The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 24, 1880, Image 4

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"v . . xancncD xtibt rnraav.
Cora .Pferry and Jltrtt JKtwcCfe .
. B. SSAINK, J, Oul. VAJtCXltYK.
Oaa cxnsouyear ............
One copy, six months-..
ilrvtfi copii.... Ten
. 1 00-
TXTfl V .P""r? tm.vbfyMleafneotwi
A, A-AJL ma i. itowt-ll Co'sMawspapet
anwriiBla Burma (tu Spruce St.), where advCTtuinc
5!T!!i- ,Br-y i" to It la MEW YORK,.
t . . ' "
Afftali (to CD askMr.
TH roltnwlmt named a-entleraeTi are author
ised to twelve and receipt for subscriptions
fr. Kirk & Htirae.. ....... "Brownsville.
Jfcohert Glass ... Crwri!-"'1)If.
feet ft Hfcyes .... Hstsey.
P. Tompkins.... nnrrisbm
..:..-..DECr. 2i, 1880.
Along a slope of grass sne came.
And as she walked a virgin shame
Lit op her face's snow wtth flame.
Foil, slight and nmalT she was, and bent
Her" little neck shyly, as she went.
In some chlklltka bewUdernseaC,
Gold was the eoTor of her hah- ;
The color of ber eyes were fair;
The son sftone ca ber every where.
OH I fair she was as hawtnom flowers!
It seemed tlte Hush of the opting honrs
Lav on her cheeks, and summer showers
Had bathed her in a sweet content.
A virginal faint ravishment
Of peace, tor with her came a scent
Ot flowers plocked with childish hand
In some forgotten fairy land.
Where all a row the sweet years stand.
And all the creatnre of the wood
rept from their leafy solitude,
nq wondering around her stood.
The fawns came to her, unafraid.
And oa her hand their muzzles laid.
And fluttering birds fie w down and stayed.
The latest reports concerning the Im
podirtg vacancies in tbe supreme oonrt
are t bat Circuit judgo Wra. Woods, ot
lloatxomery, Ala., (a native of Ohio)
will succeed Justice Stoog; that Stan,
ley Matthews will be appointed as
Justice S wayne's successor; that Attor
ney General Devans will have to wait
for Justice Clifford's death or resigna
tion, and that Senator Edmunds wilt
be given a eeat on the supreme bench by
tbe retirement ot justice Hunt, provided
a bill be passed by congress authorizing
Hunt to retire upon full pay in advance
ot his attaining tbe age now requisite
under existing general law. It is, how
ever, very improbable that twe addition-
a! Qhiq men will be elected as associates
uo tbe bench with Chief Justice Waite,
mad as between Stauley Matthews and
judge Woods, the former bas the best
ehancea for . reference. Justice Cliff
ord's death may be expected at any
time, as be is afflicted both with sotten-
inff of tbe brain and paralrfia, ' He U
car - -
cow unable to dictate a complete sen.
tence, and therefore cannot tender hi
resignation, unlets an unexpected ioi-
protemeot in his health should occur'
Justice D unt's condition ia also very
precarious. He baa the softening ot tbe
brain and like Justice Clifford he can
not euro liia name, lie would have re
signed long ago bad his pecuniary
circumstauceB, apart from bis salary,
been sufficient to cemfortably support
bis family.-
Editorial DndkMdiar.
'Old Hill," ot fealinaa (Cal.) Index,
gets off the following is regard to edi
torial deadheading: "One of tbe beau
ties and cltarms ot tbe editor's life is
his deadheading it on all occasions.
