The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 21, 1865, Image 2

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1 -
t ?
JIO.VlMV. A I US 'ST St." 1H5. "
to tsiii
lEMOC15 ACY IX Oltl'.tiOX. nitoly determined upon in our party cnun-
I it tlu ? resent distraetol ronditioti "K after which, .'im-aldy to l!n' m'IiihI
usiue of Ih'.nocrals, (he ml tt i it y will ao
iiiicsee in. it fhil to htiuufully opjoe-o.
"In tho pi1!io-t ) ! of this paper wc hnvc resolved
to rigidly adhere th; advance payment system.
-...1 ... J.-v !i... 1 .1. ........ r. .... .. .
nuu . "v. .. .. ..... .... ... j. ,ii i uvmu u m Bin .1 i l -.111- .1 . I
. . v. . ' Him which exis eu helore the triumph
Instance. Alter ci'-l.: Years i simnn - l
.paper busine.-s in OrcVm wc huve become eeu-i''' "I,u l't.V whose acts have caused so
vinced that it U the .$Tv- system which ran ho -much disaster to the Heptlhlie, and Ho
wifely pursued. Strict adhrr.nice t t'ie rule wiP f l i i l ir . . l
' 1 c r " ' mute hardtdiin and ;u!erin- to the pco-
vaable us to provw.tq The. business suecestaHY. , , . i i i- i
4 ud assure to every ubsmbcr the Vnr f..r the 1 1-0" J'H'Ut WtVJ,l! h,'U' ,h:lt
tna he pays for, ?thout4haxard or I'tO'iive. Welio accepting" the duty devolved upon
have to pay ea.h far cveryvhin? we srt-t ton?ejwn! thein. the people )4iollld fil-d tlx Up"! the
tne papvr, lor wo:k e.oiu-. vent. 5c. i-o rnable n
j.unctually to meet these cash expenditures wc
mist receive the cash far subscription, advertising
.and job work. Our c;ii'tiiTro has convinced its
j uhlie affairs, it th.e duty .f eve
ry true patriot to tnake every endeavor
within the sieve ef his tihilitv to bring ! voice of the l.iiijority. But we e;
ibout to-tin the healthful condition .('! 1101 ' ' '' ': vis. !ejai t from the preat.
vital principles i.f our party, i r with hon
or to rc.-iflirtn and proclaim them.
lVmocraev c ontiim. lutes no victories
trained throou.!'. frail 1, deception, or wrong
whatever. Hero in Oregon we have not
lucolorn it ti;vacteil !y the puerile
ciKhiscIs a:i'l in e eoinluct which
which most certainly promises yf: mre or les eliaraeterizeil onr party
successful issue. New issues have l-ecn
tried, and each and all have tailed. Our
that most of the uewsp-por iv.i'.nro;-in Oregon have rr.lers have exH r'unented in fanatical and
fcecn vWing to tive Ws, emiit s. exteu icl to j iI!tf)or.Mlt l,.Kjlation, and the whole land
subscribers. .'e-sr.nierti,!snrei .fn.-cosi:r small. , ' , . ' ,. . , , , ..
ii .nr.,.. , . , "... groans tinder t lie msuneraMe burden t
ana it will not pr.y to pi it ti scud an acni ti r-'
their eollcctiou. Souse may think it an txajtera-1 iiseries. wronirs and oppressions imposed ;
tion but we hav had nmpk reason for the state-j they have exhibited neither tact nor
luent-when we tell that ab,u one-fifth off stateMuanship ; they have shown them-
the credited subsoil -crs fail to r.v. Thns. if a! i . t -.i i i
.... , , ; . " , 'selves to Le without wisdom t.r rritieinie.
I'UlIlsher sends mil two thitlisiiriil eolmvs.m tbr. - 1
lars per year o:k1 receives pay only for rixteeu
liundred, he loses actually twelve hundred dollars,
and this sum really eonstituU-s the total of what
.e expei-t s his pnifits, out of which he must sup
port himself and family and by by s. mcthicg t
refit his office fronj time to time. When the cash
. is paid him for his in advance the publisher
is enabled to lay iu an ample stock of pajer. se-
enre good hands readily, ar.d go on with his busi
nrss smoothly and cheerfully. Put wlieu ha trusts
to snbscribers to Va.v whenever dari:i! tho whole
year they see fit, be Ciin never s .'Vly count on
in the nianaircinent of the ( fOvernnient.
To further try new issues would he to
precipitate the ruin that is inipei.diiiu
to Jonirer continue in power the men who
have inflicted the volume of evils upon
the country would he madness. There
is hut one course which can be pursued
with safety, or that is at till practicable
that is. to recommit to the Democracy the
administration of the Government. In
meeting any money tl ii-ation h.- may incur, and j their hands it w ill be conducttvl as it Wits
is ; subjected to countless annoyances in prt.-cntinp j for tllu wveutv Yea beiWe the ;l,Jvc,u
his business. Ii. as is nsiiallv the case in info- ,,.. " ,
rior w-kly papers, the pnbiishi-; is also th3 edit.. r.S.ot Abol:ti.n rule lor the commoti bene-
Hf 4 .,11 Ikn .,...'.,.,1 ..C.l. .......... ,.,
jlil. VL llli, 14.17 '1 I'vlTl 1 ll 11 1 IIC JM it 11.1
the rich, of the weak aijuinst the stronir,
these annoyances frequently prevent him from de
voting that attention to his paper he wishes to five,
and often he finds him self so toruietred and per
plexed by business troubles that ho cannot prop
erly write Ttp his editorials. Yet the very men
who are delinquent in subscription wiil be the verv
ones to complain of ihe want of interest in the
paper at siieh times, and cry it down among their
neighbors. But ws need not comment further on
this matter here. We have made this rule t' jrov
4crn ns in the publication of this paper, and we are
determined to adhere to it. We an- aware that
tome will find fault with us for doin; so. If they
are friendly to oar enterprise and desire to see a
Found lemocrntic pap-. r succeed, we ask them to
forego their censure and believe ns n h(.j wc assure
them that on no uther basis ean the pscr be sus
tained. On the cash basis it eau be su.-taiued. and '
we intend to demonstrate this fact. We keep no
account books. Wh eia subscriber s nds or pays extraordinary condition of affairs brought
in the money he will be surely furnished with the j about durinr the term of Abolition mis
paper for toe term ordered, and for no longer time ruie. There will be 110 lawlessness. 1)0
tinless upon a fwA onler. Bne notice will be j nMno,Unt. , .,, " ,.c
. f - ... . j uu.uu..iauuuui 111! VV.1I I'JUt.U, l-T 1hi rvflrt hnn thir trrm I "
nretnren m the states p.ast. nwi even in
('alil'ortiia. dti'riuir the war-how litijr -risis.
Ther'eTore we an- in far. better condition
in regard to or::an:a!ii"ii and eiVi etivcncss
than they are. Let us continue as we
have stood firm and unyielding in prin
ciple, united and harmonious in action
and let us use every honorable means to
convince our erriny: follow men in the op
position ranks that true patriotism, u real
roiiavd for the best interests of the lie
public and the State, a sincere wi.-m to
pursue the course of rij:l;t, reason and
justice, can exist stud be developed only
in connection .-with Democratic principles
and a Democratic administration of the
Proofs ol' IIu'ir "Harmony
Th.e Abolition or trans of Oreuon would
have their deceived readers believe that
there is no da:su r of their party in 'ii!i
fornia sj ti'.tini; iuto warrin.jr factions;
that the divisions in tb.e party there are
jinsitrnifieant. and not to be scviotislv heed-
and to subserve the hiirhest urosneritv. !
i. . , . l. ... - i i i iod. The truth is. the Abolition part vol'
the greatest honor, and the eompletest ; 1
-lory of the Republic. The Democracy j " ront asunder that it is
wilfessavno doubtful exneriments, beyond th.e power and tact of all the
resort to no das,; legation, will practice mn'P oonervative men in cither
neither intolerance nor wron- Hut with j fartl"" to rt'st,,,v !t to ,,ni-v a,!'J
the great livine; principles of the' illustri- "-v- Tho tub to the popular whale.
ous umnuers 01 tne licpuonc to jiiudc
d limit them iu the management ofe1 doc!t'nsl"n' "f Svnrit,ria! l'a"1,,hu'.v'
ICirlntrd In IHniM'ir Ajjalii.
