The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 08, 1866, Image 2

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    tj of all the States. rBut -what has heen
the result ? It is now proclaimed by the
Tictorious party, that State Rights is a
damnable political heresy, and is a joint
tenant in the grave with Slavery and Se
cession. Thus, the melancholy fact con
fronts us that, within the short epace of
five years, under tho demoralizing influ
ence of civil strife, and consequent Eec-
tionil animosities, the people are prepared
to tear away that magnificent structure of
State Rights, reared by the sturdy arms,
and cemented with the blood of our an
cestors the only, refuge to protect us
against the crushing encroachments of
centralization. It is now an accepted
theory of the Union party, and unless the
signs of the times are deceptive, it is
soon to be incorporated into the Constitu
tion as one of the organic principles . of
our Government, that .State Rights shall
so longer be recognized in that sense and
signification they were during the purer,
better, and more prosperous days of the
Republic, even up to the inauguration of
i jl . 1. i i . i I ' .MI I . il .
me party mat nas, ana sua misruies me
country. '
Prior to the induction of the so-called
Union party, the man that would have
pointed to tho realisation tf the' popular
doctrines of the present hour would have
been regarded more in the light of a fa
natical crackbraiu than a political astrolo
ger. ro one will question the co-exist
ence of State Rights with the Govern
znent, or that every administration from
Washington to Lincoln, with one excep-
tion,'has administered the Government in
Strict conformity therewith; and from the
inauguration of Jefferson the doctrine of
ubdkc inguu ua ut'cu ainrj'ieu oj ail par
ties, and the Government uniformly ad
t?:i.. i v t . 3 i ii
ministered in accordance with the princi
ples enunciated in the Virginia and Ken
tucky resolutions. Even the Republican
Convention that nominated Abraham
Lincoln, in 1860, reassured the people of
their endorsement of, and adherence to
the doctrine of State Rights in these
words : ''That the maintainance inviolate
of the rights of the States, and especially
the right of each State to order and con
trol its own domestic institutions accord.
ing to its own, judgment, exclusively, is
essential to that balance of power on
which the perfection and endurance of
our political fabric depends ; and we de
nounce the lawless invasion by armed
force of the soil of any State or Territory,
no matter under what pretext, as among
the gravest of crimes."
Yet, in the very face of these glaring
facts, we find this same Republican-Union
party denouncing the . doctrine of State
Rights, and congratulating the country
upon the extinction of the very measures
that gave them political ascendency .-
When we see, as at present, the major
portion of the people so thoroughly dis
eased from the contact of party rancor
and sectional strife, that they exultingly
declare themselves the willing victims of
falsehood, treachery and oppression,
among such a people the maintainace of
free government has but little encourage
znent. Editors, preachers, orators, public
officials and private persons in every sta
tion of life commingle their sepulchral
notes in celebrating' the death of State
Rights, which "is essential to that bal
ance of power on which the perfection
and endurance of our political fabric de
pends." :
The present occupant of the guberna
torial chair of Oregon, in his inaugural,
ia forms the people that a great and good
res alt has followed the great calamity of
civil war. The prime constituent of that
"great and good result" is the destruction
of that "hated and pernicious doctrine of.
State Rights." Another clement of the
"great and good result," growing out of
the "great calamity," is the death of ne
gro slavery, which the profound researches
of His Excellency's diagnosis proves to
be an eating cancer upon the body politic
that has been gnawing upon the vitals of
the nation until it had well nigh resulted
in the (leath of the nation itself; but he
relieves the mortifying suspense that is
necessarily associated with such a reflec
tion, by assuring the people that the "eat
ing cancer" has been cut out by the
eword, completely eradicating all diseased
action leaving the nation renewed and
reinvigoratcd with a redoubled energy,
displaying a physical and moral grandeur
that crowns it the model Republic of
Being indisposed to inflict unfriendly
criticism upon the appropriateness of His
Excellency's hyperbolical cancer upon the
body politic, or its treatment, it is to be
hoped that little objection can be urged
agaiust the suggestion, that if a more
thorough knowledge of the pathology of
this "eating cancer" were understood, and
a more consistent avowal of its effect upon
the "body politic" were made, a different
phase would appear of the "great and
good result following the great calamity."
