The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 12, 1880, Image 3

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    ALBANY, OREGOX, NOV. 12, 1SS0.
iS"-av.if t-S r-.
Will nntlfjr Seat Monday Nlcht.
At a meeting of the Republicans of this
city, held at the Court House on Wednes
day evening last, to select the time in
which to hold a ratification jollification.
over the election of James A. Garfield and
Clwstcr A. Arthur to tlie Presidency and
Vice Prcsidencv of this Nation. James II.
Foster. Esn , was elected Clialr'imii. and
Geo. W. Sill. Seeretar. - --"
On motion. Monday evenine next.
Xovemlwr 15th, was selected a the time
The following committees were then ap
pointed :
Finance W. O. Palmer, John Haiinou
and C. E. Wolvertou.
Anvils Tlios. Roberts, John Purdom
ami Rhliad Fox.
Music Chas. HatTenden, Terry Ray
niond and Mr. Pietce.
Torches Frank Wood, M. S. Monteith
and Jas. Foster, jr.
Transoarencies Geo. W. Sill, R. T.
Barnes and N. Bauin.
Sneakers Jolin Conner and Coll. Van
- Program me John H union. K. r.iojr
and M. S. Monteith.
Comaiittee ot Arrangement Sinuiel
E. Youn. R. A. Foster. D. G. Clark, W.
S. Peters and G. W. Gray.
Every Republican fu the city is expected
to illuminate his dwelling or iiii-Iness
'ton-; rockets and other explosives will
be secured ; an immense bonfire wili b
hullt In front ot the Court House, eolon-d
fires will te burned ; proliahly 8()0 to 1,000
torches will lw secured bimI ri'p:irii1. und
the whole city will be in a W-ize of glory
on Monday night. lJepublican Club and
Republicans, and ail citizens who feel re
joiced in tint tour more years of jx-nce
aiv prosperity bns been secured to liiis
Nation by the election of the stntesman
and p-itriot. J.-i. A. Garfield, to the
Presidency, are entdially inirel to par
ticipate in the ratification. One or inor
eminent, speakers from abroad will be
secured if xsi Me. and every arringment
made tor the grinde-t hlow out Albany
has ever Uiised. l.e? the citizens i f
Uiin aud counties ailjaeeii turn out and
enjoy ' the occasion with us. Ilh tor
BroHiiKVil'.r I lur.
Nov 10. 1-sst). S
To toe EiiiToti of the Kfoi.-tkii :
The weather is moist enough to snir tiie
fanners, and const lerable plowing und
sowing Is iK-ing done.
I. Wl Starr and Geo. C. Blakely have
purchased the drug store of J. B. Irvine,
and will shortly open ont in A. Thomp
son's fine new building next door north
of the City Hall.
Our City Hall is enclosed eit.l the car
penters are gettin;; along wt-!I. ami t!
building is going to be a credit to our city.
F. M. Jack has built an addition (o his
Election day parsed very qui' tly, and .is
many voters went to Halrey, the Demo
crats carried this precinct by 13 majority,
and consequently they were happy but
alas ! how fleeting is h ippii ess in this
world ; as soon as dispatches came jtour
ing In from New York and the great
northwest, how soon their exultation was
turned to gloom, aud the great cry of
fraud was tittered by all l lie Democrats
here. But tlien, of cours-e. that part- tin
very easly cry Iraud. as they are so very
honest and lioiiorable themselves that it is
not at ad surprising for us to hear this ar
gument I
The boys burned some powder heie last
Monday night In honor ot Garfield's elec
tion, and alter awiiile concluded to rest a
tew moment; when they returned and
went to load np again, they found that tlie
can of powder was gone and could not be
found. I don't say the Democrats stole
this powder, but It certainly could not
have gone oft Itself without showing some
sign on a dark night.
. Last nlht tlie Blue Ribbon Club met
and Imd a splendid programme ; music,
singing by the choir and addresses by Rev.
C. S perry aud Rev. T. Sails, of Halsey.
Select readings and orlgnal pieces occupied
part of the evening, and five persons took
the pledge, and we are to have another
meeting of the club in two weeks from
last night. B. B.
A Ctoon Joke.
A prominent merchant of Rosehurg
we mention no names l owns a hand
some dog. ou the day of election, being a
Hancock man, wrote on a Hrge placard
which he fastened on the 'mr. -Hancock
or But." Some w-ig ot a Republican
caught tlie dog, ami whit lew skillful
floiirislies chaugiil ti l.-geud to read:
Hancock I Busted." and the dg carried.
tor tho n-st of she ilay, a statement the
truth of .which is not gnltnyed by his
owner now. 'Kali for G.i. rttldi
SAMUfl. "E. YiT'SO is making a specialty
ot packing phipping P.iimiiier. Allien
and sun-ili ltd Apples and Plums for which
j3 l paying the bibest market price. .
