ALBANY. OREGON, DEC. 17, 1880. LOCAL MATTERS. Tba PettUora. By onler of the Council, we print In tills Issue the petition of Mr. John A. Craw ford, asking tlie city to release him frciru keeping in repair the fords and bridge over the Canal in the city limit. Tlie or d! nance granting the r!ght of way through the city compels the Caul-Co. to bridge the Canal at all street crossing, and kr.ep. thetn In repair. .Mr. Crawford, proprietor of the Canal, consider this tax too much, and asks the city to relieve Mitt t the bur den. We greatly d.aibt tlie iower ol tin; Council to relieve Mr. Crawford' in the matter, a such an act would be a species of clans legislation a direct tax .upon the property fodder of the city for tlie benefit of a corporation. In any event. If the Council should repeal the ordinance, the first result would lie an expensive ..lawsuit to tlie city, which might not be terminated very soon, and be attended with the most injurious result to city val ues. Let no hasty action- be Imd in tlie I. tat or letters, ' Uncalled tor and remaining in the Post office in this city lor tlie week ending Dec. 16th. IS30. Bible. A S MeClure. J M McDonald. Wm. Mistier, Wm J Xewimn. II T Kogers. .f B Sliaiig. Charley Taylor, Miss Sarah Tttrpin, Martha A Turpi n. A J Ward. Geo William. EP Wild. John Zinck. Violetta Kellcy. Mrs (raillner) Iretev Carlson, G A 'Chance. Curtis Klli. John Frrttrtni. A From in. Elizabeth Oritntn. Etto Gilmottr. Mr los Hogan. Nannie Hunt, Miggie Ifontze. lelU Head, JO Johasle. Mrs Kuney, C O King. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Rmceor, Whi nQrt TJtMT Information Is wanted of the whereobout of James Rageor. by ids son. Wm. Rageor, 221 West Chestnut street, Lradville, Col. When last heard from, eight year ago, he was at the Dalles. Any information will lie thankfully teceived by his son, name and address stated above. A Wr VV u ... .. a C. A. Plu miner, under Odd Fellows' Temple. h. ad-led to hi ? took a complete a-ortmeiit of Book snltahle for holiday preseuts, all new and fresli. and at price lower than heretofore asked. The books are meeting with ready sale. Calearly and make your elections. Mllllncrx Cos lor rtuli. Mr. O. L. P.-irk wdl sell her entire stock of elegant millinery at cost, prepara tory to going out o! business. The ladies are assured that bargain will be given that will aetotiUU alt. Call and make your eelectious. One's lialfoti f.Ttiri-4itia eye wiil, as nsu nl, be a success. Supper for thoe desiring can l-e obtained at tlie Revere House, at 1 59 per couple. A lar artendattce t spt-$v! Jrom -ttLroud. It v.-ili la? -.the vendor tfo Winter .; . - To iVtO J'HlilK-. .'JTe Ir.vt 'rcVvivftd for the Imliday trade fine line -. jr-'-fienicn's .itpp--r, silk handkerclders t eck wear. eiW which will be sold verr low. We are a Ho, c'o-ing ou.ajl i"es. a,nd Sinv's overcoat ' st a great reduction for casli. : t,.e . "elajn-. '. rrt of Tlutuhs. I take this occasion to tender my her.rt felt thanks to "those kind friends who so tenderly ministered to tny wife during her lat illnes, striving to make Irfrr last hours Oti earth a pleasant and comfortable as it was in human power to do. ; . - G. W. KfcZAKTEE. ' About the flrt of March last, a gentle man naim d John Devine, lost a good Jiorse, wortli f 125 at least. -The last seen 'ttl Um horse hs was at Geo. House's, about, jslghteen cn'tles from hi Itome. From that point tlie horse was taken across the Santi (m, some three mile. Into the mountains, by some one. and well taken care of. even so far as to the trimming of the animal's tail. IT other have horses to strar from tlm val'ey It might be well to go Into that .sovttott of country,, as it U a splejidid place lf.r a ho9 to get lost in. Doe. Conn was In feat neck o" woods last week. Mine across the horae, and recognizing . film. Ibronght Wm to Ms owner last Saturday. What's de matter t AMrenT Bauuur far On many previous occasions we lutve i . . . t . i . t i i wrB 90 icriia ui pratw oi0 jminwi The December nuniher Is truly a royal one. From the striking ; Christmas picture. "Santa Clans at Home" on the title-page, to the last page with its funny pictures a"d always prl;ht!y "Turtle Track," it is good. The literary feature. If stories, miscellany, etc. ne t a sort -ctiliar!y pleasing at hoi id sj time, lu addition to Its .usual 'wealth of Fasldou Intelligence aH yearly subscriber r el -e with this number, a Grand Xyji-i-'ro ..r In the form et a Gigantic Su :.! ie!rf, 4tie full size ot tha Bazar H-e;t. fi I.mI nrkti useful and beautiful deslM ii,nr -nn he used as jpattero In isllii,lu maur a rt U-l: suita ble for Holiday it ; Io d -4n (or pritiUog on chl'ia. -ilk itin :;. tor em- oroKjeroe, ere., ft: i i.e t-rrpri fr states ttiat tliese d-signs. if our. l -.