Key. J. II. D. Ilcudeison. lepre-cntti-tivc
iu Congress f Oiem. wrih s a let
ter to the Statesman, which is published
in the l:ist number. , In tl at letter occurs
th.e following lanpua'j'C :
" 1 v ilne-ed tlic inaioruration i crcmotiic
on the Jtli l' March: vas ia I he Semijc
Chatnhcr v l:i-n Andrew .yhnsun delivcnil
!r. iieiiiund tebhess : saw imd heart! all
t!:nt :i'rs:iii! on that orcnMon ; and was ho
far from thinking him intoxicated, that tite
idi'a of .;..) it drunketoie-H .':mt entered
my mind at thtit time, and never
would, il'l had not hoard it fron.i others. 1
don't pretend to say that ! was not under
the iut'ucnce ot li)iior : but if he was. Jie
showed so little sin t-f t that the idea did
ii' t occur to nio."
To s;tv nothiti": d' the Ilevcrcnd Con-
'resn;:ui's slaughter of liramuiar in th; .
altove. let ns examine into his statement:
The italics are our own. for reference.
European Intelligence.
filt 1 .!.c. Aiuro-t lit!:. T!-- tol.,winw
a I'i Mir vapor i 1 the ll'.'th of Jh't :
I'l the II -.use '.f r,,ii:!iif.ri-, .:i!v; " , l.'r. )lii;H
nid Unit the i villi l;i-c !ak?j li.-f..r.. the t'-iiumi't c
nt ilii. Ionise . ii the l,i i m's Jj.ii.k ii,;., r4 Ci ie i,
(!i e!eri'S ilinr :i j.-r :;i' i:;e:i:tv c-.i-ts i-.r i.!i;:Oii!:il'
ii I . ; ic ;i j i'i.intno nts by ew rt. i;.t a;;s, ihaf rueh
o ii! Met, nlso" thf ll-mso f ,.)rls., ii,
the c::: c of 1, -iit'ar 1 I.'doi'.i d , mot which ha
been laid f le t'lis I m! e, u l:;.itv !.f
er.-n tie.1 nail wmf of camion "ii tlie'pttrt of
Lord t'ham loir in .-Kit
in pi !i.-i'rs iii ( ul. He
trnive ohai-ees are iiii!:i:i:i!iii, iit:-d in lillia-r uut'ic
. . ... , .-
nii-lllirlc? I!lari; I.V tin- ret irenc.-llt Ot Hlrll lilftifers,
lumo "f on-meii-.lii r f r- m i :ich .fudl-ia! l:triet
of lb!- f't.O ', paid ' irtber-s thas r purt-d, lobe
elect. -I li t! e ('"i.itoti.,1 : nnd li.;:; ,1.. :- be four
adititicn.-il iiK lubi r a'Ue i'jfc.J ! !,e i.afr to hi
se!"e!. d limit t'ie eity f San I I
r.nHef To-day choiec Ithm j, f,rm,
itti faU-i of 20't tirUw at .'!2r:;w t.a,cvJ in. i
.. t.. net as wnte-' of !iO "P" Hi' at 21 i Bif,. rri..l ....
. . ,- ; , . .. . - -..i i. M,....t. . i .. . . .. : y
menl!e i . i ro i i.niniii'.-! -. rvroi.ii : j no. r- ii r.icii -- " - "Fi foil at IUJ
ot ti.c r..:i:,itc on re-otati-.i,-.. (.- ,.::rLI)l) hid- Stewart" .' 'York crushed t
flint the arnc; by the N- I'lus L'ifra, ha been purchased
c.Ih the ioii.ii:i)it:'4i (. mI. a considcraMft alvr:c n brevioni tiriM..
I v ii v.. ie of f I-!'. ! The product, f the local r.. f,i.rn,-, M!iinff gt JCfl
..' ,i,.,'i..u to tinicnd !. fep..rt -o fht't the ! f,,r ' , trelc A crtn-h't : 1 1 e tor ye'.h.w f O, and
.hers . fii.e ftatc fommi'tee pi li.ri'c (liotild rifjc f .r ydlw V ciTh. If I M.. Ifawailan
'Ihe iMot.o'i i'i atacti'i i.j,i
rciiliiti'ins ni;'lit ):
!o:! 1
he cli ieii Iv lb : Coiiventioii. ;i!so ..s. The i ,r-"i: -ht'l I V per I!). I'.-odnce Market The de-
L'oiivenli-u ti:n prcvecdeil to the n, mi! v. i n of it vuU. f ,r dotir i conloo d to xij;eitete of the
S'tprcri'i' Jiidc : .. W, .Sn-Lr .. II. lit- ,r.tij.; !. inoiki t is- rather luwvjr, aotwith.
Kuiff. W. F. Sexton r.r. l S. W. Ilro. hnav were (lt.1,? the e.i.liaii'--d value of whea we qnoto.
placed in nomination. A v.,u,)::t ill-.rt a-A,' vff,no lit 2'f' -I'' To, and cttM t $5 75, eg(
Made t.y tbo fiiends , of Sexton, ll.icfc wuy and j..h y,Wu:ft saH "f cho-n at ( 25 fr bhL
McK line o inii' .ieh th - loyalty i f .ludye Sender- ) tVhe.-u- with rh "derate nre.'5pt the market retains
ton. flalf cf the day was cpetit in the dionurioti ip Uu'yf.ty, tut 'he, fi;ovi iner.t ii light ; a!e
uf the merit. aad dctiicril of tlie lavorit-i t-atidi-1 .:,.. ,mt last of 2.437 rwb of ftK)d arid choica
dale. , lii. l. finally ,;.cd in the iiomtutition of S. I j.s Rt J Jlr.t $1 75 l"T iW-tbu. Barley nalet
LvY. Sandercoti. Thu follow in? U the vote : Sand-! 'te....v with ta!'? fcf 1,57 ckr in lot t'(l O24,
erf mi. is'.l McKmic. 3 : tie titimes ot hext'in : ,,,i ;,(,() do. at the i:.olroa.i ucfmt at fl 72" per
uhcr.-hv -H c-.e u;r..-r meht I 1; 1..M-H civen t an I J!rkwny Win? withdrawn.- i 100 .. f.iafs 8" eaki-- '.f ntferior cold t$l 45-
corrii(.t pi.K t'oi , Mid (hut such laxitv ..( wui The Conmition thci, tm o'clock j (i. if 55, ,Rd 275 do. at il 62J per 100 ft,
of eaiitioi'. Pi t!:c :iliM-ti.:e of :o'iy in-proper I P- 5. At' I v. . th oBve!itii.n uci:-.-"mh!fl tut i.'.,!u(.f are ilins in l.oand lots at TOft-90 cents
m-.tic. are. ia the opinion of t'.i l.oii?e. I.ihlv'l prK--edi d to r'ect a State f etdrnK'orauiittce. The p.- .,(, j,,.. Wool we note further safes of one
-i ri ei e :-i!,'o ii'id t :i!eul.:Tod to throw iliwMit oil jeiitirc t'ominitfee i" louff l"ir.' ti.ree i s - 1 1, JM,!rL.,i thoii.iiol ponniN. b-t. to choice, at 18q
lUe nMii!:i:rjti.ii ..ft!;e l.i.'h ..fiiecr.-- ! Sta.t... ft ion.. The minority eudev.r- d to elect three j2 c,.Mls. P.urry 1:1 rglcctcd, noioimd j'riees 881.
