a mm : ' COUNTY CONTENTION. The Linn County Democrats Convention will assemble In the Canrt House in tins city on next Thursday, March 22.1, at n o'clock. PRECINCT S1EETINQ. The Democratic Precinct Moedoga throughout Lion county take place to-day. Th Albany Pre cinct Meeting will roccUt the Lower School House at 1 e'elock, fr. X. A tul attemUnao is expected. iOLtx coi.viifcox i extiox. The Iemoerats ef Polk f ount) are requested to meet in their several prcetnrU on THURSDAY, MARCH 22,1, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of ehoosing Delegates to attend the County Convention to be held at Dallas, on SATURDAY, MARCH Slst, tae eet Six Delegates M the State rnnVintMH 1 P. Haul i I I . untied to Delegates a follows, to wit : Dallas, ; Bridgeport, 2 5 Lnekiatnutte, 9 : X.ane, 6 ; Monmouth, 8; Eola,7 5 Bethel, 4 ; Salt Lake, S Jnckson, 6 j Douglas, 3, By order of the Conntr Committee, , J. T. U THorSE, rh'n. Dallaa. Polk county, Feb. 54, jsfis TH3 EROWNSTCLLB TRAGEDY. The phase thi horrible affair has attained nine sar lat issue is most startling. The report first brought last Saturday morning that Sidney Smith aad shot hU wife and afterwards eat her throat tad then mortally shot himwlf, was soon changed Into a statement that the brother, Thos. Smith, who was on the place at the time, and who origi nated the Erst report, was himself the nmrderrr of feets the dead. Ha was arrejtej ca Saturday, ami oa Monday aa examination was held before Jus Ueo Ellis of Brownsville. The examination closed " on Tuesday, and suited in Smith's committal for trial at the ensuing term of Cue Circuit Court fr this county. Man-h 2Sth. There were a number of witnesses examined, bat we h.e not been in formed of the prwirt character of the t atimnnv, farthsr than it wa prettv eonsdiuivo against tha recused. S. A. John. Esq., hf Brownsville, p pearcd fr the Stah. and Civanor A llAm, Esq., t f this city, for Smith. The chief witness for the s roiheation, Ih&eldest daughter of the murdered couple, a yonn lady of about 18 y.ars, was nut among the witnesses. Sjha hd given her testi mony before tha Coroner's jurt however, and then tated positively that her uneia.Uie accused, was 5h murderer. , A younger daughter, a?ed about 19 years, also swore to th same terrible fact. There are many reports of the dvtails of the tSir in circulation, hut all renerailr ar?e on the fallowing points, vii t That the accused had beta living on the farm darin his brother's stay ia Idaho, and since Sidney' return he went tjliva with a neighbor. On tha fatal morning he went over fc his brother's. Th.e bad been some trouble between them jrrowln; out of the conduct cf the aecs?e 1 ia Si.iaey'a absence. TLe story jpes that he tied one of the girls in the orchard, then proceeded fc the bloody work ; fiM he wem to the bon-e and shot his brother ; next shot the wife, but aot fataily, and she escaped iata the orchard ; hi followed h-r, caught her. dragged her into the smoke house a -ar the auj dwelling, and there cut her throat. Mr. Cunningham soon after rode by, and Smith called hia in, told blt that his brotber Sidasy had killed bis wife ariUhen hsaiwlf, and showed him Vee bodies. He appeared to be greatly a;iUted over the affair, and ex pressed cre.it sorrow. Oihcr were finallv called a, and the developments made ltd to the anvst of the aeeuseii. Be u son to answer before a jury f his euntrynea npoa the frightful charge. On Tuesday afUraoon he was brought to this place and Is now eon 8 red, secunly choin.-d and ak!eJ a stront room in tbe Court House. It U ""vast to the eitiiens of Krnwnvil!e and Ticinir:v. cf that the wild reports which tame to this j.tac (jf!v in ihe week a'tiout the proposed exeention of Sm-.t'a by a mob or committee of resi desta there had not a particle of foundation in fact. There was no other disposition manifested thtm to s;ive the aeensoda fair, iranartiij exsraina tiow, and to extend to biin all the rights one in his wretched condition is pusranteed by law and to the fullest extent. Good order characterized the .. proceeding there ia every rcpeft. T rJKCTEt College. A movement has al ready been commenced and is be in g Yigorously ' prosceoted for the founding and endowment of a College or Academy in this city. A handsome plat of four blocks ia the southern portion of the town ite, eomprising aboat sevta acres, has ben do atHi towards that object by Mr. Thomas Mon tUh. Messrs. Joha Conao, Jacob Koreross and J it. II. Fot.T have been appoint-. Trances, and tha Rev. E. R. tieary is anciinrised to receive sub- . seriptifcs for the work. The Journal says the in stitution wiit be under the surkrvisioB of the Pres bytery of Oregon, connected with the General As sembly of the PresbjU-riaa Church of the United Cuk-tes, ia perpetual trust, for secnlar edecational pBrposes. The mb authority states that Mr. Geary is meeting with encouraging suceess ia gct- 1 Ca j subscriptions. Kraicai. ExraaTAissKXT. From the papers f w leara that the eitUens of Eugene City and Cor- TIIis hva lately been entertained by the rare and ' sii joe perform aoce of Messrs. Barney aad Woods, i aad that ia each piaee fall and apprecir,tive audi- etsces greeted them. They are especially oVsenr- of popular support. Mr. Barney is unable' to srk above a whisper from a terrible bronchial . aUiag and Mr. Woods has the misfortune to be esfirely blind. Bat imperfect as one is in voice aad totally deficient as the other is in sight, there i S.vHther imperfection nor deficiency in their mn- ial performances. As violinists and guitarists tkey have few rivals and no saperi-rs in Orejron. And a violin duett they have composed is really a jir &terpieee both ia air aad execution. We hm they will jrive an entertainment in Albany btk.ra long. If they do, let them have a crowded FrRXtTtraB. This is tha season of year when , ptrns csaally make changes ia or additions to Omit fcoafehold furnitura, tAnd it ia at this sea . to, that Farnitore and Cabinet Ware Macn , fuUrert aad Dealers make it w point to have oa 1.34, oen to the inspection of the publio, a stock of. the taoet attractive, suitable, choice articles, rWaad eleyaat, or plain and neat, or strong and i 4 table, as the means or tastes ef purchasers may cavern tbeta la their selections. In this connce j ti we may call the attention of our reader in this section to tlie fact that at the lare steam fur t. Bi'jire ttaaufactsriuj? establishment of C. Meatey . t Co., ia this city, they can find na of the most eoieplcta and extensive assoi-tments of furniture . aad cabinet ware to be seen in this V alley, where tbey ean pnrcha$e ail-manner of articles ia that lise at very lew prices. Read their advertisement . 