The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 29, 1866, Image 2

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.The .public school of the city of Al
bany closed its late term on last Friday. On
that day a school examination was held ac
cording to previous announcement j and we
lire gli.d to bay that several of our best citi
zens were present on the occasion. Business
compelled us to make our visit quite short ;
hut from what we saw we arrived at the fol
lowing conclusions :
1. That the scholars,' as a general fact,
exhibited a' commendable proficiency and
thorou ghness in the several branches they had
2. That unusually good order had prevail
ed During the last quarter this school was
taught by Mr! Flinn, assisted by Joel Driggs
Esq., r.nd Miss Wright. Mr. D., we regret
to say, is at present quite ill in consequence
of hemorrhage of the lungs, and hence the
school will lose his services during the en
, suing" term.
1 Prizes for excellency in spelling were
awarded as follows t In Miss Wright's De
partment, toXattieEedpath, James O'Keafe
and Marshall Sylvester. In Mr. Driggs'
Department, to Eugene Day, Paulina Smith
Wilson McBride. In Mr.- Fling's Do
partmcnt, to Master James Conner and Mas
ter Claiborne II. Stewrrt. A prizo was also
awarded to Miss Dilla Pennington for mak
ing the most perfect recitations during the
past term.' The whole number of pupils in
attendance during the term is JS5, with an
average attendance of about d0, The next
term will begin on next Monday,
On last Friday, also, the select school
taught by Ket.J W. Montcith--assistgd by
Mr, Ilannon had some interesting exer
cises y among which we may mention the
reading of a paper entitled the ''Student's
Excelsior," by one of the young ladies of
the school. Permission has kindly been
given us to' make the following extract from
the editorial 'Salutatory" of the editress i
"As I understand it, the great object had in view
by the p rejectors of this enterprise, u the good of
ne etuae&u oi tnis institution. ! it u hoped that
the "Student's Excelsior'' will exert a ealntary
tendency oyr&Uwbo may come within the sphere
ef its influence. To this end it is necessary that
each one present write for it at regular and stated
periods, ana in all otner suitable wars strive to ad
Tanse its highest and best interests. It is my
.opinion ;hat Kritinj is rerv beneficial to the schol
ar. It disciplines the mind; it calls into active
exercise aJ oar mental powers; it frequently brings
into requisition all oat knowledge, and sometimes
we are compelled to search various books in order
to settle questions as to history or science that may
arise in oar minus wnue writing ; u gives a clear
er idea of the meaning of words than we can other
wise attain; it Las a tendency to perfect ns ;n or
thoepy and orthography, and if we will read stan
dard authors oitieally and considerately it serves
w improve me sivie oi utestnaent, lJul 1 forbear.
"All its vanea benefits to state,
Wo all tire the Roman Fabius to relate.'
We must, in order to make oar paper a success
and abltssing to all concerted, not only do some.
thing for it, as I hare above indicated; but tbero
are some taiags we must not do. We will r-articu-
V e must not write anything of an
larixe a little.
.offensive y personal nature. One stqdent must not
write anything relativo to the faults or defects,
mentally or bodily, of a fellow student. We shoul
be tender of eaca other s feeling. We must re
member that we are all poor, fallible, errin?. sin
ful ereatares ; and that, therefore, we are ail prone
to error as the sparks are to fly upward. The ex
ample f our blessed Savior should be imitated.
He symjathiied with the unfortunate and heart-
stricken, lie healed them of their maladies. He
raised th s bowed down. . He spoke words of cheer
and comfort to the dejected and distressed. We
must eschew partisan polities. Thonh politics
are very good in their place, yet as students, and
especially as contributors to the "ExceUior," we
should studiously avoid .them, and thus no just
cause of offence will be given by any of tu on this
- It is in my judgment equally necessary that we
refrain from giving expressions to sectarian views
ef religion. I would not have any to suppose that
- I think lightly of religion. Far from it. Its
claims should be enforced on all proper occasions,
because cf all subjects it is the most important
which can engage our attention, either for time or
eternity. By sectarian opinions, I mean those
which, though important to a certain extent, are
not essential to salvation. Hut I must close, I
fear I will weary your patience. At all events I
tare written all I have time to write and do justice
to my studies. Hoping that the crude suggestions
I have thrown out, will be kindly received and ta
ken in good part, as they are most certainly in
tended, we now launch our "Excelsior" upon the
jinlried sta of the future, and ak for it of all pres
ent the U eir kindliest sympathies and regards."
This school is designed a3 the Albany Col
lege in embryo ; and we are glad to state
ihat it gives general satisfaction to its pat
rons. We regard the Principal as peculiar
ly fitted, as a man and as a scholar, for his
-post ; and we trust that the enterprise which
he has thus projected will not be suffered to
languish for want ef sufficient encourage
jaent. very parent should strive to give
jiis cniicren a gooa education. This is all
raany of us can leave them : and in many
-respects U is far better than a legacy of
uuuses, anuianas, ana silver and cold.
.iicse irxueany e wingi and flyaway,
wniie a good education dings to its fortunate
possessor amid all life's mutations. .
Spoiling fbmu Imbroglio.
