It is also most efficacious taken in wordly in tho euro of CHOLERA, CRAMPS and PAINS IN TIIE STOMACH, DIARRHOEA, DYS ENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN FANTUM, etc., etc., and is without exception the MOST WONDERFUL PANACEA tho world af fords. NO FAMILY should be withoutit. Every TRAVELER by land or soa, should have a bottle. MINERS and FARMERS residing nt a distnnoo from physioians should keep itconstantly on hand. In case of accidents and sudden attacks of stomach complaints, its valuo cannot be estimated. In quire for MAJOR LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT! AND TAKE NO OTHER! PRICE FIFTY CENTS PRr. BOTTLE. -For sale at whblcsalo and retail by " r . : HUDSON fc JJIcCAItTY, U Morchnnt's Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., - General Agents for the Paciflo coast. And by respectable druggists throughout thq world. None genuine unless signed by John Thos. Lane and countcrsiffned hv J.-T. Lnn A. r.n . Pro prietors, 163 Broadway, Now York. ADVERTISEMENTS THE WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ! MRS. Ii. A. STIPP'S LEGACY TO THE WORLD1 For Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coujh, Hoarse ness, etc., etc. rlMK DlFI'KlUiNCKH IJKTWKUN TJIKT1I0 X KAC1U J1A1.SA5I and tho Allor.athS JunK tiiuuk'inc Uthi: tho popular dru medicine, wiicn taken Into the nlotnucli, makoyott ri -k. while tho ncriKntion created ly my Thorocio Unlrnm Sn "(tblij i a cup of tea. When the dru medi ritn'i, taken by tho uiullittulo of victim who have lieu with thoeoiixuini'tioii, Bnil thoir way iitto the luiiirii, they irutnediately coiutueneo to irritnto and inllatnotho ulcer aim iiiereaco tho How (f matter. At a enxe(iieijce, the patient tipectorak laori; ireely, ami a ho cough and pit hi h:o away, he ihiuk, beoaimo ho rtuun twsU a quantity, and raue St ineaily, tliat he U certainly rtoovcrbig j nod under Ihi eojniiion delusion h corMuuc t take the, itiodlciuex. nud ciiiinue to coagb nixl rpit, uulil exhausted nitturo Kubtuit und ho fimU relief in the prnvo. On tho other hand, when my Thoracic IJaUuni llnd it wtty int tho lun it com wen w at onto t Im-rI Hhij uker". It goe to the v ry root of the dcao, and gently, but nurely, draw alt morbid hiniu r frm tbo ulnerntod pnrt. It purine th hifid, a it i'.ited w-holly of vejjetablo ift.i-I- liuU. It tri,nirth;i and doe n.t dtbilifste the Knerat ytt-m. It lend tu quiet the ne-rvc and ! iuu'-ruie thy patient and nmt in rtlievinj; the ; ontfted conditii-n if th? luoff. by dtiTuMng th. u' ciiifii itle. t "1 bbi'.d over the surface, ar.d it r!ar ! awoy u'-iKi. iiint tiupol; pre or all ti e I iinporil f o( th ; hotly Ihrorrh Iheir natural hari nel lh boMeU and more j ei ially doe it ti rid t ) draw all excn'i'ii fn-m the lim, and induce a new and vigoron a. tion vt the hvtr and iuu ait treuth and new lifo the patient. . Hear lhi in m',n 1, that the secret of the nucti i( lay Thnracln l!iil'.m g in thi little i.utnhtl: frrt, it liut not irritate !), unr at;d j oau5 the p&t'i nt to expectorate ; second, it do I coininiriiee ut fi;en to licnl tliC tiictr: tt tool be - and allay the snfl itnation, and top the couhin' nd expectoration; il Hretigtien and nr urn llje f'utit-t.t. at.d, Wiih pr pr tionjirhnieJit, I mut recover. Thi medicine don't give you ti-t luiitf ; it t.u'y in-nd up your old one, and, with j cnr tncjr mmj ur.c you nwtj lino a goon old I vom.ot f.unt! with ut my'iitx n word Co tuy wi! es. I am t .w in in v-iisty f.rt ytar, ar; i con lro!y sy that with all t;y xj.rUue wi'h firr.a! ditraK' , 1 hare fmmd it the af i aud lvi t n.c dy, and no trotimn ir d licato hca'th thould 1 ; without it. Dr. Arr iruthfuily rtnuttkn thul U r. than one-haif of the ft-ma!r .f Vi..d Ftai- hare utid health, and the condition f the d; r dcrcd tnt l Icaring it irwj rfon ti.a figtt (-ration. Th-n, how im j"rtui;t e tu uh have n rvtwly for th-c evil. For '&Ufut r ! j. !