-eilora dealer, would cost U-nt'nw. tti iVeof Um. rnztrr. Which statemejit. wiil a ot-,. In. uitirin'd . by any on w! iav es'i,"','e tlil tt.niiti iil Supplement. TIu : iptioo rttiec of -Andrew firstnr Is 1 a t-jr" ....l' . , K(:.'r ,. r W emitted to a vahia'do fireniU um, and. if fhev fegiii aVH the Itecetttbcr ' nn tuber, they tecujc fiio juhriattuas Cotnatjr Covurt Deeetaber T In the matter of the application lor va cation of a portion of a county road, J. L. Miller, Peter Bilyeti and James Williams were appointed viewers. In the matter of J. S. Ramsey's applica tion tor a county road, the report not be ing complete was continued until next term. The bond of J. J. Chat 1 ton, as tax collec tor, was approved. Tlie bill of W. G. Piper for telegraph ing, $3 35, was allowed. In the matter ot holding Inquest on Chinaman. King, bills were allowed ag gregating 5l 30.' BUI of J. R. Bone. $5 33, allowed. Bill of Kingdom A Waterman, lumber for district No. '4, i ls-O 32. allowed. Fox, Baiim & Co . (ill for spikes for district No. 13. $ 13. allowed. Allir. Kolii.iso.i fc Co.. iumlier lor dis triet No. 11. $43. allowed. C. Clark, bill of lumber for dHtrict No. 9. $13, allowed. C A. Ploiinner. bill of i-midi ies, f 15 S7, allowed. Dr. C. C. Kelly, tor medical attendance on Taylor, an indigent, $3, allowed. Peters & Sox. bill for spikes lor district No. 4. $11 fO. allowed. F. S. Duiiiitng, cnflhi. etc., lor Indian woman, $25. allowed $15. , p,. E. D. Haven and .1. H. Maine, justices, for canvassing election, $3 each, allowed. SlH-rilTof Multnomah county. for serving subpoena, f 5 30, allowtnl. - S. Gourley, work done tor R. Carter road stiHriiitcndetit, if'2 25, allowed. A. Wheeler, lumber for district No. 19, $1 97. allowed. McFarland & Ilarve', nidse. as per bill, $7 50, allowed. Peters & Sov. nails for Conner, road Uefvisor. ifo 75, allowed. In the ninttrr of mileage and per diem of judges and clerks of tlie November elec tion, the Court rdered that $2 per day be allowed each, and 10 cents er mile as mileage for delivering poll books. Wm. C. Tweedalc. fixing root of Court House, etc.. fii2 25, allowed. Geo. W. Young, laltor and material for Court House, f5 50, $4 50. allowed. A. F. Cherry, iron furnished for vault In Court House. $380 49, allowed. A. Wheeler, lumber for district 19, 348 90. allowed. Allen, Robinson & Co., lumber for dis trict 5, $29 99. allowed. J. R. Herren. asking lor refunding t acct due from M. Cunningham, $134 CO, disallowed. The report of Superintendent Riddle; for Hamilton bridge, was accepted, and bis biil, $25, allowed. W. R. Kirk, lumber for district No. 41, $20 61, allowed. Allen. Robinson fc Co.. Mipplies for dis trict 6, and for M. C. Calloway, road su pervisor, $20 13, allowed. State of Oreffon vs Charles Thompson, sundry fees, $21 70, allowed. . Mansfield -t Monteith, blanks furnished Sheriff. $15 50. a'lowed. Dr. J. A. ravH. medical attendance on Peter Johnson, $10. disallowed. ' Phil Cohen, nvle tor Holcomb, a pau per. $22, allowed. In the matter of Mrs. Eat. an indigent, it was ordered that $3 per week be allow ed her tor four weeks, until the next term of tlie Court. The petition nking tor bridge across Ow) cr.-'k, from Peori i u Aitiiny. eon-titm-d. St. John & ,Sioie. for. but!.tim Hamil ton bridge. $300. allowed. Paul Bolt's petition for e linuo-e o cotmtr ro'-d viewers to meet O'Uviy r!i v"y r rtt ?w':!;itin- .l i- -( I . Yiewi-r txrr -T. Smti.ervi!le. Preston B.irtrer and C.ii.ts. Oi lines. . -" "' Aiiii'i 'i'to:', ifT. S. ("r,-..ik ti-v el-antro ifv K V. T. Fi-her. John IJ"ti:t-:i. !in-olt;Ted Cla.vr:-rl ! : viewrr-. . OIiH'V Frev. lii'iilvir for 1 i -1 No. 5, $52 81. $49 31. aUowed. ThetMerk wa ordi-red todraw a warrant for $171 71. Interest due on warrant drawn in favor of A. S. Miller Son. Ordered that the Clerk draw a warrant tor $98 to pay one year's Interest on $S00 note dtie Mrs., A goes fJird. In the matter of J. M. Coon for change ot comity road ; dismissed at eo.t ot pti tiouer ; per diem allowed and mileage (lis allowed. A. Batim. clerk's fees. $732 55. allowed. .T. J. Charlton, sheriffs fees, $43 50 al lowed. Tlie petition for a bridge across south fork of the Sautiam. continued to next term. Mrs. C. nonck. fr lodging Johnson, a pauper, $11. allowed. Jas. H. Foster. Iron window shutter for vault, $32 10, allowed. Petition for $00 to laiild bridge across north Santiam at Mchama, part In Marion and part in Linn, disallowed. . , The petition for pay for caring for J.. W. Stahl. nu insane person, disallowed. M. Thompson A Co.. nail, etc., for dis trict 19. $31 92. allowed. G. W. Honand Ana. Lincoln were al lowed $16 20 each for tee and mileage. In tlie application lor license to run a ferry accrosr the north fork ot the Santiam from Sclo to Stayton. it was ordered that license lie granted, the person running the terry paying $5 each year in advance for the term of fiue years, the bond to be $250. the ferriage to be : For two hone team, 25c ; slngTe team, 25c ; four horse. 