The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 15, 1866, Image 2

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    or of France bad pome.tlrufr before decided
not to withdraw a deiachmeot of his forces in
November, accord in to bis promise, but that
this decision .wm mtvte with the purpose of
withdrawing the whtle of tho forco in tho
ensaing snnng. Of this determination, how
cver,"the United States had not received any
sotice or intimation, and as soon as the in
formation was received by tho (lovernment,
oaro was taken to make known its dissent to
tho Emperor of France. I cannot forego -the-hona
that France will reconsider the subject
and adopt some resolution in regard to the
evacuation of Mexico, which will conform,
as near as possible, with the existing engage
ment, and thus meet thejust expectations of
the United States. The papers relating to
tho subject will bo laid before you. It is
balieved that, with tho evacuation of Mexico
by the expeditionary forces, no subject for
serious differences between France and the
United States wauU iwnain. The expres
sions of the Emporerand the people of Franco
warrant a hope that the traditionary friend
ship between the two countries might in that
ease bo renewed and permanently restored.
A cUim of a citizen of tho Uniteit States for
indemnity for spoliations committed on tho
high seas by tho French authorities in tho
exercise of a beligerent power against Mex
ico, lias been mot by tho lioverumont of
Franc with a proposition to defer thesettlo
mont until a mutual convention for the ad
justment of all claims arising out of the re
tent wars on this contineut shall bo agreed
upon by the two countries. The suggestion
is not deemed unreasonable, but it belougs
to Congress to declare tho manner in which
claims for indemnity for' foreigners as well
as by citizens of the" Unked States, arising
out of the late civil war, shall bo adjusted
and determined. I have no douVt but that
the eabjeeta of all such claims will engage
jour attention at a convenient time.
It is a matter of regret that no considerable
advances have been taadd towards an adjust
ment of the differences between the United
State- and Creat Britain, arising out of the
depredationsjupon our national commerce and
other trespasses committed during our civil
war by British subjects in violation of tho
international law and treaty obligations.
The delay, however, may be believed to have
resulted in no small decree from the domes
tic situation of Great Britain. A chango of
Ministry occurred in that country duringthe
last sion of Parliament. The attention
yf tho new Minister was called to the sul ject
at an early day, and there is some reasou to
expect that it will now be considered in a
becoming and friendly spirit. The impor
tance of an early disposition of the question
cannot be exaggerated. Whatever might bo
the wishes of the two governments, it is
manifest that good will and friendship be
tween the two countries cannot be establish
ed until a reciprocity in the practice of good
faith and neutrality shall Ls restored between
the respective nations,
Q-i the Gth of June la-t. in violation of our
neutrality laws, a military expedition and
enterprise against the British' North Ameri
can Colonies was projected and attempted to
Le carried on within the territorv and juris
diction of the United States, fn obedience
t the obligation imposed on the Executive
by the Constitution; to eeo that the laws are
faithfully executed, all citizens were warned
br proclamation against taking part in or
aiding such unlawful proceeding, and tho
proper civil, military and naval olScers were
directed to take all necessary means for the
enforcement of the laws. The expedition
failed, bat it has not been without its fearful
consetjuences. Some of onr citizens whom
it was alleged were engaged in the expedi
tion, were captured have been brought
to trial for a capital offence in the province
f.f Lanada. Judgement and sentence of
death have been pronounced against some,
while ethers been acquitted, fully believing
in the maxim of government, that severity
of civil punishment for misguided persons
who have engaged in revolutionary attempts
which have disastrously failed, is unsound
and unwise. Such representations have
been made to the British Government in be
half of the convicted persons, as, being sus
tained by an enlightened and humane judg
ment, will, it is hoped, induce in their caves
an exercise cf clemency and a judicious am
nesty to all who were engaged in the move
ment. Counsel have been employed by the
government to defend the citizens of the
U.'dted States, on trail for capital offences in
Canada, and a discontinuance of the prosecu
tions which were established in the courts of
the United States against those who took
part in the expedition, as not only political
in it3 nature, but foreign to the United
States ia its courses and objects. The at
tempt was uaderstood to be made in sympa
thy with an insurgent party in Ireland, and
by striking at a British province on this
continent, it was designed to aid in obtaining
redress for political grievances which it was
assumed the people of Ireland had suffered
at the hands of 'tho British Government dur
ing a period of several centuries. The per
sons engaged in it were chiefly natives of
that country. Some of them had, while oth
er bad not, become citizens of the United
States under our general laws of naturaliza
tion. Complaints of misgovernment in Ire
land continually engage the attention of the
British nation, and so great an agitation is
now prevailing in Ireland that the British
Government has deemed it necessary to- sus
pend the writ of babeus corpus in that coun
try. These circumetances must necessarily
mcdify the opinions which might otherwise
have been entertained in regard to an expe
dition expressly prohibited by our neutrality
laws, co long as tnese lawa remain upon
our statute books they should be faithfully
executed. If they operate harshly, unjust
ly, or oppressively, Congress alone can ap
ply the remedy by their modification or re
The political and commercial interests of
the United States are not unlikely to be effect
ed in some degree by events which are trans
piring in the Eastern regions of Europe, and
tne time seems to nave come upon our uov
ernment when it ought to have a proper dip
lomatic representative in Greece.
