The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 26, 1880, Image 2

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    .: -
tig jtqiittu
.cial Orfr Ptesper.
,Y. FBI DAY, KCV. . loS.
aurr written to My. T?ah. of
sellis, by cstfaens ef tiiieeilj, was
liaised is the Oregxmicm wil-out
nrae-t a few . awe, although
. letter distinctly eosindieled tUte
aeuvs spade ia that jap ''- tejwding
be tmoaot of errdi produced annually
m Lane, Lion, Deatea, Mariou, Polk
Yamiiill ana Waehiexteei c-nnties.
Io 18i9t 'paper, :& liadinf eiti-
sens at thia eit 7, w a pablislten, in whch
it was claimed tea the anttaal ptodue-
tteo ef eeresue m in sevse counties
above named enooauted to - seven mil
lion bushels annually. This paper was
used by the projector of tbe Oregon
Pw-iSc Railway (perhaps better known
ax the Yaqolea Bay Railway) in the
East, aau iaditatkm wf the amount of
oatjsdbg freight iba road woald expect
to btd1ivetcaVMoid ooan.
i tie. This statement was called in
qokm u't-iW treyonan, always an
oppoMsni of lbe enterprise, and by the
President of the Stat Senate, ITod.
Sol. Hired-, who ' characterized the
statement as lie. Not wishing to lay
under thin imputation, these gentlemen
took measures to obtain tlte actual
amount of Wheat in said counties at
the time, ai4 atter diligent bat harried
ioattinr. awcrtaiucd that there was in
warehouses ct" Lane, L'nn, Benton
Marion. Washington and Polk about
. -v r
the amount act forth in the circular.
On the 13th inst. the Oregonian again
poW ished what it claimed to be a iair
report of the wheat jnrodoctot the Sute
for 1850, credit ii g "Salem, Corvallis,
Albany, and smaller points on the Wil
latnette rirer with 1,001,320 cental,
or 1.6C8,8S0 bushels. This beine
simply another dab at the central val
ley, tlie friends of this rwtion of the
State tavre gone after the actual facts
and we pre the result below :
Tha fall returns supplied by the
millers and warehowemeu for lira val
ley ououtiea, in bushels, are as follows :
Una ... VHS.9M
Benton - f"
1 nrtrm ...... .. . ...... 1,297 ,0O
WubuM - SfH
Folk T 685,009
Tamhill. .......-.----.. 744,600
Lane... ...... .................. .1)00,000
Add is'pair'eenk. tor wheat in malt
warehouse ana St-i la tanners' band 936,488
Oiaad total.. .7,nsss
Red seed to centals, 4,307,803. And
remember these figures include only the
yield of Wheal ; it the other cereals bad
bea locladed the amoont would aggVe.
gate effanth, possibly one-halt, more.
Tn '0gwm figures tor tlie
wheat 'crop of 1880 for the whole State
is 4,C2,i3. eeutals.;' We can only ac-
eoant tor the discrepancy between onr
mm& the Oregonian by ob-
. -i awiiw"tfeiilatata tetania profess
to re&te to warshoaees, whilst i3tm fig.
ores wa.gira are supplied by the millers
as veil, or, a tattled ' determination on
the parrot, the leading journal of the
State to jwdenate aod belittle the Cen
tral Willamette Valley. We know
tba g-rea given for this - eoaaty are
rather below thaa above the mark,
While tba Scares supplied by the mil.
lata and warsnousenien ot the other
eoosUsa we believe to be perfectly reli
able and without a particle of exsggera
Wbeav twk jum. i; Chicago the
ether dy, aod tn ooniqufee sfreral
firms" were ciose-l oat. Wbethrr the
tsm m the price ttiere will iMiiure to
tba beWoa eTi)Miiodnnera tmme.
" 2jtor is largsly vwirijr, ww think, to
Bvallknle tocnae; that can be se
cured t- carry sway the wheat from
t2 Coanhie. rivtr sid the prioa. et
oankfc . Wlrf-fct ! alaiiced 2ets.
per cuts! n the Mrengtb of Eastern
jdmaoea. : The probability ot securing
ships at aa tartyay W.Oirgon seems
to beoaewrst problematical. Liver.
pool euotatitMa show wbeat at 9s 3d
10t tnr laVsrsge ; t0-8d tor Cai.