37',c ; horse and man, 15c ; footman. 10c ; cattle. 5e per head. -- , . Tlie following salaries and per diem ordered paid : L. FITnn, County Judge. $75 ; M. Cunningham. County Commission er, mileage and 3 per diem, $19 ; L. Douglass, mileage and per diem, $11 60. Jas. R. Herren, bailiff one day, $3. City Voameti . Met in regular session on Tuesday even ing. Mayor Clark presiding, ttte fill! "board being preeit. The bills pnenti:d v-t last jaepbsng were ordcrvd raid. The petition of O. Klock, presented at last meeting, was granted, with ttte, pro vlson that tlie flume be at least 12 teet from any house, and that all sidewalks and streets be replaced by said Klock In as good condition as before removed, and that the committee on Streets and Public Prop erty be the judges In the matter. Tlie petition of McMeckin and others was refused. The committee on Streets and Public Property, to whom was referred tlw peti tion of Boyle, tor sidewalk, asked further time, which was granted. The Recorder then read the election re turns, and tlie pervon shown to lie el cted for the several city offices were declared duly elected. " ' - Petition Klgned. by property-holders asking that the ciry pay for the improve ment of Second street, as the work was not finished until the change of the city charter, ' referred to projier committee. A petition from Mar-dial Hunt, asking the city to repair the city c.-lalioose. it ! mg unfit for use. after full debate, the City Marshal was ordereV to put the calaboose in repair, put In a flue ami stove, and pte seut the bill at next meeting. The petition of Cherry & Parks for side walk was referred to committee on Streets and Public Property. Petition to declare Geo. Dougherty, Robert Meyers and Peter McBride com mon drunkards under tlie ordinance, on motion, was granted, and the Marshal was directed to notify all parties engaged in selling liquor, of the above fact, and of the ordinance n.idef which tlie Council acted in the matter. Petition of J. A. Crawford, .-asking the city to receive all bridge erected by the Surinam Canal Co.. an l keep them in re pair hereafter, was referred to committee tin Streets and Public Property. On motion of Scott, the City Printer was ordered to print the perhlon of J. IT. Craw, ford in the next Hsue of the RkGister. A petition unking for the repeal of tlie tax on latuiriries. was read, and, on motion, referred to committee on Health and Po lice, to repoit at next meeting of the Council. On motion tlie Recorder was directed to advertise for bids to erect a fence around One's engine house. On motion, it was oiderd that the com miiteeon Fire and Water be instructed to make plans and specifications for fence around One's house. BILL At.I.OWEI). Albany RKfilSTius. ad. of special tax. six weeks. $10. Albany REGISTER, city printing for 1SS0. $15. Messr. Purdnm. S. H. Althonse. Wm. Rumhaiiglr. John Hannon, Geo. Hum phrey, W. H. Goltra. judge of city elec tion, were allowed $2 each for such service. Messrs. Harper. Staiger. R. Fox, T. J. Cline. Ed Zeyss.1 Iero.v Edwards, clerks ot city election, were allowed $2 each for such servlie. y . J. GradwobK rent of council chamber from Sept.. 1S0. to Jan.. 1881. $25. D. G. Clark. Mayor, servicvb in canvass ing vote at city election, $3. J. I. Halter, Recorder, same as above. $6. - Louis Miller, work for Albany Engine Co.. $'5 25. Mux Stocker. work for HAT, Co.. $4: Rutiarts& Dubruille, materia! tor A.F.D. $3 F. Willert. work for A.F.D . $1 50. Rules suspended and above bills ordered paid. BIIXP ntE. EXTF.I. Allen. Robinson & t; luniher. $13 9. It. A.-Strattord. moving No. 2"s bell tower, etc.. $23 50. J. G-radwohl. n.-iiu for beil tower. .63e. Referrexl to committee on Fire and Wa ter. J. L. Halter, fees, ete . $13 25. Clierry & Parks, lumiier. etc- f 10. A. llritit. f-e. eto.. $7 50. Ed Broim. st-itjonerv. 1 25. J.. I,. Halter, tee, etc.. ,7 40. Ii ferred to committee on Account and Cm r:-ni, Expense. Avijoun.ed. , . How's Tour WiikMoit? Since the City :.nld an emb;traro on the washdiottes, some of" our people have been put to the greatest strait to get cl.