,1'KW fOO (lOOD TO BIS LONT. rTVs fctfnwlwg were fonl written on the Vak sundr-ad dolUr Confederal not tj RaprAseeUag nothing on God't Arth sow, Ae Is th wsUr WW it At plertg f ts nftUon that's da and goo, Keep U dr friend, d show It fw It tothi wko will an er T t5 Uat Oils yrr 0! Libwty born. f th pAtrlut's dream Of ta tor-erdled Ballon that fvll. Te jyocr to poAA th preelons ores. And toe Bvh of tranter to borrow, W Usatd to -day ear promt to pAy. And hod t wdo on th morrow. Tk Tttd e and wwkt Wm jaam, Bat or ec-ffer were mpty still j CM sa to that the Treasury uoAked, if m doltftf tkould drop la tb till. Xtt tk fall. tkt waa In tii strong, Indeed, Ad cr poverty wU discerned ! til U little ehwks represented the pT Test oar suffering toluntocr tArutd. iTe w it k ad hardly ft Tftta ta t&, Yt a old our soldiers rwolTii Hj ll r&ed in r oytt with ft promise to pay, Asd eaek patriot soldier bUTd IU Cut Mr kojr thought little of price or per, Or of fcUU tfet wer over duo ; W kacw tf It boegut brAd to-day, It ru tb boot oo r poor country ould do. Keep it-4t tails mt history all oror. From Ui birth of Us dream to tha IasI KfdAet ssd. bo f tho aural of llpe tlkt too bop of saeeess it pAAet. OF AMERICA." Nothing relating to the wnr lift cattpcd greater or morn just iniiijjitiiiim than iih tact of the deaths umiociFftriiy nt -mnr- in tho rebel nrwon. of bo many ItlimiRAndii of our bravo poblu'r. bat- Lvor il.M.no of blanio we way bavo nt- tnr.1.o.1 .i (lin rondlict Ot tHO lOIttlor 01 I 1 U V - - . , on. however. WC iuhV have tUH tributoil the o,lium nnd tho guilt of the war, and whutcvev pum-hment wo may have deemed proper for thono who xrero enajred n the confliet adversely to the Federal Oovorunteut, it has been conced ed ou all hands that whoever was guilty through nejslipenoe or tuahce of the deatu Lrin rf iliPS4i lmnouera. oucut to cuticr I'. HU. V' - " W - 11 tho severest pcuuhic uum nuity could iaveut or nuuiau capaeuy fmil.l nuurfi. We have alwajB said ouly make it ap- nrit for an hour anv one haa beu pondfltuned illeuallr to the horrors of the A.inrsnnviiio nrisou lieu, or ua uwu iuvh kept whom by the law of war he ruipht or ehould have been relea,ed, and above ill tbat anv one has there aunered an died through tho wantonueits of feeling oi .s(V,..;t IV.i.n jfi.raon llavis. UD or Iuiijr vwvifli v i i ill down, as the case uxiirht be and he should I . . - . ...... i . ronurht. be lefltotiie notconuien pun - . . .. i ... Uhniont. Tho heart ot tne wnoie country l.aa Wn iortured bv the tales which have i,khi i.dd of the Bufferings of those who A leadtne Republican stamper, in a re- Vusimi rHiniirncd to tho woreo than cent publio tpeech, declared that " there jjOi0 0f Calcutta, or Jersey pmou .1nlt Iia luiitpotlv written .-w '-j - , ...... may be said, truth will reuiro that it he written, 8 'CANTON, the O.W.wula. ol America. whatever else From Hie Ht. i.xmU Hjm:UoRn, Oct. 11 Another t'Uurrli and Hint One. Hii-o tins been some excitement 1" Newport, Keututky, owinj; to the arrest there on Sunday last, tho '2d, of Her. i. 1) Huston, ot tho iiietnottist r-)tivuj' Church. This nrvest was i .i . the revcreua pruiiciuau soi- . lXtet of Hm Itlnd," are no politica ia the proper sense of thatl issue cow no merely pureiy po-i otr Krr.n,T men have crroaned. and teuder lltical questions. There are no questions womeu WOpt as they have read of ot sunpia auminisirauou. ..-v iuiuf5 tjl0 err,blo scenes which were idb uj radicil ppert commenting ou such men- cxpcricnce of our men. and the Adwiuis dacitv and trickery, layst l,n it would conceal its tyranny "The common people loek on, wonder-jjn mtQl aatoUUding acts of injustice, has !ng trAef larg dement ofl navtry t Lndeavored to connect its victim with the u MtfAe prtHciflttc the uepuw warn par- atrocitics, tho suUerings aud tieains oi ty ttkick makt$ lAe?aef to ashamed to ndersouville. a row them?" Republicans can not walk now it turns out, as has been here with this uat-hk step and secretive air joforo cuargod, that for all this the Admin iciihout being $tt dote for knave of tome istration, ahd mire especially as tho mov Aind." jnw and planning and active instrument, That h Just the opinion of every body. Edward M. Suuton is responsible. A prty that is in power is suppled te junittg Henri Rrown was ouo of the have principles, which it can proclaim correspondents, during the war, of the with boldness and confidence. When, vw York IVi'time : he was captured and feeinir In rwer. it is afraid to avow its - nrisouer for twenty-four creed with manliness, and walks with "cat- months; after his escape and return he like i,nti accretive air," it is doomed publiBhed a book, in which ho said that tooterthrow. The people can not give jwin M. Stanton was responsible for their confidence to party that has no de- me failure to exchange the thousands of termined nrincirdes. or. bavins them, is held in the South." Mr. afraid to tsrockua them even from the-'i1,-iA!, a. Dana, in the Chicago Tribune house-tens. They regard the leaders Lutered into an elaborate explanation to of ut such a party as knaves oi show that Stanton was in no way respon tome kind, who want to accomplish by L;ku far tho detention in captivity of Mr atealth what thovbelievc or are afraid they iwB. To vhich in the Tribune of coc!l not eccuro by aa open, bold and j.