We find the subjoined article in the
Oregon Herald of the 25th inst: I
"Mr. Abbott, of the State Rirhts Democrat, fn
a column leader, publishes his late partner, John
Traverse, as "an unmitigated scoundrel," and
goes out of his way to say of said Tr&verio he
came to us under the wing and quasi-reootnmeu-
danon or Kenan isrown, ana of course we suppo
sed he was all right. Wodo not know whether
we are indebted to the stupidity or the malice of
the writer for having cur name dragged into a per
sonal controversy with which we hare no connec
tion, in this disreputable manner. If the former,
we have greatly ovon-ated the man's dtnerhnina
tiug judgment) and r the latter, we have quite
as much mistaken the graces of his heart, for he
has never received any other treatment at our
hands than courtesy aud kindnons. lie knows
Very well that we had no ecquaiptance with Tra
verse beyond the intercourse we had with him as a
journeyman printer in our office, and as a printer
cady we spoke of him to lts Abbott, knowing
pothing of bis charade or antecedents. We
would harp done alike scrvipo for any man in our
employment. We knew but little moro of Mr.
Abbott, and yet he Lolds his present position as ed
itor and publisher of the Democrat on our recom
mendation. We may have dane wrong in both in
stances, but we certainly had no personal interest
or motive to deceive any and did not dream that
wo were to bo hold personally accountable for the
future conduct of either of the men. When Tra
verse returned here he represented Abbott as the
most unconscionable liar and thief ho ever at
tempted to do business with, and said he had to re
sort to sharp practice to keep even with him.
Now Abbott says 'Traverso is an unmitigated
scoundrel.' They may both tell the truth about
cech other for aught wo know to the eontrary ;
out neither or them has a right to drag our name
interpersonal controversy, for neithor has puSVr
ed any wrong at our hands.''
We have inserted the above, entire, for
two reasoqs, the first of which is, wo de
sire that tho public may see how low a
man occupying a responsible position can
descend ; and, Eecondly, wc want them
to see that we do not misrepresent the
writer tq our reply. Otherwise wc should
not have soiled car sheet by its inser
On. sundry, and divers occasions since
JJeriah Brown hs succeeded us as editor-
in-chief of the Herald, he has substan
tially urged upon tho Democracy of Ore
gon tho great importance of bcingunited-
He has taught, in substance, that person-
al feelings and interests should be subor
dinated to the public good; and that no
one should bo countenanced who, occupy
ing a prominent position, would unneces
sarily provoke a quarrel between mem
bers of the Democratic party. This is
right. Let us see nof haw fto will ap
pear when tried by this standard.
He takes mortal offence, and indites
and publishes the above brutal article
because we said that Traverse "came to
us under the wing and quasi-recommeu
dation of Beriah Brown ; and of course
we supposed he was all right." Woul
it not have been more politic in Brown
as one of the leaders of the party in Ore
gon, instead of jumping at the conclu
sion that we intended to provoke a quar
rel with him to have interpreted oar
language more charitably ? Is he abso
lutely certain that he has pot mad a mis
take ? "Would it not have been good pol
icy as well as ia accordance with the
rules of courtesy that should exist be
tween members of the same vocation, and
particularly between members of the same
party -to have requested of us an expla
nation as to what we meant ? Has he not
been rather hasty ia villifylng, on such
slight grounds, one whose public and pri
vate life is at least as pure and spotless as
his? We appeal to the rjublio to decide
heso questions.
When we said that the scoundrel, Tra
verse, came to us "under the wing an
quasi-rceommendation of Beriah Brown,"
we meant precisely what tho language,
airly interpreted, implies nothing more,
nor nothing less. By the words "andcr
the wing," we meant that he came on the
same boat, and in company with Brown,
rom San Francisco to Portland, at his in
vitation and instigation ; and by "quasi
recommendation' we meant tho recom
mendation which tho above facts imply,
We do not now hold, and never have held
Brown "personally accountable" for any
man's conduct, and particularly that of
Traverse. Brown sava ho spoke to us of
m sv
T. "as a printer only;" whereas the truth
is he never said one word orally to us a-
bout him, The recommendation we re
ferred to, was not in words, but in deeds
a "quasi," or implied recommendation
But suppose Brown had recommended
him to us in words. Even in that case.
ted, in tho plenitude of his ineffable self-
esteem, that he had never, in all his life,
sought counsel as to anything ho ever yet
ublishcd.. Now, we confess we are so
stupid" that wo do sometimes seek ad
vice, and follow it when given. Nor aro
wo alono in this thing, Tho wisp man
laseaid thero is wisdom in a multitude of
counsellors; and all great men, except
Beriah Brown I in all ages of tho world,
have yielded a hearty nssont to its truth
fulness, JIvcry great warrior and states
man, from Cajsar to Washington, from
Napoleon to Jackson, and from Sherman
to Lee, has at times callod their friends
around them for advice. They wcro all
'stupid" enough to distrust their own
bilitics a little; but this man, Brcvn,ia
so immeasurably superior to everybody
else in his own estimation ! that ho ro-
ccts all advice relative to his editorial du-
ics. " "Grand, gloomy and peculiar, he
sits upon his" tripod, , an egotistical Au
tocrat, "wrapped in tho solitude of his
a . - .
own: overweening vanttv aud ineffable
H f -t n
self-estecru. It is owins. wo sunnose. to
this in liis character, that h,o under
took to commit the Democratic
The Reason Why,
The "free" ride editor up at Cor7alIis
yalz these questions to us :
"If the citizens of Linn county are so "ground
down" by this 'aoiiUess monopoly," and there is
so much "money to be made at $2 50 and $3 00
.per ton" lor freights, why doa'4 those citizens put
-.on a line of boats T , Why have thay not done so,
years ago ?" ' .
