r V I r. , m r.t; rioi or mix. hi his vrsv a itAcui-'t.oit a lii'Mms. ST ATI i UKUITS i)Mi)(,RA'i!!l,i': ,! ',,M:ir,w.!!! K,,s.'.iV..; l,'r:::": ,:"M".!,,At:',T, : - M.!i;.i:t,-..i!H-H.-.-. y,:,..ru.-u.:..,-.l ..nx.J.Mu, ...u o i II in r -f.t i-t ! i nt iiimI -ry MVi'H tf ' A 1 1 1 - i f et abat y i. Id ;i 111:111 i; ; 1" fi'uli) . III?. UH.i AM HI ::.. ; n. ii.ninMinnh ami r.p.:e:i' - i ;1M. met with i eiy "m r.e.-t.-... i, -.a m i-hin n;.i ;itt'onM llui-mlitig (i ; 1 , ,,,,; ;, ,;,!(., ',-tn,.. ',.:, ,-.l ea'i.litlllll-. It" i. lei I .unm"i lino I'1' ;i 'i' i (),,." l.,v:i!i j -.' el I hilt !.a "ill t 11 , V. let lie. i!-i:'"'-1 l'"'-";- We i-.-j,.;. j . ;,,.,,;,. .,.,,:th.. ,o:ad tl... .l It ...!.. I ! ' . .'.It' : ! r !-' l'M licit at 11-1 11': t-Y-,' II 'A--'. 111-'! Tlivo" I lie ! .way flawed the rusis-h;!!.' In tv . 1 moPca : lake ;. "nr.tr' t.f 1 ;!! . !. the ri'.!,"l ei-aui- it r.-!'.i-. It IV Olllllll. 1 1 1 . t '., tiii . 1 . : .. .. 1.:. 1. . j I ' . I i : f . e It 1 1 1 1 a . t a ! I I in ' m ( - ii unit 11 Y- I !l 4(1 fromlhe W.-'f-liI t-! mi i fii". !"t : I'l If" ("fliM-t !i d .with wcdi'.'.l hie, ili- Whih- i child tin- rsv;! '1, l.iuahiitg rnu ! ) w'. it' 1' lay. AVith his Hate hi-.a-i ..in 1. n at.i::. Like a tin 11:11 it a:iy . For a thai I ti 1! unit i a- 1 "ft" Ami tic blue !' I vnwti '.:'! Act (! da.-!. !! .-I'd "iii-'l. Heal I'h' Mi'ii u air ,-.'-i-.". t".;:i. fit- riiin. id- h-i-.' -v- ! h ; i-.a !... t't ' ..-..H H--r: "flaitina. w'i !i:ii:,-. 1't'V !'" MOf-hiee, li t ii woa'd t int- t:tt v ' r ' l!itlv t-V.".U'h."'I : u..i. !:ti r. w.:i;u";i. I'l vmir MM't t :ttt l v ;'" . Yti ('.!" It ' " - ' ; ' In the ju:h ,M:r I'.i-f Mii-t ! Ail tPiir l.tti-ini: fWt V. !jn-.T iilL tilt? J..y-vy '.:!!' Inun. l'lTthf warm .11 1 ) Mintliino 'i'l.M ti'.l Hi'V.t ntiMf i -! :irit ! "'"ii"... i.- "i'l.. .i;..!it 1.1 (ifii l!ii-,.',r:"ti-. 1 1 .. .1 ,,. .. ,. i 1; 1 ;i di.t ijf.iv... ;t ; , ;.m,. i ... . , ! ..i!UiU-l!lh! ! ii".."iti'l Atiiiiiiiit- , ,. ,, . . ... Ii..i." itnf tfi.l. 1 -"!i'ini w f. i It : !l I ' ' I'i-'litil lit t' l-tVlii.-llt 1H1 ; 1'it.il i t' t I' Mil U ir;!!'1tin:;-i :tu l J'l i,y I in i" -. j It' inos'tv iis v. In- y.n.-! .'''tivc. itit(iiit'" t ilsi's t"iitt'.! !u- tu I ;!: 1 . I.Mimr. i f t!i.- I ,l"itlli , V llil Ml I-- I . , , , , ,. ., . . . If!,. If lt:l 'II Ml. IITI 1 II"- 1 tlill"nr l" ,. , I'':m :in It :i; ft !c i !; 11 f. Ul ; "III re ;il t!) . 11 , 1 ii" Ii i!";ii:Ui:iiHiir-ii!:;!i ' . . '. 1 1 Ii'' I'lltt'l Ml Mini J'-il!i'lil,U" Wi'lliirc. v In! In" :-li(!i i ii".:- : 1 t"H"' i I in el :il llie 1 ni- v 1 II n I V ' "II II." I!'"!l lli't fllllt'l". Mill 'it. will I'-nv Ii-:':!";'lv ;! nnr f t t!. :!! i : 1 , i ! .1 . ... i-H'f in" juititi 1 1 ii - v i I.;' t 1 1 . ' 1 M'tut" : ; : 1 rv !i.i'.:f;mt Ton ; Ml-: :!!! V :iiilU';IU ;li;'i ! Ii ; . ..ii. 1 1. .. . 1 f 1 1 ! ' .1.:., . ..... 1 ... ., .. i".." ... I . . .. '"M-inHi!! i-.'i'l Htiiil.iiv 1 11 HI It r :l .'. !::, 1 ! - " I 1 1 , (liV.'ir4! ."1'ii'iiu -i lit 11 11111.M s in'.'iri. i I t'1 1 V itii! ! 1 : 'it n i: ' .'. It i' " " - ' ' 111 ! ! I ' , . , , , ill-,- Ii -m n1 ii' l.- u !.".,.'f. i.li.l -I Itin: I"!."'!!! V'lt! iilii I lilt" itlh.'V ..it'll-tiilM-I it; iiii : i; "' ' ;l '! " ! ' iv "' " ll('.v 10 ;n,w ; i u! 1 !..!. Hii.l llssil i- s:H ! N-'l : I . 0,,..',..,., ,. I,,. i..,. , . , j ln:.n v.il lua ! in- i!:il'nr,v Iih1 f liH own .ii 'iit-,! ' i"i a xi'liiiiT UH'fH In"! it' 'I"'!.! r 1 t 1 I iii ') 1 1". i , 1 ii !mt I I'.iM li luanV luiii i'ii!;ir';i" ...mmmoi itutiiT . i v. h.., n., ,ii;,..v,. ,,Tt. Ih-;; hi; ' ';! ;:. (l! h;,, .i.., .;,;,,. : . t-. , v.,- ,,,,11,., . I . I ,1 .1 . , .. .1 I... " I 'H II'." 1 I t-;!,; .11 M -1 v, 1 i I." . , , ,. , . l-l 11,1 ""' , !.!!". Ill I.;. ;.i"it!V. !;!; vl'l! t i-- . . ., , . i 1 .!, m;I (.",. ( ht'lii- Villi!) HP" iuv.i, I-, tii-inri;.,',,. . f 1 iv i-.; !;;..... u.- jr,v.f .-r M ,Vir v- n. " j ' " ;"' J' :1 " ;! ' ' ; ' ; :" i,.,, , ,,, ,,v ,i;). j ii, ,.r , :;i,i. ; - 1,.. 1 i-'nT.tlH"!' ;'U- !'f! .n: t :l. 1." ! ; V iih ill'--. Int. t! f, . ttl It'-V ft is l.'K'Ui. . ) I--1 'I i' ' ;. .-"" ' ill-.'-tt, t., r.. li': i'- .,. , I . ! - 'i !! ill i ;.l r !!.' .'i' - I I I Ii'in'l ill M ' ' ! I ! I! ' il" ..'(-l-.i i ill'.! linfliill 'i !.' I ','. , s ' ' ' " ' ' ....... -1. ...i .... 1 1, ., i: .... r ..-! 1. .:.. 1 - t . .1 1 iill.i! l..i' tii..S 1-t t . :'.' h !!tl IIU'U IM1I-! . "... ' . A .. i. I I t,-,.i. .,li 1.. ..iv vn-iri 11 J: I )..!!! i 1M lii-t l;t.'t l:m! ;,!( ill ,.. h!i-li!i;f Ci'llll ll'-t i(r , ' ' ' . ., . . ; t,.ic'."-i M ".-H-l V-lUI'lll t.'. fllTH ll"lll t-'Ulll I ""'I"":".-! ... . . . ' . . ' 1111: i!i;wiT i t:i:i:n:c:. l:V Till AI'tAVtf " Mi II I IMi 1 I.!.. FlIIII .I'li'll -II l.'f I' :! T- 'I 111:1:1, V.'li.. Iin-.l i-iv. n l,v (tic m.. ; Hi- i."M!'"l 11 m: ii:ii I'-ri'it-r Thltl f Utxl I7111! mi- f.,t t f . I - - I i .i 1 i.;i.i- m- (! iiitU! -il"i"," i'.-' i'H ; ", -. " l'i-i-itl-'i- Iii- ( 1 !-1"- S- IV:i. i- .'ti ciilli un.i I ui!! (..WiiVil-M5'" l'-' i.'is oC ii,f A!-4ui. n 1 uri Iium- ' hlifl." litl in tin-tr-t-t 1 Wttlk I 'tlilm l:!-: ' '.M ' 1 t!i;it, lit !if war i'-i" fii:!!i ; .;'i-: jv.il! i"AT I'.'Mi'.iU j"'' tl'.'-ni. j ...-r, th.' xr i'n" l! f n;ii:"t:t.n -l" "I''1 I Deferred Editorial Matter. IV.M VISli A Itl.l'. AIJUS!SIOS Wt tixtrnt-t the iullnwii:.; imni tin- is !ti'i't llt-l-J; ii'.Mic.'il'i-a I 1 :i ' Ii- 1 ' :!1!V I.M'I li.T. lie :iK-il ! I ii... ! ; !....".: ;;i;i : Irv. Ili:il 1. I- f i-.-- -r .!ir.-.t!, wi n ,. , 1 . . , i with MriMiiHii.' 1'VtM :VKi :'::' "1 '; ii - I t - i ii;1 ;iii! lu,-lin: lin'tl infill Ins t:h-r- Tu'.V Itis :-n! I;. ! -ii- ' - ' 1 1.111 ii.-iv. ::!i. ink :ii e . .. ........... I , -:'-... r ,1 ' . . ' . . - . . t , t .1 1 : 1 I . . ' . ,. : - t u . - 1 ''i.i s nf . .- - - 1 'i - - ' -.I 1 . . I t'liKH 'i -nt' 11 - 1--. tit- iu- i.'fin.tiMr-uH, 1 ti'ii. H fT.iil-: i- ;i -VU r, i 1:-., 1 nr '-m " i:(TM'!i r -tsii itT K :u"";. m ii i( ; , ., .. ,. ,, ... . , .. ..mh ..tt. ii...-. t. . v .. :. .. t ... ".... !..,... i ! i .. . I .. ,ii'..i. 1... .. 1 I i'... 1 ; 'ifhi!';-. H-- w HI ";i.-c In i..-, ii ,y 1 . m. . a " il'Vlli: 1- i'iiii lilt' .'!;! 1 1,11.1;'"' . w !:ti"! 1; ;-t ; t - . i "' " 1 1 ' - - s - -' v. - ; ' - ' ! : i : - , i 11 ' ' t : 'i -; . ;; -1' l " - ;. 1 ' i i: . i; i i i : i i fit-.j'l i'.iliii !ii'!lt i'. I:-'! til: -Ut'i'i.ii in..", th" J-atili" AI.lit;..i .'!-'i.n ..f' tali i til'" ti'-:-l. U-hfl.n U: it" :"i -i ;1 I,,.,. ; ,, ;,. , ,, iu-ini.H V, !,'.,.,.:.,. j.