VOLUME XIII. ALBANY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 26, 1880. NO; 9: Oeor;ie'a trovers. "it's all humbug I'V,- - ' "What Is all humbug ?" "To talk about being resigned tc one lot in lite. I am not resigned. I hate be ing poor, ami I hate oh, I do hate wear ing tliat shabby old thing !" Georgia t-astertou niardicd up and down her meanly furnished little bedroom. fl.vuri-.hlng her hair brush Vehemently in indignant protect against lier special lot in llf.-. She was dressing fur an evening party, anil aftOr!y mut of tanglel brown liair itrtined ove.r lr scarlet dress pwi' far below- hi-r waist. "That shal by old tiling"' lay ;iread otit on the lied. It was dress ot black alpaca not a had dress of It kind, and nicely made. While tulle ruffle lay lsd It. ' ," . J." V " "Horrid old thing." said Georgie. com ing f a stansfcHH nfto-mt &k. -aitd-glving It a coiiteMituom twitch, "Id hate yon !" Oh. Georgie'!" ; ,. ,,,.. , "Yw do i Mit vom need not fit perch fd up on Hie bed. Esther. Paying. "Oh. Georjle J' Iii Mich a hm rifled tone.' I do li Ka it. aud it i biriil ami jwverly strick en. .lust think of going ta a fifty it f I would ratla-r by half go in sackcloth and .-'V.f T "(low lovely yon would look In sack cloth garment with a Kfi : round "your wai-t !" ad Eelhiir drj'iyi" front ber perch on the bed. JeorgIe gave an unmerciful pull at tlie cur'y brown hair. ""' ' "I wi.-li you would he. ?etill!el"E,thcr rnu are an I' dreadfully literal.' "At any rate. it I might dress like sister of charily. It would be a' nn?rit to look slmbliy and woe ticgoiie." Siierpf charity ..cloirr look woe-b.-gone.' Ai ST. ' Mai y' Home itiey are rjuiU' merry, and not atoll miserable, lint you Win Ut look arlht ii rcat bbtck bon AieA." I don't suppose I should, and at least It woqlil tie 110 pr. tei.ee ot dressing as wei! an oilier' people. -' ' . "TlK-re is no iiretei.ee. Georgie. - Tit alpaca is a good one. and it doe not pre tew! to tie silk." remarked Esttier. sagely. You are always m aggravntingSy wi-e. JEsthrr. in just 00k r that iln-w. Well, you can sit in a corner and t no one will notice JoC was the couitoriiiig reply.''''''-"""' V? ; .,".. Geoegve gave atinrlier p'tlnl lug ar the angled liair, a it the aniicialou orspenf. Ing an evening alone in a owner wai mil Vcrf, charniiiig. , V"D1I "dear.1 V1g!ie1 lie."h-oniiig here!f Into a chair, "lu-il Hiiuk of I.i!:i.; M iiah; in M-r iliJ and velvets a grgHMis a a fashion plate, and then look at tliat rretched dress" ' '? - But tlie Uion ol Ml Rill rrayed a la fast lot 1 plate wa too iniicli for oor Genr frht'a - philooihy. Kh threw' down the liair-hruh. bur-t Into tears nnd n!4ieil away a if her heart woulil break. Par L-lil UV fdie wa ruly , eve nteeii, and to go In the" poor -alpm-i i-whieh va the bt drcM her fat-.er could afTonl among well i Pressed people wj a iMioble ami 4 trial to ber. .,.,. Oh, Georl. ftlont ctl ftii not ench a bad diew, really," .iid E-ther. leaving IwMNpercIi u rtl- a"d and coming to'tlie reS4iH-. I5-shre, you have some thing thar.lJliie would give a gn-at inany . of lier ilk ail Mtiii'' luive.' -tVhl7"',i4linl Gi-oigiev disciifthiti" ly, havt-'imfy the th'g ol jiearla'tltat belonged to griiiluia." "niU." aaUI Estlier ; aiai. taking lier ulster face in Jn-r two hands she V'r"j.'' it tt mi u3 la t he h m . i i ig-glu- . i -t -r . Genrgh involuntarily Mopjnd no'Jilng. jTHilte1 the tiniiil I air wide, aial looked jit Iiem-lf. 'll.Mi'gh llie ndrt if t-ar-the saw a air rjiah race bountiful with itha round ao( .out ..lues mhI lrrli .urii . arly youth, a pair t Wj-e wistful ej-es gleam in : larger through lla? tear that glittered ai the Irtoee. of jirurly 14uck ej-e-la.ijtiev a straight liUle ihh. and u h-IU--.ae rrea.BV c-ui'hri';. .witil iu fpot of color Mm in tie rich evarlrt lit!i all fmiueil i.i - the w.nKiert ll iih-m;-i of bright nol-brnwii hair. .-: GeoVgle-'gaexI t hVr-eiiiiently fur" lidiitrte or two. and titetiwnihd Ihrongl iter tears It wa "erv!niMrt to kuou alie wa o fail tliat eien ilie aljuica drea tUd tioi quite Ui'h: her'liftftilfjf. i.l4ai Tliere. J-irgie..yotMieed li"t l o di coiiilte,"-y T$lstoitJkffpr id nearly Walheil. 'WIe yia 4iav fli.l-lied admiring ytrHf. i will lo your iiale for yofi."- -y , r ?- r , . ' , f'xrter. taking tile waw. trwrlr I misses. imslied and twist d tlieni tleftly Infn a itK co-ouet all rMi.Ml rjie?tjri4-tf Ifl tle head. Then Georgie doiuted theJIepls-l jhlaek dreM soiiiehow' M "l;ji'eff Well on J he roumlcsl IJrhe- ftgr fasteneil the ruffle oil. Ju ierivi''iMg a gll.upsc of air white rtirVm. i-nckvhd by the pri.pxl string of ,enrl..tfcO ho hi. and UMl tenth at last a very duhy lady l;jde-il, "If It had only lieeu whUjs ujoslia ' iglied jjfie, e'.viiig one uuw look hi tlie glass and feeling cil'iuhlr comforted by lier -psnmvtiM"ri.i!. .rer.imp I may not have tx sJtln a inera4 nlgtiW Estiier." saitj.siu-, lopel iHy "I am sure not tliat v only my noit aanse. Here are "your "glove nnd hatid kerclfef, '; fee-"'quV&'f ; I ifonf4 . jfd Sown five miijiite iu" : V i -. GeargW foot ih-u 'wraprw-d liQ-je shawl round her, tii Iii4lj& purler hood vf tker hiijjlir fiaif, iMw? walked ihJfft stairs verv o-.ly. t.