We can give some reasons that are sat
Jsfactory to ourself whether they will be
satisfactory to our "free-"rido temperance
hend we cannot tell. Noeditor, thus far,
xcept curself, has dared to' utter a word
.against the P. T. Company. Mr. Free
"ride would no more dare to oppose them
than to thrust his head into the fire He
knows very well that if he should say a
wora against tnem he would get no more
, Jree rides up and down the Willamette
n that the P. T. . Company would stop
"i ms -Dy-nine uazette so
quicic it wouid make his head swim. He
U afraid of ; losing his "bread-and-but:
: ter ;" hence'he is dumb as an oyster so
lar as saying - anything against them' h
concerned. In all great 'enterprises the
people noed a spokesman. Before acting
fhej raw t have information ; but until re
gently no one ha agitated the various
"questipnjs involved. - It would ,be well for
pur Corvallis i'free-"ricle cotem'porary no
; to fret h'msglf relative to "the citizens o:
" Linn corn tv' -Th.oir mow : t.:-
.ff.f ucu-; sooner ana more -efficiently
i&aa .was ever dreamed of. in' his phjloso
"All I!oli
Tho Corvallis Gazette which claims to
bo tho organ ot tho Good Templers of tho
Stato of Oregon; also the official - paper
of Bcutoa county, and which, as a conse
quence of "frco" rides up and down the
Willamette, and sundry other douceurtf
has recently become the especial champi
on ot tho J'coplo's Transportation Com
pany contains another long and labored
articlo iu favor of tho aforementioned
monopoly; whorcin it dogmatically de
clares that all our facts and arguments
against tho P. T. Co., aro "all ioA."
The people, however, down this way, ir
respective of party, do not agree with
Mr. Frccrido. They think that when
they aro charged by tho P. T. Co., 812
per ton for freight from Portland to Al
bany, when tho samo freight is only $3
per ton from San, Francisco tq Portland,
that it is anything but '.'bosh." It is the
hard cash instpad of "boh." It is a ter
rible rjougo. It borders on extortion. It
is a deep dive into their pockets. It is
aq avenue by which the Company reach
tho "hard-pan" of tho people's finances
Bnow Ktonii So Hall.
Pit in nt'd 1?i-if Tlflrt ' 9A 1Vf
called.) A young but prominent citizen
a a a v v Utm I Lf? V 4 IHVIIV VI S S VIM lliV I J ' f . '
summit of Scott Mountain. Ho reports of a Northern tate, jsupposca w oe
tho snow on the summit about 12 feet Gov. Sprague 01 liuoae jsianajwno coun
deon. f!nrr ntid nrt v had nncrea.UA in ted his fortune by millions, was the happy
getting down the mountain, on the sorth bridegroom, and the daughter of a then
side, about two miles, when they met Cabinet Minister (Mr. Chase) was the
Mr. Smith, and others, from tho New bride. Rare lcwels, worth hundreds of
York House. They report very high thousands of dollars, were lavished P.n the
i.. r
pariv oi ni-.. i. t t.i t vtrt. .
-x - , . jju.iji ii.ut.-cu. it iivij u mail ur vuui
Oregon to tho support of tho Philadel- i ir .1
. , ' "naun muDlty charged frorq two to three pri
nnia I'latnirm nA cfill , !.: .. . ....
; ' " w,,uc ceslora thing, and compelled, by stern
them round to tho support of pqator necessity to pay them, they very properly
rsCSOUth, Ae took Occasion tO diffr ,ink tW U no "hnHh" nhnnfc it Tbi-
Scandal in Vashinoton high mfe.
-A vear or two ago, says the Washington
correspondent of the Louisville Journal,
there was ft wedding hero in high li&(so-
y,, - 7 "hi" I .... . . 1 - 1 1' .
vli. fair ladv. ana sucn a weaumg was never
property has been destroyed and many w o iana, in WUuiWu.0
bri dues carried away. There is but lit- daughter married the Cuban negrp Oviedo
tie snow in Trinitv Vallcv. No mails Well there have, been many rumors auout
have reached tho New York House since tlic couple just named, and the air has
tho commencement of the storm, owing peen thick with scandalous rumors, it was
to tho high water below. Bell's bridge, known the husband was a festive cuss, and
over Clear Creek, and tho bridge over that tus thousand were spent m riotous
Cottonwood have been carried away. 'vmg, wine, carus uu u .. ccu,.
The storm of last night and to-day has But only lately did the wiie seem to Know
destroyed all that has been done towards or at least to notice UiC delinquency 01 ncr
i.nin ,.;! vr,r iW ' mAimtsSn lord, when it was presented to her in such
"f v.... if ...w v.i.i. ... ..1. 1 , - tit Jlif
Carr orfd party had got all the back mail a snapc mat mere comu uo no uwr u
to tho summit. 800 or 1,000 pounds of his his infidelity. And so she has brought
paper mail yet remains about ono mile an action ioruivorc,Buu wm u,e Kvw
aud a. half beyond the summit. swinging damages; win ox wnipn sne.
eniuicu wt aiouiw in taj y
THEpAphicRAiuVAY.-T-Thc Chicago gay. The caso will create a sensation
Ti'lbunr, sustains the proposition made by v?hcn the names are givtn to tha public.
General Simpson, for an amendment to the - ,
Imw under whielt th Paeifio ltailwav in I RELlCS.Frank Cooper has Shown US
now building, viz: Tht authority be some interesting Iudian relics, which he
given fo tle company to commence at the proposes 10 uonatq iq me- niaujciw um
in iddla of th a Vine, an t work each wav." versitr. . Thty were discovered on th
He su-gchts that if the company were au- farm of one I'oricr Jackson, on lJuttecreeK.
thorized to break groound at Salt Lake They consist of several good sized stones,
Jity aud employ the Mormon and "Gentile with holes ariueu mrougn luwu, hu ouc
orcc of men tp be obtained there that weighing some twenty-two pounds, which
JVUlif GXtADTroUaL, Prp'r.
