OUIl AGENTS. The following named gentlemen ere authorised to n:t as Agents for The State Hi aim Dk9 Bit, uuil to receive d receipt for sutssrlpKons to the paper t mN COUNTY. crt TTnfklnson ... Fein Jsscn Whaler ........Lebanon II. L. Drown - . Brownsville Mitrhew F.Mtntain Ilarrisburg J. Q. A. Worth......... ....Peoria. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Jo e-.b S. Fitzhugh Roseburg ,?as (J. Clark... ...w,...v........Cauyonville JUrCy I'Ai'X tlalesville r.oiit P. Sherley .....Oakland : ; v coos county. v. XL W. Cubans..- .......JEapire City LANE COUNTY. IT. C. Huston..... Long Tom. Ho a. J. J. WaSuiO......... ...............Eugene City Jol a Milloirn . ..Miliotrn's R. V. Howard SiuitLfield Join T. tiillry- Pleaa't Hill Slh Drawn.. - Ct Fork BENTON- COUNTY. ! - .. . : Jtl. P. Ilamilloa ........................Cervallia R . C -.... Gilia Suiioa J. I- JUltlCt...... , , ;.. POLK COUNTY. T. I. Level ad y ........... ............Dallas J. D. V. Duller Moemonta Independence Ret b in Doty E la, T. 3. Williams ..Luekiamutte YAMHILL COUNTY. 55.- , It ultl ......Lafay t te W. C. licmbrce...Lu.. .......... ...lcliainvills- "WASHINGTON COUNTY. tejhea Ross .....'. ...... ...."....Geaeral Agent CLACKAMAS COUNTY. . It ah ton A Myers ............Orego City COLUMBIA COUNTY. S. 2- JIIlcs. I ..St. Helens . MULTNOMAH COUNTY. v -. .. " L wrcocei Sample,. ......-Prdai MARION COUNTY. Peter Eyca f Stim That Smith.nnM.nvw........... G. is. Downing..., - SuUiicity haal3 Miller Silveitin Jas. A. Pecnebaker......... ......Jefftrsan . CLATSOP COUNTY, laailer A Vria WASCO COUNTY. Taos. Jr. Ward . . -..Three Mil Creek JT & Ii'.ilaud..i.. ...,...Dallc City BAKER COUNTY. Jas. II. Slilcr. .......... Ash urn GRANT COUNTY. J. F. Irendrex..,....................' Thos, E. Gray V Juan .rEny....M..... J Jc Canyon City and ohn Day Mines UMATILLA COUNTY. Geo. IL Cu.............. ................... ..Umatilla UNION COUNTY. A. C. Crai- .Union Tlias Boyee?, Xewyjoper Agent, San Frnni u;o, H authorized to Tecei Subscriptions and a drerti cements for our paper, and act aa boai es asenl generally. - ADVERTISEMENTS. r. ia:s. r thos. xosteitb. a. a. seach. BEACH 'Sb MONTEITH, V . ;' Dealers ia" GENERAL MERCHANDISE, "Albany," Oregon. CCRXER FIBST AXD FERRY STS., Ojpcsito tsazier Zoadiay. NEW .FflM, fiEY.GOODSr- ANI osrra-w" pbicss TIi:j AEOTE 2JAJIED FIRM TAKE PLEAS in notifying their friend and tba pubHe acrali7 tbat they are continually rtceiring prj Goods, Groceries, Knrd- - . TareiRscd in San Pracci.'c at tLe rery loircet x.aTZ3, f-.r CA5IT, and we ara oifering the eani .ta pitr B8 at corre.pondin pn-es. Tiw attention ,f Tamers is especially called tu oar . X7ST7 SSTACLISHnSITT. - "Tt?!8 r are prepared to take charge of all Ilrrchantalile I'rotlarc, for wLkh we are 023 135 tbe biiet market price. " We r ispectfally a-k the publie to eall and ex amine t tir stock, and prices, and we assure all tbat we will give entire eatkfiction to prompt c as torn- 'trs.' ' "" ' ' T? We are also agent3 for tie- Florence Few iz iL-v bisse Company. . . ss;l-Cm XMPOKTANT NOTICE -FARMERS, MERCHANTS iI'V .VATP.; . '..7- . ETERTIJOOY ---- s ""TATIXO determined to c!o?e out my entire .2. A. feik of well selected andsortcd general iireh idisa -of - t .' . . ;. , C-lCjCCO. S40,000 FORTfTllOrgAIDDdLLAnS I ! I would respectfully call the attention of the pub lic in general, that I will geil me entire etock at r GRi-ATLY " REDUCED PRICES ! t cast or merchantaWc produce. Persons de ,f!rpu3 o ' purchasing guch goods as are usually kept in i ?tore,of &. wtli. selected stock, would do wea to ( a-I early, as I intend to give r : - BAHGrAINS at were sere 'rcd before in the State. - ' L. STERNBACIfc Opposite ost Olace, Foster's New Brick. XcrtonM indcLtcd tome will please call at I Ihtit Ciij II r.-t CoaTeniencs and eettle. either by note, easn or jTiiuce. ii. biiiitr UAU11. SlicriiPs Sale. "O Y 'v t tas Cf an exeefetlon and Order of rale is. JLjD.'ue ortoftbo Circuit Court of the State o; . Uregon, .d county of Linn, aDd to me directed, in faror if A. W. "Worth arid BrniTi!fc A. .T. TVi-r . for the s in of Four Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and EigLt Cents, interest and costs and accruing cost. I hue. on this 12ih dav fn,omi. iRr.n levied oi, 'and on Saturday, the 22d day of Be rccnj,ner, it-o, jii ins cour of IQ o'clock A. M I will cxp s ; to sale at puLlie auction in front af the Court lE'use door in said State nml .5 highest tni best -bidder, the- following described real esta. to wit; Iwa town lots, No. 7 and 8 Mack Nc. with house and barn thereon, situa ,ted in Tcoi-i-a, Liaa conKty, Orp zon. . HARVEY SMITH, , - . FherjJ of Linn County, Oregon. - - - -By J. W.-BRANDENBURG, Deputy. nolnll6w ' o.