(terhig many things.. Mrs," Eali'f wa tls great. bone ftf phbortiod. X?a tLU eyeuing the Urge parlor, with their handsome massive turtiiture and rich, sober coloring were tided with almoflt a crowd ot people, for her evening parties were a popular institu tion. When Mr. Casterton and Gfrgie entered the room, Fhe came forward with a cordial greet'ng. and, alter introducing Georgie to the one or two stronger pres ent, consigned her to the care of her daugh ter Li ilie. who. to Ginrgie'si relief, was ahuoit as plainly attired as her-elf. Still feeling very coiicioii of lier alpaca dreiu. Georgie shyly burled lierelf in a portfolio of Italian ho:ogRiih4 on a stand near het. Presently she heard her name uiflly repealed lieliiud her. and, glancing up. recognized ('njitain I:iy. one of the strangers tvho had lieeu presented to her. and Mr. Ball' nephew. May I get you-fO'tie coffee V asked lie, lulling down arlr. " '" -" ' ; 'Ye. pleae.V"sail Georgie. iutdeutly, lier niinil instantly n-verting to what, he must think of Iter shabby dress. Ha made a si en to a set vuit. . who came up withta tray. v Helping Georgie to her coTIee;' he took nnotlier cap himself, nnd then, drawing 4 chair beside Iter, tiegan to talk in a light. careles rnuner that s-eedi-iy set her at lier ease." Even the trouble aoiue dr-ss was at length forgotten, and Gi-orgie liore.- her fair share in the half laugliiiig, h.i'i-seiioi conversation that en-rued. After a witiie ha' drew the stand of pho-togia-li forwards anil tiirneil thenr' over for l-r to hak at. telling lier about Itly. in a soft low voice, that wcincd meant for her alone. lit- waa tall. liiinJoine man. rather fiir. Jkith bright Wue eyes, ami a iiioustaclie and whiskers that seemed to re quire an immense aon'Ut of ai tent ion to keen litem ill order, lie poescssed in r tec! Ion the art of being all things to ail wonn-ii. Il iuiileii. gracelui -air of de ference and iiiteipe devotioii.hi.s. low caress l.ig voice, wcreiirrtsistiMy flattering. His word were simple enrugh. neither very wise uor very Witty i but tlie might have b-en very pearls ail diamond of wisltun from the veneration with which Georgie listened to them, lie stayed by lier si.K for a long time, turning over .Mid discuss- lug folio and albums. At length Mis. i liiil ciiptured them for a round game ai ( card, much to Captain Day'a di-gu-t. j However, he managed to obtain Georgie lor a pari tier, tiwk care ot her count i. j and conl rived to :lu ow hii immeuieamoui. I , ot earnestness into the simplest questions, j tie couducrt-d per iuto supper, and took I care to have a snug 'corner all to iln'iiu'ln-? I ami thcii he l-t"ed on In r ao l'.i-e ltts soins .iii.l delicate a-.eiilio..s w null are the right ol some favored tnortals but which were something very new and very charming to his uusoj hlstlc ited compan ion. Georgie was completely laschiated. She vas n-rj" yoiitig. Very' fimple. and very romantic, beautiful, impul-ivc. frank as a chiul. with all sorts of wonderful ideas floating about her graelul little heal i and Captain Arthur Day was the handsomest mansliehad ever seen, ami one ot -the most consummate flu is hi existence. Had Georgie's eyerand tars not licim too entli4-l eiigngiMl, she' miglil have dls- covered that one person ;it teast . slioved eonsiiU-nilile 'Iis.ippruli.iii. hi ei l-r ot her or f her cav;ilier's proceedings. " More than oiK-e a tail gentieinauly m.iu hid tried, to gain Miss I 'a-lertoii's ear. and a graw face with dark. sn-;iii ii.iM eyes hail watched them more or lesn all tlie ev-fig. A good many angry cl.-inct-s u:nl been wasted on Captain lays iiiierfiirlmble lv -!Wl.Cin v 1 liig'i Jie ha. 1 vretV' g'aiui-s plwinlv noiigh he-hnd taken l:ft IIOTlce "of llwlll " When the lime lor Henartim emie. C.i" lai;i Day s'ipi.e'.' into the ha acd was roidy with orjjle" slia- . I Mule scar-, let hiKid. , Alter mm long pres-nre ot her h.iml. mie, lingering hn.k into her dark lovely eye, rtne sort low J.mwI night," she pt-cd ait iio the dim iilhr with a swift snl i tli delight iu every nerve, a feel ing of sweet shy . joy stealing Into her hen rt. wliich would 'never be the slmjile child heart a gn U-J ? I'-'T-. jA CaiftH' liy tHnieit t re-en te'fi lie liall.e eiwoilBi:ri4 hi 1-follier. ttiegeiitle. iimirv.h,' wrailifiif iyea--Had o ausfdei-ou-'tr wailiitl Tuba stf lveitgi. " ' 4-; - in 'iiil. .! - jjldng the matter. Fruk ?" ated he, '!ightly. vYou look . aiticiilarly grtm -rpr. - : -. ; ,-,v Tlie grave face grew a sliaite graver a ho turned to Ms hrotlier ami said, einpliatie allv and sullenly "You Juve no right. Arthur, to p:iy &tu-h.devoied attention to rfny lady, ni K'h tes tMU tastertbu.' pwiiatno yonei? ' 'What I say; You have lia right to sacrijjee that trtit!iig wo-t Uttle thing for yMH aHiiiseiBeltt.y ' '-.. - 'v..