No '.one who has ever tasted tbe sweets
! tliat bliss can begin to take in its
glegy and happii. He does $100
worth of advertMtng tor a railroad, gets
a 'pass for a year, aud rides $25 worth,
and then he is looked upon as a dead,
head, or a haltblown 'dead beat. He
pugs a theatre or concert troupe $10
worth and gets $1 in 'oampiimenUries,'
and ia thus pawed in 'frea. It the ball
is crowded be ia begrudged tbe room be
occupies for if tbe coiaplimentaries
were paying tickets the -troupe would
' t wo much in pocket. He blows and
puffs a church festival tree to any desir
ed extent, and does the poster priotir.g
st Kali rates, and raiely gets a thank
von for it. ' It cots ia as a part ot his
duty as an editor. He does more work
gratuitously for the town and oomma
nitj thau all tbe rest ot the population,
and ceta cursed tor it all; ' but a man
who- donates a dollar tor a Fourth of
July, base ball club or church ia grata
tolly- remembered. Ob, it is a sweet
thing to be aa editor. He 'passes free'
you know. -. 1 . -
.. Very Proper ASviae.
Tb democratic party will at least
from this campaign that to sdeceed
it ssviBt have prineiples and maintain
ticca, and that iu platiorra saost eov-
cr SL..1 the states aitxe. it mast lesrn
ttftlr t carry Maine it cannot become a
T3 taoney party; and to save a district
crt;o i4t rerinfjiyania it cannot asura
tn stultify Huelt with protecuve ainan.
ees. In must opit beieg all
H i. to all men,, but must plant itself
tr i t. a tratl.s ot cxpensnrv ana wise
pc V,'!:: 1 eycrxny. A f&rlj which wiU
jiot i.!wlife2ly reieet ikhosmt expe.
ilienta $sA stand by H-mncipk bat no
. -nmlul existence and oucLt to- die ; at ST. LouU Times,
A bigoted pnima Democrat,
made a hrngn to Congress, in which
h braxerjlv insisted that the va.l expen
diture! and burdens of the war for lite
Union wt re properly charseable to the
Republican party. He was loudly ap
plauded by the dongh faces and Hume ot
the brigadiers. General Garfield im
mediately replied with crushing weight
ot argument, and a few words ot his
answer are well worth quoting; "I de
sire to ask that gentleman and his party
one question, suppose tuat in the year
1861 every Democrat north of the Po
tomac and the Ohio bad followed the
lead of Grant, ot Sherman, of Douglas, I
and Dix aud Dickinon, and Brough and
Tod and other great lights of the Dem
ocratic party: had thrown away tbe
Democratic name; said they would be
Democrats no kmger, as we said we
would be Republicans" no longer, but
all would be Union men, and stand
together around tbe flag until the He
bellion bad been put under onr feet.
I desire to ask the gentlemen, it these
things had happened how long the war
would have lasted, and how much the
war would have coat ? I do not hesitate
to say that it could not have lasted six
months and tbe expenditures of the war
would never have exceeded $100,000,
000. I say as a matter of current his
tory, that it was tbe great hope of the
rebels ot the South that the ansiatance j
of the Democratic party of the North
would divide our forces and overcome
all our effort; that at the ballot-box
the Democrats at home would help tbe
cause which tbey were maintaining in
tbe field. It was that, and that alone,
which protracted the war and created
our immense debt. I come, therefore,
to the door of your party, gentlemen on
the other aide, and lay down at your
threshold every dollar of the debt,
eveiy item or tbe stupendous total
which expresses the great cost ot the
war; and I say if you had followed
Douglas there would have been no debt,
no blood, no burden."
To the alteration and metamorphism
ot rocks by the infiltration of rain and
other meteoric waters, M. De Kouick of
the Belgian Academy of Science assigns
the cause of many hitherto unexplained
The Hungarian State railways are
J in all 1,1 19J miles in length, and they
yield an income ,ot about 1 per cent
ner annum on the capital invented in
a -
them. '
- mwrrtag-e In tbe 'elestll Empire.