1 eail at their wareotaa to inspct their splcn . -1 furniture if yen wish to bay. ! Jr arK x. Tbe following . named persons have l -n drawn for jurymen for the Terra of tha Cir- -;;t Cwrt for Ua eonnty.to eoomenoe Monday, Ureh "6;h : J. C Snodrass, g. T. Jones, Miles t'ary. II. J. C Averill, M. C. Chambers, Jaa. Fin . -lys'oa, Airred Powell, Horace Farwcll, Wm. B. '- - re. Carpus Sperry, J. W. Jones, J. B. Coyle, J. i. Eeed. Wra. iioMah a, Strowder Fro man. Wm. 'icherd. Mart '.a Payne, Alex. Brandon, A. H. . , ,!) heck. X. Bissra, DUIoa lloskina. Jliltoa Jo. Taornpsoo, Chaa. Wiliiaia, E. II. Ran U. C. A. IS ye, Aathony Cannon, David Shearur, Ali-Bghaa. Wa. P. Anderson. CaAVGK or Fia. By advertisement ia this yxft it W21 te eea that Dr. W. F. Alexander lirklidraw from tbe Craa of Wakefield, Pettle - r.X Co., aal Joseph Davis, ha via- purchased 1 j 3 Wrest ia the business, assumes his piitce in ia firm. Their dru? store is the finest and most " -Kf Jete this U8 of Portland, and they also have : tveisire stock of aaurted goodj of almost r-ery 4cr:ptit. : HiiiEf- D- 3XansSeli's wharf boat, which ae- r '-:t!'y suek last week, was raised early this i. restored to its accustomed place, and is now I r ht a ri3. Teady for tbe lar ding of gteamers, . raeepuon and -orage of freight. , Arrws. We are indebted to Mr. M. jraiT, who owns the pioneer ferry here, for a sack of delicious eating and fine eooking ap - lion '"at this office daring the week. Hams TBtsvES-We learn that three horses - oa Thorsday morning from a fanner : -r rwESTine. The suspected parties are two J - ? men, ore of whom has hitherto borne a fair -er. OScers have gtce ia pursuit. 'Tsnci-t.. E- A- Freclaad, School District , reports a t:tal of 11 aouls ia this Dietrict 'a the ?s of four and twenty-one year?, of -a 173 are tiers and lao "-iris. - TROI IIIX IX TIIKllt AIS. The Abolitionists mo renpirtjj n very lively crop of troubles in their precinct meetings iu various places. Front good friends in Lane county we learn that, in Kugene, Coast Fork nml Lnneaster pre cincts, the war rageil fiercely between the llaJieals ami Johnson supporters. In Kngene, l'engra, UnJerwooJ, Owen, Stratton, ami that oM controlling eroWil, vrere utterly routed ami totally whipped by Mitchell ami his HaJical followers. At Ccfetft Fork the precinct meeting etuleil in "burst up," and at Lancaster, after a stormy session the lladieals carried the day, and instructed for Cranston for Con gress ! In Polk we learn' there is a good deal of strife aud inharmoniousness among the Radicals and Johnson .men, and a split is threatened in Yamhill. A friend in Or egon City informs us that the veto has most seriously distracted the Abolition ranks. in L tacKttmas, ana lie naas, " a mouth ago there was no sort of show for -Ttl I a 1 . . a us;, now we may by a scratch beat them in this county." From Douglas and Jackson similar reports from authentic sources come to us, and sag.ieious Democrats in Douglas are quite sanguine that even in that late Abolition stronghold our ticket will suc ceed next June. A rumor reached us by Thursday's mail that Gazley had " made signs of abandoning the Blacks, and work ing again in Democratic harness." He may, but he will not do to trust. From the Reporter of last Saturday we infer that the defection in the Abolition ranks in Jacksou county is very serious and past cure. It is a war, a bitter war of Radicals and Johnsonites. Irt this couuty of Linn the two factions so far keep their differences under better check than in counties where there arc less absolute managers. Rut the Aboli tionists of Linn aro really s- completely subjugated to the control of the oligarchy in this city, that only a few of them dare cntertaiu. let alone express, an opinion until they have received their instructions from the rulers here. Therefore, there i3 no open, puhlic, serious division yet. The fact is apparent, however, that they have small hope, if any, of carrying the State election, and they feel they have not the ghost of a chance to succeed in the county. For instance, their precinct meeting last Saturday was very slimly attended only abou? forty being present in all and the proceedings were charac terized by a nioek-seriousness and stupid solemnity almost funereal in manner. And the whole thing was only an empty cere mony. The oligarchy had ordered the programme, and their obedient creatures dutifully proceeded to perform their allotted, prescribed parts. They will all have a more solemn time next June when they will be called upon to bury their party carcase. Most Welcome. We have received the first number of the Eugene City News. This new paper is published by Mr. J. B. Alex ander, a printer, and an old resident of Eu gene, whose Democratic record is unimpeach able. The Xews is not a large sheet, but it is on of the neatest in the State in point of mechanical execution and general appear ance Politically, it is eminently sound in J the genuine Democratic faith, as the follow ing extract from its Introductory will testify : We shall strictly adhere to and defend the