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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1880)
THE CRACK SHOT. I. t f I J V Wan Cwm a id ever Sinn points d. Bwit. Qiwp, qtc 5fi,fsse, PITCimR'S CASTOBIA is not 5Jreotlc. Children grrow fat upon. Mothers like, and Physi cians recommend C ASTORIA. It rarolates the Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverislines tud destroys Worms. The gambling continued tor s few mimitjes but s w,saw that the master joc more 9E i WTI DE MEYER'S CATARRH Cuti Comatitntion! Antidote for M twritl mtUilT, by Absorption, T it Import nt Discovery since VMMMtuii Other remedies may relieve C trrn- tbli csuree mX uy l itter Comiiaptioa sets la. Albany Furaiture House. JASnES D ANNALS, Manufacturer end Dealer In FURNITURE, - edroetn Stilts; Walnut. Ash and Maple Parlor salts ; relent Rockers, fcjisv Chairs ana Lounge a specialty. SprinG MattresseS, Extension Centre Tables, Pillar Extension, etc splendid lot of Walnut and Hardwood Chairs of all kinds, T7Atacts, Bookcases. . Siie'boards; In fact, I intend to keep a first class FurniturE HousE. I am thankftrl for past patronage, and intend to make it to the interest of all residents of this city and vicinity to com e and see me. Corner of Secondand Ferry streets, ALBA. XT, (.rl2ni4 OBEHvSf. Qrcaa Qan&y pactcry. C.W.OSBORN, , first atrest. opposite Mcll wain's ALBANY, : OREGON. Maaa&scturer and dealer In all kinds of Keeps tor sale Frrnch and wirrsu.. American XOI1ACO, hbtk 111 tie anld et nriees toeutt the time. . Parties and bulls unpolled wttti candies, nuts. etc at rt-anoea reie-. Ton are respectfully invited to Rive me a call " " - C. W. OSBOI1N. Hot. 1, 1880-n8TU V i ALBANY . Albany, Oregon. Tk.tciid Term will spen on Wednesday, Sept. '.1st, lSO. For part leulear oncoming; the courses etedr and the r4ee of tmtion, mlr to v' irt. i-rf h. cx3rtfTj rnreatf Jmly SO, leSOvlSntf - . Great, chance t nutWe money. We 1 . narann ta PV.TV Uttt n IO take enbecrtntions tor the larireet . . .-epe-t ana oest Illustrated family pnliiieaiion 1" world. Anvitnemn become a nici"tnl Olent. felx .c v. rt mrt tr vt-i iwe " 'o suliseribers, !) nrin. u in t Ini Imwi everybody snb- eorlbes. Oneanent rior' isi.t.- ftO solmcrt. bm in a riv. A hi Iv nscritit rrnri inakin .mvtAtf nmllf it, fAn i. All who en- a-ara make monev fast. Voti u devote all vour time to the IravincMi. or ,!- orwre time Von nd not be awnv from - over niarht. Too can do It a .e'l other.. r"u:l directions end torms free. V.Uvant- xpi'wal Out-At ffee. if you want nrodiabh- w .. 1c rnd n your avdatOM at on . it oimis n.i'btnr ro try the feeainess. Sonne n ho to make frrmt per. 'rt we EiC(.-Ti- (rWUKMU, aiHDi. S13 f w-l. In mtr n ajllltwa. luid, 1. mn. fS Ontflt if von- want tiuMiXTw at wliU'lt M-mnn nf nthnr w inak- r.tiv h)i ilw titnethry work, tor inwu)ur' u II. ILai.lj tt A Co- IS COCSTBT QCAOTEKS. Tli mlr of Piodorskow, in the geTern- merit ol Suwslfcl, U a dull hole. We lay there. A monotonous life of It we led about as lull of emotion as that ot s tor toise in a state of hybernation. This was the dally routine ; ruorning, drill and the riding-school; rnlddsy, dinner at the commandant's or ttte Jewish restaurant ; evening, punch and card-playing. There was not a bouse In the place worth visit ing, nor a girl worth falling In love with. We passed our abundant leisure In. going from Peter to Paul, and from Paul to Peter and back again the same perpetual round and is criticizing the buttons on each other's uniforms. Nevertheless there was just one In our little society who was not a military man. lie might be about av&4aU-4irt-vrM ofcleostsawfcgr the 'yoong tellows" looked upon nlnr with something akin to veneration. Ilia ex perience gave him an ascendancy over us ; aitd his taciturnity, his haughty bearing. and the sarcastic manner lit which lie spoke added to tlie impression and strengthened tlie Kiipcrity of age. It was often a puzzle to me what mysterious destiny overshadow ed him. - He appeared to be Russian, but lie had a foreign name. He had formerly served in a Hussar rt-glment. and had even built himself up some reputation in it ; but be hattvlvd lit hU papers abruptly one morning nobody cou'd tell why aiul he estubliohc-d himself in this mi-erable village, wliere h lived very roughly, but managed ail lite same to spend a