The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 18, 1867, Image 2

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SATURDAY ....V.......MAY 11, 1807;
4Tht Constitution ii a law Tor rulers and peo
ple, equally in war and in peace, and covers with
the slkld of it protection all classes of men, at
aU timet find under all cirenmatancea ; and no
doctrine Involving more pernicious consequences
was err in rented by the wit of man than that
an j of it provisions can be suspended during an?
of the great exigencies of the Government, Such
a doctriie leads directly to anarchy and despot
ism, and the theory of necessity, on which it is
baied, la f ilae, " Dtc U iu o tkt Suprtm . Cunrt.
- ' ' AGE. : ' ' "
We publish in to-day's paper the PrcsU
den ts. Veto Message of tho so-called ro
construction bill, at full length, and hope
that it will bo carefully read aud consid
ered by every intelligent , and thinking
man and woman in tho whole country.
It is ccmprehensive and full of patriotism,
logic and statesmanship. : For surpassing
ability, as a State paper, it is such an one
as is seldom, put before tho country.
"Whatever the faults and blunders of the
President may have been in the past (and
they were many), has late course, in op
posing the radical and wrongful measures
of Congress -which are calculated to
subvert and overthrow the Constitution
and paralyze the whole machinery ol the
Government has done much to retrieve
liinu We hope he may continuo to do
right. '
The message meets every proposition
in the bill with that candor, fairness, bold
state smacsMp and apparent firmness of pur
pose that the grave importance of its con
sideration requires, and as becomes the
Chief 3Iagistrate of the Nation. Tho
Preside at must evidently have felt the
force of the fact that the Radicals in
Congress, by the passage of this bill, were
fataly lcnt on mischief ; that, under the
pica of "Reconstruction," they were de
dermined not to reconstruct, but destroy
the Federal Constitution and prevent a
fnajntaiuance of the Union. To prepare
and present such a law to the President
for his signature, was to make an open
demand upon htm to forget his oath or
obligation to support the Constitution and
laws, an i to array himself in open enmity
to his ccuntry and his country's weal; to
thus mVte himself like those who made
and sup-,xrted the bill as vile a criminal
as 'fever cowered at the feet of offended
Notwithstanding the veto by the Presi
dent, th i bill was passed over the , veto
and became what called a law, though
in clear and unmistakable violation of the
constitution of the United States. It is de-
noimnat 2d a bill "to provide for the more ef
ficient government of the rebel States."
The States and the people to which this law
is intended to apply, by the provisions of the
law arc declared and made subject only to
military rule and government, and are di
complete nd absoluto military des
potism I We repeat again, what more
can be done to complete tho work and
wicked design of the -Radicals to make
suro the subversion of the Constitution,
the destruction of the rights of the States
and the overthrow of our freo institutions?
a scheme concocted by Abolitionists
long prior to tho late war, and to carry
out which they inaugurated and prosecu
ted the war.
; How loug this 8tato of things shall
continuo remains for the future action of
tho people to solve. Wo still hope that
right reason will return," and Uavo some
confidence in tho enlightened public opin
ion and judgment of the people. The
Democratic party has stood firmly and no
bly at all times by the Constitution, the
Union, liberty and law, and will continuo
to do so ; and in ultimate Democratic tri
umph we shall have tho Government re
stored to a proper Constitutional basis.
Southern Relief.
We this week received a note from "J. T.
of Syracuse Township, requesting some
information with regard to the distribution
of the funds contributed for the relief of tho
South. We will state, in brief, that the
money con bo expressed from this point, per
Welln, Fargo Jb Co., to the President of the
Southern Relief Society at San Francisco;
thence it is telegraphed by draft to the Gen-
era! Agent of tho Southern Famine Relief
Commission at New York, who again tele
graphs by draft to the local agents in the
Southern cities, who arc appointed especial
ly for that duty not Frecdmen's Bureau of
ficers nor ex-rebel general, but men chosen
because of their known honesty and fidelity
in the.cau?e of humanity, justice and right.
Thus it will be seen that within a few hours
after the money leaves San Francisco it is in
actual operation in the South, relieving the
destitute and famishing children of an op
pressed but noble people.
The famine is reported to be appalling.
The General Agent of the Relief Commission
states that the cash received amounts to
$200,000. The distress is authoritatively
stated to be urgent. Increased contributions
are urgently solicited. General Sickles
states that the general and increasing desti
tution in bis'district is fearful, and renders
necessary the adoption of immediate means
of relief. In Louisiana sreat destitution has
resulted from the breakage of the levee and
the inundation of the plantations. It is es-
umatea in at one hundred ihuutand persons
in South Carolina alone are without meat t
There have already been several deaths by
starvation, and even some have chosen the
horrible alternative of filling the grave of a
suicide rather than suffer the pangs of hun
ger and the torture of slow starvation.
Up to date Linn county has contributed
and paid in over $400, and only about half
the precincts have yet reported. Money paid
in to Joseph Nixon, Treasurer of the Linn
County Southern Relief Society, will be duly
Conoveb axd Holt. The former of the
above couple, savs the Wabash Vallev find.)
Times is the perjured knave employed by the
latter named villain to implicate Jefferson
ided into military districts five in num-1 Davis in the . assassination of President
ber with district officers who are to govern-the
country by military rule and pow
trA Tho State laws are made powerless
and held for nought for it is declared in
the bill that when even the civil and Mili
tary laws shall come in conflict the civil
law must give way. These military offi
cers sit as judges supreme of all stioas
that nay arise under th provisions of
-tho sea!lad law. The Tight of universal
suffrage Is extended to all within the
States lately in revolt, regardless of race,
color or condition.
