J JUNE 8, 1S67. Money Market. Sao Francisco Legal Tender rates 7474 New York Gold Quotations -133 Subscribers finding an X marked on the margin of their paper, will understand that the time Tor which they have paid for the Dkvociut has expired, and will govern thetnsolrcs acoord- Pic-Nic Excursiox. Last "NVcdncsdaj was a Wg day in Albany. Long beforo the boat arrived crowds of people gathered in, filling up the stores, and imparting an unu sually busy appearance to our city. Our Tarious Sabbath Schools wero all astir ; and generd expectation was on tip-toe. About 12 v. the boat arrived at Beach & Monteith's -wharf, having on board about 000 persons. Of course it was crowded al most t suffocation. The Sabbath Schools of alem were met at the landing by thoso of Albany j and a procession was formed; which, headed by the Salem Brass Band, af ter marching through several of our streets, finally rendezvoused in the Court House, in stead t-f Ilackleman's Grove, ns had been previously arranged the damp condition of the grounds preventing the execution of this Tart of the nrocrramme. The fact that the school could not go to the Grove was a great disappointment to all eonccrnedj but it was unavoidable, an 4 th? Comnjittee of Arrange ments were forced to alter this part of their plans. The Finance Committee did their work well.. They cleared up the grounds and hud thirty swings in readiness; besides having cleaned out a well and placed a pump therein. The number in attendance has been vari ously estimated. It was between fifteen 'hundred and two thousand. So great was the crowd that it was some time ero they could be seated. Indeed hundreds could not get seats, but crowded "the aisles and occu pied every available space in the Hall. The Order of Exercises was as follows: 1 . ocal music. 2. Prayer by Iter. Mr. Monteith. 3. Vocal music. 4. Welcome by Rev. E. K. Geary. 5. Vocal music. C. Response by Dr. Wythe. 7. Vocal music. 8. Address by Rev. Mr. Irving. 9. Vocal music the "Echo," and the "Shining shore. 10. Col lation. ;he Addrcss.63 w.er$ short, well-timed and quite appropriate; and the singing was goo. - i 1. . much better than we expecteu srom sutn mixed gathering. The Address of Mr. Irvin was as follows: "CHiiDacs You have been kept on your fee' quite constantly since morning. You are tired andhunjry; and thanks to kind friends, there is abandateo of food down stair to appease, your hanger. Be patient a little longer and joo shall all hare plenty. Children, some eigb teen hundred years ago, there were gathered toother, in a wil derness of Jadea, seTeral thousand persons. They had been without food for three days, and were very hungry. They had come out to Lear the Great Tc-acher a not remarkable mac tLe Sa vior of the world. He had compassion on them, and whe a they had all msatcl tLecmlTCS on the green strard.' he inquired of his disciples bow much prjTL-ion they bad with them ; anl their answer was. fire barley loares an J two small fi.'he. These he blessed, and brake, aud caused ta bo di tributed to the multitude, and they all had enough, and rre tah to spare. Xw, children, this Sa vior is hre, in your midst, ar.4 he ii a-tye ant willing t i give yoa all the bread cf eternal life. hkb, if yoa partake or it, wiii cause yoa i cun ;r no more, and lire in blUs sni happiness for- eTer." This address was listened to very atten tively by the scholars, and seemed to produce a good effect. In behalf of the citizens of Albany we tender our thanks to the Salem Brass Band forjthe excellent music they furnished on the occasion. - Jeuscsal. We understand that the editor of'the Salem Review was in our city last Wednesday, and that he called on us, but we were absent. We regret this, as we should be much pleased to make his personal ac oaairuince. We are told, also that the editor of the CorvallL Gazette was in town. We are P'.eased to have him call on us any time. We believe him to be a gentleman, though wonderfully befobged in politics. Mr. Morgan, formerly