DEMOCRAT. lOcnATio SST r- J e An Una f th Lebanon Peimv keld the regular plae of traUo Club iuw SSeettfif, ob BATtaDAY, APRIL 14th. Oltnau R. Est., Itj will, by lnYltiian,;addres tUa Club, ft fall altgndane U espeetod. UKII COUNTT CONTENTION Th LIro eouuty Democratic Convention met at th Court Hons In Albany, on Thursday, Man-h ISd, M 1 o'clock, p. m. B. D. Haley eUea to th Chair, nd A. W. SUnuari and J. J. Crook ehoten Secretaries. On motion, Amerieus Savage, R. B. Willouh Jiy, J. il. SieConnell, J. T. SUteaud James Wood, r appointed CommltUe on Credential. , ArUir hort time the Committee reported the yerson enimea a seats m " vv,vu- .WtMs. Pwls Precinct James Waoif 8. D Halyf J. Albs y-r. JH, MeConnell, C. P. Burkhart, Lewis C1U L 8. Helm, J. Savage. OrtuJ. T. Slat. Jo. Hamilton. llarrUbarg R, B. Willeughby, C. Hushes, M. Fountain, - Sweet Home Win. Clark. 3. W. Mek. gaud Ridge A. Savage, U. T. Crawford, J. W. Freak. Franklin Butt Ww. Cyrus, J. Crabtr, R. Waterloo .0. Itardwlck, H. Lackey. - Lebanon Harvey Smith, S. K. Miller, E. Barn, , 1 ErowBiTllle H. L, Brown, J. Btakeley, II. Einwiddie, A. W. Staunard. Rare J. Wheeler, K, t?nUh. D. F. CraUre. eyracttto n. Farlow, W. II. Johnson, T. All- fhia. McDonald T. J, Thorpe, Ja. Williams, T " IT tinker. , Ike report of the Committee wai received and ad-ntd. , - , Ihe ConreBtion thea proeeedei to the eleetion f thirteea Dlegtes to the Put Convention, and ( tb Tuliowicg pertona were dm'lnred unanimously jeleeted, ?u t 1. lUler, K. H. Cranor, L. W, .Tfeelpa, K. B, Moore. J. W'. Mmk A. faage. W. Tyres, Bart Carl. Uamy Smith. R. U. Crawford. JUUnd South, Jamea WiWuia, J. M. MeCnnvll. ( J. it. McCoonoll offered the following reeolution, vbich wa nnaniifeouslv adopted. Tie i , . iitolittit That it U the auanimona one of this Convention that the DeWratea from Linn countv To "the gute Convenlioa recommend to thnt body the nahte of Jamet O'Meara as the ehok-e of the lv-jaot-rafy of this eounty ai the candidate for the v ef Slate Triuter. , n eaotion It was rsolVed that the County Cam- 'Um be requested, to timely in a call for a V fliity Contehtiott for the nomination of eounty V -r.v.s. V A notion It V'Molved thai the rtemiwfstifl I l-'rt tof Oreiron be requested to publish the ro- t m inn umvpmwn, ie vdnrentbAi then adjournal h'm dt't. . S. . HALEV, Chairman. A. . Tf XSTaBD, J. J. '4kti, Secretaries. .da Cottutx OtnvHtlon. A aind'.friend fa Salom tent to na by yeoter- iy's mail a sketch ef the rVroceedrng of the Dew iratie Ccnnty Coarention held therw on Tlr- tay. , Good feeling prevailed and everything pa vt barnonuiusly. The vonveatton did not hesitirely instruct for any particular candidate, int Ue exf rvsiioa wa nnanimonaly in favor of J. Smith, k,n. fat Congree. The list of Ptle- S-stes to the Stat Convention is a follows s , Voser, JJ. S. Pojrninjr. J. Kavs K. Cotley, Wer. 31. Watkmds, J, k Miller. Wnu Waldo, C. B, Iknicrer, M. Alyers. Wm. Uerren. The Convea tioa aojonrnod to U y 10th, when thev will ueit ? to niai, u Boainations fur County o!Bers. Be&tea County Convention. " AC-irnd at CorTtllis sends us word that the Destoerttie Coonty Convention en Thursday pass d cl hanwo;ouily and smoothly, and wound up iih a ronsiag speech by A. J. Thayer, Esq. The fbilowisg aro the DckjaV ehoca to the Stat Conventioa : BnJ: lh'lbean, Wnu J. Robertson, w""; m-?rriiv:Uocrs., U-..K Jacob Miie. The tollowinf were ehosea the County Cotamlt te : Joha Bnrnett, M. U. Walker, Wa. Hcnder .oar Andrew Palmer, Vm. Liavilie, Xane Canty Convention 'AaalTaieh from Eugene City en Tnrsday ere--afeg informs us that the Democratic County Con wattoa was harmonious and folly attended. The i';wi!s are th delegate elected to the State Cwiranliow: J. Whiteaker, J. J. Walton, Jr I. IF. Britow, A. J. Doak, J. K. P. Withers, Jess 'C-A.v, A. W. Patterson. .II into, and .Prane (?) Tis Convention insrrocted th Delegates to rote for JLb Whitaakcr for Gevernat. Aeohtiox Cocstt Costkktios. The Linn cttciry Abolition Convention met last Saturday vaxws'.Bg, and nearly the whole day was consumed ta arranging ut amenities which beset their j rpregresa to the nsnal bsmnest of th Convention. 1 "Tier wa a good deal of trouble In selecting their iuiJegatica to th State Convention, but this was finally .-wcomplwhed, th Radicals having clearly Stained tb tnsjoriry of the Delegates. The resoj Jution were also bone of contention, but th wrnr;!;ng was appeased by alternating thorn to salt beta th Radicals and Conservatives. Thus. J o ic rolation stoutly endorsed Johnson th i y . st wraly snrtained Congress. ,It la, w think, a fee .!? charscteristio amalgamation platform i jo wak planks representing th? white portion ,t th party: as the !ronj planks "represent the 1 "ack jH.rUon. W need scaroely 4dthe fact that .e fw7 resolutions OGtnnmbered th weak ones ' i th L an platform, Hiram Smith was beaten Ut ne of the Delepitcs to l)ie Stat Convention, ; " i 1 e s.rpean to take bU defeat very ili-natured- ' I-i-tiiiin f.nd some reliqf jn the refi&ction that ii, is -l vanity this year, boyever, forny of his va.?ty to ma for offices in this county or in the i :.t. 21 and the Delegates "and candidate will - i a cemtaoa political gmv ia Jane. .The . rs U r-an is Hot among th Delegates. f -: r. r ' - PtrsoB abont making change of ; . . a i-i their household, or those wio propose l ' new seat of fnrnie or cabinet waro; se3 to bear in mind that at HamptoB k ; ' . j s or at Cha. Mealy 4 Co', in this city, ( ' ? f i ""t lb ibesjt bargains thi side of San . These two firms "do not permit the 3ur ra o r rs to &4erell them in Eastern made i irtielc s ef their own manufacture, ries in tho State can sneeessfully . a.hrr o thetn.;: Support home ia c cf hums dealers aud home man- Vz Tikx. We call th attention of reader in iz.. 1m i '.ob to the advertisement of Werthan & Co. ' .'Be. Thi firm has taken ihe store lately I ry J. Levy A Bro known a the Kew ", in Fester' two story brick on First . ... y hav laid in an entirely new stock of e aierehandiae pf every deeonpuon, which ;r at very low prices. Those bating wool :il find a ready and good market for it at an Co. s. LiSASOS DEHOCXaTic Ctrix The Democrats j Jjebnoa precinct organized a Club last Satur aa i were addressed by Hon. Lather Elkins. Tb iseeV.Eg wa the lr-rest held in that precinct : . j, -s- time, lleeolunon were passed, and on -ji ment it was a freed to meet again Saturday, j ' ii'.n. As invitation wa extended to Goo. i. . "n, eq-, to address the Clab on tJ&t day. p. - sa Goot$. Our merchants re generally - new and eaaaonable stocks of every des- i el B?rcbadie,' and this is a favorable j ' rf r---rs and others to make their purchas . i, '. V. Tarrij-h & Co's, at fiieruhaeh'g, at --a t Co-, at Kohn A Bro'a, at Fleisehner , t t-.vv-r's, and at Cbeadle's, bargains are LJ. Korcrc-M ha just returned jsss vL-lt to Portland, and the steamer 1 - . Lt a very large lot of goods and l. .:-e ior bis store. He ha now a rtck which is being opened ; . 1 1 oc k at his new stock. , STATE ; r .emcata in tH number it larre qas-atliles of wool axe ' by Kol'B t Pro., aad by un & cCer cash- a i.i in I'li.i.oun.u. Within the past few weeks a villainous Ug was given circulation in the Abolition org:n hero, the one at Eugene, and the Orej?ouian, to the effect that we had been boU"ht OVer to thn annnorf. tif " Jiihnsotl men and Johnson measures " that the nri n.5.1 , wna snnn in hn,l with . .. . .. . lor a rirotniHd nt )( mnrn in Ilia nrnilt th Democrats carried the State ; and that we ourselves to this infamous transaction. There have bceu, no far as wo are able yet to trace the thing, two versions with refereucato the place where th'tB bar gain and sale" were consummated, and also as to the party or parties to it on the othcr or "purchasing" side. In the Abolition organ hero it was asserted that the whole transaction took place in this city, and that Mr. ,. C. Ay of Cor- vallia wan the person who paid the money. Ly another version, as will be found be- ow, the money was aaid to come from Salem, but the parties to the transaction are not named. On the publication of this atrocious lie by the irresponsible and cowardly scoun tlrt'l VrlttMS ' nauix fiwnrt aa eilitnr at tbai . . l . i. ' r .-i I iroiu nny notice ei u uniu we were ena- bled to ferret out the origin or authorship r Ot the lie, and trace it to BOlue responsible .lfi: r.. tl i . . i vt vuuih! mmuD, vu xulhsuhvui last- week a lottnr reached its from n nritAil i ii. . . ., - . . iriCUd W CorvalliS, giving US tho first m- fotmation of the character Bought. On this we dispatched the following letter, . i . I nunuvijiuuis uiu. xo, 1. copr.J Ai.binv, March 15, ISrtS. Da. Lrit Sir t A statement reaches m from Corvallts tliat yon have asserted and declared you could prove that I was "bouiiht of." or waa to receive ft.UOO to support Atfdrew Johnson, artd that JiftO of the money was borrowed from a Union man, who saw the written agreement, and that th Detnoernt who paid or was to pay me that money "carried the money and agreement" to ma. Permit me to inquire, sir, if language like this, or of this purport in ny way whatever, was ever and are diligently at work under th wily politi uscd br vou : and if so. I demand to know uuoa Iral sorehead, C. S. Drew, wbo is the political brain what authority you made use of any such language, I aw, sir. Your eh't sv't, J as. O'MeahA. ni , i a . . auis iiuer ss uauupu to ur. tee in person, by Mr. Green B. Smith. & promt- ' ncnt CltlZCn Of JJenton C0untyt tn 1' riday. him as the true representative ot this corrupt oom-T,- o.t.l t,--,rf n..--lt;- binaUon of treasury speculators, known as the ,vg.v ttvvh vui on is j and Albanv CVerv day. AftCt Waiting in I - r- T ..-.ti .n.. ivi " uum aiicr power to aictate to th citizens or this eouuty wbo the mail from Corvallis arrived hfere on h'wwants . hall be month before th.eonven . . tionforlb selection of such servants, they have last iHOnuay evening, we repairca on T..