pure, true and successfully tried princi ples of our Democratic fathers, without any modification, "reform," "reconstruction,' or other innovation of politieal tinkers. Although the Executive has" done one act (an dthe only one in the last five years in which the interest of the white man was considered) we can see no consistency in their eagerness to accept it as a sufficient guarantee of his future policy. We don't propose to take any stock ia the concern. He simply did a duty he was sworn to perform, and no more. But even this one act is cause for hopc an al most imperceptible rift in the lowering storm clouds which K&ve so long enveloped us a faint glimmering ot daylight, after a dark, horrible and alinost hopeless night. But Andrew Johnson has been guilty of too ma ny usurpations and acts of tyranny for Dem ocrats ever again to confide in him acts for which ho can never atone. With "Johnson Democracy," "Conserv ative Democracy," or any other nodenscript hybrid political organization which has pil fered the name of Democracy for the purpose of deceiving the people in regard to their true character and intentions, we have no sympathy. It is tho same old Abolition snake with a new skin, the same black, bit ter, nauseous pill, with a very clumsy at tempt at sugar coating beware of it. We wish for the News a long life and big success. The Umatilla Tragedy. This shocking affair seems to be involved ia doubt and c n fusion. In the past weak we have been shown letters written by parties deeply interested in the living and the dead who form the subjects of tho tragedy, and these letters are strangely conflicting ia the prin cipal particulars. Soma aver that Stonghton was entirely guiltless of giving poison to Fry ; others as positively declare that he did force poison down tfoorge try tnroat, ana f ry stiu aaneres to me jame statuiaeat. But whether Stoughain did of did not attempt the life of Xicore Fry, no pallia-tion.-n ba found for the . brutish murder of St agbton by the Vigilantes, aad tho extreme rigor of the law ought to bs enforced against the parties ta that murder, as a terrible warning ta others of the mb-law mardering school. A report from Umatilla says tha counsel for the Stata have been warned by prominent Vigilantes to desist from the faithful perform an re of their duty, under dark and fearful threats. We much mistake the character of the legal gentlemen engaged to prosecute the lynch-law murderers if they abate their proper efforts one lot because of theso threats, and we will not fe surprised if they made these threaten,- i- ins a subject lor grana jury investigation. Castox Citt. Late reports from Canyon City give a very favorabla account of times and busi ness there. The miners are very profitably and steadily employed in their claims, trade ia lively, and there bare been no Indian depredations lately. Canyon City is one of the most flourishing mining c&mp in tbe country. Rise or rut Columbia. The Columbia river ha besa rising during the past week or so, and quite rapidlv. It rose three feet during Saturday last at tao lalles. Lots or Apples. The total amount of apples shiptied from Portland to San Francisco by the Pacific end .Montana on their last trips was 1 1,000 boxes. . , CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, .March ft. In tlie IIousp, nmlcr a i nil upon States for liills, etc., Wootllridge, of enuotit, offered a resolution as follows : VnKm:s, Tlu Itcpitltlii' of Mexico lnm proposed to lirow lilty millions for thirty years, at set on per eent. interest, i;ivallo tteint luimmll v, an. I whereas the United States is not imlilfereitt to tlse welfare of tltat ltt pnl'lie, therefore, Ksmit'irJ, That the Cnittvl States guaran tee the payment of principle and interest. Wooiihvitlc asked that the resolution be read twice nml referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. lUaine ohjeeteil, and there being a tin vote, the NpeuUcr voted iu the af firmative; si the resolution was receied, rea l and referred. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, offered resolu tions, which were adopted, calling on the President for information on the following points : Ask how many persona worth 20, 000 he has granted epeoial pardon, with their names; how much of the enemy's property was seized and how much restored, and whether the claimants ever served the rebel cause : how much abandoned property allotted to free.imen has been restored, stat ing particulars. Price of Iowa, chairman of the Pacific Ilailroud committee, introduced a bill for the organization of a company to construct a rail road atvi tciegrapii irmn ruget fMtunil to tne Columbia river; read twice mid referred. The House then went into committee of the whole on tha appropriation bill. Kingham, of Ohio; from the Reconstruc tion Committee, reported tho following Joint Ucnlmion : Wuekeas, The people of Tenuesseo have ma 1 known to Congress their desire that the Coitst itutioual Vc!ationH heretofore existing luetwcen litem and the United States shall lie fully re-etallished, and did, on the .VJ.l of Feb., l Sii ). b v a large and popular vote adopt and ratify a Constitution republican in form and not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, and tin State (Jovernment has been orgauiaed uuder the proisions tli'iif, and WjiEr.E, The people of Tennessee are fmnd ti bo in cotiuition to exercise the func tions of a State in the Union and exercise the same by consent of the law making power of the United States. Therefore, V.VWm, That the State of Tennessee is hereby deelaved to be one of the United States, on an eiaial footing with other States, upon express conditions that the people of leunesse will maintain and enforce n good faith tin present constitution and laws, ex eluding t!ioM v ho been enpigeil in the re bellion against tbe United States from the elective franchise for the