Experience has established the fact that
extirpation is not the remedy for an "eat-
It only affords temporary
relief, arresting for a time local mischief,
leaving unaffected the parent germ to re
produce itself in the system with aug
mented destructiveness. The only suc
cessful treatment, indicated by science,
philosophy and experience, is the admin
istration of such remedies as impart tone
and vigor to the body, through the system
cf nutrition, enabling it to resist morbid
tendencies to destruction. Or otherwise,
let it alone.
ow, let us briefly examine this "eating
cancer." and ascertain its effect It had
been fastened upon the "body politic"
more than one hundred and fifty years,
causing no pain or disturbance before it
become constitutional. It is from this
period that attention is directed to its
prognosis. At the adoption of the .Fed
eral Constitution the population of the
United States was three millions. From
thence, at the expiration of eighty years
the population of the United States was
more than thirty millions, with a corres
ponding increase of all the elements that
constitute a great, a powerful and pros
perous nation. During this long period,
this "eating cancer" had been praying
upon the "body politic," producing no in
convenience or complaint in the immedi
ate region of its locality. But the evi
dent tranquility and prosperity that mark
ed its progresss, excited jealous appre
hensions in remote members of the "body
politic," that prompted them to eut out
this "eating cancer," and they at once
proceeded, with sword in hand, to perform
the huge and bloody operation. One
portion of the "bodv politic" refused to
submit to tie operation. A struggle en
sued that has no parallel in the loss of
blood, ferocity and unbridled beastiality
after a fearful sanguinary struggle of
four years after more than ten hundred
thousand men wera slain after more
than five hundred thousand widows were
made after more than two million, five
hundred thousand orphans and invalids
were thrust upon the country, helpless
and destitute after more than three thou
sand millions of money have been wasted,
and when the strength of the "body poli
tic was completely exhausted, the heroic
poIitico-chirurgerists finished the opera
tion leaving the "body politic" almost
bloodies, lifeless, gasping inarticido mor
tis. Then, with fiendish glee they loudly
proclaim to the world the success of their
brutal butchery, and the "great and good
result that has followed the great calami
ty." That the disease has not been re
moved, or the condition of the "body pol
itic" in any wise ameliorated is plainly
and painfully apparent. Whilst we ad
mit the "eating cancer" has been cutout,
the wound remains unhealed, an open,
bleeding, festering, corrosive, malignant
ulcer upon the "body politic," that irri
tates every fibre, poisons every secretion,
and deranges every function, that must
ultimately undermine and break down the
constitution, leaving the "body politic"
the inevitable victim of speedy decay and
dissolution, unless a change of remedies
is speedily resorted to. This is not an
over-drawn picture, as every man whose
mental vision is sufficiently enlightened
to enable him to reason from analogy, and
from cause to effect, must see. The evi
dence in support of the proposition seems
too apparent for elucidation, and such, it
appears, is the conviction of our State
subordinate Executive ; for in his maiden
State paper he says i "But while the re
bellion has been suppressed by the valor
of our arms, slavery and treason buried
together in one common grave, and the
national unity and honor fully vindicated,
other questions of vital importance, and
equally calculated to agitate the public
mind, have arisen." Here, then, is a
clear and unequivocal acknowledgment
that, notwithstanding we have buried
slavery and treason, in so doing we have
resurrected other difficulties equally
grave and fearful in their consequences.
Who does not know that another conflict
would overthrow our inimitible system of
free government, and lay the beautifnl
temple of American Liberty in a rude
mass of unshapen ruins ?
There is little pleasure in contemplating
the dismal gloom that envelopes our coun
try's destiny, and there should be less,
still, to embrace a horrid phantom that
will only prove a dejusive and fatal snare.