- 1 . . r if f t I Aui::uiir uiuruiug iu vurvauu, lur me purpose of being present in that city , i r -i e wosowB pi ace vi resiucucu lor a reasonable time after the following letter I should be handed to him by Ottr friend, q , I xo. 2. copy. ioti.ii, iuarcn zu, isoo. Doctor Lrb : Sir: On Thursday last, th 15th iwt I ddreed a note to yon. in reference to a ecnain iroeions sianaer lately pnnusnea agamsi myself, the paternity or asseveration Vf whtch 1 1 had trace to ) on. . - , , . . " t In that not I Brst mad inquiry whether you had utiered, substantially, certain statements siinnnrea ra yow j ai sec on a, u yon nau, npon t what authoritvT Up to this moment, sir, X bav not received a1 reply in ny form to my note. Direct information has com to me that my not was handed to yon in person, by my mend, Mr. (x. B. Smith, oa Friday last. Certainly, sir, yoar j reply could hsve been mad in th mere time re quired in penning it. Beeaus of th extraordinary conduct you bav displayed in this matter I-shall now have recourse to other than the ordinary method of treating it, on my part. Sir, a grntttmnn will not positively assert that to I iff trtte which he does not personally know to be I so; nor wui be declare that be can prove a given statement to be true when his own conscience assures hire that such a declaration is alt. I Neither will a ctBtletflan ever decline to make speedy reparation for any wrong he may bav 1 aonc r, ior maj lujurr hi hi inua-u-u, i Si . i ' v I I As you have committed these particular not whtch gentlemen never commit I am constrained to class you in another category, and treat yon accordingly. That treatment, sir, shall be entirely in conformity with my own sens of propriety. 1 am, sir. Yoar ob't jy'f, Jas. O'Mkaba. This letter was also given to Dr, Lea in person by Mr. Smith. It was delivered on tne afternoon ot luosaay. & re- mataed in tjorvalns until nearly noon ot n. T I nwiijr, w auuiuxf.iwcupmiuu.iyitiutoa.nj tho scalps were taken. The murders to tate such action as ha mi?ht deemlwcro committed almost within sight of a camp a- ""vt x 1 proper m the affair. Jp to tho momeDt of denartnre ho neither met ns nhr rn.1 , I spondod in any manner to the last note, 01 tne aay Detore. , To Bh0W thfl attitude Dr. Lee OCCUPY in this affair, We need now Only add the following statement, made by three re- spectalile and well known citizens of Corvallis: Corvallis, March 20, 1368. Jas. O'Meara, Esq.i Sir: Being requested by vou to reduce to writing foryonr nue the substance of certain statements made Dy Ut. J. li. jee ot this place, coacerning yourself, we Mate as follows: Shortly after un. Lee s return from Salem, a week r two sinoe, b stated that while there be naa noea wiormea mat yon naa agreed, ior toe wuUrun,i.uvn v fmvvv, ,UM jfsui buvumi nnruit4 Tnknsna m An AnJ H&anwua j4nnvk 1a conung ; io you ua signeu a supuia- uon to that effect, which was in the hands of cer-1 um parties at Sakm ; that $500 was paid to you at the time the bargain was consummated, and) the other $500 was only to be caid in th event the Democrats carried the Stat next Jane; thata certain cnion man ot balem wbqse name he re - fnejui in ;iiiii inmA tt,. Twn.w.nt. n which von bad aireadv received, and that a Dem. ocrat of Salem- whose name be also refused to give wa known to have taken the mony to you r 7 lu?' ' " cuea uPn prove th foregoing fact, r W dh not Trtend to nn fhm TWfW language, but the above is substantially what he ssid. Respectfully, M. H. Bell, R. S. Strahax. "We nare no disposition to occupy apace over matters personal to purslt m Jnese columns, but the infamous eaJamny in mm , tins lusutpcfs BiriKpB uoi vaij m, our owp personal honor and political rectitude, hnf. mi.i!W nrni"ist the honor and rtnn. -Tt j o - tr-f tatlon Of Our long-time and intimate 4 vt. t n a V j. . lxiciiu, iur. f v i-cij. w Lah .nsn X w Ivia tvnotnaca aa a vmxe u iuxcujr uiv . merenant at umatma, ana wnase nign integrity ia business point of View, and activity In tb Democratic ranks, and material , ... ,4. 1 ' 3 1 , gain to oar party strength. Th best feeling pre unimpeachable poli&eal record, ought to 0B h ; ; T have protected , him from the atrocious slanders of this Dr. Lee and the lyiOi Abolition orrsns. J.t 13 a CLiUSSJ waicn ! also reflect upon our party and p.riiic,iplt,e. For thoHo ri'iisotis we devolo this iimi'li fpaco to tins afluir. And having saiio this, it merely remains for us to ndopt the course we Jiuvo proponed in the t'nue of Pr. Lee, and we include in the exact rnm by which we atiK,natie him every othcr rer8on whw l,M utteru,,. puMled, in nnv war irivtui nrrnnnal rirouliitiou ..-j p , to the base slander. We shall do this iu plain English, which l)r. Lee, the editor of the Albany Journal, of the Ku geue City Journal, and the Oregonian, can all verv readily understand. We pronounce Dr. J. 1). Lee vf Corvallia, a wanton, wilful, malicious a 'id infamous liar. This is all we have at present to say or do in the matte?. TMR tMUMO.IOl M PAltTT. The Abolition orgaus tell us that their party brcthreu in JacVsou county had very harmouious County Convention, and that everything looks promising fur their cause there. To show upon what founda tion they say this we think it is unncces aary to present more than the following happy coudition of things among the Ab olition Radicals and Conservatives ul Jackson county WHAT CO LY Kit. TOI.M A X A f'O StV. ' ' - Whmas, A few seltUh and disoing wu of ?.ota bf nnTZnee' . the Wes for Stitte and founty offlees without the consent of tb people, thereby ignoring Hie ov- ercljtn voU of the people in the ninth- uf their ....., ...,1 ..r m.....w and the Uovemternt, and A hrevas, Sold nutninoM nr seerutly and cor- mptly coqwroting theit ticket in the several r. el' he eounty, ther.v wenrtng the notnina- frsud by digraring the official places tb'ey nspire to desecrate ; and, where, elf i-in-tituU.