A 1 Kit T I B E M B N T H , Witt J mm V J I to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1868'. The Bible. AVto composed tbe following descrip tion af the Bible we may never know. It was fouDd in Westminster Abbey, natnebss and dateless : . A t ation would be truly happy if it were ijoverned by no other laws tb&n thoso of this blessed book. It i$-80 complete a system that nothing can be added to it. It contains CYenrthinsr needful to be - - - - m w known or done. It affords a copy for a king, and a rulo for a Kuhject. It gives instruction to a senate author ity an I direction to a magistrate It captions a witness, requires an ira partial verdict of a jury, and furnishes the jedsro with his seutence. It sets the husband as lord of the household, and wife as mistress of the ta ble tells him how to rule", and ber how to manasre. . It entails honor to parents, and enjoins tbedicnce on children. It proscribes and limits the sway of the sovereign, the rule of the ruler, and the authority of the master commands the subjects to honor, and the servants to obey, and the blessing and protection ol the Almiirhtv to ail that walk by Us W w rules. It I'ives directions for weddinjrs and w burials. It promises food and raiment, and fim-w its tho use of both. It points out a faithful and eternal guardian to the departing husband and father tells him with whom to leave his fatherless children, and whom his widow is to trust and promises a father to the former, and a husband to the latter. It teaches a man to-set his house in or der, and how to make his will ; it appoints a dowry for his wife, and entails the nht of the first born and shows how the young branches shall be Ielt. ' It defends the right of all, and reveals Tengeance to every defaulter, overreacher and trespasser. It is the first book, the best book, and the oliest book in the world. It contains the choicest matter gives the best instruction affords the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that we ever en joyed It contains the best laws and most pro found mysteries that were ever penned ; it brines the best of comforts to the in quiries and disconsolate. It exhibits life and immortality from everlasting, and shows the way of glory It is a brier recital ot all that 13 to -come. It fettles all matters iu debate, resolves all dcnbt3, and eases the mind and ton- science of all their scruples. It reveals the onlj living and true God, and shows tbe way to llim, and sets aside all otter gods, and describes the vanity 0 them, and all that trust in such ; in short, it is a book of laws, to show -right and wrong; a book of wisdom, that condemns .n 1 1 -t ... au ioiiv ana mates me iooiisn wise; a book of truth, that detects all lies and com fronts all errors; and a book of life, that ihows the way from everlasting death. It contains the most ancient antiquities, -strange events, wonderful occurrences, he- 1 .... roic aeeas, unparalleled wars. It describes the celestial, terrestrial and infernil worlds, and the origin of the an gelic myriads, ham an tribes and devilish jegion3. It will instruct the accomplished me manic ana tue most proiound artist. It teaches the best rhetorician, and ex ercises every power of the most skillful arithmetician, puzzles the wisest anatom ist, and exercises the wisest critic. T i . . , . .... At is me Dest covenant mat ever was agreed 00 ; the best deed that ever was 1.1. .1. . 1 . . 1 . -Beaiea; me dcsc evidence mat ever was produced : the best will that ever was signed. To -understand it, is to be wise indeed ; to be ignorant of it, is to be des- .... n tiiute 01 wisdom. It is the king's best copy, the magis- irate 8 best rule, the housewife's be3t -guide, the servant's best directory, and the young man's best companion ; it is the schoolboy's spelling book, and the learned man s masterpiece. It contains choice grammar for a novice and a profound mystery for a sage. It is the ignorant man's dictionary, aqd ue ,yirw uiau s uirpciory. It affords knowledge of witty inventions ior the humorous, and dark sayings for .the grave, and is its own interpreter. It ercouragas the wise, the warrior, the swift, the overcomer; and promises an eternal reward to the excellent, the con queror, the winner, and the prevalent. .And that which crowns all is. that the au , -thor is without partiality, jind without ' hypocrisy. . tt T 1 il : ... au wuom mere is no variaDieness or shadow of turning." Oregon'Central Railroad. -Messrs. Iewis and Kandall, the Engineers en- s gaged ia locating the above road, return ed to this city by Thursday evening's boat from the Willamette. They have located jthe first sixty miles of the road from Port land, which takes the line to the "Holmes' 0ap" in Polk County, and being really the shortest line between this citv