STATE RIGHTS-DEMOCRAT. Money Market San Francisco Legal Tender rates... ....7172 New York Gold VJuotations ' Prrata. SeTpral Yexatiotfs and egregious errors occur in our last week's editorial. : TFo will not specify tkemf because we belieto that our readers gcnrallj.willeoat a glanco .heir truo character. Some jears ago, when we first began to write for the press, if an jerror occurred, no matter hoy triling we imagined wo were ruined forever in tho, csti pationcf the publto. Ikit experience has taught us that the public &ro ciuitq lenient in such matters. They regard them as the .'cummin and anise" so to sneak : but if a an editor go yrong on vital principle the publio do not forgivo or forget very readily. We inten tfiat our writir-g? shall be per fectly freo from these letter errors j but as for the former, w$ will only promiso to do the best wo can. CniSTMas. Christmas has passed awavf leaTing many pleasant memories behind in the hearts of the children and youth of Al bany. Hundreds of dollari were expended bj parents and friends in the purchase of suitable articles for presentation on Christ mas day. Toy-shops were thronged all day Monday, &nd tradesmen made many an hon est penny as a consequence. Christmas Eve ihe Court House was lit up and early filled to pyerflowhig, by old and young, to witness the Christmas-tree and the proceedings in (cennection therewith. Prayer was offered by Eev. AT. Monteithj after which a few ap propriate remarks were made by Revs. Irvin and Bclknapp. Nextj the veritable Cris Cringle, wrapped in robes of fur, with white and frosty Ward, and laughing fjes, and being loaded down with numberless presents, made his appearance ; and, after delivering a short -Speech, suddenly made his exit, amid the loud plaudits of the audience. Next fol lowed the distribution of hundreds of "gifts" to as many happy recipijta, and then the entertainment closed. ' We have seen several Chrijtmas.-trpcs in our time trees tiat were gotten up by those who prided themselyes cn knowing just how the thing should be done ; but we never saw a more tai ty or creditable one than that of last Monday evening in Albany. Tej Albjlxt College. We were unable to be presont at the ''Entertainment" given last Wednesday evenipg; in the Court House, for the benefit of this Institution. We un derstand, however, that the performers were greeted with a respectable house j and that, taken as a whole, they acquitted themselves xemarkably well some of them considera bly above mediocrity Another benefit for this College will be given at the same place, Tuesday evening next, January 1, 18G7; and we are assured that the performances will be far better. In accordance with the very general wish of the public, some two cr three of the better scenes of Wednesday vening will be re-enacted ; but with those exceptions, an entirely new programme has been adopted. From present-appearances there will be a crowded house. Few better objects can be presented fur a "benefit," han this embryo College and our citizens .will promote their own pleasure, as well as interest, by lending it their countenance and material support. Christkas Present. On Christmas after noon last a fine, fat, well-cooked pig was placed on our editorial table. On removing its covering a clean, snowy-wtite cloth -we found the following note : "Albast, Dpcejisber 2$, 1866. "A merry Christmas, and compliments of J. B. Sprenger to Mr. Abbott." ' : The generous donor will please accept our jvarmest thanks. May he continue to have a "good mn"of custom as long as he shall 'run" the "Pacific j" may his regular boarders all pay promptly, and may no un godly transient "chisel" him out of a solfr tary meal. Oar friend S. keeps a good hotel -a feat not every man can perform. GttAXD Ball. We are requested to an nounce thzt a grand ball will be given in the new ball of Messrs. Parrish & Co., on next - Wednesday eyeni,; January 2, 18G7. A jcordial and general invitation is extended to all those who whh to participate in this pop.-1 filar amusement. The Committee on invita. Jions requ ast that-r- . :. "All boJi old and yonngr-opje i, And dance to the notes of the sweet violin !'' - Albaxt Brewery. It will be observed. by reference to the advertisement in another column, that the Albany Brewery is now in operation j and "e are assured by those who profess to bo good judges of the article, that Iheir "lager" is of th finest order and healthiest make. They deliver it to patrons rer order.' Kew Tzar's Ball: A ball will be giyen by Stone ; 3IcCoy, of the Planter's House, in this city, on next New Year's Evening. Gentleman and ladies generally are invited -to. attend - - - .