-an linen ome parlies not having had any washing done for more than a month. Parties now send their washirg to Salem, r-thers to Corvallis, Harrishurg, and other places. Under the ordinance no one lias a right to do washing nn'es a license I pro cured, and that license is five dollar a month. Washing rate will have to be put to bonanza rate or our washerwomen can't afTbrd'to pay the license ; and if high rates for washing prevail, our cltixcn will not ay them. lurt will hunt some other place. Take any view of tlie. case yon may, it works a hsrsdhlp to those women who eiigage In washing for a livelihood, and lias done no one any good whatever. A.O. V. W. 1 Taneent Lodge. No. 37, A.0.T7.W-, was instituted by A. D. Roger. D.D.G.M. W.. on Friday evening, tbe 10th inst-, with the following officers : PtM.W., Jos. J. Beard. M.W J. W. Newcnmb. F., John F. Beard. . 0. , George Grimes." R., James Elkin. Fin.. Geo. W. Luper. Ree, Joseph Simpson. ' G-. H. McClnng. 1. WM Wm. Doty. O.W Joseph Doty. . m The lotlge will meet semi-monthly, on Saturday evenings. ,; On Wednesday Mr. Roger went to Lebanon to look after the proposed new lodge in that city. rr . Ealar Wcalber. . Gossamer, Storm coat. -Rubber coats. Rubber leggings. Rubber overslioes. Rubber umbrellas, - - --C, " Waterproof gloves. Boys' rubber boots. Long and fcnee rubber boots, Oil overcoats, oil suits, etc.. At L. E. Plain's, and cheaper than any other place in Albany. Fine white blankets and comforters cheap at fJbc Farpjcrs and ccJianh' Btorc.i , : jfETflrioa. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Coim- cil of the city of Albany : We the undersigned, residents ot said city and taxpayers therein," most respect fully represent to your honorable body, that John A. Crawfoid Is now the owner of wimt la known a the Albany and Santi am Water Ditch or Canal ; that said canal passes through and acrors various street in the city of Albany ; that the same was bnKf. at ao expense of shout $60,000 ; that Said John A. Cr I wford has owned said canal for about tour years ; that your petitioners are informed and believe tliat the Income rfrom said canal has been only sufficient lo keep the same in repair, ami that the , day's has marked tliem down so low well, and ths. present - owner you'll he astonished at tlie prices. Silver have nevei realized nnv Income from said i p'atetl ware at figures never before beard canal ; that tlie sakl ditch or canal has ma- , of in this market ; gold neck chains ; teriaily added to the busliie,-- wealth and ladle.' gold watches, rings,, lockets but prosperity ol the city of Albany,)y bring-; you must see for yourself and hear tlie ing to said city water power for maim- , price. factoring and other purposes ; hsreto- j- All the stsirlet fever cases are getting fore the city of Albany granted the r'gbt to the owners of sld canal to appropriate a portioti of certtiin streets In said city for the use of-c said canal, on condition that said owner would build and maintain bridges at the several crossings of said streets , that said owners have built said bridge in accordance with the - conditions of said grant. Your petitioners further represent that on account of tlie non-productiveness of said canal to the owner thereof, and the large outlay necessary to keep the same in repair, and on account of the benefit accruing thetefrom to the city of Albany, it would he right and proper, in the judgment ot your petition ers, for said city to receive and accept all the bridge mid fords heretofore built over or across said canat in saiii city limit, and to maintain and keep tlie same in repair hereafter at the expense of said city. Ami yvjur petitioners would pray your honor able boily to pas an ordinance relieving the said John A. Crawtonl, or his assigns, from maintaining said bridges and fords, anil that the city hereafter build, repair and maintain all necessary bridges and fonts across said canal within said city limits. Mart Pa v ne, I C Dickey. G Richard, G W Gray. Frank Parton, C Honk, Eil Mtirrav, S E Young, SD Haley. W 11 McFarland. C-il Burkhart, I M Irving. F M RWtileld, L H Foster, Eugene Buchanan, E W Langdoii, P C Harper.. A Cniir inghani. Jaon Wheeler, A B Mcllwain. Allen. Rohinsoiii&Co. S Q Irvine. R W Armstrong, Eil Belanger. J F Hacliensto, J C Powell. James Ellison, W T Hearst. M M Harvey, J II Purkhart, C D Simpson. S H Althoose. G F Simpson, C O Barries. Chas PfleftVr, O P Piinnal. G W Young, U I tirtm. J M Nolan. Uurhlmrt Bros. See card of Messrs Burkhart Bros,, real esfhle nnd money brokers, , First street. They are first class business men, and any business placed in their hands - will be properly and efficiently transacted. Par ries desiring-to borrow money, in small or large amount-, caii find thoKVOln at their office. - lle-ttl their