v. ill - X TATff The fullog aamed gentlemen are aataerl tc to reeeiv, and receipt for M'lkma to the tat Rresrra DtancaAT m this county; Moot Baber, Paul Cow, H.L. Brown.) S. A,Jbn, i U. C. Coolej, , 1. M. Heyden, J. M Jonas, I J.R, Thorpe, i Harrisbnrg, tie, Brownsville, Brownsville, Peoria, Scio. Lebanon. New Harwj Smit. t Ada ' TOYIJ C3UNTT KATTERS. ' SrBDrjDtrr. LtTsdy'"iBg,ThmM Hogg, e ef tbe oM residents ef this eountj, died sullenly at his bouse, about six milt trom tow- He had eome In town on Monday aad trocure4 IS rreins of opium asking at the time for dlre& to the qeantity to be taken. His wife says tb ae &x an opium pill that evanlng shortly afa Via retnro homo, a second one about rnkinigbi, tad the third and h early Tuesday taorning. That morning he attend to his ordi nary dutke about the Tarn and atmse, and at two rs clock, afterneofc, wgued paper concerning eome ethool larfeew In the neighborhood. Shortly af ter lliitb heeame stupid, then Insensible, and died hat efeomg. A ot mortem examination on XTedneslay, at wWeh lrs. Rice, Tate and Alexan der were present, elkited the fact that the deceased aust kn taken from 49 to grains of opium, which prodwsed his death. Tbe body presented a Very soand, healthy appearand and was free from any evidences ef immediate disease.' ifr. Boggi liad lately manifested slight eWratien ef mind, onseooent npon business and ether troubles; but whether he took the opium to ewotheais ml A through temporary casefttctiea, or wit! fj ta tent, ewa never, perhaps, be k'jWn, r jj, a teember of &e Fresbytetir., CWh of this town, and last Sunday atter.ded at the communion eere laeny. His age was about 45 years, and he has left a wife and sereral small children. His re mains were eeereyed to their last resting place on Jhursday. . .TiaiDisa Last. On the evenicglf Wednes day and Thursday next there will be exhibited in, fiheCirt Hsose in this town, the wonderful n4 rery entertaining spectacular dram of ParadU La1, which dcJineates, we believe, tho grand poem. f XHtaa in a series of most attractive and. impre viavw sceaea. The papers down the Valley speak; of this shibition a praiseworthy la every sjespectj and' tt has drawn repeated immense crowds wherever exhibited. : g-va Acciskst. A little son of Wash, Anderson of this toww, aged about seven years, met with meet serious accident on Thursday, 'morning of th& week. While playing about a wagon he feU -frera the wheel, astride of which he sat, and broke. thsr";ht thigh bono a very lrttra below the hip. Dr. Akxaader attended the little awSerer, set the ,hrk3 parts, and gave him every rargical relief, k:.s Kew Faia Gaorsns We are requested by : ' r. John Barrows to state that a meeting of the shi .vidcrs ia the new grownd: purchased for tha IA s Caualy Agriewltural Fair exhibitions will he he ; it tha Court Hons at 1 o'clock, afternoon, on Ta lay next, the 9th instant Full attendance isr-iWSted. Ta-ir's the Cweksb. All over town are the Wj lettered posters of Paradise Lost" " Hear ea sad Chaos," ' Yesterday, a jolly hTtcky, who. j-ut could spell, tx, a long stare at the Utter, and tisa loadly soliloquiied : " Heaven and cAaase ; : tk&t quaar, maybe they'll have Hell and erwet--rnixt!" - . Tat Weather. Barely a aprtnklo ef rata on Monday, and tha remainder of tha whole week .ekir and pieasaat. Some fog ef mornings, bnt t&tnV.j glorioas, clear, sonny days, and magnifl- rent mewalight nights, with delightful teaperatare. tTehh-Foet' is nowhere. Tax ?Stict- Onr county tax payers will eon .Blt their eoareeience by giving attention to the no Ske of CciWter Richard son in another column. X 3Uktlk PAftw- Mr. Rice, of Koha & Rice, arube4 ws with a tax eopy .f the Norfolk (Vi Tost, for which we thank him. Pfvi r Th Abolitionists of j Tdk coanty fcave, wre w iafornied, nomi- r,eJA man named Smith as candidate I'fQT SepreatatatiTe. VTe jawtohl tb Oon : nation bv resoltttloa apprav4 of the mar : fier of Mrs- San-ait! We liope aooa to l!an ; that tb Democrat f PoJkare preparing Tot i the coming trpec'iaj efection. Tby fcare a ji ple material, and ought te pert forward a trst- irate candidate for Bepresentatire. n ill 'riiiw at da it ? Xerer snrreader, Deaso- ; J . - . . . . prats of Polk- - ! 'Thk Yaidill Dsmocact.