-- o. f. 1 - .11 will Le regular ineeiinga of tba Decree t-becca, en every Friday evening at 7 ih.3 Kali of Albany Logde No. 4, I. 0. HEI . of: ek. i i'el" o. r t;rs e-f'oreross' Store. Brothers and Sis--oistandicg are invited to attend. E. 8. iltP.SILL, N. O. - - , - . -. . f ia g is- adveiitihijm mnts I-lifcen ti cars in Crer;cn S. J. LIcCORHICK, The Picscer Iskselkif tU rulliihei Of this Slate, ittv ta isfna all hit 14 ent towers (and as many Mt ons as may att b ac quainted viu tk fst) Uiat iLU swatiaMua Ut eperata at la vn.kKUt.iTm noon Exonx:, 105 rront St., I'ortluntl, (CXAOTIT OfPOSlTl W3VST BOOO) Wtcra La l prcparod to furiU SCHOOL BOOKS, ; STATIONERY, . PIANO rOUTES,, MELODEONS, ; - - ... - j. VIOLINS, ACCOKDKONS, BRASS BAND ' - INSTRUMENTS, . DRUMS, GUITARS, And all kinds tf Malsal Isstroments. SIIKET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all kiu.il of Musical liislraimaU. CITUIICII KUSXO D00S3, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR aai VIOUN STRIXOS. iBIJOTSI BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, C1IEA1 lU B LIGATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAtiA.INES, ULOliES, 1 PRESSES, - PENS, Pbstosrspble Album, And every other article ia ta Ilea. UrOlTKC FE03 SEW I0EI BISECT I can sell to Country Caalers, Farmers and oik trs, at San Franc Ueo Wliolal i'rke. .pyrAjf cat far FcXey's CI1 Fsi.". RAGS WASTED t T I wast all tha RAGS ia Ora?oa. ( w'otdaa. cot ton, or linen, white, black, or any other eotor) fr which 1 wtii pay a cest a rovso vobs Uao any otter Ban. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, FAR3IERS. and others will do well to kep the abova fir U in mind as a dollar tutrtd ' ejual to two dollar tarntd, and frnffal houscwires can porcbasa all the School Books required in their faailtes du ring each year by situ ply sarins tlat ra$ that heretofore have been thrown away. HE MEMBER! TTheo you go to Portland be sure and bring all tie Ras joa can procure, to s. j niccon5ucn, Franklin "Book Store. 105 Front Street. aulfr2n2!y ivpoKTsa urn teaLta i . PIANOS, IViELODEONS, Ssznr Mcsic, Jfrsic Bos. Onraas, FLcres, Pipes, Arcoarroji, hTJtnai, ajtd all bieps or M i sicat Itbcji ejus, Statioxebt axe Fajict Goods, . - . O. 100 rroxT STSEET, (tetwcea MarrisoB and AHer) " P ORTLAND, O HE G ON, A QENT FOR JACOB ZECIfS TIANO J, Fortea, San.Francio, Cab, which received tn Ool i ilt'M over eelebratcd pianos from , the East, in tha Ut Fair, 1S65. Alo "Aent for Cr net Uabkr's Fiaao Forte, New York, which won tba greatest popularity in tha Bat f r aweetnts ard fKjwer in tm. durability in workmanfihip. and c'ap.ri'r New Scale, full MtUllic Fora.Orcr- struRjr an i Freneh Grand Action. ' L. T. Sooltx will bare an assortment of those upcri' r Tunoalways on band, and can sell them the Lowtut i'rke, ai he imports theta direct rrcm the Manufactories. New Pianos fvr ltoator Sala by monthly pay ments. Latent Masie received by every steamer direct frin the Ea-t. Pianos, Milodecns and all kinds of Musical In- struro'jnts tuned and repaired. , . L. T. phulti recjmmends himself as a Erstclass tuner, bavin; been in the business over fifteen years an I is a musician. . Tuo?c living in Linn aad adjacent counties, wuhins; t' purcha.-e ono of tbeo Sujrior "Pianos are mtonacatney ean do so through the Editor o the fcTATB luoHTs Dehocrat -he bemz my au tborued agent for the sala of them in that section of Orejron. sel.ly B. C. BILL, I 6. r. SETTLE If ICR. SETTLEHIER El CO, ALBANY. OEEGON, DEALEP.S IN ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRIGS AfiD SIEIIICIIES, . AND J ; . - aAXSOaa . Palntn, Oils, Glass, Hcroscne Oil, TOILET ARTICLES ! Surgeons, Fine Toilet and other Sponges, Hair, Ta!l, Toolli, and Paint Bruslies, or all Varieties, Combs, &c, ii,c. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, Of all brands. Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &c. Ajjents for all Popular aad ValaaMo PATENT MEDICINES! PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded, and orders attended to with enra and dispatch. Physician ia tho Interior and Farmers Will find Our stock of Medicines complete, war ranted genuine, and of tho best qnality. : Our store is in the Fire Proof Brick on First street, near opposite JV FIcisehner & Co.'s store aulS ly AU persons knowing rtiemsf-lre.s indebted to th nndersigned are hereby notified to appear and set tie up within fix weeks fnmt this date, either bj note, cash or trade, an.i save cost?. Onr account JirsT be settles". J. FLEISCIINEF. & CO, 'i Jbsn Oresruf Octnbrr Ct It'C'CI: v -v2aStfl ADVi:itTISEM KNTS THE HOTEL TO TRY III PORTLAND i i'wI2 w COIiUIilESIAN. Kos. 11H, V20 nml 122 Front, cor ner of 3Xorr!on fctrt;t. good NJNVs "vq n - ALL i fTMUl XllW "COLrMKI A!f IIOTIili JL haviug jui biHMi ah'rfnutly finihid, and beio uow ready for tba rit jti of Guests, thv Propri. tor would say ta the Citiatmaof WillanMte V'ailry and t KvuibfVu Oregon, of tha - l'pt r ColumbU And I iaU't, and U tha trarvllinn public gtnrrally, that b U uow nady toeiitcrtaia all who way favor liut with Uielr patronage, . , f . 