ADVE11TISEMENTS. ADVEIITISKMI3NTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. A I) V E It T 1 8 K M B NTS. ADVERTISE B1ENTS ADVERTI6E MENfS. UUli AUhiNTS. The following named gentlemen are authorised to act aa Agents' for Tp Stat Rights DemOt at, and to receive Rd receipt for subscriptions te the pajver LINN COUNTY. Jason Wheeler - wD.noo n. L. Brown ....... - Brownsville Matthew Fountain. . ,,llarrisbnrg J. Q. A Worth .. . .. .tSjjPori - - DOCQliAS COUNTT. 3 i Jnwwh S. Fitxhurh .Roseburg James Q. Clark..,;....,..... ..,,.....Canyuville Hardy El ifF,,,,,,,., ,..,.,,.....,.., ....U ales viue Robert P. Sheriey.., . Oakland COOS COUNTY. R. W Ctiisans.. ....Empire City . .V LANE CGUNTY. H. C. Huston ...... .Long Tom. Hon. J. J. Walton.. ,..,,Fugepe City Joan lillirn.. ............ ...... ,ff...f;f'-MUloirn s R. V. Howard..,,., f.,......Smithfield John T. tlilfty...... .? Pleasa't Hill pua 13roTfn .,.,. ....... ......Coast xotx BENTQN COUNTY. ai. F. niniiUon. .......:.......r...Cervalli8 ?ijtKrf" '"" G'1' to9 jf a, Aj J IUU f M Mft Mttt J FOLK COUNTY. T. J.LoTolady .........Dallas I. B.-V. I uUcr..... ............... ....-Monmoutb.. B. F. Bun h... Independence Reuben PMy -tola ,' S. Williams.... .-Luckiamutte " TAIiULL COUNTY. L mi til -X-fcfTfctto Y. C Hembree... ....MoMinnyillp f WASHINGTON COUNT V. tephen Ross General Agent ; CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Jtalston A Myers...... Oregon City COLUMBIA COUNTY, fl. JL Miles....... ...................St. Helens MULTNOMAH COUNTY. L wrenee & Scmple, ......Portland MARION COUNT'. Peter Biljeu .......... ... ....... f gem Thos. Smit h....... ..... Ji O. S- Dgwning. - Sublimity Jharles Miller .Silverton jJas. ' A. P naebaker...... -J efferson . ; CLATSOP COUNTY Lamlev..........-...-..-........-......AVria WASCO COUNTY. Tbos. M. Ward Three Mile Creek J. S. Holland..- LDaUei Clfj BAKER COUNTY. Jia. H. Auburn GRANT COUNTY. J.! T. IIend-ei......-... Thos. E. Cray..... ........ ...... V .John Fennessey .......... ......... ) Canyon City . and John Day Mines UMATILLA COUNTY. UNION COUNTY. -TltOS. Uoyce, Newspaper Agent. San Xfncico, is authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisements for our psper, and act aa busi ess agent generally. ADVERTISEMENTS. . SZACH. THOS. StOXTCITB. J. V. BEACH. BEACH & MON7EITH, Dealers; ia GEXERAL MERCHANDISE, - Albany, Oregoa WORKER FIRST AXD FERRY STS., piite Steamer Landing, NEW FRM, NEW GOODS. AK p ' THFABOrEXAMED FIRM TAKE PtEAS nre in notifying tbeir friends and tbe public generally thit they are continually receirtng Dry Goods, Oro caries, Ilard ware, p.y TPnrcn&sed in San Francisco at tie rery lowest figures, for CASH, and we are offering the same to patrons at corresponding prices. The attention pt Farmers is especially called to our Where -we are prepared- toT take "charge ef all Merchantable Produce, for which we are offering tae highest market price. . ' We respectfully ask the public to call and ex amine our stcck, and prices, and we assure all that we will give entire satisfaction to prompt custom- ay-We are also agents for the Florence Sew ing Machine Company. sel-Cm BIPORTANT NOTICE ! : TO FARMERSMERCHANTS WX AvIKG determined to.' close out pjy entire merchandise of - - r 40,000 $40,000 I would respt ctfnHy call the attention of the pub lic in general, tbat I will sell me entire stock at GREATLY ; REDUCED . PRiCES! fui cash or Eierehantable prod ace. persons de eiroas of purchasing-ench goo.di a ate-usually jcepi in storo or a weu seieccea siock, wotua do well to call early, as I intend to gire pr fM were neT- red Vfore in the Staie. r - J- STERJTBAJCIL; ' Opposite eiX OS.cTgetfifa New Brick. -'Persons . indebted . to me will r. lease call at I- i ' 1 i.i ' - m . asa orproauce. - , : Lu bxiuliiiBACff.. t ' Q Gi T. IlilEKH will te regalaf MeettfigMe Dgree -7Pf Jebetej5, on eTery Friday eyening at 7 ,p ciocji. si. me iiaii or Aiany hogd JSo. 4, 1. O. F., oyer Norerogs' Store. --Brothers . and Sis Jerj in good, st icding.are invited 40 attend. i If. LT lfa t,-8eY ' ' -..- id5tf ' I FASll!0!lA3LE,ftiLllfJER.YG000Si ALTEBI2TG, BLEACH IN a AND PRESSING Don n short-notice,-and at . a.!o t Reasonabl& - Prices! ' 'STOKlJ at the'.Cornerf First ani-EroaJ Altia" Streets,". tlb&ny, Oregon." v--.'