--A Democratic CQntj Conventioa will meet at Lafayette, o Tndaw Boos- Nov- lh, to nominate a candidate for Representative to fill the vacan i j ia tfcat ounty. Precinct meetings are ' .WtA ihr .nsit Satnrdaw, Nov. HA. We Lope that the gallant Democracy of Yamhill tiHraliy in fall force, d select their very man for the place and, elect him. V Xn C.kxa. Yet. We hear of no call for special elections in Linn or Benton counties yet, by Gor. Gibba, to fill the vacancies in ; tie Senatorial representation in each county. ) JThe ckea f Waaeo, though left oat ia the i' poll pj hia Exceitj&nfy, ken the aaat- jter in 'teir own fcandsj in regard to the va I facy eaased by Eepresentatrre Beri&ad's I rsignatioa. ,' hixk of It. Abolition CocventioGsen ; i swing President Johnson' policy ; it JJem- e-:n Cknvitioj?i ejadQreiag president Jvhnmn s policy. lo 4ack. a4 white be gin to look, alike J Somebody la fopj.ed-- ' wLkh of the two must it ,'loerats ofj iJrcgoa? SfQSixicasi. The"fet- Loois epnblicaa 5 that Col. Babcoke, who raardered the : Wright ia Strutting bout the streets ' -of Jefferson city, Mo., in rrfect aeourit. It ia believe tht Got. Fletcher aatjiorised Ik;axts. -Th Statsaian aaffS&Umj ias been full of immigrants ftp pait week, who have their teams aad atsck with -theja, looking for locations. FarmiEg lands vibout Saieca and ia Marion consty generaJ j y have advanced from thirty to LTty per ' ;ent. . '. , - , FnrsrT. It ia odd enough that while in :h1s coantry we are discussing the policy of avowing "Negro SaSrage, ra liaytt the ne : zts rc-volutionigts are demanding that all the . -white residents shall be denied any govern- ;32atal privileges. V . TT' . . A 1 . t . f iterllsg Democrat at Dalles City iafonas eg ; 1 1'3 Democrats of TTasco purposa nora- - jsattc.5 'KB ' a candidate for Hnreseatasve. in with toe Democrats vt Gnat taccess to taera. ' , for LuSsy, Letter fVom Artlnsr Onvernor El Kvana of Wruhlngtou Ter ritory. f We like fair play, and therefore give yiiare to the following letter. Wo criticised Gov. Evans official conduct in the matter at isnuo very sharply, and justice requires that he should be heard in hi. own detente. Here follows his letter i OLYxri, Wasiiimitos Tenmronv, October 24. 18A. ' Enrwn Statb Riciits 1k mo rat s The article beaded " Disnraceful Triokory," in your issue ol Uth. instant, does errcat injuxtice to Wo. and 1 t variance with fact in several important particulars. As I cannot believe you would willing asperse my motives, txttpt upon the conviction that you were justified by facts derived from official and au thentic sources. I have thought tt proper to fur nish a statement of such fact as they actually ex ist, asking only that jour reader who have seen the accusation against me, may also have the op portunity to ba aavisnd of ray official action. Frank T. VUff&n, esq., tne defeated candidate for Councilman tn the District composed rf the counties of Walla Walla, Stevens and Yakima, is tlfe author rst the present apportionment law of the lYrriiorv f tvastllncton. i see Jnnn.l ll..i-rvw? Representatives, W. T., Se.ision 1S63-4: p. ' passev . lih l?ft .via J follows: things aty of Walla Walla shall he entitled to elect one CoMwilman, to V elected in 1864. ' Tka eoutttiel of Walla Walla nnd Spokane and Stevens and Ferguson shall be entitled to elect one joint Councilman in l$fi6. Tne eouoiws oi v larae, Klickitat Rnt Pkii-.na-nia shall he entitled to elect one Joint CouncUmri,, to be elected in 1864, whose term of oflve w'Vi ex- ptre in swk These constitute all the Coun..!! ntv-:-- s manner affected by the counties of Walla Wall any aamaam. cku a w the f 4me Act provides thatAll Acta or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act, bw and the same kro hereby repealed.-. See Statutes W. T., 1" ,-$: p. 4. ' - This Is the last ar f)0rtjonn,ent jRW pg fcy Lcgtslatira As8en-.6iTt aa the only one now in force. By iu nns, it will bo observed that the chanty of -smania is now embraced in a District with county of Walla Walla for the purpose of e.evdng a Councilman, fcuch ts bow tne taw, and was the law which governed my action as Secretary of the Territory in canvassing the votes polled at the last General Election iu thU Territory, The absenee of the Governor made it necessary for mo to issue the proclamation declaring the result of such canvass. Hon. W. O. Langford is the Councilman for the county of Walla Walla elected in 1664. Hon. Da vid Stewart was elected ia is 63, nnder the appor tionment then in force, Apportionment Act, pass ed January Sltfi, iSJ : See Statutes W. T tsca- sionlSil-JS: p. ill, a Joint Councilman for the District composed of Skamania, Klickitat, Walla Walla and Spokane counties, apd his sueeessor by the Aet first quoted was to he elected in 1S66, for the District composed of the eoun.ties ef Walla Walla, Spokane, Steveus and r crguson. Spokane and Stevens wera consolidated in l?6t, and Fergu son was changed to Takima, though as yet it re mains unorganized. Mr. Stewart served the ses sion of 1863-4, and then removed to Idaho Tcrri torv. He afterwards resigned, but not sufficiently early to provide an election before tha session of iae-a. X o ail tna vacaory ior we snupTi term of the Councilman for the District eompoid of the counties of Walla , alia, Stevens and iakima, ex piring in 1S66, Messrs. Cox and Dugan were can didates at the ate electtoni and te following was the result; Walla WHa,.....Coa 364......F. P. Dugan 359 Stevens.... 