-riJtty the latter replies, and in tho course manly proclamatioa of their intentions. 0f hialetter says : Jt is looked pon as a party lea Dy sncaxs i jjr Richardson, (another 1 rtfiunc eor "or knaves, or both. If what these leaders, I rndentl and mvsolf spent nearly i who walk with cat-Uke step and accre- wecc n National Capitol after our cs tir"irwani41a.fof the public good, and C4pef endeavoring to do all that was pos Hh future peace, strength and perpetuity siy0 for release of tho bravo men in fth Republic, why not confide in the tjje hands of tho enemy; and every one tgood sense of the people, and submit their we Inct there told the same story, that the -Questions of administration to their judg- socrctary of War was tho obstaclcjnt!$ meat and their interests : Airaia to ao wav 0f the rcsTrmpt"" r -.nan y Man to made, while was omciauna u his church, by a suuad of black liers. seut there to seio hun ami carry lim off to prison, under orders from lieu ulmer. now roiumauutnir, in hkihi j Ip was conveved to Louisville the same daw and wa then sent to 'lenuessee, to remain UUlll Iiinuer uriu rn. From a ciminatisou of all accounts we have of this aUair iu the Cincinnati pa pers, we canuot but believe that the inde cent iutcrferenee oi the uiiliUry in this ease is au outraire with uo palliating cir- All such interlerenci'S ate , - ttn;Mtifiitl.Ii and ot must evtlteiiueney in '. . . - i ... U thir liiHuenees ana leavmnKs uuv mm particular act had the aggravated teature of fl) in in the face of a judicial decision which had just before settled the rijfht of Dr. Huston to occupy the pulpit Irom which he was dragged down, ou flod'a dav. by the bauds of rough soldiery. Thuro had beeu a iiuestion as to tho right i'tittifia o f his amiointuiciit to the tniuis try of tho churvh atiSewport. n.. ih'm fiupiiiin had been brought in I - ' . , . f..ial mi, nxrulikr wav before a iudieial iifiu. - r j ... . tribunal, the decision ot wUicli wss that tho appointment had been rightfully made. This should have settled, and we nupposc did settle, all controver!y upon the question of right. Hut there were a few persons who were not disposed to ac quiesce in this settlement; they were dc I .t. M II.. ....... tcriutueu TAIIt. TlalluH yong ft-Hi' bire to-day I I vmrnlfr wtint' Ul unuie f vc nro ftm-d uiicm our (ww Do'hioU nt daily June. WWc bit yHo'it t1y defied lo nrnf II mn't l Mm. l,ifMU i Thro' Mr. Juii with PwcoD 011e I wonder If he'll pwoob? X,id me vote fun, U ! in rw l Wo both will "It In .r.vr i Mri"ft !'i Widtiw iti9 How Maiy'i tnht flarpt I lo limk at Stocv 8U-vr' Tfll, It' full a lirttidlh ton ttl'U' ( I wimd'T If tuiinli Ayr- KANIi KXCIIAlwCSE! WM, GIRD, PROPRIETOR! Aplinin lMy fltrif Lord! wbalb Voleo Juno Rieo hM (T't Oh t li"" lint ornun r'Hirn : I'm Rind lf thn inccr' nvnl J UuW hard Mia JulinonU flixtf t i "Wb ly iiUre In front I ,'- tlld y iWnt Aim M ild f Her new tir bimutt'f (riltiiiK'd wllh black ; I fue hrt dial a ehild. I'm haJf tbat Mr. Jonoi, II in toriumi are to 1iik i TbH aHrei wn'l) tny at buwe. Aud jirm-a e tliat utw ng L j - ' . Tin; I'l XI II OH iil.41i lil-ll lK. A riciitlrojrt fbyOurAiuer- Stiu i riruuD. Til EM rOITI.AIt KAI.OOX IM IN tho Hill vi(fiir f tuei'M. Tlio imrioual at- loiulttiipo of tin awauttii.l ulna rronrb'tor aurfi i" rvrry giiBUt (he nionl J'rnni,l nm! iallHlnol'irT av U'litiiiii in everf tliinir wliloti tlio lioime iuirn, n ontrrttlit tho wind aud cl elier to Iho body. Tho Uilllnrd Balui.n it lirovlded with dndld I J I L.1 ,1 A 1 U TABI ACS, Or tho Utunt aj'rned itjle, Willi all tho bt im provenirnl. THE BAR la alayt aufhod with tha very bcit 1IC 4 IIS, A Ia IV ' 'laokr hi:i:h. ami " so roil I II." t mUf linn on bnnd alwnyn roady f..reut'rarr FRESH OYSTERS J llir.. I fnmi Yntminm llav. okitoledBBi by tpl puri Hi ba wirlor tu any .yteri fwuud elaowliero u tha eoMt. ...Ai.ao... SARDINES, Ulli Mhd op In tha t alylo, witn irunroiDj;i. The Fttbrnii l n the inrthwet rorner ! tba blink rrit nt to that 'ill which fcj.reiigrr t PaciHo llt'M (ilatidi. AlUny, Nov. 25, lC5. GOODNBWS! C00DKEW8! THE WAltlS ENDED! OUR COUNTRY IS SAVED FOREVER I SELLING OFF I SELLING OFF! $eo,ooo ..y.P??.. RALLY I RALLY I ONE AND ALL AT THIS 1STEW STORE OK 8TEH1VIIACII, OPPOSITE THE P0i?T OFFICK, vs amiaivv, onut-OiV. iti i i rtvi' to i.mi oum Tin; n..l.l; il, I l,.v. Iut rfPHVe'l "I " Ne.a OIIAllLKH UABUETT, .... an4 We. Whlagt Street, Prtla.. . ; Noat Rplondia AnnPt STATIONERY, BLANK bww, LETTER PRE8fc, ON THE PACIFIC COAST, Conniitiiiic 'f -. 