and the center of that rich agricultural region, vauio vi. ueicg passea dj ejtner wagon road or railroad. A map of the line lo cated ttrough the "Cornell Pass" and , Tualitaii Plains wilLbe forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior by next steamer. Alter preparing all necessary maps and .estimates, the surveyors will resume their field work, and survey one line via Lafay , tte and also extend the present line to : this connection we are pleased to learn that the property holders of this city are making liberal donations of land, lots, &c, to aid the enterprise, a list of which we are pror jlsed at an early daj u -Herald. The cmpletion of the negotiation . for the purchase of the Island of St. Thomas is delayod to await the decision' of the people of the island, whose consent is made a condition precedent to the accep- tance of Hr. Seward's offer of 87,000,000 -'"for it. " y-:- , w . : : . ," - '' Selt-Respect. -The truest self-re-i spect lie s, not in exacting honor that is undeferved, but in striving to attain .that wort a which receives honor and ob serrancc r.s'its rightfal - due.: OUIt AGENTS. The following named gentlemen are authorised act at Agcuts for Tn ktatb maun ukxo- rat, and to receive nd receipt tor subscriptions to the paper : LINN COUNTY. Robert Wat kin son and James Dorrls ....Folo Uon Wheeler-... Lebanon II. L. Ilrown ftlJrownnviue Matthew Fountain HarrUburg J. M. Smith ..reona LANE COUNTY. lion. J. J. Walton.. Eugene City BENTON COUNTY. R. Il.Strabn - corvams POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovelady Pallas J. B. V. Butler and Dr. Harris -Monmouth Dr. J. M. McCoy La Creole Uenl. Harden .....Lola CLACKAMAS COUNTY, : J. R. Ralstoa - Oregon CHj MULTNOMAH COUNTY. J. F. McCoy Portland MAUlUni UJUflTX. N. M. Bell.. I c.im B. F. Bonhau J Thoa. ItoTCC. Newspaper Agent, San Fraucisco, is authorUed to receive subscriptions and advertisements for our paper, and act aa busl- gcnt generally ADVK11TISEMENTS. FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE. O- MEALY Sc CO. Corner ofTirtt and Broad Albln Streets, (First Door East of J. Norcross Brick) Albany, Linn County, Oregon, Keep constantly on band FULL ASSORTMENT Of everything in their line of Business, It Lower Figures than any other House This tide of Portias 1. WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION V la the line of UPHOLSTERY, PARLOR SETS Chamber Sets, Picture Prames BUREAUS. SAFES. WARDROBES, ETC. ETC, We bare also on band the celebrated "ECONOMY WASHING KXACIXINE," Which has no equal in the world. satisfy yonrself. Get one ana Particular attention paid to all orders In onr line. UNDERTAKING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. anlS-ly f. 3? .A. C I i" IC INSURANCE COMPANY, Of San Francisro, California. CASH CAPITAL. $1,000,000 00 SURPLUS ,Jny X, '67...... 238,054 00 CASII ASSETS In G OLD, $1,230,054 91 AU lVosses Paid Immediately la United State Gold Coin. FIRE, OCEAN, MARINE, INLAND INSURANCE. inE PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, barinz arranged with Mer. DICE LOW k BKOTIIER fur the tran fer of all the boinea of the Fire Insurance Companies lately reprecented j tbem, is now prepared to offer to all parties formerly insured by said companies, equally gocl terms and prompt payment of losses, in United States gold coin. Mr. II. II. BIGELOw will be tbe general Agent for this Company from this date. Directors of Paciile Insurance Co. SA9 frakcisco Jas. D'Fremery.Lloyd Teris, Lonis JleLane, Wm. Sherman, Oliver Eldridge, Wm. AlTrd, John 0. Earl, A. Ii. Forbes, Alex Weill, Alfred Borel, J. O. Kellogg, Ab'm Seliman, O. T. Lawtn, M. Cheeseman, Anson G. Stiles, E. L. Goldstein, G.II. Howard, John O. Bray, Mescs Ellis, G. W. Bearer. A. Hay ward. P. L. AVearer, S. Steinhart, Daridfitern, 31. Rosenbanm. Jonathan Hunt, sicnAvrsTO. ' W. T. Coleman, Edgar Mills, E. W. Leonard, G. W. Mo we, T. L. Barker, C. T. Wheeler. T. L. Meyer, artsville. S. M. Wilson, J. II. Jewett. John B. Newton, portlax d . 1. W. C. Rice, C. Meyer, D. J. direr, Alpheus Bull, W. C. Ralston, L. Sachs, Fred. Billings, A. L. Tnbbs. II. M. Newhall, Edward Martin, W. 8. Ladd, Adam Grant, D. 0. Mills, Jacob Kainm. J. D. Fry, II. Hanssmann, stocktow. L. B. Benebly, T. B. Anthony. Moses Heller, viroi!a,hev. Wm. Ecbolle, Wm. Sharon, II. II. Bigelow, Wm. Hooper, Cbas Mayne, OFFICERS: J. IIUXT, President. A. J. K ALSTON, Secretary. C. A. LATO.V, Marine Secretary. II. II BIGELOW, Gcn'l Agent. LADD & TILTON, PORTLAND, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon and Washington Territory. LOCAL AGENTS t S.Jt. HAMMER.........' ...Salem F.A. CUENOWETH u Corrallis J. B. UNDERWOOD, .....Eugene S. F. CHAD WICK .............Roseburg JOHNSON k McCOWN...,..,.. Oregon City CUMMINS & GRANT..... , IDalles J. H.