- vA-l-rio-aac , j
-i-y'rJ tenriona
A4ISvV?- joyed liis remarks on the occasion as nvich
SSTX wf,&& we did those of the other speakers.
I '$'pY&&' And we take occasion io say right here ;
I r'fiTiy'::'- tluu C;,I;t- H"I'"T MmHslt honor.
J t i V so far as we hre informed, in his place in
Mr - ' tate Sen ate, and Linn county lias
r! reason to be proud of at least one Senator
Vmlmtentlonal on Onr Part.
In our notice of the Republican torch
light and speeuhmaking at the Court House
on Monday evening, November 1st, we
emitted to notice the fact that Cart. N. B.
Humphrey made a patriotic and eloquent
speech, which was received throughout
with pleasure by the vast erowd in atten
dance, as was made manifest by frequent
and prolonged applause. The Captain
was perfectly confident of victory, and
teellog first rate, coulil not help impart
ing pome of hi eiitliii-ua-Mii to lit audience.
Hew we came to ignore Capt. Humphrey
. . a. I .
on the occasion, we can not '.inngine.
We anr him that it was entirety unin-
1 on our part, fur we certainly en-
reason to oe prouo
who redeemel every pledge he made to
the people before election. He acted con
scientiously in the discharge or every duty
in the way his judgment and reason to'.d
dm was for the best interests of his con
stituents and ;he people at large. And in
the same category we place onr Represen
tatives, Hons. S. A. Dawson aud W. A.
t'ommuH Comiril.
The City Council met on Tuesday t veil
ing last, all present except Councilman
The mimites of lat me:iiig were read
and approved.
Ail bills reported at lflt meeting were
ordeied paid, on favorable report being
made thereon by committee on Accounts
and Current Eenses.
On motion the Marshal was instructed
to notify owners ot property on Stvenlh
between Calipooia and Vine streets, to
fiui-li or fill up the grade.
Petition of I. A. Crawford to 1 permitt
ed to construct a flume to convey water
from the Canal from tlie southeast corner
ot block six. east across Lyon street, under
the crosswalk, and thence east along the
norMi side of First street and under th-
sidewalk to or near the southwest coiner
of block' sixteen, and thence north along
tlie east side of Baker street to the Wil'.
aniette river, the petitioner agreeing to re
place side and crosswalks Interfered will
in the construction ot said flume, leaving
them in as good condition as tliey are now
in. was referred to committee on Street
and Public Property, with instructions to
renort immedinteiv. The committee re-
nnetio" fhvnrah'v. the petition whs grant
ed, said J. A- Crawford to lc re-pon-iM
for any anil till d:int:ige that tu-'Tli"
throni'li or liv said iiiiinoveoient, and
proper lights he kept at all exposed places
to prevent ;accidents.
Petition of 4'. II. Hewitt for sidewalk
on the west side of Wainut street, was
granted, and said work otdcred complet
ed within fifteen days.
Petition of Mr. "het.l!e to build a
covered water )ll' to tonvey tlie water
fro. ii : lie side of her w:;reIionsp ii t lhe city
-ewer, v;! eran'ed. with the proviso tl at
sie lc l.e'd resp-ii-i!.le for any damage
that ti-ay arc ue tlier. lrom.
Petition of Win. Mi-Mi e'.in eta'., a-k-ieg
! ! a ditch to carry oIV the water on
Xi -th. troin T.yon to liair'roa 1 stroi-ts.
and fir a ti!: o i M-ntotnerv street ot.
each -ide ot the road at the bri I."1. to keen
rhe water in the i!i-cli from overflowing
the adjoining lands. Reterred to com
mittee on Hea'tli atid Podce. to report on
at next meeting.
Ordinance bills 103 and 101 pa.ed and
were ordered printed. Sor elsew'iere in
tu-d ay's paper Ed
flu in a'ter of lie is sj.iin-t th- V. P.
t'iiutcli projiei'tv was rei-'rr"ii to committee
on Accounts and Current Expenses.
On motion, tlie Marsha! n u o.-derel to
continue lite publication of dclhrpicnt tax
L::der suspension of the rules, following
bids were allowed :
A J. Hunt. work. etc.. $35 05
F. M. Westral', hauling gravel, f3 13.
L. C. Kice, services as Councilman, $1.
Sam Krape. nightwatch, f2.
J. L. Halter. Kecorder's tecs. $3.
A. J. Hunt, work, etc., $15.
C. A. Plutiimer. nid-c., $18.
J. L. Halter. Recorder's fees, $10 80
Cost hi Geo. Dougherty case, $3 30.