. w cor2inl56m ' liilcca "Kcartl iu Oregon. s, j, Mccormick, Th Pioneer Bookseller end FuMUber Of this State, desires to inform' all his aid cbs tomert (and at many new ones as maj not b ao; quainted with tbefnot) tat he still continues fo operate at tla - SOft Front St., Port IfiniV (tXACTftT orrostTB siecvT noon) TP here he f prepared to. furnish, ' SCHOOL BOOKS, V- gTATIOXEUY, MELODDNS, ! ' VIOLINS, : '. v... . ; . . . ACCORDEONS, BRASS-- BAJO) IJfSTRUMBNTS, DRUMS, GUITARS, And all kinds f Uasieal Iastruments. SJJEET J1USIC. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instrument. CXXUXICXX KUSIC coons, BASS, YIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. i. rs MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CUEAI PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, . PENS, Photographic Album, . And e?ery other article in the aboTe line. ISPOBTIXG TBOS 5EW IOBJ DIBECT I can sell to Country Dealer, Fanners and oth ers. at San Francisco Wholesale Prices. . "Ag-ent for Foley's Gold Pe&s.t& BAGS flTASTEP JJ ' I want all the RAGS in Oregon, (woolsa, cot ton, or linen, white, black, or an? other color) for which I will pay a crxr a focxd icdas than "any other man.' SSr COUNTRY MERCHANTS, FARMERS. and others will do well to keep the abore facts in mind as a dojlar nvd i eqnal to two dolia tamed, and frugal bonsewires can porebase all the School Books required in their families da ring each year by stmply saring the rags that heretofore hare bxen thrown away. RUMEMBEItl When yon go to Portland be sure and btfcg all the Rags you can procure, to 8. J. JIcCORMICIT, Franklin Book Store, 105 Front Strptt aIS?n2Jy JL. T. 8HUJLTZ, PIANOS, MELODEOMS, StfBcr Music, 31 r sic Books, GriTAaa, Ftcrts, . Pip8, Accoanross, Stbhccs, asd all ki5ds ofMcsical I.tgTRrwr.xTs, Etatiojiebt axo Fasct ( Psion;-. . "... '. Z (between Morrison and Alder) POnTIAD, OREJGOX, AGENT, FOR . JACOB ZECTTS PIANO -Fortes, San Franciieo, CaL, which receired the Gold Medftl dter celabratod pianos from the East, in tha last Fair, 18853 Also Agent for Er neet Caller's Piano Forte, ?je?r.fork, which, woe tbe greatest popularity in the Eat for eweetness and power 4 tone, : ddrabiiity ia workmanships and Superior New Scale, fall Metallic fona,0rer swung and i'reacb Grand Action, , j , -, , . L. T. Sbnltx will hare ad usurtmeAt,tf Utoe "upeiior Pianos always on hand, and can sell them ' the Lowest Price, as be imports them direct rrom the Manufactories. New Pianos for Rent or Sale by monthly pay men U, - J' ' ' Latest Mnsie recaired by erery steamer direct from the East. Pianos, Melodeona and all kinds of Musical In struments tuned and repaired, - ' L. T. Fbulti recommends biquelf as a first cjaas toner, baTing been Ia the business oyer fifteen years and is a musician . i . . . 1 Those living in Linn aad adjacent counties, wishing to purchase one. of these Superior Pianos are informedthey can do 00 through tbe Editor 0 the Stats Bights Dzkocbat he being my au thorized agent for tha sale of them in that section of Oregon.- - - - - - . - . . . . , e1.1y - B. C, BILL, . J. C. F. 8ETTLEMIIB. SETTLEHIER & CO, Albany. Oregon,. AiERSJN FOREIGN A N OjDQ M E T I C DRUGS ATSp IEIipirES, CHEMICALg. ': ' life Siafift; v-nconz r CIas(s, Kerosene OH 'toilet AkTidiiiis ! Surgeons, iTlne, Toilet und oter xiru$nes, 01 an varieties. Tobacco, Snuff and Igar, - ... Of all brandy. "' 1 ' Candies, Nuts, Raisins Figs, &c Agent for all Popular and Valuable Y ( Carefully ' compounded, and orders Phyiiciani in" tHefJalerior Tad'ln(cf n ui una our stock ofMedicines complete, war ranted en.nine; and of the beet naliiy., .r ' Our store U in the Fire. Proofs IJck on'ff"frgi street, near opposite 3. Fleiseh&Br & Co.s t5re, V ! . . , V aa!8 ly v. " J"r i THE nndersfgired haTirig taken' obt License a Auctioneer ia this Statej 'forewarns--all -ped ions from in that capacity, who ari cot -properly iiccneed to do so by-law, - - oefeSt; ' . Vt LISTER. 5 Mfchanics, Inventors and Manufacturers. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is the largest and most widely circulated journal of Its class In this country. Eaoh uuntber contains sixteen pages, with numerous Illustrations. The numbers for a year make two volumes of 416 pages eneh.