The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 19, 1880, Image 3

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'ljr KlertloM.
Notice is hereby given tlmt an election
will be held In the city of AllHiny, Linn
comity, Oregon, on Monday the 6th day of
December, 1SS0, lor the purpose of elect
ing a Mayor, City Recorder, City Marshal,
City Treasurer, and three Aldermen, one
from each Ward. I'olN to be openod at
9 o'clock A. M.. and closed at 6 o'clock
P. M., of said flay. 1V.11 vl!l be opened
at llie following placets to wit :
First Ward In tho west side of the
Court Ilmne.
Second Ward In the east side of the
Court Iloue.
Third Ward In tha office ol the Farm
er' Warehouse Company.
City Rccordi-r.
Republican lt- on vt-iiunu.
The Jtpputilicans of this city are request
ed to meet hi convention at the Court
House on Saturday veiling December 4th.
lSSO,.at' 7:30 o'clock, to place in noml
nation candidate fnr llie several city offices.
to-wit : Mayor. .-Recorder, Marshal and
Treaurpr. and to" ratify the Ward rumi
nations tor mcuilx.-rs of tlie Common Conn
cil. -
1W w aril conventions win re im-ki on
Fridav -vtsini. Dtnrmtier 3.1. 1SSQ, to
place in nomination candidates for Conn
cinnrn, as follows : Kirt and Second
Ward at the Court House, to nominate
one Councilman from vcli Ward. Third
Ward at the office of the Albany Farmers
Coniauy. to uoiuiiiate one candidate tor
A full atti-n Inncc ot Rcpuhlicans is re
quested, both at the Ward meeting and
tlie city convention.
Oh. City Vnt:il Coin
riie IIotKInya nr 'omtnir.
s r 1 r- . . .
.nr. r-siuiy. oi riwuny , Mason, ileali-r
in iinm, hooks :.. r irst street, lias re
turned from San Francisco where he pur
chase! the largest stock of good in the
frTi-rai iiiie Kepi i-y tins limine ever
brought to A!b-my. In a few l:irs they
will open an immense stock of hooks.
picture, toys and notions, purchas, il ex-
pressly for holiday pre-ant, arid all
which will he o!(J :lt such prices as all cai
a (Turd to lay in liberal supplies of e)( a
present that, will h apprei-iafed by the
friends. Keep a close watch for the op u-
big day.
t if. v,. Me i. io take pleasure 111 an
i:.-u(n iiir to the citizens of Albany that he
will orranize a class tor hi-troctinn in
writfog. at the Public St hnol House, on
Monday evening. Nov. 22l. at 7 o'clock.
Tlie term will con-dst of fifteen lessons in
plain, practh-nl writing-, one lesson given
each evening of the wevk. Terms ot tu
ition : Two doll.-trs and fifty cents, in
cluding writing material pupils luruish
their own lights. Prof. Mc Cdie Is a suc
cessful! teacher ami well skilled in his pro
fession. T'le opportunity new oiVrn il
shoii'.tl if iirptotl by all dc-iiinj; t. ae
quiir a g'Md s" of i iting.
' A Fatal mil.
On Saturday inorning a litt'e tu-.-i year
old urn of John Wherm. of Kaii fii ld. fell
backward from a flight of step, aed wa
iustantly killetl. The mother was bn-y
alont her morning work, when her little
babe managed to crawl upstairs and wlii
p'nying at tlie head ot the stairs lost his
balance and lell backward down tlw sfxir.
di -lance of twelve loot, crushing the
skull ami causing instant dt-a'h.
At the last meeting of Onward Lodge
I. O. G. T. No. 220, the following -r-son
were electeti to t':r severtl chairs;
Matthew Chandlers. W C T; N. C. Conn.
W V T : Eugene FWier. W F S ; Martha
Cha:nier. WT; F. D. Haig'it. 'M; Claia
FUier. W O ; R. E. Conn. W S; James
Archibald. WC; El va Dickey. It US ; Cor
delia Cliauiber, LHS ; Rcbt n Chambers.
Be4aefion In I'rlera.
Calling' at Mrs. PoWellV eieganf milli
iery eUh5ishnieiit yestenlay. we were
fufiiruietl tliat Iier prices on Umi.ets. hat.
He., hare been reduced to lower pri.-es
(ban ever before heanl of in this ci'y. IV
fidea the most fashionaldt and elegant
bonneU. haU ami oiilljnerj. she has for
le tlKe popular &jzar gloye-fitting
pattern, the favorite pt the ladies.' Call
and get bargains.
' I-lt or tJetterm,
Uncalled tora id remaining in the Post
ofllce in this iity for tlie week ending
Nor. 18th. 1880.