45 Yakima........... .....(Unorganised no Returns.) I cannot conceive what figure the abolition of the county of Skamania by the Act of last Winter, cuts a this matter. Xor do I believe any one can who reads the law constituting the Council Districts. It is not true that I in anv manner ignored the vote of the cititens who resided tn the territory for merly eOBStirgtrog the eounty ef Ksamania. J have mv views about the dismemberment of coun tios without their consent ; bnt this has nothing to do with the matter. To the Judiciary is commit ted the question of testing the validity of that law. But I fait it my duty, and I did canvass the vote for every officer, which by law I am directed to canvass : and tne records ot the fcxeentive and Secretary's office of this Territory bear me witness that I dulv certified according to law that in the counties of Clarke, Skamania and Klieknat, th following rote was polled for Joint Councilman : Clarke....Farnsworth 233...Dugan 61...Sohns 137 Sharoaaia. ,9... 83 KlikitaW, 29... In regard to the vote for Skamania county. misht add that the ofiicer eertifvinc re the Secrcta- mr the abstract of vote, returned Mr. Dugan as harrow been roted for as -'Joint Representative Satisfied that this wss a mere clerical mistake, by the paper itself, I gave Mr. Dugan. the benefit of in ceniaoafe oi sueu vem nrc.tra, igongn clear ly justified ta rejecting all such votes. For the re tarns evidence the fact that those who voted for Dugan yoted also fbr the Joint Councilman running for the District as defined by law ; and in addition thereto, were voting for a Councilman for a District which bad no existence under the law in force. am clearly of opinion that any canvasser might re ject aneh rotes and isrnora all such attempts to claim more thantegal representatives, ( httd tbe right, too, knowing the fact to have regarded our law, which expressly provides tbat Mr. Dugan, not being a resident of the uutnat, was. absolutely ineligible. I might here rest for my justification t but I am charged with inconsistency in having for partisan purposes, both recognised and ignored the exist ence of said county of Skamania. This is untrue. steadily failed to travel outside the apportionment law of 1864 a proof of which is found in the fact that I refused to give the certificate of election to H. G. Strove, a Union candidate from. Clarke fvn ty. for Joint Representative' of Skamania and Klik ttat, who received a larger vote m Clarke eounty fuT that office, and more votes than did J, W; Bra-; xee. who received the certificate. Mr. Struve's eiainx was bared oa the fact that as Skamania was anirax d to and merged in Clarke, the ratter ooun rr m .is entitled to the imcrtatd Representatives. I cefanc-d tr consent by my individual aet, to disfran chise the voters residing in the old eounty, for, thwagfe Jhe Legislature had blotted out the oounty lines, it h.d .'ailed to provide a modification of the apportionment law. I could have increased the Union repreawwnon oi laarae ny ignoring eta mania. Partisan feelings might have invited it. I could sot aa t'-et, aad was not even tempted to shirk cay duty. It ia aoaree O, eaiuiacuon to me mat my cer tificate is wot conclusive upon the question of the right f any entiem.a to a seat in tha Legislature. The Coaneu is propeil v uh juuge oi me quaiiuca- tions of its en em here. VTitU no sinister, impure, or partisan motives have X c.irtilled the evidence pre seDted by this office, that, .under the apportionment law of 1864. Anders oa Cox jraa elected to a scat in the Council for the District eo.psed of the coun ties of WaUa WaKa, Stevens an-1 1 akima. If the Legislature doeidea the District largr than the law defines, the evidence of Mr. Dagan having received rotes is recorded in the Secretary's o 'Et-e. A Union eaadidate failed to secure my ecrtiflevto of election as RepresentativA, though having the arget num ber of rotas,, because I refused to oounv the vote of Clarke eounty in a'JVint Representati J District declared by law sta composed of tho ct antics of Skaaania and Klikitat. For a like rea.on, and for none other. I believed it iUenl to add t!w votes. f Skamania, and Clske to secure the election i of a Cewaeilmaa for the fiiatriet defiaed by law to con sist of t aid oswaUea f U'aJla Walia, Stevens nd Yakima. ELWOOD EVANS. VSeeretary -ft" ashingtoa Territory. We will wmply gay at present that, ia all hia ar- gwateat, Got. Evwss fails to convince us of the le gality of his eoaduct ia the matter ; yet we do aot knptiga hU integrity aa a soaa it is only with his oScial coarse we find fault Messrs. Dagaa and Cox contested for a seat in the Council to fill a raeaocj under the old apportionment, which in cluded Skamania county in the Cooscil District. We contend therefore that the subsequent Act changing the apportionent