The aggregated acts of the Republican
Union party, throughout, have been a
tragic drama of base treachery and de
ceit. They have been unfaithful to the
fulfillment of their most solemn pledges
unfaithful to that Constitution all good
men obey and defend unfaithful to any
consistent or commendable devotion to
the white man's Government to enlighten
and elevate ; faithful only to abridge his
liberty, curtail his happiness, degrade
and debase him. Such have been the
acs of the past, such is the avowed policy
of the present. Can we reasonably hope
for a different course in the future 1
There is only one faint gleam peering
through the gloom that is, for tho old
guard Democracy to remarshal its forces,
stand firm to its colors, never retreat from
the position assigned them by the found
ers of the Republic, and we may yet dis
arm and put to flight the allied hosts of
impartial freedom, anarchy and oppres
sion, that we and our posterity may enjoy
the blessings of civil liberty forever. It
is just as certain as any result can be de
pending upon the contingency of human
action, that if the present party in power
is permitted to carry out the practical
consequence of their theory of govern
ment, all is lost. Every act of the Re
publican-Union party tends to centralize
and increase the powers of the Govern
ment, and proportionably weaken the:
powers of the people. Although the re
cent elections in the East show a defeat,
there is a great increase in the invincible '
Democracy, that gives cheering promise,
that, at no far distant day, the old time
Democracy will again assert its suprema
cy, if the friends of Constitutional Lib
erty will adopt and support the patriot's
motto-r-"iVi7 desjperandum."
The Johnson-Congress Imbroglio.
Last week we indulged in some specu
lations as to what J ohnson and Congress
might do, or attempt to do, in certain con
tingencies. We expressed the belief that
Congress will attempt to impeach Presi
dent Johnson ; and that if they attempt
it they will be successful-r-not because he
is guilty of anything worthy of impeach
ment, but because a Congress so corrupt
will readily find the means wherewith to
produce a conviction whether guilty, or in
nocent. We further expressed the be
lief that if they should impeach they
will hang him uuless prevented by a pow
er greater thau their own we mean the
To these opinions we still adhere for
reasons whieh we have not time now to
give in detail. But there are several
reasons why, if Congress be not entirely
bereft of reason, they will not attempt to
impeach Johnson. In the first place, it
is claimed by those who personally know
him, that he is a brave man; that he has
much of the bull-dog in his composition.
If this be true- and we incline to think
it is it is a very unlucky circumstance
for the Radical leaders. We believe that
though they have been loud-mouthed for
blood, they are all cowarda. Wade, Sum
ner, Wendell Philips, Andrews, Thadde
us Stevens, Greeley where are their mil
itary laurels f For years the war raged
all around them, so to speak ; the coun
try needed the services of able-bodied
men, but in what battle did they first
flesh their maiden swords 7 The truth is
their coward instincts kept them at home
out of harm's way; inciting others to go,
and rousing up irrepressible and inextin
guishable antagonisms between friend and
friend, and neighbor and neighbor. As
for Greeley, who does not remember that,
some years ago he was publicly caned in
the streets of Washington by Rust, of
Arkansas? So far from. resenting the
insult, he merely meekly inquired of some
by-stander: "Who is that man that just
now struck me?" as if he wished to be
formally introduced to Rust ere he pitch
ed into him.
In the second place Congress can gain
little or nothing by impeaching Johnson,
and might lose everything, including even
some of their own heads. Congress has
the power to pass any bill over Johnson's
head by a two-thirds majority. If he
were out of their way by having been
hung on a "sour apple tree" and some
pliant creature of their own installed in
his place, they could do no more. They
can perpetrate any iet, no matter how a
trocious and reprehensible, under the cov
er of a law of their own enactment, and
the President is powerless to prevent it,
eo long as he keeps within Constitutional
bounds, as he professes now to be doing.
Although we believe this Congress is
mad, yet we confess there is much meth
od in their madness. The leaders are un
scrupulous, cunning, crafty and cowardly.
They know that the moment they attempt
to impeach Johnson, many now luke
warm as to him, will be converted into
ardent and zealous supporters; and a
sympathy more or less strong and univer
sal, will be created in his favor throush
out the nation. Persecution nearlv al-
- - rf .
ways begets sympathy. Charles the I,
though guilty of unparalleled duplicity
and petty tyranny unbecoming the prince
of a great nation ; yet when he was
tried and finally beheaded, public opin
ion materially changed in his favor; and
this, too, under the surveillance of an ar
my that, from amid the smoke and din of
an hundred battles, had always emerged
victorious under Cromwell. Thus it was
then, and thus it would be again ; and
none know this better than these aforesaid
Radical leaders.
But there is still another reason why
they will not impeach President Johnson
if they yet have any reason or sense left.
