The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 23, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 20.
ta axaax y, lisx couxty, ocn.
Crt Tae ae Strr BmPila a the
I traaaiar Crea tlse EtiTerkwthe
. csrt liwuiav Cast sii, 4 JCiecke
t-s&ia af taeKaia Datiaeea street. .
"ae Cesr far One Yea
Va Ce-M for Six JTleatae
JET- Parvaat to he ! ia advance In every
u. TV Pum will a W to ny eIJrei
Ua oraered. a4 ta ten f-r whicfc it shall k
weworoA he peiit fur. .V tirwirfur h maJ
frtm Mm m mJ inttanem.
IT. B. TUely prior aotWe will le given to
ek Seaaeriber of Ike week on which his ub
eriptioa win ipire, ee4 uuloa an irr l"c u
HUiiM MeumpMlii with the m - ny, b
a?iro- ta Paper Ul b 4i-CAnuuuei it thai
C Cruw, ef Twelve Lines, er
la, C Xaaartiaa - $3
7r Eaca a .. laasrtica - 1
A Liberal Stelacfe iraat ties
rtM t Tsartrty, aaaif Yearly aaa
urtT Avrtisr ul ? avU beavgtuy
ave -iiMiBUfttJaj vnli ka ca4v
Comepeaaenta writioj tw aiweit iiynaUrei
w UMjWMtlT, art -aake know Uulr proper
Han U U Editor, a ao attoetija will be girea
tkeir eoauaielient.
All LetWrt eae CtaaBktirvB, whthr oa
- ins t fg paUWUoa, ak14 e a4dntaac4 to
ta EdUer.
tWn aaatW InftitttU f Loaning, at a
"aMtleg M4 Satardav, Kt. 11, 1365. t-raB-U4
tV ScaoU. a tbm eaplojatoat of Ear. W. A.
riNLST. A. B. aa PiWMt. u4 R. N. Aa
mxw. f., rro&aaer MatkeaaaOefc
TVa TWeMon karin eaarco of tao IartitatkM,
da tkMBMtTM to 4roU aiatlrlBS avMn-
. iiat la th idteTMU of tiM pUa plae4 wader
Xkeir nporrtftoa.
AU tko kraactxst of Wralcjt WMallr Umgkt la
ColS will rce4v poal attentioa whoa 4mitL
Ta TrattM iate4 tn t CorraUU Col-
worthy ta patrawas of til friaadaof adacaUoa.
euLisacr tuition
huiiir EaA.yca $10.00
fUHUTMT, IMTT . 13.50
l9KBVTab ExTSSaaa cntl rca wkkk.
Of UM lirinj oat of ta Cowaty, payaMat ra
iiM4 iarariabfjr ia o'raaeo. Taoao ia ta City
m4 CatT, oa kalf ia aaTmaoa, Ua aalaac at
- ta wiot of U Saaaina.
r ' fZZ-To fcrtkr particclar a44rst tha Preti
KT. W. A. furLxr, Corrallia. Orefoa. or
Prwieat Board of TnMtcoa.
' y. Tl' TTTTt ' - - ' FrwjritT.
M&ou aa4 wU faxaik4 koaaa is auua
lntiW a a
- STlrst-Clast laterlor not el,
Tar tko acitertaianBt of rccwlar Voarocra a4
ayaicat gwoim.
'i . TV kaaa area- alaoat acUreSy ro-kailt last yrar
aaa tkaroagkr ra-faraiea witk SEW BEDS
X pfwrmUa -wttk aary wWiatiai and raro
treat of tka taatoaa, ,
"Ar Cowwtoat aa4 wrell YoatRated. Ptoi
aaa earaf al attiaaaaoa ia acsared to gaeU..
TV Califoraia Stace Companr'a aaaU eoaekca
coom taaadc Croca th HteU Ckargos moderate.
AIu Ast 1 lii, ISi. ul41f
ii r arid Haaafariaro to order, crry atylo of
si Ue aJsof iet outtec aai luwet posi!i ck-n-g.
rcsrds Hatched and Planed.
Ta.rk xacste4 la a t tyle aot iorpac4 by any
Slop is the State.
The Mill u ia to lower part of the t -wa.
41 Ibo rirer bask, at the corners of the Joiaia j
aiaaa of tka Uaatictiif aad Heekk-awa.
Alhaay, aertteaoher JO, ISSi.
; - A XD
tw A. F. CHER.FIY,
tire isvwt ia the ALBAKT 10USii.T
r' ' 'Prepared t FmalJi '
"--,--,t m't picT r'i vr"t
. CI eTcry ceaetiptiue, ea abort notice. Abo,
AS Order for '
2e4 with dispatch, aod ia a aatisfcetory
" uanaer.