This Government has claimed for all per
sons not convicted, or accused, or suspected
cf crime, an absolute political right of self
expatriation, or a choice of a new national
allegiance. Most of the European States
have declared for this principle, and have
claimed a right to hold each of their subjects
as have emigrated to or have been naturalized
in the United States, and afterwards return
ed on transient visits to their native coun
tries, to the performance of military service
in like manner as resident subjects. Com
plaints arising from claims in this respect,
made by Foreign States, have heretofore
been matters of controversy between the
United States and 6ome of the European
powers, and their action consequent upon
the failure to settle this question, increased
during the war in which Russia, Italy and
Austria were engaged. While Great Britain
has never acknowledged the right of expatri
ation, she has not particularly insisted upon
it. France has been forbearing, and Russia
has prepared a compromise, which, although
evincing increased liberality; has not been
- accepted by the United States. Peace is now
prevailing everywhere in Europe, and the
present seems to be a favorable time for an
assertion ty Congress of the principles so
long maintained by the Executive Depart
ment, that naturalization by ene State fully
exempts the native-born subject ef any other
State from the performance of military ser
vice under any foreign government, "so long
. as he does not yoluntarily renounce its rights
and benefits.
In the performance of a duty imposed upon
me by the Constitution, I have thus submit
ted to the Representatives of the States and
pf te people eucb, information, of gvx doses-
tic and foreign affairs as tho public interest
seems to require Our Government is now
undergoing its most trying ordeal, aud my
earnest nraver is that tho ordeal muv bo suc
cessfully and favorably passed without im
pairing its original sircngm ana symmetry,
fho interests of tho nation can bo promoted
by a revival of fraternal relations tho com
plete obliteration of our privato differences
and the re-inauguration ot all tho pursuits ol
peace directing our efforts to tho early ac
complishment of theso great evils.
Let us endeavor to pr.erve harmony be
tween tho co-ordinato departments of the
Government, o that each in its proper sphere
: I'll .. i. .M .1 1 .1 '
may coruiauy co-operate witn mo otner in
securing the maintenance of the Constitu
tion, the preservation of the Union and the
perpetuity of our Institutions.
Wash inu fM, December 3, 18CG.
Tlic Yl'ay the Money Ooc.
I havo read, says the Washington cor
respondent of the Dubuquo Herald, your
recent editorials concerning Messrs. Har
lan and Gooley, of their sudden elevation
to tho offices ot honor and profit which
they, as Secretary of the lutcrior aud
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Vavo
filled here with so much profit to them
selves and their iwuiediato political
It is well k,nowp that both the gentle
men in question Icit Ioyira with scarcely
enough money to bear their expenses,
both being compelled to leave their fami
lies 1 ehind.
Senator Harlan, when ha reiidid at
Iowa City, lived in the most humble style,
kept boarders, for whom Mrs. 11. did the
cookipg, whilst the Superintendent of
Schools cut and split the wood and. made
fires. This vras all honest atvl proper,
and praiseworthy, but lo what a change
a few short years have wrought. He now
lives in one ot the most costly, elegantly
furnished maustons in the Federal City,
drives splendid horses before SI, 500 car
riages the horse3 costiug double the sum
whilst the coachmen aud iootmeu dress
in more costly livery thau any foreign,
minister's drivers do.
He ha3 purchescd the elegant mansion,
of Clem. Hill, Ki., for which he paid
fclu,UUU down, and was to pay the other
in on,e au4 two years.
He soot) alter went to .Mr. 11 til and
beg-ed him to take the other 20,000 due
to save iuterest, as he had more money
thau he knew how to use.
Sot content with the elegant furniture
of .Mr. Hill, he refitted aud ujcrbly im
proved upon it by the purchase ot ele
gant and custly new mirrors, velvet car
pets up stairs and down, aud most costly
silk curiam, rose-wood piatus, harps,
etc., etc.
Was there ever n Senator or Secretary
at Washington City w ho was l,so auddeu-
iv raised trotn obscure poverty to maguiii
cent wealth and gratideur before ? This
all goes to show that some things may be
Uuncas weti as omens, ana that lucre is
a cau.-e for feupectiug that all is uot fair
in the awardiug of fc'JUJUO contracts for
making luJian treaties, and for the jnr
chae, by clerks, of the rich silver plate
which was recently presented to the Sec
retary on his retirement from the Interior
Departineut, So it is with Ir. Cooley.
NLWsi-Ai'ttt Demise.- We regret to
announce the death of sterling Democratic
paper, the "Democratic Keview," .Mr.
