.J L IMP..: i-sJJOTSTrS rsWtTU' i!ffi IT IHnWr a rflWBlllllj AL1SASY 3IAH15LE WOKKK. STAIGEE -1JEAI.KRS IKonumcnts , and HEAD STONS , ' ; E.LClTr;i JN ITALIAN OR Albany, : : Also, cvitv variety of work ilo-.ui with iu-;iim !n t lent ion iri on 1 o ov.hrs li.nil nn par. .'( IS'n'.cuinl Witsliiniort Ten i!oY , to, ni:t;5 loiv: w, nit'.i iirotu.oltv lorw anii-il. All t.o.t. .mn-'!. JOHN BRIGGS p KKS Tills Kl'IMUTrMTV Tt INFORM L '.ii-i''ri.vi !-no I ill.- pu.iHe tf.-nemlty , t hat is nut settle I In his :;ev busimSS house, tier 'h- l us rcu l :-sortuit?nl mul Jtoves and Ilaiiges , rati fo.tn 1 in nuy one Uoumj this si U- of j i I'tll 1, Utt.l MT j LOW -V 1'IHCK.i i AI.S; V.-"" "FT! lT T. Ul'trlll Villi." V. Al-al, III. !n'Ct Srosi, iu5 v inisoil Eroci, :.ni Coppenvarc, :; ,v. ., i, m l, ma lv to or.lcr, AT I-IV-.u'i;in-:s. OXi on js-333.- ! ' M'.iiij-, i y.-miM-r -11, rir-?- strv.'t. 3 ior we-! of K.;-ry, ai,i:, : s oi;5:;o:v. UVVlNii 'vi.vliil Ml" 'iry AIii!;-t.I wl.l k:.-'iiran ; on han ! utl ki'i-lso! "! -the T-:-y i.'-.i lo o'tiniii.' I in Tho i'.i:irk-t . I -vii: -lri.Mi li:m-io m.-fl I U .wi-lH'- ol h. mav tutor mi.? Willi t'.i. i.- jK.invia r. T":i.' P'l'iTif ;om- ally : in. Hi'l to ."ill :?l my -1 - j u-'ii-ri in n.iiil ol uii-nt-'. t'J'l'li. liili- .l-!l ;irt-- ;nli 1 Tor ! Ifllv. llV:!Hii Anv .;;!-.: Sv-w Dt paruirf ! M 1 LL! N RV AHFdHESS AUI ?i C. AIIIS. O. I.. PAIIKS. j nvi.; I'l UrllVSKl) THS Mll.I.INt-K .Vim' intclv . ii.' I Mim.1'. 1". IMvii :;iol 1 i. iii4 j'.i.t :ii lfl I ln-iv.ii iii-w iino'K-i-ol Inli- Cicica StiUixiory, sirxsiia3, I: nil ? II i?. V:.-. ;:l":i--" :"i-:i-il'- n i'lvi i'l. Ilu In I'.-iof AI'M'ivah.l vi. i'ii-y M .nil loot i'i- i. :-t for ; li- ii.'lvii. All six U will ! f-oll n; 1 rir.-i (Uut -oi?i-m'' it ;o-i. lUvimr Mi-ilr.' 1 the . -rvkv of ;i lir; chi's i-rsmakei' I 1 am yii-.-inr:' 1 to cuf, lit. mi 1 limko iliv--"? in ;iii -?y lK'-iii-1. ai -liort nnllii' mill in utiii-f:i.-rory iniitmi-r. .i-'I tkin i v'inlhlna fn !!! rn n winlty lori- on north ii.l. ol" Firt.t-n-4 ot Kliswortli s?ivt. Yon ;tri- invite. 1 toi-uli. Mi:-. i.. pa ?i-il2: zitt 2atra- STUBS. 1. SA1 I'MA'JJSII, I Ilaniruin taken citarn of :he City Drug Stcre, lmvinit pnn.-li-?'l tlie entire lnS-n-t or '. W Slaw, sut'wtiir to A. Cnrollicr & Co., nit.l ls ntw rveci viiis? a Splendid Hs- Stook, j wblrh.niMeil t tie forni.-r. n-n liir it v.-ry coniuii-tc in nil tli iliU.?inil ilepui : iiu-iils. lliiii assui-cil thai uil euii ims s.iiit-l in bolh Quality and ric?, or-Jinlly In vite his old fvjcii'ls and untion-t-rs iq give liiiu ai-ali. PSZSOaiTTIClTS, Will recl-eiium'liHt imd -m-nful tti:niiin t alt ttM flay uiiil Pure Wines and Liijaot-s for iediiiin , oct.acn-svio - WTT.T.AT.TZTTS MARBLE AM) STOA'E WORKS. P. "WOOD & 00,, . Manufnctun'n of MONUMENTS! IIntl .StoneN, Taliletw, . v Jfanllc, Ciirhtsssr, A hit r fv Coping:. Bases for Oardca. rootj.L-iS, and alt kinds of work rti : iri s in.. As we tret oor tlrMi. life-..- tri'in iri" ounr-ri-, unii iinvr it "clwuil vii h m... ..... snre tuitoinru iln- Tie Best Materialsj- Lu-sst rficcs. Or5erfrni nny jwrt -f il Kfleiiitexl . i t-i9"All ni-k -' nte l "I i; n-i'-i-r '.-. ' ! fciftliop niiti VVo.-kon i-on.tjrof -tfmdiiii'l : tlioorlli ;iecitt, A. jun v. i'. on. . ' JF. Wui ftr to. March 19, itiwvvi-.'iics J BROS., 1N- : ;-vs?:t. i-ciuctorv itn-1 c-r S; : nn-l :"i.-.sii,-l. . . vt-i . 