-: f v ,. - . 1 1 f 1 tf VOL, l. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY OHEGi ON, SATURDAY, M ARCH 17, 1800. 047 STATE 1UGIITS DEMOCiUTJ IX AL.BAXV, MXX COIXTY, OUX. ' J"A-S O'MEARAj ; tlt, usher and editor. Sce-ti bne Ety Buil-tin? on the street nzszag from the Rivor by the rTt lr laV.I!ast ia- Two Clocki rBVe aia Baainesa ttreet. TEUMS : ' C 2 rOJJ SUBSCRIPTION I - 1 SttS 5'OIJ for Venr - - - S3 OKtoij Ibrsu Jlonlh - .$3 JJrv'?"t '" roa' i"" ailvtt'iw in every 4 The l'a;r wi'l mt be ptit t an? mblrvss , -Qlws onlwne,. anthe term f.u- bith it shall bp 4 ier be rai4 fur. No H.parinrc viil It mude from tkrte ten, f 0 iu-tmc. -? Titc! prior notice will l.o civrn to Vh ubwnlxr of the wR on which his uh- nnnafcato, co iair.auiii wUi the moncv, 1 ti Papr win be dLv.'aued to tha rci ABVERTISl?? C i Far One Sq-jii c, ef Twelve Lines, or Less. Ocs Insertion - - - $ 'Jser A Liberal Redaction froia thesH . Rate ta Quarterly, lislf Yearly and Ytftrly Advertisers, and upon all Lengtliy Advertisement!, will bo made. V'-:".- GEKERAi NOTICE! , Correffioadeist writias; oxer as.-'ttincd signature? or nonymott!y, must make know a their proper aamesto lli? E iitor, or no attention vlTi be given to their etiBUDHnii-atioBsr. A!i Letter and Oomnmnieal 5n, whether a bosine or for. pnbUcatioa, ehoalJ be addressed to tHa Eilirr. CRAKOR & HELM, ATTSmiS AX9 CCOSELLORS AT iltf " ' "AtUAXlT, Oregon. COUNSEI.LOR AT LAW, " Will practice in ihs ?nrr:or and Inferior ' . Ccrarfi of Oirgnn. OFFICE at bi resldeaee. cne mile from Albany. February 17 lSOi. . . S. BCILAT Tt. S Kf.SNtT HKE..FY ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELLORS, OREGON CITY. articular Attetira given t Land -Ciicss and Land Titles. Oregon City, Oa., Dee. 20. IS65. ' ; a. f. wheeler, 'NOTARY PV8LIC. v Albany, Oregon. "fTTflLL PROMPTLY ATTi:I TO THK f writTns: and tivkiiir mtaowl..lfnniBf of l)d, MorTira-iK. en-1 Pawcrt ef Ailoraej'. Also, lXp::i !'.s, AiSdavifs. Jte is. ...... , OFFICE In tha :w Court House. AlbaagrK Jannary 27, lSnd. . DR. ii. W. GRAY, SURGEON DEfatlST, Lsre Graduate of ti e Cincinnati Coikga of Cental Sorgery, Would asin off?r bis Professional scrvieej to tl eiSscns '-ot thi pl tad eumiondrag euctry. OrrvTE p stair ia Foster's liriefc feuilding. Besideace alon;f'de of the Pacific IlottL Albany. Angast Hth, IK05. angl 4tf :E. W. TRACY t CO., (StOOCSSORS'Tb TRACY KINO.) THE HIGHEST PMCE PAID FOR GOLDcCUSTi LEGAL .TENDERS, ETC. 2IIXIXG STOCRS BOIGHT AD OFFICE--oS Front street, first door norta f -Arrltrorirs ,3 s ; ' . . : . Portland, Deo. 20, 186$. ' mERisrr& hooian PORTLAND, OGN. Sstatfe, Commercial and . . y.S. stooSi nrokers;. , -; . , Gest'cral Intclll?reaice and Col - Icclioa Agents. . V . CFFICE Jft-SO rieasrr Blotk, Front Street PenUuid.' Dec. 201S55. ' piiBSi;iITH:BROS. i JMPOItTEIlS AND DEALERS IX 7ATCniS "i. AND; JEWELRY, :nL,r.:o:;nsr gold akosilver ware, 3IILTTARY GOODS, , CLOCKS, &c, ic,, &c. ,Xo. -D3 Front Street, Portland. (OF SAX FEAXCISCO CALIFORNIA,) Will fcttend ia iieroon to tV JTVesacntioa of Claizns Arisin in Oregon Aad to tlie St'ttlcrBoat of AeoooDta 'wIUi tb STAT.;TP.AS33Y.WAR. KAYT ftND POST CFFICE : - CEFARTT.1EKTS. . " i ":' T's:e iscias' euseau. lAxa ca patent office. l-arsons having Tusincs eau bays H promjatly tended to, and. oblia iufuna&uuu from time ta as, i dcairod. .... Aj)BSXes So. 476 EETESTII STREET. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. n2S - JUST RECEIVED ! f I - :BIiret.' .From lae. ReSnery 1 . rtf"I5F' BARRELS. SAN FBAX ij ciseo EcSiiei Sugar. " "' " " ALSO - - . : , -we ar selllsg sry cjicaj. Atony,- StptemW 3, ' r i ri BLIC SCHOOLS A M IHIJ3,!r omii:. Wo copy the following excellent article from the New York Freeman's Journal, and commend it.- leading sentiments to the attention of ever)- parent, ami to readers generally. What the writer says is as applicable iu Oregon as in New York: Mr. S. S. Randull has published bin annual Report," as Superintendent of the Public Schools of New York. 31 r. Randall is not a man to learu anything from acts that reflect in3veitly on the system of which he is a prominent official. He deals, as in former vearsl in lamenta tions over the progress of vice and crime, and the non-attendance of children on the Public Schools. He argue? away, as it the latter was the result of the former. The jacts arc, that a very small percent atre of all the more serious crime against pcr-on and property are committed by th'NO that have not the instruction the Public Schools proles to give. Have the crimes of adultery and abortion that have been before the courts during the last year, been committed by persons that did not know how to read and write ? Oi 1.1 - i n i nie assas.