-. "How evcesiyely ridiculous Frank I meet a young " lady tor tlje; firt time In my life, try to amman her Tori all .hour or nvo. ami you get up a trugMf.-'alr and talk of a wfcltKle thing being su-i ifiee for my amusfment i It Is-'foo absurd.'?':- I have iii'fnouanjr ofymir fliefatbins not to kno-wr .flie 'difi of a shjw I know what your IiMir or two's aiimsriiienr liiieafi"; !"fi3 t Hi'- x .have ilo 6 raise' lioe wl ?jes -you. havn boc ,tfie dlgh p-tintf itlon , I :iiiutt.',' , ,yV IyjS liie a wf Sglileoo fiu.lgna flonV aaid the t 'eptn. fouUf, tiuoaiitUyc Mi tnonstache. "fhatika. j'or , tacture mlgltt b niqi-s Effectual werje you not an iiiterestetl party? ';'..-". , -Mlou't utiderstattd you,' sahj fr, fg. -Wlj.o ' li talk, about re!ni1S6 In looktt or tioree sjich sentiroenfs) pooacpief I have never seen yon bestow two glances on any youn; lady before; but to-night you have honored us both with yon? most distinguished regards. If Miss Georgie Casterton is wle. she will turn the cold shoulder on my irresistible self ; yon are a much more eligible parti than yourfcape grace brother." ... Mr. Day turned his eye contemptuously on his brothers Your reinarkaare mot nnealled tor." said he. -Ilowever. I don't care to dis cuss the matter fiirtlier. Nothing that I can urge is likely to tay your hand." "Not with the prospect ot a rival hi the field, and such a rival." With anotlHT indignant glance MfcTDay turned on hia Itee) unit' walked away,1 "'Fancjr I had J ratlierj the best of that little eamiC thought 'CaplaW Arthur, as lie look out bKcigar-4-ase. . S'Xofpa.y any attention to Mfss Casterton ! Thank you, Mr. Francis bay ; yon shall not find the course so easy to walk over, it I can 1 lielo It ; " and the Captain look out his sliver match-liox and struck a' light,' Witu a. vindictive-determination to thwart hi brother, come what might. Alas for poor Georgie ! She was very young and very' childish..' and It V.'? the old. old story. Two months flew by on silver wings. Captain Day had ?he field all to himself, and he made the most of his opjiort unities. Georgie innocently wondered how it was that, go w liere site would, lie Always coittrrvnl to ni-et or folh-w her in her walk. It was alwavs so nittirally done that she nev-r snspit-teil linv verv carefnUv it was planned, or that all her goings out ami comings In were quite familiar to hlin. One thing, however. Captain Day hail not Bargained for ; and. had anyone suggesriil the Idea to hiih. he would have repudi-itel if with scorn he had not bar- guiiied for falling in love himself. Never theless two months' almri-t daily inter course to?d upon him ; Georgie'a fresh yeung la-amy and swwtnes wtwi a great deal more than admiration from him, mi'l he. eared a good deal more for her than he would have confessed to himself more than his easy graceful Itislmess would care to think of seriou-ly. At last they were engagtil ftir la-tter or worse so Tar as anything tiaild b called an e-gage- inent wl.l. h was niltlu r known nor sane ti"iied hy the jMtwers that were On the last afternoon of his memorable vi-lr they stood togetlier in the wood which adjohietl Mrs. OaM's grounds. Her hand w:is U Id ; l.er swevt ey-s x-ied to t i in imiie enfrejitc. ' ' " ' "Not even let:ei. Arthur?" said she. "My pet how can 1 write to you without its being found out ? Ami then just think of the consequences. IfF.-alik knew of our engageuieiit lie would he furious, and that would ruin everything." 'But." hesitated Georgie, "how can his being vexed make any difference to you ?" "Because he Is rich ami I am oor ; aim he hold the purse-strings." said tlie Cap. tain, bit terry, sitting down beside her ; he might have added that lo Ms half hrot her lie was likew ise indi-lted for his very hand some allowance and sundry other small fa vors, tin continuance of wuicti he did not choose to risk at the present moment. "IVrhaps liet-winilil Itclpiis a; lie is so rich !" suogesfi-d Georgie, timidly. "Not "ie ; tiestite. I won't ask him. Geortfie. ilarling. we mii-t just Wait and hope fir something to turn, up; and. my pet. our eiigageiiieut inn-t be a secret be tween ourselves. "If I might, only tell mamma !" pleaded