The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 09, 1865, Image 4

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ion j
THfe M.UWKS'N Ditl.iM.j
A rostle hwM at on the liny,
I' (id or HQ npl'lo lro t .
Ana tho oiin nf ilso utimuu'r day,
Chinned with her rwvcry.
Tb muMe eftlie Mower' (icytlie,
TUe rriwkvt tin tlta .tl.
The hint mof, -vcr wret mnl hUlli.
llrentht'd through Ui-r musing 11.
Ohl would I wrn a ltljf fair,
In iaMle by the mn :
And I'd it tvn.t d renin the Hvelonsr tlnv,
While the wave should Miik t.t me
"Td dnm thut fairy ki!r should Inuil,
'NVath my enMlt! liy lit., sen.
Tu bear me wy from the Rulilm fttramt
Aty lordly knight nod tun.
' Tn pUeo grand on another idiero
We'd ipi uiy kui;ht mid I
And wis'd hviv lt lower more.
While the buiirs of li'V (Ww by."
. 80 the ran Hon (reaniej. hut dreamed aloud,
A tlrt mower heard.
As he Kto'.)ed t watoh a uiitij rloud
Aud ha aucaervd thin hold word i
PUy, then, that the Ireeie in the grand
eld trees
I the mnriunr of the tea
And, faith, thou at a maiilen fair.
As any queen eould he.
Play I'm thy knight, f.r 1 love thee well
As any knight e,iu lo
And I'll he jj llire. nn l.,tn;ti.. rmi tell.
How hrnve and good and line.
"There are Mmthm hriaht on eaeh fair cheek,
1a thee hid me stor. my tale?
Or shall I tell r a eottn-ce meek,
'Neath an elm tree .rnd and hale?"
The maiden Idushed at her dreams nmir,
But said, nor tried to sigh
. 'IVfrotbcr and ever we'll ho
While the hours of life Hit l.y."
She eared nv more for the castle grnn.t.
The silver waves ahove i
The maid hud found her heart's demand
In the yeoman's honpt love.
Corxv " K' os ths Kamvaok. A let
ter from h member of Co. K' Oregon Vol
unteer, tatioued at Port Colville, inform a
us of tho arrest, un a warrant tf the justice
of the ponee we presume, and examination
iwfore such justice, of Captain McCown, and
4f his beiug ordered to give $o00 Unds to
keep the peace and to appear at the next
court to answer for assault with intent to kill.
The assault wan committed outside the mili
tary pout and while Capt. MeC, was play
ing the eituon, we suppose.
After judgment of the court, 'tis said the
Captain walked out t the court room delib
erately denmmeing Uio court, and refusing
to cive IxMtd. (Where was the nhorift' or em
Btable?) He w-eut home to tho Forthap.
peoed out in the village a f,w dava afler
warda, w aa artHvted lv tho sheriff and posse
and lodgeil in jail. T"ho under ofiieera of the
Companj heariug of onlered out a s.iuad
of men, man-hod t the jail, ordered the
aheriff to let the Captain ooino out, which
leinft refused, they jnvurol axes, cut down
the door and took their Captain home with
them. Quite a gallant et of mn and of
fieera, those of Co. " K'' are, to 1 sure,
thwigh there may be aomedouht f the trjai
iy of the proeetvl'ings. Astoria tJaaotto.
We are are glad to see no Hepul.ltean
journal in the State honest enough and fair
enough to imply connre for such outrageous
conduct on tho part of tho military. The
opposition orjpms usually approve such nets,
r else refrain from publishing them.
The Spartan- Bam. Tiio Washington
correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial
makes the following exjHwe of the new- se.
eret rsditieal oaganizatnn denominated the
"OnlerofS. B :"
There has Iwn considerable mention of
tne existence of a secret political organixa
tion, called tho 'Order of the S. Ii. ' or
' fl ... '
1 'C.I TTTTT TtltttH -T ' 1
to uavo met any fonner exposure of it. The of the order is set forth in a circular,
Itn ""riti'W, bv the X!
tional Canrention of the onlcr, which it
"oenis it seems met in this citv on tho. Nth
day of June. It app,ra'the S. 1$. be,
lievA in v-i.i, ; ,
The TronIl In Vli'Rlulii.
Tho Overlnml tlispntcIit'M iul'ni
that no(withftrtnliusr the Ktiin;ciin'iMi
l:ition eiifVirccd it- Virginia, it is found
ininwi1ilo tii check or subdue tho jirit
of the people there. We prnpuxo tov.ivo
our vendors some idea of the " ivji-tila-lions"
imposed on thut Huplc. umi to 1 c
correct, iu Abolition csdimiitioti. as to our
authority, we extract from the New York
Tribune. It. pves (ioncral Order No.
77, issued by (Jen. A. II. Terry, from the
Headquarters of tho I Vpardixnh of Vir
ginia. June 'Jod, ttabdhiwa:
The laws of the Stnte of Virginia, and the
ordinances S Uio did'erent - mutii.-ipnliiies
within the Stale, Imxing especial vc icr.'n, e
to, and made to restrain the p(rsoual libertv
of free colored person; wore designed for the
government of such persons while living moid
apopulutiou of colored slaves, they were en
acted in the interests of slave ow'ueis, nn.l
were designed for the secnvilv of slave pro
perty i they were substantially jns of the
slave code. o
Sla very has been alsdished in Virsina, and
therefore, upon the principle that win ie the
reason of the law ceases the law itself coisc,
thee laws and ordinances have l.e.mio ol.
solcte, People if clor will henceforth en
joy the same person afTihertv that other citi
seits and inhabitants enjoy; they will be
uhjoot to the same restraint and to the
tune punishment for crime thut are iuiotHcd
on Whites, and to no oUiera.
Vagrancy, however, will in ! be permitted :
neither Whites iwr H'ncks can be allowed to
abandon their proper Ocviipnttons, t i desert
men (itiiiuics, or roam in laienes aitom this
lei.iirttnent : but neither White tone llhi.k.
will be restrained from seeking employment
elsewhere when they cannot ol.tu-n it with
iu.t wmiensatiou at their hoiacs : nor from
traveling fi-x.m place to place on pn-per and
icKuiinaio iiiisuiess.
l.'ntil the civil tribunal are reostabbho.l
the administration of ci-iruinal iustiee mnt
of iHVHHity, 1h by military court", beli rc
such ooti'rts. the oCnTotico of colored ienin
wm no receive! in nil cases.
By command of Maj or-tlen. A. 11. Terry.
After Itavin-;, by this jungle order.
wiped out all l-ivvs and ordinances d' the
State, abolished slavery, and established
negro ctjuality. instituted imlitarv courts
to try all offenders, and taken upon him
self tho administration and interpreta
tion of tho laws declared in force, it is
singular tht (Jen. Terry did not mieeood
in preventing all causes td' tr.nibte, in an
open way, at least, throughout his Io-
partment. lhe Pespot d' Russia never
issued a more absolute or cruliin, ukase
aOv. ransavs sdi:i is.
Ucmiirltttlilc Speech the lro I
hloitiil fioriMr !' South 'nroli
i tit ...The KaillcuU II n if tiu-glit
AitotlMM' Tit it or.
Ceil, lb F, Perry of South Carolina, who
VMs l iiely appointed Pl-oiritual tioveVllol
of South Carolina, i i i l. u i ei:i:ii -Jfabb epeerh
at (i-cciiil!e C u;t lli.u in w'jrtt Suite, on
the.Tdof hi-I .Inly, from whhji vc copy the
exlraet riven below. iKVtJpp'ivcot that
President .l,doi'nii is altei.V;s:' the policy
esssred bv Pre.-idi'tit T lor ijVfcH f biiilditu'
Up for llil:le!f n p-cnt p-.o !;, out oTtjiii 1'ciil
h ralie party nod 'the t j.posili-oi. IToi!l
fail more f it-i-ally than-Tyler fi'l'-d. The
IVt..-ruts w ill M-.f t-tt .I,:iti atiili, be au-"
ofh'n shnmclevs bclrnynl of tlieirpriiH iples,
his ilii,us, ml.itrury ;e !s v! i!,.
lioveinor of 'I'cniH-ci , end his itnti-Pein -eratie,
nneoiistilu!i..nil, and pricri.plitc
course since' he li!Wi ei jed iln IVcd itiitl
chair. The Kadicals of his o.mi j-nrty v ill
no 1..U-.-.- Mipp-.i t him, lecine of bis failure
to adopt Ihe full meiisure of their funul t-itl
policy; end liiinu bo will have only the
Perns, Miarkcys, Wc'Uc. nud his other
Pl'ovisi'Kial'iois, witli th Hhtirs mid
their i!k, t. r.-.lly c round nud i-io tain him.