did not affect that eiee tion it eould only operate on a regular subsequent election. JJence the rotes east for Mr. Dugan for Joist Councilman in Skamania county ought to have been cpnnted. Furthermore, Gov. Evans -fails t explain or elear up his conduct ia counting the votes east in Skamania eonsty in some instances, after having rejected them in the ease of Mr. Du gan. There are ofhfj points open to criticism , but we hare now neither time aor space to refer to Lheas. Saktiaw Mixes. A man named Victor, the representati re of some capitalists ia Sn Francisco, ia making aa inspection visit to the Saatiam mining district, for tte purpose of investing in the mines 'Jiere. Chakgid Hajtds. Tke Agriculturist baa been sold by the Oregon Printing Com pan j to Messrs. A- L. Sanson and A. C. Schwat ka, who will hereafter publish that journal. TELEGRAPHIC. OVERLAND DISPATCHES. DATES TO OCTOBER 28. The Penian Movement. New York, Oct. 28. The Senate of the Wnlnn Congrcs rcnsscutlilcd at the Astor House to-day, "Priest Roberts In the Chair, The session wis strictly firivato, but it is known that the prinnipnl business related t the salo of bonds of the future Irish Republic. The Senate will establish perma nent headquarters in this city. General New. New York, Dot. 28. The President lms mado no decision yet in the Wirts case. The PrcsWont bus appointed the Rrt Thursday la December as a day ef Xntioiml Tbanksiivir-g. Rankin, aiiat Finch, charged with tunteri'eit ing bank notes, was fownd gnilt.V yesterday . Over $4IH,000 of the counterfeit bote had be on sent to Western States. Washington. Oct. 2S. The Mexican Embassa dors spent some time with PecroUry Seward yester day. They wiil be preeentod to tho President to-snorrow. Tort.nto, C. Oct. 21. The Leader advises ""vtramesi m lann tne arms Iroin the vaults fhrt the Fenians g, t tjtm, and also a patrol alon? me iroaiier anu inj lm.tsport svstcni. A tenrrui alarm exists ho j; A Fenian raid on the Canadian banks is dreaed. The jur j in the Sanders kidnapping case aj sna ir,ged up. DATES TO OCTOQER 3t Affairs in the qnth. Xcw Orleans, Oct 30. Hen. Canby has forbid den the discharged negro soldiers from purchasing the anus tbev used. A srood deal of cotton U reported in Mississippi, and a large quantity of bacon is shipped thence to Memphis for want of facilities to rsow Urleans or Mobile. There is wturh cotton in Texas ready to gather hut the Friedman will not pick it. Similar com plaints come from Mississippi. The Herald 3 dispatch says : The action or South Carolina in electing Wade Hampton as Oor ernor of tho State, and advocating tho payment of tho rebel war debt, and of Mississippi, in refusing to take up and pass the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, Is believed to have affected the future policy of the President concerning those States, and to have endangered the admission of their delegates in the next Cougrcss. Had Mis sissippi cheerfully passed the amendment, a gen eral ainncstv would have at onee been declared in favor of all the rebels: but as it is, bt fsw am nesties will, in all probability, hereafter be granted to eitiicns of that State. The action of their Con vention has not justified the President's confidence. and the reigns of military govifrnm.ent and mar tial law will te tke consequence. General New. Kew York, Oct. 31. Late arrivals from Jamahaa report the uprising of the blacks against the whites there. Many revolting murders had been, perpetrat ed by the negroes. A white Magistrate had been shockingly mutilated. H.U finger and toes were cot off and burned. He was then murdered, and after which a nagro wotaaa ripped open his how els. T;he mutiny wapred'mg rapidly at last ac counts, and the greatest alata prevailed among the whites. The Commercial's special savs it is understood that Secretary McCulloch will recommend Con gress to substitute a tax on sales for the Income tax. The Presidont has not taken the Win case yet. Sew York, Oct. 31. Lord Palmers ton is dead. He died on the night of the 17th of October. Had he lived he would hare completed hu 8t year on the 21' th of Uctober. rrnJB, Ieslcot Xew Orleans, Oct- 21. Gen. Steele arrived from the Rio Qrande to-day. Dispatches from Weitxcl to Steele of 23th say a fight occurred around Mt amoras which lasted three hours, The liberals suoreaded iu carrying parts of the works, but the Imperialists charged and retook the works, punish ing the Liberals severely. The Imperial loss is several wounded and less than a dozen killed, The Liberal loss is fifty-nine taken prisoners and a large number killed and wounded. (Jen. Kspi nocha, second in command of the Liberal forces, was killed. Reports from Brownsville state at last accounts the Liberals vr ere flying, elosely pursued by the Imperialists. Pacific Coast Dispatches. General Newa. San Francisco, Oct. 