of this city, but now connected with the "Unionist," Salem, was he, ani we were pleased to see him looking well. lie is a genial gentleman. .The editor of the Unionist, it seeras, was here'also. When, in the world's history was it ever known, that a large number o persons assembled together for a good object and Satan did not anncar with them ? Nev er,' since the days ofTbb down to last Wed nesday vrben JlcPherson was here. We did vnot see him, nor did he call upon us. We are glad he did not, for we do not desire to cultivate the acquaintance of a libeller a Jiar and scurvy scamD cenerallv. ERiors AccipEXT.-On last Sunday, the Vo. insi., wmie two oi our citizens, ot rrencn rt J t 11 J . --a extractioa, named John Jk ournie and Isaiah Mercier, were returning from Corvallis, the horses attached to the buggy became frightened and uumanageable, ran away, upset the vehicle, and threw the menvio lently out, knocking them both "dead as mackerel j" for a time. In falling from the buggy Monsieur Fournie fell with bis face upon the sharp point of a stick about an inch in diameter, which run into the lower part of his cheek, passed up and protruded from the flesh just in front of the temple : he was also otherwise bruised and battered up, and for a time his life was despaired of, but we now learn that hopes are entertained of his recovery. M. Mercier fared better, as it was only the violence of his collision with ''Mother Earth" that deprived him of SATURDAY. - the use of his respiratory organs for a short time. Religious. Rev. Mr. Driver, Agent of ths American Bible Society, will spend Sab bath, the lGth inst., in this city, and will preach in the morning And everting of that day. By mutual arrangement of tho several Pastors of the place; services will be held in the Court Hops?. Friend3 and enemies of the Bible are invited to attend. More than ordinary interest js now attached to the circulation of the Holy Scriptures. yWe regret to state tbatvour friend Douthit, of Linn county, lost a span of horses, last week, by the fire at -Salem. They were in the livery stable Jbat was burned j and xtbxb value 1 at $375. , - - A Comedy which was axmost a Tragedy On last Sabbath evening threo boys of this place went out on the bosom of the bcautifu Willamette for a boat-ride. In rowing rap idlf down stream, their skiff struck tho outer end of tho upper ferry boat, capsized, and "ker-soMCtf" went tho urchins into forty feet water. Two of them caught hold of th end of tho ferry-boat and fished themselves out, but the other boy was carried out o reach of tho boat by the swiftness of th current. He went under camo up ditto ditto, again ; but as hocamc to tho surface the second time, tho skiff, still, inverted, floatct hard by, and with a vigorous kick and floun der, he "went "for it," clutched at it, climbed upon its slimy upturned bottom, and was thar ! floating along gently down tho river on Ins "own little boat." He is not floatin yet. Ho was seen from tho shoro by an hon est waterman4, who chanced to have his boat moored "under the willows," nnd who, see inghis perilous "posish," rowed swiftly him and tnved him and his boat in uoutof the wet," and carried him in triumph to 43 mother's arms. SofTiiERX Relief Fund. Since our las issue $27 15, from Union Point Precinct have been received by the Treasurer for th sufferers of tho South. ' Also, 5v from "Mrs Worth, of Perrria, and $2 from Mrs. Reamer Also, Mr. I). M. Cook has placed five dol lars in our hands for tho eauWworthy object. We state in Uus coimpcticn that thg money previously placed in oyr hards, to bo sen South, wa-s some timo ago, forwarded by express to Rev. O. P. l itzgcrald, San Fran cisco. Fourth or JfLv. At a meeting of tl citizens of Albany, last Thursday evening it was unanimously resolved that tho 4th o July next be celebrated iu tho olden time fashion and sntrit. A Committee of Arrange ments were appointed who are to report at the next meeting which will be held next Monday evening