'I'hc Ln.-d Adv.., Kte c.tecndi-ir that there wct !de!c?ti:e. hat wern voted down l.y Ir.rce miijori-j" if". .... -
not 01..' :o :h" c;te t , warrant the m-vciv cctisuic ! Tlic C-'nvet:t:.n adjourned a? i;;-.H past ii f I FTTKlt FROM rsALCSf, i,
II.. cnvi i !.-.( 11... .!.. . ..,.,.... .... , 1- n in 1 ii:.-: en o.iri it hi. i n itie i.or t i.aam e or. " cioch.
... .-.i i - ui.ii uu in... ... ii.i.i..( hi 11111111V-
...... and n 1 vt I 101 :;itii'iiiiH-i.t t i the etii-et Unit the
etiness never occurred 10 mm. let in j u n -ne t v. the icport l the cononeoc
i.ititr the L-r.-H ! of ntir- lot the merit . nad deint
'.'is ihit wh '.: licudi
Mr. !!.-niH-.
the iM-c v, hici. was ti-hrm
ti .11.
the very next sentence he doesn't pretend
to say that .Mr. .Johnson was not under
the influence of itfiir. What does he
mean'. I'lirhapH b,e has not shaken 'off
the 'ly habit he always had in this State
of nsscrtinu; a thin;: one tnonient and tle
nvintr it the next. There is a strong
Kuu'lish word fur jiersons toblicted to this
habit, but we will tint here apjl7 if.
Sufiice it la remark that Ileiidepsiiti winns
to hold his own in that line remarkably j.'s'of cemlllti
;l. tit thon.--!it a chu U .!!.!! he put l.y law on the
Salem. Aug. 17th, 18C.
EntToR or the IteMocn.vr : The article inf
Desultory Itsms.
San Frapci-c i. An?. 10. Owen Mill! n, wh )
ef lien.ioni to peisoai, IioWihj; P-eal j yeter-iay ,,,, trw! Irite ot uis slr- c Jmmu.r yn hlth reached fcere- Toe-.
FV pim-crdcd that thi did not (!Ueh Manrhter. 'rhe j.risotiVr was duply St--d ai.d morning, in referonee to the conduct of -
ec, ..maring ytootr.g wa.i ; t, pple's Transp.rtation JMonopoly
'1 Mr." Ilunt'i! :a
l.rnte.-tcd )
purely ueei lent il.
Mr. llonvrric i.;u! pircn noliec of nt! .inienihiicnt
C.d'i V.on Schmidt hn re :-!.( !y returned from i Coin party, is very ppmr&Uv Jtffprorcd. It
which iC could no;ii:.w neve. - If. !.-.w,r. tc j ' '. .? fiirvcy .or , ,.r,...-..'. ci.ou aio. .. fc j ft,j tj.c -M,ople Ot tlO alley are
... ... v.. 1....11 i : . for di-tnl.iitiiiir at r t hr'.v.'hoMf tne .S;ate ir.m , - 1 ' '
oflSitai: moT,.,:i , rat c-.o. ....... oie o , ,.,n..i 1 1 ,mi ! mmli. fa. T.nek HI ordcP that th wVetS ,
h-.d u., c-.nfi '-re-.' ,., i'-e l..r.t h oH. !!,.r. ln"2a faverio W made, wmea work ;,(. r,.,jv ,m-1;ers 05 that line haU be filled-
I. ?f r "till' beZ:V!ln I Butllu'v do not appear to Le contented with
the fr ":- had negative.! any j ;":' ;'--"iop"ioa:i. on .o.mj mmc. ifl.'CctUr tliir trOJiinwrs a.U'l p:ujenger by
11 . I .ii.l I'I...,.,... I.,r ' i i l"i 1- ". .1- s ii-.-. -,
pto-a a-.-nri
moans of exorbitant charges on their boat.
11 .1 . 1 1 1 i -- 1 - - .... . ; -l... - (,i ... ..,t, lr - o ,n 1 e o CI. s ii,-.. : I ' us iji r.'.u. uiui.n v...'.i "'cii vuu.u.
Wei . ( onoivssman and preacher though and rce-noiicMiled ..nd taovu J ta:i y lie lieative he j j.-.,,', , '1 j. .u.j.,, !j t ., have (ir'.wned hiui- ! Thevlsw'k to enrich themselves further Lj a
" " " ;H .OH.- Wh:,h was! , - 'lf not very credible to them a, men,
Worry tr the lrt-NiIent. it"? "'ieea r.e-! Lil'!!?- '" "-' "'- f ca- ;L..wever much it bring oH to their porw.
Imaihr,, ,.ry..-d vuun Locfcr,- inind that tc p-1 1 iieJ Lave opened a store here and offer
jpcar to have .1 ccji ririvci nearly to at.vfoc.-. Uhf.-ir fcrjl at prices which generally show
:V. j lie left letter, itidu-ctig hi, iuf aliou to commit 0Qr t;,wn -merchants
AVe fear that ! 'resident
T, t... : :ilil'v'"i- '. 1 - J .01 1 eric tie
'" " i,i-l.--.,ntive mi i.-.n. r :!.( 1
.violl C(.i!c to j-nef. Jlenderson of (jnlJilai'i-, ami ! l-.e-l lw rin;.
I he Pri.-.i of w a'.-. at in the cal. cry ':r'
1 hi.- a 'rsei Ctii a.l u: a
rocd oi'h-jct ;
the Government, they will, with lofty
wisdom, pure purpose and profound
statesmanships meet and provide i'ur eve
ry exiireney which may arise out of the
ir-m. while he has ""rent confidence"'.' in
his ' cnei-oy and ;:bi!ity," fears that he
will let the leaiiimr re'icls ofl' too lihtr
ly." Henderson ' would not have :
m::n exectited to sat
.!. !l-H-i;.--c ti.
Rcsitrnr.tioa of the Lard Chr.nccllor,
The Lord ( ha ie !! r fendcrea h' rc?k trat.
v tae Oiiei'Ti.
-''Jlel. e.
j The heavy Chinch e -tstpani 3 in ti;.- city bare jexort.jtant prices f..r freights, they carry
which l.n, !.-,
itmted tvtUer tor tne j uro ,e t -nn..;: t ty.r ,jvn f ,r i,otLinp. HfUCP. fa Cttdpete
n ! Sj.ea:;er t,oi!ax-at:d j.fcrtv a c .ii:pl;:i:e:;; . ;-, iUv.:u r. : 0
,c- .-.."en no in t!;.- hi'L-i.e.-t i'tvle ef Chiae ca- -! With them, as tne town la.crcliants are ob-
"ould not have .livl The I. ,;,,! u Tim .-.iV! the dV-r.- lit ' f a .'.on! j lirary art, Tl in.i'e I pic-.-'s .-.ill i.cehiic our S f:) Jri .(and thcv dj r0 too) ther IllXtSt
i- i'ha::i-!l-.r l n or oacij to the n-iti 'n at l.u re , (! vera. r. niili.ary, ua ul, Fcde.-al. ;-tatc r.i:d ma- : ,, , ' , "j .