- It also'oontalns a full acpount of all tha prinoipal inrentions and discevoriot of the day. Also, val uable Illustrated article upon Tools and Machin ery used in Workshops, Manufactories, Steam and Meehanleal Engineering, Woolen, Cotton, Cheinl 41 , Petroleum, and alt other Manufacturing In terests. . Also, Fire-arms, War Implements, Ord nance, War Vessels, Railway Maohinery, Electric, Chemical, ar,d Mathematical apparatus, YVoqd and Lumber Maohinory, HydrauKos, 0!) and Water Pumps, Water Wheels, cto.', Houccholdi horticul tural, and Farm Iraploments-thls letter Depart ment being Terr full and of great value to Farm er! and Oardenors artiolco embracing erory de partment of Popular Soionce, which erary body Can understand and wbioh fvery body lies to read. I Also, Reports of Sciontiflo Soeiotlos, at home and abroad, patent Law Decisions and Discussions, Practical Recipes, etc It also contains an official Lirt of all the Patont Clalinj a special feature of great valuo to Inventors and owners of Patents. Fublibed Weekly, two volumes each year, com mencing January and Jnyf Per annum, ..$3 00 Fix months...,..'......... I 60 Ten eapies for one year-.... ...25 00 Canada subscription! 2b cent! ejtre. Fpecl- mei copies sent free. Address MUNN & CO., rubliabcn, No. 37 Park Itow, Now Ycrk City. Messrs. MUNX A CO. have bad twenty years' experience ia procuring Patents for New Inven tions. Inventors who may have such buainess to transact can receive, free, all needful advice bow to proceed. THE HOTEL TO TRY IN PORTLAND! NEW COLUMBIAN. Xo. IIS, 120 and 123 Front, cor ner of Morrison Street.- - GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! rp I IT. NEW COL131DIAN HOTEL X. having jut oecn elegantly nuubea, ana oeiug now ready fur the recptlon of OutsU, the Propri etor would say to the Ciliiens of Willamette Vlley and of Southern Oregon, of the Upper Columbia ana laano, ana q tu ir.ia rw" that be la now read v to entertain ail who may favor him with their patronage. AT I'RICEfj TO SUIT. The Xaw Colcwbias is an entirely new building. bard finuhed, rooms well ventilated and well fur nished, and has capacity to comfortably acemmu- date Six Hundred lines!. The Dining Room is large and commodious, and has fine suite of rooms with connecting doors, for familiea. ...... Tfiq TADLE Will be furnbhed wtth tbe tt the Market affords, and tbe Proprietor is detrrmioed thai ao hotel in Portland shall excel bis in the exevllvuce, variety, and completeness of LU table. llot, Cold and Suovrcr Ilatlti, For the Uuests, free of charge. A large FIro Proof Safe For tbe secure deposit of valuables belonging to Unt. Tbe Baffgaffe of Goctts conyeved to and from the HoU;l wjthnut charge. liuuie open au night. Hoard, per Week - $5 Board and Lodging - 97 to 910 The Proprietor will at all times endearor to please hit Ciaests, and would reapectfuUy lylicjt tbe patronage of the travelling publte. r. u. sinsiUTT, rropnotor. Portland, Dec. JO, 1865. A. O. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AXD JOBBER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, FUO.VT STREET, POUTJLAXD. I II AVE COX.VTAXTIr OX IIAXD large, choice and best asorted stocks of SUPERIOR BRANDIES, FINE OLD WHISKIES, ' CHOICE PURE WINES. . . " ALS0 OI4 Jamaica Hum, , : Xer England Rum. ALSO, " Tenncnt's, and Maurice, Cpx & VoSh Alp and Vqricrf . ALSO, . . , ABalNTHE, . ' JAMAICA 'OIXOER, ... ESSENCE PEPPERMINT, PPHACCOA, . VEUMOUTII, CORDIALS, B1?TERS, SYRUPS, LIQUEURS. Merchants and Dealers from tbe Interior are re spectfully invited to call ana examine my stock ierore purcnasing euewncrc, , , . PortlandrDee. 20, 1865. i- CZ WHOLESALE CANDY FACTORY ! Tha undersigned would respectfully inform the Citizens and Merchants of Linn Connty 1 "j 1 and adjoining counties, that bo bas established himself In Albany, and is now ready to fill all or- ders for all kinds of v G A IU D I E S, At PORTL AND PR. ICES. EVKBSTTBI50 IS BEZ C ON F EOT I ON EflV a LINE dons'tantlyWban j ahd SUPPERS FOTVBALLS, SURlltKE ' BARTIES and WEXTDltfUS,' fur nished -at short notice, in ; -j-.iil .,11 vl ,i's sx ;,i T ' r,;?fl VERY SUPERIOR STYLE; With the above establishment; s connected a . .';TJIa,:;r..-:iu;ff'?:- , i.