The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 03, 1866, Image 2

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ocnATxe state corjvrrrrzoH.
By resolution ef the . Ieinocrt"iC State Central
Committe, at the me ting held ia Portland, Jan
eary 22J, the Democratic State Convention for
tie nomination of candidates for State officers will
te Jjeld is the city of Portland, a TIICESDAT,
TL Commit recommended that the Demo
eratie Coanty Conventions, for the election of Del
egates to the State Convention, be held throughout
the State on Thcbsdat, March 22J.
- "frith reference to the Apportionment the Com
mittee -
. Rltd, That the apportionment of represen
tation fur the Deintxratie t Late Convention, to be
bald in the city of Portland, April 5th, 169, be
follows : One delegate for each county at large,
oe for every seventy-five Democratic rote cut at
the 4t Presidential election for MeClellan, and
one for every fraction of seventy-fire, of and over
thirty-eight. '
The apportionment under the rule adopted by
the Committee, will be as fsllows :
cocirrtKi. o. del. cocsthsl ho. dzl.
Baker.......... 4 Linn............13
lienton ..................... 6 Marion ..:.......10
Clackamas 6 Multcctnah 11
Clatsop .
Columbia ,
Po)k. ...... ..
2 Tillamook.
..... 2 Umatilla...
..... 1 Union ...
7 W-
aeBintrton... 4
Ysmbill 6
4 Wajco and Grant.. ....IS
JAS. B. STEPHENS, Ca'n St. Cea. Com.
La ATrrre Laxz, Sec'y.
Ihe fact that the Democratic party in
Oregon will triumph at the State election
next Jane, is so manifest already' that
the "Aholitloa leaders are more exercised
in the matter of arranging affairs in their
hopeful districts than in preparing for the
State campaign. The general leaders
those who have out-grown county and dis
trict aspirations find themselves sudden
ly left with very little backing from their
past local followers, who are, in the Abo
lition or doubtful localities, very busy in
setting the traps for their own especial
benefit. These smaller fry political wire
pullers see no hopo for themselves save
in the county offices, and consequently
, they do not propose to waste their time
r strategy in bolstering up aspirants for
State offices who arc, if successful in ob
taining nominations in the Abolition State
Convention,,, certain to be defeated by
their competitors. Neither the big nor
little leaders of the Opposition can afford
to yield their services to the dear people
"without reward, by office or otherwise,
rod if there are to be no spoils there can
be expected no enthusiastic " loyalty" or
icalous : Unionism."
The big leaders, like the swimmer with
corks, got beyond their depth before they
4 calculated what they would do were their
floats to be taken from them- Too late,
now they discover their imprudence.
Some of them who would, a few years ago,
. have had the completest measure of their
omciat asyirattons gratmca Dy an election
s uotrnry Llerx, uounty judge, or a
State .TteprepeTitative, having been since
1uiost thrust into these positions, now as-
. -l ',1 " T - A-.
pirc 19 vxogruas, eiuicr ao xvupru5cuiiki c
" or Serjatxjr, to the Governorship, or, at
the 'very lowest, to the office of Secretary
;-cf State. Having made this lofty flight
, St would be a mortification next to death
' almost, to have tho bladder of their am
- bitjon rudely punctured, and to Ml, ex
hausted, flabbergasted, utterly empty,
. back into( their olU accustomed ' places
Yet, offices they must have, let the a-ccom-
panying mortification or shame le what
J it may. But here comes the difficulty
5 The very rabble which pushed up these
Tain-glorious leaders, and out of which
f they selected their strikers and blowers,
''Tiave now rushed into candidacy for the
v only places to which there is a mortal
hope of, election, and they will not give
way to the fallen, empty-handed, hungry
leaders. Thus their influence is not only
destroyed, but their future is a blank, so
far as State or county offico or spoils is
concerned. They have a poor show, too,
o become "wards of the Government"
':and to Bh'are the Federal spoils upon
' avhich they were for a time permitted to
1 .feast.