-t. I'll' a'lar ! I'.irn .!,t-i... j . j . , Am I-Ih!. fit' V - i . , , .......... ...... ' pne ot our iu'i;iiutv. iiit .in:iiiv .jo-arn-.i! j . ... .... .;-...,' - I , , , , , . , . j j.:!, tli.tt :: tii" t,nUr n :",!.:! iv'f .1 m. " " . ...i . ti ' 1 1 I i I ' 1 ; ! - ' ! t I ; ! -i : t -';:.. i t , I ' I ' " 1: 1 t I . . . ., of Auir. 11th: !::u.ti---:.-.. i...-- th- 1. -iti.'.n .if i.itn-.i.-r. iv - n...-;..i. i!.-,.- r !.. w, !',;!' " !':Vl'- " v'':': "11l,,'-', si .i '" Ii V,;i i-lic, :i i"-ll!:'l !!l"."!lii:ili : : ii t !;" . ... , , . ... ' he Th war l-.a- ontlo I inn! fr!ii:.ii hn tri mnjiht'il ; --rv ix r.:v. r.-ioi.f - ;:! iht- if turn f iM'iit t', 1-ut amitl ilu .-.it'ivl t i i- it- in-; it will nut !. M ti-S irt-l that th ?:.::. iVil spirit lit thul jravo hinh t ' !;,".-;lii-," ,l U: tJ.'ii. Mil- - v ili V w I"- );i'-!(' :!'."! lii'irc UMWlllit'-. W I'Hii" I It . I "I in t i!. I'i i!!.!l-'i- ;:!i'iv:iri"f l r Hi'- li'.'Hl-- !"'Si!l i im.i (('..!.!it!"J - i-(ir hinti:-,'! iin- I I i!:f, an i In will hi' alii l-ihatt ivi-ti hiin- t't-.t'lf. ;,:i'" , !-. .-,., . , . tt't'iii't l-r.'., I.a-I .'.. i.m:m-...-s ,. ..-,...! : , , . i ii!'. I '--a use ,- i ; .'I.,,!,:..! in lh:if u-l'V 1 r.:x : -. ; t H" ma-. :"'-'it.t in k.- m- ..,:.,. t-n- .!,,u;i ii''-:!.lt .u iSi.a- . V-.,--. 1 'fit r. 1 . ll"ll ! in 1 liri'W n;; t;i ui'":i l , . ,. , , , , :,). ,. . I, i....l .... .1,. i-i . ..in '. .... i : .l.i . . ,i . . :' , i irilfi.-UHlV, Wlmli. l; a r i i 'i I If .111 HI t;( t i 1 1 1 1 1 . : t . : ' i , 1- - !-: t If -;:: If i i t u ' ' .. i i' n t i'l! i; S r t I i ,,,,,. ui.'.j,. n;-t ! 'i j!.i '.vliiar. i!.iih-ii- '., : .t.-iu-v.ul. I -! i l.f.V t't, I. HI-- till! , III- 1 i." . V . t n. .".".'" i ... I ' :". I . i '.:... . . 1 . . :. . i n "1 - i':il if : v. it- - : i 'i:ti:y .- if t:--"t u pit." M:iin a- Mf:-. V i:vr : "" n i rm : . i V." .... . . I 1 ,.' , I ; . I 1 t - I , i ' ' i ' ' ' , ' t I I I i I . " i . Ill '' I HI' I" 11 - " 'It I t'll.', !.::'.!: : r ; ; i - I i . . v i i ' ! L l ' , . . . ..... I , ,. , i , i tit tit .1. ,t ;i:, i-i; ;-h .'ill wan lii.S lltilnatl II It :il'-)fl: .! n! llt-r !,!' hi'l . ;t'i) UM-'-'f- ! , , . , l i.iii ii!iiiii.-,i i-'.i in lui.t. i;;ii i;t':"i i" .liiia!..' i? !. I -lit vt' l ll'-it il i.i in. ,:;i't ul' ; 'I. hi:; mil :ui i i.l.-nt :is !.:;tuil i!ti hi- ! ')!;- I t.ni in Ku-'aii'l in.-'fc:!' "I ill I i l -.n-i. !i-- - r i't' lit ntc-Mli'' :tL.',aUi: t ..;mrvU' i.-if! iiuniti--t i-.U t'hrii-l It influom-P rva-U.'xery ti-kn-.v! o,.nnr 1 l-V"1'', ! l-; -rvh.t. i. .r v-r J'tt.-mj.ts rv,,rv,,,, w!.,, ., , -,, i y, . , ..f uuruiitiiu. ttis.liT.ti.rs hit-. i!! th- j a nvau-iu -i !:VnT I I I, ' I :,, "--. i i - I , 1 . I , , , I , r . , . , l I !'.,- I. --V.Vllll. ,. l.i V Ml" !t ! if t-.,t. ' ' I'M'1 ' It"? 1W i!" I :"l M''! ' ' li'l" I'.l'l". ,-!'.!' Ut!C"i'i tiint. il'.T 111"! I'tT tnn of I:to. N'i.mi iu-.M'tirrtii !. ihin! 1 - i uu "' ' 1 ' ... , . . , ,. , , . sl. orrntirolv hivk-n ui. tv it. O.-xvu. f-- -' ? f; r, ' ,v'' !"" "v, lll,," l' " - " v. a. .., .... .1 :. -wuh t .. p.-.l mul lutl t- i ... :. niliy ... ti.uis of nhiutst .'M-i v .U-M-Iapuoti ...- will:- I'" tc-!..! -:' Al.rn:t!.iu l.;n.;..:n m ; iU ! , s.::; J'--;- I icui-; i:,' U- i'n- i.iK.-f. i i ii' ; ir.-.i cn'-.i- .-) ' i :.-h ): h:i l.t'.-n out that harmony t-y whh-h iWv fhi.M .x'-'M.. ! a la-sifaH::,-!! l---"'(.'; 1 ' j . Ulil:,i i,. u., litni, ;f i? M !,- m ,,-.!, '-"iiMfio-l. :i. I 'a":t if h-r !.: h-r lint charartovu.'-l; mal inru iu-.l-iuioiu:. mv 1 ;-' 'T sqv.i.ari'-t t -r oa.'.ot Ins imtr-; , ., ! tii- : h- wMicI t". !' ..I-... .Mi-.-v v. I - ., , , , :!-.. - :i ni':-fi-,i i.. - a -i 1:i s n i-s ) t-v. vwr. J .: n i laiiit, fu -hi M l.n -u i- ..... froii.ntlv sti wan-filv t..vm.,-(, ..:-!",-,'' ' . . !I - . ' . , ' . , . . . v. iTt- i i, - "i ii.x -i-itft!.. i,,-ji, i; .ioivl .'u'-inu; the war, that pan ...n hiui.-.i ; " ... t '';; ; rra 'ir'' C!'-"' ' ' ; l..,,.,:v .,.:.-:.r v .- it-!!" !..'. ' , "i""i-'.' :"" usuriis the lu:u tf l-; -:u, au.! jitl. c, tM.h : " !' nv' !':;"i"l'! v-.'l. ' I'lt.-rwa! j v . ,,,,1.1; .!,... ti; :t..:t ,.(' t!-.. rti.-'-m! : , ' ,.' i- ' v- c ' i' :i ' r ih; Ii ; -i!- ciiih Ii I'r-an lh- V,..rhi hv sworn ministers' f th. lu-v. U wunt'tiin.'-'' u'.v '' ' r ti-U.r.- t. .hs:.-,.r:. j,,...,.,..,.,.;,. ., ;. v, ,;. ? .;.:,; ,v' -.'-.. ..,.,,.,.,. ), .K. IHTwrtot!. Hui'h the t-Jn-iti.. st;.;,. ,.f ;-' "'l H----ih-:u. . i. ), -, .-it!, i:, ?.i-!. !-,!,:-'-'.,,., I r.y- '- -i "; i'""-' ;.,;,,iv S .., t.nti i.ijn ii"! l-y vh'ty in many jr.rt f mr t-.'-untry at ihis j l- ihf stutj. irt.-v. t.f Uu.. .nr:.n 0:--.'.-n - y. i-r la-iM-ty :,.;r.":.l i- !. .llii'it .t.,;;:.: t .-K-- a ; in ir i-."i!i, wh-'f: ,!!'; v-i, ,,ir,.v, wit J-itt V tun.. ; an.i us I'hi'iti n .nttuom-f tii,v -. ins rtnerati :i wil . twt f.t'it ---. its--- i;s: ,' ,,. . ,.. ' , .irit'iinaf. r.-snh. fliihltvn w ia.ar. taf.-'it i " ' tir I'.i-t :-'t l:it' :.aa-. ;n-t i: .vis'J-. .-"a'- n:-"it !',. V, I.' i- . . ,;- I i ;! , . - i, to hrtto envh oth'T v ill t - , tH ini. s h(-i tia-y !" "' a ta'-ti. i.uin w .-a t : : - - t - a i-i- atv men. The f'tiMren of the nr uMiors t.f;,,-a:i, n. Ave mt-r a t v.-. h a j.V :t ! ii. .- - '. : ' ! ; i ;'I 1 ! t-v 1 ' I. 1 l". '-ill" it a it i - t-.'i-. . .:- v t. v, ;ri: I i 1 .1 !: ': tt-.a : i'l ; ili :,t!v. I,-1,' -..St.! : i' !i ,;ili'.' 1:.' I .t t! !:;; dil' iVntl! .'i : 1: ,- li';.i!-:-''l V,;i.i ln-ai'l t- ; ; al. II"! ill! FARMERS' DIjPARTIiIENT, (:,- vr.K its ''"' fo ffiK Health. I !,,!!i tin- !.!M'l, If , .'""'.' from itlii' svsl' iii, thus .in-v.'iiiitij; f'-vcrf, tin' j re-, i f.,;i;,' -ili-i-a-i-s i lH lii""'"- All fever 'ire. At.-I t!tf v'."t;. I,'':' ' r 'titiiit- i I ;,,,'( ii r:tl- f 1,Mlltt. : that i1, '" the hl'Mril. I, j."!i',l'i "i ' II-.'- tiny ti'i il'H'i? "it" rhl--ln-i.iti' 1;, !;iiiil I'a- liil'-lt- ii M-. Vfif!i .-tt l'I-'iiiy wn'i.fl Iii n An ii;;!.V I i J I ! - 1'tvtt-- ( 'ttn-utt II"!"'! Ili-!'" h: l.t.lllilll lidtili W i Ix liiiiny ji!ini-t l"Vt:. ' li.-i ii' it r ft- ti.'' ' li i-T, . Wii!; i-.-ii'V ia Li' An-1 v. .ill"' ' '!' I-'HK i-'!t.:!i 'I'u iiiii'.f i" t'-ii'-li in' ay , t'lHltll.t-la -! tot.ii'l li!-i"''i' .'III. Ill, it I v. t Ji.lt-i lit! i y .-;-ry. I: ti t ul! in Mtia: I t- ; i.i'l- r.nn .-kh r'i. I-.-.. f .ii mi I I'-.t ili-i.j-li !.,- .!--'t i'i. la-;- If, .'I,. I .-ti'iiiit-l l.i--"!f'::l t!i:.t, i; n.'Hitl. h'"'' "" "W-1.T ) r in -. in f tin- v.'ai'iitit fill. 'i In' l'i; tu t lit' " i. w I'u I yowl A n-l tv i ti-'l lil.f III! t'-'l, T'f-iit'ia-..' -ri'- ';f Mii-i ry At t-v 'iy li's'tl l-'fl. Ant t am! till' tl".in jjihI jtmijiii' lii, .An l.tiiriiiir liia- H v-.l;.; -1. Jll wfi!! l!i :t tit'tf' t' I.i. ii.ii.