The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 03, 1866, Image 1

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    1 v
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NO. 30.
0' . :L.
ee The Stwf BaiHia the
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k. a. caAHoa. " ' eeo. - belx.
ALBANY, Oregon.
SPEECXIES ON THE VETO, rcctly recreant to the Government or the
mass of the people. Men tuny talk about
lie Defends III Veto and De-
Defends Ills Veto and
nonnecs The Radicals.
ercised by any imperial magistrate in the
world. Judge ye, I trust, this fault of
declining imperial power too harshly,
tendered by a too confiding Congress, may
be forgiven by a generous people.
It will be a sad hour for the republic
when the refusal of unnecessary powers
and patronage by the President shall be
held as crime. When it shall be so con
sidered, the time will have arrived for
setting up at the White House an impe
rial throne, surrounding the Executive
with imperial 5 legions.
Abolition Philanthropy.
At a late meeting in the citj of New York
called to consider the condition of the negroes
. a -. . v
it, and about usurpation, Dtit wncn 1 am
persuaded the American people are the
witnesses, I do not want it by tnuendoes
and indirect remarks in high places to be
Chicago, Feb. 23. The Republican's suggested to me : " Have assurance ; the
Washington special dispatch gives a full knowledge is in their bosoms."
report of the President's speech yesterday. Others have exclaimed that the present
The meeting at Grover's Theatre adjourn- obstacle must be got out of the way. What
ed to the White House to present a series is that obstacle? I make use of a strong
ot resolutions endorsing the 1'restdent s word ; but it was to be removed no doubt
veto. As it arrived in front of the White I say the intention was assassination.
House a noisy cro.wd of two hundred per- that the obstacle which the people had
sons assembled. The President came out placed here should be got out of the way.
and said : Are the opponents of this Government
It is extremely gratifying to know that not yet satisfied t Are those who want
so lartre a Dortion of his fellow-citixens to destroy our institutions and ehangc the
approved of the policv adopted, and which character of the Government, not satisfied of the South, Gon. Fish said
I intend to carry out. The day is pecu- with the quantity of blood which has been In South Carolina. Georgia and Alabama,
Hirlvinnn.nn.UtU .mlnK.mAnt f she.! f Ari tiie not satisfied with nnn there is an excess of freodinen. As our boI-
X policy whose object is the restoration of great martyr in this place ? If my blood di gemmed in the Southern planters thry
1 -' J . I . . . .,.'. . tunt nlnrra to tho centre. In tlpsp
ne union as uesignea py me miners vi uc 0uc a v.uu.vaic i c , ow5n t0 dr0U2ht and Po vert v. the
the country. 1 stand here to-day as 1 union, rememDer mat tne blood oi tne ' ie are. unRble to "sustain this excess of
stood m the Senate ia 1860 when I de-l martyr is the seed or the church.- Domilation. If wo do not awmt them we
nounced traitors trying to break up the This seed will grow and continue to in-J drive the Southern people to another system
frnTrnrncnt I Crease in strenzth and rower, thoueh it of oppression. If not assisted, 30.000 freed-
There were two parties, one of which may e cemented and cleansed with blood, meu will pensn m ueorgm ueiore tne 1st oi
destroy the Govern- One word about the amendments to the neV rt tiarvx wia aymg uktz;
Constitution. In conversation with Pres- Z.Z 'Z'.ul
tdent Lincoln last February, he indicated Lrnmcnt or the iul the frcedm rt-
his desire tor au amendment to the ton- (ie assistance of both to save them from
tuution compelling tne reoeuious ciates deatkl
from the North or South, I stand now as to send Senators and Representatives to! jcow noic the result of this meeting of
I did then, for the Union and the Consti- Congress because it is part of the doctrine pur;tnn nhilnuthroDists. assembled to adont
tution. The Government has stretched of secession that States might withdraw nieasure3 to &ueviate the distress of starring
was determined to destroy the Govern
ment and save slavery, and the other al
most equally dangerous and equally will
ing to break up the Government and de
stroy slavery. Whether disunionists came
From the Sonora Democrat.
It is quite amusing to witness the
sophistical shifts to which the Abolition
party resort, in order to slur over their
unconstitutional requirements at the hands
of the Southern people, as conditions
precedent to their reception back (al
though they declare they have never been
out) into the Union. They have two
theories as to the situation of the revolted
States during and at the close of the war.
One of these they call the " State suicide
theory," and the other the " suspended
animation theory." It is difficult to di
verge further from the truth, or wander
farther into the labyrinths of nonsense,
than to assume any such grounds as the
above. There is nothing in either of
the assumptions. They are both equally
iaiincious aim nonsensical. ihey are
nothing more or less than sophistical sub
terfuges to hide the enormity of Abolition
deviltry, They made war on the South
ostensibly for the vindication of the Con-I
solution ana me reaerai laws, put really
it was not so. j Howling for the Constitu
tion, the Union, aud the flag, they lured
the people into the support of their war
until the southern people were mastered
aud compelled to lay down their arms and
surrender. All this was done in the name
of and for the dt-fence of the Constitution
and the union. But it was a false pre
tense, a cheat aud a humbug. The men
1 r i . . w SI S
who louirnt tne oioouy battles, most ol
'-' Will practice in the Superior and Inferior
- r Coarts of Oregon.
