ajggS- VOISmXR.'-XIH. ALBANY, OREGON, DECEMBER 10, 1880. NO. 11. It you have a friend wottfc loving. '. JLove him. Yes, and let tiita know That you love him. e'er life's evening Tinge his brow with sunset (low. Why should good word ne'er oe Mid Of a friend till he U dead T If 70a hear a song that thrill you, Song by any child of song. Praise U. Do not let the singer ' Wtt deserving praise long. Whr should one arho thrill your heart 1-ack the Jo you may impart f It too hear a prayer that enovet you. By it hniable.pleadlnc tone. Join it. lo not let th seeker Dow before hi God alone. Y? hy shoukl not your brother share The strength ot "two or three" In prayer? If tou see the hot tears falling F- brother's eye. Share them. AndJsr turlng. Own yottr Vinil wfctrihe skies. Why should any owe brgtar) , XV hen a brother's heart is sad f If a silvery laugh I rippling Tlimneii the sunshine on hi face. Share it. T1 the wi man saying, r-.tr notti joy a ix! grlet a place. There's health and gondii in the mirth Li which an honest laugh has birth. If vour work I made more easy 1?T a friendly, helping haiMl. Sav so. Speak out brave and truly, 7re the darkness veil the land. Should a brother workman dear Faster lor a word ot cheor f Scatter thus your seeds of kindness, All enriching as you go - Leave them. Trnt tlie Harvest Giver. He wilt make each seed to grow. Sv nntiHt happy end. Your life shall ueuer lack a friend. & W AS Sizes Mtf Sel Without lies the country, now clothed In ft winter robe, ami warmly glowing beneath the last kiss of tlie setting sun. The pine trees in the distance stand motion less tttider the gfeamtng mantle which has lain en them many weeks, and over which many more must pass ere they wave their shadowy bough beneath tlie summer sun . ttc now cne meats wiiki whistle as ir that dy wnnM never come ; hot It hard ly ra ivt-t. nVrwIy as It may try, the snow, T!t hr-und in the icy grasp of a true Cana Jin w'V.tr. "tSUil.n i'm very u1fT..r tt cene n 'st-ge 11.ir.r1 ot w'jich trirt ov.eii book shelve, tor 2J-? ohiiirs and the heavy curtains pr S.:'u1 fir.t it is riot a'llbrary jmst ef simple, re'. rvd for tlio -qutt-t studies of thf master, Imf. in DiiaTy cosy room - snore elten tV. : not ittvxdtd by other members of the '.Kr.i'.y :uaI for lew legitimate rurr"es. ll.it. .1-1 M vle ray. "If father will make hi tiHl the cotct. jolliest room iu the ttonse.. who enn blame us tor liking it Jut now a great wnnd fire I blazing. Hglrting np three girlish forms Imaging on tlie rug iu mint uiMliguifitHl yet not un graceful attitmle. now revealing the whole fiMvti, then sinking Into gkwhg gloom. . "l wonder, mother. Itow m shall get on with Eleanor I shan't tand It If she gives herself airs," says Had go,- tlie priv ileged member of the family, though she is 14 year old. ' "I mean to like her. Mother's niece cannot be very disagreeable.."r The speaker is a slight, delicate blonde of 17, whose transparent llly-and-rose co.ii- ptesjioo has cansed many an anzioua pang io her patweta, as they remember the early 4catb f her auat lienor. - saettter of the MjJected orphan cousin, Eleanor Tempest, - A last the sWgU beds are heard. an3 all rie and heated to the hell o welcome the wesrjr arW. .Jj. "Vol mvM t4 he mm nf live t ays Mr . ; Annesley In a hearty f voice. handing ski a confessed mass or fur and clondyrwj-aps, out of which, after sundry struggles at length emerges tlie dainty routidei f.raj of the tonglonked for couin. Tlien come ' ki!vs and , embraces, ami.l which sr iehnl mto the library to warm herself before, dressing for dinner. - . ' An lmur Utter there asnea' the click clack oThtgh-heeled" shoet down the broad. ahalltr sUlrcase; aod the -; riewly arrived trareler now fully reveals herself.' She tiasa sllgfit girlish"- iletire. a llukf noble 4iead, on whieh the brown loeks'ara gather ed back httoi rtctt knot At dikV stokl. aweet stv&keeyea'and a tended neblte roou; Itund, tha beaut- 'of the family. is WBu;nroeher,,t but her beauty-U' of such a diferectt ti P that there u no fear elhelrJi- dasfdng. - Regular teat- iures. dark af'&y hs.Ir, eyes black aa night, nd i'tnti Juna-JCke fora. Such la this Reason's belle otQiiebee. . - - pfjn attha Aneesley to ,ery jjleaMtnt meal. . There fs bright raoy talk m rtfMio' i)m hmlliMM AMii jIpti ' arwt tt t little wonder that Eleanor la sooit at home ftrao9 iimm U. iMhrnt eediv ioar(r ibi palm by, bar animation brilllaqt repartee. 