If is iioti-w-rthy tiie!. President Johnson
appointed Sr. Perry IV ovtsiooal craor
kind, fl.-e slid I iiliht. ii.-f nr.- imt enimhle of ;..
iiiiIim; Hi.-mi-1viK. 'Tliiit tle-T miiHt hiivt' a t.iti -t
r, a mi!i i, ,i il,,. i,hiiM. t Ui,, ,. M,,io. li, to
oy.-in thnu, who l-.m ii..i ,i,v(. i. urn, h n uno i.r
lllllU HS till- hlMllljllM, M,J,.,-H. II -Oil
i:--v. item-ill n oui.i uiit, !-,.t.,.lM,i in the Hoiiih,
uiiil (lit. chl). of K'i'li! v. Mi K iniil.-r wny levn'n.
e mii In- ii-ui. !t of il,,.. ). i.i,iitv of it (inlili
fio, jo iiot.l, , i,.r,.,i,ia Hlste i-vi'l'i
Staillj fnifliini me I l l,,,, ,v, i-i,, tJo,f.,-..
mo- hiive In i ii n.pi inl il hiiI, ii vi,.n tn ll.t
Itlil.ll i.lfilil Uli..i!A U (I,,.,,, f-,;.,-,(, 'J'lli.4
ti-.l lii'-n if lie. i:. ,s.,i,i(, Cur .linn, li:iu tic- !'"-
ill hH If Ul-t VI I i.ivt'll l-llllirit,,,! ,, ,,,,lfllnl.,l, III
il'i ir illii:ii.- t n t,.p, t .,.ir l. .;iiiiii f I"
ll: l lill. ll Wltl -I.. A tot llii, H .lulu. 1,V (III-
ft-.j !--, in l., li .riiiimy i, 4, inl li.-i., u I'rnt i 'iniinl
U..cin..r wi'l I..- i.vp- iiit... t, v Piv.'itJi nt. ivllli
o.. r t-t i-ittl n,.-i,ij ,f ,, Ht,,!,., ,.r ihe
i'.l)'i.. ,.(' r. I nni.i( H,p 'oii-.iiiiti.oi innl itl.-lt-li-in!!
iIjU'it. W h ii il,U h .Inn,., .,,! (lie (' itMilii
i ii.ii ncpriivc I I'v t'.in-i, (ii.. iO,i ill I,.,,,!
L.,-d t.i rtiiiMf it -r ((-,ii..i, li;.Mi i . iv.h'u.l
I i. inn. 1 It i I'.'t'f'.o will tlf -l ilu ii i.i. inl.i iw 1. 1
tin- l.t'cisln'mt-, mid govern ;.t-(n-. !c i u tln v
!n. 1. 1 it. Iihvh ii..! ,.. ' in t,, ; ! ; i , r v iilith .-niiii-V
Will l. Vi!l..'tH ll IMidl'itil ."0. liii' ml t-.Mi l.-..
In Neil!. I'loi.liii.i , 1,,V11 4 ,,. uHnM-f.l i ,.r iie iiili.-rs ) ll..'f,,iv,.jti..n ttlm vtr.i,!.-K-il
ti.tiMis il.,-, ,. ,,u., . (,u , ,. ,, - t Tin.
fiim. f.iiir.. hiil I... (.i,,,,,,.,) ., (u, siutfs. 'I h
li.llt f-.llll,,, 0. Hit IVHI.lf. Will 1.0 t );lllulfll ,y
'hu 1 liituic t-IHicli f'dilt...
OltliltK IHs KOIIH.'M.
liven II . trace lirec!,
iri diugu-,eil will
the military Uri-iiny ol Stanton, II. .!!, Co.
In a Into nu-n'li'-r i.r th-Ti 'lame. In- vis;
'fit. n-r lu-isijj t.vr -tii-t iv -hul l-miu hn
lit. I I'.ir nc !(. mi l ii.. i, iu!i tti t urtii 1...;...
TIIK VM I ( AlllOI K H Alt
Oiteiilnx of IIohIIIM low iijfnlnxl l
ttoiuuu iWhoiicsi - Nuccplfc
liiirnoM iiihUo ueniiisit IIm"Iii. T
iiy Jtt'ttilist.y. th. r.,i.r,,it,,it .'!l.. ir Itonu!. 1
i). vir rt wilt, I , tU.. t it .I
'.t,. .iltilO H'lil I'i mi-Imii, I, I.
fir ll.t-J:,
t-MH ititllicu Hi, I
e nv ill ttiiu ( i rui l-t tlo. toitiii.titv el t it; l
.-'!'.! rt n-i .mr I. t n f.ii.iiii.t. fn
I!' .!.i:lC (.. ill r! I hi uf 'Jit. t.l i il-T tif i,l
of South Cnrolimi (, !. ,.,., , ! '"! !"" Pt"M'" m.i tl... . I- r ..fimr mi!
this extraordinary speet-h, lbre lire tin
Mu. t II UiiMi- : This tn'.i-t m-i-iin"- ,.f Id..
itinit i f Oi '. ,n ii1 i, on. i.f ! ti l,,.n.,l,..i; ,,..i !
rnw. Ac 1 hi. I l.!.i...l v nr Imn rmcot vcr
tin: Hniulii lit Ktti.'tt. Otic inui.lo-.I vi.l fifty th iii
n I 1 ,.,ir lino, -ft Hint isioiit !'!l."Ht ii!t:i hi. vt
tiOlen mi th... IkU t.-r l. iUlo. Tin. 1 ni I is i!, :
wi!!i tiKiiniienr U,ij u,u ciotoow. Tl.
Tho ('('llnwitl; fi-oni the New Yi'
IMcllioilist tiipiii, will jrive Hmtio idciij
tho i liMriictcr o' llie frusndo nlnriil In
.foM'i-ucil apiiiisl Callinlicirtii and Cntf
nlics in AlncfisVi ; '
licceiil liilliil.ers nl' the ('ntind'mll pit jut
in form us that the IlcV. Mr. ('aincroit
I'rolc.stant clergyman, who has piitieiU
ci-lliiiii liot'iiicl'v fur his irenl m behalf
I lie. rebels, sunf who recently ullraiS
!.'( Iieiiil ittli ulioii by openly os iresiij;
joy over I ho a;-a':siiial ion of prcnitloj
liiticolii. Ice, been received into the Iboiii
Cal Indie i huii It. Tlie H.itne tep, it, js
staled, Ikis bci ii ti.Keii ly l'r. lUa-ubuj,
vv ho is iinv; uinl
lii-ndifh p!:'ti
infected raws, the yellow fever tutu N."W
Vorh. Lieut. V'niiii, also, the iliii.-rof
ihe Wrui'.nt ti'iiii-is and bank rolil.jrs.
has declared that he is uttcily di.-.-.d: 4v I
with Priitcs'aii.tii in. utol has u ducjlc-d
fireforence for i mum it Catholicism. 1 1 p.
Si'rraU, vvhuB.j hoiiso was the rcndon'mm
of the assays in -ibu s i f President liinrl'i,
and who swore, when .liei house y.nt
se.-ii'i llctl, th;t the did not hti'.w P.Jno,
111 1 t t
ury umuieut he win within fdlit ui1i r,
r ia:d hfn! been a rc-'iilar viritol" of the
Till: Al I. W II TN AtlIti:NH TO
nut ir.Aror.
Mr llllh? n lenpt.t, tletii'it di-srer to lies
'l liini ii Jil'h. latum ti:ii-t ? """"'l ; j
T!.,..,.rl, ...,...,' II l.lll-i t!Sr tO.S flllH! Wil t ll'l K""'4
(l-' t'nf iii " Knlilr-e. y(
.tlrsi. .Iliiry H ii Mitt.
.1 . .. U 11.
Tho eol.vicHon l strenpnrn.i.-,
,. , i-...i.j.,k1.j il.-it Mrs. Murv
iL'tit ! rw' ui"t v , .. .'
if,iMl.y Unit rttlli' U'i'.m t loi.iiiaioi .o.-Jo.
While tin- tll iinltnr.l i' li';H 'i- Mis "f hi t nn.
Till Has ml'tr is iiii-Iioii"I'-"' I"
My lilllt lintwii tf,t'"t hi r i isniv
U' liiieii-nnl j'iy t'.( ill J- h'.i"'iu l-rian Hilih.