( S rocijif , irrffuJaritk-, tie., and lt t-t vouch at the turn .f life, and frail girl, thi tnedicini wjil be foun l invaluaiilc It ! M nh t ht om-d b for and after eonfinrmrnt. "An oenre of j re vcfitjte i belt r than a joad f jre." llrc-mlr, kind father. r fd buhand, when adasUiUtrtSfix tay tncdic it. to a darling dahtr or frail wife, that they ers cotr.j d t f no e:;,0i drai'my mia'-ra! r nnurtatin dfug. lomaicthv J-k rnoro mifrah!e and Imitii tlicir untinicly end ; but thry r a comj nund of mcalcjrjal root, herb, tark, I.Uouj, . with be zmT'.u hea'.ifR ir!ue jcarvf esH-rkt:re have made t. f&tnt'.iar. For furtber articular tec j.atnj t arr.m r-ary-inj every bailo. Ma, h. A. Tll'l. FMITII k IfAVIS. Portlahl, C j.1 Acent. All f Mr. L. A. iii.t' Mcdk-Inc are mttr u-f.i- tut. 4 and j-Ht ui by V. C. Avkht. ha Inn, lire j;on, to whoui all i Jt r on l.tuli.ts bou!d te di rected. Mr. L. A. f?sij;. Meditint for ok- el Whitti tnore A ".. Ali'ny ; Klkin A fon, Lebanon; II. hiiiitU. IlisfrUburi. H.-J t. 14, ! "67--v2nSyl. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING O J'" 1 12 . FIRST ST., ALBANY. OREGON.! j t T f T i' bave connected with thi oCice a Ert-cla JOB OFFICE, and are prepared, at hortet notice, to fill, in the neateit manner, any order that may be ent u. EVERY HESCRIPTIO.V OF JOI1 PRINTING Executed Spvediiy, and in a t atis-factf-ry Style, at Prices cin:.ii as tiii: ciii:.iii:sT! Theatres, Concerts, and Public Meetings, Accommodated at the Shortest .Xotice! MERCHANTS, RANKERS. AND BUSINESS MEN SUPPLIED WITH CAUD.S, BILLS, UILL-IIEADS, RILES LADIN'l. CHECKS, LETTER HEAD INGS, &.c. R ALL CIRCULARS. . ELECTION TICKETS, BALL TICKETS, CENSUS BLANKS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, LIQUOR LABELS, ORDERS OF DAN. CING, NOTES OF HAND, DRAY RECEIPTS, LEU AL ULAN Ks Or ALL KINDS. ' CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, PROGRAMMES. SHIPPING RECEIPTS, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, CATA LOGUES, AND BY-LAWS. AU Orders Promptly Attended to ABBOTT fc BROWN, 'State Rights Democrat" Job Office. CITY MARKET. Rlala St., Opposito the Now Drusr Store, ALBANY, OREGON. MENDENHALL&EEDPATH, Proprietors "WILI. ALWAYS KEEP OX IUKD TUB BEST OP MEATS OF ALL VARIETIES. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE' 13 solicitod, as wo intend to keep as good an as sortment, and of as good quality as the country affords. - ' . , We are always ready to pay the " Highest Cash Price for Fat Stock. April 6, 1867 Y2n3Itf WHEAT! WHEAT ! 100,000 IlUSHEIiS OF wheat WANTED within the next two weeks," for which. Tho Xliffhcst Cash Price will be Paid, By J. GRADW01IL, f K R T I S E M E NTS. A) Are you fck, feeble, and complaininff? Are you out of order, with your ytcm deranged, and your feellngi uncomfortable f Jliene gymp torn aro often the prelude to wrriou lllneng, 8ome fit of ickcM I crtetng upon you, ana rnouia ne avertea vy a Kinety ue or the right remedy. Take Ayer'a I'flla, and cicane out the diwr dered humor purify tle blood, and let the fluid ""tmove on unolftructed in health again. They kfimu vlnte the function of the purify the ytm from the obstruction which make dlcae. A ;ol1 acttle omcwhcre fn the body, and obatructa it natural function. Thee. if not re lieved, react 'upon themn)ceand the aurronndiD; oricnn, producing Keneral f?rvallon, aulTerin;, we tn tm condition, ovvr the derantrementa, take Aver' I'lil, and ee bow directly thyl rtifora tlte natarai action of the y. trn. and with it the buoyant fccllnjr of health atrain. What I truc ufid o apparent in thi trivial and com mon complaint, 1 