-mat ions ami dauiy assaults pjii- tefrutcd, a larger nuuiber. in proportion. Iuve been by those tLat knew how to reuJ and write. When we come to crimes ngaitist property, the niiiiit?r, and. ijo cialh', the aggravation of these, take hugcr proportions agaiust those that have had school instruction. The tot illy un lettered may, bore and there, have stolen some old article of clothin-jr. or a few t'Oiwnj. or a dollar or so of S. 1. V. greet.- bac ks. These jxKir wretches are awkward in the.;r roguery, and are readily detected. The roof ignorant man or woman that tries to uiae off with a few pounds of provision? frt -u a grocery, or a pair of woollen stockings irom a dry-gooas shop, is caiiv caughf, an quickly puniihed. They have nut the "education" to lit them for studying the '"Rogue's Manual," nor ta read the police reports, iu the papers that publish such. Rut vlto are the thr rsf Are any of them untaught in the lore of the I'ublie Schools? Y hare hid rather a start ling arr3v, the past 3'ear, of gigantic swindles and robberies, by Rankers an J Rank-clerks was it for hick of having the instruction professed to be given in the Public Schools ? Is any one so fool-i.-h as to suppose that the organized pings of pick-pockets, burglars, aad high-way robbers that infest this city a:e mt 'edu cated." up ta the Public Sch.-nd mark? Pooh! such would be too stupid to aid in 1 these highly advanced pursuits of civil ized communities! Those who cannot read an 1 write must plod on iu the j humblest "spheres of honest industry, or. u roi'Ctsh. make a ccrserste Hnu.? tto 'hx'tty piberlng. School instruction ena bles the rojrue to, strike incompar'abiy heavier blows at the public, and, al, In most cases, to escape detection. Or," if caught, it is in so grand a thieving as to excite the admiration and sympathy of the great financiers. So it was with the young. Kelt-hunt, when he was "Ketehed" himself. His k' Public Schooling," and private schooling, enabled him to steal by the minion ! There was a 'f U(nc-f, rl!n among other great financiers, that soft-! cned his lot for him, and even that misr-l nifiecnt financier, "thaty keeping, (by bis school-learning') wifhin a statute lur hi ease 'made and provide J though by a plain and palpable violation of the funda mental law the Constitutions-while he did the people out their hard money, and gave them for it nothing but S. P. C- Shin PlaMer Currency", irredeemable ex cept in other shin-plasters he. S. P.C, Salmon P. Chase, in his new position as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the I nited States, petitioned Governor Fen ton -not to let so hopeful a young Treasurer as Ketcbum go to State Pris on ! There is an example of what "Pub lic Schooling ", can effect for the morals, and for the security of the people. It gives power, without moral principle. Jt gives intellect without conscience. It piles gunpowder among the combustibles of a mart of commerce. Ketehum's is but one of a long array of robberies and thefts that have occurred within the year, to the extent of shaking public confidence in our uionied institu tions. Mr, Randall, we" suppose, puts them down to the want of Public Schools. If smaller rogues, liaving learned to read and cvphcr, have studied the doctrine of chances, and are tempted to " try their luck " in narrower spheres, we suppose Mr, Randall will put all their mishaps down to the score of their not having attended the " Public Schools." Rut thoughtful men will conclude that read ing, writing, cyphering, and all the rest that ' the ' Public Schools " profess to teach, can only make a rogue more dan gerous, by giving ,hiui more expertness. Facts authorize ns to go farther. Within the circle of our own observation in the last twenty. years, in tliis city, we have noticed the debauchiuj; influence of these schools on many children. Can it be a matter of surprise? Men of true virtue and , most, estimable women, are yet. as heretofore, . teachers . in these ' Schools." Some of them have had sore trials ia keeping their places, against'' the. general corruption of the system. But public scandals, and many scandals that have been hushed up, have proved that, within the period of our personal observa tion, lewd women, kept by persons influ ential ia the Board of Education, have been teachers iu these 'Public Schools" Ia it strange if young ,girls, sent to such places, become immodest?, And,, no matter what the good character of the teachers, the more potent influence is that of association with the pupils. "Where is the guard possible, in this respect, in 6o niiled a community, where by the law, and by justice, "if the " Public School" system be correct, the child that lives in a brothel has the rxglit to come and sit beside the child that virtuous parents are striving to cducati in the tender and un- conscious puntjyor a christian family ! :.l Ji With this simple statement, ws might reftfe to argue, and only protest, an 1 de nounce the system. - JSiit, is it. so many months tiiiee the daily paper in Chicago of far largest cir eulatiun, called .public attention to the fact that the i! Public