ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEM ENTS advertisements; ADVEllTfSEMKNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS, 3 mm f . mm SATURDAY.. .... -JULY 6, 1867. ! ! . XGItlCULTUIXAX Tiie ViNE.-Says a writer in the Ohio Crisis: Totullj different from that of &uy of the plants to which wo have referred, ia the pruning of the vine. It produces its fruit on wood ot. tho samo geasou8 crrowth. and its vijror is thereforo to be encouraged. As the sizo and quality of the bunch and berry are influenced con the strength of the cane, it is evident that, for constant fruitfulness, a succession of young wood must bo se cured. . Almost as many methods of train ing the vino have been recommended as men who grow it, each havingadvaqtages, yet all being similar in thj endeavor to keep the trellis covered, with bearing wood. When the viqe is planted, it should be cat down so as to leave one eye to grow. Some accident might destroy this, however, and two or three should, therefore be lefUt the fallprtjniqg, when . those which are superfluous should be de stroyed. The first seasou this bud should throw a straight jhoQt of several feet.r puring November it should ba cut back to five eyoj if it is delayed until spring, the wouud will bleed, weakening the xine, and causing tho shoots to start with less vigor. This stump will show five branches, which are spread out qa the trellis Kkc a fan. At the next fall prun ing these arrius arc shortened, leaving two eyes upon each, and the next summer the vine possesses ten arms. The vine has now attained its stature. At the next fall pruning, beginning at the bottom, the fruit limb is cut within two eyes, so as to secure ono, and the next to nine, and so cn alternately two eyes and nine. The next summer the five arms which have pine buds will fruit from each, and the lateral should be pinched within two joints of the bunch" of fruit; the other five, limbs throw five strong shoots for fruiting the following season. At the next fall pruning the bearing arm or branch should be cut back to grow, while the other is left with nine eyes to fruit; thus each arm fruits on alternate years, Pickle for Beep and IJams. -Take six gallons of water, nine pounds of salt, three pounds of coarse brown sygar, one quart of molasses, threa ounces of salt petre, and one ounce of pcarlash ; mix and boil the whole well, taking care to skim off all the impurities which rise to the surface. This constitutes the pickle. "When the meat i3 cut it should be slight ly rubbed with fine salt, and suffered to lava daycr two, that the salt may ex tract the blood ; it may then be packed tight in the cask, and the pickle, having become cold, may be turned upon and should cover the meat. A cover to fit the inside of the cask, should theU .be laid on and a weight pat upon it, in order to keep the meat at all times cohered with pickle. The sugar may be omitted without material detriment. In the spring the pickle must be turned off, boiled with some additional salt and molasses, skimm ed, and when cold returned to the cask. For domestic use, beef and porlt hams should not be salted the day the animals are killed, bat kept until its fibre has be come short and tendar, as these changes do not take place after it has been acted upon by the salt, Value of Fbuits.-TIxc San Fraqr Cisco Time3 shows that next to the graps the apple yields the largest receipts lq this State. Last year the apple crop of California realized some 400,000 ; of which San Francisco consumed $120,000. Jfext tcfths apple comes the peach, the total production of which reaches within the neighborhood of $300,000. The coq sumption cf San Francisco is about 82,T 000 boxes, which bring an average price of $1 2d par box of forty pounds makio the value of the quantity consumed $102,500. The Plqm production reaches 8160,000, of which $40,000 Ls consumed in San frnnciseo. Cherries yield about glUU.OOO, ot whieq, paq rraocisco con sumes $30.000. . Apricots yield $60,000, pan rrancisco consuming some e-u.uuu Pears amount amount in ths aggregate production to" $ 0,000, of which ban Francisco consumes $19,500. It will be seen that according to these estimates, San Francisco consumes nearly one-third of the fruit sold in the btate. Flax. The Santa Cruz Sentipel says on this gnbjcct ? By experience it has been ascertained