ALBANY V -s . oupaoMr
citizens ef Albany and vicinity that he now
occupies tbe corner trick store
Corner of first asd Wafhlntfa p greets.
' s v he intend tosell Good ' 4 4 4
f a i.i j..
grading and bridging could be pushed for- is perfectly almost spherical. There is al-
ward both cast and west, and the progress so among them a geological specimen oi
of the road be thereby greatly expedited, peculiar cellular -formation, ai.d odorous
An tho law now rc-ad. ihf tmer nn not with sulohur. and some pieces resemt ling
,WUi "lUi F"ciy, on mp dCDatpriai however, is a vcrv convenient wav Mr.
question; whereat this eclf;con.stitutcd Frccrido has of deposing of ugly facts
iiciaior ioos occasion to ran u,s over the am B"uuu rvasoumg.
Kuuva.iV5, aim rcaq us a lyng UGimly upon (From ihe Columbia Pre.s.
party policy, and to display his superior YVhw l KlRl
wisdom and trsifotr mntrill IP l.l -
. , .vunaiii, it UlU I . . ... 1 1
c.i i i ii . c can trnagmo no position m which
stand he took upon the questions invol- L vounir be idaced. more em-
iu iiiu senatorial conrt nm! MmiUr.,,..,.. ii... e,r
Philadelphia Platf.rm, may bo re warded severest cequro. from one for if hose euii-
as proof of superior povcrs as a strato- Deut qual'ic-V bQth of head aqd heart,
trie Twl ui. : . a. he has always entertained tho highest
gist ana leader, it is very questionable . u i .
. . , . ' J regpect. huch sentiments wepqwesto-
wnemcr me Uemocratie party of Oregon ward the editor of tho Orciwu Herald.
will ultimately' bo' benefitted by hb adX cnt and trust that no event may ever trans-
to its commercial emporium. pirc to ciiaugo mem, ana u is wuu me
ti.: , . i . uceicsi reirrci inai. 10 nun urn, wo arp
a um pnriy wuiwrai Bays lie UOCS not apOW r , . i I t i Lnlinifliti Wlr nlnffinOTi
' I liitil rt tl.i I n n fti t trt t, fill r tirru. I DO lIlllC III IC 1 1 U ) I)'' tO LrTU
great deal qf Mr. Abbott, and jet heL,,.,.. i..n..; i,r;,i.(rtM L at Salt Lake Chv . tt out tW LuilJ the last term of the Pleas Court, I obtained
holus his pre-ent ioiUoa as taitor and pub- lor 8Ujrer ourselves to be influenced by bridges, an manufacture and put down a divorce from her husband,, and 11 days
lisher of the Democrat on our recommenda- antral .n.tfliin " w frM n deenlv iron on the track. A few locomotives for thereafter was married to a second hu-r
tion." Great man ! -miffhtv dinlomat'mt ! tl,., ili mrrt 1 ic tnUn and! construction rmrrjofcs can be taken over band. JJunng the present term ot court
trt a W MV IIV -mnm - a S. j ji I . 1
k in pieces, while the other rolling stock .Mrs. l'., me mother oi me aioresaia iaay,
Tbe poblie woald do well to examine ray Ooedf
belerepurcbasing ebsewbere. ' ' 'i
My Stoek eonilsiir, in part, as folloKS t
CLOTHiNG, groceries;
ISO " '
' Aj.o : ;
Kvcrllrouglit to thl Markets'
Wbich bcintonds to sell . .
only ron pjjqiriAt ptrnposr
De. 22, 'tC t2b191j .s ... ?
i -rs ' " i 4 . ..
go moro than 00 miles in advance of the brick, which were akentroma pcrpendie-track-laycrs,
whilo Suit Lake City is near- alar colamn, of tin same material. This
ly 800 miles beyond the crossing of the column was tratei downwards some six
rhttc, the point to which tfic road is now feet, and is supposed to be in direct commu
completed. And after the foot of the nication with China, on the other side.
Rocky .Mountains is reached there, still Mr Cooper has quite a large quantity
remain '400 milts to salt Lake City, of of stone coal in town, taken from his re
slow difficult and costly road tp construct, cently discovered lode on Butte Creek and
There is abundance of acmublc iron ore has furtmb. us with several specimens.
in Utahand plenty of coal and charcoal to The coal appears to be good, and the mine
bo obtained to manufacture railroad iron, is reported Ut be extensive. .,
If therefore, Congress will grant tho re- fcaleui Statesman.
misitc authority, the comvanv will lose
. . - . K r .1 ir tf n -r
Je the road bed I Jwi vorce iJ ape jast. -Jirs. v., at
w. j. pitTABiotL. j r. x. atfcriELD;
V T en of Albaar and rkinitr. that we bare
opened a , ,, ,:,
wise counsellor I how shall wd uita!.l v continue to take, will htreo 'then the ran
exprew our unbounded gratitude to thee? of tho Democracy, purify the political aU can be made ou the spot. Hy this means also applied for and obtained divorce
Dispenser of untold blwines! permit us mosphcre, reestablish political honesty, re- five hundred miles of road may be pom. from her husband. On the day follow
here, in the broad tunlir-'itof heaven in th. 1!tale t tho national catUol men, guilt- plcted in the middle division by tho time mg Mr. b. obtained a divorce from his
' f , ,J" 1 ' m , !csof sectionalism, and the base feelings the eastern and western division come up wife, and three days thereafter he and
T Z h COn, 10 i? oTwS and connect with it, thus ea,editing the the old lady, Mrs. "P., were married by K
our most hqiable, smcera and heartfelt I.... Xt ..n . rnmr.iinn r,f tl,i rrMt national l,;,htv Justice Sullivan. The ccntieman first
At tbe 14 stand of J. SWeross, minnnv-.z tbe
Express Office, in ...'.
