T STATiUQIIISDEMOOIiAT. Jloney Market. San Francisco Legal Tender rates Tl72 xxew lork Uold tiuotatious... 147 J X2issbluti fTHE partnership heretofore existing .between . the undersigned he this day been dissolved by mutual e unseat. All debt due the "Democrat .EsUbUshtuent,' oa, account of advertising, sub scription, or job work, will oa paid to Abbott k , Brown j and all debts against the firm are hereby ; assumed and will be paid by them. ' . M. II. ABBOTT," . s M. V. BiUnTN. . O.TRAVERSE Albany, Not. 16, 1853. 1 If. B. The "Pomocraf will conllnue regular ly to be published by the undersigned, at the same place, and on the me terms as heretofore. We respectfully solicit, hot only a continuance, but the increased patronage of the public ABBOTT & BROWN. Lectures by. IUV. II. II. Spauld ,Xxo. Tolay we publish number ona. of the Lectures from this gentleman which - we promised eoxne weeks ago. , We pub- lish them jfor seTeral reasons, among which are ; ; - , 1. We do "not wish justly to incur the ' charge of Intolerance and proscription. Mr. S. wishes to be beard. lie submit ted his Lectures to the,I;Oregonianf and that proseriptive and intolerant uheet de clined their publication because the Lec ;tnrer occasionally censures Lincoln's cab ilnet, and other Abolition officials. ' ' J2. s JYe publish them because, on the urhole, vtKcy contain much interesting uiatter re&tre to the first settlement of "isiGuntry, And ta?e" privations endured dingers incurred by the first Ameri crsof Oresoa- can seu , e g Iff.1, - r Werer, we thus give tat justice to tu" to Btate it , - . Uy enuacutessen .'ents thjt be occasiona- , , nnot endorse. v J tint we do not and c. Vit of toleration, is a aatural concomiu xpectcd. We w.vvw, w w S ob'ectio may hereafter dwell upon thea ; . able features with considerable Taunute- cess. Meanwhile, let the reader t. eruse for himself, and endorse or condemn, be3t suits his faacy or judgment. 3 Benefit Concert. 13y reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that a concert for the benefit of James 31. Wood a young blind man of this plice will be giren in the Court House on next Monday evening. We hope that the house will be well filled. No person more worthy could be presented for the kindly sympathies and aid of our citizens. He lost his eye-sight by sickness when , a bey. One of his eyes is gone beyond all hope of recovery; but of the other, great licpe3 are entertained that, by proper medical treatment and skill sueh as may be found in San Francisco it may yet be at least partially restored. The price of admission is so low that almost any ore either with e-without a family can attend if they desire to do so. . There inay be those who desire to aid him be yood what a few tickets will amount to; all such can very easily do so by doubling, trebling, quadrupling or even quintupling the price of their tickets. In addition to the mere motive of a benefit for an un fortunate fellow-citizen, we assure the public that the concert will be good ) that it will really be worth, to them more than the price of admiesiou. T We were pres ent at a rehearsal, a few evenings since, and we know whereof we affirm. Let the house be crowded. Candy Factory. See tbe advertise ' rue at of this Establishment. It is a new institution in Albany, and should, and we hope will, be liberally patronized. Speci mens we have seen are far euperior, both in taste and appearance,1 " to any from Portland or San Francisco. Country merchants will, materially advance their interests by purchasing their confectione Ties of Smith & Co., Albany. Let them jC all and examine for themselves! The Democratic ; Pole. One night lost week, during a rather severe blow in Albany, the Democratic flag pole fell to the ground, and was' broken asunder in several places.-' The accident occurred just after the reception of the news of tbe election of twa toegroes to the Legislature f Massachusetts This was the feather i hat broke the camel's back. It was more 4han is could stand ; hence it fell; but in its fall "nobody was hurt Fixed . That portion of the aide-walk off which Jehn Crawford fell and badly inim-A! himself a short time since, has '-J. . - . ' recently had substantial banisters put up oa either side l-ifc; so. that it is now afe for pedestrians at ' all times, day or -nht. . We suppose this was done by the city authorities. : . Columbia CoNFERECE.On Friday i,.r n. T?icii-vr TTmranush orjranized .t-M;.?a Conference f the M. E VTZZZi. -. -rWl Ik. . Ihefollow- Churen, ouwi, v - iag are the appointments . .t ursTEICT A. SEARS, P.' E. ' ayeUe'circaiit-To be . supplied. Independence-D. C McFarland. ' Albany lJ- , Brownsville Thomas Brown. Eune City Missiou-H.. C . Martm. rSvallis Station James Kelsay, ' College W. A. Finley, Pres- flhVarterlyConfere Jacksonville tircu - i A. C. Howiee u . ulSSTfTck,,; , ' Albast, Saturday, November IT, 1366. The following are tho prices paid for Produce. and the prices at whtoU; ether'1 articles, ari selling ta this markets ' ) f-Mi Wheat whiti, per bnshel, f2J els. f Oats per bushel, 2o30 ;" i ' Potatoes per bushel, ti21 eta. .. f Onions per bushel, $1 23. s, Ftoet perbbl.it 00. .' .. Butter- per pound, 3035 cts. . , . - Ejfjrs" per dosen, 37J cts. Chickens per dozen, $3 50. , , . Peaches dried, per pound, 15 cts. , . Pork per pound. 