Cost in case ot Dan Lynch. (5 45.
On motion judges of election were ap
pointed as follows :
First Ward H. Bryant. W. B. Cundiff
and D. Frouian. PolU in west side of tlie
Court House.
Second Ward Mart. Payne, W,im
baugh and Sain'l A It house. Polls In east
side of tlie Court House.
Third Ward O. W. Young. W. Goltra
and E. B. Purdom. Polls at Farmers'
Warehouse office.
Council adjourned.
Hnrrab for tiarfield.
Our boys shoot" as they vote, and don't
you forget it. On Monday Doc. and
Perry Conn went out to lay in a supply ol
wild gecese. They soon came serosa a
large flock, and Perry let fly with one
barrel of bis shotgun and secured thirteen
geese. He didn't fire the contents of the
second barrel as he didn't want to exter
minate the whole flock. Our boys shoot
as they vote, and they never fail to bring
in the game. 'Rah for Garfield.
Our o'd friend, Archimedes Hannor, ol
Dayton, W. T arrived in this city the
first ol the week on a visit. It is the first
time he has visited his old home for some
years. n holds bis age well, and enjoys
the best ot health.
Blue ItlLton.
Bine Ribbon this evening. 'Let a'.i turn
out awl enjoy a sociable ooj.uJou.
WUeat Yield or 1880 In EJn County.
From inquiry among the leading ware
houses In this county, It Is found that
there is now actually on hand, stored In
said warehouses, wheat of the harvest of
1880, one million, five hundred and seven
teen thousand six hundred bushels. This
includes the large warehouses, and does
not include the many new warehouses
erected late this fall, and private ware
houses, and g-ain still in the hands of
farmers, which latter amounts to no incon
siderable sum. We are inclined to thiuk
that the actual yield of wheat this season
in Linn county approximates two million
bushels. And this is not all. for in addi
tion to wheat many thousand bushels of
oats, rye, barley and flaxseed were harvest
ed, bringing the sum total of cereals rais
ed in old Linn lor 1SS0 to mote than 2.
000.000 bushels as the lowest estimate.
In the production of wheat, it will be
seen that Linn leads all the count'es ol the
central valley, as we get the figures :
Benton w,U0
Mucion i,awr.)o
Washington ; 294.300
Polk 7.-,0.000
Lane 500,000
With the nil road to Yaniua Bay com
pleted, the yield of cereals in all the coun
ties mentioned wili le largely increased.
as the road will furnUh cheap and rapid
transportation to tidn-water. Under
the influence of the construction of the
:ib iye line of raiHv iy . Limi county alive
wili double her turn out of wheat
the first twelvemonth; and in llie near
future can and doubtless will produce
from 4.000.000 to 8.000.000 bushel of
reals annually.
lire Matter.
Linn Engine Company is determined to
have a flag ole. and at the last regular
meeting instructed the committee to try.
try again.
Mr. Jay W. BInin resigned his ofiice of
Fh.ancial Secretary of 2s at the meeting
on Monday evening, and Mr. W. S. Peters
was elected to fill the vacancy a good
selection. Mr. Huston resigned as First
Assistant, and Dr. J. A. Davis was elect
ed to fill the vacancy.
The new Finance Committee of 2's con--ists
of Messrs. Hochstedler, Dr. Gray and
fas. II Foster, jr:
Fear Tlsrnuih Lines of Itnflroud
Are now pointing toward Oregon the
Xortht-rn Pacific, the Utah Northern, tte
Wiunemncea. and one from Keno. When
all these arc competed, the rush of popu!
tion to this northern section will lie won
derful, ami in anticipation of it, Messrs.
(lodge, Davis A Ci. have enlarged their
facilities for the manufacture of the Ore
gon Kiilney Tea. which has never been
known to fail in curing tlie worst cases of
backache or any disease of tlie kidneys or
urinary organs of cither sex. Sold all
Tititfii Broken.
A little daughter of Mrs. C'on!cy. aU.ut
three ye.-Jts of age. on Monday la-t tell
lietueeti the wheels ol a wagon in motion,
one of the hind w heels pa- iiijj ever anil
breaking the right thigh. Dr. Alexander,
ot this city. v:i sent for and give the
llfCi-ssaty attention, ilnd ill-1 li te sufteivr
was - n il resting ;pi'nt!v. The a. e dent
happetad on the old Laytou placi
di-tame I evond tin- I :i!i;n": a.
a hort
n the road.