respective periods of time therein provided, and shall exclude the" came persons for like per'mds from eligi bility to otiice, ami that the State shall nev er assume or pay any debt incurred in aid of the late re:c:liu. nor ever in anv manner c!a":ui from the United States, or take allow- ance or compensation tor the slaves eiuanc pated, which conditions shall be ratified by statutes. The joint resolution was read a first arid second time, and 0:1 motion of liugliam, re committed and ordered printed. Bingham also presented the memorial and the testimo ny relating to Tennessee, with accompany ing dicuuieiits. H gets, f New Jersey, offered a minority report i.f himself and (J rider, of Kentucky, which takes the ground that Tennessee is al ready in the Union nod had never been i-ut, and this, with a resolution that the members elect be sworn in. Ordered printed. Washburn, of Illinois, says that Trumbull of liiin-iis, and himself dissented from the majority report, and would file thpir reasons hereafter. The grounds for their dissent are that the resolution does not afford sufficient guarantees for fidelity, uor prwtect the freed n:en. March, T. In the Senate, Wilson of Mas sachusetts, offered a resolution, which was adorned, instructing the judiciary committee to inquire what legislation is necessary to pi'otcet officers of the army from arrest by civil process for acts done iu obedience to or ders. Davis, of Kentucky, offered a resolution for a stutidin committee on the abuses of pjwer (.arret Davis made a speech declaring that we might see iu this laud two bodies, one composed of Southern Representatives and Senators tlnd Democratic and Conservative members from the North, and the other of Republican members- alone. Each of these h)die3 would claim to be the Congress, and tho President would be obliged to recognize one or the other. As the former body would be a majority, why would the President rec ognize it as the lawful and legitimate Con gress of the United States? Davis said he lielieved Jackson would have done this, and ho hoped Johnson would invite the Southern members elect to the city to unite with the other men he had designated, and recognize thfm as the Congress. The House Select Committee of Freedmen this morning reported a new Freedmen 'a Bulin tbsrhiil, and in lieu thereof, that all citisens of . 1 n it. . .1 i 1 t. t t , . . r : . 1 .... : : i 1 .1 , ,. reuu 11:11. ik dMiiiiiucs mu uct unuur wmc.it the present bureau was organized for three; allows the appointment of two additional As sistant Commissioners, under direction of the President, and when the same tdiali.bo nec essary, divides the various districts info aub districts, and provides for the appointment of ajrcnts for the same. The bill retains that section of the vetoed bill which set apart three million acres of public lands in Mississippi, Alabama, Flori da, Louisiana and Arkansas, for sale to freed- men. Tho Sea Island section has been changed, but it provides that the present oc cupants shall not be disturbed for three years from the date of General Sherman's field or der, unless provision be mado for them, with their written consent and the approval of the commissioners. Military protection is ex tended all over the States lately in rebellion, in respect toAll cases involving the rights of the ireeumcn, till the orainary course ot ju dicial proceedings shall be restored, and the States shall be represented in Congress. B utwellaud Washburn submitted their minority report from the Reconstruction com mittee, "that a further condition be added to the admission of Tennessee, and that in reg ulating the franchise no distinction be made on account of race or color. The resolution adopted by Congress pro viding that hereafter tho vignette of no liv- nz person shall be placed upon the fraction al currency was passed in consequence of the removal ot the vignette 01 asmngton trom the last issue of five cent notes, and putting in its place that of Spencer M. Clark, the person in chanro of the Note Printing Bureau of the Treasury Department. The act was done on tho hitter's solo responsibility. The recommendation of the Controller of the Currency for an increase of $100,000 in the amount of the National Bank Currency was rejected in the Ilouse ayes, 117, noes, II : one of the most decisive votes of tho ses- SlOU In the ITouse, Iligby of California, on leave, introduced a bill granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners in California over public lands. . - Wilson of Iowa introduced a bill provid ing that hereafter the Supreme Court shall consist of the Chief Justice and three asso ciates:. Passed. Wilson remarked that he should be glad to make further regulations as t vacancies occurring. March 8. The Senate devoted the day to debate on the Constitutional Amendment, fixing the basis of representation. Wilson, of Massachusetts, made the principal speech in favor of the amendment, predicting that it would secure universal suffrage within five years. He opposed the idea of forcing uni versal suffrage upon the States by positive law. - ' . Henderson of Missouri, offered resolutions declaring that Congress has the whole power to determine on the plan of reorganization and requiring Joint Committee on recon struction to report a law by which States may be organr.ed. Poinerov, of Kansas, made a long speitdi in favor of universal suffrage,. The House Committee on the Pacific Ilail roud has reported a bill granting lauds to aid the construction of a rail is md ami telegraph from the Central Pacific Knilroitd in Califor nia to Portland, Oregon, or to tho navigable) waters of tin Columbia, in Oregon. The grant is twenty sections per mile for one hundred miles northward, and for one hun dred miles southward from tho line between California and Oregon, and ten sections per mile for the balance of tho lineA Ilnth ItnusM of