VXaYFRlDAT, 8R BUILD I N G, rrrn awt first Sir-set. EVK CO., PKOPKIETOttS. Jib i ' : COM TASCIEVK. a-K JfDtASCE. year. ......,....-. 50 months......,...-... .......... 1 SO ...... ....Ten cents. mav be found on Alio at Of-o - JiXta j. fom. ii & Co s Newspaper mwi (10 Spmce 8t-1. whom ad vert islnf y be uia.1.1 l.w It in KKVV YOH.lv. ettta for the Iterlater. vthjr mined eontlemen arc author wive ntl receipt for subscriptions (a? ek in the localities mentioned : rk & Hume.. Brownsville. ss .Crawfordsville. . ...Halsey. -Vlns.. Harriaburg ..DEC. 31, 18S0. i b4 fats BrkM Droad a Katraa Mhert Arnia. t the passengers by the steam NT, which left Friday r noon ork viaPanaraa, was Henry rmerly chief officer or the ship, Erie the Med. To a reporter he told the follow- . story: The Erie the Bed ra a fiiw iitw ship, belonging to Bath, Maine. In June last she left New York, bound to Melbourne, laden with a large i cargo of general merchandise and a quantity- ot goods destined for the Melbourne Exhibition. She prose. - cnted her royage without any occur, re 1X38 worthy of note happening. Cap- tainDoano wa an experienced navigator and - had made frequent voyages to Australian ports. On the night of the I6th. of September Cape Otway light wt sighlod , fcud every one on board waa confident that the voyage would - soon be at au end, and were looking tor. ward to be at Melbourne on the mor. row. The light breeze which prevailed waa just sufficient to give the chip headway. At midnight the second officer called the Captain on deck, and reported that a heavy fi had settled over tlie land, which was scarcely vis ! ible. Orders were given about 1:30 A.M. to wear ship, but there was not ufficient wind to accomplish the maneu ver. - The vessel refused to go round The light, which had up to this time - uvea mvinuie, euuueiuy t uiu oni, ami made visible to all THE PERILOUS POSITION They were iu. A long narrow ridge ot - cruel rocks runs out some tew miles frota the cape. It was between this ridge and thi high, precipitous coast that the vessel lay, slowly drifting to . her doom. The only passengers were a centleman named Gould and his n ire. "They had been married at Hath but a few weeks before toe vessel's departure - from New York. Mrs. Gould had de .. 2 -- 3 j i i . . i veloped incipient consumption, and by the advice of the doctors had underta ken a tea voyage with a view to com. bat the dire malady. The young couple had enjoyed themselves during the trip, and were eagerly locking forward to the termination ot the voyase. The Teasel was now rapidly drifting to de - e traction and no power on earth could avert her breaking on the reef. Captain Doane and his officers stood on the poop, giving orders to the crew to get the ' boats out. Two of them were Iauiiched bat the current carried them amongst the breakers, where they were immedi ately smashed to pieces. At 3 a. m., fust as daylight broke, the ill-fated ship with one bound struck upon the reef. ' The shock took si: of the crew who" were clustered on the forecastle head, right off their feet, and a succeeding sea weeping oyer the ship carried them with it. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were . with the survivors on the poop. With tearful countenances and looks of horror - they saw their end approaching. The Captain exhorted them to allow htm to have ibetri lashed to a spar, but either through fear, or a hope of beirfg saved by some other method, they , steadily - refused. . The f hip was now grinding . and crashing amongst the breakers . The sharp rocks was playing havoc with the strong timbers, and the huge waves rolling in shere would lilt her gain and again only to briDg her nearer - to destruction. Blue lights and rockets were burced, but the. light-keepers state that owing to the heavy tog they sever - eaw them. Morning came at .art, the breeze had freshened to a gale, but , r .. .... r . '.TBI PAUL OP MIST . list S orer tlie laud. At 4 a.m. the bouse on deck got loose, and upon it the CepUuio and Mrs. Gould and sixteen e,if-.frs earked. - One Iieavy eea lifted it c2 ti s and they found them' tx!f a'riit on the oceau. Their fate x" I.orrver, not , yet ' decided. TI j r.i WK.1 wishing over the frail I.e.... a. One h'-is wave swept Jr. and Z.l;z. Goi.Ij iLree sailors into U.e 'wwiii jjTitlt I' was impoeeible to v t'..