- - ,- -; -- - -T- i 1 c- Ct TBS KEaUTEft BVIX.SXITO, Vafnar fWrte ami fHrtt Blrtf(t TASCLEVJB A CO, PROPRIETORS. JtAtMK, J. COX. VASCUCYl. TE3KSn ADVANCE. cony, ns year... ; m 0 ry .six months . i m - copies. Ten cents. 1 " " tw found cm file at bo Sowrti Go's MwpopFr meant npruocttt.),wtT'n mmrinm 22 fur It in NKW VOBS f Uw Beortster. nUtS0"0'! renttemcn areanthor- -V. v receipt for subscription, to l 'a E.irK in the localities mentioned : fefV-f.'! Home...: Brownsville. fet h v?zz:::r.::::::: v" KUDXY.V. DEC. 10, IS80. Wat-Car. thought he vu being tooled. cAa if yoa did not know!" be esti with a gnn The Qaeeri laughed, and assured bim tliey were lost, Tbeo only did the countryman condescend to point out the way, alter which be walked off, as if fearing to be laughed at again. "Give bim twenty franca for Lis trouble," said the Queen to one ot ber escort, who going after the countryman said : "Here, ray man, is a present from the Queen oi Italy, who thanks yon. "The Queen."1 cried the countryman, returning to the carriage. "Forgive me that I did not know thee. But I had never "seen thee before. Thou art as beautiful as a May rose. God bless I thee." And the carriage drove off. Now the countryman who had once seen the Queen wanted to see tier pretty face again, and the following day he m A-trc iifiriii Lsty "vTiiolosale and detail Sealers la OEM '. y" " PROVHSTONS ! Tfc war between Chile and Peru, if presented himself at the palace. tbti j&z fight between these two iia. tiaa may be dignified by such a name, grow more re!enlkss every day. From feces Utters and dispatches it is said t&M all eSrts at compromise between th two countries have ended in nothing. Eaarh til chargestths other with inhu man atrocities, ud both cannot be "I know her, you know," he added mysteriously. "I spoke to her jester day, and I want to speak tohrr again." Thinking he bad to do with a mad. man, the porter was about to have the poor fellow arrested, when the very gentleman who had given him the twenty francs appeared and recognizing him, told biixi to wait. He informed the Queen ot his presence. .tinng mm here by all means," was fainted blacker than they have proved 'tfcsi!?te in this desperate struggle. The war in which at first a few regula. tiSttJjti V. i. - J I . ,uua UM iiwr ui-cut:ra. lne answer. S. . . ..... I " "r "s" VS or retail. When the man wa for the second Mttn. Kaoda of ragged Chilean brig- time before the Queen he said vawM are ravaging all the northern "Yes 'lis tbou. I thonght I had seen - a T- a, .a I oi x era, ana tncir system ot war. a fairy. Thou art iust an angel. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, FANCY GROCERIES, CAL1F0R2T1A CBACEEES, CA2TDIES, WTTTS, In Tact the Largest, best Assorted and most Varied Stock of ! GROCERIES la the country. THE ONLY TITUS BUGS., T welers, Albany, : Oregon. REGULATING TIME-PIECES ft EEPAtP ing Jewelry a sieclalty. Call. vllnl Agents for ".Sew Heme chines. - TllnlT EXCLUSIVE GROCERY ALBANY. IN la PiMproof Brioi, Tirst Strset, AlTsaay, Orejen. InfalliTala I&diaa Remedies. 4. Sure Snot For FEVER & AGUE. DPr?0-! L?.XG RESIDENCE' AMOXQ JL- t he iHrtlun trlljes of the coant and the lnt- rthl Payhni Vle f d fortnne t discover, from the "Mo'ltelne" mea of the several tribes! ana from other sources, a number of remedies for diseases incident to this country, consist lner of roots, herbs and bark, and ha vine been J.