-. JirlctilfcTal ; Implements
ilftBiTaoiaf i to order, aad partiealar attaatioa
- - yaa m paa. -
doco to order oa tbort aetiee
" ' ' A. F. CXTX2BT,
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, f ti PLSe ilutcL
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From tk Baa FraneUe Kiamlner.)
CRATS. Fot the past few; years the American
people Bcetu to have forgotten every prin
ciple of free government upon which our
system rests. Ther have apparently
beco groping in the dark, or rather en.
gaped in some bacchanalian debauch, in
which do excess haa been forbidding to
be indulged in. With a senselesa cry of
" L ruon on their lips, they have tamely
and deliberately surrendered everything
m a a a a a
that was once considered valuable belong
ing to that Union. They have seen the
States stricken down at the feet of Fed
eral power their sovereignty mocked at
and ridiculed- their rights invaded with
out decent pretext or slightest sanction of
authority their code of laws and courts
uttcrlr ignored the Constitutional privi
leges of the cttiiens invaded and outraged
in short, ail the most valuable bulwarks
and safeguards erected by our fathers as
barriers axainst the encroachment of
power, broken down and destroyed. , In the
hight of the war there may have been some
pretext for these things, although no jus
tification. Men phrenited by great pas
sions and prejudices frequently approve
what the calmer judgment would never
sanction. It seema strange, however.
that now has come a time for thought
that now the outrages of the past have
become history, the masses still grope on
.n darkness, prepared to acquiesce in any-
thin' that an unscrupulous, fanatical and
domineering party may see proper to im
pose on them.
a a a " .
ttention has been Heretofore caned to
the Constitutional Amendmeut prohibit
ing slavery in the States, bo tar as the
practical effect of such a measure by it
self is concerned, it amounts at this time
to little. Slavery has been destroyed by
the war, and the Southern States have
been coerced to recognise the fact. The
assertion of a right, however, on the part
of one class of States to destroy institu
tions and vested rights in the others, is
violative of every principle of common
sense, reason or justice, and utterly incon
sistent with civil liberty. But passing by
this viewwhat more is attempted by the
getters p of the Amendment f By one
small apparently insignificant clause, but
really boundless and sweeping tn extent,
Congress is invested with unlimited pow
er over the whole question of suffrage in
the States. They not only pretend to
abolish slavery, but as if conscious of their
inability to do so in the mode proposed,
they go on to say that " Congress shall
have power to enforce this article by ap
propropriate legislation." Appropriate
legislation ! What docs that mean f Let
Senator Wilsoa of Massachusetts answer
that question. In a xecent speech at
Yonkers he thus explained its scope. We
copy from the Bulletin ;
The Republican party, then, has written
its name for justice, liberty and hummnity,
while the Democracy haa ever voted against
all the measures for human liberty. They
nay they support the policy of Mr. Jobnsou,
but I sav thev do no such thin?. Did tbey
support the Constitutional Amendment?
There is not a man in the country so strong
a supporter as Andrew Johnson. l you
know how much there is in this amendment ?
It authorises the Congress of the United
State to make these slaves emancipated in
all respects freemen and eitisens of the Unit
ed States. That provision is now endorsed
by more than twenty States, and I tell you
Congress will act up to its appropriate legia-
iatKi. vt e can declare null aua voto any
black code of any State. They say they ar
in favor of the noliev of- Andrew Johnson.
Dare they stand by him on that measure ?