- Thz Fair. The ladies' Fair which came (off last Friday evening in Albany did very well ; netting about $10, go we are in formed. ' , ' Throws np the Sponge. Oar CorvalJis brother, Mr. Freeride, jpays: Nighbor Democrat, we bid you jaiieu." r ' : Ajew ! dear iemperaiice friend, ajew I j-d if forever still fare thee well I . We 'were unprepared to Bee "our "free-"ride .friend so soon toss up the connecting link tetween the animal and vegetable world. -Ajew I aj sw I friend Freeride, ajew 1 ; t . ., The. weather in Eastern Oregon has .beert pleaaanter by .far during the past two 'WeeTcs than in th,e corresponding season of ?M? J preyj jus yar. ne luermometer nas etood during most cf the time at sixty de crees, entire, absence pf the pre: ;yaijihg:wiiids vJt' is a matter of euriou? .remark tliat, .while in.' the latitude of St. Louis, and points even further south, vio llent Btorras of sleet and snow have occur red here, in a northern latitude . and al acsfat the' base of the Blue Mountains, Ihe winter season has not yet commenced. i -tr - Mrs. Teal, who had lately iven birth jo a son, was oflended at a neighbor in nu!rv tor tie health of her voting naif MARRIED BRAMWELL ClItmciULL. On the 20th day of December, A. D. ISpO, by. Rev. John W. York, at the Court Homo, in Albany, William Rramwoll aad McMati ChufchlJL all f Man ALBANY PRICES CUIlItEXT. Albant, Saturday, December 29, 1868. Tbo following are the prices paid for Produce, apd the price at which other artiolci ftro idling in tats market : ... Wheat white, per bushel, 50 ct. Oatper bushel, 253tt eta. Potatoes er bushel, 62175. Onions per bushel. $1 25. Flour bbl, $4 00. Rutter per pound, S5371 ct. ' 1'ffcsper doon, 871 cts. Chickeua per doien, $3 50. Peachc dried, per pound, 15 ct. Pork per pound, l(cp7ct. ; Beef on foot, 4 ($5 eta. Mutton, per pound, 12J conU. 8oap per pound, 4 (j;5 eta. Salt- Los Angclos, per pound, 2 otf. ' Syruppcr gallon, 0(i$l 00. Tea Young Hyson, per pound, $1 00. " Black, 75$l 00. Japan, $1 12J. Sugar crushed, pr pound, 1720 cU. Island, 10i12l. " Sea. Hets. Coffee per pound, 28030 eU. Kails cut, per pound, V($l0ct3. White Lead pure, pec keg, $1 05 00. Linseed Oil boiled, per gallon, $1 75(jj2 00. Turpentine per gallon, $1 7502 00. Domestic brown, 20 ($25 cts. Hiokory striped, per yard, 30 eta. Bed Ticking per yard, SOfiiO cU. Blue Drilling per yard, 25(30 cU. Flannels per yard, 621 (V 75 ct Prints fast colors, per yard, 1S(520 cts. Rifle Powder, per pound. 75 (if, $ I 00. Candles best, per pound, 30(C33 ct. Rice China, per pound, HCi,b eta. Tobacco per pound, 75$$1 00. Salaratus per pound, 4(15 eta. SPECIAL NOTICES. Medical A I vice. DR. WM. K. DO- llKUTV'S Medical and Surgical Institute is be coming asino qua non to the welfare cT cur State and health of our citiiens; and his rapidly spread ing reputation, although jt rcay excite surprise, is but the signal of skill, and fullowi aa thenatural effect of such a cause. We are personally acquaint ed with gentlemen who hare suffered furyeari un- j. -V : j , i . ... ! ucr curuuio uucafc. mn w aa baa laxen aaj ani age of e?ry arailable means Ciat romLicd relief, but without success, -until' ihey called open Dr. Doherty, who, in an incredibly short spaen'olf time has girea ihtrn entire relief. It is gratifyicg to announce this fact, because the Doctor is a gen tleman' v ho teeki, not by defamation of others, to establish his reputation, or to rear Uie suprstrac ture of his owi upon the ruin of an another's fame. The Doctor conducts hi Instate in such a man ner that must be gratifying to all his patients. He examines, advises and recommends without charge, and the patient, after hearing his terms for treatment, can accept or reject at pleasure, laj no case uocs me isocior maxe a enarge unlets uo effects a cure. This be U able to do, because he feels the confidence which long experience has giv en, and no doubt the consolation which appertains to thvi cnfilnce. Persons" adlicteJ with either accnte or chronic diseases, would do yelj to con sult him. For consultation he asks no fee, nor does be insist on obedience to his ad rice unless the patient placcc himself under his care. His offices are on Sacramdnto street, epposiie the Pacific Mail Steamship usee. ;, J, Jws, GOOD GURB AND PLENTY OF IT. AT TDK BENNETT HOUSE, OREGON Tj. jay s. turney, HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public, and OSS Uf.ifDKED ttKGCtAR BOARD- EE, m