Geonjie. t "No. tio. fiefwgie. Nn iiiw mil t know.' My darling. Is it t,ot tlie sweeter to yiai that no one know or meddles with our happiness?" And he pulled lier down to him and kissed her passionately.. ; "It seem so like, ueeelt." sighed slie. rii fully. And then Captain I)av set to work to explain away her' scrnp'e.' Tt was iot very difficult. Georjjie.s faith and trust in her lover was boundless, and tt never en- jteonl Iht head to question the wisdom or propriety of anything he might wish : eo before his specious reaoii!iiglief hesitation iiu doiidt noon rauisheit. and "she-proail-w ed all lie asked not quite hl'itdlv. rhap. but with all. the trim and coi.fldeiu-e of a frarless', gi'dleless love.i " " -j . When the lime came they parted villi one Ionic, mute caress, and . Georgie. ber lls tremuUin. her wvt eves full fenrs. turned .juicklv lioniewards Ceptaln Day sroral und-r l)i trees till the .light dark fiyure Vm i-hed. ami then he too sf rolled homewards. coufderjlly. perturbed hi his n.lnd. He did love Geor gie, alter hi wn fa-hlou he did hmiestly mean to be i.iarrleil to ber, oomedav ( Ixit it was not In him to make any eflTort to shorten .that Jltueandlhitig jiwr, itosv " " wr pnipiiious tor any scheme of matrimony. "Little darling." thought he "whaf a sweet wlfeslM 11111 .iwajie . Affl ir fouiMled -diaiii waut he marrleil now mikI a prei-imis lotsg tlnie it will be before we shall. I've hair a mind to tell FranS-2 he might lielp ns. pet-haps, ' Xjvou't. I'm i-ertalu lie I ratWf toTich.d IiliWlf ; sso of 0ite ..faVlrf old do nothtng. Hang H all. I wish I had not got into aucb. a eon- . ,Nrxt tymfHai bouquet, of ryqidsire flowers wm left at tlie Parsojiags fair Miss Casterton roses ot all klmls from the richest damask to tlie dettcat aubtlesoent ed Provewe. A Georgia tod at tlie windrtw l0mW?lmW9&r$ the m$sjgt ft fare.fiitl i4 aecnacy try conveyed, lie Balls' carriage dsled pist i he caught it glimpse ot a handsome face, a pair of bine eyes glanced eagerly out, a hand was waved to her, aod that wtu - the last Georgie Casterton saw of Captain Day-tor a very long time. . M 4 a " . . . b It was tha fifth of November. foggy wet, miserable afternoon; but there was a glorious fire in tlie old schoolroom j at the Parsonage. Esther Casterton sat on the hearthrug in front ot it, reading the newspaper; Georgie was at tlie table painting. A sort of frame " stood before j her. en which were arranged a wild tangle j of tlie small tree ivy, sp-ays of -plants j tinted red by ihe frost, and a few scraps of moss. She was copying tbein with rare delicacy and skill. "" "I wish I liatl a few blackberries," said she presentty. ' ' "' " " We conld not flmVany this momtng, "re turned Esther, looking up from ler paper. "It is too late for them ; .can't you manage without ilium ?" "Yes I think I can,' said Georgie. giv ing a few bright touches to the leaves. 'How much do you think the man will give you tor that picture. Georgie ? I don't, know five dollars, I hope." "It's not half enough why. it is ex quisitely done ! I know Mr. Day would get yon twice as much, if " you would let him. Wh don't yon 'accept hla ofTer, and allow him to dispose of your paluting-j for you." . . !' : "I like to manage my own affairs dear." laughed Georgie. 'Bcsides it was. lie who introduced me to this man. He took a great deal ot trouble at first ; nnd, of course. I cannot trouble hi in always with my concerns." ' - "Of course not," said Etlier dryly; then after a short silence '"Georgie, do yon re nietnlier tlwl party just two years ago. and how you Tied over that alpaca dress? You would he able to appear got up regardless of expense now." "Not quite." returned Georgia, smiling: "we are always so poor, and tlie money is so wanted forlhiugs.it is lined to be with out, that I don't think I should be more goteeoiisly arrayed than I was then." Slie slglie.l a little, for the troubles of poverty came home ery keenly to her. and she knew, though Ethrr did not, that halt at leas, of her poor little earnings went into- the family exchequer. She woii'd have cared nothing tor the little tri als and stings of her ' daily life had she nothing else to bear ; but tor eighteen months she laid never seen or beard one word of Captain lay. and the blank si lence was a cinel hardship. The constant wearing uncertainty had brought an anx ious look to the fair young face, as of one waiting and watching continually, and the lovely eyes looked sweeter, sadder, and more wistful than everJ Presently Estlier put down her paper and sauntered to the window, gaxhig" dis consolately out at the tog and the rain. Oh dear. Georgie. there he is again, coining In at the gate." exclaimed she, ah; ruptly. in' a few