The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 24, 1880, Image 3

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Ch.safaaaa Ouaaea.
Following as nearly es wo can get It will
b. programme lor the celebration of
Christmas ev at the wvervl dun dies:
At the U. P. Church there will be two
or more trees erected, and an appropriate
programme will be Introduced In tbe tront
cl the evening. . -"
At tlie Congregational Church, trees,
tmuic, etc
At the M. E. Church, tree, speeches by
tlie Sunday school children, music, etc
At tbe Baptist church, tree and an Inter
esting programme.
At tbe Evangelical Church, tree, music,
The Episcopal Church will hare no en
trrtainunent this eTeniug. A tree will be
erected ami children's service Iield In this
ehurcb on Tuesday evening, December 2S.
at 7 o'clock
St. Paul's M.E. Church South will not
erect a tree or have festivities ot any kind
I this evening.
Ikt Match Hut.
The match hunt ot the season came off
on' Tuesday, Hunters from Cor vail is.
Philomath, the Durtbvrt settlement. Long
Tm and this dry, numbering between 70
and 80, sent iu their names a few days ago
to a committee at Corral lis. mud tlie two
Optaltis chose tlwlr teams from the names
presented, and as the choice was not to be
made known until after the match was de
cided, no mau knew which side be was on
until alter the hunt was; over. A grand
dinner was to be given at one of the liotels
at Corvaill yesterday at S P M-, and the
losing team was to pay for it. So tar we
have only obtained the score of tlie hunters
who reported In this city, as follows: A.
B. Srliger. SCO; W. B.Scott, 220; James
Murray, 176; D. B. Monteith; 126; D.
Hackleman. 290; O. Rubarts, 206; C. H.
Coote. ot Corva'.lis. 143. We. Baltimore
was one of the hunters, but he did not get
In until 10 o'clock Tuesday night, and did
not get his game (over 100 ducks), in until
Wednesday. Had Wes. got in on time.
our boys would have scored In the neigh
borhood of three ' thousand live hundred
TIM E. I A. al the 8.
The "Elite Literary Society" of Santi-
ain Academy, Is an organization conduct'
ed iu the iutcrests ot the Academy. Tbe
Society Is now rearing the close of the
second year of its existence. The objects
of tlie society are, improvement in elocu
tion, oratory, composition, and tlie rules
of debate and parliamentary usage.
Tbe officers consist a of President Vice
President,-Secretary, Treasurer, Financial
Secretary, Criticand Sergeaut at Arras.
Meetings are held on Thursday evening
of each w''-yit the Academy Chapel.
Public " effegs are held on " the fourth
regn.r- meeting ot each month, to which
all are cordially Invited. The "Llteiary
Star," a monthly manuscript paper, is
read before tlie society at each public meet
ing. rThe society is in a flourishing con
dition, nuuibentig at present 80 members.
A library . consisting of about 250 volumes,
belonging to tbe academy, is free to
all members of the Aoctety.
The teachers of the Academy are . to be
OTiarmtn.lstril on their successful manage
ment of tlie acitool and its interest.
a I Tanas.
Otv Saturday Charley Pfelffer offered to
wager flOagalnst $5 tlie best shot In
the burg couldn't kill a . tarn goose 100
yards with a shotgun. As this didn't seem
a hard thing to do, Mr. Denny came to
tberitter with $5. and secured Denver
Hackteman to do the shooting. The goose
was procured, tlie necessary distance
marked bftVand Deuvet ''poured In five
hots, but strange to say the goose was
not kitted, not even showing any signs ot
being hurt. . And so the boys have to In.
nt ue other pastime lor these . short
winter days. ' ' '
0.aleal. '
A hiuica) entertainment was given on
the evening of Dec. 17th at the Santiam
Aodenty, under tbe efficient management
of Ml Ilcla Gilbert, teacher of music at
the Academy, assisted by the tousica?. tal
ol Lebanon and vicinity. Tlie exercises
consisted of a Choice selection of vocal and
uisfrnmeutai music, ' wtiien was well ren-
oerea. tm audience was large and a
preciative. After the entertainment was
ver an hour or two was spent in social
enjoyment, the pleasures ol the evening
will long be re ine tube red as one ot the
most enjoyable on tbe record of Academic
recreation,. Vim.
Mjrlli Car Hwisi . '
Now here is a thing that we can com
mend heartily. It can be seen at Peters
Box, and is called tbe Mystic Carpet
Sweeper. It is a lurndsomely ornamented
oval topped box. In which Is two ooinpart-
tnents, and between tliera a round, stiff
brush. To the box U attached a long
bandte.. By pushing this box, which sets
on wheels, along tlie carpet or floor, every
particla ct dust, chips, or anything lying
pon the floor is swept Into tlie coutpait
avws no each side of Use brnh, thus clean
lug tlie floor better than can be done with
a broom making no riuit whatever.