as goo4 etyu as any H'uie on the Cvast. He has determined to make the Bennett" as good as the bestaad letter than any public house in Salem. He will soon complete some important im proTemcnts, which will add greatly to its appear ance" rnd comfort, and intepds to merit and hopes to rcccjve uis t nare oi patronage. He has secured the serricea of "Charley" (known to be the best cook in Salem, and one of the best in the whole country), and other compe tent persons to manage he culinary department, a d is resolved to set a? gbo4 a tabjo as can be found anwhere -not in eiap-trap, pomp and show. flummery and fine furniture, but in an abundant supply of the very b2st the market affords. His Bar-Room will be kept warm and lighted, and well supplied m'jth newfpapprs, periodicals and ether suitable reading matter, and kept in a manner which will mate it an agreeable resort. In snort, be intends making an effort to please all wbo stop at the Uexxett IIocse. And be most respectfully requests his frieuds everywhere to give the old and well known stand at least one more trial before concluding they can do as well elsewhere, and promises if they are not well treat ed, and properly cared for, and at reatonabU Jig' urer, it will not be the fault of the public's most obedient and most humble servant, . L, JAY S. TURXEY, X. B. Furnished rooms, with or without beard, by the day, week or month, at the "Bennett": charges moderate. L. J. S. T. galem, Oregon, Nor. 12, 1SW v2nlStf NATIONAL COLLEGE BUSINESS AND COMMERCE! Cor. Alder and Front Streets, PORTLAND - . OREGON. -. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES! THIS COLLEGE RANKS FIRST' ON 'THE COAST, and offers advantages for acquiring a Practical Business Education superior to any other school. TittE COURSE QF INSTRUCTION Is conducted on the plan of the. best Commercial Colleges in Europe and the Atlantic i - ' States, combining..; A" TIIEQRY AND PRACTICE, By means of Banks and Business Offices, thus fa? miliar izing the Student with all the dlffer , ent kiadf pf business in the. - ' shortest possible time, and least expense,' , THE BUSINESS COUaSE Embraces Book-Keeping (by Single and Double Entry), Penmanship, . Commercial Calcala i tioDS, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Actual Business, Lectures on Ac counts, Business Customs, Mer cantile Ethics, Ac., Ao. TBBMS: Scholarships, embracing the whole Businesf . jCourse, Regular and' Special Lectures, time ontunited, with privilege of royiewlnr at any future time ................ ..v ...$50 There are no Vacations. . Students enter at any tune. ' . . . , ,,. . For further particulars address the President, or call at the College. M. K. LAUDENSLAGER, Pres't. n. M. De TuAncEt See'y. f . Dete. 8, '(J, nl73m - " ... A T THE SOLICITATION 'Of? f, many citizens, of Linn and Benton counties I ko.n.J A V, - 1 A TV. T . 11 I Oregon, at heavy expense, and in such a manner as to accommodate the traveling publio at all tuaej mat jerrying u waited to be done, AT 1TEDUCEP RATES, '-''"'' -- -...-vrj! .'.!i;!5.,.l, Hoping thereby to secure s liberal patronaee. My Ferry Boat is well constructed, with all of tno latest improvements lor saiety, and strongly j , 3 - secured Dy a gooa wire koe. , - ; ' - ; . yASHBY PBARCE, Proprietor. Albany, Ang. 18th, 1866-ly 1 K TONS . OF JiALT, FOR SAIS . - ADVERTISEMENTS. Persons or sodoul'ary habits routledwltb weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of Ubrt, lack of appetite, distress after eaUng, torpid lijfr, consti pation, Ac, deservo to suffer If they will not try the pelebrated PLANTATION BITTERS, which are now recomroendqd by the highest medical au thorities., and warranted to produce an immediate beneflolal effect. They are exceedingly agreeablo, ncrfeetlT cure, and bust supercede all other'ton- les where a healthy, gentle stimulant is required. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They strengthen the system sad enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatio and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stom- They euro Pyspepsla and Constipation. They cura Liver Complaint and errooi Ifd ache. They make the weak strong, the languid bril liant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisyabark, wintcrgreen, sassafras, roots and herbs, all pre served in perfectly pure Ct, Croix rum. For par ticulars, see circulars and testimonials around each bottle. Beware of inpotors. Examine ef cry biUe. See that it has out private U. 8. stamp unmutila ted over the cork, with plantation scene, and our signature on a fine iteul'piaUj aMe UbcL See that our botjlo is pot reBiled with spurious and delete rious stuff. Any person prcteudiug to sell Plan tation Bitters by the gallon oi in 'bulk, is an Ira. poster. Any poiso'n imitating this bottle, or sell ing any other material therein, called Plantation Juiuerf or not, is a eiimiow umier iu U. S. Law, and wjll to so proiecuted'by us. The demand for Drake's Plantaticn Bitters, frcm la dies, clrgy men, merchants, Ac. is neredble.