The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 28, 1865, Image 2

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state luatrrniyiocR at.
tii i hi immmiiiiwuiwuy hiimuuluwi w w.
Hr. Ashley in 1'oit Intnl.
a.iimm aan
TtiK troi ixm: Riiti:Aiii;.
Late intellijro-in'e from t!u East revt-als
more and more the troulilfs vhi h hit
Ohio rolifir.
The Abolition nruaiw in )iv:;hii itTi-r
to tho division iit:nli in the iVin.u nitir
jtlutriH'ti'tu nnd ih'i-troyinjr tin Abolition i wy in Ohio, hut very stuili.uifdy n-li.tin
: party.
OVEKIjAI.D dispatches,
dates to august 5th.
jThe Hani Stonewall Cholera in Ex'rapc.
l'n, .l .n.l l... r j. .. i :.. .. .v. ...
l r i i . . l.ll . . i. - n . i in . , . .. . i.iw. i u" uir : iicui r;ivin" :i ll ui . l 111 l lilt I Mi r I " I ill
i .i ililll .1 II ..lil.i,- ,..i.. 1..... 11 - - - '
-" -.,, nivii.i'u "i; ,. , ... . I. .,1.1 !:......! ii .i ' : i i ..
. niiira s ;i i mr m mnu imiuimuiim .huny iriu ric . nieir iihii littiiv r:' iks in libit. "
to . , ; 1 ., .. , ,J j., . ,, , . , " . . ..I rebel nna H U u-vs i.i flu
The j'siriT. a:m jivuiitp, u uio iruiu i Man.' in.-tnitli is Unit. I In anion 'i , g..v. -n m. -m. i t.t iji m m j,n , i
CoHjrvo.-.-? from Unix, who li:is i-omo
thi v;:st on oiTu-ittl business connected'
rit1i TviMt. . ....:.. ..! ... IV. ...l..,..) !
11.. 11 I IHN i. ul i ll 1 'I ill- Il'lit.ll.K' .1 11. . l I i . , . . .1
i . ii, icoast. oxen in tin' six ruritan Nates : (liso-iistcd (!;. i ruin-als. and 1 lif v nrr not
last week. Ho v:;s not lionized as ('ol-; , ,,. , i, , . . , ',
ti.iii'.. ai'.i i.fiiiiiiihiiiiii u'lwi ni'.i ....W1-..1. i.i t...-..i... i :.. .......1. , i i,,- i1!..!...
. ..i -, , 11 in. t. i. ...j ...... ..... .... i - i imi tiii.uu mi ,i mi nun ii. jt. ........
ml Ii:
roulil In' i'n-lv ilisi liis.'il to ns on .this I late Al
liii-.n Slat in 1 hin ! 1 1
1 1 . iv. :i; i:;iv:vi.i ,
ci-lahk- altiMition. At a i-.ioi-tin oallivl
in lienor to um, T
u-i.av ovenuiir.
Jsi-c tin- .lownlall of ra-lk'.-il Alolitioiiis:n j lain! Loaih-r, a v-rv inflin nnal
ami tin- return of reason nn.l jnstiie in'miran, sav of the j lttfou-i j.ut ii iili Hy
i r iin-
.IT ' '.!'
;l ill.-
M-l !-.'. ! , in
I.,-. I r . - it 1 1 .,
V.'H.IW Ii '..'1.
nt iin !r l il'i r. j; ili iiiiiici.'itii'H'! mi 111.' m j.ti., 'I'lin
I 'iiiut ft riti .-(lit unl.-ri' ill' tit-ii. T.-rrv ii it iniiilciinaU-
tu hi -! I iin- 'Tin' ini' i-lti::;!-.
'J h'- II. niM'.i fin i' vivi it '!.!! fur it N;i? t'i!n I
".ni nil inn. i .ii.i .!iM--l i.i ( ii r-r li l.-(-;t ( i-x If .111 h
t'iii-tc- - loiial l;-liii-t in 1'i.iiMtry. I. .li-vi-v
iii"i.iii.. li- lii-iiilii.r viti'i)t i-1 :. i! i-l" t 1-nli.iTil
.i"i) r, i- I., hi;- . -M.-r.-ivi tv i'ii ii.- il fi--i!i il
in l-!ii .it;!i :i r.. . 1 1. r l:ii'6n l.u li-i :i r - . 1 1 ; : .
Imi, An-.'. TV - 'I In- S.rn l.-irv ' I' In
itl I'.il. nun. -I .!..- !
itlie eontrol of tin; tioveriuiu-nt. Unt
gave his views on jn.Utieal affairs. Tin
-( Ivi'iy, m . -1 11 iiii.ia ii.i ( i.iti.ii-'' ..f il..i
.'.. j,..!... V.VU.l. IV Ili:'ll1-t 11.1.. I . . .
, , , , , ... , .New iutnlantl can at .present ilo little,
siviif-ii 1 in r ..iv.ic .-.I.., .11.- i.v i..(.,i. ill... 1
. ... .i.v-, n.nnt.- ill lull! Ill ill;
3Ir. Ashly was very earne.-t in pivssinj; !
ueu't'o sisrtVaue on Oretron. It savs :
Mr. Aslilev sp;ike at some lenii'th of nation- i
these eniisi-rvative men of the j'arty in
either tor themselves or the eoijutrv.
the -Convention :
They permitteil themselves to he
mil ruled hy the fanaties amoiiir
al artiih's. Mvcrv out' v "no lie.iiil him t i.ul.l ami must einture, with the best vatienee ' lav.-.l
net fail to liiiii.-i-'liiiM- t!i,.-,,ii. lilv lus li..ln ! .1 "... .1. . 1: 1 n- . 1 ..i It lias lie.-n si.nin i;i
. , . . , v . : itii-v 1 .111. 1 iii.-onions aim i-.iumr vohe 01 : n , .-,1 ... . n: 1 ;. ,,..,.! 1.,. m...
nuiul i nnW-.l with the sj.irit of human ! . 1 " i-.-Map-o ..i tl-.ei.-li.-lhoii. : :i.l 11 me.-t l.o m.-..
tivislom. lie s-ooke of the .iiffi.-uities that ,ULU l'I'lt !- "eisiers. j.Mate t entioits lyay i-non-, ....oa-iai
iav exiuteit. hut the l.n.i.'i' xvill .iis.-usm ami
. ii.
i- 1 . '
I Ii,- h'jn- V :.::r;iiii-ni 1
ill.' I'l-itl-.l .':li.l I'ii.: ill.-.!--
.fitly Vi-1 i'in- !. i A-ia-t't'- i-'i .Ii i.-i .r.- iiii-nl
in lli.i: licin-iy. II.- r-'f, i;i !:;;il i.nin-,' I., tin-
( r. mii-i:,i- if i-!iiil. 1 1 i-.i H :i:.'li i;., it . 1 m-iii.-i-tl
a 1 in-; I.?-) ! . ! til .M.i I :i . I in! I hlvrli.l I i.-l: -
1. j i-i ,il .-I Uir 1 1. -a Uli ni II-- 1 l.iuil. oil. n-l l'n-
i xtittl-imi i f nl! vi-.-. 1- arrivii:-: limn nil l-.
Our I'liii-i-tinil to tin' IMaMbrin lies n't' in j Th -tv i :i .-n.ii-in l'n!. : mi l M. -.-;n -: I' .
what it siiys. hut in xx hat it fails to snv.' Weji:tvo lien t- n- ,.f .-li-.!--a i:yt :.: :M-i:.;..
lo.-ke.l- for a .ami espli.-H .l-.-laration j'l v.:- I.i... n'-,.. .li -.l n t!,.- Iiot..- the Convention on th Milii-.-t of m-m j r"'j .)ir, , M-Ut1i.,..i..n : ,.. ;; t,v, th-M .,...
siifn-a-.-;.- in the S .n;li i-n.l -.1 e,,ual;,'.' 1 n -;,.,.,, .,. , !, ,:,. jv , ir..rm- vx'hiteu -.iiul l-Ia-'k- in the .Slate ol ( Uii.'.. ; ,M. ,., ..,,-..,. . ti,.,i n. ,,- 7 ;, .l aili-
e are ilisai.notiiteil that it lias-n.-t s-i ile- iv,,, ,-! -:i 1.,-iim,.ii .lim.. l-;i!i iin.t .Inly l:U..
This tiiiis;ioii .-aimvt he iv 1--j -, n.-... f
ion the 1. lx tlu-j . 1 111-1:1 in .- t:-i 1 ,-i
I 1 ii- i n i'.-i iin, 1 iitn-i m. ji.. not! -!!i-!i 11 m ; s -.:. it!i, r r'tii.
li:.t!:it: tnlii-s ever !! !! 0:1 i-im'aii-nt. Hi-I :!- I I :iv.i t!i- r--u!s
1. ;l tu i- lh j ar'liU-i.t anl 'mi, mi-.- i -,111 t nl Ih Itnlm-i
j ISiif. ...I. ivi'li tiiln-r 1 tiii'. Ii;i in:il- r i.-lvi-
HI ' !l!l--i! I'ii- -.I.-iii 11! ii'lin lllti-l:! nf !ll- ti l Oimis w It
'iiS.i-- ia N, iv .M-xii-'i. Ii iH 1 i-j i ii-nt- l tlial I-. r
Itiin e-iii'i:-:lii-. (V illi (!..- H-H-trij. nt Kti. jel-i liHvt.
I ! rrr-t.-. l.y i! I ' -r . ;t t in. nl , It (..
i-i'l l.-i-n v. in., in t;.,v. i i'lti. l.t li-,;.i. i:i'ii.ji 11 r in
I'-.-i'r in Mi- li.ili in i- .iiiili-.', iojiI v.i,i, It a-!i-!t!ii-I'f'nil
-ii i. ni.liny tie- ic .-i'Iiii -ttni-i-t n i,n,., il. Ji
" s.-i.l lit 1; S.rr.-isiv .'Lilian k-:l !:t ! i-v.-;iin;r for
:i ii. nl i7i-ina! i-iiii-iilliil ii.i
I'!t I nli 'i!o:t ni-!t
1. Ii l:,.- Sn-i.-:
N- mli, An .-. s. -.H, nail-r3 l-'i.-tcr, l inl':;:'.
ami Hi-?-:, . nl In i:u -: !i .-.-tti: In li in :i-!:iif- in X. -v
M i- :i i I 'i,,.iai... Itav- I-en in .1 tri.i.i 111 -I'lai'w.