great deal ot m.tuey. He took his airing on toot, wrapped in a. soexly black paletot ; and, for ail thai, lie kept open house for every oflicer iti our regiment. To M-1I tlie truth, his dinners were not luxurious ior was tin cook a cordon lieu. We usually had two or three plain dishes served up by a discharged soldier. But his champagne was a flrst-rate brand, and was sent round in bucketful. I hare no pity tor the mau who cannot wash down a bad meat with good wine. Nobody knew what was his fortune, or whether be was married or single, and nobody cared to ask him." He looked too stern to answer Interrogatory dt that tvpe. He ba a tolerably large library, particularly strong in military books and in romances, which he freely lent and never asked back. On the other hand, he never thought of returning a book once lent to him. His absorbing oc ctioation it was moru Until imMiine was pUtol-practivo. Tlie walls of his dining room, riddiuu witii iniiiei-oents. looKeii like a honey-comb. A splendid collection ot pistols, of every age and make, was the ue vanity of the wretched gazebo he call ed his mansion. The dexterity he had ac quired by his practice was something in credible : it be tiad a bet tliat he wintld knock the tuft otT a foraging-cap with a shot, I do not think there was a fellow In the regiment who would have hesitated put tint foraging-cap on his head. Sometimes, amongst us, the conversation turned upon duelling. Silvio (with your permission, that isliow I mean to call him) never took part in it. If he were asked j had be ever been out, lie dryly answered 'Yes," but entered into no details, and if was eay to perceive tliat the question did not gratify him. We came to the conclu sion tliat some victim of his terrible skill bad leit a burden on his conscience. None of us tor a moment bad tlie slightest sus picion that tlie re was any element of leeblenefcS iu his composition. There are men whose exterior Is enough to scout sup positions of the kind. He was one ot tlieni. Notwithstanding, an event which unexpectedly turned up singularly aston ished all of us. One day a dozen el us, officers, dined at Silvio's. We drank as it was the custom, that is to ay, too much. As soon as dinner was over, wc asked the master of the house to make a bank at faro. Alter refusing for a long time, for he very sel dom played, he called for cards, placed titty ducats before litin on the table, and sat down to cut. We made a ring around hiru, and the play began. When he play ed, it was Siivio's habit to preserve au absolute alienee ; he never made any ob jections and never gave any explanations, It a l UntBi- won or lost, lie paid ;um exact ly wtutt was coming to him, or marked down to his own credit, what lie had gain ed. We all knew bis peciiiiaritv, ami we let l.'mi arrange the matter after his own la-hion : l-ut there was with us on that occasion an otlicer newly joinea, who, in a iioiiu:.t of distraction, made a ialse double. Silvio took tin the chaik and made his mark in his usual manner. The otlicer, persuaded tliat tlie re was a mis take, expostulated. Silvio, never break. itig silence, continued to cut. The officer, losing patience, took the brush and tubbed out w'lat lie thought to be the wrong mark Silvio quietly took t'ne chalk and made the mark again. Upon this, tlie ufficee heated by the wine, tlie play and tlie laughter of bla comrades took serious offense, and seizing a copper chandelier in his fury. burled It at tlte bead of Silvio, who. by a rapid duck, just contrived to avoid being struck. There was a tearful row ! Silvio started up, pale with anger, and, with fire in his eyes, lie said ; 'My good sir, have the kindness to leave the room, sod thank your God that this has passed under my roof." - Not one of u s had the slightest doubt as to what would be the sequel ot the affair, We already looked upon our new comrade as s dead man. The oQIcer left, saying he was ready to give satisfaction to the banker as tooo as it suited his couvcnieac9. the house pv .io further interest to the play, we left one by one, and as we stroll ed back to our quarters we chatted on the vacancy we Were about to have iu the regi ment. The following day, in the riding-school, we were asking If the poor lieutenant were dead or merly wounded, when who should walk in but himself. We plied him with