-d tinuii- nee aud political triikxters have l-en aullty of consorting wtiu trettnr, ml the ojm-ii and avowed enemies of onr country, during the late rv-bellion, abling and abetting them to procure government contracts, by the Iramiuient ue of their names ai principals in said contract, thereby riving aid and comfort to its em-mies by lending their names on commission to do business m rebel account j and whereas, some slf-cutittttcd numinees are utorty mint tur, smi unwortny or iu trust and eouBdence of honest men of any party, and are secretly plotting tb destruction of the Union party, pan or tnis conspiracy against the treasury or the United States, while L. 8 Thompson is merely his business tool to do hi dirty work, subjert to the (control or hi more sagacums matter; aud, where las, the said C. S. Drew is seekine to nu-rire thi Union party ln the treason-brande.1 Democratic ray through the support of Xesmith, whose well Ituown tirei'erenoe for pea and IVndUton mark rew fctioB. who are now th self-constituted nominee for State and County offices. Therefore foeerf. 1st. That by such an assumption ..f shown degree or impudence unwarranted and an amount 01 insotunra loioicraoie 10 irecumeai Kttitit a.l. lhal to reit uurttion of a ,WM brando.1 junto, such as the Drew faction, is a right sae red to free men, and that w do de- cure ourselves in Jependent of the Uictatious of this "I?. ?L1TJ m0' nJ ,,,wlf ourselves, as the ueonle. to rcsut their ennnia. h- ments upon our rights and to use all endeavors. cuin-ui kui jn.iiitc, iu wj-pueo tueir ireasouaoie HenlrrJ, 3d. That w will not support thes men in eoovetttion or at the ballot-box. and that it I th duty of all lirtal men o be on their s-uard and not unwittingly tiledao themsolve to their supiiort. feWrcrf, 4lh. That realuing as We do that there Is a cormpt tendency arining from an accumula- tion of funds, more than sufficient to meet the ex. penses of government, we aro decidedly in favor of a reuuction or onr tax, so a to meet tb current expehse oilbe county only, as they accrue. A Oillettk S. Colver, t. D. Apnleirat, 0. F Myvf, J. . Vandjk. A. . Rockfsllow, t.. t.. Uore, U.C.Applcgato, J. C. Tolman, W. Beeson, Jacob Wagner, I. Wagnor. THOMPSON CO.'S MILD RESPONSE. MB. S. COLVKR, AX9 TO OVnERS WUOH IT MAT coscaair. TV e ar Informed by creditable and . " nsible eitixen of this county, that one 8. Co,. and othirs, arc, and have been, rireulatinir throuirb this county reports which are totally without found- latum, ami derogatory to our character as Union men, and it is due to ns that we have a copy of these charges made against us, and due to the Inion mcn of Jackson cSunty that they should know, aftor a fair hearing, whether these rbarsos . . . i if . ., " un or uui, auu mi cnsJlenge investigation. L. S. Thompson. J. M. Sutton. John 8. Love, C. C. Reck man, U. S. Duplap. Benj, K. Eangel. Q.V. WUson, R. Buucdict, F. Roeser. Ml-RDERg BT INDIANS. MjJ.10. letter from J. M. Kirkpatrick, formerly I to a friend here, which wa written ! ubf city, Aiarcn dtn. we learn of the mur two men in that region by Indians. One of vio- vVv fwn, meower was named Brown. Th bodies v: b'lth were mu- occupied Dy somo soldiera. Mr. Kirkpatrick says that in a recent fight with the Indian th soldier f100? " ort "m8e f4.22 wvaje, and sus- tame in joss or on killed and on wounded. Camp tires ar visible in almost every direction residing. He has present charge of the Poorman's lod.for contesting parties to iU title, aad is to I continue in charge until Jnn lt. TK liula n turn out an averaee of $20,000 per week, and with proper mills he tbjtts the product would b $100, 000 per week. Thr Ovkrlaxd Coast Mail. Tho dispatches state that tbo contract for th great overland mail between Portland and Lincoln has been awarded to Mr. IT. W. Corbett. the well-known merchant of Portland, whoso substantial wealth and bigh integrity are sure guaranties that he will faithfully fulfill hi contract. We learn from an authorita- it r private source that the contract price If fixed at Hyo.000 per annum, and not $179,000, a the i fjiptCueS CAVO luO Og13T68 I vm1OTI,I1T- At, W TV , r"' " , . Dractical printer, has become associated 1 ' , 9 . , .,.' with Judge Udeneal in the Corvallis Ga- zette. We extend to him tne courtesies 1 v .,,o I oi tne crait. Welcome. Tho Umatilla Advertiser ha re- I snmed publication. Tho issue of March 18th has reached ns. We are glad to see by it that the De- I , ... ' mocTaey of TJmatUla are up and doing. The P?" contains the call for the Connty Convention which wa fixed for thi very day, March 24111511 i For cosgress. rrom a pretty direct onro I ws learn that Rnfn Mallory will quit surely get ith nomination for Congies from th Abolition U,,,. Ie u gai(1 to be for Johnson and opposed t0 RCJ iq I '"' I tb Cohisq ,Fabce. Th Aboutionutu are J really going to observe th nsnal form and eerp- ""'". nd M 0Itt ctat invention op 1 Thursday next at Corvalli, for th avowed pur pose of adopting a Stat platfarm and nominating candidate, for a btate ucket. ihey hug a phan J torn thii time. I n 1 1 qSoj) JfEWi.From neirlT erery portion of the gtate wo letUn jiy written, and an tell of Cibcctt Cocbt.