0 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. FOB TM TJaTli Uionv PVMOCHAT. A XliW 1'AIU'Y. YTo Tiear occasionally now a days tlio opinion expressed that there is pooiv n party to spring into existence which w ill completely demolish both tf tho existing political organization, secure the reins of government and control the destinies of America." We henrsnch talk here amon ourselves, and the telegraph has several times informed s that fneh a result was the end to jvhich various j'ptdit leal cabals in the Atlantic Statesvcre directing their energies. N ne can exactly tell who arfe to Iks its leaders or what are to he its principles or policy." The general belief however is. that it is ttv Ik a sort of Jiyhrid concern, half Hepuhlie.an and half lK-ino-crdtie, and to Tost, for tin present, upon President Johnsun, us its thief" corner stone. Hv ohservina; closely the iudivid uals who are.fetml of this faith, we find them to bo, to a great extent, of the half- atif-ltsi? port of tW-ptineiple, nil-policy men, who, without depth of principle or f-hadow of honesty, are ever-looking to ride the topmost crest of popular favor, for the ov.e sole object of enjoying the spoils. They are men who Once belonged to tjie lVmoeratie, or Omservat i ve branch of the old Whig party ; who were drawn into the so-called luun party either by jreed, weakness or fear; who have be come nauseated with the heavy doses of the negro, which that party is now ful imnistcring lo its' 'adherents, and who have therefore cut loose from it, and are now casting about for some place more congenial to their old tastes, habits and associations. The better judgment of every one of these individuals tells them that tlio proper ' place for them is their old home the Democratic party but against a return thereto, their false pride. and perhaps their selfishness, rebels. To cqp&back is, to acknowledge themselves totally wrong m their desertion from it, aud that, their pride forbids ; to come l aek they roast of course for some little time, at least, take n back seat, and against that their selfishness protests. These iue.a left thJDctaocratic Khip in its greatest need. They forsook their posts ; and Joine-i enemy's crew and linked their fortuues, with the destinies of the Abolition craft, and uow, that it is falling to pieces, of its own rottenness", we see . these men floating upon its broken frag ieets,t uon- a rough, and stormy : tea, actually trying to make from those frag ments anew craft rather than to over come their false pride and ask for a place o board the good old fhip, which has outridden the ftonn, without' mast or helm, and which is now. as ever before. r id if g. the" wave, -with canvas tet and colors fijiuv We. sincerely trust .that - these meu triirseC the utter hopelessness of their undertaking befoVe il is too late. They fjstsSt mt;al!y'witli that vionary prtject too bng, cr tha good old lup will bi oat of haillug distance, and they will be left toak, ia vtheirorrcAl graves "nnksclled, uncofSnei. and uuknown." Therefore it is high time for them to commence the ronsultation of their judg ment, rather .than of their prejudices or thejjr pride, and when .they begin so to do thev can not iafl tt ece the hopeless ncss of their iiu.ti io, acknowledge their grfef tnitf ftdr ftf for a footing on deck of our sound coppcr-bottoniel f and our enemies say copper-headed) craft, eT,etthQBh jt uo. before the mast as common geamea. Let them refer to the past and they can not fail of being con vinced. rrtident fy3ereepied, to the Id Whig jtarryp the same position, that, v in all prpb?.bijityr President Johnson will to the Republican party, TheiPemo- cratic ; party, approved; of his veto of the National Bank s heartily as they approve of hliSottsfefio bffthe Ffeedmea'g Bu- reatt Bill." 1 et the Democratic party did not become Tylerized then, and neither 'will t ;be9Qm Johnsonized lnoTV-.cAa effort -Was asade then, :s iow, by" spoil hunters and placemen to fdnn anew party; in fact Tyler was regularly placed --in nomination for the ensuing term, but he and his partyt between the great contend ing .Whig and Democratic forces, were groaed fcj powder, as between the upper and r E ether smiU; stones. .. Such wiU1 be precisely the. fate of . a third, party now. The issue looming up before us, is gigantic and, well-defined j the two existing organ izations are m battlo array, ,and no other or less- trivial issue "wili attract popular attention tmtiJ jthe question .now pending is put forever at rest. The great issu. now beSareT as' ihiagh maV, ia the coming State contest, be ignored by our eaetuies frc::i palicyl 'and thought it may assume,'-at home,- more or . less definite shape, is the, great one In relation to the qualifications gC. American citizenship. Tha-niilcaa' party, debanchedj by sympathy fit aud close ' association with tLs .uegroiy Ms. formally declared itself in fare? cf the deoraditioa cf our "citizen fchjp, by conferring it, upon all ofthe human species cf. the nude gender, of all races, classes,- colors and kinds. On the tLor hand -the Democratic party, inher itkig i tie fj-iue ot U3iaiate-VudsIan - Bloo.J; fiithe-traditioas of aa honorable " atfeUVthk -reptigaast at4 dan gers itsaovaticm, and insist that the white taaa must henceforth, as heretofore. rttk:"'the destinies " pf "this", Continent Witi such gigantic issue before us. aa3 with the party lines so well and sharply defined, there can be no hopes of a third party. No minor issue will bo heeded until this is settled. - No parley will be had, nor will any truce be accepted by either siile. And these miserable go-betweens, unless they join one or the other armies, will, iu all probability, betroddcii down between the contending forces, lose their dishonorable lives, perhaps by the friends they sympathise with, and imperil the cause they really wished to succor. We frankly tell these gentlemen that their hopes of n new party, are neither founded on facts or judgment, that they are imleed most abortive aud delusive, and we cautiou them to finally aud for ever abandon them, before it is too late. Let them reflect calmly and dispassion ately upon their present disabled condi tion ; the character and elass of their associations, and they cannot fail of hav ing the same feeling, among the negroe and negro worshippers, that the Prodi gal, spoken of in Scripture, had among the swine. And when they sineerclv feel this repentance, and with truly penitent hearts retrace their steps to their father's house the Democratic party they may he' assured that thev will receive a hearty reception, the fatted calf will be killed and we w ill all rejoice when " these our dead are alive again, and these our lost are found." Shf.-Pixmk.rkrs. A delegation o! Radical women, headed by Mrs. Senator Trumbull, lately import uned the Presi dent not to pardon a Mr. Cox, a wealthy citizen of Jcorgetown, D. C, who sided with the South. Tho reason these sho spoilers had for this unchristian conduct was that a bevy of strong-minded negro worshipping women had appropriated Mr. Cox's beautiful residence for a " National Colored Woman's House Association," and they wanted to hold it for that pur pose. The leading tabbies iu this philan thropic scheme arc making handsome pin money out of the institution. Like Bel lows and all the Sanitary Commission Agents did, these women make their 14 As sociation " pay. Good Ahain. The loyal scoundrels who arrested, imprisoned aud otherwise outraged Democrats in the North during the war, on allegations of disloyalty, arc now being made in many cases to atone for their acts of villainy. One Scroggs, who was Provost Marshal in Western New York, put ia prison a Democrat named Chas. P. Davis and kept him there eleven days. Lately Mr. Davis brought suit for damages against Seoggs for false imprisonment. The loyal petty tyrant pleaded good motives " for his unwar rantable conduct. The jury didn't see it in that light, aud gave a verdict for Davis of? 1, 150. Scroggs had his fun ; now he will have to pay for it. ' The Hypocrite. In Cleveland, Ohio, a short time ago, a loyalJustice suuimou edajury to try a jrase, and among the loyal jurors selected was one negro. The other jurors were to a man Abolitionists who had favored negro suffrage in the South ; yet they all got very indignant at having a negro on the jury with them, and finally the Justice had to excuse the darkey. Abolition preaching and Aboli tion practice are essentially different. i , j !' ; ! No?,. Dead.-A short time ago the pa pers reported that McCormick, the in ventor of the celebrated reaper, was dead. He is not, it now appears, and has lately made a bequest of 10,000 for the estab lishment of a professorship of practical mechanics in Washington College, pre sided over by Robert K. Lee. McCor mick is a native of Virginia. Oxe of 'Ext. B. H. Day, an intense ly loyal Kadical of New York was fore man of the Grand Jury which indicted several Democratic papers for disloyalty two or three years ago. The same B. II. Day is now charged with printing and publishing indecent and obscene pictures. No doubt he is one of the pillars of the Church of the Puritans. Beast Butler. During his reign of terror in Louisiana Beast Butler stole a statue of Washington from the State House in Raton Houge, and sent it North. The people tf Louisiana are now endeav oring to ascertain what became ;of it Most likely the thief sold it out of the country. . Bebel-Generals. Late State papers say Ex-Generals Heath, Pillow, Hood, Longstreet, and other Southern leaders, have been in Cincinnati and engaged sin- teen hundred white laborers, and purchas ed eight hundred cotton ploughs, to work plantations in the South. ' - ; -Kobekt Toombs. This distinguished man is a resident of Havana,' and has his family about him. He haa ample, means, and proposes to pass his days in that trop ical clime.,-. - ""- ,y,j-., 'J ' Well Pboposed. It is proposed by tne JJemocrats ot KJmo to erect a moau ment to the memory of Colonel i Samuel Medary . ;. ... ' The New Orleans Crescent describer' a character in that city an old man, clad in seedy garb, bent in form, and wrinkled in face, dependent upon friendsr who once en joyed an income of $-30,000 a year and was a TUMffUtf Afinta in tils lirvewAlitma ' f. In l & 'aT be gave one soiree, which cost him $25,000. The peculiarity of the case is, that the old rellow takjaa his