:s!y malice, or f..r -, h,, r,.(.r,.,;.. , ts(. i-.tenittct'li i-pal -itris, iM-h at a bare pront, and o3 wine grwds thftj
the sake i '.revenue ;" but be would have ! !': Ui-t a -J Jv'n4y !. I T'1" V- - .-"tesrner Swanec. Ccmtnander. Tan. ; Yrtst at all.ii "VVe all like to buy eooA$ '
: 1 . . 1 1 1 i l'oc lir.-t i.f'i. er l ;c:. and Pr.-fde-.t ..i th.- Uim-f i Siiu-n-v arnreu to-.iav ir-.::: i a::ancn..-.ia. J tie j , , rr . .
seces:":;ts and traitors who reh.d ... . . ..,..... u- (',rarriH ten -a. ! i ncd.-.-- cheaply as, Lat yet any reason-
aainst tite tiovcnmiiitit ; to i
.'"'' ,,',V.1 ie! l.ot.N: er . t the tea-, ;" c -ay.-ieae,' : f Swat w rarriw ten tfar.s. It j jreaeralir neder- Ceapjy as po.-MU.e, uui eian rcasou
jainst the ( br. ;" to be taught the h.-a 1 '..f the iu'die-al , r the eountrvi -!j-.i.d .'u naval circle'that tir ('. S. .tcnw shwp .f iab!a or jui iaaa -will fT that if the Com
bat -they.W ..V-." Th-, italics 'S,p.;;,.ur of .tu.t-.e,rear and ',,!! ; tte i war IV. Urv V M h cvmlion in niftrchandiz-
car in it.s puolsshcd Atior this : raJ :, f ( ;-1. ir.J ;v .1,,v!i. ::, ; that ;.;.; Li-r'a" and eoni.. Mr ihe voya-e. The; in- with the mwhaats of Salem, all of-
.!... !' :..... . i... ..ii .i. . - l i ' . ... .
i iim'.i. in mui nam; a;i leoet tajnni ot Ur !:i i-ia . ei ion or' in' a I t- '!a l tne f-ame :as" ju. tae i:i ;a-i-. -r. : , . . .1 ,
ed deelenMi.n of Sen.t dial candidacy, leaders or forfeit if e.lorsV...V ...,,1 opin-,:'h-m deii.ii.wen, is . iid tie t , U i ill ,Vo.'a','r W.:u.,l a a.Hahlp uFm Ut':'- Vtn.e tne Company s steamers in
, . , ii-c - ir . ' :'. ,. tel.. l. ,11 l ,l l .. ' i -i, ; thr-a...?, '.;.e . is i,.t'! reur- -er.fOives. -arrival. She ha d..-jje rod -.-rvtce the r- tlrt'ttrhtm-r their piod.. tliiivoujrht KOt to tskdi
can have o pntctical molhfyn- effect ,u j o. Jl he shall do the 1, ;er what M ,lM!lt.r ,,,,,ai,. 5J iaf a t:r,ve v-., rci;.):, .wl ,o,i; ah,r c cflic- .a .-U!v int... (if tir ft0:iMer ownership ta
tbe-m-rv strife will either oi the country Oh. it is awful hit. 1,-en r-acd the late L.-rd Chance!, i -ed ia the hohooet t of Forts .'a,;;f o a,, . -'1; li,i?'f o-wnersttipt
' ''"' ' ' , " ... , to contemplate. " ih r. The am ut if. Mr. P.-.;; vcrie u : :f U St. Pi ill r at thi iahii) ! N. w 'rl.p.n.. and :iOrm- lre:rtit for ti.Cir own i-tore at lower,
rule or rum. and if .ov. Low will not le l . f.,..,; )..,,,uy r(.,j !r... t:,.,: ;ij :!r, ; , :"SVe K-t in ,tU:-.t v-?wxt : rates than thcv charge the others.
ad t ', Peiif ae' la "i of the same tlaf ju the Lti ;a -t-. r.
iriven to sud;
of subscription will expire ia season tocnah.o thein
to renew it, if desirous, without any break "in the
number 4 if not renewed the paper will be ceased
to their address. This rule will obviate toe vexa-
tion sometimes experienced bv siibrilen! who !
fimply wish a paper for s given time, but have it stowed or sectional burden, imposed, no
impose.! on them indefinitely afterwards. ! sjiecial protections granted to this inter-
no military murders, no savasre, vindict
ive legislation, no proscription of natural
ized ekizens, no persecution because of'
religious belief, no sectional favors be-
his snide intrumet, he will easily select
some othei man who will be. Let it be
remembered that whei (.Vdiness offered
himself as a Senatorial candidate in
1S02 'J. he had but twenty-five original ltKi.naitN.
U . t. , ; :i:;m, v. c.iiTe:-.i n ;l.i - l' :t i v on , a r.t i.:e;:i i-j ii:;y rrup in cic .
tne ' !,.x,,itj.,i :. : .r. ..,.-.1 u ..-..r..-. ...i .-.-. .,',. n .-ti-r er.
hen e.ime'j
ela.-.M.d cc-rvetic. !
mectUlj: ot the 1-irst j?:tpttst ( hurcll ofja u-'c orijrina'ii n::;i ,ii.- ,.: it . mi ji.ppor:
Salem. Ore-r.. held oh Aaitrust ;"ith." . Z T"Z7" ' . ,
Bead Bodies rens the Wreck-
i . dttck-
A;sr:;yf 1'". The
Th'-v are wurkii! to their lasd Lorr-
U-ver. f.raa opiHokion steamer is now on
wss i the river, at: J hereafter the merchants of
the t"l!o,!tH7 resolution,
was passed :
ano.'ii'jr others.;
r. l.r 'i. F. i-i ui IU :
: ;tv :
' ur C.-r -rer.
; S-a!etn intend to j r.trtn:ze l?r iastead cf the.
C' a-.r ?nv's boats. And v-.m mast not be
I.!. C.r-u-u.l f. ..-tl , Iw... T f .1
I , - , litis "nil ll. mil I' mi ii. v i.ia..v. mi.
. . . v- -v n v-i villi i. ii'.. - . . ... , . .
Canght in Their Own Trap.' ,,.,.' ! succeeded. The task before h;m now is
j class partiality or unequal legislation, uu- i . . , A . ,
The Ore.tonian quotes the following : Jder iomotra'tic cont;ol. A wholesome m,t ? ;lV U wa3 ,holK hnl f.,U lie
Stephen A. Dou-las once remarked, tliatL..rtrtW v.,..., ... 4i, j has the power, it not to carry his own
this Jjrovernment would never be really - ! end, to defeat tlic idi-.ns of any an 1 all
a-. I . .1 15 1.. ...: .inrlll Alir nnl.l-.. ntt.iiM 1 ....i.iiln ! -
Fining, until tuinis one jiinuHi tw conviotea : ' "- v l " ,v- xnc vi.nni. i
rei tue-. tt-.i!" ev( :
j Alter ths ShssasdcaL. i n,r..a"h oe tlitei.e.--'
c . i i 11 i j , , .... ... . n I rr"! - ". All :. I o. e I aril taut a ?o..n r.i ira . i wa.;m;:e.i i ii ' ' - "- n -m :- jr ri.--i i" ..-.f a. ii,'"reu? uuu mijiiircniiMw
supporters out of . the one hundred and I.w.h-rJ, I ut-.t ne w-dl imt receive any l a ,, ;:t. ,. T,,,,.,.,1 Ar.,h. ,,vi ti ... , h,,,k, f thV I)a:R,5 and .Vpo-,, ef ,hei, - l0 w v,r ,v Lwnuvr
ten. or fifteen legator. Yet he so man-i rf':';"n :,it' 'bt Church m ho has L-.rne arms ; A d.-:racti ..f oar whaled I v Cm reli pi- j bodie f-u;;.i end btni-d hv him 'a :ai city hut ii! "'e oHw.,...a uur.b,. .n. next rrei.ating
' . . . aga:v-t the I tilted Mates in the bit" wars. 1 rale s'Letii.Toieah. the ( emaiu-i ier of the I.u-hrh ; jr-iund. J"r-.-:u ice i.l-fat -d lir-tiift-' J-a:baa. t- som -n , I be thlEg IS talked of by men who
ageu IMS cartix a- 10 gcv ute iiienu- Ma..ji r alH-tfil or evmoathizod with those ! ar .t-aiu-r l,;i a; t.iihci. then lyin: in the ian,r. . n.i- dale r..Kows : .... 1. .Mr. J a x.n. I . . A : ,ht not Jft tIl;R fail ln their Lami- and
... .. . . I . i , . - . " . , : . 1.. - -..l. 1. .. ..,..-....; V r I -v.. :.... -11" lo ' mel-. T.or ie. i " - '
I,.,.l,.,r 1.1. irr-.i!i'i inir l.itlur r II HI I Ii . mint Mltlsl:lc'!irv evil i'Iii-h et ..... ..... ... i ... it. -o . j. ......... . ....... ...v. ,
I ...