This is the work of a Radical Congress,
supported and backed up by the corrupt
and fanatical . party that holds, for the
time being, political ascendency, and is
the, crowaing crime of iheir unmeasured
infamy. They have left no stone un
turned, to step un taken, in their desper
ate and persistent efforts to consummate
their original design to overthrow the old
Constitution and subvert the liberties of
hefeopIe. What more could be done to
make the work .complete! The Bill of
Rights, iTihicb deelaxes that the military
-shall be autordicate to eivil power, has
'been, repudiated, and the great principle
which it enunciated iscrersed by unwar
ranted Congressional enactment. The
vConstitution of the United States the
dGxeat Charter of Liberty rand therefore
jhated and denounced by he jadical party
in power as, a polluted thing has .been
.radically changed, in violation of its own
provisions thereby supplanting the bid
republican system, and establishing aew
.and strange form of .goyeinment, with
power consolidated and centralized in
.Congress, with nothing to restrain unjim
j ted usurpation. Sovereign States in .the
.Union aro .denied representation in Con
gress;1 ai 4 jBocsrereign and - independent
. State governments in the Union are bro
ken dowc,' declared void, v& absolutely
crushed by Congressional enactment, en
forced by the military power of the Fed
era! . Government, in violation of the
uonstitction and the laws 01 tbeiand in
violation;' of justice, common sense and
national honor, . Not only, have these
Southern1 States been - robbed of their
rights and powers under the Constitution
andla which they are as justly and legal
ly entitled as are any. of the other States
in the;Uiiion, and which all alike, as scp
arate,T sovereign States are entitled to un
der the Constitution"; but, by usurped and
wrongful power by a premeditated and
malicious design, with power to execute on
jLbe-Ziartbf the Abolition; party '; in the
erthtliey have had reared over them
etabraciD;; ten StaJtes of tho Union, a
Lincoln. He was recently put on trial and
convicted of perjury before the District Su
preme Court at Washington. The testimony
given shows that Holt, then Judge Advocate
General, paid the witness Conover to testify,
instructed and counseled bun in the character
of his testimony and patted and patronized
him in his perjury. Conover has been con
victed, but Holt, the suborner, and the more
wicked and culpable, and criminal of the
two, goes unwhipped of justice. The little
scoundrel suffers the penalty of the law the
great rascal walks abroad unharmed. The
man, who, to obtain gdd, would have sworn
away the life of an innocent person, goes to
a Penitentiary to workout an expiation of his
crime the man who, to gratify bis personal
malice, took advantage of a poor man neces- J
sities, or avarice, and paid th f rioe of his
soul in coin, is held o th Wwm of his par
ty as a darling pet whose eminent services
are to be awarded with pcrferoent Con
over, the jperjurer, suffers Holt, the pro
curer of perjury, is exalted above his fel
lows. ' Such is Radicalism! a stench in the
nostrils of Jehovah!
Th I:icomTnx. Y
The Journal of Commerce reiterates its
doubts as to the constitutionality of; the
income tax, and not only that but says :
"Wo are not a little startled by tho asser
tion made in a communication beforo us,
that tho authorities dare not bring the
question to a judicial test, aud that the
writer, 'although doing a largo business
in tho city, has never had any trouble
from non-payment.' If he will send his
full address as well as his name, wo will
hand tho samo to the Assessor of the
proper district and we think a test case
would very goon bo ruado. Whether con
stitutional or not, tho Incomo Tax will al
ways be tho most unequal, inquisitorial,
and unpopular of all tho exactions for rev
enue, and wo hope will be ono of tho first
repealed. . If levio without discrimination
as it should bo if at all, in an equal per
centage on every dollar of in come from ev
ery source, tho will of tho peoplo would then
be fairly tested. In that case, we do not
belicvo that it would stand another year.
The plea that it reached men of wealth
who cannot be taxed in any other way, is
simply ridiculous. All taxes come at
last upon labor. . There is no property
that is not "earned, and all taxation is a
lien on labor, and comes out of somebody's
earnings, no matter who pays over the
money. There is a better way than this
to produce the samo result, and wo trust
it will ultimately be found. i
Civilization." -Next to "loyalty"
. ft a . . a
says tho Ualtiraoro Uazetto, there has
been nothing half so much glorified in this
country, for tho last six years, as "civili
zation." Somotitncs it has been called
"Christian civilization," sometimes "New
England civilization," and sometimes we
have had it pure and simple. Even loy
alty has been treated, in the very highest
quarters, as a mere tributary to it
Those splendid exemplars of New Eng
land heroism and virtue, Generals Duller
and Banks and Ncal Dow were civilizcrs,
Turchin and Drownlow, MacNeil and
Thomas, belonged to tho same good fel
lowship. Not a watch nor a spoon was
robbed, not a house burned, nor a piano,
picture or bracelet sent to Boston or else
where, but was, in some mysterious way
tributary to civilization. Rape and mur
der were apostles of the same evangel.
Cot ton -jobbers and tobacco-smugglers,
loyal creditors of extortioners, hunting
down disloyal moneys, wero allongaged in
preaching it and doing its work. The
Military bill has just ushered in its mil.
lenium, and its gorged lions will soon be
lying down by its shorn lambs, with a
halo of blessed confiscation around their
The Funkual of Lideutit. The
Marion (Ohio) Democrat has the follow
ing appropriate introduction to the bill of
Sherman establishing a military despotism
over ten States of tho Union:
"Come let the funeral rites L sid
The funeral dirge te sucjr,
In honor of the qnecnlicst dead
That ever died so young."