-iv)- : ; ff. '., .Sv--;-;. i..i c,;;! iii;t, L-t '.: 5' ': f TOJSAP; -CAfi&S 'VIESj willbe ''deUveredl at private 'iotte leaving of ders with th'e'iindenlgnedJ , " ' , ; fl9TlTnl4tf , ,r r 1 JOSEPH SMITH Cp. ' T THE SOMCITATIOar OF "r fflaTSf "citizen! of Xi'dn Ind Ronton "cflemties I have fitted up the lower Albany Ferry, at Albany Oregon, atbeayy expense, and in ,such ajnanner as tof accomiagdato tna travehcg putliJ fit oll times that ferrying is Wanted to be done, ; ' ; ' ! - AT REDUCED '11ATES f Hoping thereby t0erei Jerklatronaje. ' ;My Ferry Boat is well constructed, with . all of the' latest jmproyements for. safety and strongly secured by a good Vrnst hope. - 1 ASHBY PEARCE Propjiolor. Albariy, Aug, 18th, lSCC-ly I 1,1. M'tninr. NEW PURNlfUIlB STORE! HAMPTON & IflcBIlIDE, ; UNDERTAKERS AND DEALERS JN FUEXITUBE, BEDS MEJIMNG. ( or. FlrMtaiHllVitMhliiKton Httt., ALBANY, LINN, CO., OilEUOW WEbavojuntkidiaone of the lurgest an best selocted stocks of Furniture that wa ;vcr brought to this market, consisting of CHAIRS. elldQSoript'ns MUSIQ STOOLS, UKDSTKADS.' COUNTER fcjTOOLg, CUPUOARDS. ltEVOLVINU 8TOOL8 SAFES, CANDLE STANDS, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, BRKAKFASTTABLli3,lIAT RACKS. . . . DININU TAltLEH, TOWEL RACKS. EXTENSION TARLES, WHAT-NOTS, CARD TARLES, LOUNUES, SOFA TARLES, SOFAS, WORK 'TARLES, PICTURE FRAMES 0 CENTER .TARLES, pvery dencrlptlon, ROSEWOOD AND OILT MOLDING, We bve aliio the lat(,t end most improve rtvles of upbolterv work eiid tbe finest Parlm and Iiud room sets that that was ever trough t Albany. . ' We ijjRnuraolure, repair 01 refit Furniture of ev ory description, and do all kitidi of upholster; work.' I ; Having in our employ npne but the best o workmen, who have served tbeir time at tbet :rade in the East, we are prepared to do all kind tf Cabinet work on the latest and tnot approvet styjes, and whLh . FOR VORKMAfrllP WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION We select our tock In person, and the. publk may rely upon our statement jts duraljlif and place of manufacture. We have on band a large and well selected, stock of Wool, Pulu, Hair, and Mods Matranes. We ereal" prepared wlh mterUl f'r the man ufacarof Comos at tbe shortest notioe. R. We have also on band a large lot of SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS, ' Which we will dUpose of at very low rates. Albany, IS, lo. auH-1v THE HOUSE FOBjNTERIOR PEOPLE! What Cheer BUouse. Front Street, between Tamlilll aud DlorrlMon, Portland. M. O'CONNER, Proprietor, WOULD BE5tIECTV17LIiY IN- f f furm bis Petrous and tha Public generally that, having moved into bis NEW AND SPLENDID HOTEL He is new prepared to eocomtnodato any October of Cueu with gcii' a0(i Lodgbg. Each P.oom is fitted up with entirely .en' Furniture, Carpeting and Fi cucb tiprlnf; Mattresses and is commodious en J comfortable. THE TABLE Is furnished with tbe bett of everything tbe Mar ket afford- Hub, fleh, fowl, vegvubtes and fruit. BK brought from tbe steamers to tbe Hotel without charge. A Fire Proof Hafo Is kept for the secure keeping of Treasure at eav parcels of value belonging to Guests. Hotel Open at All flour. The Proprietor is thankful for the Vary Urge share of public patronage which bas been given to bim fr years, aod Is colnucd to him. and would rejclfuliy solicit an ioefease of it. In doing to, be aures the travelling puUie that no expense or labor will be spared to make tbU Lou the most and agreeable Hotel to Oreos. Portland. De. 20. 1565. GALLERY RE-OFElNTfiD! PICTURES ! FROM LOCKETJO LIFE SIZE I CHEAPER. THAN ELSEWHERE N THE . STATE I Tno.npsox &, paxtot, AIUANYjjOREGON. Wi: ueckxtly i;;i;u our Gallcrv, and have now tberget teky- light and beat arranged rooms . this side of ao rraneifco. We have the Latest Improvced Instruments and use the bet material : and we have spared no expense to beve things right, la order that wa snajr give our Ps Irons FIRST CLASS PICTURES. With our present 6k vlight of 221 square feet we can take (jQod Pictures in all kinds of weather and at all times of dayl None need wait for a clear day come any time, late or early, and if we don't make you a gooa picture we will not let 70a take away a poor one. We bae superior arrangements for taking CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES, And are said to hare more patience than famous Job of ojd. No Patron ever saw ui out of humor. We defy competition In COPYING PICTURES. Call at our elegant and capaoious Gallery en First the chief businesR street, south side, middle of the Uock, ai.d examine our specimen pictures. THOMPSON PAXTON. Albany, November 18, 1865. , " - AND rlACHIIIE SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, TTATINO PUBCIIASF.D THE EN. J 1 tiro Interest in the ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, I am Proparctl to Fnrnlli WROUGHT AND CAST IRON WORK Of every description, on short notioo. Also, BiRASS CASTINGS. " ' All Orders fof 1 Will bo ' filled with dixpateh, and lo ft iatisfaotory nianner. -"- fJplisE POWERS Af?ricultiral Implements llanufactured to order, and particular Attention . T