The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 21, 1865, Image 1

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if 7-
VOL. 1.
ifpKniTD a nn
J i
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All Letter and Commnnications, wholhcr on
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the Editor.
Iuring the Administration of Presi
dent Lincoln the Abolition journals and
leaders declared that " opposition to the
President was opposition to the Clovern
ment." " It Would seem that they inter
pret the rule to apply only to Democrats.
Or, at least, they do not consider them
selves bound by it, as their late acts and
speeches and writings abundantly demon
strate. Since President Johnson's North
Carolina anti-negro suffrage proclamation.
Senators Sumner and Wilson, Congress
man Ashley, Wendell Phillips, Horace
Greeley, Ward Beecher. Tilton, and the
. . - i
n ,u
nouneed both the proclamation and the
rresiaent. cue ine cooiesi piece oi er-1
frontery in connection with, the matter is
exhibited in the following article copied
from the Cincinnati Gazette, a prominent
organ of the radicals, which has hitherto
strenuously maintained that to oppose the
President was equivalent to committing
treason against the Government.
1 j
1 the caption quoted, it says :
Recently, a meeting was called in New
York city to pledge the support of thadeXpPa5n it we know not, but the inex.-r-i
city, or that State, or of the Union party, faV,le facts of history will prove that thou-j
t President Johnson. We havrt not he-on
- : .
kin tit luirn frAm ilia Vi-inr Vnrl- nwculC
nw.v. .v.. l . ".v- -- -j, n. iiv. -
how much support was .pled trod to the
President by that meeting, nor for what
term it was enlisted. We observe also
that journals and politicians of the fearful
order are agitating themselves over a sup
posed necessity for pledging the support
of Ohio to Iresident Johnson, at the
State Convention, June 21, and over a
division that is to be developed on that
motion. These idea seem to mistake the
nature of our Government, and the rela
tions between the .peoplp and th Presi
dent, and to over-estimate the capacity of
mass meetings and State Conventions.
In this republican Government the
people are called the sovereign, and the
President their-fervant. They engage
him for a term of service. They express
sentiments to guide him. They support
him when his, acts suit them ; not by meet
ings or resolutions, but by electing Rep
resentatives in political harmony with
him. When his acts do not satisfy them,
they turn and vote for Representatives
who will oppose him, or in disgust they
let the election go by default into the
hands of his opponents, and at the end of
ins term of service they choose another
''man. No mass meeting orJ3tate Conren
ition can make them do any-afferent from
this; therefore this support is all that
airy organized body ca pledge to the
Were it otherwise, we should have a
few politicians, for the sake of helping
jtheir chances for the President's official
patronage, binding the people absolutely
, to support the President in whatever he
may do. It is well that they cannot be
bought or sold in that way, for there
would be plenty of traders. The Presi
dent knows that no party or State organic
x&tion can promise lun the support of the
people or pa?ty any longer than while hjs
policy pleases them ; and that when they
pledge him popular support in advance
of measures, and while his policy is yet
experimental, or not clearly developed,
they imitate the free trading of the satan
. ic personam, who proposed to pledjre the
whole world tor a personal eonsid ration,
when he had not a quit title to a foit of it.'
, In absolute monarchical governments,
the subjects bind themseb. es, or are held
bound, to support rulers without condi
tiocs, on the principle that the king rules
bydivin right and is infallible. But
tti is a republican Government, and the
positions of sovereignty and subjection
are reversed. If the people are capable
of their sovereign qSce, they will in their
.mass meetings and conventions express
their opinions on public affairs for. the ad
vice and encouragement of the President,
they will give him the moral support of a
declaration of sound practical principles,
jrith the assurance of their hearty support
as long as he adheres to them. This is
all that any convention can pledge, and
that the President will place any value
That Godlt Citt. Li g nor is sold by
the glass in 132 places on Korth street, Bos
ton. One block, which is owned by a lady,
x03itain8 five liquor shops, five brouiela,'4na
' al&rge tiikL .' A
' A Mis one LiiudisTl and twenty feet
. down a mining shaft, at Aurora, Nevada,
-recently, ani escaped with 'only a sprained
Acrai wa recently appenae-I' to ihe
11. cf EJirket 'r?tnlaf.fnn f Cincinnati.
2t rli.JiILrg near tho sausage stalls. " i
--.'-' . ...
From the Sun Francisco Weekly Examiner.
Of all the crimes that disgrace human
ity, slander is among the worst. It is
the robber of character, the destroyer of
virtue, and the enemy of honor". Its
" edge is sharper than "the sword" its
"tongue out-venoms all tho worms of Nile"
its "breath doth belie all corners of.
the world. It is a coward that only!'
takes advantage where the odds are m
its favor, liriug it face to face with an
equal f(e, and it shrinks to its dark den
of venomous tiovls and reptiles. I t is a
creeping, crawling thing that bcsiimcs
whate'er it touches. Impaled innocence
testifies to its guilt, and a Christ crucified
bears evidence of its malignity.
One had supposed that now the wars
wers over, all men would rejoice in the
eomrMipltition of' peace. The rauid n;.
urally turus from scenes of horror to those
inore genial and pleasant in character.
It seems, however, there are some men
" with souls scarce saxtcer deep" who
reject the blessed offerings of peace.
Thev seem determined that the country
shall not have quiet. Of such are these
who control the Sacramento Union. It
is emphatically a a paper of the malig
nant school. It suites upon horrors with
an insatiable greed, and glories in scat
tering them before its 'many readers.
True or false makes little difference, and
either, if revolting, serves alike its pur
pose Southern people find no favor in
its eyes, for it has made up its mind that
" nothtisr good can come out of Nazeretli.'"
A fruitful source for malignant invective
and falsehood is the alleged brutal treat
ment of Union prisoners by the Confed
erate authorities. Let us look ftr a mo
ment at this charge, and see, if guilt
there be. at whose door it properly- lies.
For the last two years, we asert as a
fact, the odds of prisoners have been
jrreatlv on tilt snie t the Luion. for
Luion. r.
the past year they have been more than j Int we we may chaitemre those w ho
- . " m- . . .t. .ALi. . v -i
two to one. vt e assert, moreover, mat
the Confederate authorities have alwavs j
:e..-,l iTOAo Je;w A-r1,.n.i,nl..t..t.., e..-.. !.-, l..- I,..,.. l,...!111'1, ll(It- .
UiaillltlVil "II I Jl 1 1 . v nei-iii. i... iiitiii
nnsoners to the fullest extent ot theirs
numuers. mere nas oeen no neeessuy, ;
at any tune, ior a I n:on prisoner to re-;
- - i
main in a Confederate prison, or pen if
vou will, for a p;reater period than the
- 1 . r " ,1 11
Miniiie art- 01 .en tr ie it:m :e iiuui'i 1 count. . ,; iw in-iit:t-i:i 111 n-n 11111, mvi 111 tin 1:11-,
wiir h. nn Luyl.s:.;.i.,i L.,.t.,cf :.l,ti, rv., .i. ... !
-n-i.L 1- A.
ny weie t 11 1011 iji ueuers mueii-u in :
perish of disease and starvation ? Co to i
tne ar department ana nujuire tnere. novcniment on gener.a p-r;ne:ples. w ith
Ask E. 31. Stanton, its Secretary, the font retrospection to particular instances
Robespierre of the war, for information j of past ma leond uct--l la m i 1 tcn Works
oa this noint. How he will attempt tot
1 1 i ... i vtil I,..-,, i r ' Mil , i .-. , . .-ci, . .