1 1 S-.WU V. V j I M,.' ! i-i ; 'l-.t of 1st-' D'.I; 4', . '."-5 "b ought rr.2iXirtcturej3 Sro Trash Ox WiIsO 1IK Blood Cure nil Si'rnf.iliint afl -ct ions and "lisorilers reault lniliom Impurity of tha MikkI. It is needless to Bjiecify nil, ns t hi' Miif.ri c:in ltualiv jx-nx-ive their can; tut .v,i A'rniw, l'implrt, i leers. Tumors, Ointrr, XwflUft;, A'c. lire the imwit ci.mraon, u wi-ll as many oiii.oi.ions uf tlie Heart, Jead, Livtr Kud Stomach. 3 1 VToadsrM Curs of Elin&ress. I. Raxsoji, Son 4- Co. : Fur the lieflTfit of all troubled witii Hcrotula or Impure ;..ol in tliiir 5ytem.i, I hi;riitj- ri-roiniiien.i Kimr of the Jtlood. I lmvc ln?n lioubl. .1 with Siroiuhi f.irthp past tea rears, liurli o aif..e!-.l lny tyeit that I wancotn pletuly blind lor six wontiis. I wiu recommended to try Kins; ,f tin- w, j, 1, h.is Jirovt-d a vreat bn-iiiK t.. nie. us it i.as -..ii.l.'U !v eurp. me, mid I cheerfully r.?.x,Kuit.iid it toail tiolibled as I bar bea. Yours truly, SIes. S. WEAiuiu;Low, Sardinia, N. T. a ill be pnid to Mir Pub'io I."nirt to tie mutu. aily atfrf-ed upon, lor even- 'iioate of thismetU iue publubed by us iX Is not (Jvnuine. Its Zngredieiits. To show our fnitli in tlie snfi-ty ami excellence of the K. H., npmi proper jwrjioiiai application, when atistieo. that no imr.ositifm is intended, we will nve the HHiueaof ai) its lnuredit'ntH, by ufJidavit. The aboTeotf.-r wcie never ni.uic Ix.fore by the pro prie'or of any other Family Medicine in the world. Many testimonials. fur h.T nMornintion, and lull dlrei tiutis for usimr v.ill be found in the pam-phk-t - Treat iM on lUseacs of the Hlood." in whiche0w,,ttlei.n. l.,vl. Price 1 per bottleeon jrminB l-J ! ounce. .r to ..0 .1im.c. fold by druir "t. U.KuisoM.bOH Co., Prop'rs, Buffalo,.- Y M1e under Cool -y pat't)t. Fb-punt, er, (trar ful nl bealihftil. ' Satii-tacf ion -KuaranlceH. lender the cla.su is kij ;iiiliel bi. b renders mslliiK imposviide. Ikiwuie of infrilircnM-lXs. Ask for 'ooley' Conn't and tako no ntht'r. Send to us ttirnush your d-sdt.r for a in.pt- Corset, rmiinn in price from Tflc. uta to Sv (Kl. and vonr order will be filled by return mail. Manufactured only by th Oloos ilanufacturing Cow.pany. , BATES, Y.?YD & P00T.EY, v uoi.uiAi.s tsir t iii. X l L. CJ r ALBANY, OREGON, OCT. 29, 1S.S0. LOCAL, MATTERS. 4'irruit Court Ilorktl. Fullowiiif; tlie tlwpositiou of "p- up to Inst nJoJit : I John W. Morse vs O. K. Volvei Ion ; suit in equity. F. A. Chenowiih lor plfl, I.. FMnn. X. B. Humphri-v for deft. De cree fur i let: lor C3Sts. 3 II. A. Davis ys John IVs-trr-t-t al ; same as above. Jwlfimeni for ,r!fl". 4 R S. Stialm aini-X. H. ntitiijihrcy vs T.. Klkin?5. Flinn &, Charnberliiin lor jilflfc, Wfatlwrfoi-rl fe BlMt-kl.nni for di-fts. Jmljr tnent temlcreil and atxi'iitt-tl. i A. MiOilk-y vs Sophia ni ifrij; ; suit in pijiiify. Dolph. Broimt:j;li. Di:ph & Si mon, I'owell anil Flinn for pi If. Com imicil 5 Smith & lliai-li. ld v 'l l,o T. H ii-un; suit in f.iiity. J. V. Baldwin for p!ll. Iltiinpliivy & U olvt-rtoii for tlt-ft. Bt fi i itd to 1.. II. Moiiiaiiji-. 9 A. McCallt-y vs Kl.zil lh VA !. r, smit inequity. Iiolpli. Broii:t;ip;i, Iolph it Si mon. Powell. Flinn fr pltV. "onl intiril. 10 David Yoting v J.mics Mi Malion ; suit to fori-eloM; iiioriKao;... V-at In t lin'dut Blaeklitirn lor plir. StraJm & r.ilyi'tt lordft. tiiaiifi-i! leave to un-twer. II J. U'. Mullen vs City of AMiany ; writ of review. D. M. Conley for plif. Will pri.ha'.ily be. sellli'.i. l't-Aw Tiipp vs L. I.tittri'It ; in equity. Baldwin fur p!!i". lln'rtTi.l I'.nM-iii-'iiii'. 