TarnaiC r-lacc
In the dental ranks wi 1 nevei o;vnr it
you are p.-in'uular with your teeth, and
cleanse ilw-ui every day -villi that famous
tooth-wash, SOZOIKlXT. From youMi
to old nge it will i-icp the eimniel spotless
ami uaiuioaired The teeth of persons
who use SOZODOXT have a earl like
whiteness, and the gums a roseate hue.
wHie the lire ith is ui itii d. nod renden-d
s-Ai et and fragrant. It. co:nposeil o rare
aidi-eplic herh and is entirely tree from
the objectionable and ii.jnrio is ingredieiit
ol Tooth Pastes. Ac. N
MUliEle Finite.- of Rift.t llnud 'nt oil.
La -I Satti' il iv aitard Mo-itat:Ve. ahout
four years old. cut oft' the inuiiiV finger of
hi little sisters right hand with his litl'e
hardied. Little Mry is less than two
years old. Judge Montame phvs ilk- chil
dren were out playing, and the tirt they
knew anything was wrong little Mary
came toddling in saying her 'tinner's tut
otT.' The finger Was found to be cut
clean otfjust ahovo tlie first joint.
Erodilpblan Noelciy.
The entertaSnnient given by the 7del
phiau Society on Tuesday night, was. as
usual with all the Society undertakes, a
complete success. The programme for
the evening was found to be too lengthy,
ami was shortened somewhat on that ac
count. The music, recitations, reading,
essay, etc., with which the entertainment
abounded, were nil goon there was not a
failure or a halt In the entire programme,
and every participator deserved praise for
tlie manner in which the part was render
ed. :
I.enp Ytnr Unll. :
The ladies in the vicinity of Albany gave
a leap year ball at No. 10. Grange Hall, a
tew miles from this city, on last Friday
evening, which was a grand success. The
management In the hands of Misses Berry,
Dickey, and others, was unexceptional.
Everybody enjoyed themselves immensely,
and a better lime was never had by
G. H. r. and D.
List of Letters, '
Uncalled tor and remaining In the Post
office in this city for the week ending
Nov. 11th, 1880. !--Craig.
Chas Heclsne dfc Davison
Fairclo. P F McKlzzie. H H
Gates, Gertrude Scott. OS
Thomas, George '
the Whole TUInif in Knteuell.
After M. Goose.
I'll tell you a story
About Mr. Morey, !,
And now my story's begun ; .
I'll tell you a better .
About a forged letter.
And now my story is done.
I.lnn Couuty Statistic for 1880.
The assessment role for this county was
inspected by the County Court last Week,
and through the kindness of Mr. N. Bauin.
we give our readers some statistical in
formation which it furnishes :
Number acres of land, 417,40(3 ; value,
Number acres of railroad land, 35,042 ;
value. $3,750.
Value of town lots, $333,233.
Value of improvements $314,900.
Value of merchandise and implements,
Amount of money, notes, accounts, etc.,
Value of household furniture, etc., $177,
7S0. Number of horses and mules, 5S92 ; val
ue. $231,491.
Number of cattle. 9754 ; value, $73,
S13. Number of shecp,33,910 ; value. $47,874.
Number of swine, 6,620 ; value, f9.S5S.
Gross value of all the property in the
county. tf5.G12.357. J
Amount ot Indebtedness within the
State, $1,802,019.
Amount of property exempt from taxa
tion. $415,859.
Total amount ot taxable property $4,
344.479. The levy has been placed at 16 mills, j
the same as last year, which will raise the
sum of $69.351.S3.
Arrival ol 3icw leys and Fancy Gooda. :
Kl. BxrM has opened out the largest !
stock f holiday goods ever brought to this
city. You can find any kind of present
you may desire, to suit any age or condi
tion. at Baton's. 1 will mention a lew ar
ticles only, as it is impossible to go into de
tails. My stock is immense, and I intend
to sell at the lowest rates in order to reduce
it. Following are some of tlie articles!
Baby buggies and wagons, rocking horses,
railroads, baby trunks, ISolieiueaii vases,
majolica ware, toilet sets, smoking sets,
cups and saucers of all kinds, velvet frames,
writing desks, work-boxes, sited boxes,
an immense stock of dolls, new styles of
photograph and autograph albums, the la
test styles in coral, ivory, ihell and earl
card receivers. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to examine my goods as yon
will profit thereby, and will find the preti
est goods ever brought to town. No old
goods on hand all the latest and newest
toys. Call in time to select presents before
they are picked over and the choicest gone.
Holiday picture books hau-.lsome. School
hooks and stationery wholesale and retail.
I will sell to countiv dealers at San Fian-
t-isco pi ices, as I purchase iny goods direct
from the East. Bai'M. corner of First
ar.d Broadalbin streets, opposite the new
block of Senders & Sternberg. 7
The vote of Idnfi county has been offici
ally counted, and results as follows: The
Keiiiihlicau eleeti rs get Curry, 1.415 ;
Applegafe. 1.411; Watson, 1.410. Demo
cratic electors get Weathertonl. 1.677 :
Owen. 1.070 : Fulton, 1.070. The Green
back candidate. General Weaver, got 21
votes in the county.