2,000 Oold PM. wade hf ia -f- i,tbrr warraiiwu , . k ... . t. Alt.imill. 600 Jtur and m'?LM??1 ' urn v..l...ea Mad teal and U Ik ! e-r l.r..nKt,t m thl Market, dirwt from New fi,00 &uveU, vMb Wnduijf. . ; V.irli ...d Him. Fra-ab. uf 'T . ..TiMrlm0t ot lantlfiil WMrtnienl ( I .,.rl. ,!!,. ,r n imuicn -- LADIES', CHILDREN'S, GENTS' SCHOOL BOUJiU 1,,. BOYS' DRESS AND ' T " - r ArHbM--V - . n..a. Ht.mVfT0. Lalin, Ur ) ely irolue nerro oucstio Huston should not cn oy his rights; aud, knowing of no other rav of denrivinir him of thoiu except by violence, they had tho soldiers called in to arrest him, and procured from a willing military commander au edict ot banish inhmeut against him. Ihis we auppsse to be a Uir sUtemeut ot this outrage. So we go. A lew members ot a' re- liL'ious wieiety are disatlected with their pastor, and, not being aiie to oust nun oy legal process, drive him out by milittry force. We have had tu this Mate, at G!asrow, the same scone now presented in Kentuekv. At tilastrow. some persons ,r.Mi;i,..l tlu ministry of a clergyman, who bnd been rishttullv set over them; ami though they were bat a small minority oi the society, they succeeded in ejecting him, Governor Fletcher kindly ordering a squad of soldiers to do tho job 1 io words can fully express the indignation and abhorrence which all men who were born and have lived under sueu insiuu tious as ours ou-Ut to feel at the pcrpe t ration of such outrages. The ces-saliou of the war has removed the lasUhadow of a pretext for them. , In tho case in this State, there is, aav linfortunatelv. no autliori' i ------ rin .ifur Wra-M4rMf?-2a .e K The newltfoonstituted elector, Snmbo, i Kittiiiir on a stump, and playing a small baiijo. l'.frr an Americau gentleman, Mr. ltutai .X.Biuart Mr. t-'mait WU, Mr. Sambo, how do vou do lllaek Klector ("with dicnitv") Massa SamVi am ln-rry well, tank you, Sar Mr. Smart U lad to hear it. .Mr. am bo, rt-joiced w bear it. Hope your crop s com si if on wall lilacs Klrclor 1 retty well. fcar. iiw white trash sin't no emm1 much at work, hut. w'll no kick 'em into a better knowlediidbb things, and ob Ueir pnvi good wmvs FOU TiiK vumAvi: j. n.fe'st'tiHis. '' ssassr.s. J. FLEI8CHNER & CO. i It P. NT1I.I, AT Tlli:ilt OLD HT.VNl, Cmucr of Fimt and Wajibiugt Ueett, AliUAiVY, Oregon, When hy tiro aalliug thtlr Urge and well aelrcted C'liraper than any Other Ilonfce lu Town. . AND FURNISHING GOODS, Puch a DelttlncM, ihifresj, Slohalrji, Uermania Clot It, I'heHOinnlie, Neoteh I'laliU, WInee. Oeltalxe, I'opUnn, NilkM, jHwnerw, rsrasols, jtlohnlr, Foolarde, oil If f 'ltrvrc, 'ortt, Nublnsj, La Irle, tl4rlno. Alpacas, Mhawla, Cloth Cloaks), Hoods), i-. . . . . In iuirfiiiii n k I till fnlorflli L'curl.tm. I Nir sdn.aasi.Thov ouht to be clad to Dry Ciool anil iJroeerles, of all bind. tako your iney, aud do your work, Mr. It end y Made Clolhlng;, uiiyht . - - - luvm vita csL i . - j 3 - - - sXjX sttfe anJ viitr. .:. . ,t.. . . . I luchiirdson alter our return to fWo,lnn v ,. f , . . w whho wuai ,v, , , . , , ; BuoKt m oniy a con&dcnce offering of the 1 j i y C wewec e secretary 'tarn ih LouUviUa Joarail l rlitleal Preachers. ." Cotl Jacques, arrested the other ay and now confined in jail here, charged with being a parlictpt criminis with a mum u. iiijuer in procuring an me lurmvr ueciarca to nnu that the Government could not afford to exchange able-bodied men. for skeletons Uther officers and civilians whose names i cannot now remember, had assured me that he had used to them the same inn guage in the effect, and there is no doubt whatever that that was his policy and de- abortion upon a woman from u rm,nauo,? YnAu ta cla.mo Po- -niimoaiColonelJa,nM f vJ5 r .1 10 m?1 ca reUre Irom his bar- giore rnission to Richmond kit PS,U0-Q' , , -tv:. n.t--i mona I I-very one is aware that when tfc f5 hrpke U one of the poBU eons who Have done so much to alienate j ,i , ' we" nav -tha !iV.t f, .v. " J raw bea released twelve or eichteeu month - tiZ th. resumption or the cartel, to their xe! ia anytJin . They ftJJ the,P . e afraid the poUtics of the countrv will ".?1500.hciSoloL.VC8-- T.h.at - not go' right without their assistance and sZL r , JU0 7?e t0 31 r preach politics inS of ?n.tonTlPecuUar and d sti?acy i gospel-- We have o confidence in such Zr TZ .ls- Df ?re hc 13 un std their eofigtefiona, ihen in dividinZS f ng Republican paper of the neighborhood, creating