Thirty pairs ot embroidered slippers
are necessary tor the trouseau of a Chi
nese lady ot position, and ber boudoir
is crammed with confectionery, dried
fruits, burnt almonds, barley sugar, syr
up of aloes, oranges, ginger, aud shad
docks, in contusion with rich silks, jew
els of wrought gold an! precious stones,
rings, bracelets, cases ot nails, bodkins
tor the hair, aud a thousand other nick
nacks. In this strange country a
young girl when she marries .never has
a dowry. She is literally purchased
either by the husband himself or by bis
relations. Although she may have no
brother, she cannot inherit any portion
of her paternal fortune unless her father
makes an express declaration in her
favor. Such arrangements are always
completed before the marriage, and are
usually completed by agents, called
Medjin." The young Jiancee is next
presented to her husband's parents.
The husband himself she never sees
until the weddiug day, when she is
carried in a cloved ohair to the houe.
The key ot the chair is handed to the
bridegroom, who opens the door, and if
tbe lady within pleasea bis taste he
holds his hand out to ber; if not, he
slams the door, and the engagement is
at an end, the girl's parents having the
right to retain tbe purchase money.
JE very one who has sailed down the
winding and tortuous channel of Paget
Sound could not - have but marked
when opposite Iew Tacoma, the spur
or projection which, shot up from tbe
top of Mount Itanier; to the old inhab
itants and persons familiar with the
topography of : tbe mountain it was
known as the "packi-addle" and was in
truth, one ot tlie chief attractions about
the peak. During the past two weeks
themonntain bas been hid from view
by the heavy masses ot clouds which
encircled it. The other dsy, however.
it emerged from them and stood out i n
all iu grandeur, but to the surprise of
one and all, the "packsaddle" had die.
appeared, and now the question is :
"What has become of it ?" Old resi
dents of the vicinity appear to think
that it has fallen into the crater.
English novelists complain that the
burmeasot story-wwUrig is mined by
tha amateurs who lake their nay in
seeing their names in print.
Trie sealing season will commence off
Car Flattery about tie 1st of Jan-
Scientific Xcrnpnv
lied ink is a solution of alum colored
wkh Brazil wood, or ammoniacal solu
tion of cochineal.
Split timber lis more durable and
stronger than that which is tawn, from
ths continuity ot the fibers.
Plate glass is foimed of silica seven-ty-eight
parts, potash two, eoda thirteen.
lime five aud alnmiua two parts. -
The recent scientific exploration ot
the lake ot Tiberias by Mods. Lortet
bas resulted in the discovery ot several
new forms of fish and new species of
mollnskrf in this celebrated lake.
Old wine rays Macaemo, owes its
mellowness to the increase of glycerine
more than to a decrease of tanniu in the
liquid. The "keeping" of the wine, he
maintain?, depends upon tbe proportion
the alcohol bears to the tannin.
A mixture of three parts of salicylic
acid and parts plicate
of magnesia is raid to be not only a
remedy tor sweating of the feet, but
wheu rubbed over the whole body, on
the authority ot Dr Kohnhom, a enre
tor night sweating' by consumptives.
Dr. Julius Schmidt bas lately pub.
lished that he finds from observations
of the red spot on Jupiter, during a
period extending j from 1879 to 1880,
that an interval of 9 hours 55 minutes
Over- OrJE THQUSilIra in Use
For more than! a third of a nentnrv the
Mexletua Wlmutnng Luusuat has been
uuw ix w millions hii over uie woria as
the only safe reliance for the relief of
accidents and pain. It is a medicine
above priee and. praise the best or its
fc tasd. i'or every form of external pain
Mustang Liniment is without an equal.
a peMCnttea nesn nnd mnscle to
the wry toon making tho continu
ation ni pun snainnamaunn impoesiuie.
Its effects upon Human Jr'leali and the
Brute Creation are equally wonderful.
Liniment is needed by somebody in
every bouse. Every day brings news of
the mgom jr of u awTnl seaild or linrn
subdued, of rhevmatie nkurtyrs re
stored, or a valuable hone or ox
M-red by tho heaUug power of this
which sneertily cures such ailments of
tbe HUMAN 1 1.KSU as
Bheaastlim, (Swell Intra, StlW
Joints Contraetea Muscles, Banu
ud SesUds, Cats, It raise m sad
Spratasi Polsoaosia Isites and
Mlafi, StUVteess, Xdtmeness, Old
sores, tjleers, frostbites, Cliilltlsiliis,
Store Nipples, Caked Kreast, and
indeed every form of citorual die
wm, as neais wn none sears.