-:..i. ' Ficji there 'were cone, d Cxj i, ."-ifsi ateoct iairGedi ly. " Y I ca Ust seen . they , were k:u z i-h ct:cr. T1.9 next taorn-- lLj moi,tJ tKXMers engaged ia . - " - ) searching the seashore tor the dead found the bodies interlocked fn each other's anas. -United !u Kfef they ; were ' not divided in death;- Their stift embrace rendering it impossible to Se per ate them, they were burried in one coffin. j!,The bodies of fi ve of the crew were found at various points along the coast bearing marks of braises from contact with the rocks. "The survivors after remaining on the deckhouse for twenty hours were picked. up by the steamer Dawn, on her passage from Adelaido to Mel bourne. They were kindly received by the United States consul, and clothing provided for them. At a court ot iu Qniry held at .Melbourne, ;,. Captain Doane was fully exhonorated from : all blame, the wreck being attributed 1 to the strong currents and" lack ot wind prevailing at the lime ot the disaster. ' One or nuKMUt' Stories. 1 Dumas Pere once made over a play of a certain M. Gaillardet for Harrel, the great theatrical manager. A quar rel ensued, culminating iu a duel be tween Dumas and Gaillaidet which Dumas relates irr his - best manner. One or two touches in the narration are intensely characteristic He begins by saying that as he started for the place of combat, Bonnaire, a friend ot his, came up to hira with an album in his hand, "Ah !" he said Myon are eomg out. Are you in a hurry ?" "Why do you ask ?" 'Because, if you are not, I should like you so much to write something iu this album.' "Well, leave it in my room, and when T come back I will write some thing in it." "You can't now ?" "No, I am in a hurry to keep an ap pointment, and would not be late for any consideration." "Where are you going?" "To fight a duel with Gaillardet " "Oh theu please write something now. Think how delightfnl it would be fbr my wife to possess the last lines you ever wrote." "Ah !" said Dumas, "yon are right. I will not deny Mme. Bonnaire that plea sure,' and so saying he 'went back and wrote a few lines in the album. Then when they were on the ground, Bixio, a friend of Dumas, wlro was a ductnr, said to him: "Shall yon hit him ?" "I dot:t know," said Dumas. "Try lo." "I shall certainly try; but do you dislike him." j "Not at all, I don't know him." "Then, why so anxious?" . "Well, have you read Merimee's 'Etruscan Vase ?" "Yea." "Then don't you remember that he says every man killed by a bullet turns round before he drops? I want to see if it's true ?" He had no opportunity of seeing on this occasion, tor the duel was fortnu. ately harmless; but the peudant of this story is that Bixie himself was shot some years afterward at a Paris barri cade shot to deatlf and as he fell, turned, he cried "Ah, one does turn then!" Hon 'Hun-1 Bm. The Sun has a sensational editorial on the reliability of a democratic ma jority in congress. It places no depen dence on any democratic majority in the next senate, and significantly adds: "As unstable as water, they shall not excel in any real controversy." It adds: "Southern r democrats who traded j away Tilden, make up the chief strength , of the democratic party in the senate. 1 and they will ira4 away their souls, it need be for the smiles of the exec ntive.": ; . J "Says the Sun, further r "Men who have oiice been traitors to their country and have never repented, may by possibility, if temptation is very great, betray their party." It thinks Mr. ; Garfield need not be concerned about meeting any oj position in the senate. - V, The injuries' sustained by the Driver family -by being thrown from a hand-car j near Roseburg, last week were extreme-1 ly severe. The hand -car was on the i down grade and going mt a rapid rate, j when a hog sprang trona the bushes j near by and attempting to cross the track iitront'oftbe'ear.'''.,':;The- car ; struck the hog, threw it to one side, and then jumped off. t When the car struck the hog all were violently hurled to the ground. 