SMIMHTSJEMOCR. - ral Tender NeWe. -Jriolseo quotwioni ....79 ($80. cockty iJElIociiATIC TICKET. Senators, . CRAWFORD, WM. CYRUS, RpreaentatlTM, a..liiLM J J. R. SOUTH, '.WILLIAM C. BAIRD. 5 Connty Judge), B. MORRIS. ShcrlfT, HARVEY SMITH. Clerk, A. W. STANNARD. Treasurer, JosEru nixon. Assessor, GEORGE HUSTON. - Cmtsl0ers, JACL CLOVER, JASON WHEELER. apertatndeat Schools, C. A. FERGUSON. Borvejor, v : H. J. C. AVERILL, ' Coronfr, ., . DR. LISTER. -.- ; VVSSJa. EPEASiriQ. - .Yhe Lis sonnty eta didates will address their fellow eUiseas at the following times and places, at U o'clock, a. ., te-wtt i Pe.-vria, Wednesday. MT d. Harrutiarf , Thursday. May Utk. Brash Creek, Friday, May 25th. - BreRriiS, Saturday, May 28th. " Nye's School Houe. Tuesday, May 29th. ; S5, W4ae4y. MaT 50th. Ray's Shop, Thorday, May 31st. Lmo, Friday. Jane 1st. Albany, Saturday , Jane 2d. BURR MORRIS, aad N. H. CRANOR, Esq., will address their fcllow-eitiseos on the political LUen, May 16th. Nye's School House. May ITta. -Ray's Shop. May 18th. Scio, Kay Uth. Spaiinj to eoremssce at I o'clock, r. v. 1 , DEMOCRATS, RALLY Desaoez&tlv Darneene at Brawn ville. The Democracy of Linn county will haye barbecue at Brownsyiile, on Tucs aj, Utj 29th. Hon. J. S. Smith and ether speakers from abroad will address the meeting. Democrats llally to the call. . Extensive preparations, will be raade for a grand, patriotic, and enthusi astic demonstration. Let there be such an eutpoaring of the Democracy as was never before witnessed in old Linn. Hon. Lassinq iSrocT and Jppgk - Yait, of Portland, will address the Dt MoeracT of Linn at the Court House in Albany, Saturday next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. They will address the cititens of Lebanon a Monday, May 2Sth. Turn out, and hear these-able speakers and champions cf the true faith. ' . Turn Our and Hear Them. lions. Jas. D. Fay and Lafayette Lane, will address the citizens of Albany and vicin iy on th. political issues of the day, at the Court ITonse in Albany on Monday isexl (May 21st.") at 1 o'clock, P, M. Let ter? 1 foil attendance. PRrmr Hard on Mr. Geart. A friend assures il that he linril a Radi.' cslwhose brother is on the Linn county Had! cl ticket, say to another, a few days t go, ,ia answer to the question " How . . . rw - . : -e esse incy to put, roweu on lor senator m toad of Geary, and the latter on for Jffidg ?" that they (the Badicals) were Lktsure, that he woa!d y - the track on p2satcy; that he was too fresh' in their yarty to trnsfc, aad too slippery la manage . aal t!.a$ as J oe, if elected, he could do SO f JP Wouldn't d any good, PcsrsU is o-wuii by Wfttin Looal ranag- m, ss i he dss-a got 4is)h!y thsnj, ia the LeisUtwo or cat of it. Bat neither will Pcwell be StaU -&tor, boy the Rer. Mr. iisarr the County Judge. The' Dcmoc- try cf Linsj triil 11 all the county ofSces Wiift good jvemocrats. , EEFEREXCES.---When McPherson was c&Tit harboring the three burglarious thieTes who robbed "the Jews in Marion , eousfy some years' ago; and who broke la!L i a was examined bfor 9nn ra ITatm. . tea, vho st'U Jires ia this county, and as ly him committed to answer. - By lis pscaltty cf McCabc, the prosecuting .ttoreey, (tt is beliered McPherson or ; his Z'o hribed hias) the grand jury let the rogue . Had McCabe faithfally performed his duty, the Kadical candidate '-for Ciate Printer would liare served an pfrcnticeship ia the Oregon Peniten tiary. There Is a chance for him jet, howetcr..-. -f--.- - :. J. 17. Johxson, Democratic candidate --for Prosecuting Atorney, and his oppo ect, Mr. Salllvan, addressed a tolerable ;It :-3ecb!se at the Court House, in AlUy, last Monday evening. Sulliyan 0ssi2ed the rst hoar ia laudation of GUIs, sad the remainder of his time in the mse cf such expletives as , Copper- : be IsiS, ti -eeessiosssts, traitors," etc. r. Johnson, ia true and niafcterly xs;r. aer, showed up the object surd de- gi-rs of the Radical party now in power, iz l tnaJe the Abolitionists wince under his tszne thrusts. . ;': A Ehaspix. A respectable gentle xziic? this city, and one of the oldest rci' isstsof tha eounty, assures us; that frl;i hs frrt saw McPherson, several V- -3 s), he was a riyase short card :r, til V.'