Js'oituer, the editor and publisher, has
struggled manfully against adverse cir
cumstances, for years, to sustain a Demo
cratic paper, At one titne his was the
only Democratic paper in Oregon, aud
having once been suspended by military
orders, its existence hung upou so uncer
tain a teuure that few could be found to
invest the price of a subscription in sus
taining it. He says that at that time his
entire receipts from his bu.iinces did not
pay for the white paper upon which it was
printed. But the nuul cau?e of the fail
ure of the paper was the extended credit
which was given to subscribers who are
too mean or too careless to pay their hon
est debts. Mr. Xoitucr says : "Wo have
lost during the time we have published
this paper, in bad accouuts, not less thau
four thousand dollars, and have now stand
ing on our books upwards of six thousand
dollars that we believe mostly good. Had
we one-half of the latter sum there would
be no trouble in continuing tho paper."
Ignorant and brutal mobs, iqstigated by
taucied provocations or the representa
tions ot unprincipled men, to destroy Dem
ocratic papers, are entitled to more re
spect than professed Democrats who com
pass the destruction of Democratic papers
by robbing them of their just dues.
Oregon Herald.
Two Ears and a Nubbin. tDo the
farmers of Illinois ever think of the
blessings of Kadical legislation 't Let us
suppose one of them gathering his corn,
this fall, while the cold November winds
are blowing. t comes across a stalk
that has upon it two good ears and a nub
bin. "Ah I" says he to himself, that is
fine stalk of corn." Now let U3 see how
much of its rich product belongs to him.
He peels olf the shucks, with cold fingers,
from ono big ear : but that must go to the
government bondholders, who pay no tax,
"who toil not, neither do they spin."
Then he tears away tho crispy covering
from the other big ear; but that belongs
to the Yankee lords of the loom, who lay
their greedy fingers upon it through the
agency of a protective tariff. The nub
bin is now left ; aud justice, one would
suppose, should decree that this, at least,
should be the property of the farmer, who
has cultivated the field through the hot
sun of summer, and now gathers its fruit
amid the cold blasts of November. Dut
no, the nubbin must be divided with the
Freedmen's Bureau, which has been
erected for the special benefit of the
emancipated nigger, who is soon to be
come a voter; audita voter, he will sure
ly vote to keep up the Bureau ; for the
Bureau is a nice thing for "Sambo. Now
is not Radical policy a glorious thing?
Quincy (111.) Herald.
Then ENp Now. Patriotism ia D3G4
no power oa earth can. or shall dissolve
the Union.
Patriotism in 1S66 Tho Union is dis
solved, and all whp deny it are copper
heads and traitors.
Treason in 1864 To speak disrespect
fully of the President and his policy.
Treason in 1866 To speak resppct
fully of the President and his policy.
Covetousness, like a candle ill made,
smothers the splendor of a happy fortune
ia its own grease.
Peoples Transportation Company
The last Corvallis Gazette, and a lato
number of the Oregon City Enterprise,
are both out against us and id defence of
the P. Trans. Company. Wo expected
this, and hence we are not taken by nur
priso nor in anywise disappointed. Wo
expected that Tray, Blanche and Sweet
heart would bark and snap at our hools.
Under the circumstances it is fair to pre
sume that both these editors have been
bought up by the Company. We appre
hend it did not take much of, tho money
they are daily hauling in, by tho scoop-
shovel full to sot these two worthies af
ter us in full chorus. What the Gazette
has to say wo copy ia full becauso it is by
far tho better defence of tho two. Wheu
we state that tho editor of, tUo Enterprise
was, all last spring and summer, very hos
tile to tho old line of steamships, oq the
ground that they were monopolies j and
when we further state that, op ono occa
sion, ha waa so offensively personal that
ono of tho captains knocked him down on
one of the wharves of Portland, tho pub
lie will agree with us that mmrthiwj must
havo crossed his palm. Else why change
about so suddculy and defend a monopoly
on tho Willamette? All the Enterprise
editor did, when his apple-cart was capsi
zed, as above set forth, was to pick him
self up, adjust his slightly dilapidated
beaver, heroically seize his caue, and
walk off! leaving the belligerent captain
aforesaid alone in his glory. But enough
of this. Here is what the Gazette has to
say :
"The editor of tie Atate llight lemocrat, in hU
lait issue, poured bit "vials of wrath" upon the
People's Transportation Company. He has dis
covered that the scale of prW-es fr frt-ight and
parage on the Willamette U touch h.ghcr than on
the .Missouri and Miiaisiti river. He al inti
mates that the boat do nulfurni'h at good "tupaU"
fur fi ft j cent a he did white in the hotel buine
in Albany, lie cmj lainnl of the waiter, coffe,
potatoes, l.ctftrak, w-h-rooin, towel in fact,
everything seemrd to go wrong with the aforr ni 1
editor, and to tieh a f-arful ectettt that he imagin
ed the butter "inelllikea nigger riiriog freely
of a hot ditr." We are no aHdogit for u'nj.o
Ittd, far from it. We ihoutd like to eo a line of
ojf.siti'.n tratueri running on the upj er Willam
ette and I'riwf of freight and laage reducod.