tnanlts I JUT Llessintr. like a halo of
r ar - r m - - -
glory, encircle thy noblo brow ! So man
who knows us will charge us with tho ein of
masked battery, neither will we by in by two or more years.
tried to effect a marriage with the daugh-
m . I ' a ft y a a.l
urobilin. We are sincere and honest in The Tribune says that "if Congress ter, but tailing witu ncr, ha Hastened to
our position. Tho charge, indirectly "ball promptly pass the proponed amend- engage himself to the mother. Thenup-
ingratitude and we would be false to one or made of "cowardly thrustio" him under ment this Wiuter, the company can ea- tials were only delayed by the uofortu-
the strongest traits cf our character did we the fifth rib," is ten fold more applicable commence work on the Salt Lake nate fact that both were married. As V.- 1 1 U IS 1:
fail to bo deeply and profoundly grateful to to the man or journal who pats the division next Spring, and in less than soon as the slight disability could be re- CIGARS AND TOBA
n iinrrpl I nu irom tucro iu can rriiucistu, a hub i asm
t n u wim ins irtcnus, wuo cicctca nim, man ,VJ J v" vW.r-.v. 3 ...v, 0
Mr.Burk- . , n. . -i t i ' ... rflRf'.'l -n tl, IfA-M
, ... w us wuo uomi awsm iiito, uccauso wej - - - . .
I takes hi sent, instead of waitinif for the
l La sa. iie aj n i uii'j. . x lie j. a LSiurii it Bii h' s i " r-
w. j r , ., ,,m , t-.i:
thee! ButwemtbcjustaswdUsgrate- President on the back under the pretence nree years irom mat time mc i cars i win movcu iuey weru uUIM:u,-iuuUuap115
r..y . .... . rr.. a - f,.-i.. .vfi oe ruimiir' irom unicaeo 10 ojit jike. vuiui.
tui , anujuuce requires mat we shoula iav v ,wuu 1' v vwi vi i - o - - - - .
that our rioLln fr'icm li,- A tit fei f m tt a. 1 Mvl. S getting him the dtcKr into th
' " - --tj - uwi &at
Iy mistaken. We euppose, when
hart called upon him last summer
-peat tavorauy of us to him ; but wo are ho nrraW T repeated aud reitcratedK1 thr4u;:h tfaiu uutil 1S72 or longer.
au nomeat.ay,byonewuo, all tho -took- itl cvcry furm a which the propwitbn LCJ,jan
uwiuvrs) win ucuuwieje, um as mueu Un,. , aUtMl. thitl a 1 nrft who -
nerhans mor&to do in ittntr n lir tlmn,t,,; a tlA iVnutWnimn " The Phesidkkt's Power to Remove
anv one Inside, that hm n.r ir.! r.f tu. I.nt b furibr tAU ltiimn iin.n.ti. I'UOM OrilCK. Considerable di-cuion
riah iSrown'i, reeoinmenJRi!n t,f ... tutional Cooltcss. that thev. not him aro !,as eosueJ of btc relative to the right of
that be knw us favorably by reputation
sometime befuro Mr. B. came to Oregon..
Truth and justice also require that wo fur. j
ther state that, some three or four week-
previous to our friend Burkh&rt's visit to
Portland, other parties had also visited us,
tbcre wili. be -EPT
I I l A I 'ad ,? ft a aA-StA a" y ns fAW
the judges ot the qualiUcations, the loy- "v-'y , U VV . , , u ,?
alty and disloyalty of the members of their wn appointed and with the advice
owubody. Is that removing the pretext ? od consent oi the Senate. fconie have
!. i. mtlior fillinn- nn f I.; rM.lfl.r! v,n contended that as the consent of the hen-
CUAS. KIF.FLR, Proprietor.
Cheap for fash cr Ccnntrr Prodate!
Dec. 22, '6Sv2al9:y
nn flirt fni 1 1
v-M'-- - i . .11.. .i . . . .
himself and Congrs so that he may go ?,,f 1 WUM,V ,,au wiiieoppoinracw
( nn il.P 11 is a uo necessary to meu me removal
nciore u.ce na oi ineiorm. un mis suo-
ovcr to them dry shod ?
Houthern Staten aro restored to full fel
riinn EucscmnEB has jcst ehected
B a new and Brst-cia.-ts
3 IR, B "W -E3 33. ""S"
and were then corresponding with us upon Jowship iu tho Union iu all respects save ic5.l eDtoa M7 lti Thirty ycrr$' On Droad Albtn between rirat Street
this subject, which we hivve no duubt would representation, and the President says I 3 and tb River,
have resulted ultimately in our removal to each hoase U a Judge of the qualiCcatiuus "In the very first year of tho Constitu-
wbkh -nrcr to too' tlin ail roar wealth.
S inc-tenths of lb diseases prcralent' la this cli-
AlLany. You see, dear friend and majestic! of ta own as members,
Autocrat, how easy it is fyr great men even
ometitne" to ixs mistaken.