5 AT I'll 1C IIS TO JlITl Tha Nkw CoLrwaiat Is an entirely new building, hard finished, rooms widl vautiUtvd aud well fur nioht'd, and bs eupneity to cwwi'ortaUy acootutuo date Six Hundred Guvt. 'J t f : Tha Dioing Ktotn is larjra and eomtnodlous, and has fiuo suits of rooms with eoansctiuf Uaors, fur fiixailtes. -" .'.-: ; '. ? '' 'i. i!,.i ii" TnGTAKIiE Will be farnlxhod with tba best tha Market aflV-rd., and tha Proprietor is dtfteruiinad that uo btal in Portland shall levl bis ia tW aao.lltfuca, variety, and completeness of bis taUla. ,; Hot, Cottl and Sbovrcr Hailis For tha QiiotU, frea of aburga, A Large Flro Proof Safe For tba sceura deposit of valuable balonging to Guerts. Tba Ba?g?a of Guenta cosveyad to and flrstu the Hotel without charge. " v ' - . Hoaia open all aisht. " TETIAIS: Hoard, per Wepli ., v - $5 Hoard and fodKlngr - $T (o $tO ' Tba Praprictor will at all thaas endsvor to please bis Guests, and w.nld rfc-ctfully aolkit thapatrouae of th travrtlinr piiblie. P. . 8INN0TT, Proprietor. ' Portland, Pw. 2ft, l65. REWARD I REWARD I REWARD! 010,000 !8I0,000! GOLD AXn SILVER! I5AKMAIV BKOS. Orrcn a ni iu;u .vn that tin y bva oua of tho lr'ri and best srlvUd St-nksof Custom JIadc Clofhinrr and Gents Furtii!iifi faoodi a tha Ftmta of Orrirnn. Attit mm .rt tt.le lis inf .rfn lb public that sll at as As they caa bo purchased for ia Pan Franeie. PERSONS FROM THE INTERIOR When visiting Portland and drsirs l i itrebav anylh;a iu tba above line of goods, will nud it U their adrantaga to ILL AM) i:DinE the Cna stock tT CUSTOM: MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS or BAFHY2 APJ BROS. AT Til CI & , Cosnioiiolilan CfiOTIIiXG STOilE. ON THE KIVKH SIIE OF FRONT ST. PORTLAND Between Arrlgonrn and the IjincoIn.IIon.oie. 4 Portland, Dec 20, ISCS. ' , i. G. BKADEOKD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER IX WINES AND LIQUORS, rnO.VT 8TRIXT, I01tTL,A.D. IIIAVCCOXSTAXTIYO.f HAM) Luge, cboice ud bci W M-tlv 1 t ck of SUPERIOR DflANDJES, FINE OLD WHISKIES, a CHOICE PURE WINES. Old Jumalca niim, , I!ct -England Rum. - - ALSO, - . Tenncnt'ar, and 3Iatirlcc, Cox & Co.'j Ale and Torter. ALSO, ' ABsIXTIin, - . . s JAMAICA 01X0 EH, : ESSENCE PEITEKMIXT, CCRACCOA, - ' VERMOUTH, CORDIALS, HITTERS. SYRUPS, LIQUEURS, Merrbants nd Decler from the Interior &re r fpeeffuily invited to call nod cxambo my tock t . . : r .t . ieiors purct:ainjf eiewfjcre. Portland, V9.-20, IMS. . . ... WHOLESALE.. CAMDY-;. FACTORY ! The undersigned would respectfully inform the Citizens end Merchants , of Linn Cccnty and adjoining counties, fh.it be baa c(ablitbed himself in Albany, and is bow ready to fill all or dera for all kinda of . , " ; ; , f ;C :'A-IJD,-v!E:;.Sl AT PORTLAND PRICES. E VEHRTTUISG IS SHE CONFECTIONERY LINE constantly on band s ami SUPPERS FOIIBALL. SURPRISB DART IES and WEDDINGS, fur nished at short notice, in a f9 , VERY SUPERIOR STYLE. . With the above establishment is connected a ; -r asp-" .1 BRBAD " cakes PIES, &c. will bo delivered at private houses by leaving or aerg wlia the undersigned. orl7nl4tf JOSEPH SMITII & CO. A T THE. SOLICITATION OF jr' many citizens of Linn ond Benton countis I hnvo fitted uptbolower Albany Ferry, t Albany Urecron, at heavy cspenSe, and ia uen a mannc as to accommotlato tho traveling public at al tunus that ferrying is wanted to ba uane, r ;.'"AX SICDUCEO HATES,0 l: Ilopinjr thereby to scenro a liberal patronage. Ily Perry Boat is well constructed, with, all of tho latest improvements for safety, and etrungly secured by a good wire hope. ASI1BY Pl'ARCE, Proprietor. A l) Vi: JIT I SUM KNTS. THOMAS 11 4 M I T N I B M'tmiDK. JEW FUHNITUIiE ".CTOnE! UNDERTAKERS AND mim IN URMTCBE, BEM A BEDDING. Cor. TtfKtnml Wftfthiuztota HtM,. lEbar Jnft laid in en f tb larot ftnd lx' nilc('tt d toesi or urnnure Ittitl waf r?r broui;bt to lki wurkrt, ponniitina f MIAIRH. hll df JtUllD BTOOLfl. 'EI'S'I'J'ADS. COUNTER 8T00LS, HA FK. CANDLE STANDS, iVKKAnt. WAS II STANDS, HREA K FA 8TTARLES, II AT RACKB. , )1NINU TABLE!,' TOWEL RACKS, KXTKNP10N TAEtES, WHAT-NOTS, CARD TAI5LES,. LOUNOES, -?i SOFA TAI'.LEM.- SOFAS. 4 WORK TA ISLES MCTUJIE FRAMES of CENTER TAHLE.S my dofr!.lwn, ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOLDING, Wt Iir aUa th Utt'tt tnd mont improved trl of ui tio!try Work td tL flitf st Psrlor and Dud room U (Lat that fc broult to Aiimny. ;iTV v W ijinur(.tur, repmlr of refit rornifortof t- ry dctcriplion, aad do U Ltud of upholstery llartnir in our mtloy none but the lot of I nTkuuu, ') but a rvcU fltvir tiiue at their I mdo iu tit Et, we ru imrared to do kiod- f l m liiiit t work ou tucltttvut nd laott iiroved tyii, una wblcb - CR WORKMANSHIP WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION K iwt tar Mm k lo perfon. grid tie inUi ! ney rely our tUUiucul of iU durklUity tad Imc or fitkimf vcturft. We hare on band m Urr Had well rli-cfcd ttock of Wo!, Pwlu, Hir, d Mom MtrMe. We rlo irrprfJ witk maierifil fr tbe btaa fjctmeof Cuffiiia at tiie brter botiox. N. li. We bare ! on biibd a large lot of SASH, DOORS, AND ELINDS, WLU b we will dlfMte of at ?;ry low rafen. Albany, li. IM5. w , aulS-Iy THE HOUSE FOR INTERIOR PEOPLE! Wliat Cliecr House. 