aiw true in many of the deep. iwaU-d and dangerous dltmp:r. Ihe namo purga tive t-ffi ct ex'peU tln tn. Caused hr titnilar ohntruc tion and deranfcerrurfct of the natural function of the body, thetjr are rapidly, and many of thcra aarelr, eared by tho came mean. Kotie who know tho virtue of tliKime I'lil, will neirlcct to employ thcta wheti lufferiijff from Mie dinordcra they cure. Htatcmcnt irorn leading phylcian In tome of the principal clt t-, aod from other well-known public percon'. From a Forwarding Merchant nf St. Loult, Feb 4, 1). AYKitj: Your I'lll are tho paragon of all that 1 great in medicine. Tlu-y have cured my Httio dauicliter of kilcerou tore ui-on her hand and feet that had proved incurable for year. Her mother baa Uen long grievously afflicted with blotche and pimple on Ix-r kiu and In her hair. After our child wa culred, he aluo tried your 1'iil. and titer liarccureu hkr. ASA JlUJJOJJJUOfc. Aa a Family t'byate. From J)r K W. OirtwrUM. New Orltani. Your IDUiare the prlsce of purge. Their ex cellent quaJliue urjc- any cathartic we po. Ttmy are milS, but very certain end effcetual in tlicir action on the! bowel, which make them invaluable to u in the djtiiy treatment of dlea. llendarbe, Hirk Ilrndaehr, Foul Ktemacb. From iJr. Edward Moyd, Italtiwtrt. Dkar Vif.iI, Arta: J cannot aucwer you what eomp!ainta I Biave cured with your l'lil U-tfr than to ay all thnx we rvir treat trith a puraatit medi cine. 1 plawj great deetidence on that elTecfual cathartic in tiny daily coiit-t with dk-w. and be lieving, a 1 An. that your I'iH afford u the bet we nave, i oi cow TM3 value l htm highly. PlTTtlftCKO. IB.. 3fV 1. 1SS5. Da. J. V.. AVEa, hir: 1 have been mtd)r cored of the Wort headache an body cn have br a doMf or two of your l'iii. It mcbu to ane from a foul tumsch, w hich ttu y c!(.-noat once. Tour with grtat rrwct, fcli W 1'ItF.BLE. trr.' t,j steamer viarum. Ctillua Iiordrra I.irrr Caiaplninta. From Dr Theadtire P.tV.Tf Sew YarktStv. Not only at e your l'iii ftdmuably daotfd to tbeir imrjx a ai atx-mnt, tut 1 fio'l t heir U ti-ncll cSi-ct uon !e liver very marked Indeed. They have in my mctice proved more effectual for the cure or ttutoxk complaint thin any one rtndy I 1 iiicrelv reioice that u e iiave at can mention Jt-tifflh r urr iti ve which U worthy the confidence of the iroctiou ana ine cop;e, Depaktm est or tiie Ixtkbior. 1 !SV)iintrton. It. C . 7th Feb . li-JA i fjm: I fcavl? ux-d your 1'iJJa in rny general and hobital praciiice ever tince you made them, and cannot neitt to cay they are the bc-tt cathartic rtnt'lor. quick and di mirablo remc I licir rrcrnjatine action on the liver 1 cidc-d, eotueque-nUy ther are an ad dy for derangmenU of that organ c teldom too i d a ce of UUoui tin ite that it did not readUy vieid to Indeed, I ba ease to obcti them rtterUaily your. ALONZO HALL, M. U. J'hHMtctan of the Mart hyiician of the Marine JJotpUai. Djvrnierj, lilarrhcta, tltlax, il'trms. FrrrrA Dr. J. G. Green, of Chkaio. Your 1111 tave bad a ion trial in tar cradice. and 1 ttold the-nt In tiem a one of the t t aperi- rr (ound. Ttrt.-ir alterative e&Vct upon c them an excellent remedy, when doe lor bUitius dytmterg and diar-uKmr-coating; make the in very ae the liver mail eiven in tmal rhtra. Tbeir ceftabie and i ourenu-ni tor ti.e ue or women and Children. Dynprp4lat Imparity of (be Blood. From JUv. J. V. Mime, Pastor qf Adceni Church, Jiatton, I fix, AVer: I nave u-a yo I have uk-iI your 1111 with extra- ordinary ucd-c in my family and among-thoe 1 am called to vbtit To rern!ate the organ of di? ition and purify the blood, they are the ive very Uft remedy I have ever known, and I can conn deutly recomr lend tbem to my friend lout, J. V. II12U&9. Wyomins Co,. X. Y.. Oct. 21. Vkau Mt: 9 ain uiug your Cathartic 1'iil in my practice, and jni tnem an exceiient nurcmtlve to cleant the eybteta and purify the fountain t the- blood. JUH. U. <AllAiX, 41. If. Cmtt!patibf C'oatlvenrM, Mpprraia IttM-wmnti: m, laonr, Tiettrnizu. Iiropay. 