Wlitn, lik'.t tfte, ml tnnud frit it. iniM and
And iirt MM hmis'-r n'tt" I" 1i:i"d ten In l iit',
tn t It V lilt!" hi' Jctllf, W'-'d Ml"i t tie- lt."i',
Wi' ties Le d "f l.'.ai I nn"l ipi'i!- "O-1
I'll i-t-t a we (l.iwt r. a JK-rfptit ho lrt-!Miiri'.
Wtiilk to h'"'V and t" writnh wiHavo !. etfaniir'-,
ft, ii curlier fit" suns in my lt.w cue wt-f.
M y liNlc r l.iijb, thr !'Kt dti s fhiill In-'.
.1., . I ..A...! O.l
I. - - ...,. ...
I- u . . ;, "iif ii n n v 1 1 .in i n i. -i i y ti
j,!,,. murder ot Mr. fjiiwdn, and if l.ol
not l en .'M-. tlt.-.l ill -iei I't flU'I Mut
i h:uO, i v. ..ub! b r.c Is"1" mad'! tilAlilfest to
ithc vw.rld ' ll-.erv t!oi in her per w ami
M hlilie t r r-p.lH the hhl hrit fit VlM i'HVB
;l-iif. her aid t- !. ntrM ioiW detsj. I loj
V,-i.-l,iln.'.n corn pondciit ot tWi voirniicr- fiiiyn till lb.; Hi tif !
" She, v. ntl.i n of Cntholiepftrwir--jfo, and
iv ii'c ili-ttii'iied for it eon vein.
v. a. in ( it
Vhe'urew np r-i vid in pi'.'iy and birkiijo ".
i,I,.i-iSW: !' n Si-'inUH duty. MiHiiid Imriio
Imt Tht y Hay r l'eli Other.
,,.f WiJlia"fiisoiii. editor of !i
. " t . ,''. . . . i i i'i i.. r ' i - j -'ii, ii ,
ider tiial for t-.u t i vii! tt-J j,i;n(.in. thus
of iinpmiimr. by nn ansid j , , ,.
',, . . IIim character of
I'l.-ihit-lc s life, but. never" mini ? Ineims nny-
j where, Jf i o Wn-i not coM lU.d rcjs-IlHIlt,
i.h - vtu. at i' .-t ,', '.-''" 'umi t'4 ymljfap-
f.nnirltl-il . Jl r I little' Hill
!,(, . 4 v.-i-n- t i;.Au.ii'(ct. As a inankn.
York Iiat-h, ami a lca-lm Abolilioii j!.i(4, .t,,, in,,,,, -pom ; o4 it ife.
'csfiroes Iii "pmioii of sho .e.-as nt lis" ln-ifl " lion, t;Ot rt
, i ' e .1 1 . ineilht-l a w old lior n brawler J lis) U ffiOther,
.Uio- meinber-, ol . the la-r v dot. '! to h-r children,'
la'iiilattirc, who were of h'o. own oliti'-.d ... !,.,, ,!,. t,..ii;ila up in Iciii-btfilusiou
f - iimd r't-i r i.';ir! for t. utholieisii ( aiaiieijfh-
H,r'l"': ' u .r Jni i U iiitirn'O-ics, but j'-ive j-eadily
A ml now the fi'!s!utt:ro of our present tijo IHir at,4 uAy a-s a t'atliolk:, sh
vviititi" is iletmrtintr to lie; sha-dei, which jwns tonsiarit, in housom antl out rf aettson.
eamiot bo Idlickr r tint! Its rejitlUJllon. o nt-r r' n' unut., rmim iiii r,uTi.i.
We hV well -debased political bo.KcH be. pirel ,,nd. -iamJiug! tl.W, (ftnd. Hiid her
.. ... , , ,. 1 , ii- , ,.l.,n oraMis with fer no'l l!npa--.'ned reeling,
lore th.i ; ase.nbbcs, pa I. r,.;r,,t) ,
cu!i;:tt-.fVMlnp,oI,ed C110tnittees; v t b;. Ve .. f ( jtj. ; irtflier of
seen Colirmotl t'oiimil ' I tl! LT nud bliltcd I, ,.(,,, ,; ; tl.,, 1, .h,,ll
l.-Kl OCVer seen lillil. While lit the i,. ..ill., col o.tnj :imi leilt-iiiel-iii.t ......... ,,i.'-., t ''l, il,. .,iifl. ljit
.... i t.i .... ...i. n . v " . . r, ..,'..,..-.. . ,",'. r."
Plica ftIi pt.w-wows; t"f v" mu-r vrt - iai.0vvc4, i.f.'ivi u r tier iniujtraf-e u inouif)
yxi mm linii'l of irritiln", ji'lirii;i
lvii-c since pi i.i u.iiy, is n lietn-
I i..i-.ii r. r tin- tiiti'i.r tloviiieoiM. t f "ii.m'iuU ho Hoin.-.u Cut Indie ihiti ch.juid i r,..(( -W in eh
III K'i" ll. .1 il... O. I. ... .. 1 i .1 : I I... , 1 . la 1 I- I ... i . . . ' ....
mil 1. hi nt) tin it
1'itf in piiv h-ii,!,. tmith ti! 1 t,t- l',,l..tii.,., nil lil.ii.
t i- ii.ive li nl!. lioi.i pt iliiMn,, i.l'Mili'iiiy
.'Mt O-t'" t!(ri,u:d-iiiii I l.t.-, fttM I'.nir i-hk, i.s
rt a-.'ii..,l,V MU. !,i iu l.n.1. sai'it r iiiorv lii.H,
And, ki .--i." nt Militinr t- imi im,l !... .
laiiir-d l kcri. trcascii yu l.-r. r h. ;t;!v ni.hel.l
t i i . . '.. . ....... .
s-src-t ly a i ',!. Jt there h',, i, . w. .,,-. , ;;' "' V t t ' "' ' ''I . "o-.t siimim-lm-
, I i' ll'V IU'l'llil'
ha- Ja en accustomed to n (u conl'r. i.ui
! every other week. It is said that alna-
ritYc'J jit ti-n , "( f.iKiii ri, 'i n'f ""
'in', in, I 'it liji'.ina ii :i't iif '.i--'.ii i i ' hu t ..-'.mu.- '..
in i- i ttuif it 1 !. Mho or'torwl th ways of tier house-.
)li i'l wilh vip.r, v.ns known ny i.ur, iew-jr
!K ,ns .-dib- fO'-mliers of her own fal$i, ial.
k'-ri f ttt Cii?!io!i; and Hoiitli
hit i. r ...iit. i, ,-, i ,.1... 1,11 t it..,, i t.,i. , i ,.,:i,;, hvo l.mai st.,t I v .,.i,ii...r.i I " r '."' " ', '' "c. ""J'-v. ""!-mr ,.',. .imo predouiinaiitlv hotnati Catholic.
-i8o,h,sWm, a.;.i no-i:;:;',:,:;, mu,,? ,.r xvw Y,-k
cHlod i,,m ! liive it r..r i..ih1..ils,.f ,!vt.,'l..,-k ell I.,. !,;..,,,( mil !,tr ,t tin, r,.r!hi I t!i:,t '' T'l Would haven Huolhilio
h, . vui , ' ' 'irjl-'UH lnea.,,,! bilu.,!;,or, il.t-M..,;.,-. I ,-poU thetlt. U.IU lUVItdl I
'..u,,l.-r.n r,ies .H.f.,,..v the eouiitl,-. 1 hy n- N..l v, inn r. I'-.e-',' tho hVro. !nrr ..f Wur ill "V"ni !'i,n- W,,i!" ",ir ''
7 .... - oi , ( ..v t( , V; il l , , . i Ii( -..),,.,,. t , t-. . . : . e m v . s.i-t.jk . . I ..II . I ............ . 1 ,, .,
i - i , . i it nni,,Mi!i or it if i-i a iiiiifi-ii-.i i in nil tifii t: nn lining 1 1 ;im iifi'ii
jortiy of all the u-n-sins are Itouuui (kth- j ,(( .,., )rit,sr tliM iotrh.iw s.- ion of j Ill!l!f,n,. u vrmm shn made iw'emrdaif.ts
n l.ej;ilatitrc noon ( thank II civi u to b- oooe I ut vi ry civil words to the guard
iusti ratois of the Moody lio.'S in ' ,.( ,?, t ... hr.i- irifumxt AsvHililn,tfn !aiol officer, thi ,h cffo!4 slo dislilayed
New Yik. in wen; known t be! ., . l:i.:i:,, iliw,,,- t hau,rf, bravado and i:o ins'.hwe wn atrst
that 1 1 ti' t i a. ..,... . .1, ,.,,.,,: t'OUxd w tt), laintiiets. but met her ' law Tth
; (ill I'll IK I'tt Ml I'f 1 , , , II., . - !,M int"v
'I with every wind of ird!