W -fablil tM?ay the amended
city charter passed by the late Legtsla.
tun, aa wbibb went futo efiVct and
bsxssttBTbnrj.ov and. atter October
Si, 1B8Q; - We are specially indebted
to efEdbmiaodating Secretary ot Sute,
Hon. is. P. Eakhakt, fur the copy;
leeg in advance ot its rnblii;tkn by the
Clats Printer. - : i . ..... . ,
! - i i
The Cinctcaati Enquirer (Demo.
era tic), aesong its reasons for the defeat
- et Hamsoftk, has the tollowiug head hoe
aa th coscldisg and bottom reason
n.r: (and this is tha" princisal
' . faaj.) All tli Good Thii Belrf
t,e llsvii&tm ey mvino .
Ir.l fi'ance, Now,
IJsnncforlh and
Forever.: . , J..
Tie c
- keen 2t
sl vota ct New York ha
ifel." GuCdJ . sta ti5r
"rrk 1,511. G&r'i'.J
Zl2Zu,l& Qtwmen to
." quo. : .
TrwmMe ! lUna.
Troubte is brewing ia Indiana. The
State Senate was a tie and Lieut-Governor
Gray had the casting vote ; hut
the death ot Williams, making Gray
Governor, leaves the Senate a tie. The
Demrats are determined to organize
the Senate, and it the Republicans stand
firm no organisation can be effected,
aud without such organisation neither
Governor or Lieutenant Governor can
take their seats, while the State consti
tution terminates the ofaoe ot acting
Governor on the second Monday ot
January. If the two sides lock horns
and remain in that attitude, the State
can be kept indefinitely without a Gov.
ernor. A IT. S. Senator to succeed
McDonald is to be elected at a stated
time, aud the Democrats claim that if
that time goes by, no legal election can
be had by the present Legislature, and
the next Legislature they nope to cap.
Bv the tailor of the marshal of the
eighth Indiana district to properly
make returns as required by law to the
State eanvasslng board.; Garfield's pla-
rality in that State is out down to 877
It is thought the marshal for the eighth
d'mrict. who is a thoroughly reliable
man, failed in entne way to be notified
by the Governor ot hia appointment.
therefore his failure to report. This
will in no wav effect the result. Some
one has been supremely careless.
hX -a 1
The ratMp r aeejr.
The investiealion in tlie Morey letter
case shows that the forgery was not
Garfield's, handwriting or signature.
but was that of Brown, his stenograph.
er and anianuenis. The forgers de
sired a letter from Garfield . so they
misftt ft a fac simile ot bis hand writ'
iug. Mad ley wrote to Garfield ex
pecting a personal reply, but Brown
answered the letter, signing Gen. Gar
field's name, as he was authorized to
do as Garfield's secretary. The letter
itself was ot no importance, only as it
gave the forgers as they supposed, Gar
field's handwriting. So the forgery is
not n Garfield's handwriting, but in
Brown's. Other than this there are on
new developments in the case, except
the fact that leaked out through the
carelessness of a Democratic Senator,
that General Garfield was io Ohio on
the date the Chinese letter was mailed
from Washington, and therefore - could
not have written it. Philp is setting
anxious to make term; out the . prose
cution seems to be determined to get
at bottom" tacts and punish all the guil
ty scoundrels it possible. ', This is what
the couutry demands.
Tt is believed that there will be
case made op against Fair, of Nevada,
tlie objection to his admission to tlie
Senate being the notorious bribery and
corruption pracMoed in the election of
members of the Lestelature. Large
sums ot money were spent in the inter.
est ot r air. ana n te eaia mat names
dates and amounts can and will be giv-
en. it this is so, send fair back to
his mines.
It is rumored that Senator Conkling
intends to preaent Gen. Grant' name
to the Legislature ot New York for the
seat in the U. 8. Senate occupied by
Kernan, whose time expires in March,
and proposes to have him elected. It
is now said that this is the true reason
why Grant lost bis vot in Galena.
There may be truth in the rumor and
it may be entirely unfounded.
In regard to the new Chinese treaty
the State Department r is still silent.
It is thought, however, the r.ew treaty
is similar to the bill vetoed by Presi
dent Hayes, which. iimkrd the amral
ot Chinese on each ship to persons erv-
gaged in commercial business, not bv
borers. - - -
Tb vote ot Oregon ae returned to
the SecretarT of StateV snowi a Repub.
lican majority of 763, a follows t Re.
publican elector Applegate, 20,618 ;
Curry; 20,618; ; Watson, 20,619.