iSS moS T' V tou bought up for :traight to 'the - AtwiiJl M.H?tJMl- blrd. cted because 'he is . n ixilti IU cWCox HJ W IiaiPYPr Tlio A-mvIv ice anon tbp I - 7 V" as noon the -.13 U-U I f hA tl lltio. .nl ' , - i- i uuuiuiuuus Birainst mni . . . , sjj OUU -Dn B fl n o. an inH.'M.L J: .. aacrd pro7es7br ,7 E! 5 cr ; he is not a , cause of region i DernL " T; onlJ answering i-i m M uium wiin i . i . . Wi aisd 'nod arobatim, U i .7 ?t jeaauig paper, and the whole tone of and aFpkud them; are their worn ene-a S-?3 C00lne'8' lrtWity .pies. iius- testimony hae iinho. IB the way, you must mind and oxcrci.te vor "fiht ns a ritisen. Ulack Vl)eir Hate exercise like the debbil, maswa ' " hats your name, harf What fur yo ydrude on a colored gene . it' i illtl tuaMlig lurjtwuiu ivppuii Mr. Siuart-No intrusion, Sir, I trust My name is Hfus X. Smart, nnd I am a friend of the lonurable Hominy Rustcr, who hones U have your uistiiiguishcd support abtii'ouung eioeuou. Black JluiSSr.ar, U you cheelt Uia ;,rli ivilotil trcuelum, you 11 make 'quaintance wl him boot on your dam . . . c- y Mr. Siiiurfr-o anirer, Mr. bambo. Tho Governitnt ot this almighty ami evcrlastina cntry has thougt proper in its cxtraord'ury enlightenment, to invest you with tho anchise. You understand, I am sure, j has given you a vote. lilack Eleor l)at a lie, Sar. It hab give me null of de kind. Where is it ? Here's my Hc. t give you leave to go into a colorcgcnelniau's house and look, if you fiud i vote, bring it here directly minit. ? ?Ir.iUai I have not made myself I order what I will. been no worse off Hoots and Shorn, Hats and Caps, te. Lamps, Glass and Crcaferry Ware, ' Paints nnd Otis, Hardware, Kails, aire fa fai-t. frTllirff I ha Farnirr ntnla. AU of which wf Ul erb(ni;e for ail kiuda uf DPZEtOIDTTCZE, At lb biirbeat markol prius. Wt would not refua evtu Ch. If Too dea't believe We are Scllintr Cheap, call sad see. a28 J- FLEJSCI1XER CO. .is .own .ia v.. ... . mi i 1. i . under tho rciru ni" a . . ... I I . w - a, uiarwai iuw ; ana no equal flit-Cns.L rii. dtitssr yup, yim, yup, yup Mr. Siu (aside) I'd give five dollars outrau-u wan lot uve miies leave to cauvaMg him with committed during the reiiru of that law this strin t hippopotamuH. I'd obtain a in this State. In Kentucky, however j genuine ejres!ion of his sentiments. My me wrons uas been done hv a m omccr. Black jltctor Ah ! Now you talk scn- VHAHAt PILIIP, CiLIUIL.; niiliniUTI., unit IUU I'lUUU l romper Lucas waa nmnnAm. ... t J u;. i c -j ilitaryjdear Mr. ambo, you are a gentleman of (America.; ' . w MKREDlTARir TALSST AND Cn A R ACTE R. to know to. Sit down, Sar, and don't nli iwn i., . . . " I do Ddsniui.we are an an oiiown oy mm, ana agrcei to bv othorn i.n i i o :h as O. IrM il, JLi;..:.:?-Vr! ll akes ot of the same form of disease, or any malformation, mnv ored gcftlim a cake which am better ueconie an inheriCnm-t.. Ti.. .!:-.. .V done. I Pl'art is hereilitary ; ao are tuWrvles iu mc tunsrs : ho nlm are ditn.oa ,f of the liver, and of the kiduer ; r l,. eases of the eye and ear. Gcueral maludies are equally uiheritntle, as coat nnd mad ness. Longevity of tho one hand, and nre mature deaths 011 tilO Other, tm bv il..ar.tt If we consider a class of beculinritifa nmrl retiondite in their origin than these, we shall sun tina the law of inheritance to hold good. A morbid suswcptibility to contntrioiis di. ease, or to the poisonous effects of opium, or of calomel, and an aversion to the taste of moat, are all found to bo inherited craving for drink, or r gamblin Yasu ty ig the predominating charac jexisao oi euca preachers. , Thev . j j o juuicui. uu tuuseitoa can -EterlsB-? finalities of th b ;i I, C .ict wLich distinguish mora modftsfc mon li and manliness. . Where, then, is the Military Com sion 1 On how much less testimony I "' pen and women been hansedf If Stan etretch the necks of the innocent proof goes) of whomsoever hc and hence Treackinor politics is at on7i r!!3T CUAfSe , xor havrng conspired - the sis of their inherent tnoral weakness o by his SiJCT n he P8fj tod ihelr overweening seifonceit.- How 'a vT' h-6f Hess' coId --eaSoeithe Eeouelrove AtnthZ .! L1 . wickedness,- his tM iib!,W,- of th7VL,P: ! the graves aeaue.khy no means a solitary rfh-d,M ; may be pardoned to the man one, CTtobllstnat it wnra 'I'Ka I t-t . i t - J. UC ldnL I -at AtH t a h Zl'l n ? r. n,. ir..i . j- . r,, , """"'""ug 3 -:r- ? i t To- s n wn.? 18 m0D,e8 ot HBgovernable passion t-'v.-. ---" a uoiapson strikes down his ,. TJ.,uV.i: DoaiETOunds of lmmoralitv. He had -:n . j Jl S " -. v , r A.cc"ug . - ... : 1 "iu aci uiwani uaraonincr tha onma v r.An an nnnirai! ir . nnnun .1. . I i- i . o v r " : .77 -'. ;i : ' , -" one aayina: eunered a ereat wrnnrr li r .Ci"-.J.;-rs J?!