Wanm to Si :,. You liimir.
Fat l i D. I Newton, id Saicm. is de
sirous of learn n; the whereabouts of
Charles II . George N.. Rohert. F.dwin.
Orlando, Sarah, Al ' C -i ila anil Hatty,
all his children. Write to hit.i at Salem,
and co ntort the old gentleman.
I". P. t'. A.
The subject On Sunday altcmoon for con
sideiation will lie found in First Cortu-tid-ins.
lGih chapter. 13th verse. Wednes
day evening. Acts 17. 27;h and2Sih verses.
A I' are invited.
T3ie Xew Hotel nt tlii Ieot.
Under charge of Mr. Jas. A. Gross, die
handsorre and convenient new hotel at
the depot br.s gaii ed rapidly in public
favor, and no hotel In the S a e w .- and
higher public avor. Everything is
new and clean, and the comto: t .; ; nests
specially looked after. Hot coffee and
cakes are ready an I can be obtained by
those wishing to refresh themselves he I ore
taking the morning Express. 13-6
It Fays to Insure.
Business men make the matter of Insur
ing tlieir goods ami property of the first
imX)rtauce. as no man can tell the day
nor the hour in which his property may
be damaged or entirely destroyed by fire,
even though he may exercise the greatest
care and watchfulness, Onr farmers are
pretty generally making assurance doubly
secure by insuring their grain after plac
ing it in the warehouse. This is wise anil
safe, and should be followed by all. In
sure vour grain, houses, barns, or goods
of any kind in a sound company, and you
can sleep soundly. Among the soundest
insurance companies doing business in
Oregon, none can be more highly recom
mended than the Connecticut and tlie
German-American. It is a noteworthy
tact that both the above companies paid
every dollar of their losses in the great
Chicago and Boston fires, a fact which
speaks loudly in their favor. The Instruc
tions to agents in every case is to find out
speedily the amount of any loss by fire
in which they are interested, and pay it
to the last farthing. These are the com
panies in which to insure. Mr. Julius
Gradwohl Is tlie accommodating agent for
both companies in this city, to whom all
should apply who desire to insure in
safe companies.
Ir. . W. Urny.
Dentist, Albany,pregon. Office in Fos
ter's brick block, up stairs, at large bay
window. PrUs in proportion to time and
material consumed.
In this city Nov. 11th. at the Revere
IT ni i we I,., l?ov laimf. fill Ion. 3Vf r. 1 Te rm.lll
Carowaud Mrs. II iiinah K. Templciuan
all of this count v
an oi 11113 lOUlity.
Ask John Irving w by he wears gloves
1W M , JTAU T, L11, W RIUIHI . .
School and, holiday books, stationery, al
bums, scrap-books, velvet frames, at reduc
ed prices at Wiley B. Allen's new book
auti music store, O'Toole's building.
We learn that our musical folks are ar
ranging for the production of the beautitu'
cantata, Queen Esther, some time during
the holidays. We've got the musical talent
to do It, and don't you forget it. Hurrah
for Garfield !
If you want to decorate your residences
and business liousesJon Monday, get your
flags at Ed. B iuinV
Everybody ratifies on Monday night.
Get your spectacles at French's.
Have yon een the handsome lamps and
ehandelie-s in Pliimmers' windows?
An elegant displ.iy of Christmas goods at
Julius Joseph's new store in Gradwohl's
brick, lately occupied by Graham's taylor
shop. A the entire lot ot handsome goods
are to lie sold regardhss of cost, bargains
are to be had there aud everybody is look
ing for bargains at this time. "Paralyze"
those goods.
Dr D. M. .Tone's noted trotter, "Old
John," got out of the stable Wednesday ;
and his owner found hi n next day badly !
u nunited. I he effects of two loads of shot.
He was a valuable horse, aud if heshouid
die from tlie effects of the shots, the Dr.
would'nt have the kindliest feelings toward
the author ot the mischief.
Senders & Sternberg's new block is near
ly completed. Tlie room next to tlie corn
er being completed. Phil. Cohen has moved
back to the old stand, and wp.h a large and
carefully assortetl stock of goods is ready
to wait ou all who desire bargains.
Ben. Johnson has been very ill with in
flammatory rheumatism. Was a little
better yesterday.
Weather mixed. Enough rain to make
plowing easy.
Ladies' long sleeved cashmere vests, at
60 cents each, at Mrs. Parrish's.
Those fancy brackets at Peters & Sox's
are handsome and useful just the thing
lor flower pots. .
