The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 10, 1880, Image 2

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Ofllcnal Citv Paper.
BANY. FRIDAY. DEO. 10. 1880.
- A Few Mtar Fta -
Wheat quotation are as liigh now
In Liverpool as when our producer here
.ere receiving one Collar a bushel fortlielr
wheat. The wain reason by wlioat com
mand hot seventy, three cents per bushel
In tlil market, Is tltat we have bnt one
outlet, but one highway, to tlie markets
of the wurML and that' highway is prac
tically cloved nntil sprine. as tlie Ice gorge
In the; Colombia will prevent jrra'n ships
fiom asrendtns? the river : ami audi ton
nage arriving at Astoria may be compelled
to He there lor week or even months or
go elie where I n search of ca rgoes. There
are other reasons for the present low prices
r.f wlet hnf the chtet eaue la as above
tated. And until the caue V removed.
ir orodncera can never count on recelv-
It.ea full and fair price lor their cereal. than fifty miles due west of this
dir. nature offers one ot the best natural
Harbors on the North American continent.
V Uhont any Improvement whatever on
tttf hiir nl ?ho Tnrtinh -ot this bay, lteht
draueh't vessels can now enter safely and
certainly. Winter or Summer it posltive-mi-ted
with ice or
shifting sands. Once acros3 tlie bar and
. there opens out a commodious bay, hi
wbtch the commerce ot the world might
float In safety, with water sufficient for
the la rsrest vessels that float. An appro
priation of f 10,000 has been made by the
General Government tor the Improvement
ot tills bar. In other words the Board of
Pacific Cst Euehieers have been instruct
ed to deepen the entrance to this harbor or
bay. known as Yamuna Bay. to a depth
sufficient for the entrance of the deepest
draught vessels, and $40,000 appropriated
to commence tlie work. The Chiet En
gineer ordered the necessary survey of the
mouth o! the bay e that the work con.u
be inaugurated and carried on successfully
and advantneeowdy. These surveys have
been made, the maps and charts nearly
mmniiii!d. itul In i few days the Chief
Engineer will telegraph to Washington
J or authority to commence the work :t
once.' "When the' money appropriated ; is
nwnil'vi. r.nort will be made and the
amount necessary to complete the work
uriuvl for annronriated bv Conres. This
( ,
is the coarse pat-sued in all government
. . works.
The matter ot building a railroad lrom
this city to Yaquina Bay has been urged
noon the' people of thisvalley lor years,and
the main obstacle to its success was lack
of aid from the General Government in the
improvement ot tle bar at tlie entrance of
the bay. .That matter being an aceom
jilwbed Cicr, there is now no serious ob
stacle in the way of the building oi the
railway to the bay, work on which will
commence, as early as the weather will
permit In the spring, at the bay and. will
be pushed toward this city as rapidly as
"" abundant means and energy will permit.
With the completion of this railway tlie
producers of the Central Valley wlil be
more greatly benefited titan any other
class ot our people. If tlie road was now
In operation our wheat would sell for one
-dollar per bushel.
Ttae rreawlenra atesMK.
The President's message was delivered
at Washington on Monday. 1 It is a lengthy
document, containing 15,000 words. It la
-a clear, sensible, trutbral statement that
isll can read understanding. ; His remarks
In regard to the outrages opon tlie electoral
rights in the Southern States will meet
with the fullest approbation ot all right
thinking men. The'adoptlon of rigorous
means for the suppression ot polygamy
are recommended. The new Chinese
treaty is promised next month. ; Tlie silver
question U also ably discussed. Detailed
Information is given regarding onr finan
ces, allowing them to be in a satisfactory
onditlon. The President refers to the
Columbia-and Mississippi rivers as the
two great leading rivers ot North
America, insisting upon the importance
! their improvement. lie refers to the
doty ot Congress to provide ; for ' General
Grant in such manner as his eminent ser
vices deserve, and in such manner as would
meet the unanimous approbation of the
country. Ho calls ttentl'ui . to the re
modeling of the Supreme Court, making
such provision as would enable it to ac
complish the business before it. It is an
able State paper, and we are sorry that we
bare not a sufficient working lotce to pre
sent it entire in our columns this morning.
jnla4eipliia PrceM Srul oltti SlOO,.
A fund of one hundred tlHKand dollars
hi been Talscd In Philadelphia and will
N pnacntl to Grant in a short time.
The idea originated with some ot Grant's
personal friends who think his present in-
nme not sufficiently large to support him
in a style Worthy of jtn ex-President.
.John 21. Jr orDcs ami oincr weaitny n-.en
l Beaton were spp"0 to wben tlie object
was first thought of but tlie New York
Ti'rus, ex.Preldential fund had got the
Etxrt and so Grant's friends In Philadelphia
mens thrown upon their own resources.