-BLEWITT Walla Walla A. WHEELER...., ....Brownsville JAMES RILEY..... .,.,...,.,..Harrisburg JOII-. CONNER......... .......Albany Nov. 2, 1867 v3n!2yl ; .: . IN"otioo. : HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WARNING the pnblio against buying or trading for eitner of four promissory notes made payable to J. Q. Thornton or bearer, for the sum of three hun dred and seventy-five ($375.) dollars each, and bearing data, September 25th, 1867. . .. Two of the above notes are payable in one year from date, and two in two years from date. The above notes were obtained by misrepresen tation and without consideration for value received, therefore I will not pay them. THOMAS MONTEITH. AJbany, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1867.v3nl7w4 , w A D V E It T 1 S M E NTS; nn. n. c. nwh. QEO. F. tKTTLKMIKn. SETTLEMIER & CO., DRUGGISTS, . AT OR. SHEPHERD'S 0L0 STAND, ALU A NY. I 3IAIX ST., ... p DEALERS IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, lnin(. Oils, aim, wyc-siuuM, V A IX N I S H E S aso a rctL AssoamicaT or DRUG Q ISTS1 SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOB Dr. D. Jaynei & Son'i Family Medicines. We also keen on band a full snrplj of All IVttcnt lledicinof in Uc. Oar stock of Drags, Fluids,' ExtrooU.eto., are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found ' OF THE I1EST OVAI.ITI X FECIAL ATTMTIOS OIVKS TO COPOCDt?rO PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We Hollc.HMh Patronage xf (lie l'ubllr. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED' A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT. SCIQI vyncft tbe A!UGeN-sf or. G. A. IIIL.L, Who will kep a fall supply of Drug. MoJ'tcins, etc.. etc, for sale at low pricks. SETTLEMlUtt A CO. April fl, 1867 T2n31ly a 11 o B s JlL'HIC.1 AND i:i)lCATIO.AI. I3STSTITXJTE. ALSO DAY & BOARDING SCHOOIs FOR YOUNG LADIES, rplIIS IAJ4TITLTE tH SITUATED I is s rire4 and beautiful location, awy from tbe business portion of the city, ott T1IIHD, between Ii and C hTKKfcTS, I'wiUabd, OrK .r). Attached to tbe baildtag are extensive and beau tiful grounds f r tbe eonrenwiice of pupils. The Laucatioaal ltramaent will ho in rliarre uf an efficient corps of Teacher. CA FT. J. I C. A LLSOFF, (formerly a rrofcrin the I nirtrstty of Louisiana, and for the last five yrars Frincipal of a Cwllegiate Initttute tn tbe southern part f California,) Frincipal. N effort will be spared to make this Institute equal to the bett on tbe Facifie oH. The course of studies will tfu brace all the branches usually taught in Ert-claM hvmioartes in tbe kat, in cludio the ClaMies, French, German, tfpaaub, MaLheinatic. Ac, Ao. The. Mosiat Department will b condaned by PROF. II. OCIDO QliUD, Oraduate of FUncl's Constrratorio. Fartiet frbta the loontry ey rett assured that unJtr tbe care f MltS. OUOB. (Matron of the incnt) tley wi'l experience all tbe attention of a toother ao J enjoy the e'tm.ort vf a home. N. Ii. Particular attention HI be paid to tbe choice of Text Bx.ks, in order to avoid anything of a Seettvnal or Pari fan mature, la our cumcututa of studies. For further particulars, enquire at the Institute, or addrwni II. tiUIDO UUOIi. P. O. Box X. 169, CAIT. ALLSOPP wll continue to give Erenlng Lesvons in tbe 3Iodern Languages and Eogjub branches. Octobo" 2. 1867 t3d9j1 ALBAIVy Fotxunv EyiACHIIIE SHOP A. F. CHERRY, f jr aviso nnciiANED the ex- JX tire w.U.-rot in tbe ALBANY 10 UNI AS I) MACHINE 6H0F, I am Prepares! to Furulh WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. " ' All Orders for MILL WORK Will be filled with dbpatcb, and in a satisfactory manner. . HOUSE POWERS ' AXD Affricultural Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention - paid to Uepairs. All kinds of PATTERN WOItS done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 1860-ly ALBANY BOOK STORE! E. A. FKEELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - - .Oregon. CONSTANTLY ON HAND: STANDARD AND mSCELlANEOCS , BOOKS. Juvenile, Toy Gilt nnd X-lank Cooka, C0hT IT 4i, AND SCHOOL BOOKS; AND STATIONERY ! Of every kind used in the State. .gr BOOKS short notice. IMPORTED ' TO ORDER, at Declnl61y WHEAT WANTED! THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW. READY TO pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE i jsr -aA.sE3: foi: wiieat 1 DELIVERED -AT OUR WAREHOUSE, NEAR PK4BCB 8 FKBEV. se28r3n7tf S. S. MRKIIAM PON. ADVEUTIHEM E' N'T Si' HATS, HATS. MEUSSDORFFER & BRO., 5 - Mur.-ufaoturcra and Iinnorters of, and Wholesale . . and Retail Dealers iu HATS .AJSHD CAPS, akd No. 72 Front Ntrcet, Forllana. 