After tin- fi.Mr has been thoroughly swept,
the iioft c-.ii. be taken to tbe door or else
where jid emptied. It certainty is tlie
vornptetest labor-saver we ever saw, as by
nse lliere Is no dust thrown out to catch
njxxi curUlus ud furniture ot tbe room,
"d t! good wife is spared tlie exertion
K'T?.1"1 bov,.n Th ladl s
,wau to tee that Mystic Carpet Swecptr.
Dolls, doll. ! Cher. , uaI tbo Farnr
frr Mevlmnics' Store. - '
Everybody expects a Xfci Istmas or New
Tears present. Custom as ancient as tlie
pyramids, wakes It necessary for a man.
u ne uoesn t wisn to oe considered too
mean for anythhig," to present his wife or
sweetheart with some token ot bis 'esteem
uurnig uie iiouuays. AllU we tUIMC we
are doing tlie "hoys" a favor when we dl
rect their attention to the handsome things
to be obtained in the way of presents at
me jewelry store ot F. MjJEfiBnch, not
only because of tlielr beauty and value,
but because lie Is selling at unprecedent
edly low prices, being determined to close
at a loss rather than hold over another
year. A band win piece of silver-ware, a
solkl ring, neck-cliam, pin. or other orna
ment is something that will keep, repre
sents value, and would be esteemed by
one receiving it as a present. Call iu and
see Mr. French's display.
Cbrlfttmaa at Brwwuavllle.
!here will be an entertainment and
Christmas tree at Billion's llall, Browns
ville, this eveiug (Christmas eve), at the
usual hour. Tlie Sunday Schools of the
city have united in the affauaiKl no pains
will be spared to make kfra success. Fol
lowing is the programme .
Music By Brownsville Glee Club.
Prayer. - .
Music By the little folks.
Address By Rev. A. .1. Uandsaker.
Mu-ic By the little folks
A Negro sermon. - - .
Music By the Glee Club.
Santa Claus in all bis originalities.
Distribution ot promts.
The general public is invited to attend
free of charge.
Fewtfvr Rank .
Twoboys,aame Obh. Xizerand Newton
McKay, living about .lve miles from Hal
sey, procured three pounds of powder and
were weighing it out, either for the pur
pose of division or to see tliat they had the
full amount, whenthey held tlie candle
too close to tbe powder and it was ignited.
Both boys were badly powder-burnt, the
floor of the room burs ted and a piece ot
the can driven into tlie wall close to the
heads of the boys. McKay's eyes are badly
Injured, and Kizer's clothes were set on
fire. The boys will be more careful In
handling powder hereafter.
Christmas at Tangent.
The M. E. S. S. at Tangent will have a
Christmas tree at the church tlie re this
evening. A good programme has been
arranged for the entertainment of those
who attend, consisting of an address by
Prof. Emery, ot Corvallis, and vocal and
instrumental music. A special good time
may be expected, and the public generally
is invited.
Uuis Fl-er Cut.
H hile making an arrest of a disorderly
last Saturday, Marshal Hunt had the mis
fortune to get his little finger on the left
hand slightly cut. The fellow bad a knite
open in his right hnud. the blade extend
ing upward, and when the Marshal seized
his wrius his finger closed on tlie blade of
tlie knite. Nothing serious only aggra
vating. . . ,
Lost la lb Mooutalaa.
l 1 . .
wiw! wees ago last aionaar two men
named Williams and Mclntyre. were out
on Bald Peter mountain hunting. Thev
became separated. Williams heard a gun
fired, and supposed it to be Mclntyre, but
hear! no other noise. After laying out
all night Williams got back borne, - but
Mclntyre has not been found, although
diligent search ha been made. lie has
been out eleven days to-day.
PostolBrc at Oreiraai rity Rabbed.
On Tuesday night the postofllco at Ore.
gon City was entered, thesnfe broken into.
and the contents, consiatlDg of money.
stamps, etc.. to the amount of between
two awl three thousand dollars, taken,
The thieves made a clean sweep, not even
leaving a one cent stamp. No clue to the
A petition Is bring circulated asking
our City Council to order a sewor built of
tiling down Ferry street. We suppose
tins is simply to inaugurate a system of
sewerage which; In due time, will be ex
tended throughout tlie dty. With a per
fect system ot sewerage we will have tbe
neatest and healthiest city In Oregon.
To Faat.
A train 1n going from Sllrerton to
Woodburn this week made the round trip
in 10 iniiiufes. 6 hours and 4 days total
distance 40 miles, during wh'ch time three
cars were ditched, two ot which lie bottom'
side up between St. Paul aad Woodburn.
Iee(ore Tnewany Ktat.
Col. Hawkins lectured to a small bnt ap
preciative audience at the Court House on
Tuesday night. The Col. remarked that
he might not have tbe good fortune to lec
ture Iu our beautiful city again. . .