FTTCE at his residence, one mile from Albany.
February 17, 1S66.
Particular Attention girea to Land
Claims and 1ana Titles.
Oregon CUy, Ojn., Dee. 2a, 1365.
i . , . i ... i f u sj t l ir A t
iortn ine strong arm anuwim lis pnysicaiiuwir ocwaiors nia ipro.M:uiaiic ur id-I ,n nMii:n. f. ...... ........
power put down tha rebellion. The fuse to elect them. Now we find Con-r" ' Tr 1 , V T t
ClV." Pu:J il"v -IT i .Lv MK,.n(i. Mr,.; Jnii.0; t J coffins beoausa they could not get bread." ered the war a just one. Rut the ring
rAMMWi c;.; .. th lnmont.tW H.ilr imnosin- Meat and bread, clothes and fuel, or money leaders, the Abolitionists, cheated
: li-...M.;...i.A ... .Tr r,,.r.trtn P 1nv n,l .T,hnn nn h to orocute these necessaries, were what the soldiers and the country as no soldiers
O I ... a a a . I an1 Anmirsw VOSfl lirov h an r n 1
..e A. Ar a nnmnrAContAr. Smith I rArrrH thia oa trrttlirMl Ireeameil WQntlil. UDSrT6 XT Mil I "" -uuulU " Vf v unyic
and dissolvo the Union, and we failed, fundamental error. I never insisted on they got : At the conclusion of Gen. Fish's Ine war, so lar as tne Abolition Admin
k.. u: i.;i LnonMI.i.mont nn il. Pnn.i;iimn nrll i .k. r..n: ri istrators of the Government were concern
i,;.i -..n .,.innj-.LUMnH nnmr to rMUi thom M.v . ., . t..... j n.Jed, was waged tor the destruction of the
ouu ijujaimi '' " " ntivi I t J 1 OT lUC 1VCT. IT. VUCCTCTIl pSStXI. tUIU VUW I .
. . . . t a! A I I I . "1 1 . 1 1,4 .1 w 1 Sfl-I
ra.staten. We aetnowledge tne cag oi ouia to uou me wnoie American peo- meeting adjourned:
v.u.v .um ,,. . s w J I " rr . "T 7 J V Rcsolted, That the black race or the South ern r,eotle of their constitational
acyofthe laws." Coming in thatspint going on to preserve the Constitution Si,X?af rigK rights and their kwful property. Accord
I say to them : When you have y ielded their fathers. They would soon settle the have a natural and inalienable right to life, ,n? to thf declarations ot those in power
to the laws, when you have acknowledged question if they could on!v see the kind liberty, and the pursuit ofhappiuess. That, people expected that as soon as the
.i';. f . T . ofsn rit ninif. inr.Torr to r.rMV as the right of suffrage for the protection of war was over the Union should be all
juui 4i a Vg!04iv.b. wi a tat m a. w-a,
open the door of the Union to those who
if ... 1 t f . i n .
so-caiied slavery oi me soutnern ne.
again ;
have erred and strayed for a time. The
spirit cf revenge ia not the B,irit in which
to deal with the whole people.
I know there has been a great deal
said about the exercise t f the pardoning
power. There is no one who has labored
New York, Feb. 22. Cooper Institute
was crowded to-night to endorse the Pres
ident. T. P. Cutting was in the chair
with m rnnM. thn mvsolf to Uvid uuuiy x leid onered a written ad-
have principal, intelligent and conscious Jress and. resolutions, declaring that the
traitors brou-ht to iustice. the laws vin- first question before tha people xs lU pa-
A.t n.l rh trrt for iiir?iv,aiw as- cification of the country. The conflict of
tall shed, that trtson is a crime; but passion should cease All will agree that
-Vi,?a h,t lAir,- ;nii;,, I ihc Irecdmcn
tion. the honor or a republicau form ol Gov
ernment and the interests of justice, human
and divine, require that
right be accorded and seci
well as the whites, without respect to per
sons, and that is tne law lunuamenta:
aud essential of a just, righteous and consti
tutional reconstruction of the Union.
that all the States would
with all their rights under the
Constitution unimpaired
There is going on all over the country
a general movement to secure a reduction
of the legal term of daily labor to eight
Erom the Cincinnati Enqbr.J
The Richmond Enquirer havio iaqair-
ed of the New York Tribune, "What eonf
stitutes a loyal American joarnal?" WQl
of sprit manifested in the "effort to break " the right of suffrage for the protection of war wai
up the priacbles of a free Gorernment. ' hcse t$t!'ia i."' and y?9 f 'Sht a
1 r for the blocks, and that the peace of the na- be in it.
icau lorra ot Uov- no;.,; ,,;,;,J vi.; .i.. I
if justice, human i.t .,ia , .,!, e ,avd l"e bours of labor shortened so that
4lr- ,1 what the people thought the war was for , , . . . , ,
this inestimable , . K B, , c , , he could eend his boys to school: his
nroA to i,Uot i to bring the seceded states back to j-.- i r
ured to blacks as ... e,nr,nna condition here as a fnetory oporativa was
t resncet to rer- theirformer situations.