23. An order from General Halleck directs that CnpL. Hill, on trial for murder, be kept Inclose confinement. ' Charles Jaasen? one of the injured by the Yo semite explosion, has brought suit against the Cal ifornia Steam Navigation Company, to recover f J1.025 damages. A negro woman recovered $400 damages yester day in Judge Pratt's District Court, against the Qmnibqs Railroad tVxmpauy, fur haying been put off the ears. San Francisco, Kov. 1. The overland telegraph Hne is still down. Two companies of the California Oti Infantry were mustered out of service yesterday. Legal Tenders, 70J. " ALBANY MARKET. Rc;xted hy J, Norcroa Newei ih.r 4, Wheat, 1 00 1 bushel. Oats. 50c. f bushel. Potatoes, 40e4oe bush. Flour, $5 50(S,$6 bbl. Butter, 3 ie lh. Eggs, 30c dozen. Dried Apples, 8cg lb. Dried Peaches, loo lb. Dried )iluns, 13c ) dried pear, 2de. Oregon socks, $ 00 dos.i Pork, 88e . PORTLAND M ARRETSOCT. 23. The Orcgonian's Commercial Report for tt e week says better prices are paid for wheat un the Val ley because of competition ; Bacon and Lard more plenty and prices were tending downward ; Eggs and Butter keep at high prices more frut was offering than buyers knew what tq do with, but prices femwined unchanged ; Hay jobbed at $25 for baled, and $20 for loose, per ton a few Hides sold low Tallow was selling at J5 cents per B. The wholesale jobbing Produce market prices were as follows : - Wheat, new. ft5o(.$l 05, per bushel ; Oats, 50 55o ; Corn Meal, per 100 lbs, $o f Flour. Imperial, Standard, Magnolia and Jefferson, per bbl, $3 ; Brooklyn Mills, $750 ; country brands, f 7 : Bacon, sides, 35c ; hams, 27c j shoulders, 13c, per tt ; Butter, best fresh Uregon, 3a40c : Lard, Oregon 10 lb cans, 3lc; in bulk, 27c, per !h ; Eggs, per to,oo; Apples, per box, 4U(g45c; dried, per R, Mo ; Potatoes, per bush, 50c 5 Onions, per 100 B, $2 ; Beans, white and bayo, 4c ; red and pink. 3c per lb j chtokens, per dot, $14 50 j Cheese, Ore gon, per m, Z3(a,isuo, MARRIED; In Marion eounty, Oct 9th, by W. C. Holmes, J. P., John H. Ranch, of Clackamas county, to Alary iw. nemingtoo, or Marion eounty. In Yamhill county, Oct. 22d, by Elder G. V, Richardson, Wm. C Cochran to Mis jilary Allen i In Vancouver, Oct. 24tb, by C. 11, Huncler. J. P., R. B. Mann to Miss Lucy Beach, both of tane county. In Lane county, Oct. 22d, by Rev. 6. W. Bond, 1 nomas imdall t Jim Martha Veach. In Washington county, Oct. 12th, by W. H. Chatfield, J, P., Samuel T. Barnes to Miss Mary m. Jackson. . In Tamhill county, October 29th, by S.C. Ad aas, Joseph Perkins to Miss Ellen Gauati 'Kt Multaomah county, November 2d, Jy Rev. B. C. Lippencott, Marion Dodge to Miss Jane Caplev. DIED: At the residence of Wm. Johnson, Washington county, Oregon, Oct. 29th, John S. Copenhavor, god 46 years. Missouri papers please eopy. . At Fort Steila-wom, W. T., Sept. 16th, from the effects of phosphoric poison of matches, Claude B. Crandalt, youngeet child of C. P. and Eliia A. Craadall, aged 13 tuonths and 21 days. Ia Clark county, W. T-, Oct. 22d, Mrs. Mary Pamburn, wife of John B. Pambnrn, aged twenty three years- IaCorraUis, Oct. 24th, Lazaras Goldschmidt, aged 24 yean aad 10 days. . tt. caAXOB. obo. a. hklk. CRAIiOR & HELM, 4TT0EIEIS k CCUSSELtORS AT tAW, AfcBAKY, Oregon. DEMOCRATIC CLUB C1XSTZNG. Tha Cambers f tha Gram Ridg-a Democratic Club, and all Democrats in that vicin ity, are requested to meet at Fairplay School House,' on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, at 1 o'clock, p". ' M. G. MOSS, Chairman. Grass Rid, October 23, 1665, ' ' m.THLKIs ATTUACTIOIV! FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY! AT THE COURT JHIUSE. ALBANY I On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, Nov. 8th and 8th. n. k nA-iitiUF.n. .. YANKKK SANDKRS.." . PlfDI-nlKTOH. ..Agknt. THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY EIHIBITIOM IN THE WORLD! Tin: stipi:imh s iham OF PARADISE LOST! CO CO THE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY! HEAVEN AND HELLCHAOS ASD PARADISE ! THE Itr.nELlMOX IN IIK.1VKX ! TUB CITATION ? PARADISE, or THE UARDEN OF EDE.V ! Doors Open at half past 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 8 o clock. Admission $1 Children, 50 Cents TO THE Pl IlLICs I1TILL ATTfLXD TO THE COW ardly and contemptilife falsehoods and itihen- does of the tHregon Statesman at the proper time. 1 be proprietors, ot that paper, finding the public will not countenance their wbolcsulc r.bnso of one who onl v seeks an honorable investment in an hon orable way. have resorted to the "selling off" dodge to secure a living support for tlieirsickly bantling. For myself, while abundantly assured that, by honest and persevering efforts for the agricultural interests of Oregon, I shall win success and favor for the Plowman, I only ask that the enterprise be left to stand or fall, on if merit