questions. He simply answered that he had not beard from Silvio. We were as tonished. We went to visit Silvio; we came upon him in his court-yard, sending bullet atter bullet Into au ace ot heart nailed to s door. He received us in bis usual way, aud never saiJ s word about the transaction oi the night before. Three days passed aud the lieutenant still lived. No message had come. We began to ask one another in amazement : "Is It possible that Silvio won't light Sihrlw dW not light. He was satisfied with s very lame explanation, and al! was over. This magnanimity did him a lot of harm amongst ti3 ' vounz fellows. Want of hardihood is the fault that youth pardons tlie least. Courage is the greatest of all merits, tlie excuse for every blemish Neverthless, by little and little all was forgotten, and Silvio reassumed his former influence lu our circle. 1 alone found it hard to reconcile myself to him. Thanks to a . romantic Imagina tion, I had grown more attached than any of my friends to this mau. whose life was such an enigma. 1 had made of him the hero of a mysterious drama. He , lmd a preference for me at least 1 was! tlie only one with whom he almndonedj hi harshness of tone and eyniei.-m of language, and conversed mi different subjects Iwkh else, ami sometime with a v-rv happy grace Since that unfortunate evening the thought tliat his honor was soiled- that tlie re was a blot on his esctitcheou and that, of his owu tree will, be hail de clined to wipe it out. tormented me with out ceasing, and drove away my sclf-pos - . L essiou when I was. In his socielv. 1 was no loncer on the same terms with Mill. I made it a matter of conscience to watch his every movement. Silvio had too mtieh penetration uot to perceive what fj ' doing, and to goes the mi'tive ot my con duct. He apieared more hurt than Vexed at it. Twice I thought that I could de tect a desire on his part to come to au ex planatiou with me ; but I avoided him, and Silvio did not pres the matter. Prm that tim 1 only saw ii.tV ?n company will niv couirales. Our . sy intimate, chat were dropped. The lucky nweler in tin- enpirai. tn-s ed about by distracting pea tinf . re Ignorant of many sensations familiar to thrwA who live iti remote villam-s or small towns ; for example, the waiting kir the mail day. On Tned:y ami Friday tw Dostofflce of mir ii-eiiiifi.l v a. full of officers. One expected mo. ey. ai. oilier letters, a third newspaiiers Ordinarily. the packets were unseahd iiwii the spot news was parsed from mouth to mouth aud the scene in tlie office was of tlie most animated description, biivio s letters were ddressed to bin al our quarters, and he came to look for them with tlie rest of us. One day that he was handed s letter he broke the seal with great eagerness. As he ran over its contents Ids eyes positively burned with a strange fire. Our officers, occupied over tlieir owu correspondence. took ne notice of him. Gentlemen," exclaimed Silvio, "urgent affairs compel me to leave Immediately. As I shall be on the road to-night ; 1 hope you wou't refuse to dine with ine for the last time. I count upon you," he added. turning to me, "I wish you particularly to come." - Thereupon he retired hastily, and alter we had all agreed to make - rendezvous at his place, we separated each Ins own way got to Silvio's at the appointed hour, r.nd found every officer off duty lite re. His luggage was already packed up. Nothing was to be seen on the naked walls but the network of bullet-holes. We sat down Our host was in best of humors, and his high spirits soon spread to the couaiiy of Corks popped brisk as skirmishing fire tlie beady froth mounted in the glasses. which were filled and enmtied witlnut In terruption. We grew "tenderhearted maudlin, it you like--aiMl wished God Kneed, sate hKiiiey. Joy. and all kinds of prosperity to our departing host.? f it was late wlien we quitted llie festive board. When " we were looking for our cans. Silvio bale each of us adieu : but lie caught me bv tlie hand and lield me as I was oo the point ot going out. Slav.'" lie said iu ait undertone. "I want to have a few wo.