! and uncompromisingly among each other.
and, finally, when the time was ripe, thrust
of treason and deliberately handed
And then adds f
The time has come when it shall be demon
strated that this is a strong Government.
We imagine, however, those who are so fond
of quoting .Ponglaa on some themes, will not
coincide with him when he speaks about the
hanging of traitors.
2sow, when Stephen A. Douglas said
that, he said it as a Democrat, and refer
red to the Abolitionists the J ohn Brown
eympathisers as the traitors from among
who ppme one should be hanged. The
VH.jlVUll.1. ... . " " J '1 V 1 V. J.'.'lAldi3 !
sentiment. It cannot separate the expres- i
ion from the intention of its author.
For our own part, however much we
think some one (or more) of the traitors
Mr. Douglas alluded to deserves death,
we would oppose his execution unless
the sentence should be passed upon the
Accused after fair trial and conviction by
the constitutional authorities. We would
not approve of the execution or other pun
ishment of any person, not in the Army
or Navy, by the finding and sentence of
would be restore ! to the same healthful,
prosperous, happy condition which
marked its rise and progress from the
hour of its birth down to the unhappy
moment of its surrender to fanaticism,
sectionalism and Puritan domination.
The Democracy of Oregon have their
full share of the great work in hand to
perform, and we rejoice to be able to say
that the Democracy of no other State in
the Union are better qualified, or in as
good condition, to successfully accomplish
it. In this State, since the time of trial
and trouhle came upon the land, the De
mocracy have stood firmly and faithfully
at the post of duty and to their imperish
able principles. There have been no di
visions in our party; there are none now.
We are united, harmonious, resolved,
and fully conscious of our strength, and
of our ability to carry the State iu the
State election next June. We acknowl
edge no man as leader to the extent that
he could weaken or distract our party by
Militarv CW, Xor. would we annrove.wrecusancyr treachery and we rejoice
or fail to denounce, the hanging of oneptherto feel and believe, that w e have
who had actually committed treason, if
he were put to death by a mob whether
military or popular in its composition.
We would uphold and obey the Constitu
tion and the law under every exigency.
And we would remind the Oregonian that
a " strong Government" ought always to
be a merciful one. It is the small cur,
not the great mastiff, which tears and.
tortures its victim. If our Government
cannot exist unless the blood of a few
leading rebels shall be spilled, it is too
weak and worthless to endure another day.
The savage ting of Dahomey observes
his customs," in the annual butchery
of thousands of powerless victims. Would
the Oregonian man have similar customs
in our country ? Our cotemporary ought
to define wherein he would decline t
icopy the example of the notorious Africa
monarch. It might puzzle readers of hi
paper to note the line of demarcation
(especially after a perusal of such senti-
not in prominent position in our party
any one who is likely to abandon or be
tray it. Our recognized leaders, equally
with the indomitable, unflinching masses,
have under every allurement, against
Abolition proscription and malevolence,
faithfully adhered to principle, to duty
and right. We can well afford to trust
the men in future who have, in the past
four or five terrible years, fearlessly and
boldly maintajned their ground against all
the enticements offered, and all the per
secutions threatened to them. As for the
bone and sinew of the party, the honest,
fearless, devoted, patriotic thousands, who
constitute the file and body of our Demo
cratic organization, they stand the peers
of any in the Union in love And duty to
their country and their principles, and
will never be found backward or waver
ing or lukewarm when the time for action
shall arrive.
It devolves upon us first to carry our
own State.. To do this, let us cling to
ments a.s are betrayed in what we quot, .n openly
a.oove iromina! paper.. ou, iet us sng-, ci are We ghould re.
that hereafter it will not appropriate g or w on,y g0
ue iangnage oi cieaa.or living uemocrais,
,and pervert it to suit its own present pur
eposes. Let it bear in mind that Mr
Douglas meant Aboliiionists when he in
timated that some oagught to be hung
-sior treason.
IsroRKATios Wted. Mrs. Maria
-ley of lone City, Amador county, California,
-wishes to learu ihe whereabouts of -Curtis
ooleY, who ls.iome place in Oregon, with
Ibis family, if,liW Silas TJoolev of Sut
ler Creek, California, died on the Gth day of
ane, isoa, after short innes of fourteen
hours, and the wife wishes to communicate
the dying request of her kusband to Curtis
Dooley. The press of Oregon, Washington
Territory, and Idaho, are requested to ' give
the above "publicity. .
far as honor bounds it, and not as a means
to deception or equivocation. Our tri
umph, to bring with it all the sweets and
honors and blessings of victory, should be
won honorably, with our full colors, dis
playing our true character, at the the
front, To practice policy in any other
way would be but to disgrace ourselves
and stain the pure escutcheon of Democ
racy. There may be, and ever will be in
the nature of things, differences of opin
ion or sentiment on this or that measure.
but on the bed-rock principles of our
party there ire no differences of belief.
These differences of opinion on mere
measures ought to be and ean be defi-
ofhis rivals. He is a malignant of the
most unscrupulous character, and sooner
than to see his competitors triumph,
would see the whole party defeated. The
leading Abolitionists of California know
this, and hence fear Conuess quite as
much as they hate him. They feel that
defeat threatens their party, and they
know the breach between the factions is
past all healing, and every day widening.
Their brethren in Oregon will in reason,
able time discover the same tiling. But.
if they really believe what they now as
sert that the division in their party iu
California is not to be feared why do
they labor so strenuously to make their
readers believe the contrary? However.
to show that the Abolition organs of Cali
fornia are a good deal exercised over the
matter, we give the following extracts
and paragraphs from some of the Anti-
Low and Conness papers:
lSoi.TJXo. The disorganizers have suc
ceeded in u-ettiiif- up splits in Solano, Plu
mas, juba. Placer, Sacramento. Nevada and
Vlpino counties.- fe. K Hag,
The Bolter's Doom, Irt everv Union
, . ii. . .
man wno signs a noiter s can tor a conven
tion understand that his Mjrnaturo lets him
out of the Union organisation. If it can be
ascertained that Governor IjOw is encourag-
ins Wilts in everv county where he loses the
Convention, that too will let him out of
Union caucus as a candidate. If those Ne
vada lioltors should be elected to the Legis
lature, of which there is not much danger,
the cannot vote with the Union members in
caucus. Marysville Appeal.
Utter Degradation. The infamous fraud
committed by the Low-Conness partv in
una, the pur jury in this countv, and the
bloodshed in Saei-nm onto should lead the res
pectable citizens of the State of all parties to
combine to put down such political scound
rehsm. In each county, alter using every
appliance, of fraud, whisky and patronage,
they were overwhelmingly deleated v the
people. Now they stretch out their hands
to the partv which' they have once betrayed
ana men viiiiiicu, lor am agtiiusi ineir late
political associates whom they seek to be
tray. Political prostitution never went far
ther in infamy. Nevada Transcript.