Tbe PhUadelyhut fund ts . exclusively - for
Crn.'it, aad it was stated to-dny by one of
ts 6 oesi lnti.nata ot tlie General's friends
?t te money had all been raised and was
! ; 1 l,i tank. He also said," white
t '.- to rive the names of the subscrih-
f -t iT.e money had been given by
. '! --j'Jl:can sod Deaiocrata. Withia
y or two according to the present
. . ar f-a GrAr.t will be invited tn.FhUa-
i e iMandecJ tho)ir-mi dollars
.' - : i-ti to Lisa.
lias been em
". -4 to attract .insects
t't r:i
H4, '.
The steamer Elder from San Francisco,
tried to get through the ice gorge above
St. Helens on Sunday, but was unable to
do so and liad to return. . Tlie ice gorge Is
ten feet deep a few miles above St. Helens,
and extends for a distance of at least lour
miles. This condition of things only
more so, Is liable to continue until spring.
With the opening ot Yaqnina Bay all this
will he stopped. Pasenger and freight
will not be delated for days and even
weeks in the Columbia river waiting for a
thaw so as to enable them to gvt to Port
land. On tlie cotrarv, tliere will not be a
moment's delay on account of Ice at Ya
quina liny. . Upon tlie completion ct the
railway from tlie Bay to this city, passen
gers and lreight frnm San Francisco will
be forwarded at once to this city, arriving
In prohably less than lonr hours after their
arrival at Yaquina and the time between
the two points, winter or summer, will not
be over thirty-six hours: In addition. U
this the priees fur fare and freights will be
about one-third the present rates.
We have the best assurances, and are
authorized to say. that the railway from
Yaquina to this city will be completed and
doing business early next -tall it is be
lieved by the first of. September, . J3S1.
The terminus of the jnad on the Bny has
been selected, and In a very short time
woik will he commenced on the wharves.
warehouses, offices, shops, etc., for the
ue of the Company.' The road is to lie
bulit of steel rails, fllty pounds to the yard.
and the rolling stock is to be first class
- Otnelal Vote or Orcni.
Hancock. Garfield.
Baker 620 ilS
Benton.... 098 744
Clackamas 972 1103
Clatsop 434 537
Columbia 223 313
Coos 5)4 C07
Curry 14S 14S
Douglas 1105 l'i.'ifi
Grant 4M 45i
Jsckson 1065 74.1
Josephine 279 103
Lake 37J 22
Lane -.. 10:i; 1012
Linn 1677 1415
Marion 13 2050
Multnomah .... 2720 S211
Polk .... ... 714 771
Tillamook- 84 . 134
..Umatilla 1535 1250
Union 899 6S4
Wasco 1510 1329
Washington 573 SS0
Yamhill , 94'S .3053
Total ........... .10955 20318
The Greenback ticket received 222 votes.
Tote of WaMilnstoa Territory.
Following are the lull official returns
Brents carried every county but four
From this time Washington territory may
be set down as Kepublicau, without possi
bility of contest :
Conn' ies.
ClM-halis.... .... 121
Clallam ?
Clarke . 600
Columbia 757
Cowlitz 262
Island. W
Jffersoi. 192
Kitsap.... -. 234
King 821
Klickitat 492
Lewis ..... 315
. 219
Mason..... 62
Pierce 512
Pacific 177
Stevens. J
-t?Dokan .. . . .... .... 714
Skamat.ia 4o
Snohomish 231
Sun Juan..... ' 12H
Thurston 4(Mj
Whitman 6S
Walla Walla... 9Si
Wahkiaknin . o
. 87
Yakima 211
Totals 8S10
Brents majority, 1,797.
A Cruel Slory.
An Inter-Ocean's special from New York
has a story of Kobert B. Bedell, cx-presi
dent of tlie Erie railway, who married a
dashing second wife in 1862. A conspiracy
then seemed to lie formed against him by
his former intimate friend A. L, Murray.
whose son was hU wife's- too intimate
friend, and its purpose seemed to be to rob
him ot his money. Under its baleful
workings his wile - secured a divorce and
alhnenv. and ho (Bedelll was one day In
July, 1876, set npou by A. L.. Murray. Jr..
Chauncey Bernard and J. fl. Comer at the
railway station at Goshen, held by two of j
them and beaten in the faee with a raw-
l.:... .1... mirl, tl, nnnftHtnl tutf.itt. !
of distroylng his eyesight. He ocly treed
himself by getilngbii hand on his revolver.
Ilis assailant tlicn fled but one of them at
tempted to shoot him as lie ran. He was
two quick however, and brought him to
the ground lor which he was afterwards
honorably acquitted- in court. - His wile
bad at first lelt bins suf reptltlously taking
away valuable, securities from the safe
worth $100,000. It seems to be a case of
too many relatives in tlie house all ot
whom assisted in making trouble.' Bedel!
lias been a very successful business man
and highly asfeemed. ' '
A very rich quartz ledge has been tlla-
coveretl on' tbe head Patera ol Uoqullie
rlyer by Glen Cook and others, . ot Coos
conntv. The led ire la - situated on Jolin-
son'a mountain, and Inspires great confi
dence among experts who have seen speci
mens of the oret - The ledge has been
traced lour miles, and twelve " claims of
1,500 leet each, have already been taken
One ton ol the ore has been sent to San
Francisco to be te&ted. It is tlie opinion
ol the discoverers that It is the source trom
where all the gold has come that has been
found in bars, creeks, pilches, benches on
both sides oi the Coast range of mountains
on the w est In Coos aud Curry, aod on the
east In Coos and Douglas counties. One
nugget of the value of $ 130 has been taken
out of the ledge. - Claims have been staked
off along the range for seven ot eight
roiies, and the discovery Is creating quite
an excitement. ,
- j The subcutaneous injection of sulphuric
twelve tiosit-s, is recommended by-Dr.