4 III? keCkIVINO. IN AVVillva iu f their extAtilve 8look. bv every Bteamcr, all the LATEST STYLES of New York, London and Par islau taste, for n-ntlemen'a and Children's Wear Which they will noil CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE ON THE COAST DEALERS IN HATS Will consult their own tnteresl by eiamlnlng our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, Hats of. every stylo and Description MADE TO O K U fc. ft a f tm WETATEsY Hlil'AiUMi, AT J. O. lMeussdorlTer & uros No. 72 Front Street ,..roranl, Og'n, Cor. I and Hocond HU MarysvUU, tal. No. 125 J Street.;; f acmwcuio Nos. 635 A 637 Commercial 8t San Francisco. .flr Wholekale House at Man rrancuco.vai. No . 629 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets. Dee. 1,1866 v2nl6tf PHILLIP MII-LKK'S GARBLE YARD ! ALBANY, OREGON. MARBLE MONUMENTS, GRAVE AND TOMBSTONES, Cir IJicry .Sljlo nnd Pattern. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. And Marble Work of A." Itlmln. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING Tin: n.i:sT E.irrri:Ri.o 1 THK W:ST KXKCUTKl) WOUK In tltc Nftstr ofOregon t AU work dot. at my Marble Yard U iurt.cj out a to give perfect ui.tauia to toy pairuns. PURE WHITE. Umm. CR CALIFORNIA MARBLE Will be us.d a T'iii otderitis; jk shall select. Tbe Iontkl tJAnx Price V'Ul be tbar l in : ry $ntacee. Orders from any Part of the State will be raith fully and Promptly rilled. Till: MAItHLi: YARI Is lut Mam Spreoeer's Pacific Hole!, ti the wt it side of the stret running from the rirer. jr- The iuVis are Invited to ealt at toy shen and examine Scintns of work. Albany, January 0, 19oe. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! X3AITI STREET - ALBANY.. jokit BRiaas, (LATB C. C. OoDLKT A CO.) Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of STOVES! Of the 91 out Favorite Patterniu Cocc Stoves, "Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves ! With a full and general assortment f TIN, SHE15T;IIlONf COPPER AND BRASS-WARE I - And all other articles usually found in a TIN STORE! Repairing Neatly and Promptly Executed. TERMS Cash or Produce. "Short Reckoning make Long Friends," Feb. 2, '67 2n25tf THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD ! . . E EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FHfiU I1AUON SOLOMON U0TUSCU1LD. Paris, 8th April, 1864, 25 Rue Faubyt Honore, Will you be kind enough .0 havo forwarded to me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment; if you will send at the same time the account. I will forward yon tho amount through Messrs. IJelmont & Co., New York. BaroS Solomon Rothschild, having recommend ed to many of bis friends Major Lane's Liniment, and tbey being desirous to procure it, he should advise him to establish a depot in Paris, The INDIAN LINIMENT, as a relief ever ready, as a killer of pain, taken inwardly or out wardly applied, has no equal. For tbe relief and cure of RHEUMATIC and NEURALGIC AF FECTIONS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, ttq.,eto.. It is unequalled. It is also nioct efficacious taken in- wordly in tbe cure of CHOLERA, CRAMPS and PAINS IN THE STOMACH, DIARRHOEA, DYS ENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN FANTUM, etc., etc., and is without exception the MOST WONDERFUL PANACEA tho world af fords. . NO FAMILY should be without it. Evry TRAVELER hy land or sea, should bavoabottle. MINERS and FARMERS residing at a dbnanoe from physicians should keep it constantly on hand. In case of accidents and sudden attacks of stomach oomplaints, its value- cannot be estiinotod. In quire Tor MAJOR LANE'S INDIAft LINIMENT I AND TABS NO OTHER! PRICE FIFTY CENTS PRR BOTTLE. For sale at wholesale and retail by Hudson & Mccarty, 14 Merchant's Exchange, San Francisco, Cel., ueacral Agents tor the factuo coast.. And by respectable druzuist . throughout the world. None genuine unless siened by John Thus. Lane and countersigned by J. T, Lane & Co.. Pro prietors, 163 Broadway; New York. jpsr-ocna ior a Circular. aecZ8v3nzo3m A D V E It T 1 8 K M K N T 8 diseane, and Rfntly, hut surdy, draws all tnor&w humor from the ulcerated part. It purifies the blood, a it I eomfosid wholly of t?ttable ta- teiials. It utrcngilietn and uocs not ij' inlilate tn general syUui. It tends to quiet the ncrtes an) invigorate the Datknt and sut in relieving tut congested eondilion of the luns," hy diffnsinr th acuaiulatd hlood ovc-r tbe surface, and It ciearif away the obstruction that iuijx-do frcn of all the impurities of the body through their natural chan nel the towels and more especially u tena to draw all exeretion from the lunj?, and iuduco a new and vigoron action U tbelirtrand Impart strength end new life to I ho patient. Uear flsM in wind, that the secret of the ucm of tny Thoracic 15s!Atu lit s t;.c!..cd in this link nut'bd : rt, ii doen not irrttate the luns and eauso the patirul to erpcctvrata I second, it d s pnuiuttiico at once to !iel the u'ct-rs: it sootht-s and allays tbe iiiflstination, and