Determined however to keep 'up the
" forms, as Duke Humphrey did at the
' Union" fence the managers were ob
liged to put him down of Secretary of
State. This troublo was no sooner over
than another, arose in its stead. The
office of Slate Printer wat a bone of con
tention. Piltock was out of the ri;og.
The managers being principally Salem
men, as in duty and interest bound, de
cided every vexed issue in favor of Salem
men and Salem influences, save the Gub
ernatorial affair. Salem had to be- pla
cated again. The Statesman concern was
sickly. Huntington had drawn out, so
had Ben. Simpson, and Craig was left
pretty nearly alone in the ownership.
Without pap the thing would die. The
promise of office would be a sort of gal
vanic, temporary assistance. Candidacy
would answer the present purpose for
want of something better. Craig was
put on the slate for State Printer. The
Treasure, ship was tha Za'lj place to be
filled, and no; canie fresh trouble. Tha
manflger3 had promised it to 1. R. Moores,
whose claims for the Governor's chair had
been whittled down to the lowest place on
the ticket. Just here it occurred to the
managers that some consideration had to
be given to the status of the candidates
on doctrinal issues- So far there had
been selected no regular Negro Equality,
Negro Suffrage, Miscegenation candidate.
One of that kird must be had. Moores
would not answer the purpose. Finally,
Whitson of Salem, but formerly of Polk,
was thought of, and at the mention of his
name, off went Moores', and- on went
Whitson's. The ticket was completed,
and the managers adjourned.
It now remains to be seen how their
Central Committee, with irate Moores at
its head, will act, and what Bhall be done
in their. State Convention- The mana
gers proposes Convention, and not a Con-
Ifercnce, full of parsons, as they held last
year. The Committee may caH in the
clergy again, a3 the only means of saving
grace to the disappointed aspirants, and
to counteract the scheme of the managers.
Terminate how it will, however, it will
afford Democrats goodly sport. The De
mocFacy, conscious of their strength, cer
tain f victory, all united, harmonious,
zealous, active and enthusiastic, have
never been better prepared for a thor
ough, strong, vigorous canvass. They
are not seeking spoils, but arc battling
upon principle, and with the right men in
the right place, they intend to win the
Everybody is aware that there are no
friends of the laboring classes outside of
Nw England, save they be of -Puritan
stock. Massachusetts declares this to be
so, and who shall dare to question or deny
anything which Massachusetts says ? It
is treason to do so. The fact being estab
lished, then, that the New England -fac
tory lord3 are the only real friends of the
laboring man, suppose we glance at the
happy condition they imposeupon their
own poor operatives. A late Boston
Journal (loyal) says:
The hours of labor in the mills of "Woon
socket. R. I., have been reduced to eleven,
and the operatives are much rejoiced at the
cbanee. lieretotore tney nave taDorea ni
teen hours per day. . ,
The same paper also give the follow.
foodless table, the big leaders have re-
olvcL to meet in State Central Commit-
. tee. - The meeting is fixed for the"15th o
' the present month, at Salem. Doubtless
, the Committee will further keep up the
- ahow and ceremoniously go through the
motions in the same form, but utterly
"without that vitality which have charac
, icmed their ciectincs since 1861. What
they can hope to effect is the profoundest
. mystery to their party brethren in many
instances, and of the drollest curiosity to
all.' . The chief managers of the party met
in Portland last month, about the time of
: - the meeting of the Democratic State Cen
tral Committee, and there and then cut
'T frut the work for their State Convention
' to perfect. They corn p'romised the strug
... g9 over the Representative candidacy by
u giving Mr. Mitchell the Senatorship, and
l Mallory was then selected over the heads
; . of such men as the Rev. Mr. Geary, Gen.