Tuecontcmplation of this queetbn of rrat-
ituic has caused another train of thought to
spring up iu our mind, ''stupid" we are
supposed to bo by tho Autocrat. Gut at
Autocrat ! will you permit us to inquire
Ivongress say
they arc all disloyal, so according to the
President, they can be all shut out. As
ana n
or can
the President
is true, but
tion, a construction wa5i put upon the in
strument, of course by those euguged in
framing it which enabled the PrcKtdent
And is prepared to famish
are a young man we naturally like to . " " J - ..c p.o.
e supported by the opinion of others, nWM cueclC(? J Jieiamg w mm wo
iiitri i siav tii ia a- riiifiaf-fB r.itiuiiiiiir s a t i i
we agree with the position of wllhout ,urnliahtJr f a-tlna1' or .tlie
it, not positively consent ot the other part of the appoint-
put forward by implication, n Pwcr;
ho clause of the Constitution, .,1,i!elaulho"Nofutllc t"hr f ( AH
who was the chief instrument in niacins .1 i ,u rii.i fw;i,,.; '1 le authors of the Inhrahst. 0
a n 1 liial a-auuta a.aau a-as ia. j a a a au w va iisiivin i ... - . . .
you in the position you now occuny? Who. irnnA flr(lin rit,t mat work) had contended that as the
: 1 m. .L. . 1 . . . I - . . . ' . ".I nnneririr. t I h i Sana f a rcne niciimi rt ti tho
in oa-yruanco wii mo wivice oi one notie to judgo ot mo election returns ana nuai- "" . -w : ' T"J
friend, when you were in an ob-curo town cf iGcations of its members, they have an appointment of an officer, m the consent
... iui iuu wmo uuuy wuum uu ciiuauv uucus-
I for any of its nomi- ahandoricd to the President alone.
inees during the war.
11 I A t ... . ... 1.1. . ! .. .. I t .M t tl.l 'lHft( ll ..SI H
i r ' 1 aJ . r,r,Z t n i, i!.,.rv .,r, aarv to his dismissal from olhcc "
.... . . .. ' - J... ,i.A;.MJrtnfiM;f;ru,. WA.ti;5l-insri-Uhia construction," says Ponton, in
vi, grectea you as a wotnerr Who spokorV '" , 7V "T "-j-; Tilrtu y r. iras orflrrnifeli bv the
,.r .i A - I ... . . .. I. Up. have on v to extend their test oath umU lear$i as overruiai ny me
u juu ... M4 wmn mrougu tnc ner- V . . u ,7 Con-rcss which sat under tho Co
aid? We undertake to say thatitissuscepti- a"1 " iZrA.!.! .il iV" Tha nower of dismission from office
ble of positite demonstration, that you owe Lrtic partyf or votcd for any 0f iu noini. abandoned to the President alone.
yimr pusiwuu iu mo xieraiu establishment I
a O Y A L A U S A M.LI
ehalUoges Use worVl to produce anj thing; in f
tbaje of Meuieme that . , j ...
Ef more and Eradicate a Cocsh,
PRIVATE FAMILIES, or Soreness ia tbe Chest, as prompt no nUr
Rojat Balsam" is tbe Best Medicine ia the worljl
for Bronchial or ralmonarj aJToctioas. For
Pmnri a.r Whnonrn'r Ponirh. ther ia nnttiinir nn
Orders DcliVCrtd WherCVCr DCSlred. earth that can equal it. All Mother and Nurses
ought to have a bottle close by them : it will give
a Child relief in twe minutes. It is. e,ntirel yeg
etatle, and will prove a blessing to the human
family. ;.V " " j ' r --
For the Benefit of Siiflbriiiar
Humanity. ?
T 1 i.-.I I.J 1. V.
w?rw?wrnnBT www? . w- rsnr mr 1 1 4 UT" owa UVBU1CU mnm TcrJ sCTriP c"s
a uaa aivj.jja siaa.JL xm jl 15 rears, aud in that time have tried all the
-IMi r
He TrarraoU his BEER
IXaviair had Many Tears' Experience !
dies I heard of, but all to no purpose. ' I had " no
faith in anything. ' Mr. Smith persuaded mo to
get bottle of "llcpley's Ilojal Balsam,: ' and X
t . ' j ' J J
our language, fairly interpreted, would yet left in your composition,
t'oncoda this asan A,lls coosirucuoa pui. upu uio wuhim , freely acknowledge that I was perfectly astonished
more to the Editor of the State Rights Dem. HIi ' :7' i " a n. i. tutton bv Washington and the first Con- w " kH with tlie mtmulou. effeet it had on me. It gave
o I uuuujllbvi www vi, ouu vviiibiis wvvuim a ' , . - .1.1 ll" rr . 4 .ivvtuwv.
ocrai man to snr otner man on top or this self-perpetuating body aud tho Constitu- rtfMV , 1 r iiJ
green eArth; and you will acknowledge this tion a nullity. That instrument pre. framed that instrument, would seem to es-
to be true, if you have any honor or manhood scribs the qua
Doe. 29, 'C8, T2n20tf .
not imply that we hold him responsible
for the action of the man Trayersc, or that
we at all censored Brown for what he had
done in the premises. We should have
supposed that he had been deceived just
as the best and wisest persons are occa
sionally -'mistaken in their judgment of
men and things. Our only object in ma
king the statement was-n-not to censure
Brown at all- but to show how it was that
we came to take Traverse into partnership
with us. That was all and nothing more;
apd if Mr. Brown had been in a charita
ble and proper frame of mind, instead of
being' urged on by malignant passion, - he
would probably have viewed' it in this
light. What motive could we have had
for making offtnsive personal remarks rel
ative to him f . Every prior act and word
of ours concerning him has been of the
most friendly natare; 'and Brown bad no
right, considering the personal relations
that have eigted between us apd our well
known character as a man and e.ditor, to
infer that we wpuld intentionally say any
thing that would ivound his' feelings.