10(121 eta. . Beef on foot, (y5 cts. . , Mutton, per pound, 12 J cents. Soap per pound, 45 ets-.4 - 1 -Salt Los Anglos, per pound 2 cts. Fyrup per gallon, 00. Tuu Young llvson, per pound, $1 00, , M Black, iaf I 0i - ? " Japan, $1 121. Sojrar crushed, per pound, 1TJ0 cts, 5 Island, 10($12i. - " Sea. 14 ctsl - v h- t - Coffee per pound, 2830 cts. M Nails cut, per pound, cts. ? , White Lead pure, per ker, t 0 00. Linseed Oilboiled, per gallon, $1 75($2 00. Turpentine per gallon, I 7503 00. Domestic brown, 2025 cts. .v Hickory striped, per yard, 30 ets. Bed Ticking per yard, 30150 cts. , Blue Drilling per yard. 25(.$30 cts. r Flannels- per yard, 621 75 ets. ; Prints fast colors, per yard, If 20 sis, ;Bifl Powder, per pound. 75ll 00. Cattdless best, per pound, 8l!i)-13 ets, Rice China, per pound, H$i5 cts. - Tobacci per pound, 75$l 00. Balaratus per pound, 14($ 15 ets. SPECIAL KOTICE3. r?r !!! il Atlvlre. DR. WAI. K. 1)0- llERTY'S Medical and Surgical Institute is be coming a sine qua non to the welfare of our State and health oFour citnonsr and his rapidly spread ins: rvpntatiou, although it may excite surprise, is but -the sijrual of skill, and follows as the natural effect of sueh a cause. We are persouallt acquaint ed witb gentlemen who bare tuScrett fbryears un der chrome ui$ea.e, and who had taken ad rant age of erery available means that promised relief. but wuhout success, until they called upon lr Doherty, who, in an incredibly short space of time has given them entire relief. It is gratifying to nnounce this fact, because the Doctor is a gen tleman who seeks, net by defamation of others, to estahlis-h his reputation, or to rear the superstruc ture of ns own upou tho rum of an another s tame. lbe t'octor conducts bis institute in sueh a man ner that must be gratifying to all his patients Do examines, advises and recommends without charge, and the patient, after hearing his terms for treatment, can accept or reject at pleasure. In o case does the loetor make a charge unless he n. etf :ts a cure. Has he i able to do, because he iho confidence which long esperienee has giv feel no onbtthe consolation wuich appertains en, an ofidence. Persons afflicted with either to that Pv 'ironic diseases, would do well to con- aceute or e. suit him. ,-r consultation ne asks no lee, nor does he insist j f ander w, care j, officej on fcaeramdnto -, . ' ' Stei l KRISEMEXTS. iVolice. people In re- T $ sMi .1 H came off at U e State Fair a garti 10 a race a- i,. i, ,v e was en- on Thursday Oetoher x - brown mm b -tered by P Moore and a !e mile raef l Wm. S. which inompsju, in weiurcc.u... , JoH h ation .w.-v - drown r "u- of my horse, and more than hK wyhorse thrJw rf Ution. a, it s supposed thatl tia J , ,K, off.' Now it don't look reasonable his gpeej train a horse two or three months to t- jj i aud then have him thrown 5; notwi' V ,i . . v t. thrown cannoi eay mai me auric was or was uv off. But if he was every person that saw I ui run knew as much about it as 1 did. Scvera taen .i i came to me and asked me if I had my horse t. in. I said I did not. The reply was, "1 wou.'' take the bov down, as he is tbrowu)" vour horse 1 off." The boy being well recommended, I did not know what to think. So you eaa Judge for yeor eelves. I notice it did not pay mo very well, hsv ing spent the fall in training my horse, and did not get to ma him at the Linu county races, as they did not hscg up the purse according to prom ise in the races for which I was training my horse. I concluded to go to the Etate Fair aud give my horee a trial, aud having to pick up a strange ri der who was sot eceurtonied to tbe horse, -he did not make his race within IS seconds. I waa also prohibited by the rules from seeing my own rider weighed. So 1 hope mv friends will not accuse me of running a "chuck" race, as I was bettor brought up, and I have more respect for myself and friend. .PHILLIP MOORE. NOTICE ! HOrSEY TO LET. A FEW TWENTIES left, to pay for good WLes. Highest eaih price paid on delivery oi good wheat at my ware house, Albany, Oregon. i ' R. C1IKADLE. WAITED. EGS, ES, CAH paid on Eggs, by delivery, for anv amount of R. C1IEADLE. Exccntor's Kale or Laud. "VTQTICE i hereby given, that, by virtue f 11 an Order of the Countr Court of Linn County, fctate of Oregon, at the November Term, thereof, 1866, the undersigned, Lxeeutor of tbe last will and testament of Morgan Kees, deceased, will, on " . . Saturday, the Sth day of December, A. J). 