-ds with you." I stopped behind. SILVIO'S EXPLANATION. The others liad departed, aud We were left alone, seated face to face, ; smoking our pipes lu silence. Silvio had a care worn air. There was not the: slightest trace on Ids features of his convulsive gay ety. HU sinister pallor, his blazing eyes. tlie long curls of smoke which lie puffed from rug mouth, gave lilm tlw aspect or a veritable demon. At the end of a few minutes he broke the silence. "It is possible," he said to me, "tivit we may never see each other again. Before separating I wish to have s few words with you. You may have remarked that I care little for tlie opinion of tlie indifferent; but I have a liking for you. and f. feel tliat it would cost me pang to leave you with au unfavorable opinion of me." - Tic paused to knock the Milts off the top of his pipe, il said nothing, .but turned my gaze to the floor ami waited. "It must have appeared singular to yoo," be continued, "tliat I did not exact fuller satisfaction from that drunken : fool of s Lieutenaut. You will agree that having the choice of weapons, tlie Idiot's lite was in my power, and that I ran no very great risk. I might speak of rav moderation as generosity , but I do not wish to lie. It I could liave administered a correction to the fellow without hazarding my life mark me, , without hazarding It In the least he would nor have got out of my clutches so easily." I looked at Silvio with sur prise. An avowal like this mystified and pained me. He resumed : i ? "Unfortunately, I have hot the right to expose myself to death. Six yesrs ago -1 got a box on the ear. and my enemy is still living." ' My eurloslty was TlTldlyfatlrred. "And you did not fight " Mof" I de manded. ' "Assuredly, Some cxtraordi nary circumstances roust have prevented the affair trom coming off." "I did fight hi o." said Silvio, quietly, and liere is a souvenir of our meeting." He ro? and drew from a box a cap ot red cloth with a gold stripe and gland a cap of the make of those worn in cavalry undress; such as the French call bonnet tie police. He put it on his head. It was penetrated by a bullet about an Inch above tlie temple. "You know," nid Silvio, "that I served iu the Hussars. You out see the sort ol man I am a trifle ovcrber.rlng. I have the habit of command ; dominate is an instinct ot my nature. In my earlier days it was a passion with me. In my time the rovsterers were the mode. I was the greatest rovsterer and rowdy in the army All bragged tlien about getting drunk. I put under the table tlie famous B. men tinned in the song by D. !., that used to lie sung at the me of tlie Preobrajenski Guards. Every day there were duels In our corps ; every day I played my part us second or principal. My comrades vener ated me ; the suiierinr officers, who changed everv other month, regarded me as s scourge that they could not get rid of. For mi' owu part, I pursued my career of glory tranquilly, or rattier tumnltnou!y until they sent to the regiment a rih young fellow wIh lielotiged to a . distinguished fa mi it. I shall not tell rou his name. Never did I meet :t luckier dog ; his luck was almost insolent. Picture to yourself yonth, H, a tine figure, sprightly spirits, hrstverv iwkle- of danger, sn honored name, as imii li money as lie wished, and m"re than Ik- o-old ever poslbly spend ; ai.ft ww rrv n-.irt irlttg fcefiwe- your mind the eflVit that hi arrival produced among us. I was nowhere. My scepter was broken. At the outset, dazzled by my re putation, he sought to make me his friend. But I received hi advances Coldly, and h p;iid me . fT'iii thy iivn coin. Without appearii g iu tlie leat mortified, he left me to myself. I conceived a mortal grudge against him. Ill success in tlie regiment ami amongst tlw petticoats drove me to desperation. I swore I'd pick a quarrel with him. To my eplgratn he retorted th epigrams that always struck me as more piquant ami original llian mine, ami which, I iniit admit, iu any case, were much more lively. He jested ; I hated tliat made the difference. At last one day at a ball at a Polish landed proprietor's, seeing that lie was the object ot attention from several ladies, especially the mistress of the house, with whom I had been a pet, I went over to him and whlsjiered some gross and stupid impertinence. He flew Into a passion and gave me a box on tlie ear. We flew to our sabres, tlie Indies fainted, the guests parted us, and. on the soot, we onttred the chateau to make our preparations tor mortal combat. 