Crabfree, DP Post. Wnlace
Hendrix. Mrs Sarah Paul. J R
llelweler. John Smitlk Josaphlne 4
Healv. Bruce Vernon. Mulky
Hoover, Mr II E Walace. Francis A
Wilson, James
tmr B cornier.
Mr. J. H. Maine, J. P.. rf East Albany
precinct, is a candidate for IJ corder at 'he
coming election. If tl.i:.'tl receive the
nomination at the !. ids ti'i'. llepubM
can Ctty . tnyeiit;oi. lie ill be elected,
and don't you forget it. .
V. i r. a.
Service at 4 P. M. on So .dav at Y. P.
C. A. hall. Stihf'.tt IVilm 97. llthand
12th versej. Wed.iesd ty rV .dug at 7:311.
Sobject Psalm 10. 4th verse A'l invited.
Revival seeylcps njo prosres-iiiff at the
Evangplical Church, 'ihn ptjhl'.j; , cor
f!!!'? fnvlfetl to attend.
BRcn,rNSViLi.E-oN-THE CAurooiA. )
Nov. 17. 1SS0. $
To the Editor of the Register :
This fine weather is being improved by
our citizens In building.
E. V. Jack is putting tip a flue building
next to the meat market.
The new drug store is nearly finished.
and a flue one it will be.
I. F. Vcnner lias got his new drug storo
running, and lias a nice place.
We came near having a tire here last
week in the Brownsville hotel, but it wis
peedily extinguished.
The sawmill is now running with a full
crew of hands, cutting ties for the R. R.
Co., and several teams are drawing them
out and scattering them along the grade
ready for use. The I rack laying progresses
slowly as the Company are unable to get
bridge timbers fast enough.
Mr. M. Hart took unto himself a wife
just lately, and several other young men
here are about reaJy to follow his noble
F. .1. Channalierry is the happy tather
ol twin bo vs. and he bears the honor as
well a any royal American citizen possi
bly could do under the circumstance.
Rev. C. Sperry has moved all his worldly
goods to the hunch grass, country is going
to preach to the good people of Ileppner.
Considerable grain is being sown in this
section this fall, but the ground h rather
dry in many places.
Mr. Hausniati has erected a nice new
house in the new ailditi::u. and it Is already
oomph d by a family from way down
This dry, frosty wiaiher is had for grass,
nn) as a consequence stock begins to look
Last night was ReLeknh di gree niht,
mm a goodly iitnuht-r attended, and we
understand they had a very pleasant meet
ing. Next Tuesday night is Dluo Ribbon
niglit. and we bear that they are going to
have a splendid programme.
Our new saloon Im not opened yet. but
probably soon will.
The Woolen Mills have orders fo- more
goo!s th in they can manufacture by runn
ing only in the day time, so they naut
weavers to run iiiirbt in fact they have
ln'cn running nights for Pome time past,
and have not begun to catch up with the
order. Already there is some ta'k of en
:u;iiig the factory, hut it Hancock hail
been electiil President there would have
been no ueeti ot enlarging any of our mills
and factories.
Politics very qr.tct here.
The Democrats try to srt Hp a claim to
New York, as of course they non't like to
give up the ghost entirely, o out of pity
we can v-iy well afford fo let them hug
this delusive phantom to their breasts
awhile, as it stems to soothe their lacerat
ed fielhigs. Some lil,- the hoy who cut
his tl g"- tail o;f. an i:ic!i at a time, s- it
would not hurt him so find as it would to
cut it all oil" at ii,ce :
The st;hot! hei!;e of th:s eity has just
bad two huge new -.tovi-s put up. and is in
a very flourishing eo"-.iition. n. R.
Pn raarrnmlet.
n left us on Tuesday, en rnnf.-.
in the grand Territory of
Mr Canno
fo'- his I iMiie
Mr. T. O. TJ il !..n
i..v.i.i! itv lit:'..
sf-tir. l f.r his p'm-p
'a t Wedi.e-d
li on i g
Wlii'i- lnril.. g for h"lM iv presents, drop
In anil leofc at the handsome tnriiilure to
he spen sit V. M. Dannal-. corner ot Second
and Ferrv streets.
Lew IJov-tl. of Si io. e-irried a torch and
enjoyetl the la: iiit-iUnii with ti on - Mon
day niijlif.
We are indt-hfed to 1'C Oo'in fnr a fat
gotis,. fop Simd.-iv's di'.ntt-r. 'K-ih.
Next 'i'hur-d-iv i turt.ey day.
Dr. Rossa didn't run away from Baker
City as adyert'sed. It was a mi-take.