15 Andrew -J ripii vs A. Met'alley; o-n-tirmatioii f a,.. Cmittriiied. 1 i A. Met 'alley vs A. 1". Co.: suit in equity. Dol.i. Bi onai oh. I kilihSimon. PoAt-!l. Flinn tnr plfl'. Stinlm. Burnet, llitii.phrev Ai Wtilverlon. Hew tit for dell. S. tiled. 17 Senili r- &- SternN-rj; vs K ('. .Mii-li-aei: I'm lirni.-iti "i of inie. V.'.-m t. n .1 i ii acktiiui for pi i'. ( nidiruicd. 19 I C Ainswortii v M V Brown; eon fii iiiafion of sa'e. Conlii nii'd. 20 C O Butties v M V Brown : eonlir nu.tlon if sale. Flinn & Chuiuhcri.-itii for pllt". (.'r.iiHililed. 21 A MfCalley vs C V Kuhe; eonfirmn tinu of sale. L Fl'tiui for pill", ('oulinn. d. 22 Board S L Com vs P Uii-l y ; tiii in equity. Humphrey & Wolverton lor plfl's. jiistnissed. 23 J II Smith vs V W Pairi-; at tion to recover money. NYnlli- rford& BiaeMmrn for plfl", Str.ihti&Bilyiti for dt ft. Di-tiii-'d. 2t B B Sheltoti vs Ilaman Shehon ; ili voree. I'owell & Bilyen for pltT. Bet. i n?l to K. li. Skipwnrtli. 25 M V Whipple & Co vs R Jl Baker : foreclosure ot moit;:ije. I. II Mot.t i ve f r plfT. Deere.- ei.teiid. 2 j Allen, Robinson & Co v-i Bmeh. llet'tre & Co: to reeover monev. Flinn & Cliamlk-rlain for plff. Strahn & Ililyen for deft. " S? ttled. 27 Dt'alinvsC Williams; injitoetioti. Strahn it Bilyeu f..r plfl". Humphrey V.'olveitnii fortlefts. Settled. 2S I.illie J ll.t.sl-rnuek vs M I, llas- broMt-k ; divoree. U'eatherford & Black- hnrti for pllT. J P Galbraith f-r deft. Re I'eir.tl o I', p. Ilaukleiiiitii. 2'.) Frank Bros vs I W Pi5r: to recover money. J R Sodard, T V Haeklemau tor pill's. J P Galbraith, Flinn & Chaml-ei lain. Ilumrdirov A3 Wolvertrm tiirdelt. Jud-'i :rgain-t J SI it W .1 Vlgg. .it) J C Weiss vs Sarah C Weiss ; di-v--ree. Wen'ln i ford & Blaekl nr:i forik n. Ki t. i red to T P Ilacklrmaii. 31 J R Bay ley vs Jos I.igo,-tt ; to re efiver moory. W.-u tliei loru & Biaekbtirn fo pilT. Ditnilf. '12 X ' Bruce vs -I II Bruce ; I'ivorre. W.-aiherford & Blackburn lor pi IF. Divorte raiitiil. 3;! Anna Price vs Timoshv rice ; di vorce. Strahn & Bil-eti f.-r p'SV. Weather ford & Blackburn for deft, R fci red to SUipworlh. 34 Wm Cochran vs X li Bain I; fttit in equity. Wtatherford &Blackburn for plff. Continued. 35 II Hirshbero; vs J T Widker ; to re cover money. Piper, Strahn & Bilyeu for pi fr. Default. 3r- -T Porter vs Khnira Porter ; li v.iree. Wta:?terforrt it Blackl inn for plff, Strahn it Bilyeu for delt. Refilled to T. I, ll'itkle man. 30 A & L Railroad Co vs J II Spurlock; action t' appropriate laua.- Dolph, Bn nnugh, Dolph & Simon forpln, Humphrey & Wolerlon lor deft. Judgment tor piff as pi r stipulation. 40 Albany & Lebanon R R Co vs Harper C Cranor ; action to appropriate lands. Dolph, Bronatigh, Dolph & Simon f t iiltf, Flinn & Chaiubcriaio fin- deft. Settled. " 41 Allmny & Ix-hanon R R Co- vs Mar garet Mnnteith ; nefion to appropriate lands. Ihilph. Brouanli. Ihilph & Simon for plff, I linn A Chamberlain for del'r. &'ttud. 42 Almira C Westoate and Levi S Wesroate ; divorce. Strahn A Bilyeu for plff. Referred to E. R. Skipwortb.. 43 Isiae Hayes vs Martha A Hayes ; divorce. Weatherford & Blackburn fur pltF. Divorct; granted. 