If Johnson is the man his friends claim
that he is if he has the bravery and
nerve attributed to him by them, he will
not remain idle while Congress is trying
him on a charge involving his removal
from the Presidential chair, his conse
quent degradation, and perhaps an igno
minious death. ' We should expect, his
enemies would expect that he would a-
dopt summary measures. He is, by the
Constitution, commander-in-chief of the
military power of the United States; and
Congress might rest assured that that
power would be wielded against them and
in favor of the preservation of tho per
son of the President. Congress, on the
other hand, we suppose will try to raise
an army, it is claimed it could easily be
done through the secret political societies
in the interest of the Radicals all over the
the country. Of course all this would
produce war another terrible and bloody
Civil War. But war cannot long be car
ried on without money. The money-lenders
are a power in this Government as
well as those in European Governments.
Under such circumstances would they
loan more money? We think not. And
why? Because the United States already
owe them three or four billions of dol
lars. They know that the people are
sweating and groaning in consequence of
the heavy burdens under which they are
staggering, and that they will not permit;
thein tote materially augmented, partic
ularly for each a War. We may safely
calculate,' therefore, that all the influence
which the capitalists of the nation could
exert would be against another Civil War.
Capital is proverbially timid and cautious.
Plunge this country into another Civil
War, aud it is very questionable if even
the bonds now held by capitalists would
be paid. Another Civil War might so
uproot the foundations of society that not
even its present indebtedness would ever
be cancelled. ,
These are some of the reasons why
Johnson will not be impeached. If the
Radical party were not guidad by passion
rather than reason, we would have no
doubt they would discard all thoughts of
impeachment. We hope for the best,
but confess we are full of apprehension
as to the immediate future of our coun
try. A few days, or weeks at farthest,
will determine these questiens.
President's Message.
This document came to Albany yester
day in the Oregonian : -the Herald, for
some reason, failed to reach any of its
subscribers is this locality. About noon
we obtained a glance at the Oregonian
containing it; but, of course, it was too
late for us to get it in this number of the
We have not space to say much con
cerning the message. Suffice it to say
that it is an ably-written and statesmanlike
production. Upon the question of re
construction he remains firm contending
that the unrepresented States should be
immediately admitted, and showing, very
clearly, that they have been recognized
as States by the Executive, Legislatire
and Judicial departments of the Govern
ment. Relative to the Mexican question, the
President savs that it was the understand
ing, between the U. States and France,
that a portion of French troops, should
leave Mexico last month ; but, failing in
this, he has adopted such measures as, in
his judgment, the exigencies of the case
Taken as a whole the message suits us
very wll. We have, however, read it
very hastily, and we may modify our opin
ion on a more careful reading.
0:i TDtia Wat Ur. Tho stockholder of the
People's Transportation Company hold their meet
ing at fcalem to-dav. Me understand that con
s'uierable business of importance u to be transact
ed. Oregon Herald, 5fa Die.
We think it high time the Stockhold
ers of the V. 1. Company held a 'meet
ing at Salem," or some other sea-port.
The whole concern needs overhauling.
"Business of importance" should be bro't
before the Stockholders. A new era
should be inaugurated. The old hulks
should be fixed up ; trips should be made
with greater regularity; freight and pas
sage should be reduced at least one-half.
But we hare no idea this was done at the
meeting. The P. Trans. Company are a
grinding, soulless, grasping monopoly ;
and as the matter now stands they have
everything their own way. Produce is
here, and it must go down ; and there is
no choice. The public are compelled to
patronize them especially in the winter
when the roads are muddy, and teams
have difficulty in hauling an empty wag
on. The price of passage two meals and
one night's lodging included from Al
bany to Portland is 55,50; the same
from. Portland up again; making a total
of eleven dollars. The entire distance,
down and up is not over 170 miles, and
the time occupied is never less than forty
eight hours, and sometimes four and five
days. The price of passage to San Fran
cisco, from Portland, on some of the ocean
steamers, is $10; the distance is six or
seven hundred miles, and the time usual
ly four to six days. Why should the
People's Transportation Company charge
so much more than the ocean steamships?
The only answer is that the P. T. Compa
ny are a rich, grasping, soulless monopoly
without opposition, and, having the
power, they fleece the traveling commu
nity without stint or mercy.
Good. The Supreme Court of Maine
has mulcted certain parties engaged in
the destruction of the office of the Ban
gor Democrat, in August, 1861, in the
sum of nine hundred and sixteen dollars.