Congress have panned a resolu tion completing the transfer of Berkley and Jef ferson counties from Old Virginia to West Virgin ia. Meanwhile the Iticlinionil Legislature has ap pointed Commissioner to visit tho Wheeling Lejr Iflatu ro in liuhulf of re-union, or at least to endeav or to negotiate for the niuinpllon of part of lie old Htato debt - March 0. The Peiinto intvaslx hours esslnn on tho Constitutional AninndmeatJ ting (lie basis of representation. Mr. Fessenden ctfcedjihe de Imto in one i,f the most acathinf review of the Intu speeches made, nnd which was listened to in the 8etmt, received with keen relish on tho floor nnd in the galleries, Jlo held up thu si holarly at-Iniiitin-titH of the Massachusetts Senator in compar ison w it It what seems to bo practical legislation, with a lively strain of ridiculv. Ho ppoke for two hours defending the Keeoniit ruction Committee from the charge of representing this ns a party mensiire. or attempting to do indirectly wlint could not be done directly, snylog it was wi-e legislation .. .1...1 .... It . ! ! i.... 10 uihi ntm mi utt nu uiau iivmt'ix i:iai llie pru- pi-sed amendment was auv compromise with liu- mnn rights, saying ho preferred the judgment of nine-tenths o! thosn with whom lie usually acted, tlienlino.it uuaniinoiis voice of tbe b'val presa ami people; to that of Mr. Putnner. f?o lone aa he had the former with him, ha could get along without the latter. Mr. Sumner n-plied chtirctM-itne the amend ment as two-sided. The Senator from Maine sees in it only the limitation of the political power of the South, while he (Sumner) saw in it the dis franchisement of a radical. ilr. Wil-oii made a few remarks stating that he was In fuvor of Sir. Henderson's proposition to nbtitnte for the pending amendment, tho fol low ini words : " No i?tate iu prescribing the o,uul-ilb-ations for electors therein, dtnH discriminate ayniit any person ou account of race or color," which wn rejected. Yeas, 10: noes, 37. The yeas were les-rs ftroyn, Chandler, t'lark, Hen derson. lli we. Potntrnt, Puinner. Wade, Wilson. T lie sulisiitute heretofore ottered by Mr, Puin ner estatdishing universal suffrage by Congress with tho penal amcuduieut, was lost yeas 8 ; noes 39. The yeas were ltrown, Chandler, Howe, I'omeroy, f-uuincr, Wado, Wilson and Yates. The substitute offered by Mr. Clark : That whenever the elective franchise shall be abridged in any State on account of race, color, descent, nr a previous eondiiicn of servitude, by any law 11 ot equally applicable to all races and all pcrsoi s, such excluded person sball be excluded from the basis of representation, was adopted. YeaaSj; noi-s 2a. Iivia offered an amendment, to have the prop osition submitted to the legislatures hereafter to be chosen, which was njected 12 ayes. , HO uocs. Snmuer moved to amend by iusertiug that all persons dt nii d representation shall be excluded from taxation of all kinds, which was rejected by I or 5 majority. Other proposition were moved but v- ted down not so much oa their general mer its as because the Penate was determined to vote on tbe main question, nnembarrassed by side is sues.' This vote was reached at a quarter before six r. m., on the passage of the amendment as it came from the House. Mr. Clark having witb- irawn his amendment, there being onl v a differ ence of phraseology. The vote stood. 25 ayes to 22 noes, not two-thirds. The following were tbe aves : Anthony, Chandler, Clark, Conness, Cragin, Crcsswi-ll, Ftssenden, Foster, Uritnes, Harris. Howe, Kirkwood, Lane, of Indiana. Mclougoll, Morgan, Morrill. Nye, Poland. Ilamscy, Sherman, Sprngne, Trumbull, Wood, Williams aud Wilson. The noes were Hrowu, Bnekalcw, Cowan, Davis, Pixon, poolittle. Outline. Henderson, Hendricks. Lane of Kansas, Nesmith, Norton, Pomeror, Kid dle, Haulsburv, Ftewart, of Stockton, Van Winkle, Willey aad Yates. Foote, Howard and Wright were aiiscnt The ehair announced the joint resolution hav ing received less than two-thirds vote, bad failed. Henderson immediately moved to reconsider the vote, which was carried, the object beiug now. tbe proposition had failed, to see if aome argument could not be eff -el i on one of tile nameroiia prop ositions axing tne basis ot representation en quali- nei electors. .Messrs. Doolittle, ftewart. Conness and frther- mfcn. proposed amendments te this effect, and the Senate got into a general wrangle, and it becom ing npparaut that nothing eould be settled to-nieht. Ma-. Fesi-cnden moved that the whole suhject be postponed until next ibursdav, which was agreed to by general consent, and the Senate adjourned Until next Monday. Dootittle's amendment provides that after the census or IS, , and each succeeding eensus, the representatives shall be appointed by the several States which may be included within tbe Union. according to the number in eaoh State of male electors over twenty-one years of age, qualified by the laws thereof, to choose members of the most numerous branch of the Legislature ; and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States according ta tbe real and taxable property in each. The House resumed tha consideration of the Senate bill to protect all persons in their civil rights Bingham, of Ohio, spoke against tha bill aa be ing, ia aome respects, unconstitutional. Schellaberger, of Ohio, spoke Ave minutes in its favor. Kldridge, of Wisconsin, moved to lay tho whole subject on the table, which was lost, ayes 32, noes US. Pending the argament, aa amendment was offered by Bingham, to strike out everything penal tktf C ruled Htatos injured by a denial or violation of any of their rights, shall be secured aad protect ed in tho right of action in the United States courts, with double costs in all cases of recovery, with out regard to tUo amount of damage inflicted, which was rejected ayes 37, noes 114. The vote was then taken on the motion to recommit