I . Palmer anl Woods, for Congressman.
ri It was a cruel thing to place Hindsdale
i of Douglas for Governor over I. R. Moores
of Salem. The latter gentleman is Speak-
cr of the House, Chairman of their State
Central Committee, and notwithstanding
all this, the managers, well knowing him
to be eager for Gubernatorial honors only,
parcelled out to hun ths Treasurerehip or
; nothing ! The Treasurership it was.
But as the manufacture of the ticket pro
gressed, other changes had to be made
Mixixa Colors. The blessed Puritans
ore fast preparing their children for the
beauties attendant upon Negro Equality.
They must greatly need that "strengthening
and beautifying element" in their offspring
which the Miscegenationists contend can
come only through the intermarriages of
whites and blacks. They have long labored
to accomplish their darling object, but hith
erto have not met with the success they
aspired to. Either the too-proud and lusty
darkies could discover no attraction or
"affinity " in tho wizened, apectiicled spin
sters of the Puritan race, or the wenches
felt themselves obliged to decline the tender
proposals of the lanky, slab-sided swains
who threw themselves at the feet of the
dusky charmers. Af'any rate there have
been very few marriages of the miscegena
tion style. The ingenious Puritans are not
at loss for resources howevert to acoompltsh
their dosires. They propose now to -iring
about miscegenation just as they have
brought about civil war, the slavery crusade
and the destruction of the old Union by
propagandisxn. They are establishing schools
all throajrh New England in which white
pupils and black are made to sit together
recite together, and play together-. Thus
negro boys and Yankee maidens, white lads
and darkey gals will become accustomed to
each other, and in maturer years will not
fail to mate one with the other. From this
blessed condition of present things will flow
the Millenium which all true Puritans hanker
to witacss before they die. How the scheme
will work may be conjectured frein report:
in the New England journals, of which
statement we find in the Providence (R. I
Bulletin will serve as a specimen. That
paper says that the excitement consequent
upon the introduction of colored scholars in
tho public schools is about over, not more
than five or six white children having been
withdrawn on that account. Surely it is
pity that a people who try bo hard to be no
groized cannot be changed into negroes
They really doscrve to be.
Owninq Up. Montgomery Blair was for
nearly four years a member of Mr. Lincoln'
Cabinet, as Postmaster Genera. Of course
no man could have had an equal opportunity
with him to know of the character of the
publications which passed through the mails
from information given by hia numerous
subordinates, secret agents "and spies. lie
some time ago openly admitted in a speech
that " the Republican party had employed a
swarm of hireling writers to misrepresent
the Southern people,, and to prejudice the
people of the North against the Democratic
party." Be it remembered this was done by
the party which professes to denounce the
doctrine that the end justifies the means.
Blair's penitence comes too late. ;
The opertires at the Wamsutta Mills, to
the nrtiDer of several hundred, struck Tues
day noon for a reduction of their time of
abor from twelve to eleven Hours.
It requires but a moment's thought to
appreciate how perfectly the " working
man's friends " these lordly factory own
ers must be. We all know they are the
men who have for years contributed with
lavish hand to break up that system' of
negro labor in the South, under which
the slaves were obliged to work almost
eight hours per day on plantations, or, at
the excess, in harvesting, picking or
planting seasons, twelve hours per day, at
generally healthful, strengthening labor.
hese negroes were well-fed, comfortably
clad, and abundantly provided for in
every needful manner. They were given
occasional days of rest and recreation,
and invariably permitted to enjoy the
' e ' A m
nonaay season ot year, iney were
urnished with spending money or the
means ot earninsc it. iney were con
tented, cheerful, often joyous, for they
were not obliged to have a care for them
selves, in the matter of food and clothes
and a roof to shelter them. On the other
hand, the poor operative in a New Eng-
and factory must work from eleven to
fifteen hours per day within close, heated
walls, at an unhealthy employment, for a
mere pittance, upon which he can barely
provide home and food and clothes from
month to month. To continue in this
employment, he must vote any ticket his
employer dictates, be must attend the
Church he is directed to, and must be not
only a slave bodily but mentally also to
tils hard, unpitying master. And his
children are consigned to the same miser
able lot. Little girls and boys of from
nine to fourteen or fifteen . years have to
r through the same long round of
daily labor, for barely enough to miserably
clothe and scantily feed them. But they
ought to be happy--they are the employ
ees of the " Friends of the Working
What blindness it is in people to ob
serve these things and not profit thereby.