1806; at the Court Hone door in the city of Albany, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described Real Estate belonging to the estate of Monran Kees, deceased, to-wit : That piece or parcel of land being and Iring in Town hipXo. 11, South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, in Lma county, Oregon, known as lsa ac D. Kees' Donation land claim," .Notification 115S, containing 320 acres more Or leer. Also that piece or parcel of land , known as the Samuel Kecs land claim, being the Northeast quarter of section 6, in Township .No. 11 South, Ilange West, Willamette Meridian, in Linn eounty State of Oreyon, containing 160 acres. ; TERMS OF SALE Gold coin, payable two- thirds tf the purchase money on the day'of "sale ; the remainder in 3 months with approved sceu- rity. ; - " ' r -- - - ,- , JACOU kfcts, ' Executor. E. F. Rcssei,., Attorrey. Albany, November 8, 1868. nol0nl31w Final Settlement. Estate of Thomas Henry, Sen., deceased. In the ' County Court of Linn County, and State of Or egon. ' i ' llkTOTICE is hereby jriven, that Tt. n. Craw- ' ford. Executor of the, last will and testa ment of Thomas Henry, Sen., tleceased, filed in this Court at tho November term thereof, A. 1 18C6, his accounts for, and ' prays a final settle ment of the same. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said aprlieatioa be heard on Tuesday. the 4th day of December ,1866, at Iho Court Room in Albany, in said county, and that notice thereof be published in the State liights Democrat lor four saccessivc weeks. ' EDWARD It. GEARY, ' County J udge November 8, 1866. nol0nl34w : ; SELLKS OFF MSELLING OFF I $50,000 -WOTH 1 CHARLES BARRETT, Front Street, and No. 5 Washington - Street, FortlandL THe largest, Most, General; and Most Splendid Assortment of STATIONERY, BL.ANK BOOKS LETTER PRESSES, &C., ON THE PACIFIC COAST, B.ICIILT BOUND , Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Bootfe - An immense Assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS Orders From tne Interior. - iik dispatch and earo. Fiu W. -' : , chableS UaIibett. A D V E K T I S E 31 EXTS. r , r UK 6 l Persons or sedont.iry hallts troubled with weak hess, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, Ltk of appctito, distress after eating, torpid liver, eoastl patton, 4c, deserve to tuffer if they will at try the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS, which are bow recommended by the highest BtdMl -thoritici, atil warrtinted to produce ifflwediate bettefieial effovt.. They mreeteetJijigW agmeahli, perfectly pure, and must supercede all other ton ics where a healthy, gVntle stiiaulant U rquir4. They purify, ttreitgthea acd iavigoraU. ; They create healthy appveit h--f. ; . They a am aatidaU to hafa vaaet a4 diet.- , 'ji . ..'.'-i''" They itrengthea the syitea ad , ealivea the mind. f -'.''..,, , ' ..; They prevent miasm a tie an! Intermittent Fevirl They purify the breath aud auidtty ot the stuta aeh.' , . They euro Dyspepsia and Constlpattonr They cure Liver Couaplaiat aud Nervoa Cead aehe. ' ; '." ': They make the weak eireng, the Unrnil hrfl- liant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are eomposed of the celebrated Caiisya hark wiutergreen, ssssarres, roote ani oefbi, all -pre served in perfectly pure Ct. Croix rasa, fat par ticulars, see circulars seed testimonials around aeh bottle. ; 'J : : -1 li'vrtri'i f Beware of impostors. Examine every bottle. See that it haa out private U. 3. stamp uotautila- ted over the cork, with plantatiea eeene, and our signature oa a fine steol plate aide label.: ae that our bottle U not refilled with spurious acd delete rious stuff. Any person pntecdinr to sell Plan tation Bitters by the gallon or la bulk, b an im- poster. Any person imitating this bottle, or g any other material . tbarein. whuther ealted Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal nndr the S. Law, and will be so prtsecatod by us. Tbe demand for Drake's Plantation Bitters, from la dles, clergymen, merehaats, 4e., is iaeredible. The simple trial of a bottle is the evidence We present of their worth and superiority. They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi cians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores. --ii i