- This editorial Tycoon says in substance
that we are troubled with "stupidity -It
is possible we are a little . stupid. We
most surely are not so completely encased
with self-love and gclf-adulation, as to
prevent . us occasionally, seeking advice
from those: in whose judgment we place
confidence. This Magnus Apqiiorthis
Qreat Mogul of the tripod recently eta-
cress, and
T . I ? itl I I t . .. Ltli.a nnmlit!
1U cuuciqsion, wouiu ay mas tUCrori",;l ""'V V'..v w . . Aint f,n,n ,1 f W.hinrtnn in tli
are other questions involved in the uniusti- n. The r.g it ot each ilousa tojudge r; 'ZJZZJZZ "a
fiable and etidish attack of the Jlerald, on
us, which we could wish to discuss. But we
forbear. Wc have aim&d to sav onlv -'what I ....... t i r.. ' o - indicate bevond doubt that it was the in- la the name of the State of Oregon to Sarah the publio
.an tv inAonRA WK ih tenuon oi uie anuiors ur muu imituumju.
of those C unifications oxtends only to as- Pseni urac, wu. out any uPPt.uuu, u ,
ccrtainirig whether they accord with ,c concaaing oi ina r.giu ny moan wno
those written in the Constitution. Tore- jramed the Constitution rould seem to
( Stiiiimons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fys
the County of Linn : .-, .
Georgo Kobiusonflaiutifr, ts. Sarah Robinson,
me relief 'the f rst'nigbt'I nsed it. I slept well
without eo'uirhlnff. - I did cor know what to ffjike
C H 12 A J? I of it. I hare taken apout three bottles, and feel
well and hearty, thank God 1 There is not money
enough in Orean to hire me to be without some jf
il in my qouso, ior icaroi anomcr auacs.
Fr,oni Judge Slarqriam. r
I have used "Henley s RoyaVBalsara," mysolf.
and in my family, and find it a first rate Medieina
for Ooupha and Colds. I hereby rocoiuaiond It to
sn?on, Defoa lant :
are hereby required to be and appear in the
From Mrs. Palmer.
.Mr. littio tirl bad the "Wboopins Coueh.
Circuit Conrtof the bUto of Oregon for :the cured one hotUo of Dr. Henley's "Royal 'Balsam"
County of Linn, within ten days from the data of 4t acted like a charm. The first spoonful I gave
ine exiffcnciesot mo case scmed todemaiid. v. uu u
v - I 1 II II ll liCc U 1 Ul V 1U-ALJ L1UUU 1 1L11 L11U I - . .
Our friends, her and elsewhere, need uot Sn'ntWn mum wnnH ho n mlnnUir nn. to coufcr it.-y-ti. i1. Call.
icar loat ire win neeaiessir ana rananlpaalv I onnahhitinnn n tn f inun tho lnnr nt nn.
. ... .. . . I . . i i I: .Wntnp th TlcniM Af. h KnHionl 1
reier to tftis subject again. Wo regard the gress against a man Decauso no was a " "x " . .."""w " tho service of this summons upon you, if served caused her to tbrow up aquauUty of, phlegm, and
welfare and success of the Democratic nartv Democrat or a Catholic. Tho assertion Soldiers' Convention, ono Wilson of Indi- within this County, but if served in any other 8he wsrenaTei fight away, and slept, w.1le-
nc n t r . . . 1. - 3 nfnnwpr rnntained in that test oath has ' . " 1 County in this State, then within 20 day from the fore the cne bottle was used up she was vrfcU and
Of Orccon ft m far rreatfir lmnftrtnnrfl Ihnn OI power COniaiueu iu vuab iwsi uaui UOS nnn.. R:lld I , . ... ....i. - : .i .v. . V. . . - - .t. jj -j-. -
o . o - i . f i 7 .v..'1-'-,- i uw vi euou ocrTiuo hjuu juu u sn . uv i nearly. .1 rcauy uiuuv n is a poriect uou-scnu.
anv of our nrirate or nftrKonal intftrAf , 00 limit- Tf wnnld . hrt remfimhfird that . the oomplaint of the Plaintiff ia this suit; now on file . 1 BARBARA PALMER.
" ' I T tl. TTr,l,T ol-A icen UU 1I " - J""" . . ...inof onn with th ritrl (nnrt. nttlnff
auanenceweinienuiios w auuue 10 mem jj jf jQ tho Herald's ' Own Ur gJ L b t! ""luJU3b"urc u for dissolution of the marriage contract now ex- From F. DeWitt, Merchant.
again, m tins way, unless absolutely, re- ,anrnftfrft.Wfl must renudi8Ve- our noiit:. oceurreu To Pcbuc-I had a bad cough for a lea
. ... per s l1 erry. xn oraer inai me numoie ' , ,
cal prophets and teachers and return to L . wt:.. tt.. the Plaintiff will apply to tt
stupid as common sense.'
j At j r je ; a . i i i w x- r i
iar lDf BU: r " .A"e"urjur " we are , rra 71 10,! Tr ' , a? no su-csted threo ; cheers for Kansas and
nave aone in writing mis arucie. iur diows spoiling ior a ugrn iue worua "iojai- virmnia '
- " ' ' .M I a. i la...'' A I -
shall be aimed at the common enemy.; We y - "aisioya. ru-repulsive w us Three cbeers were riven very heartily.
quired by circumstances yet to be developed. caj pr0phets '
.MV. . .fc. . V. .1 V VMM.. W WW
; And you will take no
aoswor as aoove requiryu, time , A friend u d me to t a boUje of
' ,i:M.,l t VKW TTo rrl,t weaiaiuuu ,iruiprij ww vu V lflVa RoTal Balsam. He said it titA iSim. T
P lANfl l A IIKT.M I.. .... . r . . T . v T
, V . Attorneys for Plaintiff.