stop tl, cux'in and eMIration'j il strengthens and tttttwt?tr the ptljjt. and, with pr'ptr tnuimttA. . must rtov'r. This tnt'dirine d'nt pive you o' lunts i it nly tnnds up your old otien, and, wtih eare they May take you away n into a goid old I eonnot cle without savins ft word to my owti sex. I am no in tny lsty-firt yar. and can truly y that with a!l my experience wi'h ftma!e dis-ax"S, I hare found it the safest and Wnt reme dr. and no woman irdtliati health cboutd Le without it. Ir. Ayer truthfully rtBfU that e 1 than one half of the ft-malcs if lh United '!t have auttud health. ad the rottdition of ibe dim r d rd onee I lesvinj; iu in pr n the riit gen eration. Tbn, hw imp itjnt rhntd bv n-mt'dy fur tbe vil. lr painful r m prwrf-: tnvuf . irrtaolaritit s. tt , and lo f r w.-men ' the tarn of lf. aud fiad ?r. this tnr ik-in Will 1 found invaluable. It b(h Un uti be- fore and alter eonnetnett. "Au "uitr cf prt vetilive Ut ttur thaw a p"titd t,f eoie." lUmfffllitf, ki"'d fatl.er, ir f.n 1 butbend. wbei aJsoifji!' ring my ttudir ie U darling dsoj;bt or frail that t! y er- np"d dt-itb draiius iiin ia' r tim?Ji!fj'; drujj. t iitak-tl i k mre miMiab! a?d l,f- tin if ur.iimt-' tnd ; but tley are a ci.ittnd of m-dc';rl . herb, barks, l,S.'m, efe., with he g- nt-r u healing virtues years ef cspcrienv lave tuad iu? familiar. For further particulars s pamj h!i t a c.jd gfj . log every battle. Mum. L. A. KTII'I'. S MITI1 k UAVI.. Portland, MencMl Agents. All f Mr, fl. A. Stipp's Med'wtnes are manu factured aod put up by W. (. A YHKt, Faktn. Ore gon, to whom e!l Mler on busier? thou! J be d rected. Mr. L. A. Ftipp Medicine for alc at Wbiiti more k Co.. Albany ; L'lkin k Son, Lebanon ; II. Smith. IIrriburg. '. Spt, It, lC73c5yl. STATE EIGHTS DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING OFFI 13. FIRST ST., ALBANY, OREGON. E have connected with this office a 6rt-r!a. JOB OPHCB, and are prepared, at shortest notice, to fill, in the neatest manner, any orJvr that may be sent u. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING Executed Speedily, and in a satis factory Style, at Prices CHEAP AS TUE CHEAPEST! Theatres, Concerts, and Public Meetings, Accommodated at the Shortest . Notice ! MERCHANTS, BANKERS. AND BUSINESS MEN SUPPLIED "WITH CARDS, BILLS, BILL-HEADS. BILLS LADING, CHECKS, LETTER HEAD INGS, Ac. BALL CIRCULARS, ELECTION TICKETS, BALL TICKETS, CENSUS BLANKS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, LIQUOR LABELS, ORDERS -OF DAN CING, NOTES OF HAND, .DRAY RECEIPTS, LEGAL IJLANKS OF ALL KINDS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, PROGRAMMES. SHIPPING RECEIPTS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, CATA ' ' -LOGUES. AND BY-LAWS. All Orders Promptly Attended to , ABBOTT & BROWN, State Rights Democrat" Job Office. , VCITY MARKET rlain St., Opposite the New Drag1 Store, ALBANY, OREGON. MENDENHALL & REDPATH, Proprietors WUX ALWAYS KEEP 0.1 HASD TBS BESTOF MEATS OF ALL VARIETIES. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE IS solicited, '&8 we intend to keep as good an as sortment, and of as good quality as the country affords. Wo are always ready to pay tho ,' Highest Cash Price for Fat Stock. AprU 6, 1867T2n34tf , WHEAT ! WHEAT! 100,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT . WANTED within the next two weeks, for which The Highest Cash Price will ho Paid, Bj, J. GRADWOIIL, AD. v K It T 1 8 K M K N T S . """" "V,N i .'te t 1 Ar yon sick, feeble, and coinpiftMna? Atoyonoot Cl ' .1 . ' . t . deranK tJ end your feelings d.Ultr uncoinionaoie 7 J wk sjrop toma are often tbe preladff "N to serious flliifM home fit 16f sickneits Is creeping upon you. and should be averted I by a timclv we or the rtetit remedy Take Ater's l'ills, I and cleanse out the dior Idered humors purify the blood, and let the fluids move on unobtructed in I health again. 'J hey atlmu tJote the function of the A A (..AM blMAafiHM Mtti iw iurify thrsystem from the obstructJotis which make M.bKtructs ft s natural functions, llase, ir not re t uton tbemnelves and the surrounding jieved, reac rt-sn, pr Whfleln this condition, opprerted by ttd diit!iiM ,he derangNnents, Uke Ayer's ruw. . aa are wlrectiy titer rwsiore ino mmni u r "m,and w It tba buoysnt Mimr othllhtia. JWbat is trwe and so apparent in thu trivial and ,nv imon compl.int, Is also true In tmnfot ti 4eep. ieated and dangerous dhrtempers. 