- The simple trial of a botUe if the 'erlde'nee we present of their worth and superiority. They are sold by all respectable druggkts, grocers, pbysl- eians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country .tores. P. II. DRAKE A CO. ISarne Jlasnolla Water. A toilet delight! The ladies' treasure and gen tlemen's boon f The sweetest thiog" and largest quantity. Manufactured from p rich Southern Magnolia. Used fr bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to prevent erup tions, to perfume clothing, Ac It(overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan. blotches, Ac. It cures ccrrouf LcsUcle and allays in C a tarna tion. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures musqueto b:Us and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. It is what every lady should have. Sold every where. T7 the Magnolia Water once and you wi!J use no oilier .Colcgne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DEM AS BARNES A CO., Props. Exdur'rc Ageu;., . . Sold by all Dragguts and Dealers on the Pacif ic coast. Iyon) Kntbalroii, It is Araoft delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents hair turning gray and falling o J. It restores hair upon prematurely bald beads. Ti Is is just what Lyon's Kathairon will do. It is pretty it is cheap- durable. It Is literally sold by the car-load, and yet its almost incredi ble demand is daily increasing, until there is hard ly a country store that dees not keep it, or a fami ly that does not use it. E. TU031A5 ITQ. pbetnlst. Si. Y. Eyon Extract Ginger, Lyon's Extract of Pure Jamaica Ginger for Indigestion, Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera Morbus, Flatulency, Ac, where a wann ing stimulant is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable ar ticle for culinary purposes. - S9I4 everywhere, at JO cU per bottle. Ask for "Lroa'a" Pure Ex tract. Take no other. - Iyon Flea Powder, Tb effect of Lyon's Magnetic Insect Powder Is almost instantaneous death to everything of the insect species. Fleas, particularly, cannot live where it is. It is most wonderful in this respect, being entirely harmless to the human family.- Many worthless imitations are offered. Be partic ular and receive noije b,ut Lyon's. Each flask of the genuine bears th signature E. Lypn and the stamp of Demas Bar.ies A Co. ' Mustang Liniment, Ilave yon a hurt child or a lame horse ? Use the Mexican Mustang; Liniment. For cots, sprains, bums, swellings and caked breasts, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a cor tain cure. , For rheumatism, ncnralgia, stiff joints, stings and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Mus tang Liniment;' - - ? For spavined horses, the poll-evil, ringbone and sweeney, the Mexican Mustang Liniment never fails. ' - - For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold. ' - u . Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so com men and certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this Liniment is tne beet investment Jhjit can be made. . ; . .... It is more certain than the doctor it saves time in sending for the doctor it is cheaper than the doctor ana enouia never be dispensed with. , ,'fln lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped ovef and sj,lded mv hands terrjbly. The Mustang Liniment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly, and left very little scar. CHAS. yOSJER, 42Q Broid fy., PhUia. Mr. S. Litch, of Hyde Pii'k,.Vt., writes: - ' My horse was considered worthless, (spavin) but sinee the use of the Mustang Liniment, I have sold him for $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up here." -! ? :- ' T All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, signed, Q. W. Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private U. S. etap of Demxs Baeses & Co over the top. ' Look closely' Sold by all t)rng gists, at 25, 50 ets, and $1 00. . let v2a ly ADVERTISEMENT. JACOB NORCROSf lTliolcitilo tnd Retail Dealer, In DRY QOODSj CLOTHING, " HARDWARE, MILL. SAWS, Iflceh&ie'fs BXiqcr'a; c SUektmlth' olf, ROP QHAIN, BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, THIMBLE, B0X1NQ AND SET SPRINGS, rzii&rnoor duildiko, Albany, IJnu County, Og'n. " ' ' oc27nll . , , .rcr. .re Oct. . reOnOor. . x 0 G h i n G 0 r . . rcGntltnGor. . r e (j n i 1 1 1 i n'(j 9 y . . roG n i'l t h 1 1 i u'G e r . . r e G n i'l t li h 1 1 i 11 G e r . .reGntltUgiglitlinGeg, .r?G nilHgi'CiglinGdf . ' .'r 0 n i 1 1 h i htlinGct, . r c G n i 1 1 h c Ii 1 1 i n G e r . " , ; " r G n i 1 1 h 1 1 i n G e r . r 0 G n i 1 1 1 i p G'o r .' '. r e G n i 1 i n G e r . ,reGninGr,' . r e G n Q e r ! . r G 0 r ' . re r . . r . Lest yon trouble your brain In solving this riddle. Commence with the capital I in the middle. Read up if yon choose. Or to the right at y oar ease, To the left like the Jews, Or down like Chinese. Ills prices are lower, His stock mere complete Than any other slr Found on Fruni street. 80 do not delay, But Viag on your cash. Your country produce And all kinds of trash. For he'll sell better groceries, And more, fox lEe amd, Than any other dealer This side of Portland. ' A. N. KiailTLIKfSEIl, Corner F;ry and Front street Albany, O'gs, nolOnUly PIAXTEKS HOUSE. Cf r. Washington aad Firnt Stf Having been thoroughly refitted, la f" '3-oaj opa for the accommodation of.t , the traveling public, Tbe table will 'speak 1W it self. Neat and comfortable beds and rooms for patrons, Ac RATES OP, BOARD: Per week $5 00 Per week, with lodging....... . 6 00 Ftngle meals - 40 Beds... 0 Q. Meals all boors. STONE 4 McCOY, Proprietors. nol01S6Iy. WASHINGTON MARKET. BROAD ALBIN ST., BETWEEN 1st AND 2d, ALBANY, OREGON. J. EPPllYCsEEl Has just opened a new MARKET HOUSE At the above roentioced nlace, and will always keep on band the BEST MEATS THE MARKET AFFORDS, such as BEEF, WflTTO POESY SKSIGE, Lai all kinds ef Cored Cleats. 1 Libera) Share of Patronage ii Solicited. r Str We are always ready to pay the HIGH EST CASH PRICE for fat stock. se207tf Petition for Partition. IN the matter of the KsUte of Mahala J. Hall, deceased. In the County Court of Linn coun ty, Oregon. Petition of Matthew M. Bryson for partition of real estate of said deceased, being the one-fifth interest therein assigned the petitioner, wno asas 15 a j me same may be sei on 10 saia pe titioner. On the reading aud 'filing of said peti tion tbe following order was made by the Court, to-wit; :siQw, therefore, ii is ordered that the bearing of said application be appointed for luesday, (be otn day of January, A. It. 1867, at one o'clock P. M.t of that day, at tie County Court Room in Albany, in the county of Linn. and State of Oregon, and that the petitioner, or his Attorney, give notice hereof, to Essalom M. Hall, Isaiah Hall, Susanna Kirkendali, George W. Hall, Francis M. Hall and Isaiah Bmeltzer, guardian to minor' heirs named' heroin, bv pub lishing a copy of this order in the State Rights Democrat for tho full term of six weeks from this date, to be and appear before this Court at the time and place herein named, to show cause, if .1 i'' I ' ai- 1 a! -I M -1 . any mere do, way uns apfriuaio enouta nop ce grantea." CRANOR .4 IIELM, 1 Attorneys for Petitioner. Dated at Albany, Oregon, November 7, 1866. nol0136w T A I LO R I W g. JES DUSTAl HAS opened a TAILOR SHOP on First street, opposite the "Democrat" Office, where he uiBjr always vw iuuuu y ( ! j ' c. , ; CUT, pa cuT AJSip lyiAKE ' ' "' ALL KIHPS OP OXi O 3? 1 1ST ca-, On short notice and in any style desired, by ens ' ' tomers. He also CLEANS ; AIVD REPAIKS T J All kind" of Clothing and3oods.. December 15, '66, v2nl81y WOOIs ' WAITED ! zr ffa pounds of wooi. U Ue,U U U wanted at Albany, IXascn 21365. ' ADVERTISEMENTS DAVID WXRTlIAlf, I JOSXPH OrfKirnEIlf ER Albany, I Portland. Q-LOHIOTTS NEWS WgRTHAN i CO., AT TUB fc NW OIiI STOKE in" Foster Two Story Briok, ALBANY. bBEQON. Hayejusf received mr4 largest siqci: FALL AND WINTER QQQDp JtTKB BR0VOBT TO Alt AH J, Qir Sck Consists 0 Foreign find Scoeitie, Staplt FANCY DRY GOODS, Ladies, Misses and Children's CLOAKS, BASQUES, SACKS AND HATS. Also ft Fine Lot of HOODS. NUBIAS. BREAKFAST CAFES. Si S0NTA6S. Tbe Latest Styles ef READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS1 HATS FUHNISIIINQ: GOODS. AND boots AWP ?H9s Iso n Fine Lot of DRESS TRIMMINGS. We also keep eonstant! on hand a large Stock of OEOCERIBS, CROCKEBT, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, TAINTS and OlLS. Having ft Partner residing in the market, we are enabled to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Aad Parefcawrs wi2 find it to their