POETRY'; ADVERTISEMENTS. ADV KHTIS E M E Nf S ADVEItTISEM E NTS. ADVKUTTSKJl UNTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS.! ...... . GOING HOME. c Where are you going so fast, nld man. Where are you going so fast? , There's a valley to ross and a river to ford, There's a clasp of the hand and a parting word, Ah"4 ' tremulous sigh for the past old man, ,v T The beautiful vanished past. The" road has been rongh and rugged, old man, To your feet it's rugged and rough. Bat you see a dear being with gentle eyes, Who shared in your labor and saerifieo ; Ah! that has been sunshine enough, old man, . For ycu and tne sunshine enough. Uow long since you've passed over the hill, old man, Of life, o'er the top of the hill ? Were htre beautiful valleys on the other side? Were tbtre dowers 'and trees with branches wide, To shut out the heat of the sun, old man, 'The heat of the fervid sun? And how did you cross the waves, eld. man,' Of Sorrow, tho fearful waves ? ... Did tou lav your treasures bv, one by one. With an aching heart and (od'e wUl be done," Under the w,ayside dust, old man, y Jjx the gtfc'vo 'neath the wayside duet . j There is labor and sorrow for all, old man, Alas ! there is sorrow for all, And you, 'k-rad venture, have had your share. And eighty long winters have whitened jur hsir, And "they ve withered your heart as well, old mau. Thank God, your .heart avwell.,.,-' . . You're now at the foot of the hill, old man. At last at the foot of the hill ; . . The sun lias gone down in a golden glow, And the heavenly city lice just holow ; io in through the pearly gate, old man, ,The be luttful pearly, gate. . , . . , It is understood that -Messrs. Steven and Sp&lding will refrain hereafter from their public discussions upon purely (or impure) personal matter?, Irour delicate consideration for the feeling of Guv Morton, of Ind., who has just been eleteJ to the Senate. uhe most patient man that ever breathed cursed the day he was born, ami the meekest man murdered an hiryptytn Rev. Able Lindsley, who whipped hi child to death last June is on trial at A I bion, New York. If we harbor malice in our heart aaint Any human beinr, it will soon eat out all its goodness What is better than presence of mind m a railroad accident ? Absence of body A simple flower may be shelter for a .troubled soul from the storms of life What stands and goes without lejrs ? A clock. The best capital to begin life with is a capital wife. OUR AGENTS. The following named gentlemen are. authorised to act as A rents for The State Risbts Dexo- rat, and to receive to. the paper : . . ' ' nd receipt for subscriptions LINN COUNTY. Robert Wa:kinson .... Juos Wb-eIer... .............. XT. L. Brown Matthew Fountain .... J. J. A; A.'iTth......... . . . .Lelvnon ... .Z.7..'..'. Bro w asville ....llarriiburg .;....Feoria. JLANE COUNTY. Hon. J. J. Walton. ........... Eugene City : :::BEXION COUNTY. - - Jas. F. Hamilton Corvallis - ' POLK COUNTY. - T. J. LoreTady Dallas J. D. V. Butter..... .....Monmouth Be v. H. if. Waller.... ......Kola CLACKA3IAS COUNTY. Ralston k Myers..'. ,..-.-. ........ Oregon City MULTNOMAH " COUNTY. Lawrence k Seoipla, ....... .....Pertland J. i. ilcCoT .... ....... .Portland MARION COUNTY. A . tfK. ACM ... ............... ......... ... . ... 4 1 r. Thos. Smith.... 'ThOS. Hojce, Newspaper Agent. J5aa Francisco, U authorized to receive subscriptions and advertisement for oar paper, and aet as Loi cess agent generally. AV VE KTIS'eME N T'S. JT- B. COML.E1T. ALBANY, OREGON. I HATE ALWAYS OX IIAM, or will Saoafactare lo'ordtr. ert-ry tj!e of D00RS, SASH AND BLINDS, at the shortest notice nd lowest .pjispible charges Boards Matched and Planed- ITorlt executed in a style not surpassed by any Shop in the State. ggf The Mill is in the lover part of the town, n tbe f river bank, at the corners of the joiuing claims1 of the Monticths and Ilackleman, J. B. COMLEY. Albany, September 20, 1865 ' f ; GALIsERY RE-OPENED ! :.;'(RsbtRES'!.:';;: ail snrzruESi FROM L0CKETT0 LIFE SIZE ! CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE STATE! ALBANY OREGON. TTSrU " II ECENTLY ENLARGED f f ear Gallery, and hare now-the largest bky light and; best ; arranged, jooma.thia side pf Sao Franeiseo. .r ? - We hare -the Latest . Improreed Instruments and use the best material j. and we hare spared no expense to hare things right, ia order ihat we may gire oar Fatrons, .. r. H . u r?,. r fPIRST' CLASS PICTURES. With our present Skylight of 22i' stfnare feet we can take Good Pictures in all kinds of feather and at all times of daj.' f:one need 1 wait" for a clear day-come any time, late or early, and if we don't make you a good picture -we will not Jet you take away a poor pne. "Tm , . " 5Te - have superior - arrangements for taking ' CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES,"; And are said to hare more, patience than, famous Job of old."2fo Patron ever saw us out of humor. '"We'defy 'coj a petition in.' ,'" v - COPYING PICTURES. Call at our "elegant and' capacious Gallery on First the chief business street, south side, middle of the block, and examine our specimen- pictures, . THOMPSON i, PAXTON. Albany, Not ember 18.186i. .1 Jt, i. J 100,000 POUiVDS OP WOOL' s , ! xot whiau we will pay the, - -i7r ' """x'" ' ' .W.PABSISH -A CQ. FiKccii Years m Oregon. S. J. Mo COR MICK, The Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all bis old cus tomers (aud as many new y ne. ns may nt ba ac quainted with the fact) thut ho stilt continues to operate at the FRANKIYIX HOOK STOIIE, 105 Front St., Portland, (exactl't orrosiTE novxt noon) Where he Is prenand to furni.h SCJIOOL BOOKS, STATION!: II Y, PIANO FORTES, MKLOPKONS, , VIOLINS, ACCOUDEONS, UK ASS BAND , - INstni-MKNTS, rnr.Ms, ouitaus, And iiH ki i i f.f Miel Intmioents. SHe.RT M' !.'. 1 NM Rt'CTtON BOOKS for all Witi'ti t f Musical JastrumtnU'. CHTJKCH PIUSIC EOOSS, BAsiS. VIOL. Ill' IT AM and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLJV-isnB: books, KiS, " M J C 1". L L A N KO t S BOOKS, til K VP rt'IlLK'ATIONS, .XrAVSr.Vi'KKS. MAtiAJNKS, OLOUKS, 1'KKSSKS, I'KNS, hotogntpiilt- Albums, And every other article tu the above line. 13PGKTI5G FB01 !(W YOU PXEECT I can tell to Country Iealr, Fanner and oth era. at dau Fraueiv-o H'buleaic I'ricc. jar Acfit fax ralcy Gall Pb.-S r u.s AT.i.Ti:in I want alt th RAtiS ia Oregon, (woolea. cot ion, or linen, wbue, bbck or aar .other eolor) for whirh I will y a ckxt a rot an noae than "any ether iwao." J5COTJNTEV MtKCIIANTS. FABMKR3. and other will di well lv keep tbe above fart ia mind as a dollar mtrtd U cnal to two dollars amtd, and frugal toucwivf eaii porchase all the Seno! Loae re-a;rrd in tbir ftniUe du ring eab year by iu.ly Mvin lh rag that hervtofwrv hare been tLrwn nwj. REM KM B Kit! When yoa to I'ortlai l be sure and brin. all the Rags yan -ao frm-ufv. to S. J. Mrf oniHI K, Franklin V !trt. 105 Fr..nt Plreet. anlv2 rir T. SK IXTZ, IHCuSTKI AU PF.4I.EH IS PIANOS, MELODEON3, Shf.XT Mcfilf.. !! V.;n-K. J' fT. ri.t:. Pipes. .vww. tkix. KiM!er Mr-1-it lTt MfT. iYo.-ioc - ro.T stuki:t, (betvtro MiitiK- n A! i?r) V O K T LAND, O it i: ti i) X , iKNT toR JAOl; ZKCH'J PIANO bort.is, i-ai i ru.i.M, Ci.. waic'a rMict ilie io.i M-u.i -jYvt ttn.-)iit 'i UiU iae lie.t i abir s l'.n. 1 "lit, ..w 't, tij i;roaCxJ wruiij ib tbi Ll t"t W;rlir. apj pi-r ifl toiifc, 'iuiabiti.iy in rkiuijiz-bip, and .Superb tw S. lc, Ml-.tuilk r rui. Ovsr- irun au-1 1 ifcu'.-h Ur;n.ij Aciioii. L. 1. Suu:ts wtii1 bate au a'rtni?rjt of lU'.se "-uperir Piacta always ou hand, Mid t a:i sell Ibeia the L rtrt l'rice. a. he iiup'.TU theiu direct tr,cj tLe'iiaiiBjvt4.rifc.' : . H ' " New i'ico l-.r lleut or Sale by monthly pay merit. . . L&eiit Muic received by every steamer direct from the Eat. Pianos, Mclodeou and all kinds of Musical In strumeuts tuLed aud repaired. - - L. T. buitz rveewtaends himaclf as a first class tuaerr having bteu-, io tbe buauiess over - fifteen yeara and is a musician. - Those living in Linn aad adjacent counties, wishing tu purchase one of theise Superior Pianos are informedthey can do so through the Editor o tbe State Uight Democrat ue being my au tborizod agtit Tor tht'sule pf tbem iu that section of Oregon. sel.ly B. C. HILL, I O. T. SETTLEMira. SETTLEMIER & CO., ALBANY. OREGON, DEALERS IK . , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DIIICS AJVD MEDICINES, waai.. r - 1 , ..v,a AND : . - .. . , ...ALSO... Paints Oils, hv ; ; : ; .' ' ;';Dyc siuos, . v. Glass, Kerosene OH, TOILET ARTICLES ! Surgeons, Fine Toilet and other ; ' Spong-es ; : ' Hair, Iall, Tobtli, and Paint - llruslies, of. all Varieties, '" Combs, &c.y &c. ; :. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, -a;' . ' ..' Of all brands.' ''' Candles, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &c. " Agents for all Popular and Talaiblo PATENT MEDICINES I t-q mxmiW PEESCBIPTJOXS y A Carefully .'compounded, land order; iJk attended to with: care. and dispatch ; Physician in the Interiojr ad Farmers Will find our etock' of 'Jdjcines' complete,' war ranted genuine," and of jbp egt quality. ',. n ; . Our store ia in ; the.' Fire. Proof Briek on J First street; jjeir oppose Jj Fleischner 4 Co.' store. SELLING OFF AT COST ! WERTHAN t CO., AT THE NEW YORK STOIIE ! Foster's Two Story Brick, ALBANY, OIIEOON OFFER TUKIU ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS, AT SAlM r KAIiUls)UU VUO I WITH THE DETERMINATION TO CLOSE BUSINESS! WE RESPECTFULLY INVITE The Community in General TO GIVE US A CALL! BEFORE PCECBBI3iC ELSEWIIEBE! FOR WE ARE FILLY DETERMINED