paid to Repairs. , AU kinds of "fv - ' PATTERN -WORE ,. - dono to order on abort notice 1 " ' V A. P. cijJSRRY, Albany, August 18, 1866-ly ;i 3 ,-.''v ; NORTHERN LIGHT LIVERY STABLE! m x T B " ! W .V pa y c -a. 3sr onsr ; r 2AS A3 GOOD A STACLXT , ! AS THERE ;t 18 IN THIS STATE; "AM is as willing to wait on the Public F O a A S LITTLE M O NE V ; , - AS ANY MAN LIVINO, ; j Give 139 ft triAlland um far yourselves. TtlOMAI HAMPTOM Tn peculiar taint or Infection which we call ScRoruLA lurks in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It either produce! pr i produced by an en- fall Into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination ia va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, -tho depressing vices, and, above all, by tb ypnereal infection. Whatever bo it Origin, it is hereditary In th? constitution, descending "from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it teems to bo tho rod of Him whq says, " I wllj visit the iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Tho diseases it originates take) rarioua names,1 according to tho organs it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula producea tubercles, and finally Consumption in tho glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores f in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi- -gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints ; on, the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections, These, all having the samo origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you, cannot have health with that "lifo of the flesh" healthy f you caooot hare scrofulous disease. Ayor8 Barsaparllla Is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for tiiis afflicting distemper, and for the care of tho disorders it entails, That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet dcied, ia known by ail who have given it a trial. That It does combino virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, Is indisputably proven by tho great multitude Sf publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases t Xing'a Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tmnort, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Bose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Ehenm, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in tho longs, Whito Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Heuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Sypoilitio Infections, Uercunal Diseases, Female Werc2ses, r.'J, Indeed, th wboi series of complaints that arise from impurity of the Hood. Minute reports of Individual cases may to found in Area's Amebicax Almas ac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be earned the directions for its use, and pome of tho remarkable cures which it has made when ail other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves i victims fas snore subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy wldch is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Atck's KARSArABitXA, although it is composed of Ingredients, some of which exceed tho best f HartopariUa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. lurgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causps cf disease, and vigorous health will follow. l)y its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulate the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. Wo know tho public have been deceived by many compounds of Sartoparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for he cure of the afflicting diseases It is intended to reach. Although under tho same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before tho people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. ClTEItltY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Bomedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con - sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive) patients in advanced stages of tho disease This lias been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever Has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by I?a. J. C. Ateb & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemittit """ " Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. Vfc-tl- Kohl fav K Iiimii iir . P.i Alhanv. mnA m.1 Wholesale aod Itetail by Smith 4 Dari?, Port end. seSlv BLACKSMITHING! a;new shop jk z2lN A NEW BUILDING I W FRANK. S. WOOB HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH SHOP ' In the yjew Euildinsr on Croad Alb in at (Middle of tho Block east of Noreross stora) ALBANY, OKEQON. Wboro be will execnte orders for work in bis line of every description, sucb as Making and Pointing Plows, Horseshoeing, Toeing Wheels, .j""".' WagbnrIron;W6ik. '.. Particular attention wUi bo given t FARMERS' ORDERS. AU work will bo done in the best manner, and ai VERY: LOW PRICES. I respectfully solicit a fair share of the patron ago of this community. , T. S. WOOD. , Albany, March 81, 1866. aT- J3m OQMILiB-'Sr. j AI ! I HATE AliWAYS ON II AND, or will Manufacture to order, every styla of : doors, SASH: and bunds; at the. shortest notice and. lowest possible charges Boards lfatohe4 and Planed, i Work executed , n a stylo not surpassed b,y aiy .;: ... -.t ghcjj . ia the 'State.. . ": , !S5"TbVMiJl is la tho lower part of the town, on tho. river bank,, at the corners of tha' joining claims of tha Montieths and llackleracn. ' . , .. ' . ' ,,n" r, Bf tOMLET. Albany, September 20, 1865. 20 Good Plows for Salct CAST STEEL PLOWS OP COLLINS' MAKE, iha best Plow in Oregon for tho Farmers. au25 R. CHEADLE. ;:VA1VTCD,;-.::.EGGS, EGGS,, OASII paid oij delivery, for -ny - amonntof Eggs,by . CJIEADL? it fluid becomes in f 3&4' A fsT: ''..competent to iusuiin I lfjr" rrftho vital forcca In their vlgoroua action, an4 b. ZJ&-W Cleaves the aystcm to W. W. PARK1SU. W. W. PARRISn & CO. Wholesale and Betail Dealer's ia GENERAL MERCHANDISE! r AMANY, OKECJOS. TIIANKPU FOR THE LIBERAL PAT ronagt shown as daring the past few years, wa would respectfully the tteatin f eoi numerous patrons to our present desirat and well selected stock of- JDflY GQOBS, fleady-Mado Clothing, Soots and Shoes, pats and Caps, alem Cloths & flanneU, Embroiflory, H"oop Skirts, Silks. Hosiery. &e Ia eossotloa with tbe abeva wa kaef aoswiaatly -cn band a choice salaotioa f Groceries, - tXIardwU'S3v dueasmsure, iitsuisirftr Catlry, Paint aad Oils, fvindovr Claft Ksillsi, dc s&e. W. W. PARRISH & CO. Are prepared to sell aojtbipg la tbir Haa at tbe UOWE&T CASU PIIICIIS OrwUlreeelr MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE In exchange for Goods. $rPersot!s wubiog to boy Goodj Ul fi It grtmtly to tbeir advantage to examine oar Gaod before purcbafing elwbere."T5K Albany. January 27tb, IVIAIBLE YARD ! ALB AN yToREG ON. MARBLE MONUMENTS. GRAVE AND TOMBSTONES, pr Every Stylo and atf cm. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. And Marble Work of A! Kinds. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING ! THE FIX EST LETTERING ! THE BEST EXECUTED yORK In the State ofOrpgon t r .- AU work dono at my Marble Yard is turned ent solas' to five perfect satisfaction to my patrons. PURE WHITE, VERMONT. OH CALIFORNIA MARBLE Will be used as parties ordering work shall select. The Xoircst I4vln? Prices Will be charged in every instance. Orders from any Part of tha State will . bo raithfVtlly cad Promptly rilled. THE MARBLE YARD Is jast below Sprenger's Pacific Hotel, on the west side of the street running from the rirer. j-T- The public are invited tq call at my hep aad examine specimens of work. Albany, January , 86i. TO FAMILIES. of im, im pp pton cooties, THE E2VDERSIGXED IIAT1XG received the agency for FAMILY MEPICINE CHEST, for the above counties, would respectfully inform the eitisens that he is sow in the field, and will call upon the people at their homes and places of business. . - The nature and object of the Chest is to supply families with those tried, certain, safe and efficient remedicfi which are necessary in the prevention and in the treatment of juddpn and common dis eases. The adaptability, of .thjJ conveniently arranged Chest to a place in each and every fam? ily is beyond a doubt. 12 connection with tha Cheat there is a book containing a description of more than seventy dis eases, giving their symptoms in detail, sd no one need be mistaken as to the natafe Of eir co.m plaint. It therein numbers carefully the epeolno remedieii the remedy being found in the Chest for every disease. ; It also contains a Materia Modica, or Dictionary of all the medicines, with their origin, nature, medical properties, doses, anil the disease they are applicable to. No one can doubt the propriety of this wise arrangemen e meet the wan of the afflicted. 1 r ' 1 ? ,C r" ' r j; n. rATSTB. ALBANY BOOK STORE! . - V-.