Ml- al,. -iji'. tiny invi-:i,;ali-i lit ,"-'-ni
1 I; iiflitii-, an. I i...rtil"-t lh In-li.ilii inI(-,T-t--j
lim! tht- lioiuiin-ia li:ii..rnvi-il nf I'.l. ( liiv it.;-
i-n. 'Iln-v invitl lie- tiilitin- t-i mi-i I
It--!.'. II-
t!.- i:i in
hesot our teorlo in tliie early part of the
f-truir-ile, 11ml remarked that our t-ourse tx-as
plain and .ur sneeess uninterrnpte.1 "from
the moment we iH-pv.i to repir.i the eonsei-eiH-i-
of tin' great nut'-stion that xvas before
xis.'' Ho r.-iated how hili..vious v.'re the
. 1
x-aaris that were rei(uirel ' to carry
Amenilnxent t'.irough Congress, and tpuli
T11 most of the Mi.ItlJe ami Western
States, the factions are too c.'ually divi
ded for either one or the other to expect
the supremacy of their own peculiar poli-
theicv in the construction of - the luirty jdat-
1" . I forms. Hence thev have recourse to n
sni'pressioii of thi'ir respective sentiments,
instead of a compromis? upon them, and
this very course promises more destruc
tive to lioth sides tiiait an open, linld
avowal of their real, different, variant sen
timents, would have."
Negro suffrage Jind the reconstruction
of the Southern States are the two rocks
illc.'lllc It
the s. e:ie that transpired at the time when
the measure was passd. Hie supremo mi-piu-taiu-e
of'rftiifyin-; the Amendment xvas
touched upon, and the Mu-uker hoped that
O.v-joii would not he derelict in performing
the part that was gixen her to do.
Oftr readers will remember that Mr.
A?hiey is the gentleman who told Presi
dent Johnson that
'The Auti-Shiverv nartv ha.l destrove.!
the oi l Whisr-nind ieimcr:itie lmrties t'hiif !
the wr.vks e! these parties are now scattered ! upon w hich their party U certain to split,
and strewn along the political eoast-and , u v . issues
ui:ii iu- i:i on. t-i . uiu'er lioo. to crush nv
It is irvii.iessihle. It enmes up
in the press, in the jmlpit. in pvi ate" jai
xcrsution. It is t.'f issue uhnost the i.i
issue of the., day. We regret thcrclhrc,
that the State t.'.tiitviitiuli did nut il.-clarc
itself explicitly and umaistakaV'ly np.m it.
One of the Ohio papers tells huxy the
platlorm resolutions were put through
the Convention, as follows :
The character of the res.ilutions xvas li are
fullv kept concealed fivnt the radical eh-nj-nt
in the (.'oiuci-.ti. n. until thev-xvcre read, and
thev xx ere ftnallv out through the t 'onxefitioii !!'.''' ,V,:I''
l.x a call ot tin previous i.ueMion as sunn its
ui::l iirrant
.-.r- uitln-iJiM
at Knit tiil.-m. il.m.f ,i- l:'!it nf ),!. ml.. 1 j Tj-.t-'.an. !' tin- l-'h I rrei'-. t'ma'nv, it.-roit.i.a
1 up in tin- I'.onn- ix l.oini! m -t!i t'.e (Invt-iii- I iiii-t
1 .-
! I, .
? t-iutti.i la
1 :er- K h
t.l M-t
tii'-i-t, to:.! !;imoiii--.v iui, ji : :iv.- nt ' ;r
Il.lll t I'll I liiV:.i-. S Hill- lIlOlV fl l'n 1 M ill
.... 1. ...... i....,l 1. ,1,,, 1 . ,;,. .. iitt.i . tl,,. 1.,,
iini.,ttai'.t trjin-f. ml-- i--f -'iti-i iir- l!n- IV: t-k.--. j -, l';;ilaii'-l.!
t n. i-l.t.-t -, I I n ka -in ,i -. i :iiii.ii rlu-. . .-.-tn-i-ai. I Ni-ii Ilex ! n. 1 1 (
Sliiiwi-i. l'ti.-:iwr. uml '!ii-r,k--. H "f '.i'-h X ' X :.) Iit'liso
arc f.-iriM wi'tli :ril" ..f 11 :nl i 1 m t al-lc ftrmit'i. i i-i -umait. 'lie- ('man.
aii'I tl i v n r- cai-ii lu-mi!-;-,!. tantr er l'--y. .1' utiles ;: i.n;-- f. It irmisi !.
in tte-Lit:- r.-!i. H:nn. ,nii ,-i;' tl-. - ..i-n-.-r-- nt till-j n. Iin;,' liio n.M rir:-.-.
I I ,, 1 I : 1 l'-f I, t U 1 1 i l-nl'l-f II I 11 t!ll ill nt:n li:i-
:rv:tii-!i .111.1 ifi-ilOt' tin- l-mi' they 11 r ! J Ul. -.!!.;
t.i iv-i t'li' Vniti-'l St a o .-1 'msKuif." imn-t t n-'.i-y.
.-I tie- l.'. l.aii I'litn-ati. t'mt!n:i-- -iK-r . !itn,r.,l-, ni
l!it- 1. 11 -nl t Iftii-e. S11 jicriv.ti-n-li hi r.ilis.'n! t in- Suit' It
. in A-;i' it-y. i-l. I'liikcr. tnilitary tr;-rctiity
on s -ta!t, li-ii. Il.iW'r, tteti. lli liiin r.n,!
iir Kurt l.aruiil
t'llli" i.f n-.u-i
Cnl. .-.aina-
. A";'. S. -'fljo J'i,-!V W.i-'iinjrtnn
lltat : 'i,iiteii--i :n-i-I ml i.ei it I
iv. -I 11 ti.ii.itin irmnit l u Ii-tt
Ma Unyicri r-iriiriliiitr tin- I'iliuu in
--l:il'h.-lj f Ii-...!.- i.umnj.'
Ir-i- i,'j:i!l .-Nji.itri- i.. ih ;,o-
iiir lif ;.-:r,-i:i'(- I it--.'-"IM-ruti'.m
nl lu.i liiiri-iiu
General Ntwi.
k, An--, ..- 'riii- 'riiii--' r p. ! ia! ti.-
nit. 11
e- ere tie-cl!!i-i. thus eittthig otf debate
and the eliesing .f a-Miti.-nal re-ioluti "i -giving.
some dee'iiled , . xiil-c.-simis upon tiv
ipiestK.n jf apd m-gro 0!
Irage.: With great diiiieullv a minority re.
port. ix ing expression to t!te vicws of the als, xvas .pieM-nted. and fitial'.v a
Gcn-ral Nerrs.
j fiin-ito-aii, .tit' - ! . - r:nt !-i---irii .1. r t'lim-miii.-xiHt
c-l. r.iay. in !i--h ib'n ia. t ; f-'m-
:-!i H fllLT Ultl'.I'll! l-f I". -:i-i 1 V lh--!f. nl.
L - Xi-w i,ik. .!, !v M.'- The I" 1 - tV.-o!.:Ii..!:
virtv orauv man who st.1 up a-tiinst -the !: the Seylla and Charyhdisol'the party j promise was e!ie,te.l ly i:ieiiing in the r.-s
mivWsal enfranchise-ut of tite country. - ?n ftWer. mid among them all cannot he ltZ ' LW
. . . . .1 1 .-:, 1 i . . ...... .. ...
mil.- I t t-ituv
Crimk ami. its Caisks. la an ar
ticle a!ont the incre;ise of cri: w this I
found an Ulysses capable enough or with j the seatitnei-.t that ' nil men xx on- !..:r:i lYm
fact -nough to guide their .h4.y. Vrsinky jiU1,1 l''I;nl-
safely past the threatening
j ing twaiB,
In Ioxva, the radicals being numerically
eoa?t, the Ftaiesm.m, laboring to account
for i: in a way to stiu the Democratic
party, says:
" liii- . 1 v sj .jr.
Ti- U ;thi- 5 ,r . 1 tauie. nave 1111 poseu .egro eunm,uf
it is npitner ttie want of emp'ox-ment nor ' '
the dearth of money, which has pin.l-uee-.l i the State, but their act promises the dis
;;uA a crop of crimmals but that it i onept;on l)f tll(J r:ivtv , Ohio.
01 the fruits of the S.mthern Cop.fcderacv. , ,. ' , . '
WHt tii -. . j 1 i where the radicals and conservatives.are
itl the Statesman Ijo good enourh to,
tell us if th.t, littlo ''lvl.,nr,,n;:,'-;;rll"'te evenly balanced, the attempt , the
r 1 1 , ii. . - 1
Htr 11. - 1 1 , latter to iuxire me cgio .iiic.-ui. 1 mi
. Halls, m Portland, last ' . .
-1 ri-iitl ili-ati-'i -a-: l! i- i-m,'; ' n
'hat t!:c lr.-i.f-!! :'. I-.i:;!-i j;
l.' iii-ja'ia, l'r i-i s:al 1'. o. inm- 1 I Oi:
N.-xv V-:k, An-. I. -ii, 11. lla!!--'.;H
f.r ( ;.r:r..v!.;:i.
The t '.-1111111 r. ia'"s Wa-';i .1 - pc.-iilt !:--, :!-i !i
-.iiVS I'll' -tf -1: ' r: t llnO Is-. -V. X'-.O l(...: h'. it
pnin't-.l l'r ! i-inv::! i : i-r-n-V .'f I. -ni iai-ii i- t:r.
irt!.. .Vi-piic a-': ,-i lia,- tL'-" m t-h- f -r l'r li-i :!rl
ii.xTii"i-. Hu: :: M-'i'-n !i-.s n t.-:kt:i.