'J he same PK tlve effect elxpcls them. Censed by "nr, tious and dpramremenfa. of the natural aettonf of Jlhe body, tljey are rapidly, and many ot them surely, kured by the same means. one who know tbe Jvlrtues of Itae fills, wiil neglect to employ then Iwhen suffer ng from ttie dlaordrs they cure. 1 ftUtements from leading physicians In some of tha jiclpal cities, and from other well-known publio "VfiOuas From a Forwarding Merchant qf at. Loull, Feb 4, D. Arxxt Your Hlls are the paragon of all that Is great In medicine. They have cured my little daughter f ulcerous sores upon her hand and feet that had roved Incurable for years, tier mother has been long xrtevoualy afflicted with blotches ana pimples oq her skin and in iftr hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your llila. and they have cured her. ASA MOKOlillXiK. As Family Physic. From Itr.K W. Cartwright, New Orteant. Your Ili Is are the price of purjtea. Their ex cellent qusjlitka surpa any cathartic we poea. They are mjiid, but very certain and effectual in their action on t he bowels, which makes them invaluable to ns in Ush daily treatment of discaie. IIc4airb:r,Hlek Ilrndocbe, Fenl Stlamach. Frqm Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. Dkar J5m. Atxa: 1 cannot ancwer you vhat eomplainuil have cured with your 1111 better than to aay ait that vxs ever treat vnlk a purgative tedi cine. 1 place great dependence on that effectual cathartic It my daily contrrt with dieae, and be lieving, as 1 do. tut your 1'ilia afford us tue beat we have, 1 of c imrtt value them highly. IIttubcro, I'a., 3Iay 1 J855. AfEB fcirs have been reneatedly Da, J. CL cured of th a worst keatlache anybody can have by a done or two of vour rlli. It teems to a me irom a foul stomae k which tliey cleane at once. Yours w itb great rwpect, v rm.nur Clerk vf tt earner Uarwn. Dlflr4r Liver Cmtapllnl ntllsma From Dir. Theodore Bell. tXtw York CSg. Kot only itre your 1111 admiably adapted to their parpOM a tn aperient, but 1 find their beueticial ettVcra upooi tbe Liver very marked indeed. Ibey have In my practice proved more effectual for the core of ltuiu.t complaints tbsn any one remedy 1 can tneuttoiii 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at lengi b a pur j atlve wbich 1 worthy tbe confidence of the proieaakia and the people DEFABTJfEJfTOJ'TIie IjrrrRioB, I Wajihtnrton. I. V . th Feb . I Sia: I bs ire ned your Pills in my central and boiital rrtictice ever aince you made them, and cautiot tartrate 10 aay they are ttie best cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver is quick and decided. coiiMsuentJy they are an ad tairable rettedy tor derauementa or that organ Indeed, 1 halve seldom Umtnl a case of IMiou Hit' tame ao cbetlinata that it did not readily vield to them ralehnaiiy yours, AU).ZO UA LL, Si D., J t'hyilcian iff the JUartue liotpital. DraraM-rv, Dtarrserat Itelux, Vrsau. Fro; Dr. J. a. i.reen, qft met go. have had a lot; a trial in my practice, Your 1111 and 1 bold litem in tteero one of t!c bet x-ri. ct 1 havec rer found Their alterative effect npoa tlx liter m ke them an excelieut remedv, when riven In n II dotes lor U'hout dytenterp and diar- rhcta. Their ceptable and o gar-coating maiiea tbem very ae convenient tor tbe tue of women and cbMuren ia, Isstpttrtty of Ibe Hl4. From Rev. J. V. tiimei. Potior 0 Jdccnt Church, Botttm. I have ued vour II;! with extra- Da. Atkk ordinary oe called to vbu dijettion an be in my lamily and among tbote I am i in dirtreM. To regulate the organs of 1 purify ti4i b'ood. thev are the very U.t remedy I have ever known. ao:d i can conn racod tbem to my friend Voura, J. V. UlllZS. dently recouj WAMavi. Wyoming Co.. N. Y., Oct. 24, 135. . DranMti J am using our cat nartic rum tn my find them an excellent purcatire to" practice. at.d cieaiiMt ipm jurat and purify the fnutUmna the JU1J. U MtvitilAH, JA. A. Cwllpollwi, Cetollvrnrw. Matnrraici. Itbewoa Juatrt, Cieaf . ."Vearalaia. Irepr a'wrmirtn, rivric Fvm M.J P. Vamgh ilontrtal. I'nnadn. Too much cannot be mid of your I'Uht tor the cure of ctmtittnetB. It other of our fraternity have found tbem a efi caciou a I have, t her thould join me lu proclai mliO suffer i iming it. Ior tbe bettefitof the multiiadea rom ti.at complaint, wticn, aitnougb bad enough it Uf)T. U the trosekitor of other that are crt 1' believe cosftrene to originate in tbe tr I'Uin a Sect that organ aud cure the liver, but jo (Urtrase. From Mrt Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston. I find one br two large dows of yonr Pills, taken ,e p I' time, aie eaeeaeisi promourc or tbe Statural secretion when wholly or bartUIlT up precM-d, ene: stomach and tt phyitto aio very cfffctual to cleanse tbe expel worm. 1 uey are so much the e Lave that I recommend no other to tny pauenu From Out Rev. Dr. Uawltt, rf tie Methodist Fpit. t nurcn. Fclaski flocSK. Saranuah. Ga.. Jan. 6. ISM. HosouED 'Ma ; J should he nnerateful for tbe relief your skill has brought me if I did not report tar cjue to on. A com seiuea tn xnr lunos ana broucht on jexcruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding 1 had the best of r bbraicians. tbe dJveane rrew wont and worse. nU tu by the advice of your excellent arnt in 15a U more, vr Alackenzie, I tried roar l'Ul. Their effccU were !ow, but sure. 15y per erering in the use of them, 1 am now entirely welL Sexatx Cn tXBXB, Baton Ronfre, La.. S Dec., 185S. L atks I have been entirely curd, or your rilin, ot liken tnaiic Oout a rmlnful diiKethat has afflicted me ii or years. . VLNCOT SUDE1X. fry Host oil tbe lim in market contain Jlercurr. wbicb altnousu a valuable remedy In vktlnil bands. iu a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that freciueutlv follow it incautious use. Tin- contaib no mercury or mineral substance wnaierer. Trice, 25 eeatf per Sox, or 5 Boxea for $L ' Prepared byj Dr. J. C ATH & Co., Lowell, Mass. 