- 1213 c7e3 f breth- go wild as to take th lift nf nf h . t,.. .V-.;1-6 d rne preachmg polities, here a criminal, who imnerion.' and ; zzi ti-a natural resuit ?ot3a lollowed." : ! - i I harsh tn prtromltir rr.tVi . rt: . 4i . . I j twuumju ft .-wae g-t evu ia common cast, is himself reeking with the -.aa.socntrjy and the. people opght to ap- blood of those ; whom he never received C,J f-iaeuy. xtia ia ineir aaos., ii the slightest injury from and whose only -e7 c.05-,l-s Il tk- eriI ' go' crime, to use his own language, was, that Jy 4 .it titter consequences. If they , the cause of their country and through txyroiipo-i.itaBdgiye.it no quarter,, it guffering for the maintenance of govern ,T:,inj eoon.be abated. The best ftiend of ment, they had become "skeletons.",-; :'! ' ;f3 -ierSJ and of .the church,will tell That which would have moved the pity luea totiei to their texts and let politics of any other man, only stirred the cool cal- . " v- vvi" i guiuua vi ftbauwu. auu no UJpvbf?Ul Ql a Siri -ah . 5 a 1 . a - 1 " t - a. . . M,r,".-.n UU8 "u"Jwt-. " Uisttnct- he bnshful wo nr all .like nr.,1 r-onnl I MlllWn ItT lltftl an.l r..MH.I A., 1 . I ' .' - uchasO. Lowm. tlmt nr-lU.li!'.. .. " u oven, on ly ue Lie cake and molasses, Sar? iir. ciurt ieiif:iit in it, l assure you, feir. JJiaekiiiector -uen steal some, come to mc, ad 1 U lend you a stool to eat him on. l u, yup, yup, yun (Slugs) M9a'a namo M a.iissar, ! HurIv little Jew, (steal him prima molasses, ' Fut biai in a ftew. " ig)tlo, joggle, juuipucroaf, ' Dat em berry lino. Tea di niitgor tcal a hoi, Ami oa t- tarohuo, Hkk1. i'Virslo. Ao.. for ten minti',, with banjo aotompanimeut. sexual pajision, a proclivity to TjauneriRin t.il Mr- Snart Admirably clever. Mr. crimes of violence, and crimes to fraud. I Sambo, t have heard ' uothinsr so cood Maemiuan'e Magazine. ,?;.: ? ' . i at the. thater. Von wm.1.1 rr..nli fiftw rtlU ar. fl IKrhr. nn lhi dnrrn r T r.. ' I "t -" xwiou, btw usx. i.ne apostate Forney, Ulack Clector Uam low. rlm nftors. now tho spaniel of President Johnson, as he Sar. Aid they am tied to the clock, ob was of Lincoln, lately referring to tho Jnoon- ligated ttigo and sinr, whether in the hu- sistency of thoee who profess to be Democrats, mor or nit, and whether ,'cm drunk or our, wno now support Johnson, said :! r : 1 eoucr. ; ai a slavery wluch no colored It must not be forjrotten that everv Dn. gcueiam soum smit to, aar cratic leader, now loud for Andrew Johnson, 5Ir- Sart lou are right, Mr. Sam was indifferent to his patriotic courazo iu bo, and I am truly elad to hear you wo- - " ...... iKiut nt ui3 uiuitK luiaiuu mkii unnesitannT p.nniirv fn tv. ind. , l am sure, there will give your vote to my Tennessee in 18GI-G2: denounoed his tyran- "f D ' 1Von?rabIe .Hominy Buster, ny and called him an intrrate in 18G3 : voted voose mtxim is that freedom should roll against him . in 1804: slandered him in 9yer the Universe, . like, the boisterous So is a strong eccmocroi iouo; indignant at his attack claim feuch unh on Breckinridge and Lane in 1SG1 ; laughed ranny of every k at his sufferings as a refugee tind opposed fore that vou wil his appointment as Military Governor of 'I . ? Wli xpoo : and now riroclaims himself in fiisnr air. and fco boumiftil nnlw Uv tha firnm. . . . . " I . '.J J -" " .v- oi Anoj-ew Johnson's restoration or recon- ment ant by the ecliptic. ouutiiuu uiau wiLiiuui cverjaavintrtionp nnv. i v it .it . thing but assail all the other portions of his yZ Tla i 3 V ' poUcy, including emancipation, confiscation. lllJ: 9tt--e , dam good pious uspension or the writ of habeas cxirous, w , ' -l.ana UP on dat stump mihtarv arrosts. mililnrv .-Jo!. I and nreach. aud dia p.olnrAil frpnftlnni rrivo - , cawuuou i ,a ', to & oi wie assussins, and me support of Jiauicalsl you-nana dollar. , i"1ft canton and ivunam U. Brown- Mr. Smart I'll come to-morrow, and uo ii. iuruqininG'; to-day 1 have an en- A r.,; ln. j, .a. a ' , Kagemeni,, anu a must co : lor 1 am not DeninBtJnnM nffh p;,,.. -v.:i. - tike you, twr. a free and unfettered eren a claim that some hundreds of vmm gmv., tleman iho can do as he pleases and has mooted in an Athens Court of Justice, and no master but himself. . has never yet been set at restnamely, the Black Elector Dat berry elegant com- v. inn miuui uv lAIHBIULTf! 