Some of tlie handsomest mechanical toys
ever brought to the city at Conrad Meyer's
just the things for Christmas.
There isn't at; article in the line of gen
tlemen's wear that you can't get at L. E.
Blaiu's and lie's a square man to deal
Only about three weeks and then comes
city election, and still the question remains
unsettled who shall we have for Mayor?
One tiling is certain, we will be in extra
good luck if we secure as honest, compe
tent, efficient and painstaking an officer in
the suecctding as the present occupant of
the Mayoralty ha3 proven himself to be
'Rah tor Garfield.
The Republicans ot this city will be call
ed to meet in convention in due time to
place in non, inatioii gentlemen to fill the
several city offices. There are several can
didates for the office ot City Recorder, but
there seems to be no desire for a change in
tlie Marshal-hip. and no candidates against
Andy Hunt. He has made an excellent
The two ordinances passed by the City
Council this week, are published elsewhere
in t'tis is-tie. One effect of ordinance No.
103- will probably be to cause Chinese laun
iltymen to advance the price of '-washed,"
which w ill not he looked upon as a gracious
bo m by a rear many people, perhaps.
Chri-t mas goods arriving at Plummer's.
Mr. D. A. Vance and family have mov
ed from their farm into the c'ty for the
winter, occupying Harry GodJey's house.
Mr-. Vance proposes to do sewing, and
she is an expert, having few equals.
French has a handsome display ot black
walnut clocks.
For lie.ititiful and novel styles In writ
ing papers, envelopes, etc.. go to Plum
mer's under Odd Fellows' Temple.
That wheelbarrow bet will be paid Mon-
bay night, and will go with the procession,
we are informed.
By the terms ot an election wager, next
Monday night Jaon Wheeler Is to carry a
torch in the Republican procession by tha
side of Charley Barnes, ami is to cheer for
Garfield when ordered to do so by Charley
Yon want to be there to see the fun.
Councilman Patterson Is very ill, we are
sony to learn.
Blank books at Plummpr's.
That toy "shooting safe"' and the rail
road train that runs on a single track, keep
ing up its lick for a quarter ot an hour, to
be seen at Conrad Meyers, catches the little
folk's pedro.
Good speeches and first class musicat the
Blue Ribbon to-night.
For bargains In pocket cutlery, go to
P'ummer's under Odd Fellows' Temple
Tlie Court House will be decorated from
basement lo dome on Monday, and will be
in a blaie ot glory at night. 'Ror for Gar
Arrangements are being made forspecial
train to Lebanon Monday night. 'Rah.
Judge Caples will probably orate for us
"And won't we have a jolly time ?"
Whooray for Garfield 1
The wile ot J. F. Whiting arrived in
Portland from the East on the last ocean
Miss Hallie Paul lias been quite unwell
during the week.
Titos Droa.
Have just received a large iuvoioe ot
gold and silver watches and jewelry, of
the latest designs. Also have for sale the
New Home sewing machine, manufac
tured since the expiration or patents ou
sewins machines, and combines tho good
anaUties of leading machines. Call and
see. . ' 48
OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Tomple, Albany
Oreson. All work carefully performed, and
reasonable as is consistent with good work-
tuanbbip. n82via
At Ilia New Kbop.
Fred Wii.i,eet is now established in
i viaw twA.4tA.-v wrvah anil u... 1 1 v. i
on Second stii ct -;poslte b. K. Younsr's ware-
lipnw, where lie U "irjiTmred to do all kinds of
blacksniltlmijr. ivpirlnsr of backs, natrons.
,i ne i,-piih--.m enilll, ana Will COOT!
- uianuiaotuie, tnickm and busies, which
... . r sold nr i ; pc-;ibl figures on n
h win
AH Klmh or Lumber. -
VVe have lor sale at Lebanon and Grass
ridge s-ome 300.000 feet of lumber, such as
scantling, joists, barn timbers, boxing,
fencing, and other rough lumber. At
Lebanon we have a superior lot of dry
lumber, consisting of rustic, flooring, etc.
Owing to the late fire, we are offering
tiiis lumber at reduceri rates. Address as
at Lebanon. 4Stf Cosjf Bros.
B. II. FBCELAKD bna lorn ted In
Albany for ll:e practice of Dentistry.