-i.l I-'I.: !.-.. - ! ,.,1. .'
iiccij at ine sill lite oi iiie initiiiieiti.s -iiiiocii
of Abolitionism.
Aiiai man irenzy oi ;
the dav-rwhieh has desolated the land j
of the South, and caused sorrow through
out our domain was not satisfied with
the victims of the battle field. No species ,
ot torture ana waste oi human lite could i
stay in its course. Mr. Stanton demand-i are manifest. It the Legislature can (Us
ed that the Confederates should acknowl-; franchise any number of citizens by des
edge the negro as the equal to the white Icriptions, it may seon confine till the votes
maa, as a condition precedent to an ex-! to a small number of partisans and es tab-
change of prisoners. This, of course,
could not be done, and hence it was. toj
this insane idea. Union soldiers were suf
fered to pise and die in Southern prisons..
Think of it,, you men' of Anglo-Saxon!
descent :think of it, vou descendants of
those who framed our Constitution for
white men I Because Southern men did
not belie the laws of God and repudiate
their own institutions, your brothers were
deserted in the hour of sore distress. If
punishment is to be meted out, let it be
inflicted iu fhe right quarter.
We therefore indict E. 31. Stanton.
Esquire, of high crimes and misde
meanors. We indict him in the name of the peo
ple of the United States, whose official
trust he has betrayed.
We indict him in the name of that
same people whose national character he
has dishonored. 1
We indict him in the name of the gal
lant soldiers whom he has suffered to pine
and die in Southern prisons.
We . indict him in the name of the
widows and orphans whom his heartless
policy has. made.
We indict him by virtue of those eterT
nal laws of justice which he has violated
We indict him in the name of the
white roe whom has sought to de
grade to the lowest standard of hu
manity. Let it iot be argued that he was igno
rant of the condition of our soldiers. At
the very time that he was quibbling about
the negro and his exchange, the subject
of the relief of our soldiers in prison was
engaging the attention of government.
lie knew that the Confederates themselves
were on half rations, and that their sour
ces oi supply were being gradually con
tracted, lie knew that the Federal ar
mies had been instructed to destroy every
species of food in the way of their pro
gress. He knew that Gen. Grant had
ordered Sheridan to bay waste the rich
valley of the Shenandoah to ;in extent
that u a crow in crossing it would be com
pelled to carry with him tis rations."
He knew that Sheridan reported " two
thousand barns dastroj-ed with their con
tents,'' and that.the women and 'children
of that lovely and populous region had
been turned out to shelterless starvation.
lie knew that from this Valley and North
Carolina, with which Grant had destroy
ed communication, the Confederates de
rived most of their supplies, and this
barbarous policy was resorted to express
ly to starve them out of Richmond. He.
knew that medicines had been made con
traband of war, an d that the sanitary wants
of our prisoners couldTarfe'iaetr.-Kot-withstanding
this, our very christian Sec
retary, with cold Satanic diplomacy, de
mands a hegfo for a white man, or there
will be no exchange, , lie it remembered
'that the negro prisoners were not suffer
tug any narosnips. They were put to
work and fed like Corfederate soldiers.
j To this- they had been accustomed, and itj
was much better for them, in every sense.
(h:n to have been confined in prison.
Stanton, however, would not s r it. The
foul fend of buiitionisni urb-t be pro
pitiated, and hence hecatombs of. white
victims wove oii'ered upon its polluted
altars. Thus the negro, in civilized Amer
ica, bad bis sj.cvifu e of huiiwn victims us
in bis ,.!ive Africa, with this difference.
that here they were white, and there black
lie re thev were civilized, lliere Pavaue i
1. i - . I. ..... I. a
nere tue huuhh-i imn-ii t;ie:iiei j
than we have ever read ot in Ainca. .
It the I n ion then wishes something
against which to justly fulminate its ire,
let itbeuinat home. it strike' in the
rieht ou-rter. l.i t it r-ea-
( j
;-;;tii-i'-roi:-i i .i iii-iii ur.i iiii-i-uiwcihhi.t
ern peo!e who. no matter what may have!
been tho pretext of their errors, have suf-j
fered th full measure of punis.bineiti.
This foul ;!ttt to 1.1 u k- n the chari'e
ter of a gallant foe, when he pru;trate
and helpless is jnore i owardiv sn-1 usean
than the worse ouene
charcred to jhe
score i f the South. We rctVr to the e
of the Vniou risouers as one install
ihe perjured t ii!eneeot the rebel de-:
... . i . -1 . . . . . 1- .. i . . i
seners. ana jata spies irom v. aiiaua. w n
according to their own stones, it true,
are accessories before the fact to the mur-
dor of President Lincoln, and as such are
unworthy of belief, is anotKe
dpstardtv attempts at detraction will re
coil upon those who make them, and like
curses will ljtimateh come home to roost.
The PrwiicoorTct Oaths.
The practice which has been adopted;
bv the llepuohcan party, of administer
imr poiif'ca! le.-t oaths, was not much ad
mired, even by that most extreme cham
pion of Federalism. Alexander Hamilton,
lie says :
" It has been said. too. jhat ::n oath t;
determine the tjualilicniions of electors i
.i ii.-.-ilei i-i e-v .ii.i i. -ij in m-e . ei ll lio'il t. i ,
. ... . -
. ,
'ft. Vet
ine as-enion io snow m u rerros e
oaths have ever been administered, remiir-!
jv.v, i.i.- , j ,--,en ui.:v nil . ii,., it iievil
ruiltv ot ivist o"euscs. l.t v. I th
i"." ;
o-Jit-r j 'rT", r of i.-'uv n - '"
oadi.t". i.i tat JJitni;, notm)' '. ;
- . - ' i
(ii at jJritei'ii, li'i'ixi'i)' i'f i.i
kuvl h,i$ , r, r (, ti h,ntv,l. Hut even
1 v ... 1 - i
wliere reiistous fanaticism has an-en an i
j , . 1 , 1 1
, I-.....1 1 -1 ...1.
nei t-r t;ac luiiiicr ui:ai 10 i'Ivmtilh.' irtii!?;
fr testing present disposition toward the
vol. 2. v. oil
' Nothing i- more common than for
.... . i'v-iiv. -ii i ' ; , , ' i n.:i ,,.-., ll' t;u,
, .'-... , ... 1 1 '.
o.i iii ,iui t iii'.-oioa'..;; i-.f?i.':is ov u--.:-U'Z
ltiio me ito eriiineut pnite-.i t
dents which
aficrwarcs prove fat
llt'il,:, t.;,I ; tl,., .l.,,.:,. I
V i lii.o r. iii ir , ii,r Vi .it. 1 1 lilt ;
Of tl Iff. Vlil'fttllth
dt fi-a)nu'ti m ii ! and
banishment by act of Legislature. The
dangerous consequences ot this power j
hsh an aristocracy or oligarchy." ,
applMtowh Govern, nt rvi,r bSlstf l Wi,Vh, It,"? ''f'tS
JmocAvrjfiocomnw o-."r lb.. . 28. t5ie, hc .f,oln h 't-t-box A .tl
stun teaching!, of which some ot his pau
Th? Xcw Constitution of Missouri.
To give our rcailer? an i !oa of tho char
acter of the new Constitution lately fjreed
upon the people of Mlreouri by fraudulent !
votes and arbitrary practices, we gho the
following synopsis of it, which we dip from
a Missouri paper : ,
It declare.- Missouri a free State forever.
It establishes the equality, of ail men bof
fore the law.
It prohibits legislation intcrfcrinjr, with
the polsonal rights of men on account of
their color.