This is as it should be. All those who
mobbed editors and destroyed printing of
fices while the war was in progress or
indeed at any time violated law and
should be made to pay the penalty, even
to the utmost farthinjr. Frecdom-shriek-
crs, howlers for "free press?' and "free
speech" during the campaign of 1860,
were among the foremost in mobbing
Democratic editors and destroying their
offices thro' the agency of insensate mobs.
Brick Pomeroy thus writes of Washing
ton society : "The devil should come to
Washington and establish a first class pal
atial house of prostitution, .filling it with
wine ana oeautilal women ; lie could legis
late thiscountrv to hell in fifteen minutes.
The member of Congress who has. not
halt a dozen mistresses is called a "Cop-
pci ucau, auu is Kepi out oi uio political
His Law. Brigham Young, the great
Mormon High Priest, recently delivered
a sermon to his followers, in which he
exhibited a murderous looking bowie
Knue, and declared it to be his law for the
Gen. Beauregard, when in Washington
recenuy, visited (ien. tirantandwas cordi
ally received by him.
News from
the lito
The World's New Orleans special says :
Dispatches just received from Iluke's
Bulletin, at Galveston, announces that
General Sedgwick had crossed the Rio
Grande, Thursday, November 22d, with
a brigade of United States troops, and
occupied Matamoras, assuming that, he
did so to protect the interests of American
residents in that town. The movement
created great excitement, as it was not
kuown whether government sanctions it.
The World's Washington special says
the President received a ;dispatch from
General Sheridan, announcing that Sedg
wick had crossed the Rio Urand, and now
occupies Mexican territory with United
States troops. It is understood this move
ment has been made without the knowl-
knowledge of the President,
. Great Fenian Excitement.
New York, Nov. 26. The Tribune's
Dublin correspondent says political ex
citement has run to an alarming height In
Ireland. It says that in every city town
and village has its' full quota and militia,
and gun-boats are scattered all over the
Irish coast. These measures plainly be
speak an apprehension of the fulfillment
r t?i l . ' tt'.a hat onAnnV.
VI OiepiiUlI pruuiirsca. xjia lust pj'ccvii
in America ha3 been published in several
Irish journals, and has caused quite a
political iurore. Ibe lnsn people seem
to have implicit confidence in his sinceri
ty. Among ail classes the conviction
grows and spreads that we are on the eve
of startling and terrible events. The
Fenian organization throughout the conn
try is in a high state of activity.; Its
committees are terribly in earnest" and
their plans are shaped for a fierce and
bloody struggle, i ho limes London
correspondent writes : The mission of
John Bright to Ireland seems to have
been a mistake and failure. Of what fu
ture cousequence it may be, it is not easy
to predict : but the signs are that the re
reform leader lost more in England than
he can possibly sain on the other side of
the channel. Ihe entire weekly press
and as far as I have seen, the daily also,
with the exception of his own personal
organ, is opposed to the sole original
measures he proposed for the . relief of
Ireland. Bright proposes a scheme of
land which is opposed by all English ideas
of government and political economy.
The Times, of November 13th, savs of the
condemned Jr email prisoners in Canada
For these persons Seward has seen fit to
interpose in behalf of the American Gov
eminent. Were parties in America in a
normal state, we confess we should receive
the news of such application with very
great surprise. It is unfortunate that
indignation meetings should be held by
the Fenians. throughout the United States
threatening the British Government with
vengeance jf they should dare to execute
their threats, and thus seeming as if we
were in their power to rob an act of clem
ency of all its grace and represent it mere
ly as an act of fear. For can we admit
that the case of American civil war as
put by Seward is in the least parallel to
the reman m Canada. Tne Southern
States claimed the right to withdraw from
the confederacy which they had voluntari
ly entered and it was easier to refute their
claim to secede by the sword than bv the
pen, but the Fenians have not a shadow
of a claim to belUgerent rights. They
nave nouovernment, no territory. They
are merely citizens of friendly States
who?e object is to murder the, inhabitants
of a neighboring country on their own ac
count, without sembiene of law or justice
Such is the case against granting the Te
quest of Seward. On the other hand
there is great allowance to be mad for
the position of the American Govern
ment. The President is struggling for his ve
ry existence against an overpowering
majority in the contest in which he is en
gaged. The Fenian vote could have reen
of infinite importance to him, but he was
content to forego that advantage at the
most eritieal moment, rather that to tole
rate any act which might compromise the
good understanding betwten Oreat Britain
and the United States. So anxious was
he to prevent the Fenian invasion, that
he employed General Grant and General
Meade, two of the best officers in the
American army in this distasteful and un
popular scheme. President Johnson, had
he been lukewarm in the business, might
doubtless have satisfied the letter of his obli
gations towards the United States "by
much less energetic measures. We do
not doubt that his popularity must have
suffered by this honorable and straight
forward conduct, and that it was in his
power to ingratiate himself with tho Fen-"
ians without involving the United States
in actual collision with Great Britain.