The real purpose of the factory lords of
New Eagland and of her political fanatics
is, to subjugate the working classes en
tirely to their control. Their sympathy
for the negro is but a ruse to enable them
the betterto effect their designs against
the white laborers. Now that they have
forced a killing freedom upon the negroes
of the South, they do not exert their in
fluence to give the poor wretches homes
or employment among themselves, nor "to
benefit them in any way. No, they seek
instead to make the negro a public pauper
to be supported by the States outside of
New England, until they can place a
ballot in his hand, which they intend
shall be voted exactly as are the ballots
placed in the hands of their own white
operative paupers as they direct ; . after
which they will continue to make - the
miserable black their instrument and
creature, or leave him to perish as. they
have left the descendants of the Indians
whom their fathers first robbed and then
made war 'upon from vile disease, rum
and destitution. Bat all the while they
are subjugating to their will and profit,
and crushing out the spirit of the labor
ing whites. Not only those who labor in
their factories are oppressed and more
and more impoverished, but also those
who live from hand to mouth by their
daily labor in other Statesj for, by means
of the tariff, which New England Con
gressmen shape to afford a monopoly to
New England manufactures, the poor are
compelled to pay the bulk of their Bcanty
earnings for the meagre supply of the
coarse fabrics which they must wear, and
have but a trifle left to purchase necessary
food, to nav rent. SlC. The, the "J? riends
1 x y r ' - ,
of the Working Classes" in favored.
loyal New England, who work their fac
tory hands at only fifteen hours hard
labor daily, for a pittance, virtually be
friend the workiag elasses of all the other
States in equal manner. Who will ques
tion their philanthropy, their generosity,
or their loyalty ?
Two weeks ago a letter appeared in the
Salem Statesman from this personage,
filled only with blackguardism and lies
again st'ourself. The production needs no
contradiction at our hancbs barely a no
tice. It bears its own condemnation of
the writer rather than the person it assails
upon its own face. Decent and honest
people of every party will think that if a
Senator of the United States really be
lieved or knew" that a man had the char
acter Senator Nesmith charges upon U3, he
would be utterly wanting; in that dignity
and bearing which ought to characterize
a Senator, if he noticed the person at all;
that to reply to such a character would be
simplj getting down to his level. It is
tolerably well known that Senator Nes
mith and ourself were very intimate per
sonal friends up to the time he betrayed
the Democratic party for his present seat
in the Senate, when we broke off the re
lations which had before existed between
us. On his return from Washington in
1861, Senator Nesmith and ourself met in
a public room in Yreka j he came towards
us with hand extended in the usual friendly
way, to greet us, and addressed us in the
old familiar styled We declined the honor
of a renewal of tilat acquaintance. We
have no respect for men who betray their
party, sen-meir mends, ana violate
the most, sacred, public and private
pledges in the interests of their party.
for a seat even, in the U. S. Senate.
All these things Senator Nesmith had
done, and we resolved from that moment,
when his perfidy and corruption were
patent, to cease all intercourse or acquain
ta!!?fceship with him. He has since on
Tux Democratic Gain. The clear Demo
cratic gains in the late State elections East
upon tho vote of the years 1863 and 18G4,
aggregate over one hundred thousand votes.
Abolition counties and districts have been
converted to Democracy, and the chances are
most fair for -clear success in the States
themselves next year. The Democracy of
Oregon need no encouragement to urge them
to a zealous and enthusiastic support of their
ticket in the ensuing campaign, yet the good
news of such great Democratic gains in the
older oiates cannot, but giaaaen ana inspirit
them. Here we are certain of victory in
June next. .