For tbe Bkuts Crkaxion it cures
'trains. swlmir. bUW Joints.
Founder, Harness Hores, IIooT
eases, foot Itot, Screw Worm, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Seratehes, VV Ind
ira 11 a, Spavin, Thrnahi Ringbone,
Old Bores. Poll F.vii. Film nin
the Siajnt auad every other ailment
to whiela. ttte onnapaatf of ties
atatde aiseel Ottoeh X'etrd are liable.
The- Heileaa - Mttstanfj Llnimest
always cures Mil never cusappoiuw;
auu it u, posiuveiy.
F02 2IA2T
3-4.4 seconds represents the rotation of
that planet upon its own axis. - But be
is not quite sure about tbe matter after
all, and like a wise and ; prudent man
wants confirmatory evidence.
1 Ilerr E. Schone, in tho Tierichtc,
does not attach any scientific value
whatever to the ordinary .potassium
iodine paper tests as ozone measures.
A small amount of ozone in moist air
produces, he says, a greater degree ot
color oD-potassium iodide papers than a
larger amount ot ozoue in ury air. j lie
humidity of the air and the hydroscopic
character ot the material from which
the paper ' is made therefore largely
influence the depth of the color pro
duced, lie even goes so far as to assert
that the actual presence of ozone in the
atmosphere is at present an open ques
tion. -.; - V 1 ; !
The minute lines and furrows on per.
sons hands are likely to receive a far
more useful attention than tho observa
tion of the great lines by fortune-teller.
There is a reason to believe that the
spiral whorls on tbe thumb and finger
point am peculiar to individuals and
races, and may be certainly used to
define the ethnological class or positive
identification of the being possessing
them aa the measurements ot the skull
cr examination ot a photograph would
be. Dr. 'Henry Fauldsot Tsukiji Hos
pital, Tokio, Japan, in an interesting
letter in 7 he JVature, directs attention
to this subject in a way which ' will
attract the notice ot naturalists and Ktu
deuta of the theory ot developemeut
and hereditary.
The Great Carriage Manufacturing House of the
Best Material, Good Work man ship, Handsome Styles, Strong
"! and Durable Vehicles In Every Respect.
They give unfalllnp; satisfaction. All their
nium irom an pans 01 ine country 01 imrjiort
file subject to inspection :
1 Mesnrn. Ehkrsok. Fishkb Co.:
I have used one of your Top HuR-tries three
. Y. . I . 1. 1 . . . n . . . . ... . .... . : . r
BUluie,IMiu t IIB(D!ivvii luo livuwi muemuuuil HUU lUV in eUHHUint DH( UHCAKOHALLET
Messrs. Coppock A Johnson ; Nkwrirkv. r. r.. .intv . inn
Dear Sirs 1 have been nsincr tlie Emerson
suppose, as any one could. ; I had a fast horse,
uis hiui niysen in 1 n uui:y, auu 11 m tMiay worm ail tue money 1 paid lor it. I say me lia
ersen & Fisher Buggies will do. a. M. Tiaove, Farmer.
The fd vorable reputation the Carriages have made In localities where they have been used for
several years by Liverymen, Phyicins.and others requiring hard and constant use, has led to
an lncrciised demand from thote localities, to meet which the manufacturing facilities of their
uuiiuiiuLu roittuiaauiinsub jwya uwn cAiuDueu, enauiing mem now 10 turn out in goou aiyje.
. Er.Tinscrj, ficiieh c cqs
13 13, 0 S3.,
O" ewelers,
Albany. - : Oregon.
ins Jewelry a specialty.
Call. vllnlJ
Areata for "A'ew Hca
Infalli'bla Indian Bsmdies.