They favor his policy of reconstruction. Do
they know wiiat it ta? There are diuereneea
between us on several of these points, but
the ReiMibliejiA Dartv was born of free dis
cession, has lived, and thrived, and conquer
ed by it. The President said to me the other
day that he had never made any discrimina
tion between those who favor negro suffrage
or what is known as his policy. That he is
in favor or free discussion, from wbicn would
eventually come forth the truth,
Here,tben, is' the scheme of these in
famous fanatics If a lawless and un
principled majority in Congress choose to
say that it is essential to the perfect free
dom of the negroes that the whites of the
South should not vote, they can so declare
nnder that clause. If they can " declare
null and void any black code in any
State," they can on the same pretext de
clare null and void any white code, lbey
-can establish an. oligarchy of skin, and
make the negro's ebon vestment a badge
of pre-eminence. They can say that it is
essential to his perieet freedom and
equality that there should be a division
of landed estates for his benefit. They
can thrust him into all public places, and
make it a personal offence to deny him so
cial equality. In short there is nothing
infamous and villainous and revolting to
the instincts of decent men that the fa
natics who now control Congress would not
and could not do nader the unlimited
power" of " appropriate legislation." Why
the insertion of the clause ? The Con
stitution already confers upon Congress
the right to make all needful legislation
to carry out granted powers. . V hat ne
cessity then for its reiteration in this
latitudinous language t . Evidently for
purpose, and that to destroy all State au
tbonty and consolidate au power in Con
gress. It was intended as a party weapon
for self-perpetuation and , continued domination.-
- '
The amendment will doubtless pass the
Legislature cf our State. Nowhere hare
the Qaprineipled men who rule the land
had store blind and subservient followers
than in California. They are prepared
to surrender every valued right that be
longs to a State at the bidding and dicta
tion of their masters. We hope, howev
er, no Democrat, will vote fh it. To do
so be must igsor fftsrj platfonn adopted
by National Democratic Conventions. lie
must acknowledge that henceforth. we are
to have a Government cf unlimited pow
ers, and that oar fathers whe so eare fully
euaried the right of the States were
iaorssuses, and unit for the
Tsct err t tit asss
liesi ia coa-
slavery j let it go. But in doing so, let
us not, in God's name, make slaves of our
selves. Let Democrats at least vindicate
the true principles of the Union, and in
no manner become responsible for this
foul outrage upon decency, reason and
free government. The time will come
when the authors of all our troubles
these violators of constitutions and mur
derers of civil liberty, will be held to a
fearful responsibility. Let us keep our
skirts clear of defilement that we may pass
upon them consistent judgment.
The Dlfifereaee.
We clip the following from the Chica
go Times of Oct. 10th :
If any body supposes that there is no
material difference between tweedledum
and tweed led ee, he may herein learn his
error. Our Cincinnati dispatches of yes
terday said :
"At Hillaboro yesterday, while Alex
Lonir and Mr. McGinnis were speakinir.
Col. Pike asked Mr. McGinnis if he be
lieved that a state bad a right to secede.
Mr. McGinnis replied yes. Col. Pike
men nreua pistol at mm, ana raisea a
. ja .. a
table to strike him. McGinnis then fired,
the ball grating Pike's bead. Ptke then
fired, the ball striking McGiuuia in the
abdomen, inflicting a frightful wound.
The affair has caused much excitement."
Our St. Paul dispatches of yusterday
said :
Philosopher Greeley extemporised
about one hour and a half before the
Library Association hut night, to a large
audience, on the "East and West." lie
deprecated any hostility between these
advocated a protective tariff:
said the very differences between the East
and West were to their mutual advan
tage ; charged the whole world and cred
ited New Lngland with originating pub
lie schools ; alluded to his famous position
that the Union could never be pinned to
gether with bayonets; said he had noth
ing to retract it was as true now as when
he said it. Whenever any portion of
this Union were deliberately convinced
that the L nion, was oppressive or contra
ry to their highest interest, that moment
the Union was at an ed: said if the Pa
cific States should atany time deliberate
ly make upHheir mfad to quit the Union,
and would appealpeaceably and politely for
the privilege, he would be in favor jot let
ting then go, and opposed to coercion.
These sentiments were feebly applauded,
but this morning's Press knocks the phil
osopher slightly over the head for such
South Carolina doctrine. If a Democrat
had made such a speech he would hare
baaarded his personal safety, but to the
loyal' all things are lawful." '
Thus we see that McGinnia was shot in
Ohio by a "loyal" man for asserting what
Greeley on the same day declared before
' loyal audience in Minnesota. If
Pike cares for consistency, he will follow
and pistol the philosopher. He has high
precedent, however, for letting him alone.
The Government for rears daily arrested
and held in dirty and loathsome prisons
Democrats for uttering what was daily re
peated with impunity by Abolitionists.
Pike, ta attempting to murder McGinnis,
was acting as fully within lawf uLand right
ful authority as in the majority of eases
did those who ordered and made arrests
of " State prisoners.'
Hard ' Swearing. The Columbus
Statesman relates a recent ease of hard
swearing that would do credit to the most
enthusiastic Loyal Leaguer to be found
in any community. 1 hat paper says :
" o. u. tiannum naa been a clerk in
the Treasury Department at Washington
some time prior to the late election. A
few days before the second Tuesday of
October he came to Columbus to vote.