- 55' ,y m"y neople of this valley, who have trintl an.l pTOvetl theefflmcy of them In disease, to procure and offer t he same for sale, l take this means of announcing; to all that, during the past, season. I have made an extendi edtour through the mountains and valleys, and hare secured certain of these remedies which are a sure cure for Fever and -A.yiTe- l hose suffering from Ague who desire to he ;iired,can leave orders at Mr. Strong's store on F rst street, where I will furnish the remedies, warranting a radical cure or I will demand no Py- , .. . H.H. JOHN. . h jiuiuuuies aone up in si packages. 12-1 tare is ihat know a to Urigado Reyes and other bandits who have' raided through Sonora within a few. mouths The townb which pay them a handsome sum are unmolested. The places which are too poor to furnish blackmail are given up to murder, fire and pillage. To add the finishing stroke to this pic tore ot horrors, the Chileans are follow. ea toy a horde ot Chinese highbinders, who rob and murder with Orients! tLeroucjhrjem, sod glean the bloody e5de over which the Christian fore of Chile have passed. Ths Peruvians, on the other hand Lava shown a diabolical ingenuity in preparing iurernal machines to blow op their enemies. Through the singular e&rlsssness ot Chilean Captains they have succeeded in ditroyingtwo valaa. tie war vessels and killing ofTthe great er part of theereaa On mai y occa. !ob, oo land, they have also shown a TeSoeruent of cruelly, aa in the barring alive of nine Chileans in the garden of a country .house. Such acts have served as fuel to tie fire of Chilean wrath, nd they have murdered the Peruvians ! without regard to ago or sex. The only di&rence that an impartial obser ver is able to delect between the meth ods of the two cations is that the Chil. ana, by virtue of greater force and bet. ter training, ere able to do more dam. ge than their adversaries. Tha siege of Calao u still carried oo by lle Chileans, who have demon, atrated the effectiveness of long-rage bombardment. The main damage to the city has been done by a single ves sel, which would be worthless in a na al encounter. It is provided with guns Which throw aolid shot and shells eight raika. Tim, lying off the city at a d is taoea so creat that its rig can not be made out, even by teamen, it throws hells into the city with an aim so true that nearly every ehot tells on a h ouse la the city or ship inside the mole of the harbor. The Peruvians attempt to letaliste, but, as thetr heaviest guns carry a shot only six miles, any effort aft a return is futile. The city is shji&ted to constant battering, which ia Uaae, will leave it with little preten sions to anything but architectural ruin. The greater Dumber ot the citizens have taken refuse in Lima, but a correopon. dent gives a ludicrous picture of those who romaio gathering on the hill in the tS&T tA & town, out of range ot the ahe", and ttratching,' with eager inter. Vt "ct fel"t bombardraetni. ' It urpsisses a boll fight- in its dramatic qualities, as each shell ' carries ruin to 6ei8 Kaatt's property. Doubtless some day, wteo the United States has picked a qiorrd with Chile or Spain about its did not tell thee yesterday that I hav two little ones withont a mother. Wilt thou be their mother?" "that I will,' aid the Queen. - "Theu there's the t went 3- francs theu gavest me yesterday. I thank thee. but I want no money. And he went awsy, crying and smiling l:ke a child The Queen ha- adapted the two little . ones aim tney are 111 an institution un der her special patronage. "My boy," said a father to his young son, "treat every one with politeness; even thore who are rude to yon. For remember that you show courtesy to others, not because they are ;eullrmen, bnt because you are one." They were walking" by the seaside and he sighed, and she sighed; aud she was