Comeryi for the successful trxafeuieut
J sm::
Watterson, of the Louisville Courier
Journal, a man as dear to Tilden as are the
ruddy drops that visit hi3 sad heart, says
that '"the democratic parly which in IS60
made a wnntoii attempt -to take its own
lite, and did precipitate the' country into a
costly, bloody and senseless war, has been
floundering about every since without com
pass or rudder seining at ; every expedient,
catchtr.g at every straw; all .ttungs by tarns
and nothing long.s . In . 1SG4 Ithad. a war
candidate on a soft-money platform;, in
1872, an ultra protectionist on a free-trade
platform; In 1S70, achieving a yictory upon
a coherent platform and ticket, only to
abandon both In 1SS0, wo find ourselves
beaten and discredited and ridiculed by a
party which," etc.. etc. .And so the
mar-Hfcer goes right on for a column, jnst
as natural and a true as it lie was writing
tor a Republican paper. I
An Outlaw Urave.
There was a cleaning out of the outlaws
in tlie Newcastle reghn of Kentucky three
y-ii:ra ago. Six of the offetHlcrs ; were
hanged by lynchers, but JneK Simmons,
ine worst oi tne gang, escaped iroui lus
pursuers in tlie mountains, and was not
after'.varJ seen. It was supposed that he
had made his way but of toe State. The
opening of a eave was recently . discovered
and within was the skeleton of Simmons.
He lay on a bed of straw, where he Is pre
sumed to have died of a wound received
during his fight from the moh, aud by his
side was a tin box full oi booty.
A Modern Inquisition.
Some Galveston boys were impressed by
reading ot the martyrdom of saints by death
al the stake, and they dechled i to burn a
pet dog in the same manner. The leader
in the movement had a theory that the
poor brute's sufferings would resnlt in im
mortal joj's. and so be a good thing for it.
A post was driven into the ground, tlie
dog chained last, and a roaring tire built.
The boys sang hymns while j the victim
was roasting to death.
Solid Kuntlt Carullua.
(From the Greenville Mountaincer.l -Pursuant
to adjourned meeting. 'Tiger
Democratic Club met nt Masonic Hall.
Tigcrville, Greenville County, S. C, on
November C. : Captain I. jl. Jennings,
President, hi the chair, T.- E; Bwert, Sec
retary pro tempore. The club being called
to order. Captain Jeiiuing. in an appro
priate and very enthusiastic and stirring
speech, announced the meeting ready for
On motion the committee handed in the
following resolutions, which were noan
imously adopted, viz:
First that we. tlie members of Tiger
Club, have the good ol our entire country
at heart.
Second That we do not believe a lair
administration ot the laws will be given
us by the Radical party in South Carolina,
nor does that party eotuider th-j interests
of either white or black.
Third That prior to the election In-h
on the 2d. of November hwt. we urged
upon our colored citizens tlw importance
of voting with the Democratic party, the
party from which they derive all their
support and recognition. Yet in spite of
our pleading they almost to a man voted
the Radical ticket. j
Fourth That from henceforth we pledge
ourselves to discard any j man, white or
black, who votes with the Radical party,
and that we will not rent any ot our lands
to, or have upon our premises, snch men
until they prove their sincerity to an hon
est government or the Democratic party by
their works and deed?. j
Fifth That we earnestly call upon the
people of our country and' State to join
hands with us in this matter as the only
course tor the people to save the govern
ment Iroui corruption antl fraud.
Sixth That we beg the sitizens and mer
chants of Greenville 'ity to discharge front
their euifitoy any white' or black Radical
and fill their places with Democrats. ' '-
Seventh That we discountenance any
man who will violate any of the above
resolutions and consider him - wanting in
loyalty to lit party, ami scot linn as an
enemy to good govenimt nt.
Kiglith Tint, no tenants whom we may
h ive on our place sliill be allowed to
have in their employ any white or black
Radical. ' ' .
Ninth 1 hat any voter a stranger to
us who may apply to us for employment
must produce satisfactory papers that he is
a Democrat. ... ,-.. j - '
Tenth That a copy of tliese resolutions
be trans intrtcd- to-the-Oreenville paera
for publication. 'and that all oilier papers
in S utli Carolina - friendly to 'good and
holiest government publish also. '
L.. I. Jennings,
T. E. KWART f President Club.
" Trouble AvoMod.