card. . Koclnble ttitss Kvenlnar. A sociable will be given this evening at the residenc of Mr. Iiaac Conn, arid Mr. and Mrs. i.'onn understand how to make t!ie.:e pnrtk-s pas off pleasantly to all who attend. CwrnicrRuiIets. ranr. . Road nuvkly. J'-,. ' Craii! market -dull. Wi;iammefte swelling. The A.O U.W. sociable S-.tnrday night was a siiii.fss. Mr C. Klock has gone to San Francisco, and business may call him to Wisconsin before be returns to this city. Get a Raymond movement of Titus Bros, and you will have' the boss time keeper. Get ready for One's ball It will be the gayest hop of the winter. It you want to make, your wife perfectly happy, buy some of those choice pieces of silverware at French's for Christmas. Cyrus Westlake and family return to California on the outgoing steamer. Mr. Oliver Price, hereon a visit for a few day, on Tuesday -started for Arizona. If j'ou want to make your boy a useful present, and one that will tickle him all over, purchase one of those bracket saws of Peters & Sox. Ex-Siiertff Dickey got married last, week. Just as e expected. May the new firm live long and prosper. Ike Conn now warms his dwelling house by means of a furnace placed in the base ment. In this way the heat is equally diffused in every room in the bouse, which U quite a large one, night and day, at about the expense of cost ot keeping up one fire. The handsome display of Jewelry at Titus Bros, is' attracting an unusually heavy trade. Call and see bis handsome silverware. - Mrs. J. U. Burkhart arrived it her wr in this city on Monday, after a few weeks spent in the East visiting relatives. Mr Fllndt, who lias been East a few weeks, arrived home all O.K. on Monday's train, having come overland from .San Francisco. Read the new ad. of Haffcnden Bros. They are offering bargains to housekeepers in the way ot shelf goods and fancy gro ceries bargains that can not be obtained every nay, and it may be as well for all to look at their stock and prices before it is toe 'late. .- , - Mr. Wolverton's team skedaddled again onj Monday, but done no great damage otfaer than to spill the milk promiscuously. It jls good team, and affonU us an item every now and then. Rea.l otyfashloned funshliia for a little while on Wednesday. eiirW lemr In !.! eltr Tht in on oi bcariet leyer tn this city, l ms is u cf l Of bad drfj.Mg. ; A nice parlor or bedroom set, in ash or walnut, would make a splendid present tor Christinas and you. can get the best at lowest tates at F. M. DaRiial's. Joseph is.selling holiday goods so low that bis stock is being rapidly diminished. A tew more bargains offered.: :,i The prevalence of scarlet fever as an epidemic has thinned out our schools, and bid tlilr to stop them entirely. No end lo wild geese and clucks and snlj-e, ; lut It takes shooting to get away with them. F. M. French ha received an Immense stock of jewelry this week, and as be ' doesn't want to keep tiTein over the ho i- along nicely, so far a we can learn. the ' worst cases being Clement's.- at Mr. Beem's and Mr. Mcll wain's daughters have Two ot Mr, scarlet fever. Heav5 frost and Ice yesterday morning. Just try those choice new dates, import ed fliis. raisins, chestnuts, almonds, wal nuts and oranges tliat Haffeiideu Bros, have Just received. It ! reported that some of tlie wash houses will commence business again. Miss Mary Harmon gives a grand musi cal concert at the M. E Church in Eugene City this evening. Miss Hannon has been teaching niu'lc at Eugene for some mouths, and has met with bril'lant success. Blank books and stationery, at Plum nier's. Vases, toilet sets, etc.. at Pltimmer'. Latest novelties In writing paper at Pinmmcr's, under Odd Fellows' Temple. Perfumery and toilet articles at Plummet-. Undoubtedly tlie best quality of coal oil for the le: s mor.ey at Plummer's, under Odd Fellows' Temple. Holiday books at Plummer's Photograph and autograph albums, the largest assortment and lowest prices, at Plummer's. Lead pencil at 25c per dozen go off like hot cakes at Plummer's, under Odd Fellows Temple. That's tlie place to go for bargains. Pocket cutlery, razors, etc., at Plum mer's. Toilet soap, good quality, 50c per dozen, at Plummer's. These hard time make people look about for low prices. We notice Plummer, the druggist, is as busy as ever, .and reports trade increasing. By calling at C. Meyer's tlie searcher after holiday goods can find an excellent and varied assortment, consisting of toys of alt kinds, handsome china, beautiful vases but we can't enumerate, go and see for yourself. Ed Baum's store from end to end is a gorgeous array of 'Christmas and New. Year's." If you have not been in, don't fail to call and