minutes. ' Who?" asked Georgie. alisently, her lioiights tar away, her fingers busy with the complicated shades of a scrap of faded moss. ... i "Who ! as if you didn't know." retort ed Esther, Incredulously. "Mr. Fra'.ici makes it snflicieiitlv clear who it is.be comes to see in this house t" " "What do yoti mean. Esther ? Georgie asked, aroused. - , "Mean ? Oh. nothing particular !" re turned Esther dryly. "No doubt, lie takes an immense Interest in papi's pet grlevan ees and comes to condole with him. My entertaining conversation of course eoi nts for nothing In fact. I have cease I to waste my eloquence upon him. since I found nut that MU Georgie Cafert silence was more appreciated than all my wit and wis dom." Georgie flushed painfully. "What iionserice yiu talk." Esther. When you know Ihjw kh'd be has been, oud wins? ttouble he ha taken about my drawings, it is-absurd of yoit to -Invest reasons to account for such a simple thing as his comi.ig here sometimes.-" "j'Sotnethut S!" ecboml Esther, satirl- Georgte thrh-'t her brush into a pool of Iteutral lint, and stirred it romd aml.round aud round half angilly. Esther, with a sluewd glance at the crlmsojf face, and an emphatic slin'g of the slioolders. betook her-elf to her newspaper agniuand began to study tlie' marriage Ut. , ' '. Why g'Mal gracious. Georgia." exclaim ed she. io a few minutes '"his bnrtlier is niarrhil! , 4. . ., .,;..'..:,-. -. . .,; Whatf'sald Georgie. sharply. ts . - "He is. really! Youcai read It yourself If you like. - "' '.;;' ,'"'..' 1 Slie paused. Tliere was a -dead 'silence jhe room: the clock ticked with startling distinctness. Esther, staring" at the pals-r In hernrprlsit. never noticed her sister "I a Surprised !U Isn't it strange Ml.' "iV iiit-ver told u ? I .hail gound ak hlin what It all means. Here Is, tlef4i per- (r you;' and, throwing it on to I lie table, site iet tWrnotn without even glaiictiig round. Georgie driippeil Into a seat.; .rHuined. turneil to stone. Site littered no exclama tion, ave no sign that slie liad heard what had it beeii read.,SheSat' pertei-Hy VtilK grasping the rail Of Iter hah fust - with both hands, and starinj with wlfje-oio startled eyes out of the wlndowv , M lhere sl.e sat for an lawrAwftjIly still and quiet, her eyes staring in blank be.wljder meut at the rain and fog outside, her ' fnce Set and trained in white despair? - If greV perTccfly dark, bnt hhe stUI sat on, ber beaI erect, no eers )n the vlcU-op"? ?fH W! only a long shiver shook her from head to foot every now and Jheu, when she, set Iter teeth hard and clenched the wooden,, nill anew.,, . ..j , t. . . . .? l t The fire died down to red glow, the whole room was in deep shadow.. Presently, the. door opened gently. and some one came Iu. Miss Casterton, said a low voice. Iies- itatingly,' and a fall figure approached tlie window it was Mr Day. , : ; Then Georgie rose, and. steadying her hand on I lie chair, turned to him.. .. , "Who was It?" called she, fiercely. r came to tell jrou, said lie, and, ta king her hand, be Jed her fq the fire. - She was deadly cold.. He took the poker and stirred the smouldering coals into a blaze; then, placing a low seat for her. be put her In It In the full li,ght and. warmth. ue fioou ti'niieJ'.irU!wt.iie manrei-piecc. looking down at Tuerwith . troubltydfiice. At last lie spoke. , T. 'I have bad a letter from jay brother, and " He ItesItatcJ. - , i ,.: V eli;",qkuerkl. Geirgie, her usually soft voice sounding harsh and dry., t . , He glanced at her, and tlicn begaUf to pace ui and down the room. "How can I tell you ?". cried he pas sionately, stopping in front of her. ."It is so cruel, so unmanly, so dishonorable. In hi setfl.-hncss he says I am to break it gently to you, to ai-ure you of his grief and " " I know," interrupted Georgie, steadily. "Who was it ?" . - - "It was Kinllie Frest,' answered he, reluctantly. ' Well?" queried the poor white Hps. as it seeking tor some shadow of excuse for ber lover's falseness! -. "She Is a great heiress her forfnne Is immense. ' They were" married almost secretly; even I knew nothing of it fill the day before. 1 1 will never forgive him,' " said Mr. Day, -vehemently never f Geor gie, Georgia don't look like that !" for tlie fire flashed op, showing the poor ' miserable face with the blank bewildered eyes. He came and knelt iu front of tieri and took lier band. Georgie, If t cbuld only atone for It ! My poor little one,' il I could only have saved you from this !" . Site gave a long shivering sigh, and l.iid her head back wearily upon the cushion of her chair, as it tired. Thank you you are very kind," said she dreamily. He looked at her anxiously. I would give my lite to make atone ment to make you happy. Georgie, wilt you marry me ?" . "J ... "No oh. no !" she leplied shaking' her head. "Why not ?" 