attfttr. E. M. WAITE. Portland, Jiov. Id, 1865. NOTICE TO TAX PAlrEK. NOTICE IS HEREBY CilVEX that I will meet the Tax Payers of Linn county, Oregon, at their respective places of voting, for the purpose of collecting the Taxes for the year 1S65, or any former year, on the following men tioned days of the present year (1865), to-wit v Waterloo MosnAV. Nov. 27 Xra's School Horse -TvastMr. Nov. 28 Cm su Crrek Scnooi-Hoi:'E..'WEN,OAr, Nov. 29 Brownsville..... TncuaaAr, Nov. 30 Harrisbi'Ro Fritiat, Dee. 1 Fbo.hia., SAtraiiAr, Dee. 2 Allfhi.Vs Scbool Hoce M05DAY, Dec. 11 1 TESDAK, Dec. 12 ffe's'swr, Dee. 13 .....Tbcrshav, Iee. 14 FniOAT, Dec. 15 FWAXKLIlf BVTTE. Rat'b Shot I.EBAX05..... Sasd RmGE : ....... ?ATi'npA, Dec. 18 Mronr Scnooi. HorsE.... Alabnt I will be prompt at the the hour of 10 o'clock, a. o'clock, P. v., of said dav. Mojniv, lec. IS Tvesbav, Dec. 19 above named places at v., and remain until 4 Those not paying their tases as above invited, will be allowed thirty days after my visit at their Precincts, to pay tbe same at my oltice In Albany, alter which time the law allows the Collector mileage for travelling to col lect the same. O. W. RICHARDSON,' " Tax Collector of Linn county. Albany, Oyt 27. 1805. YAMHILL COUNTY DEMO CRATIC CONVENTION ! " The Democratic Voters ofYam- hill County i Are hereby notiOcd that there will he a DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION AT IjAFAYETTE, OX TUESDAY, JiOT. 14, 1863, .At 12 O'clock, Xoon, To eominnte a Candidate for Representative to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of tha Hon. Henry Vt arren. ; It is recommended that Precinct Meetings be held at tbe usual place of toting in the several Precincts, on Safarday, Xot. 11th, at 10 o'eloek, For the purpose of electing Delegates to the said Countv Convention. . Democrats, one and all, aro requested to come out and snow their band, to a man. LEV TV. ) vr, J Portland. . ( a. r. REicnitsBr.no, Albany. LB NEW YORK STORE. IN FOSTER'S TWO STORT BBXCZ. FIRST STREET, ALBANY I WILL YOU LISTEN TO THE TRUTH ft The Best Chances in the City ! HTJMBTJO-1 "T MI ST BE the House of ADMITTED THAT LfiyVY BROS. & CO. llave decidedly the ' BEST STOCK OF COOPS, OF ALL KINDS, On hand, which they offer at each MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES, that they can t ho purchased here, nor even iu roniauu, ior ine same ngunts mai iney ar.e Hold ing their splendid large stock at, of Dry Goods, Clothing, - Shoes and Boots, : Hats and Caps; Groceries i Carpets and Oil Cloths, Crockery, ' Paints, Oils, Glassware, &c, Ac. Votwithstanding that there is a gtoaf rise In STAPLE GQODS. ' ' We. are determined, as usual, to givp Gfcp Q3D BAmca-AXlTS And a good show to THE FARMERS TO LAY IN THEIR FALL SUPPLIES, For which they take MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE I. EXCHANGE, , They can offer better inducements than any other House this 'side of Portland, having always a Partner watching the market who does not let opportunities slip, but seizes them, in order that our House can sell Cheaper th'an the Cheapest. Albany, August 28, 1856. CAJLX AT UPTOiV'S THE FIRST- OF THE COMING week and see some nice, cheap, Cane-seat, Armed Rockers, cheep, lisht Stands, and Child's j High Chairs. NO EARTHQUAKE ! THE LOWESTPIUCES YET ! THE NEW STORE ! WITH ENTIRELY NEW GOODS I KOHN $ 1IUQTHER IIAYIXC9 just established theinsclvcs in the NEW UltlCK STOHK, opposite the DngucB (iiallcry, on Firxt street, 1M A 1.11 AN Y, OHEtJON, Take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are now in receipt of the KftST EXTENSIVE, BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE hver brought to this ldnce. which thev will sell as low as any other house. We ask particular attcn tion to our stock of GOODS, All of the Latest Styles of Dress UoodN, Foulards, i reach Merino, Ielalne, Mohair, Popllnn, Engl inn Merino, Alpaen, ftilks, MnallnN, NheetliiR, IJnenH, Itroadelothst, Canal mere, FlauuelM or all klnda. Prints American, Englisli and French, or erery atvle. ...Al.SfV,. A most Elegant) and $o?plcl assortnient of LAQIES' OLOTH QLQAKS, SAQCES, , CIIICULAHS, WALKlN'ij BASQUES, RASQUES, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. ...ALSO... HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, HAIR NETS, AND DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, HATS AND BONNETS. ...ALSO... CHILDREN AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, of every pattern and variety. . GEMS' CtOTUIXG ASD Fl'RMSniG GOODS. ' Of the latest styles, fabrics and fashions. Hats and Cans, Boots and Shoes. ...ALSO... A complete ind varied stock of Urorrrleft, Crockery and Cilaasvrar Carpets and Oilelotiin, Cutlery and; Hardware Faints and Oil. Ar. We w'H ke every species of COUNTRY PRODUCE And give for it the highest market price. KOHN A BROTHER. Albany, Oct. 