4Mra. Driver was literally ; scalped, the scalp being turned back from the torehecd an inch or two. She also sustained two cuts in the face (one on each cheek) reaching to the bone. The doctor says she will recover, bnt i tearful that the injuries sustained will continue to affect her brain. ' Mr, Driv. er was cat about the face and body, i and though severely injured; will ulti mately recover. t)ne-of the children a little gu-l since the . accident, has remained , almost, entirely paralyzed, and her case is considered extremely serious. . , The other child., waa badly bruised. ". . . - 1 I ( should be widely known, because of evident importance, that at the inter., national geological congress to lie held at Bologna, in 1881, a prize will lie awarded of 50: Of for the best interna tional scaie of colors and conventional feigns for graphic representation ot for mation on geological maps ai.d section. Many of our geologists might go iu tor the sake of making a certain department of geology when presented to the e-e. The Babel of coloring in geology at present he. e and in other countries is enough to cause a dispersion of those that come to learn, and depart in dis gust wlien they find that a very impor tant means of conveying knowledge is iu itself conflicting. The -.Philadelphia Enquirer says: "Gen. Anderson, the Chief Engineer, has just made a careful reconnoissance of the surveyed line of the' Northern Pacific road from the end yf-cthe track to Dakota, west of Bismarck, to the point where the work of construction w progressing on tlie Pen d'Oreille di vision iu eastern Washington. lie pronounces the entire line eingnlai ly feasible, lite highest mountain altitude being 3,000 tefet lower than. 'Sherman on the union Pacific, and predicts that the road will be pushed to completion Over OrS THOUSAND in Use in Linn County. Albany, Oregon. McFARLAND & HARVEY. THE BEST OF ALL ; POS 1IA1T AND BEAST." For more than a third of a century the I f. .... 94 i.iuiuiru t iirs uccn known to millions all over the world o. th only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and nnin. It is a medicine above price and praise the best of its kind. For every futui of external pahi tbo ' Mustang tinlment Is without an equal. It peutrtea 41: ti uud miucl to tl -erjr hone mukliig the continu anoeof painnjid inflmnation impossiblo. Its effects upon Human 1 lesii and the Brute Creation, ore uquully wonderful. The Mexican Liniment is p'neded hv somcbodv in every house. Kvery day brings uuwa of KHroriaiiwful miliar liuru subdued, of rhenmntlo martyrs re storail. or a valsiatble ham or ox d by tlie liooXiiig jwwer ot ttiis . which Speedily rtrres sucli ailments of the HUMAN 'l.ESU tin Itfaeu us atif zn . Svrclllnffl. KUfT i.oniractra iZLaseies asux-iis ud Hcalds, Cuts, Briiici and "prauas rnlioaoul iluta . and nines. atlSneas. I,amrnrM. Old Hormm, TTIeers, FnMtMtu, ttil hlatins. soro nippies, CKltcI Mremxt. and andacd tTarr farm of eilanul dia wne. It haala withont ican. 'or the iiauTB Ckeatiok it cures BpraJnar Swtnny, SUIT JTnlnta, Fooadcr, namaaa Korea, naof lib. aaaaa, Foot Hot. Screw non Neat. . . . v. . . .... x - - vawxiww iinru, seraiara, wanes ralla, Spavin, Tbriiali, Rinsbone, Old Soraa. fall K-riJ, I- iiin spaa the Sight and every other ailment to vrhicli tna occupant of Um Stable and Stock Yard are liable. Tho Slexaatan HaUnj Liniment Alna8 CflmA unit tifvF cKMnnnlnfu. ad it. li, positively, - ' THE -BEST i OF ALL If 1 Bal la J Li nrfsi Ll bij 'ii Oi . .... ... S ..r fl MUSTANG LIWIMEWT byflhe end of 1883. "His faith iu the value ot the company's land grant west of Bismarck has been greatly strengths ened by his overland Journey and criti cal examination of the resources of the nortnern belt." ' 1 iV The amonnt supposed to ' be needed, $100,000,000, to excavate and put in working order the Darien Canal has boen sudscribed in the United States, England, France, Germany, Italy, Auf tiia and other European nations. It is to be constructed, by a ,company and not under the patronage or protection ol any government. A correspondent . ot the Chicago jnter-Ocean furnishes, that journal with a bit ot intelligence which will, when rightly understood, amuse the de jected democrat who solves it with his jiencil. It is as follows: Multiply your age by 2, add 658 ; divide this by 2 and subtract your age and you will have three figures which every democrat will remember longer than any Bum in arithmetic. The grand potlatch of the noble- Si wash on Puget Sound has adjourned. It was not wholly devoid -of -startling incidents. One assassination; wherein a young Indian from the Skagit lost his life, and one or two deaths among the old and decrepit are reported as having taken place on the grounds.' The num ber iu attendance was over three thous and. '- . ' ' " ' " " The Great Carriage JManufacturine: House of the World. -0a- EMERSON, FISHER & CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO, TOP AND- Best Material, , Good Workmanship, Handsome Stylet, Strong and Durable Vehicles in Kverjr Respect. 