.ii is Hvs by that kiai of t j;.7it:;a. Zlt Joes bck LU a thisble t: ttUt's a fact. i Proceed In an of the Marlon County Democrat lc tonvcullon. The PnnxrnUc County Convention of Ma rion county met in Salem, Thursday, May 10th, 18G8, pursuant to adjournment, nnil was called to order at 11 o'clock, a. m., by N. T. Caton, chairman. The following resolutions were introduced and adopted x Reaofoed, That we hereby ratify and en dorse the platform of principle! adopted lv the Ucmoerntic State Convention, at l'ortlaiui, in April last, and pledge the candidates selected by that Conveution our earnest support. Retolttd, That the principles' of President Johnson's restoration policy are fundament al. o man can approve of that policy and that of Congress at the same time, ami the attempt of the 8-ealhid "Union" party in Oregon to betray the State into an endorse ment of the Radical)!,, should la severely con. demned. Jtesolctd That in the present Btruggle be tween the President and Congress, our sym pathies are with the former, and our votes shall be given in June for the vindication and success of his administration. Resolved, That the course of Oeorje II. Williams, .In the Senate of the United States. in allying himself with the Kadicnl party of rl.:h C ".t 1 f. V? are recognised . leaders aiding and,atctting that party in its war opon the President deserves the censure of every real Union man in Oregon; and that Senator Williams, when he declared himself " ready, in a little time to go with Seuator Sumner in rivinc the ballot to the negro," grossly betrayed his constituents in Marion county. . Ktsobrcd, That the course of Senator Nes mith in sustaining the National Executive ; the principles enunciated in his late speech, and his course in the Senate in this crisis, meet our hearty approval. Rctolifil, That it is charged, and we be lieve that the so-called " Uniun " party in Marion county, was sold in January last, to one J. 11. Mitchell, of Portland, and that the Representatives of that rartv, if elected, are to use their influence to procure the election of the said Mitchell to the United States Senate, thereby representing, not the wishes of the people of this county, nor the interests ot the people ot the state, but merely complying with the terms of a cor rupt bargain. The following resolution was then intro duced and adopted': JCesoecd, That this Convention proceed to the selection ot candidates at 1 o clock p. in the following order : Two Stato.Senat a Representatives; I County Judt i County Clerk ; 1 Sheriff : 2 County Commis sioners : I younty Treasurer ; 1 Assessor ; 1 bcnool buperjntentjent j I County surveyor ; l Coroner. . , ArTtnxoox stssiox. The Convention proceeded to the selection of the several candidates in the order proti ded lor m the morning session, resuitmg in the following nominations : Stale Senators John F. Miller, Q. M. Whigney. Representatives M. L. Savage, C. B. Bellinger, Geo. M. Stroud, John T. Smith, F. E. Eldridge. Clerk Dan. II. Murphy. Sheriff Win. J. Ilerrcn. Coniiuissionors-Charles Swegle, Lewis Griffith. Treasurer-Preston Hamilton. Assessor-e(Ict. S, Downing. School Superintendent P. F. Brown, Surveyor- Wm, P. Pugh, Coroner J. K. Clark. On motion it was ordered that the proceed ings of this Convention he furnished the Re view, Herald and State Rights Democrat for publication. Tho Convention selected John F. Miller, J. J. Brown, Jacob Conner, G. W. IK lan and J. D. McCurdy, as n Central Committee for the ensuing two years. The Conveution then adjourned sine die. N. H. Catox, Chairman. Dav. H. MvarMT, Secretary. THE TICKET. f or Connty 9tllincr, j. c. row ELL. Qualificatioks. My