1 1, 1863. X. 11. The nnmerou frlenda of S. ROSEX of the lato Arm of A. Schlussel A Co., wilt find him at our Store, prepared to wast ou his old friend!) and former customers. K. A BRO ON THETRACIU HO! FOR GREAT BARGAINS! J. H. .UPTON'S HiEW FURXITUEiE STORE I3ST XXiB-AJlSr5r- rpiIE lXIERSIG!fEn AVAILS I himself ef this method of Informing the pablie thai he baa on hand, and is eoastaatlr reeeiviaa frash supplies of tbe best quality of EASTERN FURNITURE. His stock will consist of ROCKINq CHAIRS, PARLQR CHAIRS, OFFICE CHAIRS, KITCHEN CHAIRS. BUREAUS, LOUNGES, SOFAS, TABLES. ...ALSO.. fiMim FANCY BEDSTEADS, lie Is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of Furniture, or a quality and style not to be sar paased in this Valley. Pl'LU MATTRESSES, PVLV PILLOWf, and Kept on hand and for sale at a low figure. Io one need forego the luxury of a . ") KXCB SOFT CgP, Superior to Feathers when soeh an aa can he bad for the LOW PRICE OF SIXTEEN DOLLARS! Or, a sufficient quantity of Pulu to make a bed for From m.xta Efgh.t taflar , ...ALSO.., Constantly on hand, a large assortment ft good RAWHIDE CHAIRS, I have also a general assortment p,f CABINET -.FURNISHING MATEBIAL: Tarnishes, Turpentine, Oils, Glue, Sana IJaper, Tacks, Butts, Screws, Castors, Etc, ...ALSO... r COFEIN TRIMMINGS Of all kinds, 'at lower prices aad of better quality tnan can be baa easawbero above rortland. ...ALSO... .TUBLElf IlE.OWWE WASHING MACHINE, wbicn, for aonuine utility, durability and sim plicity of construction stands justly at tha head of all the apologies for machines that have been thrust upon the market. ...ALSO... The oelob rated labor-saving, perfect-working UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER! Of various sizes, on hand and for sale cheap. My Shop and Tfaro Boons s are Directly Opposite Schlussel's old Corner Store, on First Street. Please giyo me a call, and I will not fall out with you if you should fail to Mbuy me out" J. H. UPTON. Albany, October 28th, 1865. c ash paid fbr Produce, and rrain eiorea at reasonante rates, oy R. CHEADLE. "1 RXXl?STONES, at Upton's Furniture Es- 1J tabliHliuient. augzlu llIXAIKS All Kinda, at Upton's Furniture J JSstablubmcnt. aug21tf TkO TOW WANT A NICE CHEAP JLf OT A fresh supply of Pulu at Upton's, juain sirecu jvioany. . PA TONS OF SALT, FOR SALE aVf cntap, ny j. jJiBCBKER CO (GOOD NEWS t GOOD NEWS ! THE WAR IS ENDED ! OUR COUNTRY IS SAYEtT FOREVER! RALLY! RALLY! ONEANDALL. AT THE 3ST3"W STORE OF L. STEKKBACII, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, I.V,AI,llAIwY, OUECJOilf. IIIECl LiEAVeIFo IXFO. THE Publio thut 1 have just received ono of tbe Largest and bext selected Blocks of Merchandise . . , M ever broucht to tnis fllarKci, aireci irom rew York and Kan Francisco, consisting of every de scription of ; LADIES', CHILDREN'S, GENTS' AND BOYS' DRESS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Such as Delalnen, Caahmerea, .Mohairs, CJermanta Cloth, ChenomalHS, Mcoteh Plaids, Wlneeyv DeRalse, Pepllna, 11, Jawpera, Ikrao4i Mohatr, Fonlarde, Poll De Chevre, CorsettM, Mnblaa, Ida Priese, JlerQnos, Alpaeaa NhawlN, Cloth CloaJtw, Hooda, lild C.loTett, Hoop Nklrta Breakfaat Nhawla, Balmoral Sktrrei, Collars anil Ctirfw Linen Handkerchief, Embroidered Handk'reh'fls, Embroidered Bands, Merino and Cotton Hose. Eaees of All KindsC Latest Styles Fall and Winter Hats THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISH ING DEPARTMENT CONSISTS OF THE VEST LATEST STILES OF Black Cloth Dress Costs. Black Bearer Dress Osats, Silk mixed Caaaimere Coats, Black Doeakin Panta, fancy Caaaimere Pants, Silk Blixed Cassimers Panta, Cloth, Silk aad Velvet Testa, Pine aaaimaars Salts, Overcoats of All Rinds. UXEX B. SHIRTS, FANCY OVERSIIIRTS, MERIKO AXR COTTO.VSOCKS, SHAKER FLAXXEL UXDERSHIRTS AXD DRAWERS, SILK POCKET. HANDKERCHIEFS, KID i LOVES. BiVCKSKIX GLOVES, BLACK AND FAXFT NECK TIES, SILK AND MERINO AND. COTTON OLOVES BOOTS AXD SHOES OF AIL KINDS. Also, a Good Assortment of raintii, Oils, Lead, Loolfclag Cilasse, Carpets Wall Paper, Oil Cloths, Window Shades. Curtain. Hardware, Tool, Table an Poekoi cutlery. lamps, Glassware, Croekerw, all kinds,' Groceries, Tobaeeo. And many other articles, too numerous to mention. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE of eTery description. . Come and Examine Sly Stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. NEW BRICK STORE! . 