' A Tribune editorial pertinently says :
If the electoral vote had been at all close,
then there would have been three chances
lor a row. First Defeat of the California
elector which would hare been set down
to Republican partisan zeal.'
feat of the Indiana elector which tha
Democratic canvaseiug board would certain
ly have nccoinplihlK-d if .the vote won Id
have made a diOerence, and thirdly, the
stupid failure- of tlte Georgia electoral
college to vote on the day appointed.
The. oct'iifTf-nce ot these blunders, likely to
be repeated under our complicated system
every four years,, should teach Congret-s
the necessity of .amending the method of
electing the president so that the escape
from a revolntjori every , four years may
not be considered a signal mark ot divine
- The International Congress of pSiysiclnns
who mnk'e a specialty ot ear dUe?f s wHl
hasre their next meeting, la 1884, at Banle,
fcwrttzerrana.' ine first one whs hekl at
of i 1'WladelpMa In nd tlia aae ttils
- j year at Milan. . .
A foot-iacer named Cozad, ; who got
away with some of the . Willamette Val
ley ites about two " years ago, undertook
his little game" in : Colorado tlie other
day and lost his "wind.' He was backed
for $13,000 to run 80 yards against a man
whom he could beat, but with whom he
ha "greed tp throw off, the race byjure
tending to bo taken suddenly ill after run
ning half the race. Cozad did - throw off
tlie race, when his backer, who had put up
large a sum on ins ability to win.
put a chunk ot lead into him,
career. . .; .
ending his
Sew To-Day.
Altojrfngiiie Co.
3XTo- 1,
I'ommlltfe ot ArrnneruiPot.
j. .. uiiaiOL li. .... ;. .. ..
oiuiuitlce of Rervption.
Floor Ceiuuitttr.
.91 BO
Administrator's Sale.
"VTOTTCE isherehy sriven that the nnc!errrn
X edutiinUiistrator or iho estate of Rotwrt.
Carter, deceased, will. !v virtue nfnn orilnr of
the Conmy t;onrt of t-iin county. Orearon, daty
made and entered nf recwd at the December
lerm oi tne said ( ouri in the year 18S0, on
Saturday, the 15th day of January, A. V. 1881,
at tlie Court House door m JAnn countv, Oi-e-
Stoii, nt the Hour of one o'-lock in the afternoon
of snld day, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder, the following descrilied real uroner-
ty. to-wit : Resinning at the southwest corner
of R. II. Pollard's donation land claim, not iflca-
jicn bo. i.vj . ana i-iaira xo. nt, in Tn 10 S, K i
west of the Willamette meridian, and running
thence east twenty-nine chains and thirt r-fnur
imks.t lit-nce north tliirtv-one chninsnnd eighty
Ave links, thence west to the-west line of saiil
donation land claim, tltenc south ten degrees
east to the place of Ui'iiintn j. con'alnin 100
acres niorc or less, situated in I. inn coumy, Or
egon. Tkbmb ok Sat.k.-' To tie for trold coin of the
United State- two-thirds of tlie imrclnt-e price
to ix5 ensn in nana, ana tne remaining t ntrn on
a credit of twelve months, bearing interest
from the day ot sale at tlie rate of ten )wr cent,
per annum, and to be secured by n mortgage
on the premises. . WLLL1ASI KIXIKK.
Hec, 10, 1S80 nllvU Administrator.
12, O.
& Surgeon,
(FTICK In Voshay Mason's drujr store.
CrouUalbiu street, Albany, Or-
Siotlee to Tsx-rtiym of l.lnn C'-euaty.
Notice isherehy jriven that I will meet tne
Tax-Payers of Linn conntv ate o'clock A. M-.
and remain until 4 o'clock p. M. at their respect
ive piuces oi voi insr m I lie several precincts,
at the following- times and places, for t he pur
pose of collecting taxes for the year 18' :
Fox Valley, Slomlav, November 29, 1880.
Pcio. Tuesday, Novem'ier 80, 188a
Franklin Butte, Wednesday, lleoemlier 1, 1880.
Kan tints. Thursday, Decemlier 2. IsihI.
Lebsinon. Fridav, L)eceml)er3. 18811.
SVaterloo. Stituri1(iv, Heccm'ier 4. 1880.
Liberty. Monday, Decembers, 1880.
fweet Home, Tuesday, Deeimilier 7, 1883.
Bru-di ;reek, Wediiesdav, Di-cetnbcr 8, 1980.
Mabel, Tlmrsday-. Decemlier 9, 1RS0.
lii-owusville, Sruturday, Dee-emlier 11, 1880.
Centet, Monday.' tf";ni!ier 13, 1380.
S rnctise. 'i'ui-s-lav, t'ei-einlH-r It. 1880.
i i-lyins. Wc-1tiejiv, I--'nii'r 15, 1880.
Jfni ris'.mi-jc, Tlitiwday, lecemtcr 16,18a0.