We owe it to him that Canada has not
been a scene of bloodshed and outrage of
every kind, and he askes the lives of ob
scene wretches who are now under sen
tence of death. It is not for us to say
what answer should be given to such re
quest, but we confess we should regard
the granting of it with satisfaction, more
especially as the President is hardly like
ly to renew his intercession in case of a
second Fenian invasion.
The recent news from Ireland has
caused great excitement at the headquar
ters of Jas. Stephens in this city, and the
offices are now thronged from morning till
midnight. Stephens disapeared days since
and is not expected to Bhow himself here
again. It is claimed that money, arms
and. ammunition are flowing in, and that
the California Fenians pledged one hun
dred thousand dollars.
New York, Nov. 28. The World's
Queenstown correspondent, writing Nov.
17th, says : I send you an inkling of most
important news which has come from Ire
land for many a long day. The blow is
about to be struck at the power of Great
Britain. Within a month you will hear
of a rising of the Irish people from one
end of this unfortunate Island to the oth
er. The train has long been laid, arms
are here, men are ready, officers are ap
pointed and the organization is perfected.
The movement on Canada was really a
feint, for all the while tho object was
steadily kept in mind to create an out
break upon the old soil of Ireland. Will
not this unreasonable outbreak again at
tract the attention of the whole world to
the chronic misgovernment of Ireland. by
English people ? We now suffer and
starve and are compelled to leave our na
tive sod. A few of us may be killed, but
we can be no worse after the battle is ov
er and Fetisaieia is one : more crushed.
England will not do anything ;for us by
peaceful agitation, y That has been tried,
and every effort we have made to induce
the government of Great Britain to be
just, has utterly failed. We are power
less. Our arguments are unheeded ; our
prayers are unanswered ; for our sufferings
there is no pity. Is it not better for us
to try to show the English government
that it does not pay; and that if they
wm not do us justice, we win maxe Ire
land a clinging curse to her
By Atlantic Cable.
Paris, November 25. It is stated that
the Imperial commission appointed to
consider the subjeet of organization of the
army will report in favor of adopting the
Prussian military system! "
Pesth, November 25. The Hungari
an Diet has adopted an address to the
Emperor of Austria,- asking the restora
tion of the laws of 1845, and promising
that the Diet will consider the wishes of
the Emperor as expressed in his recent
Proclamation. -i -
London, November 26 Further ar
rests of suspected Fenians have been
made in Ireland. The national troops are
ready to move at a moment's warnin".
Iwelve thousand breech loading rifles are
to be sent by the British government to
Ireland, for the use of the constables.
A prospectus has been published; eiv
ing the plans for the proposed Nicaragua
route. The Times thinks it would be
well if the entire scheme .were 'divided
between the governments of England,
1? J il.. TT t n . . ' '
trante anu me unnea otates.
There has been a renewal of fio-htin
in Landia. It is said the Turks have
been, badly beaten, ; and have affered
greatly, no le3 than 3,000 having been
killed, and 2,000 taken prisoners. .
Berlin, November 26. The Prus
sian government intends to have a Consul
General located m the city of New York
London, Nov. 27 Noon. The Fen
ian troubles in Ireland have assumed con
1 lt : a- . ..
smerauie proportions ana there is no
doubtthat aerious outbreak has occurred
Two regiments of national troops were
urgently ordered tolreland yesterday and
transports were being prepared all last
night. A large detachment of marines
were also sent over to Queenstown on the
war steamer Plymouth. A gunboat at
Chatham has been ordered to sail for
Queenstown immediately. Much alarm
is felt at Cork, and throughout Ireland
generally. The London Times of this
morning believes that the chief organizer
Stephens will soon arrive on the scene, if
he has not already. The Globe editorially
hints that a more serious trouble with the
United States is really at the bottom of
the reman outbreak.