- Tb Spring Term of the Ci- ; I cuit Court for Linn eounty, Hon. R. P. Boise pre- "aiding, will eommeac on Monday next, Maroh 28. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, March 15. Tho Potintn agreed to tho 1 lott-o Rinontlment to tho civil nnm mil, vwueii in utiw in inn iiuhmh oi mo riosuletit, whose action escites various upeo ulntion nnj attrtu-ts initcli intercit. J'lio hill is as fiiUown : Tim first action prov'n's that all person born In the United Stales, and not sulijectto any fore ign power, cxclud injr, liiilians not taxinl, aro liorclij dciluicil citizens of tho United Mtfitcs withowt distiiui- 1 lion or color ; hut inhabitant of every race and color, without rcimrd to an f previous condition of slavery or itivuluntary acrvitudc, eaeept n mnislimut tor crime, wlicrci t they Mhall have been duly cont icted, shall nate tne tame right to make ami enforce con tracts, to sua aud lie parti to suits, to give tffideuee aud to inherit, purvfikse, leane, Hell, hold, convey real and personal rfTlperty, and to have a full and eoual heut-fit of all the laws and proceeding for the security of per on and property, and shall be subject to like punishment, pain, peimlty, and none other. any law, statute, ordinance or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. The ecood section says, any person who under color of any law, NtmFl subject or cause to be subjected, any inhabitants of any Stats or Territory fa the deprivation uf any right secureu or protected ly tins act, or lo oilier ent punishments, pains or penalties on an count of such person, having at any time been held in a coudition of slavery or invol untary servitude, except as a ptituHhuient for a crime whereof the party Bhall have been duly oonvieted or ty reason of hi color or race, than is prescribed tor all persons, shall tie deemed guilt y of a tn'tHdcmeatior and shall on conviction be' punished by "a tfWliot es coeding oue year, or both, at the Misorction of the court. ? Tho 3d section nives the tTnltod States District Court exclusive- jurisdiction of cr rors Arising nnder the act. and nlmi toncur reutly with the I'uited States Courts, of all case civil or criminal, atfeeting persons who were denied or cannot enforce the rights se cureil by this act in the judicial tribunals of the Mate) and u any suit oi prosecution, civ il or criminal, has been or shall be com menced in any State Court ngainnt any sue): person fof any cause whatever, or ugtiinst any otficer, civil or military, or other person for any arrbst or imprisonment, trespass or wrongs uone or comiiuttel ly virtue or under authority deduced from this actor any not establishing the Bureau for the relief of freed men and refugees, and all acts amendatory thereof, or for refusing to enforce any acts ftipon the ground that it wnuM bo inconsist ent with this act, such defendant shall have the right to relieve such cause for trial for the District or Circuit Court, iu tho manner prescribed py nn act relating to the writ o habeas Corpus and regulating the judicial proceeding in certain case. United State .Marshal and District At torneys and Agents of the t'recdinun'a Bu reau are authorised to imscute under thi bill, and to serve penalties, which arc pro yniea ior an persons wno may in any way hinder the operations of it. ,An additional section provides that on all question of law arising in any case under the provision of .i . TV t a. 111 . . . iniR acr, B-nnai appeal stiuii ie taken to the supreme vourt of the Lotted .stnles. Ioth ing iti this act, however, is to be so construed a to affect the laws of any State, concerning tue right or sun race. In the HoUse, Ureen Clay Smith, of Ken tucky, roe to a personal explanation. He denounced the newspaper coin moots on his course, and was proceeding, when Stevens objected to further waste of time';" A debate sprang up and was participated in by Mr rill, of Vt., Hanks, of Mass., Washburn, of III., etc. Tho Speaker decided Ihe gentle man from Ky, was in order. fMnith pro ecedod to discuss the statutes of the rebe States, denouncing the theory that they were out of the Union, as a damnable Itcresy. Mr. Brownall, of Pennsylvania, raises point of order. The language vXXho h'' scd tlf 'ho gentle man was 'disrespectful to a mni'tritv of th House. The Chair sustained the point of onier. Banks of Massachusetts satd : "Then the question arises whether the gentleman shall proceed." Stevens of Penn. u I object j wo have had enough of it." Smith " I suppose you have, but not so much as you will get." Tho House decided 55 ates to 70 noes that the gentleman from Keutueky should not proceed nut allowed him five minutes to ex plain his lat remark, which he said was in tended for Stevens, and not for the House. Stevens 4 What no gentleman would ut ter, no gentleman can answer." Stevens reported tho Indian appropriation bill, which was made the special order for next Thursday. Washington, March 15. Washburn of Illinois said in a speech to-day, that Gen Grant handled the nation through the wil derness of war and it might be that he could handle it through his political troubles A proposition has been pretty thoroughly discussed during tne past lew tiays, between radical Congressmen and prominent South- Ua -n loyalists, whereby recontr-.'L" may be i nriniucn W !