American lihertr lonir in helnless
decline is at iast dead, and nothing re
mains except to consign the body to the
Send for the czar Alexander the ad
mirer of the Lincoln Administration to
dig-thc grace I '
bend for Roruba, tho tyrant of a pics
that he may tkxosr clouds upon tho cof
Send for sorrowing Hungary, and for
gashed and smitten Poland, that they may
be pall -barcrs!
And let the states of the federation
not vet enthralled by drum-head law.
head the dolorous procession as mourners
ia chief. '
Baltimore, May 9. Ex-Prcsident
Pierce is hero. It is supposed he is con.
ncctcd with the approaching trial of Jcf-
fewon Davis.
Richmond, May 9. During the fire- burg fc,au bo razcj.
men's trial of engines to-day a fight oc- . ii-dv will bo a 1
curred. A negro was arrested, and a
mob of negroes rescued him. Tho negro
was again captured, but again rescued by
negroes, who seriously wounded several of
tho police with paving stones. The mob
swellod ranidlv. and Gen. gchofield sent
tcction of tho military posts, to avoid a
complication with the Obeyeones. 1
- London, May 10. The following is the
basis for the deliberation of the Conference
agreed on: Fir?t Luxemburg shall re-
main in me possession 01 iiuuana as a
Grand Duchy. Second It ahall remain
neutral. Third The fortress of Luxem
Parian d,' II. Bay ton, Isaac Davenport struclcd to invite the Sahh.ii, a v -
join us Jn the pio-nle and i,.
ted to invito .if
vicinity to units
- - - w w aub aitwiuuat w a iiiwii -u mat tiiw imA eM a
Davis to appear in the Circuit Court on instructed to invite th iZi jlt JT fle
Ml ere' TO lf ?thcr reques
v w 4 "',-uJ,OIf t v. M. Jotts, xtom- eabbata Kehools ia that
Bfl W. liOS Well, artrl .Tm ThAmii rVt t
rby will bo a candidate for Parlia-
sht. ' '
It is considered that peace is no longer
a question ol doubt.
The amended Reform Bill was adopted
in tho House of Commons.
Vw Vnn tr 1mv 11 A ariAiol tr tt
a company of rcgulaw, and came him- Ucr&u tfl0 tcnn of mtcmcni are
self, oredenoc the negroes to disperso; as i,ttf nntrznr:. ilA rotn?Ai in t,t0.
they did not heed the order, tbo company burg oxe t tho forc0 rjecessary to main
charged upon them. Quiet is again re- tain 'order." ; r
Stored. , T.AMt Uranlrtv nnnntinrAr1 In TTnt
UHAitLKSTON, ?iny u. uen bickics thttn.,irt nt
a e . I V W ww 90 mm w www vwmt ww m
lias j imucU an order lor carrying oui tne lyroalixcd at this moment. Uud cheers
uuiry CCuup. wMu ,;a0u. ; u Th(J (;ttbinet had actcd in aecordance with
iNortn and houth . Carolina, and ordering tho 0009titutioo&l usago in bringing about
iiiu ruiiranou iu vwuimsuvo vn mw nn w.i ,.. . ITa rtrrrottint tn ,r.ttAvi
oi ijuiic. 1 Iia iinHii .(.Ant.M !! nnr..M:t,:i;tB A.
. m rt At I " w . a vr . w u.v ri I II L, a mmvmvvi'.iwiii.i f
iNicw Orleanx, May 9. General fehcr- ,.,i;nf, kA ,-,n;f,"A1,. Ai.r vni.(l
ilan has extended the registration tall May Larcntcc4 LuXcmbarg to the King of
' Washington
Siouxs, who camo
01 ttio r attc, nad an interview near ion but Vxmhed lho guarantca. Negotiations
wiv wiiii,.. , jr win b0 brought to a cooclusicn in a few
said trio H.oux i wero greatly divided on d and a tbc ,aid Ufore parH
tho question of hostilities. Many of V
.i e.i. i .... .if I-"-- r
way. The Ogalaf, Manron, Cheveones I)'Igr,0IiVamendment, and in oppotfon.
and Arrapahoes were the pnncipalhosttlo Uc gaid itV0. ft shallow, transparent'. and
dissiminating pretence of a .measure for
. ..0. .......... .j gnnrcniccu j.uxcmuurg 10 ine xving oi
'r n ft. i i e Holland in 1839, and now merely adapted
N, May 9. Two tribes of that puarantco t(l tho prC)ICDt cirCumstan
Bmo down the South I ork ccg The Ministers htul not extended
New YoiiK, 3lay 9. The Tribue's
special dispatch savs the Prcsidcut has
appointed over one hundred Internal Rev
enue Officers in the South iu direct viola
tion of law.
Tho judiciary Committee arc inquiring
into tho appointment of Provisional Gov
ernors, four of whom Iloldcn, Perry Par
sons and Johnson have been subpoenaed.
Each was appointed and paid in violation
of the law of 18C3.
the extension of the franchise.
Mr. Bright said the Derby Bill was the
mot unjust and offensive measure ever
submitted to the IIoue of Commons.
Messrs, Roebuck and D'Israeri demand
ed a vote. The renolt was for the Govern
ment U22 against 250. Loud cheering
hailed the announcement.
Jeff. Dtvrl Hailed Oat.