'ront Sfrecl, lictwrcn Yamhill' and '3loriion, 1'ortlanU. M. O'CONNER Proprietor, rotJ ni:.sii:cTrrf.iA ix- f f fwrui bse raUvfu o.l tbe rubl.c jreueraliy thet, bertu; tuowa mtouli NEW AND SPLENDID. HOTEL le i 'w iitsrcd to areola mod ate an nuroWf l.mcb Uo-jM i 5!Ua up nit euhruy cv rtirnlfiircN (arprtln, and i n ut it hpiita 3Iatlr!fcii, od U cvDiiaoU-fi as I rmlorintSt', THE TABLE farnuhpd with tl,, Wt of ?erylliloz the Mar ket htfrd ficb, twl, rcgutk' and froiL HggZ t r u;Lt ffota tii eUatucrtf to the Ily(f wiihutit chur.-e. A I'lro Iroof Sal , kept fr th M'Bm at--! inx fcf Treaare f any llutcl Open at .!! Xloum. Tlie Prond ;t"f I thankful fr the ry Iar?r iiiui fur yt-ero, anI t ronUnu.4 Iw nun, and worj.i re;xctiaUy l.r.t an incrrM of it. . I a doiu to. be aarMi th rr. llmx fut.iio that no cxrto or Ubor will be jHre l Ij mi.e tut fats the tabu trttirah'e iid .r-.I9 IUul in Orvoa. Portland. IVe. 20. ' ; GALLERY RE-OPENED! PICTURES! FROM LOCKEfjO LIFE SIZE! CHEAPER THAN ELSEVHEflE IN THE STATE! ALBANY, OREGON. t .... MMWV - f f our (Uery, bd bare mm the largtrt tky. iht and Leat atranged roots tuts ude tf ban We Lftve tbe I-tet Irnrrovf ed Instramcct and UN the-best material ; ud we bare f pared do exptj ti bare thiaga right, it order that we may gite our i'auoc ii. ; FIIIST CLASS PICTURES. With car preset f-'kyliiht of 224 iuare fet we can Uke Uood Picture in ail kind cf weather and at all times of day. 'one nn-d wait fr a clear day cowo any time, late or tarly, and if we don't make you a good picture wa will cot let you take away poor ono, ' : We hare enpenor arrangementi fur taking CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES, And are eabl to have tnore patience tbaa fatnoof Job of old. ISo 1'atran ever aaw a out of humor. We defy competition ia ; - t COPYINO PICTURES. Call at our tU'jrnnfc and capaciou (Jallcnr en First fthe chief businciil rtrctt, eouth aide, middle of the tlJtK, ana examine our rpecimen picture. Albany, Noreuiber 13. JbGi. - AND iilACHIIIE "SHOP.! A. F. CHERRY, ' tire tntrt In the AL11ANY FOUNUltk AND MACHINE SHOP, I am -v Preparcd to FnrntaXt VV-. WROUGHT AND CAST, IRON WORK Of every description, on short notice. Also, BItASS CASTINGS. All Orders for LULL WOIIK Will be filled with dispatob, and in a ratisfactoTy s .'?; ' ..; -. manner. Affriciillnral Implements Manufactured to order, and particular attention Tiaia to licpairs All kinds of done to order on short notice i A. F. CHERRY, Albany, August 18, lS66-ly 'NORTHERN FLIGHT. M-1 ivrnV CTbiFV?ifc WiJU'. S-l 1 S-U - w ' i .j.,j,. X2A3 A3 GOOD A ST ACLU AS THERE IS IN THIS STATE, And is as willing to wait ca the Public F OR AO LITTLE M O N E Y AS ANY MAN LIVING, Civo 20 a trial, anl rco f;s"7cvnzzlvz. ABVintTIS JIM 13NTM. Tirrs peculinr taint or iniVction which wo C!tll 'Sckofwla lurki in tho constitutions of multitutlei of men. It cither produces or it produced by an cn it", ; ii - of tho blood. wlicrc'In 'tJiatlluid becorries in- ' iVVUI'VtVlll V SURMtHI -fthe vital forces in their -vigorous action, and leaves tho system to fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va rious! caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the dcpresitlns ricen, and, above all. by the reacrcal infection. Whatever ho in origin, it is hereditary In the constitution. descending from Daren ta to. ehiulrin unto the tUrd and fourth feneration j" Indeed, it teems to bo the rod of lum who says. 1 will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their Children.' The diseases it originates take Tariout namrs according to tha organs it attacks In Xhe lungs. Scrofula produce tubercles, and finally Consumption; in tho flandj( swelling which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and livr cotephunts ; or the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having tho same origin, require tho came remedy, viz., purification and tnvigora- tion of the Mood. Purify tho blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health t with that 'Ufa of tho flesh Leaitiiy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Aycr's Sarsaparilla Is enmponnded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this adicting distemper, and for the core of tho disorders it entails. That it is for. supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known Ly all who have given it a trial, 'flat It does combine virtues truly extraordinary ia their effect upon this class of complaint, Is indisputably proven by tho great multitude tf puuitjy known ana remarkable cures it Las made cf the following diseases! Kisjj'a Evil, or Glandular Swcliisp, Tenors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Cores, Errsipehj, Xtcsa cr St Anthony Fire. Salt ILhcna, B:ald Head, Ccnghs frca fi At trm EwcIHcra, Mobility, Droiy. ifeuralria. Dyrpcpsia cr Indigestion, Ejpbilia