" Bsed. " V-
At the residence of N. Cohn. in this eity
on Monday, Dec 20th. 18S0, Mr. 8. Salin
ger, aged 75 years. The funeral trans
pired on Wednesday at 1 o'clock P. M.
He was burled In tbe Hebrew cemetery in
tbe eastern suburbs.
One million,, one hundred and eleven
thousand hogs were received in Chicago
during November, the largest receipts ever
known for a month, with a value of $12,
250.000. The clearings ot tlie Chicago
clearing-house for November were flb'2,-
000,000, tbe largest ever recorded. '
Jay Gould's pet project I nultinj or
consolidating the Union-Padflc and the
Central Pacific railroads Is opposed by the
Eastern stock-holders, and It is reported
that Gould will retire from tbe directory.
Titere are now forty vessel In Sen Fran
Cisco loading with grain, and twenty more
are dally expected.
IS 1-aya la
Bnsiaess men make the matter ot Insur
ing their goods and property of the first
importance, as no man can tell tbe day
nor tlie hour in which his property may
oe aamaged or entirely destroyed fire,
even though he may exercise the greatest
care and watchfulness. - Our farmers are
pretty generally making assurance doubly
secure by Insuring their grain after plac
ing it in the warehouse. This is wise and
sare, and should be followed by ail. In
sure your grain, houses, barns, or goods
of any kind In a sound company, and yon-
can sleep soundly. Among the soundest
Insurance companies doing, business In
Oregon, none can be more hlghiyi recom
mended than tlie Connecticut and the
German-American. It is a noteworthy
fact that both the above companies paid
every dollar of their lossea in the great
Chicago and Boston fires, a fact which
speaks loudly hi their favor. The Instruc
tions to agents In every ease is to find out
speedily tlie amount of any loss by fire 3"
w-hich they are Interested, and pay it to
the last tarthlr.g. These are the compan
les in which to insure. Mr. Julius Grad-
wohl is the accomodating agent, for both
companies in this city, to whom all should
appiy wno uesire to insure in sale com-
Arrival rxtar Toys aMl Faaejr deads.
El. Bai m has opened out the largest
stock of holiday goods ever broifght to this
tlty. You can find any kind of present
yon may desire, to Biiit any age or condi
tion. at Baum'i. I will mention a few ar
tides only, as It is impossible to go into de
tails. '. My stock is Immense, and t intend
to sell at the lowest rates In orfer to reduce
it. Following are some ol the articles
Baby buggies and wagons, rocking horses.
railroads, baby trunks, Bohemean vases,
majolica ware, toilet sets, smoking sets,
cups and saucers of all kinds, velvet frames,
writing desk, work-boxes, shell boxes.
an immense stock of dolls, new styles ot
photograph and autograph albums, the la
test styles in coral, ivory, shell and pearl
card receivers. A cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all to examine my good as you
will profit thereby, and will find the pretl
est goods ever brought to town. No old
goods on hand all the latest and newest
toys. Call in time to select presents be
fore they are picked over and tlie choicest
gone. Holiday picture books handsome.
Schoof books and stationery wholesale and
retail. 1 will sell to country dealers at San
Francisco prices, as I purchase my. goods
direct from the East. El. Bacm, corner
of First and Broadatbin streets, opposite
tlie new block of Senders A Sternberg. 7
A Fine Tblna- for ttaa Teeth.
Fragrant SOZODONT Is a composition
or the purest and choicest Ingredients of
the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Everv
ingredient is well known to have a bene
ficial effect on tho teeth and gums. Its
embalming or antiseptic property and
a romat.le fragrance iimkes it a toilet lux
ury. SOZODONT removes all disiigreeable
odors from the breath caused by catarrh,
bad teeth, Ac. It is entirely free from the
injurious and acrid properties of tooth
pastes and powders which destroy the en
amel. One bottle lasts six months.
Ths Hew Hotel as ne Depot.
Under charge of Mr. Jas. A. Gross, the
handsome and convenient new hotel at
the depot has gained rapidly in public
favor, and no hotel In the State now stand
higher in public favor. Everything is
new and clean, and the comtoi t ot guests
specially looked after. Hot coffee and
cakes are ready and can be obtained by
those wishing to refresh themselves before
taking the morning Express. 13-C
Whfre so Parrhme.
About these times the careful housewife.
In view of tlie early approach of Christmas
and New Years, is looking about lor the
place where slie can obtain all the necessary
"stuffing" tor fruit, jelly and other cakes.
mince pies, etc. If she will drop into
Redfield & Irving's, she will find the best
quality of raisins, citron, currants, all
kinds of candied goods, canned fruits.
spices, fresh butter, lard, and an endless
variety of candies, sugars, syrups, and all
kinds of goods kept in a first class grocery
store, all fresh and good, to be sold at the
owest living margin.
mitllaerr at ot for Cask.