liut at the uie time, we d j not Ihik there it
Hod ground, at the rent, forcrying out aga';nt
the P. T. Co. Tbry have exp ended large rnm -f
money in boat, wan-homca and iinprovetueuti t-t
tho uj j er rircr, to fay nothing of their gigantic
improvement at the fall. Suj'j-o.e th-y have
made mom-y off the public! They hare not
hoarded ii uj,. it ha been daed in circulation,
a;d every dollar rpent in imitroring and facilitat
ing tranit at the fall, in a direct and oilite ad
vantage to thi uj per country. Farmer can now
hip thir product- to Portland or lo .San Kran-ico
in good hafi. Instead of being carted for three
fourth of a tnile over a rough road, a formerly,
it now only ha to .a through the warehouse
from the boat above the fall to thoso below. 'or
thi outlay of capital, it i right and proper that
the Company fhould have remuneration. The
aiae "hue and cry" i frequently raited againt
tbeO. S. N. Co., without whic h the mine of Kait
eru Oregon and Idaho would scarcely bo known.
The came objection might be urged againt the
Oregon and California binge Company, tho tele
graph, and, in fact, againtt every improvement on
the prim itive mode of communication r cor,vcy.
ancc. At the lime mentioned, the boat bad not
commenced making their regular trip. It i dif
ferent now. Whatever may be laid againtt the
V. T. Co., thw uper eountry would move very
!ow without it. And when we wih to vimI Port
laud or .wa!em, we are content to patronize the
boat, and give the "delightful mud -wagou of the
tage company" a wide berth. We hote friend
Abbott will be in a happier mood the next time he
ha occasion to viit tha mt-tr'ipoli, and perhaps
he will ce thing a a different li2uli'
The Gazette editor ays he is no apolo
gist for monopolies. Why, then, write a
long and labored article in defence of one
of the crushing and grinding mo
nopolies on this coast? If our Corvallis
friend inust lib occasionally, we advise
hitn not to cause his fibs to stand out in
bold relief on the very face ot the article
containing them. The one under consid
cration is so plain and palpable that the
wayfaring man, though ?. fool, cannot-a-void
seeing it, The editor avers that he
would "like to seo a line of opposition
steamers running on the upper Willam
ette, and prices of freight and passage
reduced." Yet he thinks it isn't right to
say aught against the P, Transportation
Company. He fraqkly admits that they
have made money off the public but
ho claims that it his been put in circula
tion ; that large sums of money have
been expended in boats, ware-houses and
improvements of the upper river, and in
"gigantic improvements at tho falls,"
What would be thought of a robber who
should plead, in extenuation of his rob
beries and blood-shed, and as a reason why
he should not be punished at all, that he
had expended his ill-gotten pelf in "gi
gantic improvements" in this county?
Would any intelligent and honest jury
clear him on such grounds ? Would his
crimes be any the less aggravated and
heinous ? Ccrtatnly not. Yet his plea
would bo quite as weighty, and as much
entitled to respectful and serious conside
ration as is the one urged in behalf of
the plucking of the public by the People's
Transportation Company.
The editor of the Gazette says that it
is right and proper that the Company be
remuperatpd for their outlay of capital.
To this we agree. But this is not tho
question in issue ; and tha Gaztttta will
permit U3 to say ho has completely eva
ded it. No one objects to improvements
being piade up and down the Willamette
river. Everybody likea to see warehou
ses erected, and f'gigantio improvements
at the falls," and no one denies that who
ever makes jthgra should bs properly re
imbursed. What we do pbject to is that
the P. T. Company should charge two to
three prices for freight and passage. We
are told that they now charge eight dol
lars per ton for down-river, and twelve
dollars for up-river freight making an
j average, of aboufr t$a dollars per ton.
Last year freight was delivered at the Al
bany wharf, from Portland, for four dol
lars por ton by Capt. Ankney; and wo
are told ho stated ho made money, while
running as opposition.
We havo talked with several Albany
merchants on this question of freights
They all agree that Linn county alone an
nually pays to tho People's Transportation
Company, for freight, at least Ono Hun
dred Thousaud Dollars. Home put it as
high as 8160,000. Now, if it be true
that freight from Portland here pays well
at $1 per ton, it is self-evident that the
peoplo of Linn oouuty pay from seventy
five to Oue Hundred Thousand Dollars
more, auuually, for freight, than they
should pay, or than, vrould pay if
thero were any opposition. Jo, other
words, tho Peoples' Transportation Com
pauy have tuken oao.-lulf or two-thirds
more blood from the people ofLinu coun
ty than they nhould have done. We do
not doubt that the time will conic, aud
that b for: Q long, when freight will be de
livered here for S-,50 and 83,00 per ton,
and mouey will be made oxen at these fig
It ia Uot a aU wonderful that tho P. T.