Schools ".of that city had become hot-beds of vice that it had gone so far that "any boy-of four teen years nttetiding them was looked on as a 'spooney' if he had' not a laisson with some of the girls?' And did not leading daily papers in Indiana and Ohio, commenting on this horrible deehtraiion, assert that the cities in which they sever ally published, afforded grave reasons fur drawing attention to the same tendency ? YV ere our communities homogeneous in matters of faith and morals, ami wore they so small and segregated that leading citizens could exert a constant mil per sonal supervision over them, ve are not such a doctf Vf as to push the theory of what we know to be right principles., to the subversion of n ejLsitiug system of Slate, or " Public Schools." Uut our communities being wh it they are, made up of families widely differing from each other in regard to principles crowded together the vicious and the virtuous into houses adjacent, ami of etjual out ward show of decency the attempt at a plan of a rommon education of their children in promiscuous schools, is mon strous and outrageous. The ' Common " or ' Public School " system is. at present, an established thing established at a prodigal cos;, and ex hibiting small result?, even iu those ends at which it professes to aim. It is not to declare any immediate war upon it 1 v to!uical action tnat we write. It is to recew our protest against it. ns a usurpa tion, at'i a outrage ; and to give right thinking 'uen matter to consider or to give expression to the sentiments they already enter.'-ain. We repeat, then, the thesis we have so long maintained. I. It is ho more the hnsinc of the " Government," of tlu State, or of the City, to take into its hands -he srhi,Jt,j of the children of families, in it is to provide for feeding, or clothing" them. Children should be ins! rutted and edu cated. Thoy should, clso. be fed an-J clothed. Their schooling, like their feed ing and clothing, should be loft as a duly incumbent ou their parents, or natural guardians. The child belongs to the fam ily not to the State ; and the State has n business with the child, except where, by bereavement of parents, or their mis conduct, the chil l becomes, actually, au outcast. II. At the present stage of our society, especially in our large cities, the aband oned children, like the orphans, would be much better educated and taken care of ly the spontaneous charity of the benev-Oit-it. wtfaitucJ into Voluntary Societies for the purpose, than they arc now, by political enactment, aud oliicial interfer ence. . III. There is no more right in the State Government to tax Ihe whole 'com munity for the schooling of children of parents able to provide fur it, than there is to make the vlolh inj of all the child reu of families, (in a uniform, or summon dress,) or their feeding, (on a uuiform diet,) a burthen to lie borne in common, by a levy on the property of all citizens. whether parents or not IV. Practically, professing . cnlv to teach reading, writing, cyphering, and the like, the " Public School" system has been a skillfully handled engine, under tjie management of New England Puritan associations, to undermine the Christian faith, and to subvert the political princi ples and traditions of uu wary popula tions.. 1 hese propositions we maiutainc. J six teen years ago, when we fought against the extension of the Public School; plan throughout "the State of .New York. We maintain them jiow. Events have proved wo were correct. We submit them ' to our readers aud urge their serious '- con sideration. Calhoun ox "Nationality-." Iu the year 1819, the great South Carolina statesman attended divine service at a village Episcopal church, near w here he was sojourning. The late Bishop Gads den officiated, who used a special prayer composed by him in reference to the then prevailing cholera; and the gentleman who accompanied by Mr. Calhoun savs that he sat up perfectly erect when fie heard the word " nation " used in it; which, by the way, occurred frequently in the Bishop's sermon.. After the services were ovei" and he. had shaken bauds with all his neighbors, the two got into a buggy and star led for home. " Nation !" u na tion I" " nation !" repeated Mr. Calhoun, ag if to himself. 4;lt is strange that a man like Gadsden, who ought to know better, would uso such a word. There is no truth, no real meaning in it.- All such things tend to consolidate the Govern ment, and produce a wrong impression. Gadsden k'l's better. When the Con stitution was formed the word national was not used. Gen. Washington cover used it, nor did the founders. They speak of the 'General Government,' 'the Government of the Federal Union,' btrt struck out 'nation' in all places ; and the preamble of the Constitution reads, 'We. the people of the United States.' . We are not a nation, and the word was never heard of until recent years. Union should be the word ; but there ia a word wanting. People''" speak of a national song. Union sons would be one mode of expressing it. Deumark, Sweden, &c, are nations. Russia -is not a nation it is : an Empire. -American will be the word in time." ' Had Lincoln lived ten years longer his fu neral could have been held in any church find not overcrowded it. But he died hy the hand of violence. He was made a martyr, and he, hot Booth, reaped the- benefit, of that fatal transaction. : : .'