Mrs. u. I,. Park.", will sell her entire
stock of elegant millinery at cost, prepara
tory to going out o! business. The ladies
are assured that bargains will be given
that will astonish all. Call and make
your selections.
To the Public.
We have received for the holiday trade
fine line ot gentlemen's slippors, silk
handkerchiefs, neck wear, etc, which will
be sold very low. We are also closing
out all men's and boy 'a overcoats at a
great reduction for cash.
JJ:. Tr-i .: ;. L. E. Blain.
OmCE In Odd Fellows' Temple, Albaay,
Oregon. All work carefully performed, and
reasonable aa is consistent with a-ood work
manship. uS3vM
At Ills Blew Ktaop.
Fked VCillert ia now established in
new two-sto.T waron' ni4 hinmmith
onSeconct street opposite 8. JS. Young's ware-
.rut;, iinrv uo in prepared to do all kinds of
blHckmntthlnjr. retwlrinir of tin-lra .mn.
etc. He alxo has on hanl. and will continue
to innmifacture, hack, and bnirsles, which will
be sold at the lowest poasibl figurea on reason
able terms. aSvlSmS
; lr. G. V. draw.
Dentist, Albany, Oregon. Office iu Fos
ter's brick block, op stairs, at large bay
window. Prices in proportion to time and
material consumed. . 11-34
B. B. rKfEElAItn twa Ioeatolai
Aloanr tbe practice of toenUetry.
All awrk war ran t4xl. Oflsea la Paawfah
block, eoruer First aaMi Farrr at. febl
City Marshal, A. J. Hunt,
took a trip
absent until
to ButtevHle yesterday, to be
New yearly- -'
j W. S, Newbury, ot Portland, spent
Saturday and Sunday in this city,
In looking for Christmas don't forget
Ed. Baom, for be certainly has everything
in the toy and fancy goods line, and more
too.-: i -' -: f.:';-j'-- 'tw
Mrs. Hyde, atber place on Broadalbln
between First andSeeond streets, last
week received a fine invoice of new goods.
such as inching, zephyrs, shaded silks,
cornucopias cardboard, I'urki.h rugs, and
scores of fancy articles that the ladles want.
Call and examine tor yourself, ladies.
Ladies' and children's knU underwear.
cor-eU, etc., at Mrs. G. Partlsu'a, low as
tlie lowest for cash.
Fresh butter ranges from 30 to 37
centsper pound in this market.
Owing to his low prices and tbe excell
ence of his gootla, F. M. Dannala is selling
wagon loads of all kinds ot furniture.
If you want a pair of boots made that
will fit, look well, and have all tlie latest
natents attached, viz ; tiafonr m.i
uuter support, aud steel edge heels, go
td H. J) liudt7s strop on Flrsratreet, and
h will turn you cut just such a pair for
six dollars. See. ad.
Mr. Wm. Bercaw has been lying at his
residence very ill for some weeks.
Mrs. G. Parrlsh makes a specialty of
ladies and misses uuderwear.bealtb coreets,
etc. " - - -. .
(Tlie Bazaar store, nearly opposite this
ofBce, is the place to get bargains in fancy
dry goods, etc. '
31r. Perry Spink who has been very ill,
indeed at one time It was thought impossi
ble lor him te recover, happily; is report
ed slowly convalcsciiiir. This ia n.ut
news. . - -
Did Mr. Salinger, tather-in-law of N.
Cohen, who died on Monday last, seemed
to be one of the happiest of men. He was i
always singing on the street, everywhere
hej continued to hum a tune. The immedi
ate cause of his death was hiccough, which
ineuicuie anu everything else failed to re
juarriages seem te be tha order of the
Winter, and we are giad of it. Loul
Miller, our newly elected City Treasurer.
give his eldest daughter, Minnie, away In
marriage on Tuesday night. On Wednes
day Sain Co wen took to himself a "rib
in trie shape of Miss Ida Mllleiv There
are others who are making preparations
and will be tied in a few days and all the
boys get their wedding outfits at L. E
Harry uodley and daughter. Annie.
came op from tlieir home at Independence
onJ Tuesday.
Mrs. Judge Piper, of Salem, was in tbe
city the til st of the week.
The A.O.U.W. In this jurisdiction num
bered 1.708 members at last report, and the
number has increased over 100 during the
last two weeks.
uch an array of handsome books and
other suitable Christmas goods as can be
se4u at Foshy Mason's, would tempt
any one to purchase.
iJon t forget that to-day It tbe last
chance to buy your Christmas goods, and
call at Hafieuden Bros, and lay in a full
supply of fHiuy and staple groceries.
I be Champion arrived at Simpson's
wharf on Monday with a broken rudder.
iter wheel looked as it it had received
rough uago
Drop into the One Price Basaar and see
for yourself at what prices you can pur
chase goods for cash.