IIaloy. F:'i-.iuy, December 17. 1880.
Sliedd. Saturday, Decemlier 18. 1880.
West Albany, Slomlav, Jecember 20, 1830.
Kist Alliany, Tuesday, D ecember 21, 1880.
TAKE NOTIClj : Pay your taxes and save
fheriffand Tax-collector of Linn Co. Or.
Sheriff's gale.
NOTICE IS IIErtEBTOrVEN that bv virtue
of a decree ot foreclosure rendered in tlie
Circuit Court of the. State of Orearon for the
county of Linn, in a suit wherein Lillie J. Has-
orouic was planum ana M. 1.. iiasbrootc, c.
Cooley and James H. Wasiibnrne, partr-ers tin
der the firm-name and stvle of Coolev & Wash
burn, and Albert Butts were defendants, and
by virtue of an execution issued out of said
Court in pursuance ot said deereeof foreclosure
and to me directed and delivered on the 18th
day ot November 1880.voinmandimr and direct
ing me to sell the real property hereinafter de
scribed, I liave levied noon the mortgaged
premises as described in said decree and writ
of executiou as follows, to-wit ;
BcKlnnintr t the southeast corner of the
Samuel Johnson, donation land claim, beimr
slutmsSo. 32 and 38. nnd not ification No. 2.071
nnd Ileitis alsothe northeast corner of Elisha
Jriflith's land claim, and running thence west
147 rod, inence nort n ao rods, tnence east 147
rods, thence south 90 rods to llift-placc of bein
iitntr. cmtaininsr 80 acres more or less, lyine
an J leln in the county of Linn and State of
oixon, ana on eaiurauy, tno
1st day of January, lS81, .
at the Court House door in the eity of Alliany.
Linn county, Oregon, at. the honrof two o'clock
in the afternoon of said dav.I will sell thehere-
tnoeiore oescnoen mortaueea premises at pui
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hnnd. to satisfy and niv 'he demands of the
plaintiff in said writ, with the costs, interest
ana ai-inirsnMinra inereon.
Dated this stitb day ot November. A. T). 1880.
SherltTof Linn county. Ore-ron.
By S. H. Clauohtuk, Deputy. dec380nl0
Conrad Meyer's!
The Tmhlle i specially Invited to cull and ex
amine the largeand varied assortment of
Cl23?stzzias3 Goods
Jnst received af .Conrad Mej-er's, on corner of
isroauaioin ana r irai srrcois. consisting oi
of all kinds, uulqne and handsome ;
Wax, china & Rubber Dolls,
of all sizes, styles and prices ;
. -Baby Buggies, -
.for nice little girls ; . ..,t
Wagons and Teloclpedcm ' --
. for good little boys ; , -
' Blusfcal Toys,
that will delight the children ; J
Toy Sets, ' "
cheap and handsome "
Fancy Work -Boxes, .
hanthwrne for.pretieiit t any one;
and an almost endlossnnd InnmneruWo variety
AU kadspf tinfections, Foreiap an4 Uomestie
Call and see for yourself, as ypn can no tfalj to
in pieaiiuu uwu tu quaoiy ajiu pficea.
. Kotk Tilts- -Fresh Bread every dayv
'- Albany, Or,, Kov. 14, 1880-ia-J
Neatly eiecuted at tiii office.
Xirs. St., Albany.
Books and Drugs ;
pver broniflit. to tlie city of Albany. Also, a
lai-jje lot oi goo-.ia sdecteu especially ior me
Holiday Trade ,
such RsPoets in flne binding!. Illustrated Jn
venlle Books. Ailwima. Family Bibloo. Pictni-es
and Kmimrs. &c, &ts.. all of which will be sold
at prices to suit tne times.
Sheriff's Sale.
NOTICK IS HEREBY IVKN that hy virtue
of a decree of foreclosure rendered in the
Circuit Court of the Stan of Oregon for the
conntv ot Liun, in a suit wherein Andrew
Tripp" was plaintilf and 8. L.attrell, Uovey l,nt
trell nnd William t'uiininpliani were detend
mit. htiiI bv viitte of mi exeention issued out
ot said Court in pursuance of said decree of
foreclosure, and to tne directed and delivered
on the 18th day of Xovetnber. 1880, coinmand
imr and directimf me to sell the real property
hereinafter described. I have levied upon the.
lnortjcasced premises as described in said decree
and writ of execution ns follows, to-wit:
BeirinniiV' at the northeast corner of lot No.
3. in block No. 4, in thetown of llnon,tlience
south S3J4 feet, thence west nfty feet, thence
nort h 32 H feet, tnence east nity leet to t ne pince
of ljesrinninisr. in the eonnty of Linn and State
ol Oregon, ana on oaiuraay, uie "
1st dinj of January, 1S81,
at the Court Honse door in the city of Alliatiy.