. Sure Slaos For
tlio Indian tribes of the const and tbe Inte
rior, I have had the good fortune to discover,
from the "Medicine" men of the several tribes,
and from otlier sources, number of remedies
for diseases incident to tbla eonntrjr, consist
ing of roots, herbs and bark, and having been
solicited by many people of this valley, who
have tried and proved tbe efficacy of them in
disease, to procure and oUTer tbe same for Hale,
I take t his means of announcing- to all that,
during the past season.I have made an extend
ed tour through the mountains and valleys,
and have secured certain of these remedies
which are a sure core for
Fever and A.prvie.
Those Battering from Ague who deeire to be
?nred, can leave orders at Mr. 8trong-a store on
First street, where I will furnish the remedies,
warranting a radical care or I wiU demand no
pay. W. S. JOHM.
t-sffKemedies done up in $i packages. 13-1
in Linn County.
work Is warranted.. They have received testimo
similar to uieiouowing, hundreds of which are on
; .
Oat.Va. tils.. Jnlv is! io.
years, and three of them two years in toy liver
. ... 1 .... .... .. . . . . ' .. .
A Fislier TlnirEv I hnnirhi fmm m mm mnrhiv.l
drove him at full speed, sometimes with two la-
CAnniACis are the eest.
?m 1 ohs,
filoxiixxzumtss ;
and HTSAD S701TZ3,
Albany, : :
Also, every variety of
tettention eriven to orders from any part of tl
tate and Washington Territory-, b v mail or oth-
work done with neatness
lerwise, and promptly lorwarded. All work war-
his friends and the publie generally, that
ts now settled in nis
on the old stand next door to P. C.Harper A Co ,
where can be found as great an assortment and
as large a stock of , -
Stoves and Eaiiges
as can be found in any one house this side of
Portland, ana at as
Casttron, Brass 4c Enameled
in irreat variety. Also,
sheet Iren,
Galvanized Iron,
ilways on hand, and maao to order, AT LIV-
Albany, October M, ISTMvS
First street, S doors west of Ferry.
DAVID OLAC3C2&, Prop'r.
HAVTSO purchased the City Market, I wiU
keep constantly on hand all kinds of Meats
.1. .UkuitMhanhiaiBiiii In the market.
I will strive at aU times to meet tue wine i
all who may lavor me witn xiieir P
The public icenerally are in viledto call at my
hop when in want of meats. erThe hte-hest
an pnee law wr rumv.
Sew Goods X New Departure :
8tore lately owned by Mr. C. P. Pavls and
naving Just added ejwjXiP a new invoice of late
Clxsieo llilHasry, Trimmings,
nAn.a TT4a Jn .Vm nlMWM in inVitin&T
the ladies of Albany and vicinity to ejtt a;d
inaiwnt for iheiawlrN. All aoods will be sola
at rrl that defy coin petition.
Havma secttrea ine services u
DresBinuker I
1 .m immmi tn pxtt. flt.-and make dresses in
any style desired, at short notice and in a satis
factory manner. .... , ..
earMakknjr Clothing for children a specialty
Store on north side of First, east of Ellsworth
street. You are invited to call. parks.
- 7. 1879- .
Ooraer First and Ella-worth, ats.,
Has again taken charge of tho
City Drug Store,
having purehased the entire interest of C. W.
8 haw, successor to A. Carotbers & Co., and is
now receiving a
Splendid Worn Stock.
iiinh. added ta the former, renders It very
complete in all the different departments.
reeling aasvroa liiki mi u w dmhu u.
Quality a&& Trice,
cordially Hi vitas his old friends and custom
ers to give hina a call.
Will reoele immediate and careful attention
at all noeura, dnjr ana niftns.
Pun Wines and Liquors for medicine
Air. BiJMilaM. .
Manufacturers of
Head Stones,
Tile for ."Walks,
Bases for Gardoa Fouataias,
and aU kinds of work dono in Sione.
m we sret onr marble direct from the quar
ries, and have it selected with care, we can as
sure customers the
THe Bsst Materials aad Lowest Prices.