X-w Vnrl:, An-. I.--A r..--i'! ,l..( -H. h ! . tii
Hera's I s:f ? : Ahln-ruh t' r l're;il-!,t ha. .l-.-rivi-.;
111 :.-! !.. it-lit trmn t . t f o ! vri-!.-r ur-i-i: -. I -,.:
I,..,, ..I. ,1,., j nnl ..... r- ,r 1.1 I, t'lini 1 .1 ' i-'i V rr.--
We i-lu.rri:!h- "ivc phu-e t . i- f,.ll.iwi:i-- h:--. j n.u. ). )-,',. i.j.s, .,.. t.. l):!n--?f t.. er?
hut nt'le cunmiiiiipatinii, M-nt to fn in v. -alii ! l.ricf isster irxm. T :y lit- .n nn-il.V tn so nay
e i i- T -. r -ii .i .1 i I.lnl'. 'i'to in-ini'll:' In. Itl'- 11 -I l"I i-!M ,1 i ! : !- 1 itl.
fur ru. heat sen. The writ.r r?n fnrt'i thri , : , , ,
; In- Iw :.Me t- In.!.! !!n- e.-i-.a! -:o -in i nv tlmj
mmitr..Ti! lu-n-sy pro. laiiiu-l Ky Mr. Heavy, nnd i trt.,,, ihmtvU i: i-'t y it;. !v ;oi - .;--ri.r!:.
.V.-t,- V
i!.y- t:ll-t tm- i ii-nli-llt l. Itl trn-.ii hi-a.'tn.
A Miili'-rv Cmsiii:': -i .n t tiiir: va;ei i.f pri-mii-rr-
i--.!i!i'icl i.i'tl..-- "I'l iniiit .1 i.rirtnii.
i Tin- n-i-.-iil-. nt lic-rnai l..- iini? y.-n'i-rilay w.-re
.,::( itii'l i. ij.iai'f.-r tnil'i-niy, 'I fee Tp-.-iMny f i :t
j.-ui.-i-rh ltiu '.-i tn p:.y n!l t he inih-ii'! -li-.i-rs ni ll-.i-laiitiv.
'ill - 11. t-nl H.-an !-nv 'tliat M-xi'-oi armies, larjr
an-l '!;u-:e:-t. l-nhl ittii!i-.ulvt pn-.-i-.-i i ,n of a. trr.-at
e r:tmt n:'ifit- '-rrit-iry nf tin- vittntry. hile u.-r-i
-il i hmi-'.- .-sill r.iiii tl:r..epli evi-iy NTttmi.'C 111:0 kl Wltiir.ltl r 1 ""'(.". ' '""K tr
m, . Mii. -lHr,,:. $52.V.i-. on bbl.
(S-oretnry of C'luimi" (''.mmimion, J. Jf.
Slmttr-r iiul f ttieri..
I "ii rt-j.'ii" nt I rnle'l .-ji R-tnil y rtil-jr-rv.
hits been .fi-wl Clfi imm Fortnuf
M "ina'a iifoie l T.r!"r, -lw .f Pretident Ty-
!nr, hi- her" uppnii.tcl lJ.-f of Commimrj of.
t!.-e' iJepartmeril "( t! r I'a'Tti".
t'-oiii'i-f , (inn: i'ii'- Kttnpp'n nt 2'c; CrnnW
r;. ,', l.anl. qrn.-l .lil.- at 21e: oil, market
fi. in'-- -mie-. snoelnH SI 25 .. mixel br4 $1
""" ' till -
jL'l) per nll'l'.li; Mlvnr.
U P,.-,' tUere. is inro umiii? ; . v-
t!(-, t . i.le.Mt fl T'J fr ,"'d .ii;i!i'r. at which
. .,. n 11 .1; .!::o. '!"l t.iui'l. Pitice mr.Ut, U,.
i V'.n n " 1W ami 45 'I"-. "! 'wck Wt
ii.',!. ri..r'.Ul !.: V 1,;0 "- y-of;
S:';.(i .M nt l and 7' mf.-r.i..r in k t
i$l m J Jtio tt.. Oat (alt-fl f 'M k tft SZ,
1 1.. i-i i- i" liiittti...
Ti e jfini us ."iwfe Market I more Mtivt thn
fir Mem - limn l:-ri-l..fnr.-.
hv;-:il Ti-n.K-r- SltTti-
1'rivnt.- New Vrk tel. ernm in.Ii.-ate that tbr ,
Inn. Ih--ii ait n'tivi: -prr-nliitive mnvi-raent in gold,
the i.'ii e fin. titatinjf tmni H2 t' 1 between tbo,
21:li of Jnlv i.t.l ti e l-'.tb "f Aniju.t, on wbicli,
.iate it ba.f re!:..-t't f H-"?- St.-rln.K .bng,
wa tirm.-r, e.,Hii:- at 100 for banker billi 00 tba
lifb inxt.
II. . J-
'1 i.i-V-hir.-i
V -ei 1 In-
u-i. An.-j'. III. Tbe ('ntnmerciiil ,-iiy:' Mr".
I;.-., al tn Ihe I'rM.-at f'.r the par inn i f
.:!. It 1 w.-tj. na the t!cl: t with her
i -,- rii-ii-ii-nt, da tirnie I .ip.i.-ti!.
- W':l-l!!ti;;t-iM rp -i ial ili-pal-il i :
i-iV.-'l l.y t!ii li.-i.nrtiii.-iit t -'!.
tin- pnli'i. al ilii!i!inii iM.iihl be i.l.-ntii-iil tyitJi wbat
it was ln montli" k. ne.-i-iiinjr ihu p.of t r
am! f-tri-ii.'tli nf the. Oi.vcriiini nt. In, enr.t -inl-il
Hint tie- return " l-";,! '" V itinii parly
h:k fully nf khk-Ii k. .-mil l I. aye li-.-n i-xp.-cti-.l.
'I It- .-In l-ra Int-t l.r-'l:) i mo in liiiininxliinii. tii nutitbi'ts nf jii-'.pl" nr.- i.uiil t.) haye leu 11
General Newi.
Tin- p:tiiMi 11. iles, r'-lntiv t" ib ri-cnyiiitinn . f
Italy, will emitain in enmiitinn r r.-!'iri.-:iuti i.i
nil e iential i-li-naeler, uml r-.nn-.-inn ih Mir -.
M-itiia.-i will mini ! lebl t Mielti'l tn il.-ti-iniin -win
t e ,nrs ! In i,iirMH) nt t!:e iu-! h-etinti.
't lii-re was un iirllitiak.' on tin- I'.th nf .Inly nl
t'api-lia. llaiy. H.Mral lives erc ln.-t, Mini tlll-re
u- (rr.-iit ilam.i','e tn prnpi-i'y".
In I rani-.., the liit el. etinin nbieli Itaic t:il'..-n
plii.-e ar- favnral.le tn the i;..y riiiiiei-t.
'I lie l'.iiiian tinvi-r iiii. nl has ie- ivi-l 11 ilispaic,
IViiin tin- :pnnihh t'liliim l rec.ipii'uinjr the Kiu--.Inin
nf Italy, ami e.vpri--iii,i u triemlly feeling to
wur, il.
Spain mi l 1'rnnea bare etebiingivl tr.-itiy ratili
cittiniis fnr r -ihu in-i tile .-iivliiiio' sunt tstritl.
'i h i-lml --,a in Al. xati.lri.i i rutwi'liiiif.
the w.-a'in-r in luilan.l lin-1 hec-iine in..l meiit,
in iteli mi a lulling.
'I he Times in cpcaliiisjc ,nf tin- present, position .,f
;J,.Ji,.,vis; ittnt llnl.-l-.-in, i-nys that K ontintivn
tn Impe ijiat iitiy nrralii Itii nt that miiy lie innate,
will be it. emilnrmity with the nalional maititneiits
nl the i'-n.e of the lliii-biec. lttnimrn of nn early
interview h. tvo-.-it the King "f ."-tate atnl the peo
ple prevailed. 'I h.- enrieiipomlen! sity s it is pn
eriilly heli, ei-l miiIi ji jn-rmiiiil interview will not
t n lie piiiee lief me ihe tvaeuatiuii of Home by the
l'rmieli tr.H.p-.
Xew York, Am;. 1 !. Tie- tVar-tiw Jnorint! an
iioitncen t!;n the pln f-r a t -l.-jrrHpb line between
knsMMii nu t Ann-ri. a ha. been npprove.l an-l
fijrne.-l 1 V the f H.if.-i.i ittelettitlos t' com
plete the line far st Xl.-nlu-l -w-ki, lim r-in:.ii'-ci-r
t Saa l-'rtiiieisi"'. i in elinrge f mi Aim-riean
emnpanv. 'J'l:'- enpita! el' the l.ttt T ainm!ij! f
$ti.nin!,Yr,ii. ijuii'l-, r.'pr.--e,i;in-r . l.'ll.ntHi,
a!r.-aly In en i--n.-l. It i int -mle I thut thi rnttt
-I...O 1!.. v.. .:....,.! :.. .......
i.riifii,v bf-fi.rt- lamti:!'
Th3 Atlantic Telcrrarh Cable. 1 in?, ra. tr. Tbe die-e if "-aid ' te am. '
X,w York. A..ff. S -I.i-pa.ehes (mm ...- 'T lrl'
town of Jniv 27,1. ,av that he "real 1-aMern whJ Mayor Cm, taker, ,.11 the 'P"f--ibis
m..r,,i.,-i ."" mile, i.ut and pa vi out cable ti..a to aira.n l Ihe nitroduet.on of tb.