mother was a Green, Mountain boy, and the prettiest woman in the country, and all who knew her and ever saw me, said I looked more like her than any other child she ever had." fTrue extract from a speech de livered by Judge Powell in Scio, May, 1864. . ., ; Cacght a Tartar. Tho Radicals agreed to pay the bummer Col. Ilatck ins $500 for canvassing the State before they heard him. After his Salem speech, when the Hon- S. S. Smith used him completely up, they offered him $300 to quit tha canvass. He declined, and it is said asks 81,000.,' The shrewd men of the party advise that he be paid that sum quick,. It is not -true that Democrats have paid him to go with Jibbs. f JrrsT tub Thing:-Some admiring friends of; Gen - Elisha L Applcgate's propose to erect a building on the plan of a rope walk for him to utter his intermin ably long harangues in. It will he rig ged with "bunks" for sleepers, so that Elisha can finish his speech before the same audience,, and not have to do as at present start it in one town and conclude it in another. A Caution. A correspondent at Cor vallis, in writing about Judge Powell, hopes ho wont collapse in the canvass as he did in the justice s . court in Cor vallis once, when he started off on a big speech and stuck at the second sentence." Ho complained then of his hgad," There was nothing in it. He has the same complaint still. Powell is" heavy so is mud. - - , Sharp, if True. Mitchell and Gibbs are the prominent candidates for U. S Senator in the Radical ranks. It is ru mored that Mitchell's friends have paid Hawkins to go around with Gibbs to hi! him off. A surer card could not have been played, Bpt it will avail Mitchel nothing. Ttyj pert Legislature will be Democratic, and -will choosa a Democratic U. S. Senator, ' - Answered.-! A coteniporary, speaking of witnessing a woman attired in men's clothes, and ascertaining that she was one of the strong-minded ladies reform sort, said he "wondered,- as time rolled on and coming events cast their shadows before, how Bhe would look -; in each clothes,"- A friend suggests that a look at Gov, Gibbs woali solve the wondering editor's qncry. ' ' - ,., V. I 1 . I. .-JlPi1. A VorI from n TeniieMMcenti. IlAnmsBVRo, Oregon, May 8, lSGfl. 5r. Editor: I have learned that one Col. Hawkins, of East Tennessee, in an Ab olition harangue to tho people of Albany s short time ago, represented the people of that seotion, as being warm supporters oi the negro snffrnge policy of Conjrres. 4c. Now, it happens that I r.m Rn Enst Tennes- secan myself, and I therefore feel it my duty to correct the statements of the imported Colonel. The following is an extract from a letter received hy myself from an East Ten- nesseau, (who, by the way, is in favor of thp Union, but not of the Ikiwkins and Brown- low clan,) which I belief to bo a true state ment of the renl position which those people are taking. It roads as follows t " it il said th present was is oypr. but I caunot see that the public mind is any more at ease than it was in time of rebellion. True, the countjv Is not impovfuushed as it was befora the reel tsnops were withdrawn, but Congress is using all mean to make us of the Southern States equal if not iuferior to the negro, which tho people ot fcast ten- ncssco seeiu uetermiued to resist at an harards." This reads different to the statement of this imported hireling, who is attempting to humbug the people ot Uregon. lue letter farther says : " A small portion of the people, backed by Northern Abolitionists sojourning in Knoxville, would fuin allow them t vote, and all other privileges heretofore nceardod white men, but I am happy to say they are not numerous. Does Col- Hawkins, Brownlow & C., call themselves the people? Those people have been humbugged by such men lona; enough. They are beginning to rcaliie what those political demagogues and wire-workers as- surod them would not result. We could not expect more