Democratic electoral-Fulton, 19,847 ;
Owen, 19.847; Weatfierford, 19355.
' Sherman is said to be the unanimous
choice of the people of Ohio for . U. 8.
Senator, and the Legislator will doubt-
less send him there. He deserves it of
Ohio.' It is asserted President Hayes
is not aod will not be a candidate, for
Senator, . . .. '. . ... :
, It is very sad to learn late in life
that the hitherto unsuspected primrose
is a corolUfiorai dioolyledooous oxygen,
with a monopetalona corolla and a cen
tra! placenta." Professor Huxley is
responsible tor Bneart&is2 aeandal.
ons tact. " -j- ; : : 3 7,t'i,'
" Tba day after the recant election . the
N. Y. Herald printed and sold 203,.
5C0 copies, its 'regular daily edition
being about 12O.G09 ecpie. -
. Th oCcial returns ct Zlishigan shew
Garfield S.3,794 votes ahead ot Han
rock. Car field ran 8,039 ahead of the
Stat ticket. 'Hah, . .
The California for December opens witb
an article by Dr. Jobn Iord, the eminent
historical lecturer, on "Savonarola," one
of the most interesting characters. In his
tory, who has been Called 1be Martin
Luther ofltaly," slthongh Dr. Lord shows
great difference in the characten of tlie
two reformers. R. E. Detmoml contrib
utes an entertaining narration of "A Brief
VUit to Calcutta.' Mr. W. C. Bartlett
has a grace! ul piper on Thoreau in Books
and In the Woods,'" written In complete
sympathy with that lover ot nature. John
etuir, the well known student or moun
tains and glaziers, gives an srttcle on "Tbe
Glaziers ot the Sierra." Joaquin Miller.
in "Utopia follows an a susreitlon which
be made in a recent number ot The Cali-1
fornia of an ioeai, cominmilstlc city. I
Mr. Geo. H. II. Bedding has been 8 pen-
ding "An Evening witb Wintoon nrllans"
D. S." has been investlsating the alleged
voyage of Juan de Fuca. which be pro
nounced a fraud; C.1 E. S. Wood tells of
'An Unknown Turning-point in the Dev
tiny ot the Republic." In tlie way of
stories. Miss Mlilcent W. Shliin has an ar-
tUtlcsttvf y. entitled "Their Great Scheme;"
Philip Shirley contributes "Not a success,"
sod W. C. Marrow continues his "Strange
Confession," in a very interesting serial.
The poetry is by Edgar Fawcett, J. P.
Wldney. and Jnlta B. S. Bugeia. Mr. J.
8. Bacon relates a reminiscence ot Rnfns
Choate, In the 'Outcropping?" i a very
bright imaginary "Boston Symposium,"
at which a number of eminent writers are
supposed to be present, and make respon
ses. With this number, The Californiem.
completes its first year. For four dollars
it can be secured for 18S1, and certainly
the money could not be invested so as to
give greater or more continuous pleasure.
We wil! supply all who want this maga
zine and a copy ot tbe Registkr, one
year for 5.
It was November 17, 1880. Snow at
LouUvilJe, Ky. A heavy wow storm at
Little Rock, Ark.; raged all day and still
telling st night. Five inches el snow at
St.'Louis, Mo., mercury below freezing
point. Thermometer near aero st Chicago!
Heavy snow at Denver, Col., ou tbe ltfth,
with good sleighing ou the 17rb, with tbe
mercury 14 degrees below zero in the
morning and 9 degrees at nightfall! At
Breckinridge 39 degrees and at Leadville
20 degrees below zero! Ugh! What cli
mates are those lor an Oregonian to consid
er Here we are bavins the most charm
ing Indian-summer weather vJondless
skies, with weather just cool enough to
make broiled steak, hot. fa.te well.
The A. O. U. W. Is gradally increasing
in membership in this State, die actual
number now being about 1,600- As soon
a the number is increased to 2.000 in this
State, we shall have a Grand Lodge ot
our own, when it will afford to members
the cheapest insurance plan ever devised.