by his side, and he wax by her side, and they were both beside them. selves, betides being at the seaside, where she sighed and he sighed. "What," exclaimed Demosthenes, as he lookod around upon his hearers. "can be more valuable to a great peo ple than a tree ballot, a full vote, and a fair count?" "A bar'l." growled Diogenes, aa he pnt his tub on bis head and moved on. Many forms of sick excuses bare been handed to the faculty, but a recent one completely paralyzed it. " Profess or X : Please excuse my absence from college duties IaU Monday and Ttie.dsy. I was confined to my room by sea. sickness. The astonishing thing about Profess or Swift's new comet is that it is "throwing off an extended tail." If it persists in this ruinous course it will amount to no more thao au ordinary bobtailed star. We want no comeu unless they are able to fill the bill. Chicago girls are wonderfully full of resources. Their new device for hurry. ing up bashful sniiors is to secretly procure the marriage license themselves and the publication of the tact in the paper gets the timid youths up to the required pitch of desperation. Said the angry Judge to the lawyer: The prisoner would ales I hoives, and I consider yoa no better 1" And tl e lawyer raid he flattered himself that he did know better, and wislttd he could return the compliment, with justice And this was one ot the most enjoy. able incidents ot the trial tor the au dience. "1 tell you our new pastor will be a power in the pulpir, . 1 had a long talk with him yesterday, and we dis cussed most of the disputed questions of our church, and we agreed on every point. He is a thoroughly sensible mm m urn ii m 1 . 1 III ALBANY SABELE WCHIIS. DSAXKE3 IX- 1" ! . . . .. 1 v Am EXECUTED nr ' t ITALIAN OR VCRMOriT Albany, Orejroe. Also, every variety of cemeterv and other stone work done wit h neatness and dismtch. Snaeial attention riven to orders from any part of the: State and Washington Territory, bv mailoroti-i wrw ibb, huu prvmpuy lorwarueu. All wore war- i; s JOHN BRIGGS TAKK8 Tins- OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM his friends and the public generally, that is now settled in his NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on thooM shi 9d next door to P. C. Harper AC; where can be found as great an assortment and as targe a stoca, 01 Stoves and Ranges na can b found in any no. houw this ld of rmt.lcir1 nvtfl ar sasa LOW A. PRICE. ALSO Pumps dj 3Plzes, Custlron, Brass St Enameled Samuel1-E. Yotms Is now receiving tkis -;v'' " man.' 'Your premises may tate-re& ia Panama, tha citizens ot ?an Franc.J, . gathered upon the Twin Pols cr acoe other point of vantage, n-y r'.:: .v-a similar spectaclar The ".zir.tr:t Poini would be useless; tl t. - .Is of facretary Thompson rivy t.. tz'.i t as serviceable for defense (id C-l.!iiid ferry-boat; in fine, this ' ; t -J j cs defenseless as Callao. AV. to complete tha picture is d .? tl.i socrs petty power that has s T'u-.! Mtf. S. M Chronicle. right," returned his listener, be all but 1 ': t fspsrt tell a very Qicea of July. It ; jVm d.-ivist to the ! litala the eoachmna i ; sJ. ac 1 000 cnt!eeB&x l:jzam tlm way. Tha ti tm borsat &nd" ssrv. dou't agree with your conclusion." J. ne -istig" uioie was printed in Tondon iii 1551, and received its name from the fact that Psalm 91: v. wt traiwlated: "Thon shalt not heed to tie afraid for any Roeses bv night," in. stead ot, as in our version, "afraid tor the terror by night." A correspondent from Perrydale to the Dallas Itemizer says: Our bridge builder on the narrow gauge, Mr. S. Marshom, informed cs that on Monday tart work was begun at Daytor, having fur its object the extension of the rail road through to Portland. tt jjsy ccrnpAny, st Poison pet cat to destroy coyotes sad 1&VC3 emorr the biooaeu sheep dogs cf Fifteen taile creek, a Eumtcrr Lavisj'j died front the efTocts of Oirev-;'..piaT& TXIOUSiiPJU Albany, Oregon. ill USG in ZaisilA Gnnnfrr. FOU SAT.