-i fli".". Ki- t t. ,-t f'.-i-'iHit t l.iiw Jn t v, lit-if If tutii'lii't li: K' rat'-li'-tl eiit fy my i.-ie !i "(' ..-in', A-i'l ."ti.'a s Irtll 'i iiif!i ii'.ytttit J!i- ivl- t i ru"- sin j'.in j:in -. Finn J liiii-'-iti li"!-.r-l tv Imi.-t-, tticl cin" 'I'i, -iiv-t I. if iitiini ; I!a: R le i. !nt "t-f 1 rr it.tr r f i j A...J t.i.rlvia' :'! l!,i' !.:k- -Hi- tb,.;:-li ! i,y-i"r!'.-l.in. Ami I'.i il 1.1 -.;:-.. I ' I'i!". " 'i lie i 'ii t I- itiii'l ' ;i''ii!i,'' ..iy lie, Aii-1 l.i.'.-riu" in li''.' '' i". Il- fi t' tin- r.-t hiil tt-rsit r A f'liir iil'.'ttviiil -iit.'.-, TiiHt -tr. (.-"if iriiH tint I'.jt iH t'.r P.'"r As di-atl i' r.ij.i l !.. !:. Villi! II.. 'I ns.:.- wnrnifi" ' J' ili'f t.-rri. r. N-tw Miriiftl i-i (t-i-sfl,)..,. mi:!! ; Atl'l wll-II III! : ."rf.l'i'.-i li .1 l-hutl C'HIW I j,".:. y mtr 1 Rrk !' "tl, !i-.:;. 'i' !! tuny t'.ir lifiii-e V'tu'risn'l M":k'.- i :!. rial", iiifct. Whatever is imiIh ."'I' :"' h.ver is iNiin;. j f. ii I'Ofiiiii.t.i ; .'..hi;: that friiitx lire i-imiI-' il,y.'T Hll'l I''-'' '"V" O''flttl"!... jltl-t Iji'iiiiit"' I h- ji i'li'v wliit-h thev enntain ' i.i.is i;( -I'.at-.iiral'ili th" iiile from the ht.t.i ; ':Uui ! ni ' ) l! '!.'' ""r ''I'm.!. Iletieo, ! the reat A' avi'in ' r :l ' ens utltl lettuce, ! s: ri'I i-;ii;i ! i' ih.-earl v -orinjr, thi-M ).ifi jr-jO.,, t- i'li .. ii.e;.!itr : l.ei.ei , f-U,f tlietiisfe f..r wt!t."t!ii:i'f 'iir ir H-mons on- hii Bt t a-k of li ver. Jiut th'-f h' ili the eiie. it in i.'v ..ee thn! we l.lill-fy the t-inMj efh-etrt , i mill heiiie-t in i.i'iiioniufi nf we esit. t!"m"wif:i -ti,-;i;'' "r 'ww't milk or lereani. H V.e 'a!, iheiii iii their imtunil ! fieh, rip'", jierh i i it in hliitot-'t im-. ! it.-.-i!.!' to :tt t'i. Jiiniiy to ' :it eiioujrh to i hurt u-- e. (.f i ia'iv if we et them alunit, UvA taking any !i(jui'l with tio-ia whatever. ! Tci: atwi t iV Jh'U-r.- I'llt. Mr. flam-, j a ree, i-en., in fh lihiihur;?h Veterinary ! Jit-view. nty : TJm 'h-v will, 1 Jt jieve, j so-,n eotne. "when t!i(; j-e tfile w ill not allow ieiif'ifi. iritrt:niei.-f t' touch the coh't of j their h'ir--en' ' -i . 1 ha vesin 1 in,f!iriiier .a ! jiers t i i Jit lite wii'l, f" '1" tru are no eon-,. !-,!.,. te.l that lla- mutually -o-oiiernte, ntel that the int. tmi" lint't lun n, which Jnivo sh'.wo is (e-'rcifi hetw-en the wall ati; wile rtiie'ir union. i ai1'1 re'iiiri-l fo lie left en tire - I nt. !-v th prevailing i-uxtoui of eut- Itifi-? the h'l'-f. th'j-e Mihftati'-en, which in. their nature are H-htoiii'linj; iprii:, are l- isn,v'-lor jrreativ iiojiairetf. 'I'iie (-ustom jof thinning the .o'e, rtnl likewise of keejiin. I that part always in eov iutig or other weC j siMhh-i'in i.i.-'er'nil, loeh-r the name of 1 ' til.itaiiiiir-,' was drought into vofrue nfter iihe 'e-tat,i;-hiij nt of our first Ttteriiiii,ry !s.-ir ! 1 I .i V, 11 i i i'i I : -I !ft n i ni i' vi ii it-ii : he is ahv,i: look in:; at tin. vor!! I hr tt oil a el low :.i.ts-. ami pan.-inir i V i.lo riuips ih," hi. h i i . r r i ? i I . f i J ; . tt (. rl ,-i!v' j''ll. J' Hill i i , t f l II . 1 . , . , ..... ,-i'i !,. ,;-.,, ... lii-,, .,J Pre Mien t Johnson mid list- sro. ; n-r. tun . . '.a ew-r s "-. u ! ' . - 1 1 t.' . - . i, . I ' ' I - I ! - , if i. , ; it '!,,.. , , i. .-. . I, .tt r Tt-,...I, u . ll I Iff f Itrtlkt j J'.isim; 'J'i tiKiKs. I -ot my turkies in !mr i.iarn'i.i eariv as 1 can. ihkI with not !er liftt-ii lijdcee. When tlcy hutcli 1 1 jit!; th'!!i uijiler a i rate nrej feci J them on i erf. -ki-.l em,. a!"l milk-cnrls, and if I huvis iiiiiik-ennls i-nvii-h 1 fee-1 ll.' ui on it ulto- t ; '; i in : I t til- ;:,ni:r t ! a 1.:- t... r i , ,i. Ail.f.r i'. Y.i ,. , t ,,. ,!.;ii f..r tl.i.!i.4i.!vn Tl .It t lSii2we:-e the i.-m-I t ahlier e.f .ISo'i . v.vA ;,. ,t :1 .,!,...,, ,i , , , so it will 1 with the t hil li va .f t t -.'a! V ua- j , , ..." , Iw tlm evil ii."hlrii,-es ia vhi.h X(, ! ...(.i-eei ' I as ,-::;. it;. ;:!:!.-:.:: .. i..lt.i ll:-r to !'." 1 J'-vtr-'-Sim nvii.T ,1 i .".--''!!:.! he I : 'a -e.i-. Iiaia-.il s 1 V i:',-i.!itf it tit: vefernvl nre cvuiileruct.-tl hv jn.'i:..j:it. a;. M-i'Vonvilv : J.-. 1' 'o.--- : i I'o-n i ,.,.; ,,..,. j ;( u H,:,., ,.( ,.v .,, ; ?w j .-' 'il ;-.!.. -f t itv a! IT wis.l.tm nnlfirhi ara.nec on the port of pa-jof the Ue'tttV.'jh-uti p.irty aaw.T. An 1 lt ;; -a that "m u. i-.--,,-.. ! ti-,.i if.'-i-i. . i- i'-r th-:ir rents, mi l !l w!t- wiehl :i inthtenee ove!t;i(,lv r,v'.!Uh(-'... x. C'.-A th.. men wh-. ihns i i'tiio-1 Ni;t,.s i,vf.-!S,n-.t..t h.js f-tr i-'v'-: to"-ev :! I Vt-vh'-i::. the minds of the vottn--. We knew !i-nv , ' " , . , . . !i-ie -.:!-,. th.-t t.--s . f t - Vi..' "a ! i ''., '.'.w .!:,.,.,,. ifiicu!t it is to refrain ft', m n.ak'in!r Uvr"1" "r !;nUl'-i , ,u"!',-r' u ...,;....',!, ,';.;.,t , r ,;,'h i.... ,1- m :, ' jv ..'-.". h' V worn1- in times ',' h-at.'-.l p.!i;ioa! funiMttf i tvinal h-a-lers ot'ti - .r pa: ty. ,i-i ;.':."; ' , . (-,A .. . ;- ,: , j,, ,:; . ,. ,1... ) , ;!. '... ' " .".;' Ti'. rv"W nr:-. Vrihni:. Miy-,: S-'::ui : .t.ilin SoeVnt.i'i ' i' t 'a il.. li"'!- : ' v r. . tif; -'' I in .h'p i;i ',H'!''' :. :.! b ! Mia re a ;:-. 1 an I -'i;.! f i! la a sies. 1 nt tl.e tenhr mitols .f t'-e .ainjr :ovi i :-tr-a; i.-as :ts i'i u: -..-! el I innooent hho:l,l U- i-.t;.-!o to leaeixe ti impress of Mich w. :ii -. Ti . f tl:-- i.i ! a i n. I in -lav I : :i.-:i art t-i he !;i:,v- fo? v. ha: -... n:..ui--t ; i- i:! i van-1 lo: i t i , ;.- Tt rii!!!'-: i. .O iiVi a ;i t j liviaiiasr .!?mnml. H -i.:'-t:.ry H.-wavIV -i-a i.tl or-" n:a"- ;,:iietiei hah o a " ni hronu. r our ti.. i-.-iV - i's-ime-i! an M'lii.ii. Iih- i ,.., j. v,.,-;,t.,i ... B i-Mai-fflir::.! i-tatem: n: !'-f mo.-e h;iie t.hinvrfir. II tl.ey ltj more ':.' , ...:.. . '...:: i I. i l :... .. . ..!... t '. '. , ., ' :h,it, i;rlw .., .r,rj f kr.r the 1 ahsnce nniler . ,. t . .... - 1 ; . II. , . ' ' " - : '' 1- " -'I 1" '11 t" i'l"' i ,, , ,,. , Ki , J fn:-.l i it! .'- Illtf "I -u ill-' Jti-.iTOJ - , - - - - - - ' .' ' . " ' " ' , ii ... ,1 ..!,!'.:! ,.s ti." ftt.e ,.,. He hi'- : : a..., lite! m I tUiserj. jr. .HI MX Ola 4'"' 1 ;;! a 1" I !ia a! 1 !, :.l i i i ii."-';;t ta: ' . ,,. , I' "' ,. i". : ' ;'"i:ii.- a w e. -niU'-'s to loin-i'if. innt r)i on-! j-.r ..;.!,..,: .;,.:. ''"' ........ , j . ... , .!.... ii,. : . . .. ' t .., h !,;,. ti;. .t i"..-,-.i'i ... t.uin. i i e v;i i'v, s i in ii ,-i , ... i- ...t . - ----- . , r- , . , f ,1 il-ifiii. l:'-r r i ir I hna -".ia ta'ttf en lin":he,-. J jl.tr -t v J..-.J,-, . . o- i-'o. i'i : a. aii oi!it .i'-i, iioiii i n- . .. ... . . . . ... , . ;.. ,. -i, ., ,t:. r i i i' I...-.iv i-:- i! . : . i ..!!)