A vigorous attempt will be m-ide between
now and January to increase the member
ship througliout the State to the required
number, then a man can not Insure to his
family the sum of $3.0002 upon hi. demise
more easily or clieaply than to be admit
ted a member of tlie A. O. U. W,
The u te Chlct Ouray was a ca,itallt.
and left behind iiim $200,000 to bedistribu
ted by will. Now the lawyers have got
hold of it ana bave secured a contest
among tbe dnsky relatives. It would be s
good thing far the Ouray heirs if tbe ener
getic chief could only materialize, like the
Indiau maiden Honto, in the spiritualistic
seance. Five minutes with his favorite
scalping knife would be enough to dbeour-
age tbe lawyers.
The New York Sun Inform es tbe listen
ing world that of its own knowledge II r,
Tilde n "manifested the deepest interest
and most anxious solicitude In behalf of
Hancock's success." Tea; so did tlie obe
lisk. They both preserved tbe same im
pressive silence. -
The Bo too Herald , an Independent pa-
per, rebukes the Democratic leaders and
organs that continue to blunder since tlie
election as badly as before it. and -tells
them, for one thing, that the party making
the revolutionary attemi to overturn tlie
vote ot New York would be overwhelmed
by popular indignation.
Gov. Iceland .Stanford 's two year old
stallion, "Fred Crocker," on the 20th at
Man Francisco, trotted a mile In S:35J
first Quarter in 37 seconds ; halt In 1:13 ;
three-quarters ia 1:49. It was a match
against Ms time ot 3(3311. He made the
above time without a skip or break, and
Mr. Stanford presented the driver, Marion,
with $500. - .. .?
Marshall Jewell assures she country that
the investigation of Chinese forgery affair
will be continued ontil the whole matter
is laid bare, and the instigators and abettors
exposed and punished. This is just what
the country demands pujn tbe double,
dy ed critninals to the wan.
The cattle trade between this country
and England" Is gradually Increasing.
During lb bus three months. New York,
Boston and Baltimore has sent over 18.
789 bead, as againt 10,305 bead during tlie
same period last year.
D. O. Mills 1 renovating his new pur
chase on Fifth Avenue, -T&vw York, the
carving on the walnscotting alone costing
$300 per toot. Tn residence is one en
ormous pile ot mahogany carving.
Gov. Jas. D, Williams, of Indiana, died
at Indianapolis an th 30th, of Inflamma
tion or tba bladder a disease which had
been troubling him for fifteen years, lie
was buried on Wednesday.
, Mayor Doyle, ot Providence, R. I., stter
sixteen years' service, declined to serve
longer, and the Bepubllcana have nominat
ed S. & Cay ward, i
Vesnylus is In actlye erup'lon, tbe lava
jdow being most abundant on the atoa to
wards 'Naples.
P. C. Renfrew, who 'committed sui- I
cide ou the McKenzie last week, lived
13 hours after the fatal shot, most ef
the time uncouscious.
An owl that, bad, been commuting
great depredations on Eugene hen roosts
was killed last weuk and was ionnd to
measure over five feet from tip to tip.
The surveying party headed by T. C.
T tallr srtai waf nsul 9n FnnnnA Iststw i null
sjr Miasms ass tsjbuiiss IV AuaVVUV twos "va I
Mr. II. C. Perkins, Col. Ankeuy and
unaries Wbitcaker are expected this:
Diplheria ia again in Corvallix; Ollie
Hayea and Charles Brown are the
afSioted ones. The scare in tbe schouls
had about abated before these new cases
occurred at Corvallis.
1 he agricultural college was never
so proeperooe as now. Over 150 are in
attendance. - The agricultural depart
ment has -its full complement of 60
young men wbb are being educated at
tbe expense ot the State,
In speaking of the removal of Protet-s-
or Gatch from B-ogene to The Dalles,
the Guard of the-former city says: Prof.
Gatcb has made 'many friends during
his stay in this .city who will regret
losing him. The state university loses
a valuable teacher and the town one
of its best citizens.
Citizens ot Eogene are agitating the
question of water works, with a reser.
voir on Skinner's Butte, with a source
of supply from springs three and five
miles distant that can be depended upon
tor an aggregate flow of 42 gallons per
minute. The estimated cest of construc
tion is from $10,000 to J 15,0?0.
Eugene City proposes to vote a two.
mill lax to sustain her public schools.
Her people have already aid $12,000
for a first-class school bnildiig, and the
old board ot directors, in their anxiety
to maintain the honor and reputation
of tlie school, left the district Tast spring
near $2500 in debt to teachers tor tliir
wages. In order to cover this and
meet their obligations, the new board
was obliged to use over $1000 of the
public money, that was properly due
to tbe present year, to cancel the indebt-
edness. Hetce the necessity ot - a tax
sumcieut to n ace t ie district on easy
financial footing.