reverses with a Christian's philosophy and enjoys life as keenly as when he rolled in wealth". The Co ii federate 'iuik. Wo think it n high and important duty devolving upon this generation of I he men of the South, says the Montgomery, Ala., Leilger, to transmit to posterity an impar tial vindication of tho noble Jott illl'.ited Confederate causer lis enemies malign ed it before its fighting era begun; they persistently misrepresented ig during eve ry phase of that gigantic i "litest ; and now that it is overthrown ;fiid hlceps iu eternal death, their hate, or passions, or prejudices, render them incompetent to correctly attest it before the tribunal of aftertinies. It is impossible to entrust its guardianship to them. The men of intellect ami cultivation in the South, who know, because they feel the priceless estimate that nil of us set up on it, must become the preservers of its memory, and by truthful delineation of its origin, progress, ano; tall, enable tuos who succeed this age, to properly judg? of the pure motives and honest biuccrity of those who upheld tho " Comiuered Banner " in the "CJreut Bebclliou. ' Kvery vestige of vitality and potency in the cause itself is lost ; but its spotless honor and reputation should be us dear to now and hereafter in in other day upon some glorious victory of Lee or .Jackson. e cairuot afford that other lands or oth er things should attach any thought of dis grace to that cause, or brand with dishon or the name of a single man who bled or suffered in its service. It should be a chastened consolation ol all of us-in re membering its tr.iuie and mournful desti ny, that not by thought, or word, or ad, have we detracted from the high praise that is due the heroic valor and suffering displayed in its defense, or the lofty uud unselfish patriotism which actuated the motives of those who guiJe and support ed it. But while asserting this, which is un questionably our due, we would not be un derstood as advising a spirit of crimina tion or recrimination against those who differ from us in that momentous struggle. A far off history will justly place the odi uni of comparisons. But while reeognii ing our terrible l;ses and overwhelming defeat, let us still stand up and protect all that was so noble and virtuous in that hon ored cause. To the last let us maintain, that for no venial, or ignoble, or trivial ends, did we commence or pursuo that un dertaking, but that iu all sincerity of pur pose we believe that our violated rights, outraged manhood, and insulted honor re quire it. In thus -vindicating with his torical accuracy the priceless aud immor tal memory of the Confederate cause, wc cast no obloquy or contumely upou those who opposed or reproached it. Heading for AUolitlonltt. Fifty years npv, the British Govern ment had valuable colonies iu the West Indies, where nu immense amount of tropical productions were grown by the regulated labor of happy and contented uero slaves. A few years later, Eng land, in a fit ot 14 ldiiiaiithrot'V," abol ished slavery in till her dependencies, and the result has beeu a steady and rapid deel:ue in the productions of her West India possessions and a still more fearful degeneracy of the negro race. At pres ent those islands, the most favored by nature of any portion of the earth, tcarce ly province enough to supply the meagre wants of the .wretched beings who inhabit them. Plantation, ouec under a high state of cultivation, are now covered with weeds, aud the elegant mansion has given place to the nolo hut. Has the freedom of the negro improved lib condition in those favored islands? Ila his freedom increased his knowledge aud usefulness has it demonstrated his capacity to govern himselr : lie is freo and has wen for years,' and the result is thus told iu tho London Standard : Sndden emancipation, wear told, exempt ed him i'ruin the daily necessity of labor de fore he had acquired those inntincts and de sires of civilization which might have stimu lated him to labor for the take of gratifying them. He has souatted down in idleness and sensual indulgence wherever land was plentiful; and sank back to the barbarism. the sensuality, the heathenism and supersti- turns oi nrs ioreiainers. 1 lie reports ot the West India Governors leave no diu?t on the mind of any imnartial nerson tlmf rinaiinn. tion has fulfilled nont of the promises w hich were so cunnuentiy made "by its advocates. It lias not made the noiiro a Imttcr. a wiser. scarcely a hapnier man. He is more brutal and less useful than he was a a slave ; he is further from the level of a white man ; he is more savage, more, vicious, less amenable to reason, less grateful for kindness, less sensi tive to religious influences, and in every way a worse man than tho Virginia slave of l8Gi). Emancipation ha not jriven Us security against negro rebellion. This is a true but not a flattering nor encouraging picture of negro emancipa tion, llow Jong will it be before the lib erated negroes of the South will u squat down in idleness and sensual indulgence," and 4sink back to the barbarism, the sensuality, the heathenism aud supersti- . - I IT'S n, uons or nis ioreiainers : A Malicious Oi trage. The ladies of the First