lie had not been in the city long before
be was waited upon by an official, and re
quested to pay the commutation of four
dollars provided for in the Abolition mi
utia law. j o avoid paying it, be swore
before Judge Pngh that he was not aciti-
sen of Columbus, and therefore, was not
subject to military duty here. On eke
tion day his vota was challenged, and this
affidavit was produced to prove that he
was not a citixen, rAew he deliberately
stcorr. ta ku vote, and voted the entire
Abolition ticket ! Comment is unneces
All roa the Kiocxr. Beccher's Inde
petident says : " Two men of color aat in the
btate Republican Convention at Worcester
last week," and hopes that New York will
hurry up and ' eet ahead of Massachusetts
by putting Frederick Douglass on her Siate
ticket, on nis way to a seat in Congress that
be sball yet occupy. ' so goes Abolitionism,
First the freedom only of the slaves was tie
sired ; then the right of suffrage : now the
right to a seat in Congress ; and next the
oooupaaey of toe waite House will be de
manded. . At &rt tne Abolitionists were
few and weak, and their demands were mod
erate: but since the Republican party has
joined with them, their demands have be
come more exorbitant. The Republicans
granted them what they first asked, and if
that party shall be continued in power, they
will even to ally be compelled to "go the
whole hog." Shall we have a mosaic Con
gress and a black President?
Mrs, Jefferson Davis is residing at the
house of a Mr. Schuyler, near Augusta, Ga.
She enjoys her usual health, is under no
surveillance, and is permitted to correspond
t will with her husband and friends. Mr.
Howell, Mrs. Davis' mother, is in Canada,
in general charge of the children of the lat
ter, of whom Maggie, aged eleven years, is
at the convent efthe Sacred Heart at Mon
treal, and Jeff., aged nine, is at school at
Lennoxville, distant from Mon treal 60 miles
What a IIokxiblk Cams ! The follow
ing'is from a late Missouri paper :
The Franklin county Grand Jury adjourn.
ed on the 27th, having indicted, among other
ocenaers, juaran oeneij vautoiio pnec ai
Washington, for solemnizing a marriage on
the 19 th, without having first taken the oath
of loyalty.
Thfl father of eleven children, the exhorter
ia the Church of the United Brethrea, the
hitherto pious and apriht Anthony, of Ed
oca. Va,, est clewed with prim old maid,
From the Ohio Crbla,
In a conversation with a native of Ohio,
always an Abolitionist, now a Federal of
fice holder in Georgia, the other day, he in
formed us that the negroes in tha State
would perii-h by the thousands this win
ter of neglect, idleness and diseaftc. He
travelled extensively throughout the State,
had excellent opportunities of observing
the real condition of the freed men, and
the picture he gave us of it was terrible
to contemplate. With all his tierce phil
anthropy and eager desire during years
post to see the negro free, eur informant
confessed himself staggered at the appal
ling results of practical A soli tion. His
own opinion is that the negro has pur-
hasod his freedom with his existence ;
or in other words, that thoae who have
insiMed upon his emancipation have simp
ly demanded that the negro should be
punished from servitude into the grave.
As it is, the JNorlhern Abolitionists re
cently settled in the South, are more pre
judiced against the negro, more ernel in
their treatment, and more overbearing in
their demeanor than art the native South
rons. While thexe Abolitionists will go
to any amount of trouble and expense to
interfere in the affairs of master and serv
ant, and to create a disturbance by their
officious meddlesomeness, they are the last
lerons in the world to whom a negro can
go for charity or assistance. The mission
of philanthropy is considered fiuished
when the' ignorant blacks have been tak
en from their masters, filled with wild and
vicious ideas about freedom and left to
shift for themsclvef, with the probabili
ties altogether in favor of their speedy
starvation and ultimate extinction. The
best commentary that can be made upon
the hideous philanthropy of Abolitionism
is the universal with among the negroes
themselves to be restored to their former
position of warranteeism and security.
Couid a vote be taken upon the question
among the black, people of the South, we
believe a great majority of them would
vote for a return to slavery. The violent
revolution in their relations forced upon
these miserable people by the misguided
fanatics of the North is probably, taken
all in all, the most monstrous crime ever
perpetrated in all the record of human
wickedness and error.