8 ' -' -' : - -. ;' - 1 ' Has Kat come yet. V ) JTo ; he will be amy til' thsYettd ethe week. ' Lucky df;, to h statkiotg-1 game, while I am eondetnned u this v,-rlatiug pril ! Do yotj kiiy i ti- Beverley ft cfT her dsnee oi t si- nt t She said vml4 not vestiur iw it Sjl jhe bet 3afoer otit f lwn." . . - ,fTIat auIrnrS't!'- initj, Thh "IVrji-iiflio. . rean Aiitinon tu-t rtp--t!jugit Grevi.-iu lru eroia-'i' Jt h a wr"b of gohfii curls ? I fits j'.irt hi?si iiie Uus curled d.rlln." ' '., -f 'I w vxfo she 1$ pQw!" "But who Is the redoutitable Nat ' queries Nell, who is not wanting in wom anly curiosity. "Nathaniel Drummond, my dear child, is Captain ot Ours, tlie last remaining scion of a noble Scotch family, who, for aught I know, possessed the ancestral castle when William tlie Conqueror was in long frocks ; and he is the best fellow out into the bargain." "Yes," puts in Madge, "ha ala-ays bring me bonbons." With a laugh at this unanswerable logic. the ladles rise and leave the room. Father and son soon follow, but they find tliat tlielr pretty relative has retired to rest. wearied With her long journey from sunny Devonshire to the frost-bounded shores ot Canada. e e a . - a JHelrh bells jingling. Ice boat fMn along, looking, with their "great white ails like monster swans ; the ceaseless hum of voice, as skaters of all sorts and conditions nweep hy some bent on bust nes. for the frozen river li tlie high-road for all traffic ; others on pleasure hig1jr. tn couples or a dozen abreast Tlie Annesley's and Nell Tempest have just arrived on tlie busy scene, clothed to their knees In long sealskin paletots ; be low, short velvet dresses In rich keep colors, hardly hiding tlie little well-shod feet. Neil, her dark gray eyes kindling with ercitement beneath her Yoond seal skin bat, makes a bewitching picture In the opinion of the party of officers who hasten up to proffer their services to the popular Mis Annesley. All are Introduc ed to Mis Tempest, the last name causing her to turn hastily and bestow a careful look on th owner thereof, when she en counter a pair of dark eye scrutinizing her with an amued gleam -at her evident surprise. Instead of the golden haired giant, with regular chiseled features whom she has had described to her, she beholds a man with a world-worn, weather-beaten look, a face bronzed by exposure to sun and tempest, with dark glowing eyes. which can both soften Into tenderness and hum with fierce anger, while his tall. nervous torm gives evidence ot strength and endurance Meanwhile Maud Annesley Is taken pos session of hy Sir Arthur Con vers, a young F.tirlih Baronet who I unending a winter in (aniHU for h'oting. and has been eu slaved hy the bewitching evr of the Cana dian beauty. IjSi-V timctt'ntes hlme!f Veil squire, ai. ! n U-r.i U sVits in m hercomi;! w.ifoa ;vi:h .p-its?v ve'iwl rs- twfJl her tics? tT4iy oil t'l-- St. Tt'Vr.;iife Nell lierelf lw no f.;ar ; lie i a irfl cient vkater. and a she Hie a!ong the only pervt-ptible movement being tle waving utKliifattot. ot ber lithe fram she niicnnst-fcxislr tonn. a pU-tnre whh-h even Canadian piuw to ailtuire. Wh;le lie W renting a few mnmeiits. the bright carna tion flooding her cheek and imparting a mote sediKtive brilliancy to her eve. Captain Drumaiotid draws near and avail hiinMflf of tlie ch-tnea of a tete-a-tete witi-. her. "Ilave you been as far a the ice-bridge ? "Xo i we have onlv been a very short distance tip the river." "Will you come with me ?" Nell smiles asent. and hand in hand they go. Ia.t a the wind, his strong grasp taking her along at a rate she had never hehre atf omp'Ulteil. "Oh. how delicious 1 It is better than dancing-" "You like excitement, I see. "Yes to fell that one is living. I can not hear stagnation." "Jfor allow tliose near you t.t fee! It" with a meaning smile. A bewitching smile is all she vouchsafes hlin. "Are you going to Mrs, to-morrow ?"' asks Xat, regain their companions. . Beverley' dance aa they .almofct "May 1 have a dance with you?' "Not nntes you are A 1 In dancing." "What a question fwr a bashful man ! yon iiave rotled me of my last grain of connrtence, Misa Tempest. I . begin to wonder whether I can daace." t. - I will give you m round to see ft you are good enough ; Good-by" ; and off she glide to Join her cousins, while Nat. a lie returns to the barracks in the .deepen ing twilight, cannot forget the sweet dear eyes of the girl who has flippantly teased him of whom nxxt women stand in awe. On the following night, at the ball, this Impression deepens. Nell, with her dan gerously seductive face, and her fair white shoulder rtdng like flower from her black dress, lighted here and there with pal gleaming water lilies, bear all before her.. The men are all lnfktnateil she treats them with a deboiinair nonchal. auceall her own.. When thee are !