-'" - - i . . i spectt.f , D. Render - i siuunon v fsenta- rights, -V . t:: . UIBI1.,, rebel debt, Governors, Legislators mid Con gressmen being elected under this pro gramme, Congress will proceed to recognize the new State Governments, whereupon the F resent State Governments will bo dissolved, t is believed, by this plan, impartial suf frage will be secured and Johnson's pro gramme defeated. Comptroller Clark's letter created a flurry in Congress to-day. Mr. Clark was on the floor of the House hissing members, and was accused by Mr. Wentworth of trying to in fluence the House to defeat the bill and thwart Secretary .MeCulloch'e policy. So j. - ,1 l l e..ii. : ....... u great is ine imeress iu mm uwira wi the Ways and Means Committe went to the department and made inquiries and Hooper of the committee, on his return, made a statement to the House saying the Secreta ry's statement of the public debt was cor rect, the amount of money in national banks beingS.000,000, and wasiniArdei-hiil5,-000,000 reported to bo in tho Treasury by th Secretary on March 1. - i Mr. W em tworth spoke two nours in ear nestupport of Secretary McCulloch's policy, and in severe denunciation of Comptroller Clark. lie was also severe on the lobby, which he declared had to be driven from the floor of the House. Chicasro. March 16. tTho rote in the Son- ate on the 13th, by which the Colorado bill . s-S V was rejected was as tollows : Aye8-rrt,nana-ler. Craein. Kirkwood. Lane of Indiana, Lane of Kansas, McUougall, JSesnutn, Nor ton, 1'omeroy, Kamsay, bherman, Btewart, Trumbull and Williams-14. Noes Buck alew, Cdnness, 'Cresswell, Davis, Doolittle, Pessonden. Forbes. Grimes. Guthrie, Har ris, Henderson, Morgan, Morrill, Poland, Riddle, Sprague, Stockton, Sumner, Van March, 10. in the senate, iwiana, oi V ermont. introduced a bill fixing tne salaries of United States District Judges, which gives $5,000 each to the Judges ot Massacnusetts, southern New York, eastern Fcnnsyivania, Maryland. East Viririnia. eastern Lousiana, northern California, Oregon and Nevada, and all others 4.000 each. Stewart, of Nevada, offered the' following preamble and resolutions, which were oner ed to the Joint Committee : . Whereas, In consideration of the present distracted condition of the country, it is emi nently proper tliat all legal and Constitu tional means should be employed for the re moval of unreasonable prejudices and the obliteration of all hostile feelings growing out ot the late unhappy civil war, ana Whereas, One of the most proline sources of unfriendly sentiments is a conflict of opin? "v.. ion on tho mibjoet of negro stifl'i uite, and Wnr.KK.vs, It is now eviilent tliero is no robnbility whatever that Senator mid Jlop- roscntatives from States lately m rebi'llioii will bo periiiitter to occujiy si tit until such States have complied with cerlttiii funda uieiitnl conditions, it purfc of whili aro here recited, and Whkrras. It is unreasonable to expect the re-establishment of harmon y and good feei ng as 1? n tno Pplu of eleven Slates are reventeil troiti resuming mcir iuu reiiiiious to the thiveiiiment ; tuervioru li it Itemhut That the peopl of said. Stitte hull be reeouuised a having lully resumed their rctntion when they shall have miih uti. u ttieir t,mi stitutlons so as to do awiiy with all dintim-tiun of Ivil rlirlits u aocoitnt of rneu ul uolur, and pro- iiled for tb -k.tenniiill of sulfisgo ou coudition at idlealile to all iiilibitau(s, ami yf.o(i-e,, lhal wuu ine aeccpiani-a oi inese coniiitlons eeneral amnesty ehall h prnolailned. Jlrmthtil, That all otner mis iini aoov speci fied, be reicetlully invited to incorporate similar principle iu their Male Lnsiiiuuon. KtewArt in i-ret-etiting ine iiuove, sum ne wanieu ha peuiile of the Routb to bare an opportunity to act on this subject before i'migres under! sites to nettle It for them. If said tb position aueonlad with the Presldsnts letter to Governor Kbiirkey, last August, and he had no rNoii to believe that the l'residsut bad chungked hi views sine that imn. In th House, HolltToiik, delegnt from Idaho, titrmliK-ed a bill to estnbllKli a pool route from Idaho t'itv to Itoeky linr, nd create the office of Surveyor Uenerul fur tliat lerrllory. Henderson, of Oregon, presented a joint resolu tion from the State of Oregon for establishing a ot t of entry at l'urthtnd, and also fur a daily mail rem I orUand to Idaho. Iteferrsd. The Houh! restitued tb coiisiderAtion of the Loan hill. Heveu of Pennsvlvatilg spoke sgniust it, ssvltig Hint it conferred rather more power than was ever bafure l-ti-l on tin ian. and if ueh pow er should be eonfefred, no business oiniiitiinty could be safe. II believed there would bea nnan rial crlfis. Oarfleld spoke in favor of tb bill. March, IT. The ttuly matter of interest iu th Penate yosterdsy wbs th convention of Fenator Stewart, of Nevada, to radical ideas. jjVfter Sitew att's tipeoch, in which he announced himiielf a nw convert to the necessity for the colored suffrage, Henator Yah- and Wilson tendered similar wei- come-i, Wilton ssying. " there is no doubt but thst Mr. Stewart proposition will