'tX. Jold y ettiemicr A to Albany, and a k Davis, Port- Whole-ale ail d Retail by South and. seSly ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. MCCORD & CO. Take pleosur) In informing the publio that they are now 9Iauufact u ring nt' Albany, Oregon, 8CPERIOR ARTICLE OF PUBS lIbd oil. , Also a superior article of ASSORTED TOIXET SOAP, PALE SOAP AND OLIVE SOAP. All of whioh tlkey propose to sell an as favorable terms as the same articles can bo - j imported and ' Warrant Eaclli Article to Give Satisfaction ! ENQUIRE FOR THE IIOME-MANUFACTUR ED ARTICLE, AND BUY NO OTHER 1 jj uuiua ui hrenso taken in ex. chango for trade.! v2n49tf. SPECIAL ATTRACTION I NOTICE IS I HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons knlowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, .to settle the same in) cash or merchantable - produoo at the market valine, by the 10th day of December, 1867, as if is absolutely necessary that we collect 9 same to enabte us to carrv on our business. By promptly attemdine to iho above requirements. you will confer a favor upon IWr , f r ( sr. 1 wu i 3 nc. -ft W. W. PARRISH 4 CO. Albany, Oct. 261, 1867 v3n!2tf . STA TE OF OREGON. - w ' "y '";'.' TATK OttiCtKi. " OovcrnorQoo. Woods residence, Salem f tU denc?. HSe-n J salary,...,............. l,60ff Tr!nri E. N. Cooke: residence, Fa!cm i salary, 800 State printer W. A. MePherson; residence, galcmj sal tf t. 85ATOK8. tleo. H. William, tfl Mh?' "71 ll! W. Corbet, terra crp MareU 3, 1873. - ' 'RgFREfl-KTAT'VE.' : Rufus Mallor, terta expire! MarPo Z, U1L ' wt atkv m wmtf, ' first District P. P. VtSm Am. Ji'iee of the 0o premo Court and tx-offteto' Jauge of wo in Ja dicial District; restdencfl, JacksonrHte. Second District . Ass. Jnst- Supreme Court and tz-ojfieio Judg9x4 2d J!ud&. clal District. Third District Br P. Boise, Ass. Jnstiao 8oprema Court and exJJleio Swig of Ztd Judicial Dia--trlct J residence, fjalem. Fourth District E. D..battock, Chief Justice Hoprerno Court and ex-ojfleto Judge of the 4ln JuJJcUl District; residence, Portland. Fifth District -J. U. Wilson, Ass. JustieeSoprcmer Court and ex-ojlcio Jo jge of the fiUi Judicial DUtriet ; rmridence, Dalles, The salary of the screrat Judges U $2,000 per annum. : : FEbEBAh OFFICERS. V. 8. District Judge, M. P. Deadly, Portland. U. fi. Marshal, Al. Zicber, Portland. Clerk of the V. 8. Courts, Ralph Wilcox, Portland. Collector at Port of Astoria, , Astria nrreyor (leiaral, Elisha Applcgate, Eugene City. Kcgi'tcr at Land OlSce, John Kelly, Boseborj, llctiyer A. R. Flint, Krister " Owen Wade, orogacuy. Receiver II. Warrsn, ; Hap't Indian Affairs, J. W. PIIuntingtOB,Saleou ruu f t'A k in Ind. Den't. C. S. Woodworth. Atfaess'ir U. S. Inter. Rer, Thos. Frazar, Portland. Collector " M. Crawrrd, Deputy IT. 8. Assessor, Wm. Oroooi, Deputy U. 8. Colleotor, Ed. Backeosto, L0CAT10X, BOCXDAaT, kC. Area, 01,248 square miles. Acres, 60,958,720. ; Population, 70,000. Capital, Salem, ' , Oregon is tbe roost wetern portion of the Uni ted States; was organiacd as a Territory on tho" 2d or May, H43, and was admitted into tbe Union . b the 12th of February, 189. It is bounded on the north by Washington Territory, from which It is separated by tho Columbia rirer and tho 46th parallel of north latitude ; east, by a line from tba mouth of the Owyheo rirer, due south to the par- !!-.! of 42 north ; svntb along said parallel, to the Paetfi? ; and on the west by the Pacific ocean. It !:- ltwe 42 and 4C20' north latitude, and between ltU920' and 12430' west longitude. Tbe country is principally mountainous. omo narrow str'ps of country lying around tho coast ftMO the wountaiof and the sea are rery rich nn l fr'la-the, but tbe diSculty of eommunica eion b.is hitherto retarded their settlement. Tha Willamette Valley, lying distant about forty toi!f:s from the ocean, and parallel with thecoaet raratel from it by tho coast range of mountains is ISO mil.- in length, an J from 49 to 60 miles in width. Tbe Uai is principally prairie, of fina toll, wetl t:iab..