. , ,, ,'. P. i inn I' ;i"-ue ami a I other infection tliceawi
-nee.-sii:l!v. Mitiii!.-nml the w. aUn r inn . ,..,ui. m. i ' , .
t- .1 "r . , . .. . , r i-itu tl.;s f it v thoa-'h o far as the 1'lague i eon-
rurlf er P -nit. Am. 7.--!ne laiiia.'ai-.. from j 111 . - i
Liven I tin- 2;ib. ...el L-.ii.lmnl.-rry 2Srb. 1.4, r- "''. H"e pre,.,,i,m, f f "" J" -
r.v-ii; The Ureal Ku.ten, i- al. ttl l.MJ a t. i ve-titim,, hare am.wn lbt first reporU rugard
!'.! l.a.i pai.l out 5tl mii.-s of ea'.le. k.m 'li-ea.-e wtre rrw!.y exaggerate. The.
at tbat time. 1! -aitii ofTie-r ba. in-traeted the pib.ti to keep,
v v . i o ti . t, r i-lo-e wateh fnr nil ili.-ea-e of an infection char- i
Xew 1 oik, Ane. it. Tlii' t'tiaer .F.tna fmm ,"" 1 7 " 1 r ", i i t ...
i .i . .i i i i , . lueter i-i ri-nw i which llifV bean! ," aoil a to ret- ,
Ltvi the ..n;h. has iirri.ei. t-rTcti build? -1 Jc r . ' '-'" urJ .
a;.-! lifly mile." of (he At itati.-ea! !e paid out, triieu '
inselitiinii itsf Lift. I'nlKn-al news uainiix.rtant.
Spread of Cholera-Preparing Agftixtt H
in San Franeieo.
Pun Kr.-oieiiK-o. Aur. 2-1. The Colleelornf Co,
f ins ha ree.-ive.l a eoinmtinieation from toe Av
sistoitl Seereiarv of Ftate. ecl..iOr a diVpsteli
from the t'nit-.-U Pt.nteii Conul at I'ort Maboo, da-ti-l
May SI. in ibi h be iay "'nt he ha learned '
fmm ,iri m. i-onr. that the Knian Plajrn. U
externiin- w-stward more rapidly than U geeeraliy
Mi-r.oed? Some of the faulty prou.tunee it cou
tairfmis : otbers do n-.t. The Cnml mtttttt ,
thai all earn... -, arrivin- in the I'nilcl Statcn from
Itiiv-iro. and Tur!: s-h port? be rro jeereM yt a ngju ,
, e-pieiaiiy oetjuii.K, eimn-
1'artinr 1'.
tu'. Alls. I . the Jjnnriviaii. trmn
t'on-til ii Malta, ';-.v that j Liverpool tin; .,.!. mnl Lomli-iiil.-rrj- the ;th. has
am !'i n- tn a f -iirinl . -t-nt. ! ariived. Tins lVr-.i.i fmm Ntw York arrived on
Hev. K. It. ;oajj4 t'ourf I of JhIj
Il:r;ingue al t'orvnlli.
I '; .t:!n.!ii-::ii.:ti v. .I.i in-it.bni i;
in n-l.-l.
eN frmn Ittirsian f.ort-'. there is not oil an avrr-
m-re than oae arrival ia ix montha at una.
From Bombay and Caina.
ra i.a- rn.t:e liinr tn a t -ioinl . -t.-nt. ariiv.-i. l ti l er-.i.i imm .tw l one arrived on rtr tbe .irrivnt of the bark Mermaid in Zl dart.
-lauds : tu.-- 1 the Itb. ffron. Si. .m-ln?. wc have files of papers from that-
L-.ii b n. Au;-a--i -J. Cmnraurih-atn n with the .'(.j.v , , j,.u. ojifl,, and Bombay sdrlee to May.
U'a?!.if-;t .tt. A a?. 1".- M by was arrested l:t in-nt Ka-t-ra i-taains snsp.n.U-l. .othinjr hai T!." ,, were f aliiti" attention to the
it; -!-! in Ai-vnrdria. and is -til! in-'.d i-i eiiM lv. limn ti-atd fr-tn lu-r j-incc no the 2 I. The A t-j ....-., r ,.,;.,:.. f- tue dreaded kdvent nt
7.1t?5 Tro-ibles ia Virginia Gen. I.-ce.
.... i r-. !. i'- .1- . j. i-i nn , . ., ...,..i .iMI);it.. from the l.reat l.artern was;
!' ",:t' c :l!i.-ttlltes nr.- nr.-!..- ijetw.-.-ii ; ,ia,, 2, , :I!. roie rte,! !1 -min : Weil . th.-rc be- i i n'.
A the!
x.niev. c
xv tnt
. .1 s v, . ve all M.t l by
of the fruits of the.
'absolute silence with reiVreuee to it in j
bis prmnise.l further x lews upmi the subjei t wiH J New. Yutk, Attir. 3. Th- :eain-r ;i
l. ..!. ii.....,l i.i fi.iiimiw k ! bnrne I at sea on .Inly -1-'. h hi i'u.le ii
' !S: I.f. Tile passeti;
ll'i.r Ihe ?...,. u;..h!ii l)i-in.,.-vit I S H .-em md.
i r ;
' t'oi-.v.xi lis. An-. 22, Is.'.i,
Mr. KtUT'irt : t.i the Fourth i t' .iitlv la-t. aa
addn-ss a .It-Iiveted at t'.:--. plaee In-,
r. was -one
- i c i ti-i ' , ;teMate rlattorm. lias UssgtisttVl and tn-1 .iiene. asetu.!,-.i ..n ttiat o.-e.i.s.. t,. rvie-
. .1 ,,. . , Uxiisetl the radicals, and their leaders and !,.,,-i1..t,.,.e.iit-i. i- Tim i.r.nai io- i s v.ei ti. . ie
'xavs thought tnat when juries and courts ! ' i ' , . 1 ... , l'-'P0-'-- - 51 - "
? " ,1V(mm , , , organs declare the thing will not be per- ! . '"',,,ir.jwi!n,i,P.!
;Ct roai'V rUUtV eriUUlUUS escape bftOfh-I - i seated on the twn-asi.m n-.e-re 1 tn. !
.. : UllllCXl I'. ICM US 11 l ; 111CV Cl.f U.O I- : l.ll, r.. I.. ..'.-.I. i--.- i m r .ifim-i, fin lii tl'l-
' ea.l-.i-tr-
meal-itea or abuses of the law. thev
...... , ... , , . un-!.; na- ui .-in :i nil i-u ai-iniii;-.i i v na niv. r 1 11 :u i -
..,,i i- ..i an expression ot the party on the sn;- .. Tvn.,:T..i ., ... iti.-ii niti.e't U-m :i i-(s ,r. 'th-.-r-n.tas f c. i:..t.-rtiel.l. v.h.. w:.. pen-cat me
iereu a prcuram tor the eonmiission ot i 1 1 " n 'y5 u ir . '" . -,. nt . .
j- I , - , t , -4 ,, jfratre issue, let what may be the conse-i. t .ma .he ante.-, ut .. toy M.-,ik,r. . ' -5' -f .;"':t;..J. I ' " ' '
laruier t-nniCS. WeiUight also CltC the I J I hi ase and expem-ni-e, ir-sny ot ti-.e f) -m .. .Hue ; 1" 'v 1 ! ' r -! ' ' '' 1 V.v ." 1
1 .v , ixiueuce. lu Illtlhuta. SOjWe learn from 'p.-irihai ol the aau.m-e wen- ini-ecd t-! N,"v Yrk. Aar. 1. I at- . . ni s s-v:-l ,:is.
.areerty ca.-es of iicgers in IKntglas cauu-j 1 , j het ,iie ad he- w,.,.!d be emiiii (t :1 n-itati .u i V" " "!"!-" 1 ::! rt.'-' '
ty. in support of our view ; hut as Uoe-1 1 liean sources the ndu-al,, under oftlw , ,-,,, f M ; iia Tr hf ; ... He r ?. ,; ,,r, ;, mier
... A .. ' . itlie load r,f '..leTPsslirill Julian, insist i st-i-, and tlat a,r aSlnM.i.i t . t ,. w w, h ,i-.,...h, r-t-.-.a. .iv... Iax .... I .
j NiwYm!;. An-. t.- Order, h-.v
M.'.-nral Sherid:.--.. ruth .1 i.'ie- .'mm
ill!':-!.'!-.-'! nil' .1 -rv 11 ;:! x -.':!: -r tr- m.i j. tv
I -ys in the Iepr:aea: "t Tcva thai h; thinks b? '
i ean -i.are. )
Jeff. Davis, ,
New y. 1!;. An r. l.- The l'.." ha? a r por? "j
the prnev.-'-.!-,-.!- nf ji .:iva'(' fii.ttn !' li.i-ii'!- .-(' j
.let". Dax i. hi ! t ia lio e-ty ye.-er-l.-ty. t x ie j
1. leans f .r a lair m-!-.-!.. . ! b--i-!. !.' if i - lie-l n!
I l.u: tie Telej-rnpt, shares m initially at 2j to n. The ! IJu-ian P!a"ue hr elear.sine the citiex. Th
I i-,M.r.t!.-e ot it had a lva-ie.-.l il and 6 guineas. I ntt,- i;M7.f. ..v"tl.nt the lofoe in that eit-
nseq.iccf on th? cotton bnblile, amoant to not
iso en i.un.irr.I ntitl fiftv million Ol Uoi:r..
in- l.-j if" mil-i- of the . nl-k- paid oat. Un IVedite-, RBjn i w;a.- M,r.,d and overwhelming. A for-.
d the folk-wing was ree-.-ived : uiid-Me ii-t of failure in commercial cirele i M-
X a;--:l!t. Alls. 2, ! I. M. ir.m tfie ,i
Ureal KaMem b'-e iine ttninti-IIi-ible at t,...i. No ; x,ivlm from Phinehae tale that the Ameririt
iintfttinieatiMn han been hml with the i-hii. finee. l- t. l-:.. ..i -.,1...... .i. ,.ntl. .r il,.
'- I' ' .1 ' .1.1. 'I .1 ...... . 1.,' I II 1 j I ,j ,,,,1.,,;,,,
j int! -. ii.eti ilt. etii-.'.-t. wlt-r.' in- ts iirnof t-i .-ei.i- j
in if-ri-j ii- a - i- i-r-e , -e to v r.?i.M I.! 't-ln-rs :., . ! ..... i-..i . . . .1 . t . . .1 . . . . . 1- . . . 1 ,
...... .... . i?.r.iiitc at iviiitumi TCGicr.