It declares that Missouri shall over rJ
ciain a mem Iter of the American Uuion.
It excludes from the bajlot-liox and from
cflk-c traitorsj rebels, rebel sympathizers,
pierrilla marauders, bu.diwliaekers, and
liieir aiders aud abettors,
It in like manner excludes Knijrhts of the
Golden Circle, Sons of LiiiertyaudO. A. K's.
It in like manner excludes those who jn
ro'led theaiselvejs as disloyal, or as Southern
sympathizers, to avoid malltia duty.
It provides for an efficient registration of
voters, thereby securing the exclusion of il
legal votes.
It remoyes the rule requiring treason to be
oroved by at least two witnesses, and leaves
It to lc proved a.s any other crime.
It invites immigration from Kurope, by
extending the elective franchise to' those
persons of foreign birth wlio have, more than
ono' year before an election, declared their
inttfntion, according to l:vw;" to become citi
sens of the United SCites.
It forbids the Legislature making conipen.
sation for emancipated slaves.
A "Disinterested" Judge.
The following is from a Richmond corres
pondent of a New York paper ; '
We are credibly informed that Judge Un
dcrvrnoik who was in this citv a few days
ago making arrangements to hold a term of
the United States Court for the .tastern Urs
trict of Virginia, is at present occupying
the dwelling house of 5r. William M,
McVeigh, in Alexandria, and claiming to
be the lawful owner thereof in fee' simple,
hv virtue of a decree of confiscation and sale
entered in his own court. This house.
worth fully 20,0X), teas sold by Me Marshal
ofJudie VifJerwood's court for the sum of
$l,D'.it, and Jwlijt L,uu;rwooa itimseij ve:
came purchaser. Mr. McVeigh's son was
living in the honse at the time of the conns,
cct'cn and sale above referred to. Mr. Me-
Veitrh is over fifty years of ae, and never
Lei d olnee of any sort under the Confederate
Government, irejwas indicted, we see, last
week, before the Grand Jury of Norfolk for
treason. -
The Constitution ot the united crates ana
th Liws of everv civilize;! land, require that
a. man shall le convicted of treason before
his property be confiscated, but Judge Un
derwood lias m tins case, ior reasons . lum
can- easily, be .eea hrough, reversed the
regular sequence of legal proceedings. .It
alo declares that no attainder for treason
shall work a forfeiture of land. beyond the
life of the person attained. We arc not
'surprised, thourrh. at his mistake in this
tartieular. as we hear he never had a license
t6 practice law before he was plaged on the
The following, from the St. Louis l?e
publieun. v. ill serve to show how the new
t'oiistif utioo of Missouri was forced upon
the people. The scenes described in Lin-
coin county were simply of a pattern with
...i... l : d .... .
nii.u un-uiiiiu in iiuiuy ttJv t 'mnr.
The IJepul lica!! says:
reietition of tb. manner in whi.-h
-r.;it..'ri.Bk. ...I ; '.......! : ...
, . , ,
trt- -flections were eoi'sui:tei in
luanv 1
p!am- in !iis State last fa!! to"k pt.ici
rLiu. - oln .unty. on Tuesday l:-t, We!
Uv ere jiwsre Wei k ng thai r.i rsoi h-trtHv I
,iii.-i!if;ed ' to vore.wre thVeatened w"!tl.
it !e:iee in that county ' tiie event tli'
S!l"ltnl iHti-lllpt to Vote Slj.HHSl HI'
1 1 CM" i
( Vnsfitntioii. On Tuesday the-e threats',
to souk; e.vti at. were c.:n li d ii-'o i-xeca-
tio:i. F.irlv iirthe !:. da. Ma.-' t-. h.
a member 'f ('apt. John M. Rted's com
r.anv of militia. fp.ri4iab!v :t Lieutenant.1)
appeared at t'h
Hv. iif of the votit. f
pri't-irtets. ami io'oi meif
C'TkMii persons.
will m ;K do!;- ii::ti:!feit t oppt-i m :
an I sympathizers." ihev were
m Vo?, ; that he
t-t I
n ? t tit thi-re to
fi - .revent their vfjtimr.
ij- re vent
and that he was
hi , e :e :.
preparou to ana v.'onh
11:1" JMI 11 !i" The
was necessary. l.r this
result was. a t-.-nsu'eru!; nuui .-er
iheseisons. tar less lawh-- t!:::n ibis mnii Ma--
lnto.-l!, or those who "suit lina on toi
lawless mission, could possibly i.-e, w ere
deterred from voting, and we'.ii . hornr
without doin so. 'e are credibly bi-
formed that some of the most rei ectable!1
law-abiding citizen- of Lincoln emint;,
were thus prevented from votintr at this
. 1 '
pltVUlCI. .
at -ew nope, as we are mloriiie-J, the
same", game Was attempted. There. hty-!
I. . . 4 1 . i- . s: ti.eiiieni in Lie n:n:eiiies l tfie !!T.t-rF-t
tio of i iiiiiitio iiiitriim v-w Triwtr... - . I.' -
J ' '
voutiu: soiijiers, recent I v mus-i
in!! of service, took the matter
e. armed theuiselve's. ami
an nouticeu
hodv the Judues ile'ci
led Wcrej
..... V
entitled t- ine should be 1 eriui'te l todoi
ti... .. , .. . .
'. . ' ' " 'l " " i
4.1 ' 1 111 l x--
.11 llOOl .11111 JHeCltlCl, It IIUIIllUT Oil1"
. i i. . . t , . it ti -
i: persons leaaiiv eniutci to vote, ami v ho
i :.. .... .1.. ... . e .i. . t- .
.. , . , , , 1 1 , - ,
w.n-i. li u-1 , l, ti . .Ti rn ,1,1 c.i nllil 1 ri.e.,.. r...I
ii-om vetins. '
. . , - .., - ,
.11 iou..-- iijc a similar cmir-e- 01 coi-
, , ,
wt l'-"'" a number .wer
Jabv iiriv..-ii iri!i the p.. lis, and
, 111
Wa- knocked down ?l.".i Unnterciftlllv beat-
re jlt-t iiitdde reastui
r no o
or 1:
than that he attempted to do w hit he bad
a le-,1 ritiht to uo 'to yote.
t':i Saturday previous to the election,
i we learn. (Jeorue W. Anderson, laem-
ber of Congress elect
the Ninth
spoke at a public mot tititr at
e. - What was the character ot
y ,
-0W 11
i.eeiliwe can on v inlor trom wiiai
1 H-il 1 iniYr .f I: u niw.1.,.11 .1 1 ,f Ii a .
I) i
1 l'oiMiea .u i.ouisiaiiti
I we uuoersiai!:i lie eons, ne nas isereio
jfore unhesitatingly assumed that there
! are' but two parties in 3Iissouri rad
, , , . . , ,
icals and rebels.'1 In Saturday's issue of
his paper lie says: AVu think the elec
tion lias deuioii-trated, that military power
is ih- only iiirmi of preserving the ballot-box
from pollution." Aud in another
article, in the same paper, it is said:
conduct is a fitting exponent, it is fair to
t-siune that his speech at rew Hope was
.of the most inflammatory character, and
well calculated to 'induce the very course
by others at the election on Tuesday.
And we are assured that threats were
openly made by others, at the meeting
alluded to, that certain persons would be
prevented from voting, and that force
would be used for that purpose if neces
sary. No wonder that, under these cir
cumstances, the poll of Lincoln county,
on Tuesday, was scarce a third its legal
voters. Doubtless many persons vere
prevented from attending the election at
all, pud for the reasons stated.