! r. I'ii-i. ti.cv a .ii- ! pel'liii-.-loll l' : " !,i l:v;!' " !" C ...I- A .. . . ... ' M.... .'..-. . ... ,1.. "tllo'l'.l1 I'i ..'I M ; . . J t" I 1 t it . A ! , :i 1 1 - , T 1 ' : i I : - il t . . . t i ...It I . 1.1 t . lA-.; ...-o. ..f le v.! Il.f !..r TDIIti I'l I'll I li? TII - T,t, V t t i C-'.'! , 'i :!.,..' HI . . I I ei:i. t! , a-l.'r. --'' I a !.'.'' ,. , ,. .. ,r , ! Tiif ei y viam ones, worth now , at market "JUTJT'lZuT'iL '' hui.'lre.l an l fifty .ioliarx. llol- '" .' " ' . , ' - . .. ' I IH-Iievcw ia in-atiuii low ni-acticuily ; i nt.'.u -.r .la-. i.-.m.i '.".n Lhuhv nvu: he Mih.)ue-.!).(,uriicin!; ),i)n i,v i.htr.-iit..or.t iai.1 ..,T!"'t.,a,r! A E H(R ,:,t v ,.e,.A.Tke the com- ,; l ' ' 1 ! !" txi-'ciiu' 'll'i'1n-).',.l,'',!,I,,';-'''''';. grate ii tine, H , ,! t' j i l - , ; ...fsi.t. hsm i!.- t waliiis h.ia a tatiOv r,tir.i. , - . i i!u' ,'-v- v',: !;i h,l,i 1 ' !"1:'?1--i'.,,i !,,'.'. I!,- i.tli.-v ,i.t i: ii. ;., ;.-'!''l "1'flv as a pmilti.-e. It is a nure cure. r con! now Mp.vviihn; it: r-i.-ty. h'nU n " t!; ,.f ,.,T:'the SV-'-' tJ i'., r v.. :.!'. th- ,, lep!autc,l in the m.ia.s o. tkwe wo.o nre:,.,,, A,lmill:.n,ir;.lU :,n -,::s ,llv v,.,rh t-.'... , v.t. ;., ,!-., erv l.msr nimw eoi ;!;? ni xho nti:.ir o! , - , , ,-. , v ,,. , , , ,' -' ' . . ,r , , h'"o- iii.:i-l W at tiie tro-AT t r. -oi.T.t, or:,. . -. t. . State, to lir.v.l new J.tviN sn-1 hatt'-'s m j .;n r , 0 , ,v .. . .,,.'' oernm.-.it Mia-l he eontins rears. If. we waihi hsire to e.- '. " . ,.,.',,'" .' ", ' " , ' i-it'-'v in ''": r ... . , , , . staim, iv-;.:-,, ,'(.. . la t'.at ever.!, i.i!! tie. I ' I "-V ' Iitiertv inr ie are! t,t'r .""i-Tr, ii'tti . ;i",.rt s ai.i . , .. t .-. ' ... .- t . , .i ., ; . ,: I a iiot-t I . p.sr:-.. I . i' 1 ... ,...,-.1 -,.! r j '-ri n r i t t ti.v . 1 ; . 1 V:'.'.! n-ali.' 'ni is ill l':a la i.. lot i" ii -: :i!-o it- ; ;-s i;,t! .:i ,i,!,.,i; f -a- '," I '! Oi h ' t' '. ' ' I i-i -.-a t i tho on.;-' of every kin. I l-nnl-he.! fr.-nt our iatat. v-ia , Mi-'i'is-.s vita: " it..' Axiliito: a. h-io t'n' fts a- ,:oa , ia. ; ( i meno t I'" ''"i?..!.... '('!.:,..,, .,:..! ..! ,,) ih. I S'. ),., . I,...-,. lit-!,,.! ( , .,.,-....-: , must teach our eh;!!;-,; that his! y ,he nr- j ll:!..tv ; Vr.',j;,;: u " . " ': H,- -: 1 ll-hn-v's' fiiia-K-'v . a .-'" nn.l aj.ohft-K'c-ot pea, - t aat hherty i- ml- ' ' i.;,, ...; . f "i-.f -ev -la "I-,.:.,' .aa v ii'ATiiui.n jit Iii-o a'-ii. i i'o- ti in :.o-tive? !':""p-! 1 ih-a t (--.. can- ,r the r:.-.' -? : Met p.!-"the peek fitfl lre:'i-t : fi.ane the Jmltice. -. wiii i . -.'-.,,'..! an.! f.:r'; h-' w .ii ! ;!v,:,,,,;;;!4 V.-V,',,''''.'! !i ' '' ''U" 10,1 h ,",'",!,t's ,ir-v- havc.a.ou.ayhT.Hh.'r y'"'' ""r" I it'lciTaaV iis tr iei'tltrtl' 'he' f't-Htv.V tWi4 rrt- j A 0t rt :t?r,t ,JtVS 1?m, ljTrft , ,. ,. . . :a'-: ia' , .-;ii..:; i::i". i " i.i at: n i.a . -a a-, e i.i i..- .. ... t--., -. r, . ,. , - . . .1 it'.-ii.t-' ?.'.:.,:. s i -.irr -i" . : .. . . , i i -i'i,,. ,.trr '.o.. Ji---; l-omi h.s p .tntnes he washes tiiein in . o,... ,(- .. ; '.U; : . ; !" M" "J";'' i:,;'i!,,:;;..;,:!a ..j, :.!:;: ::;;,'.::' ,.a.. t.at:,.i,t1.,.;-:ari!a"Waicri.M.i.;rhs them it. the in. ','.V ! V '' ' "'," ' ' .' '"'' ; '"! uja:.;;- tl.t'a me- :.i:er th" -j i'-. i:tM-r !-. .-h.-tJ: l tvinitwl t. l-.-ccm a ; He kivs thr.t he l-a Mve-l tht-ia from dis- taiiwl nn.lprr serve.!, (live them i' a nrntf-; .t(.-:N Jh-.,,, N j:,-., to he infcriln.! on t'.aar isimo :. IV;. e on ' '. .' ,. " V " ! ill:' !'!t ite 5 il . .:.-. I to t :: : '!'. i::i'i! t;e i 'it--:s !,r' nnK'tt-.W n (.!t:lli- : a.-'-fjI ciiir.f'i or an t ....-:? v:..'-o..-ta! 1 '.: I. at - fuse :t:r!.f 'a'teral V'-ars. iien-t ! d !;iv -1. .leO cat. ! he t a- f !:. i-:' 4arth and -will iowar,U tueitr" j n'm lllt; ';lM '"' -1 '"' j !N. ,.ki.. M AMrty . the sillier w h . w a-! !t v,,",n The iKrs,r:it'li Ptiiinim s.,-,.. vi-.o- i A: ohi ":! ovan i thtit eiiv : I senteiice I I . ten .rs imtcisotuuent t-.t v-'-' ' hi "j . . it. ' , . , . . - I The p.:!rv tra-.totr of tho rhocrvllle Item-.- i i-ncif-.t owr tV .: int.tt.at if iV ., t i t'lihavc" hv th- lao;,! t;! ;' Tr-t, u'"a,"u"f!l' i'Vl'i',i'u'lmetll'!r!("i;u(Tns.h:an lh'.Avn ti- (!M Ue.-f, r-h- ) l.'m-ln. lua.le hi.n escape ."me ,?... sii,-.! , V,--. lUr.f ...;c li.",, . iUfn I. -1 I v ! t!a, Wna-i cd. anl Abolition papers have been I'.jitiol : h"r. .ti-I nn-.hrei. f li.tri-er'.s Fcr-t 'iioiU i-- e"-i.i-t .! that j,,- van l.nak w hoU I Tom -ia,!' Mitri.a,- ior .,v. U'u i...-.H'h.r ho J.roip.ht ..foreliiin. "h.y-.. ;'ot ca. :'a- . a-t ...ai'afs. i-,.r, w-re :,'L,:t. h". ... tl,, IfWa! e Jonac .u-.t lh',-,u,hiv inf. the H 'Ir p V;":. i - W li ! ' '- wUtwl .w,. liea'h fan:; I't ai. At . ami Mifual 1 !i w-h: of fvi.Jenee j ii V,tTr..tiom i rr.'.!W:t hi... i.in-t his :, , turpentua- 1.1,0 put into t,.e ,vr.lp. ; ,, ,..e :.n. lf,r!f.ni 'iic.-V-.-f -J,. pn r h- will tli .ni-ii-Hi,.., "f .!i.a.!'"rt of fm",t,,-i.;;..:f itaw .r a Mn-je ,j;.v, two or three .. ,. , -';,. , ,... ' :. . , , o.-in'encf t.fliis .!! iicoP'r-asriiiat il.- Iruts! tones area', is a Miftictent nno gixxl pre- ::!-. e.-iMie ''1 'he j ,-.s :,,!!tm! t:: I -iii PH:e-.ire of jotuo-hmetit tlw j.n,.. (f tU r -.at,,." .-.mte him U-nv. I enatie n-rnlnst moth. a war!-, tint aHawin:; the fact ih-if at 1 1 i-tia- rti'iiii'i-'ii'T in the arvu. ef lal-er ; 't i i.v.nv! t.i ii.,, 1 ' Jatwv ! nat nro men men oins t!i-'- int-a-.a v.-. t-. '.'.in-ctufre t -r M'o.liiie v, J .-" t "-- ii.ati-i- 01:. , , . . ,, , ...... .- , ,.'. ! tl'-at l.H'V i.1 H'O Wi:i;r l.ic o'tl-'W s 1 ;,,; . in. a lii-a. ii. s a ! I.', ia r u.ii ; : ;c o I -. 1 1 ,1! . t-; :,- a .vi--if, -.ii...-, V :.,.- W ,h liolltieal r.i-ein.i'.i ,v h v.-,.-,.,..t 1. .,'.! . ,"i, 1 .11 -, . '. ...:.: a. .. : i .....'. -c.liit l t "' ' ''"l ' '" . Hi-' IHil.'l M'ilinia-I 11:1.1 llt'iil'l V Hill t't to -.a . ' i a. ,n; --i- i! i'i ui.i. oi.e.i - tail i.'.-.t , , , ,, ., . , , i . .. , a ; it. : .- 1 1 i -i 1 1 : . . : :i , t 1 .: , j - n t . 1 .1 t - - . 1 ... . .... .. t N ..( i ; !,.:' th- ir. h. 'a?'., f the I-i r la .......v'ter. Han-oai i'i:--tv.!' I i:t -':' u. x. in-, t : . tr.t'ii j 1 : Kp-sc: 10;. j V. '!' I '.. l". nt! ni, ,- , 11 ::) ,.!' 1 ':,!" 1 a . is 1 1 allay ;i:t;. I lie t : k w.i-i a -itst, tr.'.-j.. i. i. i;; ! lua ,-cvi re l-ii'!.i.-lior. him to ;iv" a m'll- placc t f reason, und ju-tivO t ve;i hv l!':4 M; l hui-iiae i .; i;,,t tii t live. :.-.!. en.! i i ih-i i.i-.' a'.l- t-.-u a .worn mini-ers ,-f the hiw. i-,. - '" ': " " rverted." o iiave IVtnoenr; warnc J lxi l " !r , p;li ,;;,v their iwiltteal adVrn-io that the - l.I:-hr-: ' :'" r' ' .." '" L.' ' i -i'-: ; . ::'-: an I was ,!.:::-!: v ia a 1; :jhy i.r.t.ii.V-t. ..r.'at i n..t ;;..