of' Mr. II. than for him to m is represent tho people, as misrepresentation is one among the foul principles belonging to his party, iessessee. DocniRRy ox Hawkins. In a recent let tcr to the Mariposa (Cal.) Free Pross, Dog berry thus dilates upon Col. (?) Hawkins He is a man of thin and commanding np pearance, nine feet long in body, and two of beard. He savs Jeff. Davistonce offered ten thousand dollars for his head. Some body has remarked that Jeff, was seised with a fit of scientifiij investigation, and wanted that head to pixve that there was a connect ing link between mat) and the animal crea tion. 1 . PTJBUC SPEABKJQt, By agreement, the Polk county candidate, of btth pnttics, will address tie people (beginning at ten o'clock A. .,) at tbe following pl.-ie: : DriJgtport May 23 R. W. Simpson's Pleasant Hill Jackson -May 29 j Luekcamito..Ma.T 2 Ira T wn?enil a Salt.Lake.May .10 Pthct May 31 Kola June 1 DaUa Jane 2 Bnena Vista.. ....May 25 Monmouth. .......May 26 Stone sSthod H. Douglas May 2S DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKETS. Coes County. Joint Reprciontntlfe--WM. H. HARRIS. County JadgegAM'Ii S. M.VSJf. Shrrir-A. J. MOODY. County C erkG. AT. SLEEPER. , Treasurer P. FLAXAoXx. . Atwssor 0 4BRIEL BROWX. Crunty Cotnaiissiincrs J. M. DAVIS, K 11. LOWE. School Snper:n!ende:t Da. II. IIEAMAX. Surveyor JAM K3 AIKE.V. Cdr-.ner JONATHAN II0DSOX. Peuglas County. RepretanUtives HARDY EI.IFF, PEN". RCTHERLIK, F. OWENS, County Jjdgc SOL: FITIICGU. County OoaiwissKnerj SAM'L MOORE, J. LONG. Sheriff JAS. HUTCHINSON. County Cl-rkL. B. FETTER. County Treasurer S. HAMILTON. School Superintendent D. C. DeWITT. County Assessor JOHN REDFIELD. Surveyor E. W ATKINS. Coroner JAS. G. CLARK. Folk County. Representatives J. DEMPSEY, ISAAC STAATS, . WILLIAM HALL. " - County Judfre C. P. COOK. ' County Clerk JAMES THOMPSON. Sheriff JOSEPH LIGGETT. County Treasurer N. 11. LEWIS. , Assessor G. T. WALLER. Sup't Common Schools T1IOS. BUTLER. County Surveyor FAML EL I5URCH. Coroner T. B. LOVELADT. ?Y - iucnma oounTy, ReprcsentativesJOHN MTERS, C. F. BATIE. J. S. M. VAN CLEAVE . Com missjopers PHILLIP FOSTER. HOWARD OGLK. ' T' Judge HENRY SAFFARAKS. Treasurer JOHN FLEMING. Clerk T.J. McCARVER. Sheriff A. F. HEDGES. Superintended Schools Z. C. NORTON. Assessor K. N. WORSUAM. , . Coroner DR. ROSS. , Surveyor A. J. BURNETT. Dcntoa County. Sfeoator A. J. THAYER. Representatives It. S. STRAHAN. M. II. WALKER. County Judge JOHN BURNETT. Sheriff SIDI BERNARD. Clerk H. M. BELI. . Treasurer W. 11. JOHNSON. . Assosjo? DURHAM. Commissioners J. MODI, .. ; U ' -rJ. HARRIS. . Coroner DR; RIGHT. ; E. CHTJRCIJ SOUTH. Albany circuit, at Albany, 4th Saturday and baiibatn in May. Corvallis t Butta School Honse. 1st Saturday and Sabbath in June. Brownsville, at Willamette Forks School House, 2d (Saturday and babbatb. in Juno. Eugene City, at Eugene, 3d Saturday and Bab esia in vane. , : Independence, 4th Saturday and Sabbath in June. Oregon City, at Young's Praire, 5th Saturday m June aua c-auoata in July. . - Lafayette 2d Saturday and Satbath in July. A. C SEARS, P. E. SAL.E OF. SCHOOL LANDS RECALLED. DOUBTS EXISTIXG AS TO THE present state of the law' with reference to tue power of the Connty Superintendent to sell School Lands, tho sale advertised for May 23d will not take place S. G. IRVINE, Albany. May 15th. Co. School Sup't. NOTICE TO FARMERS. PLOWS ! PLOWS) T If ATE COA'STAXTLY OUT SALE I the PEORIA PLOWS and BOSTON CLIP r'iiR, PLOWS, and sell them at reasonable prices X also intend so keep the Cast bioel Plow of Col lins make when it can be tad. Give me a call and tet for yoursclre. Albany, Feb. 17, : - R. CHEADLE. FOIl MALES & FEMALES rniiE sixoi si:ssio cr Tins X College will begin on the loth day of April, I8ii8. and enntirtue three month. f The Trustee of tho above named inititntMh. at heir Into mcetin?, authoritod 'he president of the College to announce tho following FACULTY I