at the Court House. W have only room to day to add that we trust all our citizens, in town and country, of every name and party, without exception, will join m the movement. Mav. We are indebted to Dr. Gray, fo the following account of the weather durin the last month: Twenty-three days no rain, and eight days showery; 23 nights no rain and eight night! rainy and showery. Depth of rain that ft-J during the month, twsnty-fijro thirty-second inches Moved -1 Hampton & McRriJc, cabinet makers, have moved from their old stand to the one recently occupied by Mr. Oliver im mediately under the Democrat oGce. CARD. On toanl Steamer Reliance on the return from the Sunday School Pic-Nic, June 5th 1507, a meeting of the ladies and rentlcmcn connected with' the Sundav School of Salem and vicinity was bold, audit was unanimous Jteclccd, ri:?i having enjoyed a very pleasant excursion, wew..uld return our tin cere thinks to the P. T. Company f r thci kindness to the euildrcn of our schools in furnishing a delightful occasion. We alv thank the Salem band for the excellent music the ui, which added much to the plea urc of the trip. To the citizens of Albany we are inJebte f r a hospitality that was sincere and boun tiful; and trust that the time may come when we can reciprocate it. We shall remember with great pleasure the opportunity we Lave had of cultivating social relations with thci Sabbath Schools, confident tlir.t such occa sions will advance the great cause we bar in view as Veil as yield pleasant associations. The Secretary of the meeting was request el to have the foregoing Resolution published in the Albany and Salem papers.' ' S. A. Clarke, Secretary. l.-"-.L'." f fTyi"'!,.' !9 StfyS?1?!' i-UK J !""T.ftT." i 5 ALBANY PRICES CUBBEXT. Albast. Satorday, Juno, 8, 1867. The following are tho prices paid for Produce, and the prices at which other articles are telling in this market : AVheat whits, per bushel, 50 ets. Oats per barbel, 20 cts. Potatoes p:r bushel, 50(a,62J. Onions-per bushel. Si 2b. Flour per bbl, & 00 liuttcr per pound, 25 cU. Kjrgs per dozen, 15 cts Chickens per dozen, $3 00. Peaches dried, per pound, IS ct. Pork per pound, 6($7 ets. Beefrron foot, "i S ets. ' MuUon, per pound, 12J cents. Soap per poynd, 45 cjts. ' Salt Lo Angelos, per pound, 2 cU. Syrup--per gallon, b0(9Q jf ts, " ' . 'i'ea-;-ouog Ilygon, per pound. $1 00. " Black, 75$l 00. r u Japan, $1 12J. Sugar- crushed, per ponnd, 1720 cts. Inland, 1012i. Sea. 14 cts. ti CoSee per pound, 2830 cts. Nails cut, per pound, 0i10 cts. Whito-Xead pure, per keg, $1005 00. Linseed Oil boiled, per gallon, $1 752 00. Turpentine per gallon, $1 752 00. Domestic brown, 2026 cts. Hickory striped, per yard, 30 cts. Bed Ticking per yard, 30(3)50 cts. Blue Drilling per yard, 2530 cts. Flannels per yard, 62i75 cts. Prints fast colors, per yard, 1820 cts. Itifle Powder, per ponnd, 75 (a, $1 00. Candles best, per pound, 3033 cts. Rice China, per ponnd, 14(3 15 cts, Tobacco per pound, 75$1 00. Fakeratus per pound, 14 15 tj, . SPECIAL NOTICES. 27-;Tietticai Auvlcc. DR. WM. K. DO- IlbRlx b Medical and Sargical Institute is bo coming a sine qua non to the welfare of our fit and health of our citizens; and his rapidly spread ing reputation, although it may excite surprise, is but the signal of skill, and follows as the natural effect of such a cause. We are personally acquaint- cu wiiu gentlemen wno nayo suuerca foryears un der chronic disease, and who had taken adinint ago of every available means thaj promised relief, but without success, until they called upon Dr. Doherty, who, in an incredibly short space of time uaa given mem enure reuet. it is eratifvin to announce this fact, becanso the Doctor i a gen tleman who seeks, not by defamation of others, to establish his reputation, or to, rear the superstruc ture of his own upon the ruin of an another's fame. The Doctor conducts his Institute" ij such a man ner that mast be -gratifying to all his patients. lie examines, advises and recommends wiihm,t charge, and tho pattens-after hearing bis terms for treatment, can accept or reject at pleasure. Iu no case does tho Doctor make a chariro unlesa h effects a cure.