U. S. Revenue Stamp, 50 cents,- cancelled.
Albany, December iso v-'nauow
. - t . i . I JLlttuu vuvwa tiviivj unu
are prepared to take much and bear much U"DS "ie war uiauy a goou man ire m- Yet it is doubtful whether many of the
personal , abuse ero we shall again notice, J1.6. " th V words were pronounced, and delegate3 undcrstood what they cheered
thus nublielr. anV assault made noon us bv fl.ed froto the reach of him, to wliom loy- f .5 Thet fi hu rred,t0 was, the
any.member'if oW party - " 1 If midnight raid of that old robber, traitor
' ... " - 1 1,1m si ri'Hi ii nr. nn 11 i.-mi il iiuiii 11 n vuiiiu- 1 -v 1
I " I nnrl m nniiAft- . I r
ghcrifPs Sale.
Jjl issupd out of the Circuit Court of the State of I
who unblushin
... ' -, . II . J' t-ii..f KAnJi.l V., 1 .. ... 1
ill' if 1 inn 1 iin rip. imrv himi kiiiini'iulu .uucuiuuii lu lliu liiwai i "11- .... 1
- ; i't-j r j ' r z.r :-. js-vt". 1 rPi;a itprrr wn wi rnsi; rAii in inn murucr
ired champion of the P. T. Co. and Constitution of the United, btates. Jf h Mor and othet3. and' this is a
o-lv ho.ifita of his :'frea" . 'A m. much we nave to say in answer toirt. ',i,af u
on their boats, denier that ha ia an V r f'ow v"1faJ 7, 5 ; the beginning ot our national trouois j iedupon and wui expose to eUeut publio auction,
for mononolies Yet the entire b , n v 7 , V Ii. aa. indeed, it was the culmination Pt aoo- w me mgnesi owoer,. irom ine voun uouse
ior monopolies, x et me enure tne rad:cais. ve have not sousrht the . ... V? . i 1 door, in said.Llnn County, on J '
i9 ych .this disclaimer may be contVoversy: and do not think we 'did any- ' , t -J ' X t.hnt Saturda Vie Mth day bf January A.
. murderer J obn ... JJrown , upon liar- La bV . clerk of said Court, la fa-
I 1 . . - . . . .. . . . I
ror of Ala ton Uale, flamtus, ana against Joseph
Davis, pefondant, for the sum of, two thousand
and forty dollars and seventy-four 'cent ($2,040 74)
interest and costs and aoeruin;? costs, i have' lev-
liirbv rMAmmMil it tft TiiiMirt "
- J . . .. . .. iVDKyiTT.
ForSfcle by Settlemior A Co.yAlpany.
JJr. VJm. IXEN&C'Sr, PropY,
; " Portland, Oregon.
Dee. 22. '66 y2nl9tf ' '
or wiU Manufaoture to ordor, every style of
at the shortest notice and lowest possiblachares
Boards Matched and Planed,
found. - is little else than an anolosrv and! thipjr; to merit the censure, or that ao-L j:u :ir ''r : ."t i- .,ri,a. v D. 18G7.
' " i. i ...... . . t-" . i -.v -. . , tt " i i , i irauiuaia win uuuicea i. ' ai ia, wiiivv-i :- , - :.. .
defence of one of-the most cicantio and coraing to party ruies, tne ucraia uaa a . . thnnb . w haa nnthino- in it to between th hours of 9 o'clock a. . and 4 o'clock
-il. i. . i right to administer, the rebuko. wt ' -T"-. i p.m.. of said, day-the foUowing
. , r - "Wmw. r "i ?0 1 Work executed in a style not surpassed by any
vve are perieciiya5lounueu,anu nearly A polored woman in Uairo, 111., wnpj : ' - f, r .. CUjof s ' Shop intheEtate.
dnmhPnnnl. fbnf Mr . FrAPrirlfl . will flMdied nf rhnlpra and had been fastened UT) NEVADA oTATE ITEMS. VVogeS OI ie
" I with 11 ef thrt .nnnrlMisni'iii tViprenntrt linlnnir.l -
- ' i-.Tji ai. I : w-l.- ..'A:nm ftlR flt.. -....-i.i ,?- j , i , ; I 'i .tT The Mil i. in the lower Tart of the town.
M.!, TO,;ta onmmahd ? i IIAKVEY SMIXU, Khentt , ou uie nvcr oaK, a Ui
ox liiou vouniy, uieguu.
A polored woman in Cairo, III, who
id of cholera and had been fastened up
fully and recklessly particularly N ter coffin, suddenly , surprised ' thp at- male se
where the, fib is so plam and palpable to I a.. ffiet -."gi:- eXcia;incd that from 8
the most casuaj observer,'
so awi
ner momn. luaio waiters cuuiwauu -z - - .,.- tt vi
a. . I'Annrw iiraffnn . i tuiini.i in i iM mi jriiiSULiia v u a aauv oivaiuui .
crett nf? on her feet. She exclaimed that from 00 to 7U. ; The (ibid UUi JSem Calls - f r,n t AibaW. Oron. DeeemWirthrA-.D. t ' l-J; B.fl COMLXT. )
she "war not done irone vet." ' on the State of California for help. ' 1863-v2n204w. Albany, September 20, isfea.