Jubb. lOi'll 1
ail civil .r'.Vfrtotit nl ami n.i'iiit s .; V,,. ,lltl.
neitliiT law m.r cr.'er. 'l io-if it ,t .itf(e;iiuii hir j
liftf, lilicrtv, ir J.r. in it v. Krcrvuhvr" lint.- Is .1.- !
ninotiir.vli.iii. in;, int. itt. ituudi T. lit ti t r;id ' biv ii...ii u". And uo He :.. t n. h j
di.yrafi-d toid suigaitated M-.d t j,-t tinti tiesi
oei.)mr.r to nl!.i cur hv-t vi-'ii!-. j
Sir. ( iiairman, I mi',1 he,,, fn.Mklv ssv, si I hsvv i
"I tin e .ittU ;
I, iii In, Mil'
in. i- 1 -I"! ?
V'jhI W.-M 1'
jit f'llVf. t ?
.1. Wi;i t!i,ir c ;t r it w-tivrlr nnd iu the tf-
j I . I,,,,. ....,. .... .- - . . .
M man m tiu. I iiOd ht,o i,,. i uiUt. Uv ,,. r, .vjb ,!.,,,1rjIi , ,
.l.--i(y ".?'vtttd ,.-.-u, t.f tl., N.H1, ' ht-i h j. Whit wid i t. (he prtthalde rfTcet -f ,..
tM.c 111 .a I .!.- ,.t tl. i.n.mi.i; (. i-,"l.i . ill!f ,hl.v, ,.,.,, , ,ie ,, , ,)H, . -u
tiu , aad there ,s ,t m lh H-mi.;er . 1,,,,.. , ,, ,t.W aI.j Brrili(tm,,
,h, s!,C,r M,r! ,,t.",. !'. '.u,.,l,at,BiP.r,,i,1.-! ,, tll t,,Vt-,tcs wide!, ar the 4.;
j i-' ; " 'i 1 ""y '"' " t';e n. id n ..r - ti).-.-i . wi,
1 i n.l i. i.t . in 111"!), Itli-I 'llslll, l lit inn, 1,'Or v.l ul..... . ,.t 1
in- l f.i . , , , 1, ., .. Wl. 1 .m is tl.. portraitnre ot tt Woman Uie
1 ' lilaviii" with in.fcs 4 un'i e Io.iV wnii , . .. , ' . , . , - .
toj luMi iArue a iaune-
m piety, was f auuous
maloritv iiei-J as tiio Met ansj tii -' t . ;F, he;- t.;!;wu -inl circumi.eet in her wava.
fll-isa lh locre octcbiite of tbievili" ojTiee- i ,iri.! liv d i n ridireinent nnd siiw but' few TfO-'
Ihdiit'i 'Mubreotis, which they can hook ft unyj;.' "" ,, t . '' , . " ... , . - - I. i. it- tif.ii it .is'ijed sti
addiess tim; Web held a nominally JlepuUi-i,, y.r,.f ,Vt!, i,,rv,i,t i
testat! inaioritv held as the jact and wi ted U-;.f, b,. tiue asid cir,
Vurla Martial l itic hn-li In 1 I i
I- ilur;i!it.-i ist tii.-f I'ctiri re-
j irit.iito tint Is H hiv t.f tc vr.-st rtv.
than (iencral Order 77, nnd never did i r-i.ict;i t ii .,. !,. i ,,i
- lii Hit fit t.
te c ! I iti
! ll;ittitlji
ttt'-UI Ifi-lc
i it. in.; I w-r in- .r ttiiuc'iti' ;i I .'!...'. ere en i lirn-titttilil
irrsM-v... I ins. fir. i ail, .1..1 . .1 !...;.. 1 . . . . '
. - . .... , .. . .. ...... .. , , ..,i.ii: 1 'u' 1 1 i',r 11 ri''
mn' Irrnnl t.,ui i,p (...,. ;.... It 1 . ' " .. ' " e .. . . "eoi..- 1
V V ""'"v ...V....V. iii.-tiiv-. it, h,,-,,,,.. Tln-v r- tiiittiiliiiir t-. mitt.
i iii ocli t.r tm r. l-i V.'i' no.i.l el ii ni..iii..iil..t.a ...
J v 1 - '"""in, wiini,.. kit;- uii iiong t-t miili.. He. ,,'..1, ;n o , , , n - . - 11 C l l -'-from ete j orfc, tn rrtf r r-- yt vasn ; - ......
in-one to a Hufferiiijr, wretviied ! -" W - ' Many ! U-lt t., t.,,'. ZXZZ ,rTn7t"VT$ Vm M'A "i" Vh wi,J' JmUitui. f; of ihnr ,,m i!;j irl.J 1,;mml 'kw Iedrk
V?t h.h' ,1 ;.l o 1 ' i"Vw ' o.the,iu..-,a'.ct,ifV.-rfl!. vT..,,,,t., l,Wvcr h,,,M tl , ,1 The Herald and Visitor, of Chilidc!-,. , Jrk'e wvrtth, U!r, uirwan t,nl?V mM"1?' ,Ut W,U er
let, My thetr losses and pnvatums ,1.1 a.uh.B t.-r atn-r .i.e. .n- caammevd. ln-s9 ,Cjivp,T ,, ,,, , t.. s, n .-,1 ., X (phia. ucl htW so violent ami ftl.,- , , Z, IL L'eL.f ,,,? "" '
Wlrouoht apparent that A " b.aV ' r:,,-r, ,,t ma,. months,
they are. not abject ami base enout toiffh-Msml ih-;ir ..e. I h- o- u .ah. tu ; ;!. ,.t ,t ,t ;, i,.,. ? .oist ii,.'in. V . ,h bislinps, utol had tobe tlmeotitinueil. AVretehts.! traitors, pcu-iy f-tjilin-t LrVP the li.llowir. m .rr" a amW of iimi-
4 u unit in l-.yully fup) iirtin;; Ihe ! j(0,( t J j,, v,.r t;( ,. ,,f uW 't k. Who 1 pie. It is dmittcd thstt i!i was humane
. t . . . c . t , . . i . . . " . ". . , 11. 1 . . ! - ... .1 a ....... 4 - J" 1
((overiimeiit. the treat tmiinritv of tlietu U.....; u u.;,l,..,,t" ,i;.,,L. -;il. b. imel kind to the isKr, unl devoid of LravMa.
"J.eaL of Iho attitude of tho Krcvwau'rf jflimj,ioi.t v;i !iJ off 'the y.W ;,f,.l bubj ,' litf,l,H; -?'!!' ? . ' T' W T
f'lt. tl!- Hrs.i.; I'l irillll, l'f, ill Ml
veen-iits, I. is tcrtiuiony to Iter ' fnrno
louriial ami the Me'ri.tmHian llccord, ofh,,, , .,f i,,f,;Mi ,,,,r.s i,i:.l -.,h-1..m v ere !,,! ''"'"'
t.;, voi 1 1 '1 ... i . - . ' ., ;ts; iiio
1 nf ,11,
iioever Uas re.-nt a tew nuui-!.... 1
oers 01 mi tier, ot thesu pennyieaiH, esp- ji,,.,
ciaily tlie bitter, will have m-cu that, it 11
paper here in the North wishes tho piic-ec-s
of the rebels, the overilirow of the
lend.. intirrM tion nfid revolution, nnd the
njfjit for like po.rpori-s , ia thn
is-r. Iler reJixuxw -iifessort Ui vwilota
aoibti s of Stnth rn mei ketfi. ; she opened her w t.ole hc;trt, is also soleiwily
We liave F'.i-n tin; "mciui, wrvik-, r:"tsji-; unprcsse-bw ijjj ihe iuw Isdief. Tius. eti-
inj? ot I tiion con.slit- j'tcneo it.;moit was jriven t.y two men,
tieats offwrmu' their Mttlo iiifliwneo. t the ;hoia the tboerftmeiit sfmrl upon thr.n-
eiiso of the m-
at in. t i-.i',.i!e '.riees, i
removal, by f orce. of tlm JWuleiit twice jU!t a. ,,u,r;,i ji-h w ts pored and t ried
on thfct thes' would testify naiiiht tdhjrs.
