The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 09, 1865, Image 2

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We havo not spaco in this issuo to pub
linh tli Message of Governor Gills, sent
o the Special session of the legislative
Assembly, oa tho opening day, Dee. 5th,
as yre rvceited a copy too lata for that
purpose. At this time we cau do no more
than to giro out readers a cursory re
tisw of it.
The Message start out with a eort of
eehoolboy diatribe against slavery, in the
first part of which the Governor tells the
Legislative Assembly that his principal
abject in calUajj them together is to r
Oiamsnd them ; to adopt the proposed
amendment to the Federal Constitution
for the total abolition of slavery. From
(his, to show them why they ought to do
it, he quotes from De Tocquevllle, Lord
Falmerston. and Secretary Seward, and
pervert the language of Thoa. Jefferson,
to demonstrate the Bin, the curse, aud the
horror of slavery, lie fails to remark
that Washington and the patriot sages of
the Revolutionary period countenanced
and sustained it j that John Adams and
John Qnincy Adams both recognised and
supported it; that the Federal Constitu
tion guarantees it, and that the Supreme
Court of the United States has tiiue and
again decided the right of masters to hold
slaves. But the Governor evidently re
quired - a subject upon which to spread
himself, and he has pressed slavery into
that service most excruciatingly. II is
composition" upon it is quite as good as
any usually heard at exhibitions in Puri
tan schools.
I Front slavery the Message jumps to
Suffrage," and here, while the Governor
is wordy, it cannot be said that he is not
absolutely wretched. II is arguments are
the basest of sophistries, and are even
worse in sentiment than contemptible iu
reasoning. Ilia purpose is apparent -it
is to pave the way for the eoaUnaatioa of
the Abolition party of Oregon in power
by any and all means ; and to do this, even
in the face of a positive popular majority
against it, he has recourse to a Registry
law. But we speak of the" BUI introduced
for this purpose elsewhere, and will only
say here that, in recommending the mea
sure Lo docs, Gov. Gibhs virtually violates
the oath he has taken aa Chief Magistrate
to support and defend the Constitution of
. Oregon. Some may think these are harsh
and. hasty words. They are neither but
Tally merited on the one hand, and delib
erately penned oa the other. . The sin
" rests with Gov. Gibbs,ia committing bini-
' self as he does we simply in fit terms and
. as mildly as the circumstances will admit
. characterise his act. f In our next issue
shall attempt to morexlearly and com
; pletcly illustrate our position. SuEce it
' here to remark that the Message labors to
-manufacture reasons why the . iniquitous
Bill already introduced ought to be pass
- el, and that the reasonings arc as tile as
- th Bill is abominable.
- He suggests that the division line be-
- ' tween the counties of Jackson and Wasco
-be so drawn as to bring the Klamath
Lake country into the former county.
Next, he refers to the Draconian Code
and suggests a more specific definition to
the class cf offences included ia the intol-
f eraat Sxmday fewv ; He evidently talks for
I,,VoncoaiW oa this tabjeet, like on who
i wished to 1WM with the fanatical Puritans
- and to rui with the publicans and .tin
v. tiers, at the same time. . An amendment
-to the criminal jurisdiction of the Jnsti
. ces Courts is also recommended. -But
- cc uusjus liic ufiiiiwM vjuc u v ruwo a
V - - . .1 . . i a 1 1 -
Tery exceiiem uusg, ana says wouia ue
. Tery unwise to repeal it. , '
in cnenng arguments m xavor oi toe
Militia law he says "All the Governors
W ' A . V
oi uregon cave recommenaea uie organ i-
' xationof tQennIiua,w &c As Guy. White-
aker and himself compose the off, and we
- Know txov. to claim only otu
, person's enumeration, it would seem that
; his Excellency regards himself as tome.
? Althouga his corporeal proportions may,
we da-not think there are any other at
tributes pertaining: to his Excellency upon
H which lie can, fairly claim any such plural
' to be found In this or any cf his former
f Messages..';'. lie is carefal of his official
rwS, i-l V TT WT VI W UVU f WMa aw aw
Die to display this mark of his distinguish
ed consideration. Thus, he recommends
that the Adjutant General should have
f additional compensation. This ofScer re
, 'ceives dow only 800 per aanum for do-
ia what any person of clerkly accomplish
ments would cheerfully perform for oner
r' fourth." the" busuT Tojsatisfy th people
, I liow'KBgularly economically the .State
4:.1Ii5tarj Department has been conducted
ia . the single matter of YoJttBteers and
--' V - A " - I. T 4 . i. lt.x nmt JbS. V.T-
on the' people Trill ,be th& very insigninV
i; east earn of - one hundred and four thou
," sandt'eig&f l Hundred 'and flinty-nine dot-
la.rt a.nd sixteen cenlt 1 A mere triie sure
ij jqt auout Li teen mousana tax-payers to
;.wntrihttte..'.j- 'Z':s . .' ;,",'.'7-
Oa the State Caances, the Message is
Tery bri43fpaa3 the remarkable fact is
stated tiat saTe and except the liabilities
- tgiiiast the State, there are no outstand
y. -S - . llf. il TfT-
' " 5c-lt if pas of the Governor's own inanu-
fictnred quartz crushers could pound out
r Lax-pier product than that -if tie peo
rcc! 1 oa!y cease thiukiog l?Dg enough
not to : -i h. The finnncofi jl;iitjly bother
the tovcruor. lie knows the pimple
know that ho known hw Administration
hus bceu a iiut burdeitoiuc one for the
tax payers, but he docs not know vxnetly
how to conceal the facts from tlid voters
in such way as to prevcut (lioni (Vom -.k-ing
how it is that while under Governor
Whiteuker the tatul tax generally uverug
cd eight or nine mills on the dollar, it
bow swell up to nearly double that sum.
From finances the Governor goo on to
the Insane Anvluui, and even hero he
does not seem to havo faith enough in his
ability to dwell long, but disiuiios the
subject in a six line paragraph. Wo cer
tainly expected something here from hi
Excellency on Idiocy, particularly since
he was to lame oa insanity.
But the neglected subject evidently agi
tated his ponderous frame, for his clott
ing paragraph immediately follows, and
in that ho exhibits a youthfutness of style,
and greenness we shall not say verdancy
of imagery, which calls forcibly to our
wind an article which appeared in the
Atlantic Monthly a year or more ago,
" Concerning Veal.' ' His Excellency ovcu
poetises in it, and ends with a stausa. lu
mourning Lincoln he docs not forget to
do full homage to Andrew Johnnon, and
is pleased to say that he trusts lnui. The
Message cloc as follows :
" Of wltaMi fur Cud.