Th" Dr. has n l an iuroeiwe practice in
that co'iimuiilf v. t fp-ct:ng some leiinirkahle
l"ir. S lluce llie je:i,il-V.
Fn'-li ihV'.iiv of l'r i,i !i nn. I Aiikticw
candies jo-l rit-ive.l a i', W . Oshoin's
just the thing to fiil up (.'hi i-1 111:1-" stock
in" 's
Gov Ch'is spei eh Moii.'f.r niglit was
a toag-iirtei'i t eTirf. and received univer
sal ant-'aii-f.
Htm. Allen Parker passed ihrouuh the
city Wednestlaj. en route for Yaquina Bay
from "Frisco.
f'a'l at F- M. Frent hs pih examine
lio-e fine b'aek malrtit clocks.
Mr. -loliu Reed sold Ids handsome Hitle
firm, iilxuif four miles from this city, for
$5,000. the first of tlu- week. Mr. Wallace
was 1k purcleiser. i
French lias Jijsf reeelvd new stipplv
lhoe genuine -Bit-ziliaii pehhlc sH ctacles.
Mr. Foshay. ot Ftwhay & Mason, ilrugg
its, returned tihis home In this city from
San Francisco on Monday, atter an absence
of two week and twotlays. a soon as
the Yaquina B;iy road is built, our mer-i-iiants
can go to "Frisco, purchase good.
ee all ttie sights and return making the
round trip in a week, at n saving of two
thirds the present cost. We want the
Correct riilroad time at French's.
W. R. Kirk. Esq., of Brownsville, wa
In the city Monday.
Don't forget Conrad Meyer when look
ing for Christinas goods he has nn elegant
The narrow gauge railroad Is still some
distance Irom Brownsville, hot will doubt
less get there by next mouth.
A giod deal ol fall wheat lias already
been sown, and that which has made its
appearance above tlie ground look good
enough. ''-'. ' -
The 1mss razor and nickel-pis ted scissors
at the City Drug Store:
Cily Council meets ncKt Tuesday night.
Ballard, Isoro A Co. make a splendid
quality of family flopr ; if any difference
it heats the Boston Mills. They pay the
highest cash price for wheat.
t Drs. Smith and Lon Cleaver, of Halwy,
were with as .11 our ratification Jioaday
ilJght .. . - , ' .
Mr. Brenner purchased a fine lot of
potatoes ol Mr. Finlayson, for which lie
agreed to pay double price provided Oar
field was elected President ; it Hancock
had succeded, then his potatoes would
have cost him nothing. As Garfield was
elected, Brenner's potatoes taste strongly
of money ! .
Tht; wheelbarrow ride came otT Monday
evening to the no small delight of the
little ones, who whooped it np livtly as
the procedon moved along.
The Chinese have all closed
up business, as they say they can not afford
to pay $5 a mouth license, and there is. no
end to the consternation and trouble to the
good people of this city that it lias created.
As we said last week, we see no good to
accrue from the ordinance, except to com
pel our people cither to run their own
wash-houses or pay double prices for wash
ing. A light tax might have been paid,
but 5 per mouth is too large for the busi
ness. On Monday night out at tlie depot a
large bonfire was burning, and the hotel
was il'uiuiiiated handsomely. In addition.
whi n tlie procession ir arched along Ninth
rtreet. the locomotive nvnr the hotel an
swered back the shouts of the Republican
hosts with a whoopup that was heard ten
or fineen miles away.
Feed Ooetz has o!d lit interest hi flr
City Market, and propose a trip to Europe,
stalling almiit the first of next month.
Fred is .1 genial boy and we shall miss him.
We wisdi him a nleasant jo imey to Baden,
and a safe ret urn.
Ja-e Wheeler loomed up alongside Char
ley Barnes in the Republican procession
Monday night, carrying a torch and cheer
ing for Garfield in a manner beautiful to
behold. It was an effecting sight ami
Democrats wept silent hut copious weeps
Prof. T. M. Catch lias been secured as
principal of the Wasco Iudeei:di-iit Acad
emy for the next three and one-half years.
And now the fierce bear.
Will soon lose hi hair.
If he don't soon repair
To hi long winter's lair.
Where, while scratching his nose.
Ami sucking his long toes,
lb- can take sweet repose.
Bidding defi mee to all foes.
Why don't you bring home our shot-
F. M. Wadsworth hied to the mountains
Thursday on a bear hunt.
Coal oil Best quality and lowest prices
at Plntunvr's.
The Odd Fellows talk ot a public i :stalla
tion in January.
That handsome case of stuffed birds at
Pinminer's continues to atf met general at
Should the present weather prevails a
few days longer it wiil help railroader, but
the farmers won't be tickled to death by a
long shot.