It wi-.s in i.'inifv rt.'.e( ts iiniirobableandon-'
! tr IW t' rv, tTid would not Lav availed much
V ",v l-'l-'-r Jb.r sale 111 .itiiriiuy m-t.t Mniu 01 ?nr lhft,,Tf, af- int,.n. (nt r or !4t(Wrc ,inJ Yxh.
.poken tl.ore to the po,t than the-e tw.JuWl. t v,.n,jPrs of M-l ellit 1c-. -l'.-''iunnl i;n organize I to convict.. Ko ti.MM
bd. Ihe Kouiaii- ( athoiio pcviodicais ; llisf th e n'., tan ,u ...,, i xh en h-r to prcpa.c JW death, or fir. her
hav" dsstiiirriiishcd Ui Midve.s by fnetious .,. ,,.., ut,.-.;.tl:,. iidhU-iun I friend intere' de in her behalf with the
uu'd violent 01 posilioti to the t i over niileii., ) .m 'f'. ,'i,it- it, ,,rth , t ,r( truxff i-'; and the terrible tragedy 'was em-
crouch before the man w ho undei t.s.k
play the master over them.
I'iil" r ll,j" cJftOih. i.lH flu II. C. ftu.l lit leu l
1 ; ' . 1 r u i-iiiitu n . v i.i-i.t-o una i!ice r.i mill Ui
t ml.. ' t.t'4 eoi.t. ," Mud i.Cn-iul l.uM!i"l). h
0 , llicv voitld si -t uUitf '. utfikf fitrltil.c;-. n linvi rii
If ihey ha.I '-' , . ,. , . th t em, i.u '.,,,,
j im;i, i innn, mtf 1 o.-i-r j:iri : l;)c tvnr H t . rii,.,. ),v il ;,v
tr.e jwiierin ; etn.-.i mat i v. rv .e-s tryiUK l. t ..m ..t ,,, vh!i( i ,,,.,,,. v
wreck II, .v brt.l bronobt ..' ..oiiin.,.,...! i ' "''""f ." " . ' " - t:l,a r, i,ty sn-iy..
, ... j ' i wake anv a.;ri!ifs to Uu s.t. W iu-ii .':,. J..
saved mthine else
t 1
lt:t I .'I
j 1 ;t 11 -.lei- e.-ii.' im-.
I .11! t.f 1 nr iti.-nv i.v i.!il
j.nroi). el. V .!., H'.f imc U
1 .sir i'lre erinl'Ticr,
e.j jst isytu'iailiv vith thf
j oe out tor. (l ran r raneisco, was rt-il-,,-.. 1.0 in- nl oautors i lar Jetnuti ns: i;
t-ciillv lindit!" I, betuii reirar:!-.'. I as one d : , 1, ., ,,,,,, finvwhere hat tlm F!cci-! ' o:nvhm-it. itawv wno optK m A
i lUtr..
1 the in. ,
tt, a' cite itl:li ti
mm uuavi luvir in.uiuncw unti iciCVUl!!ia-f V " ' 1 " '. 1 o ! 1 li arte n it. I liu
. . 1 . 1 , , tvealv tiiou.;i i l !., tint .,.!v i .int. t'-i t!!'t. I ..r,. i ,.101', .
turn to be tree. Heine, no doubt, the ; o h.- t-irvhl tnt ..ttinT - ..;,JJL.-i:
..1 . 11 .,1 1 Uiie sumtf t t.ii.liti.i.i. Wli.-ru tfcte !'. ...'.'. , : 'i.r r fu- r; ei.e
cau-e of the troubles we vo told ol h A ,( n u,r,.,kU, Ma3 i ..vt-r t'...-ir oi-.-!-.. f r tb r
tl disnutMuw Sintibtr iroitlthx and i .ler't-d sed tvni'i-lilS ! At l." t';;i.
... . . . Mu si t hi
even worse, will continue. so Junir as the,.
no.vioit-; rebel sheets. The
i , , -
i.m anvivs it'c;i
iartv wlo iiitcn-b
. irror
-. , , tll i t. If -t. '..Ill . .'
c (:r.u:.u uurinjr, , . T, .1 tt
t Win , djl I. JZt-.l-.fc ...HUM, , , t II-
in d
rtsvv e '
te e. t'l' .i .t 11 1,
(ir t I'.y Hio.i j i-
' e 11 l.t lfc.J.-1't i
' I. .-. .,,
tiie ir s thfiv
U;!!l'l .. Ill-" I l,t ,,. t' ,-!., ,Ci.,.r,l;,, f,, j
I'Cic ti:,ttt:(j't. Ifi.
t t-.
s Hi
Itneiirrv M.irvi.-itid i.v.r tut!;;' ;-"o
; Coiib ti'-!;n y. In .-1 i-.-otiri tin r.r is b:
!U It.tO.-t" " v - -- v. I
. t.i
metis that Have turveu U
. . , .1 t . ....
!,iO ...M jc-iMUT-nu itrm ttrev .-oy -;jt.n H;i!i.,s. Charbs umnef . Vou, tfrff.
f ion- .t.?.,t,ur:d.ii situl t.tte':;(li tf)!l-i.. i 1 ;...;... 1 i ... it "j . .1
".' -- t i-- , j . , i,m 11 ,r iir.ii.iii'r. Hint tn 11-r tirtmii.
b.V j iioi.t !b-pu!'l:.-5;ns ui the lull-bbxKled negro
i'i'f in.t ,."U
.1 o
I'-t'- in iiM.-Ajt! r.r
lie (lord til" ih Hiuiv rcmlv tn nir,n,Uii '! ''ll,e . ; 1 .niu..!. 1 iuel I ,,,-y (:, ,.,,;;.,. i.k
attempt shall be made to rule hvm by a j "" "t f Xk'Vt"" r' '"' U: '
1 v J ! sn..cft, tMMjt wrri tta-.rtuan, u gr-iaily t.i i.hitBr I ,r ,, v , . ''' - u. h t ;
rml of iron instead of bv mild, iiot. Iuw-L. -6.c,iii.tiei.. Ail l.i,-, n mi. ..riii... i.i !, . 'u V1 . , ll,rv' ' -"'' ,
e , . t w v. ,i" lV:e. h and t. i:v (iv,- ...l, ,ld ),,v l,t, n i.-rci-d , " " l,,,l'".'i-.l ( (, ,,.!,,,.., ;!). ..
ful government. It is wurse-tlJiin ';!,. torn. h n.;.v and kof.t th,.-,. i, w ut-ie-i i , " ' ', " "''"" ", " "-r-.d t., u
it is niaaues- tr&rtynfif v .ds "rV1' TU
- - .1tutiu (II 0-s.!l. ciil-.r .i f-ho'd 1, to! O aa nh ,'.l.edi.-,l iiiun l;..;i..., , . " ' --mi-.4-i., verdict , I ..,,-. K
silt, till lett, . lie, 11 mult,, it,, ,,,. o... ! ".' f"' ill, In, ,,,. 1 ,,...,.., . ...
i.' i
.! . ; ,V;,... in de.ertV-!i tlirto.
1. .1... I . . ... i-i... ,..c i. t:i'-:e ' t.lif-t ii-ti.r..i i.,V t.,
' t.i Wl.-l ill- , i.i-.ii ,1'V " . ....... - . ---- .-.. . .
i ...)' ,F: w. u,,ite i'ji t'cnernl u-v.jsT'iU-l one thousand t.H! sTpfltnftsWa ,
;,!,:-.V:i u.-- vf J"V. t.U'.t t:v.s b.
. itti-,'t;s;"tS
i!- i! :tt.' 4.
. '. it
: ;ttlV..V..,t.l.L- ...... .1... i .
ofScials, where it is 3x,w- ...' . 1 1 , - J ' ', ehi.-.e. t.i m.-u t,,, Wi . ,;!:nv ( u
rifice of r-w P - i.t.Tf "iCC wh,ch can W na! r" h uttcmpts. i'n.t,l in idu.i.ui.i- their y ,., . tU:
.F-: iWnV, a,i WmCthii 1'" ViroiniH and the other rebellion!?;:! r V"m
,Wer'. ThoT sbuint t nero suftra-o with States are back atin in the ' IVi.,,, let ! '"' V '' -f H 'i"se.V' "tT .vir Walter Se
.11 it-no ins it huh t,j iUj rinv. I'm. -0 0,
latiiJillt, JiOt !t.i Ol--i
;!. at bst-'t. li' Hot !
c. Jet us ?. folate, 5
tin cart a -. tiu'i ;
M i;s nec k Vf'At siiftit'Cr to drair our I n-.o 1
1..,,.,. I
. i i J 1 1 I . 1 . I I ... tC'eii-
'-.I. i,t-r i'mB i.ieutniv't "f fuJii
" f ' ... ; . .; 1 .1 ... ..v.. ;it
A turc isi'l jt-oe- "o iw.-.wun i"si;i;otttiii, u;ai file mi.; g
ten years to com ami
a s;ui.
prt raisrsi to give tin
le",v many
ti-Ttt ? he b:ts forth?