- This he is able to do, because he feels the confidence which lonz experience has rv. en, and no doubt the consolation which appertains to that confidence. Persons afflicted with either accute or chronio diseases, would do well to eon. suit him. For consultation he asks no fee, nor does he insist on obedience to his advice unless the patient places himself under his care. His offices are on Sacramento street, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship office. S. P. Jsews, . t ADVERTISEMENTS. Tersons or sedentary habit troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of th heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, consti pation, Ac, dccrve to suffer if they wilt not try tho celebrated PLANTATION DiTTKUS, which aro now recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and worrnuted to produce an Immediate beneficial effect. They aroexeeodingly agrccublo, perfectly pure, and roust supercede all other ton ics where a healthy, $eutl timulant la required. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They cruate a healthy appetite. They aro an aolido?o to chncgo of water and diet. They strengthen the iyicia and enliven the mind. They prevent mlasraatlo and intermittent fererj. They purify the brt! aud acidity cf the f toia aeh. They euro I)ypep?ia anl Constlpatio. They euro tUef Cowplftlat and fcryouf Head ache. ' They make the weak strong, tho languid bril liant, and are exhausted nature'a great retor-r. They are computed of the celebrated Calinyabark, wlntcrgroeu, sasnafras, roots and herbs, alt pre served iu perfectly pure Ct. Croix rum. For par ticulars, oe circulars and testimonial around cacL bottle. Beware of impotort . Kxatajao every bottle. See that it ha oui private V. S. stamp uumutUa Ud over tho cork, with plantation scene, and our signature on a flue steel plate id lab!. See that our bottle U not refilled with spuriou aud delete rious tuff. Any peron pretending to cll Plan tation Hitter by the gallon or lo bulk, U an 1m poter. Any peron Imitating thi bottle, or "til ing any other material therein, whether called Plantation Bitter or not, U a criminal under the V. S. Law, and will be so prosecuted by m. The demand for Drako' Plantation Bitter, from la dic, clergyman, mcrcbani, 4e., I Incredible. The iip!o trial of a boio i tho evldf oce wo present of their worth and uporlorlty. Tbuy are sold by all rcpaclbb druggUl. growr. physi cian, hotel , salooni, iUaatoali cud country ,torc. P. H. MtAftB & CO. Ilaruca 32aguolla Water, A toilet delight ! The ladle' treaor and gen tlemen' boon 1 The "wcctet thing" and largeit quantity. JJanufactcred from the rich Southern Magnolia. Led for "bath Ira the face and pcron, to render the kin oa aud fieb, to prevent crap tion, it perfume clothing, Ac. It overcome the unpie&f ant odor of pcrtpiration. It remove ednc, tan. blotchc, Ac. It cures nervous headache and allay hsflamsia tios. It cool, (often and add delicacy to tho skin. It y'clds a ubducd and lasting perfume. It cure tnuiqucto b:te and Ung of inect. . It contain no material injuriou to the skin. 1 It U what every lady should have. Sold every here. Try the Magnolia Water once atd you will ue no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterward. DKMAS BAP.NES A CO., Prop. Exc!uivg Ageutt, N. Y. Sold by ail Druggbt and Dealer on the Pacif ic eoast. Ljon' Inthntrot. It is aciost delightful Hair Drcing. It eradicate scurf and dattdrnff. It keep the head cool and clean. It make the hair rich, oft and gloy. It prevent hair turning gray and falling off. It restore t hair upon prematurely bald bead. Ti i u jt what Lyou'a Kalbairn will do. It is pretty it T cheap- durable. Il i literally sold by tie car-load, and ytt it almoct incredi ble demand i daily increa!vg, until there 1 hard. ly a country store that doe not keep it, or a