The destiny of the negro race, and what
is to be its immediate future, are questions
of the utmost gravity to the Southern
people problems whose solution must
materially effect themselves. They are
the people most interested and most ca
pable of deciding the questions correctly,
and to them the matter must finally be
left. They have always possessed more
kindly and friendly feelings for the Afri
cans than any other people, and if
not still their friends then the sons of
Ham need not look elsewhere for succor
or protection. In considering these ques
tions the Southern people are free from
the prejudices, the errors and the un
reasonable fanaticism with which Aboli
tion palaver and nonsense have surround
ed the subject in the North. They will
not go to Phillips, Sumner, Garrison or
Beceher, for counsel or advice, for they
understand that these men use the negro
for political purposes, and have no dis
position and no capacity o cope with the
practical question presented by the pres
ent condition of the blacks. Their plans
of education, miscegenation, colonisation,
suffrage and equality, are sheer humbugs,
good enough to keep political parties and
anti-slavery societies in a perpetual fer-
mentatious at the North, but utterly
worthless, impracticable and absurb as
plans to benefit either race. The white
people of the South first require that their
own condition may be assured by the re
cognition of their state Governments,
clothed with sufficient power to protect
themselves from the execrable and offi
cious intermeddling of Yankee philan
thropists which has already produced such
dreadful effects upon the negroes; and
then they will be able to consider and de
cide upon what need be done with the
blacks. It is a subject ior each cute to
legislate upon for itself, and ta L.v any
other authority to interfere can result in
nothing more than making contusion
worse confounded.
The opinion is entertained by many of
i lie aoieaii meu ui iub uuuiu, nuu imt
studied the problem carefully, that the
negro race will die out and become ex
tinct, as has the race of Indians. The
only philosophical reason to be presented
against this, is the difference in the char
acteristics of the African race from those
of all other races, which everywhere con
fronts us in the history of the African
The Indian receded and finally disappear
ed; but tne Airican eungs to tne asso
ciation of his superiors with instinctive
tenacitv. But human wisdom will cer
tainlv have Droved a failure when there
can be foqnd no other solution of a polit
ical or social difficulty than the absolute
extermination of four or five millions of
people. The negro is indispensable to
the cultivation of the staples of the South
ern States ; his labor is not available so
long as he enjoys " impartial freedom ;'
and this freedom is the disease which
consumes him, These tacts make it ob
viously necessary that any practical and
humane eolation of. tne negro question
involves the return of the blacks to the
mastery of the whites, and the condition
of subordination which the experience
of two hundred years has proven to be
the only one in which, they can prosper or
oe uhciui.
This is but a glance at a subject which
threatens the people of the whole coun
try portentiously, but more especially the
people of the Southern States, whose ao-
i : .1 a'
ciai organisation uow ju a uuaouo aiate
is to be effected for years to come by
the nature of the decision they are to
maae upon it.
Mr. Brown, married man of New Jersey,
is dead. Mrs. iirown and a dose of arsenic
had something to do with the transaction,
A man in New York State is under arrest
for attempting to put out hia wife's eyea.
The Rev. Bishop Edward Thompson,
D. D., LK. D.. of the Methodist Church
delivered an address before the Educa
tional Convention, held at Delaware, Ohio.
a few months ago. An an illustration of
the demoralization of the reverend clergy,
and as showing the spirit of worldly cu
pidity and love of power engendered in
the spiritual leaders of the church by civil
war and party rancor, we take the follow
ing extract from this speech :
" Of the increate of the public wealth,
which has been very large since the war
began, by reason of the stimulus given
to manulactures and commerce, the in
creased price of agricultural products,
and the opening of new sources bf wealth,
such as oil wells, our Church has had her
full share perhaps more than her share;
for no Church has been more loyal than
she, if any at patriotic, active and earnest
tn suppressing the rebellion. Had she
been as indifferent to the rebellion as
some sister Churches, the Government
could not have carried the nation through
a single year of the war. Of the 200,0U0
men sent to the field of conflict from
Ohio, Methodism has had a large share;
and, as a consequence, she has had her
proportion of the honors and profits of the
war. Beginning with Grant, the ablest
living general, and, I verily believe, in
many repect the cual of Napoleon I,
the great military gcuius of modern ages,
a long line of army officers have gone
from Ohio Methodist families. Ami when
nnnw contrtcl$ have been awarded, and
yrantt to Murchate. cotton in rvbcllmu
Statei hif ve bren made, our people have
not altogether been, indifferent or ignored.
Without unduly or dishonestly seeking to
profit by the war, the attitude which our
Church has borne to the Government has
naturally and nccts$arig increased her
In this remarkable confession the Rev
bishop ihompson discloses the causes
which produced the intense loyalty that
characterized the great body of Christian
ministers in the North during the late
war. Although their patriotism may
have been of the unadulterated descrip
tion at the beginning, Mr. Thompson
shows that it was stimulated by the mer
cenary rewards over which he chuckles
with unctious etaisfaction. He does not
take the trouble to inquire whether the
war was a just, pious or Christian war.