Telegrams from Salem to Portland liave
been going by the way of this city aud
Corvallis, the line being down north of
Sa.'em. the distance nearlv 160 miles.
or rresii candies, nuts, preserved and
canned fruits, etc., go to Conrad Meyer'A.
4 lie sliver wedding of Rev. T. B. White
an wife was duly celebrated last evening
at their residence. At least that is the
arrangement, but as we go to press early
we shall have to defer further notice until
next week.
JBvnoirs State Directory Is now ready
and will be delivered tot subscribers iu this
city in a tew days.
Rev. M. C. Knutner will preach a Christ
mas sermon next Sunday at 11 A. M. at
Evangelical Church. In the evening
"lhe Living God" will form the tlietue of
ifrs. Ella Merrill and children, o,
A'lJuriH, arnveu in mis city ou iuesday's
Express, on a visit to relatives.
. Divine services will be held in St. Peter's
Episcopal Church on Christmas morning,
at 9:30. ,
Independence la rushing right along and
will soon be one of the big towns lit tbe
valley. (::-
Mr. If. Flindt makes the boss boot, putt
ing his new patent In each . boot, and his
prices are lower than 'anybody. See bis
car and give him a call.- .
The McCvUy will soon, cotbroeuce nak
'ngpgtt'ar trips, going "as tar op the Wil
lamette as Harrisburg.
Frank Cooper is about erecting a system
of ttleplione lines In Salem. It might pay
some one to try it on here.
Those handsome . brackets at .Peters &
Sox! are Just what tlie good wife .wants
the are convenient tor so many purposes.
Lots of frost this week. -
Titus Bros, have sold a very large num
ber pt fine gold watches, ma?lve3ewelqr,
and choice pieces of silverware, all of
which are tcraake tbe hearts of fair ladies
pulse with delight. Aud still others may
be accommodated out of tils large stock.
D Plummer went to Portland tbe first
of the week for soma more Christmas.
The sociable at Ike Conn's last Friday
eveiilng was well attended, and proved
most enjoyable.
Soar as reported to-day . the scarlet
fever patients are alt apparently slowly re- j
covering, thanks to tbe doctors and good '
Oji Saturday morning a ' restatfrant was
lightly damaged by fire at Eugene. On
Sunday evening the hotel waa discovered
to be on fire, but succumbed to the exer- i
tionl of tbe bucket brigade before doing
much damage. - -
Wednesday vrai a cold, cloudy, damp
I - .
Holiday goods clieap ; holiday goods
way down, at the Farmers and ileclwn-
ics' Store.
A all tlie churches nearly have trees
this evening you can take your choice.
Work boxes and card cases marked
down at the Farmers' and Mechanics'
Store. .
Those Christmas handkerchiefs and
other huliday good! at Blaiu's are stunners.
Nobby holiday hats opened this week
at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store.
The narrow gauge is within four or five
mues or Brownsville, tracklaying being
suspended oii4cjlount ot lack of rails.
- Regular twins' over tlie" narrow gauge
unve hoi commenced running, owing to
the "greenness" of the road. The C...
hopes to have regular trains running to
Scio by tbe first of next month.
Those Olive wood Christmas goods. Ju-
from Palestine, at Plumraer's, take the
rag ofTn the bush and you want to see
The roads are somewhat sloppy but are
' DOt very ne"vr'
Dr. Plummer. running short: of holi
day goods, made a flying gripo Portland,
bringing back a splendid Tine of novel and
handsome goods never before seen In
Albany. Call and see evcu if you don't
wish to buy.
r . ..
xvumor nas it mat a shooting scrape
came off down in the bend last Saturday
that during a "discussion" a man slapped
young Cole, who retaliated by- shooting
me party slapping him.
i rot. box has tendered his resignation
as principal of our public schools so that he
can give attention to his business. Our
people lose a most efficient aud progressive
We are sorry to learn that our old friend
Mon. i. . Davenport, ot Silver-ton. u
not iu the best of health that through
Rickncfs he has almost lost his eyesight.
For fresh candies go to Osborne's.
, ... .
nunimer nas just recelvea more e'i'gajit
goods for Christmas. Call aud see them
there seems no Immediate prospect for
an advance In wheat. With Yaqnina Bay
open our farmers would now be receiving
ono dollar a bushel for their wheat.
lo-morrow is Christmas. Hang up your
stocking to-night.
rmmmer ts not selling books at cost
but Is selling goods from 25 to 30 per cent
under competitors.
' Dr. Price went to Portland yesterday to
meet his wife, who will arrive there on the
incoming steamer, from New York.
No Blue Ribbon Club this evening.
Hcwa from all Points.
Tlie Bank of England has raised its rate
of discount 2 percent.
I he schooner Emma has been lost off
Newfoundland with all her crew.
.Goscheu. tlie British Embassador to Tur
key, has left Constantinople for London.
A fire in Arendal, Norway, lis consum
ed the postoffice and eighteen divellings.