. ' ,' - The Dubuque Herald charges that Gov. Stone is a defaulter to the State of Iowa to the amount of eighty thousand dollars. WHO WAS XEI'Tl'XE? Neptune was the son of Saturn and Rhea, and the brother of Jupiter and Plu to. His father v.as soxtravagantly fond of him that he, had him for his breakfast the morning ho was born. Most fathers would have f.-lt badly at the early demise of their child. Saturn did. but it was on by because of Indigestion. He did hot take the 'matter ai heart at all. but rather to the place where the whale took Jonah. As we havo said. Saturn was a good deal hurt at the filial ingratitude of Neptune in refusing to digest, and at last lu for cibly ejected him from his premises. Saturn made a digest of the laws passed by the legislature, besides a number of j tough and ridiculous things, and he bad not ant:cipated any trouble m away a iriflinsi little deity or two stowing hen Neptune was released, lie joined with his brothers in their rebellion against their stern parent, and was the object of particular jsalred oil . the part of Saturn. The indignant old gentleman struck at hiui a large number of times, but his mu sical faculty was poorly developed, and he never could strike a tune ot any kiud. Nep or otherwise. ' Saturn was time itself, and at the end of fourteen days he of course became too week to make any further resistance, and j had to sut'cuuib. j When the crusl war was over, he be jcamo saturnine, and refused any comfort j or in fact bed-clothes of any' kind, but he was not left out in the cold by a great deal. J upher confined him to Turtarus, where he languished iu hopeless imprisonment, although Jupiter, when he assumed the Presidency, did not enlarge upon the fact that treason is a crime, and must be pun ished ; he made noarrangements for grant ing -pardons: by the tiitsntity. Beside, he did not wish to conciliate, but to puui-di, whether the guilty jarty was worth "i'J. OdJ scudi or not. But then his term of office was f or life, so there was no necessb ty for providing for re-election. The universe was divided by a sort of rule of three between the brothers. Nep tune took a notiou to .the ocean, and pro ceeded to scire the seas". He proclaimed himself monarch of all he surveved. How ma.'.y acres that was is not stated, but it is hktJv he surveyed' enough for his im- mcuiate i esideiice, as it would have been almost impossible to have measured the whole ocean. Neptune, built himself a splendid palace beneath .the wave. All the wood work was made of sea-der, and painted iipultra marine. Jt had nearly ail the modern conveniences ; although there, was no gas, he had water all over the house. Mother-of-pearl was engaged for his housekeeper. Neptune helped to do the heaviest part td' the building him self, for ah hough not by any means a pow erful god. he hadu good deal of muscle. Neptune was rather a good looking de ity. He isjrcpre-en!ed on ancient gems as scudding! over the sea in a half shell, under bare 'poles, with a mere trifle as to garuieuia, upon his person. Ho carried a three pronged hay-fork in his haud, w hile dolphins and uievmeu gamboled around hint.- From the fact that Pharaoh was lost in the Rod Sea, it is not unlikely that they may hive found him. and made U'uu their game. Tlus is only surmise, how ever. Nuptune was married to two or throe wives. ' lie was 'jnite fearless of the per ils of matrimony; Being in the wean all the time, he knew that there was no dan jrer of ettiue itito "but water on account Of It. ; ,. . Hii favorite spouse was Amphitrite. She had two children ; Triton was the older, He waa uiade his father's trum peter, lie was by no means a violent god, but he freqiieutiy came to blows, although it is not stated what he. did when he got them. Ho performed with some taste on the conch-shell,- and waa the patron deity of caual boatmen. ' Some one has stated that his favorite air was " Sheik of the' Ocean," but j,his is vpry likely a poor gag, as Triton lived under water, and had uo air of any kind, aud the sougwas written by Socrates long afterward. - Triton had a sister named Rhoda; who was wooed by the Sun God. aud won, iu the form of a water-spout. , Not the tin kind, however, that adorn the ouUlde of d we Hi ug houses. .' , Another of Neptune's wives was Ipho media. She had two sons niarripd, Olus and Ephialtcs, who were giants in those days, and probably would have been in these if they had