fami ly that doe not ue it. ' V.. THOMAS LYOX. Cbemiet. N. Y. Lyon's Kx tract ts Inzer. Lyon' Extract of Pure Jamaica Ginger for Indigestion, Nan sea. Heartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera Morbus, Flatulency, Ac., where a warm ing stimulant U required. It careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable ar ticle for culinary purpose. . Sold everywhere, at 50 ct per bottle. Ak for "LrosV Pure Ex tract. Take no other. Lyotifg Flea Powder. The effect of Lyon' Magnetic Insect Powder la almost instantaneous death to everything cf the insect species. Flea, particularly, cannot live where it is. It la most wonderful in this respect, being entirely barmlcs to the human family. Many worthless imitations are offered. Be partic ular and receive none but Lyon. Each flak of the genuine bears tht aignature of E. Lyon and the stamp of Demas Barxes & Co. " " " HIuMtane Iilnlment. Have you a hurl child or a lame horse 7 X7e the Mexican Mustanir Liniment. tor cuts, sprains, burns, swellings and caked breasts, this Mexican Mustang Liniment is a ccr tain cure. " For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff Joints, stincs and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Mus tang Liniment. For spavined horses, the poll-evil, ringbone and sweeney, the Mexican Mustang Liniment never fails. For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint, tho Mexican Mustang Lininicnt Is worth its weight in gold. " . . Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so com- men and' certain" to occurin "every family, that a bottljj otthil Liniment h) Jho teet investment that can be made. .'..' It is more certain than tho doctor -it saves time in sending for the doctor it is cheaper tEari the doctor and should never be dispensed wifh 'In lifting tho kettlo from the fire, R tipped over and scalded my hands terribly. . je Mustang Ljniment extracted the pain, caused the sons to heal rapidly, and left very little scar. C1UL8.. FOSTER, 420;Broad St., Philada. -A JMr. fe. JUitcb, of Hydo Park, Vt., writes: " My horso was considered worthless, (spavin) but since the use of tha Mustang Liniment, I have sold him for . $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up here." " ' All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, signed, G; W. Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private U. S. stamp of Demas Barnes A Co over the top. Look closely. Sold by all Drug gist?, at 25, 50 cts, and $1 00. ee8 v2n4 ly ADVKliTISKM KNT8. TAKE NOTICE! J. BARROWS CO., (IN THEIR FIRE-PR0OF BRICK, ALBANY), Are now receiving their Goods DIIirXT FIIOM NAN FIIAXCINCO t And wo invite tho attention of buyer to our Stock of XDY G OODS ! FAMILY GROCERIES I BOOTS AND SI-IOJBS! CLOTHING ! UAnowARp, cnocscny, &c, &c. THRESHERS, . , MOWERS, REAPERS, OANa- PLOWS, We are Agent for all kind of Agricultural Impleuu'iilw t J. HARROWS A CO. WOOL! WOOL! WOOL X For whleh we Vny the Illgbeftt Irleo In i'antht matv2u2Htf J. HARROWS A CO- ltt. It. C. plLL. I or.o. r. r.iTLEsttKA. SETTLEMIER d. CO., DRUGGISTS, AT OR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND. - - nr n X IX ST.. ... A A XY. 4 - i DEALERS IN DRUGS. MEDIO IK E S CHEMICALS, i'alnti, OUn, iilaf I)yc-StuC, - V A 11 N I S IT K S ASP A fl tL AIOftTJCCXrOf DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR Dr. D. Jajnci I Son's Family Hcdieines We alo keep on hand a full upjIy of All Patent ."flciliciucM in I'kc. Our stock ofDrti-o, Fluid, Ltfrcl. etc., are from Well Known Manufacturers, and will be found Or THE I IX ST qi'AI.ITV SrCCtAI. ATTKTIOJ CtVCX TO COMrODIDtSO PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS We HoIIcft the Iatronse of flic Public. WE HAVE EST A ELI. SUED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! cm rn sAcwmr DR. H. n. ICING, Who will keep a full supply of Drug, Medicine, etc., tic., tr sale at tow i-mcts. SETTLEMIER 4 CO. April ft, 1867 v2n341y V. TECIEL, laf" BOOT ' AND SHOE MAXEH, If (Oppotite th Stat