TO SELL OTJT1 VITKIN SIXTY DAYS FROM DATE! FOR. CASH OR.PRODUCE WKUTIIAN A; CO. X. II. Ml rer otiH knowing tlicni- i evc in !c't! to m athi jdeaw come forward nd SKTTLK FOKTHWITH. will Heaw Wcrlhan & Co. Altanv. IVb. 2, 'iH '2n'Zbtt HATS, JfL- HATS. MEUSSDORFFER & BIIO., Maauia torprs and Iinftorters of, ao 1 Wholeaalc and iUtatl Uralvr in ttJTS AND CAPS, ' Al - HATTERS' MATERIALS, So. 72 Front ftlrrt-f, Portland, VltE RKCKIVI.Va, IN ADDITION TO sbeir i-ateie toeh, by eetry r'tanitr, all !br LAI K.ST STYLUS uf New York, London and Pnri'iau tae, for ' Gentle men's b4 C&iHrea'av I7emr. Which ibey will aU CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE CN THE COAST! DEALERS IN XlA X O -WW A -W- I Will eoftsuU their own Interests by tiaminine our Suck before purchasing elsewhere. Hats of every styU Issd Description MADE TO ORDER ALSO K A M. R' M. itMUl'JlLM. ilLU, AT- J. U. meUSSdOrlier Z lirO. n Io. Jl front fctreet... ..rortland, O'n, Cor. D and becond bts ....Marysville, Cel. No. 125 J Street , Faeramonto Aos. o3S a 037 Commercial ct San Francisco. Jtfy Wholesalo House at San Franeisco, Cal. No . 628 Commercial throuirh to 037 Clay streets. una. j, lBoo rzniou . .a.. a .... . . . NATIONAL COLLEGE or BUSINESS AND COMMERCE! Cor, Alder aud Front Streets, Portland - - . oncaow.i SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES! films COLLEGE RANKS FIRST. ON THE X COAST, aad offers ad vantages for acquiring a Practical Business Education superior to any other school. . THE COl ItS K OF INSTRUCTION T. AA . vwuegea iu Europe auu mo Ai:anuo Diaies, comoining THEORY AND PRACTICE. By means of Banks and Business Offices, thus fa- miliarizing the Student with all tho difler- . eat kinds of - business in tbe shortest possible time, ' . J and least expense. - THE BUSINESS COURSE Embraces Book-Keeping (by Single and "Double Jintry), Pepmanship, i Commercial Caleula tiorjs, Correspoudenaa, Commercial Law, Actual Business, Lectures on Ao , ' ' counts, Business Customs, Sler- ... ' ca&tile Ethics, Ac, tc. u :, TEEMS: - Scholarships, embracing the whole Business . Course, Regular and Special Lectures, time ' . unlimited, with . privilejre of reviewinir at any inturi time. j...W ,..7..i.i.r,.......i.i...$50 xnere are no Vacations. Students enter at anv time. for turtber particulars address the President, or call. at the College. ....... - ,, . . K. LAUDED SLAGER, Pres't. . ju. asas BKAtivK, ovQf. , . . LSW. o, - ui tun T II K ELECTROPATHIC INSTITUTE, Oir lYitMtilnKton N(rc SAN FR. A NCI SCO, CAL. J. H. JOSSELYN, M. D., Resident Physician. flUIK DIRKCTORS OF THIS CKLKimATIU II. Medifiil Institute wiih t thank the ruMio fm (lie p ncrmi mnnnrr in which thi y JiHidiiRtaiiM the Resilient I'hynlcinn with their ;itr'iiH;-. I l now six year since tho I itituta wnt trt.ih',,, tl iitirine th;it tiuxt t!ire h;i iun over Till Itl" TIIOL'HANU rUNSVM'ATlON'8, uwl in ui eit.'S where the ilUraso whs curuhtr, TfrlVrt uml Ii1,mititriit i'ttrv Has been terfnm-d. Muliciou hmlntniia hav aned trajm in vlune T.xinuty to tho InwfituK adtiii; fiuiiliir ii'tnir. h-injf . Httm t the nn wary ; but tUwir lilur to u U erfeoily sj-j.i rent -for tho buiiuii has Imt been ntTielcd In tin eat, but ban ..ne u increaiina iUuavfuliu-N n! i r0s In regular ratio. 1 be Riident has by enn-lul tu.ly and exterlrn e wiihiu that ; ftw years bftm nucosful in dif)i v rUtg new elei trio remedie bttb are far mij.i rir tu any brfm uned in the heuliuj ott, and bei-an Warrant Thorn to Cure All oaie fcr whh-b ihey are u. i, or make n. Unyi ace in the lWifl.- Mniin ii.on tb: re it.t 4 a letter s'biid;; ti e uVe.mi-, Hilli vuii-lutu. tl.t ag atid ki of the atient. The IVmale medicine, Ilaiovered and u-d by the H m1 i t l'dy fician, er- the 'bly reiuedU which areiar and sure to Lavi tb8Vt't. Tb' large BumWr of rii lu wbkb they bare been u U c"rt.nl I h ir u tir- at Ari!u uSi Ue takm iu rUitiitg tbi lntl lute, ! r mi Uibcr tlie nuuv i:Li:eritoi.Tii ic i xktitutk. 645 Wathincton Street, RolwcHU M .nijfiwrrj fceM Kearney strrcts. J. II. Johm I yn, M. !., RESIJiENT 1M1YSICIAN. Delow ax si few of the Opinions of tho Press ef California, which are sab Kit ted to the P ubLlc. From tie RvdLluS Ini ifetof Jan. U, Wb. Kt rrraortur. The rval r of t!i aititrle art I arti lriy rtfqu td to rad tb !. r'iiB. r.toi the "EU-elrof-eihi lo-tiiuto," t4 Wa.iiip-t-jri ir- t, an r rae t, ti u, found in so .