But what do we see now ? Are the
hours, and the Legislature of Massachu- answered as follows
setts have appointed a Committee to look! "A thoroughly loyal American journal
into the subject. From a report of that oaC bolds a tnefPnUn - 'Sf
1 .tmntu.n n Huitnmtinn M th Southern
Committea tho following ftl tracts are de- States, Hai portion of their peepkvho cr
rived ; Iroa the Union tn our lajf $trggie vtatmvm
(l . j , accorded all sj0iL rxafits and privileges nf
"A discussion here arose L,, i fki
among the Commissioners aa to whether for iu overthrow and detlruetion." 7 -j-
the testimony of the parties from Fall Ttfc iadieates that, in th opinion dT
River shou d heard. 1 he witnesses were the leading organ of the party in powc
two men who were operatives in a Fall - thtt TTnftAJ08,flte. the Ttesi of lovaltl
River factory. Before giving in their regide3 M in matter8 reIating 8 ,
testimouy they asked the reporters to -,i, -nn .t.
suppress thdi - names as their employers oaofthe Southern States. Whatevet
would throw them out of employment if m9 ba tbe OT)in;on9 of the iournal cpoS
hey learned that they had been Jjefore if it is right upon thJ, U
the Commission. One of them said : 1 , ' ,1:, w.i
It is evident, in the first plaeK tl at.
day; have worked twenty years in the old according to this authority. qu . a of
country, and cightyears here j had work- loyalty and disloyalty have nothiag to Jo
ed harder in' the lasta'ght years tban-tn mna-ws &rr--jjna.- A xnaa tiay
the other twenty ; he has to walk an ag-j disobey the Constitution and , relate tbf
gregate of from twentj to twenty-evealaw: a public jo'nrnal may exhort to difl.
miles a day, attending a spinning jack; obedience of the one and violation of the
until within three months he had to work other, and yet their loyalty incur no suii
hard all the noon in cleaning up. and had picion. So a man or a journal may ob
to get bites at intervals from bis dinner- gerTB, or urge uptiij the others the observe
kettle: now this leaning work was done anee of law and Constitution . and yet b
only on Saturday. The operatives have held guilty of disloyal proclivities. Thii
to work harder here than in England ; if is made apparent by the fact that neither
reduction of the hours would bring with the Constitution nor the law contains anj
it a reduction of wages, still he would go thing upon the subject of reconstruction
for it heart and soul. ,, The machinery or restoration. There are party issue
had to ba oiled before starting up in addi- upon these points, but not legal or consti-
tion to the eleven hours; in some of the tutional ones: consequently, the standard
mills on Fall river little ehildron have to of loyalty, in the contemplation of the
work eleven hours a day, and the law to Tribune, is one which its own party has
prohibit such hard labor was never en- constructed.
forced against the factory owners ; some To translate the reply of the Tribun
parents were obliged to take their child- into plain terms, its notions of loyalty ar
ren from school and send them to work as follows: He who is in favor of eta
m the mills."
The other operative said:
(i I am a spinner ; have no education,
and am sorry for it ; have two little boys.
ploying the force which the General Gow
ernment may wield to fix and continue th
political power of tha South, for Nations)
and local purposes, in the hands of tho
one seven and the other nine years, who eSrf ? and l"onwt whites, by the en
work in the mill : they gst ?2 30 a week. "fcw. ""V.T
and work seventy hour, each ; wanted to wf no 18 ioyai a jouxnaj. wuic
0&6 wbb does uot IB troaiopable. In
other wordi, to 1$ loyal to b ia Uiof
01 negro auarag in me douiu. ibis is
harder than in England
rint- t Vi A Vrf- Mont sari
I 1$ 'IL21LL SC - kTUL3 KaK fje traitors are to be punished, should whole -" "J " In 1838, at the capital of Pennsvlvania. he
communities, States and their people, be c.Huy " "f1 "'y whipped his party followers into the wicked
States in question allowed to be repre- Ihese witnesses stated that operatives to show wherein it is uncandid, in sug.
sented in the National Legislature as for- wuo been prominent in movements gest;no. an untruth which, perhaps, it.
mcrlv? Are thev permitted to be a rart fr fair wages had been discharged, others -..n.-t,,, tn nripT
of the confederation as they were before ? were employed in their places, and the gpcaking of The Southern States; thf
xn nr.i nir ino .na a nA T discharged men had travelled from place I v .5 c t ,x ..1.
must be given all the civil Zl I .-Jr.r Because the AbolitionisU are not yet done ? P ace -seeKing employment oui cou m roR s t-B our Iate ttTVqqU
.The Traitor Thad Stevess. The Phil-
arlelphia Leader, speaking of Thad Stevens'
Albany, Oregon.
man" to anKmlt in lh rnaltr of Hpath 7 snail bave the right Ot t II U rage 18
TRTILL PROMPTLY ATTEXD TO THE rCrip of Na ! No !1 TtthoA ho We dividing question, and this belongs
ac b wrinwT sra rn nn r BnairBrmis nirnu di i - .
Deeds, Mortgages, and Powers of Attorney. A
AJeposilions, Amainn, e., c. tuuuc niiu uu mu imnu luui iuc icucr ..... . . r . i . . -. .