Richmond, May 11. Jefferson Davis
An official document from the War De
partment informs Congress and the public
what is the annual pay and allowance of
all kinds of the different officers of the ar
my. Grant, $18,120; Sherman,1814;
nalleck, 7,717; Meade, 57717; Sheri
dan, $7,717 ; Thomas, $7 ,717 ; McDowell,
5,517; Roseerana, 5,517 ; Colonels, $4,
500; Lujatecaat-Colonels, $3'994; Ma-
' ' Jm Awr W J f M
jors, J,uo; uaptains, ,U4y;. Jtirst
Lieutenants, $2,713, and Second Lieuten
ants, $2,653. ; -
It is reported that Gov. Wells, the Mon
grel tool of Louisiana is a defaulter to his
State $88,000. This explains why ho is
so anxious to mash up the Constitution
and laws of his State. This is not the
first time Chat Wells has proved a defaulter
to a public trust. Many years ago, when
a Sheriff, he made a similar mis-step.-
He is a fitting tool for the tbteving party
which lie serves. " v ,
Gesbit S3iim8 yiEWS3Ir.'Smith,
the well-known Abolitionist, has written
a letter to Wm. Lloyd Garrison, advocat
ing the liberation of Jeff Davis, and hold
iog the North respbn'sible with the South
for the, crime of slavery, and therefore
rebellion. He asks why, if Davis is im
prisoned, some represetatives of the North
should not be confined with him F '
An EianT-HouR Law in Illinois.
The Governor of Illinois has signed ' the
bill making eight hours a legal day's work
in the State, in: the absence of contracts
to tho contrary, i It goes into effect imtne
The requisitions of tho quartermaster's arrived safe this afternoon. He was escort
Subsistence and Pay Departments, for ed by the regulars of the Spots wood
miscellaneous services, and the Freed- Ilouc. There was no cheering and no
men's Bureau, from tho 1ft of March to hissing by the, large crowd of negroes and
date, amounts to nearly twenty-six million tho few white who were in the streets.
dollars. I lie was taken up a back street to the ho'cl.
It is thought that tho expenses of the I Tho carriage was guarded by fifty cav
War Department for tho fiscal year will airy.
be from $120,000,000 to $150,000,000, or One of the counsel of Jefferson Davis
five times as much as estimated. I stated that if bail should be refused, the
It is understood that Secretary McCul- President will direct his release until ' he
loch will recommend the suspension of the can be tried.
payment or bounties until tongrcss can Two bridal parties were on the same
make special protiston for them. boat with Mr. Davis: and a woman died
Alexander Cummins has resigned the on board during the passage. About 100
governorship of Colorado, and accepted friends visited Mr. Davis this evening,
the Ases6rship of the southern districts The infantry will encamp permanently in
of Pennsylvania. 4 . the park in tho city.
New 1 ork. May 10. Tbo Tribune's Richmond May 12, Jefferson Davis
special says tho administration receives J will bo produced to-morrow in Court, by
large numbers of petitions and suggestions I Burton, and immediately d if charged,
from tho South complaining that tho mil-1 IIo will be re-arrostcd on a bench warrant.
itary commanders interfere unjustly with to answer the indictment for treason found
the rights of citizen, intepret the Recon- by the grand jury of Norfolk. 0 Connor
struetton too liberally, are deponing civil j tell his friends to insist on an immediate
oScers and exercising functions belonging trial ; if it bo not granted, a motion to
to civil authorities. admit Davis to bail will be mado. It is
The President is holding these petitions I the general opinion that there will be no
under advisement, lie may give instruc-1 trial until June. Horace Greeley, Au
tions to commanders to prevent unncccf. I gutus Schelt, A. Welch and Geo. Ger-
sary intefcrence. 1 man, of Philadelphia, are there fur the
ntite the Sabbath Schools
j '!suiu. I " vvuui, uuu jrrineie j
Tho Tribune says that Greelcv went Join us on the
first to sign the bond, after which he was Retohed, that only th'ni' Yj
accosted by Davis, and they conversed with the Sabbath Sehwvffdtt!!.
several minutes for the first time in their ets from the Superintendents will l -lives.
They seemed glad to see each oth- mitted b join In tho excunX'
cr. . ' I A A HA ;n i , 'A I:' 1 ; - i .boat members nttemijj '-i- ?r
Grceley'a name was hissed in the Court ' Rehed, That Capital jrlssrl.
room. t invited to acAomnn .
. : ":t"u; excursion.
Mr-Ivu-. ?VU"J ovemoer. onaix and 1'rincle'. 5?KaI tt -AY
. - "nv UVUSE ID
Judge Underwood befoieadmittinff Da-!
vis w oau, Teceivca an anonymous tele-
gram as iojiows:
Deware of Greeley--remember Libby
'rison, Andersonville and Belle Isle. J
Fifty millions looking on three hundred
Retolmd, That all connected with tha
schools meet 'at theifl reWpeetivei Wee.
?f Zn ,p' ?nd proceed from thenee to
u in ume to start at 6 o'clock: and
that all iprovmonsfbr the, trip be.seitto
thousand patriot graves crv aloud for re-1 by or before 1 nVWt Jt e lD
J? . 8?PioteDdent
Thrt'Timds irit uvt tf tl..t.. I t1
left in Davis' bond were filled by the sig- rangemeots in relation to crovJfin
natures of Jewett Smith and C'ornelieSs Jiesolved, That thepJS
1 ;
wa an
During the signing of his sureties Da- of Salem. Albanr
vis received congratulations on all sides. On motion.
and shook hands, commencing with N. pointed 3Iarshal for the Salem schoolt
Harrison, his own private Secretary. The A. B. Cospkb, Secretary
streets were lined, and hats were removed. '
Davis drove quickly to Spottswood House Jti School Vnion riTZlc
and found there a few .Dcrsonal friends. I ru. '
.uiuvoa .vi m ificuHo Biu mmre proicc- Albany, mew at the . Con (rrpt inn i i.
tion.ofDavU. f Holgraphed w6
brother, Joseph C. Davis, in Mississippi, fk inUi 'deration the reception of tha
of, his release., He visited the grave of Sa,ero Sabbath School Pic-Nie Party who
niaonin iiouywooa cemetery, and jo Vu 4 n,c,vcn . of
t i n n wnl .1. , . I """-HI,
f T?w f n '-n.ti. - ..