Coin pauy can build boats, and warehou
ses, and can make "gigantic improve
ments at tho fall," Qud buy up the land
on both fides thereof, Any company that
gougo the public as they do can do like
wiwe. Xor is it anv wonder that men
who, a few years ago, were as poor an
lilutcd hkim-milk, are now among mill
Tiik Democratic Party. -The
Journal of Commerce, alluditig to the
Radical cry that the Democratic party is
dead, says : "It has existed through tho
last six years, aud has polled jut about
one-half of the entire vote of the coun
try. It has been welded together more
firmly and compactly than evr before in
all its history. If any oue doubts this,
lt him study the facts and look at the
remarkable spectacle presented from year
to year by this party, marching steadily
to the polls in solid phalanx, met by every
sort of opposition, under a temp)at of ob
loquy, threatened with the direct puubh
tnenti, but unflinching for all that, earn
ing fairly it old name, 'untcrrified,' and
votiog steadily the half of all the votes
iu the country withiu a Ptuall fraction.
Th'u is a fact to be taken into account in
thes days."
Death of the Oluest (Jim 1'eu,ow
l THE There ha ju.U died
at f'reston a man named George Ward,
who wr,s the oldest Odd Fellow in the
world. He born in 17'J, and for
sixty years worked for the principal man
ufacturing firm of Preston. Between
fifty aud sixty years ago he becqmo a ineru
berof a mall local friendly society, and
subsequently, on the organisation of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
(Manchester Uuity), he joined that body,
and remained a most faithful member of
the Duke of York Lodge (Preston Dis
trict) up to the time of his death. The
period of his Initiation was September
25th, 1815. He was the first provincial
Grand Master of the Preston District,
and was one of thewe who signed the first
"dispensation" that came to America.
"Spot Him !" -Iu September, 1801,
says the Dayton Journal, Andrew John
son made a campaign speech in Nashville,
in which he said :
''Whenever jou find a man anywhere
prating about tho Constitution of the
United States, tjtot him he's a traitor !"
Thero is a "humble invidual" wander
ing about the country just now, declaring
that he "has held all the offices from Al
derman to President," and who is iqy iting
the people to ''spot him !''
The foregoing, says the Daytop Em
pire, is a deliberate fabrication. Andrew
Johnson never eaid anything of the kind.
It was Ilcnjamin F. Wade who made the
remark in substance. It was not madu in
.September! nor at aqy time in
1804; but in the U. B. Senato, iq April,
1802. The attempt to father tho ravings
of old Wade on Joqspq js a Jitfjo poo
The Wrong Lady. A Doston Gen
tleman, whose lady was suffering from a
cold, got up at midnight and went below
to get a mustard poultice. In hia agita
tion he paistook tlje room on his return,
and went into one where thero was a light
burning as dinjly as that he left-r-a roopi
altogether similar, and apparently his
wife in bed fast asleep. He applied the
mustard poultice to her chest, and sat
quietly awaiting at the bedside till it be
gan to draw. It did draw: but it drew
an infuriated scream from tho young lady
who had been the subject of his uncon
scious solicitude. At the sound of the
unaccustomed voice, the nature of the ac
cident which had befallen him and Jus
peticnt was at once visible, and he rush
ed headlong from tha arms niustarded
woman ipto tho arms of his oyn, 3oth
parties told their story the next day, 'and
had to retire amid the, Jaugfuer of all the
Thprp arp Radical authoritieshigh
authorities that are frank and honest
enough to admit the true aim of their
party. Tho New York "Independent"
"No leading Republican iu Congress
means to admit the ten waiting States sim
ply on the adoption of the Constitutional
Amendment, These States are to fee ad
mitted on no conditions short of the
equal political rights of their loyal citi
zens without distinction of race; A re
construction of the Union on any other
basis would be a national dishonor. Un
til the rebel States can come back on this
basiflj (hey shall not come bach at allf' ,
Washington, December 4. In the
House Stevens, of Pennsylvania, intro
duced his bill to regulate removals from
office, which was made the special order
for Friday, Dec. 7.
Lawrence, of Ohio, yesterday offered a
resolution, which wns adopted, instruct
ing the Judiciary Committee to enquire
into the expediency of providing a mode
of proceeding in cases of impeachment. J
Wentworth, of Illinois, offered the fol
lowing resolution in response to that por
tion of tho President's message that re
lates to those communities which claimed
to be tho Confederate States of America :
ItcHolvcd, that this House finds the" many
acts of disloyalty which have transpired
in tlicHc communities since its last adjourn
ment, as well as iu tho recent elections in
the loyal States, additional reasons for
ius'iKtiug op the adoption of the Constitu
al Amendment before it will cp.nsidcr tho
propriety of giviuj; them Congressional
Aucona, of Pennsylvania, moved to lay
the resolution on the table, lost ayca!J2,
noes 1 l'J. 'The resolution was thep adop
ted without a division.