'Day was breaking. I was at tlie tryat- Ing ground with my three witnesses wait- lug my adversary with a mad lnipativuce. The summer's sun rose, anil the heat al ready began to grill us. I saw him In the distance. He was on taot, Ik his shirt sleeves, carrying Ids jacket over his sabre hilt, ami accompanied by a single second. We set out to meet them. As he came iearer to me. I could perceive that in one hand lie held Id cap. which was full of cherries. ' Our seconds placed us at twelve paces aart. It was my privilege to fire first ; hut passion and hatred got so much the le: tor f me that I was afraid I should not be able to keep my wrist steady. ' lu order 10 gain time to cool down I conceded tlie first fire to him. He refused It. We then determined to settle It by drawing lot. He Won, ibis eternally spoiled child oi fortune. He pulled trigger, awl pie reed m v bonnet de police. It. , was my turn now. At last I Itad his life in my grasp. I scrutinized htm with fierce avidity. trying to catch In tlie expression or his features, at the least a shade of emotion. No ! There he was. under cover ot my pistol, and not twitch in brows or Ilpk, uot the symptom of a change of color in hisclteek. He was quietly picking the rijiest cherries out of his cap and blowing the stones from his mouth. like a school boy. until they almost fell at my feet. Tills cold-blooded composure made me feel like a devil. What i to be gained," said I to my self, 'by taking this man's life, seeing that he sets such nall store by It V "An atrocious idea shot across my brain. I let down the hammer of my pistol. -It seems.' said I. that you're hardly In a mnl to rile at present. You prefer to breakfast. Take it easy ; l have no wish to disturb yoo." ' 'Don't mix yourself wp In ! my con cerns lie answered, 'but take the trouble of firing, pray. For the matter of that, do as yon please: You have always that pistol -shot to your credit ; and I shall be at your service whenever you wish to dis charge it.' 'I left with my friends, to whom I. said that I did not intend to effect the exchange of shots for the moment. And thus the affair terminated. I sent in my resignation and retired to this village.' Not s day lias passed since then that I have not dreampt of revenge. Now tlie hour has come. Silvio drew from Lis pocket the letter he had received in the morning and gave It to me to read. Somebody hi lawyer pre suinobly wrote to him from Moscow that the Derson in Question was on the eve of marrying a young and beautiful lady. "You divine," said Silvio, who is the person in question. I - am storting lor Moscow. We'U see if eH face death In the middle of s wedding 'With" the same composure that he did in front of pound of cherries! At these words he rose, threw Ms cap on the floor, au began striding to and fro like a tiger in s cage. 1 had listened to him, outwardly passive, but racked by a thousand contending sentiments. A servant, entering, announced that tlie horses had arrived. Silvio shook me warm ly by the bnd, and we embraced. He 'imped Into a caleche. In which there were two boxes, tlie one containing his eollec c! pistols, the other his ti'ggage. We said once more, and the horses weut ml at a canter. III. THK FERSON IN QCISTION. ' Several years passed, wlien family affairs obliged me to exile myself in a wretched petty hamlet of the volosta of Podjaritzki. Busy though I was with my property, I could not help sighing whenever I thought ot the noisy life, gay and careless, I bad led up to that period. Iu Podjaritzki one did not live did not exist even, one vege tated. Tlie greatest trouble I had was to accustom myself to pass the evenings of spring and summer in complet solitude. Until d'.nner-hour I succeeded in killing time, more or less effectually, by talking to the starosta. superintending my work men, inspecting new buildings and over looking improvements. But as soon as dusk came on. I was at perfect loss to know what to do with myself. I could almost repeat by rote the tew books I bad un earthed In the drawers and In a cockloft. I made my hnuekeeer. Kirllovua, tell me over ami over again, all the old country tale she recollected. The s tings of the peasant-girls made me inelauclioly. I took to drinking, but that gave me the headache. Yes, I will own it; for an instant I was afraid that I should become a drunkard through pure spiie, the worst ot all drun kard, as tnv own district anorded me only ton many proof. As near neighbors there were but two or three of these dis tinguished topers, whose conversation con sisted principally of yawns and hiccoughs. Solitude was a lesser evil than their com panionship. At lat I made up my mind to get to bed as early as possible, and to dine as late as possible; so that I solved the problem of shortening the evenings aud prolonging the days, and I found that to pay best of any. Four versts from my place was a very fine domain, belonging to the Countess B ; but there was nobody there save her Stewart. 