I.itin coiinrv. Oregon, between the hours of
o'clock A. St. and 4 o'clock J'. M., namely, two
o'clock 1". it. of saldday, 1 wui feu ine nerein
lMf,ne fU-Mc rilicr! moi-tinured ureiuidesat public
miction to the hurtiest bidder forctsli in hand.
to mil ixfv and pay tne demand OI rue piumiin
iti said writ of exocut ion and decree of foreclos
Dated tSUs2;th day of November. A. T). 1880.
SherltTof Linn county, Oregon.
fell eri IT's Sale.
In theCircBlt Court-for the State of Oregon
for thecountv ot Lttin.
Luther White, Piaintifr,
vs. ,
IT. n Aflflincl. Tlefendnnt.
T Y V1RTCK OK A DfiCKEE of foreolosnre
I) in tin- alKive named court in tlie above en
titled suit, and an execution and order of sale
issued iu rmrsnance t nereoi, ana to tne au-eci-ml
nti.l (letlveiwd on the 17th dav of Novemlier.
1880, 1 have levied npon the mortgaged premis
es described in said d-cree, as louows, io-wii :
Cnnmein-i at tlie northwest corner of tlie
Jarcd anil Marv Mtehool donation land claim.
No illcHtlon 2i8, Claim 41. township 14, south
rnn-w a wmt. thence atb 19 decrees 30 min
utes west 100 ris, thence south "0 degrees 80
minutes east imt rods, tnence norm octrees
-Li tit'mtiitw iiwt lKti i-ols. thence north 70 de-
tfreesaii mlimies w'sr ito roua o ine piace ui
iM-iriiminLr. contanilii-' UK) acres more or iess
situated in the conntv f Ltnn and State of Or
egon, and on woanesiay, tno
2'.)?.'t d"U of bzcmh?r, 13S0,
nt the liotr t t one o'clock tn the afternoon of
said day. at the Court iionsv aoor in iiiecuy oi
Allwny.-in tlie county of Linn and Stateof Ore
gon, I will sell the herein before described mort
gaged premises, for cash in hand, to tbe hiirh
et bidder, to satisfv and pay the demand of
the plaintiff tn said writ. io-Tit, ine sniu oi
874 00. in U. S. gold coin, with interest at the
rate of one per cent, per month from tbe fln-t-day
of Octolier, 1878, and the costs and distmrs-
uients ol sattt suit aim cxiiense!. ii t-w i- m c
Dated this 25th day ot novemner. iwi
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.
By S. H. Clacgutos, Deputy. 13-9
nov-i6,80 .
ATbs,ny Furniture House.
' Manufacturer and Dealer tn :
- - . - -
ndroom Suits; Walnnt, Ash and Maile Parlor
Suits ; Tatent Bockoi-s, Easy Chairs and s
lrfuiijes a specialty.
SprinG MattresseS,
Extension Centre Tables,
Pillar Extension, etc.
A. splendid lot of
CD 330 -A. I 3FL ,
Walnut and Hard-wood Chairs of all kinds,
in tact, I intend to keep a first class
FukniturE HousE .
I am thankful for iat patronage, and
Intend tojnake It to the interest of all r
rcsidents of this city and vicinity to
come anil' see me. . 1
Corner of Second and Ferry streets,
Qrsam Qandy pactcry.
First street, opposite Mcll wain's
JJanufactnrcr and dealer in all kinds of
; Keeps for sale
'- -it , -f '.it. -:. n;, - :w:.;-v i
French and American
which will be sold at nrlces to suit the times
J'anies unit rjHUS-suppiiea wmi tsuann, i
C!e at reduced udt-Cs, 1 . "
You are resiKwtinHy Invited to give noeacall.
. '" : ' - i w iKmitw.
Nov. 19, ltidO-nvJ v.
IL3 0l3J
LftQieys" at Law,
OFFICE In Foster's new brick blot-k, first
door to tlio lott, up j-lairs. . vllnlS
Attorney t Law and Solid! ors
In Chancery,
Cr T f ' " , tKs- - i ,
0LL.ECTI05S promptly made on all po ts. '
Txians negotiated on reasonable terms. - i
viikq in x usicrsjiew uiwk jiuvaa
Attorney at Law,!
courts of the Slate. Special attention sfiv-
en to collections and-probate matters, office
in taiu r eiiows' Temple.- ii4viu
Iliimptare)r& Wolverton,
Attornej-a nitil Counselors fit Law.
of -thisStatc tJFFic-E in Froinan's brick
(up stairsl Albany,' Oregon, . Un49
A-ttorey at Law,
OFFICE Upatan-9, over John Brlgprs' store,
on First street. . vllnls
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Office, Otd Rat OJJtx Buildir. Albany, Oregon.
"H7"ILL PRACTICE in the diOrrent Courts ot
TV the State.
..-.. . Hi. BLACKBt'RS',
business. . - ..,.-.- u - 22v9
D. M. JOaiES, jrt,
Physicisin'iaiid Surgeon,
. . AI.I5ANY, onruos, ,
OFFICE At Plnmuicr's Drug Store, in Olid
K'-llows' Temple. R Est nKNCE- Second and
Washimrton streets, one block south of Ans.