That this was the case is very evident
from the oihcial returns received of the
vote of Lincoln. We have satisfactory
evidence that-nearly or quite three-fourths
of the legal voters of Lincoln were op
posed to the proposed Constitution. Yet
the opposite party litis carried tiie county
by a majority of 44. . There are about
2,000 leiral voters in Liucoln. On Tues
day only 770 of thesc'2,(J00 votes, a little
more than one-third, were polled. Of
these, 410 were given for the Constitu
tioik and only 80u" against it ! It is not
within the bounds of credibility that such
a result would, or could have been reached
but for the previous threats made, and
the lawless intimidation to which allusion
has been made. Nobody will for a mo
ment doubt that every one who chose to
vote for the Constitution could havedoue
so without fear of any interruption what
ever. The presumption then is, that all
who wished to do so did vote, and they a
little more than one-fifth of tho VOtersP to lawsof war.Jas been found guilty, and sen
it , im.. . , . i - .L,' tiaiccd to be imprisoned at hard labor during Lis
About one-fifth voted ana Inst the Cbn'sti
tution, while tKe remainder, (nearly three
fifths of the whole number of voters,) did
not vote at all.
Tub Tni-E St4tf.vext. Tho following is from
a correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer :
As there has been a variety of rumors in regard
to the way JcrT. Davis was attired when captured
in Georgia, I will give you an account of a sur
geon. Dr. Wm. Biekct of Franklin eounty, Ohio,
who saya he - was present at the capture. Dr.
Eicket says Davis had on no clothing, when ar
rested, calculated to disguise him; nor did he
ofler any resistance to his captors. He had ou,
when captured, the ordinary calico gown, so fre
quently worn by gentlemen during hours of relaxa
tion. '
Bishop Gregg of Texas in a pastoral let
ter instructs the clergy of the Episcopal
Church to return to the liturgy as it was be
fore the war.
The Richmond Whij remarks that the lib
oration of the negroes gives the South a
cimm io iourteen more iteprcseniauves in
vongress. "
The forts around Washington are to r5e re-
aticoa to ., nd so enlarged and strengthen
ed as to encircle the city. ' '
There are said to be one thousand rebel
officers confined at Fort Delaware.
F ill Lake. Augvt-d 12th. Tie '.l!o..i
II llil.v-'.i- 11,11, r .til,.. ')!, ..C ImIi- .
ii.g is from
j Trial cf Hetclfc-Gcttctal ice and Others,
! , , . :.
I .rrr 1 1 ri;. -niiv J'.i-ij,.-- ! : Jjtuo mv: 7 )r
Irif.l o ui.t. I!i-i:ry 1(7, !:tte -nii:il r of t!:c
A'.nii lfi'iivi1!,'
:-',!i. li: -i lici n imli-iinia
iy i
IV t
'111 i
V. il
,t l.n;i;.- f. S. rlinr: v.ill 1h:
!; Ida'
.' ..
I -.ui-iM-f In n, t,,i ,t wlii'-.i Miv
HL-iiiiii- !.-,. !,:: :uul i it 1 , it
1 In- .-::!h it i;ji. If i:i.,lcrHt'ii .1
O '. i.llt,-i - l.i t:s i
' iM I'. I lie i r. si'.T.'r if. I.i:t
Shut 111'.- J'l.-sMiT.I ll-'-.-i t .! ;.,;,. ),-(.! n-j', .i
t o i s-!-, r.-it, t'f-.'i ''.is,,ir- i,( i-a -h r!rBili!!f :i- In-
1-V(UH N
tu lii-j-
j hav..- i
r i fctiv-: j,::r
viz :
pintsivr t a in '
) ui" i i,. j,;
JciT. Eav'.s and Gcnoml Jofcrstee.
No? Vnrh. .I::'v S-h. The Timv.i ajs lh::t
Ji ll. Jti.-l-i -t'lh i- j.hj:'.i !i'!t ivi-1.
(;,-i-.,I.... .'. I .-- .-:i ; ,!! t h ri: l-loti. w'.U:
rrii! tiii h;i!.!y ! rr:iii!i'!. I; i- .-:ii. tha tip ii! I
!'l in !: irr l if r i t: t!n- rt-h: Ui.-:i to a h se
li-ti:- tn-fo-.i- i' !; i -tune i: id.-i.t it nay iu m e j I -!:H-fe.!c..::dii-..,,.
Afihirs in Alersrtdria.
'' ! Kcw Turk. -Ti:'y -J..T1:e Trtn-m-V tr.!!tnr-
; t'n ;.c-i:it ii;,-x.: Tise Muyi.r v.-. t Ma.rt.'ira'e
.-iv.-;.-nitrm, srtata. i.i.t,i:y i -tsnt t-ic:r di-'cr-i
in', h n t i :ii!!it ii !,. tin-l i t State !a.. Th v
; iy t!-::t . ii(:r t!.n r- - riv.- th:- '' !'ri! nv !
,i-:i. i-.i 'I'l-ir courtii, thev -will Kfigu tu.-ir re-
in.i.-:ivi- i Hi-1-.
Guerrillas In Alabama.
hv a
!f:-riM'i Xcw .:r .-; it;drt ay :
st ilU'iii.-' i 1 ,l:.ha:i!:i is :it ! :-.-t.n: inf ,--:- -I
: -i -r.iti' 1 -and
f ii rnH-:-. nti.i l-avi', o.. i.
a'! the e'l.T i-f tin:
rn '.',!::.! tr-H-ji-i,
! th
! tti.t
-:.-t;-!ii-e ,! c-.-ir-
t-:il::-i- tii..i;i. '1 :i;i
"ri-.-,y.. hie hsvc !
1 lutilitu aud oi'n;
";:., tut' red
i:d r !, ! the fl -o-.
Enactions in Virsiaia.
TI,e I'"':'!!' iciil says: The
eh.-, th n i.! I't.-d. ii -h-; -i-.rg ia-t v e, k,
j the etttirc of t.n-i .f tie p.-.-i.
!!i!inii:!i.a! j
Teruttid i.ii
! l-io.-r e: li
i wt?si...ui.ts. Theeh-eti
l i:t I'lrit ia I'
Htt'.e eitcui-.i-cmciit to hi j.e f r a'a t-ai
ii.! the rrineii re e:!i ,n
11.14 lelt l-i lie r-iei i-.o:!. !
efiV-r?, the ettVeii ,f ;!;;, I
Wheaeit-r .5n-.rt,itii,
:::!'. tn:!:;m-;-t a
i,.--i:t 'n t' r' tain ur plaee in
i iKiw- r
iiuv-r !h'.;e iviiii are most
iiu-.isiou.i f-r lUeir j
i i:.;, ;. ,-,i.
ruvrrHhi, M by, in-
lt'iii undcrt..l th.-.t the
u'lu!-1 to tun a a etindi.b
It iM.nd.rM .-id that .J
late f r (Ynzr,
John .'liui r ll-
'.i - tm an address t, the i
of V!
ilia. Airsi"?
i t ii in t . v .te f .r ne-ri -itf!ra-e as tl
oiar Ih-i.c
r ,I -,, .. 1 - !-" -
'i im ' iin.iio-l ...i IH..J I. ur.
r:n ut imii:.m: v iiWh 1,. efl.i.r S'.o ..
ion ou
Slilcll Confiscation Case.