1'aralyaUJ litatrtc. From Ir t P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada. annot b oaid of your Pills tor tho ie. If other of our fraternity have loo mucti c enre of cottire efCcaciou a I have.tiiey should joia ing it. tor the benefit of the multitudes pw who ufter fn m that complaint, widen, aitnoucn bod enough in arc won. 1 itself, i the progenitor of others that bc-iieve co$tirene$$ to originate in the i liver, but your i nit aceci that organ ana core too Guease. From Mrs. Stuart, Physician and Midtrfc, Motion. two large doca of your Pill, taken I find one or at the tuiiuri i proper time, are excellent promotive of the at eeTeri when w holly or partially -up- prciced, and (Um) very cuectuai to cleanse tho nomas n ana e rprl tenrms. They are so much the have that I recommend no other to best phytic we ray patient From the Jtev. Dr. Itatrlts, eg the Methodist Epis. i nurc n. PCLASKl II pcsE, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, !8o& ik: J should be ungrateful for ti llOXORXU M the relief your skill has broneht me if 1 did not report my co to you a com eetiieti in my limoa ana brought on excruciatine; neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the best ofj physicians, the disease grew wore and worse, un il by the advice of your excellent cent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your Vil. Tbeir effects were slow, but sure. By per severing in the ise of them, I am now entirely well. Sexatk CnAVHEK. Baton Roup, La., 5 Dec., 1855. 1r Atkk: 1 have been entirely cured, by your Pill, of liheumtitic Cout n painful disease that has afflicted me for resrs. VINCENT S LI DULL. Cy Mot of the Pill in market contain Mercury, which although la valuable remedy in skilful band, is dangvrou in a public pill, from the dreadful con sequence tnat frequently iuiiow its incautious use. Thido contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 23 ce its per Box, or 5 Boxes for $L Prepared by m. J. a AYEH & Co., Lowell, Mass. VU- tna iy i-eitlonucr Co., Albanv, ana a WhulcFale and llttail by Smith 4 Pavis. Port- aud. scSIt ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. MCCORD &, CO. Talio pleasure i a infarmin (ho public that they aro now ?Iimufctutiug at Albany, Oregon, A S UTEIUOn ARTICLE 0' LARD OIL. a superior article of Asd ASSORT p TOILET SOAP, PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. All of whioh they propose to soil an as favorable .terms atj tho same articles can be imported; and Warrant Each Article to Give Satisfaction! ENQUIRE FOBj THE IIOME-MANTJFACTUR : ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER ! iG-AIl kinds of Grease taken in ex- chaugo for trado.j v2n49tf. SPECIAL ATTRACTION ! NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, eitbir by note or ; book account, to settle the same in; cash or merchantable produce at the taarkot valine, by the 10th day of December, 1887, as if is absolutely necessary that wo collect tho same to enable us to carry on our business. By promptly intending to tho above requirements, you will confer a favor upon AD 1 iT"'V4Sicii. r ' Mr ADVERTISEMENTS.":" 8TATJ3 OF OIXEC102V. U STATE OrtlCERS. 7 Oorcrnor Geo. L, Woods; residence, Salem ; sal ary, ....11.500 Secretary of State Samuel E, May $ resi dence. Salem; salary, 1.500 State Treasarei E. N. Cooke; residence, Salern; salary...... 