- Ing. Captain Drummond murmurs in a low tone, tinged with Jealousy : I am sorry my dancing was not good enough for yoa to allow ma more than ne raise.., . -Why. Captain Drummond, you ar really cross ! I wish you a better temper before we meet again. - lie tunts away angrily, knittings hi brows. ' f . Dtj s 'nj; tjielr flight, uncounted amid t he un i ti es ot a Canadian seaou: Mauti and Sir Aithur Conyers are tost in the etyxiuin of $H gr-t days of their engage ment. ' Nat Prnnimond and several of hi brother officer are constant worshiper at the shrine of the fcoaulijal Mis TeoipMt. She apparently favors no one in particular ; hilt nnw mnA imIii I t,l tof. KIm.I. -fBM I ZZa IZ . . T V ' T V" wl t early 4hef dtpop befora tb fervid gaze of Captain Drummond, betray Ing that the citadel is, not invulnerable, as she would lead herself and others to sup pose. On this evening they are sitting In the deep recess of the oriel window, shut off by tlie heavy curtalua from tlie merry group round the Are. : In the deepening gloom Nell's eye have a tender look as she gazes out upon the snowy expanse of country bound by pine forest. 'Do not the old pine trees look beautl tut with the rising moon silvering the! white boughs!' I often long to be under them." "Flave you never been ?" "No. never." "Will you let coa drive you there to morrow f" Oh, how I should Ilk ft I Will you really take me " looking npat Mm with all the eager anticipation ot a child In her limpid rye. "It won't bore yon t" ' With a smile of amuemeiit at her naivete blended with a deeper teeling.'Nat awuirr her that he will try to endure the tedium ot her society for an hour. "At what time will yon come t And will yoa drive Don and Boy "If you ate not afraid ot thdrbolting." "Not at all. I should enjoy being spilt in tlie snow. Flow undignified you would look, emerging from a drift and vainly seeking poor roe entombed iu an early grave !" At this )iincure Mr. Annesley's voice i heard asking Nell to sing. Nell rises and goe to the piano, leaving Nat on the window seat. Her voice is wonderful !v rich and sweet : the liquid notes flow with out effort and are very thrilling. Nell strikes a few quick chords and then she breaks into the tumultuous bitterness of Rlumentlial' "Life." ber voice swelling to passionate longing, and then sinking with the subdued rhythm of the music to a resigned patience like the sigh of a wearl ed soul. At the listeners' en met entreaty ong succeeded song, the last one being "Good- by, Sweetheart. As she rises from the piano, Nat is close behind her, ami he thanks her with an eloqnetit look which sends the rich blood mantling to tier cheeks. and causes her. she knows not wby.hastily to join the others. Punctually at three on the following afternoon a light, elegant sleigh, drawn hy a pair ot young thoroughbred chestnut d-ihe up fo the door of Annesly H . d after a few moment restless cliamK i of their Mr and pawing of the soft now. they are off ag-iln. hesriug. In ad dition to their driver, a light form envel 0(ied in velvet and furs, with au animnted tace which gather freh brilliancy a they speed through the bright frosty air. Nat Drummond was the first to break tlie silence. 'Have you ever been in Scotland, Miss Tempwt" -No : my mother wa so delicate hat we always trave ed about In tlie south of Europe ; and alter ber death I lived a very quiet life, spending my summers In Devon shire, and going to Loudon for misters in ttie winter, l was very glad to come out here, for I have no one belonging to me iu England." I very seldom go home, for the cattle eeeiii so !ii'ly and deserted, with no one living In it, tlist I can't stand it. It I bearable only when I have a lot of fellows there for the shooting." "suppose you asu us an to come over ami rtay there next summer ??, . , "Mippose I ask you to come and stay there ? with a sentimental look .which I not entirely ansumed. Supiose I should