I !
HI ITU , l e, k- ! IH"!
I'. ! !!. I .- 1 !.-.! t . I'..
. I
e -lilh-tillie.-. is
t kl. -r t-
's I'.iei-tnoa.l c--.rn-"!i'leat f .y .-ix I
a-'o tie-:. !.? left this t-i!,- and it--- I ,
V;!::i:-..f Cot -r-viil -. KueUingham
Heart'.- Content. Aug. II. A e.-h'.on'-r ju. from
i river on the iitjrht of Jn:y I"tb, and wm a total
The '!T:r-crs and i-r-w were all fared.
t be ! !:. --e i ; 1 !-.
II- rr-i !. . in a Mcul! .-..iiaie, the ;t..e p-iti-i. .!,;,. ,f war Terrible mi tb..; Sd. It is I
prop -rty i.t .Xir. t ox, iinci'-.-nt :ie.( l-tlonin-' to j
who'll toe - tee Imir a ;r. s of laad. whi -'i t e liad ;
-".:n- ri.- -t'-:.t imi in i-e'f. a'niu'. t'.-.'t. I.e.- tin-j r, t-r -1. 1; i- p e-i'd-' lie w ill r.!..!y if ever I
t-tn.-rje ft in P-s .. i n
Hcconstruction in FIorHti. j
Xew y.-rk. l.i.v. 1 P. i'mvi-n. :.::! .i-.v. rt. t'iViii. I
M-trviu. of i-Tmvla. i--a.da pr ..:tniati-ni tn the,
p -.p:.-..!' ihu? ,s;,-'ie. Ae.-u-: "d, iofyriaiag tbeai
:f !;: : e..'"i-.- ary '. ; - t- be t. 1. !. t r--ti re eiviiiaj
. ,.,! t. ,!ays f-.r t-t? t-h-et io-i of iK-'e- ' a rt.t.
'.-i' -s ! . tiie i:n -;:'i' i!. lite nine fir its a.--'-:-i
M-p-rl'-l that th" eai.!i- parted A.t't!St 2-1. and
buoyed up in latitude 3l 40', mi l Ion. t.
Pacific Coast Dispatches
Ware Bodies from tlic Wreck.
The r.-eet at the mint to-dar amounted to 673
! d. po-i's. sniikii:? I Q.t'f'O nuin es all in dut, and
i vit,i:e I at ah .ut $2'-5.t.!ft. A large proportioii of
! it riiinc from the Northern mine by the Sierra
t Nevada.
i i-tal Teiidcr 73J(S 7-1 1.
JwUs.m-iPe, Aiijr. 19. A from Mr. fin
ia of t i .ftf,'st t'itv. Jtives th - f.dh.w '::' udditi n
! the lead of Congressman Julian, insist jsT2t-, and tlat any aSln
ers, like If all. is an Abolitionist, and was
tried before an Abolition -Tui?n l.v- i
1-. . ' , ,, T ' , ;SuiTraire in their State l latform. and not
Aboution lim-. r,ir fnlhi s-vVr,'' 7. the1 tn-- .-r l
" , 1 1 1 c ,1. .. - . 1. . l.'. . . . -. '1 i. .
oaesli -ns of die d'.v tv.m'.d le
a s'a!-ird
lleclaratiotl in favor of Negro And. iin b ed. the .'.e .ker 1,-mself, in hi- ii:!i-...l!!:-- ! application for pai n" t
i tii.n, ei-m? I t' have ,ia rr-i re. f.,r lae in- ii tie-1 ,U!'1"-
e oeea-in:!. w Uea ile -aid :
it Lar
M ,:ir.-
e .- r
hv.i b !
'hilt-- ha- li--t been de:-
Kcatry IT'ofalcations in Het7 Yerk,
Card'-e C.rinfs adamantins at 21c; Coal
Cumher'.a'i 1. f2 1 : Lard "I. II. and P." ex hip
re-'-ird t . d -ad b .dies j.-i Led up fr jta ihrjat 21c; Ji..! Stiles of 550 hhU Hawaiian at
Ijz pt:.: a:.-eu-.a .i so mils at se ; AQgar
market verv i'f nc Auetioa Hales raw material
I indicalir.jr a slinht improvement on the low rate;
do!! at 3 50oif5 7i
t the llmth -r Joiiatuao :
i:o:':tt;.i ctrl a'. mi! tw-lvj rears old. three!.
, man snppn.-c.l t.
Jtatesntan uiigtt r,ot think it last to hok i
is Miuetnmg lor g.wd
evei the hazard of throwing the Stite
into the hands of, the democrats, through . .
a division in t'iK
1hi day ean never l-e d-.vra,ie. t t i a pcliti. al
-":,;sin;:;:ia. Alt. I lie t.c.t'... r r. nun 1;. i.i t:.e fame
' Tiiis sidrit i- e-t e nis .a oii
ler Abolition rule 0:1 this whol
criiue is greatly on the increase,
v-a.- not the ease -when the Ftate.-
Tei-ritories were under Demoeratte (iov
... n.u.::..n nnl-i will wuh t' e ur.vt veiilT.tti, 11 of the t.rv.H-iit anuivi-r- i
. .. j, . 1 , . : :x uii isi-'ii in iin.: i'j-11-.-iu...i Luin.., . .
c-.i,zeus to re'iect upon, h.iwevi r that un-, , , . 11 . , , - , ; arx ' I
! nave in vueci 10 cau-c iiix; (luiiaimv. un Hirj uic; erattr ; i-i . nyp-n-n' iei.1 iu:ii-i"i!- t , ,p.
'IreUmiuLsh their radical policy, or toi-c' .? ;..-'r" ? ! - --'''';''
'i-i. . - ; iiere laey ihu ii- i-'i -i i-i--.' -i ii:.i-i:i-i ::i
.j'-.i.i,r nil.
t el. .I-.I:!!1 ,11. !- l :-. .I.f. i'tv
j rclvaiie t .'.-i t'.e -r o:;d t:.a b.-'aii a r--i el .-iae-r. :
ihew.11 eititu'.l l- be p!.n e i mi the name f--!'te;;
i w'-th O'.'llT OtSi IT-. j
I X.-w Y-irk. A.!'. Tii-- Wnrii ' tVa-bii.?-.:. !
is.:-.-' t 'n !e ::r- o : l! e-U-ct! t. j
t.i.-.i e-l th. nisilx .- in tne Wle:tr. ;
1 1 i. e.- i 1 tii,- i.:--.-rat . i 1 , riit!.,-!!.
Me:.:.-. 1, il.r .iii. ti t- Mcii-t--i. TV. v iti:
if. mem is o en, ;
::i bn ii!i !. I
ale r-i u .
ami Km. i
.... .. I w ill l - i... i :
' 1 ..f--", 1- " . ..... !,-...., ,,. :....i..- v...: .:.. . . ......... -.i .. 1.
!.:- .-had haw bem, saci: ; " ' ',' . '" , . , , . "jwie of t.tuMi bf-bW X... 1 Hawaiian at 12e; 1,00
,. ,, - . i kanaka, in.avv bu it. a fee s. h aw .ia;l: hts- , , . ,,.
a-. am ol ti'l.-rinw. i , , . .- , ., ! .! bur era-:e-i at 5f,t pie r Ih.
I---. ; . . ii-' -r ii ve. .-v r. nut- lii-iii i- i..c i
I .... i c. i ..!- . ... .- r , - f r!:oi.i n- MitiKcr. Umirdi
, s.ii-ir- : i. il. -i;... . i v...:'- ii.mi, i i-.-i l I . , . . ... ii.. -
. .. -i . ; , - 1 i i. ... i ' i i . . :or i-..ra eraims in romtu i.'is, .or siarjerone ;
ate. I.k-k.-:
e a r:naii. hisv v made, very lari---.
live or ;
fal-t- te.-ih in !.i ilpp..r jaw. had an Atne.-i-;
-. .i it r wat --ti. .so. is. -Of... ami jjom i-e
their f-l:oiniriiio-. Inl- Noon) I'.uUalit V ! tent :'.! Ir-.-m tne nt'aes nio.-n I".
anil: ,- . , . . . ... e,.,,.1J,"'f-,ml"',ln;lWlll"l:" lif tia-ntmn i.l xiur,,,!...,,,-.,),,.,,,,,.,.,, .,,.,.,.
. p...,. .... ...... ... wi.iv. - jemonry. npmi i s i- .mt.-irv an i wpmi unit ame , ,., r;trl v .:,;, t!l;UI i;,,.,,..,., ,.f , migrant..
1 outside of New Kngland, like causes, are I '-'""l"" -1'"' , a"', ",,r ''in-i Tin- Mviieaa ;-r... r.n; -ei e,.. is-. , ia.. i .n ix
! , . ,., , . , ,. . ; tr tts adopie-n ? L-t the seHa,l tiu.eer. ; -. -i-tv ,,.!!.!.! tie Atii-it- oi i,-!. ha-been
pr.xluemg like results 111 tile Abolition: rn.t'itr on xx ill be simwi-, ,:! the tev.lenl ,.,,,:,.ri.
I ..... t. . .. ... i 1. .... il. . i .i . ,1 -' . - . - - .
iwm nieaei me i-m-.. i .,i;i!ii- u nitf iii i , . : , .,,., .,,ti, , ... ,,, , , i-
Atlaatic Tclf frrsph Caile Paxtsd.