or whether it promoted the interest of
the children of God upon earth, or wheth
er the sea of blood it created advanced re
ligious truth or brought the unholy nearer
to their Creator ; he does not deny or dis
cuss the demoralization of society, the re
striction of civil liberty, the ruin and des
olation, the sin and wretchedness produced
by the war. It is sufficient for him to
know that " when army contracts nave
been awarded, and grants to purchase cot
ton have been made, our people that
in. the intensely loval saints in the church
have not been indifferent to the prof
its or ignored oy me me consider
ate powers that dispensed the flesh pots
The attitude of intense loyalty and politi
cal ambition which characterized "our
church has naturally and necessarily in
creased her wealth I" It is rarely that i
politician is found so abandoned as to ad
mit that his patriotism has been rewarded
by fat contracts, cotton stealing permits,
and an increase of wealth ; but here we
find a Bishop in the church boasting of
these rewards, not as the blessings of God
for the seal of the church in promotm
his cause upon earth, but as the compen
sation of the Government for services,
which, if rendered in a worthy cause,
should have been rendered without ex
pectation of reward, as if in an unholy
cause, should not have been rendered at
all. Among all people the mercenary
practice of hunting contracts and indulg
ing in speculation during a war involving
life and death, has been - regarded as the
most odious and execrable of crimes ; and
from the time of the Athenian Democracy
to the present, the war contractors and
speculators have been loaded with the
curses of the people and the scorn of ora
tors. In our late piteous and bloody
strife these crimes were stimulated by the
recklessness with which the war was con
ducted, the faoilitios afforded for the es
cape of the selfish and guilty miscreants,
and the immense profits upon robbery and
speculation. The opportunities were im
proved ; navies were wrecked and battles
were fought that speculators might pro
cure cotton ; hundreds of good men were
Immolated to the cotton fever, and thous
ands of widows and orphans trace their
misery to the insatiable thirst of blood in
spired : by permits to steal cotton. The
wealth accumulated by such wactices as
dishonor manhood and disgrace even spec
ulation is of the devil's own creation. It
is stained with human blood ; it smells of
dead men s bones ; it reeks with the mi
asma of corruption, crime and death ; it
is the sweat of the poor and the blood or
the brave minded and stamped upon
greenbacks. To boast of such wealth, to
mak-A a virtn nr anch nossession. IS to
mock the agony of men. insult the pover
ty of the Naxarine, and abuse the beuen
cene and justice of God.
Intheiail in Boston
are two babies one seven and a half years
of age, and one of nine, both small for their
years and evidently infantile in mind. Iheir
offense was stealing a few grapes, and they
are committed for non-payment 01 nuo uu
costs. Going from tne meeting on
Science,, to visit the jail, strangers wouia oe
ttrnrixpx! to see such a spectacle in Boston.
Quincy Union.
If these babies were "black," al' New
England would howl over the barbarity of
their treatment. Being white and poor, they
are, according to Puritan ideas, very proper
ly treated.
Massachusetts is the first and only State
that has hod its claims lor volunteers allow
ed bv the General Government. Like the in
dividual who made up for. coming late to his
business by going away early, Massachusetts
atones for its delay in putting its men in the
war by being the first to get its pay therefor
troa tne nation.
A late Eastern paper says: Henry
Ward Beceher, a disreputable miuintor
and charlatan, who seized upon the chris-
tnan religion as a means of advancing him
self to wealth and fame, recently deliver
ed a sermon Lord save the mark which
was less blasphemous and barbarous than
any he has delivered for the hist five or
nix years, ibis sermon bos created a
sensation among the weak-minded loyal,
just as Beceher intended it should. He
gets his name in the papers frequently
and his notoriety increases, while his ad
mirers are stunned and horined at the idea
of their leader advocating anything like
the Christianity of the New Testament.
Just think of it. Beceher, tho man who
has preached nothing bat murder, massa
cre and rum for years Ueecber, who con
soled the shoddy contractors and Govern
incut thieves who visited his sanctuary
with the gratifying declaration that there
was no hell Bcecher, who, because it was
popular, insisted upon the starvation and
ultimate extermination of four millions of
unfortunate blacks Bcecher, who thun
dered war and death from his pulpit, who
revelled in bloodshed, rejoiced at ruin and
advocated extermination Bcecher, who
has done the devil's work for years at
last reads the Sermon on the Mount, and
suddenly preaches magnanimity, peace,
and justice, instead of death, war and ex
termination ! The sensation is profound.
The speed of the lightning is employed
to scatter the news of this startling con
version over the country. The loyal are
amazed, the venal are intimidated, the fa
natics are enraged. By the loyal he is
accused of copperheadism, by the fanatics
he is charged with cowardice, by the con
servatives he is suspected of hypocrisy,
and by all he is regarded as a humbug
and his sermon is despised as " bosh."