decline tlie tnvita tiou to such a dull place ?' ' -I wih "Sever wish, ami tlien vou won't be disappointed. "Do you always follow that maxim ?" "I generally get what I set my heart on." "I wlrii you'd set your lieart on uie. "1 be game I not worth the candle." with a coolly disparaging look, .which si lences him fora few minutes, during which he gazes straight ahead, white .fAe leaning back among the furs, regard him with a mischievous smile. Presently , turps bis head, and Id serious tace amuses her ; the dimples deepen as she laughs, and he is Jain to join in, albeit at Itis own expense. At last the pine forest is reached, and at Iier eager request lie assists her to. , alight, and leaving the horses at a shanty near at hand the two penetrate the somber depths ot tlie forest on fuot. " A solemn silence reigns around ; they seem to be the only living creature amidst tlie quiet motion less trees which appear so grandly . beauti ful In the rays ot tlie declining sun. A too tender remark ot his breaks - the . spell which has hitlierto held them. Blushing furiously, she abruptly turns the conversa tion, anil with her sweet raillery effectually wards off for a time the fervid word which they both fe:I sre imminent. As he wrapf her carefully in the great fur rugs, his eyes for moment cleave to that Vac tluLt rtrtA Mn,l : And then fall hlinri and die with siebt of it Held last between tha eyeuds. The tin re home Is spent in that delislit. ful silence which can fall only between those who linger on tha hapor border-liuui of unspoken but not uureyealed love, It is tlie night of tha military ball. thoughts of which have monopolized tlie mind of many falrdaingels n Quebec ftjs tj, inft fortni-ht - . . B"B n n the drawing. room, awitmg the coming of tha -ysra Nell, whose toilet tills evening has occu pied more time than usual. Maud looks queenly In a pale pink satin robe, with diamonds sparkling on her breast and hair. Edith, in ber gown ot pule blue, gleaming through soft lace, looks equally beautiful, tliough io a less imperial style. The irrepressible Dick flings open the door as a sllkeu rustle is lieard outside and announces "Qnreu Eleanor." She steps In. more radiantly beautiful than usual. clad iu shimmering white silk and cloudy lace, looped here and there with exquisite bunches of freshly culled crimsou and yel low roses, ber ornaments a magnificent collarette, and bracelets of rubles and diamonds. y j "Oil, Nell, derllng, you surpass your self to-iitght I" exclaimed the two girls. ' 'A thing ot beauty is a Joy, torever, " adds saucy Dick. " Ton're eieedlnelr pome, Anrt 1 think it onlv rlarht . To return tlie compliment, She sing gayiy, making him a low obeis ance, "You want a boqnet of row: to finish you. "-say Maud. "And, by Jove, here It is, exclaims Dick, as a servant enters with a boqttet addressed to Mlsa Tempest, composed of rosea similar to tliose on Iter dress, fresl and dewy as If gathered on a flue June mom. Nell receives them with a blush which deepens as he catches a glance of indul gence In Dick's blue eyes, while Edith observes astutely : "I thought the thistle was the Scottish ladge. not the rose. As tliey enter the ballroom, which I hung with flags and bright with costly exotics, the Misses Annesly are as usual. Immediately surrounded hy a thtong of applicants, civil and military, eager to fill tlielr caeds with Illegible hieroglyphics. Maud Is claimed by Sir Arthur, while Cap tain Drummond carries off Nell in triumph having taken care some days previously to secure several dances with her. "How radiant yon look to-night !" lie murmurs, as they float round to tlie haunt ing rhythm of the "Dreamland Valse." Yes ; I feel as If I must enjoy myself to-ntpht. Do you know that feeling whe one's very happy, as If something dread ful were gning.to happen P I think It mut he to keep us from going mail with perfect happine"." Don't let such feelings spoil this even ing. A child like you should not have such fancies. Child. Indeed' a merry laugh clias- Ing away h'.r .momentary depression. I o you know I shall be IS next month? You know mutual confession Is good for the soul. "Nine-aiid-twenty," he groan in a tragic tone -fast approaching tortv. Tluink He von. I shall never be fat and fair as well!" . 