H,.iUforNew York in the mornmg, 0f lh.mU mStf wn "P"""
nndr, thooc. to a, where & xll'Z e$ZV&
children aro at school. ' lutions expresJiire of L nl,;,. , ni!llA
WooI-growerM Convention. 1,1
Albany, May 11,1807.
Pursuant to a previous notification in
the public prints, a number of citizens of
Linn county met at the Court House, and
on motion, Mr. J. Hamilton was unan
imously called to the chair, and Mr. J.T.
Cuooks was elected Secretary.
the mecti
field, Jas. Llkins and Rev. C. G, Belknap
reported the following rirammV
. j . ' r r
wnich was cnanimoualy adopted :
7A . ' 1887 therefore
RttUd. That thm - i .LiV then ,UU1 h .object of f'S
etinz to be: To secure, if ossible. inity. M . T
a fair price for the Wool clip now about Tbt nwt5er W beld at'tbc Cosrfe.
coming into market. f si; dSjl . .T" trto'l U' "
On motion of Mer Pnrn, ,n,l U,U lil
" J C 1 I -Mw --mm fjn
Retnlttd, TbaC Jmm nv:.. vl 1jA-m ei.
Z' ? ,rrepotil with th. Salem friends
others, for th. pvrpo ofarraBDj prajTaa,
J-P. TATE, t-iY r;
JAS. ELK IKS, CamsaUtaa
i.w. wakefieldj , ,
The great desert of Saha is in Drocet a
to the meeting, and oa motion was unani- of transformation into si garden! KvVry
Orejon, do hsrcbj piedga oorsclraa that wa wUl P"Cation Of artesian wells, which supply
out diffuse of ear wool at a rata less than Twsrrr- ntU: . S.
rrt tents per ponad.
clvea to shti
it was unanimously: resolved that the
Wool-Growers will not sell their wool for
less than t tccnty-fivc c ent iper pound.! f
On motion of 3IesVrtI Fry and McCoy,
Re ohrd, That if wr: cannot realize the
aboe named price, that we will ship our
wool to an Eastern market.
. The following fcaiiCr was then submitted
- r
Oiberwlse. wa i-ledz oar.
ip oar wool to an Eastern market.
Jobo Crooks. OlneT Fry, Sr. Martin rTn.
Jsm Parrub, M, Tbonp, Saral Cooper, R. 8.
Sort bart, Klcbard Clark, F. 8. Fowell. Wm. McCar
Jos Ilamlton, Viaeetit Watson, . L, Knox, f?i!aa
Helrbt, C. P. Barkb.rt C. T. Ioxarn C. XUW L.
Co. A. W.Stannanl, 11. L. Kdox.S. EUUr, J. F.
IluU.ort, Huton llvutUm, ueo.Kcfix.IIoeb Mck-
arson, J. W. aorge, T. S. KeadalL, W. ilcllree, J.
Mxon. , r. Alexander, C. Wesllaka.
On motion, the following .resolutions
were unanimously adopted, viz:
tast quantities of water.
lice. Drtcks, clubs and pistol were mod. mixing tne burry and interior wool of that
, The Company guarding tbc Libby Prison j &tate with the coarser grades of Oregon
: was called out and captured 18 rioters. I wool, and marking it Oregon wool," is
Julcsul'ru, May 10. Delegate Hoop, purpose of going baii for Davis.
er telegraphs that b00 Sioux, under Spot- Another riot occurred in tho lower part Resolved, That the practice of assorting
ted Tail, crossed the Platte 25 miles of the city last night. Negroaa attempted our wools in San Francisco, and placing
irom ncre, going nonti 10 uraw suwtsicncc to recua a urunsicu negro iroin tho no- our one wooi 10 me creau or uauiornia
Irom the government, lhey expressed
friendship, and performed the feast dance
The work on the railroad is progressing
m . I a mm It i . wo
at the rate or two runes pvr day. lounted soldiers patrolled the street to-1 aownrigm rascality, ana deserves our
Ciiahlestox, May 10. The rebel day. bnuads of police are armed with eensuro. buch prACttce is calculated to
ccmctcrys were decorated with flowers to- swords. AJ1 the churches of the negroes work us great injury in the pastern mar
day. were threatened because the negroes would act.
New iork, May 10. 'The Times force themselves into tho churches of the Resohed, That a committee of two be
Richmond special says Mr. Chandler is writes. Alarge procession of whitcaatfeo- appointed for each proeincttn this county
consulting Mews. Stauberry and Kvarts I ded a negro funeral. There was also an I to solicit the co-operation of tha wool-grow-
as to the course to puraue relative to the 1 unarmed militia company, the officers of era in tho above proceedings. ' The fol-
It is said to be probable that Sheriff Snow
cf Sheldon, North Carolina, is one of the
heirs to a fort u no of fitly or sixty jnillions
of dollars, in England.
JJst of Contributors to the
Jlellcf rund.
AiAT Dr. Alexander, s10 ODj X. ILCranor,
10 00 : O. It. Helm, 10 00 : A. W. Stanaard. 20 00;
Jas. Foster, 10 00 ; F. 31. Wadsirortlu 5 00 j E.