The fallY made nf O''orn"s is the kind
that suits Mclinda Ann.
The iiitle hiverics want to select the
longest pair of -tiH-kings that have 110 holes
in them and e'ean, ami lay them one
si.le to tip tne nignt. tier.-re
t hristmas. a old Santa 'Iaus i- hound to
lie on hand this year and fill them no uiih
toys, candies, honks, nuts. etc. If Han
cock had been elected this might not have
been the case.
The ye-ii is drawing to a cloie. anil if
yon w:it to blow yon nose, go to 15'aii
aril buy your clothes, and he'll throw in
handkerchief it wiitcli lo pull your
.nose. Ju-t sos.
Cliri-t mas is coming and Phnnmcr i re.
ceiving handsome presents. Call carlv
and make your M-Iections.
Such !eaii! i fill clear cold weather. It
won't help the steamboat navigation on
'he river.
The ImmuIs ot the Yaqnina Bay railroad
have la-en .placed niton the New York
markets. Hint Ihev go oil like hot cakes
'Rah for our railroad.
For diggs and medicines go fo Plum
1111 r's. He understands his business ami
will treat you well.
The b: ick on corner t.f Ferrv and First,
occupied by F. M: Frenchliiid Mrs. J. I..
Powell was the mo-t handsomely i In i i .at
etl on Monday night.
Wiley B. Alien, the iimdc dealer. !:ce;:
a fid! assortment of school book ami
school siipttlies. which can le procured
cheap, r than elsewhere in AHtaiiy. Re
member the place Wiley B. Allen,
O'ToolV building.
Fresh cocnaiiuts at Osliorn' at I5c each.
Tlie liandtitmiest ladies" dies goods j
etc.. at S. E. Young's.
Wheat at Pomeroy. W. T.. I quoted at
35 and 40c a-r lniliet. and no buyer at
Reinem'ter that Joeeph ha a nice ock
t.f holid.-iy goods, which he propose to
close out. regardless of cost.
Fril Rci. at the Revere Hone. is agent
for the thistle dew whisky the liest in the
See the new advertisement of C. W.
Oshorn In this issue. He is the boss candy
maker, as the little ieople all know.
Gov. Gihhg i one i t our readiest and
most entertaining speakers, and lie has an
unblemished reputation.
That Chine k; ordinance passed by the
City Council last week ereated a breeze.
The Chinamen say tlie tax Is too muchee.
ami propose to quit. The only hardship
In the matter seems to be, not on the Chi
namen, hut 011 those who liava employed
Ed. Ban m lias an endless assortment ot
Chrisrmas goods. Drop In and see them.
Brilliant moonlight nights, with sharp,
frosty weather.
Deer and bear have come down Into tlie
foothills earlier than usual this season, and predict a cold winter because of this
- Owinif to the great difficulty of procuring
ties, the work ot track laying below Uma
tl!la ha been suspended, hut n-.t however,
until the track had been laid seventeen
mile below that point. A large force of
men are laying track up stream. The
track lias been fold to and above Blalock's
J Landing, or about 23 miles above Celita,
Urn ua nes.
Small pox is sweeping oft the Indians on
north shore of the Gnll ot St. Lawrence,
and such is the panic that those not afflict
ed flee from the dead and dying.
W.J. Faneil, tlie California wrestler,
was defeated by John McMahon. ol Ver
mont, at Pittsbmg. on the ldtn. Ihe
prize was tor I he cliampioushipof America !
and $1,000. .
At the Congregational Council at St. j
Louis, Mo., on tlie 13th. Dr. St oris fraid
there were 22 Congregational churches in
Dakota, and in nine years he believed,
with tlie proper encouragement, there
wou'.d be 200 in Colorado.
A party ot 25 on their way to the month
of Musselshell river to receive - provisions
were fired upon by Soux recently. One
horse kil!el and two wounded.
Ulysses Simpson Grant, jr., son and
namesake of Gen. Grant, was united in
marriage to Miss Fannie J., daughter of
ex-SeniitorChafTee, of Colorado, at Chicago
on the 1st Inst, t haffce present! d the
newly married, couple with $400,000 in
U. S. borfds. A youngGrai.t was worth
$850,000 before his marriage, the happy
couple uiay be said to be in fair circum
stances. Miss Jennie Spencer, of Burlington.
daughter ot "Richard Spencer, Secretary of
the gas works, committed suicide on the
13th. Cause mental oepre-ssion. She
moved hi the first circles, and 'was highly
Thomas W. Somers, of Cleveland. Ohio,
recei-tly divorced from his wife, committed
euicide on the doorsteps of his late wife's
residence on the 14th..