APBiaoa C. tiuii.
The review of the accompanying papers
is deferred till our next issue. They em
brace the Report of the Poni(ontiary Com
missioners, the Report of the Proprietors
of the Insano Asylum, and the Report of
the State Printer.
Most Welcome. 'The Jacksonville
Reporter of Not. 25th did not reach us
until Monday last, but we hail it with a
hearty welcome, late as the.mails brought
it. In it is the introductory of iu new
editor, Mr. Frauk R. Stuart, and he
gives forth the earnest of sterling metal.
t is Democracy that he utters not the
whited semblance of it, and we rejoice at
the accession of so worthy a co-laborer in
the broad, fruitful field which the Demo
crats of Oregon are sure to handsomely
harvest next June. Wo are doubly glad
to know that the Reporter will be main
tained in its sphere of usefulness, and
that our party brethren in Southern Ore
gon will be so fitly and ably represented
through its columns. Hero is a key note
taken from Mr. Stuart's Introductory :
We shall exert oursclros te the extent of
our ability to rcist the effort now being made
by some of the leauung firojeise lctnocrftts,
ia Oregon and elsewhere, to wean the De
mocracy from its true allegiance, and trans
fer it to the support of Andrew Johnson- an
apostate . Temoerat and a time-server and
urns mace it me tooiot mumiuaiamumn ;
bolievine it to tie subversive of the caue ut
true rcpuLlietfiiUui, and, if successful will
surely result in the dismemberment ot our
party, ana tnus aeler uie nope or peaoe and
security to our dutracted country.
We are especially rejoiced at this dis
tinct, manly, unequivocal avowal, because
of a sentence which appeared in the Val
edictory of the late editor, with reference
to "Johnson Democracy." 2Tow,woknow
just where tho Reporter stands. A right
hearty welcome to" its editor, and high sue
cess to his brave Democratic organ.
Ik Erroo. Elisha Applegato we
think asks in the last State Journal :
Did the Legislature evor adopt, proposo or
recommend anything that pleased this Salem
censor, or J as. U iltjaral aoi mucn.
Oh, most illustrious General, you do us
wrong you do, indeed. Hot in the whole
State was there a warmer admirer of the
very last act the last Legislative Assembly
committed than our humble self, most
mighty General. ... We allude to the ad
journment. It was the only good or de
cent act of the whole session, however.
' . i
A ItxvxxKABUE Thxft.- Some unscrupu
loos knaves have stolen thirty-Bix pairs of
blankets, the bed, bedding, and cooking
utensils, from the small-pox Hospital at
Dalles City. ; , The fellows, if aware of the
character of the hospital, would steal Pan
dora's box of earthy ills. Pity . they didn't
get the blankets of some miserable devil
who had the itch, and retain them for their
own use. - .
Diss ask Auoxa Horses. There in a good
deal of suffering to the horses and of loss to
their owners in Rogue River Valley, occa
sioned by " red lice " and " sore tongue."
An application of oil or melted grease or
lard all ever the horse is said to be a remedy
for the lice,' and blue vitriol jwillcure the
sore tongue.
McRDiaocs Assaext. Ja9. Murray, late
assistant cook at the Capitol Hotel, Salem,
lately made a stealthy and murderous attack
upon Ed. Herman, the chief , cook, with a
large stone. It was feared that Herman's
skull was fractured. Murray, fled, but was
caught the next day at Aurora,, and is now
in the jail at Salem, to await trial.
- St atx Fai Exports. Mr. E. M Waite,
late CorreBpbnding Secretary of the Oregon
Agricultural Society, has kindly sent to us
two bundles of the pamphlet copies of the
Reports and Premium Lists of the Society
for the past year, for distribution Ve will
cheerfully furnish copies to any who may
care to call for them. . ; .
ToRzsigx. It b said that John R. Mc-
Bride threatens to resign his position as
Chief Justice of Idaho, because the salary is
insufficient. True the salary is very low
for s extravagant a country, but e don
know but that it is big plenty for such a
Judge, The MeBride family have had more
than their full share of the public plunder
already. : ' r - - V:
A Goon Idha. The people of Umatilla
propose to make a sood wajron road over the
sandy plain fof a distance f twelve miles
from that thriving town. Success to them,
tin: ni iJiNictv
In another column wo f ive a ropy i f
tho lU'gintry law iulrodueed in tho Acinic
lust Wcdnoii.hy by Mr. (Vanst.m of Luiio
county, und ut the especial attention of
our readers to it. Wo think all will iiim'o
that it in tin) nioj-t iiilaimiin Hill ever pr
sened for tlio conaiJeratiou uf a dcliboru
tivo body. From inl'ortuutiou derivetl
from intelligent sources we' expect the
Hilt will paMs and reeoivo tho Kuucliou cl
the Clover nor.
Tho brief time tho copy of the Rill has
becu in our pos-scssion pm-luilcs ui from
reviewing its atrocious features iim fully
as we dcrfiro. It provides for tho appoint
ment of a Reginter to every voting pro
ciuct, by the County CourU, and tlies-e
Registers aro to sit to receive the names
ofrotcrs for thirty days, the cloning day
oi i no silting to ou inirty uays prior to
At . i . .1 . 1 .
the day of election. Theso provision
place it iu the power of the County J Uvlge
to appoiut any tool of their owu as KcgU-j
tcrs, and work the grevious wrong uf du
fruuehisiug cvyry voter who may not be
able to call at the Registry ufliee during
the allotted thirty days. A bona fide
voter, who tuay bo a resident of uny rivcu
precinct, if absent during thec thirty
days, or sick, or from any eauo is unable
to atteud during that period at the Reg
istry ofliw, cannot vote, even though he
were to return, or was enabled to call for
tho registry uf his name, ou tho tweuty
uiuth day preccdicg tho eleetiou, or ou
any subsequent day.
Again, voters who are, under the Con-
tution and present law regulating elec
tions, entitled to vote for State and Dis
trict officers out of their own precinct, if
through busiucas or other causes, absent
from their place of reaidenco ou the day
of election, aro disfranchised. To bo al
lowed tho right to vote a citizen mut not
ouly have been a resident of his precinct
the constitutional and lawful time, but he
must have his name on tho registry book
from sixty to thirty days before tho elec
tion j and after this registering of his
name he must take tho iu famous oath pre
scribed in this Bill, at the polls, or have
his vote rejected.