-n:d, and watered by mountain jtreafn, hih t-rapsy near the centre of tho Vab j ;ey imo t.v. WiilamHte rirer. which is navigated1 I by t'n-.iAt xu it entire length during one-hall of jiite year. ' I A'iHJCTl.TCBAl. PEOOCCT5. 1 T;se land. i the Willamette Valley are rcry j pmlui t.vo. Whtat, oats, barley, rec tables, etc, j k;J Urely. It is believed to be the finest wheat !','r w.3; rt'io in tbe United States. I L.i a 1 i worth fr ta $5 to $15 per acre, depend- :tf the caracU-r of the soil and the amount of I :iir.fTcmcct. Fruis of crery variety are produced in large j fj-:a'jtitics and in great perfection. Owing to the jc ol ic;np.-ratare, corn and grapes do cot do so i m 11 5. Ihmv ... ttlYt Vftftfil (a & limit rA test. Waes f r firuiabarers range from $23 to $4d ier month in ibm part of the country. S tita cjf th-j Wit'.ameite, toward California, ara the U:ni-i.t ud Rogue rirer r alleys. They are mre liuiit 'l tLan th? Willamette, bat hare tho fame g ncral ehra?t:ristics. Tbe climate is more wil.l, and tubacc grws to perfection. Tbe wild grass is very fine, cnl tbj number of cattle, horses and sbeco ral-c-d is verr laree. . COfXTItS. Oregon is divided into twenty "antic, riii Baker. Dent m, Clackatna. ClaUop. Cous. Carry Doug! a, tirjnt, Jarkoou, JSt'phinc, Linn, Lane, Mariun. Muitnoniah, Polk, TillamcHtk, Union, Uma tilla, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill and Columbia. LIXX COr.NTT. Linn connty is situate north of Lane, and con tains a population of 7.703, being an increase of 'J37eince lSrtC. In I860 the population of this county was only 934. Linn connty contains aa area of 77 square miles, or 561.2C0 acres. Nunv. her of stale in the connty, 4,235; females, 2,474v. Voters' 2.250. Acres f land under cultivation, 43, 105. Value of assessable property, $2,500,000. During lf5 a splendid brick court house was erected at Albany, the canty seat at a cost of $31,000. Also, the present year was erected av large, beautiful and commodious educational struc ture, called tho "Albany Collegiate Institute" Tbo posto Sices in this county are Albany, Ieo ria, Lebanon, Scio, Brownsriile, Pine and Harris burg. . CorxTT Orricens. Judge, E. R. Geary ; Com nm.Mouer. Paul Clover and Jason Wheeler; Sher if, Harvey Smith ; Clerk, A. W. Stannard ; Asses sur. George II oton; Treasurer. Joseph Nixon; School Superintendent, C. A. Ferguson ; Surveyor, II. J. C. Averill ; Coroner, Wm. Lister. : TERMS Of CIRCUIT COURT IX OREGOX. First Judicial District In the county of Jose phine, on the second Monday in April and the fourth Monday in October. In the county of Jack son, on the second Monday in February, Jane and November. Second J udioial District In the county of Doug las, on the second Monday in May and November. In the county r Curry, oa tho first Monday in J une. In the county of Coos, on the fourth Mon day in May. In the county of Lane, on the third Monday iu April and on the fourth Monday in October. In tbe county of Benton, on the eeeend Monday iu April and November. v Third Judicial District In the county of Linn on me rourtn Monday tn March and October, In. the county of Marion, oa the second Monday ia March and fourth Monday in June and November. In the county of Polk, on the fourth Monday in April and third Monday in November. In tho county of Yamhill, on the second Monday in April and November. Fourth Judicial District In the eooatr of Clackamas, on the third - Monday in March and fourth Monday in October. In the county of Mult nomah, on the second Monday in February, June and November. In the county of Columbia,- on the third Tuesday in ApriL In the eoaatj of, Clatsop, on the fourth Tuesday in April and first Tuesday in October. Iu the county of Washing ton, on the third Monday of May and October. Fifth Judicial District In the county of Wasco on the third Monday in April, fourth Monday in June, and second Monday in December. In the county of Umatilla, on the second Monday in May and the third Monday in November. In the coun ty of Union, ou the third Monday in May and second Monday in November. In the county of Baker4 oathe fourth Monday in May and first Monday in November. In the county of Grant, on the second Monday in June and third Monday in October. : - ..... . 'PLANING lllldli! ALBANY, OBEGON. HAVE ALWAYS OST HAND or will Manufacture to order, every style of DOORS, SASH AND BUNDS, I at the shortest notioe and lowest possible charge Boards Matched and Planed.- Work exeouted in a sW ist,B,....4v . - - coy S hop in the State. f - - The Mill is in tha fowr '.' v. nn t.h .i . 4 town, " w .v. umi.i 2&L I tin nnmAN r . v. - joining KiuuuB ui ino iuoauctns and liacklem r lL '. .: w v. vuq an. J. B. COMLEY. Albany, September 20. 1865. WAITEII100,000 pounds " of WOOL, for which I will tav th. HIGHEST MARKET 2n35t? ' 7 San Francisco Store, mar23v3a. . N0RCHOSS.