San Francisco. The latest census, taken
bv TeTna emnloved on Lanirlev's Directo-
To kp Fvle from jumping over thp ! ry. jitm a total population of about 120,000,
Tux Woollen Trade. The two large
woollen factories in San Francisco employ an
aggregate of 600 hands, and the machinery
is of the latest and completest style in both.
Yet, so great is the demand for woollens
that the large quantities shipped from Oregon
to San Francisco, together with the home
supply there are insufficient, and heavy
invoices are brought from ,the Atlantic side
or imported from Europe. The demand for
Oregon woollens is constantly increasing,
and now that much better goods than form erly
.... i.- i - it
ju c uiauuuniiuica iu una omits, uey are rap
idly growing into great favor in California
Bsidgj Gonx. The Statesman says the
bridge over Pudding riT at Parkersville
has ben wand iwt.
one- or two occasions besought mutual
friends to intercede with us for a resump
tion of the old friendly relations ; we' have
invariably" and respectfully declined He
has franked us public documents ; we
hare as often sent them directly back to
him. He has in spite published portions
of private letters we years ago sent him ;
we have still several private letters hich
he sent to us in those days. They are
Sacredly kept from curious eyes have
never been spread before the public, and
they never shall be, by any act, direct or
indirect, of our ours. Yet their contents,
written years ago by Senator Nesmith, if
exposed in 1860, after his election to the
Senate, would have damned him before
the people, and if published now, would
damn him now. He may rest assured, do
what he may in his malicious spleen against
us, that we shall never so -degrade ourself
as to copy his 'bad, faithless, treacherous
or infamous behavior. If what he says
be true of U3 now, it must have been true
in the years when tie Senator and our
self were close friends, and he must have
known it. What excuse can he now offer
for having known us to be so intolerably
bad in character, and jet not only associat
ing with us so intimately, but desiring and
beseeching for a renewal of jthatjntimacy1
even'after if bad been, broken off by our
own act. The Senator's letter reflects
upon himself most severely not upon us.
The people of Oregon know both the
Senator and ourself tolerably well. Noth
ing either tan say of the other will avail
much with them if they know it to be
'alse. No defence either of us may make
will avail if they know it to be specious
It would be. folly in us to undertake the
impossible task of convincing the people
that the man who is widest known as the
biggest blackguard in Oregon" is not a
blackguard j that tho Senator who desert
ed fronThis party, as he had in former
years deserted from the army, was faith
ful to his duty, pledges or oaths ; that
the man who betrayed party and friends
for an office, and who almost perjured
himself in the obtainment of it, would
now hesitate to lie, infamously and wan
tonly, to break down the character and
impair the influence of one who knows of
his perfidy, his treachery and corruption
and who means to legitimately use that
knowledge in endeavoring to prevent that
Senator from being re-elected to the high
place which he has so disgraced and dis
honored. It would be madness in us to
engage in the task of building-up for
Senator Nesmith a good or decent charac
ter, c-Fto satisfy this people that he was
anything better than a deserter, a traitor
politically and socially, a calumniator and
linr and w shall not essay the task. He
, -
has chosen his time, the medium and
manner, to assail us. We propose to
select our own time Jo show him up not
only as an individual, but in the rotten
ness and corruption and incompetency
which he has displayed as a Senator from
Oregon. For the present we have done
witti him as a subject.
: '
An Item. In the President's Message
there is a deal of specious plausible talk
about the freedom restored to the people of
the South. The fact is there has never been
so much painful suffering imposed upon
nearly that whole people as now, and ty the
direct action of President Johnson. He
nermits his Cabinet hutcher, Stanton, to
oppress, harrass, and outrage that unhappy
people in every way which a fiend incarnate
can invent. He allows his military com
manders .tcr plunder and wrong the people
trJfrinut limit or hindrance. He : flatters
them with the promise that their States shal
be permitted all their sovereign rights, and
-,i t-3! i : n
then conspires wun me i,auicai v vu
cress to keep the Senators and Representa
tives of all the Southern States from their
proper- seats in either House. -In brief, he
talks lika a father or a friend, but acts like a
malignant foe or a fell . destroyer, towards
the whole Southern pr'9
mscr&sixo dead issues."