'I cannot. Don't ask me." Georgie, since the first night I saw you I have loved you. or even now to atone tor this great wrong, I would not have asked you to be my wife. Can it not be said . lie, anxiously watching the sweet fiir face with 'the beautiful, miser able eyes ' " ' She made no reply, hut lsy back In her chair and g-ir.ed into the fire, seeing. as In a dream, the desolate dim years stretching liefore her.' Slowly her thoughts returned to tlie friend at her side, fried, trusted, and true, and she saw herself sheltered. loved, ami honored, safe in his steady de votion from sorrow and . trouble, shielded from every rude blast. . . He waited a long lime. The - blaze of firelight lit up Georgie 's face, sad and dreamy, lit up his own steadfast and true. hi nark eyes watching anxiously every change that swept over her features. "i "Shall it be as I wUu said be at last. gently.. , - ' ' ' "Do yon know that I can give you noth ing in return ?" was the answer,' given very sorrowfnlly.j - I did not ask anything." was tlie quiet response. . l only want the right to - take care of you." Slie lay back again in Iter chair, gazing dreamily before her with" pathetic, sad weariness. - ' ."--.. ' "Shaii it he, Georg wgeil he again. r clou t know gtv fne time. 1 am so tired.' I cannot think now'saitf'-she wert: ly. . . f t-,f.;t- ' -M i ': 'S i i J 't" ' 'Whatever happertB,remefnbef T"ittn always yonr? frind1'aa1l lie gently, rising at otioe ; land If you decide in my fivor. It will be the one thing to ci-own. my , lite and make it full and perfect." Then be left hern.n v. dt "H; 'i ' Tlie long brick front of an old-fashioned coui:try bone lay glowing In the sdnshlne of a summer day. The smooth lawhv ddt-: feil with spots of mlxeir scarlet, yellow, purple, and crimson, stretched away, .far nd wide from the long French . windows .-opening on to lf.''t A' damask.'..rose-tree was traltietf aJl oyer the'' wall and round those windows to a considerable .; height. . A tall laihler. in a verybaky position, leant against the wall.; Perched halfway up. clinging despeiaCely to it with Ixrth lu-nds and looking., very frightened, wa Georgien Her light muslin dress was twist ed' and f ist-'iied flrmlr round both o berselt and tlie ladder, and several- long festoons of flowers, and frill hnng on the jprfnf the resfcree. erliletitly' rnrti'' iiway4 troni the skirt lnf violent efTorta "to gel free: She seeiAed lit a '. defilorable Condition of flight and helplessness on' her 'precarlons pereh.; presently a step sounded, on. 'the giravel walk betirath. , , . Esthee do come here IV. orieq Georgie not .daring to turn lier her head tor fear of losing her balance. "My ess is quite fast tolKSsenail!-? I have been here for I nearly hall en hour. When I. -stooped - to nnfasteu tt. tne laucier snooic so that. -I nearly fell of. I are so frightened J" .'Keep quite still Georgie, said an un mistakable man's voice ; and with one firm touch lite ladder was steadied. "What are you doing, up thete ?" . I wanted some of those roses up hear the -water-spout,"" : ' repRed ' Georgie "I thought I could reach them by just climb a step or two.' 1 V 'u "Foolish eliild i' said Mr. Dy, m be proceeded to unfasten the jireity . muslin from the nails and unwind the yards ' of frilling twisted round and round the rose- sprays. . ' Where Is -John F ; Could not he have got them for you ?' . ' ? : He has gone to the village. I couldn't make anyone hear- 4,Ob, ,be . qnick 4 am falling !" And Georgie suddenly clutclied the rungs of the ladder desperately, and ber Jfcce turned" ishvlpale.i " " HI tnmiwt'9I-n t1Rw nwwmv tw ladder pot far arm-round-f he-slight figure, and lifted her down as easily ns it sbe -bad teen a kit fen. , , "Llitle wife, you should not do ' such things, " said he,' gravely, as he deposited her on a garden seat. "It was' Very 'dan gerous" i'f - ' "'Tl: S'T Hi': ' "I was only faint with .' being-" in that cramped position so long, " pleaded Geor gie ; iind it was so high np." - "Yes ; a fall vfroin f there swonld . have lieen no laughing ma;ter. Don't try it again. Georgie." - - - " ; u ? ' Nevertheless he tried it ; tor,' mounting tlie ladder quickly, almost as lie spoke-4ie giitltereda handful o( tlie - coveted - roses. ran lightly down again, and laid, them. all glittering with dew, in his wife's lap. Very fair and dainty Georgie looked in he morning sunlight, the rich color com ing and going. in the' creamy cheeks!; a random rose-spray . wan- fisU-ned lu tlie bright wavy , hair ; the ewe et eyes too bashful to meet her husband's were veiled ntKler ihelr long frii'.ge. the little hands nervously busy with the torn' fiilHng.' Mr. Drty sat down beside her, and,-'put ting an arm around ber, drew her close .to him, ; ... - -:- - . : ; "Georgie, I liave had a letter from jAr- thur; he Is coining here." , Coming here?" Intetrogatcd Georgie, wonderingly. ' YeS; that Is," explained Mr, Day, be wants to come and bring his wife with him, ot conrsc.": ..