see the splendid sight. You ought to see what a delicious lot of new candles Haffeiideu Bros, have they can't be excelled. All kinds ot good thing to eat are to lie obtained at the store of Haffeiideu Bros. Don't forget this lact. The Cantata of Queen Esther will be produced at the Opera House about the last week In January. The wardrobe has been ordered from San Francisco. Good smoking, and die wing ? tobacco cheap, at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. A Christina tree will be erected at tlie M. E. C'mrch on the evening before Christ ftnas. A good programme for tlie evening will be offered. Buy your holiday ,giods at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Drop Into Wl'ey B. Allen's and get one of hjs almanac for 1881, tree." ; "" Bedrock prices on all goods at the Farm ers' and Mechanics' Store.,., i, i,. f.V If you have real estate to sell place ft in the hands of Burkhart Bros., who will sell it if any one can. Have you seen those elegant brackets at Wiley i. Allen'? Tlie silver steel goods at Titns Bros."" can't be excelled. Picture, pctre, frames, all the lafe-t music, choice new books, albums in facLj the nicest holiday goods In the city at Wiley B. Allen's. Tlie city Is full of holiday good, but for choice goods go to Foshay A Mason's. Sociable at Ike Conn's this evening, to which all are invited. - ' Will B. Rice Is In charge of the office at the depot again. Tlie Evangelical S. S. of Albany will have a Christmas arch on Christmas eve. The public Is cordially Invited. - " : Wnere to Porch. ' About these times tlie careful housewife, in view of tlie early approach ot Christmas and New Years, Is looking about tor the place where she can obtain all the necessary "stuffipg" tor fruit, jelly and other cakes, mince pies, etc. If she will drop into Redflcld & Irving, she wtil find the best q iallty of raisins,, citron, currants, all kinds of candied - goods, canned fruits, spices, fresh butter, lard, and an endless variety of candies, sugars, syrups, and all k'n Is of goods kept In a first class grocery store, all fresh and good, to be sold at tlie ;owest living margin. DR. O. WILLIS PRICE, DS1TTIST. . OFFICE in Odd Fellows' Tetnplo, Albany, Orea-on. - All work carefully performnd, and reasonable as is consistent with good work manship. n JB via At HI New Khop.- Frjtd TV ii. i, est 1 now established In klaAbJmlthln- ka... : ... A- . . . J re, nnutc nl unrfflen, which -will id at tue lowest possibi. tinnr on r. , ?le tcrn?8: viaw J . rsro willekt is now established In his ! , , ' ' " ' new two-to.-y traston ant blacksmith .hop, Ple,l8e least One wing ol tlie. Democracy on Seoond street opposite 8. K. IoihikM ar. In a speech made by Senator Bayard re Jiouse, wlicre bo ia prepared to lo eil kinl ot ., , f . , . , .. 7 . Married. At tlie residence of Ir. Robert Wilson, in this city, Dec. lSift, 18S0, ,iy Rev, J. W. Harris, Mr. W. n. Pearl and Miss S. Ada Hughes all of Linn county. " Dr. O. W. tirajr. Dentist, Albany, Oregon OfSce in Fos ter's brick block, up stairs, at large bay window. Prices In proportion to TIME and materia.!, consumed. ; 11-34 ; UHltVMST, j .. . B. It. 'RKKI.AlkI tiu ! lat Albany for the practice of Bentlalry. AH work warranted. OHiee tm nMrrtoh block, comer First sad Ferry st. .t rebl -The Sew Hotel mt Ibe Oi'pat. Under charge of Mr. Jas. A. Gross, the liandsoire and convenient new hotel at the depot has gained rapidly in public i favor, and no hotel In the State now stand higher In public - favor. Everything is new' ann clean, and the comfoi t of guests specially looked after. Hot coffee, nnd i cakes are ready and can be obtained by ' those w'shg ' refresh themselves before laKingine morning Kxpres. l-o . It' Pays to Insure. Bus'iiess men make the matter ol insur- j ,n the,r goods and property of the first . Importance, as no man can! tell the day! not fllo tiAn. tn 1 . t. lila . f. in v n,w ' be damaged or entirely destroyed by tire, even though he imy exercise jthe greatest care and watchfulness. Oar farmers are pretty generally making assurance doubly secure by Insuring their grain after plac ing it in the warehouse. This Is wise and safe, and should be followed by all. In sure your grain, houses, barns, or goods of any kind In a sound company, and yon can slee'p soundly. Among flic soundest insurance companies doliig business in Oregon, none can be more highly recom mended than the Connecticut and tlie German-American. It is a ! noteworthy tact that both the above eo-opanle paid every dollar of their losse in the great Chicago and Boston fire. a fict which speaks loudly in tlieir favor. The Instruc tion to agents In every case is to find