OFFIC&l-lntheNewCoartnoaM. Ji; T v J.a l.Un .n VinoW the belief that the exclusion of eleven w?r.e '"" of the same party
the I moa)tirft of BltMiinflntr tn Rpt nsiHn Mia oIri
cx-jtion of the people, and foist upon the Com-
minoritv candidate for Gov-
minoritv Lezislature. There
with them. Because the Abolition pro- 0Dta,n none i tnat wuen anT 01 tneia um does nol truly describe the negro popular
gramme is not yet finished because the Ket employment, u was oniy xor a lew tion Tbfi attachment of the negroes to
intended robbery of the South is not yet uaJs ana luea lueJ were oiacnargea the Tjn;on j3 a tb;lntr purely iiHagiaarY:
completed. That's what's the matter, without any apparent reason, and from Th know noth-ing a,oat TJoion and
And still to deceive the people in the no cause but a secret understanding be- nothing about it. Our DoliticalteM
. I a. a a - . W i T " H 1 - - 73 - A.
completion of the devilish programme,
tween the owners of the mills.
political '
niihology never had, and has not now, in.
now that the war is over, they resort to j This is in Massachusetts! in "glorious. J their minds, any meaning; -or if it has, it
: D2. C W GIXAY,
Late Gradnate of th
illiXli Dental Eargery,
i t arna wona nrwABa a n niTAcs iiaitrna. t ' . . . - - - - --- - - . s - i a . si . . v s s - f l - j a. at--
We put down the rebellion in order to orf'Sd. , " these trenable measure., namely alrs. h f fc h b Wtf TVato. theyT" KSXfiSSaBfiSfr&W mSSSSSZSL
'ii ' alarmist; lam SiJStS& ''State suicide S Suspended annua- to December, Ad these wretchad, over, from fyj. tb-ir Qtio jf pdiM
fc auSnw! ' W Zrrjeffort o not here to say that the nation is in peril, testified before the Committee'of Investiga- tion!" Whategrogious foolishness ! Sup- worked persecuted operatives are thf i hberty ts free rafaons seat to jthem by th
be ye nnd now an enort to adopt or reject the views of the tion that he told Mr. Stevens that his con- pose some of the officers of the rebellious Massachusetts reni 4he rubjectt of Presidant and nothing to do; and it w.
concentrate all the power in the hands ot -t y jn Coness The countrv is not science would not permit him to sapetion States ran away, or got killed during the the Commonwealth where Phillips lives not probable that their notion of the
a few at the federal head, aud thereby -es- . jJ i . ' dnT think the these corrupt proceeding.,, ' Oonsf-inc8, war, would that constitute "State suicide 7" and laof ores ; where Garrison continually Union, if it has any fixedness, M pay .
tablishaBewpnncipleofequalUyandas f" indeed!" said Sir. Stevens f "throwyour Are not lhe le there to elect others bewails the wrongs of "the poor, down- tide more rational. Unless it means foadV
nr-L . t T nroCTCSS
. . .si rri mna riica 9 a mni i.iitva 1 hp a ani t k cz in inwripn m iib i ik
-JSISSSSS ernment may be revolutionised without! j?. I"!, whether you adopt one set of pp- rty ... ,f the Congressional body rtVV
9 i . . . Ill t lAt I am ra Ann o-kS A aai ho I h a nti Ivl! a AU f1 1 v. a
XnCE Up ttAirs ia Foster's Brick Boudiag.
.a. a s J Js
laC",J:a"a, a.W"r to fill their places?
1 nam . 11 tuc vuuErce?iunii ijw ? swafcr 1
opinions or another. lhe only 1 mgton follows such a leader, than we may
ftesideace alongside cf (he Pacific HoteL
Albaay, Aaajt 14th, ISSi.
. 1 i . I 11 t?. r . ai . .. 1
it, .riMrreas is not so easilv watched. ainerence is, mat one puot. says we may weu exciaim, vxou vu u., .. ,
The great principle which authorises stecr d,rect.,J thr.ou?h e difficulties ot
each branch of the legislative department reconstruction ,th.out delaying the pro-
And is it not their trodden. ortDressed African :" where the lor drink, or clothing, or Quarters, or lasly
a. w.S 3 a I a , TTTl " I . -.s
rigut spa tneir own Dusiness to ao so s qjoio-pyea ianup, i aimer, composes so 1 ness, they have neitner anxiety or cun
X 1 . . , , I - .? 11.... 11 fJ 3 . , . , .1 .
lias anvooay ujse a rignc to 00 sucn
thincr for thorn 7 What riusini
such a many sensational but soulless Odes and osity on the subject, and in their sensuous
has the verses to ' Liberty V where Sumner has natures', sluggish even in respect to their
2 ilfiB Sr.IITIi" ' BHOS.:
' L- v v.. u.' ;.n. other eays we must
-TwmTTX3 - itm rrjTJTRT.PV ,i .mif.0A T f.,lt r;r lenities. We should practice
; " J"! "ri.lardtreain in did -ink both
C;A;,':;.::, CIO I.'! SLVEU t,Urond and fiud men, I care not by whatlnone8t
rrauuuucui v. H-J I " HUB UOUieSllU BJxUirs til HID CUl9
.U.F v '"- ;am nf aoniA of thA Als t on Senators, who 4u i. i... .
takA Round inert nrn.1 . " , V- . "l eaoiuoocty ucuurei wua
taae souuuiugs, pru-i.f ftr r th. r.;i,rninniit thorn. 1 . ' . . .r v.