-;- i I:: -. !:-.. h i;- f-t '.a ri - lorn ta ;;iv- a imli- ing inauoaco" thev h,ve east in-on "the I f ' '"- " ".!;"t'" ,T'V"" T , '"''I !-S '"' -hy.-.l the lai.-' " vu,r .eoteo, e th an if ainst e. old M L-ountrv will not roltMuct-l--: ! 1 " 7 " m " i 'iV'Miu.rv ,,hK c urv iotiiet .0 harhar.,. niid mo '"",- '-'' a--; ' - r ; hot ha w;.iial u, :a irrni, setwe that lounrry w.u tit..iitt.i),lmiu.1, '-''-1 Itr-nvn a "thh'f, rc.l.her nd murderer , .... , I " ' 1 ' '-''!'-' i h' r ,. ... M;s. i-nr- ; !i- 1 a a ,.. . f I lie c.i.e re-Uir"l it. not mate result ou tlse visnt j;euoi;.tuoti." w,!r,. a lu-!n.,H3 t --;t..r? Then ; I "!!.'!"1' :V T7i "'T' v1" " - ,:" '. !?. -"i" i rati v .n :ih.i..:-t e-nicl ( t'te e-ilh-w ... I SVam a . f. cUi;:; that the nnn's circ.fiiistaii- Onr neioltbor of iho Journal, cither : w hy is it v, i .n; h mv that he v. a.-? Will '(-..u cm ih.Vii o, take m si. ps touT nh hi i i.-- i 'he w::a j'!;aa d on the oofi i; . no ol the ices ticre noitiiy i-J j.tty, lanre luutCc-t or kis distivet than many !' lUmMic.naor. AUditioaUt i f tre-m i vr.'.t ? ViH y.. I, o. , aan, . h t ;:': e ; ; -t-rm. ' fn . 'tiu.'eil hy Ip.r :ntn.tij itie,f r.re . tt.n-.nl .s-.t ol tnon, tuunty l,a ,, Hi t, ( (. ..ii,. r (-' ijii llli ' t.-'l j tlif m ?!:. ?-taf yf !h"-: w!iu w-.-ul l h't hi:n en: ! T , r , ' ., .. . , . '., . il.f ii. s.lf,i- .l,er... f.-. hir-i en trR.i-cei.'h'iilai- I V !:i ;!' liJi5i (t' ir: A "' l'rpxi.liut he had ::.so.;i: s ia lady V.,.'; Mai in-. :;l:'i R,.:j'Ait'.. .;',',;. i;1,tf l.aii. Via- nearo iiiar' '-'. vi-h- ( iaiattHar Ktu, h. the lihrarj ': e-l .":i iii or.lor la relieve ii &;' 5a ,!i.i!;:-r l..-t . a'y ire.a t. eh! cp-f !!''-''7 :' '..''ii..n, ton4 .f-J ,f v,i'e JV,.t.t ioI'-.-nos i-ridl-li'o :. t.ut fret. u'. .. 1: H Ita.k .ari. :;' ' 'f ,'""". ' W Mip.r. wh'ch there v. ..T: n other j ' ''' "' "' ""' 1 I t-rnii.lr. -vry .ii knows tU UHrraS of Ottal- I'rciiS I.ffwous in I'ftr f.inr. A reitlri-' iiift l" 1 : i':,r . ! !." t'A Iht.- t'l.anctU'.r. j " What 1 if " I Vn.v, Pi htwara tt icah-ityr. ie." i'i -ir f I y " ra:y '".-'.'- So '.T. v."u ).r.- V : "tier. ' nan: ait. i- !:.r -i .-fi '0 ' '.-.! '.:-, -11 ha ; jf t.bci: ; tuU the Cbttaeeltflr ffraatTr i-.t .-tti. la-- t!ti -a i 1 t ii i.itlv nl.lt- t ciift.ri- it . tjjrj,;-' ,1. !:iVI-e ......fi.in--' it.. ar...'i.--t : hut (if r--n as T j -Xhe mar i! ,f K-.i Ao," ia'A the .PreMdcnt, '" P''i...i. ,i' if t-.c -.p.:! him. I.-.- t.i ia- 1 cr. ua W .. t.,.,t a tt!jac vroiuaa mesri 1.0: uiartrr Mack mi - hit !i t-i fet-.n l j.r.'Ie; a.iiii -t the r.itii:!- i mau ' ill if. K -iiJ-.-enH. I Vt'h. ii i -iiii a: ..j..'i.i'.Ti- ni'-t ii.h t-f i'a-!.r'' t-ikoi t At a ao.:n on tno fiverian I rente. tt:e kecywr awar, hf l-tf eiiaaa? Jtesr ihiy Jw .tin:.:te'l. 1 r 'lit iter I'-rt f pruvifi.Mi.s hi fact, hart ntitb thiit lii 'im fit va- hn '.'i" ia. etmie.-i.-.. o t,v,.ni w : iS h'Tt Pi-f 8 hetth. ef mustard aiel fume ha-m. !.. ..... 1. ..:... !.. ,. ,. . ... ..... ... i.... ! As .in- -l a,.,:w,l ilium i.nn .1.. ti. l,nA ,-' ... . . , :. . , ... , , i , i .. , .... 'I a (li K i--.."'1 .ti-.t." "v I'tit.'Tti. ; - . .. ., ...... . uu&v n those poiii'si, dear ic , It- trieti-l-. ith ttnf.tnit'' I eyos ami ..own-: . Pnu's oi i;eiu'nd excifeiiietit, :;!.. tt. ; e1;ul h-r -.-, t!.e pasMu'.-r tvatti thentive at tho i . , 1 .1. . .! ..' .!... ".tl , 1 ..... I I.,,,... ,: ,! ......;.-,.. ...,'i 1, '.". .:....l ..:,!, , a, 1 , ,.- .,!... l.. i fa'ih- .Til ft e l,o-f .. .. ...... .,-., ,.",,. .-. . I, , 4 . , I. :. , , . 1 t I I ' I - , T I - I 1 tt - I ' I , t .,1- It ill. - I 1 . tt !!,,.;-l,jlllt.fl.:tt-,l I ttttl-r i-it- t -t tl w. ,t., . .-.t... -- - - truth of what Democrat have KtaUnl, and Ul" "t:--lor a-..te. s-a.n.-t v.an; lhiT-..,t Sh... fh-nl-ol fv..,,. ih.. ..ow-Ud.,., t-. Mom the tide of fedin- frhin ove?- i' !: .Ii.raf....t. .hat h-mjx r wal i'.tcraf...u iceii-1 y- I yip y a I's.-f UKml" .ih-.tw:i? T.av M.V ' han-r u:..tr-. -v v ATV'tlin's M'Arntr.ST. 1 1." 1 ua!- j .,, (, . . ,. ' ,,; . , . , ,. . . . ( . vr.ii'y j.a-.iu.t. p. maoa aa-o m nil t!iiej. -m-i-ii. A". i:i-r: yta: i ucr.-r cat fcacon,' MUtH !:.: itinfr is .t-testil. it'l l :.i -ci "n'.lu is the l:U 1 rit-i.:r. of his coteuinoraries. iieknowlevlccs tlie ! ',,hv 1vh 11 '',:1!,:-V'. v'Uit r,"l,ri' i v--ur oj !iiu'i. thoueh the aJutisstoita come very tanH'-v!1'" " ' ' m";"'"' l""K:' I ' .' . '.lerfnl l.e.it ol'iho mhii hv an nmbivl!.. !.. hi ! nnmin;; t'l-e honnds which t he less -ns of we fHve him cred-t for" iV-n " o i',":in n"vn 'ai hnn-x f.r heln- a traitor. ;u:nne (X a::) t aT.-r saad the e i.ow.ng. an -. , . , .; Her .h.-vvas (h-ej! h!a k ie.ercrH'.. h.ve tan -ht hi . t t-i iL 7,"!,Tt , 7 L'1 tiny of th.-.. thiai 1.. was u.ny , S at- jsirtr on-mpnui. rurally I.lV-'aruo s Wo,,i while on tri,!. Noti Th-v do liair w.rk.i'e eancr-ioV doit readers rect upon In, wora.. sind W . j.-Jjut h, w a. puiii v ..f trea-.n V it io.-mv inly : . i ;.. la r and .,, t!,.. .-ame dm,.. -,a IVy.-.e. veil- a'nd tlKtfn ttlut iron, same ia.e ever much they may censure or regret j Vet the Via- i!...- ..rp.ii .1 th-.r j.aay hi; M:,y o -tv a.ahf i-t f r treason l.e v w hose lata ami , e.s j.re; .ntt - l a a umi-n:.l i . r alio! lor I hoy ; re tin il,-le io t-viiipnthi.-f his candor, thev ou-ht to re.oect his de-l "hf'-rn-.a would tane the !de ot a i etna:.-! with the-hott.-t tire of she l.r ,,.,,, .,..,. .,',,, ,,:,;-:.,-,.. His div. 1 1 cm-Mn ;ri'ie; or i ays. ouvii' not to mt theui votiou to the tr'uthiu tho tntacoWir1. Trr" V V r fit, it opanioii.-folm r,-..rn tw n..t e trait ' v , T - . . jwns UaifoM. villi pouchy dre- :.nd woe. On tue contrary, they are h'hly i.eserv. ' , , jlVivourt).-e'.,uAt,ihio:1c.uen:rm:.:;,sleir !v a'' treason .s ; u t Atzorolt w.ts tlm H;u.io!?n- of Jiittvh httmorino:. nnd of 1h:i.- ro- Ut course, ac alsu;.es to his own fsrU- u.,v$ult thev"tiur.k . f linm-j. and in, cri.m-. M-h eeen-e , very cukcii w,.o.l-.rs m.t!j,v,., V;-.Vi,e. ami. like h'ls! ;Uid liar-! ce!v. vs t.rmuch f. .rK-araiice. Thvv tire brethren in treakin of the jn.ea whoso . f his p-.tnisl-.m, nt. ami whether h ;" la- ... e iic! support Ah'iiiini-m. , lia:.i tin" ir!:--i.'.is I ,.,,. ; 1js s,..( lvx 'iir.'i.tiy t i he pitied, f .r the very reason judgments arc fre.iuentlv waned hv ! 4t L' -,1-' ! Icnma'uof that i- m .k;t censure ,.r rel-uke i The pris.mer. wove iaiv. laca j over the j th.it. tin y tliemseh ih c.innot pity. 1'er- nrpindW vmhit . ; " , ' A ..'' i . , 7" '.'T 7 , '''" wr,,'"-h I'""-! the (-.:. timent--- h. ' j-,,.