Hon. Newton Booth, of California, is
suggested as a member of President Gar
field's cabinet.
At last accounts Gen. Garfields's ma
jority in Minnesota was 40.2S5.
Hancock's majority in Kentucky foot
up 4.030.
Hancock's plurality in Missouri, 55.002;
majority. 10.SG7. The vote stood : Han
cock. 20S.5S0 ; Garfield, 153,537 ; Weaver.
K Uy, the Australian bushranger, lias
been hanged,
General Hancock denies that he has
written any letter on theXew Yo-k count.
Patrick Hayes and D. D. Sullivan are to
be hanged in Philadelphia on January Glh.
There i a greater demand tor stores and
dwelling in Chicago than there is supply.
Senator Mahone of Virginia and George
C. Gnrhain have been holding long consul
tations. The Spanish Liberals view -vith much
apprehension the large body of religions
order settling in Spain.
The Greek Cabinet i nctively ad wincing
military preparations hut the army will
not be ready until March.
The Richmond lurcning Star, Richmond
HVi'y "'"l Charleston -Yeics id Courier
oppose the New York fraud cry.
The Canadian Government has canceled
the order ol Octolier 22d for the partial
oeniug of the Wetland Canal on Sundays.
Wirt G. Harmon, confidential elerk of Tweed & Co of New York, has con
fessed to an extensive theft of goods, from
the firm.
John McCarthy, a municipal employe
is under $5000 bail in Chicago for sil-ft-nipi
ing t drag a Deputy Marshal from
the jHiiis on election day.
Two men were killed and several per
s his nere injured iu S.fe Harbor. Pa., by
the explosion of a cannon 011 the 11th,
dining a Republican celebration.
After paying one visit to Washington
for ihe purwse of arranging his things
th'-re. Garfield will probably return to
Mentor, mid reniai.i at home the balance
tit the winter.
The wife ol Samuel Davidson, prom
inent lawyer of Patterson. N. J., was
found murdered 00 the porch ot her resi
dence on the morning ot the 15th.
Cold ami stormy weather in the East.
The iet earning of the Ball i note &
Ohio railroad la-t year were 7.9H7.000
ot- $4,124,000 more than last j-ear.
Silling Bull i- rt-Mrted as swearing that
be will fiulit ihe IT. S. troops forever, and
die rather than surrender. Gen. Miles
hopts to .-urrnund and capture him thi
wiin er.
The re-election of Jones, Indcendent.
to Congress in the 5th dUtrict, Texas, is
Ex-Secretary Bout well has been appoint
ed by the Piesident counsel for the United
State. Iielore the newly organized Franco
Anierican 'niixtl claims commission.
The sale of 321 .4 SO acre of land belong
ing to the U. S. hi Southwestern North
Carolina, advertised by the solicitor of the
Treasury to take place on the 25th, has
been Indefinitely postponed.
Meacham is still figuring In the Indian
business. He was expected to ilig out for
Otorado this week, at the urgent solicita
tion of Secretary Schnrz. It is said he
would have vent before hut wns afraid of
being lynched on account of Ids alleged
complicity in Jackson's murder.
It is reported that the exodus continues
that thousands of blacks are leaving
Alabama and Louisiana, and will continue
the endgtation all winter.
Edward Murphy, convicted of the mur
der of T. D. French near Ileppner last
spring, lias been sentenced to be hanged at
Pendleton on Wednesday, the 5th day of
January, 1SS1. He declined to say any
thing in his own behalf and received his
sentence without visible emotion. His
counsel will take the case to the supreme
court on exceptions filed during the pro
gress of the trial. ' ' f ;. - -
Baker City market report Is as follows
Flour. f434 50 f bhl ; wood. $44 50
cord: beef, boiling meat, 3 6c ; all
steaks, except choice cut. Be ; choice cuts,
8c; pork. 'mutton, sausage, same ratio;
eggs, 33Jc per dos ; baiter, 37Jc t lb ;
hams, 25c? ft. scarce ; shoulders, 20c ;
sides. 20c ; potatoes from wagons, lc ? ft ;
beans, 8c ; ly, $9 f ton, delivered ; oats,
le ; wlieat, Ic ; Iwrleyv lc ; venison, 6c.
For tlie office ol lord rector ot the Uni
versity of Glasgow, John. Bright beat
j John Busking 314 votes
Tlie Bonanza mines.
It is an open secret that unless new dis
coveries ot ore are made In these mines
that their working will have to lie abandon
ed, and then the question arises whether
more money has been taken from them
than has been put in. But 110 such ques
tion of comparative benefits can arise in
connection with the Oregon Kidney Tea.
tor every dollar put into that has produced
a thousand dollars worth of good to the
victims of backache and kidney troubles,
a tit ir unanimous testimon' will show.