Ite. W. A. Fivi.KV. A. II.. Preiident. IX. N. Ahmstbono. Profi-Mnr of Mathematics, M1m Hattik Woods, Teacher of Primary Pep't. Mis Pniwn.iA Asbott, Teacher of Vocal and In strumental Miulo. Tho Profc-siors linvine chareo of (he Institution. i,t.,.l.. i1,h, HmvivIw ,intliluf ll.n. ii,. ii,.t. ,,r ih. mmili rTit.M n.,ri., ,k.;..,,...i.!,,n i ah ,L I,., n.1,1,. f ina M,!nv ..ii T , i,, i I Colleges will receive nceial attention when desired. The Trutoe Intend to make the Corvallis Col- lege FIUST CLASS INSTITUTION of learning, worthy the atrtntie of all friends of educslion RATES OF TUITION Ffcll ULAKTER : PniMARr Bnisciirs .-80.00 PaKPAnAToar, ditto 7.50 At)TASCK!, ditto t 9.00 Mcsic (Piano)..,,....,.,,,,, 1S.OO Of those living out of the County, payment re quired invariably in advance. Those le the City and County, one hslf in dvnce, the balance at the close ol the Session. Pimila will tiA rliarfriit f.-(im Ihft time nf intjrin I to the end of the Quarter,no deductions being made except in eases of protracted illneis. I ItS For farther particulars address tbe Presl- Jcnt, Rr.v. W. A. Fisi.kv, Corvallis, Oregon. ALIIAIVY FIsRUY. AT THE SO LICIT ATI03F OF many citU'cs of Linn and Benton counties aV..! as to accommodate the traveling public at alii times that fcrrvlns is wanted to bo done. I "tlSfitttZS: iSSTn J the latest improvements for safety, and strongly secured by a good wirr noes. Albany, May llth.l'"0 w . CV V. ill. a. U, VO, A 1,11 a- Valley ap.J ir.r.Ti OF THE TIllS- and stockholders of the Willamette Ca.rado Mountain Wngon Road Com panv wilt be held at tbe Court House, in Albrny, m S.Trsn.r, the 19th In it. A full attendance of stockholders Is requested, as business of an in portant character will be transacted. By order of Trustees. THE LAST GOD THING! METROPOLITAN RESTAURANT! IN SCHLCSSEL'S OLD ST ORB, Corner of First and Waahhigtaa Sraeta, ALBANY, OREGON. J. W. WELTON, Proprietor, rriiiE; lxdeissigxeo, having JL pnrrhascd the entire interest held by Winn A r-miih In tbe New Restaurant ia tbe place for merly occupied by Ecblussvt A Co., in the eity ef Albauv, intends ti continue the business. He is resolved ta maintain it a a FIRST CLASS HOUSE In Kth tla BOARDING AND LODGING DEPARTSESTS. To do this he has secured the services of Smith, the Celebrated Cook, Aud his Rooms are furnished with SEW nEDS AD DEDDI.iG. Tbe utmost attention will be riven to the duty of providm? for the substantial comfort and al most possible accommodation of eTcry guest, and the very best the market affords will bo daily served in bmitb s iuimitable style. The following rates will be charged : BOARD AND LODGING, per week 5 SO BOARD, per week 4 fi SINGLE MEALS n , M,.....M 59 7-Weals U IIear. Remember tbe rj!aee -Northwest corner of First tte &laiu) and A a.i!iingtoo streets. J. yf, WELTON. Albany, April 14, 8C0. THOMAS HAMPTON J S. B. H'laiOS. HAMPTON V ncDRIDE. NEW FURNITURE STORE! (IN UPTON'S OLD STAND) -Opposite Schlnsael's Old Store, ALBANY, OREO ON. We hare jnst laid in an entirely new aad varied assortment of Pastern, and also vf oar cwa make, of r urniture, eoasistmg of Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Card Tables, Wash Stands, Sofas, Pulu, Excelsior Lounges, &o. We Manufacture, Repair, or Refit Furniture, Reds and Deddlnr, Of every description, and do all kinds of UPHOLSTERY WORK. We have also on band a lot of superb ROSEWOOD AND RICH GUT MOULDING For framing Pictures, Embroideries, As. jj- All work done at our Furniture Manufae - tory guaranteed to be of the best quality. WE SELL CHEAP. Call and examine our stock, and we will try to sell ron or mnka fur vou erartl what ,au want N.B., We bar. sl.o .a hand a l.rg. lot of - - SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS, -Which wo wlU dispose of at very low rates. HAMPTON A McBRIDbV A 1 ? 