"There are places . in the Atlantic
ocean," the lecturer impressively said,
"in which the tallest mountain ranges
could b hidden from view." . 'But
solemnly asked a pale dyseptic-lookiug
man in th back of the hall, and tlen
the janitor put the ligl ts.
The Dalles Times states that the lit
tie daughter of J. J. Tichols, of the Co
lumbia Hotel there, has died vt diph
D. R. B. Winniford, who fell from
a house in Callapooia, Douglas county,
a tew aays ago ana oroke his leg, is
slowly improving. 1
Richard Thomas fin blood mare, in
Doog'aa county, accidentally got her
leg broken while running over a elip
pery field. Valued at $200.
Instead ot sending to the lower riv
er for lumber the people of The Dalles
now. have mills between there and the
Cascades that supply all their wants
with a first-rate quality.
The Roseburjjr Independent says: D
8. K. Buck brought 80 hogs into town
Friday and sold them to Jas. Cheno-
weth, who shipped them to Portland
The hogs weighed in the aggregate 23,.
000 pounds. . '
A little girl, danghter of Mrs. Mc
Call, of Seattle, had a fall that broke
her arm.
George . Gilmer, a bear hunter ot
Klickitat, . is plastering his father's
house with bear skins. He lately
caught- a black Wolf in a trap.
At Walla Winsf W. on the S2d. the
trial of Thomas the murderer of Broom
field, elided In.tlie Jury bringing in a
Terdict of will fub . murder In the first de-
The O. R. A X. Co. are now running
trains to Blainck's 33 miles east ot Celilo.
. Theer are 368 postofflces In Oregon and
337 In Washington Territory. ,
A Democratic Senator recalls the
tact, not heretofore known, that Gen.
Garfield was in Ohio on the . day the
Motey letter was written, and therefore
could not have written it. ,
' A good wife is to a man . wisdom,
strength and courage ; bad one- is
contusion, weakness and ' despair, ' says
anEnglifh magazine. . No condition is
bopeless to a man where the Wife po-
nrmness, decision and economy.
. Jack RaSWrty made a wager that he
could drink 'without paying in every sa
loon on Spring street JefTersonviile, lnd.
He got safely into and out of seven
places, but in the eighth, when he said
"Dang it up," the bar-tender gave bira
dreadful whipping.- There were six
more bars to cover, and he , struggled
on but bu appearance was now against
him, and at the eleventh his sknll .was
fraetured with a club ; so be lost hia
bet. -? ::V.'il'
If the Philp trial is prosecuted to tlie
bitter end there will be weeping aud wall
ing in the Democratic camp.
New To-Day.
r-iijsiwian ouigvwii)
rvmCl In foahay ft Mason's drag- store.
VS Residence Brotulalbln kimi, Albany, Or
egon. - V1SD9
SMSjaa -sjs. esff MmB-w A ' iM aeVnnnnV aflH
gUi M
F"ira. St., Albany.
Books and Drugs
rer bronalit to the city of Albany. Also, a
large lot or gooaa select ea especially ror me
Holiday Trade,
soch as Poets in line bindings. Illustrated Ju
venile Booka, Albums, Family Bibbw. Pictures
and frames. .. Ac., all of which will be sold
at prices to suit the times.
Staerilfs Sale.
In the Circnft Conrt for the State of Oresron
ror ine county of
lumber White, riaintifr.
E. G. Michael. Defendant.
BY VIRTUE Or A DECKER of foreclofmre
in the above named court in the aKve en
titled suit, and an execution and order of sale
ined lei puranance thereof, and to me direct
ed and delivered on the I7tb dav of November.
1880, 1 have levied upon the mnrteawd pre mis- 1
Yommencinir at the northwest corner of the
.Tared and Mary Michael donation land ciaim.
es aescrioea in saia decree, aa iouow. io-wii :
KiO'incaiion zubs, uiaan ti, lownsnip i, wain
ranee 3 went, thence south 19 deterges SO min
utes west 160 rods, thence south 0 degrees 30
minutes eat 100 rods, thence north 19 degrees
3n minutes east 160 rods, thence north ,0 de-
Krees 30 minutes went 100 rods to the place of
oeginninar. containing ino acres more or teas,
situated in the county of Linn and State of Or
egon, anu on weunesaay, ine
20A dVry of December. 1880.
at the hcur of one o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. at the Court House door in the city of
Aioany, in ine county ot iinn ana srarenr ure
eon. I will soil thehereinbeforedescribed mort-
fraed premises, for cash in hand, to the high
est bidder, to satisfy and nay the demand of
the plaintiff in said writ, to-Trlt, the wm of
ss, ou, in V. s. (told coin, witn interest at tne
rate or one per cent, per montn irotn Tlie nrt
oay oi ucioner, urns, ana tne costs ana oismirs-
ments or saiu sun anu expenses oi saia sale.