Interest to give us ft ceil before baying eUewbere. CT Grain and all kinds of Merchantable Pro duce taken In fihaogw for goods. a REMEMBER WEUTHAN & CO., At the New York Store, in Foster's two story brick. First street. WERTHA3 PQt Albany, Sept 8, l?M-?y WHAT A RUSH! TO THE CASH STORE OF Rt CIIEADLE7 CORNER BROAD ALBIN AND MAIN STS. Goods sold In large or small quantities to suit customers AS CHEAP AS AY SJORE In Oregon. FOR CASH OR TRADE. I WILL SELL. Come and tee Eefore Buying any where else, AS THE GODS MUST BE SOLD. fttt25-4a R. CIIEADI.E. I cjesflre to ay to thpse granting PAINTS, I HAVE A LARGE LOT OF PAINTS AND OILS DIRECT FRQM SAN FRANCISCO, VHIQH I VILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BB HAD AT PORTLAND, dding FreJgM from PorUsjid to Albany. I HAVE A LARGE LOT OF GLASS AND ! NAILS OF AlfL SJ1ES TO SUIT THE TRADE. Vi2S I r. CIIEADLE. Administrator's Notice. TsJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE m undersigned has been appinted by the Coun tr Court of Linn county, Oregon, as ' Administra tor, with the will annexed, of the estate of K. D. Jack, deceased. All persons haying claims against laia esiaie win pie&se proseuii iuetn, uuiy auvuen ticaad according to law. : ' ' j)ee. 8nl74w H. J. O. AVERILL, Admr. lllSTiiU'i'iEIiTAL AND YOCAL MUSIC LIISS PHII.1ELIA ABBOTT S NOW PREPARED TO 01TE LESSONS on the Piano Forte, at her residence in AI- any. She refers to those whom she has taught, both hjsre and in uoryatus. : ? TTJITION: Per quarter, 24 lessons... ,..;...'. .,.$15 00 Use of Piano for prtetieis, fax quarter,......... 50 TiOiOCJ.- .... ,, '. ' ADVERajISEMENTS, fas wow.t's oksa wocat tot ' Bcrofulft and Bcrofulou.1 Dlseass. IVoik Entry Edtt, a ivtll-krunon merchant qf Os$ X have sold large quantifiee of yonr 8arsapa RILLA, but never fet One bottle which failed of the desired effect and full tiUtilfion to those who took Jt. As fast ae our people try if, tbey agree" there bs been no modtdne like it be aire our eommanlty.''- Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Fustuias, Ul - cers. Bores, and all Diseases of the Bkifl. ' Prom Rev, Holt. Slraiton, hrittol. England '. ' 1 only do my duty to yon and th4 publie. whet I add my testimony to Jiat you publiali of the me dicinal virtues of your Sarsapauiixa. Mr daugh ter, aged1 ten, baa an afillctlnff humor In her ears, eyes, and nalr for years, which we were enable to care until we tried your 8a rsafakuxa. She has been weU for some months. From Ap-i. Jany E. Illr, a wU-knrntm end imc t ttteem4 Ipdy of DmniivilU. (Jape liny Co N.J. "My daughter has suffered for a year past with ft scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome; Nothing 'afforded any fcilcf until we tried your 0ABSAfAxiLLA,whJcti soon completely cured ber." yowl CharUt P. Ottpe, E$q., of ihe wUlely-kwmn Gag; Murray if Co.. rruinufacinrerM pfinamtUni, pmer$ in Nashua, y. JJ. . ' I ha4 for several years ft vary troublesome) umor in my faoe, which grew constantly worse ttntil It disfigured my feature and became an intol erable affliction. 1 tried almost every thing a man eould of both advloe and medicine, but without any relief whatever, nntil 1 took your Sarsafarilua. It Immediately made my faoe worse, as you told me ft might for time) but In a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and eon- tinned until my turn Is as smooth a any body's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that 1 know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without ft doubt owe it to your SARSAFAkiiXA. Erysipelas; Q en er&l Debility Purify tha Blood.- From Dr. Holt. Bawln, Jloutton f York. " I-R. Atkb. 1 seldom fail to remove EmptUm and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSAFARitXA. and I nave Just now cured an atUck Of Malignant Erpstpttlas with it. No alterative we possess equals the SARSAFAR1LI.A yon have sup piled to tbe profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq.. WaJceman, Cfhia. J For twelve years, I bad tbe yellowy erysipelas on my right arm, durlflg which time I tried all the eelebrsied physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollar worth of medidnea. The nicer were ao bad that the cords became risible, and th doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. X began taking your MA&4APAKILXA. Took two bot tles, and some of your YtUM. Together they hare euredme. I am now as well and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my ease Is known to every b4y in this eoBuan<y, and excite the wonder of From Tim. Urnry Monro, it. P. P., cf