that flax can be success fully cultivated ip this county, especially on the rich lands gently eloping to the bay between Soquel and Aptos. Last year a considerable crop was raised, which proved profitable, nqt only for the fibre, which was superior for length, stieogth, whiteness, and haying a silken-Uke text . ile, but for the seed, which was abundant and of very fine quality. This seed was readily soli at six cents per pound, giving a return icr acre, asiae irom me uax fibre, monyvaluable than any other crop A little coal oil, it is said, applied to . seed, enough to give the grain the scent of the oil, will effectually preserve it Irom all sorts of marauders, such as birds, squirrels and gophers. No animal will touch the grain after it has contracted the odor cf the oil. Even the hog refus- 1 es it. Eloquent Passage. The finest thing George D. Prentice ever wrote is this in- imitable passage: 'It cannot be that arth is man sonlyabiding-placc. It can not be our life is a bubble cast up by the ocean of eternity to float a moment ppon its Vaves and sink into nothingness. JJlse vhy i it that the high and glorious aspirations which leap like angels from the templ3 of our hearts are forever wan Bering unjatisfied? Why is it that the rainbow and cloud come over us with a - beauty that is not of earth, and then 'pass off to leava us to mnee on their loveliness ? Why is it that the stars which hold their festival around the midnight throne, are set above the grasp of our limited facul ties, forever mocking us with their unap proachable glory ? And finally, when is it that the bright forms of human beauty r are presetted to our view and taken irom us, leaving the thousand (streams oi our . affections to flow back in an Alpine torrent upon our hearts J vye are born for a high eraestiny tnan oi earth. There is a realm whsre the, rainbow nsver fades, here the stars will be spread out before us like'tbe islands that slumber on the ocean, and where the beautiful beipss jyhich pa w before us like shadows, ; will itay toreer in our presence. The Holy Lund In 18C7. Tho Chicago Journal has a correspond ent who if strolling through the Holy Land and Palestine. He is not particu larly impressed with its present state, whatever its past may have been. Ho say it "I have not seen a wrgon road in Pales tine. Kven tho stones and timber for building the houses of Jerusalem must be brought into the city upon tho backs of camels and donkeys ; and the roads over which Abraham, David, Christ and the Apostles onco traveled are but paths winding over rocks and around the hap of sterile mountains. In fact, this whole land, said to have been once so beautiful, i qow but a rocky, barren waste. I think I have seen more good land in one square mile in Iowa or Illinois than in all Palestine "Much of the country is occupied by the Bedouin Arabs, and for thp npvilogo of visitiugtho river Jordan and Dead Saa their Sheik requires $2,50 from each per son. For this amount ho sends a guard of Arabs with yoq. The population of Jeruraloci is now said to be but 14.000. Uho correspond? ent, upon this fact, moralizes thqsj '(While looking at the city aa it now stands, with its narrow streets filled with dog3, Arabs aud filth, it is hard to real ise that it wan once the home of moro than one million human beings, and the proud metropolis of a mighty nation. While lookiug out of the window at the Mosque of Omar, where the Turk bears rule, I can but ask myself the question, Is it pos sible that cq that spot stood the temple of Solomon? Is it there that David held his court r The pages of history answer Yes, That spot is Mount Moriah. Upoq that ground stood that Temple whoso glo ry filled the whole earth." OUR AGENTS. The following named gentlemen are authorised to act as A genu Ut The State Kicots Demo rat, and to receive nd receipt fur subscription to the paper : county, Robert Watktnson Sejo Jason ybeler...,f. Lebanon II. L. Brown .,...,.. , lirow ntrille Matthew Fountain ,.,....,,f...f.,.,.lIarrUburg J Q. A. Worth , I'eorU. LANE COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton... ...Eugene Citj BENTON COUNTY. Js. F. Hamilton . ConrallU POLK COUNTY. T. J. Lovtlady ........................ ....Dallas J. B. V. Butler -Monmouth Rev. II. M. Waller Eola CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ralston k Myers Oregon City MULTNOMAH COUNTY. Lawrence A Semple, -Portland J. F. McCoy Portland MARION COUNTY. Thos. IJojce, Newspaper Agent. Fan, FrancUeo. is authorized to reeeire subscriptions and adrerti-ements for our paper, acd u( as Lazi ness sge&t generally. 33H5 ADVERTISEM ENTS. tfDRUC 8TORE? S. YHITTEMORE & CO., ALBANY, OltEaOK, -HAVE OPENED A NEW AND FULU STQCK : OF Drugs, Ulcdicines, Chemicals, JExtractw, Herbs. Essential Oils. AXP AX ASSQETMENT OJP-r POPULAR PATENT ,VEPCI(S! jLj. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. ALSO PAINTS, OILS DYE STUFFS, COLORS, &C, iC. &c, &.C., &c. 1" IV.' B. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS!! .TFJJICH ARE PREPARED -OP THE 3PU3aiBSE, DRUGS ! - . .'. BY AN ; EXPERIENCED APOTHECARY. S. WHITTEMORE & CO. Albany, Marcn 16, 1867 v2n31tf. FiltcciYYcars in Oregon. S . J. Mb COR M ICK.rP A TNT .TTTT-T , KR The Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of tils State, desires to inform all his old cus tomers (and at many new ones as may not bo ae on n luted with the fact) that ho still continues to operate at the rwmN nooiL STORE, 105 Front St, a Portland, (kxactly orrostTE mocxt hood) Where b Is prepared o fHrnjpb, SCJJOQL. BOOKS, gTATIQNKRY, PIANO F0HTKS, MELODEOXS, VIOLINS, ACCOJIPE.ONS, BRASS HAND INSTRUMENTS,' DRUMS. GUITARS, And all kinds &f Muical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC. INSTRUCTION D00KS for all klu'ls oi Musical Instruments. cxxuxicii rssusxc ijoosn, BASS, VIOL, OUITAIl and VIOLIN STRINGS. IBXJNTE: 300K3, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES. PRESSES. PENS, Photographic A 1 1 u in , And every othtf article In the abore Hoe. IMPORTI.VG FROM .NEW YOKE DIRECT I can sell to Country Iealers, Farmers and oth ers, at san irnctco vi buieaie rrtecs. jar Agent for Foley' Oold Fcas.. RAGS WAATEU1! I want all the RA(3 in Oren, (wooltn. cot tonor linen, white, black, or any other color) for which I will pay a CEXT A I-OI KD MoKC than "any other mac" &Br COUNTRY MERCHANTS, FARMERS, and others will da well to keep the above facts in mind as a dollar nttd is ejul to two dollar ttrnetl. and frugal houMwives can purchase all tb School Books required in their fantilies du nn tatb year by simt'ly saving tho raits that heretofore have been thrown away. HE MEMBER! When you go to Portland be sura and brlog all the Rags you can procure, to g. J, McCOmilCK, Franklin Book Store, 105 Front Street. aul8v2n:iy D. BXAC. TB0. MOXTZITB. i. V. BCACB. BEACH El 1YION7E1TH, Dealers in ENERAL MERCHANDISE, I.VTJIEIIt NEW FIRE MOOF DIllCR, On rint Street, Albany, Oregon, NEV flW, NEW GOODS. AND JsTW PRICES milE ABOVK NAMED FIRM TAKE PLEAS- nre in notifying their friends and the public generally that they are continually receiving Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilnnl- vf arc, &c, &c, Purchased in San Francisco at tbe very lowest figures, fur CASH, and we are offering tbe same to natrons at corresponding prices. 'Abe attaptton of Fanners is especially called to our i??W ESTABLISHMENT, Where , we are prepared to take charge of all Jierciian table I'rouuee, fur which we are offering the highest market price. We respectfully ask the public to call and ex amine our stock, and prices, and we assure all -that we will give entire satisfaction to prompt cugtom ers. W are also agents for tbp Florence Sew ing Machine Company. sel-on) BLACKSMITHINC! HE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECT fully inform tbe public that they are prepared to execute all orders for work in their line, such as MAKING AND POINTING PLOWS, HORSE SHOEHra, IRONING- WAGONS ! Particular attention will be given to FA RMERS' , WORK All work will be done in tbe best manner and at ; very Low Prices. We solicit a fair share of the patronage of this community. Shop on Main Street, near " Crawford's Flouring . Mills, Albany, Oregon. r2n35tf r TWEED ALE A FEEBLER. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! -100,000 MS. OP WOOL WANTED within the next two weeks, for which The Jliffhest Cash Prico wiU bo Paid, By - J. GRADWjOIIL, TaSItf San Franoisco Store. PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE E BEO LEAVE TO CALL TIIE ATTEN tloo of the publio to this long tented and uurlralted Family Mcdloino. The PAIN KILLER is s purely vegetable com- pound, and while It Is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is a tierfecllr safe niejioino even lu tin moot unskillful bauds for Summer Complaint, or any ntber form of bowel disease in children or adults: it is an almost curtain cure, and lias with out doubt been (porp successful In curing thp vari ous kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy, or erpn tho most skillful pbyslojijn. In India,. Afrlaa and China, where this dreadful disease Is ever mora or les prevalent, the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, at wall as European residents iu tboso climates, A Sure Jlemody, As a Tonle for tho Stomach, it (s unrivslltd. A few cJuc relieve Severe cast- of Indlgcallon, , and it is often a perfect euro for Dyspepsia.. in Its mnst aggravated forms. Its tonic and ulimu- latins p,icrUes, arousing the system to rigorous acUuu, rcii'UT it a most eUtctuol cure fvf Colds and Coughs, when used according to Uirtclionj. i'or etrnol applteation, it is unsurpassed by any mcuiai preparation anown. Hhoumatism and Nruralio Affections are quickly relieved and lofuu curol ty it. Any ivniiui io tho Muicki or Jiiiuis can 1 relieved by its apphcatiun, Jtcures tnsiantiy lue nan oicui. 7oothapho, It should alwas'Lo kept near at baxwl. to La used in eases of severe Burns or Scalds. If applied immediately, aerordin tr will give instant relief, and prci e to uircctt'ms It is j-cuUarljr Uajtc4 to to wants cf Seamen, aul i trioni tual!n t totsgci, do vessel ulioul l without a 'TI'' t u On captain writes us: "I bare tnalo Rfrnl voyages fun with noigratsts - and thusi I kH.-t a gooj m-'4i- cinc chet, n4 tare streral tituas hul a g'oj drat of siekti tn buarl. I ba fjnii-l tL 1'aiu Killer so tdcJ?Dt 4 a'l rari, as to cntirslr rvclu 4 the uwof all oiler Jfdidu'-s. One txiaieifa proof it tJ.facy Is, that the sales bare eoDitautljr incra I, an t wholly upoa its own merit. Tbetfecl of lim Kilirr upuu the pacirai, loo taken iatfniilly ia caxwiof of CVlds. Cough, liowel Coaj-liiU, ChoUra. liyactitrj au 1 oth"-r atfircliun of the sjriteta, bxt ts- n trul won- 'Icrful, and ba woa fur it a naao niwun lu tacJueal jirrjiaraiioti that ran ntrrr le fur'ttQi. It sue- cvs in removing Tain, tut ma exUrnal rtmsuT, to cases of liurun, li nt isvs, Hores, Kprains, Cuts, Stiof of iuK'ct ana ulttti cnss of stitu-nng. l.a secure! fr it such a bst of testimony, at ua aliuott infal life rrttdy, that it will be haulcl ilown to trrtt r as one of tb treats l lcal lii"orrri' of the uiactoctttb rentory. The tnasical tlTeots of the raio Killer when taken or used aeeordm to dirrc Hons, are eertaiu. You lare only to he sure that you tuy the Ktoui&e article so l aJhore l the di rection itt us ut, tuJ yoa will admit its wonder ful cjcdioinal pmpcrtks. . Tbe gtnaice Ilcrry Vxl' raio Killer Is now put op tn psnoci bottle wtlu the words Paris Vegetable r;n KUi-r tUwo In tbe s'..s ; a&i wib two steel rngrsre-J Is W! tt r cb bottle one an ex cellent Ukenes of Perry I'arie, tLa original intto- tor of tbe taedscipe, tbe olbcr a sU-fcl nf rared D'4e of band rob olbti can t,e rlicd upon as Tbe P&ia Killer is sclJ by Viusgtt and Grower. P.ERBY MX. Proprietor. Vo. 74 Hiah sc, I'rotidtDcc, ILL March 2d, r2nGm. mrOBTKR 4P EAltS I PIANOS, MELODEONS, Sneer Mrsir, Mrstc Dooas. GrtTsas, Fi-ctes, Pipes, Accorko, Srntes, asd all aisnsor MrsiciL I.tki mcsts, STAT105KKT SD FlXCT Goods, lt. 1UU Kmxm & JISEBL4 JL (between Morrison and AMcr) PORTLAND, 01U;GON, A GENT " FOR JACOM ZECH 8 PIANO J. Fortes, ga Francisco, Cal., which received the UoW Med4 owcr celebrated pianos from tbe Hast, in the last Fair, 1865. Alo Agent fur Er nest GaUcr's Piano Forte, New York, which won the greatest popularity ip the East fur sweetness aod power in tone, ditraLility in workmanship, and Superior New Scale, full McUlljo Form, Orer- suuug apd frencb Or aud Action. L. T. Hhults will have an assortment of those Superior Pianos always on band, aod can sell them tbe Lowest rrices, as bo Imports tnem direct rrora tbe Manufactories. New Piaqos fur lien t or Sale Ly monthly pay ments. Latest Musio received by every steamer direct from tbe East. Pianos. Melodeons and all kinds of Musical In struments tuned at. J repaired. It. T. ebults recommends himself a a Orst class tuner, having been in the business oyer fifteen years ana is a musician. ii..nt jaccnt counties. rtEdlS?? Thoso