II. DRAKE & CO Barnes Magnolia VTatr. A toilet delimit ! ,' Tbe ladies' treasure and gen tlemen's boon t , The wetei thing" and largest quantity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used fur bathing the faee aad persen, to render the skin soft aad fresh, to prevent erap lions, to perfume elolhing, &.c - ' - It ovureouics the unpleasant odor of perspiration It removes redness, tan, blotches, Ac. It cures nervous headache aud allays inflamma tion. -t : . , - - : It cools, softens and adds delieacy te the skin. .It Jlelds a subdued and lasting prfume. , -k" t OUfes muqueto L:Us and stings of itsect. It ex,u,'us BO material injurious to the kin. It i w ererJ 1JJT hiuld have. Sold every where. i"rj , the Magnolia Water once and you i will use no oU V V"XV. rnuaery, or -loutt Vater afterward.. DLMA3 BARXLS i CO, Prok"- Ladusire Aleuts. A. Y. Id by all DruggU l aur" es'ers - n ine l aeii- t. - - ic ei:u It is a most de!ighfc! Httir It eradicates scurf aft. e!aBifuff- , ' . It keeps the head eol c. ,J fh'' It makes the hair rich, sot aBj PlcsJ- v. ..... u i: d flilins eft. It restores hair upon pt-maturt 'y held bads. T-ie is just what Lyon's Khaif will So. It is prettv it is chesp dur.-.ble. It I literally old Ly the car-load, -and vet its alun. - t ineredi- ble demand is daily Increai-ng," until then, i Kard- ly a country f tore that docs not keep it, or 1y that does not u"e it. . ; 4 , t.. iiiumas t,u(, twinist, tjon Extract Cilnscr. Lyon's Extract of Pure Jamaica Ginger for Indigestion, Nausea, Heartburn, Sirk Headache. Cholera Morbus. Flatulency, Ae.f where a warm ing stimulant is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a che:ip and reliable ar ticle for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere, at 50 cts per bottle. Ask for 'Ltoh V Pure Ex tract, Take no other. . Lyon's Flea Powder. The effect of Lyon's Magnetic Insect Powder is almost instantaneous death to everything of the insect epecles. Fleas, .particularly, cannot live where it is. It is most wonderful in this respect, being entirely harmless to the human family. Many worthless imitatious are otTeied. Be partic ular and receive none hut Lyon's. Each flask of the genuine bears tin signature of E. Lyon and the stamp of Dehas Diii.vts A Co. . 3Iitstang Liniment. r Have you a hurt child or a lame horso ? Use the Mexican Mustang Linim cnt. For cuts, sprains, burns, swellings and caked breasts, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a cer tain, cure.. - ; For rheumatism, .neuralgia, stiff joints, stings and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Mus tang Liniment. 1 For spavined horses, the poll-evil, ringhono and sweency, tne Jiexiean mustang i.iniuioni never fails.. ; ' For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint, tho Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in. gold. 1 ; Cuts, bruisos, sprains and swellings, are so com mon and certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this Liniment is tho best investment that can be made' It is more certain than the doctor it saves time in sending for the doctor ;it is cheaper than the doctor and should never bo dispensed with. : "In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over and scalded my hands terribly. , The Mustang Liniment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly, and left very Iittlo scar. CHAS. FOSTER, 420 Broad St., Philada. - Mr. S. Litch, of Hydo Fark,Yt., writes: My horso was considered worthless, (spavin) but since the use of tho Mustang Liniment, L have sold him for $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up here." ,' ATVgenuine is wrappedin steol plate cugraviags, sneti, Q. W. Westbrook, Chemist and also haa the private tf. B. stamp-of DiSMB Baukes A Co t tmt. .look closely. Bold by all Drue- A D V.K 2i T I S 13 31 J5 JNr TS, JACOD WORCROSS. Tholexal ttnd lleinil Denier izi dry goods, . ' clothiKjq, ; ; ' ' . HARDWARE, ' ' MILL SAWS, IRON AND STEEL, Mackaala't Kiatr't SiscxtniiVa Tools, ROPE, CHAIN, ' . BOLTS, a ------- NUTS, WASHERS, TnixBLE, Boma axd set spancs, riits-PRoor BUitsirfo, 1 la n y , 1A n n Con 11 1 y3 O " ' - - - ; oe271l - ' - 'It. . r . ; r e r . '-, . r e G e r . , , .refl nGer. . r e Cr n t u lr e r . .rcOnilinOer;. . - r e li d i 1 1 1 i n U e r . . r e G n t.l t h 1 1 i n G e r .reGnilthhtlioGer. . j .'r e G ti i 1 1 h i h 1 1 i h G e r. r e G n i i t h g i I i k h 1 1 i n G e r . . r e G q i 1 1 h i h 1 1 i n G e r . , .. r e G n 1 1 h h 1 1 i n G e r . , , . r e G n i 1 1 h 1 1 i n G er. 1 reGoiltlinGer. . r e G u i 1 i n G e r . ; ; f . , . r e G n t n G e r , , " . . r e O n G er. . . r e G e r . . . ' ":; - i . r . . r e r . . ,. , , , . r . Let ypn trou' le your fcraia . i In Sylvius this riddle. . ... Commence with the capital K in tbe middle. Read np if yon choose. Or to the riijht at your ease, To the left like the Jews, .. : - Or dewa like Chinese. Ilis prices are lower, His stnek more eompleta Than any other store Feuud on Front street. Bo lo nt delay, . i Bat Srine on yonreash Your country produce And all kind j of trsh. For le'll sell better groceries, And more, for the ttmi, Than any other dealer This si le of Portland. II. iMfillTLfXttER, Corner Perry and Front stretts, Albany, O'gn, . ; Yi . ; .uoittnnijr - sir ATI. Cor. Waaiataa aai Firal Sta, llarir. been thornusthly rent ted. is iiiT'w epc for the aeeotnmoastion o e travclinK l ul.lio, The table wi5l speak lir it self. Neat aud ecuifortaU beds aud rooms lor patrons, le. , . RATES OF BOARD: rer week m ,.u,.......M 00 Vr week, witb hxljritis;. 6 00 ?t usrht ca! .....v.. -......... 5 Bkx4- - 50 . Meals ali hours. ... . noiul. 'C6,J- w- x- MAtZEt Proprietor. WAv' nTflH RiAOVCT DROAD A LIS IK ST., BETWEEN 1st AXD 2d, ALBAN i OREGON. E lPI 1 H V CO., ww--yv- Have just opened .vr8 ' a mt MAlKKT HOUSE At the ehWu, -ZTr keep oit band tll.e t'" mials xut. AiFORLtb, suth as ! U BEEF, Kim P0BS SAISIGJET, And all kUda? otWCarad EXaata. ! A liberal Share of Patron' i Solieltcd. TJ- "Wc ft re always ready to pt-F th ?7Jif JP" EST CASH PRICE for fat stock. Petition Tor Partition. IN the matter of the Estate of Mahals """ deceased. In the County Court of Lb?" oc, ty, Oregon. Tctition ot Jlatttiew m. Brya"' ;" partition, of real estate of said deoeased, being ; the one-fifth ink-reft therein assigned the petitionui who asks that tho same may he set off to said pe titioner. On the readlitjfaud filing of . said petii tiott the following order was made by the Court, to-wit: "Xowr thenfore, it is ordered that the hearing of said application bo appointed for Tuesday, the Mb day ot January, At V. ii?07, at one oVlot-k . P. M of that day, ut the Ci-unty Court Room in Albany, in the county of Linn, and State of Oregon, and that the petitioner, or his Attorney, jrivo notice hereof, to Essalom )L Hall, Isaiah Hall, Susanna Kirkendull. Ooorgv V.lIall, Francis M. Hall and Isaiah, gmeluer, guardian to minor heirs named herein, by pub lishing a copy of this order in the State Rights Democrat for tbe full term of six weeks from this date, to be and appear beloro this Court at the time and rdaoe herein named, to show cause, if any there be, why this application should not be granted. - . - CRAN0R St HELM, . Attorneys for Petitioner. Dated at Albany, Oregon, November 7, 1866.' ' no!013flw ! A CAUD, f f merly known in tho States as V m. Morgan, J - ! 1 .. , r A lt.nM ( n r. ir .nil . n.im! iu.nl momli.tr nf fhe M. K. Church, did this dav nav ma in' crcpnliacks without the reaniiute dis count on tbe same, in pnyment of a rightful and . . .. . , f 1 1 : .1 r lust dent lor wora periormoti oy mo, meroiore i J . ... m . . . r- , take tcismciaou oi warning nil pr(oBs irom crea- Wtn Ktm timlrr anv nnnsitleration whatever. a.a they ore liable to bo swindled put of their just dues in tho samo manner that I was. Believing that tho public good dema'tids that snoh rascality should be exposed, I herewith make this state ment of faots. - - , 1SAIA1I MERCER. Nov3nl21t WOOL. WAiVTKD ! 50,000- POUNDS OF WOOL isntud at WERTUAN A CO, Albany, March 24, 1S66. '" 1 ' ; Aiiclioneer5 fTfllE undersigned bavina takeu out License as I. Auctioneer In thfs Stato, forewarns all per sons from doing business in that capacity, who are not properly licensed to do so by law. ocWt Wil. LISTER. A DVKKTI S K M ENTS UAT1D WRTHA, ! Albany Portland. t i ft i v ' ' : i f ' i ' ' T rb r f -t t 1 .1.1 t.T ""v-r"Tr--r-T-e-i -svt" t i e --S-V-CTV-i.- W CJ - JLM JLU VV i3 -'5'' -T-r nit .Sfi VERTHAN ' a' CO., EW'YOint 'STORE - ' . " - Foster's ;Two Story Brick,' ALBANY, OHEQON: jrt-i JIa?eJust receirud , , THE L AUGUST STOCK OP , . FALL AND WINTER GOODS , , avaa laoeaat to ALiajrr. ' " - ' 3 or Stock Consists of ? -. r " " ' I J '- ., , ' : z t , i Fcrtija aad Bucicstie, Staple - AMD : I :i FANCY DEY GOODS, CL0AXS, BASQUES, SACKS A?.'D HATS. Alfa a Fias Lot'ef HOCOS. NUBIAS, BREAKFAST CAPS&SQNTAGS. The Latest Styles of . READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' HATS , FURNISHING GOOD3. AND . : X V: i .AND BOOTS SHOES. Also Fits Lot of T3RESS TIIIMMIXGS. We also keep constantly on hand a lafge Stock cf GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE," T OLASSWAJRE, - j , PALXTS and OILS. . Having; a Partner residing in the market, we are enabled to sU CHEAPER "THAN THE CHEAPEST I And Purchasers will 01 to. their interest to j;iv si a cau oeiure leyia eiew tiers.' ' i . , . ! v t y -T--- drain and all kinds of Merchantable Tro duce taken in exehatfe,for pooi. J T t ? ? REMEMBER -T" WEHTIIAN.