be favorably con sidettd both by the S hate and lioiiiie The House sat till near imdiiigbt last night and Anally rejected tbo treasury loan bill by clone voto of two majority. Ayes, An; noes, 6S. Mr. .Morrill said the nuances of the country ar not yet out of peril. The worst and most danger oo time is yet to come, as whs biwsv the case after a period of great inflation, tienlletnea had said w Lad not a redundant currency. The cir eolation now afloat amounted to $01 t.0ti,0U0 emm! to $'0 per enpita of the population. No one could deny that it was loo much. Mr. Stevens' substitute was rejected by a vote of J!I gsiiitT2. Mr. Steven second amendment. authorlstBg the Secretary to exchange all indebtedness for the purpose of retiring Treasury notes, was rejected Ayes, 31 noes, 72- Late Papers.- Again we are indebted to S. J. McCormick, of the Franklin Bookstore, Portland, for a generous sup ply of choice ytatc papers of dates much in advance of tho mails. McCormick supplies orders for all kinds of books stationery, magazines, papers, &c, at his largo establishment iu Portland. Indian Fiuut. Letters from Arizo na, Feb, 15th, received at San Francisco report a fight between a detachment V olunteer and a band of Indians. The Indians were soundly whipped, and SO are reported killed. Two squaws and ten In dian children were captured. Tho Vol untecr casualties were seven wounded. The Stocouto MuRDEtt.--Judge Wilson refused to allow a writ of habeas eorpu in th case of. the parties impl cated in the late mob-hanging of Stought- on in Umatilla county, but reduced their bail from 55,000 to 81,000 each. Give the Dkyil His Dine. Collect or Adams in a card, a column and a ha long in tho Astoria Marino Gazette, says that ho didn't do wrong in paying Crosby and others on m grecnbs'vs; and that he didn't cheat Judgo O' L in that horse trade. Herald. Anotiier or 'Em. -Gen. Meagher acting Governor of Montana Territory has come back to Democracy and in a late speech declared himself " a Democrat o; the Jefferson school." New Election Precints. The Cor vallis Gazette says two new election pre cincts have been mader? the Yaquinia in Benton county. rtHUIED : J. utity, March 8th, at the residence of V.u.' father, by Rev. D. M. Rioe, Isaae N, Bostwiek to Mis Alice H. Ray. In Linn eounty, March 8th, by Rey. 3. Ostrand- er, Andrew Miller to Miss Mary Kephart. In roia eounty, Uarob 13th, by Her. 11. JU. Waller, Luke Mulkey to Mrs. Sarah H. Caton. In Orejron City, March 11th, by Rey. P. B. Knight, W. U. Adair to Mis Kate L. Kemp. In Lano county, Feb. 23d, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rey. C. IL "Wallace, Wm. C. Dnris to Miss Mary A. Raber. In Xano connty, March 15th, at th residence o the bride's father, by Hey. C. II. Wallace, Georgi Mansfield to Mis Ai ice Canady. DIED: In Albany, March 23d, Edwin G., son of Jacob B. and Joanna C. Stronger, aged 1 year, 1 month and ten days. J-uneral from ttieir residenoe, to-morrow (Sun day) morning, at 10 o'clock. In Dnrkeyville, Idaho Territory, Pec. 29, 1865, Minnie Content, only child of Peregrine and Eliza beth White, aged 5 months and 1 day. in fowaer Kiver Valley,, tinker county, ten. 26th. Mr. Elizabeth Hackleman, aged 00 years, 3 month and 13 day. At liowcll Frame, JUarch 1 5 th, tlnabetn wife of Clark C. Lyon, aged 17 years, 11 month and 10 days. . In Marion county, Feb. 7th, Georgians, aeed 6 months and 25 days; and on March 4th, Lixzie T., aged 11 months and 6 days, youngest daughters ot t. U. ana M. . tilenn. . In Jacksoa connty. at hi residence on Butte Creek, March 12th, F. Simpson, ged 65 year. Xm OJ O. F. ALBANY LODGE, NO. 4. The Hearnlar ItXeetinsrs of Albany Lodge, No, 4, I. O. 0. V., are held at the Hail in Albany, every WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7 o'olock. Brethren in good standing belonging to , other lioages are lnvitea-"-- "tte.rjjfc .. . W. PARRISH, N. O. En. Mbhsb. Secretary. - Albany, Ptov. 20, 1864, ; WAITED: 100,000 POUNDS OF WOOL, For whioh we will pay the HIGIICST MARKET PRICK. W, W. PAERISH & CO. Albany, January 27th, 1868. NOTICE. TTAVIIVG SOLD OUT OUR Elf - I 1 tire stock of merchandise to D. Worthaa A Co., we would request all persons knowing them selves indebted to us to come and settle np forth with, a one of ns intends to leave for Europe shortly. J.LKV3C EttU. Albany, March 1, 1888. N. B. Call, at one at Ui old stani. ALBANY MARKET. EtfperUd by S, Worcross, Marth 24. Wheat, $1 00 t Oats, C.lctii Flour, $bl,l; utter, 35 ot Kggs, 20 eta j Apples, dried, 9 ets i lions, dried, 15 ct: Peaches, dried, 2S tt ! 1'eurx, dried, 20 ots lieatis, while, 4 ctt iitlons, .1 cts: llueon, sides and hams. 20 cts i shoulders, 1,0 cents. Legal Tender Notes. ates Pan Frsnelsco quotatlnii nm. Appointment HI. IC. C'ltnrru Month. The fiillciwtng ar the appointments for the Second Hound, Quarterly Meetings, fur the M. K. Church South t Ofttou.i Citv Union School lfous,4th Saturday nd Sabbath in March. Isnarrseesc Williams' School Huuee, 1st Sat urday and Sabbath in Atiril. Salkm at Salem, 2d Saturday and Sabfmtb. La pat ettr- Johnson' School House. 