44 John li Hedges vs Jonas Davis ; to DuTault n,'""y st,a,' Bilyeu lor plff. 45 Luther White ve E O Michael ; to foreclose mortgage. Weatherford & Black burn tor plff. Default against dell. 40 Harvey Cole vs Frank Smith ; to lorecJose mortgage. Weatherlord & Black burn for plff. Decree as prayed for. 47 L Kline vs Jas G Jtinkins ; to lore close mortgage. Weatherfonl & Black burn tor plff. Default as to Jas G & Marr Jimken, and continued as to J A Jimkeii. 43 Otto Fox vs J M Maxwell ; to re cover money.' Strahn & Bilyeu for pirr. V 40 Rachel Tliomas vs Wasli Thomns ; uvorce. Minn I 'handier lain for t, in Referred to II. H. Hewitt. 1 50 J t) Simons vs Joey a(i Mary Vail; to foreclose mortgage. Geo E Chamber lain lor plff. Default. 52 A McDonald vs Clara Fletcher; w.H of review. Wcathf?rford & : Blck bt7 for plff. Confi'iued for service. 53 Knapp, Burrel 4 Co vs Jas Thomp son ct al ; to foreclose chattel mortgage, Whalley, Fecheimer, Henry Ach & C Flina for plff. Decree as prayed for. Frank Farton. vs W. B. Oore et al j Sheriff's sale confirmed. State of Oregon vs Frank K. Coiuptoti oil trial. Conuell Proeeettliiya. Council met on Tuesday evening. All present. Minutes of last meeting read and approv ed. The Committee on Accounts and Current Expenses reporting favorably on all bills referred to last meeting, they were ordered paid. The same committee reported favorably on the report of the City Treasurer, and it was ordered placed on tile. Committee on St reets and Public Proper ty, in the matter of the old s(?wer on Broad albiii street, reported recommending that two new sections ot sixteen, teet each be built on tlie old sewer, so as to convey the water running through it out Into the river and dump it, so as .not to interfero with Mrs. Chcadle's folia y on the Dank; the ex pense of said work tv be .assessed to the proper ierso!is. The report was adopted, and the Marshal ordered to proceed with the work in accordance with the recom mendation of flic committee. The petitioii of A. -I. Hunt asking the Council to declare Roliert Myers a common drunkard. Was referred to committee on Ordinances, to report an ordinance in compliance with the petition at tl e next meeting. Tim petition sets forth Hint Robert Myers Is a confirmed drunkard, mi.! the authorities find it impossible ;o keep him within hounds, or prevent him from au itoving the general pith'ie and creating disturbance at Imth polifieel ai.d religious meetings. The ma?ter of the continued washing away of the hank at loot of Bioadalhin streit was referred (o committee ol the whole, to report nt next meeting. On motion George Patterson w is se'ect ed to til! the vacancy canned by the resigna iioti ol Councilman Bice, and the Recorder directed to notify him of his election. KILLS Al.l.OWFll. R, E. Harmon, night watch, 10. J. J. Jones, eighty, .-itch, etc., $70. II.' E. Richards, work. 1 (.. hills kffki:i:ki. J. Grid -vol:!, sundries, 5,34 J. E. Halter. City Recorder. ijdS 55. A. J. Hunt. Citv Marshal, $5 50. Council adjourned.' I'rriuature EiplnstonFotir Vanity SI?n Ilijilretl. On Tuesday night about ten o'ctoek, four young men. all of them under twenty years of age. weie severely powder-tmrut by the premature explosion of an anvil, which was being n-ed in lien of other ord nance on the occasion of the Repn'ilicati torchlight procession and speech at Halsey. The iiijini'tl parties were n: ne 1 re).