A startling feature of this Bill is that
it surrenders entirely to the discretion or
option of tho Registers, tho right to re
cord or reject the name of tho applicant,
and, in case of tho refusal of any Register
to record the name of an applicant, the
latter has no appeal from his decision, no
recourse against the officer for tho gricv.
ous outrage upon his highest right as a
citiren. The Register's authority is su
preme and Sual ; ho can record or reject
the nsmo of a known voter at his pleas
ure, will or caprice, and yet go entiiely
unpunished for tho high-haudod tyranny
which destroys tho citixcu's right of sul
frage. The officer is invested with the
utmost power, without limit whatever,
and yet is relieved from responsibility iu
any shape for the faithful performance of
his duty. Thcro cannot bo found a par
allel for this monstrous provision on the
statute books of any State in the Republic
It is borrowed from absolutism, and is
most destructive iu its operation.
Again, it is required of every voter
that he shall, before being permitted to
vote, take the infamous oath prescribed.
And after he docs this, it is left apparent
ly, to the option or caprice of the Election
Judges whether or not his vote shall be
received. The Bill assumes for its chief
object the security of the election against
the Totes of persons lately from the "re
bellious" or " disloyal" States, who par
ticipated in or sympathized with " the re
bellion." . If this were really the object of
its framers, why did they not confine the
prescription of tho oath, or the latter por
tion of it, exclusively to emigrants f They
have not done this ; but, on tho contrary.
compel the citizen who has resided in Ore
gon for twenty years steadily to take the
full oath equally with tho " rebel" lately
came from a " rebellious" State.
But there is a latent poison in the oath
which is cunningly directed against the
old Democratic voters of Oregon in order
that they may be disfranchised. It is
charged by the Abolitionists that there is,
or has been, a "secret organization" of
Democrats in this State, which is or was
" treasonable,'! and it is against any and
all who may belong or who did belong to
that organization, one especial clauso in
the oath is directed. We would gladly
have that clause strictly and justly ad
ministered, for if it be, every member
of the treasonable and damnable Loyal
League and nearly every Abolitionist in
Oregon has been or is a member of it
would be inhibited from voting. But the
rule will not be justly applied." It wil
be directed only against Democrats. Thus,
if a Democratic citizen presents himself
before the Register of his precinct for the
purpose of having his name registered
that officer is permitted to ask , him what
ever questions be pleases, without gtint or
limit, and if it shall appear that the citi
zen has ever belonged to any " secret or
ganization,", no matter how purely patri
otic its object, or declines to answer that
question, either the Register then refuses
to record his name,-or, if he ; does record
it, the Judges on the day of election wil
refuse to receire his vote. Xefc a Loya
Leaguer, whose secret organization oath
was compound treason against both the
Federal and State Constitutions, is ncith-
jer questioned on that score nor refused
j his vote because of his membership
i Again, the Bill provides that any rebel
!r rebel ryinpnthizor who has availed him
lull of the President's Amnesty, hnll not
bo required to take tho oath, while it is
ixui lcd of the old citizen of tho. State who
jlmv continuously resided hero lor years.
Tho lOftt to tho tStato for practically
carrying out tho operations uf this Bill is
barely Muted -the Registers aro to re
ceive a compensation oi twenty-live cents
for one h psuio registered. There rnut
bo added to this (ho cost of olfteo rent for
eai-h Register, for thirty days, and inci
dental expenses, which will surely increase
the sum total to full twenty or twenty-five
thoiifuuddollurs fr every general e loot ion.
Tho Rill is iu fact a declaration of war
or servitude, to ojerate only against Dem
ocrats. The Abolitiouists are well aware
that Orcgou is now undoubtedly Demo
cratic! U sentiuicut that the next State
election will result in a Democratic tri
umph, if souio arbitrary, unconstitutional,
and coercive measures, aro not adopted t-:
prevent pueh a conclusion. This Bill is
the engine by which they hope to con
tinue the power to themselves, to secure
the success ol their ticket. Lot Democrats
now spply themselves to a full considera
tion of the political situation. There is
no need of hasty or precipitate action, but
there is every need for complete orgaui
tion, wis and calm deliberation, and, to
follow these, a firm, united, resolute ac-
tiou at the critical moment. Tho Bill is
in every sense an atrocious aud infamous
ono. ihe oath is akiu to that which a
liighwaytnau or an assashin might exact,
and is worthy no better consideration.
Our party brethren, wo feel perfectly con
scious, will be fully able to meet the great
emergency which tho passago of tho Bill
will devolve upon them, and for that good
time let us all agree to patiently wait. We
aro numerically strongest. Wo should
nil remember tho old fabh of tho father
and his sons with tho bundlo of rods.
Actiug singly or in factions wo shall be
Hopelessly broken and our cause destroyed.
Together, in one firm, united, compact
oody, all tho powor and force of the Abo
lition party cannot break or overcome our
organisation, or defeat our ticket at the
olls next Juno.
ArTsa Indians. Tho Mountaineer savsi
A movement is on foot in Owyhee to fit out
a party of one hundred men to go against
the Snake Indians up the Malheur and Owy.
hee rivers. Tho CI soldier who were kept
at Camp Watson to vote for Hogue might
hnro done some service against Indians ; hut
it seems our " brave volunteers are never
ordcrod to such rcsky" duty. Some of
them nujrht get hurt, or be disabled for
voting. Tho settlers and miners must pay
tuies to support these trencher trooMrs, and
then lo their own fighting iu sMf-prolection
against Indians.
Honbcas Cavcht. Two men, named
Williams and Daniels, were arrbatod in
Portland last Saturday, for the robbery of
tho safe at Itognrs' Hotel in Umatilla, from
which they took $3,000 belonging to Mr.
Bockham, a returned Kootenai miner, and
$500 from the hotel proprietor. Pretty
nearly all tho stolen money was recoTCred
from them, and they hare boon tout back to
Umatilla to await trial. .
Cossciaxce Pricked Hi. At the late
term of the Circuit Court in Marion county,
witness named Lasscr confessed that he
had falsely a worn in the same case at a
formor trial, and that his conscience had not
been eay since. He was placed in custody,
indicted for perjury, and is now in prison to
await trial.