-tr; -r-y McFARLAND & HARVEY. in great variety. Also, , ,; Tin,: -fi Sheet Iron, Galvanized Iron, and . ... Copper ware, always on hand, and madu to order, AT UV- C?s.Xl on ' Albany, Octolwr 32, 1 875-5 v-8 First street, S doors west of Ferry, ALBANY, I t CMKE0OX. OLACSSS s GETS, Prop's. HATIXG pnrchaed the City Market, I: will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Meats -the very best to be obtained in the market, t will strive at all times to meet the wishes of ll who may favor me with their patronaseu The public irenet ally are invited to call at my 4hop when in want of meats. 3r"The highest caxh price paid for PGR K. - SlvieulS 'cw Goodi! Sew leparture ! MILLINERY ANDDRESSHAKIMQ. MRS. O. L. PARKS, HAVING PL'RCIIASKD THE MILT.INERY Stnnt latAivnunnl hv Mn. II. P. HfiviA flilrl naving just ad)ed thcrc.o a new invoice of late CThoicQ Xlillinery, Trimaings, Bonnets, Hats. Jfce.v takes pleasure in invitiiur the ladles of Albany and vicinity to call and insnect for themselves. All eoods will be sold at nrires that defy coinpetii ion. Having securca t ue sorvioes 01 a nrsi ciass Dressmaker X : lam pretwuwl to cut. nt. and make dresses In any style desired, at short notice and in a sat is factory manner. 3Makinjt Clothing for children a specialty Store on north side of First, east of Ellsworth street. Ton are Invited tn call. WitS. O. L. PARKS. S7. 1S79- ' cruras : t stock of Mercnandise, consisting ?: DST G00S3. XTOTZOZrS. Sk JtS nSS.lt T500T3 oWOOTS ts CASPSTS, vTA&L PAT, ELI2TD3, - etc., etc., etc. x Haay of ti-ssa goods est tszrt for CASS,j aa4 txa ZTZZ CLASS GOODS 17o- Sta; aai Tsill'fca esli&t ptyalsa piices. ' j , , ; ' , Sept. 17 nSlv3m , BEST QF ALL 702 2IA27 AUD BEAST. For more than a third of a century - Haiang ointment uas been known to miliionaTiii ..rr the only safe reliance for the relief of Ziz; ', vtim. xi is a medicine . ""' iis3 rue st or Its klaut. For every form of external pain rthe the Mnstana; Liniment is without an onnal. ance of pain and inflamatinn impossible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and the jrrm creation are equally wonderful. The Mexican ummm IJniment is needed by somebody in every bouse. Every day brings news of r of u swrul aeald or burn sntxlued, of rheomatlo martyrs re stored, or a valuable horse or ox uy uw ueaiuis power 01 tnu whieli speIly cures such ailments of KnoumSLtiiiBM. Kw.ll lnv. ae.ir and talda. Cuts. Uralses uud jt ptMftralus, Hoisoaons Xtltas and 1 susiii, uBess, IiasMawt, -Old 1 "", rieers, frostbites, CaUblalas. I J"PPs, Caked JSraost, stad Itadeed every foru of external dis ease. It IimU wilkant . For the Bbutk Chkaxjow it cures kprelni, Kwljusr, U1T Joints, reaadw, Xfaraess Stores, Hoof lila I 'oo Mot, Mere wr Wona, Scab, ( kisliow Ilora, Serateaes, VVtnd- C ITM till, liuvln. Thn..). T 1 fOId ffores, JPoIl KvU, Fiba nnni tits and every otner allmaeat ! yZutk. oeeanuats of the ad fetoelc lard are liable. I Too Mealeaun M astasia Uaiasat TUB 1 BEST OF ALL ' The Creat Carriage Manufacturing House of the vvona. EMERSON, FISHER & CO., , CIPCllTIfA.TI, OHIO, finnnpriTs Sl M If tkL& k U t4 sm Lm A 1W . -ANDu 1 ui 3 Best material, G004 Workmansltlp, Handsome Styles, Strong uits vurani venicies in very Respect. . 