Pnriiitr the i.rtiirr.'s
in tli
CiaiK at X.-w t'.-'catis, of jsrocec :i:i ;s f t ihe cen-fi-e.i-ii-n
of PH.b-HV estate, eh-iitn- 1 x nearly PloO.-
(ll'il aivneed hiia on in ort spice, w. re Presented bv
l uns l.atiki'h: hoi!. Ju tue llevali ile -ide t that
ja; ,iie iiiiie 1 c a ivaeeei -.ti re lij-iie" r-o-..e:i was t
one ll!:il!;,..,i;S imtsv of the fuited Pta'tn. and bit
pr-pci:y 'h-'-r- t. -!.i:., .! m! r the c .nli-ation
! '" '"'u "Vor.L':"'n:- ""'t 'hat the claiais c mid
I I.Vl I'C ... IV t, -, '1.
Redactions in the Army and Navy.
Xew York. July 2 ph. The' X,.Vy Il.-psrfnieni
has or U-rctl the n-due i n of the Jlkiiis-ii-i.i snuad-r-.ii
t i five vesfi-N. The ordnance and material
tri'l I... ,!;,-i t, .1 -,t th . n,.,-.,t , r,i....t..,.i
At .U-flers -n Parraeks a larpe nuuitK-r of enlist
uiea ill at nee be tiheharced (rem the sijiia
Admiral Bradford aik-;l frcm lltn;.:n Ilea Is
1..1-.. ....... ..c ,t. t,. : 1-
in , ' in ,'i -i a;:.;e 7il u.l'lf -'11, ll-I
crdsr t- r:i!iiee it to ten veyst-!.
i The tPivt-riitucnt has forward-d inflroetions to
the e- tninandi r of the le'.ofmeiit of Virginia, to
reduce the volunteer cavalry und-r bis ecmaiKtiit
to two regiments. A sinii!r t rdt r has been st ut
to the comumnilers of the Middle acd X -rib Caro
lina lcpar:n.en'sp directing tiitui to diseharire,
i;h the excej tion i f one, fill the volunteer i-.tva!ry
regiiuents atiui he 1 to their resptclive t-oisaiands.
Elutiny cf Soldiers,
New York. July 24-h. The' Twenfy-ttf!h New
York recipient wus removed a few days since to
Morris Pjlnnd fur taking part in the disturbances
iu this city. They hare exhibited a ni'H iiiuiis
spirit since their removal. (Sen. sent
orders ilcmandiriy the u-dors "f the Tweuty-Fifrii ;
tltt-ir C'-biml re'iisst! to deliver them and he was
c-tus.iUeut!y p!ac-'d under arrtst. The
were ti en demanded In pj the seeon I officer in
c-i-mwnud, vlio n'so refused. Gen. Hatch ex
plained to him that the t ob-nel was placed tinder
arrest simply f.irUifi'bediu'ce. lie then promised
to deliver the colors, but found only thestntTs of ;ti
nomlicr of colors, which wtte iklivcpih He then
determined to dijRnn tho whole rctriment. Other
regimeuts were ordered up and the guns were
clinrjed with rne and canister and were turned
upon the mutineer. Orders were given to tire in
case of ivuy resistance. Seeing all further resist
ance useless, thj reiritne'it stacked arms and were
inarched under guard to Fort Hunter.
, Affray in Tennessee.
A serious difiioulty occurred at a picnic at Rocky
iprinjrs, Mudson county, Tenacssee, on the fth
inst., betwetu rclurucd Uuion and Confederate
soldiers, n sultiui iu tho death of thrco of the
number and the scri-.uis wounding of seven others.
Trcojs for the Fronticis.
Kow York, July 29. I'M- Gen. Dodge bns been
nssijrued to tho comuiami' all I lie United (states
forces serving in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska,
Montana and that portion of Daeotah lying west
ami south of the Missouri river,
i Fort Laramie, July 27. One of tho Powder
Kiver columns is now en route to join the fon-es
at Platte Hivcr Dridfrc, which is moving ou the
ri nr tit' the Indians and holding them in cheek un
fiil reinforcements arrive when auollicr liht will
take place l.cyoud doubt. All tho trwis intend
ed for (lie Indian expedition would have been in
tho ticld long ago hud it not beeu for tho rascally
contractors failing to deliver supplies according to
tne terms of Iheir contracts.
General Items.
Washinpton, July 10th. This rebel General
Harris and Professor McCullough, arrived here
last Monday, aud aro behind the bars at the arse
nal. It is asserted that the lejral limit of three hun
dred millions of the National Kank circulation is
nearly reached, aud therefore the creation of but
comparatively few additional institutions wiil be
authorised. The cutira number will probably
reach six hundred.
Baltimore, July 15th. .John W. McCue, a rebel
guerrilla, tried in this city before a military com
mission on tue cnargc ot muritcr ami lue vionuiou
Kew Ysrk, July 29th. Tho Tribune's special
says that during June over two thousand claims
for piiio money were filed at tho Fourth Auditor's
ofllco, and near three million dollars distributed.
A large amount still remains.
New York, July 21st. The Commercial's Wash
ington special says : Tho Provost Marshal's Otliec
will be closed August 1st The report that the
reward for tho captura of Booth has been banded
over to Cot linker is untrue. I
Cincinnati, July 2lst Governor Brough passed
a sleepless night. ' He is no worse to-day, but his
condition is considered critical.
Washington, July HUh. President. Johnson's
health is restored, and ho is again transacting a
largo amount of business daily.
Tho trial of Miss Harris who shot a clerk in the
Treasury building, will probably be concluded on
Tuesday. But littlo doubt is entertained of bor
speedy acquittal whenever the case is given to tho
Affray bptween White and Black Troop
. New Yo'rK, July I7th. The Charleston Courier
of July HUh says : On Saturday evening a small
squad of Zouaves had been ordered on police duty
at the maTket. Ono of them, while patrolling,
came into collision with a party consisting, if is
said, of tk- number of the Twenty-First United
States troops and the Fiftieth Massachusetts Vol
unteers, colored, in addition to a number of out
siders. T. ha Zouaves sent for assistance, when the
squad cama up, and afterwards tho whole company
on police-'-'duty arrived, when the market was
cleared, - In the meleo which occurred previous to
the arrival 6f tho company, the colored soldiers
fired il volley-, among the crowd, killing a well
'' - i- ' - ,. '
known tiint rc'pci tr.l'U; cil"H:,l i'.:oi nn a-.vl ) snd lit-Jauii-s
Tlinr. and bitdiy wmin Tifis i.-i elm Iic-hi! ri:.c hi :i
( 'hi inir.i! liirrtv, "f ihf Zuiiaii-, and i:cr !v I ire.-!. J!
-.n mi'tii' I v. ii u: In r t-iilir ! ii;cm. J it th'.- fivi.;
-! i::n,, t.ri, ':-, were filM-rn'.Iy n-'-'t. the
'.f -3VI-.-', :i! tin- vo!'i!.-y, uiudu u tfcaigi: iJ:j"jr--
Iti;' t;i.- c'i'.m-l tr'ii,;::-.
i From tUtslie.
: Kext York. .Iniv 2$t!i. Tl-e yi.:-inl
thii a.iiriuoi- le:li,r from .M-.mi:: -r:i-
(,;lt n Ir.r-i
i,! 'ln.Cn..,. ..r,,.i-. .,,( ,, 1.,,..!,
i 1,1, , i
.She i-.iPLi-jii.i.-i i.f Hi. T:o.!,T .oi'q' ''i.iiai-!.! iifrk--l ft. I
i, rcj..!5:ii" t!-- f..r.T-.i ( V i xitaili :n. '' r V,t i ' (;;,,'r 'f 'Ji-v-raw.
ii-ti- u m !t to he induced hv the lii-h K.,!d
! V.H y,
j s,v. .t.,j.
li ic.l hv the lti:..-ii::l llai, r::m-.H. i V l-ar:i lt.r -ih r v:-.t.- K,o-r-,
il. .Tl... "T.,-1,,., .. ...:..i rfc? 1 r n -h i'a, thnt V-
.(lieml .Sf.:xi.:an n-ttusiii'.'- that tit-.