& CO,, At the - Xew Tork, Ettre, in Foster's two stort bru-k, l irst street. WERTIIAN Jk CO, Albany, SepL 8, lS(!8-ly WHAT A RUSH! TO THE dASH STOllE Ri: CIIEADLE,, IJ CORNER BROAD ALBIN AXt AIAIX ST3. Goods sold in-Jarge or smalt nuantnies lo suit customers - - - i - s. l : AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE g In' Oregon.? f 'ft' FORvCASH ORhTRADE. I WILIs SEIiIj. Come and ice Brfore Baying anj- whera dsfi AS THE GOODS MUST BH SOLD.rf mu2V-6m" "". ii.'':CIIE.DI.C.! NOTICE1 I desire) to Bay to those wanting TAINT, I HAVE A LARtlE LOT OF paints r and; oils DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, WHICH I WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THET CAN, -U.Ej HAD At PORTLAND, v Adding Freight from Tortland to Albany. ; ; S. I IIAVE A LARbE LOT ,0 GLASS AND " PUTTY ! NAILS CF ALL SIZES TO SUIT THE TRADE, : au25 It, CIICADI.E. r The JLafet j Call, ALL persons knowing 'themselve indoWod to J. Levy A; Bro.,; Albany, will please come forward immctliately and settle their notes and ac counts. If thoy are not settled by the 2oth of this month tho aocoujats and notes will bo, plaoed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. You will find the notes and accounts with-Icssrs. Wer th&n A Co., nt the New York 'Store, who arq au thorized to collect them for us. ' , r , J. LEVY A BRO, -Albany, O'ctoW 13, 1886. Sm ;, SETTIjEIIEiT JOTICE.; 3 A1 persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified to appear and setr tlo up within Six woeki from this 'date, either by noto. cash or trade, and save costs. Our accounts MUST BB SETTLE".' J. FLEISCHKER & CO. Albany, Oregon,' October ftth. 1868.: v2ntf. , FOR SAliE JiTi pr -m SHIJNtiljliiS lor sale by BHINffLES for sale hy ADVKKTISJIKNTS. 7 er's 7 a nt wonu'g jjarAT ttatet roa , Scrofula and Scrofaloua Diseases. From JTwwrw Edes, a vrll lnown merchant ofsOa- At I I f-l fr&, ttoint. I t I Lave soi l large" qunntUMi f jyeirp94fttAi ItlLUA, but never yet feue bottle whfeti failfl of the desired eJoct and fail sitici.ition to tho jo who took It. A fust our kplo try lt,1hey ( there has -been no luedkiue like it before hx our outtuuuity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotahes, Pustules, TJf . csrs. Sores, and all Diseases of .the jhrvm Rev. .'olr. Stratttm, JtrMoK SiiitlttuU ". ' " I only do my Uuty ti you' find tho public, when 1 atld rnvtestiinonj y xo ami you ihidhhii Jl mt you tHiblish of the miy dii'inal virtues of your Skaparh.LA. 3Iy d.iuU ter. id- phi f afllietinti humor Li Jier ear humor LiIer i-itra, eye, and hid fbr years, which "we were tiiwble to iMbie to faUo Las eure until we tried your 8 u.ai-auilla. hea wuil for somo montlis," . j: rvTm -turn, imne r. . j.it r, n w-u-fcVHrrrJi umi mULiw eitfemed !ni!g ofDtnniteille, Vupe Mug Co., H. J. . w Mr daughter has suffered fur a yeae piwt with a icrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Kothin aTorOfd atiyyreJk;f nntil we trk'd your B AKSArAUiLLA, whkh Soon eouiplctily cured tier." From Chart f$ p. Gag, Ksf., of the widely known Cage, Murray if Co., tHuuuuctureri ottutnHlUti papr$ i Xfokwt, tf. II. ! - I bad for several years a very troublesome ' tumor in my faiw, wWoh prow constantly worwe nutil it (Knfli'uroa my fatunve and tv:uno an intol erable aflflcUon. 1 trleit almost every thing a man eould of both edvk'S and medicine, but without any relief whatever; wiifil1 1 took your 8AKAPAKtr.i..v. It lmmcdJatly nmdo tny face worse, am you told rue it mi'Mit for a time; but in a few weeks the pi;r skin began to form tndrr tlie Motebtii aiul i-ou-' tiuatxl until my faco is as atnooth as any UkIv's. ' and I am without any symptoms of the (liheatw tli.it ' I know of. I enjoy portUt Itoalih, and without a doubt owe it to your isAmAi'AuiLLA." Erysipelas Ooeral Debility Purify tbe Blood.; Tmm Dr. licit. Saiein, Ifimston St.- Kew York, '- Ik. Atkk. I scMotn full to tnuve EnttAioni rat Scroptttm Sdnrm by tlie rxrrwvrrtnr Ufeoi yonr n. From J. E. Jukntton, F7., ITttl-rmam, Ottin.' "For twelve years, 1 hail the yellow Krysiiielas fl on my ribt ana,larinjr wlth-h ticoe I tra-il nil the i! celebrated plivslciana 1 coiiht ift-ach, and twde ceK-orjiea piirsicuna l coitltl reacn. ana tw liun- amis of dultrirs worth of nustcii-s. The uhrn were so bsd tint the cords becinMii visible, ami the doctors OffkU-J that tv arm must bo amiHitutcil. I began takiu your Sak-Iakiu.. Took tvvo hot- r ties, ana soma of your I'ltxa. iof,itutr tley hare ; corea mr. i ns now inwiii ,n i omtiki us any imhiv. ""1iB.f 1,",b,i0 n,y TM k".?wn Trert body in this eouuwuuity, aud excUcs the woadcr of all." - , ..i From Hon. Jltitry Mturn, M. P. P., of Xetcrnxtle, I have used vour SAMAPARttJ.A tn my ftmily, ? for geuernl debility, and for purifying the. UuoJ, witu very own.