lived.' " These precocious i and fistine urchins, wheu they were uimijears, old, attempt ed to scale heaven by piling the Tessalian mountains on each other. Their father wisely ordered them to desist, so they contented themselves by scaling the finny creatures who sported in the back yard. , i The Cyclope Polyphemus was the son of Neptune and Thoosa. This interesting young man was chieflly remarkable for liavinjr only one eye, which detracted somewhat from the beauty of his general appearance,' but it was on the whole rath er economical, as he had to pay only half price for spectacles,, and he could not by the remotest possibility become cross-eyed. lie studied blacksmithing for a profes sion, and taking lessons in blowing from Triton, he eventually ' became quite pro ficient at the belkws. The same qualifi cations would have fitted him for ft politi cian, but ha wished to be an honest and respectable: god, sq he refused (q enter tain the idea.' t - ; ; : .Vf, ; V Ifcptune did some good things in his time. .It is said ihat he and Minerva con tended for the right to name the city of Atheus, and the; gods declared in favor of the one who should produce the' article most useful to man. - " ; Neptune struck the earth with his tri dent, and forth sprang a horse, while Mi nerva produced an olive branch It was decidted, in her fav:or, and very rightly, for .although horses may .be useful for rid ing and sausage making purposes, what would have been the -condition of the earth had there been , no olive oil to put Neptune was considerably fiffectcd by this decision, and turned aside to hide his emotion, although there was really no necessity for it, as the gods would not have stolen it, each one having quite enough of his own. The horse was very good in leeway, however, au 1 Neptune multiplying itm, took the quotient and established a corps of horse tnarincs. Many persons have supposed that Spring. Summer, Autumn, and Winter were the children of Neptune, This is not the case, for although they are called Sea-sons, the name is a modern one, and has no allusion to their parentage. Another of Kecretnrj Orders. Statilon'N A letter froth New Orleans refers in indignant terms to an order of Secretary Stanton, and the mode in which it is enr- ri -d but in that city, ns 8lkm: Tu "ive you an idea of the spirit and temper exhibited , toward this people by that bloodlcss demagogue and white-haired creature who fills the Pepnrtineiit of War at Washington, let me advert to a sitijrle order which is put forth daily on the streets ,(' tbii city. Of course, since the surrender, an immense number of poor . oineiierates have Hocked to tins city. many of them having no homes to go to. many on their . way to other States. v nen iney arrive nere incv nave no other clothes but the plain, coarse domes tie which they wore as uniforms iu the Confederate service. They would will ingly abandon their tattered and stained garments if they could get others, but are, of course, iuytinably moneyless. x iiey iKo care, iroui coussueration oi pronrictv. taste and resvect for the Fed t r.il authority, tu strip iroui their clothes nil military insignia; but the only buttons they have by which to fasten their clothes are the military button, which are slmost identical with those worn, by the Federal officers. Now, here comes an order from Stanton, directing the tubordiuutcs of the army to' stop on the street every man wearing these buttons, and have them cut off on the spot. And this is done every hour of tho day is the streets yf the city. Gallant men, scarred veterans who have attested -their valor on a hunched battle fields, are roughly arrested ou the high ways and byways, and there, in the pres ence of crews of gaping spectators, are required by some upstart from Vermont, or by some negro sergeaut, to cut off their buttons aud hand them to the individual in blue and gold. One oor fellow, yes terday, in delicate health, who was sub jected to this indignity, begged that he might be allowed to retain the top button of his coat, to protect his breast from the severe norther that was blowing. , lie was refused. The order was imperative. Oh! what a base order this U! How that man sifd all his friends must love and venerite the Government and the people who treat him with such generous kind ness and magnanimity. The Fhekdmkn's Bcreau. A cor respondent in the South, writing to a Western paper of the many evils attend ant upon the Frecdmen's Bureau and the system of lalior under it, says : Besides tho-potentates' mentioned, we have another who assumes absolute con trol of the labor of-the State. This is General Baird, of the Freed men's Bureau, who: has issued orders' njiiu!lingi!l the contracts made by the-pdnnters for next year contracts' made in strict conformity to the military regulations of the time aud duly registered. This action and his absurd regulations in regard to future