llight Democrat OJfict,) FIRST ST., ALBANY. Manufacturer of the beat quality of Fine Fit EN C PI CALF BOOTS Alo, a Superior article of good BOOTS FOR FARMERS' WEAR. Repairing and M cud I rig Don on short notice and at Tery Low Trices Our work will be euaranteed to cive entire satis- iacon. . . ',, mavZ3vZn41tr Old Albany Ferry. H AVINO PURCHASED THE ABOVE well-known Ferry. I am trenarcd to cross everybody, and every tbiug, from a footman to a six-mule team or elepbaut. My boat is iMTse, Staunch and Safe, the access and egress to- and from it lsbt upe- nor roaas, anu iuac. an old, experienced -Ferry. man is always ready with a smile to burrv patrons over Jordan. I ensacre airainnf all acci- uenu i me iviiowtug reauccajrau- : - Two-horse WagoH; 12J Cents Aian ana ilorso, 12J Ceuts Footman 10 Cents Loose Stock per agreement. My connection with tho Lower lerry has been severed. ' T.H. DAVIS. Albany, April 2Cth, 1887. 2 ly S. MONTGOMERY. , R. T.. HAYWOOD. CITY HOTEL. MONTGOMERY & HAYWOOD, Propr's. Cor. Washington and rirst Ets , " Having been thoroughly refitted, Is f:r Jinow open far the ncoouunodation of-fejil the traveling public, Tho table will speak lor it self. Neat and comfortable beds and rooms for atrons, Ao. . RATES OF BOARD : Per week.... ....$5 00 er week, with lodging '....$0 00 to 8 00 Single meals. . . v. 50 Beds 50 V ' JVIeals all hours. v2n26tf. Notice to JDrcditors. NOTICE IS IIEREBTT GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been diily appointed 'Ad ministrator of the Estato of John N. Donnell. de ceased, by the County Court of 'Linn county, Ore gffu, on the 2d day of May, 1807. '' Therefore, all persons having claims against1 said cstato are notified to present tho same to the undersigned for allowance, with tho proper verifi cation thereof, at Peor a, Linn county, Oragon, within six months from tbe dato.hcrcof. II. S. RUDD, Administrator. May 20, 1867. Cnason & Helm, - v2n414w Att'ys for Adm'r. ADVK11TISEMENT8. MRS. PAXTON, MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER! GALLERY BUILDING. NEXT DOOR TO M0NTEJTH& BEACH'S STORE MAIN ST. ALBANY. ILL KEEP A CHOICE SELECTION OF 10 LATEST STYLES OP GOODS ! , --st;cii as BODNT2STETS, X3I-A.TS, ItlbbonH, I'lowcrw, de., Which will bo sold at small profits and much Cheaper than Ever Before in this Place J IlLUAClIIXCt AM) rilESSIJYCi! la tbe best gtjle, at Low Prices. GUTTING AND FITTING By Mrt. Curtis' Famoui Models. A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. STAMPING BEAUTIFUL ' BRAIDING PATTERNS. pall and jSee for Yocraelvesj. April l3, 1SC7 v2nS0if. MHS. PAXTOX. v. MAJtsrieLO. I D. MANSFIELD & BRO., DEALERS IJf GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ALBANY, OHCGON. IN FOSTER'S CNE-STCRY BRICK, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. fllllD ADOVK FIRM TAKE.? PLEASURE IN JL jiifing their friends and the public gener ally, pat tbty aro CONTINUALLY RECEIVING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &C, Which wo will Exchange FOIt VAHU Oil PRODUCE ! AT TUB VERY LOWEST PRICES. o - , W rtptfuUj atk the ulie to Call and Examine car Stock and Prien Before ptrch!n !cahere and that wo Will gvo we auuro a ENTIRE SATISFACTION TO PROMPT CUSTOMERS. Albany, I b. Ifie: v22;tf JOSEPH CvOUNSKY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ALBANY, - - OREGON. fllHE sriJSCRIBER WOULD ANNOUNC X that baring lately arrired from tbe Eatt, and having bad ample espcrirnfe in tbe botinecs, be U now prepared to do all kinds cf work in his line, such as CUTTING AND MAKING IS THE LATEST Sa?75TX,E, Or in Any Style Detired hj Caitomert ALSO Li:amx am iu:paiiiig! All kinds of Clothing and Goods. PRICES FOR CUTTING: For Cutting Coat $1 00 " Pants I 60 " " Vest 50 SIIOI On First street, opposite the Demo crat ' Office, next door cast of Wertban A Co.'s "tore. ; J. GOUNSKY. v2n27tf ' BLACKSMITHING! THE 6UBSCRIBPE9 70ULD RESPECT fully inform the public thot they are prepared to execute all orders for work in their line, such as MAKING AND POINTING PLOWS. KCQBSE SHOEHSTGr, ' ' ' . . - .. . AKO . IRONING- WAGONS ! Particular attention will be given to FARMERS' WORK! All work will be dono in the best manner and at very Low Prices. We solicit a fair h,are of the patronage of this community. Shop on Main Street, near " ' Crawford's Flouring Mills, Albany, - v Oregon. ' v2n35tf TWEEDALE & TEEBLER. 