! ,.,.ri-,l .;ivi!
I ,..,; j,,.
;y rt- :i!:n lit-- !.:"! i:-t-rtvu In rl; :
w si i':-.:!y f-trtd th: M.-rvir,- ..f Vo
' ,.i,n,!,, r- (1f M
iMiiniii.Tn t.'i M :i-::i: 'tlu- r., fii lroi.i
'in .. -:-in i-t 'li-.- Fn-iu-h. It i- farther .-:.o,
i o-, Ji;i:':iili:in h t- ntrm Icil n iiti f(,i li rn -r
,.- tli.
1. 1 r-ji ! ;o.-!
liiia. hi r
M-trr w
nh-i will be hi-!d in li.indazc lur revcru
Revelation in HcytL
2','th. Advie
: ri!ii
iv.'i, r?-
!-c-I l y ts.-.y t-t .Vaaa.
i. : thai the re7 h:-
-i.try m that n-j mi :: t." -t !! jrtnv jp mi. i e
- i t-1 -!h ; t tti- tn.-t-i-.f kii! '.'.' to t e li:tri.: ttr
, J'-'ikr the t-rtit!(alion in their t ?; iLjii he
! .-!i,y luug-. r j:--o crnca t.y I r v-i-Jc. t .Iittrtird. j
-j Frna Soatls America. j
'J The I'. it-.ntde-cnd'-r Pawrcee, fr'tn Netrj
I i :tk ii ihe vtraic of' Al-jEcilati. armed at 1'an-i- t
' j iu i mi t!u- J20i tl July, 1 left fir the Mexican
! c- a-t i-'i tie :'t.
Th S. I: -tuner Wat rec .mived at I'ar:auia
fii.ti! i ;. .. rV . -,i tie 2" ! . f Ju'v. f
Tfirci. i-jr-i witcs had hi-e!i 1,-lt at Pubsbh on j
:1k- 15th '. ' J::!y.
T-!r. '! ;i'c. n:t enrinecr fr .n: Xpt York, prrir -d
a! tin Ii-thtiiiSi i.a theOcepn lJuteii, cu route t -r
,' lhiu'i?.! rt!.c jiiitie f- f lay iii:r 'Knra a ttlegfaph
!;: tl' !!! tt.atei-v in .;:ra i n Jl?l:slene.
I 0:i li e .-il 'tin ! tue i Vruvian h nn ' f war l v
i!'K-reheV..o. I the dr-ttth of A lutira! P:oi:z-. "e
mutirr broke t le-ard the Ama.-eas. ,b,
Ca-.' Ifci.t!;, the ,-ort ef Area. r-,'i.i
tlic d:th r Adniiml I'ni.iso and ether nfik-ers.
itiiil'h" eaiiture of th? .-hi;. 1.v the luu'i'icer...
Ihe Aaid.nas afterward!' pr eeckd to I'irt-..,
here tl:e shi cf war Auitri.-.i. lately breu.;t-t
tti Ettr..i.e was! at ancior, and sistilie i !
( a!.:ai-i t i cii!e on b-mrd.
ivh:eh be did. and
iiumeUia'. ly ma le jn;- ner. Th
;!:ea e;.'e'.-,l to Mirremkr. v.hi'.U
en-w va-'-liti-' without 'tie leart
: Auiti-ea
vt:i- done,
j .-ii.aH ,-tt ;
i the Tall-o) whtcti wa eiU!-i:i2 oil'
lsdav. is ali -'tpM.-e l to Ii.ivl-
been e;o; toed,
tie Ataciiea and
V of war. mi; 1
I The ti'urei aiaeiit have new only i
Chalae that are r.vai'-ih'e as ve.--t
the fatn iv. irou-ebids t.sat were to tit k the Seaa
i;h fliei which,, lur-y l-eu-r l in j;-.:ar ii-i:;
t!:c I'biiteha l!atids, but it d -ahtfo! wkeihtr
I hey sre tit fr ferviee. Ajitiearauef-s ia lie-ite t'aa:
the are :et!iii2 theupiicr hand of t-ieM;- v-i-i
iitiieat. arid we look fur further important news
by the next lead. On the o h, a fijl.t t' k plaec-aii'-nt
sis miles from Lima, between 12.1'UO rev dn-
ti'iui'.-. nad 6,0(10 Government troop?, in which
the f rmer were defeated, lusin-j one hundred men
and tweutr-Bre officers captured besides the
1 i,:ii,.,i
Pacific Coast Dispatches.
Sodies From the Wreck. Cry, Ansntst It?, 5 p., Jr., via Oanyn
v;!!e. Mil the third ir,st. the bod of a man came
a-diore on a j-orrion of the wreck ; supposed to be a
:'eor:!L' ps-is-ntrcr. This woniin; a bov. fne
ln- kie., ai:d about six vear.-1 "Id. with a lde-pre
i server on. e,:me rsIu.w at this i-iaee : names un-
l !;!?inn. rr-.m eitit to ten mi!s disiani rrmn ims,
. . .. . . . . . . . .
Hue the tolh.wint' l"-hes hare lieen i-iefccil un bv
i 1.
Prio-bV tk-n. WriuhtV t-rdeilv. K. J.
Lousti. IS. W. lk.lkiik, i. I'arrisli, enli-red inr.,
name ui-.k!:iiwi!. a foraan, name ut'kuown. b;t
siioiecd to be Mrs. ?(or.e, found oa the beach be -
l-.w town ; eiso the b dy of a ttiddier. name un-
b mn. but supposed to be a sereaiit in the V. fi.
service, and at Gobi iluff a aud toy. names
u-tknuwii. The f...!lowiu truuki have U'tn picked
up : A. A. etone, I). Powetl, J. fs. Uent'.n. Thcr-ji
is a fair prospect ft recovering a number of the
Political Proceedings.
Pan Francisco, August 12. The Bulletin repn-d-ates
the petition for ihe rc-oi ganiation of the
I'liinii par'v in the county, together w ith the names
of the petitioners. ' They number by actual cmut
between B.tam and 7,0ofl.
The I'nlou County Convention met last evening
to receive the report of the Committee on platform
and resolutions. Their report was substantialty
as fotlotvs.:
Your Committee regard loyalty and thorontrh
fidelity 1 the I". Government the first qualifi
cation, ai.d no man should be considered iu c-.i!-i-eeti-in
with the ofik'e of Ftate Senator or Assem
blymen whose devotiou to tho Ciuon is not now
pud for years pa-t has been bc-yond ib-i'.bt : i;nd in
the event of the:r election they snould consider no
name for the iSenate of the United Urates whose
loyalty and patriotism is not absolutely certain
ami who will not stand faithfully by the Adminis
trati n ia stistainin-jj the great leading meaurcs of
tlic war. and ia the eliey of reeonttraetion, al
ready forcsbVlowed by President Johnson.
lour ( cmnnttec have had under consideration
various local questions. We are in favor of re
taining our water front end wharf interest as they
have be-m settled by the Onltn Bills, recognizing
the fee of this property in the State, to be admin-
ktered by the wharf commissioners for the purpose
oi bnilurug a sea wail out of the revenues of the
wharves, so that the iulerest of commerce may be
subserved, the rights of the State protected, and
that eventually our port, dock and wharf charres
may be rcductd to the lowest possible figure. AVe
recognize Iha title 1 1 outside lands in the city and
think they should be administered for the benefit
of the people, respecting the equity of those who
bine occupied at'.d improvedin good faith, reserv
ing enough lands for municipal uses, and that the
surplus fbould be disposed of for homesteads to j
those who deire to enjoy them at a nominal price.
the city not to make money in the sale of land.