Methodist Episcopal Church (South) of Lexington, says the Observer and Itenort- er, having determined to hold a fair for the benefit of their Church, applied for and oh tained permission of tho owners the use of the building on the corner of Short and Mar ket streets, formerly occupied by the Govern ment for military puposes. For two or three days they occupied the second story In inak mg preparations for their fair, when a guard oi negro Boimers was placed over the premis es, and they were no lonser nermitted to en ter there. No explanation of the proceeding has been vouchsafed to thern, and we are left to conjecture its cause. The one generally assigned is the removal; by the con sresra tion a few days since, of certain radical officials of the Church- However this may be, we have seldom heard tf a pettier or more con temptible use to which the United States army eoqld be put, than this indirect nrohi- bition of the holding gf ladies' fair for the oenent ot a t'nurcn. i Chakitt. That charity alone endures which flows from a sense Of duty and a hope ia God. This is the charity that treads m secret those paths trom which all but the lowest of human wretches have tied. That is that eharity which no labor can weary, no ingratitude detach,, no horror disgust ; that toils, that pardons, that suffers ; that is seen by no man, and honored by no man ; but use tne great laws or nature aoes the work of God in silence, and looks to a future and better world for its reward. ; f ,'v , ; Some weeks since, Gen B. M. Prentiss and son of Quincy, 111. "were fined for horse whipping a young man who was visiting the General's widowed daughter. On the 12th inst. this daughter drowned herself in her father s cistern. v - The Oppression ol' Tiimtioii. The receipts from internal revenue, to day, were seven hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. The receipts from .July first up to dale are one hundred uud eighty-seven millions live hundred thousand ifollars. The Commissioner is confident that the receipts will reach three hundred millions for the fiscal year. 1 Washington Correspondence. llow long will the people submit to be bled iu this atrocious manner ? llow long will they nubmit to have industry and trade burdened with such mi intolerable taxation ? This is only one form. tio, id" our taxes. Of the oppression of thcother the New Yoik Post (Uepublicunj nnys : Headers hav e seen w hat prinedv profits are divided among the b.urt holders iu our cotton and woollen mills thirty, forty, fifty per cent, yearly on the money they have invested a quarter of a million of dollars iu some instances anuuully di vided niuong the members of a single company. From -whom comes all this money ? From the poor people, who shiver in the bleak blasts that sweep or streets aiid in the' tin warmed and ill ven tilated cells of what are, called tenement houses. If is well known that the differ ence between the cost of a suit of clothes purchased here nnJ one purchased in Canada has become so great under our system of duties as to def ray the expense of a journey from many parts of ibis country to Montreal or Toronto. We may judge by the enormous amounts of the dividends made by iho llastcrn mill owners with what a crushing weight the indirect tax on the material of garments, levied at our custom-houses, falls upon tho Aiueriean laborer." The Petersburg In. let says: An old lie- $rro woman in the iimrkct u tew morinni's since, was interrupted in the naleof come ar ticles she rxihwed contrary to the market or dinance, and highly indignant threat, gave vent to licrentirp lack of appreciation for the blessing of freedom in au emphatic ejacu lation reported to us to bo in these words: 4 Wish M.issh l.inciiin had done kej hit freedom. Its jes like t'oitfedeiik nooo-v more you gt on it, the less 'count it is.' Her head's level, sure ! If all the f recti mMi are as easily. convinced, wfgoiuwith Mr. ltoutwell fer unirrif-il suffrage. Wo men, d.irkicd, babies, lunatics, Indians aud In Paris, when (he Kmpress stood ot the bedside of o p or fcilovv dying of the cholera, the death-damp on his brow, dcath-niiht before his eye, he took her for u Sister of Charity, and in answer to her quest ion, said : " Yen, my fdster." " My f riend, " said the Sifter, who sUmmI !cde the Kmpres, 44 it is not 1 who nm speaking to you, it is th Kmpre-s.' " Let him call meVi-Ocr ;" said the Ian press, 11 it is the mot fwaiuitul name he could give me. It in a name France never will for-rct." A remarkably thin man observed one eve ning a gentleman mn.