Marshall's livery stables. itivli
and --"Sturgeon,
Fromans'J Brick, up stairs.
Flrttt street, . ; Altontiv, OreKQn
" viemo
V Kesidence one door north ol broom facto
ry, Lyon st reet. 11T13
ileitis F. WII2TaXO, ARTIST,
Fresco, SignP Scene.
- -. A Jill
Pictorial - IJiaixit,iir-
Rooms sand 7. Pavrlsh block. corner First
and Fei-ry streets, Alliany, Oreeron.
ALBANY, : . . OREC.OX, ,
Mrs. C. RoiiK, Proprietor.
TITTS HOUSE has been thoroughly overlmol
ed and renovated, and nlaeed in first cla
condition for the accommodation of Its srnests.
.ood Sample Room for (?mtmercitU Tnivelers.
General Stasre Ofnee for ( -orvallio. Independ
ence and Lebanon. Free 4'oitebto and froia
the home. . vimw
Albany, Oregon.
Tne Second Terai will open on
Wednesday, Sept. 1st, ISO.
For -partlculai-s concerning the cotfrsea of
study and the price of tuition, avply to
, Bev. ELBERT N. CI T, Pres.
July SO, 1880vl2n '
flT TV Great chance to make money. We i
VwliU" need a person in every town to take
aohse.ript.lons ior tne largest, cneares' ann uesi
Illu-dratiMl familv nubliiition in the world.
Anyone can become A inucccssl'ul aaenU Six
tp?iml works of art ariven free to subscribers.
The price is so low that almost everybody sut
scribes. One agent reiKM ts taking 140 sulwcrr
tMir in a day. A lady a stent rep -rts making
over 2(Vi clear proflr-in ten" days. AH who en
ffaire make money fast, yon can devote all
vonr time to the bnsines. or only spare time
Yti'i need not be away front- home over nlslit
Von ran do 1t as wellas others. Full direetloni
nnd terms ft-eot K!etr:itt ami expensive Onlht
fiee. If you want profitable work send ns your
urifties a r mii-n. ic corns noininv urn, 110
business. nonn wlo ensrawca laws to mKe
srretit pav. ' Address UeoKOK Stinm-t A Co., i
Per: lanii. Maine.
4 4-13 .
a week in your own town. S Ontnt
rree. No risk. Hi-aden if yott want a I
business at which pel-sons of either I
an make ereiit rmv all fhe time thev work. '
-. fori part Icnlurs to U Uallistt A Co., !
lid. Alamo. 4--ia
AdinlnlWtrhltfrX Notice o OeUltorsEa-
f tme of Iitlel Hrlnale, weeeaaefi.
"VTOTICK Is hereby gl -en to the creditors of
sala deceaseatiia an wnomit may concern,
that the underpinned has been dulv amtointed
administratorof the estate of tlie snid Haniol
Bi inaie, deocased, by an order or tue county
Court of the state of Oregon, for L,lnn Countv j
made bv L. Fliiiu. Judtce of said 'court, dated
the 4th day of Ootorber. A. P-. 1880: and all per-
sons hnvlmr eiaimSagainst said estate are hei-e-
oy rcqinrea-to prescni inem, wiiu ine proper
von-hersi within six months from t he date ot
this notice, to tlva-undevslKned at his i-eeidence
tour miles east oi snemi svrniion.iu hkiu couniy.
n. X), .M , 'All, i.i im ..,... .
J. v. wrtsiit, atry. tor aura. - - . vuma
StoeKholdcr'a Mcetlnjf.
ajOTICK IS IIEBKHT IVE?i that the annn-
.a ai meeting ii tic uiwMtuHa-i, ,n meiouf
Conntv Agrtcuitural Assoc-iation will he held
in room So. 3. second floor- of Odd Fellows'
Temple, in tlie-eity.of Alany. Linn county,
a - - m, f,V. .1 . . ... lun.ianr
ireguu, ,i.j.ith.rj uiu vj J
1881, at the hour of one oelock In the nttcmoon
of said day, lor the purpose of elect mg seven
directors for sutU Aswa-iaHon, to serve thenezt
ensuing year. - TUtUMAS FROM AN,
Albany, Oregon, Iiee. S, 1880-vl3nl0t .
HnhMt an-i only r-ir p W
f Ctntmmi--aiv Rzpaiilimu. Widely and
famrablsf to wn anv-iiphurieitati a a great .tm.
fihyh'eitti tnvf'r frnlity ml'aut it, Tt1bwi
hie qanliticsVf ttT-'n iwms plaster s-et:-i
rvlicnt inn. Jt r-iivi- lin5t at once and enrcs
where eh"r f.""l -r to rr:!nv.- IJ a
wtthent ?-tM f lst. riiftfijr -eer dtn4d fcf
I amors'! Vr -sk T 'r'r, P.'!win.itifm,-Splosl-iUja
Kidney Uomfilalnlssnd " locAl schna ami pains.