-ct-ively Alex. Bi-.mnin, Gi-rge Bassett. Issac M. Blevius and C. McCoy. As we are informed, the accident happened in this wise : McCoy, who had been loadinir the anvil, was in the act ot pouring the powder lrorn thifiask into the anvil, when the man who was in ch ug of the rod used in -touching it ofT." supposin,. the -gnn" ready for business, approached too . c'nse with his red hot iron, a few gr ibis of pow der fell 011 the iron and was ignited, setting fire to the stream of powilcr pour ing from the flask, blowing the whole business all to fiin.Urs, burning young Mc 'oy about the head, face and holy so severely that it Is feared he will not recover, and injuring tlie other three parties me:i tioniHl more or less severelv- It was an unfortunate accident, and the sufferers have our hearty sympathy In their dis tress, nut! the hope that the matter may not prove as ?erious as 'reported. EroUeljriilMii foel.-ty. An entertahiment. under the anspJcos of the young ladies of tlie Eroded phiati Society will lie given at the College chapel, on Tuesday t veiling. Xovem'ier 0th, 130. Upon invitation, some of the best talent of Albany have consented to assist with rdusie.es ;ays, declamiti pis and recitations. A full programme will lie published next week. The object of the entertainment Is to procure fund to assist In piving for the new desks somv to be placed in the College rooms. An admission of 50 cents will be charged. Kw l!-r. We have received tho first niimW or the nereille. published by M. II. Abbott it Sons, at Bilker City. It is to he an inde pendent paper, with a sligb": Democratic leaning, we suppose. It U .1 neatly print ed sheet, and is well written u;. It is a seven column tfieer. sent to subscribers for $4 per annum-; !Mr. Abbott is an old printer and as lie. understands himself will doubtless make it pay. H he don't he'll move where It will and don't yon lorget it. Blue Ribbon t'lnb. ' ' The Blue Ribbon Club this evening will be ol unusual Interest. A good speaker has been secured, and a full Orchestra will be present to entertain the meeting with several pieces vt excellent mu-ic Mem bers re especially requested to be present as business of importance must b attended to. Meeting will begin ptouiptiy at 7:30 o'clock. C'isimI f Thanks. We wish to express our gra'ltitde to all friends tor tlieir sympathy and 'willing help in our late accident. We tender special tlmnks to officers and members of the K. of P. for favors may Providence Weep yon from such accidents Is the fer vent wish ol i ' Juiin Geisekdorffr and Family. Lint or LetlrrsH Uncalled tor and remaining In the Post oHioe m this city for tho week ending Oct. .'.2nth, l.W0 : Clark, Arcbiu 4 Gerhard. J Q . 1 !7patrlck, A Patterson. Miss E Ware. C P P. H. K VV.VtOXD, P, M, Jlidgea of Eloetlon. Tlie following named gentlemen have hcen'selected as judges of election at the di fie rent precincts in this county next Tuesday : East Albany Wr. M. Kctchnm, M. Payne, Jason Wheeler. West Albany Thomas Slouteith, S. D. Haley, E. D. Sloan. IIariiburg A. Sunimerville, Sam May, Enoch Holt. ': Sweet Hoiiie Xewtoii Russell, E. C. Jackson, J. W. Gilliland. Liberty Xf. D. Conn, A. P. Nye, Jesse Barr. Center Wm. K. Temple, John Huston, J. W, Friuk. Orleans M. Acheson, W. II. JIcBrtde, Wm. Baker. Sbedd Richard Farwell, . F. Sliedil, John A. Robinett. Halsey Jos. Pearl, J. Thompson, A. S. Bassett. . Brownsville J. H Washburn, Peter Hume, James Blakely. Brush Creek' J. N. Rice, Win. rbilpot' Robert Glass. Waterloo G. W. Khun, J. W. Bur.nell. Geo. B. JIcKinney. Lebanon R. C. Stiller, John Denny. E. Keebler. Syracuse Titos. Alphin. O. P. Adams. Sam Jones. Santiam F. SI. Dannals, P.