There is a class of party men who con
stantly croak that the people ought not to
longer discuss what they are pleased to term
" dead issues." From the drift of their re
marks it is inferable that by " dead issues "
they mean the Constitution as it was framed,
the doctrine of State Rights,- and, perhaps,
the Monroe doctrine. They say, rather than
jgue or contend for these " dead issues,"
let u 8 accept the present condition of things,
and prepare to meet the living issues of the
day. It would be uncharitable not to believe
that a large portion of the men who talk in
this wise are Christians, or believers in the
Holy Scriptures. Now, suppose an army of
Mahomedans or Pagans Bhouldlae able to
overrun the Christian world, and should then
demand of all within its power an acquies
ence in, and observance of the peculiar doc
trines or rites of either" Mahomedanism or
Paganism, would these men advise or con
sent to the demand ? , Or, suppose it should
be ordered by the Puritan Church that, in
the United States, such "dead issues" as
the Lord's Prayer or the Ten Command
ments should be no longer taught oroberv
od, would it be right to bow iu obedience to
the order? If the Constitution and the doc
trine of State Rights are " dead issues," we
should like to have one of the men who
think they are to inform us what worth there
is in any of tho " living issues," or, what
avail there can be in discussing them ? A
Russian subject might be permitted to dis
cuss the topic of his own banishment with
the Czar ; but how would that prevent the
Despot from immediately consigning him for
life to the mines of Siberia? Our "dead
issues1' are the real life and soul of our
State and individual liberties, and when we
relinquish them, or cease to battle for them
we let go all hold, and completely surrender
our freedom, our manhood, and all that a
citizen can feel a pride in, and submit to
become bound, abject, servile subjects.
When these great issues are dead, no true
freeman or patriot will wish to outlive them
in the land. - ' .
Jostp& Lery, Pcrtiand. Sam'l levy, Albany.
of the store known as the Xew York
Store," we would respectfully announce to the
public that we will . ...
Oar stock consists of the finest and best selected
lot of
Ladies' Dress Gooocls
Trimmings and Bonnets,
Ladies' and Children's Hats,
- Men and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps,
Boots, and Shoes, etc.
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Tobacco,
Hardware, Cutlery,
Paints, Oils, Powder, Shot,
Wails, etc., Eto.f Etc., Etc.,
. All of which we offer to sell . .
We tender our thanks to our former friends and
patrons, and respectfully,. solicit their patronage
hareafter, as we are detennino to gire
Abolitiom Philanthropy. .Reports to
the Freedmon's Bureau show that there arc
twenty colored schools in Washington, with
59 teachers and 310 pupils.' The teachers
are supplied by eleven different benevolent
societies. It must be hard work to teach the
darkeys. Fifty-nine teachers to three hun
dred and ten pupils about five pupils to
every teacher ! And observe also the num
ber of schools. Twenty schools for the three
hundred and ten scholars about fifteen
darkeys to every school. Eleven different
benevolent societies supply the teachers ; we
are not informed who are the parties that
furnish the school buildinars. The rent of
twenty schools must amount to at least
$5,000 per annum the salaries of the teach
ers to perhaps $50,000 per annum. To edu
cate the same number of white children only
oho large school building, or two buildings
of ordinary size, and the services of not
more than four teachers, would be required
f it i3 going to require as many buildings
and teachers to educate negro children in
every instance, or the matured frecdmen and
women, instead of Secretary cCulloch sug
gesting a contraction of tho currency, he
had better oopy Chase's plan and issue
greenbacks indefinitely, without count or
record of thcni or thought of cashing them
at- any future (iiy. The eleven benevolent
ouuieuea yuo'.rovHia wq xeacaers lor me
Washington schools arc doubtless supplied
with the means- therefor from Government
contracts, and ; are "consequently prodigal
with the money. It would be a winning
wager, no doubt, for one to stake his money
on that not one of these eleven benevolent
societies have given a dime .to any white
poor, or extended any charity whatsoever to
any other than negroes, during this bard
season. ' They are Abolition philanthropists
they can see no wretchedness to be re-
ieved, no want to be supplied, no destitution
to be cared for, except it be in black skins
-JL STAND, Corner of First and Washington
treets, - - .