-iui resittr, ana Ktt coi coniiricudia it to the aiUktcd." ' ' , , l j Bt. Anthony's ' Fire, Rose, ; Salt Bheaxa, : Scald Head, Sara Eves. run. rM..u 7.. ,i. .1.1. . ,.. . 7'MnLkarfH-t ItrmHrrut, I'tHnylrtnia. t . " Our ouly cliil l, about three years of age, was athicketl by pimples oa his furehemt. They rajiidiy ; iirsi uniii iik't wrnwu a loaiiiKimc anil Tirun ui sore, which covered liia face. aul actnnllv bliu'Ud I t. . - - .1 . . .11(1.1 . : . k niiraie oi mrer ami outer reineua-a, wnnour any i apparent effect. For fifteen days we pitarded hisi Lands, text with t1i-m he ulioulJ t.-nr iiih-ii 111,- -! tj'rhicr .riff fAnnnf wnnn4 1. 1.1 mi,hm1 1.4. 1.. .1 a fi. 1 1 avin f- iriMl cnr tl.in( .Hi w lial nuvf none irum, we wpm pviny your JAR-t.p.iK!LLA, aud applviug t!s iodiUe ot ptah lotion, as you siirect. I he aoro tx-gaa to lifal when we hirf pfrea the tirft bottle, and was well when we had fimhcd the secoud. 1 he child's eyeUolte, wlii. li tiaJ euiue out, crew arain. sud he is now as heattliv ami fair as any other. The whole ueiirhborfeeod cr&dkted that the cldU must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. -From Dr. Jtimm Sbit. of lit. Louti. MisMonrL ' 1 find your SARitAPAkit.tA a wore er.'ertunl remiilv for the sronAarv cvmrttmfl of Suuhilii aal for syphilitic diseaxe tiituiauy otln'r we puti.ie8 1 oe proiefsum are indebted to yoa lor sonm Of tut oesi uteuicujea we nave.- ; , . , -4! From A. J. Freneh, M. D., mt eminent phtpirfan of Lawrence, Must, tr it a promiiuiU member of tHe igusfaiure or jtl'issficXH&xta. "lis. Ayes. Siv dear Sin I bare fbund Tanr. Sahsapakilx. an exwihtit remetly for. Sgtk;iisr txtui oi uie prtaturg aau tecwuutrg type, aua enetv tual ia soine twn tliat were too ubstiurttt- to yield to oTtier rt-nietK"S. I do not know what wre eau em- rio tut loy with more ecrtaiutr of saccc-sa, whcr a po wr- alieratite is reqair 'Mr. Cha.S Ian Line, ofXem lirnmnrkk, K.J., had dreadful ujeera ou his legs, caused by the abuse or mercury, or merruruit auma.e, wwen grew more and more agrravatet -for years, in atiito of every remedy pr trwUiw-nt that could be eppiied, until the pererrruij use of AtEK's SArsai'riu.a relieved mm. t ew cases can be iount more luvetorate ana riixtrtSKliig' than this, aati ft took several doiea bodies 10 cure uioUi . .. ,. . , , . . , ; Ioucorrhcea, Whites, Female "Weakness, are generally -produced by Internal Scrafttltms f7- trmtio. aaJ at very often euretl bf the alterative effect of this Saksaparili.a. Some easr-s renire, however, ia aid of the Sarsafakilla, the skill ul appucauon or local remeoies. From tie ireJl ltwmi emd rtgtftKtle&rated Dr. Jacob Mrrrrili, of Cincinrntli. ' I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent alterative in diseases of fi-males. Many cases of irreeujamy, ltirorrncea, internal l let-rat wn, ana bxsi aViniitvvarisiug from the scrofulous .diathesis, have yiehW la it, aud there are few that da sot. wheu its effect ia properly elded by local treatment." f A lyy VHiriUing to oliow the implication of her name, tcrie t - r . -" 3tr dsusrhtf and mywlf have been cured of a very dVhilitatiuir Lcueorrutea of Ion? sianding, by two bottles of your S a RA paruxa. Bheumatism, Ooat, Uver Complaint, Dya pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrnfitht in t!te srerejn, are rapidly , , .ii. , i . . ... - AYER'Si CATHARTIC PILXS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that w need : not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do nllUiat they hare ever done. ?' s ! ' Prepared by J. C. AYEIt, 21. D., & Co., Lowell, JSlass., and soltl bj ;, ' ; .- W AIV XJE HI- i - .i btt U '."d-Ll-e il trr- " ' L EVCryO Oily. tO. Kll Ott ... - u. st.--ii ?-, i i t .t -s i THAT I AM STILL A DEALER IN i :l ih--.r:. j-.'ft " a. ..-tn ... ; GENERAL -'MERCHANDISE AND TOAT I AM V Cciilaiilly in the Receipt oi FRESH SUPPLIES OP 1 1 !X r: 3 T T 2-0- ! -a ': A --3" BOOTS' VAND l-r-.-. OntO CTKKIES, CROCKERY AND KAftDWARE . - I XT rrTT Am t SSLL AS LOW A3 . TUU LOWEST I .xl -i-tiiZ ? A.It'i; ,'. 'mil .... .. '" t. 