'No; no one can accuse you ot being fair to sec. I can nicture vou lean and wrinkled, with a villainous temper." " "May yon never come in for a share of it. in revenge for the insult I now-endure with lamb-like submission!" "Aiy temper may De wore than yours; so 1 shall still have the bext ot It.' As the laat sighing no'es of the valse die away they saunter off clone one of the inviting corridor, ami ensconce tlieuisel ve In a nook wrwnnl from the inquUitlve gaze of eiiaperons by lovelv batiks of flow- When her next ptrtner finds her. after a long search, Ne'l nid the Captain are sitting ostentatiously Amrt. Nell with drooping eyes and rosy blush, while Nat' buttonhole Is decorated with a tiny yelh.w rosebud which shortly before had reted in her dainty bodice. - Tlie bourse fly. Nell' little feet have glided nntlaggingly through most of the round dance, and he Is renting In her favorite haunt, white Iter partner, a Sus ceptible young lieutenant, is gone to fetch her an Ice, wlh-n some word-, uttered by a pasehy causes her to listen with strained eyes, ami blanched clieek. Ou her part ner's rvfurr. he Is struck by the sudden alteration in her took. Are yon 111, Miss Tempest ? ' You look frozen.'... ,, "No thank you; I am all right" with a bitter little laugh and, a fierce pain at Iter heart. ,. . Sslie remember with a pang that , her next dance Is with Captain Drummond ana a wild longing sweeps over her to escape before lie finds her. But- ha is al ready In sight, a glow ot liappiness light ing up hi dark fi.ee. and she calls up all her pride to meet him with, her usual man tier. -.. .' ; Will yon dance this, or are you tired?" be asks, with a lovingly searching look. 'Not in the least, thank you"; and they return to tlie ballroom. ';'', After a few rounds Captain .Drummond insisted upon taking her back to the con servatory, for he la sura, from her. pale face and distrait manner that she is more tired than she will allow. A she sinks wearily Into tha low chair, lie can no longer repress tlie burning words which rush to his Hps. Watching the effect of his passionate, loving appeal, he sees no answering emotion in her face only a chilling scorn. "How dare you speak thus to me? comes at last from her ahen llpsr . Row dare I ? Have not I shown my loy 14 you f t every word and act for tho last mouth? Surely you have 'not led me on with your false, beguiling sweetness only to make a fool of me?" 'Think what yon will,' she answered angrily, rising to her feet. "Good heaven, Nell don't try me too lart Y have shown, that you eare .for me; you can not say you dp not love me."' and moved by his great love" he strains ber light trembling form passionately to hi breast. Far a few seconds she lies passively In bis arms, tlien the sense of her great wrong returned with redoubled power, and she witlidrew herself from his embrace, and says, in clear high-pitclied tones, her eyes flaming with indignation: "I hate you! I have never loved you!" Iu his anger he says lu a hard, contemp tuous tone: "Great heaven, to think that baby face masks such a will! Heartless coquette, I will never forgive yon!" , She trembles at his cruel word, and al most yields to his great love, but tlie re membrance of tlie wrong ha had done tier rekindled her pastmi. JJer eyes sparkled through great tears, site draws beneir up proudly, and leaves hli.. standlug. with. down set lace and clenched bauds, trying to keep down the - contending passions which rge within his heart. A little later, Nell having escaped to her room ou the plea of beadaclie, is- lying prone on Iter bed, all her pride and anger gone, her bosom heaving and her frame shaken with bitter sobs. Will she never shut out the strains of the valse that recalls tlie moment when slie. poor fool, fancied that he loved her? At . the maddening thought sliw shudder, whtle a tierce ftal " niraine rises io tier Drow as sbe remem bers hi promt, almost triumpaut look as he so glibly uttered the falselioods which had deluded other victims before her. For hour slie is tortured by her dlspalr; but at last sweet sleep, more pitiful tlian man, closes tier eyes for a brief space to the cruel realities of the lite around Iter. Mouths have e!nped and lwve witnessed many change. Shortly after the memora ble ball. Captain Drummoiid's regiment was recalled to England, and Mis Tempest maintained an unbroken silence as to all that had occurred on that eventful night. and, though many bad wooeJ her since, it lias hitherto been In vain. ' Iu May, Maud