1 inn f 1. I TIR lltlTft' 4H llnocn 'I1...! -ZA and all over the world wher-oiLwv' .You "K1 hb his vote when you can find side, hundreds of persona of the name of aDOUt;do house, or anywhere. Sup Demosthenes, who may all claim the same P080 solfie ? de.m young monkeys hab pedigree. - , took it, and dropped it in de drain, may . SI .iii be. but J'll T1 Va - o ' nvnnh- Aira. fivi1 .. FT,. . . . . . ' KiiAA V MVS. V I V AIAA , wedding ring is put upon the fourth make 'em find it ' - Tiagoit was placed first thumb, with the words : on the In. th7name of f,VOtiDg:aDd ?0VL aI1 about th I tv ? tno promise of an independent on Wfc.iCa-tb.eV HiaV &dVOeS,t fir) Utraanf thnzii llintit.iiJ. nf i. -t. J . - luy ...woua vwwv vuvuimiuuo vl u UC-UCiirwu .CM - I- . ... , maticr oi no conseouence. and brave men. as riuietlv a fnH fTronf 4(t;oinee S.3? objecUoa is to their meddlin' : :-,..jica questions. ;. ..... v..v:. with land as heartlesfelv as one would mov n pawn on a ehess board ; and he bartered T i ," jawsy their lives .with as. little companc- fbraally denyuaei the oraeiJe "f 'w jtlon as he would hang a woman or snub -Tbe Presbytery of Newark, N, omaliy denuuaoei the racing, especially iQ conneetioa with fairs la0 honest man. erarm exUL-iuocs. J When the history of the past five years th Father than nn tdo' - j, v uutcr, wiui . the words s " And of the Son then nn American arentlaman A I t II j. . ... . I -w- W me miaaio nneer. withr " Anil nf tha itw :. lllnnk- 17. via:i. . ,i pi.,, . y . " j i j.vnmf i ,014,11 y i j. uu may uv ,77f. .tbe U, Sar; (exit Mr. SmaVt.) ; Civil beast, ,tl - "av nt" or a waite. put not Know pouie A man in St.-Louis ha f AiL mannera But am now- time for some on the ground that the marriage by which it rUm' an . 80me 8l'eP-' Colored geuelam .omiicgwi ,i is iwuna was pertormed when he was undor the influence of some stupefy, ing potion the designing woman had admin istered to him. , . . , , , .... . . i A x l-w Yoer IivinS n ' Nineteenth street, discoveed,t.he other day that he had lived for two years on the same 'block with his brother, whom he had not seen for twelve years. too precious to danger him health over working. In Chicago a petitioned signed by a large number of respectable citizens, setting forth the. danger incurred by Allowing females in the city to carry fire-arms, has been present ed to the police commissioners, with the re quest that they may take action thcrcoa and have all females disarmed. LOOK AT THIS GOODS BELOW COST KOMI & KICK SELLING OUT! TO CLOSE J3USLNESS TVTi-vnixo to ncTtnar to J tho Smict aa rly a jiractieable, wa dctar- CLOSE OUT OUR ENTlHt ktw siuuit Wlitrh w brought ou bore is tha Ppriog, AT BELOW COST. We wich tho nulilic In five ua call befora par chiming rUf wlu rt1, a we auro tbm w will flar burgniin far taB or Any kiud or Merchantablo Produce. Call at our St.ira In Nat. II. Laoa'a old ataod under t'rabur A Uvlta'a Law O.Tio. KOIIN a BICE. Albany, October 28, 1805. lliori, Tra-I, Memoir, MAthvwiUKWi, , Alao, barga Aertuent vt . RICIILT HOUND niblc, Prayer and Ilmn Hook . Wbatr'i. Walker', and JohnAm' ttitdonari! y I,itiBett'a froorii(( ieier ) . .... ftnittr'i And Turfeo' Frenib ) , .... ... . . . . . (,.:... Ai'tlioti ano Anijrtw, iaw i - Adlrr'AS OHelrW Uan, rrv kjiu (tin xtaiurai jiwwi tlUturv. l;loerathT, it.i.l. .,nl I'rar.-r !!. k : " I.. . . i 1 1 i(i.,l..a riuiitM i U id Gloves, Hoop Kklrls, r ry.su -"r? "'d cu, ' Ilrrakfast KhawlS, I i,.r4 Fielinn. Birienee, Art, Tvf B'K)k ; Dalmoral Hklrl..Urs aad fOs, L , mtW .. . ' 1 A WT" "I - 7, ASA a. T ' Unen IIMUiirrriiinii, V(,i'K and TraTtU. KnpyelPIiAi. 1 t 1 . a . I....I.I rL. I.. . Tt I . . . Iiiunruiorrru n. n u Kmbroldercd Bands, yierluo and Cotton Hose. litres of All Kinds, Iatrst Ntyles Fall and Winter Hats ScbiM.l and Cill?w I!wk, atp. .oan j Mwbauirn' Teat Bka 8i tn'iuiw j ; Atlae, OloUa, and llum'i ilp, c MISCELLANEOUS: Consisting f ' " Mntie and Manieal lntmmenl, r.ir4 Cajm V I Brtwlit Of all kiodf , Twin, M8eillAg, MArop j l inb Line nd lbok, Ror-I Pole and Bakel4 l laf a. Tors, Majfaninea, InkntAeda, filwl I'ent I'. .L.t. f .11 V Pawdtr I'lull, tb4 Ikitt t CONSISTS OF THE TERT LITEST STILES OF ir.in,t it,eu, DriOK i-aper. iw j - I bHI UMAta AUU jnen, inciw wwrw THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISH ING DEPARTMENT Black Cloth Dress Coats- Clack Beaver Dress Coats, Silk tSlxtd Casslmers Coats, Black DoAkia Pants, Fancy CaaslmeTS Panta, Silk HXixed Casslmers Pants, Cloth. Silk and Voire t Tests, Fins Caaslmero Suits, Overcoats of All His da. L15EK n.BHlltTS, .MERINO ASU 8UAKER FLANNK1. FANCT OVtRSHIBTS, COTTON POCK 8. t" N DEUS11IRT3 AXP DRAWER. SILK POCKET HANHKERCHIErS, KID 0L0VE3. BVCKBKlN GLOVES, BLACK AND FANCY XECK TIES, ilUckjjanjraon linrd, !) nd Bol. ioinint 1 1'lurin? and VM-itine Carda, Perfr(Al Parwrj . I Opera, yur!, Manifyin AB4TWo"pA;lAfA , Iity tarmgea, ilwowy umw'i " All for MM AI IU TJ yiusm - T t . 