Ackxowlzmxsxts. We are under obli
gations to Hon. Bart. Curl, Senator from
this county, and to Hon. Jaa. D. Fay, Rep
resentative from Jackson county, for copies
of tho Governor's Message, the Registry
Bill, and Thornton's Specific , Contract
pamphlet. , They were most acceptable and
very timely favors. , i
Dbad. -Capt. Edwards, well known to
ocean travellers along this coast as a Colo in
bia Bar pilot, died on the steamer Pacific
two days out from San Francisco, on her last
trip to Portland. He was a splendid pilot
and a good man.
Thkascrb. The steamer Pacific on her
trip from Portland to San Francisco, last
Saturday, took nearly $800,000 in treasure
Oregon gold shipments are looking up
Santiam will commence her big contnbu
tions next year, maybe.
Rascallt Indians. A. H. Miller and P.
F. McManus lost 21 fine pack mules lately
on the Owyhee and Rogue River Valley
trail, by a band of rascally Indians. " Col
Maury was with Mr. Miller in charge of the
train from which this number were stolen.
TnonpoT flnn Vrant .Trmna tried to write
tho names of some others like tW!yUuit
themselves, without thoir knowledge or apSy
probation, at the Dalles a short time ago
and is living in jail, there to remain nntil
next Court, for the act.
i .i mi i afcajQa . -;. -f (
A Local AciTATiojr.-The good people of
Lane county are agitating the subject of a
removal of the Court rfiftise from its present
sirn m 'Riio-nnft C.'itv to some other point. It
is a free discussion without sticks. '
Heatt SAtE.Tho Portland ferry, with
franchise, boats, &c., was sold a few days
ago by Knott, its late owner, to a company
composed of "VV. S. Ladd, E. M. Benton, S
N. Arrigoni and A. P. Dcnison, for $35,000.
Advancing . La Orande is a flourishing
towtone of the best business points in the
country east of the mountains. Among
other late additions to the place in a public
way is that of a fire organization.
A Shootinceb.- Riley Deadmondried to
shoot Jas. E. McCabe in Eugene City a few
days ago, for which elegant amusement ho
was put under $500- bonds for his appear'
I ance at the next term of court.
General Mcwi.
AVmliinjtt'iti, Nov. 2.'. tin,. -ml I'.uil'-r nrrivi-l
hers t tlsy and il oi.o pt'-.l with H?wii
alul tiK-niben of t'diiKt'" wil l urn now lir.
(luv. .Morion of Iii'liuiju lu gone V J.'Bri for
liil lira'lli.
Srw Yrb, Nor. 23. riuulm Jet.kinn'n ehxrU-U
iovunor ol Uorii.
A upgro riol iifoiirretl in Miiriium, Mret Kl-rili.
Istcljr. Tliy turiicl a lnii sin tint of
inut I'otloii. 'J'toojig xi' ri ftut ('i ko j
Hon. Bisott Ipbwk In ijTii'l Oh) viiiir in New
It i nil Cliiltftu Bfiit um jinn liming nrm.
J rfsjaU uru filling uji for Chilian .rivuiotr in
Nt York.
Tlio fiuull pox ii ruling iitiioii tla fun. hum in
VJri;lui, Uvolfi mn Aialoilna.
Iloary in tUi l,nsrtertiiii'iri Iii')mrliuiut
in Kutitui'b bsvii Lwu
Tti Wiliuinlou. N. C, llrl.l givn tbof.illofr
hig rosulu, far on livurii front, uf tiiti io,ul r
VuU uf NuriU Carolina ou lli mill uluvir onli .
Usui- I fur, 4,220 nlii.t, t.KlV. ' lu tlju -lion
irJincei f-.r, i.2i'J Kio-t, ws.
A r i;inl fioiB Alaliunm ray (ov, l'ai ooiii in
bl uiuta urn lliv (.lion of in l'i hi iioii ii ii
Aiuriidiiie t lioli4l,iii)( Kim . ry, uinl ilio jm-saiiu
of lawn fir tbf r jlctflioii vf lb il if--
perly f tiro.
A l'lliilia' ( Kluri l.i) litirr .'iyi Tim ironi-
titiou to r-iuiluttu tU urn il- lit an 1 u loi l
ting uraro letiui niy, i in null n J fining o fiii
lioii. 11 oul I not liuru ii:tam-i, loil I lot mi iu(t ra
plainly taw that iiolbin woil l n ire lt at
roalloii ol Hit ol, una tnaliio ili loinlit
I'liU rulorrti irool) Ufa ull In hit r fiuovrj. ami
ltir "ill b l.fl oiiljr Ir.'W 7,UUU v IU,I)(H) wbito
coliticra in lb fcl.ilii.
Tba WorlJ'a fm-iMiil iliKiml' h ! Amuni; tho
prUuiior recauii liroubl Iroiu Mir H nilit, uioI.t
t'iraumtaiHi ol jrr. al inylrrv awl in.'uii'tml ol iu
lb OU 1'upitol rUuu, i M..j. Mittib v. lie was
arrt..l ill I'l.briil lln wit. In i.Iim.m ttf il.rt K;.t.
Inburjr f rUon tiit tua mortutily r:Mul j
anion II. a 1,'uion iirl'i'r tin r.
lli uurt frou marly all the M itri rH-i-ireil at
tho J-rwJuii'u'i llure.iu, liavn fitnbiMhtd ti.o fart
that there ill' ludortu auiontC IH'irror'.
An arrival frout Xx be u, Cms: I'
look u jioii tho royritt il'i-ii oi lli. ro rs a coroph to
farce. None of tho Coiir.uii o le t ean Uka
tho oath. II. K. Sjntnoii, tiiu ntnJid .t j wi.u
flould d i in, win duluut.'J by a lart;e majority.
Kew York, Nov. 20. A Va?b:ut m iitcinl on
talni tlm following : tit-n. lirai t ami part of Id
rtaS" will leava on ilond iir 1 jr itkhiuond, Charlr-a-
tou and thw iutvrior cttiua. Ti.i r wtit bo alorol
about fourlfen day.
Tha daughter of cx-Pcortary M.tllorv ha not
in- eudad at yut la ubtainiuj b r falhrr r. Ua..
It rvpxiited that diirliu; burri-lnry fl!'i triti
eastward b yiit. d .Mullory in Fit ltlaycttA and
rauulrea loiue lulonuulooi eouevntutz tue an liivn
of tb rvbot nayy. Mil .ry duchitd giving it.