!-. 'ti-.;. - t. A ten-arat.-i has lcn r--
li. V.'. .
e m o:
Wiicat is (in!! liiid rat! er heavy rale of 2.000.
sk c-od a: f 1 7 attd 250-do. prime at $1 70
Z : lf' : a!s-i 12.t'0 s Chile ex BritUh bark
; li;-..-d ''i-'ii f r v sport to ( hina on terms reserved ;
J:;.r;,-v ; .enrfeiv s hr;n, wnh a;ts f 1.800
e;T. r
rtv'i'S i .-day. A nnmlu-r of t
: av.i-.'ii 'li -niM ::' .' tJraltiim U i .
i A ni : th lair r firm 1-ave ' v
h:- k i . :. a,!..-.ii,t i t SJ.I lin.nmi n:-.: . win: oPe ii iia:r
,.:.. . - nn:.- 1 j v" . V ' i at $1 1-2 ; 2 .0 " d . ..t ? I . and 1 .0a0 do inferior
H '"' .and had - e-1 t-rn. A m.-.a. - t-.-et , Levy ; . . . ArA
!:......., !.,.-,. v whtti, n,.. .. a f,-..t 11. daei " M tl?.tU,k f 100 fta for
eieSr;tt.-l has !-en r--;. ,, h- v A n -. f , 1 , ;
j evtiT. M 111 tin- et -r t ir to . .,, . . !,;,...'(, ..h'-',M, rt-,l i
!!!l.s i .tv. 'l-.l' w e-i i . .:n in . - n.: ir,::: i ,-i-'T..1
ill' .A'!'(!!!ie a br k: III 2I' i.l'.'tn-lns n!
-at 1
x 1
V. "m iiurib r ie of -12,600.
i a'.-r. 'I in
! !.:i: i i t !.- :
.i.e t Lasient hi 1
r ;:n ic i t ifmi".
..sic lou k I.. Klitf.
Still rZcrc Sodict Foncd.
The withdrawal f Gov. Low fWl to'rank?- 'eeley i New -York insists up-
Daxc the happy o.: vt up..n the l"ni..n on the rinht lieing given to the neuro ti
vote. The Times and Albanv
party ia t alit..rnia, and tne ta-r-es of the
j ri'jhti.. v the borne of f.?..;..,'' and "ihe .fue.t
J The leaditig-idea thmnnhoat the wh-de ai'idr. - :
i.f that .emtio rv.
!:i!irai:t . vati
as I rT. s-l.t.
j.t. l !:,--e
! X.-w Ymk. A.r. A. A -:
. : i ... .. i i . ..i
.-. . 'i . ... .... - i :n,u,,i mi ti.- ..I- .-...-.i.i iii-p-.i ,
eopoenr.eads tire frustrate:! ! S' v -'' -""". "-'-'"r !""'-" " . ' ' : . I nite-i Sat - , e i.-i. r
Savon sav. Now. here is what the ; Journal, ou the other hand, seek to dodgej with rVt.,. ni?,;it r i,,. j; ,h. j'' x";,.t --1
? Abolition j the question for the present, and do not fc; j ulfHX 'ICt il
. . .iS-.e. .. I, , v iV. .,.,nl,,,t. t f.fn ... ..1 ..,:..., lv..u. ...... .l,.,i.ji',.. l.:....-.t.
vrgrsti tu V-oM.lornia, savs : I'l"-" l" ' " " .-""1"'".. " ,.m.i u- ..-.. ... -. . .. ..-..ins' iarir-- nioii'nl- of Aaierii-411 ami .Mexi.-aii ect?ei
Ceiascrctlc Nsminations.ia Maine,
-The 1 tn era'ii- .p.
r.i;ini'Y t-i pintl
1s, .'rci.; ii l ii '-fty, ar 22e. liut ir.ilica.ting a
, 1 1 :,. 1 ij , 1- i .. nt-.i-.;.. O.v. mi. ' '. v.i- i --ii . :,ii. iiit.i- , in-m mr iu hii.-k
; nam s ,nVi!f;' m! Jl, J. mr ald-'i.'n.'" M.und ! (Uoiaa'! kt mfr '' fW PeeB-
iat.J hi lli- l t'e- h of .laia.-s K. iiiehards. 8'.:
I U-im'-l-t! Lav the hmly of Miss Marv IWrrv. audi
Lit ''!i-tf'ie. Oreson. th- body of 1J. Mnthewson ; i .I:iet.'avi'i. Aujj. 2i.-r-Tae following is an e- !
! h id i n bis ie rsott eertifi-ates of depefit f r $Jl-, : tract taken Ir ni a private letter to the flrejion
, mil'. A-s... f ;):ni at tinld l;lo;r whit man. nboat Siitine! f-r pn'oi- atimi. which pUe taemciit
I tweii: v-Sve veiirs old. i fe.-i fi. rotiml fuil face, i " !1 the Iwidk-s f und iir C're-cent City from
idark br.iwtil.air. weight about ..-. hnitdred and Attswt 17tH t. the 2th ;
A v.-hi?e w.uiikru apparcnt'v ab. nt fortr-nro
lt.1. 1 11. 1..- I - Tl . I . -..
' ' ' ' ' - e. .in., u. . ...' l' hi etit-i..- ' "-,,:,, 1... 1....1 .... l....l ..!.!
, ! vro't n t - ! tv. un.-. -., n-y n III .ii lb-l Jie. How-. ,;,.,,.,. . i . , ,..., , ... i:, ; v , .l. five f et 'ei-.t inehe hi-'h. ruth, r fle.-hr.
a,... ... ,..,i-a.... ,.ri.-i.-r...... !, Oct with silver. The bodv of a woman.
jreatFr.UircsaqJS'idvlIcsinNaw7orl:i-t.!1.t bniit. iiht br..wn hair, i, feet 2 ineh.-f hih,
Neiv Ymk. Au-i. 17. The Ke'-lonn robberies !ar hands : had u i'-d-l rinjr marked on insiJe
nr.-e-t ittia.i-1 a. S ..omi.t'i I). ML S. A white man, about -"tl V; M oi l, five f -et
U. H. Mu'for-I, who.- f.'lnre t meet his en-.-nje- Hih, li.-ht e 'iiiplexn-n. dark hair: snpp-s..-t t be
I ..... . .. . t 1". Int ii-a. ttttil to A mi : t ot lilt i.tmiiiii' laic .t i.ii . . ..-i ... i . . . . .
lUm espted that the disorganirs ronod. 1 hoy think It 13 enough to tree f,h, lhM fr a t.x.r:ir. I . . " '.V " .," ".V . ! ? "i ' w.-,. , ...-e-l day ..,. l.a been j . .''tbir crew. it mib-i. nvr.h of lr.n.d.,d. a
TollLlfctriiv quit the field, but it is I- the nC-TO their party have freed him Uii.arv nntvmncement. the Nrnr-I spealci-r f ..d! .. . ..Vie ? bank-U hue ........ a IVetS hist, xve.?.tt about lotl
lieve.1 that all the loval and intelligent men ! . , 1 f ! ' - ' be,e words of tu, IMta,.;.... of lad. pemb n-e -1 vtt. J.'.", , r xv . v,l ' - - ' " -, c i"' wh" h h ' nU",U- H t Vtn,t:un v(.!vod P'.-ols .,,. , t.,r,y years eld. hair n.-arly black
-o ,. . ,. , . ' "'''".- " . .T.ilnv.i-f k m n-itli lim ri.rlit .if rntiinr 5 ; ...i .. . i i" ,-. . ,,' , tins .u xn an nti.te.r. "e f,in,i..i i.oe a -i.n.i-1 j . . .m, ,,,( a ,,tltf Rruv, beard mil mas sebo sandy.
TVlh Withdrawfrom the'.etnlen.hipvif tWtkm- h'm WUll the right Ot voting Is ;..A.l ne.. are ery,--d e,,:d. r, a tae,. -,.r. Is , p!Vcrnr,lenl (!) mt l!,,.,,!,!!., Mnr xv.k itif'Vl.;. ; r Tar sp eial .,.v.-r Kit-hum. ? he i, v ai-.-l emered the face ; hiC forehead, with
!st, wh-ise Motive arc thoroughly selfish, j more tk.l they bargained for. r are wil- ! X fro , V , '",C he n Z fr ""IV, U "n' ! tV, U I "' as-iiri.L,,. to P. C. Calh..,.n. Vn. two iears. one over each eye. Found near Trini-
nd wh,,.e nn is th. disorganization and j Un 1o do i ' mm f Jpr'ntationd ln? 'Z Tml'Tii ill' '"1 lo:!.:: .i't1;';;" "f iUv F'",r,h, S'l,li. !'a"k' '""''"l; '
Uwwlutioa w a party which t. i Zr. them- U rcral .Mate,, and the third. BiiaranteeitiJ the rv MoT;," t Mai - V' "' ''"'i' KV",,m- U " ,'ur'a:"1 "r,-e-r..rtl, .rn-be. h.Sh. ba.r auburn or
."elves unaoe to rule. ),i this po-ist the trouble over the slave trade i..r twenty v.-.-rs the M.eaktr i.rmee.i i - V o .. Ib-ment. The house ,. 1 of Llwtird brown and cat short, front teeth pood, some baek
yti' inis COilsl. llie irtUlOR OVtr tlie 51 ne ir.i. it lor iwi nil y. ..r, iin. . .tar pruxi '!- nutans arniv would threw .h.wu their arms the i , : i..,.i. .1 I,, tl... .....riir Iroe t-i-th irreulnr to i tht from 1 ill
kShCd!,--Iio'.u-r'SClV'sitrpCJl,.v0.9Sllfori;lM,,lct.i.ols C0,,10out ; , J,', m j.... L" -1. ,1,,. !,.,,. KSiJi-- "" "-" x Y,.l, At. ,. ,,-,..,,..,,, g.'
nerson I n"!..!!,,,.,.,,,!,, . r. - c it not ocetvto you, JJr. l.dtte that tne whole A rveeuted hm.ds as t'.dleetnr of the port of New ' , i , L,t IKv..,,,,,!,! .-f.J,l.,.
tu "-i-" ter in iavor 01 egro cauraue. xue theorv ot ir u.ivcmmcn: an ihu ten.
the Udioa party in California," one would
think, after reading their own organs.
That's All Hight. We acknowl
edge the receipt of a letter from Mr.
Thos. Smith, of the Arena office, explain
ing the cause of the non-appearance of
any notice of TrtE States Rights Dem
ocrat in the List issue of that paper.