0?peaita taw Past OSca, Alaaay. L. 6TERSBACH. Albany, Sept 30, 1365. OOOD NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC ! J. FLElsCHSBa. tt. BBtsaaa. J. FLEIGCHNER. & CO. a : RE STILL T TPfIR OLD first and Washington STAND. Corner streets, AIsISAIVlT, Oregon, Where they are selling their largo and well telecled Stock Qoods Cheaper than any other House in Town. Our Stock consists of try and Groceries, of all kinds, Ready Hade Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, dee. Lamps, Qlass and Crockery Ware Paints and Oils, Hardware, Nails, Ac. Ia lap t, every fitng tho Farmer needs. All of Which we. will exchange for all kinds of At the highest market price. We would not refuse evea uasn. If Tea deal beliavo W tu fMUaJT qitcap, eal4 aaa aa. au23 J. FLEISCtntER A CO. LOOIt AT THIS! GOODS BELOW COST I SELLING OUT! TO CLOSE BUSINESS! TNTENDING TO RETURN TO the States as early aa practicable, we are deter- mmoa vo . pl,0SS OUT OUR ENTIRE NEW STOCK, Wbich we brongbt on bere in the Spring, AT BELOW COST. We wish the publio to rive ns a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we assure them we will offer bargains for Cash or any kind of Merchantable Produce. Call at our Store in Nat. H. Lane's old stand nnder Cranor A Helm's Law Office. KOHN t RICE. Albany, October 28, 1865. WANTED. Gf ftf RCSnELS WHEAT JmJJJ 10,000 bushels of Oats, by J. FLELSCHNER A CO. ROCKIITO CHAIRS. "I ALL AT UPTON'S FURNITURE ESTAB llshojeat fl got a good. nice . Rocking Csair, L.OlC PRICES wmt THE ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE!. AT COST, FOR. CASH !: -A.T J..NORGBOSSH WILL COXTI.fCE TO HELL BT' the Ounce, lound, lorh. Yard, Iont, or Basfael, At Lower Price than rai be Bcwf hi eliewhert,. " Are-you seltlnir at thst pripe,? I've just paid. more. " I snail Know wnere w ineioexi ume. - Haw can von sell at nriccsless than we see Quoted: at wbolesale?" arc the cinestias.giterjah.!tr;a Bar (or Cash from Importers,. Jfanufacturcru, and their A genu, ia tha . CHEAPEST 13ABSST! Ia ZarrQaantitles when Goads are Lew,. Enabling me to sell as they adraneo for less than I can lny at the present tihe. I am often in the market, piefclaa an barfatna- for your bcnefiti. I can give you the- GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM.. I can give yoi the LOWEST PBICE !: F ena g're yon the LATES? SY K A NO NET U00i&S. I can gie yoa tha Highest Price for WhaTotf hare to Wc&X .- I can save yoa 20 per cent va Drj CSOods,, Boots and Shav I can save yon 25 per cent, on Ready Made Clothing.. I can save you 10 per cent on tiroeeries, Croe fiery, (Slasswaro.. I can save yon 10 per cent, oa Hardware; Iron and Steel.. I can save you 15 per cent on. Mechanics' Tools, Outfits to the Santlam Mines, Thimble Boxing, TV agon Timbers, Ropes aadT Chains Mill Saws, te., de. As I get a portion of my living from each of tha above departments of trade, I can sell it, !f( prett than if I were confined to either. , Give me A Share of Tear Patronage, And I wiil give yoa LOW PRICES FOR TXZS TXSZSS.'. Without another word, ins come, ladies and old and young, to the Store of aa23 J. NORCROSS. PRonsioarsTOBE h. OLirra. a. t. waaasis. OLIVER. &, MARKHAW. - ALBANY, OBEGON. lffcVW0l'LI CALL. ATTENTION to the fact that we have bought out. J- 4r. Bently in the aROCIIY STORE Qua Boar Teat of Past OSee And. we shall keep constantly on hand a general tortaienj o FAMILY GROCERIES! Which we will sell As Low as Any Store la Tewa. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited.. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. of tha heat assortment and qualities always oaha4v 17 USA's? STQSS. . OUTER I MARKHAH. Albany, Bepmher 30, 18C5. . ALBANY FOUNDRY . AXD raACHIRIE SHOP ! We ar Prepared to Famish WROUBHT-'AND CAST IZZ'A W7X Of every description, on short notice. Alee, BRASS CASTINGS. . Will he aed with dispateh, aad in a saUsfaetorf manner. IQCSE POWERS asa Aricvilltiral lmpleizients M as ofac tared to order, and partieaJar Atteasioa " paid to Repair. j.;. All kinds of done to order oa short notice A. F. CHERRY, JOHN EAST. Albany, September It, 1965. JUST RECEIVED! Direct From the Refinery I 50 IIF BARRELS SAN FRAHV Cisco Refined Sugar. ALSO 100 Kegs Syrap; which we are eelltef: very cheap, " t vt vrannvrn i. nv Albany. September 39, 1S6. . STII& ox the conwem R. CHBADIsB'S CASH STOIU3 la tha plaea to save money t where vou can haw goods at Small Profit. Bo rare aad eall, and tea for yourselves. aagU R. CHEADLE. , , ai., NOTICE! NOW IS A GOOD TI5TB TO SETi tie up. We will take WHEAT and OATS at tne nigbest Cash price, on all aeeountt aaa 1 or cash will do jmst as well. auZS - J. MLKloVnli&n m VU. WAITED! 1000 exchange for Chairs, 4c, by aug21tf OF WOOL, ia Furniture, Bedding, J. H. UPTON. ATTENTION! YOU WHO HAVE BEEN WANTING Chile dren's Chairs, call at Upton's Furni ture Store and get them. augtltt If yon want Salt Cheap, or anything else in the grocery line, jast dome along aa4 aet it. for I will selL R. CHEADLK. DO YOU WANT A NICE LARGS Cherry or Black Walnut Breakfast or Dining Table 7 Call at Upton's and look at some. A Good wagon-yard for the benefit ef those who trade with ate, is always ready by R. CHEADLE. BEDSTEADS, A superior quality at augtf UPTON', CASH PAID FOR WHEAT AND OATS, by J. FLEI5CBNEB CO. augziti V