Annesley became Lady Cony err, and her family, teeliiig the first break hi their cir cle, have been since then traveling to Eu rope. Edith and Nell are staying in London with Mr. Annesley sUter, Lady Helen Criiliton. It is tlie afternoon ot the 11th of August, hot aud sultry. Heather clad hills lie stetclied in purple beauty under the blazing sun. Scarcely a breath of air ripples the calm surtace of the lake, Sliie- liallion rixes in the dim distance, not cloud darkening hi rugged sides. All Na ture seem asleep In tlie overpowering beat. Die birds are silent; the deer lie quietly in tlie shelter of the brackeu; the fierce little mountain cattle stand cooling them selves in tlie burn. Tlie grasshopper alone has energy enough . to chirp his everlasting song as he skip gayly througl the heather. i le two girls are slowly sauntering along on the shaily side of the avenue. looking Iresh and cool iu thair pompadour c-hiiii z gowns, notwithstanding the Ileal of the day. Edith is swinging Iter hat as she walks and is in earnest talk with Nell, whose face is lialt hidden iu tlie shady depths of a broad hat, tied utider her chin with a white ribbon. Edith ,1 screwing up her courage to tel! her that Captain Lfruminotiu is one or tlie guests woo are coming for the morrow's shooting. At last tshe tells her trying to scan at the same time Nell's hidden face, while Nell Is thankful for the broad-brimmed lint which hides the hot flush that rises at bis name. A suihleu resolve comes over her to tell her cousin all that has passed betwterftbero and Edith lutein to Iter with pHyiiiganger, though slie can hardly believe iu Nat's unmanly behavior. "Well" with a sigh "It's all dead and buried now. I shall be a spinster to the end of the chapter. You will never tell what I have just told you, Edie; and you must help me to avoid him aa much as pos sible, though no doubt he will keep tar enough away from uie," she adds bitterly; and yet there is a tender light in her eya as she thinks she shall soon , see the still fondly-loved Nat. : if ley nave traversed the long1 aven no through flickering shadow - and sunlight, and have stopped a moment on the lawn to look at the lovely expanse of moor and lelt, lying a If asleep beneath the cloudless summer sky. Nell stands lost in thought, unheeding the sound made by the wheels of an approaching dog-cait, till a warning touch from Edith causes tier to turn slowly and find herself face to faou with Captain Drummond. Her lunate power of conceal Ing her feeing makoa her stand cool and e!f-possesed, while Nat gazes ou the face of the girl he had prayed never to See again, but which has haunted bis dreams, wakinir ana steeping. Miss Tempest quietly offered 1dm her hand, and, after some trivial remark, turns away and saunters to the rose-garden to gather spoils with which to beautify ber. self tn the evening; while Nat, with hungry eyes following her vanishing -form, does not liear Edith greetings. He 1 standing apart when she enters the drawing-room, dressed for dli.ner, in a soft Indian muslin gown, a lace fichu daintily draping the low sqnsrt-cnt bodice and simply gathered tngather with a breast knot of pale pink roses. He notices that her manner has a subdued gentleness, and. though her checks have lost soma ot : the soit carnation glow and hersweet Hps droop more iu repose tlian they have been- wont to do, yet the grief which has toned down i her sparkling gayety has added a depth to & beauty sod a tenderer Ifgbt tehereyss, Nell Is taken to dinner by Lord Hawk- i hurste, with whom rumor bad already coupled her name ; . and Captain - Dtum- mond has the felicity of facing ber and seeing the "hateful puppy" sunning him self in her smiles and apparently absorb ing all her attention, tliough- why Nat should object lie himself could hardly say. Whetlier by chance or design, Nell and Drummond do not exeliange a - word that night ; but he feels her presence and ob serves her every look, and when slie sings again and yet again, he listens, hating the siren voice which has allured him to des truction, yet lovingly drinking in every sad cadence. - Be half resolves to leave on the morrow ; but tlien be thinks It would be a shame to mis the twelfth, while It will beatuttstug o watch her well ' prac ticed arts on the silly . motby who. hovers round her... ; , - So be judges her tha pHow - of the gin who has bce so gay and .winsome that night is, however, wet with bitter tears, and her faithful colly, who sleeps on tlie rug xt her feet. Is disturbed- far into the Jiigtit by Ins mistress' fobs. The shooting has bean excellent. Some ot the guests have lelt, and others have re-. placed them ; but Nat Drtunmond still lingers. He sees Nell Tempest at meal time and on an occasional picoic excur sion, but he has not exchanged dozen words with her during, tjhe ten days, so Weil has sbe avoided htm. , She has grown paler and thinner, but this Is . no doubt owing to the heat, which, dally becomes more Intense. ; t he sportsmen are indefatigable, . as their well-filled bag proclaim ; and this afternoon some ot Uie ladles have driven np to the moor with their luncheon. Nell does not care to go, and has established herell with Jock, the colley, and a three- volume novel, in the punt., close ur.der a ihady tree. There she lie among the cushions, looking up through the flicker ing green leaves at the deep blue sky, while Jock pensively wjuched the fish, which splashed up close . under . his nose. And so the afternoon wanes.: Nell knows they have all returned from the moor, .but she Is too lazy to join them yet ; she craves a little quiet rest before putting on the weary semblance ot light-hearted gayety. The fragrant scent of a cigar rouses bee, and she silences Jock's betraying bark. hoping to escape observation ; but . tlie smoker stoops to look across the lake, and then perceives at tits feet s white figure recumbent among erimson cushions in tlie punt. Nell looks np and sees Nat. At last they have met. "How comrortatiie you look I" be say throwing away bis cigar. "May I stay a few minutes 1 We haye been nearly broil ed up on the moor yonder."- "Yon may come in if Jock will let you" which Jock magnanimously does. Now tlutt they are alone together they have not a word to say, for how can they oner commonplace wnen tnetr Hearts are leat.ing with tumultuous joy ? Sh6 has "raised herself to a sitting posture, while lie throws himself among the cushions at her feet. -mow you love tnac aog!" lie says jealously for Lord Hawkhurste has glveu hlra to Nell as Jock rests his head tn his mist'ess lp. unconscious that he is reduc ing her hat to an unrecognizable shape, and gazes with loving eyes and lolling tongue into her face as slie caresses him. "Yes ; he loves me." "I that tlie royal road to your heart ?" "Not with Mr. Forbes" meaning a little pompous man whose ridiculous at tentions have amused them all and they both laugh at the remembrance of several oenes in which his fussy, , pertlnancious devotion did not meet wtth the gratitude it merited. . i oeiteve x nave to- congratulate you on yourengagementtoLord Ilawkhurst-?" Is receiving a dog from a man equiva lent to accepting his offered hand ?" "No ; bu the world congratulates Miss TempesUo making the match of the sea' son. -. I' How unlucky ! I did not know what a catch be was before I refused hlt." "Refused him I Aud yun are still tree?" "Why, what is It to you. Captain Drum mond ?" haughtily elevating lier head It Is this to me," he says, raising him self and speaking in low, quick tones "tliat I still love you that I cannot do without you. , Notwtthsta ndlng your treachery to me. I must have you. You have loved me in the past, and I could swear you love me still. Since we parted I bare tried to thrust you from my, heart ; but I cannot. I would sooner have you, than an angel from heaven." , - And you think I would marry . you, snow...,; y,n, ucueveu " cnwi imngs oi m r'wilh white quivering lips. "You snouici ratuer beg my rurgiveuess tor the dastardly way In which you treated me. Thank heaven I was not long left in that fool's dream, though the awakening was bitter enough ! A few passing words just saved me." 