- . -1 -; . - - - ' E. A. FJlEKI..lfr, BOOK SgLLER : AND STATjPNER, ":';i "Zi- . pONSTAJfTiT OK nUS9 I ' - ; , ;x ' 1 '""! STANDARD AND MISCE11ANE01S VlOOSS, Jnvctiile, Toy, Giit smd Elaalc Cooks, SCKOOlr BOQO - AfID i STATIC FIEF.Y I - -0f every kind used in the State. Ijgf. BOOKS'-IMPORTED TO.' ORDER, at short noticey. v v'V DwlalCly-' PRIVATE MEDIO AL AID. Qultli Cure and Moderate Charge Private Medical and Suraical Imtitue. Sacramento street, .below Montgomery, opposite ' uv m. Kiuv iai Dvwmsoip wo. 'a omce. trn- : v vaie entrance on Aetasuors street, Ban 1'rancisco,. California.. Estalluhed expressly to afford ilie afflicUd sound ana scientific medical aid, tn the treatment and cure of all iTtvalc and Chronic Diseases, casts of secrecy and all sexual ' ' diseases - - - TO THE AFFLICTED. to bis namerotis patents for tbeir patronage, and -woold take this opportunity to remind them that ': be continues to consult at bis InstHota for tb ear " of chronic dineases of tbe Lanes. Liver. - Kidnevs, '. jlictk.w uiij km cu u j-vanErary urgans, ana SJi, private diseases, vis: Syphilis in all its rorms and;-' stages, Seminal Weakness, and all tbe horrid eo-'; sejoetcs of i.lf-aloe, Oonorrbosa, Gleet, StrW-' tares,: Koetarnai and Diurnal emissions, Sexual Debility, Diseases of tbe Back and Loins, Inflam mation' of fbe Madder and Kidneys, etc., etc. j and? he hope that bis long experience and successful, practice will continue to insure bim a share of the 1 public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe aa4 the United States, be is enabled t apply the most efficient and suceessful remedies against diseases of all kinds.' lie nses do mereu- ' ry, charge moderate, treats bis patients in a cor. rect and honorable way, bas references of an qnestionable vi racity from men of known respect " ability and high standing in society. All parties -consulting bim by letter er otherwise, will receive the best aod gentlest treatment and implicit eecre sy. , ; Dr. Doberty would call attention te tbe follow tag certificates from tiro of his patients, who, nav- , tag folly recovered their bfalth, desire to make knewn tbeir remedial agent It will be seen tbeir , statements are fully authenticated by a Notary Public. - j - Tbe welfare f Society imperiously demands tbeif publicity, a4 they are giren more to wars tbe unwary than to sound the praises of a Pbyst eian, of whom hundred of like eases can be cited, ' during a practice of more than fifteen years. cass or cleet axn erBicrrszs. , Dr. Doberty Dear Sir : I feel mv health so fnU" ly restored tbat, in common gratitude, I believw ' I skhrtfilsi mala vti saiha svvWiam for your raluable services particularly so as your fee was small for tbe work performed. I arrived in this eity from tbe East about on year ago, aod was then suffering from an old ease) or oieet, eompacatea with stricture. Being s stranger in this city, and believing tboee doctors who gave sucb positive assurances of success were necessarily the bct, (some of wbom have a larga number of titles) I placed myself ia tbeir charge, and continued tnder tbeir treatment until I bad lost nearly all bcpe and considerable sum of money. ' I wish to say now tbat yon are the-sixth doctor I have employed, and tbe only ene tbat bas ever done me any service. JSIy. Gleet ia wholly cured, tbe stricture is all removed, and my general health hi' better than it bas been for years. In conclusion I would say to the many unfortunates who require) medical advice, if you have any doubt as to whoa' you may employ, ask Dr. Doberty for my address and call and see me. (1 xeep store in this eitv.t My experience may save you mspy dollars. J would also add tbat in tbe early stage of mv dis ease, I used a large amount of the preparations ad vertised as an itf'Lle cure for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, etc., but sever derived any benefit from them. I am, Doctor, very truly yours, ' L. II . San Francisco, June 16, 1 64. ' ' Subscribed and sworn' to befve me this 31st daj of Junes, 1864. A. 5. GOULD, l. s. Notary Public. . tStnsAL wcakxcss a swoas vo CEStTircaTa cm MOST BEKARKABLr CCBE OF SPEBV ATORaEOEa. . A detire to benefit humanity, and a feeling of gratitude to Dr. W. K. Doberty, alone induces me to make this statement. For many years I have beec afiicted with tbat fearful dueae known ai Spermatcrrhcea' or Seminal Weakneceen, the result of self-abuse, but till l&ii experienced but Iktle trouble or inconvenience. In tbat year, however, I bad Seminal Weakness to an alarming; extent, which was toon followed by the most alarming symptoms, aa weakness of the back and limbs, pains in tbe bead, dimneM of vision, nerv ousness and general debility. My mind, too, was afflicted to such an extent as to seriously impair my memory ; my ideas were confused and spirits depressed. I wa averse to society, bad evil fore bonings and self distrust, and was entirely uniU ted for any of the duties of life. From 1855 to the! summer of 1863. 