..i v,. J;J""."r:V..: .T.a" ' . 1 T? - make states, and to tcepthem m
... w. i selves uut, uuiisiuB uir iui vt u4u u r i . , ,
the usual
, pension.
Ho says j
9fcWO CLOCSS, &c, &c., &c
rrcnt Street,
Portland, Be. S3, IS 55.
-2; VT. CrilACY &. CO.,
. 3. "
Loval" Nkpotis. A Washington oor. Congress or the President to meddle with under bia rcry pose every day more of material wants, there is no place tobnill
i xa ii wruug, uuuidivu, nrviciwuuias, Miiac , I iae luea OI pvllucai noskracwou .
. 1 a a . a .a I . a.
mess to servility and absolute slavery, than was I xhe negroes neither of the JNorth nor.
repair 1 lever seen or known among the slaves in I of the South testified their love of the-
so do the Aboli- the South; apd where Puritan, Aboli- Union bv fiehtine for it. Thev knew
. t..l ii i 1! - J J i I .. . 4.i r--j?.i. i'.j.
m. . rt , r: V..l I uoniaia. -u u. iucj want, tu maae ineiuuu wwn a wmuKusuea, wcatusi Ji nOtniOZOT me eaosesot wio war. uiu caret
a son of Senator Clark of New Hampshire is people believe that the States in question and disunionists, editors and politicians, nothing. Not one in a thousand of then
doorkeeper of the Reporter's gallery : that a were dead, committed "Buicidc," in order strong-minded women and incendiary fa- had any thing which resembled a corocti
son OI oenator ujwan is ciera iu ocusvur m ue tcuec iu lutir i rcaiiy luiprojnsr I uatica geuvruiijr, uiig iui ov uuuj jcarsi notion Upon any fciauuaru ui iaici-!
von Kar T am atHI in th !pM fVoioA ard at the CooDer Institute last evenins' :1 r. . . ... rrsni, . .11, 1 I. .. i f. y I. .. - 1 .1 i
j . 1 - 1 (. iur uuiu.iiia uuiuiitiL . lum. 4 i i ii n 1 1 jt ran nn
Portiana. " JName them, who are they ? 1 The congress agonized over tne question oi Doolittle u similarly favored; ditto a son Bmaii no tn
president continued : l ou ask me whoirftconsirucuon, not Decause tne war nas each oi cwsnaiors nowarn ana isixoa ; nae
thev are. I say. Thad. Stevens of Penn-1 not come to an end, but because they
. . . ... n i . ? i . i, , , i
syjvania aoariei Dumner oi ine oen-1 "a o wtu.y nau u , - . & . thera L Bmrrcndercd to jta &uthori. the oporatives who toil in their New Sometimes threats were used, sometimes
t AniAis a-' r i i una issri-iAwi nn nirino- as J si a i u i v i ithi i iin ui ui si w . a a.a a.. i a a . . . a - '
... V " T l " r ej 2 ,.tt., . of $1,200 ar annum. And the pressure is ty. is there anything more of it T That England lactones, and who are so nearly force, sometimes privation: nd tree
v,.ve w '.oracj. ; x ne rrcs- .ooaru w nw 6er.Uu3 u.xuui.y, ,r wc 8tin h u the apnoihune ower in be- i3 all. Awav. then, with Your ' State slaves that thev dare not allow their em- ... a thinr abaolutalv anknor.5
1 1 . . . M I 1 AW . . 1 3 11-- . " M . a 1 V 1.. A. I. .
name you call them, still opposed tore- New York, Feb. 23. The following
storing the Union. I am tree to say to re additional remarks made by Mr. cew-
into nutshell, and a I the "horrors ot slavery. ibrouo-ht on secession, or ot tho issues in
states referred to re-1 "Why has it never oecurved to these I volvad in the conflict Almost without
p. .1 v !. T-j i r .1 -I .1 1 . . .t
of Senator aae sstanas guaraai one oi tnei - V'"TV-" n.v- .v. w weui uuuer wuk w.-..
c:id rj3T; nyi tekdees, etc.
OFFICE 55. Front street, first door
"north of Arrigonrs. ,
Portland, tec 20, ll5. v ". ' "
ate ; also
voices 11
i!nt in reply to this said: I will not conviction that there never was and never Ualfof the uncles, aunts, neices and grand- 8uici(le Tour SUSI)CU(le(l animation "nlovers to know that the have said a word In , Sot.h white soldiers drove the
waste ray ammunitiea oa dead ducks. can be aay suceesstul process lor res tor- mothers of other members of the American ,j nl1 ' ifn,.i . ',i. n:..: , . a. x?.a i .