- lr :'; -vii Well?' qtteried Georgie, putting one soft little hand half bashfully into her bus- band's. " "' ' "It Is for yoti to 'VcVe, little wife. Bnt for yone wish I should never willingly have spoken to him again; and ha shall not come here toilers von like.'.- ls .ts - ; Georgie rested her head with quiet con tent on her husband's shoulder, and looked up at him with shy, trustful eyes. "Why should tliey not come, Frank?" said she, simply. "I will give them a welcome." Mr. Day took the fair'p-ire face in ' his two hands bent down and kissed the sweet red 11 (is. and then, -drawing her close again said, laughingly . . . ;, v ; " "Do you know, sweet wife,.. I . was gre- viousty deprived ot my rights of courtship? My lady-love has never even yet told me if she loves me." ; . "Periiapa she doesn't," returned Geor gie, saucily. "Let me go, Frank I hear Esther opeulng the window." "Answer then" keeping her firmly imprisoned.' "Do you?" -- ' Do I what ?" - -' "Do you loveiae?'.. ; .'-..-.?f ; . "Please let me go, Frank she Is corning, really!" Aral Georgie made a desperate effort to escape from his encircling arm. "Tell me, then, tny sweet witc" In a slight anxious tone. "- ': ; ' i'ti ?: ' Slie ceased her efforts to escape,- raising lier. eyes, deep; and dark with emotion, and, clasping his. hand iijjiers said gravely and steadily--.,-,. ,,-f t v-?: - "I love you, Frank, jwith a love compar ed to which 11 other, love seems poor .and mean. t love you sO mnch 'tiiat I know that IWhotvl diil not 'know what love meant.' My husband, I love yoa SO that nothing but death can art OS.' ;.- -'. ATS OYRTCI TAB.1. SSow Callfonifi TKV'DUposed mf m Y i j . Jf--f.MMlrefcMart-,j i.s-irs r i I tic-r lotiHSl. any thirig hut once herein xcesof my -expecsationsor even p prtaiching them, -jeiKk: that wa the New. York oysters. Iliad. hen JwH wine on from Ca 15 lorn la, whete oysters, are "very small and unimportant, not, to say Inslgnf Icent, and I ' had 'ofteii eaten a ' Iinndrerf iliere at a time, and(bad"twa felf, that. I could eat more It I'had (hem. So, when I arrived at tlie "Metropolitan ' Hotel i- 'or idered -my dinner to" be served In my room and (old tho waiter to bting with my din ner k strong cup of coffee and a hundred raw Oysters. . He looked at twa a, moment and then said : L ' ( Did I understand you to ssy a hundred oysters ?' ; 0,el , - x " iYes," I answered ; "raw, on the bal& shell, wltli vinegar v no lemons ; and as soon as yon can. for I am Very hungry." "Abeni ! Miss, did yoa want a tran-r .dred?M -?H " iYesi5ijo W.atreyoo;.waiting lor t Mnsti I pay for them in advance ? I want ld.ee.. large ones"t " ."; " : .;e, no.'Ilss.' Alt s right ;1yotl sfsnlf hare then.' and tie went out. I continu ed my .writing, aiul forgot til about my dinner till lie knocked end - pme in: with my dinner on a tray but no- oysters. "Hpw Is thIs?,rsaW f. -t'Tbera are no oysters.1-1 1 ? ..!.- m-' i . ,1 ." . 1 erf. coniiu', Jlisi . dryi's ponsinV" and the door opened and in f,!ed three more 'sou of frlca,e bpfnlng sands, each with a big tray of oysters on the half-shell. I was staggard, but only for a' moment, for I saw the waiter grinning, so I calmly directed thenr to place one tray on a r-ltatr, ona on the waslistand and one on the bed, and t said s- ; - j ;t . . t , "They are very small, aren't they ? ; r "Oh no, Mis ; de bery largest we'se got." .,. ' .," - . ; : l"Very well' iaM I j "you can go.1 If I want any more1 111 ring." 1 ' " " When they got out iuto tlie ball one aah! -to the other . 7 , . ; . t . r -''' !" 'Fore Godt ,.To, If. she eats all. tliens oysters she's a dead woman." ' i I dld not "icel iurigry"' any "longer. I drankfiny coffee and looked at (he oysters. every ette of them as Wg as tny hand, and they alj seemed lookbuf me tneswlth their horrible witiWaud ,W thetei- ew diabolical eye. uUl I could not liave eateu- one any more than I could have carved ay a lire baby. f They leered at me and seem ed to dare me to attack tictn. Our CaUl',r- nia oysters are small,' with rio more Indi vidual character atwut ihem hau. grains of rice, bat these detestable ereaiures wenr tustioct with evil intentions and I diradr not swallow one for fear of the disturbance he tnlghi5 raise' in " "my interior,' sol st about getting rid of thetu, tor t was nevef going to give up beaten before those Walters. I hung