I be international boat race ou the
Thames has been postponed uutll next
The New York Herald urges that polyg
amy in Utah be suppressed by military
force. " j
John W. Garrett has been re-elected
President of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road. ;
The Weatern Union Telegraph Compnny
haa declared a quarterly dividend of 1
per cent. .
The steamer Mikado, for Boston, has re
turned to Glassgokv, her muchiuerv, being
lhe American bark Corning has been
lost on the coast of Slam. Tlireo of her
crew were drowned.
Very Kev. ..Father Chambodlt, parish
priest at Nagodoches before Texas was ad
oiltted to tlie Union, is dead.
ine increased earnings of forty lines of
railroads tor November oyer last year are
21 per cent, or $3,747,000.
A stone from Tell 'a chapel in the Canton
ot Url has arrived In Washington, to be
placed in the Washington monument.
The liabilitlea of B. G. Arnold & Sohs,
of New York are estimated at $2,000,000
ot which $000,000 is in a single name.
Texas mail robbers "lifted" $350 from
the mail and $165 from the passengers of a
coach near Brownsville.
The Journal de St. Pettrsbovra assures
tlie English Liberals that they may depend
on tbe sympathy and co-operation of Rus
sia, i
Palinghi, an Italian resident of Chicago.
has died from eating pork infected by
trichinae spiralis. Three of his family are
at death's door.
Tlie Mississippi Valley Sanitary Confer
ence urges tlie Government to take com
plete direction of the sanitary condition of
the Mississippi valley.1
The people of Newfoundland are grum
blingat the apparent willingness ot Eng
land to pay tlie Americau claims on ac
count of the Fortune-bay outrage.
Ex-Governor E. M. Pease has tendered
his resignation as Collector ot Customs of
the port of Galveston. Ex -Governor A . J.
Davis is named aa his probable successor.
Louis Lockstein. the victim of religious
excitement who murdered three members
of tbe Ryan family, was formerly a Catho
lic but had lately turned Protestant.
Gorhatn wants to be Secretary of the
Senate again, and Mahone, of Virginia,
will vote for him. It Is said.
A St. Louis Poat dispatch says: Secretary
shurz will leave Washington aud make St.
Louis his home early In April, will man
age his paper there and wrlto a book for
the Appletons.
Capt Eads writes to the Mexican Consul
at Boeton from tlie City of Mexico that he
ts progressing finely, and, will f liortly pro
ceed to the Isthmus of Tchuautepec to ex
amine the country.
Full returns for Mayor ot Boston:
Prince. Democratic, 21,233; Stebbcns
Republican, 20.754. The Democrat elect
and the Republicans 5 Aldermen; Coun
cil. 45 Republicans. 23 Democrats.
The Prscident has nominated Eugene
Schuyler, ot New York, Cliarged, Affairs
4 Consul General at Bucharest, anJl W. !
i F. Pedrick, of Pennsylvania, Secretary ot
the French Claims Commission.
vr rem! M bIK;i3 lit ft lew
days to open tlie Legislature.
. At the Cork assizes, John Power and a
party of armed men who forcibly entered
ff i I Id .1,1, II lll ita aufrn.... . V. -
a house tront which tenants had been
evicted near Tarl, County Kerry," in the
night, about a fortnight ago, and split the
ears of the occupant- a ballifi; have been
acquitted, although Identified by tbe prose,
A letter rroro Wade Hamptouis publish
ed to-day disclaiming that 1m Intended to
challenge Secreiary Sherman. This dl-
j clalmer from Hampton was published be
I cause of a severe letter from a South Caro
linian living in California. , This letter has
resulted in the publication ot Hampton's
attempt to self defense. His, friends there
sar that he feels keenly the criticism tliat
has been poured out upon blm from his
own party.
A rumor current some weeks ago In St.
Petersburg proposing the, transfer ot the
Czar's authority to a council under theprest-
uency ot the Czarowitch, is renewed with
the addition thKt the marriage ot Princess
Dolgerouki with the Czar, will de declared
legal, she receiving the title of Duchess
Holstein Gbtlorp, and her children will be
princess and princesses of that title. The
Czar and family will retire to, Livjdia in
Crimea. He remaining Emperor in name.
actual authority, however, residing In the
Czarovritch.. ; - . . . t
A mob of 2.000 persons tried to demolish
the residence of a justice of the peace In
County Mayo, but they were dispersed at
the point ol the bayonet. i
A heavy storm visited San Francisco
C J " a .
oiinuay anu carriea away forty feet of
Meigs' wharf. j
H. O. Lord was robbed and hot In the
eiumniw wnen nc o tiered resistance to
desperadoes near Nevada City
Secretary Thompson has bid good-bye to
tne j.ivy Department.
Representative Page wants to make tlie
aunivcsary or tne iay of the d lien very of
America a national holiday. ::
Messenger carrying the electoral vote
will receive but half the former mileage.