The editor, C. B. Bellinger, Es,j., had
written the notice and to the
printers, but it was inadvertently omit
ted a mistake that was much regretted
by those in the office. Mr. Bellinger had
jrone to the coast far health and recrea
tion, and is in no way at fault. "We men
tion the matter more for the sake of "the
.Arena folks than for ourown. They
meant well so it is all right.
Post Office Moxev Orders. The au
thority to issue money orders, agreeably to
the provisions of an Act passed by the last
Congress, has been extended to the follow
ing Post offices on this coast all to deposit
at the San Francisco Post office : Portland
Oregon ; Sacramento, Marysville, Stockton,
Sonora, San Jose, Nevada City, and Los An
gelos California; Virginia- City, Nevada.
We hope the authority will soon be extended
to the Post offices in the principal towns in
Oregon, and in Washington and Idaho Ter
ritories aa well. for Oregon. The Oregonian
repeats the interrogatory of the Sacramento
Union thus : " What shall be done with the
Copperheads?"' So far as Oregon is con
cerned we can answer that the mass of the
voters intend to put them in power in the
State Administration next J nne, and it will
be the very best thing for the State and them
selves that can be done with the " Copper
heads" of Oregon.
Laece Yield of Barlet.-- On the ranch
of Mr. Srnally of San Lorenzo, Alameda coun
ty, California, IojO sacks of 100 pounds each,
or 155,000 pounds of bailey, -srere this year
harvested from 34. acres of land. This is
equivalent to 74 bushels to tite acre. The
feed was jat in with a drilling machine in-vt-ntci
tv Mr. Smally.
State Convention which closed its labors
only a fewlay3 ago. totally and contempt
uously. repudiated Connoss and his follow
ers. They did not declare in fsvor of en
franchising the negro iu their platform,
but they did not dare to proclaim their
opposition to it. They tuniply dodged
the whole question. Asa consequence,
instead of meeting and mollifying their
previous troubles, they increased and in
tensified them. Their chief organ, the
San Francisco Flag, fears the result to
flow from the "bolting" -movements on
foot, A&d sorely deprecates the divisions
in the ranks which may give the Demo
crats victories in some counties. But the
split has gone too far. The party cannot
be again united and made harmonious in
that State, and its disintegration into
small, weak, virulent factions, powerless
for harm only as against each other, js
but a question of time.
The leaders and organs of the Aboli
tion party in Oregon have so far man
aged to keep down the agitation of the
vexed subject. But it is well known
that here, as elsewhere, they are divided
and distracted by it, throughout the rank
and file. The rancor of the radicals,
now so suppressed, will burst forth in tte
Legislature, if Gov. Gibbs shall call an
extra session, as he is quite certain to do,
and from that moment all efforts will be
vain to heal the dissension and stay the
wrangling that will continue until their
next State Convention, when the party
will break into two or more parts. And
Democrats need have no fear of speculat
ing upon these foreshadowed events, for
it is impossible for our adversaries to so
manage their party concerns, or to so con
duct themselves, a3 to escape the inevita
ble and inexorable results, noyr so appa
rent to all thinking minds, which we have
indicated. They rode on - the negro into
power; he 'will ia time ride tiem to ruin.
They will simply be fatally thrown, by
their own black jockey.
New York, Ausr.
-The'n Wardi'iii"
the Fsre.3 who made it, its ('.institution, ati.t oil
law whieb have recopnized n di.titietiou nn ne
eount of color, gro. and niwayshave been, wroiijc?
a hj'poeritieal lie upon all (rovernnii nt, teael.
inzone thine and praetieini; anoth.-r? In this
regard did not the speaker impugn tho patriotism i A emnpony of soldiets arre.ted ped imprisoned
and hoiieiity, and arraljni the motive of W a-lt
ington, Jefferson. Hamilton, and, imbed. !
the founder of the Government, as well as thos.
who have administered it down to Mr. Line. !i'.
advent to poxver?
The meye enun(iation of Fueh a theorv a this,
is a fad commentary upon the iiejrciicraey of .he
times. A few years only Jjax'e passed s.itioe no
man could be found who xvo.uld lii-ten to mich an
idea for a moment, nuloM it were a few fanatics
in New England, whose distempered and dijor
dored mind? wire bevoud tho rciseh of reason, and
whose theories tended to the subversion of nil gov
ernment and the overtnr.iins; of soeial order and
society itself. And it mifrht be pertinently asked,
iwben did the waker hitnvelf becoiu a cnvrt to
this theory? J)id he entertain those views iliiriii'i
all the time ho hits lived in Oregon, or is lie only
a recent convert ? If lie entertained them before
and failed to announce thcra, what excuse has he
to offer to these who have been publicly asso'da
tcd with him ? Or if ho did not entertain nitch
views until recently, what excuse has he to offer
to himself for such inexcusable ijrnornnce of the
teachings of the Declaration of Independence and
of the Constitution, which he nt-iimtatin on
ly ntiempts to expound? Hois welcome to either
horn of the dilemma.
This address, I doubt not. lay." down tho doc
trines of the " Union' party f Oregon upon the
subjects discussed. As such it should be viewed
as a political document, ami treated accordingly.
In the particular referred to. the views nro fore
sha.iowed which Democrats everywhere combat,
and the vlfcws to which tho "I nion" pnrty are
henceforth committed. Stripped of all verbiage,
the simple question is, whether this iTOVertinient
shall ontinne to be a Government of white men,
or whether it .shall degenerate into a mixed, con
glomerate one of misecfrcnationists ? Viewing the
question in this lightwith your permission. I
shall advert to it ajiiiu Vi.vdkx.
Davis, ClAv and Mitchel. The New
York Trihun of July 15th, Fays:
Jeff. Davis is still strictly guarded, and no
isitors are permitted to see him. Clem.
Clay is allowed out-door exercises, under the
surveillance of the officer of the guard and
two armed sentries. Clay greatly enjoys
these w alks, and they are doubtless very bene
eficial to his healthwhich was failing fast
from his close confinement. They will he
continued while they are desmcd efficacious
in preserving the prisoner's health and life.
Mitehcl is said to bo more morose than ex'er.
He strides up and down his cell in his hare
feet. He has excellent shoes and stockings
at ftls disposal, but will not wear them. His
health coutinues good.
.a, i
Declared fob Negro Suffrace. At the
late Convention of the various bodies of Xon
Episcopal Methodists in Cleveland, Ohio, a
declaration was unanimously adopted in
favor of negro euffra re.
special dispatch snxs that the National Inlcl!i,reii
ccr ha a statement of u plot thai was discovered
Minimi; a Inrcc number of nejrrne.s at A.mi.-t Creek
to assa-siiiBte tiie while Itihnrvr on tin- railroad.
:hc uejiriM.- and cuptnrcd three Heiipmis,
Tennessee Elections.
Na.hville. An. 4. At the Congressional rlce-
tion in this State, on Thursday. Cumphell. iposi-
tion candidate. etirNsjd the city by 251 inability.
Mtivnnrd, of the Kr.oYtiUi) District, and Conner.
of the Shelby vj! le Distri. t'liion randidiitv. have
lunjorities as fur as heard Irem. and xvul probably
he elected. Colonel St'ees. Union, frmn Chatta
nooga District, is ahead nf" far ns heard from. No
reports from .West Ten jl-.'ssee. The elect Ion in
Middle Tennessee passe'toff euietly. No sueii in-lele-t
xvas int.iiiiV.ste I ftw'xviH tx peered. ,Thu vote
senerallv is very Hsht : over 2.oiui vote;. le..s than
are registered xvere cast in this city.
The Yellow Fever in Ilavaaa-Aflaixs ia
Next Orleans, Aupr. 5. The Galveston Bulletin
of the 4th say yellow fever xvas prevailing to u
considerable extent nt Havana, and the proportion
of (tenths was gre.-iH-r than usual. '
The llemld's Galxest n correspondent says that
Provisional Govcriio;- Hamilton reached that place
July 21st, On tho 2oth he issued a proclamation
to the people-' itniuiattieiiig his appointment by the
President, and foreshadowing his course of proce
dure in the performance of bis duties. He men
tions no time for elcitiou or cnnvoiiiion, but says
thev xvill be held as soon as tiracuicable. Ho noti
fies Texan s of the delusion under which many of
them arc lst'ooriiig that slavery still exists, inform
ing them that slavery is etlci-tualiy dead, and Hint
if they fail t treat Ihe negro us less than a free
man, their representatives will iu vain seek admis
sion into Congress.
The army w.iii is thrcatci; lg entire cU'striyiou
to the cotton crop in Galveston cmuity, Texas.
Washington, Aug. fi. The General ennimiinding
the Department of Texas is enjoined t a strict and
faithful obs.-rv.1nee of tfco instructions heretofore
V-.-rk. and will enter upon Ihu duties of bis office
mi the 1st of September.
New York. Aug. Ji. A special dispatch to the
('ouiiu.'reiiil from Iicavcnwortli Kansas, says the
Pacific railroad bridge over tlyi;. Kansas river, to
getltT wPh the bridge over Stranger river, were
earned away oy a rise in the streams.
Tito Herald's tjuebee correspondent snvs the
Canidian debt exceeds seventy-lire millions of
dollars. Political iiH'airs tt.e represented to be iu
a very critical coudi;i..ii.
Mi'tnt Aug. 17. A shock of nn earthquake
was felt this morning, shaking the. buildings, tuiu
blingilow n chimneys and upsetting loose articles.
The shake xvas strong-rat Holly Springs, Miss.,
and Lagrange. Tmin. It lasted about ten seconds.
No particular damage was so fnr aa kuowu.
From St. Domingo.
New York. Aug. 1 . Tho State Department has
been informed that Spain having failed in ber ef
forts to subjugate St. Domingo, now demands that
nn acknowledgment that slu went there to take
posscesjou nt the request of the people. The Do
minicans refused to make so humiliating an ac
knowledgment, and her ports have been declared
European Intelligence.
The Atlantic Telegraph. ;
New York, Am. Ul. A Valentin telfgrem of
July lOSh snys : The Great Eastern and tho Caro
line havo arrived. All well. The feriner goes to
Dmitry to-day xvhilst the latter is laying the shore
end of tho cable. This will ho accomplished on
tho 21st or 22d if the weather moderates. The
steamers Terrible ami Sj'.hyns arj also here.