Later Fenian News. -
New 1 ork, November 28. At a late
hour last night the World's extra appeared
on the streets, with exciting news from
Ireland. The effect upon . the city was
unequaled since the news of the great
victories of the rebellion. Places of
amusement were thinned out by people
anxious to hear the hews. Fenians rush
ed to the meeting places of circles, hop
ing to get additional information, forty-one
telegrams were sent to circles in distant
cities, and instantly enthusiastic responses
were received. Stephens, chief organizer
was invisible, and it is confidently believ
ed he has reached Ireland. ' It is said
that the treasury of the Fenians was never
in tetter condition than now. The Irish
of the city were excited to fire heat, and
kept up a constant call for fresh dispatch
es over the Uable. '
Refined. A lady who wished some
stuffing from a roast duck, which a gentle
man was carving at a public table, re
quested him to transfer from the deceased
fowl, to her plate some of its artificia
Wilaon II. Harrell, of Van Buren, Ar
kansas, was shot dead there on the -14th
instant, by Jaicea O'Brien. The parties
were respectable young men, and qnar
reled. " ' : - J ;-;
The official Tote of Delaware gives
Saulsbury (Dem), for Governor, 1,212
majority. '
Cor. Alder and Front Streets;
COAST, and offers advantages for acquiring
a Practical Business Education superior to any
other school. ": -..-
Is oondncted on tbe plan of the best Commercial
Colleges in Europe and the Atlantic "
States, combining , ,7.
By means of Banks and Business Offices, thus fa
miliarizing the Student with all tho differ
ent kinds of business : in ; the w
shortest possible time,'
- and least expense.
Embraces Book-Keeping (by Single and Double
Entry), Penmanship, Commercial Calcula
tions, Correspondence, Commercial Law,
Actual Business, Lectures on Ac
counts, Business Customs, Mer
cantile Ethics, &o., ,'Ao. .
Scholarships, embracing the whole Business
Course, Regularand Special Lectures, time
unlimited, with privilege of reviewing at r
any future time .....,......$50
There are no Vacations.
Students, enter at any
For further particulars address the President, or
call at the College.
M. Ir France, Scc'y.
Deo. 8, '66, n!73m : ;
Portland - - - - , - , Oregon.
" 233-OFEICE Over Kilbourn's Auction Rooms
DocembcY 8, v2nl7tf - -:
Administrator's Notice. '
undersigned has been appinted by the Coun
ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, as Administra
tor, with the win annexed, of the estate of N. D.
Jack, deceased, AH persons having claims against
saia estate win please, present tnem, duly authen
ticated according to law. " - : . ..t
ree. Bxillif H. J. C. AVE3ULL, Adia'r.
j '' ' m
Manufacturers aad Importers of, and Whwleaal
&cd Betail Dealer ia f "
i .... j s , f r ;
No. 73 Front Street, Portland,
their extensive Stock, by every Steamer, all
the LATEST STYLES of New York, London and
Parisian taate, for j rs '...' S. "
Gentlemen' and Children' Wear.
i ? ; Wtich they wilt aell. , - ' ' ! -
Will consult tbeir own interest by examining oar
Stock before purebasing elae where. j
j. Ilata of every etyle and Deacription .f
'". '""J":.VY ; ' at . : - ,y,
T. C. MeussdorfFer & Bro.'fl
No. ?2 Front Street ...w....
Cor. D and Second .............
No. 125 J Street i........
Nos. 635 A 637 Commercial St...
-.Portland, O'gn
..Marysville, Cal.
..Sacramento' Ca!
..San .Francisco.
w bolesale House at S n Francisco, No.
628 Commercial through to 637 Clay streets.
Dec'l, 1866 v2tjl6tf
on the Piano. Forte; at; her residence ia Al
bany. She refers to those, whom she has tsngbt,
both here and in Corrallis.