-! ,!,.,,.,. The tsvui. i:nvi iit-k'h.'sof Alv.e-i haps in the iiitistuiurkod.octUHti of thi. prejua.ct, fcotn.it - iu-t.eecanin.t-beuone 1;. r h"a:-.-i;i-; sis hund.. -I .'.;! a . h;v:",--- i,,,v i,, .to, fit I , t a , , i t ' ,. . - , 4 , . , , . . L-, ,i i- ,i ii- ; ' 1 r.i'.i. vito cane -I,-:?, vcre tn-d .eciry!v et;..,-. tin s-ciiho ul kiiidne.-s h not utiem by them as sworu niin.stcrs of law 'for "r-1- the I .i;..n pa: J; , tiie D. ia f i;;t. ay-: ' .,, ( . J . , ;, , , , j ..., ur, , ' , , wjta ftnp.i t iv.ti'i! ( !'i!h. dead; hut if not, it takes some rather he Iih.-. t-it'in : .,m '1. o' it pr-'it's-i-t lis i.t'teri'iiaa: .a '. . iijih.-ia ! A I v v o rr.i iOTi.iN. l ace was eon. , . ' i c i i . i nc, l.wu oi.i,.).,!i!e .ha, r,e:M'iy ahi., , .,..,. , i , . . . , . tu too Kiaia. manner the .! oar enmnalrf I urot ite fonus -Mtch a- liesfo'tvine tntt'-h , . ! l.a- a. :!. r t tin. Ke, tm, a ;.t .;.a, 1 v it-i i,. .,,, ,. .1,,, ...p.;, ... I ,. . i- .' , , . .. in authority now, in the court.- r . c!e.!tacit c.-r.-ent to ti -1 lVen. h r -' .':i . t i ' ' ,' . ' ' '""J w.re I' -o-ii. i -i l tha lohn-e.s tidjtt-;..!. iattvntmn on the coinh.rt t a cat, while where, are of Ills own party vrsu 0 j jMesieo, ami is pash, m! -.i--."..a t - t:.(. ;-'"'.' "' """-'",'"''-' 1 A.-' the la.tar limmei.t approached .Mis. i m-ieetiiiy: t!i.se of human hmn-js f-i wliopi , ., . , , 1 . "' " " 'wrongs a:al in-uUsufliuro-aiin is u.r, iCli-h'H'h fr the rrhtf io.-! l..noiit of ; .-'..irr.itt- said: " 1'hat e tlou't let mc w cat l a f ource t-f reasonable iil.trin. he aware that the ciaotte state of society, i h(Il,m, oaroilsl. L-,v .;;iro the w.-rld." Is,.h!er.s. tla-.V fatnilics-the si,kaod weund 'f-di." (It ?..., lVou. ij.e kn..w!et!ue it bus of the ami mc wigutin- mnucacea resu!ttn? We have m t j.-t V..arI . f a s'.h I nian iel atal .h-atiiuf . TV tm.-t of this sum m , Tho Oonuncrcial's correspondent savs : Alltir a violent cfo.-rt, wil'i his feverish trom it, arc traeeaiue to and t-harireable 1:-T1 reaftuaetni; h.s rii.-iara-e t his conn-1,,.. .,,.5 thiv.ie.h tj1? i,an.l of th- i'an- 7 . ci- ' , try fur the luvnr. -e of n Ihtka-h-m v.t tho!. , ,, . '., . . ,, upon the conduct of his own party people. h:miU ( th,,i Attitr;a., I5au,..p- i:. m,,x. ! ;'ry nm! , .tncrsuiv ccmmissons. let. Be proceed.? to ennmerate other wK-ie- Neither have w. beard of a.-cnia beint; nt.rv u :' '! v,af. 'MT'IV'" 'Jl IT t m 1 i .cut to Sarora to or7 permissiun f.r Tnion men i f o.l to ics h-.t.mate jtiirp,,... ; t,te re.niu.o ty, gencrid and pohtieal cvd.s, which nee- to aesert t'.n-ir cunirv ami n-nmve thidi-! j-h'vent toenn.-h no ,elh.w. and other ossa-Mtv flo-.v f.-.-an fh l,.rod 11,,-.. IV- -o- a w -.i " A "cuts .'"lerici.!, polltua! ami k!io.. vste !a.. ... .. V . : - .. : .; 00 una ..".. tiv't'it- v, ...tt.it ...ili il- 1. llitlil. t fake h.-i.s the poison chaiivO lo your ow n vial were trnsteil with its tlishiu-scmetit. i'utii Atzcmtt t;aii: (ienikman. take , vi", i nor. ,11111 su it : ware. (meaiinc: warnm?;.) Alter tliei, . . 1 -, ' 11 . ' ,1 1 lecaina extinct, while caps were all put over tho prison- , crs lieads. Atxerott ijaid, in distinct tones: ' !ti.nl-hy, gentlemen, who. "ire before mo now ; niav we aU'inect in 'another worM, nature and .juality of the highest crea Hire.s. to .seek tlie kiinwlei'.a.e it has not, ami tan never have, of one of a low or- lor. And so it i-inmddcv.s. if it docs not the seeds of discord planted in chHdrcr Unfortunately they fire not chil Jreu alone who have been taught this hatred, who have been s-.iTeete 1 by the seeds of dis etrd planted. The evil innucnees of thee teaehini.1? aud rdantias have reach ed the heads-of famihoo. nervada.J th,J "v' .l'l' -.,.. llJ :l ''''r hcai, say the i:y-n is a Letter man hiuib; of 3 Irs. Stirratt was all that- was i ..- ,,tl i.ui.'I't.l.I IHIIti . . it'll t.titt-,-; t V.-i'tii.-l.- o . 1 . ,if tt,,,!,,,,, I.. ,.,.' .,,,,... 1... I !,J !. ll.f III. 1" ! ihv, and don't false! v char ethers with h '-; ".-.. -o ,,,,,, 1 . 1 1 j . 1.10 mm. wn . v.i . on . .i.m crime of wh;eh vou yourself are intiltv. trait..t.s, h. nev-ro hallats dH, fnr criminais were hau-iu in the Alhany Journal. ' JjJ !f ' F Ui1 111 ti'!,,,.-'"- air. Tl;e uprights were kinK-k-ed out at We cl-.ared that your partv had permit- f' , , , . , , the p:1ven Hiuitial, and the bodies were Mis ted the violation of ihe Monroe a.:ct,i,,e. and , Uiam l"sh hH'd nl thn.. ,Kllk,tp Atzerott died without apparent. 1.. ...!,.: 1 :.?f. . ...... IIls VMiy-thYm, with: iendeu 1 lu,h;:s . j, sli t ,lluVcriU.,lt , the household group, and trevailo?l among M.iui la. ami, u iita iiciLT.iiaar.s. x ov iossihi . of hatred war taught by men, like the present Chief Justice Chase, who declar ed that he did not hate .slavery so much, but ha hated &laveho!Jers." The people of the North, under Puritan and Aboli tion teaching, were brought to hate the people of the South, and nest the same potent and diabolical tutors tanghi their followers to hate all Democrats. The counsel of the infamous Rowau Helper and his ilk was followed by a large ma jority of that party in the Northern jwhat Pollard, the author of the " Southern States, and even here on this Coast the History or th War" says of it. The States pestilent advice was heeded and practised. waa thus stultifies itself :t havincrtime and ' ' "' ' , f . ' ' 1 ,' lnn-1 more inte:!i'itit than the iow Irtshtnan..en of the death slrttiisrle. Tin: bodies to these direct and truthiul charges, -ml tt i 1,. .'.:,, ,,; ;.,.,..,. -.. .1 .n't i .., i e 1 n , 1 . , ' . , iii.. .'.uiuur i.ista.Ka we u-.n t u...... it,. J;!vnc and ilarroltl siruu'oleo coiisiu- Uivert your vea-i from tue question, re- j t.nt t!::. 1'i.ohps and hi. ia .ll.iwers arc c.r- h. ,,.; A''ior .,J(n,t ,An ' luinutcs tort ahout what this or that individual may j I l' :r '"; i"w 'lid nor us u hayouet ; ia have done. We sooke of the act of vour I ll n,t "serving ofa.. hai.ot. jifirfy in H.wer as tho Aii.t.;ii.ftitfl-'t;i : you tell of ins'irnifieant. unofiR-ial. ih'UenhiuV. "-vkiatiov or I-x.vkv. Iu ver. J he O. !, acts. You have not met the quesiion vou N. Ca., eontemplate bmldhiaMtciuuer near . ....... -i .. 1 . . 1 . . i. . ...1 1 . . '.1 . i . . .. ' . '" cannot nieei u. muess to aeKu-.rAu-.tge iw 1' forry 011 Snake river, to ply between u i.ti.iiui.;t in tii .: r.iiu. ui. i'voi .1.1 iiuv . party h;is never th'M-trine. jBArn-Y Orp for ax Akouvent. .To show at tho IVinocratie party is dead, as it ha asserted, the Statesman of last week quotes ,1 we said. The Dumierut'ic o,.l(. . , , ' , , been false to tho Monroe!, , .?" ' t a,!'' 