a dtess over the keyhole after : ! locked the door, andjuat outsia luy win dow fomid a ttuf water-spout - that bad a small bole in It..; I rektHy enlarged' . it. and then ' slid every one ot tliose beastly creatures uown one oy one iuj 01 mem tbey all tbe time eyeing the with' that cold, pasty look ot malignity.. When the - last one was out of sight, I stopped ' trembling and finished my dinner la peace, and tbeu rang for the waiters. , Yo& , should , have seen their faces I One of the, waiter asked ine if I would have some more. May be never know the ir-ternaf pang "he inflicted upon me ;' but I answered calinly 1 f "Not how, I think too - many - at. once snlght be hurtful.' . -. k In this last election, they liave t-poken in ' . ' numistaknble terms front Mainetat Oregoiw- We do hope the Democratic partywlll. v throw aside this old hackneyed d-etrhie, . and bury It too deep tor resurrection. Il ' is absolutely false, lor never in tbe history ' -of tliis country lias a single state exercised. ' ' a sovereign power. V i i 4 " ' There are other doctrines which liang" -around the old moss-covered DemocraUc -. party as by instinct, and., seemingly (bey , never attempt to rid tbemsclrea of Ujcrv , This specious cry for a change was synony- . raous wjth the cry for reform Jn 1878. Some empty howl with which to catch the f unthinking voter is generally resorted to, ' ' ' and has become aIo:ost as much of i warning to ; the tntel-lgent voter s tlie-..-i ghost of Banquo was to Macbetii. .Tliw1 t appeals to the predjndices of -the lowest classes of society has been a ruling feature ' ' ' of Democracy; and In order to do "Thisv ' they have no conscientious scruples BgaldSJr." using false representations or any' iictsir i , means. Tbe Morey forged,. letter a filr -example of this in the last campaign;- andf also tho statement that (lie Republican ' party was the pro-Chinese "tarty of tloe- country: Nothing conld be fiJser,''forv"liri;';t Congress the Republican representaUoa from California and Oregoq have ,awsyt ; worked for restrict Ion measures. Tie only, j court which has ever naturalized a Chisa-r man has been a- Democratic New "Yoric court. The people have also r spoken enf all these questions, and the inereaaeeff -maforities given the Republican jelectora can but be taken as a veto of the sovereign? . people on the Democratic coarse. . I - 11 ie people bays snpporred tho Kepulx ; lican platform with its protectioniVpriocI. pies, and thereby denounced the tree-Trade (or tarlff-for-revenne-only) doctrine of "the- T 1 rmotracy.f.NotwIthstetidlntfGeni Hin- cock says tariff Is a local lastie; -rr -know' that different Democratic platforaa bT"T embodied lt them planks, btavor el .teee. trade, ar.4 whenever he matter; has been, before Congress, .the Democracy ho been f a'solid ptialanx against p'rotectIor, 1 ' J " 'Ve shalhsee wheather In the tutare fSe' Democracy will profit by - these lessons ; taugh by. the ballotboz, and, organize V:. themselves on principles which fre. conso-, . ; Ti nant to tlie ideas of tlie. A merlin, people, : If so, tliey may hope for succes; It not tbey are doomed to perpetual defeat. "" . ? .c.'-i ; t :-.-' -- 11 e ' j' -,-t,f.- Jt&:i-- TTae Vmstry Lnw. r ' f. . .. J :..'- Si' 'i,;'5pl. Below wo give the full text of the nsnry law passed by the last Legislature of- Ore-" J gon.- By the Senate amendraent h lew ,-7: goes into effect ninety days from and. after; yn i thM data of Its anrtroval. to.w1t. nlnsl " days tom the 23d of October, 1886, which, i J will be the Slst day ol January, ' ISSJ : B it snooted 6jr tha ' Legitlativ AsstHibl of the Stata 0 OregOKt -. , . . .. :tt . it .toU Sffid. 1 That Sections 1 and & ol Chapfc-,, , .,.. er 27 of tlie Miscellaneous laws of the """ Slate of Oregon as compiled by Maltiiew - J,'"? P. Deady and Lafayette .Lane be. and ' tlie same are hereby repealed, and the fol-. -lowing enacted In lieu thereof: i , 8tate sliall be 8 per ceutimi per snnum. and ..- no more, on an moneys, aiier ws same becomes dne; en judgment and decrees for the payment of money; ofl money mxiwl , -to the use of another, and retained hevoii.l ' a reasonaMs rime without the owner" eoiw sent, ;expreaed--or- implissd, w or tnnimy due npon the settleroent of tuaUired ac coont. from the day the balance is ascer tained; 041 money due ,at. o l: oue duo, wlien tlKtre Is s contract p ifitercitatKi no rate specified. Bqt on contracts, inter est at tre rat eflQ per centum per s-nnuin may be charged by express agmtaest ot the parties, and tw mors. " : BdCi, IS .iwJgmeniS r4 dn.- 1 f e money upon contract bearing we tnii '!' S per. centum Injer." and t 1 -10 per centum per aununs. l ,x' same luior-;.fe borne by s.icii i-.-i.ttg.,:.. j 3