and B7pailit!e Infections, Ilcrctmal Piieises, icnih 7eakhes25l, and, indeed, the whole aeries of complaints that arise from imparity cf tho blood. Minute reports of individual casta may bo found in AvtV Autaicav Aumaxac, which is fumUhcd tv tlie druggUU for gratuitous dittribution, wherein nuty bo learned tbe directions for its eio, and some) of the remarkable cures which it has ma do when ail other remedies had failed to afford relief. Thore cases aro purrosely ' taken from all sections of tho country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can rwak to him of its benefit from personal experience. Scrofula d'prees the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims ur more subject to disc ate and its fatal results titan are healthy coni t.tuuons. Hence tt tends to shot ten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance cf these comitle rations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we novr offer to the public ender the name of Arta'a EuniurAKiiXA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the bent cf Sinaparil'a la alterative power, lif ita aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger cf these disorders, l'urgo cut the foul corruptions that rot and fetter in the Hood, purge out tle causes of dicae, nd vigorous health will follow. By its rxcut liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the ou tempera rldch lurk within the system cr burst out on any part cf it. V know the public havo been deceived ly many compomida of Sartapari&t, that promiel much and did nothing but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abunv dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for tlie cure of tho afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although tinder the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which hat teen before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever teen available to the in. CIIETtRY PECTORAL. Tho "World's Great Ecmedy for - Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- Bumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages , of Uio disease. This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no moro than aasare the public that its quality is kept up to the htit it ever has been, and that it may be rched on to do all it lias ever uonc. lrcpared by Dr. J. U. aver & v;o.v . Practical and Analytical CfiemitU, . Lowell, Masa Bold ty all druggists every where. , -?L. Koid by Fe.tn mu-r & Co- AHmny, an I at Wholesale aad retail by Swiih & V&vli. P ru end. rcSly BLACKSMITIIING! A NEW SHOP JS A liV GUILDiflG! W fkamk.- ;s.: ;woop HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITH SHOP In tho IJcty Caildinj on Croad Albin St., (Middle of the Block oust of Xnreros store)' ALBANY. OREGON. Where be will execute order for work in his line ' - of every description, nco a - Making and Pointing Plows, i Horseshoeing Tirein Wheels, Wagon Iron Work. Particular attention will bo given te FARMERS' ORDERS. AH work will be done tn tho best raanner, and at VERY LOW PRICES. I respectfully solicit a fair ebare of th- patron age of tb id onmnjumty, .1. S. W UUi. Albany, Marob 31, IStin. ; , t PliARiSF SlUiLIL ! T. 13. OOMLEYu ALBANY,OREGON. HAVE AIAVAY. ON 1IAXD, or will Maijulac.uj't to order, every styla of ! DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS at tho shortest notice and lowest possible tharues ' ' . . a a ; i E car da Matched and Planed. Work executed in a stylo not surpassed by $ny -" ' Shop in: tbeStato. ; v-l'.'.";;-; r The Still is in tho lower part of the town, on the river bank, at. the cornets of tho joining claims of the Montiethp and llaohlemnn. ' " . J. 1J. COMLEr. Albany, September. 20, 1865. , : J?0 C4ootl Plows for Sale. CAST STEEL PLOWS OF COLLINS MAKE, the best Flow in-Oregon for tbe Farmers.' 8ii25 , R. ClIEADl-E. plARII paid ca delivery, for any nraount of liJ F;;, ly . K. CIIEADLm. 4 mm f t ' 1 f L -.''TuElJ'" 1j ADVE-RTISfiMEKTH. H. H. DANCROFT a. CO DOOK SELLERS ,. STATIONERS fJan rrnniKco9 Cat. OFF Kit AX Xiia LOWliST MAIiKKT RATE3 0 no of tlie liwr-gsst md bt st aborted siosks ol l:ubs in every dcpurtmuDt of LiMsr-atarc, and s.'a pU aad fttiioy 'dttnUiiwry , to be found anywhere iff tbe world. T'iey occoj.y ea entire building, 22 by 80 foot, thrpe Um, a Merchant treut, wbieb eoniifcts in tbe rtar with the store on Moutgomery trott. ' There are nine department, each arranged uudor many fubdivuionn, as follow MlttcclInncotiM llooli, 1, History? 