(Ur rI utlid ef tbt rape'' Tbe rrraarkaMerure that bav br n cCiUd by Dr. J. 11. J e ljn, tbe Htd ttl 1 bvii' uu ui me iiiHim e, teribz ti-e t4l i ytim, bss e;-4 wr n-io i4i.iiimc. a nj ii'a Imd that haa iievtr ! ci.I:4 I aar lue txai etablhuirbt ti tbi ei. In r i.f f. male ir r gtt1rit;, eajHtu'.ly, Dr. ''.) u baa gained an mrtabl r ulatt -a, and the rae-ut yai -t of the Inatitete are en-bual.y o-cuied by Ja-U-a, s.'tk lug rebef fw tbrir lr ut b . Dr. J-f' lyn ay artirnLr attention to the traattucat ol & in tW interior of ih- Mat, sua i t'.,,, ""'t . Ml 4 4e - whMU iiie ait am i so ai.f-riuaaie a U le a: flictrd. aefl tuj awi-J HU teal &etti n a 1-dn-ss n lt r WJ!a, Far A i'u., u Ji ialL( be warrant l- rere the ailLout ike li'bt- ct if'jury to tie yteia. lie iw te m tcury nt m'u.tfl j- lin. Tbe m di imi e"! are klt'aa "Eb trK"," aud W"t of tiu m tr u( bla kkd dia- rovry. rr"n I'Unnj tLruiwItes ui.der Hit tretme" t f Dr. J. Jl. Joa lya may r ly p'n n t mile rcir e rvrt ao 1 oco fut ircAtuict. but unoa lu d-rtisn anl Ktnxj. irrom the ira V5Uy "I no." Dtc.SO.'CS. StTrf)E Tarr ST,fst or MtiT. If there ia any trwtb in ibe a) "wH da, tb? it will ap;'ly l lbr K'eetr-.palbM- Iutilu f Sau rrareieo. Tli riUlbbu nt p t!rd to liur rmblir a boa! tie yrar ahiOQ, ua-b r ib mam-ttieni of Dr. J. Il.J".-;in. b- baa during t-at t u'-tr-at-d aj war t f tweuiy ib' aat.l raa. aof diaeaa loa tt'Mful ta.a, aiib an ti'tfi a of a etry amall sttilnr. b' wrre t fr S'ne. barinb eo orenl'ed with p ior. Jruj 1 in- tf lb" qaarkawitb wbb-h ibis Suie hIx-ub-u. During (be be iiojnb Uii-t t Puv riau. Dr. J. It.4i" lyn, ba r-rei:d aw I r j-SU-d t oH b s bai i j tbHPsn l f." bia Ired bttrr. bilrs r itit hil prMrial aUcfiti'iO to aU I rr-tia ntxfrr ir'-alufl ' at tbe Ibti(u!e. As m tint of wrk Ihst it would , be bard to nd aa ibi r man n tl.u e-at witb lhyM-al -cr auff.rieiit for the un lertakinc. aad j Jtt the Ilatdctil lMiri ian i a iiu to all aj. r j ane of a eery drlkatr octiiuliun j but hi n-;!i-! tiSe abslitks are surh as 1 1 1 oblf iia tud t' rrnin-' tbe nature of tbe diea.e with ab'eh (be alirant 5 may l-e amu u-d, auurt iuaiatttly, and to rr( r' r och trrattatnt a will f.nJu" a rjwJy aud Jr uanentrure. Tbe mode of trt-atio-nt at tbla la utitute Is fx-eitibr ; nr i.i.mxM dra;s wbaterrr re given un lrr aay cirt uuidaue' . and ia tiumrr ou iriftaa-i a tbe ick are eria4ti ntly curvd with out then f one particle of tuedirt of any kind. IVriora r-uirihsr a phri ian en wboia tby can refy, will d art tl to read the air rti tr.etit of tbe Klectropaibic luatitate cUcwbcre Lu our colamos. From the Contra CosU (iuctte of Jan. 13, 1?6.J A Qatin Fcrrnnn, Durlar rant er, s -we half d:co "bogwn Me li al InttiiuteV ia San have "handed in tbtir cbcW aud closed the cird "rs. Without aa csoi-t'tb'n, thf ea-j uals that kuew little or nothins f the rr ti e of I medk-ine, and were etahlihed fr the purpose of nii tmr monry irota tne M-Jt an I unfortunate. r a number of year these fHuws suei'u-dfril insarind- linjr tbtir vkttuis without let or hindrance ; but iu 1 SCO certain well known tnt-Jical practitioner ilo- U-rmined to put a stop to the iinponition. They ac- flordmrly rstaolMhrd the"Lbctropatbic Iuftitute at S45 astiington street, and placed it In charge at lit. J. II. Joaxeivn. a fratitlefnan in tvrrv nt cotnpetent for tho portion, with imtruciions to ' I . p : i . i . ,. i warraui a itiwci ruro iu an eacs nmuTuiKfn rr him, or refund the money. Thi-y advcrtUelarely, atwl tlia ri.Kru-rf ulillit lit lh Ti. .1 tut. w . an a1l known that the si.k flocked Jo the office for advice and treatment, in swarms. Tim -f!Vet baa to be made manifest. Some six of the medical I "bilking" establishments havo cbised their lo-rK. and several inure will shortly iollow. Tbe business I of the Institute has become so extensive that the Directors conUinflnte erectin! a larger and more I elcrant edifice fur their uau durimrthioiu!ii?aum. I " a o tmer. From tho Yroka Union, Feb. 10, I860, Tnr. Best is tub Cheapest. This adaire will apply as well to the practice of medicines a to the purchase of merchandise. Thousands on this coa.-t, during tha past fifteen vears, baire had their con stituttons ruined byrcfusinir treatment at tho hands of first-class physicians, simply became a gang of numougs, styling themselves doctors, and who are almost deetitute of common sense, much moro of medical knowledge, offer to treat those whonreVick for a less sum than a regular practitioner. ' A -man who would allow a quack to administer medicine to him is worse than an idiot ; for, in nine cases out of ten, the medicine so given, instend of curing tne Uiscnsc, makes tbe patient wortie and does per Iraancnt injury to tho system, and oftentimes, to such an extent as to prevent tho possibility of cur- DS tne original disease. Iho fact is, that no per I son should place himself in charge of a physiciau I , , strong proois mat tne uoctoj is a WBr Swuw irom some wcitrcpuica Aieuiost College. The number of medical humbugs in San Francisco is nerfoctlv enormous : not moro than two of the advertiHod physicians have a dinloma, Dr. J. II. Jowlyn, Resident Physician of the fcleotropatnic