1!lrl wc'1 Uend alnl Brown- lai s I erry. Ifts hebeved tho r'.vcr can he navigated tins' distance, and if ho, n g'-eat tra'le wall he opened up along that' whole .-miioi-v t .tl.,, Ct.,,, w li.., i : .1 that tho Democratic party is dead, as it ha ? ; , ,wv J. ,' j.,.. . Communities became divided into war ring factions, society was shattered almost ti its foundation ; friends became enemies, kinsmen separated in anger from kinsmen, and the fell, pernicious spirit, was imbib ed even by women. Wives parted from their hustnds, mothers . turned away their children and maidens dismissed their suitors, by reason of this spirit. , ' To be a Democrat was enough to call down all the wrath and hatred and displeasure up on a person frm those imbued with the blighting influence. No support to Dem ocratic newspapers, no patrona-re to Dem ocratic hotels, no purchases from Dem ocratic merchants or traders, uo employ ment of Democratic mechanics or labor era, no communication or intercourse with Democrats in ai:v manner wW again charged that Jetf. Davis, was the lea? er of the Ik-moei-aiie party, and any reader of Pollard's history will know that he was op. posed to Davis. But the Statesman knows The Chinese miners ou Applcgate creek Jackson county, arranged fir a pitched fight among themselves, over seme water ditch difneuitv, on the 10th, hut when the day of kittle came the Johns thought' better of it. They were very singularly matched ihi airainst oOO. for whom it writes, and can renounce or de-1 A pair of horses belonging to Camn ft Co. ny what it says in one number in tho very Portluml, hauled a boiler "weighing 8.3-10 . , t -i pounds on a truck through Front street, and ncrf, so.that it assail Democracy and up- )ut if a i( cLuek hiQ ; on(J X t holds Abolitionism, and its admirers w ill that. I ; swallow all it says, however inconsistent with any tiling previously published in the paper, without question or thought. -To such men Denioer ey is dead, because Demo cracy is justice, national honor, wisdom and pati'lotisin. As the Statesman has nothing to Jo with cither of these high attributes, we expect it to trod 0:1 iu its own beaten, devi ous, tortuous paths. Meantime Democrats will show and prove to the world that the . , - - . ; uttmwrauc panv 13 not acaci ; tnat, on tne tire counsel trtren. reecv..i -.nr! .h.,i 1 .. . . . , .. J.. . ' , ".t.jHcii, fiJitrarv. it is alive. . The City Council of Portland have order ed contracts to lie made -for putting down the Nicholson pavement in the streets of 'that city. ' ' . Th'i new rive.' dreging machine built at Portland for clearing out fund liars, &c, from the river, has been tried and works well. , -'''".' A newsbov, known as'- Crazv Jennings," active and invincible. wii1" lost on. the Jonathan. of solemn silence, the bodies were exam ined by Surgeon Otis, IT. S. V.. and Assistant-Surgeons Porter ami Woodward, who all pronounced life extinct. ; One of the cords being prematurely -evered by a soldier, one of the bodies fell to the ground with a heavy thump. The bodies of Atzorott, JlarroM. 'Payne and Mrs. .Stirratt were then placed iu strong white . pine coffins, in the order named. It was not .ascertained positively whether the necks of Atzerott and Payne were dislocated or not, bid-that those of JIarrold and Mrs. Surratt were there is no doubt. The boxes being properly marked with the panics of the criminals, the burial was completed by a detail of the First Corps shortly after, when the spectators dispersed. A request, made by their respective friends i.r the bodies of Mrs. Surratt, Ilarrold and Atzerott, was not granted by the military authorities, and what will be tho final disposition of tho bodies- is not known as yet. Desides tlte guards, &e-., about 200 or 300 persons witnessed the exciting scene, from the inelosure of the arsenal, while one of the buildings near the arsenal was covered with men and women, who .saw the whole of the execution. 1 The Idito Wfimlor IongIaa4 on. the ef him who wWas rather ta I feared iLau i' 1 h.vt'.t. '('-'nittias .e.. Turn r.i.i: in tI.HKvf;i.ioi ( in Pa it. ..tnc of the utra Ctitireh - f la.-hiii-! (tinifurips find U-3-1- m? hiyiarn sir: vry tiite h f M rciscl tit the late frri. nt hitr tttii.-'ti. n l' t'.e ' Co jfc-1-a .nal" iti V.'e;!. th-i-n." tn'A the f t.ntion-kcencr. b1i yours-i-.l i-j the uaisiHrd !" . In Itata. Xt w York. a dwcilinz l,:nie wa. hurnrd, ou . hp f-f the siiinSe t!-:-t-s in trai t of wbh-h a robin biel huilt her Tie?!. Yv'lii'e (be Ciu were in pro-rre-.-. the int.ih.r flirw l.iit k i:nl tortb. catlin? her utile ijrooT in n,t ln-u!ie.-t tl.stre. litil wiierj all proved iinar.-iiHiiir. she teok her jdwe on the nest, that ('htir.'h. l y s- veriil proiniat-nt ( hareiirrcrt. and prrUi.e I iu the tinmen with lic-r voui.". At a rt'cct! fluwh An'ciUy held ia KiSi.,!,,.!,. ! r Pof .. fsi(, a Ta.lke w!lT iou t .s.iethat Iinilrnad ct.rpt.ration for damage you f i have receive J ? iioth ef your lepn are hroken all Lord liuUieiisit wihl 1 am surrv to p. it that rre now Fee tiie t'hurrh Knelaud hcif.u- a .InusiTi-iis fltrlati :u with i !" raa'1' ? s,le t!,:"1 f'.r .himae!..' "Sao them P.merv (hnnri t; ri. ma! l-ito r:rfnm.staiii't have i f"T h'.mae. oh, hoy? I have damage enough' lir.'i.T'lit nmicr t e; puhiiceye the fa. t that ever, in ! ain-ady ; I il ie thtm for rcj.aini." o.ir Pratesl4.it, or tatl-.-r aUvd l'r .test;..... j The fl.tlrd .hs.on-rase nt the n,i-a-o PaniU ,:,.,rci:ef tl.r.t wr,l-h., device, tb c.u.onMial. F;tir fvr ti)e Jir,.tr-C,t j,, jn ch5eil "w Totcd ha, a-oun heen . -t .:Ay. Anythm-r m-.r. d,- ; , j, Amm L WiN.,,,, wh(( n.ejT4 1.1.73 T0te. sra hn- t. I.t-ral-..itidc.l mcn-Mivwin; note t lMlft fw ,B(,. t r M ,d ... fi fc. lvtriiuviit.il fa 'he vii'.'ije kikI lmriu jiiy of society, iicn-r was iia c-ii'e a I y Satan liaiiself, tain, tiiat f.yii!i-.n of the c tnhst.-iiiiaal, which, it now appear, is r.arii' its head in thu irmit of the (.'hiircu of f.U-h.llll. who'o iiuialitr of votes, at 1 c:tch, wa 3,471. AVhcn an tufiu'.-l khs on l.i death hedf bi confi dence in hi.-: hifiildiiy shaken, and Forue of iii friend t:rred him hold on to the lat, hi reply was I have nt oWetti .n ti tiohlinir nn. hat will Jons C. ISioa 'ciMtii.ci:. lieforelcarins l hiriia you t-.-ii mc what I am to hold on by '!" for Ciil.a, (iti.. t'riakiiiri.lKe addresotl a private! i.i i . i,. 1 i- - - . . . . . 