Orders from any part of the State promptly
attended to.
C-Tau wore FniiwMi("".." r
.jKhnn and Works on eornerof eeoond an
Kliswon-n sireei
March I, lSttO-TlSaSft
beds.; ;
: Oregon
cemetcrv and otheratone
aud dssnatch. eiwcial
Samuel K Yotm??
! I now receiving lals
stock of Merchandise, consisting of
2T0TX02TS, ,
Sixers, :
i BLI2TDS, " "
2Xous9 FuT-dshia-g' G ceils,
j etc., etc., etc.
Xany of tlxssa goois ftra sr!2
DISECT from lIaaf,str;-3
for CASS, and ara TZZZZ?
CLASS GOODS 27o "-Ttesi",
aad will t& soli at pcp-l
Sept. 17-n51vl2m ' : ' ."
11 I "
t . - - "
I ' ' " " - ' ' v -
King of tlie Bleed
. rc - .
Cures all Saofakms aflectioaa and diaonfan rean'M. .
inglrom Impurity of ths blood. It is aaedti)a Urn
specify all, sa the anflam can uaaaUy pasewvs anting
oauae ; but Sail lUumwt, Itmpla, UUxrt, Swan,
Oettn. Bmttlinat. Ae ars tlie most eaiantoa.
wen sa nuaay snsmsns 01 xae juemrt, jutmmm, Aavsr
aad XCosukm. '
V7osrM Curs of EUaissEi.
. - - T i - " . , . J-
D. BimoH, Son at Co. 3 For the bceeflt of
troubled with Bonfaia or Impura Blood is Vw
ayetsma, I brsby raeon HMsd King of tbs It'fe.&.
I bars ben troubled wtUi Sarof uia for the vest Im
rsara, which so attached say eyas that X wasawa
pineiy 0110a xor six moocu. 1 wm ra-oanmaoOKS
onry j
try Kin of ths fiioed, wluen. has (ami a .
aa, aa Baa oompiMaiy ni ia, ajsMt
j ran anaaeod it to all inmbiad as 1 hat 1'
Yuan truly,
Um. S. Wtinintwt, Satdisia; ST. T.
ft '-T."tf7 p'fT'
will bs paid to any Publie Heenttal t bs aar
ally aajiaad upon, for avary oartiilcata of this aaaiat.
aiao pabliahaa by us which is out gaaaiaa. .
j Its Xnsredie-ttSe
To showdor faith la the safety sad sseallSMe g
the K. B., upoa piopsr paraonal atlKauen, wat a
satisfled that no imnoution is iutssiled, v ant .
give the nam a of ail its mgrediits,by ifru
The above offer, were never made before bytM t ,n
prietor of any other Family Madioas ia the wet Id.
Many tMttnaontala.fartbeT iEfansEJ,taii
fall diractioue for Qnr will be found la tea paaa- .
phlet "Treatise on Diaaaaea of the KitmH," In
waieheaeh bottle iaeneioaed. Price f V" i mil
Jsmtnw 13 oanem, or 40 to SO doaaa. Sold by Srsw.
U X).&AjiaoH,aoM ACo.,Prop't,Jioaio,K.Y
V i. tt 1
in-" I ?! Si' V l" 'r i
Made vintler Coolcy'a jt-rit Ef '
and healthful. St:atcittn in-- i-" s, !
th9 ciaRr ia iu3 a quhtwi pad, - a ? -- m
imxmtuj, ltewure of inff imnia. f1
Coouy1s Oortefc atwi take no . f-r. ? -
tbrotxtfh your cieajr for saiuTtw ( tr&t, f r
Srt "tVoia ft en to T' i r r,t . ft,,
'.ted br iwtQta mail. Aaanti'ct-brcni fraw v
"-1 t-;K 34S Jbvwimm
Fall & -
-I", .--V.-zr"
. nnna,::. j
- - Yf0m
-aS f
mir -,virz.f?jjb
I 11 'f ' JP; prmam fmmm