Caleb Cuhing afterward tuadt) ti e lauiu rU t,
but Malbiry tutn d.-niird ul; kn.inloda of their cus
tody. Iiitimatiuu art reported tjiiau Vt-n ma U
to hi daugbu-r by our authority that Mail. rj
laiut viudiuato biumlf ui.d. r onth a a e tnltti n
piaviou to Li ruloajB.', wltkb it i bchtv-d bo cnu
ud will do.
Mr. C'tciuaot C. Clay kaf bean inf -ruird that
bcr bavbaod eanuot ba pardiiued, but will boht ld
fur trial.
Among tho pardon granted t'-dar by the Frr-
ideut in a prial favor W Major Kepols, a grad
ual of Weat I'oint aud aa officer of the old army.
II.-pot m Cbiof Engines r of lbs rcix.1 defeno- at
CbarletOtt. Hi i tba Srt Inatitw e of a pardon
being granted to any olia of Ibat clan of tuvtt who
wvr aduoatud at Uiuir country iiptnit, ami wtio
pluaged into rcbulliou at Via' lirt bugle catl. Th
pardon wa granted on Ui re..oiunn u Ution of the
Attorney Uuiicral, Ike young man Lining an in-
veuttou wbtcb I likely to Im of cr. at lo'iutil l the
tjuTirninuut, and for which be could uot get a pa
taint without a pardon. "
Tba trial of Commodort' . rayrn lit notnllaetinj
the ram Htenewall c iiitioutil W-d.iy. lulhiii
of Interval waa diet !.
The lUrutd'i" Kavannnti eorrc'-nltir! a vBtaio
an order oauttouin w!nt . cliiidrcn fv.ui aiuuin
Ibo children, of froedineti j ani warns frco!;nvn
tMipying land which ba; e been rerlored t their
former ownrr. t rcuwro In-fore lutmbi-r 2tll!i.
Tba Poof Washington nioi inl tnjn the Ttc mi-
ry I"partiuent dutei tires hav cii.-d ouiitarl". it of :
llie Tuu-Forty bond of the dt'ituuiinatiou of :U0,
aud o well exeeutnd that their putiouuead would
be diffirult to detect. j
New Y'oik, Nov. 27. Co of choloru nro report
ed ia tbe rity tj-duy, denied by'lr. Sjyne. j
lUe SaraoDiiU Uerold of tlio .'..a vi tien. Uil-
more ba obtained a pardon for the rehid Ueueral 1
cauott, wao duf.'ndud curt eiuutter aaiust lam.
Vabuicton, Nov. 27. rheeoiuiniiion appoint
ed to iuveiiigalt) certain fraud alluded to bare
been oomtnittud at Uoaton by amenta who, through
fraudulonl miirtprentalioii, indacod ti.-riu.tu
immigrant tu euUr our army as lulistitule met
and orgauiied to-day.
Bt. Louis, jNov 2. Col. Kravo of Ihe Mexican
array and bearer of dirpaUdie from Juarox to the
United Mate, arrived at Kaiieu Lily, Ioou toe
2f th, en roiito to Wulhiuton. Ilo Itutv the Mex-
oan have 25,000 trKp under arm, and that 7b,-
0U0 more eau be put in tho Cold a aooa as means
are raited, which will be rp.edily.
Aew Ork-an, Jvov. 2b. Tne !tlta Crux corres
pondent my everything ia utMetUud in Mcxieo.
(iuoerul dullness prevail ; buiui$ ia paralyzed.
Maximilian's power ia IcMening daily. l'ucljla U
selected as tbe (ieueral Kurui-hinj Uea hU:irtTS
for tbe Imperialists. It is strongly parrinoiied by
Austrians. The road are unsafe. Kobiieries are
hourly committed. The country is in a deplorable
State. There is no business, or security ia any
thing. - ' ' - ,
Orisapa is strongly fnruflou in anticipation or a
Liberal attack. Tlio materials have been removed
to place of safety. Judgo Porkius. (ion. Price,
and others are lauuine of the success of tbe Im
perial cease.
The Empress has started for Yuratau unaccom
panied by Maximilian, who follows iu January.
Tbe rcecplioa of the Empress on the route wa
quite calm, except at Vera Crux, where the demon
strations were somewhat grand, hue was to de
part on the 10th for Yucatan.
Keinforcemeuts to tbe number of 14.0UO arrived
at Vera Crux on the 12th, and more aro looked for.
1 be Liberal are alive, aud are collecting all the
troops they can.
iNew lork, ov. Z7. A Concord letter says that
ex-President Pierce U alowly recovering aud is now
oat of danger.
A .Montreal letter says the Fenian excitement in
Canada has somewhat subsided.
A French Republican club has been organized
at Montreal, ltd object is tho annexation of Cana
da to tbe united States.
Xew Y'ork, Kov. 28. The Fenian flag was
rained yesterday oTcr the Fenian headquarters.
Union bauare, in honor of the celebration of the
evacuation of the city by the British in 1783. Tbe
headquarters are now under full headway: busi
ness is being transacted with all the regularity of
an organized government buruau. lao t-ecrvtary
of War, Secretary of the Treasury and other de
partments, are properly organized and at work.
Tho Herald fays : This session of the IT. S. Cir
cuit Court, with either Chief Justice or
Judge Underwood presiding, has boon ordered to
commence at Norfolk, Ya., to-morrow. It is
thought by some that bis business will bo the trial
of Jell. Davis
A letter from Georgia says, that the late rebel
Ucncral Jordan is practising law in Atlanta, ba.
Wheeler is iu tbe commission business at Augusta,
tJa.; General Gurthell is practising law in Atlanta,
,,Ua.; General Anderson is in the commission busi
ness at tho same place f General Hardee is at ba
vannah, and Howell Cobb at Macon.
Washington. Nor. 20. Tho Government detect
tivo force so far from being disbanded,' oa was
doubtless the intention of the President at one
time, has now important and legitimate work laid
out for it in the chief cities of tho Union and
along tho borders to detect and apprehend counter.
fciters of greenbacks, smugglers, and defraudere of
me tntornai revenue.
Gov. Hamilton in bis proclamation calling the
Texas Convention says; AH qualifled voters hav
ing taken tbe amnesty oath, or being pardoned,
are eligible, even if the oath was taken or they
were pardoned subsequent to the election.