3d Satur day and Sabbath. . A. E. SEARS, P. E. DAVID WERTRAS, Albany, iosei-ii OI-PSSBKIMISB, Portland. WERTHAN &C OO AT TUB NEW YORK STORE IN Foster's Two Story Brick, CITY OF AL.TJANY, OGN. ATTRACTION FOR ALL! WERTIIAJw & CO., At j. LEVY & BRO.'S old Staoe HAVE JWT OPENED THEIR ni;W amiiull scii:t ti:i STOCK OF GOODS, Connisting of th Latest Styles of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS FURNISHING GOODS, BONNfeTS AND FLATS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES ...ALSO... A Large Biock of urooeries, Tobaooo, Hsgrdware, Crookery, Glassware, Cutlery, ...ALSO... PAINTS AND GILS, CLASS AND PUTTY. All of whieb they offer to sell CHEAP FOB CASH OR PRODUCE AT TH HIGHEST MARKET PRffE i REMEMBER .' WEllTIIAN & CO., At th Kew York Store, in Foster's two story brick, First street. WERTHAN A CO, Alhany, March 24, 1868. o o o w a a tr- o a 3 bl mi CO bf mi o X Q z CO cr: bl H o a. n n 0 p o o M Q (9 F5 H O u s O u '55 o , THOMAS AMPTOS ( . 8. B. H'R1DE. nAi?iPT03r & incuriiDC. NEW FURNITURE STORE ! (IX UPTON'S OLD 8TAXD) , Opposite NehluHNers Old Ktore, ALBANY, OltEGOX. We have jnst laid in an entirely new and varied assortment of Eastern, and also of our own-make, of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Card Tables, Wash Stands, Sofas, Pulu, Excelsior Lounges, &c. We Manufacture, Repair, or Refit ' Furniture, Beds and Bedding Of every description, and do all kinds of UPHOLSTERY WORK. We have also on hand a lot of superb ROSEWOOD AND RICH GILT MOULDING, For framing Pictures, Embroideries, Ac. All work done at our Furniture Manufac tory guaranteed to be of the best quality. WE SELL CHEAP. Call and examine onr stock, and we will try to sell yon or make fox you exactly what yon want Albany, February 17, 1868. SELLIR1C OFF! AT H. OLIVEE"'! - ..'. ''.' . ' -- I now offer for Sale the En tire Stock I have of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Ladles' Dress Gooods - Trimmings and Bonnets, Ladles' and Children's Hats, Men and Boy's Clotliinp, Furnishing Goods,. Hats & Caps Boots , and Shoes, etc. All of whioh I am selling BELOW COSTI In order to close out that portion of my business. "Call at my well-known Store on tho south side of First street, first door east of tne fostotnee. IL OLIVER. Albany, Maroh 10, 1866. FURS WMTED. A- T THE HEW STORE OF JX STERNBACIL 10,000 Pounds Furs, For which I will pay th highest market pr L. STEENBACII. Albany, Janoajry 1880. W. W. PAHR1SII. J. C. BtSBEtLLNH. W-.-W. PAlUUSIf & CO. A1 Wholesale end Iletnil Dealers In GENERAL 1 MERCHANDISE! ALU ANY, HIGO.- 1 THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PAT-: ronage shown us during the past few years. we would respectfully call the attention of our numerous patrons to onr present desirable aud wall 1 selected stock of MIY HOODS, Ready-Made Clothing:, Boots and Shoes, . Hats and Caps, Salem Cloths ic Flannels' Embroidery, ; Hoop Skirts, Silks, Hosiery, Slo, -ALSO " Ladlea, Mlaaes. tnI llttltlren Sho;- ttso, In connection with th bor w kep eonstaatl' band a choice teltin f Groeerlea, llsirdt are, Qaeenawavris,' Calauswwar, Cutlery, PalnU and Oils Window Cilaas, !Vall, t., te., &. - W. W. PARRISH & CO. Ar prepared to sell anything ia (heir line a.-Ii 1 LOWEST CASH PRICES Or will reire MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE' In exchange for Good. . Jfiir Person winblnjr to hny Goods will find II 1 irreatly to their advantage to cxamin onr lioud ' before pnrebasinjc elsewhere."- Albany, January 27 ih, 1&C8, . GOOD NEWS M300D NEWS f. THE WAEJS ENDED ! OUR COUNTRY ISSAYED FCF.EYER ! RALLY! RALLY! ONE AND ALL- AT THE 3ST3E3W STORE OF Lie STERMBACH, OrPOglTE TnE POST OFFICE, I2 ALBAW, OflECiOT. I Lai BEG LEAVE TO INFOR.TI THE Publio that I hav just received one of thw arrest and best selected Stock of MerchandiAs ever brought to this Market, direct from Nw 1 York and San Francisco consisting of every da- -cription of . LADIES', CHILDREN'S, GENTS' AND BOYS' DRESS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Such a Delaines, Cashmeres, Mohairs, CSermania Cloth, Chenotnahe Scotch Plaids, Wince j. DeDalxe, Poplins, Silks Jaspers, Parasols, Mohair, Fonlarde, Poll De Cherre, Corsetts, Sfabias, La Priese, Merinos, Alpacas, Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, Hoods, Hid Gloves, Hoop Skirts, Breakfast Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Collars and Cnfis, Linen Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handk'rchfs, Latest Styles Fall and Winter Ilatu THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISH ING DEPARTMENT CONSISTS OF TEE TEST LITEST STILES CI? Black Cloth Dress Costs. ' Slack Beaver Dress Coats, Silk XSSized Cassuaere Ceats, Black DoemMa Pants, Fancy Cassimere Pasts, Silk SZixed Cassimere F&atr, Cloth. Silk and Velvet Tests, i Fine Cassimere Snits, Overcoats ef AH Slnds. Paints, Oils, 'Lead, Looking Glasses, Carpet, Wall Paper, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtain-;. Hardware, Tool, Table and Pockc t Cutlery. Lamps, Glassware, Crockery, all kindiV Groceries, Tobacco, And many other articles, too numerous to auefitio i. THE niGniT PBICE PAID FOIX cogNTny PRODUCE v of f ' descriptioa.- Cc-;te ak. Examine My Stock. Befr . e r;nrchaslns; Oiewbere fiEW BRICK STORE ! tSa Cjposite the Port CSce, . L. STERXBACU. Albany, Sept. $0, 1865. 5rTTOSS 'OF SALT, FOR SALB U cheap, by J. FLlSCliX& ) -CO.