- SI. Smith, C. T. Leever. - - 1 -' Franklin Butte H. SI. Brown, Win, Cyrti, John J. Kelty. Sciu Geo. W. Johnson, Wm. Mont gomery, Jesse Bei-r'. Fox Valley I. B. Trask, M. Card tier B. II. L. Irvine. Slaybel! Xot appoined as jet. An A?recnlie Ktirfiriste. Thursi'ay being the lifly-seventh birth day of Rev. Iaac Dillon. D. IX. pastor of the SI. E- Church ot this city, a huge lumber ot the members of the church and friends gathered at the parsonage in the evening, and grvvr ihe worthy 'gentleman and family an old fashionrd -urprise. We h?:ve ot.l)- ;i ;i'ce 10 s;iy th-it tlie occa-io: was most (.'e-.sjint f.- D-. Dillon and fami ly and a'? f-i :ttendanee. Long ni.-ty our Dr. Dillon and bis estimable family live in the sunshine of plenty, mid be blessed with that peace that is given to the pure in heart. Woman &ufrrng.e. Even Ihe women are not all agreed in wanting the ballot, and it is an open ques tion whether, if submitted to a vote of women alone, they would declare in favor of undertaking to di-cbarge the grave duties and responsibilities ot'elet-rors. But if the women of Oregon and Washington wr-rt? called upon to vote for tin- best and most effi-ctual remedy for lame backs and all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs, the vote would be unanimous for the Ore gon Kidney Tea, which is sold everywhere. Otticen Klecieil. On Monday niihr. at the meeting of Albany LoiUre Xo. 341. I.O.G.T.. the fol lowing persons were elected officers for the ensuing term : J. Pottinger. C T ; Emma X.iimy. V T ; S. A. Ieckard. S ; R. Fox. FS; Henry Mcllwain. T ; W. R. Blain. C ; T. Callahan. SI ; Amanda Ride-out. I G : II. J. Cpham. O G. Btel iirloiM. Rev. Bruce Wolverton will preach iri the Congregational Church on Wednesday evening next. All are invited to attend. Married. At the Revere House. Oct. 29. 1HS0. by Rev. Mr. Harris. Sir. R. A. Sanders anil Mrs- Xancy C. Bruce, both of Brownsville. Oregon. I'nrnirrarulet?,. President Wilds, ot the Albany Farmers' Co. of this city, started on a visit to the Eastern States last week. Johnny Spangler and family have re turned from the Dalles, and will probably locale at Corvallis. He made ns a pleas ant call while in the city last week. John Allison, of Harrisburg, ivu in the city in the lror.t of the week. He has lieen employing himself in the printing biz up there. The city has been pretty full of visitors during the week attending Court." A fair crowd went up to Halsey on Tues day uight, and enjoyed a pleasant season. The weather has been cloudy and warm during the week. For choice tea and coffees go to Haffen- deii Bro s ; and don't forget that for every variety of groceiies they can't be beaten. This is a loyal and patriotic ofHce, our colors being the National colors Red, White and B'ue. 'Rah for Garfield and the American Nation ! Sirs. Purdom and Sirs. Kezartee are reported recovering slowly. Sirs. H. Parrish lias been quite ill dur ing the wet k. Look out for the grand Republican ratification Monday niht. Democracy losing ground daily in old Linn. Democratic domination in Linn county is a lM; ot the past. 