Believing thit tho best iiitcrL'st of the municipal
government lies in the prosperity of all its citizens,
we aro ia favor of it registry law. so that while
every person legally '"on titled to the elective fran-clii-e
may enjoy it without hindrance, it may pre
vent illegal voting, liookiiigxiipon tho elective
privilege as the most sacred right of a, we
think the ballot-box should be guarded by ihe
strictest legislation, and if any person entitled to
vote is too ignorant or too careless to cause his
name to be registered, let the loss of his vote teach
him to be more vigilant in the future. Y.'e are in
favor of legalizing primary elections in order to
prevent fraud, preserve order and Secure a, fair ex
pression at the primary or party ballot. t is iin
4ios:.iblc to anticipate the various measures which
will come before the next Legislature ; nor do we
deem it all important to exact from every candi
date a pledge upon each particular question likely
to nrise. . 4
JleiolretJ. That, sound policy requires that no
Kuropcan Government shall be permitted to con
trol the destiny of tho poople of ilexico against
their will, and that our Oovernnent will carry out
the wishes of the American people by declaring
to tho European Governments that the Monroe
Doctrine will be maintained at all hazards on the
American continent. Tho resolutions were unani
mously adopted. The Committee on Nominations
stated their inability to report, owing to their not
having had time to hunt up candidates, ihe con
vention then adjourned until this evening.
San Francisco, Aug. 13. The Union County
Convention met last evening. J. R. lkirdenburg
stated that three thousand of the Union citizens of
San Francisco had recommended that Sam. Bran
nan be placed before tie convention for Legisla
tive honors; but as it was impossible for that gen
tleman tc. serve, be now withdrew his nomination.
The conyention then made the following nomina
tion For Senatc,Frank 31. Pixley andJIB. W.
Hathaway ; for Assembly, A. B. Forbes (of Wells,
Fargo 4 Co.,) Charles Hosmcr, (merchant,) Louis
Cohn, (commission merchant) W. Gawlcy, (lum
ber dealer,) Geo. B. Reeve, (merchandise broker,)
J. S. Burnett, (mining secretary,) Gerret Welton,
(builder,) A. G. Ruse, (owner of the Russ House,)
Benj. Dore, (contractor,) S. L. Cutter, jr., (lawyer,)
Nathaniel Page, (dealer in 'real estate,) A. W.
Scolt, (hay dealer.) These men were elected seri
atim. The convention then appointed a committee
of one from each district to fill such, vacancies as
may eour during the canvass, and a committee of
five t- co-operate with the county committee dn
r'B? fie canvas .
This committee was subsequently requested to
can a ratification met Ling at an early da v. J. P
IJardenburg seconded the motion for & ratificaikm
meeting, They had toon stigmatised as Bjays
. . ,' .. b . ' ... i"
:-urj ri-(d th;:: :!:ty had cn '.inf 'l t'e
.1 n :
r. tr:( in by :i in r in U tin;
d l!:: iiu v r.crj ll:: re
! 1 !::
itntc-d I i.i'iii ' v,-i:ii'jii i-t".
l.o currit'ii :h". l;: t , ! (!:, ri
I visitor 5t-ElS
!.. i
: a:ir.!. 'i
i.-i V
! "f S:o;!:: fl.ira.
; hi-r---. :,t'--:;ti , .. ...
: ! !. i:r n U;i- c.-'.-e "
-i .-':
I-. -, v y.O'i
r. ' Mrm-ii
i "'" ' " --'-"' :-' 'r' ,:: i!;, !r !
ved ly
in ra wret?
i !" 5.h.- Vr- vh .v.ui -h-r ai tMtayiiSio.
7- ii! !
i':t riu i;i-
I. .
, I'"
':. e
Pr.-ri'-h shonld
ve i! rrno;':i'.a
re h tr-i.-.f.? left.
,:: 1 t. !--:
:r ' r- t
nl-1 ir:!I
r t r 1 1
lil-I.-re. j
-tV, Vilt !
-.tthtr I'as
j(,:n Ires:-
i -j-it.-ra, hud c i.-- '' .'.t-.f-t.
hit .ri:": c: i:i ' '',i!iii!j.-i:.
i .3. ;-T, Vi-f-'it d:i. I r : :'. I.':.;
I p-.. it Fra'ici.-; , Acs;. 12.''
!'.-f t tve'e freleli on t!-:f uy
'.hy port. ii.'rJtr I a virile1
1 h-.i" ;n!if p-n:r..-t thi ( a
a di
in H. inti-t.vhoEe
: fr- m 'l.-fir'a t
-r? th .;;-itrd .!
".in Ste-:ta Saeir
; :.t:.,a i" tl-
nv by oc.n' I the defes lant.-.
layiur tk ti 'kuu In.. I and fty
! rir:i .f r:'i'r-.
j J. I!. r-'bftRri'jn. Purvey
j I'fi'if;.-. t'av.-ii .f2c-r. ree-
f the por. !-.T?d oah
red their er.'i!.'ii--ti(,L-4
iids :;i:l entered upon
I :"t!. .-' t .-f'Ta v.
i-,-!fr:sv. i ti.T traTe '
tie i!!-:-l ar:'!- ' ih'.if fii-
! A f:r::i t:i ?!.! Ci'. w::o ha 1
r. :id ' jrtro
.rarded a
destroyed 'y the Ph"rt!uidos:?i
h'.-t i.f SL'luOiiii. fi IVp.::; -rt.
:t..n t filed w;th
:i?.-:iT; Elijj'hr.d f'.r
!Ih lrimt.-f. P'.'.nilsr
eti er el -.t' H!! t'leity
i.i-rfv (ie-tri.ved 1 v E-.-
: l.;!i nil! t-e i-reM.-ii'di hv th-:
i iTu.t; ef ail other
' vr---e'.-- -.h sT-.ved bv the pirate
! r-'r. str.-et. the wel! l.n n tek sr.:i.!; con-
I ftni' r, ' t eet I here by tV.e r.e'! reamer
from X'evi Yrk. with view e,'-in!!:e:K-:n;r a ccw
. . c . i. t. -i .i t-, ......:
! .' ' . " . ' . ' , ' -
! f f ""f "V' T !'f f ,s,ttte' f
j !ne 1 s:::ef .ele.rnh J viy-
i 1" t,re t-t ,.t
i Kctbedist Conference .sn Clympia.
' Aas. 12. Th'-" aimus! f -s?i .n of tb
! Vir,.L.'eri ."iethodi.-t YyUw 7-ai (.'en. renee e mmeneed
; a thi i.lace t.-n li.ur?dar 'ast. The attendance
i U lartrs end the Tr e.-edinc tkn- far have been'-n-- :
st-Uce !' the
:tfaet rv. wr)f to the ab
. i;i-hop Kincey, Rev. J. II.
1 1 rj.-i tei: tm Ataons
Will.ur was
the dist:neii:-l:cd ii.i!ti.-t-. l ti;;
:.t. we n-itiee Eev.
Father !.t-s!ie, Ppeeei r. Ib-yal and V.alk-r. Eev.