living in JLiun aad adj wishing to purchase one of thoso aro informedtbey can do so throu the State Kiciits DKVocnT ho being my au thorized agept for the salu of them in tb&t section of Oregon. GALLERY '1VE-OPENED ! PICTURES! ALL STYLES 1 FROM LOCKETJO LIFE SIZE! CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE T IN THE STATE 1 TIIOI?IFSOI & PAXTOM, ALBANY, OREGON. "TSTE RECENTLY ENLARGED f T our Gallery, and bavo now tbe lartfesj Sky light and bpst arranged rooms this siae oi ban Francisoo, ' v ' We have the Latest Imprqyced Instruments and use the best material and we bavo spared no expense to bare things fight, if order that wj tnay give our patrons '"' "v FIRST CLASS PIQTIJRES. With our present Skylight of 224 square feet we can take Good Pictures iu all kinds of weather and at all times of 4ayf None need yri"inr a clear day oome any time, late or early, and if -we don't make you a good pictura wo wll pot Jet you take away a poor one. ' " ' We have superior - arrangements for taking CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES, And are said to bare more patience than famous Job of old. No Patron ever saw us out of humor. ... ... We defy competition in COPYING PICTURES. Coll at our elegant and capaoious Gallery on First the chief business street, south side, middle of toe block, and examine our specimen pictures. . . THOMPSON & PAXT0N. Albany, November 18, 1885. Tub peculiar taint or infection which we call Scrofula lurki in the constitutions of rnultlMea of men, 1$ either produce or i produced by an en - feeblcd, Hinted itato of tho blood, wherein "Vint fluid ticitii tn- pctent to austain forces in their action, and, io ystem to full into disorder and decay. The tcrofuloua contamination Is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, abovo ail, by the venereal Infection. Whatever be iu origin, It it hereditary in tho constitution, fJescending "from parenU to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it ccma to be the rod of llitn who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores j in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints ; on tho skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having tho same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of tho blood. Purify tho blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With fi-eblo, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health j with that "life of tho flesh' healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease, Ayor'a fiarsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual antU dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails, That it is far supe rior to ony other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is Indisputably proven by tho great multitude tf publicly known and remarkable cures i has made of the following diseases: King' Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumor, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ervjipclas, Rose or Et Anthony's Fire, Baft Ehenxn, Scald Head, Conghs from tuberculous deposits in the langs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, tfcnralgia, Pysaepsta or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Venule Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Arta's AucttiCAX Almaxac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of tho remarkable cures which it has made when oil other remedies had failed to afford .relief. Those cases are purposely -taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader mar have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and iu fatal results than ore healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, tbe average duration of human life. Tito vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayeb's SAksaraattXA. although it fs composed of ingredients, some of which exceed lite best ttt Sarteparitla ia altcratirc power. Uy its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing 'am! danger of these diorders. l'urge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester. in the blood, purge out the causes or disease, and vigorous health will follow. Dy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on anr part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of SartajxiriUa, that promised much and did nothing; bat