1 he Countess had resided iu her el is tea u but once the first year of her wedding lite; and tten she would not re main there beyond a month. ' One day. during the second spring ot my hermit's existence,. I was told that the Countess meant to pass tlie summer with her hus band In tlie chateau. The report was cor rect. They took up their quarters there In the beginning of June. - The arrival of a rich neighbor is an event l,i rural life. The landed proprietors and their people speak of it tor two months beforehand, and - three years ' afterward. As for myself, I candidly avow that the announcement of the coming of a young and handsome lady neighbor threw me into considerable agitation. I was dying of impat ience to see her, and tlie first Sun day alter their arrival I set out, after din ner, for her chateau, to present my homage to Madame la Comtes, in the character ot her nearest neighbor and very humble ser vant, i . ..; .J-.' -,r,-.ft A lackey ushered me into the Count's study and went to acquaint his master with my visit. This study was spacious ami fumUhed in a very rich style. Along tlie walls were ranged massive presses full ot books, and on the top of each a bust lu bronze. Over tbe marble chimney-piece there was an immense mirror. The floor was hidden by a green cloth, upon 'which were spread Persian carpets. I bad' been divorced from comfort so long in my den that I was overcome at tlie spectacle of all suinptuousness was positively seized with timidity, and waited for' the Count very much in the frame of being of a petitioner from tlie province who lias obtained audience ot some powerful Minister, and sits in an antechamber. . The door opened, aud gave admission to a young man abont SO. of a charming countenance.: Be re ceived me In the frankest and most arolbla manner. I made an -effort to recover my calmness, and was commencing my com pliments as a neighbor, when he anticipa ted me by gracefully telling me tliat I should always ba welcome to his house while lie was there; ! We seated ourselves. Tlie conversation, full of natnraliiess and affability, soon soothed my savage timidi ty, and 1 began to fee! myself in my ordi nary gvcoYs, when suddenly the Countess appeared, and threw me into an embar rassment greater Un . berore. She was truly a beauty. The Count presented me. I endeavored to assume a free and easy manner, but the mere I tried the more awkward I became.. My hosts, In order to give me an opportunity to collect . my self and get accustomed to my new ac quaintances, began chatting to One another as if to show me they treated me without ceremony, . as an estimable neighbor. Meanwhile I walked about tl.e study, look ing at the books and pictures. I am not much of a connoisseur, as tar as pictures go, but there was one which riveted my attention. It was a sketch of a valley In Switzerland; but it was not the merit of tlie landscape which struck toe most. I remarked that the janvss was pierced by two bullets, one evidently aimed at the other. . . . "Ha! that wets soroenIng lUm a shot, t cried, rtmilrig toward tboCouut." . A - Yes," be said; -rat&er a singular snot. Are you a good baud at j the pistol?" be continued. -' "Well, yes so-so." I answered delight ed at tbe chance of specking on a subject I was not totally ignorant of. ; "At thirty paces I warrant myself never ' to miss a card, always provided I know the pistols." "Really!" said the Countess with an air of profound Interest. Then addressing her husband, she added: "And you, dearest do you think you could bit a card at thirty paces" "We shall see." replied the Count used not to be a bad shot in my day; but it is auite four years since I had a pistol in my hand." "In that case, Count, I don't mind bet ting that, even at twenty paces, you're not able to bit the spot. The pistol Insists on constant practice. 