contracts lias thrown our labor again into confusion, and the planters are all iu the debpicst despondency about the futuic. Just think of regulations which make it obligatory upon the' planter to assign a halt acre for a garden for each laborer, nild to furnish him' lodging, fuel, clothes and rations, which will amount to three hundred dollars, iper aunuui besides his wages, w hich nro to bo paid monthly, and the education "of his children.' If you coulij visit Our State, and go upon the plantations, ;your first impression and your fixed ;and last- conviction would be that the Frceeuien's Bureau is the most, dia bolical and accursed institution that was ever "p ut into operation in a civilized com munity, and that its inevitable result will be to ruin and destroy the rac for whoso protection it was created, - Taxation without Representa tion. "Taxation, without representa: tion " was what our liberty-loving ances tors of the Ito volution resisted "in a seven years : nevoic strire witn tnc ' gigantic power or England. ; " laxation without representation ". was wlvit tho British torieis in England and here sought to im pose upon the American Colonies. This was the prime cause of' the Revolution. The Radicals of "to-day have placed our Govern mont-in precisely the position to ward the South that 'England held toward America , in ;.I770-'76; and tha Soqth in precisely the position toward; the Govern ment that the Colonies held toward Eng land fat that time. ' They deny represen tation in; Congress to the. South, .while insisting, upon the payment of taxes by her people, They thusoccupy the ground of the.' British tories;, and ,the South, in demanding - representation, Virile willing to resumetheir just sTiare of the burdens of Goyefhment," is ; placed by the Radt. cals on the ground neld by the patriots of ; tha Re volution. In this phasa of our internal -contest, it ia not stang that thoughtful ami patriotic people should sympathise with the South and seek to aid tlieim Tn scouring their rights.--Day-ton (Ohio) Empire. - - ; The negroes held a largo mass meeting at Sol ma, Alabama, in which they passed reso lutions complaining . that , .tho negroes were every dav robbed and beaten by men wear ing the lederal uniforms, and they also say they have appealed for protection, and none has been given. They, therefore, appeal to the Mayor of Selina, and the . commanding officer of thq district, for immediate relief,. Fr.tii ttip (.'iaeiuiiit!" Enquirer. Till! Fl Tl ItE tOSSTIT! TIOX. When the Constitution of the United States shall have been amended,' accord ing to the plans of the party in power, it will consist of two distinct parts : apart to which all the Slates have voluntarily assented, and part imposed upon home of them by a process of compulsion. In other words, several of the States and their people will be holden bound to obey provisions in whose adoption they bore no part not having been allowed to act either against them or in their favor and this while force is interposed to pre vent n withdrawal from their jurisdiction. Under the old ideas of liberty, such as grew out of the revolutionary struggle, and were embodied iu the Declaration ol I lii1Mi!.fllleilf flirt r,ljl "ill. ia fit" trli'w.l, it-.. and our ancestors have been so boastful;!? exffn1 ,H? rations of this bureau to for three or four venerations: and wbifli.l uulil within a few years,, to call in question would have been pronounced almost trea sonable, this would have been called tyran- Lny, and the condition which it established a titppotisjii. The undent maxima of po litical freedom taught that however be nign iu itself, aud .apparently useful a measure might lie, it could not sanction the employment ef injustice to give it the form of law;- and that the wisest devices would be utterly vitiated if force were used for their establishment. The process now in hand is that of ad ministering doses of political medicine to patients tied down beyond the power of resistance. The theory of the polities! doctors of tho times is, that if can only be forced down it will do its work. But that which may be true iu therapeutics, is not true in politics. The mode of adminis tration is, in the latter, a part of the char acter of the thing administered, and will adhere to it. No time can sanction an act of injustice. No multiplication of wrongs can make a right. The people who are not parties to the making of a govern ment are not parties to the government that is made ; and this, which is not deem ed to be true iu respect to governments as a whole, is equally true in respect to every part, institution and provision of which it is composed. - The means which are employed to nnife the North, in which the work of trusting a code of constitutional law upon the South, are among the worst features of the affair. In a single word, these means are slander. Now, wheu the war is over, and when it is of