. - - ... 1 x -
t!i..i:-a;'i jm.-uioH sicTiinf? a yesvr wnrara w
aii.'wt !it;;:i..-i of tho income f the new' Ko
m;itt .'air.'.di AreiiSiis.hopcf NVcSiBiinster.-
rr.:.l.urg CimiiMiroiai. . ; ,...,.t
A ficbtlous marriage notlre was Jntelv sent
sjate leeislntivo qnaliScations. ami thev an
aovinee, emphatioallv, that a cardinal pur
pose of the order is to cause the Government
to rpTnl moritoriwus, energetic and faithful
"rotBPades, Tee circular lstr.on iu seal the
wards, Miegister" Ulhce It.,' encircled
Jy an endlejfach'n.ieat'h link of w hich Wars
the nunc of aate. ? '
Horses ?nso oxe Another. M. de
BtiussaneJ' captain of ejivalrv. in tho rei
went o.uvfers, relates in his Militurv
Ohsetions, "That an old hors,of his conn
ani tn ii. j4i,fi, ,,i'iMU
en !u te
ot !re'ii . Un. 1
.'esr i;tu;nty.
them be treated as States of the r.iion. lUitZ:;:' '"-'- j Pture i the ! .
If they be not in the li'nion let the .i 11 t--'" 'i v.r tin; s ,i:,-! u.."'"1 "V',11'0 3i,j '"!l'k" The i-;,
... ,. , , ,',"OU' Kt t,,n AI-,j.r that the .:,,, hs hj-lW, i;r-n! 1 f'"! tu' II: h eenlurv is the Leri.,.!
ministration declare what their status is. I V""" 'th r IV-i.tct.i Li. . ,1 , ,., winch the .-kech re'' v b.n ... 1 .
.1 . ., . lunik st. lv. ,t 1. i,,,..... i. 1. . 1 1 1 . "i. 1 vorv
wiiaatiiieiH'im nn 1 iaoS;(. 1 .., w""'w Mi it. w.xt will iim ,i:n:....i... '
- ; nun i.iiiitiii;i nili. Ill ltl tl o-,,i'o
that he cotiltl no r.v.n-r. 1.:- .. ' .
.., , , "vn ins jlay ana corn
rolnd UU have U-ea so. hat! ho been kej.t
rT t. horses on e.,, !, i- . .V
j - tu mm, inai ate! .-..i . " mi mimm i(.s ;
-1"" bc " "Util thi,(1ueo!ioi
..chewed and afterwards threw 'befoM. him - rltel-T SiltK'tK an1 thc ""'kor it
'ijLTJr " fc?uof,Wita,h oat, which theyH-'deu the better for the whole country.
th?. -.1 it I a ,a,so Put 're him
tne loyal .States as well, may know in
what ht they are viewed by the powers
thatle. To declare, a State in the ln
ion, and then to treat all it people like
criminal and vassals, h not only an ab
surdity but a cheat, Jf they are States
m the I. num. they nre novcrcisrn States;
iftheyaro not States in the riiiou. what
a,-. 1,.,.. y wi o u ....
,ttc . mi can 1 11 1. inn 11s r lucre
.je.-4 y. j to th Aibr.ny .JoiJrnal, from Oneida Yclfey,
Madison -;;u!j;j, w'.tith was published mm'n
' to Utj . i.-M-e ill b parties iiantdi in tua no
fti f A lady was charged with
J j . j.;.. t r-;n;cr the Legislature ,,f Masachu- j perp'.tra;iuj5 th? hix, antl her feelings wtfre
I t,usstsl a law Sin 'in 2 every b;.;i!i-:dV!i. jo wr'-'.uht upon thtrcby that fche went, into
I refus.;! t.r allow bis colored b. af b'.-s to sit : spa-iai aud died thts epit.
I a: ,'tubh witii his whit? pe-f-. th -n-n fj tietMTal .Sickle, who lo-t a leg in th war
? 'fif'v d'dliirs. It is :oiol tiia-i several :;a j.-uur.t!, .Ju!v t-tieecti at Saratoga.
have been mnkii;;; Vj;.;i.l ..rtnr.e in ! ';;: .0 , t.j t voro!v we f j,. arn,v jf ve wh.
1,1 ... -.....-.'.I., in 1 1 1 ! i ; 1 1
in.tiv Bcf,.tl,p the Stmt!,. Tu t!. tir.; ' ,,!,, ! "I'l'beat mu rtf it to a condition of th :.
ho bt n, N.utiu-ni 111:111, ,,,,.1 wn.a N..r;h,-m thai exist in the loi.l.l !., .,C .1... .:. . ' '
man. Ho is s llcimtc-ataiid l.itieolu was a M'l, ,.t.((,rv " ' "!'-l-eel;t
toid lleiuhho.iii. iVoith-nt J.dii.sen mis a r-luvc- ''
lmhl. r, well iiftimiiiii.-.l will, il "Ihiini n, 1....1 r.
fliBni.e wletll is tak inr n nee. l,v.i.l..nt I i 1.. ! .. . - t '."' 'Ule lerint
wns whelly u..,,,niutcd Mil, sh,v,rv ,,., S iaii: Hie "eE ZrilT v T tW
era,!,,,!,,,,,. lV;,i,l,mt Jehn.-.m is a man i.f . .' 1 . V 1u? VCiti
u.m ill and ucrve. l,!e Andrew .lacks,.... i vrlll L , P V'niT"''''1 " t,,!'t of of ir anr.-st,,,
:;,"!.-,- taking a.tvanu?e ! this aw. 1 havo fought; refuels, can lorgrve them,
io'p at certain hotels, d-nsand p-'.accs s.t tne 'iulliit t.ftt tht-ui brut hem agaia, the firil
l p..tbfw table, an.Kvhen they jire retu". they j -t&,u ftu.j 6tay-ai-honie pdiueians ought ,not
? : retointl tiio lintHor.l of his nenalty aad ohe i , 1 T.y , ,tnr. -v .1- ' "'
;it.w.1uir..eiisefr heor ten ael.a.. I..IK, xho t,(Ji.(r of t Xew York Inde
ii about bhtc-k mail ! Iht,. k tbc lm.tli,l f treating the
y.fbhM-km;ubn-by thobiackS.-LNcw o., llJr the pr-acKt;
! j llernlJ. -.ithe intr!ssttin trf l)ivine livtlnit
j ' , . " m ana witness
:dii r ,eCOmPanJ valry, officers
n7;-.- ihe seems to be
n emigration mama in mrts t.f th s,M,tK
"JPPntobe the objective point of
moetof them. We observe in a fJZ? f
per a notification in wh;,' i, n- . t"
ye a notification in which the public
orme4 that, at the solicitation of fi
is in
tb ot mends
' lookt thM ''" l ,try to
j . ""i can ne none there
itFtim tlie Imperial
tUra wr emigrant. aiobile Tribune.
' tiSS fl ch su,
pW tenants to vote as they
It would le more surprising to the Ameri--can
people if the Factory lords of Xew En.
T iana snorua permit their employee to vote
mey pleased.
PSiC,an,le?nie!' billed, but poor
nrtfndha qT k Vh, lived P4lS
: tine linen how he succeeded no well Lss.V
Sef tT" the 14
1 . Ar1 haTe a dozea men passed, ,
..""6 4 . l ossiojv oris." v
ae otber pin,,
may "get that one ; I am enre of
' Z St.a,"1a Br HoBSE.Fill his
.th dirt or gravel from the road, and
pIam rhifcwonhy. of the thine is it
: Kin think
. it
carter tE S ?arried-- r5ntr8
S?S,UrrionC8- The married
' Albany, bj f ih?? -Ba!1 mak'h' 5t
tSStFS on
years or uprari kr the,aSe of thirtj
; wive:.lonS iiuIlinervU!'1.
, , " da take this medieine-wifp'oTMi'1
hanged if it doesn't cure vou "
.tokertthea,byaUmeani, for itfaVSl
't'o i-ood one way or tlye other." ' j
a.ilH-iv to hit nad to.! it icot f.uth.