Pr. Evan-i. t fcntral 31bwnarr Agent .f the M.
K. Ch'iieh for BiHi:h CtduoibuE
n l cr.couver
I -land, l'.cv. I'r
Key. Ir. l'ei:s -n, t lltor of tte Pacifi
A-lvecatc, lUe. 5a,'3vc? Hines. Ear. H.
( hri-t::
K. Hi:;
8. V.'iniai:. Robert.-, little Igs and others
T.-erc pre4-.-! t;
Fxiither News from the Wreck.
layVs'.jirille. Atnr. 4. The fallowlrnr is from a
e.-rie'ii-ti k"j;e leceived by R. F. l uwell :
't here ha.-C.te ! iy or alire been saved from
! " : '
?'r--her ,P iiarh in. except the first '
came aher- a-- nnticed ic the Pan '
' !,oat
a d O.
r raoei-r.
frt of th
nor.- "I tiie J l aoit ...l ii;t., ai t! no.
ek was seen until al-ect three days
the ship's' befits came a.-hofe two
a?o. Oneof the ship's !
miles soc'l of this pl-ice. but to-dav a ?od rlenl
of the wreck is c- iuinir asln-rc. Pi.-c-.s of ihe cabin
dirs, Ac. and pkei s ef ihe uj j.t r deck, a spanker
boom, one truck niark-it A. A. Pt-'t e. pi.rsian-!,
eontaininff women 'and chi'drenVc! -;htncr ar.d one
pa-r of Colt's revolvers, ai! in g.wd . t.rder except
f eiiii wet. The art ieies will ,e oried and sent to
Pin Francisco per next steiucr. Wells. Farso &
Co.'s Messtnper. woo you noticed, tint-Tig the lost.
. jwss our b.doved friend Joseph A. I.' nl. wh m wo
ue uieiiKinv m me i...-i n-na rao,
, ,J
laan mourn ami icei ius loss aa ueciuy as we wt-uia
j a brother.
p,M,r ,., had many warm friends on
V:: voift. His wiie ciU child Were here on a
j visit rod iiifeB-k-.l r;-? tuning to San Frarrtisco on
j the I't l N u te this u ttlt to join Li:n. Tbe shock
i was terrible b fcer, ?L U ,u":U-l.n ken hearted,
j I nt ver witnessed sjch intvnse griif bekire : but
1 fbe is here anion? her kind frkccls wtio brought
i her np from infancy. aid will do all that is possi-
i b!e t' console her. Fhe is the d&uzhter of Mr.
Maerudcr of your v.iljey.
l.'titr. Since writing the enclosed, two more
tniiiks hate couie ashore one e titaiiiing a .'?pan-i-h
panorama and fixtures, the other belonging to
David C. Kowell. I have also just received a
Hter from Solomon Hall, of Gold Bluffs, thirty
laiks south of this, stating that a piece of the
wreck witli a dead man on it came ash re at that
place Inst Thursday night. On lis person were
found i lo tographs of hupes and otln-rs. a memo
randum by ,k wiili the name of Ed. ArdufF in it;
also a twenty dollar Confederate note. The por
tion of the wreck is des-ribed as the psrt between
the wheel house, full width of the ship Etui about
fortv feet Ions. La-t nirht the i-odv of a sniAil
j boy. apparently ahuut seven year.-- vi' a?e, came
i ashore. He bad on two life-preservers. The body
( came astore at tie BtulTs. It is sui nosed that
ihe man was not drowned, bat perished cold
and cshans'icn. Fragments .f .the wreck are
strewed fr- ni tbu mou;lt of Smith river to below
Gold BiufTs. -
News Items, Markets, &c.
San Francisco, Aug. li. The United States
steam frigate Sarantw. sailed to-day on a crnise.
It is nndcrr tood that th"e object of her voyage is to
fall in with the pirate Shenandoah and capture or
sink her.
Senator VV. 31. Stewart will addre the public
at Plat;'s Hall to-m"rrow evening upon the finan
cial poliey and the Xatioral eurrsney. ihe Pacifio
Bailroad and the mining and other interests' of the
Pacific coast "
L. H. Hedges, a well known -lerchant of this
-ity, died from heart'diseasc on hoard the steamer
Golden Citv. on tho 2tth int.. just as the steamcj
j was nearby; Aenwaleo, w
I terred.
here his remains weTe in-
Putter heavy; stiles Isthmus at ,18(5? 40e for
ordinary to prime. Candles Ohio Company's 18-le;
Knapp's anchor 2V. Suzar Xo. 2 Hawaiian 10 je
Flour A moderate jobbing trade ateurrei:tlgnres,
$5 2j('t ?j ,'iti "pi bhl. for superfine, and $l)(-i,ft2.i
ior extra. Vibcal iHick sales at si ou for infe
rior, and 1 bi!(i, M Oi JCil lbs, for ordinary to
good, iue'.uiled in this sale is 1,000 sks Santa
Clara, previous to aerival at t'l 70: receipts mode
rate for Monday. Parley is in hrisk demand, and
tue market ret-sining lis r.pvard tendency; sales
reach 6.01)0 sks jn lots tit 1 02 y 10 lbs. Oatj
-'-sales TOO sks at 1 ti0(,; ?l ('..". including 12 sks .
smutty fit $1 .10 100 lbs. Corn 10!) sks vellow
sold n't f:l Tjf$.'5 90 100 lbs. firm at
75g.96e "ii H'O lb-?. Wool there has been an ac
tive movement, the sales reaching in tbe neighbor
hood of lOW'JO lbs on private terms; but under
stood to be ut full figures.
-Legal tender notes were inactive at T4J.- bid and
74 If asked.
Arrived Brig Sunnysido, 36 days fromValpa
raiso, with a cargo of flour.
Sailed on the 13th of August, the bark Mustang
for Puget Sound ; Aug. 11th, brig Frauklin Adams
for Pitget Sound.
Thf. Jewish Sabbath. A Jew could not quit
his camp, his village, or his city on the day of rest.
lie misrht not begin a journey; if going along a
road, he must rest from snndown till the same
event of tbe coming day. He might not carry a
pencil, a kerchief, a shekel in his belt; if he re
quired a iiandkerchicf for use, he had to tie it round
his leg. 'If he ofRnded against one of these rules,
he was held to deserve the doom awarded to tho
vi!e:-t sinners. Some rabbins held that a man
Aught not to change his position, but that whether
he was'standing or sitting when thesbofa sounded,
ha should stand or sit, infmovable as a stone, until
the Sabbath had passed away. It was only in -the
sjnagogue anil the temple, chiefly in the tomple,
that the Jewish, ru'ue could be set at nought. A
law which put an end to gilts and sacrifices in the
temple would have suited tho ehief priests and
nigu priests, ami these emiling Sadduoees tanght
the old sacredota! rule that there was no Sabbath
in holy things. A cripple could nor carry his rug
a mile, a hungry man could not tduck a craiu of
wheat; but the teniplo might be lit, the shew-bread
D&Kea, tue altars might be trunmed and guarded,
the shekels might bo paid in to the receiver, the
devea and heifers might be slain, and the victims
might be burnetii with fire. In the temple courts
the seventh da was tho busiest of all the week,
for on the Sabbath every Jew who made an offer
ing tu Ctpd was expected to present two shekels in
stead of one shekel, two doves iustead of one dove,
and two rims instead of oae ram. T7ie Huh Load
Iri ' -Wa. H. Heyicorth Dixon.
i; Parents," said a solemn lecturer,
"you may have children ; or, if not, your
daughters may have." -
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-" -71