1 -s r-f , ..; r- IVoticc or Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in the Lumbering 'business, in Albany Oregon, under the firm' nomo nf Hurd & Parker, is now dissolved by mutual consont. The business in the futuro will be conducted by Parker uros., nurd retiring tram saia. firm. All book accounts and notes will be collected by Hurd or rurkcr. , All persons indebted to the late f.m of Hurd & Parker aro notified to come forward and settle the same by note or payment. , ,. Uated tls Zlst day ofMay, 1S57. .( ; fir . J. D..HURD. ALLEN PARKER, Vln424w JOHN .PARKER.. rr i n- 7TT WAIVTED 100,000 pounds Of WOOJL, for which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE! mar23v2n32tf x J. NORCROSS. JOB WORU Neatly and cheaply dono at this Office. A J) VEUT1S.E MENTS. M. W.: MACK, btktzv. is . 5TOVES'- A SHEET-IRON, COPPER -AXD HAS ON HAND AND NOW READY FOR salo a full and complete stock of first-class COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Which be Is offering at prices that must insure a ready sale. Also a general assortment of Brass and Enameled Kettles, French Sauce-Pans and Ladle f, CauUlrou Tea Kettle and Ovens, Iron and Lead Pipe, PCmCE AND 'LIFT FUMP ! fthcct-Iron, Copper, 1'C., 1'C IHanofaetorer o( all Kinds of tin, Sheet' Iron and Copper Ware I REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. N. II. All persons who aro la need of articles in my Tuns will nd U to tjicSr. advantage to give ine a call, as I ant determined to sell goods at prices that will preclude t-ie necessity of going farther than bany to ly cheap. ' fZarkctablc Pro dace Taken in Exchange For any and all articles in the Store. Will always keep on band a complete assortment of all goods in my line, while cutotnrs will at all tune rtetive prompt attention. Albany. March 23, '67 r2o321y OKEGON moW works! THE LARGEST MACHINE SHOP FOUNDRY IN THE STAT.E I Cor. efXSorrUon and Seventh streest, I'oitTi.A.MJ - - oiu:go.. ORDER.? PROMPTLY EXECUTED FOR BOILERS, 8TEAM ENGINES and all kinds of Machinery. Portable Steam Saw Iflills, JtXIW MTEES' iHEBICiS DOUBLE TCBBIXE WATER WHEEL! 1 Kept cociUntly on hand. II. BLOOMFIELD, SBperintendent. IVliat Experleneed mil Men think of the Portable Ntrnm Hurt Mil built by the Oregon Iron Vorkt PotiTi-Asn, Oct. 18. 1665. To fij Oregon Iron Worlt : KSTtrniji -Tbe PoVitble Staji Saw Mill which we rurcbael of yoa lat fprin? for Pen d'Urtillft Lake, l;as bca in operation during the part oa, and has more then met oar eapecta liuiiin iu ierforaanee. With three cin, we torn out tin to four thousand fcct,and with &are men, 6re tbfiufnl feat per day f ten boara i and we take p!otjrs in rcmpaenlinff tbew mjlls as the tat HfRSTAXTIAL. DSIRABLK n4 PER FECT MILLS IN' USE, and especially adapted to the wants cf this country, on account of their com pact form, esfe of trsRtprtaton, and tbe facility with which they can be ret np and put in opera tion. Although subjected to the most serere tests, no repairs bare beta required. (Signed) ABRAM3 A HOGUE. Jan. 12,'G7-r2n22tf STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING OFFIC FIRST ST., ALBANY, OREGO N W. T T E baTe connected with this office a first-class JOB OFFICE, and are prpparejj, at shortest notice, to fill, in the neatest manner,' apy order that may be sent os. EVERY DESCRIPTION OV JOB PRINTING Executed Speedily, and in a satis- . factory Style, at Prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Theatres, Concerts, and Publlo Meetings, Accommodated at the Shortest" "Notice ! MERCHANTS, BANKERS. AND BUSINESS AliS.N 4 SUITMED WITnr. CARDS, BILLS, BILL-HEADS, RlLLlS ' LA DIN', CHECKS, ' ' -LETTERHEAD- : INGS, As. 1 -bTll circulars, election tickets, ball tickets; qensu8 blanks, druggists' labels, liquor labels, orders of dan CING, NOTES OF HAND, DRAY RECEIPTS, JUEUAl. OF ALL-KINDS, CIRCULARS. BILLS OF FARE. PROGRAMMES, SHIPPING RECEIPTS, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, CATA ' LOGUES, AND BY-LAWS. All Orders Promptly Attended to ! ABBOTT &BROWN, "State Rights Democrat" Job Office. WOOL ! WOQL ! WOOL ! 