-h inebriated approach ing him in so irregular a direction that it might have been concluded he had business on Uith side tf tUa way. After they had com e near, they eyed each other for "n mo ment, when the lean man raid to tho other, "Mv friend, you neem to have drunk ton much." 44 Ye," wa the renlv, 44 and Sou, iv.i I .............. i ... i.. " A drunken lawver, going to church, was observed by the minister, who paid to him : 44 Nr. 1 will liMr witne- ajiftmst vou nt the day of judgment. " The lawyer, thak- ing hi head with drunken gravity, replied: 44 1 have practiced tvventv-ftvo vears ut the bar, and always found the greatest ratals the first to turn State's evidem-e.' There is said to be an cx-armv sutler re- sldingin linfiatiandis, vvh.i ma le two millit n iollors in tourteeu mouths, which lie invest ed in United States bonds, thus escaping taxation. Ho was a 44 loyal' man of course, aid terribly severe in his denunciation of copperheads and peace men. He made a good thing out ot the war and doubtless re gretted its close. A Stwtch woman havinir invited a centle- tnan to dinner on a -particular day, h nc- cntod with the rwmntion, 44 Jt l nm fpar- vd," 44 Wool, wcel," said Mrs. Robinson, If yo re dead I 11 not expect ye." 44 1 wonder what makes hiy eyes so weak?" a young exquisite once inquired of nlr. Ab crnethy. 44 They are in a weak place," re plied the lwtor. MigiliHaMiaivMMMnHliMiaMiaaWiaaMMae COUVALMS OLI.KB THE TUCaSTE ES OF THE ubore iiaiiied lnvtitutiun nf Li'aruing, at a mvctiiig hcia on iSnttinlar, -Syr, 1 1. ioo, rc-nrtsan-tbo Sehaxil. ly thfi cinployment of Rev. W. A. FIXLKY. A. as rrBsnlent, ana ll. A. aiim tiun. Kso., Professor of Matbctnatica. The Profc-esors havinir cliarce of tho Inslitutimi, pleiljro theiusclvea to devnte UUtirillK Utten- to the interests of the puiiU jilacc-d uudcr their aupervwion. r AU tho branches of learning usually tanght in Colleges will receive spoelal attention when desired. The Trustees iutend to iniiko the CurvuU'w t'ol- kS a FIKST CLASS IXSTITUTIO of learn ma worthy the patronage of all friends of cducatiuu. RATES OF TUITION FOR SESSI0X OF 9 MONTHS: Primary BniscnKS ., $10.00 prkpab atort, ditto......... 12. so Adtahck!, ditto 15.00 ISCIDKXTAL EXFESSES 5 CKSTS PER WEEK. .Of those living out of the Connty. tiayment re quired hivariably hi advance. Thoxo in the City and Granty, oue half m aavance, tno oaiunee ai the close of the Session. TifVor further particulars' addrcM the Presi dent, ItKT. V. A. Fi.NLKV. Corvallm, Oregon, or SI. UAAir.KWLftl, President Board of Trustees. Dcarmoer 2, 1S65. 17-tf MEDICAL CIRCULAR. Every Physician located in the country or a small village, and engaged in the praetiee of his profession, has more or less frequently found the successful treatment of chronic diseases difficult, u not impossible, owing to the absence of many fa cilities which are within the reach of thojje residing in the cities and larger towns. The undersigned has for this reason made ar rangemcnts for the treatment of this class of cases by which patients can have the benefit of all the appliances known to tfc profession Persons placed under bis care will receive in ad dition to medical and ergical treatment, the bene fit of Dr. Langston Parkers method of treatment by fumigation ; the use' of many of the tpineral and salihe watcrsj boiV for bathing and gonera usa; bathing in sea water, to., when indicated ; beside the ordinary general and local baths of wat er, heated air and vapor. Physicians having under their care or knowing of persons afflicted by obstinate rheumatism, skin diseases, diseases of the urinary organs, 'Ac, winch have resisted ordinary treatment, will confer a great favor upon such personB, by calling their at tention to the facilities here afforded. For special information apply in person or by letter, to J. L. COOMBS, M. D. ' - 1 ; ! - ' - , Portland, Oregon S- Consultation Rooms in Cree'a Building over Well?, Fargo 4"Ca Entrance from Stark-it WM, QUID, PROPRIETOR! rMIIIN IMII'I I, lit HA1.M IN I. 1 the full ij'iir n! Min i-n. I m -I'Khiihi ki ti-iidiiitc-c "if il iec!.inil).-l ii I'fin iet r uteres l cktv (.'Meet tilt- lin i-1 pritii'i't ii n l t.uljfetr.r Bt- (enlinii in evcrvlhm wlin-ti ttm liuiiw ulsoi'ls, li clili'l'tiiin 111" tiiind h ml n'wi' elver ti llu- Imily. Tin- Uilii.ilil Sntwiii if H-" i'li-'l wilh f li'inliil IIILLIA1U TAllld'S, llfllli' l;lt i-l uiHOtl-d d llitll U 11 tlic- tiet ha- prti Vfun-iit.". THE TIJVIR, Ih alwuja Flijtlia-il vilh 1 tats very bi-et 4 1;tllS, 4i.t:, i.k.t.u iti:i:it, mit 44 no roit i ii." lfn tit Iihi on lmnil itlwuv n-ailv ter riiiniiiri, FRESH OYSTERS I lUiaMit frniii Yu'iuinn l'.uv. iirkmmli !f.';il by -1 i -vurr tu l iiiiiur l any it a)tr touu I L-ltuirberc un Uiu coaHl. ... v i.sii... SARDINES, lli-lifil liji ia tins luci j-lvli-, uiiti S 1 1 r ntitip. Tim Siiiluim i mi tlio ntir'.lie.-i t nriuT f tlit lib ii k m t 4-a-t lii thiit 'u liii !a Hir..ii.'vr'ii I'lia-ifle Hi.li'l MaiiiK Ailiuny, S. 2S. fn.'i. PACIFIC j. d. srRrwcEi?, HOTEL, Proprietor. mis i.u.Nd r.sTA!!i.i.ni:i, i..tt:iif. i 'M- liiiidinux and Well funti'duHl lai.ii.-ia in iiiiliu- taiurd rs A 1'lts.t-t Iush lutrrior Eloti l, !'r llif e?il .r1;ii:;mi-iit nf r-f;tilar t'earilt-m and iritti.ivii! fillets. Tlti- Ti'ii)a Man ti t nitin !v r" lniilt vcr and thiirni i.'v t- !nn.iii!i..l liiili NLW 1.5 K lit lU'Miiijj iiii i J ti!ii!iirr. OrKCE T-.I33LiI3 T. fir-.tiiU-rl w't'.i t-vfry ciiltantial a ml rare ttvnt ill the finvii:?. rzm rocras rc OriH'iiiriii.i.K ntid mil v'iili!;if l. rrompt and can-fu! a!ti-itilauri Is t!..!ire l In yart.. The fnlif'irida ftnge tintatiy' mail ene!ie otn e 1 1 and i fr-nu fin1 f I 1. I'liargv iti'idf-rriie. Att'ffir, Aii;.'u.-. 