All work warranted. OiBee In Purrisb
block, corner First and Ferry ata. febl
LAST - a -r.-r . i
Xoiiec to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that if delinquent
to city taxes and liens on property in the
city of Albanv, Tiim countv, Oregon, are
not paid within fifteen days from date
hereof, that they will be collected accord
ing to law. The following is a list ot the
persons from whom taxes re due and the
amounts due, to-wit :
Hova Alexander. 1 57
A SWnterditchCo91 7
W K Alexander, 4 73
Mi-sNACarothers,5 at
J FConn. StI sn
J 8 Covall. 2 10
. 5irsKL.AppleHte.6 82
I J W Baldwin, $3 67
i E Bovle. 2 83
TJ.'M r', SI 72
' M V Brawn, tri75
i II .- fill- U In
T S I ran field, S3 67
M T Crow, 2 62
I. inner Klkins, U 17
James Elkins. S-J 63
S Eusley, 2 10
John Foster. 87
Kobert Bent ley. 2 67
jn Smibe'i?,'
Mi's J Cline, 4 47
JACrawtord,etnl$lS 73 B K Free-land, $4 It
a i nerty. i in A J f ox, ri OT
Wilt Houston, S3 49 H I) Godley, l 44
do F Humphrey, 32 10 K H Griffin. 10 S7
N B Humph rev, S4 70 Fred Graf. 8 40
J L, Harris, 1 70 Uraf & Fromm, $9 45
lirj w I mi l is, 3 &allie.tNellieGordoitt37
C H Hewitt. S3 23
J W OilMland, (1 115
L H Mom mi ye. $4 85
, E Martin &Co, $3 15
Mowin Week, S5e
" MrsSVMeOaliy, 39 SO
. lsnae Newliouse, 2 03
' T BOdcneal, 3 15
K iim od Price. S20 47
J li Herren. t25 88
W H Hunt on, S3 53
K Jacob, 3 V
S A Johns,
Kirkendall.Sl 31
CO Ktthn.fl 60
Dr Win Lister, 80c
Mrs A V Layton. 4 2o GeonrePatte. son. S9 85
Jas Layton, SI 65 1 Rankin, 88
Win McGohon,! 98 George Hichards, $6 80
('has Milier, fi 25 IS Smith, (8 3
lienont Mills, 4 20 V P Clmrcli, 19
SIt-3 MePermol, Sll 7S Jason Wheeler, 42 7S .
Mansfleld&Mouteitli, K Sloan, 4 78
Mrs M S While. 1 57 George SVelier, 7 35
G W Walker, S2 62 : Frank Woods, (43 (18
G W Youne. 812 23 H Weed. 23
iu do jonn .MCAiuster, z iu
Bv order of the Citv Council, made on the
12th day of October, 1880. J. L. H ALTER.
viiy itecoraer.
Albany, OrM Oct. 15, 1880.
Ordinance So. 103.
An Ordinance to license Washbouses and
Be it ordained hy the Common Council
of tlie city of Allmny :
Section 1. Thtrt. every neton who shall
keep within the limits of the city any wash
house or laundry. s!i:ilt pay a quarterly li
cense of fifteen dollars.
Sec. 2. Th:it the license for wahhouse
aud laundries shall be taken out and issued
in accordance with sections eighteen, nine
teen, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-four
and twenty-live of ordinance number tight,
approved April 12th. 1873. '
Sec 5. That it any person or persons
shall carry, keen or mauitain any wasli-
liouse or laundry, without first haviiljr ta
ken out the license provided lor in this or
ilinance, upon conviction tiiereof before the
ltecorder. he or thev shall tie fined lu a sum
not less than ten or more than seventy-five
dollars, or imprisoned in the city jail not
less than httei u days.
Sec 4. This ordinance to take efTect
mi be iu force from and after five dajs.
Iter us publication.
Passed the Council Nov. 9th, 1SS0.
Approved Nov. IRh, lSSO.
Attest : J. L. Halter. Mayor.
City .Recorder.
Ordinance o. 104.
"Relating to City Police."
Be it ordained he the Common Council
it the city ot Albany :
Section l. that whenever any person
u the city of Albany shall become an ha-
ltual or common drunkard, the Common
Council -hall, on the petition of live or
ore. citizens of the city, declare every
ncli person a common (lrunkartl,aiiu there
after it shall be deemed unlawful for anv
lersou iu said citv to self, cive or allow
any such drunkard to have, take or drink
any strong liquor, or any drink whatever
hat win produce, or whereby Intoxication
may l"e produced.
Sec. 2. t,vcry person who shall be
guilty of a violation of the preceding sec
tion, shall, on conviction betore the Re
corder, be fined any sum, not less than
twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or im
prisoned in theciiy Mil not less than Ave
or more than twenty days, for each and
every such ollense.
Sec. 6. this ordinance to take effect
and lie in force from and after five days
after its publication.
Passed the Council Nov. 9th, 1SS0.
Approved Xov. 9th, 1S30.
Attest: J. L. Halter, Mayor,
City Recorder.
New To-Day,
Conrad Meyer's!