'Great heaven, Nell, what delusion is this ? Of what are you speaking ?" No delusion. Had f not heard the wotds I would never have believed it of you," "What do you mean ? Yon shall tell me and hi ns ml unconsciously tightens on her till she can hardly bear the pain. "On the night of the ball I heard by chance that you were duping me as you had duped other girls; that ran had counted on your safe success wfth ttv nrettv child, and had eren laid a wxw on It" ' . "And you believed" it V ! f "Sow could I doubt it t It was a Meni of yours who said it" ." "Who? t "Ms jot Vernon.' Au imprecation escapes him st lL name, and he says bitterly r "He effectually cleared the way to pay his own addresses to yod. I wonder you refused him;"" - Poor Nell I She sits white and G11t air the bulwarks of lief trylstarkea pride crBrab llng at ber feet. Trembling she arises. and murmuring, "Please forgive me, eu deaTors to flee in order f3o hide her piteous quivering- face and falling "tears ; but a voice softened into indefinite tcttdernesw' whispers :' ' "My poor darling , vre "were both tee hasty.' ; ' , . - ' - , Tha weary head ' d.ffopa tipotJ t whouIAjr; where he twists kisses on Via. hpm! toa ,ti,.jrv f ' i . . blissful alienee sbe raise her face, re" red, beneath bis Impassioned, gaze. ."And you really orglve me V . i.."If you don't bate me.'" - - - " A look of anything but batreJ' answer him. . . - v. a;- Jock is by this time tired' of playing, 'goosebeiry," and he tries to remind tliem of the flight of time, and that they must comedown from the height er lovers talk to sublunary affairs. "So, hand in hand, they saunter home in tlie cool eventide, all the mists of doubt and sorrow dispelled in the sunlight ot a mutual love. .- As they paue in the deep porch, with tender teasing smile be says t ' .'You haye not told me" if you love me." You know I do," ls the answer. : '.Then say, N at, I love yon dearly, and will marry you whenever yoa like. "Nat, I love yovv and wilt tcarry you - someday.... . Then she raises her sweet red lips to his. and gives him her first shy. kta. and flees with burning cheeks from, bis .detaining arms to the solitude of her roc. AM Mile. Hutbertine Auo?ert, the cefew brated French advocate ot woitmii'i rights, ia described :is a. blue-eyed blonde of distingittahed appearance cd delicate tesvtarea. , ; Her age is about 25. She ia the daughter of a rich land-holder and was educated i a a convent. In. early lite she attracted uotiee by Um manner i whieb ah eeeetdexvd Cliristi autty as a sort of republican commtfuiKiu, Coming of age- slie" claTmel' her sTiare of tha paterual heritage, aud to the horror of her six brothers and sistera went alone to Paris in 1873 to Hv there. She became acquainted witk other ladiea of advanced views, and ia 1876 found the society called Le Droit des Femmea, the object of whieh ia lu obtain political' and social riehta inm - - - " - - women. Toe members of the Society number about 150 Eveay Wedaesday evening about thirty of tbetn meet ut Mile. A-uclert's apartment to dissusa their inter eata. Mile Auc'ert spoTk at the WorkingmeuV Concrrea held in ' Marseilles ia 1879. She ja. not a biil liaiit orator, but earnest, sincere and en- erjetic. Site possssast av haadaome tu rimooy and lives on her tnooma. The Roy a! Library of Berlia baa iuttt celebrated its first centenary 1b iu pres. ent rooms. It was toncded-' bv Fred. ,.af - rick Watiam, "the Great lector," in 1659, but for many; years coupled rooms quite inadequate for the eon van ienee of readers aud for tha storage of book. So tn 17S0 it migrated to tba- - King' palace, in the left wing of which- t has just completed its first century When the Elector died tha library numbered 20,000 volames and 1618 " MSS., while at present more than 00j. AAA t.i A . !- aaa mttn . - . vvu voiumea suiu i,uvv woo. are tn the possession of the iuslitatioo. From the foqaines eond acted by Pro-, fessor Hermann Cohn of-Breslao, siuoa 1865, it appears that ihort.sigbtadnesa ia rarely or never born with those cub ject to it, and is almost always- the re sult of eliains sustained by the eye da. ring study in early youth, ilyopta. as it is called, is seldom found among pa pils of village schools, and ita frequency increases in proportion to the .demand raaae upon, the eye in higher scbooU aud in oolleare. A. hetter MiiitrniiiAit fhool deska, at improved typer,ranh7 text-bocks, and a snrHment lTh&ni. tUbocks, and a snicient liTbtine? - oi classrooms are me remedies propce&i. to abate this malady. a . .. They are still celebrating the t-.rth ot tlie prtneesa in Spain. ' Ha J the its- fautbeen a prince, the King woM exalt himself until tho youth should Is big enough to rise up aud rob l-i-j cf the scepter, and lay bun awry fi Escoiial with the fathers tt t-'.Ik'e 3. parted greatness. : " - " In the nest hocaC2 rr-"-".;- i fl- will be oM meirTnr3f t ! tLcvtj IC re-elected from tha r- -5 f ----while tSwr.Ts r-:--. -3j f fiTCisat. aais smm SI ir.t-Jc iftem; tefoft tts -