1 l;l, lSlij. aiit-llfr REWARD ! REWARD ! REWARD I $10,00010,000! I2ASMIAIV I52SOS. Fri:ic a 8ii it i:va m that lm-y lauve cut t llu faf vit amt l-t-t ct Ud o t h ki il i'liloni Jatlc riolhin.? mid ariitM I tirniltin;; iioviln In U.i- latf of Hri';:i n. .tint aic aMo to iiifonn i!ie -uUic that wc 11 tit as X.O-W PPJCES As t!i-y can le Mirchaeil for iu Pan Franei-.i. PERSONS FROM THE INTERIOR When V!';tinj; lVirdied ami ii-iri-iis t jiii!c!iaa Hiiylhina iu tut iihuvf lim nf jfin.il, wili tiinl it t t! eir uiivi!!t:ij;? to t?ie Cm- flot-k nf CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS OF BARsVlA?v! BROS. AT THKUt Cosmopolitan ON TIIH 111 v i:n SIDE OF FRONT ST. PORTLAND, lJclwrrn Arrlsotii'M anil tlic l.lnrolit Iloitmc. rrtlniil, I'of. 20. isr.3. THE HOUSE FGRjMTERICR PEOPLE! What Cheer House. Front SI reel, between Yamhill ami Morrison, Portland. M. O' CONNER, Proprietor, TQVl.n KISl'EnFll-LY IX- l inn bi I'lriius and the 1'ubhc jreuemliv that, having moved into hi i4EW and splendid hotel, Ho In now Tin-pared to nccimitiimiiito any number of tJuefta ni;h llnard mid Loiliriiifj. - Laeh Itoom is lilted up with eu'.irtly Sew 'Furniture, Carpet In??, and I-re tn tli .spring Mattresse, and U comiuiHlinuia and I'oinfortable. TIIKTABl.i: I furnifhed with liie best of evervlliitiit the Mar ket afiord;! fish, flerh, I'owl, vo'-etablun and fruit. Hup(in?e brought froikthc steamers to the lintel wilhuiit ebari". A Fire Iroof Safe Is kept fur the reciire keeping of Tieasurp or any parcels of value belonging to !uinl. ISotel Open at All Hours. The Proprietor is thankful for the very large share of pubjic patronage which has beeq given to huu for Real's, and is continued to laiiu, aud would respectfully Kolicit an increase of it. In doing so, ho assure the travelling public that no expense or labor will bo spared to make this bouss the most dcxinible and agreeable Hotel iu Ureguu. t'oi tlaud, Dec. 20, ISCi. i jOTIE TO JFARJiERS, PLOWS! PLOWS! ' I HAVE CO.STA.Tt. OH SAL.E the PEORIA PLOWS and ROSTON CLIP PER PLOW'S, uud i 11 them ut reaaonnble prices. I also intend to keep tlio Cast Steel Plow of Col lins' make when it can be hud. (Jive mo a call and see for yourselves". Albany, Feb. 17. R. C1IEADLE. WAITED. 20.000 KL-SJIEL.S WHEAT. 15,000 hihcls of Oata. by J. FLEISCIIXER i CO. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. milE : PARTNERSHIP HERE J Uifole cxisiing under the name of OLIVER at MAKKHAM lias been lii'solveit ty mutual con sent. All accounts pre payable to II. Oliver, who will pay all liabilities of suid firm. Albany, Eebruary 15, 1366. - H. OLIVER, S. S. MARKHAM. IIS01.UTIOI NOTICE. nnilE PARTNERSHIP HERE- I tofore existing between the Undersigned un dcr the firm and name of KOIIN & RICE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. . . DAVID KOIIN will contiuuo to close tha bnsi nesa at tbe old stand, and will pay all debts of the firm, and is authorized to collect all debts of the old partnership. . , david koiin, " '; ." '..,:' ' ' e. rice. ... Albany, February 4, 1SG6. . . . All thosn indebted to the firm will please settle with the undersigned, without delay. D. XOIIX SlAfm PAID FOR WHEAT AND ' J OATS.hy J. I'LEISCHXER A CO. THE HOTEL TO TRY IN PORTLAND! NEW COlilLliUBAN. Son. IIS, I'iO antl r2 Troiif, or nrr ol' .llorrlion Mr'"t. mood n i:vs i ou Air,! rpilEXKW Ol.l tllil fV IHTKIk I Inn inK J" t li -i li ) -Hiiiiy loil lii-'l. tool I io'K iii.w fi-ii'l v I'nr lli ii 'i iH hi nt liiii-'io, lli! Pr.jiri i tnr wmild my tn llin I'iili ni n Vi ilhilii-Oi' I'lh'y land (,r Siiiiilii-ni llri'ruii, nf f. I y r ( i.liiml iti mill lalaili", and t' t!i - tr-ivd!iii I h!;o (jenerially, It-iit lii i tn.w I - fly tiirni ruiUi all ln lavor liini with tlieir palrim" AT Pit!) I.H TO HI IT. 'flu- Nt:w I'ol.rvm i l n-i - ir;-l v tn-w Imi'dtrtif. Iianl fiiiiln 'l, rdix nt II vi'iililntml mnJ w-H f'"-- liinllfd, ii tins Ciii;ll'ilv t'l f'.lllf.il I .ably III Pillltlill- dati! Six llamilri-il llm rtji. Tb ' 1'inii'K I'.'ioni U larj'a and fiiii!fi'i,.i"HJ. and lian line uii of tuoum witia i-idniiiliij; d'atii, f r liimilii. the tiiim: Will In ftirnii-lird wild I lie l.e.i dm M iirltt-t aftur U, fid tlii" Pruprii-lor I di lnrmliiaxl ili.it ii hotel iu Pnrllniid fhull shI bis in lijij Ljix''.i!fUi'i', ut'J, uud 0'ilnjil". tt-.n'"i of hi" litb'e. Hol ohl ui;l Miuurr Uiiilm, pur t!ip ilm-iit, I'n-e T fliwe. i i.ntpv I'liap lnjf Fate I'fir the Svenre 'leprir it if vnlioib'.in bi-lina-ring to (Jaic-lii, The ft (lnc-rfs c'livcyed to and from tlii- ll'iM wi:!n iil clmrari". Huu.te t'jit-n all niht. TIHiMS: Hoard, per WfiK - -lloiin! untl f.odInsf - t to Hl "f'h Puipriftor ut !i!l liuifi rndi-tit or t liti-aiinbii alufaUri, anl w lit! iin-eiittly nyiit.il I lie JiulrmiHgo id thi- tr:ii Ui:ir fil..'ii". 1". 