Dated this 25t li day of November, 1880.
Sheriff of I.fnn county, Oreiron.
By S. H. CfcAUOIf TOl. 1 nuty. 184
Alfeany Furniture House.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
edroom Suits; Walnnt, Ash and Mnple Parlor
aalta ; 1'utent uocKers, fcasty cnaira ana
Loongcs a specialty.
SprinG MattresseS,
Extension Centre Tables,
Pillar Extension, cte.
A. splendid lot Of
o n A Z R s ,
Walnut and Hardwood Chairs of all kinds.
in fact, X Intend to keep a first elats
FurniturE HousE.
I am thankful for past patronage, and
intend to make it to the interest of all
residents of this city and vicinity to
come and see me.
Corner of Second and Ferry streets,
IMaaelats Katie.
THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
between 1. Holaclier and F. Goetz, nnder
the tlrm-hsme of Hobtclier A Goeta, In the City
Market, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. F. Goetz retiring. All accounts dne the
firm must besei tied immediately ; parties bav
in); claim against the 11 rm must present them
at onoa for payment. - . I. HOLACHKK,
AllJany, Or., Nor. 19, 1880.
Qreaa Qaady pactcry.
First street, opposite McH wain's
ManQflftctnrer and dealer in an kinds of ,
Keeps lor sale
French and American
. cfto., ttoo.,", '.
which will be sold at prices to suit tbe times.
Parties and balls supplied with candies, nuts,
etc., at reduced rates.
You are respectfully invited to give me a call.
? ' ' V. W. 08BOBH. "
Nov. 19, 1880-B8VU ,, . .
Keatiy executed at this oflJoe.
and TTH A T) ST0ITS3,
Albany, t i
Also, everr variety of
work done with nuatneeR
attention srlven to orders
UroriAn, and promptly
si lite ana wasnineton 'j
Samuel K Yovmg
la now receiving bis
stock of Merchandise, consisting of
House Furnishing Goals,
etc., etc, etc.
Hany of these goods are taught
from Manufacturers
for CASS, and are FZSST
and -will ho sold at popular
bept. I7-n51vl2m
King of the Blood
Cases all SerafIoaa affections and disotdsn rssnlt.
specify all, as th nffmt esa MmaU y perestve then
caasa : bat Sail JUewn. rWH. UlctrM. Twmf.
Cottrt, BwMimgt, Sc., are the most common, mm
well as ataay sflsttisns ef the Start, Mmd, ttnr
Wsalsrfal Cue ef BUadasss.
t. BUaaoM. Sow A Co. : For tha benefit ef a&
Sioublsd with Berafula or Impun Blood in their
ysMma, i narsor ncotamena ainf or tbe mooe.
I have been tiavblad with Scrofula for the past tea
rears, which so aavetad my syoa that X was eosa
Dletalr hlmd for six months. I was recommended
Io try Kine of tha Blood, which has proved a greet
bloasuw to sso. as it hu comDletelv eured me. end
t c&eeriimy raeoiaaiantt it to ell troubled mm i. aaa
xoure tmiy.
ataa. B. Wxazaaaeow, Sardiate, K. T.
1L ! CZJ
will be paid te any Public Hospital to be sawra.
ally agreed anon, for every certificate of thia wtede
Si a paouaaaa uy as womb m aot genaiaa..
Its Zns-edie3LtOo
To show oar faith in the safety aad eassBMas ef
the K. B., npoa proper personal applirsrisa, whsa
sotisfled that no imposition ia intended, wo will
Sivs the Butwaea of ail its merediente, by affidaTit.
The above oCers wars never made before by the pro
prietor of aay ether Family Medicine ia the world.