they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in. tins, lu virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of iu surpasning excellence for the cure of the afflictinc diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which bos ever been avaUablo to them. AYER'8 CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for tho relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that wo need do no moro than assure tbe public that iu quality is kept up to tho best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do ail it has everyone. Prepared by Da. J. C. Ateb L Co., Practical awi Analytical Chemist Lowell, Mass Bold by all druggist every where. wu.u 3 heit.emer a C uy, and a Vboleaie and lUtail ty SuiUh A Davis. Port and. seSly A!i!MX lOUIVDRY AND MACHINE SHOP A, F. CHERR.Y, TTAVING PURCHASER ' in iaUsre(ft ia luo ALBANY " MACHINE SHOP, I TUB V.S- Prepared fo Knrnian WROUGHT AND CAST IRON" WORK Of every description, on short notioo. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. . All Orders for MILL WORK Will bo filled with dispatch, and in' a satisfactory manner. flOfiSI? POWERS Agricultural Implements i Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of . PATTERN WORE done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, 18G6-ly PLANING - MILL!. sT. 3- O 034XjE'ir- v ALBANY, OREGON. I HAVE Ali WATS QN HAND, or will Manufacture to ordor, every style of DOORS, SAS)I AND BUNDS, at the shortest notice and lowest possible charges Boards Matcher anid Planed Work executed in Shop a style not surpassed by any in the State. " fiST The Mill is in the lower part of the town, on the river bank,' at the corners of the joining claims of the Montioths and Haokleman. - - J. B. COMLEY. ' Albany, September. 20, 1865. r : mrrx7iMti tho vital W. VT I'AUHISII. . C. UKUDZHUAhU W. W. PARRISH & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE! T 11IANKFUL FOR THK LIBERAL I'AT- ronage shown us daring tho past few years, we would rpupcptfulJy call tbe attention of ourj numerous patrons to oar present desiraWp and weD elected stock of PltV GOOVH, Rcjady-Mado Clothing, uoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Salom Cloths & Flannels, Embroidery, Hoop Skirts, Silks, Hosiery, 610. ALSO IaifcN, J!iNft and Children ftlioe. IL&O, In connection with thp .bof we keep constantly on h&4 choice selection of irofereL imrdware, (lurenswarp. sIaFnrs cutlery. I'mIiiIm nml All. tl'U.I... . - "" aallM, de., Ac, fcc W. W. PARRISH & CO. Are prepared to sell anytLing in their line at tbe LOlir EST CASH PRICES Or will recti re MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE In exchange for Goods. Persons wWMnr to bay Good will fed it greatly to tbeir adrsntsge in eiamine oar Qoi lfore r.Mr!aiir el' where. -fi " ' Albany. January 27th. UM. PHILLIP MILLER'S MARBLE YARP ALBANY, OREGON, MARBLE MONUMENTS, GRAVE AND TOMBSTONES, Of Uvcry SIj Ic and I'attero. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES, And Marble Vr ork of .1." Ind. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURIHG TIIK n.VCST EjCTTflKIXC I THK BEST KXKCUTED WOfllv" In the KJnle ofOrcppn All work done at my Marti Vard is tamed oat i(js 10 giT pcncci .-iuicnon to my patrons. PURE WHITE. VERMONT. OR CALIFORNIA MARBLE Will be nsed as parties ordering work sba!l select The I.oivost Llvlngr Prices V'Ul be charged in every instance. Orders from any Part of the State will bo raiuunll; and Promptly Pilled. TIIE maruxe yard Is jut below Sprengcr's Paolfie Hotel, on (be west tide or tbe strict running from tbe river. S-r Tbe pnblie are inrited to call at dt tbop Albany, January 6, 186(1. THE SAN FRANCISCO STORE julio pRAftrvroui. ALBANY - : OREGON, THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IKTQRM TnE citizens of Albany and vicinity that be now occupies the eorner bripk store fncr pf ririit and WaaMngioa Strceta. He intends to sell Good AT THJ3 LOWI3ST FJIIQE FOB CASH OR PRODUCE!! The publio would do well to examine my Goods belore purchasing elsewhere. My btock consists, in part, as follows : ODZR. oooxs CLOTHING, GROCERIES AXD GENERAL MERCHANDISE! ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF THE BEST LIQUORS Ever Brought to tills Market ! Which he intends to sell ONLY FOR EIEDXCXNAL PURPOSES JULIUS GRADW01IL. Dee. 22, '66 v2nl91y ALBANY BOOK STORE! J3. A. FEEELAND, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Albany - - - ? Oregon. ' COSSTASTLY OS HASDl STANDAED AND MfSCELiANEOUS BOOKS, Juvenile, Toy, Gilt and Clank Hooka, GOLD rXXS, ASD SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Of every kind used in the State. pST" BOOKS short notice. IMPORTED TO ORDER, at UeclulCly PRIVATE MEDICfV AID. Quick Core and Moderate Charge DR. W. K, BOHERTvi Private Medical and Surgical Inttitut Sac ram en to street, Wow Montgomery, pposl tbe Pacific Mail Bteamship Co.'a office. Pri.e vaie epiranea cn Leidsdorff street, Baor- Jfrandseo, California. EtiaUUUd erpftttly fo afford ie afflicted uvpin m.i mnnji jneutllU uiat in lliC (reatjnent and eyre pf all private and phrunic VinancM, ctue$ of uecrecy and all sexual ducatee. TO TIIE AFFLICTED. Da. W. K. Dobertr returns tiSa xntmr t,ti to b s numerous patients for tbeir patronage, and would take this opportunity to remind then that be continues to eonsalt at bis Institute for tba earV of ebronie diseases offctbeLnnirs, Liver, Kidneys.' Digestive and Oenito-Uuritary Orrans, and aEi private diseases, vizr fir chili in ill it fArmi mniT. stages, Hetninal Weakness, and all tke horrid eo? tores, oturnal and Debility, Diseases of tbe mation of tbe Bladder aad Kidneys, ete etc. ; sni " u'" " oim long ezpeneaee and snecesirfiii praM-tiee will etmtinoe to insure bim a share ef tbe public patronage. By tbe practice of many years in Europe and tbe United Etates, be is enabled to. apply tbe taost efficient and soceeesfal rcmedka against diseases of all kinds. He nses no mere, ry, ebarges moderate, treats bis patients la en. rcct and honorable way, baa refertaeea ef a a qnestionable veracity from men of kaown respect ability and high standing in society. All partiea consulting bim by letter or otherwise, will receiva tbe best and gtnUet treatment and implicit secre- Dr. Doberty woold call attention to tbe follow ing eertifieates hum two of his patients, wbo, sav ing fully recovered their health, desire to make knewn tbeir remedial agent. It will be seen tbeir statements are fully authenticated by a Notary Public. ' Tbe welfare of Society imperiously demanda tbeir publicity, and they are give mere to warn tbe unwary than t sound tbe praises ef Physi cian, of whom bun ired of Jike eases can be cited. uunug a practice oi pjore than fifteen yean. A CAB J Of Ct-Ef t ASD intlCTTBES. Dr. D4e;ty Dear Sir : I feel my health so fol ly r?t;ed tbat. In common gratitodo, I believe I should make yon some written acknowledgment for your valuable services particularly so as jam fee was small for tbe work performed. I arrived la this city from tbe East about one year $go, and was then suffering from an old csser or Glc-et, complicated with stricture. Being a! stranger in this ciiy. and beliering those doctors' wbt gafe sti poiUiys assurances of success were) oeecwarilr tbe beet, (tome of whom have a large numt-er ot titles) I placed ajj'tlf in tbeir charge,' and continced under their treatpest antil I bad ioit nearly ail hope and considerably nam of money; I ?f Ub to say now tbat yon are the sixth doctor bare employcdnind tbe only one tbat bas ever done me any service, 3ly. Gleet is w$Jly cured, the . w . m.. . v mnt auj general seana sa Utter than it bas Wen furyeir. 'In conclusion X would say to the many unfortunates who require medical adrice, if job bare any douty a to whom you may employ, ask pr. Dpherlv f?r my address and eall and sec me. (t eeo sic.e ia 'this eitr.T My exj riccce may s yV" dollars. wm!J also add tba ia the ea?ly stage of my dis ease, I used a Lir-e ainount of the preparations ad vert bed as an infallible cure for Gonorrbtea, Gleet,' etc., but ncTtr derived anyles;fit from them. t am, uocior, yejy (ruiv yours, l, H . Fan Francisco, June -18. 1864. Shtltitd and sworn to before me this 2lt dav of Junes, S$L ' -4. S.GOULD. l-J notary Public. SKMixat.irEA.aessr-4 aoB DfaarircATK a 05V BEiUfasLr era or si.tayaToaasiaEA. A desire to benefit humanity, and a fWnnr 'cf gratitude to Dr. W. K. Doberty, a!ore induces mi to make this statement. For naHv vears I have t etn aSikjtd wih L't fearful disease known as tcrmatorrbo-a;" or Seminal Weaknesses, the rtsult r Silf-abugtf, but till Il?5 experienced bui little trouble or inconvenience.' In tbat year, however, 1 bad Stminal Weaknpfs to an alarming extent, which was soon" followed b the most aUrui-Dg symptoms, as weakness of the back and limbs, pains in tbe bead, dimness of vision, nerv ousness and general debility.' Jfy mind, too, waa dieted to s uch an extent, aj fo seriously impair iuj uiimuij oi j tacaf were coniasca ana spirits depressed.