the utmost importance, in every point of view, that the angry passions generat ed by it rshmild subside, the journals of the party in power are laboring, by every" form of misrepresentation aud abuse, to increase the irritaticu. The average Re publican editor and demagogue seems to thiuk it beneath him to speak of the Southern people except as traitors Claim ing to have obtained a great victory, and to be in the cnjoyuicut of a signal tri umph, they exhibit nil the mean and nar row vindictivoness of a party that has been half whipped, and has not got more thau half what it deserved. The airs and manners of the party, as seen through its journals and the speeches of its politi cians, and those of the bully and the cow ard, who has accidentally overcome his antagonist, but is still afraid of, him. The word chivalry has often been used against the South as a term of derision: hereaf ter the North will need no affidavits to prove that it has little of the spirit of true chivalry in its composition ; for theoccu patiou and the enjoyment cd the party in power, and the only one in which the ap petite seems to grow with the indulgence, is that of kicking a fallen enemy. , We may call this process of , holding down tho South, while legal fetters are being riveted upon it, establishing the Union, but it is not establishing the Union. It is virtually making one law for one part of the Union, and one class of the States, and another for another. It is destroying liberty and trampling upon right in the name o'f liberty and right. It is making the people of the South an oppressed peo ple, and perpetuating the evidence of their oppression in tho bighest and most solemn formin the organic law of the land. It is imposing upon them and their posterity, for all time to come, a moral obligation to revolt. It is generating issues that will endure as long as the causes endure, to disturb every question, obtrude into every measure, and form the center of perpetu al dangers aud agitations. National Bebt. The " Occasional " j of the S. F. Bulle'tin, writing from New j York, thu3 refers to tha National Debt. Had he put the amount at four thousand millions he would have hit the mark.! The funded debt is already over twenty-j eight hundred millions. Ihe States war debt, the telegraph announced the other day, was five hundred millions, while the outstanding greenbacks and legal tenders are not less than seven hundred millions: When State claims are all audited and funded the debt will amount to considera bly over 3,000,000,000. This debt is a first mortgage on every man's property. Divided out, it would be a tax on every man that would frighten him if he had to assume his proportion of it as a private debt. ' In the lump nobody fears it, be cause nobody cares to understand it thus. Take New York 'city. It is estimated that every man's sfhare of national, State apd city debt amounts to $1,000. for the payment of which there is a lien on all of his earnings. Nine years ago Helper published a book called -The Crisis, (a scarce work niw)r. If 1 remember, he put down all the wealth of New York State at 1,800,000,000; say the wealth or all Pennsylvania was $1,200,000,000. This would make the two States worth, if sold out at their valuation, 3,000,000,- 000, or a little less than the national debt. All New England, put under the auction eer's hammer, would not probably pay up what the war has cost. All the States lately in rebellion certainly would not. The daughter of a wealthy farmer of Sa line county, Missouri; loped a few days ago with a. negro.. ri:s:i:Dwr:vs m nr. a r mi.?.. Some idea mnv be formed of th nature; L.f it, !.',,, i .'. i, , i :m i,.i vctocd by Prc.-.ideut Johnson, by the fob' lowing remarks, which were mi.de upon it by .Mr. Saulsbttry of Delaware, in tk3 Scuate when the motion was made to en large the powers of the Bureau , Mr. Saulsbury took the floor. He had not intended when he - auif to the Senate I tlis- session to participate in debates rrla-1 ting to slavery, but the Senator from Uli iioisfMr. Trunibulll bad said the otVr day that there was a noccw'ny iu DefiN ware for the operations of this bureau. On the 3d of March last Congie.-s passed an act to establish the Frecdmen's Bu reau. It was not deemed liecessarr- their i-iaies not in rot.eiiiori. alt bough, war j.'0' 1 in the land; but : nicetss has crowned the" cffoits of the persistent friends of the npproractf- their agK-ssiv' movements have become more rapid aud more extensive. Although the Freed-; men's Bureau, as originally established, was only intended, actordlt.g to its provi sions, to extend to tho States in 'revolt,'., yet we cannot f-but our eyes to the fact what an expensive bureau it Is bound to become. 