institute, 045 Washington street, is one of these, and ia prepared at all times to exhibit his diploma o those calling upon him. Persons seeking tbe Elcctropathio Institute should bo careful to remember tho name and number. ELECTROPATHIC INSTITUTE, 645 Washington Street, South side, between Kearney and Montgomery : ': i'- j, n. josSELYN.;M..D.,.' j on tho sign. With these remarks wo leave the in terest of tho Institute with the public, asking only the same 'generous confidence aud patrouago thus far awarded to it. The record shows, oyer thirty thousand consultations; and a very largo amount of suffering relieved. Persons wishing to consult tho Resident Physi cian by Letter, can do so with the utmost confi- dp Tin A. nfifi nan if flmw vpiaVi Viotta 171 Atia T . n. dfoa-fni nnv auAa .An- a nil noi-ia aI- k crts . loll Ttnmnrlina i.t tln Tnttlhit. tn effW'tnnl aii itta h ni,i J. II. JOSSELYN. M. D.. Box 1915. San Francis. co, Cal .All Jotters will be destroyed or returned, i as directed by tho writers. . Jan. 12,-'8r-T2n22-!r Tiik peculiar taint or infection which we call BcuorvhK lurks In the constitutions of multitudes of men. It cither produces or is produced by an cn- U l'cH bled, vitiated sUtO of tho Mopd, wherein '"tllllt (tllill 1 11 If 1 11K (fla Xfoot!iietent to sustain iiff tho vital forces In their vigorous action, and ....... ............ full into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously caused by mercurial disease low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, alove all, by tho venereal infection. Whatever he Us origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation " indeed, it seems to ho the rod of Him who says, I will vUit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates tako various names, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lung. Kerofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in tho glands, swellings which suppurate and Le come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowel, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepnin, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous ntleetiuns. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify tho blood, and these dangerous dUtempers leave you. With feeble, foul, nr eormiited Mnd. von cannot have health; with that "life of the lU-f.h" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease, Aycr's SarBaparUla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of tin dinorder it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That It does combinu virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this clans of complaints, Is Indisputably proven by the great multitude f publicly known and remarkable cures it has tiuulu of the following diaeaaes : King's Enl, or Ohndular Swellings, Tumor, Eruption, Pimplca, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt itheurn. Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in tho lanes, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, lcuralga, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Discasci, Iraile Weaknesses, nd, Indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may he found In Arm's AuriacAX Ai.Ma.tac, which is furnUhed to the drtijrgUta for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its ue, and aoroft of the remarkable cures which it has ctado when all other remedies had failed to afford relied Those caes are purposely fctkca from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have acecM to koine one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal cxjcrience. Hcrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far Ciore subject to hcae and its fatal results Uian are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to j-nd years in perfecting a remedy which 1 adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of A vis's KaasarABiLLA, although it is composed of Ingredients, some of hith exceed the best of SarutperiUa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders, l'urge out the foul corruptions that rot and fetter in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. I!y its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus cil the distempers which lurk within the cystetu or burst out on any part of iu We know the public have been deceived ty many conipound of SartajtarilJa, that promueu much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceivedjior disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the aClnting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which ha ever been available to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for tho relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease This has been so long us?d and so uni orsally known, that we need do no moro