.n the ether Ii.m.1. l-rwidint'.dn !l..wod
lntaMt to he iintliiB.T rnnrti thnu day in tUe huml"
ot the putter, ready :tt chii"o his 1110:1s 11 rt-n uad
prim titles at the Lidding of hit iiartv. Prc-dent
n is defi- i J"h"M".1 hl1 fiU'-d 11 tho hi-w nnd intict honor-
te c.iiitH-ji 111 lie M.ite ei Tetinoitvo with rreaf
nhility nntl nt', tt the feuple. There nn
sOuilt tir hint tin his erivute elnirrtod r Tl,.. ,.!,!...,
-i-fcii ever tieliveretl
be de-
Xegro Kqqalily I npqpulnr.
The following, from a late Missouri
Republican, would indicate that, iiotwith-
equality ia not very popular in some plrSlTOni Zt:
tions of that ,Statc' : i ''""rb" a minpj)licaiim of term. The
' . , , v Kreute.-t and ln-bt tuca t.f Iha .Staitlieni ,ln!s
A preacher named Muter was seized and -'rc ,u"st eenscieuti.msly lea-iito? ihU war, oiihcr
,t..r.,,.i!.o ,,f llivin t-'p.ivt.uniPJt lor IU
Ma-otaehusetw nets the example for .all Ah- j ftfai, iks Mr. Tilu.n int-Mid to invite an-
11", CUrtltlcnil-r ,, , J,nir i.n.l ,. ,
Miioiiviiinus. treated ,l:e accuse.! I,.,-,,:
seiitetieo 111 a manner whil-h iruvld ,,v . -,'
:... .7. i-aiiuuti tuereiore, w.tiC.Uixtawi;,.
hii )-oo'.-, wa- comW ,:.
r ' e atnM.-u.un cruuiwt, Vv,
iKiit-ilii Mfercil. t'nl
- -...- . , 'nr. ,vvtf fluid. ;n.
: 'tili tion State
: I
-iiuff, tho
to follow. ."Vhen fbfe.take
Aiioliti Jn pariy cverj where
"infill I'ler rii viirawi 1... w. . ' .1. t- i v t a 1 11 n . t. 1 ii - 1 1
. . .L " l"K 1 ! '"".tn iuiv - un a icviatiou that ht
Mates on th. ,.0l Im-Iwc..., ,ht, North m,d South penuiul to in. ul-o ht rv , , n
wa nun e i,v, i'r.;.i..,o i..i,. .... ...,..'. . v" ins in.Min ma&ifiiir
Jadirintr. thr... fr,m hi nt, ..?: m- ,h ... I ff a b,ij;t; U,
ftlOllItt httvo rerv hna ,,.! , lo (IHtf Cltllll A CO 111 it ail, I liic
- 1 - uirtivtllll. V III II I III. I
tj -4 1
ro .T,lere hnve tcca few natlnjt war in Jhirejic
taken from the pulpit when he was m-eio-h
in-on Sunday week, in the nciphWh.Kid
of Carrollton, Carol! countv," and uotifirtl
that he oould preach no more in that neigh
borhood, lie had createil
by expressing himself in favor of negro etiu'al
ity. ihis apnears to hnvnlmnn ti,u ,.i
front of his offending. ' The inference is fkir
!y Reducible from this tbnt H, v.i,:.,., 1
not changed his skin, nor tho 'Wni kV
A BniCK. -A specimen of Oicvl.or.
manufacture, gold and silver, wcMri,,,,
7-pounds, the yield of 4.474. lb nfr.
from the Jordan Companv's extension of
tue .K)rmng btar lode, near llubv City,
baa been on exhibition .,. tt;u .v-
- - - . u, iLaui; o.
. . : .
uu goes to tbe Atlantic States. The
rock was crushed by the Ainsworth Mill
Company, and was hauled a distance of
ieu miies over n 'difficult-. rmA liVrtr
mill in Owvhee b beinr worked to its full
capacity, and mills a mile distant from
the ledge this brick is from could not find
time to crash the small amount of rock
reqired. - No assay has yet been had, hut
judges pronounce it worth not far from
54 UU per ounce. Umatilla- Advertiser.
Pattebsos's Case Again. The persecu
tors of Ferd. Patterson are determined to
have him hunger otherwise severely pun
ished, if energy iu prosecution will avail.
Notwithstanding bin discharge by tho Grand
Jury, he has been again arrested on the same
charge, examined' before a magistrate, and
committed for trial at tJie next term of the
District Court of Idaho. . Would all this have
been done against Pinkham, had he killed
Patterson, by tho men who now ursro on the
picbeni process : ratterson-s chief crime,
even in their eyes, appears to be his IVmo-cracv.
ill C JUUtil or oa tho field of hatlie. In all 'there
is imt a ninre perfect model of a pure am( 2re.1t
man (save Waihiitou) than (Jenorul I,et. "fha!
ho shtml.l now l.j? hunpr a traitor wtn.'l.t he nn
act ofiiutUiiiitt iufumy that weald id.ock lht wh-.k-civilized
world, and rend or tlie itatpuuf thg Unite!
Stall's 11. lieu, jn history.
Whilst I do not thiiik, .Mr. rhiiirman, thut the
whole penile of tho Soulhern Stiitos have lu-haved
noil ia this wnr, and done their tlutv 41.I htitit.i Bttil
Oil the fiold of h:it;!o, 'yot there is ;i very hiro pro-
iit,in.ii. oi mem who hhvo won huimr.
and whooo glory iu war aud wisdom iu council
win mus.raui uiany a orient paj;o iu hiatorv.
They have been nnsucoefiil in thoir revolution
hut this should not, and docs nut. detract from
their heroio gtiliautrry on tho fit-Id of buttle, or
t.noir iatc.m:inslii) 111 tue Cubuiet or halls t.f leg
islation. They will bo remembered aud honored
us heroes nnd patriots, not only nt the South, but
in me .orxu 100. as soon as pn-tsuin subside, and
sober reason nnd calm refleutiou nssuuiu their swav
.1 l.i: T
w.x-i iije-iuiiiie Tllinu.
I -nnnot and would not, Mr. Chairman, ask my
fellow-citizens to forget thu past in tyis war so far
an the North is eoncerucd. There have been deeds
ot atrocity comn;itteil by the United States armies
which never can bo forgotten in t, Sonilieni
States. 15ut I do now entreat them to hecomu
loyal eitizens. and re!p?ct tho national authoiilics
of thellenublic. Abandon nt once and furovnr
all notions of secession, nullification 'nnd diaiuifon.
Determine to live, and tcneh vout liildi-en to iv,.
as tnie American citizens. There will be in the
future, if thero is not now, as much of irido aud
grandeur ia the name of American citizen," as
there tyjee wtui in that of i'K,oman citizen." Tho
ive)uiie 13 uesiineu w go on increasing ijt nation
al power ant greatnos? for centuries to tiomo. . As
coon 3 the fijrment of the revolution subsides we
aball bo restored to all our civil rights, and be a
free cad repuhlieau as we ever were. There is no
reason why there should bo any sectional jealousy
or ill feeling between the North and tho South.
They are greatly neccsganr to each otlnu. - Tl,..;,
interests aro dependaut, and not rival interests ,
and new that elavery is abolished there will be
uo oono 01 contention between tho two ectiong.
I thought, Mr. Chairm'ftn. tl.
em States seceded there was an end to Kepubli
can institutions, thut tho great American experi
ment was a failure, and that wo should soon have,
bota at tho Jtorth and in tho South, stron mili
tary Governments, which would bo republican u
name puly. JJut, sir. mv
Istitutions hasriivived with tho Maturation of the"
l uion. it it aen'iur shame to think tiw
1 ... , ...... ..... v.,,., ,ii,i;
mil lliitta s were mi nicl .... .. t
- , ,,,, ,,,,, (
one corner to remind him of his ainirtHe-l.
inflate: and a cntcilix Mas placed i u,
ther U intimate, to him that there Wu .
wnrld buyontl thiit which ,,.., 1. ,
! ul,!"' V,1"1' JN" ri"':v r't"f'l p-uetrate into If
I '..I sunirr- of thu uvLsimuo rumur
Ivurkmy Am own Jute or that f hi friend;
Th.k. picture by Sir Walter Scott of ti
trcatinoiit of vnrunvictiul r.m ..
y . .4,..V - J f
tale iu the darkest days of feudal despot
ism, with perhaps tho coffin omitted, am.
tne crucifix replaced by the llible, have
under a Hopublic, which pretends to'
guarantee to even Ha meanest citizen a
npueuy tri.u, nas booome cell, silence, fetters a reality of now sonic'
months continuance in those casemates of
I'ortrcss Monroe ussioned to Mr. Jeffcr-'
son lavisrMr John" Mitchel and Mr
Clement C. Clay.