70.000 CARRIilGES MAXIFAITIBED BV EHERSOK, FKHF.R & aTO., ARE KOW IS IsE IX ETEBT P.1BT OF HIE AnEBICAS VOSTISIST. 1 They pive nsfnilinff satisfaction. All their work Is warranted. Thev have received testimo nials from all parts of t lie country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of which are on file subject to inspection : , ; . Messrs. Ehkrtox, FisnEttf A On.: GALVA, Ills., Jolv 1. 1879. " . . , 1 nive usetl one of yoaf Top !mpri?ifs three rears, and three of them two vcara in any liver stable, and tbey hove given me perfect tatisfact Ion und are in constant use. OaCAB Sxallky. Mesre. Cohpocs 4 Johssok;, - t , NKWBERBy. 8. C, July 17. W79. Dear 8irs--I have bm uinc the Emerson Fisher Tiaxsv 1 bonsht from yon as romrhly.T suppose, as any one t-onl'k 1 had a fast horse, drove hint at full speed, sometimes with two V dies and myself in the buetry. and it.is f-duy worth all the mcney 1 raid for it. I say the Kin-ei-sniiA fisher Buggies wiil do. . . 4 ''-' A. M. TtAOUK, Farmer. The favorable reputation. the'Ttarrlnsres have made in localities where they have been used for several years l.y Liverymen. Physicians. and otlwnrs requiring tuird and constant use. has led to n tucrisii demand from those localities, to uievt which the if annfaeturinfr facilities of their mammoth estuUiiahuient have been extended, enabling tbeui itw to turn out in good style. 360 CARRIAGES A WEEK. EMERCOrif FISHER & C0.S CAHRIAGES ARE THE CEST. MMWBasMteiiiBisBsa ,iKjmu. , t " TITUS BBOSa I ' , ; : J ' I . Jewolors, Albany. J Oregon. . RBGULATISG TIMK-PIECES ''REPAIP ing Jewelry m specialty. Call. vllnH Agents for "Aw II me" Mewing; Ho - I'hlura. lafalliTjla ladiaa Eemedies- 4 Sure Shot For FEVER & AGUE. DURIVO A LONG RESIDENCE AMOXG the Indian tribes of the coast sndtlie inte rior, I have hart the Brood fortune to discover, from the Medicine" men of the several tribes, nnil from other sources, a number of remedies for diseases incident to this country, consist ins of roots, herbs and bark, and having been solicited by mnny people of this vallev, who have tried and proved the ellk-acy of them in disease, to procure and offer the same for sale, I tiike this menus of announcing to -All that, dnring the past season. I have made an extend ed tour through the mountains and vallevs, and liuvo secured certain of tlieae remedies which are a sure cure for Fever and Afjiie.' Those suffering from Agtie who desire to bo ?nred.can leave orders at Mr. Strong'sstore oil Kirst street, where I will furnish the remedies, warranting a radical cure or I will demand no pay- W. s. JOH9I. trB-KemiMies done up in St packages-. la-l PHSTONS, ALBAXY MARBLE TtORKS. STAIG2H -BEOS.; -DEALERS IS Slonuxncnt ' and 2T01TZS, . -EXECUTED ": ITALIAN OR Albany, t attention piven to orders from any part xf the worar none wiin neatness anu uistiaicii. oiwciui ierwise, and promptly panieu. JOHN BRIGGS TKE THIS OPPOUTUKITT TO INFORM "his friends and the public generally, that is now settled In his NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P. C. Ilarper ACo , where can be found as great an assortment and Stoves and .Ranges as can be found in any one. house this aide of Portland, and at a LOW ALSO Pumps tb Pipes, Castlron, Brni & Enameled in great variety. Also, Tin, Sheet Iron, Cialv-anizcd Iron, ' and Coppcrwarc, ilways on hand, and inadu to order, AT L.IV KG KATES. , Call on TTIm. Albany, Octolter 22, 1875-5V8 " ITY MARKET Z First street. 