1 o . ' ' a i dad j, rpcruavrj U, lOOO, .. . ALB4N Y,OREGQN, J HAVE ALWAYS OJf nAwp, H or win xnanuiaoiure to oruer, every stylo or DOORS, SASH AND BUNDS, ai me suortesi noctce ana lowest possible ebarges Boards Matched and Planed. Work executed in a style not surpassed by any ' Shop In ths State. : The MH1 is in tbe lower part of tho town, en tho river bank, at tbe oornprs of ths joining .. 1 -: r .1. f , - . 1 i S.' Albany, September 20, 1865. , FARM S AIsE. THE FIXE FARM OF THE subscriber, in Hftrrisburg Precinct, Linn county, Uregon, is offered for sale. The farm consists of $20 acres of exoellcnt farm ing land, with an orchard of nearly 500 good bearing appje trees, and besides, five acres of tim bered land ip the bottom, Tbe property is well improved, with s gpod, large, commodious dwell ing, fine barn and other farm buildings, and an excellent t)uvBr failing i);apcn flowing through the place. It is situated Qn (ho middle o main road from AlbaaT to Eugoae City, . abont two miles from Harrisbur-g, - - : For terms, Ao., spply on tbe premises of MATHSW FOUNTAIN. Karrisbnrjj. May 2. 18(58. PA TOWS OFSALTjlFOR SALS JJ cucp, ry TLSlHrHNER , CO. THE SPRING CAMPAIGN! RAKE ATTRACTION ! NEW GOODS AND NEW STYLES I READY TO BE SEEN At tbe Tin Brick Store of BZOIilSr Sc B R O-, FIRST STREET, AU3ANT. We would iny to the generous ptiblla who have o liberally tiatronlted onr New Utors that, In oruer to receive a continued aoo lncrcaaca mare of t he tusiuofi of Albany, w have gone to great ,M" jn porchasing a Urge, very .elect, seaion b'8 nd fhlonablq aiiortmeat of -a.-jT4 OF THE LATEST STYLES AND PATTER58. Frenoh Barege, Jaconets, Chambre, ...ALI9... ' ttalal. Faulrd, French Merino, Drea Goods, jPopllllS, AlpaeaS, Linen, Mnsllna, r.nslUh Merlnoa, French Merino Sheeting:, Ilolmf r. Silk of nU fclnd. ALIO E"Sn iSD FRENCH FRUITS .j BOIES' silk and cloth CLOAKS I ladles' Silk and Cloth Basques ! v"-. u.cHvo FINEST PARASOLS. nnnPfl. BALMORAL9. ULOVES. BtBRnSR. HOSIERY, HAIR NETS A very attractive assortmeat of the latest styles of YOUNG LADIES' HATS! and LADIES' SPRING BONNETS! ...AtSO... CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Of tbe latest styles, fabrics and fashions. Childrens' and Youths' Clothing Of all kinds and patterns. Wo also' bare, from the best makers, a lot of LADIES' GAITERS, TIES, AND SHOES, !j CHILDRENS' SnOES, MEN'S FINE CALF, AND STOUT ROOTS, SUPPERS AND PUMPS. ' ...ALSO... CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE. ' We will exebsaes Goods for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. And will give the highest market price. . KOHN A BROTHER. Albany, March SI, 1S66. a. C. BILL, 1 josera davis. r. sarrLimsa SETTLEMJER & CO., From and after the isth day of March JOSEPH DAVIS is admitted into eut firm. Mr Davis, having run based the rirbt, title and in terestof Dr. W. F. ALEXANDER ta the firm, takes his place and assumes all his debts, dues and liabilities la tho business, ALBANY, OREGON, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIp DRUGS Al MEPICIES, . V - : : AND ; ...ALSO... Paints, OUi, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Kerosene Oil, TOILET ARTICLES! Surgeons, Fine Toilet and other sponges, Ualr, Wall, Tooth, and Paint urusnes, or aii varieties, Combs, tf:.i Jte. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, Of all brands. Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, &o. Arnts for all Popular and Valaablo PATENT MEDICINES I PITS1CILW PRESCIIPTIOSS Carefully compounded, and orders attended to with care and dispatch. . I iPaysicla&B la tho Interior and Farmers Will find our stock of Medicines complete, 1 ranted genuine, and of the best quHfJ, Our store is in the Fire Proof Brick on First street, near opposite J. Fleiscljner A Co.'s (tore. Albany, February 24, 1868. l w- - r.-, . -.