The idea of Bcecher advocating anything
approximating to Christianity, is incredi
ble; the notion that he delivered his re
cent stump speech with the view of pro
moting the pacification of the country and
the restoration of our former tranquility,
is preposterous.
Beceher is a quack ; and his sermon is
a humbug. He delivered it to create a
sensation; he has succeeded. His noto-
riety is increased ; his confederates of the
Independent have an opportunity of puff
ing him and themselves; the country
newspapers are forced to comment upon
the sensation, and the object of the Plym
outh Church clique of Puritanical politi
cians and the Independent Mutual Admi
ration Society is attained. To identify
himself with the changing sentiment of
the people, and in order to claim the lead.
when he merely follows, this pulpit dem
agogue has ventured upon a sham quarrel
with the fanatics of hia own family to put
money in bis purse, and to have an an
chor. cast to windward in the event of
President Johnson adopting a conserv
ative policy.
From tb SL Loais Republican.
How Hegre Treepa Get Their Rep
Our readers cannot have failed to notice
the persistency with which Radical orators
and the correspondents of Radical papers
have vaunted the valor of negro soldiers,
ever since it became the policy of the
Government to put such soldiers in the
field. They have gone on eulogizing and
elaborating falsehoods in an ascending
scale, until now they assert that the ne
gro "saved the Union." The idea they
have in view seems to be to persuade ne
groes that they did vastly more to secure
the salvation of the country than white
soldiers, and that the Government there
fore owet it to them to let them vote, hold
office, and obtain consequence generally as
a highly privileged class.
lingadier ueneral Uenton, the ( white)
soldiers' candidate for Governor of Iowa,
in a late speech, after alluding to the cap
ture of a battery by his men, at the battle
ot Jenkins ferry, Arkansas, says :
What was the indignation of his men
when they saw the printed letters of these
correspondents a glowing account of tne col
ored troops in storming this battery, and ig
noringthe very existence of bis regiment.
Who really captured it, by not even mention
ing its presence there, but this indignation
was still further increased, when, by some
one's orders, these very guns were sent up to
St. Louis, and exhibited there at a soldiers'
fair, with certain battle flags, as trophies
of the bravery of certain colored troops, who
were said to have stormed and taken them
at the battle of Jenkins' Ferry, when, in
fact, there were no battle-nags there, and the
whole work of taking the, guns was done by
his own regiment, which was not even men
It is iust as easy to dissipate all the fic
tions that have been published about ne
gro exploits elsewhere. At Port Hudson,
Fort f isher, James island, near cnaries
ton, and the lines at Petersburg, they
were represented in glowing terms to have
acted with an intrepidity that places the
best efforts of veteran white troops com
pletely in the shade. In all cases the truth
was that, where they could be brought
within range of a rebel volley at all, they
scampered at the first fire.
CoNrxssios or a Dcblist. -Many of our
readers will remember the fatal duel in 1838
between two members of Congress, Messrs.
Graves of Kentucky, and Cilley of Maine,
in which tne latter was killed, in a letter
to a friend, in 1844, Mr. Graves said : " I
wilt add, with the most unaffected sincerity,
that, in a eommunitr where public senti
ment sanctions this practice (duelling), it
requires a much higher order of courage to re
fuse to fight than to fight: and if I have one
aruem wisa wmcn is greater wan any outer
on t'lis subject, it is that, if I shall ever be
i i J Y , 1
a j. , . . i ' i .
bo Biraaieu again, a may una mysen posses
sed of that higher order of courage." Who,
then, is tne truly crave man 7
A young widow was asked why she was
going to get married so soon after the death
of her first husband. " Oh. la." said she.
" I de it to prevent fretting myself to death
on account oi aear lorn."
The Madison (Indiana) Courier says it has
heard young ladies singing, " Who will care
for mother now?" while their old mothers
were wearing themselves out ia the, kitchen
over the wauiy washing.
Jadah I. Benjamin.
In a late number of the New Orleans
Picayune, now a " loyal" paper, the fol
lowing tribute was paid to tho late jRebel
Secretary of War. We ak our Oregon
" loyal " cotetuporaries if it is treason t
Let them read it:
Mr. Benjamin was always known aad
respected in this community as a man of
great liberality and generosity of charac
ter, as free from avarice or mercenary
motives and habits as any prominent man
in this community. His extraordinary
talents, wonderful industry and great am
bition for political and professional dis- rSi
tin a-firm 1 ur f t tr a fLntrtA Yttm e tawra mwtAi
most lucrative
.- ai, win uv vwt aaaaaa a mi jew atuui,
practive, and every highOi
statiou" he cveraspired to,
Despite these great advantages, aad
his large receipts from his profession, he
was never rich or even easy in his circum
stances. His immense resources from hi
own industry and talents were expended
in the support and advancement of his
relatives and friends, and in a liberal and
generous mode of life. So far from lov
ing his ease and comfort, or addicting him
self to luxury and dissipation, he was,
perhaps, the most laborious, industrious
and tetuperateman who ever attained
eminence at,-ourhar and in public affaira.