Many tMUaaohUe. further iaf ormaUoo, aad
uairceuons lor neuir will M roaae ia the m
nklat N1WH ! .h. - m ,
wMehaaehbottlsisa-elosed. Prioe $1 per bottlecon-
C"wi wdc, nriaraw apses, bom DV area
oats. .&uuoai,8oa- A Co., rrp'a,Bmaalo,N.T
Hsie ender Cboleyv nslent.
A,i .rut Ratlatketloa auaranteed. Under
.vt aaee. aiaesn
the elan is laid a quilted pad, which renders ,D
im i nam mo. wnra oi w - -
rwlx.'a Conet and take DO other. Send to OS
through yovr dealer for a asm pis Corsetjjaafflns la
pnee irom voeenw io ax w, 7" -ailed
by return maU. Msauflectured only by the
lttftr wrg vompany.
bates. Ksxa ft coourr.
93, S mm 7 Ji uaSwa
Hj.ninai u Piw4 m .
sawytsi ssxajse avuna
t Oregon.'
cemetery and other stone
and mflTiAtch.' Sneclal
from any part of the
forwarded. All work war-
erntorv. dv nutii oroio-
his friends ana tne paouv
now settled in bis ; .
, as large a stack of :
SffYrrae emri E.anfyfi2
aseaa be found la any one house tbia side mt
Portland, ana at aa ;
llcyw -As.
In ret varietv. iAlao,
Tlf . I
Klacct IroM, j
fSalTsnlxesl Irest.
Iwhts on hand, and aoade to order, AT LIV-
Albany. October 93, 1875-SvS
First street, S doors west of Ferry,
OIsACnSS Se GC3TZ, Prop a.
HAV1XO rmrchaeed the City Marker. I wiU
keen constantly on hand I all klndof Meats
. . . ! a e m. AhlAlnarl trs Inn TrlArxfSW
lllfj Tory IV - twtaiiiv.. - - -
I will strive at all times to meet the wishea of,
all who may favor me with their Pa ve.
The public irene. ally are inrilyo ul at y
hop when in want of meats. STThe hiffhejj
audi twice paid for PORK. ' SlvlSaW
Mew Ooods S mew; Pepsurasire t
e3ilu!:ery AKDcngsswSJsSaina. ;
Store lately ownexl by Mrs. C. P. Davis end
tutving Just added t uurc.o a nvm m
Choice Hilliasry, ' I Trlmmlags,
. . . ... 4m l.vlliMV
Bonnets, tiais. c, e i"", "3
the ladles of Albany and v'd"y t o 01 an ,
. .t All wvib vaviM rSTi nwaleK
t priee that defy mTottk". sU
rtw-wing Mscurvu iuv vs-&vo . .
rr-KSiri.lier I
I am prepared to cut. At, and make dresses J
any st yle desired, at short notice and In a satis
factory manner. '1. i
. : " '" TU.V. .wio r rinLeut of Ellsworth .
street. You are invited to call.
87. 1879
3rrsr stobs
Cot&ot aflrst and SXIsvorth sta, ,
Has asaia taken eharg-e of the
City Drug: j Ctcrc,
havlne pnrehased the entire Interest of 15. W .
Shaw.'aiaceesaor to A. Caro there A Co., ana is
now receiving- j
Splendid lTe;vStoc2s
whleh. mtded tm the former?nders tt very .
eouipeto in all the diuere nt de4rtmens. 4
S emtniraaaiarea tnatautcaw uo huun u. w.
Quality and Sris, .
cordially Invites hia old friends and
a to give him a call.
Will reeet-e immediate and carefhl attanttoa.
sS all Isasaiv, ajr suaw ai.s.
Pare Wines and Liquors for mecUeiaa
purpose. ;..,.,-..
Oet.3S. m-SvlS
P. WOOD & C0-,
Manufacturers of- -' "
Clcad Stones,
ES antlev,
'! Asbler
e5c . ,
S&sts tss QssSxlx Feusftiss.
and all kinds of work done In Sione
Aa we iret our marble direct from t h
riea, and have- It selected, with care, w can aa-
nnouiitfuiBn ins
Its Esst Eatsrial. utimX Frlc:
' f 1 . "'S -y - -..S if)
Oriers from anv tmrt of the State rf nrf?
attended to. - . "
S "All work warranted aa represents!.
t jmYma and Worka on oornerof fmaoxtd a
Kliaworth streets, AlhaDytOre?on.
ataroa u, laso-vn&as i
AISO ,. - -
Csin,nisaEB8MBseli .