" The practice of ' stockim;' Conventions.
and of buying and selling, or swappiug votes
shou Id be i rowncd down . J. he people should
be let alone, and permitted to send delegates
to the Convention unpledged to any one, and
as free from bias or prejudice as a juryman
selected to try a man for his lifo. Persons
who have so little self-respect as to push
themselves forward for positions for which
thev are as unfit as a New Zealander, should
..... .. . ..
be rebuked by the people on their hrst art
pearance before them ns beggars for office.
And Governors and United Senators
should particularl' refrain from interfering
with the will ot the people, Imt leave them
perfectly free to regulate their own affairs in
their own way." Weaverville Journal
- . .... . . ... -.1 .,, i
! . f i i - ..... . . ... ... .-. .... . . . r. . . .viol -.iTr Ti.r-v ri-ii 1-iFpr ti... r.i.ti-.T t i-. ... i.
DeiOailce is v ell I otnr ru'-.e::ic. aiei i,H.irmet una laai tie j pn".- toum : n. ., nc". t ;w !.:.. m-pro " "v' --"J ..... v... u.. luiu.ji.,
' , ' ' . j jdioithl iti::iiedi:tU-!r with the Jtcvx"tatioa in j white woman, jsidired U hi I. utwee d 35 api 4" rear.' j L.
That must be essentially a i; loval" t pnrait .f th? l-caan.Wh. and h-'.tM tre:.t the ! old. auburn p,J;r cut rbort. alemt 5 feet 4 Lhis in j ;
f' r..i .... 1 :.. . i... . . . " r .1 , i rebel crimer s a piii.'" and eapfnre ber wherever i iij.-bt. thick '. fiir ceiai-fextoit. cpi-er f.u t--t'a OrEF.r...VD t JIJGRATIO.V. The Virginia City
( hurt h and n no true of he word ; f.,lla!L 1!e J;,t )Ir: M woa a3 L:. or ,.,.er, widch ',he c?. X,vala Knterprise, July 20th. sas : '
a Christian Church. The Church of Cod 1 1 v-t to. d. ,r w.iy. idumfi-l: S,. 7. Lu-ut. K. 1. v.aite. 1. . --) ' 1 . 1 - ' - Vl
. . j Kew miliwr Pest. t!ne ec-ISo : Xo, S, wUe ueta. ahottt 5 fu-ct f if. Vs A couple I emigrant wagons from St. X
does not discriminate m favor of or; ,; ,. ,. , - , .,. s bc-el-.t. hark aehpm hair, siuail beard m i wl Joseph. Missouri, arrived in this city 'ves-
f?:C r-nil tS 1 1-e lr.nrtiAr
ed u'ion bis followers to le merciful even! ' a-acts. ;..r fere tvta wile iqar: : Xe. ii. whi.e aan. a V ct ; this season were We.'!.! fur Orfgon. Peed '
to the wicked; this Church shows no i ; 'i':' r; t,'' I .: ' f H f : i'.1'f 1 f::''U; E : "I i b' n abundant this st-ason aionjr the.
mercv or charily to those who erred, if! t-n,.:i.-lr!,,Y.; - Vw... ..Z S Vr:'. . - V. . ' "Vt.r '. k , V. , V ho.e - euie ine party were not acnc-U Uis-
:-aint any persons er political reasons :!rv v'-l t, i..-c t,'; 1 Bt s,,;:! LukJJ in Xe- 'Ti""!" Tl- TTi7X t u'rvct'u Vie flthc'r -v,a
i ... . . ,,, , , T,., , 1 -i-i. nee- ti..- M.eth n i-ce an! t-ee-' are i '",",'"',-". r'-- V- . i rvim the oriver ot etc f.t their teams 1
but this iapt:st ( hureh . 1 he ;t:, ,',; e: s 8t ,IU.C ,4 t:,,a;t (!f fj; ;--r. 1.1:1.:, (r,cv UfA jttd that there .re no very- large trai
bids us to our enemies ; this llinrcji dhi:. eu the rt-al irua: i-uku and Xvl I . yl, w''lA. ,-t-r Xi! 1 1'. ecsi ft n' v he T this State or Californi
sav? perseetite them. The Savior enjoin-! J""!l ' , ! friivj' vix'raade.'&i.'Hit .i5Car- t-ll. u.-.-' Mo it ot those who came across the Plai
thev erred at all. in the choice of politi- ! btt,iac ... .aa rraneWoat 17 c. t'ranhcrrif- lii.t hr.vrn hiar. fair. fc0 t-ar-l 13 fa-e. r., rtn, p , 'I' '
Ml' r. ,-t, ;,,. .,, , ,. M."ii( .-!!.,. at nn n Ivan. JJatirtT Hatrs froia ..r :'. .Vc' : Xo. 1 I. Jas. Xe! i.. ef tbe K. F. Bi'iir-i ul:iJ:y c Ja-usn depreuatlonS. Th
eal i tiers. ( aims to reliev e ; ,tM.,.n. La!, .,, ,r,. oil aiM f h.otm ,3Hm,s tit.! iu rie c..,T;n : X. n A. I-rer. irUt ch-rk j two wa-or. menti,".nJ are the trst we have
the distressed ; this ( nurcli wovld inflict 1: eeal. leieka-.-- slidtiy injured l.y fire, at $1 15; on thvJ.-.imthnn; Xo. l, asm.:. supp..s.-d,t. Ujseea tiiat J-'t-ve crossed the Plains this year."
upon the unfortunate greater miseries ;"Bt "'- a" a'ii'ut s'l "0 per r:ali i;e X". . Trite, fn.m a t.'h'araph disputih fnutid i n I Myre wiil do.tbtless soon W coming in.
lle.n tlu.v leu.. r.ii,l.ivi..l i-ft cir 1 S ndrm, :!7' p'f S; 84.' wat lVruvtan, at $-1 ?2 1. hi prs-.'ti. fr -:n Satr.utl Hi! icr K:-hc-fter. (lat- , -. .... . ... . ,
than tlity cmlured. Again ,e sav . ; Pn:ri,rs:. , ( $uim.,$n i... Tefr.e K-lkaeDth: X;.. 17, !E. .supped le .1. j Against this we have the flowing from
It professes a queer religion. j half chest., of Oob.iiu t hnilense at 4M, ih.ur : Strensr. from a steamer ticket fviiud on him: Xo. the Salt Lake V 3ette j
IS. 1. Ia.
I there v a Ptth: luore in.p:iry t.-day, thminh the
ruh ir.ia: ICo. IS. a i.snlao.-. w.n:nti.
3IOPKST Cl.AIM. The claim of the!"."1'''4. J" rJ"t fbaractoriied ty Tnueh activity. I r::i? en her fit; jrer, jet ear riogs rith gidd taoua
f The tide of imnrigration westward is swelL
H", -.t i . ,1 1. , : ?:ile imlieie J.I'ntl l.hl of smoer'ino for exrmrt
t udson Lay t, ompauy against the I nited j t)i,i ,,1-ivt i. We ,,n ...crfii.i- at so
States for possessions it surrendered on land extra a t-i 75 (?(" 2." according to duality.
this coast, are exceedingly modest -in a
sarcastic point of view. The items of their
claim are thus given in the Oregonian :
Vancouver and its appurtenance, mi .RfiO 00 : 1. aV"$l W ?l 'W. li' hi ; i:raeiii.:iuiiicill. I .U'H' : Itinor'K.
.$1,400; rmpijua. S24,;i.!.'l ;:,); Walla Walla. $S1.:
-'.I'nii l.ld of snperSn for export i insrs. mg every uay. it te: in late tis year, but
y. 21 Mulatto woman, trdd waeh. cuard chain is increasing rar.i.iiy" as tne season advances.