Avc'ti',,'-.-!!,- v" l by nil DrugiMlr.lrlceitc .
biAUUUTt ii ivaxtott 21 Piatt fit., K. Propra
bas opened a splendid lot ot
Toys. &,Christm n
In Gradwobi'tn'ietc, taly oooopied toy 4a
, bain, on First street.
" .... ..... - , j i '
Toy8 ror t he Holidays, aU of which I intend
rosrarctleas ot-cost, to ciose ont ia tbaw-"
nnes. ( -nil aud be eonvlnoed t tbe trBtfftani
tbe above. - - - . ,
a. jroaxjfia
Alliany., Orepron, Kov.'iS, 1S80.
Broadhead Alpac
1 rtl '
X. lain their ataudard of eaccUeooa aa
Cheap & Servioabl,
in damp weather, and are not excelled fry aa
similar goods, neither . - . .
An entire new lino of the most dcsirablcshatet
just received at. j ,. v. . . .-
SAItlUEL S. T0XJ2TG2. ' . -
Albany, Or., Oct. 32, 18804 13na
. a a
1. i, , ..1 1.1,.- T, .... 11-. IT 1 111."! Vr.bKSi.A .
7 IJoot. will find them at 8AMI-EL K. Temsv
Theae Bool are also made with the celalmttoA
Standaitl SiMV, -warranted not to ripk.
. C. JOHNSON, r.1. Di9
... . isoniaeopothic '
Pbysiclau - and Surgeon. 1 '
OFFICK In Froitianl brick block, aptatra,
Albany , Oregon. US
Zlsad. ' Bead. Head.
First Street, Albany, Oregon,
J. R. EiEitHE, : : Proprietor.
. T. - r . s.
If K imls the inn: ket atior,-tf, antl will pay
the hurries cti -h jirlce for U-.t-f. Pork. Hattm,
Veall'alve -! kciiS ; also. Hides nnsx
Fnrsloualit nw-1 : it, UKUKES.v,
OCtOlH!l I..liljt-Vl3nl. . ..
Hfsolisffon Xotlee. .
TMIE COPAKTN Kltr-HIf heretofore extstins
JL. between I. Hol-ielier-and F. tioeus, nnder
Tlie flrm-hnme of llo.n her A Goeist, in tbe Ciry
Market, is this day dissolved by mutual coo.
sent,.!. Goelz reiirm. All accounts ik the
firm must lieiettle-.l lmme-liatety ; jnrtie hsv-,
mfr cliiim airamst tlie arm i:n imw-iil them
at once for payment. !. ITOl.Af -IIKK. v
Albany, Or., Xov. 19, 1880. - .
Ladies' -Variety Emporium,
GermmZeph'jr. Cania.1. Thread. Tin, : v
Meedlcs, Jiuttrms. J'eal lintr .yvitrJt-
, es and Curls, Hosiery,. Stamped
Goods. tCc-i tCc., &c.
Alsif. Ajjcnt'or Pr. -irarneri
Healtn Contt s T - '
Cblid's Wastst .
ann Madam FojeM i -
Corset r Sliirt t SupporteB.r
ESFrench "tampin ' donolo hnler. .
1.14afJi,""''a'hiu st onnortire Post nfflecUF9Sr
heury.w. SL:mi & Cjo
f I1
- Knton Count, 6th Gist. KtniuaZf?
oFFtcn. ' - '
35254 West TWi
: cincir.riATi
' E. Snltmarsh, agent, Albany, , ireuon. vl&s "
ppcf buswesa now before the ph;e.
AiMM. can mate money luatt-r at k
than aayUiinK elee Capitai not
ot-s fnr
- twii. - -
we win srart you. ?ij a tiay n, -, ?
made at borne by the tniu4ti-;oTis.' '
women, boys and ftirls wanted every . i
work for us. Sow Is the time. YoatMno
yonr whole time to the work, or out v vf
spare momenta. So othor tuwuxot -a i' i. r
you nearly aa well, ho one wmirs-v i. w'r--
can fail to make enormous ;iy by mst-'r sv
once. Costly Outut and tcnus fine. A sifts,
opportunity for maktrtir ntoiiry - v
honorably. Addreoa Ibix A Co., a
Maine , . 4i- ,
T""""V r jr-.- tiUT TAZT, t if..-,,:
Ts - f itnrwr h'-tli-.i .
I -!-'-'! I (- I Is80.-:FK t '-.
"' i' f i - f '-'-. ! aiWrsss - iij-
H. I 'vi If i -7 Mtesrhm: e.
f - is, Sjpnpil(in r;
. mhmiMiii- .-, tB'tf. rrt-i : ---fl
with ovrr l."ot Uti-TrHiKn. ,s -Koods
at Kho.fcai. irnv in iik'..
wb nifiK tnm ti.rr ni.-i 1111.
, lHO.M'(;iHi(lV WA ft. I i .:
1 M a 2 Si WltU.U A.VA,,
I V 1 ' :.. '.'I ' -f ' Ik