'n i -. PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE jFOP all kinds of Procluce, . ocnll Administratrix Notice.! i N' OTlCli IS HEREBY GITE TrtAT- TIIE undersifrncd has bee'a appointed Adminis tratrix 6f the, Estate of Fielding Lewis, deceased, hy 4h"e fcoffnty Court of rLhin County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the, same to the under signed .within six mouths from the date, hereof, at hor reEidonuo in Linu oounty, Oregon. , i i. ' ,r r";; NACY C: LEWIS, , 1. - . Adminiatratrix. JrCfPotELX,' Attorncv for AdnmristratrLs.. ;..;. .' ".. : oc20nioiw.' " y: ? v Dinni'mi.i,, ana , tiavejU.'Oivcureaan attacK Of Malignant Ktymiehtl with " No altt-rutiv-e we pOHMita wiials tin- dAKSAPARltt.A you have sup plied te the profession as well as to the people.? rn TONS tXJ chcaj, by OF FOIS N.JLE ' 7. FLKISC1IKE8 4 XT. AD VEILTISEMKNTS. WW, . PA1RISH. 3.X. USSfDESnaLL ;W..W..rARPJSII & CO. Wholesale and P.etail Dealers in ' 't ' t GENERAL IflERCIIAUDISfc f , AliBAXY, OREGON. , , .;,. ,( - B -4 rpriAXKFCL Oa'TlIE LIIEKAL pat JL' ronage shown as during tho pasf few years; would refpectfolly call the tendon of onr numerous patrons to our preseLtdeiirallaand well selected stack of r 'v , . Ready-tlade Clothitiff, " ; . - . . . . . Boots and Shoes, , Hats' and Caps, - " i 7 .r '- Salem Cloths & Flannels, ' " U t'- -T T t .... f - . . , Embroidery," , Hoop Skirts, : X .a .j ! u hosiery, &o -ALS3 .7 Ladies'; 1 MlMfs,f and Clilldrn Shoes. j ttfo, :. . t ... v 'l Ia COBnec!J 'th - aheve we leeo constantly i r. -y uuu; ; ,.. ... . . , . .f -hB.haqd a choice sclectii n of , I Groceries, Ilufdnnre, Qseeasw&re, Glass ware : .L ... .C'utlcrj, ,Vf , j. Paint i aad Oils, Window Glass, XrIIs, Ae , a4e.f te. W. W. PARRISH & CO. ' A Are prepared to ecll anything ia "their line at the sLOTTJCST "CASH Or will receive' " MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE "V I 'exchange" for Goods. rr-rerfons wisbinjr to.buv Gtods will fnd it rreatlt to their adrantaee.to. exaialiia sur'noj i before pureliasihe eUewhere'.-S1 "" Albany. January 27ih. 4 SOhDHllS, .ATTEXTIOI A D DITI ONAIV BOUNTY! ALBERT ES SIXCTJEir, a v Porlland, Oregon. HAVING- RECEIVED, .THE,, NECESSARY iaf tractions aed Terms frn lh& Department at Washington, and also having a responsible and reliable assistant at Washington City through whom he transac ts business, aad prosecutes claims asaiiist tho UovtrnuieriL. he eaa. a iLhaaki ilis- pateh isoecesfony-apply-'for and ice4-e- reiimis from the Applications of soldiers fur bounty. REMEMBER that to each and every soldier who enlisted into the army of the United States after the 19th day of April, for a period of not jesj than three years, and having served his time of enlist ment, has been honorably discharged, and has re ceived or is entitled t receive frt-ra the United States, nnderexiting laws, a bountv of S100. and n more, is entitled to lfteeiv.e an additronai bohn ty of $100 ; and he who enlisted into the army of the United -States afte thee 19th, day of April, 1S61, for a period of not less than two years, and having served his time of enlistment." has. been tonorably discharged, and who has received or is eBtitled to receive from the I nited States nnder existing' laws; a 1oucty of and no more; is entitled to receive an additioniil fcointy 6f $50' Those who receiveil wounds and wore di.-chsased before4h expiratkm' Of-srvie, jciooi children. parents of deceased soldiers are also entitleii nnder " this act ' Officers who were in the service afUr tha I9th dayof April, 2S6s are eoSttodte three months extra pay. !,i., .. . v., Jill Persons having demands on th Cfovern- mentfPT PENSIONS, -.PRIZEJUONEY, BOUS- jLjjic, i ji Liiii raj ior i oncners. oenp, iiecx Pay, Lost Horse and Speculation Claims, by ap- id ' ALBERT . U. ,. 8NYDER; - Cla,m Abjht. can have their anniirations nnvnerlv nl.li. out and forwarded for immediate aetion by tho proper Department. , Information given by mail gratui&usljy 1 1 ; ' . ' I ' Se2!- 2i FURNITURE AKD CABINET WARE. 0-;rffi-AJLVX;!:c5cr CO. Corner fTirtl-and XJroad Mbin Streets, (First Door East of J. JTorcross' Brick j : Albany,; jLlnn County, Orejen, ' lveep. constantly on hand ' " Of TerrliDjp in tteif lino of lasicess, - - . . . - .-' - ... '' f . i . . - j' n At lowc?: Figurei tiaa .eay oilier iCaiiss . ;iThl9side of Pdrtland. V15 CIIA1LI.EXGE COMrJETlTIOX . In thellne of Kr5.sj-' UPHOLSTERY, PARLOR SETS. 3 Chamber 5c rictur' Fraaes BUREAUS, SAFEST TTARDROBSS.ETC.Eia. .1. Hb. f, N- '-t i TTe have also on haad the celebrated fECONOBXT . WASHING: IZLCWnE WhJ,ch has no equal in the world". Get ' ?' ' t H:'ii"satssryiJourseJC. i i one and Particular attention paid to all eruers in our line. Or i 3 " "' "''fs r a "1 UNDERTAKING; PROMPTLY: ATTENDED. TO. 1 v v - - auis-iy-4 :i ivastj:: lOb.OOOPQUNDSOFtOOL' For which we will pay the 'ixiGixEST Garret price. i0U-3tm oin vrf.rAU a co. Alhany, January 2rth1866. S ;.; 7 f '; .HI - 1 i "5on-LeTi Vanslyke. I XorilKMr. s-isls, at 25) 50 eks, and $1 00. eeo v. v f . i ! 1 ... fi' u 1 1