9i. tlww 1 llrl ictll&r aLlvltl.vll IITfB 1.. ' .V ' Orders I rom (ho Interior. J CHARLES B.irtKETT. Portland. JTovanskef 1, 1854. - - ' " H H. BAN CROFT CO, BOOKSELLERS & STATICIiEri sua trasusrs, vi., OFFER AT THE LOWJKST MAU AtT IlATSS DIM of ibe largest arid htt WKiKd stock f Uubka in effT depart mi'M i i.iwramre, ana w d md fancy fitaii-JBury, to bo found ar.ynl In Ih world. Tbey teopy an entire building, 3J by SO fvi-, tbrta Aivr'ieA, on JJcTcbatit ttal, uticb ennea in tba rear with tl tlore on Montxtaary K1LK AND SiEKINO AND COTTOX OLOVES. rirwl. There aiw io deiHiilsBA, t sett sriMj;wi under many aowtiTixionjs, aa iim'w i- : ...... Julscellaneoas isoolis. BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL J' DS. Alo, a Guud Antvrtment of Paints, Oils, Iad,' Looking Glasses, Carpels, Wall PIer, OH Cloths, Window fahade. Curtains. 1. Bintflrj-; '1, isioxrapby 3f Nvtelg; , Gerer meut And Pulitio ; h, libellitn Li(nainr ; t, eiol And ElLkal ; 7, Mental And Mot vl tekbc; -Language aud Oratory; 9, IicIkA Xtir aa4 U Clonics ; 10, Poetry And th Drama; II, Vit And iiuinvr ; 13, FicliB ; 13, Work elkelc4 1st ol umc; If. FretajAKonry And Odd FilUybip; 3i, Mi-VKllAJaeosa objc1? 16, Dibl. PrAytr Jjook, . , , ' . mA And Hymn Boukj 17 Illustrated Wrk; 1$, Jmr Hardware, Tool, Table an Pocket tuiU , ; . ; . PACIFIC HOTEL, 1. B. SPRSNGER, - Proprietor. r!lILS L0NO ESTABLISHED, LARUE, COM I mudiuua and well furnibd bouae Ia main tamed MS Flrttt-Class Interior Hotel, For ths ratFj-taioment of regular boardeil And transient gueata. The honae was almott entirely re-built lane year And thoroughly re furuished with NEW BEDS Dadding And Fornitnre. THE TABLE It prnrlded with every substantial And : trAl of tha teaeons. TZX23 ROOZTZS Are Commodiou and well rentilated. Prompt And careful attendance ia Aianreil to gnesta.. Tba California Staeo Company' mail eoaohes come to and go from tba Hotel. Charges moderate Albany, August 14th, 1865. Auglltf PIiAIVIiG MIIiL! j-. :b- GOixrsr. ALBANY,OREG ON. T HATE ALWAYS ON IIAXD, JL or will Manniucture to order, ercry aryle of DOORS. SASH AND BLINDS. At the aborte ,t notice and lowest posrible vbu'gea. Boards patched and Planed. Work executed in a stylo not surpassed by any Shop in the State. The Mill is in the lower part of the town, on the river bank, at the corners of the joining . .... .. . .'.l Tt ... . claims oi me ouoaucia ana jiiiPKiemBn. ' - J. B. COMLEY. Albany, September 20, 1S53. PROVISIOIV STORE! A. 8. SIBKEK. OLIVER & MARKH AM, ALBANYOREG ON. i ; WE WOULD CALL.ATTEXTIOX to the fact that we have bongbt tint J. E. Eently in the ; GEIOCEHY STORE One Door West of the Post Office, And we shall keep constantly on band a genera ' assortment of FAMILY GRO CERIES ! Which we will soil , ; .' ,, As Low as Any Store in Town. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. VEGETABLES AND FkUIT; of the best Assortment and qualities always on hand. OLIVER & MARKHAM. Albany, September 30, 1885. Y0TJ WHO HAVE BEB.WASTINO. Cbll drera's CItaixs, caUst Uptoo'S Fnrni- tar Ston sod got tiMm. .. 7' 7 " Ang21if , D O YOU WAXT Jl NICE CHEAP Iii:i 7 A flesh BwfpIFoTPulu At Upton , Mttin street. Albany. .: . c ask paid for Produce, And grain Stored At reasonable rates, bv IK. CIIEADLE. CMtlery. Glassware, C rockery, all kinds, Groceries, Tobaeeo. And many other Article, too nameroos to mention. THE HIGHEST PKICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE of every description. Come and Examine Mr Stock Ccfore Purchasing Elsewhere. 1ST NEW BRICK STORE! -3 Opposite the Post Office, Albany. Albany, gept SO, 1865. L. STERN BACH. a. Lrri I B. T. rom.no. NEW YORK STORE. KEiCHKXsesa, Albany. Uf FOSTER'S TWO STORY BKICXL FIRST STREET, ALBANY. WILL YOU LISTEN TO THE TRUTH ! The Best Chances in the City ! MCST BE ADMITTED THAT CO. TT 1 the Uousa uf LEVY BROS. & Have decidedly the : BEST STOCK OF GOODS, OF ILL USDS, On hand, which they offer At such MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES, . Y 1 . , - ti . ... mat mcy can i oe purenaeea nere, nor Ten In Portland, for the same figures that they are bold ing their vplcndid large stock at, of Dry Goods, Clothinff, '" Shoes nnd Boots, llats and Capi) Groceries; Carpets and Oil Cloths, Crockery, - Paints, Oils, ; ' Glassware, &e., tc. Notwithstanding that there is a great rise in STAPLE GOODS, ' We Are determined, as usual, to gir-s GOOD B-AJRO-AJOSrS And a good show to THE FARMERS TO -LA 1--tlf THEIR FALL ' SUPPLIES, For which they Uke ' MEECHLMiBLE PBOBfCE IX EICHAa'GE. TbT ean offer better;: inducements than anv other Honae this aide of Portland, having always a Partner watching the market, who docs not let opportunities flip, bat seizes them, ia order that our iionso eaa siui . .(,'' : Cheaper than the Cheapest. Albany, August 28, 1858. K. H. CBA2I0B.. ;71::':OBO.:..l,S. CRANOR & HELM, ATTOEXETS ANB COUSSEtLOES AT LAW, ALBANY, Oregon. ROCKING COAIIIS, CALL AT UPTON'S FURNITURE. ESTABl lishment And get " a good, nice Rockine : ...