.New Y'ork, Nov. 20. A letter from Bio Janeiro
says : Thore is a strong emigration from the United
States to Brnsil. Nearly aJl are refugees from the
late rebellious states
New Orleans, Nov. 20. The test oath has beon
argued before tbe District Court hero for two days.
Judge Turall intimated to-day that ho oonsidcrcd
the law unconstitutional,
A Monroe, Louisiana paper speaks encoarage
ingly of the prospects of tho eotton planting in
that section. Tbo planters are disposed to give tho
frecdmen a fair chonco.
The same paper says that a larg number of
emigrants from 'Alabama and contiguous. States
aro going to Texas.
Washington, Nov. 30. The President has issued
a proclamation, dated Dec. 1st, jwtegiag the writ
of habeas corpus in bU State!Rf!Torritories ex
cept Virginia, Kcntuokyrehiiesseo, North Caro
lina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ar
kansas, Texas, District of Columbia, Turrilorie of
iyw Mejioo ftni Arijopa,
General News.
Vvvt Yorlt, Noy. 2. Tlia IVfulilrnt bna jnt
ifino (in oritur ri'lciMiiii from yti 1'nU-U, Pi"i
ii hi, ri'lx I Kfwri liiry of Viuf, ttinl Juilgo Afaraili,
ol Hoiiili inilUiii.
A r!rnilirig i Rii-n for Ibo Il.ivliin nrtny ban
b. imi i- lal.lislii d in J'.roM'lwuy. !J lie jmr (illcrcl
i ;lf;Ii.y dollar er moiith.
An iiiiiniiu rT8iln Hint firatit will viiiit
N'cw Orii'an for lb parinra of inrMitif; Kbi rifliin
iiti f oous-ulling' mini i vil. allaiM on lhi ilio
iriiil. Jl U bnliort l llure will aol 'm any
opf, n-iv ilnnoiiilrulioii hy i-hcriiian' troop now
on Unit linti.
Tin Timf'H iwiul nyf : Tlia rcjmrt lliat Jolm
Milcbill wn juir.loiifil U unlrun. Jle di'ln't
jily for j.!irlon but took tbo oath of uU-uinnnn,
JJut two or llin i? mirelfiUtaUVt! of rJlat r
I'l iitly in r'la-llioii Imyo arrirert. It $ oii'li rtoo(l
noun will iil'i mj.t to ro wiih tlie orfiiiim
lioii of t!i lloii. Tli-y await the action of the
CloiU uiol tbe ilominatit jmrty.
The for'licoMiiiijj lli i.orl of the Feetrtary of
Wur fliows ilmt ninue tlm lt of )nt May fhnarmy
ha li- rn re'liict-'l from IiUO.ImiO to 176,1100 men,
Il Kill In- r lilii.l in ;,,0(IO by itvxt May.
Tin.; ('omiilrollcr'ii lt-mrt argue for a retrac
tion of currency.
Uii. Hli U baa l appointed ti command
lb lfiartriiriit of South Carolina. Thta ii yiewed
a a mark of tbo rrialdaut'a dinpleaiura with that
Tli r- il'Ttion of Colfax for Fjnoiker and Me
I'b. r-on for fl( rk of the llou nmm to be geu
i rally nMi-dnI.
A s' 'irtl my Iloraoli! V, Jobnaon think the
riontlii-ru incmbCT will uot be ailiuiH. a.
I,i II r nay lliat ir. Murrin u elected U.'P.
Hiiafor Iroiu florida.
M aihinglon. Noy. It La laid that the oath
iUi-!iott will bo tenffcd by 8turt of Virifiula. wli'i
will tiiiiku u)ipli.!aliou for bU Mat without taking
!!! Olttl.
Il i rnmorid that (lie Xw Y'ork diileation will
it' nipt lii or-ani.nlioii of the Iloumt by d po
iog .U I'ln r..n -as t'lrrk.
Thprit will b'j fovon i-iinlerti'd aratu from tba
Kth JtiitriiH, N't w York, Kith and 21t J'a., 1.1th
iliii, 7h Indiana, 4tb Muaonri and ith Atichl-
tnn. Tlio I'mlpiitial of muinher are yary clow
"mt 11 " ""''" f lha CJiirk will b
aldo to make up the roll in time from the rbu
tinl rtrcelvcL.
The Cbrouh le ay McThervm, f'!rk of the
Ilmiii", hm derided to keop off the Damn of Vir
ginia aud Tifiiwifeo laemWr from the oBioial
The friend of tho Preidfnl, however, Innift
that Mnj n.'ir l and CoMofce, to. itibcr il t from
Trunoj'., uiuit bo admitted at Ihe organization
of I lie llouiw. They will prdmbty be admitted.
btm-ra"ii Ktheridijo claim that but few Con-,
gwmmcn fleeted from that State have received a
majority of legal volo,
A rptfial divpoUsh to the New York Times f
l). r.. I!, a that up to 4 o'clock lat evening,
only tlurty-fire memUr td Congrct had reported
A rfiiH-ial di'pntch to the Herald ny that the
New Yofk dblvatiou i in M'Rhinton to pre
ll.:ury J. r.urtuotid for flie Cbairman..hip of the
Way and Mean Committee, In fdte of Tbaddeu
1V'hnlon, Xipf. 1. So far about eyrnty.fiye
tin in brj of the 11 .ue of Keprewntiitire baye ar
rived. The eituru of lUpublieana la ealled for
to-morrow nlebt to mSn-l candidate for Ibc
pvakeTidiip imd other o(So-.
Nw Orlearia, Xoy. Ti. tien, Cregaa' eourw.
in MiUippi U generally denounced. . He Is aid
t bo iufuaitig tbo negroe with incccdinry senti
ment. Gov. Well urjre the Lefrialaluro to Itanj or
fall by the I'reaidont' reeonstraction policy.
Xaw York, Nor. 29. The North Carol'iua Leg
Uluture havo elc-h!d a Union Speaker. Ooycruor
JIoIiIl-u U improt inp. Preaidctit Johnson has
written lo Holdon, proin'ming the Uoyerntmsnt to
uiiain hi aet aa I'royimional liovernor. TbU
i.sltvr i viewed aa aRaioft the admission of South
ern tntmlwr. Tbe Preablent ba greatly changed
hi vk-wi t iwanl tbe Somh lately. Ifo u pro
yokofl that North Carolina deflated Hidden for, and wilt coctinne biia a I'rovijiiotial
ii rnor.