Sold in all stores.
Condensed Lifflituliiic.
Riza Pasha has been appointed Governor
ot Salonica.
William Forwood has been elected May
or of Liverpool.
The issue of Panama canal stock is fixed
lor December Glh.
Three thousand Jews have left Roma
nia for America, by way of Bremen.
One thousand five hundred and ninety-
tour bills are on the calendar ot Congress. ;
The propeller Zealand and sixteen men
are supposed to he lost on Lake Ontario.
All proposals for the sale of United
States bonds in New York were rejected.
Two of Leonard IlotTner's children were
burned to death on Saturday iu Kllenboro,
The Porte, has called out 30,000 reliefs,
and dispached rcintorcemenU to Salonica.
and Volo.
Governor Looter's private secretary says
that hi chief will not accept a place In
Garfield's Cabinet.
The circulating medium has decreased
f 200J 00.000 or $300,000,000, owing to pco
pie hoarding money.
The winter has set in very severe hi
Russia. The Volga is frozen, and many
grain-laden vessels are caught in the ice,
I). R. Charis. of Barrow, England, has
tai!ed. Liabilities 00.000. Several Liv
erpool iU'ins are somewhat involved.
Vinnie Ream's statue ot Admiral Far
rngnt, creeled in Farragut square, iu
Washington, will be unveiled on December
10 h.
The Porte lias bc-eu handed a collective
note demanding the executioh of the assas
sin ot the KnssiHii l.o;oi:el lomincroii.
The death Is announced of Zuimis. the
Greek statesman, who was many times
President ol the Council. His death was
The Nihilist trials have concluded.
Three ol the accused have been exiled and
four sentenced to various, terms of impris
American missionaries are sheltering
and feeding 500 Mussulmans and christian
fugitives in the mission building outside of
L'ruiniah. Persia.
The will of Alonzo Bcekirmn. of East
Chester, N.Y., formerly of California, is
contested bv his Drothers and sisters, lie
h it ?40'000. making bis wife sole devisee.
The threatened irruption of Chinese into
Louisiana will not take place for the pres
ent, owing principally to obstructions
thrown in tlie way by fhe Cuban authori
ties. Genera! Butler. Treasurer of the Na
tional SoMicrs' Home, has drawn the
whole appropriation at the beginning o'
each year. A change in the system will
be recommended.
It is probable that the returns ot the yield
ot wlieat will show an increase ot about
30.CU0.000 bushels, as compared with last
year, more thsn half being frointhe Pacific
Suit has been begun In New York by
the United States against Jnlious B. Pengs
of the firm of Pengs & Pinner, to recover
damages amounting to ?GOO,000. for nl
leged undervaluation of Importations ot
The Governor General of ICasan will be
superseded and cried shortly, because be
forcibly attempted to convert 700,000
Tartars to the orthodox faith.
Mr. Lincoln, widow of Abnvham
Liecolfi, the martyr President, who
arrived on the A.merique from Huron?
with Sara Bamhanlt, is very ill at the
Clarendon Hotel in New York.
The Premontre Fathers ol Marseilles did
not show themselves adepts in strategy.
Thcv were he-ieged, and had the careless
ness to leave unguarded the door at which
they received their friends. Their largt!
store of choice victuals will now fall into
unsanctitied stomachs.
U. S. Marshal Wharton says that the
Republicans of Louisiana will contest the
votes in the 4th and 5th congressional dis
tricts, and may contest the 1st and 2d
districts. T. C, Manning, ex-chief justice
of the State Supreme Court, has been np
pointed U. S., vice Spa fiord, deceased.
Arrlvnl ol Mew Toyn anil Fnncy Voods.
El. Bavm lias oened out the largest
stock of holiday goods ever brought to this
city. You can find any kind of present
you may desire, to suit any age or condi
tion, at Baum. 1 will mention a tew .Ar
ticles only, as it is impossible to go into de
tails, yiy stock ts Immense, and I intend
to sell at the lowest rates In order to reduce
It. Following are some of tlie articles:
Baby buggies and wagons, rocking horses,
railroads, baby trunks,- Boliemenn vases,
majolica ware, toilet sets, smoking sets,
cups and saucers of all kinds, velvet frames,
writing desks, work-boxes, shell boxes,
an immense stock of dolls, new styles of
photograph and autograph albums, the la
test styles In coral, ivory, shell and pe'Brl
card receivers. A cordial invitation is ex
tended lo all to examine my goods as you
will profit thereby, and will find the preti
est goods ever brought to town. Jia old
goods on hand all the latest and newest
toys. Call iu time to select presents before
they are picked over and the choicest gone.