than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever lias been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Da. J. C. Ayek & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemtiU, Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail druggists every where. il. and. A. i .. .v.ouy, and a Huiiih A Davis, Fort ceSly fate and Hctatl by TAILORING JAMES DUSTAN", HAS opened a TAILOR SHOP on First street, two door we.t f the Kxprvcs OCicc, where he may always be found ready to- CUT, OR CUT AND MAKE ALL K1.1PS Or axiOTiariisrca-, On short notice nnil in any stylo desired by cus tomers, lie also CLEARS Amy SSKPA3US All kind of Clothing and loods. Deocrabcr li, '66. y2nl81y AlallAR. ; fpURDR V ; AND rtfiACHINE SSIOP ! A. F. CHERRY, HAVING PURCHASED THE En tire interest iu the ALBANY 1'OUNDliY AND MACHINE SHOP, I un , Prepared to Furnlsli WROUGHT AND CAST IRON VORK Of every description, on short notice Also, brass castings; , " All Orders for, '. mill work; Will ho filled with dispatch, aud in a satisfactory . 'v-t. manner. . . HORSl POWER8;p.; '.Agricultural Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WORK : .. -j .-. . -, ... , r. done to order on abort notioo . . , r A. P. CHERRY, ' 'Albany, August 18, 1868-ly - , J. C. KKSVZHUALL. W. W. TA1UUS1I & CO. Wholesale and Uela il Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE! aijiAky, oni:c;o,v. rilHANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PAT JL ronage shown us during the past few years, wo would respectfully call the attention of our burncr'tii patron to our present desirable andel -1cb d (ock of . IJRY'';OOIS, Ready-Made Clothing, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Salem Cloths & Flannels, Embroidery, Hoop Skirts, Silks, Hosiery, &c. -AI.KO 1.(1(1 ICH, J1Iscm untl CliHtlreii's HUocn. U.SO, hi ".afict-tit-n with the Sovt? we keep eiritbtly ;rocerl. Hard tv arc, Qiieeusuare (ilaftHttMrt1, Ciilltrry. Pnfiit nii! OIK, Wiiifloir tilxk, . .VnllMt dr., 4-c , W. W. PARRISH & CO. ! Arc pr.j r.d t s.jII anything ia tbe'r line at tie f IX5Ti:ST AMI iuic;i: Or tt!t tuns MKUCIIANTABLE PKODUCE lt exbsnr f'r da. j:ir- Vtfitut f(.i'r to boy imA fil fiod it imsIv l-t (t.i ir ;.-1r.,fvi. ., et m tut tiril,-, Alb. 4i.iry ?7tb. !'", 1 1 AAV toUMnVSi GARBLE YARD ! ALBANY. OHKCSOX. fi ri4 li m MARBLE MONUMENTS, GRAVE AND TOMBSTONES, Ol' Every Myle utid I'uftern. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. Ana JlurliH' lVorli of AM Kinds. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING the; riM;sT m'l i:ui.Mi i Tin: BUST EXKCl'TKH WUKK lu thr Slate orOrr'ou ! AH work done at lay Marhle Yarl is turned oui ,a to give lrft et .ttiTeii"U to uiy i .tr n. PURE WHITE. VERMONT. CR CAUFCaNIA MARBLE WUl Imi ustd a j.arlir orlrin- wt.rk shall Wti. The LoucU IJ.ln- I'lltt-H Will hs cbarjt-4 in every intai.. Orders from any Part of the State will be faithfully and Premptly rilled. TIIK SIAUIIIaC YARD I Is jit hi-low Sj.renjrr' Pacific Hotel, on tha wtsi ; iie of iLu atrei't ruuuiug frui iLr rirar. JT-fr Thv itil,!i re invited to call at xny slop an ! cxawint srtTtmns of work. Albany. January 6. ISC. , STQP THAT THIEF! Or -A. COTTGHU I T I? STEALING FROM YOU YOUR HEALTH wbicli is acarcr to you than all jour wealth; .Nuic-tculhs of the diseases prevalent in this cli mate spring from Colds and Coughs. HENLEY'S ROY AL BALSAM ! ! challenges the world to produce anything in tho shape of Medicine that . Will Remove and Eradicate a CoQgh, or Soreness in the Chest, as prompt, no matter What form tbe disease might assume. "Henley's Royal I3alat,v U the Uest Medicine in the world for Bronchial or Pulmonary affections. For Croup or Whooping Cough, there is nothing on earth that can equal it. All Mothers and Nurses ought to bare a bottle close by tbcm ; it will give at hill relief in two minutes. It is entirely veg etable, and will prove a blessing to the hiuuuu family. ' For the Benefit of Humanity. Suffering I have been troubled wita a very severe ooujh for 15 years, aud in thut time have tried all the reme dies I beard of, but all to no purpose. I bad no faith in anything. Mr. Smith persuaded me to get a bottle of "Henley's Royal lialsam.'V and I freely acknowledge that I was perfectly astonished with the miraculous effect it had on me. It gafe me relief tho ti ret night I used it. I slept well without coughing. I did ror know what to u.ake of it. I have taken apout three bottles, aud feel well and hearty, thank God ! There is not money enough in Orcgan to hire me to be without some of it in my house, for fearof another attack. - T110S. II. THOMPSON. From Judge SXnrquam. I have used "Henley's Royal Balsam," mysolf, and in my family, and find it a first rate Medicine for Ooujrhs and Colds.' I hereby rocommend it te the public P. A. MARQUAM. ; From Mrs. Palmer. Mr. littio girl had the Whooping Cough. Ipro curodone bottle of Dr. Henley s "Royal Balsam" it acted like a charm.'