R. Oearjr, 10 00 T. p. Po.welL S 00 1 W. JI.
Sbaw, 5 00 , Jo. Haiwicn, 10 00 ; Mrs. Haanon,
SOcts; C. II. Stewart, 25 eU; E. Canter, 4 03;
Joseph Nixod, 00 ; T. M. Martin. 2 50 1 E. E.
McCIare, 20; IJ. V. SeUIenier, 2 20 Marsball
A Bcblosscr, 3 00 f Jlenrj Mrera, & 00 ; W. W.
Parriab. i M ; ilrs. Lineuia I 25 j Mrs. Young,
1 00; Dr. Hill, .5 00 ; Unknown, 50 ets; Margaret
Pitt, 50 ets ; D. W. Wakefield, 2 50; L. Flinn,
1 00; Mrs. Nixon, 1 00; Mrs. Cannon, 1 00 ; U.
II. Kineaid. I 00 : 8. Miller, 1 00 : C. Mealj, I 00:
J. G. Conklin, 1 00; Fred. Graf, 2 50 ; R. Cbea-
dle, 2 50 ; Jobn Hngge, Z 50 ; J. 11. Ream, 2 00;
Unknown, 50 eU; i. 1 Cbmtfield, 1 09: J. Ir
ving, 1 00 ; Cash, 50 ets ; Tboa. Monteith, 10 00 ;
Wm. Pickett, 2 50; J. Parker, 1 00 ; D. F.
Spangler, 50 ets ; M. A. Monteitb, 5 00;. C. J.
Smith, 1 00 ; Wm. Riley, 1 00 ; A. II. Marshall,
2 60 ; E, Oppenheimer, 2 00 ; II. Merril, 1-00;
M. V. Brown, 3 00 ; Mrs. M. V. Erown, 2 60; G.
A. II ill, 2 50; B. F. Long, 2 50; R. M. Powers,
1 00 ; B. Cooper, 100; Wm. Plympton, 50 ets ;
G. W. Young, 1 00 ; I. Shiel, 50 ets ; T. ' Mercier,
2 00; CD. liurkhart, 2 00; A. Ilannon, 2 00;
II, Deeds, 1 00; II. W. Palmer, 1 50 ; Jno. Craw
ford, 5 00 1 John Metzler, 2 50 ; J. 0. BusbnelU
Ji0i E, D. Waller, 2 50 ; I. Mercier, I 00$ Josu
Laurent,! 50; Krs. ' Backenstow, 1 OS; 8. o,
Markham. 1 00 ; M. II. Abbott, 6 00; John Gan
ter, 4 00 ; J. M. Beach, i DO; Judge Thornton,
2 50; W.S. Marks, 2 03. '
Straccs s Pecwct.--S. T. Jones, $2 M ; F.
M.Miller, H8j i. T. Crooks, atm., I StO; D.
Simerson, 1 00; J. 3 Daris,.t 50 ; A. J. Fieden-
bureb, 100; XJUos. AUpbin, 5 00; J T. Crooks,
nit. t Tr n ,m nn. n. tc t?..:.. . ntt .
J VV, Afr. i. W.Dj X VM i V. ft. Ar at 1 M v v i
A. B. Farrier, I 00 ; W. IL Allon, 1 00 ; IL Far-
well, 1 00 ; W. C. Miller, 2 50 ; John Mlllej, 2 50;
Jacob Miller, 2 50 i E, CU McClain, 10; ArMil
ler, jr., I 00 ; J. Weiss, 2 03 J. B. Tarbune (legal
ioader). 2 50 ; T. U. Coker, 1 00; G t S.'- Miller,
1 00 : . II. Waterman. 2 50 1 Jacob Conger fleeal
tender). 5 00 . M. J, Johnson, 2 50 t W. II. John
son, 1 00 ; A. Farlow, 2 00 ; A. II. Miller, 1 00
Andrew Hale, 1 00 ; John Meeker, 1 00 1 S. Far
low, 2 00; C. Farlow, 2 00 j Isaao Miller, senior,
5 00 : E. A. Johnson, 1 00 ; W. P. Farlow, 2 00
Jacob Farlow, 1 00 ; J. II. Archibald, 2 00 ; W.
W. Allphin. 1 00 : II. Colo.l 00. (Great praise is
due Mr. J.T., Crooks, who took it upon himself to
CanTftfs this precinct and solicit contributions. He
is satisfied that he could have doubled tbo above
amount eould the people have been assured of the
proper appropriation of the funds.)
Lebakojt. -L, Elkins, $5 00 ; Dr., Biddle, 5 00;
J. M. Clarke, 2 00 ; B. Doer, I 00 ; Mrs. B.-Doer,
1 50 t Mr. Clauzhton, 1 00 i Jas. Dennison, 1 00 :
Mr. Eclin 1 00 : Wm. Ralston, 5 00 t Capt. White,
5 00 ; M- Howel, 1 50 ; Willy Claagbton, 50 cents;
Rev. Mr. fc Mm. McKennj, 5 09 ; Moses Bland,
5 00 ; Mr. Callaway, 5 00 ; Dr. Hendrix, 2 50
trial of Jeff. Davis. I which carried swords.