I stand fer my country, I stand for thcjmg Lnion and harmony ttaoag tho btates House of Lords.
nonstitntioa : there t nlad niv fpot onlexeent tk one with which the Trendent
. ;.tA n,M;A i;r n k ra.T.Ihna aviwod hlmswlf atiRfiA.l with Tht Iaisn Beauties. A correspondent in Iro
traduce, thev may slander, or thev mav President is in harmony with all the ,and ha8,R. d wor,d. f.r Ae thc
. ' k; w . ' ' .r tt,,t ;. ,,wj ,iw. r.v. woroen 01 uie traeraia ,8,e
p r - V . y . I j t..j:..i y a 1 The beautrof the Cork iroxmn of all class-
.1 . w- a . . 1 t .a: T t . I CO j innmrfOMij laxj.. A uvj aica v uiw
turtner, mai a ao bo imena 10 do over- su.g ac.r iuuCU ijai represt-oi-i fuee y( of a natural wariness, brilliant
awed by real or pretended friends, nor de atives, more or less from these State, ae cheftkt of tlMS charmingest bloom, dark eyes hnKth and one
I intend to be balhe4 by my enemies, now standing at ttm door of Uongrcss, and full of fire and light, and features which, if r11"' , Vi' If
and all your infernal nonsense, to excuse or made an effort .for , the alleviation oil negroes into the Federal ranks -at 'the.
the enactment of jour devilish deeds, their own condition 7 The negro is free, point of the bayonet, and drove their.
' now ; their standard subject for declama- wives and ehUdV$a into the wilderness to,
The Vaticak. This magnificent palace, tion is declared abolished ; the " plan ta- perish by the sama process of gentle corar'
adjoininjs the celebrated Church of St. Peter, tion lords" are " subjugated ;" now, let nulsion. In thousands of cases they rev
and crowning one of the sewn bills of Rome, the philanthropists give some of their maind loyal to their masters antil driven
is an assemblage or group of buildings cov- attention to the "factory lords" of their from thpjn by force; and in no one cast
EP&'VOtg 22 11 own New E.gianL did theT manifest their love of liberty and
rj ' " ' aitc is person to tha -27jssH't!.
xt CULsw Arising ia Oref es
.j ma.1 .ffalSfarnia,-.-. . ' ;, "
And to tbe Settlement of Accounts with the
I do not intend to be over-1 sundae their functions. Loyal represent
thousand feet in
upon the erot which
I U Ll V UI U U V. I.K.UV. .1 V. 11 uavu. 1 ....... .
Xf hyn. .AnrlMinn , mirinimM har hAAnatandinv thrtor thrAA montha. I .Mnaionall v a tnflo .rrfxriilar. nr nlivn Wihl ",-uuF,uu 'J luB laoiuaB irnruena OI 1C
..uv,. . , . - - .-.--I . " . e .I-,, it it- ... .v u- , r
CoMUtnUon is my guid i Know, my a.sing xo oe aamutea as . e es wn cn, . nF-S Rome, one of whom ejected ahumbh Vc Z If secession is treason' and treason is a
cc-Tmtrymen, ,t has Veen .a.inuatea, no aga.nsc meir wrnes, is ie unrcp- " - ' "U Vm" denco on the Vatican HiU in theearlv nart crime, as seems to be believed b? eerUin
r. Vr"' " 1 "T h-v ; rr" . . . , . ir,radded to a natural wit and unaffected oi iue sixm century, a Oout the year
in nigu circles, mai u sucn usurpation oi
power as I am charged with,' had
exer i?ed some two hundred years ago.
would have cost the individual his head. I It is. lruposs
Of what nsnrnation has Andrew Johnson I territorial condition. Congress has had a truly " his
. m a, - w- 1 a a! a a A? aCa - I wl n nam ' '
Decn ffUiily I One, Dune. I X3 lb USlir-I rctuusiruviiuu uiaj iajh.c va uhccu iaiciaj- i r
pation that I should stand between the beiy, who have stopped the wheels on Good. At a late term of the U. S. Circuit coudiUon ot obscurity and neglect for more counties most interested
people ana encroacnmenis oi power 1 1 leguuauuu nncu uiuutua mj cuaun; i ouri ,n Wisconsin, John Stevens recovered man seventy years, jiut soon alter the re-
t rom the same source tne exclamation wiera w suumu imu umereui irvm um .ijuu damages trom ueni. t;nenowortn. u, lulu "l luo ouuatai uouri to tu ma in lao, - aoi 'j i0.i .t.
I I ftl 1 1 onlf.Ann n(i fvirAii (uri naa vf Vtimian ett aire
v l ouii-uuowv vsua l uutio uuuiau nutaii o.
DrJrulcoaic r,.., . th Bociet !rrosi8tiblv us reouiit on a magnificent scalebyFope we ehould be irkd to hear from them as and in harmony wita the led- ehftrminV The stranser. who arrives nron- f'uSemu9-"1-i &n.d w years afterward tn ihn --Anri.r. f fB1 firn.
, it eral Government. crly Utroduccd in Cork, will have contiWd i?10c.nt llvc u UP ft '.WS o Poterl on f' w. V.v;;
... . . . . mi .. v. .. . j....... i me . . . . u w ...uuj.. ujz 1 1 ii I . . i . . . . u. . u a.
. k f a J .. . W ...A .n " 1 .1 1 1 J., .1 .1 . . . . lllll 1- 111 nrrHiiii . Ill 1 ui 1. 1 Kimn I 1 A r 1 C 1 11
luio tu rcuuvc oiaicD at occasions 10 oiesa
niraaou, anu ueviarc mat - . 07. .. . ' "Ky. -"-1 r .1," u o,.. in,:. ......