100,000 LBS. OF WOOL WANTED within the next two weeks, for which Tljo Highest Cash Price will bo Paid, By ' ; J. GRADWOHL,' v2n35tf San Francisco Store. police o Creditors, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TnE undersigned has been duly pppo.ijPk.tsd Admin istrator of the Estate of. Jane E. Clino, -deceased, by the County Court cf Linn county, at the May Terra thereof, 1867. . .. . . Therefore, all persons bavins claims against snid estat 'are hereby notified to present the same, duly verit cd, at Albany, Oregon, within six months from the ate hereof. J. 0. BUSIINELL, Administrator. Craxoi A Hklm, Attorneys for Adm'r. Mayll b,18j67 T2n4C4w AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION I IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! ! J. NORCROSS IS NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING ' Large and Full Auortrntnt of BOOTS AND SHOESI Crockery, Glassware, HARDWARE) GROCERIES, &C, &C.f Contisiing In part of 4 ' DRESS G00D , ilUSLIXS, tickings; DENIMS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, , CA8SIMERE3, HOSIERY, ' HATSi AND CAPS, NO- TIONS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND . PUTTY, WOOD AND WILLOW, WARE, ' WINDOW fSanxg ' Ac. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ' ' ; . . Call the Attention of Buyers - TO MY STOCK OF 3r3I ABD "W -A. BB1 IRON AND STEEL, " 1 Mill Saws, Seat Springs, Eope, Chains, MECHANICS' AND BLACKSMITHS' TOClS ' OF ALL KINDS. HOUSE-SHOES & NAILS, ' BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS A THIMBLES, EOSLNO, . Ac, Ae. ! ' Ia short eTerjthirg ceeessarj to make fall and complete Assortment:. . Which will be sold As Cheap as can be Bought in this CXaxket, Either for ' Cash or Merchantable Produce. J8T- REMEMBER THE PLACE : "fite J. Norcross' Fir'e-PrpOf Brict, . MAIN STREET, ALBANY,' OREGON".' . PRICE AROUND ALL TOU "WISH. BUT CALL ON NORCROSS BEFORE YOUBUY. anglSv2ul . CITY MARKET. - - CXain St Opposite the New Drug- slore, ApANY, OREGO. VU.L ALWAYS KEEP OX . i PASD TBE BEST OT MEATS OP ALL VARIETIES. 4 LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE IS solicited, as we intend to keep as good an as sortment, and of as good qua! it j as tbe country affords. We are always ready' Co pay the Highest Tash Price for Fat Stock. April 6, !S67-T2n34tf ' !' THOMAS HAMPTOX. 1 8. B. StCBBIOB. Hampton & IMcBride, TJITDEBTA TT'RIS, . AND Dealers in Every Variety of - ... . - F.TJBLIS'I TURE AXT CABINET WARE! Bedding, Spring Uiattresscs, HAIR, FULU, MOSS. WOOL, &C. &C. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, r 8 ' ADi Ecxcutcd In First-Class Style, Jobbing Promptly Attended to. On First Street, Under the Democrat Office, ALBAKY) OliEG 02?. . . ." . May 4, 1867-ry2n3SUuglS ALBANY FERRY! AT THE SOLICITATION OF MANY CITI sens of Liuu and Benton counties. I have fitted up-'the r " LOWER FERRY, it beinetho Stare Route), in such manner as to secure to the puMio better facilities, at all seasons of the year, than can be had elsewhere. My Boat is what is known as a ' ' CURRENT BOAT, and is the best oa the River, without any exeep tion. Living quite near my Boat Landing, in Benton county, I am enabled, at ll hours, to aQ commodate the public My boat is secured by a good wire rope, end is otherwise constructed with the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS for safety and durability. My connection with the Upper Ferry, heretofore existing, Jbas recently been severed. Rates of ferriage are the t same as tha Upper Ferry, A. PEARCE, auglS'eCvZnlly TroprLotor.