Coal Miners' Movement.
The following quaintly worded doct
,J0U,3 circulated among the miners 5 T,l
honing and other mining counties in lcmi
sylvania, hy which it appears that th r;.,.
crs have discovered the attemot of theii. l!J
puhlican friends to enslave them hy the riot
act introduced iu the Legislature of that State !
last winter :
1st Being that we are citizens, as a w.irt.
niir class caltetl fincra o,.n..n . .'
, ... r - ; aware mat :
tho public works in tho lJniti.,1 st(
1 . . , , -'iuv.t..-i tut;
chiefly in the hands of Reni,l,n,.od .k:..i.
paHy the majority of us heretofore! mainlv
and cheerfully voted for:
2d. Bcinp; that we now Wtn fed rbt
arc pressod hy tlie operations of our Kepub-
lW UL.Ur yQK0 0J 0ppress.
ion and Londagoto a great extent.
3d. J3oing that we are conscientious that a
change of our political sentiments could not
..yiC uur circumstances nor diminish 011H
rights as citizens, consequently we resolve
aud tletermino unanimously iu future to cast '
our votes i w 0f tho oosition Zrty
4th. Recall the attention oT all citizet.'
miners, m tho different coal districts, tohoh
meetings 11, order to encourage each other t
11 H t Ciit't,
In a lew minutes tho above was re
turned with the following endorsement
on the hack :
" Referred to the Judge Advocate
! General, Chief of the Uurcau ot .Military
Justice, for report, and to give such di
rections as to the disposition ot the bouy
as he deems proper.
Edwin M. Stantox,
Secretary of War.
To the Judge Advocate General. Chief
of the Bureau of Military J ustice.
General Holt had likewise given or
ders that no one should be permitted t
see him during the day : but the note
was sent to him, and by him referred
buck to the, Secretary of War, and by the
Secretary back to General Holt, and by
r.enernl t. t arram to me occreiai v m
War. a"-ain to General Holt, who at last
tho following verbal message to Mr
! Aikin, through oue of his clerks, a Mr.
Wright: .
" Request will be considered and at a
proper time ?n o bo complied with ; but
not at present."
This; is a simple statement pf the facts.
Great Hacinu Challenge. Mr.
Alexander of Kentucky ' tho' celebrated
1 1 . -' - - - - ' '
j other a;assi nation? . ,
) Bet ul l-can fschanre irleefallT arirrouft-
I . . ... ,
... . 1- 1 1 ..v ...... . t tin. t-i.-i. titiii uir writ. i JMitea carim is
ineczes. It Will noi ik mng whw i--- , ,'. V ii l f-.;
i; .. T ... -I,, Uet 8M.eudL f Tin felJow who rejoice
:!; AlnditJ..u J.tishiture imII I r,.Iey,nS thw en- fM wui4 ytiUings wear a collar;
J iiehiicnt, t.nntrijH.i ! uvr negro cquaiuj 1 atl(j ptricrm ait the ciiticji A a ttog,;
I'. with he whites. In tins connection we j,ub
: l-!,h the following from the IkusUm IVt :
: In the procession at HaWm, on the 4th,
jeii the middle seat of one of tlie-eiirriages la
! ltehnl ' the pnt. pnrnt antl future,' -were
i -cited a beautiful v,hite t;irl and a conl-black
) TH..T.I man. V, e nitied the i.oor girl, mv
1 1-. . , , , 1 r
the Khscx Matesman, aim stie i.ikco as 11 1
shti tlesircd ecrmmiseration, for the impliye-!
. ant frfisitiorj in which sh was prtd.ahly placed
bv others. T here were few spitatoi-s ivho
tiltl net have feeling: of d.sgust excited at
! this'vtach:. e miw little in the Scone to
remind' us t.f the pri-t or of the real present,
Itutmnlh thai vas piiggestivo of ' the fu
ture.' ' ,
Who Idea Mi2vestel iu the tvlwe is, that
while the white is the present dominant race,
the future is to Ik? the negro. He is themau
of the future in Massachusetts' estimation.
Tlo-r to Kim. Apci.e TltEE WoRU. Sv P.
Snow Ainador, Vupcilo t'ounty, Iowa, de
scribes a kind if mecsuring-worm which
made its appearance in that Feetion last vear
in rret numbers, and detrovctl the fruit
and foila(re of thousands, of apple trs!S U
has now tiiseovered htfw to destroy Uie worms,
and wishes every body who reads tiiese; re
parts tiibavethe-"saine'knowledge. lie says :
' A slight tap xiport tho limb and thousands
of w orms apin to the, ground' upon tkreads,
and start at a i ampin - ffallop, for the body
of the tree, where 'them vroirress may !e ar
rested by the application of soap, molasses
or tar. vlnjil tiie-yean bo destroyed by the
haudful. ThisVlisht amount of lalior ..may
save thousands of. buslndsof apples to the
farmers. ot anj section tntested wun .ms
pest. ' ''
fiirw in Chickens Siee Cure ! tG. Al
bert Lonus. bhiiker Village, Albany, X. Y.,
trives the foUowVnsr sure vare, or rather nre-
r...;,T ,.f i iii cViiclrjn which he savs
lo has ljroved b-a numter of years' expe-
riencs tcTtc entirely infallible : ' Take four
narts'a common lamp oil, two parts of pe-
Uw-Vcaiu oil. ami one ounce 01 urizuuum ;
mix' shake well ; apply a mAl portion yn-
der the wings and on the orcast 01 tne motn
; er hen the, first night alter leaving tne nesi
fno niore neevl bo uoue.
A lady who painted her face, asked Par
sons how he thought she looked. . "H can'
telL madam," he replied, 4i except you ud
cover your face.
Yr. Johnson said of a widower who was
! about sto manrv. that it was a remarkable
' case of th triumph of hope owe experience
The ru Tiuhitiou of Dubuoue. as ascertain-
cl by tiie census ot the present year, )9
alx.ut 1 i.'Hui. The asiHd ; value of the
real estate of tho city i 2,61)0,1100' cf por;
onal profieriy 1,50000.., r V'.
A Mr. McCormkk, who resides near Slew;
Kiir-. New York, ia aii u he the oldest koan
living iu America. Hia age is one hundred.
and luurteen ; u eye-ight is gooa na w
hair id not yet gray. ; ; - : .- ; ' r '
A contrabaml in Waahington city heing
akcd the other day how lie liked freedom,
maid "Oh, very well; hut I must have de
right of tuSertrig,: (suffrage) afore Vee real
satisfied.": ' '
D von know." said a Yankee to a Jew,
14 that they hang Jew and Jackasses together
at Portland V "Indeed! brother, aid the
Jew, then it's well you and 1 are not there. '
Tho Worthier Spy says the niece of, the
late Hear Admiral liupont, daughter of Com
modore Shubriek, U. 8. N.. is the Superior
of the Convent of Mercy in that ctty.. 'n't
There are seventy-four divorce cases n tzse
docket of the LaCrosse. Wis., CiroAit Court,
awaiting iriai. r.very appucaui ia nw" -returned
wddVer or the wite of one. ' '
TTenrv VTintpr Ti?tfi antra that if Gen. Lee
was nominated for the Presidency, he would ,
carry all the Southern States, and, . perhip
everal Jortiiern fctates. " . ; , ...
A cobweb marriatre Is thus noticed br 00 .
of our cotemporarics t '.' Married, JohaCohb
r. Mla K..f WoV.k w TiV nut for the lit-
tie spiders. " f -
The.MavorofN evr York has ordered tiK
the Coroner have ' photographic likenesse
taken of all persona upon whom he holds ia
quests. f . '
An eminent Coroner ia London recen'.
declarcl that there were 12.000 mothers ia ;
the metrttpolis who murdered their etuMrf a- v
Indiana papers are advisiug all the tooer
men in that fcttite to get married, and
three tloUars an4 a half poll-tax
The fict that a wealthy man m Biddc.u
Maine, has married his gorvant-girl xe-
newspaper coipment. . . r
A black maa married whito woisaa-Xcw-
London, Connecticut, on the 12
One hundred and thirteen 1 couples wj:
marriwl in Louisville last month.
In 1804 tliere were lOO,POOsurpluswo-ui-"
im tho Statu of Pennsylvania-. ' ' ' V
Mxfyin a woman for her loeauty, w 1
eating a Uf4 ft its' singing..;;' ' '
The best fimilcy pooyfrpapcr : s:
ccrrificnte,"1--. : ' : " ;' ..