1 shall enter into no computa-, tion of the cost which the country has already incurred in the support of that bureau. One thi'tig we know, that hun dreds of thousands of the negro raeehave! been supported out of the Trt$ary of the United States, and the white people of" this country are taxed to pay that ex-' peuee. For the first time in the h?s4orf of the country has the thing occurred Ihat the great mass of the people hare been taxed to support in idleness a class., of people too lazy and too worthless to support tbcHtselves. Lock around at" these galleries at any time iu the day and you see the beix-ficaiies of this bureau crowding Syour galleries and listening to the debates of this body. IIow many of the honest, hard-working white young men of this" country are there wbx can' afford to come to the city of Washington,, and sit day after day, week after week,. and month after month, .listening to your . deliberations. They cannot afford to do it ; but under the protective care of this Frc-edmen's Bureaji, your galleries can bo crowded every day with negroes listening to your deliberations, doing nothing to support themselves, but being supported' out of tho faxics levied upon the white ' people of this country. The bill under ' consideration 'proposes to enlarge . the -powers of the Frecdmen's Bureau.' It does enlarge them wonderfully. I think . I can demofistrate mathematically that " this bill gives to the President of the United States, and to those entrusted ; with the discharge of tkjlie duties, tho . power of spending at least two hundred -and fifty millions of -lobars. It cannot he the intention of the friends of the1 bill ' that such an enormous expenditure shall11' be incurred; but v.e are to look at what may be the result ef this bureau going . into operation to ascertain what the ex pense may be, and we are not to "consider that those entrusted With the discharge r' ofthese duties will not incur this ex.--pense. Mr. Saulsbury then reviewed the diner--' cut sections of the bill, alleging that it gave patronage to a dangerous extent to " the President, us well as elevolving im- f mense expense upon the country.. It . provided for an agent in every e-ounty. There were 1,078 counties in the United States. In every one of these an agent; at $1,500 a year, would come to $"J,dl4, 000; seventy-two clerks to assistant com missioners at 1,200 a year would cost 80,800 ; and 3,242 clerks for agents, in addition to ail this making a total for officers alone of 7,314,200.-, Cocxsel to Democrats. We particularly commend the following paragraph to tho perusal and practice of Democrats who are parents and who do not desire to have their ' children taught to detest their religion and -; abhor their politics : - ' :- Look to your children. The ready pens of a thousand writers are busy infusing false hood into their minds, concerning late events and their causes. All th channels of our - literature are fitlotl with their , perversions, prejudice and malignity. If we expect to preserve a tree government, we must watch the influences that are brousrht to bear in forming the minds of the young. Banish- from your houses evcrvtmng. that sr.vors of the doctrine of Federalism, or a fondness for- ' despotism. Ivive out the partisan .histories -of the wal", by Tory and Abolition writers, if vou cannot take the better course of put ting the truth by the side of them. Tho. r school, the press and tuo pupiLt are at prcs-. . ent doing the work of indoctrinating tho ., youth of the country with the love of strong ; governments, admiration of military and' contempt of civil power and the propriety .' of blending church and State, in general crusades of reform. Take heed that our ; children, and through tlrem the country, is . notjjpolitacally drugged to death, ".,;,, , . . , Scppjxg their ows GarEt.. Xdquor pros, ecutions in Massachusetts have taken an un- v expected and interesting turn. CalebCush- , ing, leading counsel for the Liquor Sellers' Association, ha found a Federal statute, passed in 1832, and aimed at South Carolina nullification, providing in cases involving -the revenue laws, the United States Courts may or shall issue a mandamus bringing the cases before themselves. The .General Gov-" , eminent collects revenues from liquor -sell-' . ing, so the liquor dealers' counsel obtainied from the V. S. Circuit Court an. order stop ping thediquor prosecutions, and traasferr'- ring the case to its own doctet. - So all prosecutions under the State law stop and ; wait for a decision in the U.S. Supreme . Court, for the liquor dealers will not be eon touted short of a decision by the full bench. ; , As Massachusetts has of late contended that , there is no such thiDg as State sovereignty ' ani that the General Government has tho ' ri"ht to over-ride in State as well as National matters, they can now eit down, and suck , , their thumbs, under a practical " result of their own teachings. ..,,.'-' . - Tho public lands are to be thrown open to ' ncrocs and whites alike-r-only a little more so for the American citizens. of African descent.