out speedily the amount ot any loss by fire In which they are interested, and pay it to the last farthing. These are tlie compan ies in which to insure. Mr. Julius Orad wohl Is the accomodating agent for both companies in this city, to, whom all should apply who desire to Insure in sate com panies. J j Arrival or Sw Toy and Fancy coods. Ed. Batjm lias opened out jthe largest stock of holiday goods ever brought to thi8 city. You can find any kind of present yon may desire, to suit any age or condi tion, at Batim's. I will mention a few ar ticles only, as It Is impossible to go iuto de tails. My stock is immense, and I intend to sell at the lowest rate In orer to reduce it. Following are some oi the articles : Baby buggies and wagons, rocking horses, railroads, baby trunks. Bnhetneau vases, majolica ware, toilet sets, smoking sela, cups and saucers of .ill kind, velvet frames, writing desks, work-boxes, shell boxes, an immense stock of dolls, nw styles ol photograph and autograph albums, the la test styles in coral, ivory, -shell ami pearl card receivers. A cordial invitation Is ex tended to all to examine niv goods as you will profit thereby, and will find tlie prcti est goods ever brought, to town. " No old roods on hand all the latest" and newest toys. Call in time to select presents be fore tlicy are picked over ami the choicest gone. - Holiday picture book 3 haudsouie. School books and stationery wholesale and retail. ' I will sell to country dealers at San Francisco prices, as I purchase my goods direct Iroin the East. E. BaCM. corner of First and Broadalbiu streets, opposite the new block 'of Senders A Sternberg. 7 -4 A Fine Tblna; Tor the Telh. Fragrant SOZODONT is a composition of the purest and choicest ingredient of the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Kvery ingredient is well known to have a beiu- ficial effect on the teeth and gum. Ira embalming or antiseptic. proierty and a romatic fragrance make it a toilet lux ury. SOZODONT removes all disagreeable oclors troin the ureatn caused by catarrh. bail teeth. Ac. It in entirely free from the Injurious and acrid properties of tooth paste and powders which destroy tlu en amel, one oottie lasts six months. 3(ews from all Points. On account of tbeabsnoe of fifteen un paired Democrats, the House can not elect its officers at Dresent. Telegrams state tliat G$h. Howard will not be appointed commander at West Point In place of Gen. Schnfleld, although he was called to Washington for that pur pose, the President having been dissuaded from making the appointment by Gen. Sherman and Secretary Evarts. who con sidered the change too violent in view of Howard's Well known variance with Sco field's administration Charles Marshall, a noted despe.-ado ot Belleville, Xevada, on the 7th Inst., brutal ly murdered an inoffensive old man, named Jack McCann, whom he first shot and then kicked until be died. As the Sheriff and party was starting with tlie prisoner on the 10th for Aurora, a party of citizens attacked and o vet powered the Sheriff, and took the murderer to the out skirts of the town and hung him- By an explosion at the Penygrieg colliery, England, on Saturday, eight-six miners were burl :d alive. Dash A Co.; New York, coffen men, failed on Friday for (1,400.000. Mephistopheles. the new . opera, U the grand attraction tn Cblcigo. Mayor Cooper's : appointment of Alltn Cambell to supersede ..John Kelly as Comp troller, was confirmed on tlie 10th. All the appointments o Mayor Cooper, some of which were Beinblicans and the rest anti-Tammany Democrats, wcw coniirni- ed. Tlie bouncing of John Kellv will re- I Mllllv A I krx.,.. I 1. I- - 1 1 I 1. ' " - - V""t : w , , rn nri i..,n,K.iL.i , i to ..d w tho Goybi nui.a.t Wtelu un- paid undervalued InvoJces, declaring tW Senator Conkling, Noah Davis, the JJis-V trict Attorney, Mr. Jayne, special otleer, and George S. Bout well. Secretary of the Treasury, were present to the Custom House when the money t237,000) was paid over.and ttiat fhey diylded it among then On Saturday; Messrs. ; B.Uwell. Arthur. Davi and CnViklmg pnbuvhwl irU to tlMs Phliadclpliia ft.?, tliarauer izlng the lirge as a Untitles cuumny. Senator Bayard denies making the chatigeft alleged. .;. Dr Charles EaHl, convicted of procur ing abortion at Chicago ot, the 10th, was sentenced to five years in tiie penitentiary. Wm. Gray was hangnl ( Slieriirook, Quebec, on the 10th, lor the uturdes of Thomas Mulligan. He died protesting his inuocence. Wood, a Chicago buck driver, who drug ged aud robbed a Knight Templar during the cnncUvr last August, get five years in tlie penitentiary, , . It is reported that Secretary '1 has been