Jcn. tlreg'ry. Chief of tint Bureau of Freedtnen
of Tfxna, U reported by Texan a having made a
fpctcti liUdy t" the Ufgro, wherein be con
J imoc.i the I'n-nidcnt rvcouatrtii-tion pyliey.
Grenada, (M'w.) oy. 29. A collision ocarrad
htre lat uiht, between a party of State tniliiia
pin kins f.r urnii among the 1'recdmeo, att a
inad of nvgrKf, an-iialod by aouie Kilored aol-
dmrs. fvvtrnl of tho luilitia were wounded aud
ouo ncvurel v. A large number of musket, pow-
ii r. He. were louioi una taken trom Iho negroc.
M utgotuery, Ala., Aov. 2H. The two Houses of
Ihe U miniature met in con rent ion yeeterday and
elected Ilonston and Varsons V. S. Senators.
Cairo, Nov. 3t). Tbe Guerrilla. QuantrcL was
here to-day, en route fr Washington, seckin for
purduu from the Guvemment.
Governor hharkcy passed through to-dav for
bt Loo ii., ov. 30. A dispatch says that the
returns from the Southern count it insnre the
election of Gilpin and Chivington to Congress.
jiuniax, .ov. u. iaie auviecs irom fu 1 Hum
a havo been recti red. Tbe U. H. steamer Tu
earora arrive'l there on the 11th and Railed on the
2ta. The Vamlerbitt, I'owhattan and iron-clad
Monadnot-k arrived on tbe ll)th and sailed ou the
IStb. They would next reach Cayenne. .IfToe fleet
ia bound for the Pacific.
Washington, Nov. 29. An order has been issued
removing all colored troops to posts on the fron
tier. Robert Toombs has escaped from, tbe Tortoga
and sailed for Kitrope.
It it asserted that (rcn. Batter nas prepared a
statement showing how Davis can be tried by a
military tribunal.
A prominent qnestion before the next Con cress
will be tbe increase of tbe regular army.
Grunt is underatood to be in favor of mastering
volunteers into the regular service an 9 such addi
tions to the service as will make tbe nominal
strength of the regular army about 75,000.
ltie reporl ia revived that the civil trial of Jefl.
Davis is at bat d.
New Y'ork,, Doc L Rio Janeiro dates of the
24th November, states that Paraguay ba received
another defeat at Narrangatos, ten miles above
Ynguanciceora. Another slight engagement oc
curred on the 20th of September, near Luisialcss,
in win til the Paraguayans burned some thirty
villages on their inarch.
It was expected at Rio the war will toon be
oyer. Tho victorr of the allied forces over the
Paraguayans are deemed decisive.
It is expected there will be a large immigration
from the United States. Several gentiemen from
Louisiana were in Brazil. :
Boston, Dec 1. A convention of the colored
people of New England, is in session here, for the
purpose of having the Constitution of the United
States so altered as to nx an equal qualification on
rotors, and to look to other matters concerning the
colored man and bis status in the land.
Washington, Dec. 1 Judgo Wright, of Indi
ana, is here as Delegate from Louisiana. He
maintains that by rebellion the Southern States
have relapsed into a territorial condition. This is
the basis on which he will present himself to Con
gress as a Ue legate.
General News.
Xev York, Deo. 2. The Herald's Kiehmond
eorrespondont says : Upon authority of General
Grant rations to tho destitute people, white and
black, in the South will be discontinued during the
present month. Great suffering i anticipated in
consequence, and the people of Richmond propose
to appoint commissioners to solicit donations in
the principal cities.
A rumor is prevalent that the British Govern
ment has instructed Sir Frederick Bruce to remon
strate with our Government against tho movement
of the Fenians in this eonntry. ;
The President is said to have opposed a request
irom Juares, through the Embassador recently
sent to this country, for permission to purchase
materials from the United estates.
- Governor Marvin has restored the civil officers
who were acting at the time of the surrender.
Colonel Osborne has issued a code for the man
ftgemcnt of the interests of the freedmen.
Provisional Governor Johnson St Georgia ha
ordered the formation of a militia company in
each county of tho State to prevent disorder.
' The North Carolina Convention haTe passed the
Constitutional amendments. There were only six
nays. . .; ... , ..;.:. '
.Lawrence, Kansas, Deo. 1. A party of 200
Cheyeties and Appaches attacked the coach on
Butterfield's express route, on Tuesday last near
Dowoes' gprkigs, and killed six passengers and
the express messenger, and afterburning the coach
returned to Dowries' Springs, burned the building
aiul stolo or destroyed all the other goods and
property. One of the passengers killed three
Indians, but was afterwards shot himself. His
heart was cut out and his body burned over a slow
nre. - v ; ... .
Organization of CongTcas. ?
Wasbingtoni Doo. '4. A proposition that the
Seuate shall act in harmony with the House, oa
the admission of Southern Representatives, is
strongly opposed by Senators on the ground that it
is an infringement on the rights of Senators.
At noon tOHlavMcPherson. Clerk of the House.
prooccdei to oU the roll of uieuilrcrs. While U
WB bdng fuVd. MyPrd7 't Tftiwe, who
iminn bd im ln pl4rl n Ihe roll by MePher
ion, wm.b'd ! ii,'Kt omeihing, tot the Clerk
r fii-l fi lie Utorriptd. AfU;r (lie call w eoifl'
Itii-PtKftard r Ut Jpeak, but the rl.-rk rll
hiiu i;tiivdi r. One hundred and aeventy-flvw
ooooIot anw-red 4'tbeir name.
"" Ifrook,- rifi Kew Y'oHr, wade a speech cbaraet
hing the tiiiJiK-'lon of the names of tbe member
from the rollja enpneedented, mijt and totally
uncalled for. He id if Maynard was a loya
man from a loyal KUt, then ihe President wa not
a lovu! won. but an alien arid a stranger. He
rhr(?ed lhal the adoption of :the renolatioii ex
(biding tho Houtbern member from trie lfe hf
tbe Tnlon csuow was denigntnl to be antegonuHi
lo the Preeident'a tne, ,
TU Konse took no actbill on the eubjevi, hml
aii'V'rllM previou in!ion, prneaw wt w
tion of Htcnker.
HmvW Colfax
Brook were pat
la noia Ination.