New York, Aug. a. English papers not tho
fact that tho Great Eastern on her trip from Shore
ness to Valentin, had uot more than half enough
steam power for the work ; she had made only five
miles an hour. It xvas believed that in a heavy
sea or even a strong wind, she would be. unman
ageable. A 'Great Eastern telegram from Yalcntia, July
24th, says that insulation defects took place on
Monday afternoon. The, mischief is supposed to
exist through most of the shore end. Tho Great
Eastern hove to 10 miles from shore, xvbe the
L. i: n ,.i i,.i. .... .....i .....i...
i.i . ,. ,. i i mount; e,.itiiii!.iJi.t;t i.iiiiui: u i met t-t .tuiiiui:
ivue.l, which require b.m to f.rbear from ',,. ,., .,, .,1:,!l, th Tt. i. tT
tho damage xvill ha rectified immediately. Tho
rest of tho c able remains pertert.
show of intervention on wnr between V ranee and
the sovereign power of which Jtinre continues to
I13 recognized as chief. '
Southern SoUiers ia j&aximilian's Army
Am C. Brcckiuridc.
New Yorl. , A-:g. C. Toe Loudon Times' corres
pondent say .ihe news fr mu America is likely to
make a sti- m-ri.- the channel. It is believed here
that thousand.-. ..-! smtthvrii soldiers are already in
the army .r Maximilian, and that the Emperor
N.ipoleon finding such a body of recruits at hand,
will not be under tho necessity of sending re-in-forct-ments
across the Atlantic.
John C. Breckinridge was expeeted in London
July 2Sta. on- bis way to Paris, accompanied by
several Confederate ofiiccri who it is supposed will
volunteer for Mexico.
Negro Trouble in Virginia- Political.
New York, Ayt S. The Tribune's Richmond
cornsspondent bjs evil spirits hax'o boen let looso
upon tho United Suites since tho unouromonious
and justly deserved fate of the late election xvas
pronounced .joining men and citizens together to
waviay and assault every culored man they meet,
while elder heads uaix'orsully adopt the plan of
A telegra.m from the Great Eastern of Jnly 2otn,
says the o.ublo is U Jv, and the signals are perfect.
A small fault was discovered ami cut off. The
Great Eastern -is now paying out the cable in about
2i long.
Cupa Kace, Aug. 2, via Aspry Bay, Aug. 5.
The Ge.rinani.-i, with dates from Hamburg to July
2.1d, aud'from Southampton to July 2(Kh, has arrived.
Tho shnrii end of the cable was landed success
fully and connected xvith instruments on board th.
Groat Eastern.
Parliamentary Elections Cholera,
The election returns of the l'.ith show 745 mem
hers returned, of whom C34 are liberal. A gain of
D'Isracli had been making a spe.-jh in which he
expressed his convvtion that the r suit of the, elec-
ti in would not .Jit lini.-h oonlidi-nee in tha conserv
ative party. lie asserted that the conservatives in
Parliament would bo superior to those elected in
1859. when tho House falls into its position, and
is weeded of these liberal members against whom
inches high, hair long, heavy and massive, brown
growing low upon the forehead, weight from 110
to 12t) pounds, slender but well formed nock and
shoulders: gold diamond ring on the third niisrer
with the letters J. W. C. inside, one plain ring;
her features not strongly marked.
The following was received by C. C. Bookman
from Dugi.n A Wall, of Crescent City: The In
dians report that tite body of a whits man was
found olloat on a part of the wreck of tho Brother
Jonathan, below the Klamath river about three
laysBgo; that he was alive, had u good deal of
mmiev. anil that some ot tne jxlauiath Indians
killed him ; they robbed nearly all the trunks, Ac,
that went oshoro at tiiut place. ("apt. Buckley
has gone down with aj.nrt of his company to in
vestigate the mutter. 1 There may not be any
truth in the killing, lull tho story about the rob
bing is true.
General News Items.
Pan Francisco, Aug. 20. The Eastorn line is
stiil silent.
The cotton fields of Los Ancrelos are promising a
yield far beyond the most saiigxiine expectations
of planters.
Tne United States doublc-ender wnr steamer
Suwaurc, fully refitted and coaled for a cruise,
came down from Mare Island at noon to-dav and
will start immediately in search of tho pirate
(Sen. McDowell orders tho immedinto rebuild
ing of Camp Independent, in Owen River Valley,
Plumas County, California. The route therefrom
to Owyhee, via Grauito Creek, will constitute the
Snh District of Plumas, under command of Maj.
Smith, with ('apt. Swasey Quertermastcr.
Out of forty-nine men in Company E, Second
Infantry, with Capt. Gibbs on Friday, al but
seventeen deserted before the steamer Senator
sailed yesterday iu whieh they were to embark for
A Washington street jeweller's clerk made a
desperate attempt to commit suicide at the Brook
lyn Hotel on Sansome street this morning, cutting
deep gashes iu both xvrists and one side and sever
ing the outer jugular. Ho was found in bed,
which was perfectly soaked with blood, in season
to save his life. Ho will probably be sent to Stock
ton. The opposition steamer America arrived this
afternoon with dates from New York to tho 20th
of July.
Saa Francisco. Aug. 22. Major General Mc
Dowell has issued orders, that as Major General
Hull.tek, commanding this Division, is to arrive on
the next steamer from Panama, the posts of Fort
feint, Alca;r.v., ami Point ban Jose, will in suc
cession Cre the appropriate salute in his honor, as
the steamer approaches or passes them
Tho French transport steamer Rhine sailed for
Mazatlan yesttrday.' The frite Da-seas will sail
.luring tne latter part of this xveek
Hun. Schuyler Colfax conferred the Degree of
Kebekah on seventy ladies, the wive3 of Odd Fel
lows, at Doshaway Hail, Saturday evening.
The. Independent Union Committee, the Regular
Union Conufy Committee, and the Democratic
County Committee, were each in session last night
in the District d.iii't rooms at the City Hall. It
is understood that the Democrat?, will make nomi
Hon. Schuyler Colfnt and pjlrry will visit the
f .i-ts in the harbor and tha Government works at
Mare Island, in the United Slates steamer Shu
brick, on Thursday. "
Tho meeting in behalf of the Frcedmon, held at
Piatt's llall lost opening, was xvell attended. The
ii;:ht hronn hair, h ng and mixed with some white ;
g dil ring. iii'.-Gi'cd n inside with a picve of (direr
A wi.iit- man. frmu ihiny-Sve to furty year old.
five feet P.uriiiches high, bair worn off bead, black -g
.atee. face c nlcl not be described, good teeth ;
hud on purplj cssrimire pants, pegged boot, oiw
half-sok-d : .-r-e gold hunting watch with vest
chain attach, d, one g4l, holy's watch with guard
and chain attached, oi.y silver watch, four Br-the
Jonathan checks for trunks Nos. 5.34, 81 .and 84.
Coin in p.-cket aramrnting to $20 73. Found
four miles leLw Trinidad, the body of Isaac Weil,
brother of David M'eil. of Portland ; also a young"
lady supposed to be Miss N. Shirser. Found at
Gold Bluff, a white man, six feet two inches high,
would weigh about ISO pounds ; have got no other
The supposed killing of a man near Klamath
river, who came ashore on a piece of the Brother is lintme. T
A letter from Sherman Dar. who saw the body
of a man found at Cheteoe, from the wreck, de
scribes it. The name of toe man was. evidently.
Irwin, and on a written list of clothing in bis pock
et was the name of Catharine Irwin. Also, on
another pape- tite following: "John H. Ferguson.
southeast corner of Howard and Thompson treet.
1 u i .a-I i-i. jr.. lie !i;kI been passenger on th
Golden Rule, which steamer wa wrecked on P.oa-
General Items.
San Francisco, Aug. 21. The dead body
washed ashore near Trinidad, and found by In-
ti.ins, is recognized by Capt, Do Wolf s relatives
to have be.-n his.
Mr. Thomas. Nesbit. brother of the late James
Nesbif, who was lost on tho Jonathan, has received
a letter from a gentleman at Crescent City, notify
ing him that among the papers found on the body
of Mr. Nesbit, was a will written in lead pencil,
and evidently written after the ship had struck.
The will makes bis brother solo executor. This is
an unusual instance of self-possession sad thought
fulness in the hour of deadly peril.
-Wtgal lenders i4Qii74J. '
A Negress Top of Am,. One of thetfifa-
tures of tho Fourth of July celebration rj
Cleveland, (Ohio) is thus described fey ihi
Plain Dealer : t
" One feature of the procession, we kave
left to the last, as the most disru8tinif con
coivable. A large express wasron had seats!
ranging around the outside, rising in the
form of a pyramid in the center. On those?
outside seats were arranged beautiful little
Sirls, neatly and tastily dressod. filling tho
seats toward the top of the pyramid, leaving
the one on the apex vacant. Upon this seat
1 i -tt-
wan j.iaceu a negress. e say no more. It
must have been extremely disgusting to any
one of a refined mind."
How do our Oregon Republicans like the
arranjrem nt ?
fighting our soldiers, and-t the earns time hi-sing corrupt practices have been charged, he believed audience "eiJ addreised by Rer. Mr. JBro", - year.
Test Oaths. -The following question was
propounded to Edward Jiates of Missouri,
Attorney General under 3dr. Lincoln, in re
ference to the test oath fo voters in the late
election in that State :
Should a man who believes" the oath to be
unlawful, nevertl"hias take it, if he can do
so with a clear conscience, rather than be
robbed of his vote by a dishonest trick ?
Mr. Bates responded as follows :
I, myself, can tak the oath without anv
conciousncss of having done wrong mysel?r
or any sense of jhame, except the "humilia
tion of yielding to an unlawful and unjusfc
demand, ditshonestly made upon me. '
Emigrants JIetcesisg. Late advices
from Idaho Territory gay that a lar& num
ber of emigrants from the Western border
States re returning to their old houica ..this