00 t;to Printer W. A. Mcpherson; residence, galein; salary.......... .......................... Fees SEX A TORS. Geo. H. Williams, term expires March 3, 1871. - II. W. Corbett, term exptrcs March Z, 1873. ; ... REPRESENTATIVE, '; Ilufus Mallory, term expires "March 3, 1871. STATE CDtCIARf. , FitAt District P. P. Prim, As. Justice of the 6 pri rne Court and ex-ojficio Judge of the 1st JbV dicial itrict; residence, Jacksonville. ' Second District , As. Jutia Supreme Coart and ex-ofjlcio Judge ot 2d Jndi tial District. - Third District tt. P. Boise, All. Jostic Sopresa Court and cx-ojftcio Judge of 3rd Judicial Dis trict; residence, Salem. ' Fourth District E. D. Sbattack, Chief Justin Supreme Court and ex-ojflcio Judge of the 4th Judicial District; residence, Portland. Fifth District J.Jl. Wilson, Ass. Justice Soprem Court and ez-fjfl,cio Judge of the Stb, Judicial District ; residence, Dalies. - ' The salary of the several Judges Is $2,000 pet annum, FEDERAL OFFICERS. U. S. District Judge, M. P. Deady, Portlands. U. S. Marhf Al. Zteber, Portland. Clerk of the U.S. Courts, Iialph Wiloox, PortlandL ColJecUir at Port of Astoria, , Astoria. Surveyor General, ElUba ApplegaU, Eugene City Rsgwter at Land Oflice, Joba Kelly, ttoscbsrs;,. Kecciver " A. Ii. Flitu Kegiscr ' Owea Wade, Oregon. City. Ilcctivcr " II. Warns, .Hup't Indian AfTairi,-J. W. IMIant'mgton, Ealem. Chief CI k in lod. Dep't . S. WfodworUj, 44 -ktwwiT U. S. loter. Ilev.., Thos, Frazar, Portland. Colitt-t ir " M. Crawford, " ' D;paty U. S. Asor, Wm. Groom, , Deputy U. 8. Collotor, Ed. Backensto, bOCATlO.Y, EOL'.VDARV, AC. Area, 9i,2H sqnare mlk. Acres, C0,958,72ft. Population, 70,000. Capita!, Salem. Oregon U the most wctera portion f tbe Uol udSutes; mm organized as a Territory on the. id of May, lf13, and ras admitted into tbe Union 'tn the 12th of February, 1S59. It is bounded on the north by Washington Territory, from which it i separated by the Columbia river aad the 46tU parallel of north latitude; east, by a line from tbe i month of the Owyhee rirer, due south to tbe par- jaikl of 42' north; sooth along- said parallel, to, Hoe Pacific ; and on the west by tbe Paci&e ocean. It lies btttresn 42 and 4o20' north latitude, and bstween lOiO' and 1213U' west longitude. The countrv i principally mountainous. Some ! narrow jftr'ps of country lying around tbe coast I between the mocnuins and the sea are very rich ' and productive, but tbe difficulty of communica : tion ha hitherto reUrdcd their settlement. I tins Willamette VaL'ey. lying distant about forty talks from the ocean, and parallel with tbeeoat .'parated from it by the coast range of mountain S1P0 miks in length, and from 40 to 0 miles in width. The land is principally prairie, , of fine ;snl, well timbered, and watered by mountain ' streams, which empty near the centre of tbe Vsd i iey into the Willamette rirer. which is oarizated by eieatuboats iu entire length daring one-ball f the year. AGRICCbTCRAb paOtCCT3. The land in the Willamette Valley are very productive. Wheat, oat, barley, vegetables, etc, yield largely. It is believed to be tbe finest wheats, growing region ia ths United taies. Land is worth from $5 to $15 per acre, depend-, ing on tbe thar.u tr of the Soil and the amount of improvement. Fruit of ercry variety are produced in larg. qiat;t;tics and iu great perfection. Owing to the cool temperature, corn and jjvapes do not do eo. wjil, thou -h they are cultivated to a Hsaited ex-, tent. Wage f-r farm laborers range from $25 to per month in this part of tbe country. S .uth of tho Willamette, toward California, are the Umpqia and Kogue river valleys. They arev more limited than the Willamette, but hare the ame general characteristics. Tbe climate is more mili, and tobaeco grows to perfection. The wildj grass is very fin.-, and the number of cattle, horses, and sheep raised is very large. COUNTIES. 