Per quarter, 24 lessens... $15 00
Useof Piano for practicing, per quarter,.. ....2 50
T2nl6tf .' ' -
Sheriff's Sale.
and order ef sale issued from the Circuit
Court of tbe State of Oregon and County of Linif,
and to me directed, in favor of Thomas Monteith
and against Berry Evans and Franklin Presley,
administrators of tbe estate of Sidney Smith, de
ceased, for the sum of eight hundred" and eighty
doUars arid fifteen cents interest, and costs and
accrning costs, I have on this 2th day of Novam-
rber, 1S66. levied upon, and on ; .-, ;'i i ';
Saturday, the 29thdaynf December, 1866,
between the bours of t;n o'clock,' a., and four,
e'clock, P. will expose to public auction to tbe
highest bidder, in front of the Court House door,
in said Linn county, th following described real
property to. wit :
Ail of tbe ! Donation' Land "Claim of Berry
Evans, Xo, 5.222, in Township Na. fourteen 14)
south of range three (3) west, Wiilametto Merid
ian, Bitaated in Lion Ctantv. Oregon.
-. Sheriff f Liun Coaatyr Oregon.
November 29, 1S66- v2n!64w , , s .'
Xotice to tbe Tax-Payers of Linn
.; Count j. f.-.T:
the preeincts according to law, tbe books
are still open at the Court House, in Albany, for
30 days from tbe date cf this notice, where tbe.
same may be settled j alter which, if not settled,
your property will be-sold to satisfy tfcfe amount
assessed against you. HARVEY SMITH,
Tax Collector. "
Albany, Oregon, Nor, 28, 1866. nl64w . f 3
Jtut Publithed, being a Complete Gmidtt far tki
urtatett ana Mott JIttficnt Jlecipc o the r .
Nineteenth Century, by trkich any
one can realize a tteady
income c $3000 r . ..
Embracing Valuable ReeTpe for Mantfoetrtrer
oj t tejri Article tn Ueneral JJemand, , ,
,' and from te tale of tchick Im-
meiwe Profit may be de- " . , ....
rived. .... . ' '. '
Tbe Great Seerets' revealed, I . have collected
with great care, labor, and with treat expense.
many valuable receipts, which are in themselves a
splendid fortune to any one with- sufficient energy7"
to push ahead. Most of them have been obtained
from England, France and Germany, tbe eost of
which place tbem beyond tbe reach of the public,
while the others are entirely new and have been
purchased at a large eost, ranging from $5 t
$1,000 each. A person of ordinary tact can make
from $5 to $10 per day. in the manufacture and
sale of the articles, by almost any' of my recipes.
xnese anicies are soia at enormous pronts. Why f
not make them yonself?Iif sot for sale, fo jmt i
own use. Even to make them for vour own indi
vidual use would save you many dollars. year,
ana materially, add to roc bbaett, bealtb,
ASD WKAttH.' ; ' ' '
I will send this wonderful Book bv maiL wost
paid, to any post office of California and U. S, f
$1. Address all orders to
no!7nUly , P. O, Drawer 630S, Chicago, JIL
beautiful Set of Yhislcnr nr Mnnt,AltM n
grow on the smoothest face in from five te eight
i .t i . . .... . . . .
weefc.3. aiso, nair restored on naici neads ia eight
weeas. jrrovea oy the testimonial of tsoasaada,
Price SI. Or Six for anit Q ir rlnxnn
any part of California and U. S, sealed and post
paid, on receipt f price. Address.
. ' DK.'C. BKIGGS,
no!7nl41y P. O. Drawer, 6308, Chicago, III.
Final Settlement;
In the County Court of Linn County t
uregon. r Estate , of Manza SSimont,:.
deceased : .
fred Whealdon, administrator of said estate. I
filed in this Court at the December Term, 1868,
nis aocounts for, and prays a final settlement of
ao OBUJC. l
It ia thernfnrA
heard on Wednesday the 9th davdf January, 1867,
at 9 o'clock a. v.,' of said day, at the County
uv"' .uum, in AlDanv. in said Countv. and that
nonce tnereof be published for four successive1
weeks in the "State Rights Democrat." ,
EDWARD R. GEARY. Countv Jnd.
E. F.Rcsseix, Attorney. : . V
December 7, 1866 n!74w V ' : . " ,
Stockholders' Meet ingr.
NOTICE The Annual Election of the Stock
holders of the Linn County Agricultural As-'
sooiation, will bo held at the Court House, in Al
bany, Oregon, on the first Thursday, the 3d day
of January, 1867, at 1 o'clock, p. m. ,:r . . .,,
Therefore the Shareholders in the above Inoor-
poratipa will meet at said time and place, for the
election of sovea Directors and the several officara .
for the said Association.
. - 1 'JAMES ELKINS, See'y.
icc. 7, 18C, nl72w