1: - 1 . a.h- i . 1 en 1. v.. as tne insucr&tion ot th k no . vtoiuR uuu tw wU oww.
uuc9 uai o Aaiiuu iu utvuflBuuti , 4 - " 1 . ir.j , , , . ..1
to Avignon, when the Vatican remained in a Federal Government, the people in many
condition of obscuritv and nno-l
encroachments of power? legislation for three months to enable Court in Wisconsin, John Stevens recovered than seventy years. But soon after the re- voted unon the snbicpt and in all of thm
.... ii. 1 . . nloi. ;flrani fr.nm tht a; .w. j ' t..: ni .u t Uimnfn.Tw;fin.inn...D votea upon me BUDject, ana m an 01 mem
t Tl-JJK2IA?t C? PATENT OFFICE. ha gone forth tbattheywercia the midst! which is now on the ev of a happy con- Davenport. L. Rood, and other citizens of it was put in a state of repair, again enlarg
s. . . - 1 . a a . a .1
svXaovs fcttiuVhmiS.Miaa".. iia it BrompUv 1 ot n earthquake; that they vere
4. ' 1 eitizeas. there is an earthquake comin
a 1 . A W'Wl i Ilia I CT' UPUT I . a ... a . .
Misjusa ... ,o oAViAiii Itheae is a trrand swellinot DOTjuiar
AiisT03 CITY. D. c. awo rt A.r.r,
.1 . a - a. . I '
no pun ot reooos true tion but an oostruc- legtan.
1 eople "will speak, and by their instinct, i
1 Tn 1lT.11nT.1f1n fT 11101 nin v cv ri nt 1 1
1 , .. . 1 1 .. . . ... a w m n 1 m 1 niiii Tnnni,.rnvn,Mwr, i m.w.v..ww.wh w.. wmw. v.s. vvwra. ivr uwxm-
trem-1 summation, ana wnac nave iney given us 1 rani, vnrcunuouuij. iireucn,uuauuijre -t ".vuviv.imu mib.ubi iuo reiru- . , '-.,
irciu Buiuiiwviuu, .uu u..v uvj 6 l.i, , 1 , . , " re i. . ..i ... .J :j .... . 9 I inrr of thA A-rriPAsa rtTOiriainn rV lha PaiI.
1 w nrnnnsAii 7 An ampndmnnt to the. Cnn-I loyal - moo law rumons. woo fcuspcuioa f"- icoiuouce oi toe iropes : wno, 1 e "r ; -
- orproposedr An amendment W me lon- J jui.H, nrl'ln tJons after another, ail,.., Kiw;..l .leral Constitution, whuih aava -
g. stitution to compel the excudedfeUtes to- LZJn
judg- equalize sunrage en penaiiy ot aonug- on Ge p e.8 0rder No 3 they on. ues pictures, and Ixwks. unUl it became, as ;to thU Union . "kn,. nTT. T&Zi .i,.?i
1 ment of their representation, ihis waa daavored to force him to take the oath of al it now is, tho richest renositorv in tha world. f-!i .:j:.t-T
I I ... . '
On his persistent refusal to do so
forty thousand manu- J any other State ; nor any State be formed by
not otherwise, they will know who are tion. A eonflict in opinion between the they rode him on a rail and otherwise mal- scripts, many oi which are most rare and the junction of two or more States, or parts
. aJ I - . a. a .1 a a - A a. fxVI a A .i.!l,..t. ! . I wAAima t. I K v .t,nl 1 ii ? t MJ I a ...
i.iM3 uttj ui rBVfiuuuvojuouco aavo. ao wnuitj oi uio nomenso Duiiu i of asVtes witbout tjojB cons-jnt of tha Lcisla
Kol Prosidnt and Consress in reference tol treated mm.
Ilesl' Ccramercial and
filled with (tures of the States concerned, as well as of
AflTTC!T.T- TTAT H A XT-I ....
jr-fWiAA " is certain to eomeupon all of the mob law ings forminr the , Vatican are
f-. . ... . i uue io iiie neoLue m an ine nosiuons in i iuo xicvuixitu d u.cau in u wuv.-. , , . .... r a i a .. . - . . i -. " ?
. 1 , , . -.- I nn;mnA.t.nt T, I rumans ana loyai scsounurcis wuo comamiea iuuuu ueoeam tne ruins oi ancient the Con cress
this Government and what position I ouenccs comparatively unimportant. Ill j . a n i Rnm. ;v, v-i.. . I Vfuuroaa
have I not at nome time filled in it ? would excite little interest if it atoodl nomru Ain th ..f. ous medala and .in,,.: .i ...' It, as the President intimates, the U
I Bcppose it will he said that this is vani-j alone. IJoth fully agree tht this Bureau! : scription. When it is known that there f Come should immediately estab-
ity; : but I may say that I h.ave been in! was ereated for this transition period be-I Impassive. A writer in the Petersburg have been exhumed more than seventy thou-1 lished, in order 0 begin a promiscnous
. aw
r,l z '-'"-fpf. mrt-i 7l- 11 f them. I have been in both branches tween war and peaae, an4 should cease at Index says : We remember at the battle ot sana statues from th ruwed temples and campaign of hanging an4 confiscation for
iict'oa fZir ottU Legkkture: TA voiced' I ou the end of that petfod. Tha Profit th. .Wilderness a pliant palwea .of Borne, some idea can be formed of the crime of treason, would it not be wise
Uccnu, - eomma nfleman be, thinks .that lofnj that "Igj i&'SKft fiSH tTntTqTiS tt
C:-: V.:i::ir Inzttitntl"-"! 1 A tailor. I began as the original protifiioa is suScient, while 0neof the group around his body, a tist and the scholar, 7 ' by bngtg to mf, tbo8 who pwrtici.