Gen. Schofield has ordered that nodem-1 Judge Uuderwood and Horace G realty
onstrations or crowds on the streets will be delivered short addresses to the negocs at
permitted when Davis arrives. He is to tbc African church this evening, urging
occupy the samo room in SpotUrood House theta against rioting.
as when he first came as president of tho Geo. Schofield said that in case of not
rebels. they would plant cannon in every stcet and
Fortress Monro. Mav 10. A writ and swccd tho rioters down with crane.
of habeas corpus was served on Gen. Bur- Judge Underwood ured the negroes not
ton to-day, ordering that Davis be pro- to gather in crowds, but to go about their
duced before the Court at ltichmond on business.
Monday. He will leave here to-morrow. J. K. Hay:rood, of Massachusetts, was
If Davis is released on the writ he will be arrested last night for using incendiary
re'-arrcstcd, and tried on a charge of trcas- language and giving bad advice to the
on. negroes, lie was released on &3.UUU bail.
Baltimore, Slay 10. J. II. Rogers There have been apprehensions of a riot
m m mm ' .
was convicted ot an attempt todelraud tho all day.
National Merchant Dank and sentenced to New York, May 13. The Tribune
five years imprisonment. does not anticipate a riot in Richmond,
Great destitution prevails among the but says the white men have given the ne
whites in Arkansas. grocs bad council, which some of them
New York. May 10. A Times special have been foolish enough to take.
says U. S. Ma.-shal Underwood proceeded .Richmond. May 13. The general opin
yesterday to lortress Monroe to servo a ion is that Judge Underwood will decide
writ, lie will return &aturday,and lodge to order the commitment of Davis to the
Davis in'the Spottswood House until after Libby Prison, which is more comfortable
hearing a return upon the writ; ' 1 than it was during the existence of the
Underwood has announced that oaring Confederacy. Still there is almost uoivcr-
a . m. v i t :i - . r iL. a . l l . . . a . i w .
(0 mo iimueu space in iuo cuurw-rouui sai repugnance 10 senamg mm mere.
tickets of admission will bo iasued to the New Vork, Slay 13. Tho Times spe
bar and press. cial says Davis will be sent to Libby.
A correspondent denies the statement The same correspondent says all the lead
. rt Ml i : . . :
ing newspapers in me country are repre
sented hero. Horaco Grecl -y has been
that Mr Chase will take part iu the trial.
There is no reason to believe that he has !
changed his 'opinion as to the impropriety
of holding court in Virginia during mili
tary rule.
The Tribune's special from Richmond
says bail will be offered for Davis, but
will probably be refused as a speedy trial
is determined on. The 23d ia spoken , of
as the day. Justice Chaso has ; written to
Judge Underwood, promising to come to
Richmond on the adjournment of the Su
preme Court, which will probably bo on
the 20th. 'r,A ''-V ' 1 Y' J;"-'
Tho Worlds special says the counsel
and friends of Davis are' anxious that he
shall not ha tried by Undeiwood. They
will state on Monday when he is! brought
into court, that they are not ready for a
trial, and will move to admit DaT is to bail.
They are endeavoring to have Chaso to
preside. V- "V,','
i Chicago, May 11th. The Tribune has
an Omaha special that a court of inquiry
to investigate the Fort Phil. Kearney mas
sacre left to-day. General Gibbons is to
preside. It will adjourn to Fort McPhcr
son,' and Fort Phil Kearney. ( ;Y,
s A number of emigrants passed through
the city with stock going to settle iu Platte
Valley. YYY. ' . X
. The track is being laid on tho Union
Pacifio Railroad at the rate of 2 miles
per day. Grading oorameaced from foot of
the mountains, j No intoterence with
travel on the railroad is Ennrehanded.-r
Total, 50 00. - 1 Friendly Sioux s are Becking the pro
ncss in obeying tho laws and relieving him
of tho custody of Jett. Davis.
' warn ' ' ' m sr '
ilia inarshai immediately served a
bench warrant on Jeff. Davb, to answer
I at Norfolk, under an indictment for trea
son. O Conner spoke of the long im
lowing committees were appointed.
Albany firttimHJtt9 parritb, Olnry Fry,
SyrusuM J. T. Crooks, Thomas A'pbin.
Ltlamo. 7V'c-R. Burkhart, PaUh Knox.
lirowntrUU Vffisd-W, McCot, dsj Hill,
Ctntrt 7VeW D. H. Brooks, Robert Miller,
Pmirie Predmrt Lather Wfcite, Febooliog, Kaq,
Or left m lrteinct R. Clark, Mercer Thompson.
Jlurtinyton Prtcimct D, P. Porter, J. Rector,
Jlrn-Crrtk Vcmrt R. Glars. E. Tens pie ton,
Waterloo Prteinct B. Carl, C. Clumb,
Srim Vecinel J. Crabtree, 8. M tiler. - -
Oc motion Resolved that the surround
ing counties be requested to co-operate
in the abovo movement.
On motion. Resolved that the Secretary
furnish tho above earned committees each
with' a copy of the pledge to hold for the
price decided upon, and that said commit
tees be requested to report at next meet-
After motion to publish these proceed
ings in the county journals, the Conven
tion adjourned, to meet at the same place
on Saturday the Jirst day of June, at one
o'clock, p. M. !
J.HAMILTON, President.
J. T. Caooaa, Secretary.
" " ' i -i j' ' mm' ' ' " " " " " " ' " ' ?
Sandaj Ncbool floXlc.
Office Peoples Trans. Co., V
- SaleC May 6th, 1867r f 1
To the Superintendents , of Sabbath
Scliools in Salem: " '
The People's. Transportation Company
would respectfully place at your disposal
W. V. and C M. W., R. Co.'s
Tnutt!a a&d Stoekbold?r ' of the Wagon
livad Com)ay, mt tbo Court lloojc. ia Albany,
en TuUy, May 2Stb, 1S67, at 1 o'clock, r.
fortba iraasaction of important business. AU
persona Iutretcd will pleas attesd.
l7 perf tha President, j J. IL FOSTER.