11. MNWuTJ-, I'rujirietor. Portland, lcc. 2, I ' tii. MARBLE YARD ! A I-.lt AN Y,"ol i 1 2( i OX. i ill '.mt.jt MARBLE MONUMENTS, GRAVE ANO TOMBSTONES, OflHcry Mile and Pattern. PEDESTALS, SLABS, MANTEL PIECES. . And Garble Uoi Kol A" Kind. THE MOST CEAUTIFUL SCULPTURING ! THU FI.i:sT EallTTUIll.MJ 1 thk iikst :xi:cuti:i wokk In the tntr of Oregon 1 All work done nt my Marble Tcrd i turfird out i.tB lo t v jMrf-rt ;iti),f,ic!ion lo my j-ulron. PURE WHITE, VERMONT. CR CALIFORNIA MARBLE Will be usual parties crdcring work flaitll iekct. The I.oest lAvlnz Trices Will be i hiir.fi d ia t-vuy ir.itai!e. Or3er from er,y Part cf the State will b raithtally and rromjtiy J Ulca. T ju lit l iu J5jiniiter r.:c:fi- lla.i, ,,n tLe wmI tidu of the :i .t luaniti i'roin lot river. Th; j!i!ili( art- invited t eail tt my iho ami esaviiin- f ciinrn of wurlt. Ali'aiiv. Jianiurv fi. l'i'fi. Am G. I5I2ABFOKD, IMroUTEll AND JOBBER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, ITtOVT iSTRECT, I'ORTLi.fD. jll A VI. f'OXSTAXTLY OX HAM lui jre, t'hi'ici! and hit BW.'ttcd t.t'k of SUPERIOR BRANDIES, FINE OLD WHISKIES, . CHOICE PURE WINES. At.-(. Old Jantatra r.uni, Spw KrrjTlJsnd S!um. ALSO, Tennent's, and Maurice, Cox. & to.'u Ale and Porter. ALSO, Ausixiiin, JAMAICA 01.XGER, EPEXCE PEPPERMINT. CrRACCOA, VERMOUTH, CORDIALS, BITTERS. SYRUPS, LIQIEURS 0 M"r hanfs nnd Penlprs from the Interior are re spectfully invitt'il to cM and vsumiue my stock luif'ora iiiiri"haiiiiff t'lewhpre. J'ortlsud, ltc 20, IH63. ALBANY FOlDUV MACHINE0 SHOP ! A. F. CHERRY, nAA'IXG Pl'KniAKED THE EN tiro intort-rt - iu tl.a? ALhA Y EOL'NiRY AAU .MACHINE SHOP, I am Prepared to Furnish WROUGHT ANO CAST IRON WGRX Of every descrition, on short notice. Also, BRASS CASTINGS. All Orders for MILI, WORK Will be filled with dispatch, and in a satisfactory . manner. ISORSE POWERS Agriculim'al InapSeisicnts Manufactured to order, and particular attention paid to Repairs. All kinds of PATTERN WOES done to order on short notice A. F. CHERRY, Albany, September 16, 18i55. PliANIKG MILL! J"- B. COMLET. ALlUNY,OKEGON. I HAVE ALWAYS OX IIAXD, or will Manufacture to order, eyery style of DOORS, SASH ANO BLINDS, at the shortest notice and lowest possible charges Boards Matched and Planed. Work executed in a, style not surpassed by any Shop in the State. ; The Mill is in the lower part of the town, on the river bank, at the eorners ff the joining claims of Uie Montieths and llacklctpan. J. B. COMLET. Albany, September 20, 1SC5. . ; ,. STII.L, 0.T THE COKIVERt R. CHEADLE'S CASH STORE Is the place to save money : where you can buy jroods at Small Pi-ofits. I5o sure and call, and so fur yourselves. a"l t R. f'HEAPI.E "IKS!' s Tin: IIU llT 0 HT OF t!.e Mule of Oregon, fuf .), (.......(v of I.ion. Mi.n-li T "ii, J --fn t ' ' I Mi-UNK K. illt v, I'laintiir h-uit in K-juity .ii:riKU-os 'iirFr.)tlI1,ri j ToJIJ i i:!MN IItrrf tll iief,,n.l. t In Iho' iiliuvi- i-iilitkit cmim j It. tin. mime of tliePi,, tlf Oregon: Vou art) lur.b.v r. 'iinr--l'!V.mnw(m,., ( fl,,,,rBr aod an. .nra-rilx" - a ..7 ..f llio pj,,, m j , above ,-ulitU 1 eauw, tn.w - a lil ,,;,, vn witli the ( link of tli caul witMi,, (,' ,uy f the , dale of lb ie i tint ia,,,,,,,,,, upam Voti if (.rv-.l in f. l !.o:ii P' u..t?(0r.r.,ii, orif "ived In ",v "(l1"' '-'"oily m th'r 8tt t'o ii williitt twenty -Jays f tin- 'Ut . - f -nif fc, rM(f f,p, yu . if , rvi; I ' ot. "I i l Ratta ,v lh-firt day of th-.' next l. rrl nf the ti tUM t c. ifc, Iowa of A!!ofiy in the ;1)U county on ths loi-.rlli M'.rdsy in March.,.;,-); And you ar iiiilln r noiilifd :ti;il If yon fail t ,iriwi-r an abov r '(iii-ed i!io fr.i l eomplaint iU l,P ih-ii for eon- ," fc-l ' t''" I"'"?""' '"fadiMolHtitisi ol the mar riiti; l.e!wi-ii li e raid I'iaiijiHf ,i.t rouruelf will, be fcrant"d by the Court, an eI til, r.-e for the mi.! imd difbiir-imefii f fte I'lajmiflT Lereia. Hv or ler of llo Court; (jl'INN TllOH.VT0Jf,pt,!WtOTfor I'laiatiff. Pifly rent revenue rtatnji.J JVbruary , Iftflrl. I, O. W. UU bi.rdon maeriJ of the nald Linn , eoiinfy. r-rtft'y tin." fora-t-oicg u, ,e n true copy of be ori;;iini! Kicwraoiaii in n.iid ujt in equity. ' O. '"'. W'l"ul,,' Sheriff of JjuaCu., Ojriv sr SELLING $50,000 JV70BTH1 c 1 1 a 1 1 1 ;i :sjjah i ktt; rront Street, and ffo,' 5 WatLingtcn ' Street, f ortlaad. 1 The ItrpreNt, .Host tiu rsil, and" ;llt kplt ndia AiiorlniHiit of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS,. LETTER PRESSES, &,C.f on 'in:; pacific coast, iticiiLY lion; i. ' nililrs, ri-Mjt r and Iljtisn Rook, An IiiimeiiKe Assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS ! Orders From the Inferior. CHARLES UAIIRETT. '. Portland. November 16, , H. H. BANCROFT & CO, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS Nan I raurinfo, C'ul., O FFER AT THE LOWEST BI ARRET RATES ; ' oiae of lite Urttt and lnyt xtrt'it Klwkl of ' iaH.lti in i-vi ry I'cii.i! iiu-jiit f Liti rstnrc-, and Ktt- .le and l:i-y .cleti-.titry t it found etywbere ia the woild. 'I'ttvy o-cii.y nu i-i.tirc baiiifitiff, S2 by ft- t, ilir Kiorb s, i n Mcrehant ftreel, which eiiinerir in the rrar with the More wi Mmitg mery " i!n i t. Tlifrc sn. tiine dpfiartan-iitii, i-sch urratagtd undtr many i ululi vif-ifiis, a itillowii : Jliwrellntieoa UooU. 1. Hift'.ry ; 2, ISiop rri by : j, Novels; 4, Grrn . mt-nl nod Politic: b. llcbiilion l-itciutore : 6, ga" jtfial and Eihii a'; 7. .Meiiiail Md Jl'nal fck-noe; 8-, ; l.Bi!frua; lin t orat, ry , g, l.tiiv and th ; !B-ifs : l), P,try ur-l ti,t f., ram ft; 11, Wit and ij Humor : 12. Fit-sii ii; Vi, VI mkt colhettd itfo il-, uuii-?; I t. 1 ivLtiiii-i.nry slid Odd Fe Ih w.Lip: 15, Mi.