to the judiciary committee, which Mr. Wilson desired withdrawn, but could not. Tbe previous question having been ordered, tba bill was recommitted ayes S2, nxig "0. Kaymond asked when the Wars and Means Committee would report on the snhject uf internal yevenue, and Morrill replied that the committe had hoped to report ere this, and would do so at an early day, embracing tax on cotton and inoomes, with var ons reductions ' n tbe latter. The House then went into committee of the whole on the bill regulating trade with tbe British prov inces. March 11. In the Sonate, Mr. Grimes offered the memorial of tho Iowa Legislature, asking for the speedy trial of Jen. Davis, which was referred to tho Judiciary Committee. In the House, Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, offered resolution that the Library Committee inquire into the expediency of purchasing the portrait of Josh ua xv. UiUdings, now on exbitutton iu tha Capitol Mr. Eldridge, of Wisconsin, demanded tho ayes and noes, with the following result aye$, 78; noes, o.i Mr. Garfield has been instructed by the Ways and Means Committee to report ia part the oliangea in revenue law already agreed on. The tax on in comes has been fixed at 5 per cent on all over $1,- 000. The tax on schedule has been thrown off. except on billiard tables and oarriagea worth over $300. Cotton Is taxed 5 cents per pound, payable not by tne planter, but monthly by tbe manufac turer or exporter. Tha tax of $1 per barrel on crude petroleum is removed as is also that on transportation. Tbo tax oa whisky baa net been cnanged Mr. Julian introduced a bill fixing eight hours as a day a work for all Uavcrnment employees, which was read twice and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Spaulding, of Ohio, introduced a joint resolution declaring that tha Act of June 30th, 1S64, shall not be so construed as to exempt United States notes and certificates of indebtedness not bearing interest, from local taxation, and moved tbeir ref erence to the Committee on Ways and Means, with loave to report at any time, and demanded the pre vious qnestion. He was seconded by Mr. Stevens, who hoped the gentlemen would make the refer enda. Mr, Wentwortb said be would soarcely ob ject to a reference of atay thing now, since the guar an tee of the Mexican bonds was refused. Mr, Spaulding wants to tax greenbacks in States. It ia aa mud as I ean do to carry interest-bearing bonds without taxation. Mr. btevens said move to lay the resolution on the table It is rank repudiation and nothing else." The previous ques tion was reconsidered, and the motion to lay it on the table resulted, ayes 12 noes, SO. The reso lution was then passed. March 13. The Senate rejected a motion for the third reading of the bill to admit Colorado as a State into, the Union Ayes, 14; nays, 21. Sumner introduced propositions to amend the Constitution. The House paired tbe civil right bill as amend ed ayes, 11 & 4 noes. 18. The fortification appropriation bill passed. In it $90,000 is appropriated for works on Alcatras Islaad, and $250,000 for works at Fort Point. tiv.ns or co.NiNTi:.Nt Y. Under the editorial caption of " The Hight Kind of Talk " in the last Albany Journal tho ihhuo of March 9th we find the following resolution, passed by a " Union" Precinct Mentingat llarrisburg in thin county, and in the prefatory edito rial remarks nil the resolution.1 aro en dorsed "to the letter." llore is the resolution : firmifortt. That Andrew Johnson I ocn Presi-j dent, and that his noble acts and miflVrlngB in do-' fi'nse of the Union, both against Southern traitors nnd Northern sympathizers, have einlenred liim to tin? people, nnd' ttmt, huving faith in hi integrity and lovnlty, ne will sustain him in the arduous bttisk of mul; ins soeure the results of tho war. On turning to the le'ader in the Jonrnal of March 2d, we find the following : In regard to tho differences which buvo caused the hreuch between Congress and tho President, in the absence of full details, there it no better method by which we ran form an opinion than to take into consideration the character of those who In dorse the views of each. Taking this as a basis we here declare unhesitatingly, deliberately and uncuivoi ally in favor of Congress. We find the delegations from this c"S!t divided. Williams nnd Cnnues, in whom the loyal peoplo of Oregon and California have perfect cuiitidctice, together with all except six Cuioti Senators, stand together oppose I to thu I'ri-nident's views. lrnnken Me llougut, slippery Nesmith and all of tho Copper head funnier, voted in favor of the I'residont's policy.. In the House, the Union members almost to a mnn, stand firm beside the Union majority in the Stmtte. Throughout the nation, as far as the teU'grnph has -brought us intclligenoe, the Union iiiamm espouse the side of Congress. Legislatures and Conventions, composed of loyal meu, have everywhere declared in favor of the views of the legislative brunch of the (ioverinnciit. All tho loyal newspaper, with the single exception of the New York Titties, ceusurc the 'resident and com mend Congress; while such delectable theet as the World, the lny Hook, ar.d every other treason besotted vender of billingsgate throughout the whole of the loyal States eulogize the frcsideut for taking "a step in the rir,ht direction." Now, we come again to the. issue of March 9th, and we find the following in tha leading editorial : In our lust issue we devoted considerable space to the consideration of the exciting news in refer ence to the reported rupture between the President and Congress. Additional lipht has been thrown upon tho state of political nftairs at Washington by he receipt of Into dispatches, but wc have seen nothing to eause us to change our views. Wc have nothiug to retraet, and can but reiterate in sub stance what we have before written. We leave the