KeuvastU, C. W., a leading member of tt Canadian 1'arlia nunt. 1 have oaed your Sarsafabtixa In my family, for general debility, and for purifying lie llood, with very beneficial remits, and uu confidence in eonuncnoiafcT tt to the afflicted. . .1 . tU Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Zlheazn, Scftld HtA, Sore Eyes. Front Tlarvry SCcLler, Esq., the able editor eftht ' lunlhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. Our only child, about three year of age, was attacked by pimple on hi forehead. They rapidly Spread until they formed loathsome and virulent tore, whi:h covered his face, and actually blinded his erei for soma dava. ' A' aldlfai obraician anolied nitral of silver and other remedies. Without any apparent effect ror fifteen day we irnarded hi bands, test with thetn he hcoj fear cpta the fes tering and corrupt wound which covered his Whole face. Uaving tried evrry thing elee we bad any hope from, we began giving your Harsaparuxa, and apply tog the -Iodide of potash krtlon, as yon direct. The sore began to heal when we bad glims the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. ' Tho CblM' rrclaahes. which bad corns out, grew agalOj and he la now ms bealthy and fair a any outer. Toe wnoie neignoornooa vtvacuss that the child must die." Syphilis smd Hercurial DUeaAO. From Dr. Hiram Stoat, efSt. Louts, Missouri. -1 find Tour gABftAfAJULLA more effectual remedy for tbe secondary symptom of Syphilis and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. Tbe proaMion are indebted to yon for some of tho best medicines we have. From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician ef Lavren&e Miass srao xs a prominent wumotr t$ tks Legislature of Massachusetts. Dn. Arrn II v dear feir x I hare found your fiARAfAeimi an excellent remedy for Syphilis. both of the primary and secondary type, and effee. tool In aomo cues that were too oUtlnate to ykld to other remedies. 1 do not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, whore ft power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. 8. Van Hem, ofXcu BrunsuHek. 2t.J had dreadful ulcer on hi r-g, caused by too abuse pf mercury, or mercuHjl disrate, which grew more ana more aggravate! ior years, in spiie 01 erery remedy or trvatment that could be aprdled. until tho persevering' use of Atkb's Sarsapakilla relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen WWII. MU V 111,!.. Xieucorrhosft, Whites, Femalo WesJtnes, , re generally produced by Internal Scrofulous Ul ceration, and are very often cured by the alteratJvo eSect of this Sarsapariula. Some eaaee require, howerer. In aid of the b a rs at akixxa, the siiiTul Stpptieatioo of local remedie. From tha utll-lnmm and tHdtly-eeltbrated Dr. Jaeoo Morrm,ofVtmetnnatt. -1 hare found your SAiuurARitXA an excellent alterative in disease of female. Many ease of Irregularity, Leucorrbcea, Internal t'leeration, and local di bihty, arising from the scrofulous diatheei, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when it effect is properly aided by local treatment." JL tody, unwilling to aitou tho publication cf hor waste, wruca, My daughter and try m If have been cired of a very f-biliuting Lrueorrhosa of Ion 5 standing, by two b tttica of your SARSArARiLUL' ' Ilheumatitzn, Oout, Urer Complaint, Dya- pepalft, Tleftrt Diaease, Zieuralgia, when eaoaed by Scrofula in the system, are rapijly cured by this Ext. &AAr ariixa. t . AYER'5 CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior rirtnes are so universally known, that we need, not do more than to assure the public their noality is maintained equal to the best it ever pas been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they hare ever done. Prepared by J. a ATEB, IL p., & Com JjQweUs Mass., and soLl by WANTED! Evcpyliody tQ Know THAT I AM STILL A DEALER tf GENERAL MERCHMDIS1? AND TUA? I Ail - Constantly in the Receipt pf FIESfl SUPPLIES OX? BOOT? AND SHOES, CROCKERY AND HARQWARE t ..... ' . ; -AND PAY THE HIGHEST PRICg For all liinds of Pr$pcej t ocnll 4 r - , . . : , . NOHCROSS. $1,000 01,000 81.00Q REVf ARDir 5 O'DOI O'DOR! p'DOR! I WARRANT IfY GOLDEN O'DOR to force ft beautiful pet of Whiskers or Moustaches to grow ''On the' smoothest' faco in from life fo eight weeks.' Also, hair restored on bald heads in eight weeks. Proved by the testimonial of thoasands. Price tl, or six for $5, and $3 per .dozen. Sent to any part of Calbrnia and TJ. S., sealed and post paid, on receipt of priee. Address. .' , - JXR. O. BRIGG3, , Boiralaly P.O. Drawer, f-308, Ctksgo, Jll, ; A D V E R T 1 8 KM EN 1T S . BIBtKSinOIlER & BRQ., Manufacturers ss4 Importers of, and TTholesalo ' r ftad'EetaaiJeftlers in I . ...... - -;.