3 doors west of Ferry. ALBAXY, I 1 OKlXiOS. DAVID ilOL ACHES, Trop'r. H AV1KG purehaoed the Ciry Market. I will Vmn ennstantlv on hand all kindsof Meats I will strive at all times to meet the wishes of nil who may favor me with their patronage. The public trenei ally are invited to call at my hop when in want of meats. USThe hiffheHt rash price paid for POK K. Mviosia .New Cooda ! JVew Departure ! MILLINERY AN DDR ESS MAKING. MRS. O. L. PARKS. HAVIX PCRCHASED THE MII.LISERY Store latelv ownetl bv Mrs. C. i. lvls s n d naving Just added tliere;b ajiew invoice of la-'- CJioics lEilliasry', Triasiins -3, Bonnets, Hats. &c, takes pleasure in In - i : " the ladies of JVlbanv and vicinity to call avd inspect for themselves. All goods will be so.d at prices that deiv comretition. Having secured the services of a first class Dressmalser 2 I am prepared toent, (It, and make dresses in any stylo desired, at short riotico and in a sat is factory manner. -KrT Making Clothlm? for children a specIaHy Store on north side of First. east of Kllsworih street. You are invited to call. , JIBS. O. L. PARKS. 57. 1B79- - Comer First and HUs-w'ort3i sts., A LBAM', OREGOX. Ft. SL.TXXt.SXI, Has agtiin taken charge of the .. -. . .... . . City Drug Store, having purehased the entire interest of C. W. Shaw, successor to A. Carothers Co., and is now receiving a ; Splendid Ke-w Stock, which, added ta the former, renders it very complete in all the different detriments. Feeling assured that all can be sailed in both Quality aad" Prica, - cordially Invites bts old friends and custom era to give'him a call. msscuxmosTs, Will receive immediate and careful attention at all boon, tly alht. J-Pare Wines and Liquors for mediclna purposes. RgALTMABSII. Oct. SO. T7-5vlO - HUBBLE AND ST0SE WORKS. p. wood a. CO., ' Mannfocturers of MONUMENTS! Head Stones, Tablets, . Mantles, CJemetery Curbing:, Ashler : & Coping. -.; Tile for "Walks, Sas.s for G-srd.cn Fcuatains, ". and nil kinds of work done in 81 one, . AB v rvv arutT Mini wrv - - - ric, and bavo i wMwteil with are, fc enn , miira customer I fie TIB Best Materials ana Lowest Prices. ; Ortersfrom any part of the i-tate promptjja. attended to. -. " i C-ir"All work wnrrantea as veprt riui?i. . ; ' feaf Shop and Workson corner of Second and j KlUwotreetAlbn,,rOron.n March 19. 18?n-vv:nH . .... - . f , VERMONT : :. Oregon. lorw aided. All work war- uo Samuel E. Young now receiving tiia stock of Merchandise, consist lag ot ' BUY GOODS, NOTIONS, , T500TS QII0Z3. iooTS . fi; wnozs. ' CASTSTS, ' GR0CSSIES, 'T7ALI PATSS, - ELI2TDS, HoxiSv Furaisbizig Gcsis, etc., etc., etc. : j ef tixesa eod3 cxa touL's DIHEC7 frcxa IlaaniactiiTsrs for CASH, sx.S.' arc TC:? CLASS GOODS 2To" Trasi. -aai "will "ba eold at popular prices. ' Sept. 17 n31vl2m Lng of the Blcc A i. ........ . . . eauae; butXj! neeifv mil vul"r"7 w uhxxi. it is seaaaaas tnevnfftirer can ostumty prowm .usmmv well a. many t J and Stomach. SCROFULA. Won&erfal Care ef SUziLaogs. D. Htumi, 80s ft Co.: For the bsacat ef ad troubled with Hcrofula or Impure Blood la taoir ayatsms, I hsrsby ivoominnid Km; of tha Slews. I haws I wen troubled with Berofuia fat the aastaa rears, which so affected mj eyes that I was ansa, pletely blind for six months. I wsa ncaMHnenawI to try King of the Blood, which has proved a era bleaaina; to me, as it has completely cured aaa, aa4 I cheerfully recommend it to all Uonhiwa as I fcava. been. Yours traiy, Mm. S. "Wainuuiuow, bsrdi&ia, K. Y. ,- ' -i"y-;"' - ' ; '":;'.' r: .-; - j-'.tS 21- 5Z2 CH C2. will be paid to any Public Hospital ta b awtn ally asrreed upon, for every certificate of this iraVrfiw fine published by us wluoh is not genum. Its ZngredientSa To show our faith in the safety sad aaiatlatliw tt the K. B., upoa proper personal apphcattoa, woaa sstisrlcd that no imposition u intended, wa w4 rive the namea'of all las meedients, by aKdavt. 1'be above otfure were never msiie befaea or taa vra. pnetor of any other Family Madicins ia the wand. Many teUaaaulaJa.f iirther mformstiae, sad full directions for usuir will be found la the pass phlet " TreatBW on lKae or the Blood." fa which esrh bottle isenclovau. Prva $1 psrbotitieesa. Sfininr It ounrrs. or 0 to 50 doacs. boM by drav. wsks. 1. lUauoit.aoM a Co-l'rop ia,Baifsii,H.V n r Hade under Tooley'i patent. Eldest, trter, r "f ful and healtht'i- laMsfai'tion fr.ainr .' r .tb cUkp is kuira quiltrd pail, ahit h reneri rannir impossible. Beware f InfrinrrmcBts. A?a ..-r fooler' Corset and take no other. Send through your dealer for a sample forsct. iMi"t price from 75 ewnts to S3 00, and yocr orsUr . j'i filled by return mail. Manufactured only y vsa Olobe 2sanufajCturiug Coxiipany. 5 AXES, Em it COOLXT, 3A3, 34S and 34T JHrJ Jt asoLrsai r rst ( : ''TV." -i -" !- E!3aTir3 w