1 An oi't laiiy rio bait, insisted on her minister lutlor to Lis friend, 1. IS. Unite, formerly of the I prayinjr for rain, had htjr cahhites nt up by ft' una fii.rin, auti. on viewing the wreck, remarked that .the " never hnvw liiin nn.iiTtake anything without overdoing the matter." Heavy' Divosce BmxESs.At a late term of the Supreme Court of New .York city eleven divorces were granted. In live of these the wives were punntihs. ' In view of the importance which at taches to the question of negro suffrage, and the zeal manifested hv some, now that the slaves are emancipated, to have them admitted to full rights' of citizen ship, the following views upon this sub ject, expressed by Judgo Ihmglas in the diseu-sioti with Mr. Lincoln before the people of Illinois, will bo read with inter est and. it may be, with profit: , I hold a lic'ro s not, and ni-rc avjht to !f t, cit hi it of (lie United States. I hold that this tioverunieiit was made up on a while basis, by white men, for the benclit of white men and their ootterity liov-fT, and should be administered by white men and none other. 1 do not be lieve that the Almighty made the negro capable of sclf-governaent. t Now, I say to vou, my fellow -citizens, that, in my opinion, the signers ot the Declaration 'of Independence had ,no ref erence to the negro whatever when they declared all men created equal. They desired to express ly that phrase white men, men of European birth and Euro pean descent, and had no reference to the negro, savage Indians, or other infe rior or degraded race. At that time every one of the thirteen colonies fas a slaveholding. colony, and every signer of the Declaration represented a slavehold ing constituency, and we know that no one of them emancipated his slaves, much less offered citizenship to them, when they signed the declaration. Overland letters of 18Gi have just reached Portlatid. Ben. Ilo'.hiday's faxt mail line is responsible far this shametess delay. -- . Change of position, according to the Richmond Times, is a white man driving a hac's, with ft big j ncirro inside. Confederate Congress, of which llie following is au cstraet : " I have htid nn news from die outer world j-inoc I ilit.haii.le.1 ficitr WooilstocU. lleorxia. tlio last Confederate force en.-t of the Chattahoochee. I The old Llaeliguard P.rowrdow, the Governor of Ten-aes-sce. is out ia a letter, reouestinir the colored tru-t there will hi wisdom cnongti in the counc;is ; pea!'h' " Lot to treat the whites rndely, or ppeak iiarsuiy io mem." cainbo M a tip or the pile in Tennessee now? Artemits Ward, in a !$.tttrfrom Richmond, sav ; " itinera) Halleek ofTers me the hospitality of tho city. lie gave me my choice of hr.sj.itala. lie al-T very kindly placed at my oh-po-ial a small pox iiUihoolance, A Scottish clorgymaa wa nufoentlcd for asaert- 1 ing hi a h-'.ter lhat he ronoidered Tontia Pilate ft very in-usc-ci man, as- lie had none more for Chri lianity tiiaa all the otl-.cr uiue apottlcs put ti- getucr.. A recent t-anitary inflection of Xatehea disrlo- cs the fact that th city is at oreaenfe normlatad as follows : Whiles. 3.4 58 ; nef,-roes, 5.02(5 ; ol- iticrs eampca ua tac city lUllits, 2,671. T'rtal, 11, -JO. A father was winding his watch, when he Mid playfully to his little girl. ie wind vonr uoai up." . ." fttid the child, " I don't want my nose wound up, for I don t want it to run all day." A Western Chap, in describin? a rle of wind, jays - a white dog while attempting t weather the gale, was caught with mouth wide open, and turn ed completely iiifi.lc out." - If we were always as particular not to breathe foul air' as we are not to drink dirty water, 'we" should have a ditierent race of beiags, physically, from what we now have. at. Washington City not to drive a brave and fif- fcring p-.toph; to the remedies that uprin-r from de spair. Kvery wan fhui'.ld now exert all tilt influ ence he pot.ses-i.-s t i make the present cessa'ion of hostilities pcmiancot and honornWe. and let it lie rciucmhercd that there can hi) no lusting j.eaec founded upon cruelty and oppression." The Vote o."f tub Missoi ki C'fNriTrnjr. The following ia the home vote on the question of the adoption of the new Stalo t'onsiitnti m of Mis souri s Fur the Constitution .".0.75 Against do. 4,HM Tho soldier's vote, included in tho returns, re verses the home vote, and gives a majority for the Constitution of l.SOti. iht-re uro loO.HOO voters m Missouri, half of whom did not go to the polls. There is no doubt that the soldier's vote fo tiie Constitution: is. to a great extent, the result of fraud and iiijusaice, and that, iu fai t, tho Consti iition was honestly rejected, rather; than adopted. Cin. Enquirer. j 1 No quack is permitted to practice in France. When a man is ahout to commence the practice of medicine in any town there, ho is obliged ta pre sent to the mayor, or other authority in town, his diploma, and. if they are not ca rcjte. ha is not permitted to open bio practice. The result is. that the puhlic health and the purses of individuals are alike protected. Why cannot thit which is done in France be done in Oregon ? -ihe Iay Book says of-0eorge Thompson, M. P., now over here educating us into the free negro suffrage: "Tljis men comes froia a country where some three millions of white men are denied the right of the elective franchise, acu yet his impudence and effrontry are equal to the task of lecturing Amer icans for not granting the'baHot to neg.-.x-s!" A Hottentot once got up a painting of Heaven. It was enclosed with a fence made of sausages. while the centre was occupied by a fountain which squirtcd pot-pic. The CongrcgaUonalists ia their (Boston) Gen eral Council, approved of the temperance, cause, hut voted down the Maine La aa"4 failure, or as that which had injured the c ase. ' ' - ' , The infant fon of the Prince of Wales is to chris tened Albert Christian Emanual. He wii! be kuown under the name of Prince Christian. " Tho devil sowed tares,' -read Mrs.' Sjififkins from I shall be at home next Sunday," remairkcd a young laidy to her beau, who seemed to be war cring iu his attachment. So shall I." was the Or. ' A witty doctor says that tight lacing is of pnh iic benefit, hiasaauch r it kills off all the foolish girts and leaves tho wise ones to grownp to he wise women. - ' "Pa. h jwlongdoestheLegislatnresct "Three or four months, my goo." Why what a set of geese they hnist be; our geeso only set five weeks." Mrs. Partington wants to know, if it were not intended that women should drive their husbands, why are tkey put through the bridal ceremony ? It is said that there was never hut one man who I the Bible. "Ah,' s-aid Uer husbit.ud, " I wish you ! wasn't .spoiled hv Vveira- lioiiized he was a Jew were like the devd. .:-;.'' , . .' and hi? name was I'anicL o v