-. -i I - HATTERS' MATERIALS. Tio. 72 Front fiireei, Portland, ARB RECEIVING," IN ADDITION TO their extensive RtAcV. fr ctrefv' fiUintir. ill the LATE3T STYLES of New York London and rarisiau teste, lot uentiameo'a . smd 'CMJarea' Vmt, IIIIWU IBC WU1HU ' (WAFER THAN ANY OTHER KpUSE ON THE COAST! DEALERS IN HATS Will consult their own interests Ly exaniaiar onf w.v.v i'uivu m k liiqivuf, - "Jr Uats of every style and Desorlptlon MADE tOO R D E R . AtSO ' ' at T O. . MeussdoxiTer No. 11 Front treet........;.......Portland, 0gn, -..MarjSTRU; Cal, No. Street....... ..Sacramento Cal,' . Nos. 635 4637 Commercial 6t......San Jraicisco. &ZS Wholesale Uoase at Ban PraneLWd, No, 628 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets: Deo. 1, 1866 r2nl6tf , wojsrpsRiir" THE GREATEST W05DER OF THE WCRLO J DII, E3HGGS' GRCAT EXTRAORDIJJORY JiEW BOOK I ! msnwmknmmnmw V i Just Published, leiny a Complete Guide for tXo urtaien an jiot Jlagtoal Jieelpes of tne XUntk Century, by ukieh any one eoft realise a steady ' income o$3000 -per annus. EMPLOYMENT FOBEYECY 2fE. Or IIOTT TO MAKE" HONEY j ' Embracing Valuable ftecipes for Manuffseturere 1 of lefel Articles in General Dematfi, -" and from the sabs of uhieh Im- " w Projits may is do- ,' rived. The Great Secrets revealed, Itare collected with great eare, labor, and witfl Veat expense, many valuable receipU, which are in theafrelres ft splendid fortune to any one with' stHEeieci entrrj " to push ahead. Moij of them hare teen iHsHici (rota England, France and Germany,' the cost of which place them beyond the reach of the- public, while tbe others are entirely new and"' hare been ' rurehased at ft large eost, ranging from" $5 to 1,000 each. A person of ordinary tact ea'a mako from $6 to $10 per day. in the manufacture and sale of tho articli;s, by almost any of myreeipe. These articles are sold at enormous profits. Why . not make them yourself? if not for sale,' for yonr own use, Eren to make them for your own indi- T ridual nse would sare yon many dollars ft year, and materially ABB to rocs isarrr, bixlth, I will send this wonderful Book Ly - mall, pert -paid, to any post lEee of California and p. for $1. Address all orders to ' ' " . PR. C. ERIGa. . noirsllly F. 0. Drawer 6308; Chicago, m. J FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE. v.-.- .-"'."'.,'--....-'?-. p. JVmAL"? Ss po.. Comer ftfry sad Crond ATbia Strftels, (First Door East of J. 2Torerossf Prick) Albanjr, IJna County, prezcxx Keep constantly ea ea4 A FULL. ASSpRTMENT. Of eTerything Ja theli fif Baeiness At lown Fipim th(9 a? jstlier .Iiu This side f Pcrtlani. . i n WE CIIAI.I.3rGC COSIPETITIO In the line of . . . ,. . -. . U P H O L ST E R V, P A R LOR S ETQ CJiaabe ZU rictnro Fraaes . BUREAUS, SAFES, WARDROBES, ETO. ITO We hare also en hand the celebrated "iicojjpn? pTAsmria uAcnmvf Which has no equal in the world. Gel one sad 1 - " . - f . , , .. ouuij yvurset , Particular aUention paid to all orders la onr BnSs UNDERTAKING PROMPTLY ATTENDED IE. " ' ' nl8-ly ; 4X Final Settlement; In the County Court of Linn 0ountyt Ureon. Instate of Aloqzo Simons, deceased: : NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT AL fred Whealdon, adpmlstrator of said estat filed in this Court at the December Term, 1868, his accounts for, and prays a final settlement of the same. -' , It is therefore ordered that said applioation ba heard on Wednesday the 9th day of January, 1867, at 9 o'clock A. m., of said day, at tho County Courjt Room, in Albany, in said County, and ths notice thereof to published for four sueoessiTft weeks in the "State Rights Democrat :- EDWARD R. GEARY, Ceastf JndM. E. F.RcsssLt, Attorney. ..T . December 7, 1366 nl74w i ' . . . S3ETTJLEI!IEI . 0TIC3S. ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to tho undersigned are hereby notified to appear and set tie within six weekafrom this datev either by note, cash ortra,le,ynd save costs. Our aaeounU MUST BB SBtTX,B! J. FLEISCIINER A CO; Ubnnj pren Oetebefftis T3n6t. nss session & nns. cuotway, FASIIIOIIABLE KILUnEBY, EPpRS, SONNCTS, HATS, niBDOKS, Laces, Cleats, GlQves, Eosr, 4c, ki, 4t . . . ... ' v f - : .t ! .-- , j., , ... ALTBRIJrCf," r !-- r. . ., BLECHIN3 "AND PrSglNa Done on ibort notice, and at The X.Iost Reksonabl Pricei. STORE at the Corner of First and Broad A lb in Streets, Albany, Oregon. CASS pal3 m, deliTcry?' fcr any t-xecnto