All returns are now in. r
Mary L. Blacwell is appointed
mistresat Alvord. Grant conrty. A
Garfield is !n splendid health.,
The English Government Is practically
annihilated in Ireland, but she stands ready
to call out her reserves if necessary, and
throw 150.000 liieii into Ireland. Mean
time every body who do not do to suit the
Land League is being '-boycotted" In a
tearful manner. . j
The members of the Moblbnar strongly
endorse Judge William B. Wood's nomina
tion to the Supreme Bench.
Sitting Bull's crowd are almost starving
and have little amnnitlon. They are about
persuaded to enter Fort 'Buford mid surren-
uer. ---
i M ,
m.. . . . . . t T
x ne vjcKiannma coiontstsare burrowing
in tlie ground and living in t.K nn nn
Kausa? border, and will moveVou the Indi
an Reservation in the Spring. They claim
to number 10,000. - i
If you wnnt to find out how Httti a man
knows about himself and family, give hltn
an insurance application to fill out. Ifvoo
want to see how little he knows; about
anything, put him on the witness stand.
Statesmen, as well as reporters, find It
mpossihle to gH a work from Gen.; X5nr-
fleld abnut the new cabinet. Tho d.
eaves the matter to the Infallible .Inner
afflatus of each inquirer's intellectual in
spiration as the philosophers put. It.
The New York Times tliinks the best
thing Sara Bernhardt can do i' to marry
an American and settle down In this coun
try. Alexander II. Stephens and Senator
Mahone are bolfi eligible, and we presume
she can take her choice. j
A great popular demonstrating took
place at Cork to celebrate the victory of
Healy and Wash, who addressed a large
crowd in front of their hotel. Healy- said
that the result of their trial would i be re
flected iu Doublin In the acquittal of I'ar
nell. j
Gov. Fremont, of Arizona, and wife,
have for some days been the guests of John
D. Townscnd of Chicago. The General
lately made a quick trip to Arizona in spite
Flogging in tlie British navy has been
Ji. yonth of 26 married a idow o
72 a few days since at Red Bluff.
Two women at Candelaria, Nev.,
have matched to wrestle for 8200 a
ide. '
Port Oxford, isinoe it has become the
site of tha harbor ot refuge, ia taking
on the airs of a metropolis.
Sand island, near the. mouth nftlm
Columbia, .ts to be converted into a
salmon fishing station, which will be
provided with a complete life-saving
About thirty miners are reported to
be in the Skagit mines, , the greater
number ot whom will remain thr
during the winter. The most indispon-
sab;e articles are bacon and tobacco,
Jatnea McAuliff of the Emnira Mill
Georgetown, El !rado conntv. Oal: .
a few days since v: as caught by a loe.
whloh rolled over him. Iireakinrr hi.
collar-bone, fracturing his jaws and oth.
erwise lniurmg him. .
Tho well ot tlie Txis An?e!ea Oil
Company, at the Sespe. is new yielding
50 barrels of green oil per day, which
is refined there and then shipped to
Saw Francifco. - More wells will be
sunk in the eprintr. :
Monday G. VV. Nix ot Red Ttlntr
while out huntiug geese, had a finger
blown off by the bursting of his cun.
lioth barrels were scattered irsr tha
ground, the only perfect part remaiuiug
Ull' VliO euicK :
A man amed Jacob Loda was Liiii
at Wickes, Montana, on the 1st inst.
lie tell in the upper rolls of the Krom
mill ot the Aha M
god m breaking his neck 1 '
it is mui iru caugnt ana HO
i: - i . .
ju larra, containing 2W
acres, about mile from Sheridan u
A donation party left at the residence
of Kev. psTeill Johnson in McMiuville
substantial tokens ot their regard, re
cently, amounting in the aggregate to
aboot $30. y.i:- - .1 - -
ye feopie ot iniishorrt here mbw
wribed Iibei&liy iu proviNuu., clothiuz
and money tor the reKef ot Lri Fi.
iiino'a family, who loat everything they
postfnd by ths buruiutf of I )r I
- Tt. : ' T WW wm m ' ' )
farai huu-e which theyotxsupied..
have taken aivanlage of the late UiaU
water, and have already about G9D,000
feet of logs at the mill. The mill will
start up by tlie firet of Jatiuaryi' The
mt mill at the same place ha lieen
running almost continuously mnce har.
vent, and is still in great demand. " .
A nine mouths old daitghteri, of. L.
Strotser, a German resident A Hilh.'