extraordinary task of re conciling these almost diametrically op posed utterances in two consecutive numbers of the same weekly paper to the Tery remarkable genius who declares that no "man except ourself himself j baa written or dictated a line of editorial for the Journal since we he entered the office eighteen months since." Mac is fool enough to attempt anything which his prodigious Tauity suggests, but we think his own readers will generally agree with us that in attempting the Billy feat of carrying water ou both shoulders this time he has spilled the contents of both buckets so completely over himself aa not only to drench but blind him. CIIAX til OF BASE. The Orcgonian copies approvingly the following from the Sacramento Union : A good "Democrat" asked for tha Presidential opinion of rorney, Secretary of tin Cenate, and the President replied, with refined anil exquisite humor: "There is no use of wasting ammunition on dead ducks." The " deud duck " referred to. is tbe man who took eare of Johnson during two attacks of delirium tremens, and who, as editor of a leading journal, and one of the managers of the Union party in Pennsylvania, has worked earlr and late te secure tbe President the confidence of loyal men and screen his failings from the publio eye. Readers of the Orcgonian will remem ber that shortly after the report came last March that Andrew Johnson was drunk at his inauguration as v ice President, that paper labored for weeks to dissipate that belief from the minds of tho people, aud to create the impression that it was only " a Copperhead lie." It professed to believe that the aUtng of Mr. Johnson was a sudden attack of peculiar nature, entirely disconnected with liquor. Now, it not only gives credit and publicatioa to the story of his " drunk," but goes so far as to authorize its readers in believiuc that the President was not only inebriated at that time, but that by his habits as a confirmed drunkard, hi? has been subject to attacks of delirium tremens. Is this a Radical lie? If the Oregonian was sin cere in its belief that Mr. Johnson was a temperate man a year ago, upon what proof does it now proclaim him a hard drinker ? If it uttered a falsehood then to create the belief that he was not a drunkard, because iwfavored his political course, what guaranty have the people that it does not utter a falsehood now to stain his character because it violently condemns his political conduct? The Oregonian and Union have simply hung themselves by their ownord3. . ' St. Patrick's Da v. This is St Patrick's Day, and wo are glad to see by tho papers that the Sons of Ireland in Portland, in Southern Oscgon, and generally on this coast, have taken moans to suit ably observe the day. 1 District School. Mr. Flinn, teacher of the Albany District School, requests us to state that the next term will commence on Monday morning next, March 19th. . 1 A Precious Lump. A nugget of gold and silver weighing five pounds was found in Shively Gulch, Jackson county, a few days ago, by a lucky I renehman. MARRIED - At the residence of the father of the Bride, Linn county, March 1st, by Sqoire Snodgraas, Thomas J. Lucy to Mtss Euxa A. Pnrdy. In Salem, March 4th, by the Rev. A. F. Waller, Miss Mary E. Allen to Thomas R. Blackerby. In Hillsboro, Washington connty, March 5th, by Squire ChatSeld, Noah Moll to Mrs. Sarah Jane Willongbbr. In Vaneonver, March 7th, by Recorder Smith, Garnett Tuck to Martha N. Theiss, of Marion Co. In Polk county, Maroh 8th, by Squire Hawley, James McUonald to Miss Eliza Tapper. At Silverton, Maron connty, Jan. 14th, by Jus tioe Holmes, Wm. Woolen to Miss Mary Cooper. In Silver Creek pnoinet, Marion county, Feb. 22d, by Squire Holmes, De Layfayette Remington to Helen K. Welch. In Walla Walla, March 4th, by the Rev. J. G. Deardorff, Hiram .Nelson to Miss Sarah A. Mclnre. Feb. 28th, by the Rev. J. 6. Lichenthaler, Geo. Gardner to Miss Martha Kandall, of Marion Co. DIED: Near Lebanon, Linn, county, March 7th, Morgan Kees, aged 62 years. Near Jacksonville, March 3d, Eliza Alice, daugh ter of Isaac and Lucinda, Conftant, aged 11 yean. ALBANY MARKET. Repotted by J Norcross, March 17. Wheat, $1 00 ; Oats, 55 eta; Flour, $n p bbl ( Butter, ,15 ets ; I'iggs, 1J ets; Apples, dried, S els ; Plums, dried, 15 ets; Peaches, dried, 20 ets; Penrf, dried, 20 ets ; llentis, white, 4 ets; Onions, .'1 ets; llucon, fides and hams, 20 ets ; shoulders, III ets ; Oregon socks, $d per dor. PORTLAND MARKET. Flour, . Standard, JmperWil and Matrnilitt, $8 ; Salem mill and country brands, ?7, iO per h!! j Wheat, $1 0;((tjl 10; Outs, 7i ets ; hard, cans, 21 ets; bulk, 21) ; flutter, Oregon, .17$; Fastern, 1.1 ets 1 IttKMiu, sides, 22; hums, 20; shoulders, 10 ets ; Apple, green, per box, 7ucl(Ji;$l ; dried, lOfrtjll ets. Legal Tender Notes. Latest Snn Francisco tiotatimia,,. .... ..7f.Ki,77. I- O. O. IF. ALBANY LODGE, NO. 4. The Regular Meeting of Albany Lodge, No, 4, 1. U. O. F., are held at the Hall iu Albany, every WEDNESDAY EVEN 1XO, at 7 o'cloek. Brethren in g'iod standing belonging to other Ledges are invited to Attend. w. w. pARiusrr, n. o. Eb. Mrttntt l FoercUry. Albany, Nov. 25, ISfil. Appointment .11. K. Chtirrh Noulh. The following are the appointments fir the Second Hound, tjuarterly Meetings, for the M. E. Church South : OrtKijox Cith I'nion School House, 4th Saturday aud fahbatb in .March. IxneritsiiKxcfc Williams' School House, 1st Sat urday am! Sabbath in April. Sai.km at Salem, 2d Saturday nnd Sabbath. L.trvriTE Johnson's School lloure, 3d Satur dav aud Sabbath. A. E. SEAKS, P. E. tuomas n.tKi'Tu.i s. n. u'tutor.. II.Vm'TO.Y Sk. IflcISRlIIK. NEW FURNITURE STORE ! (IN UPTON'S OLD STAND) Oppostlle NoItluswePN Old More, ALBANY, Oil KG ON. We have just laid ia an entirely new and varied assortment pf Eastern, and also of our own make, of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables, I Bureaus, Bedsteads, Card Tables, Wash Stands, Sofas, Pulu, Excelsior Lounges, &o. We Manufacture, Repair, or Refit Furniture, IletlM and Ileddlng Of every description, aud do all kinds of UP 1 1 0 L.STKI t Y WORK. We have also on band a lot of superb ROSEWOOD AND RICH GILT MOULDING, tor Training ficturea, J-.m broideries, 4 e. J- All work done at our Furniture Manufac tory guaranteed to be of tbe best quality. VK HIILL CIIISAP. Call and examine our stock, and we will try te sell you or make lor you exaetly what you wauL II AMI TON 4 MxIiRIDE. Albany, February 17, 1806. GOOD NEWS M200D NEWS! THE AVAR IS ENDED ! OUR COUNTRY IS SAVED FOREVER ! RALLY! RALLY! ONE AND ALL AT THE STORE OF lis STERNBACII, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, IX A L 15 AW, OREGOX. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE Publio that 1 have jut received one of the Largest and best selected Stocks of Merchandise ever brought to tnis Market, direct lrora Iew York aud San Fraticirou, consisting of every de scription of LADIES', CHILDREN'S, GENTS' AND BOYS' DRESS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Delaines, Caahnaeres, 9Iohalrs Gennanla Cloth, Chenomaho, Seoteh Plaids, Wlneeys, Dellatie, Poplins, Silks, . Jaspers, Parasols, Mohair, Foulard, Poll De Chcrre, Corsetts, Nubias, Lm Prlese, Merinos, Alpacas, Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, Hoods Kid Gloves, Hoop Skirts Breakfast Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Collars and Cnfls, linen Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Ilandk'rch'fs, Latest Styles Fall and Winter Hats THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISH ING DEPARTMENT CONSISTS OF THE VERY LATEST STILES OF Clack Cloth Srcis Coats. Slack Beaver Dress Coats, Silk dixod Cassixaere Coats, Black Doeskin Pants, Fancy Cassimero Pants, Silk lUized Cassimere Pasts, Cloth. Silk and Velvet Vests, Fino Cassimere Suits, Overcoats of All Kinds. LIXEN B. SHIRTS, FANCY OVERSIIIRTS, MERINO AND COTTON SOCKS, SHAKER FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, KID GLOVES. BUCKSKIN GLOVES, BLACK AND FANCY NECK TIES, ; SILK AND MERINO AND COTTON GLOVES, BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS. Also, a Good Assortment of Paints, Oils, Lead, Looking Glasses, Carpets, Wall Paper, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtains. Hardware, Tool, Table and Pocket tjuiiery. Lamps, . Glassware, Crockery, all hinds, Groceries, Tobacco, And many other articles, too numerous to mention. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB COUNTRY PRODUCE of every description. - Come and Examine My Stock. DeTore Purchasing Elsewhere m- NEW BRICK STORE! Opposite the Post Office, Albany. L. STERNBACIL Albany, Sept. 30, 1865. FURS WANTED. AT THE SEW STORE OF STERNBACH. ; 10,000 Pounds Fnrs, For which I will pay the highest market price L. STERNBACH. Albany, January 6, 1866. 1. V. U EX DEN U ALL. W. W. PAIIMSH & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE! ALHAM, OHE(iO. rpiTANKFCL FOR THE LIBERAL PAT J. sonage shown us daring the past few years, we would respectfully call the attention of our numerous patrons to our present desirable and welt selected stock of DRY f.OODS i t. Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Salem Cloths &. FlanneLf, Embroidery, Hoop Skirts, Silks, Hosiery, ALSO Ladle MliMtea', and Children' SfcoM, - i ISO. lioa with the above we keep constantly on hand a choice stleetioa of- Groceries, Hardware-, Qaceaswarsj, Glassware, Cutlery, i Paints and Oils Window Glass, Kails, dec, Ac, Ac vr. vr. PARRISH & CO. Are prepared to tell anything ia their Una at the LOWEST CASH PRICES Or will receiver MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE la exchange for Goods. Ey Persons wishing to fctry Goods wfll find it ereatly to tbeir advaatage to examiM oar Good before purchasing elsewbere."5L-- Albany, January Zifb, ISG6. GOOD NEWS'- FOR THE PUBLIC I i. FLElSCHItr.B. !!. Itt!tlB. J. FLEI8CHNER & CO. IRE STILL AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner of First and Washington streets, ALTIAIW, Oregon, Where they are selling tbeir large atd veil aelteteel stock Goods Cheaper than any Other Honso In Town. Our Stock consists of Dry Goods and Groceries, of all kiads, Ready Made Clothing, Hats nnd Caps, Am, Lamps, Glass and Crockery Ware, Paints and Oils, Hardware, Halls dee. Ia fact, everything the Farmer needs. All ef : which we will exebange tor ail Kino oi At the highest market price. Wa would sot rtfnsw even Cash. If Ton don't beliefs Wa an SeEia? Cheap, call aad see. aa28 - J. FLEISCHJTER CO. WILLAMETTE STEAM NAVIGATION COs'SJIOTICL Through Line From Portland to Corvallis, and Intermediate Points on the Willamette. THE COMPANY'S NEW STEAMER ALERT, JAMES STRANG..... Master, Will leava Vaughn's Wharf, Portland, At 7 o'clock Every Morning, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) ' FOR OREGON CITY. Connecting with the New and Fast Steamer J. T. APPERSON..... .". ........Master, On Mondays and Thursdays, . . . FOR SALEM, ALBANY. ; .CORVALLIS. D. W. BURNSIDE, President W. S. N. C. Portland, Feb. 1, 1S66. STOLEN. ACOTTOS DCCIt CARPET Bag was stolen from a boggy under the s bud of the California Stage Co.'s r.table in Albany on the night of Friday, Marebf . The bag has the name of tha undersigned painted on it, nnd contains accounts of the Company Of no use to any bnt the owner. A liberal reward will bo paid for it if left at any ROBERT VAN DUSEX. Albany, March 10, 1866. FOB TEE UP COUNTRY. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. I HAVE A GOOD Tf AREIIOrSE on tha River at Albany, front which I ean for ward Produce for any who wish to ship to Portland, Dalles City, or Umatilla, the ensuing aeason. Particular eare given to see that freight is prep erly forwarded to its destination. ; Albany, Feb. 17. JL C W. W. PAKICISII. V In fjnic