1 Oregon ia divided into twenty -two counties, rix Baker, Btnt-.n,-Clackamas, Clatsop, Coos, Curry Donglas, Grant, Jackson, Josephine, Linn, Lsne Mariun. Multnomah, Polk, Tillamop k. Union, Uma tilla, Wasco, Washington. Yattbi.l and Columbia UNN COCNTT. I.inn county is situate north of Lane, and eon-, tains a population of 7.709, being an increase of U37 tinea 1SC3. In 1S50 the population of thi c?unty was only 891. Linn county contains aa, area of S77 square ta'les, or 551,200 acres. Nam-, her of m!w in tbe county, 4.235; females, 3,474.. Voters' 2.253. Acres of land under cultivation.. 19,405. Value of assessable property, $2,500,000.. During lSfi5 a rplcndid brick ccurt house was erected at Albany, the county seat, at a cost of; $31,000. Also, the present year was erected a. large, beautiful and commodious educational struc ture, called the "Albany Collegiate Institute." The postofficc in this county are Albony, Peo-. ria, Lebanon, Scio, Brownsville, Pine and liarris-J burg. Couxtt Orricrns. Judge, E. R. Geary ; Com mi.ioncrs, Paul Clover and Jason Wbeelerj Sher. UT, Harvey Smith ; Hcrk, A. W. Stannard ; Asses-, sor, George Huston; Treasurer. Joseph Nixon School Superintendent, C A. Ferguson ; Surveyor,, II. J. C. Arerill; Coroner, Wm. Lister. TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURT IX OREGON. -First Judicial District In the eounty of Jose phinc. on the second Monday in April and the fourth Monday in October. In the eounty of Jack, son, cn the second Monday in February, June and. November. Second J udicial District In the county of Dong-, las, cn the second Monday in May and November. In tho county of Curry, on the first Monday ia Juno. Ia tho eounty of Coos, on the fourth Mon day in May. Iu the county of Lane, on the third Monday ia April and on the fourth Monday in October. In the county of Benton, on the second Monday in April and November. . Third Judicial District In the county of Lina on the fourth Monday in March and October, In the county of Marion, on the second Monday in March and fourth Monday in Juno and November. In the county of Ptdk, on the fourth Monday in April and third Monday in November. In the. county of Yamhill, on the second Monday In April and November. Fourth Judicial District In the county or Clackamas, on the third Monday in March and. fourth Monday in October. In the county of Mult nomah, on tho second Monday in February, June and November, In the county of Columbia, on. the third Tuesday in - April. In the county of Clatsop, on tho fourth Tuesday in April and first Tuesday in October. In tbe county of Washing ton, on the third Monday of May and October. Fifth Judicial District In the county of Wasco on the third Monday in April, fourth Monday ia June, and second Monday in December. In the county of Umatilla, on the second Monday in May and the third Monday in November. In the coun ty of Union, on the third Monday in May and second Monday in November. In the county of Baker, on the fourth ; Monday in Mar and first Monday in November. In the county of Grant, on the second Monday in June and third Monday in October. , . PIiAMIIG MILL ALBANY, OREGON. ' I II ATE ALWAYS ON IIAKI, or will Manufacture to order, every etyle of DOORS, SASH AND BUNDS.:- at the shortest notice a-nd lowest possible charges Boards Matched and Planed." Work executed , in a etyle not surpassed by any bhop ia the State. -;T The Mill ia in th not t v ' on the river bank. at the ftnmm nf v i. !. claims of the Montiethg aad Hackleman. . . . . - , - J. B.'.COMLET.' . Albany, September 2 J, 1865. . . WAWTED10O,OOO pouncb Of WOOL,, for wbich I vuj tv2 ., v HIGHEST MARKF 'PPiiftFi j27-cena tor Circular. dcc28v3a203m i i W. W. i'AIUU&U K JU. Albany, Oct. 2j 18C7v3nl2tf v2nJJt San Francisco Store mar23v2n31L - . K.0ECR0SS.