70,000 GLX1H.I AGESS - - ' "They give nnfailins; satisfaction. All their work Is warrants rt.. k." ' '. v". mals from nil parts of the country of pumoi t sTmilai-to h?,;iI T ha7B .received testimo- fllo subject to inspection i ' p 1 1 simuai to the following, hundreds pf which ars on : ' 1 have used one of your Top Biisraies thiw vpnra ta h,.. J;f:?'VA Jn,t M. 1879.' stable, and they have gon meTrfriEiJand innnJ""!! ? ,-Ler aiessrs. tjoprocK & Johnsin : lHr 6ira I tav h. m! ti.o 1? . . SrVBimfi 8 O.. July 17. 187. suppose, as any one could. I had a fttst horM dm?e lii.,, i T,?T .V0"." from ' rouhly.I ' an increased demnnrt ,iCJ.i ricia.V,i,n? "l""' "." in lrd and constant b-o. has 1ml tr. mammoth establishment hav tlS!i ppw" tStu?n 'out to 360 CARRIAGES A WEEK, cr-rncorj, mum & cs,;s cAniAcrs are the best. , 3ITY DRTJa STOES. Corner Srst &al Ells'wortli sts ALBANY, OREGON. ' R,. SALTMARSH. Has again taken charge of the City Drug Store, having pnrshased the entire interest, of I. W. Shaw, successor to A. Carothers Co., and is now receiving a . Splendid ITe-vT. Stock, which, added to the former, renders it very complete in all the different departments. eeuug sanuea uuu au can. ue suiieu in Dota Quality aai Pries, cordially invites his old friends and custom ers u give him a call, . P&3SC21IPTX32TS, Will reosl-e Immediate and careful attention ail itaant, slay ssd alsjut. - ' 1:'. . KingofjtliQ BIcd Iff Pare Wines and Llouor for medloina purjiuan. la. SAL.TjnABSH, Oct. SS, T7-5vlO - 'rTTLT. A T175TTS SIABBLE AUD ST0,E WORKS. P- "WOOD & CO., ' " aTannfaetarers of MONUMENTS! Head Stones, ' iTZanties, , Cemetery Cnrbing-, 1 Ashler- Voplng. fsr "v7al3, Sasss fax (l&rda IFcuptaiiiS,' and all kinds of work done ia 81 one. . Aa wa pf nr mni-hla dlrct from the oviar- ries,anu nave it sutuciea wi care, we wui as sure customers the The Bust Materials an! Um Priees. . y Or if rs from any Krt of the State promptly atlended 'to. . . . tsrAll wore wntmnim reviwrmmi. t- and Works on corner of Second and Klisworth' st recta, Albany, presron. m W WMF V V W..'. March IS. 16S0-Ti:n9S HSa,fmpfIitJ I warn, a ": specify all, as the aaCwereanusvaUr nerar-4t .- s , at, SmtUinft, e.. are tits soos soma. . , Sd AoaoT ,'i00,i U SCRPUL'A.v' WsaSerM Car ef SU&u;s. ' " D. Rinoit, Bom Co. ; Wat h senaft of e" troubled with berofol. or ImmzB'V, rrstama, I hereby rseoauacBd Xmm of ta rhave baan 1 troubtod with fwraf rsWi. to try Kmr of tlx Blaod, whicj has prev .1 a T13!M? dm, as it has conptataiy nd t,4 IeheertaUy resounieadittoaU bwiUhmIsi- -osso- Yeats traly, Uam. &. WKA3aaatw, diaia, ST. T. -. Co ILa, Cai ilEl3 LV PabMs HsspHal to fcs niKta. sily arraod apoo, for ovary sa 1 iilaats of tais sassaa Mas pubuabsd ty aa wbiea is not graaia. " - Xts Tiiredientab - - ..Tiw ou altk in aa safety a ssasci of tto K. B.. upon proper pnsoaal apslicanaa, w. . satisflMl that no impeamoo ia iuteadce, ar i , PJ? i. "mMof il its i&rrediata,hv sifeiav-s. ... To abovsonurs wars aevcr mad bafsroWtito T ' prmtor of any athar Family HadKiiw in tU . o-S1 f."yw"mtals.fanaeriBfwotMm,a4 Phlet "Tnatisa oa Diwaaas of tits , - agMouBcorantoWdoaa: ti.t w t-W " 11 niiSMMgawa so vWiariPiria. 1M"i..'jJI. 'ia W ( 1; I I J f a i ! i 1 f,. 1 11 ( UK!'! ! f Ik ' f Ksd nw Cocley", pataKi, ! fV-nt, a ful and beaSthiTbl. piiiraia - the cisp is laid a qaUicti pud, v!i; n ri-.. impostitil. IVsaira of "infriiifwuaea-.i, Cooieys CorsiPt and Inks aa onr. f.?. i ' . ib roach your Waaler for s ssinnie f'CTsai. j;. tHco from 7Seenss to $2ti, sud voi-r (si; i . . fc' return .fesiil. WasimaeturBd u;y 1 r ' bioos JaaauuvACiiag Cn.pany. . j XXTTJ1, XJT.' & c r. JSsSSo Sifts? v4 A & -i fc 1 ti , i ' if f !