- The first spoonful I gave oausod her to throw up a (jv&utity of phlegm, and she was relioved right away, and slept welL Be fore the ene bottle was used up she was well and hearty." I really think it is a pot feet God-send. . BARBARA PALMER., From F. DeWltt, Merchant, - To the PcBtic I had a bad cough for a long time. A friend urged me to get a bottle of "Hen ley's R.oyal alsam.'' ; 'He ?aid it cured .him. I got a bottle, aud, sure, enough, it bad a splendid oflVot. It dried the oough up iu a short time. I hereby recommend it to the public - ' ' F. DbWITT. 1 For Sale by Settlemier & Co., Alpany. Dr. Wm. HENLEY, Prop'r, Portlafia, Orogon. Pec. 22, '68 T2nl9rf - ' W. W. I'AKRISIl. PRIVATE . MEDICAL,, AID, , Ctulck Cure and Moderate ciiWge Hit. W. K. BOITEIITY'S ' ' " " , - , Private Medical and Surgical ln$tituc. Baerarnento street, below Montgomery; optosite the l'acllio Mail Steamship, Co.'s office. Pri vate entrance on Leidsdorff street, San , Francisco, California. ' ' ' Eittablihcd cxjn-etsly to afford the ' c 'fllirfed ttwiid and cientiic medical aid, in thi treatment and em e oj all JfrivaU , and Chronic JUiuuen, caties of ., tecrecy and all 'sexual ,"' diseases.'- ' ": TO THE AFFLICTED. ; ; ; 1, V. K. lJt,hrty returns his siocere thant to his nvmrvvu patient for their patronaee, and would take this opportunity to remind tbcm that be continue oeonfuli at hi Institute for the leur of tbronic dmnnen of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys. Motive and (Jenito-L'urir.arj Organs, and alii private diseases, viz; FypbiJi, jn a tt roriI)I M(g stages, PeiJnal H'eaLness, and all the horrid eon ?euct;ces of n f-abuse. Gonorrho-a. (ileet, gtrie inns, Nocturnal and Diurnal etniasioos, gexual Jabiiity LUt of ibe liaclt and Ixina, Iuflam ' n of tbe I'.lndder and Kidneys, etc.", cte. and be U,v -that bis lon experjeiK-e and tueeesrful pra. ttee will tt titinue to insure hha a share of tbe pi.!ie pai ronae. Ey ihe praetiee of many years in hue - aod tbe United gfatta, be is enabled to apply tb; most i-ffeient and successful nmclioi HiiUittnt diseafex of all kiods. lie uses no perea ry, (hsrset modt-rate, treats bis palkV ift Cpr- - " ura"e way. Lag rerert-aees of un ij7. !iti;alle v reify from nsen of known reswet abihty ur.d bih utan'liji in society. All -pirties rorsRjiinjf hiw) by feit( ror otberwiae, wiU oi? eive the I eet and jc fct!et treatment and Implicit sfrre- J- . hr, V:ettr W'.ulJ t-al! attention to tbe follow. it jC f-rrttCcate it a two f his rati. nts. who. sir. inic fully mortrel their btaliL, deire t? fuks kr ewn tl eir mucdial , nt. It will be seen their a'au nnrU are fully authenticated by a Kotsry l'oblic , .. ' The wlfre of focietr iinrrjon!lr demanrla thtir publicity, and they are giren more to warn tbe unwary than to sound the praises of Physi cian, o whom hundred of b.ke eases tan be cited. m y,utM oi wore man Eltecn years. a cak cr CLr.tr asn strictcbes. Ir. DoVrty-Dear ir : I ftfrl my health so fol ly rt-tyud tbht, to cop mop gratitude, I believe I b,uM uiBkfc you rorne written acknowledrtoept for your valuatle servi.- s-j-fjarticnlarly i as voas f. c a mil for tbe work performed. - I s.rrir.d tn ibtseity fn ra tbe East about one yar ao. and thtn rufferinx from an old case oS Ci.tet. iu.jUat.J with strict ore. Being a f tr .t -tr in b(t t ity. and Ulkripg those doetor bj fine uob positive aa-urantes of success were &r Mrily ttt bt-t, (aoaie of. whom have a larg uuu.t er of t-th a) I plactd myself in their charre a .1 c ttioutd m dtr their tnatratnt uptil I bad U-tt o ariy all b pc and eocstdtrable rum of money, I wirb i say bow that yon are the sixth doctor J bare etDpJoytd.and theory ooc that base rer dune ibcabj avrvb. My. Gll is wholly (fared, the Hnctore is all vtsoved, and toy gtper&l health U-itr fL&n it haa Ueo for years. Ib eopelusion I would ay totU many unfortunates who require H al advice, if y-u have any doubt as to whom y u iivay tEaploy.ajk pr. Doarty for By address ai.d esil i.issi tac. (I j;ep uore ia this citj,) My atp. rtnec. uiay ave yon many dollars. J W'-uM alio add (bat in the early stage pf my dls a., I und a lare amoant of the prrparatiens ad vt rtitcd aan infallible cure fr Gonorrhoea, Gleet, ftc, but p-vt-r fit rived any benefit froui them. I tn. !-ti r, vc-rv truly yours, Lw- If za Frat.cic. , June 16, 1S6 1. ; . , .. . Sai.Mrril ed at. 1 tworn to before me this 21st day ofJctcA. UCL i A. S. GOULD, UJ Notary Public, faXlXal. WrAKSEff A S WORM TO CE BTIF CAT Ji MoT l;KMAr.KASLr CUBE OF SPEBJf ATOBB8QCA. ' A (lit ire t WtieCt humanity, and a feeling of j:ra:itti'k to lr. U . K. Doterty, alone iadaees m t Uiafe-j tbi st.