.nd slides hunti't.s case X... ls.OMd j pontreniie The read from Jule.burg to Henver, and
ivith fnur lrea.-tpin.. two ear r.vt:?. two tad.. ajstil! nearer here, is liired with white-tipped
.doutaiui. 0;-.-n and Idaho will
Xo. 21 Mulatto woraaii. had in one car a lartre .. , i. nmcuiiiiuei.
;fi..Tl i.TT ,ll! il..V.lir..t
ear rm-.: i-e! witn a ral.v aud pearls, one cn.rer rji: . .......i. .
v neat .tic riaruDt is wttticitt lia'e;e; jsaics finee
..( 7 -Tit l in... .-I... -:i ; .. 1 j .1.. .... 1 :.- . , '
i.-. ..j . . i - . .-n ......... m ... .- .v.- .....I .-.ji . . ei iiuei i ..ijz cuu ce . :j uvji.1119 unit in . ti-ui? yj, ,r(
at m i.(: ! tin- i.r.oii.ii v t i eu.iii, aiet s-i e. t in com.
fiiM TH fs-r ch' a? St d-i. of inferior at $1 Oi'.
fJarley remcitiis sturdy wi;'i 2.1o .'; ;.,t 1. CCl.
27:1 3.1? : Hoisc.
Ikaiiaetiii. .I9.tfir. 67: Cid-
ville. ?Sn.:iOI; Kixdennu $4.Sf. C7: Flat Heads
S2.920: llitrht ef Trade. $977.:U.I : Xavigntioi. i.r
the Culuinhia river. $1,411(1.110(1; for the fann.
buildings, ie., nlmit Xi-njaally, J79S.13.1 33 : latid
and farm at Cowlitz, $12li.5.i.1 :t.1 : loss of Mock,
profits of land, Ac, $243,383 33. Total $4,990,
03(5 f7.
The Government would do well to let
the Company have the whole property
for a fourth of tjie money. Modest chaps,
those Hudson Bay Company men.
" Tir" iSmitii. It is rumored that Capt.
John Smith of this count j will be appointed
to the Indian Agency made vacant bv the
drowning of the late Agent, Col, Iojran. on
the brother Jonathan. 3 The old man must
have his regular nourishment from the Gov
ernment, or shrink into nothingness.
75(e:il!c JO't xiitt'ds. Hancli lliit'er. :.j(a.Mte
for inferior V prime. Cheese is d:.l! r.t c
f Hi. Fresh firs 2e V dm. Wool the 'sales
of wool ve-Ocrdav and to-dav. reaeh llt'.ll'a lh
with the letters 11. S. cuirraved on it. one raij; set
with opal and one plain ri.'ip.
Xo. -2 White woman aj.unt.) feci 2. stnu hni't,
lonjrjanbnro hair, gi.ed teeth, aheut SO year old.
fair ei Liplexion ; had eu her iierson a ei tmr.oii
j breastpin, otie tbinilde. seven ph'.ted poon?. three
Give Us a Name for
or three weeks ago the Statesman applied
the name of " Democratic Baptists " . to
the branch of that Church in this State
which ignores pulpit politics. Last week
it gave the proceedings of another branch
of the Baptist Chur ;h which appears to
be more loyal than pious. What party
name will the Statesman apply to this
last branch? If the other were "on the
secesh," are not these last " Abolish ?
Come, Mr. Statesman, he not partial in
vour favors.
New Minrs. The Mountainoor says a
prospector arrived at the Dalles a few days
ago, who reports the discovery of rich dig
gings on the north side of the Columbia ri
er, about one hit nd red utiles from the Italic.
Quartz taken from claims there pays 20 a
day, whan crushed in a mortar.
Well Thought Of. It is said that if an
extra jession of the Legislature is called by
Gov. Gibbs, many numerously signed peti
tions will be presented from nil parts of the
State, asking for the repeal of the odious and
intolerant Sunday Law which now disgraces
the Statutes.
for shipment east at Ifif-fcHqe f 111 for hurry and ! ivorv bandied table knives, r.r.e gl.W.O Ler.-1 Ten-
dirty, and 17e for (rood conditioned u choice fleece, j d?r note, five ?20 do., seven ?! do.. Jwn JtlOO do..
Alfo, Yl'.dOO lbs choice lambs at market .five $30 do., and one n4e of & on the National
elosintr with more tone. Hide?, dry, art tjuotable
at U((i l2Je with not luueli iloiu?.
Miniiiir stocks are lower and dull.
Legil Tender are iinehaned.
Stags Robbery.
Oroville, Anpi?t 16. Thestaire beween bnportc
atid (ifovill,- was stopped by live robbers about
daybreak ihi? mortiin, a hort, distance this ide
ul" L tporte. The roblnrs had built a barricade of
fence rails across the road. Thev wi re armed with
garlic of Pouphkefpsie. Total. ?I.f.2i.
No. 2.' A ncrri man about j feet 10. snpposed
to be 2r or "0 years old.
Xo. 24 A white man about 5 feet 10. stout built,
weight about KO pounds, light auburn hair, red
whisker? and moustache, pood teeth, watch and
chain. Xr. S3.54S, bnckskiu purse with $420 iu coin
and SS5 50 in greenbacks.
Xo. 2.5 Vi'iiliam Perkins, of ?an Franei.-eo.
No. 2(5 A white laan, supposed from his diary
irt 1,..,. Icf'r T.;,.e .i.i t,,. iu.i. 1 c r. -. t..,:i.i r...
shot films iil the treasure b .x 'f W .-, .!, slMm (Wn .I.,K- lr
Petition. The petition of twenty-seven
citizens of Union county appears in the Ore
gonian of Saturday, praying Gov. Gibbs to
call an extra session of tlw Legislature " to
ratity the proposed amendment to the Con
stitution of the United States."
Welcome Favors. Orders for Tue State
Rights Democrat daily flow in from all
parts of the State and the adjoining Terri
tories. We earnestly thank our nood frhmds
O .1. . . i 1 ... . n
ior ineir patronage una onorts m support ot
tne paper.
Chanced Hands. -The Astoria Marine
Gazette has passed into the hands of W. W.
Parker, late Deputy Collector of Internal
Revenue in this State. Parker is a Repub
lican, but a very clever man, and we wish
him business success.
Gone. Senator Nesmith left Salem oiithe
15th for tho East. His Senatorial career
will terminate on the 4th of next March.
Called and Accepted. The Baptists of
Salem have engaged the services of Rev. W.
F. Boyakin as their pastor for one year.
Military. Orders have been issued for
Ithe abandonment of the military post ' at
Walla Walla. ' .
Wheeler A Co.'s Kxt.ress. After breai.iuir open
and tnkine out the treasure they returned the box
and left for the woods. The fdage driver thinks
they pot little treasure as the box was light. -
From the Overland Line,
fait Lake City, Au. 10, 1 o'clock, r. ji. The
repair 1arty are now at the break between Sweet
water Station and l'latto llridpe. They have an
operator along who came into circuit this morning
with the instrument at six o'ol".k. He reports
the party fourteen miles west uf Piatlo UriJge and
they worked all night at tho break lately made.
Considerable wire has been carried oTT. Tho In
dians were in sight watching them, and fears arc
entertained that they will be attacked.
At 8 o'clock, a. m., he reports that they pre
within fire miles of the Platte llridjje. There is
hop it may be working through to-day.
California Abolition State Convention.
fSaeraraento, Aug. 10. The Union State Judi
cial Convention was called to order thij afternoon,
punctually at 3 o'clock, by A. J. Bryant, Chair
man of the Plate Central Committee, in the Sixth
Street Methodht Church.
llou. W. II. Parks, of Sutler, nominated for
temporarv Chairman, J. G. SlcCalluin, long hair,
of Kl iWado. v
On taking tho Chair, Mr. McCaUnm addressed
the Convention at length. He contended for a
continuance of organizations iu tho Union party.