Dec 20, 1355. . a tailor; and that suggestion does not die- CongresB thinks the original provision dgy-ataa whose tenderness was womanly, v . , a, . .. ' pated in miir Jgrant Mt or secession,
Alti-i- , , concert me in the least j for when I was needs enlarging. I agree with tha Presi- broke the silent tearfulness with which we Bass The Federal authoritias havs con- Reason, and Stab mutiladon ? Tfeapast
JUST ilECTlVFn I ataobrlhad the' reputation of beins a dent in the hope that the extraordinary saw the letter: he took it, laid it upon the fi8Cated all the littla Mnalnimr onertv of "bloody assizes 'fihould be renewed at
vjn. v--ir.-mt l'-: a. t7 a r . a.a.a. . I ffAAi4 An anil wtiq V?r-" 4w1rvf.V.A 4f tt T wnel mrtviBtnTi l winf. noOsaC9T'ir
ri 3 Ic".i3ery J Jgoed one, and making cloth&s to lit. I was! provision is not necessary
Ought the breast of him hose. heroic heart was stilled, J ff idow of Stonewall Jackson, This is as I Washington, by all means.
1 1. .....1 . . ; rriA kniicat and 8aid : liury him. lieTrill Seeit wnen hntt .nil infamnn na atealincr tha onremnntat i . . a
SIS FEAW- wo noja vuwui w uijf vuowmcxD bu .coiucuv wv. " - U u 4 T ... ...Kl.mABt Mt,.. . '17' " " 1 Rv-.-w.,, T... T W Tt..
.. T, -,j c JU a I. IT:. uW.w; ..t.1,UfVi.U..J.I- ir.l. nI.. hi ' , SV nun I vUreuvs iirai me aM. ........wwn ciusruuwra,
.311 u.jiio cuHi .i uiu VUu w m m.t 1 I vices tB iu uutuiut uu uibubi uuu wuo wugun v .v i - . . oarrliif)
alsq - - Up the Union yet"! No. we do not want be denounced m the house of his fngnda Vi " w ' - -'
- J ' -t wuwa n aia iiuiii inTTKtnh.vnrl- I rn -tha Aninni fkllnr lvrntmir 111 th .hunM nr nnT TIPPPB. I v , , . ...V1. I . J.... j;rn..n ... k.,ni. . !;.. I T.ll lLT.;n. II l.. A 1 r " j
r L J r J O 1 Ol I . Vt.U Tl lOll IA, w i.w.w. J , I w T t 1 " Q " , 'J .V wv.... .v. " . U V. V .
J. FL"ISCI3Xa & CO. I'tored. Point -to the xaan who can saylsity, to occupy or retain the exercise ofLajs Tallyrand, you must conseat to m burg, Pennsylvania, lately. She met death lions for tho men. Let us crost the river , and
rr. gfpteastr D", 1883 lAn,ft Jckssos. tcx was dirmiy or indi-1 powers rcatx tbaa those which arc ex- taught manv things whKh yon already know i witn apparent unconewnv irw vmer tne s&M.t r. tt frw.
I va fv I A tl .a a ....a
.' . i icuowing are tne last word uttered by this
Mrs. Grinder, convicted of poisoning half I heroic soul ; "Pass the infantry to the front.
. ... . . v.
the Union or taking tneir cause in iptneif
own hands. That branch of the Christian
people of the North, with the editor ef
the New York Tribune in the front rank
who were Roping and praying for ipsnr,,
rections, ajsd so tar as was in their power
kindling them ; whose eyes were pious-"
ly turned every evening in a ooutnern
direction, in the hope to disevcr the glim
mer of the flames of dwellings burned bj
insurgent negroes inspired by love of lib-,
erty, a noble spirit of independence, ani
an irrepressible longing to demonstrate
their dignity as men ana tneir purity a
patriots, were aesunea 10 oe uisappuiBwu
The editor of the Tnbnne ought to re-i
member this, and when he talks of Chat
portion of the Southern people who were.
for us, in our late straggle' fgsr oi
.- a a. ii .... ..t-A-
httlc sense Of &U&ms uncipr tne mouga-
that thfir apa a fw peopl cf tjja UpiteHj
States whose memories ; are oat .atirelj,
obliterated, and who can see through:
impudent and heartless humbuggery. r
Tha Boston Commonwealth.
a Radical paper, is among the number that
reproves of Stanton's military munlat X
Capt. Win, and says j Fe want eot new,
victims, but new measarea. Enough of this
blcfldshedabraty, WeaxenotablotJJ
h;.t iAnnla Kw England bears no mal-.
ice and holds "no hates. Th fewer such
deeds as that of the hanringof Win go nto
our history the better. AFhv do not th
Abolition press of Oregon howl at the Cors
monwealth for saying this? They denouac
Democratic papers for saying no more.
The Santa Clara Sentinel sys dariaf fiie
last week of January almond trees in that
valley were in full bloom, notwithsdins
that only about a week before thehilla tar
miles distant were covered with S9W t w?
depth cf eix inche?, '