DorO. rllPii remntlv frnm konm J
j p"t.-VHOl
by tobacco,-she having eaten-aa ia upv
pobeu ine siump 01 a cigar. I lie little
one waa taken very suddenly ill aud
died in spasms, after three or fotir days
onfFeriug, . ": .;; . .'" .' v -
Of , the f five, near, trustees recently
elected, to. preside over the corjwratV
interests of H:Uboro, ht two are will-, -
nig to serve. License aud auti-liceuaa .
ia what divides the people ot that town, '
and the muddle in whioh. tha
has involved tiieinhaa temporarily
blocked the wheels ot local covernment. "-
Wasbtnctoti has' commenced s tb
Sterling mine with a light head ot
water. :''-.-- m-?:. - , ; ,--1,: ? .r
Tiie uronrietora of the Anl.lanA "'
ujiiis iuiciiu puiung iu anout lbUU
worth of new machinery soon.! They !
find it impossible to fill their large or.
dera and ar now running day acd
Uight., V(.-,,;,,; 7.:,. ..
Sentinel: The cot of the Covert
trial the first time would have purchased
enough brick to build it iiew two-story,
court house tor .facksou county,' awl
the cost of the present trial would have -finished
The Methodists of Jackwuville are
about dittposicg of their paraotiagM prep:
erty on California etreet, the proceed
to be applied in ejecting a new varson.
,.:n, i . ,
age near the church aud ou the lot"
fronting on Fifth street. : - j " -Hacon
i yery scarce in Jacksonville
market wing te the fact that but littl !
is being uied, wheat lulhig aU high ,
hat u ia more profitable to mill that.
to- teed tr. Hut little is comjner !n
"bog roond"'. rules at 12
and i-houlders at I213"
A person named J. "K.
Halt, from
Myrtle Creek, Douglas county, says he
was roouw a tevv nays since ot a gold ... '
iw uuiii uj Hime nnsuows
party at the city brewery, Jacksonville. -It
ia said- he wa under the mimriHn
. . wa a sU UUW
rrtraa Jeep, some petty thief secured liia"
watcii. I
A cheese factory - will be established,
at Puyallup W. T. ia. Jlhe spring.
Fresh butter is 6066 cents' A.JcoJl ia
Tacoma; egg 30 ceuta per dozen. v
Irving Ballard, prosecnting attorney
for the Third judicial district.haa been
eoufiued to Lis houeby typhoid fever.
The gainl jury report that they find
no jail or other building in the county '
seat of Pin-n nnnnt cit1.1.. .
--------J L-HMir V LIIU
tortable and bate keeping ot prisoners.
New Tacoma has not Lad the honor ot
being the county seat long enough yet to '''
make public improvements uecefbitated
byvthat honor. J . ;
Intelligencer: J.. M. Flowers, ot
Skagit, intoims ua that the country
around th mouth of that river and the klrtinrh H r.?n.
- - - - , . i . ... v.
to a depth ot from five to rix teet. i Th
water ia higher thau waa ever known
before, and is doing a great deal of
damage. A great deal of stock waa by the flood and drowned before '
theyeouid ba driven to higher land.
The big dam near the mouth ot the
Stillaguamiish slouiib ha been carried!
away. This piece of work ooit. when
competed, about $2000, and now is
total wreck. The water had not I reee-'
ded up to Thursday noon, but probably
by tlii time has fallen cowuderably. ...
The Eureka (Nev.) Sentinel reports
that a young man ot that city attempted
6'jioiJe because hie parents' objected to '
blS vikltlllfT a rtain Tminr, nrnnnan
-r j " v.umu.-
lie hanged him-teK in his room, and.
was uuooiieeiou8 when diKccved., I . .
A few weeks ago a teamster named
George Myers ot Boise Citv. Idaho: "'"
disappeared, and one Henry McDonald '
which he claimed to have purchased -.;
Foul play was suspected aud McDonald
is now in jail. -, , '
The northern roads from Iieno, NeT. J
are completely DiocRea up. Tbe eoovr
is three feet deep in Long valley on
level, and has in places drifted to. a , .
depth of fifteen feet. . There were fifty
storm-bound teamsters at Lemuiou's '
station last Tuesday. ' -i
The new" non-works at Irotidale, W
T., are progressing rapidly. The blast :
furnace ia Hearing completion. "'! Tba
shed lull of oharooa and the apaotooa '
buildtngs, Pubstantial wharf and general
appearance promise a flourishing busi.
net-s on a large scale. : ' - -'j
baleni. Ltaat .Friday two- young
then went up the j river duck huutine.
vv r.en lusi a oove Uovernroent Island -they
were treated to a genuine scare.
They were pulling Ueir skiff along
leisurely when they suddenly observed
a flame ot fire fall fiom the sky. The
boys describe it as " being the exact
shape ot a wedge, about five feet iu
thickness at tbe broad end. : In cole ,
it was a bright red, reserobliug a flasas .
of fire. - It fell into the river about two
hundred yards from where they were
watching it. They are waiting tor aa ,
explanation from some one. . .. 4 . , . ;
. The French scheme of a railroad .r
aurosa the desert ot Sahara is beginning
to assume a practical shapn -The-pss
tial developement of Africa wols't
ll' ivi HVM V' JipnwinjrK, .