-i'-!laui nu Fn'.j.ei : Ifi, Kibit. prayer liotk, , and llyiiiu Hook; la, Iiiuiifatcd Woikt; IS, Jttf . -fiile lin.ks. fielontinr BoebK. ' 1, Military tttid Kaval - iMsfae-; 2, K&viatkxf. a&d f?iiip l'.iiii iuijr ; 3, AreliiiMtuiv Rbd t'R'ntry ju , J'iie Art"; a, ti.uiny tnd Lic-cirk-t M- .-. eliatitciii iSi ioiiui. ; 7, A) j.!iial Wicltsnl .-4i lba. I evful Arts: J. turrciity. Trswie at.d Ucro6$fr V, lutln.mai:cs n.nd hiitstttriug; lo, Ai-trusxmy ; II, tJeOf;:.l;by, EldoraiioD kad ( iiiiiatoloijy ; J2r; Zoology, Minib;;, ttc.j 13. Katurtel lii-ttry pf tba . .Minc fiti Iviiigiii.iti ; 1!. Vcitbl Li.'.tii ni; &.. Agrieiiiuiri: : 10. Ii, nu !ie Artf 17, AuiUttnttiU. (iiiiiii s ami l oi luuf 'J ..lii.'ig! L", i'hoi!ogaj.by j 19, 'yi.ii. jviiijis and Iiftii.itark; 20, Uetwial and ; Pujialar ieacnc: 21, JUtHllanetnts Woika. 31 tllfn! RooLh. , ' Als-'dd, Anatf-my. A;io,lciy, A-t!,ms. Aascnl--: tidi-.Jii, liiood, I'rrtiu. J;j j-cLiii, Cbc.-t, CfatmiFtrr. Children, (hiTifonn. l-'htafeia. CliiOiiic. Cotisnmp- " ti m, liai.'f'm-'i?, Iefotmitiei. Drutal SMirgcry, I)io tiouarit . liipission, l'ijri.iri, l;ijiifatorics, 1U-s-tor, ioiui-si;o Midla ino. Virnfr, Efilfy, Ery niotlas, Kyaj. lViii!a , K ver tioat, litmijl., HearV Itbitutoxy, Ilomotoi ati y, Jlrdft'patl y. Ir floetiv If,iHiiiiy, Joii -fs, Liv r, I.U6. lt ria 'edica, Mt diCil Jnritjirud. i tM?, J!tiabrDf. Slicrofetlic : Midwifery. Mii.d. Jt'trttcs Kvsttm; JCtnralpia. Ob- -Utiies. Pul.y, Pa rn l.r kiss. PatboUapy. Pharmacy, PLyti'itogy. PnwiHin.in, Poios, Prartic, Pi- : fcrijti.'i. l's-ve'ii'b pv. R-t turn, f;i 'i)u.atism. Scur ry, serofulii, kin. uiaiifwac, ?pin, aStowaMdi, Surgery, ILroat. Tobacco, Water Cure. -.....-' Enj;1i?li Ritwrts, American Reportu, State R orU aud 1'itit?. At ridtmeot, A b tracts, At tious at Law. Admiiii-itrBWirf, Adwkalty, Agency, Ariiitralion, A-iif:i!im'iit!i, AttacLweBI?. Psiimints, Uaukruplcy, Carrkrs, Chamery, Civil Law, Ctades, ! Coinmereial Law, Ca niiiioa Lr, (.'ontniels, n vtyaiiv'uii,'. Corjiorfitioiis, Criminal Law, DamagM, - Hirorce, Equity, Evidence, Executors, Forms, Ib mraueai, laisaniiy, Ju-iice of tb Peace, Jurirdie lion. Landlord and lnant, 3'ritiin JLaw. Mer cautiie Law, Mtxban Law, Military Law, Mines,. Mortgages. Pui Inert;!. iiis; Patents, PerxtmsJ Prop erly, Pitiiaiii-, Pr.'eiii-f. Railways. IU'al Property, RvVi-nae, Hi.l'i, Khi.pinf, MmnriJ. i'lnily of Law, Suretyship, 'lax Lw. Tnistots, Vtcdors, Wills. St liiol Itooli IlavinR special U rme from tl: pricripal publish ers of School Boole, from whom we bny in Tery large ini!ntatic, we can. sell at lower price than aiiT dcftler on the Pacific Coast, ' 1'hi dtjmrtiui.-iit is arranged under tha followin; "! head : ; , . Anatomy and riiyio1ogy, Astronomy, Bk- . ke;pin, Rotnny, Calisdicnics and GymnasticaV' ' Chemistry. Chincw, iielsVw anal Porioguese; Cobs- J puitition. Rhetoric and Logic; IHeUofiaries, Draw- v. ing, Eloentiou, French, Ueoprapliy, Geology and Miiiorjilofry ; tiertuHn, Grammar, Ureek, History, ltari'au, Liilhi. Mathematics, Mtatal Philooihy. Music. N;ittir.il lli.ttiry. Natural PUiloeopty. Ob-i ject Tcl.ii)g, PtJiajartfhip, I'oV.lxnl Economy . Readers and fnih m, ipaiiish, Tesclitra' Register, IVaehtrs'. Library, MiHancoiii Edsa atiojoal Workit, Si braol Ajiparams, SchfHil iSfatioDory. Aiiiiuis our own publications an the fouowinr - Educational Woiks -; CLARK'S XEtr SCHOOL GE0I3RAPHT nearly rendr. OUTLINE MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES,. ' preparing. f C1.AKK S PKLMAKT GEOOxlArnx, tt be followed by CLARK'S HISTORY, preparinff. BfR(iE?S' PENMANSHIP. BANCROFT'S MAP of the PACIFIC STATES ' Religions Boobt. Commentaries, Concordance. Dictionaries, Eccle siastical HLstory, Pruyers, Sermons, Theology ant :. Dootriues. Subscription Department. : In this department acBts and canvasser eaa. always find a variety of Books, Maps, EneravinR, io., which are not sold oat of any bociV-etore, but. exclusively by subscription. Full information , promptly givtn npom application by fctter or in. person. , Blanks. Affidavit, Agreement or Contract, Alignment,. Bill of Exchange, Bill cf Sale, Bond, By-Law, Certificate, Chaitel Morttrapas, Check or Draft,. Coroner County Court, County or District Court, Custom Haui. DeelarHtion of Homestead, Deanl, District Court, Lease, Mortae, Xotice, Power of " Attorney, Probate Court, Promissory Note, Pro-. ' test, Receipt, Release, Return, Satisfaction, WilL, ' Stationery. Writing Papers, Printing Papers, Wrapping Pa pers. Tracing, Copying. Parchment, Boards, Blank Books; Pocket Books, IXjfcs. Envelopes, Ink, Ink stands, Mucilage, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Poas, -Cards, Games, Rulers, Folders, Cutlery, Erasers, Rubber, Globes, Slates, Crayon, Pens, PenciU, Pea Holders, Brushes, Colors, Instruments, Quills, Tab lets, Labels. Tape, Seals, Hips and Files, Boxes, Scales. Eyelet stamping Cutters. Racks, Weight, Calenders. Twines. Pictures. Photographic Albums, " Alphabet Blocks, Binders' Materials, Miscellaneous. Stationery. . ..- . Orders way be left with E. A. Freeland, Albaay,' or, please address 1L IL BANCROFT at CO., augI4-6m Sua Franeisco.CaL . '. IVOTICE! ' ' :f VTO IS A GOOH TI5IE TO SET--"' J3( tie up. Wo will take WHEAT and OATS . at the highest Cash price, oa ul aceoants due i r cash will do just as well. an'JR J. FLEISOr-, w