1 know it by experience In my regiment I passed for one of the beft marksmen. It happened once tliat jvas a month without taking up a pistol. Mine were at the armorer's. We went out tor target practice. What do you think came to pass. Count. ; I missed bottle at nve-aud-twenty paces tour con secutive times. We had a squadron-leader in ours a jolly fellow, but a twible joker. Phew! comrade, he said. you 'era' togeth er too sober. You have too much repect for the bottle. Believe me. Count, if you don't practice you must rust. Tbe best shot lever met kept his band in by firing his pistol everyday, if It was only three shots before dinner. He would as soon fail to have his three shots as to take his nip or brandy before socy. Tlie Count and Countess seemed to take a pleasure In hearing me rattle on thus. . "And what sort of shots used be to make ?" demanded tbe Count. What sort? Watt till you hear. Sup pose he saw a fly creeping along the wall, You laugh. Countess ? I swear to you it's true. Eh. Kouza. a pistol. Kouza brought htm a loaded pistol. Ping! There was the fly flattened upon tbe wall." "What skill!" exclaimed the Count, springing to his feet. "You know Silvio?' "Did I know him? We were tlie best ot friends. He used to mix with our corps as if he were ot ourselves. -But It Is a good five years since I heard any tidings of him So, as It appears, he had tbe honor to be known to you. Count." ; "Yes, known vary well known. "I wonder did be ever tell you a curious story of an adventure that occurred to him once? A story about a box on tbe ear be got one evening from an animal" "Did he not tell you the name ot the animal?" "No, he never mentioned It, Pardon, Count,' I cried, suspecting tbe fact, "I was not aware. Am I right la thinking it was you? "I am the person In question," answered the Count, confused lu his turn; "and the hole in that picture Is a souvenier ot our last interview. t "For tlie love ol God, dear, don't speck of it ! cried tbe Couutess, "it makes me shudder still. "No," said the Count, "I must tell the story to this gentle in u. He knows f had the misfortune to offend his friend. It is only right be should know how his friend avenged himself." Tbo Count motioned me to an arm-chair, and I listened with the liveliest curiosity to the following recital; side pocket." I stepped twelve paces,' am I stood there, f n that corner, praying LiA " to make haste and fire before my wif - came back. . lie was In no hurry, be saWt, and he asked for lights, i They brought id some wax candles. r - - "I shut the door, ordered the servants to ' let nobody enter, and again I called oa him to fire. He raised his pistol, and too- aim at me. w l counted the sec onds. . I thought of her. This lasted one awful minute Bilvlo lowered his weapon. ; j I am very much annoyed. he said. that my pistol Is not charged with cherry stones. A bullet is hard. . But I have another Idea. : This bntlnew is inore like a murder than duel, f am not accustomed to pall trigger oo au Un armed man. .. Let tea begin it all over, again, and draw lotai for the first fire.' "My head turnetl. -- At first, X bnasims, I refuaedC -but uailr we' loscted another' -pistol. - We rolled two serf ps of -paper,' and he put them into the ory cap he b . worn when I sent a bullet whizzing throm?' it. I dipped it Into the cap, and T drew . the paper marked number cnev " 'Yoo have the devil's Ineay Cotmt f he' said with a grin I shall never f&rgeC- "I cannot understand what power- took possession of rue, or how lis succeeded lis constraining me ; but 1 did fire, and my bullet lodged in that picture.". The Count pointed with his finger tot w canvass traversed by tbe pistol-shot. Hi face was as red as hot iron. Tlie Coun tess was whiter than her lace handkerchief! As for me. I eooid hardly repress a cry. 'I had fired my shot, UMrcfere,'r pur- rued tbe Count, "and. thank be. to God, I had. missed, i Then Silvio-how demoniac a visage he had at that moment t deliberately adjusted his weapon,- aud leveled the deadly barrel atratgb between my eyes. Suddenly the door flew open. Macha burst Into the room and clasped . herself round my ueclu Ber presenss m stored me to firmness. j . 