Colfax Wa
Tbe J?na met at neon and wan called to nr4str
by Ko'tir, Vrden ere !, 1- Mt. VffUmf
then ..ffcred V- . -
Upland. vrjjBiiw ninr w vywMW
appeared anu .
Wa-hingtori, Dee. 2-The OkU t'ai aam
lat night was attended by sixteen Representative.
Kot tbe Iat slgniflent aetb.n mf ftas wat
the noanlinnns page of s r'tolnllDei i.9a4 hf
General Garfield, pledging tbir retwaoKd m&d
the edmid " "? K prsiitaJe ftem mttf
State lately in rebellioa prior to Ibe organ isetioi
of I'ongrea or afler It, until Ui erdntlai f
in:h Representative shall have been referred te
the regular eowmittee and the whole Matter iavee
tiiralied and dicad. f lie eoiten also drHdd in
go in a body for Colfax for Speaker and fPr
-rti foy Clerk, in follow the lead ef the Xew Kagi
land rotate in lb yot for rWrgeant-aUAmf I U
support Hawkin Jay lor lit Vor Keeper, mud te
yo for Col. Gwin, of Oh i'v for Poetia aster.
The Democratic mem lair of CwBgreM. held
euei to-night, aud determined sipoe their eoerte
of aelioii.
Harrison and Pilton, from ATabasa, aodTebbe
and Turner, from Jiortn laroliua, are hate, wttki
certificates claiming seat,
From IJLACitrooT. O. V, Kecler, forrhr
an old resident and once Kpreaerittire of
Ja kon comity, writes to the Reporter from
Ujc Iflaxkfoot !untrr, Oct. 11th, and ghr
several jiiterentirig items of trflwa and per
inn. lie wiy lr. McCally, fur Ttafs Um
w w w
PofltiQ&fter in JnekonviH ; aod Jer). lt
K ny , k nowa all over Oregon as a eaUl
drover ntoce ir2, are both in that region.
the firmer being located at Cottonwood.
There aro a large Boaler fron Southern
Orpgoti iu Montana. Cayote Bvans Lad not
l?cn seen since his relense from eustod oa
a charge iuvolving Mint raac&lity. Capt,
Kocler sajs it is quite otmra4a to bant; two
r three of a night at Helena. Waj don't
they change the name of the place to Stan
tun it would be singularly appropriate,
only, we presume, those hung in Helena are
not innocent. - .
A Terrible Succcssie or MiiFOKTCJigs.
Tho Vancourer Register of Dee 2d says j '
Iwuae of the lato Victor Smith, at
Purt Angeles, was U.tally destroyed by lr
one nihtof last week. Tins fire occurred
so suddenly that Mrs.- Smith bad barely
time to escape in her night clothes. Sad
misfortunes have cMeti this family within
a short time past. Not t aro years since their
old borne was swept into iJe sea by the fiere
water avalanche that broke from theorer
hanging mountains, and destroyed every
thin impeding its resistless eoorsef? a
few months since Victur Smith.jrid
watfry grave on board of theiil-fated Brother
Jonathan, and now the u tonrning 'and deso
late widow is bereft by, another destroy tag
clement of all her property and tba home
that sheltered her and her children. . '
Silttr Lodes isr Jack box CocttLt
Reporter of last Saturday says a good deal
of excitement bas been caused in that sec
tion lately by the discovery of lodes or reiaa
of silver bearing quartz on Jackson creek.
One piece roughly assayed yielded ooe-fonrtl,
of the original weight f the ore f pore
silver. It bas been for years, and is still,
our opinion that in mineral wealth portksis
of Jackaon and JosepbJno counties are sot
surpassed on this whole coast. Time and
industry will develop it. ' .1
. ,t a BMaaaaa , 0 j J J
Terrible Cascaltt. Daring the recent
storms two ditches on the side hill at Seott'a
Bar, Siakiyon county, California; broke
away and flooded the town below. 'The rash
of water swept before it the dwelling of
Patrick Galloon, in which were his family.
Three cf his children perilled one of aiao ;
years, two. twins, younger. Te rest of ta
family barely escaped. i"be bodies of ti
lost children were reeorerel and buried tie
day following th,diart;,;''.'''
Di3xi3SED.-We see by die Salem iper
that the suit of the Delasey brothers against
Caton & Curl, for the retsorery of moneys
charged to belong to the state of the mur.
dered 161 Delaney, has been discontinnea ,
on motion of the Delaneyii coansel. This
is a Tirtual acknowledgm.t of the entire
innocence of Caton Carl, Eeqs. ia Hsm
matter involved. . ' .. 'v:; " " '
Good tor St. lUuEss-i-Tlie last Van
couver Register says: fi ' '
t e are not m possession of the partlea
torsy but we are informed that a company
having at its command at left half million
dollars, has Wn m.i.n; t ti
the . development and building on of onr
little neighbor St. Helewr. Good for St.
Helens 1 She deserves some sunshine after
having set so long and patit ntly in the dark
ness of her mountain shade ws.
An-xzxatiox. The Walla Walla State.
man agitates the proposition of annexation
to Oregon, and says that bite, investiratioa
develops the fact that a verr larce maiorit
of the people of that Talley and the section
directly interested in the annexation croiect.
warmly favor it. For one. we should cer
tainly faror the measure, lid hope it bwj
be accomplished. . V;
The Jali. Late advioas from Page
Sound give accoonte f ths Woleace of th
recent gale there. A bark and brig were
seriously damaged, several ' smalt e-r,:'
craft are missing, and snreat injurvwas don
to the forests of pine and fir, and to tha
roads which the fallen timber obstructed
PoRTLAsn TiRtxsx'a Eutcnoar. Last
Monday the firemen of Portland held tbir
electioa for Chief and Assisiant Engineers
o. xoung was cnosea vua iw
Joseph Buchtei; W, II."T3d was those"
UireV and W, F." Patterson; Soooad Assist. -
ant Engineers. The. total ycte was !
Cbxxaxsx. Several tltoufl and of .Chinese
laborers are to b put to wcrk in the poor
class placer diggings of Idahi next year, by
wealthy Chinese companies. ; . s .
Convicted. KurtsK tried for the jnurdw
of a Chinaman in Idah&Ywss oovicted and!
sentenced to bo hung January ISthy'lSCS
AcQcirnso.--Ja3, tHssa,.rki ' MUIb
a negro barber ia Idaho City; has ccn ac
quitted. ' r ' V' v v""'