offered and will accept tlie olllca of President ol tbe Panama Cunal, awl tliat lie will soon resign Ult posit iou in the Cabinet to accept it. - ' At Iawretice, Mass., a married mat named Wardman, becoming jealous nf his mistress, a Miss Pinkhain, shot and killed lier. To complete the business tut then shot himself. . ' r On tlie 15th of November seventeen transports with 9,000 men, left Aric upon campaign against Lima. Subscriptions to the DeTeseps canal ave been discontinued in San Francisco. Detectives under the direction otPfukb as' ot Pittsburg district, have arre-lVd a large numner or counterfuiters in New York It took two months to work nj the r wi nes, and abont f 1,000 in counterfeit silyer was obtained fromtbecnanterfelters in the various deal between tlie detectives and counterfeiters during the time. ,; Secretary Thompson ha ftesired tlie President to name his successor as he will retire on the 20th Inst. I - v By a fire in Philadelphia Saturday night, Ann Higgins. aged 73, and John Lyons, aged 23, were burneil to death, i . ; Ex-Seuntor Jas. F. Sfarbuck, for a long time one ot the most distinguished lawyers in northern New York, diet! on Saturday. Emigrants In large numbers are on tlieir way to Ocklahama Territory, and declare they will enter the Territory at all hazards. It Is believed '25.000 have already entered the Territory. Federal cavalry under Col. Coppinger is in close, pursuit, i " On Friday night at California, Kentucky. Talman Webster, a saloon keeper, and Wm. Stewart, a farmer, quarreled about a woolen comforter. Stewart went away and got a pistol, and npon returning was shot through tlie head and instantly killed by Webster. Both were man-tad mi. Five firemen were smothered to ileath at a fire in Cincinnati on Saturday evening last. . i Last week, at Salem, Clareiiden county, O A, . 1 . o. iuto yuuiig coiorex i people named Joe, Vance and Julia Barnes, aged respect ively 18, 13 and 15 year, murdered a young white woman named Kennedy, dur ing tbe absence of her linsband. and robb ed the house. : Citizens 'promptly hung the murderer. V " ; i ' Tlie revenue C3l lectors in the South con tinue to have a hard time On the 10tb4 twelve mile east of Cooksville. Tennessee. U. S. deputy marshal Cant. James. Davis was killed, and D. S. commission-! G. W. Campbell beaten nearly to death, j , " Nlne-tentlii ot tho .busi ness, portion of Pensacola, Alabama, was destroyed by lire on Friday- night. Mrs. Damtana was burned so badly a to casue her death. Loss at out 250.000 1 N ,J! . , : Mormon : m tssioua lies are at work . tu Ohio, and are making converts, j . 'fbe Brule chief. Medicine Boll, was ae cMentJOfy the 13th, the wound be- Jay GofUL-wa's negotiating tor tte pur chase of the Inui Mountain railroad on th 13tb. - -i-b't?',:,' ,:t The. trial of tbe Morey scoundrels drags, along. . . There Is prospects ot a bitter war, be tween tlie Western Union and t,!i: Ameri can Union telegraph companies, j ' Texas gave Hancock $5,000 niajorfty over Garfield. . r... i ,4 . A bill lias been introduced iti Cougrees reducing letter postaga to two cents. , , D. J. Murphy,. of San Francisco,- has been created a Herclitary Marquis of tbe. Holy Roman Empire, by bis Holiness the Pope, on account ot his great services to religion. ... j - - General Grant has been to inspect all tbo unioiiaci.uries sr. sratterson, evr Jersey, and was received by the. Board of Trade of that city. The total amount of gold received tnim Europe from August 6th to December latti. waa f 52,337.600 against 171,332,000 tor same time last year. Tbomas Dllly, a Urmer, and his wife. who llveil near Colona, Iowa, were horribly tnurde-ed. supposed to be on account of an ok! grudge. A bloody apado was, found, which was probably used to perpetrate tbo horrible crime. . i The Jacksonville Times says; Several farms have been sold in fhls section of lata. We are gradually receiving many now ad ditions to our population. i. - The Deitiocroic Times tells of a tlilef who after stealing valuables worth 1300 from Morris Epsor dwelling. ..Jackson ville, returned all Uie pluucjcr tbrutigh a third party.. Tbe State Uertfd says the stock men ot Lake anility resolve to demand coin fej hand when they sell stock and won't be buttered with checks on San Francisco, as lieretofore. -, Hoa Brpwn, a veteran ot tlie war of JSli. lives with his graw'son, Orr. Brown, of Murchy creek. Josephine count r: to t jn his 89tb year, bjit is stilt nuile active lor PM so old. . , ! " Eider M. Patterson of Jackson omtv ost ajgne oK the other day, by epizootic. A number of tlie liorses of that vallrv aa afii'ued with it, but very few cess havf resulted fatally so Lir. '