The miblfc Is steclallv Invltod to call nnd ex
hist received at Conrad Meyer's, on corner of
jsroauuiuin ana r ii-si sireeis. consisting ot
of all kinds, unique and hanCsome ;
" Wax, China & Rubber Dolls,
of all sizes, styles and price ;
Baby Buggies,
for nice little girls ; -
Wagons and Velocipedes,
for good little boys ;
Musical Toy a.
that will delight the children ;
Toy Sets,
cheap and handsome ; ,
Fancy Work-Boxes,
h indsome for presents to any one;
and an almost end less and Innumerable varietv
r .-t ; en iua jiuiiuays.
All kinds of (Confections, Foreign and Domestic
nuis,f nuts, eui, ,
.Call and see for yourself, ns yon cannot Dull to
wvjhcvwu uuiu iu q.uaiiiy oriu pilces.
Note This- -Fresh Bread every day.
.... " liniUD HKYER.
Albany, Or., Nov. 12, 1880-1:1.7
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom It
may concern that, on Thursday, De
cember 7th, JSS0, at the honrot one o'clock
1'. M.. at the regular ti-rn ot the l:oniity
Uourl of Linn uaintv. the iiiidersiencd will
tender his res.u nation us adinhilstrator de
i ImiiiU lion ot tt3 i-eUimrv estate of Uwetl
Keei. deceive I. JACOB KEES,
- I X- S incl 1 . . A .ImlilLlMf All
has opened li splendid lot
Toys & .CShris!
Or o o n fir .
In Graiiwohl's brick, lately occupied by 1
littiii, ou i irst sirael.
All kinds, styles and varieties of' Potto a
Toys for the holidavs. all of which I 1men1
sell icarHr lless of cost, to close ont in the
lines. Call aud be vouvinued ,f ihelrulbt
tlie above.
llli.-- PM.
Allmny, Oresron. Nov. 12. IH80.
Broadhead Alpacas
u,u iucu simiuiuu oi exceueuce as
Cheap &- Servicable,
Will not-
in damp weather, and are not ttxoelWd W aa
similar goods, either
An entire new line of the moat desirable &a4fatf
just received at -
Albany, Or., Oct. 32, 18804 lSia
X Boot will tind them at Sahuel E. Touna
These Boots are also made with the in Isl tmm
Standard Scrww, warranted not to rip.
I2iaician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Froman's brick block, ap-ntairs..
Albany, Oi-cson. TlSnS
Head. Head. Eead.
First Mtreet, Albnoy, oreiron
15. 51 iE 31 St EX,
Proprietor, -
kinds the markc
ct airordw, and will 1T
he hfsrhes' cash price for IJeef. Pork. Mutton.
Vea! I'ulvei and Chickens: also. Hides and
Furs liouulit and sold.' J. It. HKKREN.
Octolx.'!-1, 1S8U-V13 ni.
Notice or Final Settlement.
NOTICE IS HEREBY filVEN that the uu-ilcrsi-rned.
the exc-nfor of tho lat will
and testament of W. II. Goodwin, decc-aned, Yuu
filed, in lhe Connly Oairt of Linn county. Ora
gon, his final uceonnt. and said Court lias ap
ixiinted Tuesday tlie 7th day of Ileceniber. IS80
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of saia
nav. tor the nea.-iier of objections lo said nnal
account and the settlement, thei'eof.
II. J. UOUUHTOS, Executor.
Oetolmr 15, 188vl3nS
Wca! herford & Blackburn, attys for executor. .
tlie public that lie has located in AV.
nany tor the purpose ot supplying the cltlrewa.
oi i -um county wim timt excelsior pump i
Lone Star Pump,,
fa ten ted la 187.
No Rubber.
No Leather.
No Packing,
Easily Handled,
Simple In Construeltotff
least a Lifetimes f
Examine Defore Pur
chasing Elsewhere.
SatisfactiDii Gnaranteea.
Prices tn Snit..
Oct.. 15, U0m3 Aljr
1 COUGHS., fi.,
soothes, relieves almost st once and cons hm
otlifr pl.mturs fail even to roiieve. It contains
greater & more powfrfnl pin KlinvlPij, st .
culuan1 cui-stiv prop.5rui?s l.oau isia exiv .
fioroui plsiter, aini is far superior t?(.i
aud tl so-ca'.KiI electrical ap'
specially roconiraeniled ifor tho toot .v .
for K; in-j.l and KWy tmiw
Pivartay, Mriarlra. isl mii Inew i n
Painn. Wuen saiiofuiit you wultto -: v ,
evtu . VHle ji as li pr..nm t!.'4 ar;i-....v
no' allowsny Plh'!rp's"wrt'b'ii3E'-' - ,
lu ?-- u 'u Ji ih ifigjs. f iiacuT tUwiMtim,
tl Piatt Blrect, New Yo.'k, Proprietors. , '