-.-'. - ".g21tf Chair. Kf Tws OF SALT, FOR SALI JVi cheap, bj J. FLEISC1LNEK a CO. Krlentlfle Boolu.. Ana ismp juuuauig ; a. Areuite-rtaraatid lai-jwuiry 4, Fin Artaj 6, Caetnistry and Elt tcieity i A, Me cbanicol Hcicnce; 7, Applied Meebitnir and tba Useful Arts; 8, Curn-iwy, Tratle and Kesuarees; 9, ilatlieioaties sad Engineering; in, AtroncBy ; II. Geography, EJ.lorun.n and Climatology; 12, Zoology, Mining, tie.; 13, Natural History of tb Mineral kingdom; 14, Vc-retable Minrdoaa; 15, Agriculture; 16, lii.nieutic Art; 17, AstSMSMMtt, Uatnca and Fortuae Telling '; 18, PbuaogrApAy s 19, Cyclopedia And liM-lionark s; 2, t Uenersi sad Popular Kcko-se ; 21, MUcWlsfteuB Works. Hedical Books. ' "! Alcolml, Anatomy. Apr.pUxy,' Asthma AasesU tation, Bltd, Brain, linmchitm. Cbesti Cbitrr, ... . , .. . . . . . , vvimoip. tion, llcafness, deformities, 1catal S-trgery," lie tionariea, Digestion, Irtpiberia, Iiisptnsatoriea, Di. iK-ctorj, I)imiitie Medicine, liropny, Ejijjrpsy, Ery sipvlas, Eye, I'eualea, .Fevers, Gout, IWltb." Heart, Histology, liomoeopatby, Uydrwpaf y, Isfloeaaa, Innanity, Joints, Liver, Langa, Ali Kria Mcdie, Medical J nriprwlenc, llcmbraoef, Miemaeope, Midwifery, Mind, Jrvis Syten. Uearalgia, Ob stetrics, Paltry, PAralysia, Pathology, PbaneAey, Physiology," Pcsemei,' PoiwuA, JPraetiee, Pr acriptiAw PsjTjbolory. Keetusi, Kbimtim, Senr y, ficrofola, Pkin, mallp,x. Spine, SuKAek b urge ry, "Throat, Tobacco. Water U ra. Law Books. , - -'' Englisk Ueporta, Aracncan JlepArU, gutw 'Ba ports and Iigesf, Abridgementa, Abstnets, Aa tions At Law, Administraton, Admiralty,' Agvsy, Arbitratios, AignmeBls, Attach me u, BUaetA, Bankruptcy, Camera, Chancery, Civil Law, Code, Commercial Law, C;mmm Law, Ccctracta, Cca veyancing, CorpvratioBs, Criminal Law, Dam Ages, Divorce, Equity, Evidence, Extent rs, Forms, Ia to ranee, Iosanity, Justice of tke Peace,' iatuis Uon, Landlord and Tenant, Maritime Law, Mer caniile Xaw, Mexkan Law, Milirarr Law, S'lsef, MortgageA, Partnership; PatcaU, lerAAAj Jrop crty. Pleading,' Pracliee, Railways, JUal Property, Revenue, Sales, Shipping, fc be riffs, Study tit Law, Suretyehip, Tax Law, Tru-Tces. YesdorA, Will. Mehool IXoeks. : . . . .. Having special terms froe. te principal pawn ers of Sehocd Boots, from whom boy ia very large quantities, we can sell at lower prieea than Any dealer oa the PaeLe Coast.' s- ' ThUt department is arranged undir the followinr heads : . - - ... Anatomy and Physiology, . Asboaetny,' book keeping, Botany, CalistbeuicA - an 1 GymnAsiic, Cbt-mistry, Chinese, Hebrew And Portuguese; Com position, Rhetoric and lgi? Dictitmaries, Draw ing, Eloeution, French, Geography. Ueolopy and Mineralogy; German, Grammar, teek,' History, Italian, Latin, Mathematics. 3dntai ThaoaepbT, Music. Natural History, Natural FivilnMmh. ck. jeet Teaehmg, Penmanshrp, Polit cal kleenoar. Readers and Spellers, Spanish, Teaeiera' Reeaers, Teachers' Library, , MisccUaneous Edacajksl Works, School Apparatus, School SiAUooery. Among onr own pubUcaiions are the followiar Educational WorkA:-; 5- :v,'?H'-v CLARK'S : 2iEWf SCHOOL GEOGRAPHT nearly readv.' .... i l OUTLLSB MAP OF THE PACIFIC fiTATXS. preparing.. s - - CLARK'S XXW PRIMART GE0GBAPET, ts be followed by ' ' f , .-. .-. ; CORK'S HISTORY. preparinr.; BURGESS' PEUMASSHIP. -BANCROFT'S MAP of the PACIFIC StitxS Religions Books. Commentaries, Concordance. Dietir,K. V.a- siastical Hurory, Prayers, Sermons, TWlcry aud Doctrines. . ,. f . : . , . Anoseription Depart ment. In this department awatA Arid tJa always find a vnty of Book, Moj., Ecgraviz)?-, 4c, which are not sold ont t Any bovk-stort, bat exclusively by subscriprioa. 1M - fefonsatios DnHBDUT V1TU1 KTMia . kATUIMlifm 1 l . . . person. -. f ;.; : " , ..Blanks; t ;;.-7'':a:.",;;-; Affidavit, Agreement or Pon. s.-. Bill of ExolHiup, BiU of Sale,B.;Bd, By-Laws, CertifiAato,. Chattel MrtgrA, Ckeefc c1 J)raft Coroner County Court. Counf r Custom Honse, Declaration nr xx ,. j District CoarVLeas, Mortgage, Sotie. Powr of Attorney, Probata Court. Pr..m. x-. rv- test, Beaeigt, Rdeasft, Rrw, Sati faction, tfill. Writing Papers. PriatjraJraner. W rtsrtsva Y'ts- pars. Tracing, Copying, Parehmect ..BoaTvla, llaak Books, Pocket Books, Desks. EiiTel opes, Inkl lak stand MuAUage, Sealiug Ws lr Poubca, Cards, Games, Rulers, Folders, Cutterr? Erasers, n il Y tialo. crayttl n as fencili, Pea Holders, Brushes, Colors, lustrums its, QuEls,Tab lets, Labels, Tape, Seals, Dips. Ani Fik-s. Boxra, Scales. Eyelet sUmping Cutters, I. aeka Weights, CalendtTs, Twines, Piotures, PbotofTapkio Albaau, " .. .v. nmmmary l. tA.f'"' Stationary, ... Orders may beleft with E. A. FieelaixL' Albany. r, please addresA IL 1L BATf CR( 'FT 4 CO, augl4-039, 1?ab f raariAcOj Cal.