-Ubent. Fr uany year I have be-.n nfclKud with that fearful dieae known as "rpfrmatorrt.tt; or beminal Weaknesses, tha rvii cf fjr-abase, bat till 155 experienced but littie troiitie or icc nvt niccee. In that year, however, I bad trttoioa! WeakoeM to ao alarm in r iXUBt. which Was oa fullowad t th m alarotil'S -yaifctais. as weaknaaa ofiK tWV .w) liiabt. paibsia the bead, ditum ss uf vieion, nerv vwantft aod general debility. My mind, too, was afcHcUd to aa xtet4 as to serioasly impair; my uwiaory ; lay ideas were confused and tpirita depressed. I waa averse to society, bad erU forsn b ai&s and avlf diatruat, and was eat'trely asfit Ud for any of tlic duties of life. From to the riiUitut-r Cf I euiployrd the very best medical taleut 1 could find, aad pent several bundled dol lar! but ia no itaiiie obtaioed more thaa tea p. rary reikr. ' I tad abot c'Ocladed taere was o relief lur see in this world, fcut seein? Dr. Do. berty'a advci tb.mtbt, I thought I should call and" s.-e b!m. as be cuargod jiuthing for consultation.. 1 b;idan iuUrvkw with the Doctor, and his fee" for treatment was so reasonable, I determined td try biui. though I did not expect much benefit' from hU ir a't at. On the 6th cf December last I plaewl uiysvlf uuder his care; inane week Ifoundl myself very much improved, and now, after five' wi-ck troattuibt, 1 feel myself thoroughly cured of all my troubles and iu the enjoyment of tie best health. - Hoping thnt my experience may be oi bem-fit to cthtw similarly afflicted. I subaoriba l.v'r JAMES JOIIXSTOX. : sJobcrbed ao sworn to before me, this 15th day f January, 1SJJ4. ' lu &-1 A. G. RANDALL, Jfotarj Publia TO FEMALES. .... ' ; Vhco a femal is aSlicted with disease, as weak; ness of the back and limbs, pain in the bead, dim.-, ness of eight, low if muscular power, cavitation of tbe heart, irritability, nervousness, extreme uri nary difficulty, derangement of digestive functions," general aeoiniy, vaginitieV au diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, aud aU 'ttbef disease! !i-culiar to females, they should gor or write once to the celebrated remalc dec-tor, W. VK.' Do- herty, at his Medical Institute,' and consult htm' about their troubles and disease. The Doctor hi effecting more cures than any other physician itf Ihe state ot i -aliicrma. i.et o false delicacy pre- vent you, but apply immediatelv and save your-1 self from painful sufferings and premature' death.' All married bulks,' wbee delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their famU lies, should write or call at Dr. W. Doherty'a Med ical Institute, and they will receive every possibly relief and help. The Docsor's ofi5ces are so ar- ranged that hd cau be consulted without fear ct observation.1"" ' J ..: I TO CORRESPOXDEXTS. Patients residing at a distance, who may desire the opiniun and advice of Dr. Doherty on their re spective cases, and who think proper io submit a "Hiii u Mimiui'iu oi such, u preierenew io noiamr a personal itterview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most eac red. Dr. Doherty takes this method of observing that all letters are only opened and replied to by him self, and tho latter as promptly as possible. . If the case bo fully and candidly described, per sonal communication will be superceded, "as in-4 structions for diet, regimen, and the general treat . i . . rf i - . .... & ment 01 tno case itself (lacluding the remedies,) will be forwarded without delay, and in such a letter or parcel so transmitted.- , s - s r j - www - w. . mtEl SU Consultation FREE. Permanent euro guaranteed or no pay. Address ' 1 VT. K. DOHERTy, if . p.; 11 San Francisco, California , ' : OPINIONS OF TIlEPES. : . ."DR. DOHERTY is a stfllful physician rod honorable gentleman, any statements he makes to his patients he is sure to- fulfill. -That fact iena great cause of his ominent success 'ia his 'profesl sion. 1 is fortunate that among the. many adver Using physicians there ia one who can be depended on." Review. - DR. DOIIERTY'S reputotion as a phyVicjaa ii a sufficient guarantao for the-ure of any case he undertakes." Chfoniele. .t, ., - , . "DR. DOHERTY has devoted hia ."study 'more' "vvttij vu.-juiy, tircuiuo auu pee re i practice, and as suoh i po-f he1 riloat suecesiful of any physician in San" Fruncisoo.'w-r-Free Press. D. DOHERTY'STeputitionia seeond to no oth er physician on; the s coast in chronic and specifie practice' Mirror. .'. ' ; -w . T. ,; -!. iiuuiillTYr-Few mao ia the medical profession have succeeded- in gaining the confi--dence of the pubUo in their skill and judgment as be has." Enquirer. v "DR. DOHERTY ranks as one of our most dia-' tinguished physieians, -and 1 lso one of the mot, successful, which is now the criterion by wiw J medicralpra.ptitioT!?r is pidS." Eit . -