SUrtinarftfthis ciy as a friendless youth,
hewTtrkeu his way by sheer industry and
Idlcnt, from ar notary's clerk to the very
highest place at our bar, when that bar
was second to no other in the country
for talent, learning and eloquence. Ia
all that time we never heard a mean,
small, or illiberal act ascribed to hint.
In embarking in politics, and especially
in so perilous a moveme nt as the late re
bellion, few men made such great sacri
fices as 31 r. Benjamin. He bad no estate,
but his professional talents and experience
could command him at any time and ia
any place a splendid income. His prac
tice before the Supreme Court of the
United States alone was worth 120,000 a
year. This he abandoned, together with
his home and library, expensively furnish
ed in Washington City, and also his large
and lucrative practice in this city, in order
to fill an office in the Confederate Gov
ernment, the emoluments of which would
not pay his household expense! for one
month. If Mr. Benjamin was the elaa
and mercenary man he is described, thin
was certainly a coarse which could hard)
be reconciled with that great shrewdness,
cunning and ability which hit enemies
and detractors ascribe to him.
A Western Ket Note. One of the
candidates in the late campaign ia Ohio,
after referring to the monstrous pubUe
debts, and its effect present and fat ore,
said :
Our country was in a death-struggle.
She required money. Without money
the Government must perish and the
Union be destroyed. The money-lender
came and said, ' Uncle Sam, I see thatyoa
Win die unless 1 lend you some money ;
but, Uncle, I won't let you have the mon
ey unless for every $50 in gold that I lend
you you will give me your bond for 9100,
and agree to pay me t per cent interest
on the whole amount in gold. And that
is not all, L ncle, but you must agree that
your children shall pay my taxes and my
children's taxes forever.' Well. Uncle
Sam, rather than die, makes the contract.
Think you, citizens, that suck, a contract
should bind Uncle Sam's children f I
think nofnd it will be well for yon t9
remember, citizens, that Uncle Sam's boy
are all voters.
Tnx Divil was Right. The folhrwinj
will be appreciated by many of our readesa:
Dr. II. who is now pastor of an orthodox
church, had been for some time annoyed by
the forwardness of a lay brother to "speak"
whenever an opportunity was offered, to the
frequent exclusion of- those whose remarks
had a greater tendency to edification. This '
had been carried so far that the pastor,
whenever he stated that "en opportunity
would now be offered for any brother to give
an exhortation," had always a secret dread
of the loquacious member. On one especial
occasion the latter prefaced a prosy, incohe
rent harangue with an account of a prerioaa
controversy he had been carrying on with
the great adversary. " My friends said
he, ' the devil and I have been fighting for
more than twenty minutes ; he told me not
to speak to-night, but I determined I would ;
he said some of the rest could speak better
than I, but still I felt that I could aot keep
silent ; he even whispered that I spoke to of
ten and that nobody wanted to hear me ; but
I was not to be put down that way, and now
I have gained the victory, I must tell you all
that is in my heart." Then followed the tedi
ous haranee aforesaid. As they were coat
ing out of the session room, the rood pastor
inclined his head so that his mouth approach
ed the ear of the militant member and whie.
pered, " Brother, I think the JkxH was right."
The editor of the New' York Evening
Post having attended a Quaker meeting
in New Bedford, describes the preacher :
Taking off her bonnet she placed it ia
the hands of the sister next to her, aad
rose like the rising of a pure and timed
star. W ith her hands folded and her eye
cast down, she uttered in a sweet woman
ly voice, but very clear and firm. ELess-
ed is he that considereth the peer; the
Lord will deliver him ia time of trouble
and a better, a more toacSiiasr sermoa
was not preached that day in ail the world '
than ene preached.
Spoliation or tbs South. An em
ploye of the Post OSce Department, now
superintending mail matters in Arkansas,
writes tnat on jtne mail route I rem Jrort
Smith, m that State, to Caswell, ia Hi,
souri, there is not a house . a or habitation
where a mail carrier could refresh him.
self or beast, in a distance of nearly two
hundred miles. From FayetteriUe to
Caswell by the old mail road the distaaee
is seventy-five miles, and there is not a
house or garden fence left standing, cor
a field under cultivation," .
One of the first families in New York ia ia
great distress at the mairiati ef tieUr ra t
the cook.