2,.liiogrspby j ?,Novfcls 4, 3vcm rncnt and l'idttiei4 4 b, HtleHioii l,in raturo C, go nial and Ethical ) 7, Menial d Moral Sckisce; 8 LMigaogw aad Oratory j 9, liullaa Lcttr and the Ciaicf JO, 1'oetry rd tbe brum; 11, Vjt and Humor; 12, 1'jction; 13, Work collected iota vol umuB( 11, Jt'mwawury and Odd J'tllowsbip 15, Mine Ilaieons bjict 16, liiblcs,' Traycr Uook, and Uyiun Jiooki; 17, lliuitiatcd Work; 18, Jov tuiU) l,vok. . felrntine llooUn, 1, MlliJary id Ksval Kekncei 2, Navigation and Ship liutidiiig; 3, Arcbit':t tore and Carp utry f, Fine Artnf b, Cbemitry and Kiectrwityj C, Me cLaniOid Fcbiuce; 7, Applied Meehaiii abd tbe Utful Art 8, Cm-tcy, Trade and Itctourcv; 9, llatbtrMtatics and EnxUtwrittg ; 10, Astronomy; 11, Oegtapby, Kxplrajb'J and Climatology; 12, Zoology, Miaiiig, w.? 13, atoral llwtory of the Mial Kttsg'UiUi i 14, VvgeJibie KiaJom; 15, Agriculture; 10, ioiiuMj Art; 17, ADiufiwnt Ximm aud VoMuno 'fvil'u'g! 18, rboijograpby 19, jiltjji!ifti aud VwtUimr.i-n; 29, General and I'ouiar Beitr,c 21, MiM!tlSm; u Work. Jletllenl I!cok Ahobol, Anatiuy, Aj pIeTy, Ath, Ajl tatioii, Etood, lixain, Ilroiiwljsi, Client, C'btmistry, Children, Cblrofortn, t'bokra, (,'liwste, Conrop tJo, IfneK, VtfutmU'w, lntal gurery, ihidut'u . b'.ii'Hi-M, lii.f b riti, J)Mrnjau.ri- , .eetor, Iot;M.-t;e iiVli lroiy, i!il py, Ery- Aiptia, lvye. ttutalv, I eVer, U vf, Jii uutj, Heart, Ilto!xy, IloMiovopjitiy, llydrorati y, Iufluza, fiManUy, Joint, Idvr, l.ut.c. Mat t'ra Medics. d'd;e.I Jurprudt-ce, M-utbrbeiS. Muer6"pe, MidwULry, Mm.L ii.rvi.u Frwtn, Xturali, Ob u-ttlcn. i';y, I'arlm, i's.ti!;ogy, 1'tsriuaey. Physiology, monia, JVb-MS, i'rKCtier, I're ripti"iift, i'ycLdi,tfy, ptHita, I'.iiCuiDiiciutAer- ry, r-ryfu!,i, t'biw, feul!j,t.x, ff ?ti, Btomacb, .orgi ry, J Lr t, f o! i.rc&, sttr Core. Law HooUn, llitYtnh P.tior;, Auj. newn Ileport. rtts He urt and IUrus. ArUzititt,tn, Abriictj, Ac- tin at Low. Adrnii.i'tra.-or, Aiwtralty, Ajreuey, ArU'rft'iofi, A'?i.mtM., Atuelnsnt, l.'aiiuirntt. Hfiftkruptcy, Curr'tr?, Cbaicry, Civil Law, Codviu ContraretaJ law, iMciafta l&w. Con tree t. Con veyaijcia, Crj" tnim.t, Ci'nsl IjSw, Vemtje, iarw I(,fti?y, of li e IVa", Jurirdie- fl , Lftti'Siwrd and Ttr.anl, Mart). me Law. Mer cantile Law. M x i.n Lfiw, Military Iw, Micei, X? , lflr,-ili!(,; Pal- Pt, 'IVrDoral Prop. Tty, Pia.ii g, Prefi, I'ht'.yt), Eal Prrti1y. luvraur, frh -, M.ippi5 jc. f tt ra:t b'.mj A Law. feareyeaip. in f,mw. Tiu t. rdr, wid. School Kloolt Ilav'ts jrr J itna fr,ui ti e pr!fift;f pobtujj ,: i pnoij im.k, jfota viiibi I.BV tn vtry hre 'vi .fit t'wi, w.- ft I! at otr pneo tbaa any !e..!er lie P; f c C'i. ; 'Ibi d'-'pattiueBt arrabvd etidr the ftdlowin fi d s -1 ; ' . Ant"tf.y and l'I:yi Ii-cy, Atinmmj, IEM,k W lg, 15oSasy, '&:;!... isd Oywr.i:-i., CbrteisSry, Cbit friw, IWrt w j.t.4 t'orrsgote; C'D. pojitioa. RbcoH- if4 Lvgk; IneCwTsssHr, Jin i;itii"r. frt'tMli,- fAfjpby..- t.4?y ami Mineralfjry; firnn. Crannrar, irttk. If t rv. I'alun. Lat'n, Sftb iaa"e, f. i.tt Pbilo j I y, Mhk. Notural lii.torr, Njustnl I 'h. !; t,y, oi ct Taebir, PeEtJianb'p, '&!ltieal Lcocooiy, lU-d.-r and IVrs, Br-sit.b-t. TtacbtTf lUgiftter, Tr-b r' Linraryt M1m I'ktieou Fdneatiota! Work, Sdw? Apparatas eo'.l Siatloeryt -AtnoR'our'owu pablatb-f;s are tie ro;twin Edueatios! tTctke CLAllR'S KEW SCHOOL .-GEOGRAPHY scarlv ttifdv. ' OUTLISK MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES, j.rtjMfsgv' ' . CLAKKV SLW VFIMARY 'GEOGRATUY, t CLACK'S III?T0nT. rptirg. i:rp.;r.:H pesmanijiiv iSAM'UOrT'S MAI f tb PA tTFJfC STATED rteliRlonjs DcoLm. CW3fnrnl4rk, Ci!Cir'bic, l-ktocantr, Eccle i!atil Ilhitory, I'reytr, Sfttat-u, Theology and Knbnerlption Department. In tb is dvpaniae&s evntsf cnuvumn stttt always Ctd a variety f lk, Msp, Engraving, Ac, w Lid are not add tut of any book-ttore, hot t-Xilaoivdy by traUcrif-uoo. 1 uli iuf rtuattoo pruutpUy givca epvn aipluatiea by Utter or ia pertvu. . . ... Blank. ;' Writfr$x Tapirs, rrinjir g l'upt r. Wrefr-irr la. per. Traetn, CV.pyia. Parcl went. Eoards", Plank H(,k.; Pocbtt Lokf, jDcin. lltmiopc. Ink, Irk rtand, Mccsiagp, Valine Was, Wafer, Poanee, Card, Uaic. Ruler, Folder, Cutkry. EraM-r, Halbtr, iJlubs. Flat., Crayor, rn. lVnrila. Pen Holdi-r. trube.C l.'rw, Inf.tnimfnt. QuilJ. Tal b tt. Label., Taje. alf, IHf and 1 Bosla. calca. Eyelet taaiitjr Cuiter. Kacka, Wcgb, Calender. Twin-, lietme. Pbotogrn,&it. Albnto, A!phalx-t Llocka, Uind?r' Material. Mbeellaseoui r;x.tot-ery. 5 ', PHILLIP MIIiIiEB'S albanyToiiegon. GARBLE fslOMUMEIMTS, GRAVE AND TOMBSTCfiES, : . Of Every Stylo and Pattern. T PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. : And Marble Worli of A." fUfids. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING ! Tin; risi:sT i.K'niii:ixG i THE BEST EXKCUTKD WOIIK Iu the State of Oregon ! All work done at my Marble Yard ia turned eut eias to give jwfoct eittiafaciion to my patrons. PURE WHITE, VERMONT. CR CALIFORNIA MARDLE Will bo. used as parties ordering work sball select. The Lowest ''Living? Prices Will be tbargsd ia erery instance. : -j Orders frcm any Part cf tbe Stato will f be Taithfully and rremitly Tilled. . THE BIAlIiLE ;f AR T just bolow Spreriger's Prtoifio Hotel, on tbe west side of the street running from the river. . The publio are isTitd to call at my ebep and examine spt-eimens of work. ' " Albany, January 6, 1866. to families: OF LIXX, LANE AND BENTON COUNTIES, THE tlXRERSIGSED flATIG