Holiday picture books handsome. School
books and stationery wholesale and retail.
I will sell to country dealers at San Fian-
cisco prices, as I purchase my goods direct
from tlie East ,
En. Birit. mnmri.r tr1
TtmniiaiKt., c.-..r. ...
and Broadalbin streets, opposite the now
block of Senders & Sternberg
During the a J ministration of President
nyes the national debt has been reduced
$107,000,000, w ith the saving of $6,000,000,
in interest annually. Dnripg the same
time the enormous sum of $S65. 000,000, of
public revenue has been collected and ex
truded, ith a loss of only one-third of
one cent on every $1,000.
14 rajs to Insure.
Business men make the matter of Insur
ing their goods and property of the first
importance, as no man can tell the day
nor the hour in which his projierty may
be damaged or entirely destroyed by fire,
even though he may exercise the greatest
care and watchfulness. Our farmers are
pretty generally making assurance doubly
secure by insuring their grain after plac
ing it in the warehouse. This is wise and
safe, and should be followed by all. In- 1
sure your grain, houses barns, or goods j
of any kind in a sound company, and you
can sleep soundly. Among the soundest I
Insurance companies doing business 5n S,
Oregon, none can lie more hifhly recom-
mended than the Connecticut and the
German-American. It is a noteworthy
tact that both the above - companies paid
every dollar of their losses in the great
Chicago and Boston fires, a fact which
speaks loudly iu their, favor. The instruc
tions to agents in every cie is to find out
speedily the amount of any loss by fire
iu which tlicy are interested, and pay It
to the last farthing. These are the com
panies in which to insure. Mr. Julius
Gradwohl is the accommodating agent lor
both companies iu this city, to whom all
should apply who desire to insure in
sate companies.
Vataal Piaent
In the dental ranks will never occur it
you are particular with ynnr teeth, and
cleanse them every day A'ith that famon
tooth-wasi.. SOZODOXT. From youth
to old age it wiil keep :he etmniel sjxitless
and unimpaired. The teeth of persons
who use SOZODOXT have a pearl-like
whiteness, anil the gums a roseate hue.
while the Orcath is puiitied. ami rendered
sweet and fragrant. It Is composed ot rare
antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from
the objectionable and injurious ingredients
of Tonth Pastes, &o. X"
.Dried. I3?izits.
Samuel. E. Young is makings specialty
ot packing and shipping Plum mer. Aldeii
and sun-dried Apples and Plums, for w hich
he is paying the highest market price.
TLe Xew Hotel si tne Depot.
Under charge of Mr. Jas. A. Gross, the
handsome and convenient new lTotel at
the depot h.-.s gained rapidly iu public
favor, and 110 hotel hi the State now stand
higher iu public favor. Everything is
new and clean, and the comto: t ot guests
specially looked after. Hot coffee and
cakes are ready and can be obtained by
those wishing to refresh themselves before
taking the morning Express. 13-6
Ir. . W. Vray.
Dentist. Albany, Oregon. Ofilce in Fos
ter's brick block, up stairs, at large bay
Prices in proportion to tivk and
material, consumed
OFFICK Jn Olid Fellows' Temple, Albany,
Oregon. All work carefully performed, and
rc-asonablo as is consistent with good work
tminfehin. n92v!2
At Ills X Khop.
FitED WH.T.ERT-is now established in his
new two-sto.-v wasron and blacksmith slion.
011 Second street opposite S. E. Young's wnre-
nniisv, wnerc ne is prenama to ao an Kinds ot
blncksmithinn. repairing of hacks, vusrons,
etc. lie also has 011 liand, and will continue
10 ma nn fact re, hacks and hnsKles. which will
lie sold at the lowest possible figures on reuso"
ablc terms. 3&vl2in3
All Klnrtk or Inuiber.
We have for sale at Lebanon and Grass"
ridge some 3(10.000 feet of lumber, such as
scantling, joists, barn limbers, boxing.
fencing, and other rough lumber. At
Lebanon we have a siiierior lot of dry
lumber, consisting of rustic, flooring, etc.
Owing to the late fire, we are ottering
this lumber at rexluceil rates. Address us
at Lebanon. 4Sif Cosjj BKO$.
Kew To-Bay.
Conrad Meyer's !