Where they are telling their large and well selected
tock Goods .
Cheaper than any Other House
r in Town.
" Our Stock consists of ..
Dry Goods and Groceries, of all kinds,
Ready Made Clothing,
- Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, c.
Glass and Crockery Ware,
Paints and Oils,
Hardware, Nails, 4f.
Ia fact, evervthinz the Farmer needs. All of
which we will exchange for all kinds ot
At the highest market price. Wa would not refuse
even Cash. "
If You don't believe We are Selling-
Chesp, call and see.
Got Knocked Down. From the Cincin
nati papers of Nor. 28th we learn that, on
the day before, the Hon. G. W. Julian,
Radical Member of Congress from Indiana,
was knocked down and severely cowhided at
the railroad station at Puchmond, in that
State, by Sol. Meredith, a " loyal man
Julian took his castigation meekly. He is
the fanatical wretch who lately made a
speech before the Indiana Legislature, in
which he clamored for the hanging of all the
prominent men of the South, and hoped for
a general massacre of that noble but unhap
py people. Of just such mettle as Julian
are nearly all of the fanatical blood-thirsty
gang. It hi a notable fact, by the way, that
while the loyal telegraph flashed across the
continent tho story of an assault on Val
landigham which did not take place, and
loses no opportunity to make known any idle
or real statement of the attacks upon Demo
crats by Abolitionists, it never tells of such
little " personal" affairs as this of Julian's
anions the " loyal " crowd. Tho reason
is obvious. -
More Philanthropy. We have another
instance of Abolition philanthropy. Here
it is :
A Washington letter to the New York
Herald says seventy-five coffins per week for
the last four weeks have been issued by the
Freedmen's Bureau in Washington, more
than half of them for children, and children
who have actually starved to death, or died
from destitution and want. j
Had these poor wretches been let alone in
the happy care of their Southern masters,
they would hart been alive, fat, hearty and
merry. Yankee philanthropy freed them ;
it jstole them or forced them from the old
plantation homes ; it brought them to Wash
ington and there left them to starve and
die. But who knows that it is not a Puritan
undertaker who has the contract for furnish
ing coffins for the dead freedmcn ? And who
don't know that it is more profitable to starve
and bury negroes than to feed and support
them in idleness, especially all who aro too
young, or, are not of the right sex, to vote?
There is milk in every cocoanut, as in this.
Negro Scffrag'e. The vote of the soldiers
from Wisconsin stationed in places South,
on the question of admitting the negro to
the right of suffrage, jn the late Wisconsin
election, was quite emphatic against Sambo.
It stood for,- 263; against, 1,033. . The
home vote was more favorable to the negro,
vet sufficientlr decisive againit him.
- - ' .'. ALSO, . ,
Albany, Feb.-3,1S65. LEVY fc BRO.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
rriHANKFUL FOR TH3 liberal pat-.
JL ronage shown us during the past few jear;
wo would respectfully eall the attention 01 onr
numerous patrons to our projent desirable and well
selected stock of j '
Ready-Made Clothing,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
t Salem Cloths & Flannels,
" Embroidery,
Hoop Skirts,
Silks, Hosiery, &c
Misses, ami
Children's Shoe
- - " :
In connection with the above we keep constantly
hand a choice selection of-
Paints and Oils,
E. G. Freelahd. I ' G. F. Sbttlexieb
;.; ;. " DEALERS IN v" .