He Jaid those in lavor of breaking up such orgaui
lations should Bnd must bo put down ; the motto
must bo," stand bv the Union organization!."
After tho election of temporary officers and other
usual business, the Convention took a recess till
evening. ' .
Kveniug Session.: The Convention met and
adjourned till 0 o'clock to-morrow without doing
any business. It is understood that tho Commit
tee on credentials wero not prepared to report on
the Sacramento delegates ; alao, that the bolters
and People's Party delegates are voted out. All
iriiict. The Convention will he harraonioos.
Sacramento, Aug. 17. The Convention met
this morning at 9 o'clock, pursuant to adjourn
ment. . Tbo Committee, on Credentials niadp its
rcporf. The only question wa; on the delegations
from Sacramento county. Thirteen of the fifteen
composing the committee reported in favor of ad
mitting the Turn Verein-delegation, or the longs,
which report was accepted by tho Convention.
Tho bolters presentod no credentials Xrom Yuba,
Placer, Nevada, &c
Tho Convention also adopted the following per
manent officers and order of business : For Presi
dent of the Convention, J. G. McCullum, of El
Dorado ; for Vice Presidents, W. L. Dudley, of
Calaveras and, -w.f JE."r'lloppinW- fvehaatopfor
Seorefcartea, M. D. Bornek, of San Francisco, and
J. W. Musser, of Alameda; for Sevgeants-at-arms,
John Byrnes, of Stockton, and James Rilev,
of San Francisco. First : The nomination of a
candidate for tho office of Judgd of the Supreme
Court. Second t The appointment m the follow
ing manner of a State Central Committee of fif
teen, viz : That the Committee already appointed
landed in San Francisco July 25th : had on his
person a gold watch. No. 1 t.Too. hunting case. Ac.
lie is about a feet 10. medium stature, dark brown
hair, moustache and whiskers ; no hair under his
chin, from SO to -40 years old, plain gold ring on
bis finger, a gold pen in a silver case.
Xo. 27 A white woman, entirely naked except
drawers: o feet 9: heavy set. heavy unburn hair,
very high forehead, fair complexion : had a gold
ring on her finger, with an emblem of two hearts
united. She had a fine set of teeth.
No. 28 A white man, fair complexion, auburn
h'lir and beard, 5 feet heavy set ; had on gray
plain pants aial vest.
No. 29 Mulatto man. about 5 feet 10, high,
round, smooth face, good teeth, heavy sot, weight
about ICtt pounds, supposed to bo. about 23 years
old : had on dark gray paoti.
No. 30 A white man about 5 feet 10. weight
about 175 pounds ; dark brown hair, whiskers and
moustache sandv : had on spoiled cassinicre pants,
white shirt,7 with one sleeve button with the letter
' . ' on it ; supposed to be about .-10 years old : no
No. ol A white man. about 5 feet 8, hair and
whiskers sandy, light complexion, prominent fea
tures, .high forehead, gray flannel shirt and blue
overalls: good teeth.
No. 32 negro man about 5 feet S, heavy
whiskers and moustache, good teeth, about 35 years
old : had on a white underwaist buttoned op before.
and would weigh about 150 pounds.
Tbcro are also buried between Gold BliifTs and
Trinidad, about sixteen bodies, of which we have
not vtt got a description. (Jeu. Wright's horse
and a camel went ashore eight miles north of
Innidad. I
General News.
Ban Franciseo, Aug. 18. Tho body of a drown
ed mfin was found ia the Bay this morning. His
ptipers bore the name of Martin Wolf. Marks of
violence on hid person indicate that a was mur
dered. The steamer Sacramento sailed this morning with
about four hundred passengers ami $1,436,1100 in.
treasure. Major II. C. Bull, Paymaster for this
coast , was among the passenger. '
balutes wero ordered by deneral McDowell m
honor of the memory of the gallant (ien. Wright,
Into Commander of the Department of the Pacific.
lboy were fired fit 12 o clock, M.. to-day from Al-1
catraz. tort Point und the otherposts in the vicini
ty of the city. Flags were at half mast during
the day.
The grand compliiucptary dinner to Hon. Scbuyr .
ler Cpliax and .pMtJV waa tendered by the six Chi
;Be Companies in California.
Two Government vessels), the steamer John Han
cock and ship Decatur, weve yesterday condition
ally sold at auction at Navy Yard, Mare Island. .
The former,, it appears, had .been appraised at
$17,000. and the latter at $10,000, which, jp the
opinion of good judges, was too high, and -no bida
were, therejorc, received at the set prices. The
steamer waa bought by Ben Holladay at $1 6,000,
and the ship by A. v . ltbinny A Co.. i X ft'.OCO.
And this from the Austin (Nevada) Rev
eille of July 28th :
Ten wagons passed thronsrJi town this
morning from the arduous jonrej. across the'
Plains. There were three families John,
Wilson from Iowa, James . Sonrraers from
Missouri, and Jefferson Stevens from Indi
ana. This small party left the 3Iissour
river on the eighth of May, and had iitker
sickness nor trouble from thelndi&ns. They
confirm the statement of previous arrivals;
that the hulk of this tyenr s immiprration will
ao to Oregon and the northern Territories.
They also report a large number of wagons
behind, destined for California. ,H
Yesterday morning sixteen wagons, con
taining one hundred men, wcnien and chil
dren, arrived in town, on their ronteto Cal
ifornia. They left the Missouri river on tho
8th of May, and are from the States of Il
linois, Iowa, Indiana and Missouri. Th
party had excellent health, and met with no
trouoie uuring their, long jouvney.
Military. Tho Oregonian says Colonel '
Gm. B. Curry has assumed the command of:
the Department of the Columbia headquar
ters at Fort Vancouver. H:s staff are, P. G j
J. Ien liroock, I . b. A. Medical Director
and Purveyor" ; Capt.1 C. Ilopkins, A. Q. M.
C. S. V . Chief Quartermaster and Commis
sary ; Capt. Wm. M. Knox, 1st W. T. In
fantry, Commissary of Musters, and 1st
Lieut. John L. Boone, Adjutant 1st Oregon
Infantry, Acting "Assistant Adjutant Qan
Stamp Sijit. In a suit brougtt Ky Ktout A
Laral iee, Attorneys of this citv, without at
taching a Revenue stamp to theniomoms
as required by act of Congressudg Shat
tuek held the act to he validand dismissed
the suit for want of a stamp remarking
however, that he had grave doubts of tho
power of Congress to tax the judicial proeesa
of the States, but while sitting at mprtw,
he felt it his duty to sustain the law. The
question will be presented to the
Court next month, as we understand this
suit was brought expressly to test the ques
tion. Oregonian.
upon credentials do report to th's Convention th 1 subject to ratification by tho Government.
Is-terksting to Masons. The New York
correspondent of the S, F. Bulletin says :
The New York Grand Lodge of Masons
have just done a thins which is much crici.
ed. They refused on Friday to reeogniie
the several lodges in this city of their color
ed brethren, who have been for some time
working under charters freely accorded to
them by the Grand Iodge of IJamburg, on
the ground that thaljilack man has no status
in American maso'ary.
. ". "
Tn-EXtSBO Suffrage Ljsce'. The New
York eoiresdenrbf She S. F. Bulletin, in"
his letter of July 1st,' says t .
Discussion of the question of negro snf- .
frage in the re-vitalized rebel Sates has de
veloped a wider difference of honest opinion
among Union men than is indicated in teon-
ncctioa with any other question:of tho day.
f t