On motion ofOrth, of Indiana, the
President was requested to comiuunicate
any correspondence or information relat
ing to tl;o attempt of auta. Auu$ an4
Ortega, to, prgauiio an, armed expedition
withiu the IJuited States, for the pu,rpOke
of overthrowing the natioual government
of the Republic of Mexico,
Urownell, of PenuHylvariia,, offered, tho
following resolution, : Resolved, that the
committee ou Territories be instructed
to enquire into tho expediency of report
ing a bill providing Territorial govern
ments for several districts of country
within the jurisdiction of the United
States, formerly occupied by the once ex
isting States of Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Missis
ipj'i, Alabama, Louisiana, and
Texas, and giving to all adult male inhab
itant, born within the limits of the Uni
ted States, or duly naturalized, and who
did not participate in the late rebellion,
full and equal political rights in such
Territorial governments Adopted, ayes
107 noes '!.
Stevens, of Pennsylvania, offered a reso
lution for the rc-appointent of the Joint
Committee of Kccotistructiou, and that the
document and resolutions that were re
ferred to in anew Adopted.
In the House, Wa'-hburne, of Illinois, from
the Committee of Rajcs, reported a uew :
rule for the appointment, at the com
mencement of each hcssion, of a standing!
committee of uiue rucmberson freedmen's
affairs ? A greed to.
A bill reported Iiuit session from the
Hanking Committee, toamend the nation
al currency act, tame up. HIcrt f
Mahsachuhctts, argued against its recom
mittal, arguing that the committee had
given the matter full consideration for six
mouth of laat K-'xsioti, and that the Hou.e
wa-s as competent to cauiJer it as the
committee was. After Koine diacunion
Hooper withdrew his motion, and the bill
popoued till the third Tuesday of Decem
ber. Winans, of Pennsylvania, from the Ju
diciary Committee, reported back a bill
on the Katne subject, making provision for
a Kepcrate bureau for controller of curren
cy. It was made a special order for
Thursday next.
Winans, of Pennsylvania, from Ju
diciary Committee, reported back adverse
ly the House Dill to create the Northern
Judicial District of Pennsylvania, the
bill to authorize the employment of addi
tional counsel on cases of claims pending the Government.
Houe resolution to repeal that portion
of act of July 17th, 1?02. which limits
forfeiture of real estate for tie crime of
treason to the lifetime of tho owner was
laid on the table.
SUiteellnneouM Xcmn IteiiiM.
Nk.n York, Dec. 0. The steamer Ris
ing Star brings new? from Aspinwallaud
Valparaiso The allied squadrons are ex
pected to sail November lath, with scaled
orders. It is believed Mansauillo is the
destination, and that the design is to in
terrupt tho Spanish vessels. T ne session
of Congress terminated in the defeat of t)ic
The Chili
Hans ?pre trying to purchase
Provisions quiet.
An attempted revolution was quelled.
The steamer Pahatan had arrived at
Papama, November 27th, to await Admi
ral Dalhgreen,
New York, Dec. 9. The steamship
Celestial Ftnpire, built for tho San Fran
cisco apd China line, was launched at
Webb's ship yard yertcrday, and will be
read for service March 1st, I8G7. She
is 36 feet long, aud of 4000 tons burden.
Recruits for the regular army are being
sent to Texas, California and the Western
Few York, Dec. 0,r The Henrietta
Vesta and tho Flectwing yatch. for the
oceau race, have taken out Custom-house
clearances for England, and will start
Tticsday niprning the lUh, for the Isle of
Wight, between rrunella Leonard Os
good, and tho stakes, 80,000, have been
desposited with Leonard W. Jerome.
The United States Circuit Court, Sraal-
ley presiding, gave a verdict of 810,000
againsfRen. llolliday, for tho loss of "a
money package, near J ulcsburg, two years
ago, when tho Indians destroyed the
Overland coach : but tho Court' ruled
Washington. December 9th. The
remainder of the crew of passengers of
1. ' O - I 1 ' .1
me ouwanee, were pictea up Dy the Ap
pomattox, and reached Charleston Dec
8th. A dispatch from Norfolk says the
only passenger badly scalded was Thomas
Kelso : three coal passers were killed ; the
wounaea are aping wen.
Washington, Dec. 9. Washburn's
resolution, adopted by tho house last
Thursday, opens up the question so much
agitated last winter, of putting , the tele
graphjlines under the Government control.
Ihis question branched olf last winter in
to an iict to encourage the building of ri
val lines, but there is no encouragement
to build such lines against the existing
monopoly, and tho fight this winter will
be directed towards reforming the exist-
mg management or demolisU it. The
press imbroglio will hastea the early sola
tion of this question : " "
The diplomatic correspondence lyith
France, concerning Maximilian, has heen
furnished, the committees pa Poreigij f-
faira of both Senato and House entire, but
only ap portion has been published. It
appears, however, from Rigelow's dis-
. . . . ' ! 1 1 .1.
patches that lie was iniormcu ny me
Marquja do Monstier, on the 11th of Oc
tober, that his Majesty desired to with
draw tho troops from Mexico as practi
cable, without reference to th,o period
fixed if shorter. ime would suffice) and
on the same day Fgelow was informed
by Pernor of the Mexjcaa, line of Steam
ships, that the contract ha,d. been finally
signed to bring tho French troops hom
in March- Rigclow adds, I have reason
to think Pcrrior was instructed to make
his communication to me. Minister
Campbell's instructions were written Oc
tober 20th aud he failed November 9h.