AND . : r
Paints, Oils,.
Dye Stuffs,
Glass, Kerosene Oil,
Surgeons, Fine Toilet and otner
Elalr, Kail, Tooth, and Paint
Brushes, of all varieties,
; '" Combs,
Cart-fully compoundud, and orders
attended to with care and dispatch.-
Will find our stock of Medicines complete, war
ranted genuine, and of the best quality.
Our storo is in the Fire Proof Erick on First
street, the same lately occupied by J. Ehepard.
Albany, Dec. 9,. 1865. '
Window Glass,
Nails, Ac, &e.t &c-
Are prepared to sell anything in their line at the
: - Or will receive .
In exchange for Goods.
'Hr"rcrsons wishing to buy Goods will find-it
greatly to their adrantsge to examine our Good
before purchasing elsewhere. y '.
Albany, January 27th, 1SC6. . J
JL the full vigor of success. Tho personal at
teudance of its accomplished Proprietor assuros to
every guest the most prompt and satisfactory at
tention m everything whicn tne House anoras, 10
entertain the mind, and give cheer to the Doay.
Tho Billiard Saloon is provided with splendid
Of the latest approved style, with all tho best im
- Is always supplied with tils very best
ciGAiis, " ; - . .
' - ale,.'..:' . s v -
und ' "SO FORTH."
He alse has on hand always ready for customers
Direct from Yaquina Bay, acknowledged by epi
cures to be superior to any oysters found elsewhere
on the coast. ; .
Dished tip ia the best style, with " trhnmings,'
The Saloon is on the northwest corner o
the block next east to that on which Sprenger's
Pacific Hotel stands.
Albany, Not. 25, 1865.
-A. 3SI hi W STOBE I
to the Jact tW m have bought out D.
Beach & Son, and hara rcaiored from onr lata
stand to the large and tine store lately occupied
by that firm, where we will be pleased to ace oar
friends amd customers, and the publie generally.
And we shall keep constantly on hand a general
assortment of
HATS and CAPS. , t
Of every description and of the best and latest
tyles. .
', ' ...AtSO... ' ' -" ' '
; Which we will sell ,. U ?
As Low as" Adj. Store in Town. "
A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicit!.
of the best assortment and qualities always on baad.
Albany, December 0 1865.
Is the place to save money ; where you can buy
eooda at Small Profits. Be sure and call, and see
for yourselves. augU R. CIIEADLE.
splash pil for Produce, and grain
1 J Stored at reasonable rates, ty
Direct From the Refinery !
ciseo Refined Sugar.
, ALSO - -.
100 Kegs Sjrnp ; which we are selliag
very cheap. ,
AlVanr. September 8yi8?.' ;
3. B. SPRENGEH, - - Proprietor.
modious and well furnished house is main
tained as a
First-Class Interior Hotel, ,
For the entertainment of regular boarders and
transient guests. . -
The house was almost entirely re-built last rear
and thoroughly re-furnished with NEW BEDS
Bedding and Furniture. .
Is provided with every substantial and rare
treat of the ssasona.
Are Commodious and well ventilated. 'Prompt
and careful attendance is assured to guests.,
The California Stage Company's mail eoaobe
come to and go from the Hotel. Changes moderate.
Albany, August 14th, 1855. . auir -
" W yv -a y TTV -X V " T "WV J-a "WSJ TTT S JyW
For which we will pay the
Albany, January 37th, 1866.
- - FURS WANTEI. ; : '
10,000 Pounds Furs,
For which I will pay the highest mar Vet price.
Albany, January $, 1868. . .
J fj imals want jd, tot- which the highest cash
price will be paid. Apply to - .
' M. RUDOLrn.
' ' At L, gterBbacVi