- I was averse to society, had evil fore- boningt and self distrust, and was entirely unfit ted for any of tbe duties of life. From 1855 to the summer oflW3, 1 employed tbe very best medical talent I eould find, and spent several hundred dol lars, but in no instance obtained more than tem porary relief. I bad about concluded there was no relief for me in this world, but seeing Dr.Do berty's advertisement, I thought I should call and see him, as be etargod nothing for consultation, I bad an interview with the Doctor, and his fee for treatment was so reasonable, I determined to try bim, though I did not expect much benefit from his treatment. On tbe Sth of December last I placed myself under his care; in ane week I found, myself very much improved, and now, after five weeks treatment, 1 feel myself thoroughly cured ot all my troubles and in the enjoyment of the best bealta. Hoping tbat my ex per knee may be ok benefit to others similarly afflicted, I subscribe my sell JAMES JOHNSTON- Subscribed an sworn to before me, this 15tnday of January, 1864. u a. A. G. RANDALL, Notary Pnblit TO FEMALES. When a female is afflicted wit) dis2a?e, as weak ness of the back aad limbs, pap ip thp bead, dim ness of sight, low if muscular posrer, palpitation of tbe heart, irritability, ncp'pulneis extreme uri nary difficulty, derangement pf digestive functions, general debility, vaginitics, all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, apd all other diseases peculiar tQ females, they should gor or writs at once to the celebrated rem ale doctor, W. K. Do berty, at his Medical Institute, and consult bim about tbcr troubles and disease. The Doctor ia effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacy pre vent you, but apply immediately aad save your self from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their fami lies, should write or eall at Dr. W. Doherty's Med- ical Institute, and they will receive every possible, relief and help. The Docsor's offices aro so art consulted without feax.oX observation. . ... . TO CORRESPONDENTS. " Patients residing at a distance, who may desiro the opinion and advice of Dr. Doberty on their re spective cases, aud wno think proper to submit a written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most sacred. Dr. Doberty takes this method of observinr that all letters aro only opened and replied to by him self, and the latter as promptly as possible. it tne case be rully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be superceded, as in structions for diet, regimen, and the general treat ment of the ease itself (including the remedies,) win ne rorwaraeu without delay, and in bucq. 4 manner as to cenvey no idea, of tho purport oftbi letter or parcel so transmitted. . . ' v Consultation FREE. Permanent earo guaranteed or no pay. Address W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., San Francisco, California. OPINIONS OF TIIE PRESS. , ; "DR. DOHERTY is a skillful physician rnd aa honorable gentleman, any statements he makes to his patients be is sure to fulfill. That fact is on great cause of hia eminent success in bis profes sion. It is fortunate that among the many advetv Using physicians there is one who can be depended on." Review. - "DR. DOHERTY'S reputation as a physician is a sufficient guarantee for tho cure of any ease bo undertakes.'-Chronicle. 1 : u. - . "DR. DOHERTY has devoted bis study moro particularly to chronic, spo and secret practice, and as suoh is now tho most successful of any piysiclao in San Francisoo."--Free Press, a 7 D. DOHERTY'S reputation is second to no oth, er physician on tbe coast in obronio and s peeifio practice." Mirror. "DR. DOHERTY Few man in the medical profession have succeeded in gaining tbo confi dence of the public in their skill and judgment as he bas." Enquirer.' "DR. DOHERTY ranks as ono of our most dis tinguished phyticians, and also one of the most successful, which is now tho briterion by which tha 1 medical practitioner is Jad jed" Edjev eciSy Toc. uteet. Rtrir- Dianai Amk'lu.'ni'' $trnafT Baek and Tnfl'7