His instructions arc lengthy; he is in
formed that our Government puts faith
in the French promise for the withdrawal
of tho troops, and he, Campbell, will find
a portion of the French army already
gone, thus producing a crisis. At this
time it was expected that Gen. Grant
would accompany Campbell, but as that
proved to bo inconvenient, Sherman was
substituted October 20.
John II. & ti rr a tt.
Washington, Dee 10th. The cor
respondence in the caso of Surratt, is vol
uminous. The prisoner was trrccd from
Montreal, Quebec, Liverpool, and Rome
to Alexandria. Surratt states that the
plan was to abduct Lincoln, and he con
tfeuted, but iiootlt urged Vim, to change
his plans. Surratt was on hi way to do
so from Canada, but at St. Albans he
heard of the assassination. While at
Rome, Surratt acknowledged participat
ing iu the crime, and declared Davis was
privy to it. The informant in the case
was formerly a schoolmaster ia Maryland.
He desired that his name should not be
made known so as to endanger his life.
Christi.y Counhel. The New York
Independent professes to be a religious
paper. Here is a bit of pious advice it
lately gave ;
Now is the time to shape the illustrious
Jhese crisp, fresh, breezy, autum-
nal days make work a pleasure and poli
tics a pastime. Vacation ends ; the cam
paign begins. Every minister who has a
loyal b;art iu'his heart in his breast ought
tp be the first voice in his parish to speak
for the Fall elections. Every Republican
lawyer ought straightway to make an un
answerable brief for at least one good ar
gument with the people before the day of
decision. Every public spirited citizen
will uow have ixty or ninety days where
in he may grandly serve his country by
adding his voice to the thunder roll of re
buke that is to rattle the window-panes
of the White House. Circulate tracts,
documents, newspaper and speeches;
wherever you read a good word, fitly spok
cu, cut it out and give it to some hefcitat
ing friend.
Unmannerly. .Mrs. Jellifiowcr, who
is from the rural dis'rict, went to fcce
Histori, and thought the ladies and gen
tlemen that composed the audience very
unmauuerly, "for," aid hc, ';they sot up
and read dime novels the whole evening.1
A Useful SKmT..The Captain'" wife
of the hchoouerTeideur, which foundered
at fcea receutlv, aved herself and the crew
by whipping off her balmoral tkirt and
flauntiug it to attract the attention of a
passing vowel.
Aged. Mrs. Martha Carson died, re
cently, in Rice county, (ieorgia, aged 133
year, G months and three day. the had
cut three acts of teeth, the last Leinir
email and like a squirrel's.
HAS opened a TAILOR SHOP on Kirt itreet,
oi'it.tMte the "IcmoTat" Ofiicc, where he
umy alwayit be found ready to
On abort notice and n any ptyle desired by cus
tomers. He a4.o
All kind of Clothing and 'ioods.
December 15, "GC. v2nlSly
Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav
eling public, and one Husnnwn hkgi-lar board-
era, in as good style as any House on the Coast.
He has determined to make tho "Bennett" as cood
as tho beet, and better than any public house iu
r'Biuiu. lie n in auuii ,ilu jii'm ouiue tuipurutu i im
provements, which will add greatly to its appear
ance auu comfort, and intends to merit and hopes
to receive his share of patronage
Ho has scoured the services of "Charley"
(known to be the best cook in Salem, and one of
the best in the whole country), and other compe
tent persons to manago the culinary department,
and is resolved to set aa good a tablo as can be
found anywhere not in clap-trap, pomp and show,
flummery and fine furniture, but in an abundant
supply of the Tory best the market affords.
His Bar-Room will be kept warm and lighted,
and well supplied with newspapers, periodicals
and other suitable reading malter, apd kept in a
manner which will make it an agreeable resort.
Jn short, he intends' making an effort to please
Ahb who stop at the Bennett House. And he
most respectfully requests his friends everywhere
to give the old and well known Mand at least one
more trial bofore concluding they ean do as well
elsewhere, and promises if they are not well treat
ed, and properly cared for, and at reasonable fig
urea; it will not be the fault of the public's moat
obodiont and most humble servant,
N. B. Furnished rooms, with or without board,
by the day,' week or' month, at tho "Bennett";
charges moderate. L. J. S. T. ,
Salem, Oregon, Nor. 12, 1866 v2nl8tf
Final Settlement.
In the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon. Estate of Alonzo Simons,
deceased m
fred Whealdon, administrator of said estate,
filed in this Court at tho December Term. 1S66.
his accounts for, and prays a filial setttement of
the same. "
It is therefore ordered that said armlioation' ba
heard on Wednesday the 9th day of January, 1S67,
at 9 o'clock A. m., of said day, at the County
Court Roonj, in Albany, in said County, and that
notice thereof be published for four successive
weeks in the "State Rights Democrat."