1 employed the very best medical talent I could find, and spent several hundred dol lars, but in no instance obtained more than tem porary relief. I bad about concluded there 5 i no relief for me in this world, but seeing Dr. Do berty' advertisement, I thought I should call and see bim, as he chargod nothing for consultation. I bad an interview with tbe Doctor, and his fe for treatment wa sp reasonable, J. determined to try bim. though I did not expect 'much benefit from bis treatment. On the 5th of December Jast I placed myself under his care; in ane week I found . myself very much improved, and now.'afjer five week I troatment, 1 feel myself thoroughly cured all my troubles and in tbe enjoyment of the beef health. Hoping that my experience may b of benefit to others .similarly afflicted, I subscribe myself JAMES J0IIXST05V Subscribed an sworn to before me, this 15th day of January, 1864. l. s. A. G. RANDALL, Notary Publk, TO FEMALES. , , c When a female is afflicted with disjsase, as weefc pes of tbe back and ifjb, pain in the head,' (lio ness of sight, low if muscular power, palpitation. " of the heart, irritability, nervousness, extme uri nary difficulty, derangement of digestive functions, general debility, yaginities, all diseases of tha womb, hysteria, sterility, and. all other diseases peculiar to females, they should gor or write at once to the celebrated remale doctor, W. K. De herty, at bis Helical Institute, and consult bim about their troubles and disease.' The Doctor ia effecting more cures than any other physician in the State of California. Let no false delicacypre rect yon, but apply immediately and save your self from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in tbeir fami lies, should write or call at Dr. W. Dohertys Med ieal Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Docsor's offices are so ax ranged tbat he can be consulted without fear of observation, t . -? -? r TO CORRESPONDENTS.. ; r Patients residing at a distance, who may desira the opinion and advice of Dr. Doberty on their re spective CSSCS. and wbo think rrnn.r tn inkmit & written statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most sacred. Dr. Doberty takes this method of observing that all letters are only opened and replied to by bins- V- ., . mii ancr ma prompuy as possioie. , It the case be fidly and candidly described, per sonal communication will bo nTvpivt structiftns for diet, regimen, and the general treat- ment of the ease itself (iaeludiag tbe remedies,)! will be forwarded without gelay, and in such sx manner as to eenvcv no idea, tf tha. nnmnrt nf tW letter or parcel so transmitted. - - ' feSu Consultation FREE. Permanent eorsk guaranteed or no pay. ' Address J ' ' I c K, POUJERTIV M. D., - ' San Franciseo, vatuonua . , PPINONS OP THE PlsiV f ' v W PftHERTTil a silfful'physieiiia red a honorable gentleman, any statements he makes O his patients he is sure to fulfil!. That'faot is mS great cause of his eminent success in bis prof eJit eion. It is fortunate that among the many advtr tisincr nhTsioians thiorn ia nnt Iia K i).Tsnut on." Review. ' - - - DR, DOERTy;SrepntaUonsa physieiaa is a sufficient guarantee for the cure of any as be undertakelj.'f Chronicle, , "'-. - "DR. DQIIERT Y has devoid his study mora particularly to ehrc nie, speoifio' and secret practice, and as such is now tb most successful of any physician in San Fraaoisco."r-Free P-ress, " ' i D. DOIIERTY'S renutation is second tn mW. er physician on tho ooast in ohronio and Ipccili p'r,aotice." Mirror, f -vJ ... . s. . . . - f JffpR. DOHEETY. Few man in the meScLl ppiession nave susceeaect in gaining the confi denae of the public in their skill and judgment U he has." -Enquirer. s - , "DR. DOHERTY ranks as one of our most 4 tinguished pbysiciivas, and alsd one of the tami successful, which is now tha medical practitioner is judged." -Echo, ssej y - 1 .'I., : ' - ., F'OR SALE.. v - K f 'AAA SHINGLES for sale byM OU UUIj .(au25) T, Rs CHEADXB. 5 ft OF SALT. FOR U ctwpf w niBiaunsn tsu"