W. W. IttsusB, Scc'y. , , ; , ;H
N. B.M.The rata of toll eait U,. 'm..: t..
been red need oa sheep to fire cents per head, and
tbo trail oa tbo Sooth aide of tbo tSaatiam rie
Is completed. Tbij trail enta off all erasing
Cf tie Rirr, It will be parsable for stock a&d
pack animals only. Tbo Company will not b re
sponsible for any losses that may oceffr oa tha
j- , . . 202w
100,000 I.ZXS. OF, WOOL. ;,
WANTED within tha next twa week, for whfeH
T2ie Ulg heat Cash Price wi3 b PafjJ
j. gradwoiil;
v2a?.otf San Fraaeueo Stor.
IVotlcc lo Creditors. -
DdcrcSjBed baa been daly appointed Admin
istrator of tbe Estate of Jane E. Ciine, deceased,
by tha Coaaty Coorl of Linn cosnty, at tha May
Term thereof, 1S67. . . f , ,
Therefore all persons haring claim naiaik
said estate are hereby notified to preeenttbaaamo,
daly TeriDei, at Albany, Oregon, within aix months
from tba data hereof. J, O. BUSHNELL,
....... Administrator,
CaAJion A Ham, Attorneys for Adm'r.
May 11th, lggr t2q404w , , v ., t
, . .1 WILL SXLL AT ACCTIOX. ' : i
Oa Saturday, tha ICth slay oftlay, XC57,
at 11 o'clock a. a,
1 ,.- 4 . i m,
no assortment of
Consisting Dry Oobds. Groceriea, Wooden "Ware,
one Fin-Proof Safe, Writing Desk, ona Store,
one set or Ltouble Harness, and a variety of other
articles too nnmerons to mention, - ,
Now is tie time to boy if yon want to make
good bargains. n
All those indebted to me, either by net or
account, will please call and aettl the same at
once and those haring accounts against me- will
present tbe same for payment. . ... . .. ,.M
Albany, May 11, lS67-o392w H. OLIVER, ,..
closeted with Underwood.; Mrs; Davis one ineir ror purpose or a
held a Duhlic levee neaTlv all day : Jeff. P'c-nc excursion, to such point as. may te
Wflflf invifliKlA fra friA fVL?A ISfllf sf!iAAvrl ! SClGCtCUe
o, .Um i. Bw . Tho boat will he m readiness at such
Richmond, May 13,-Judge Underwood t,mo as you may designate.
complimented Uen. Uurton forhisprompt-
.t 1 1 .. 1 v . .
1 1
Respectfully yours.
A. A. McCclly.
President P. T. Co.
, ,t, .". ' , Are now reoeiTing their Gooda u v
Diuccrr fkohsan FisAjkcisc 1
Salem, May 8th, le67.
A. A. Mc Cully, Esq., President Peoples
Irons to. : j , .
Bear Sir Your very kind offer in
And wo inrite the attention of bnyersto
onr Stock of s
. !
. i 1 T ' 1 ' ; 1 . V - M "V 1
prwonment ancv leeoie neaitnt x;ayis, behalf of com rcpresent, to
and asked that he he hailed. : No oppost: ,ace we tJho of the
T'HkAt0 Sahbatli SchooV of Saleja ibrra picnic
AXeAu hlaVelM,000,Tre J-U excursion has been received, and accepted
stated tha half he bail must be furnished wd .AlbaQ iel(,cter; a8 hb- place, and
oyresiaenwoi Virginia. ; norace ureeiey wednead av' the 5th dav of June as the
was thelirst bondsman, Augustus Scheli, Um0 and g'A M the hour 0f startii
iur. oacsiman ana omcrs came xorwara,
accepted. There
Davis went to the
B. C. Adair. Supt. Cong.Sohool.
r Joseph Hobergj M. K. School, , .
Z C IL Dodd, Episcopal Syhool.
C. L..Fj8nER, Baptist School.
and the surities were
was no demonstration.
Spottswood House- ' Z
Richmond, May 13. The oourt room was
crowded wnon dett, Uavis case came up.
Ibecounsel for Davis, and Chandler and , JUa meeting of -the joint committee
Evans for the Government, were preaent.- represehtins -tho" different Sabbath
imriQn maae ms return on tne writ 01 wood c' i 6i. , .1, nTO; AAAi
corp by producing Davis to tho custody of Schools of faalcm, the following proceed,
KTnrtnrt r , 0 ; logs were had:
: Nsff Oelsans, Sfay IS.-The Republican Qa motion, A." 1) Cosper was elected
Mass Meeting on Saturday night was com- Secretary of tjie Comfiiitteg, after which
posed mostlv of nesroes. . tho following resolutions were adopted:
N?:w yQR$, ijay 14.- Davis' reoogniz- , Resolved, That Albany bo selected as the
ance was'signed by Greeley and Schelly of place for holding the pic-nie, and ednes-
New York. Anstides Welch, and David day, June oth, the time.
K. Jackson, of Philadelphia, W. H Me-1 Revived, That the Secretary be ia-
DR Y 0-OOX !
-U 1, 4 4 f i m wU
MOWERS, ' ' . ' ' T '
'; REAPERS, ' . ,V
V i . oanq-plows;
Yt are Agent for all kinds f ' - ':i
'For which we ;,..
ray'; th . m-Iisst' Fric in 7&zht
taa4T2n2Sif J. SAPvILOWS & CO