rccciTed the auoncy for DU. nOYNTOS'S j FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST, for tho above counties, would respectfully infojin the citiitna that bo if now in tbe 'field, -and will call upon tbe people u fbeir homps ad ptacts of businS8 The nature and object of 'the Chest is to supply families with those tried, certain, safe and efficient remedies which are necessary in the prevention and in the treatment of . sudden and common dis eases, c Tht) adaptability of this couwntently arranged Ckoct to a place in each and every fam ily is beyond a doubt. - In connection with the Chest th org Jf $ book containing a dof cription of more than seventy dia eaaca, giving their symptoms in detail, so no one need bo mUtaken as to tjia nature of their oori plaint. It therein numbers carefully the specilie remedies-r tho lempdy being fund in tho Chest fr every disease.' It also contains a Alatpfia Medb-a, or Bh tianary of all the medicines, with their origin, cature, medical properties, doses, and the disease -they are applicable to. No one can doubt the propriety of this wiso arrangemec. t meet tao wants oi tae siv'ti.-a ft II. VXYirr a T v il n t i s i: m r, t s . ' PRIVATE MAD -AID;-! ilnlch Care and Slodcralc Onrsra l'riviU Medical and Kurmcul lutiJue. Sacramento etreet, below Mentgomrry, opposite tbe 1 aei2? Jlail gtemliip Co.'e i,Cie. J'rt- r, luiiniini iu urtunuwii t tree I, D&Q Franei C'alifwriui. EtlaUitltcd erprestly to, afford tit ofrktcd ton n a ana acitnujio mnucut urn, m Hit . treatment and ture vj it It 1'ticuU "' and Chronic lUeueMt cuca oj , tccrtcj a ltd all . nerval ' i . dueast. TO THE AH LIC'JKD. . V J)a. W. K, !d)trty rttcrna b.'s lMite t!fft',. o bis norm r nt patienl for ll.tir iror at,e, nJ w,uld take this ojijortitnity to nmiwi t b. m tbat be e r.t nuet cnnnlt at bi Ifietstttte fat li.e ture of broiuc diefls of tbe Lung, Livi r, Kiilm t.. Digct.ve and Oeiuto-l urinaiy Oid, ar d aJ); private d itcsttt, iy ir is all ji rent af:i tases, if(U)iaal Wislm. end uil ibe b. rrid '.-. eqoetiees elf-abo. Gon nbfta. tiket. fctrw mr, Swtomal sd Pscrna e;tnii; n. kxnai Ieb;iiy, L!eite of tl e Lack and Iju'.u.u It i,,-.oif tnntu u of urn j;lfll(h.r ar,d Kidneys, etr eu, f Ve boiei4 tliat bis long txpenn.ie and ivecffful f tajiks will e ntibiu: o ii coi-e I ibi a thiirt of ti poblie sir nag. By the prtie J' ay ytft in Knrue and !.e L'niud fc'au t, 1 e if ib cd u af-i ly tie jot fi",ci nt nd i-ucetfs.nl rtn dkr against dictate cl ail kii,ds. lie bice n i,er a- y, bar$t-s ciodttate, treats hi aiui .te ip a w rftt and . b'rafele way, eae ieferte cf vs qnstientble v-ri!y frfin f ki.cwa rtrfreW ability and b'ga Siaading ia f witty,.- A wt:a t-oripuiung niw ny ie;ur t-r t-iutrwit, wt ic e.v the best and gistleit trtalmri std .jU'- H re - Ir. erty wold can aHufii fc ti f iltw in wtiCtatt-e tr in two uf Lie fatk.nts,wbv. car iK fully ? rvcovcre4 tLr tealifc, 4ire: to Biakc knrn t eir rciiJKHal ajrtnt. It wi;I c , en sbtTr sfauuttU arc fully autbentk tUd ly i ctAry-rablJ..- ;.,v; . : ; f Tbe welfare of Bockty JnijM rWat ly ''di-naed tbtir i'uMk-ity, and ti ey are gitn tr.Cf to wiu, She wtwiiry tban to sonad tie j-rtiu., t?f YYyt't-. eiao, o ihf.w Lucdrid -f l.ke tares I e tiud, during: a jiactiee t,f i rc tbao Citeto ytat. 4CiB t.r CttET JSP STBKTraitli. f Dr. iNhirfy Dear Sir: I fel my btTlt.b ajfal-. ly ttU, id that,. in KKii.on frstitadr, J Ulktr. I b' old toiii.; y a rotce writt n eic w'edgmtRt for your valuable at r vice j srtUularly eo asycur ft wa ajsll for tbe work jAriumnd. , i 1 Dirittd In bi city fnin tie Fait 'aboat on . year a?o. and was then uf eria fr m id c ?d eaae tf 0 et. ct-trpUraUd with itr;fitcre. Btjnu a tracer in ti tity, aid Ke!kviig tl oge dct ra. wbo git t-neh j''aivt Mratx i f tceerre wtre, Dt-etFri'y the Wtt, (totnt f wU at Lave a large fcumLrf title) I i lcl oiyttlf in tLtir ehur.-e, sed 3&tinuel ui dr Jlu ir Utn i,t tsaUl I lad lost e ar y ail U je and e nsi kra' te nia .,! d ny. I wi.-k t- Jy aew iht tm fare tb r sixth dHt r 1 bive tanjiloyid.ssd tbe t n!y or tbat iat rverd'vae Biesry itvke. i'y. tkt if hv'.j fitted, ibe ifjkfturtr 1 a!l rttn- v-d. ard n y ('ie.'a! ira!b it btiter tbia it b ten f r y-ar. la tocelvaiwn I ;sid zy tot; e Etiny Gf.i'jrtuss who rtiaira tt tdbat ttdtie- , it yv biv ,?y d nt t s it b ci y a n ay ens i v,t4- I'r. !!?- rty f-r uy u.icr.ta ard eistl iu,d nn !. I Jjt--j ftt,f ia city. I Jly SI-r'ac i4,y fv- yu asy Jt,3r." I w ul i alit add sbat ia tie ir?j ft&fy c-t y dis I oid a larV aajociitfel tir i r;f araikc d- rti-ed s n ibfU.b!e cure f r C'n-rrj.ea, Gkct. etc., hut Tf-vvr 4 rived atsybtcctt frfom ibm. I am. iMstfF. sr.f traly y.tr. l..; li J , f sa J..