EDWARD R. GEARY, County Judge.
E. F.Rcssell, Attorney. " " v .
; Pecembex 7, 1860-71
-......i-.... .1 ,. ,. , "
Manufacturer and TtpporUiri of, and Wholesale
and Retail Dealer
No. 73 Front Street, Portland.
their extcriMTe Stock, h'j tytrj Steamer, all
the LATJiST STYLES of few Yok, London an
I'arifeiau taut ft, for
Gentlemen's and Children's War
Which they will sell
Will commit their own intret 07 xaioinf ov
Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
IIa(a of, every style and Description
T. C. Meuj&dorfFer & Bro.'fl,
No. 72 Front Street ."Portland, O'CT,
Cor. D and Second Hta Maryarille, Cal."
i'o. 125 J Street Sacramento Cal
i'oa. tZb k 637 Commercial St San Fraoeiaeo.
fT- Wholetsale Houie at Sai Franeiaco, Jfo
Commercial through to 637 Clay itreeti.
Dec. 1, lfcfto v2nl6tf
Cor. Alder and Front Street,
1 COAST. r-A, ''2r. advantages for acquiring
a Practical Luiin'f sa" Fdueation superior to ajf.
other school.
tiii: cor it si: of istki;ctio
Ii conducted on the plan of the bett Commercial
in Europe and the Atlantic
Stale, combining
Dj means of Banks and Basinets Offices, tbns fa
miliarizing the Student with all the differ
ent kinds of business in tie
shortest possible time,
r.nd !e&H expense.
Embraces Book-Keeping (by Single and Double
Entry), Penmanship, Commercial Calcula
tions, Correspondence, Commercial Law,
Actual Business, Lecture on Ac- "
counts, Business Customs, Mer
cantile Ethics, &c, Ac.
Scholarships, embracing the whole Easiness
Conr.'e, Kegularand fcperial Lecture, time
unlimited, with privilege of reviewing at
any lulu re time ....$50l
Tberc are no Vacations. Students enter at any
For further particulars address the President, or.
cafl at the College.
H. M. De Frasce, Sec'j.
Dec. 8, '66. n!73m
Jut I'uLlimhtJ, being a CompUte Guide far tie
Ureatrnt and Mutt Magical Jiecipes of the
XiUenth Century, by vkiek amy
ota run realize a eteady
income of $31)00
per annum
Embracing Valuable Recipe for Manufacturer
of I'tefcl Article in General Demand,
and from the tale of tckick Jm
. mente IW'fit may be de
rived. The Great Secrets revealed. I have collected
with great care, labor, and with great expense,'
many valuable receipts, which are in themselves si
splendid fortune to any one with sufficient energy
to push ahead. Most of them have been obtained
from England. France and Germany, the cost of
which place them beyond the reah' of he public,
while the others aro entirely pejr and have bce'n
purchased at a largo' cost, ranging from $5 to
$1,000 each. A person of ordinary tact can make
from o to $10 per day. in the manufacture and
sale of the articles, by almost any of ray recipes.
These articles' are sold at enormous profits. "Why
not make them yourself? if not for sale, for your
Oku'uci Lvon to make them for your own iodi-
: .... i j-n
i iuuui u?u nuuiu sutv j ou uiuuj uoiiara m year,
and materially" add to tocr beactt, health,
AiD WEALTH. . , ..
I will send this wonderful Book by mail, post
paid, to any post omceof California and U. S., for
$1. Address all orders tQ
nol7n!41y P. O. Drawer 630S, Chicago, III.
on the Piano Forte, at her residence in Al
bany. She refers to those whom she has taught,"-
both here and in Corvallis. 0 - f ; .
Fer quarter, 24 lessons ..,....$15 00
Use of tfianalor practicing, per quarter, .........2 10
v2nl6tf " . '
Sheriff's Sale. 1
and order ef sale issued from the 'Circuit
Court of the btate of Oregon and County of Linn,
and to me directed, in favor, of Thomas Montcith
and against Berry Evans and Franklin Presleyj
administrators of the estate of Sidney Smith, de7
ceased, for the pum of eight hundred and eighty
dollars and fifteen cents interest, and costs ard
accruing eosts, I have on this 28th day of Novem
ber, 180(3, levied upon, and on
Saturday, the 29thdayof Decemheri 1$66
between the hours of ten o'clock, A. m., aud rbn
e'clock, p. h., wiljejposo to publio auction Jo the
highest bidder, in front of the Court House door,
in said Linn county, the pjl6ing described rejil
property Je.yrit:
Ail' of the Donation Land Claim of Berry
Evans, No. 5,222, in Township No. fourteen (14)
south of range three (3) west, Willamette Merid
ian, situated in Linn County, Oregon; rm'
Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon..
November 29, IS60. v2nl64w '
All persons knowing themselves indebted to tha
undersigned are hereby notified to appear and set
tle up within six weeks from this date,'' either by
note, cash or trade, and save costs. Our accounts