-v-m Tt-iTTTn lMf UJXTAJN T JN Y b INTENSE EXCITEMENT ALL ABOUT! NEW CARDING MACHINE! rriHAT SEW 1VOOL CARDIXG 1 Maobino which can CARD AND SPIN WITHOUT HELP, Ia on Oak Creek j one and a hall Allies west or vorwaiiis. It will card tho finest or the coarsest Wool ia the State Into Rolls or Batting, Bring along Year Wool aad See it Seae We hava the beat Carder in the State the same I one that we had last year, DIRECTIONS FOR WASHING s In washing your Fine Wool use chamber lye or sal soda, plenty of hot water aad soap. Wo will not card Unwashed Wool. PRICES FOR CARDING : : 10 Cents with, or IS Cts. without Grease. HORNING A GROVES Oak Creek, Benton eonnty, March 30, 186S. " . WANTED i: 100,000 POUNDS OF Vjf For wbion wo will pay tne HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. - W. W. PARRISH A CO Albany, January 27tr.. 1868.. STIIVI ON THE CORNER! R. CHEADLE'S CASH STORE Is the place to save money ; whore you e&n bay roods at Small Profits. Be rare and call, endsot ffff yovrtlvM. St CHEADLX, josr.i u on i-Mtrixri: Portland. Albany. WTE3B.TKJ3ST Sc CO- at THE NEW YOUK STORE IN Foster's Two Story Brick, CITY OF ALBANY, OGN. ATTRACTION FOR ALL ! WERTUAIV & CO., At J, LEVY & BRO.'S old Stand, HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of the Latest Styles of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS' CLOTUIXG, U FINISHING GOODS, BONNETS AND FLATS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ...ALSO... A Large Stotk of Groceries, Tpbaeep, Hardwara, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, ...ALSO... FAINTS AND OILS, GLASS AND PUTT All ef which they offer to sell CHEAP FOB CASH OB PRODUCE AT TIB HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. REMEMBER WERTHAN & CO., At the New York Store, ia Foster's two story brick, First street. WERTHAN A CO, Albany, March 24, 1S6S. A WARNING TO THE DEMOCRACY, 4 THUNDERING 71 tlinc hi. NQIS$ CAME RAT- 51e and women were beard to cry ; There was bo eclipse of the sun, Or nothing else to frighten one. The facts are these, if yon must know What u was that disturbed them so, -A Sew Grocery Store bss come o town. Where tb best af Groceries can be fognd. Country folks and fanners yon Bring on Eggs. Bacon, and Bntter too. And yea shall hare yonr Groceries lower Thaa ye can get at any other store. At the iga a. s. oanTLmarrt, front of the store, Where are the best Groceries yon ever saw before. Tobaeeo, Cigars, Half Bushels, and all kinds of spices. Nuts, Candies, Wash Tubs, Oysters and Rices, Canned Fruits, Indigo, Wood and Willow Ware Sugar of every grade and quality kept any vhere, Cordage, Brooms, Mackeral ana fcugsr, bna Pipes, Washboards. Raisins, and soaps of every brand. Do not Forget the Plaee, In the Building- formerly occupied by J. Noreross, rN THE CITY OF ALBANY, OREGON A. S. Albany, April J, JSCS. K IGHTLING EE. BLACKSMITHING! A NEW SHOP Jk f m mm mi,, s H A NttY BUILUINUI V FRANK. S. WOOD HAS OPENED A BLACKSMITn SHOP la the New S3 oil din? oa Bread Alhin st., (Middle of the Block east of Norcross' store) ALBANY, OREGON; Where he will execute orders for work ia his line of every description, such as Making and Pointing Plows, Horseshoeing, TirePS Wheels, Wagon Iron. Work. particular attention will be given to FARMERS' ORDERS. All work will bo done in the best manner, aad at VERY LOW PRICES. I respectfully solicit a fair share of the patroa- age of this community. I . s. v uux Albany, fliaron 31, 160. Ul Ul o X o 2 . CO cc Ul r t O o. S o M xa o 3 O U a- o Cm O M a M O O NOW IS TRE TIME S P A RQ A I N S TO B E H A D ! COME ONE AND ALL! FAR AND HEAR! :' TQ THE LOW PRICE RETAIL STORE OF B. CHEADI.I5, And see for yourselves if yon can't got anything kept in a ., ?. ." Dry Goods or Grocery Store, Atyery Low Prices for Cash or Trade. CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE AT ALL TIMES ' Remember to come to tbe Store of Albany, Fob. 17, 1866. R. CHEADLB. X. O. O. lE ALBANY LODGE, NO. 4. The HegTilar race tinges of Albany Lodge, No, 4, 1. O. a F., are held at tho Hall ia Albany, every WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Brethren ia good steading belonging to other iioan axe tnviieqi o aucna. I W. W. PARRISH, N, 0. E. MssarLL, Secretary. Aispy. Nor. 25, lWi nAvin wEitTn.ts, GREAT EXCITEMENT ! AT J.FLEISCHNEIl&COJS! First Street, corner ef Washington, CITY OF ALBANY, OGN. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY call tbe attention of the Pcblie to tbe fact that we hove determined to sell oat cur entire large and well selected st ,ck of Dry Goods, Clothing, ( Boots and Shoe, Hats and Caps, ALSO, Crocliery TTare, Class Tfarc, IXardTTara. ALSO, A largo, frwh and ebelss assert319) f GROCERIES, And aaany other srt:ols too nnsterons te scoatloa. all cf which we will sell at SACRIFICING RATES, . Oa acoount tbat wg are closing oar business, asi are determined to do so by the 4th of July. 3. FLEISCHXER A CO. N. B. All persons indebted to us will rlesM come forward and settle at their earliest eoa- venienee. J. FLEISCHNER A CO. Albany, April 14, 1868. C. XElLxr. 1 W. r-LTBfTOJf. 1 B. X. A58BIWS O. MEALY Sc CO. Steam Cabinet Manufactory. Corse? ef First and Broad Alhin Stresta, (Corner East of J. Norcross Store) CITY OF ALBANY. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY annonnce to the citizens of Albany and the public generally tbat we Are Still at the Old Stand, And we have on band a large stock of FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, Of Erery Yarietj. We are also prepared to do all kinds cf CABIITET "WOEE or the most approved Styles And Latest Patterns. A FULL SUPPLY OF EVERYTHING THE MARKET DEMANDS '.Always oa band, at tho very Lowest figureoi ? "T : We have ia connection with oar Establishment A LARGE WAREROOM, (op stairs in Foster's Brick on First stret t) TO WHICH WE INVITE THE PUBLIC, And where a full inspection of FURNITTTRES IN COHZFLZTTB SSTS Can be had by persons wishing to purest is. C. MEALY A CO. Albany, March 17, 1855. AEB AI Y FOUTOK Y AND : &? sviACHirys shop ! A. F. CHERRY, AYIXO PURCHASED THE tire interest in the ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Fnrnlah WROUGHT AND CAST miWWl Of every deseription, on short notice. Alio, BRASS CASTINGS. AH Orders for mills WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and ia a satisfattery manner. no use powers ' A!T Agricultural Implements Hanufactn-Mi to order, and partiealar aiseisVsa pid to Repairs. ARkiasSof TTEXIII weme done to order pn short aesiee " A. F. CHERRY, Albany, September 16, 1S65. y : GARDENING !f7- ANDREW GILGRIEST, Florist, Botanjst, Gardener, Orders left at the Eagle Hotel, Albany, wa be " punctually attended to. . - 5-WUl attend to orders ia tbe conn try, will garden on shares. Albany, AprU 14. 1866. '-'. WOOL! WOOL! i pa nnn PocxDs of ttool 1 5UelUU wanted, for which we will pay tho highest market PJbro. . Albany, 24, 18C6. FURS WANTED. AT THE IfEW STORE OF I STERNBACH. t , ; 10,000 Ponnda Fnra, f . For which I wiU pay tho jfjJJc'x Albany. January 6, 1886. . - NOTICE. TIIERB WILL BE A HEETIXG of the Stockholders of tho WILLAMETTE VALLEY AND CASCADE M0.UXTAIN ROAD held at their Ofiice in Lebanon, on Fbibat, May 4th, at I o'clock, r. wv A full attendance ii re quested, as important business will bebroagb before tho mooting. By order of the Bo of Directors. WM. S. ELKLS S. Lebanon, April 16, 1868. w NOTICE. . . HAYIXC SOLD OUT OCR Ii" tire stock of merchandise to D. Werthiui A Co., we would request all persons knowing tlient selves indebted to us to, eoae and settle np forth with, as one of ns intends to leave tor juirope grortly. J.LEVY BRj. Aibaoy, aiarco i, ioou. N. B. Call at once at the old stand. - isinipER! isiinrusR : rplIE STJBSCRIREB, UAVUIs A Steam Cironlar Saw Mill, i Now is satxessful operation, and also ore ef Wood worth's PjANtXQ AND mtm& rjlC3E3f fn the mountain timber of Brush Creek, e even miles east of Browneyillo, would inform thu eiti sens of Linn connty tbat be will be able to fill orders for lumber of all dimensions, either y'aaed or rough, on short nottae, at very low rates fog oaeb only. W. J. UKVLUJt. . A?riiii,rm