'aSdear,-! said, 'can you not see tUst. we' are joking t What a tremor you . are ftr? Go. go drink a glass ot water, and return, and I will Introduce you to an oUt friend aud comarde.'' "Macha mistrusted me. " Tell me. is this tliat my husband says true ?' she Implored of the terrible Silvio 'Is It true that you are joking r ,tinc 6 always joking. Countess. ' re plied Silvio. Once out or pure jest bo gave me a box on the ear j out of pure j. lie planted a builet in my cap ; out of pars jest a while ago be missed me with his pistol- Now is 1a my ,turu to have my little laugh.' . j 'At these words he covered m anew tinder the eyes of my wife. Macha fell at l his feet. " 'Itise Macha ! Are you not . ashamed of yourself ?r I sliouted With rage. 'And you, sir, do you wish to drive an uufor innate woman delirious S ' Will you first Yes or no.r .. 1 1 " I do not care to now, thank you. I ' am satisfied. I have enjoyed your su Car ing and your weakness, -: I have compelled ' you to fire upon me. Yo will recollect. me. I leave you to your conscience. "He mado a step toward the door, andr halting at tlie threshold.; he threw a quid glance at the prelorated ; picture,- andr al most without troubling tu take aim, be fired, doubled my ballet, and walked out. " aiy wiui swooneuv my :aom8cics cia not dare to bar his passage, "be retreated be fore him appal leO. Uej reached t&e e&, trance steps, called his postilion, and, be fore I bad time to recover my p jsenca ot mind, lie had disappeared.' .; The Count had told bis story. I Thus I learned the end oi an. eiv tlie opening of which bad pnzrJed ms. X never saw the hero ot It again. They say that Silvio joined tba ii surrection of Alexandre Ypsllantl, ami was slain at that head of a band of partisans at the dUaatsr ot Skouliaiii TiTtaleu't Magazine . THK COCST'S START. -' "Fire years ago I got' married. I speii the honeymoon here In this ciiateau. To this ok) building wc attached recollections of the happiest boors ot my tile, and like- wise one of the most fearful and afflicting.' "One evening we went out riding.' My wife's horse began to shy and rear : she was somewhat alarmed, and dismounted, asking me to lead him home by the bridle, while she regained the chateau on foot. At the gate I found a post caleche. Z was Informed there was a strange gentleman in my study, who hsd refused to give his name, but said he wanted to see me on very serious private business. ' I . came into this .very room, and In the twilight I could distinguish a man, dustcovercd, and with s long beard, standing before the chimney. I went up to him, vainly jogg ing my memory as to where I had seen the face before. . " Yoo do not recognise me, Count ? he said In a tremu'ous voice. "Silvio? 1 cried ; and I confess I could almost believe I felt my hairs stand ing erect on my head. . ; - 'rrecieeiy,' ne added,' -ixi it la my turn to fire. : I have coma to discharge my debt. Ana yon ready ? "I coold eeo a pistol peeping from Lis I'll be at the windows ho goes by As he goes by f Hell lift his head to look at tbe sky, , : The western sky, To see if the sou has set for faIr,T - Ana suddenly titers Against the sky iu tlie golden air He'll see a pair Of familiar eyes ; and I ; shall see A he looks xt me A sudden smile and a nod, maybe ? All this in three Or perhaps In four swift moments tiioo, An i men, - ! In another moment the world ot men ' For him, or. when- " The street is turned, a different facs To take ot Dlace. While I by my window here retrace Each line of the face Which smiled at me as it passed me by. With a glance of the eve That swept me la with the western skr. The sunset sky. ; To-morrow i shall be at the window when He passes again ; . . , He will smiiesnd nod, and then ah ! then, The same old story over sain. -JVora 2-crrjf. The Democrats In Congress were th only advocates of a financial policy wblclt contemplated carrying tlie national debt for an indefinite period' without rrASiur- any attempt to reduce It materiaHy. Such a policy, had it been followed out, c&Ad have had no other result than to irry txp the high rates ot Interest paid uposi Gov, eminent loans at the close oi t'm vr-r. . Nothing lias contributed mora to t"r,s con fidence which lis permSUed m to tz" -3 . large portion of our debt at 3V r - cj! and which premises ta !& i s t.. f . another new rrftsndir'; k vj ri 3 t t :. than the steady liql.lrtion,j ttt fkr yt r ofa fart of our tKtt, j