The nublic is sneciallv Invited to call and u
amine the large and varied assortment of
Ohristmas Goods
Just received nt Conrad Meyer's, on corner of
Broiululbin and I iret suuets. consisting- of
of all kind9, unique and hanCsoine ;'
Wax, China &. Rubber Dolls,
of all sizes, styles and prices ;
Baby Buggies,
for nice little girls ;
Wagons and Velocipedes,
foc'ijood uttle boys ;
Slusical Toys.
that will delight the children ;
Toy Sets, ;
cheap and handsome ;' -
Fancy Work-Boxes-,
h indsoine for presents to any one;
and an almost endless and innumerable vartetv
of goods, specially ordered for t he holidays.
AI.S0 .
All kinds or Confections, Foreign and Domestic
Nuts, Fruits, etc.
Call and see for yourself, vrya canno 1 fall to
be pleased both in quality and prices.
Note This- -Fresh Bread every day.
... . '2. ' ''""'"' ' ' "ONAO MKI'EE.
Albany, Or., Nov. 14, 1880.13-7
"VfOTlCE is hereby given to all whom It
-LX may concern that on 'I'linrsdny, De
cember 7th. 1S80. at the honrot one oVIock
P. M.. at the regular term of the County
Court of Idnn county, the nnilcrsiiriiwl will
1 tender Ida resitfiiation as adinhdlrarorde
! :'bonis lion of the residuary estate of Owen
; Kees, decease I. JACOB KEKS,
Not. 12,.LSS0-13nZ Adminlstraton.
has opened a splendid lot
Toys & Christ
In Gradwohl-nrck, lately occupied
ham, on Hiatal reel. ,
All kinds, styles and .ni-letlea of lit
Toys tor the holidays. u of which l
m Lre7"1;?le3,J cost, lo close oi ; v
lines. Call and be convinced tt fc.
me above. e ,
Albany, Orejron. Nov. 12. 1880. ;
Broadheacl Alpaca
I - ..... ......u V. MMIWIWi
Glieai Sc. Seirvi cable
Will not
ounL or SHBiinr -
In dump wither, and are not vxoeUvd
An entire new line of the most n mf
Just received at
Albany, Or., Oct. S3, lSSO-vlSnt
J.- uoot will tint tileiu at BAM CEL. K. TotMl
'1 nese Boots are also made wltb the vmlm
Standard Scntw, warranted not to rip.
E. G. JOHNSON, r.l. D.
Pbjsiciftsi and Suiffea.
OFFICE In Frotnan-s brick block, ap-statt,-.
Allmny, Oregon. tlltil '
Bead. Head, ZUacL
First Street, Albnuy, Orrjwtt
J. R. IIGRltKV, :' ProprieHiil-;-
kiml4 the nmrket all'onls, and will puf
the liishes cash price for Beef, Pork. Mottmc .
V tul Oilvc and Chit-kens; also. Hides tyL
Furs bo'ialit and sold. J. K. HKUEKN.
October 1, Itfdtt-v 13 nl. .'
Notice or Final SetUemrnU
11 dersiixjd, the exetitor of the Uwt will
and instalment of W. II. Goodwin, deceaMMt, baf
riled, in the Comity Court of l.lnn txttlnty, Or-p
pan. his linal account, and said Conrt ha ap
pointed Tuesday the 7th day of Ueeemhetr, lm.t
at tlie hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of ld:
day. tor the hearine of object long to mi& fisai-- -account
and the settlement thereof.
H. J. BOUUHTOM, Kxewteri
Oetotier L, lSSO-vlSnS
Weatherford Blackburn, attys for vMeutot.?
pitmps ! pumps r:
the pnhlie that he has located in A1-
tinny for the purpose of srifiplyins tbm citii 0'
of l inn county with that excelsior pump tbo
Lone Star PluaUp
fatented la lSTSv ' '
No Rubber,
No Leather
No Packing
META1C,. " " .
Easily lIa4IelV. . . .
Simple In CoMtvct34isV',:
Examine Before Per
chasing Elsewhere
SatisfactiQii GuaraatBviI..
j. ar.
Bouuitsuins, ! .
Oct; M. ?80mS-
soothes. Tellevcii tlmmt at am anttcnr wlMr.
other plasters fail even to relieve. It oatao
greater & mors nowerf nl pain relierim, ts.t on
eniug and cnratiTe properties ttisn this eoKm
poroan plneter, and is far superior to )feumta
ad the so-called elecrricsl appliance,- it' J-
MMnii.MmmnMRilMlfortlia aoove !
also for Bpinal itad KWT rr-v
rtcariay, Seiortp na4 H Am-- , -PatsH.
When ailferius yoi wi.ldow -J .
even m Uttle pains procure tins ,
sot allow anr other Plaster to be a "-- "" v
it. Sold by all Vraxtfrtr. P'c-r M
S, Fiati Btreet, Mtivr X'ork, f-rop-MKv
- : '- M
- " '" i i
.. -