-te-i, Jt,ae IS, lie. lcril-eI atd torc t befur m tbi 2I)'t day fcf Junt, Jfc Si. A. S. GCUItD1, - a.J . ' tary Publk. rt5ai. wr.aK5Ef a swobs to rraTircAns cr KOfT RIMAftKAStr CTBE Cf JTEEIlTOf EBlfi. A dftins tt Urtft bi ttsn'.ty, end a ft-Uing'eT grautod lo Dr. Y. K. lM,betty, alt nc indco sie to il&Lv this aut Uittt. fr many y.fcri I feve bem igii tcd with tbat fearful di. bo a a -irirmst4rrbof-aj" or ft-islBal WaLieirr. th nauU i.t a Jf-abo, bet till ISii txpvrii Dcid bat little trvtble r iEeiOTtr.ieree. In llist year, b eT r, X l ad St mil. a 1 Weaii ess to an alan&ixg txuat. which was goon fuliowed by tbe BJ.tt alarming t-j id j t- nt, as weaknesa of tLe La li ar4 i.mht, pai;,sic thv l ead, dlmattt vf virion , i:trr i uimii ted efcersl dtliliiy. " My nind, Uo, waa afBlctcd te tuib an txtett as to .ri caly in'f air-sayint-rnoty; x&y ideaa were c nfut d and fpirita dtprtftcd. I was everte to skty, bad tvil foie. b nings aiid Svlf distrust, and was ectirtly tutu Ud for any cf the duties of life. Fn-ia to tba un3KKr t.l SCZ, mploy.d ibe rt ry b-t medical talent I etnid Cad, sod tpectsertral hundred ddt !ar, lot in no inr tant e ottaioud more thfen eru-. p rary rel ef. I bad al oct eon-ladd tb r wa no nlief fr me io this worU. bn et-eivcDr. lt berty's advvrtiat mtnt, I ti ugil I clnlrt call and bim. a.t be clarod ootbir.g for con.-nltati'-r . I bsd an inUrview with tba I .-ctor. and bis fee for titatta .i't waa m retonable, I dtteimised to iry Lira, tbc-ub I did iol eifit tomb ft f n ui bis trtatmcnt. On tie iih of I cen.1 r lau I placid a yac U under bia care: in ace w ek I fcua i myM-lf vtry much improved, acd now, afUr live wttki trostmint, 1 fie! myself tLon tigb!y enrtd of all my tn t.bks and ia tbe eijoymtnt cf ti e bet ( hi alt D. Hoping tbat my eij et knee may be ( benvt to bthcra umiarty af3itrd, I euhscrib tty-elf - JAMES J0IlXST03ft tub.cribd an swora tabe.'ore me, tLia ltt Asy f January, 1S64. , L. s. f A. O. RANDALL, Notary ?t,Vif TO FE3JALKB, V . ' j -Wbcn a female is afiicted witi diseafe. a wtal ntss of tbe back and limbs, pain in tl e btad. nesa of aigl Mow if mn.-cular pwtr, palpitatioa of ti e bcart, irritability, mrTonctr., extnmeori nary difSeu!ty, dtrangemmtof digetile fvnctkt.a, general dv.lihty, vginities. all diea.et of tbe wonib, bys eti. aterdity, an.d all other diseases peculiar to femaUs. tbey should per or WTte at oat e to the ce.'ehrated remale dector, W. eK. herty, at b s Medical Institute, and ccrsuit bim about their troubles and disease, 'be Puetor ia eglctinj; m re cores tban any other phyvician in tbe State of California. L.et bo false deiiraey pre Tert you, but apply immcdietelr and save tour- self from painful suffering and premature d"ea;b. A" married ladjes, whose deiirate fcealth or other circumstances prevent an increase in th ir fami lies, should write or call at Pr. W.Duberty'a ilid- tcaj lust tutJ. ana th.r will receive evtrv rosrbIei rtiief and I eip. Tho DacsorV tfScca arc so ax ranged that be can be "consulted without tear o( observation. - TO COREESrOKDEXTS.. ' H Patients Msidinjr at a distance, who may desir tbe opinion and advice of Dr. Doberty on their re spective cas. a, and who think proper to rubra it a w rui en Eiaitmeni oi sucn, in preference to hJ-Micg-a personal 1. tcrview, are respectfully assurel that their communications will bo held most eaered. . Dr. Toherty takes this method of observing that all Utters ars only opened and replied to by bim-. self, and the latter as promptly as possible. If the caso be fully aad candidly described, pern, sonal communication will be superceded, as in-j, strnetions for diet, regimen, and the preneral treat ment of the ease itself (i?cludhig the retnediea, j. will be forwarded without dcla, ac.d ia'.such manner as iocenvey no idea pf the purporj of tha, letter or pasi-el ?o transmitted. ' ' ' J, Consultation .FREE. Permanent tai guaranteed t r no pay. Address J , W.' K. DOJIEUTT.'M.' d. ; San Francisco, Califora;. OPiXIOXS OF THE rRE$. " "DR. D03IERTY is a skillful Pby i'tcian md af honorable gentleman, any statviieptj be makes t b patient- be issurs to fulfilb' "'That fact i? onk great cause t f bis, oa- inent sueeess in bis rofe' sion. It ia frtunate tlat amg the many adver tising physio iaua there is one bo can be depended ou.' -Eevh w. : ' T , ; " "DR. DOIIERTT'S reputation as a pbysiciansj a sufficient rurantee for the euro of any case b undertakes." fChroniele. , " ' , ,i "DR. -DQ11ERTY has devote! bis study more particularly to g'aronic, spcitio and secret practice, and as such is now the most successful of any physician in San Franeisoo." Free Press.. ; 1). DOHEKTY'8 reputaf iou ia seeond to.no oth er physciari 'o the coast i chronic and epeeiSq practice." Mirror. J : : ' w "DR. DOI.ERTY Few men in. the mei'sal profession bate succeeded in gaining. the coafl dence of the public in their skill and judgment as, he has." Enquirer. . t "DR. D011 ERTY ranks as one cf our most d!i tinguished physicians, and also ope of the moss suecess'ful, wbich is row tba criterion by whieh ths" medical praet'tioner is judged." Echo. eelSy License 'a M v-r, sons from doiag business in that capacity, Lo not properly lkensod to do so by law. Pc5aS'.f Xti IT r