'Rah lor Garfield. The Red, "White and Blue are on top. Liverpool wheat quotations are, 8s Sd t9s7d lor average California. J. J. Bliss, ol Vancouver, was bad'y burned on last Saturday. lie set fire 10 a hornet's nest and used some powder to assi t in Ihe job. The power wn discharged and thrown In his face. The eyebrows and face were badly burned. The village ot Wallula is being gradually obscured by tlie new railroad system which leaves it out in the cold, save as st way lauding for tlie Snake river boats. The cars leave olF to the right, and there was but. one steamboat lauded there all last week. - ; ' - -v - - On Thursday of last week the little one year old child of S. C. and Eunice S. Wait, of Dayton, met with a fearful death. The little fellow was In a high rhalr. and being full of glee tipped the chair over backward, throwing hiniilf lno a jinn of bollino wattr, scalding tint. iV-h iroin the lmtiw almost instantly. Alter suffering intense pain lor a few hours, death came to his relict. Dr. Hants, of Eugene City, was in the city yesterday. y , Mr. Best and Ir.mlly have "moved back to this city. " The W illainette Is coming up gradually The steamboat season will soon be here. " Several 01 our friends have brought us loads of cord wood during Uie, week, and we are tolerably prepared lor cold weather. Ves. Caution, of Waitsbnrg, W. T. is in the city 011 a visit. lie ' Vaha for Gar Carpet-rag sewing circles U , what's the ma iter. Those snowflake potatoes, from Sf r. Townsentl's, gets away with all of 'em for baking- . ; ; ; . Holidav iroods ar firrivlno-l.tr vi.Vw"VOretron., Ail .,--..1. 'ml-le. Altiany, - - - steamer for Phirornerr the popnlar tlmg- gist. .Under ..tlie guiding hand of Judge, Boise, Circuit Court glides right along. Business dou t lag in his Court. Judire KeIs.iV deliveretl an W..r..s.l.,o. ' - ,r . n two hour speech Jit Halsey on Ttresday evening to a large audience. Have yon s-r-i those beautiful lamps and chandeliers displayed in Plummer's win- .lows ? Call and mml - s o.. .'nt . I- nloau-il will. tl. lo...:r..i t. . i . pleased with the beautiful goods and low prices at winch they can lie obtained at Plummer's, under Odd Fellows' Temple. Louner Ralston Is doxrn trom his ram h near tlie Dalles, visiting his parents in Ibis city. -". ' ' 1 lafTendeti Brothers have just received a choice lot ot hams, brc.iktast bacon and lard. ' ' : ; Writing paiiers.eiivelopes and sfationt ry at Plummer's. ' ' SIis. Roliert Carter ainl one child are re ported very ill with typhoid fever. Gon. Brow n will vote for Garfield, so that he can endorse our I -et It Ion for the postmastership. 'Rah for Garfield ! Immexce Bahoains Faber L- a 1 Pencil's twenty-five cents a dozen at Plummer's. Buy some of those luscious grapes at Hafteiidcn Bros. they are magnificent.''"'' Store handsome new styles nt L. E. Blaiu's, in clothing, hats, underwear, etc. "And three cheers for the Red, White ami B-ue." Xew and handsome supplies of dress goods for the ladies at Samuel E. Young's. Blank books at Plummer's. Elegant bedroom sets at Danual's. ' Robert Carter diet! at his residence near this city on Wednesday, ol typhoid fever. He tvas a Union soldier at-d was severely wounded timing the war. He wa.,a prominent candidate lor Sheriff before the la-t Republican County Convention. Peace to his ashes. , Hafl'eiiden Bro's. keep a full supply of domestic produce, apples, pears, dried tru'its, and every variety of vegetables in Ihe market. Those saddle-seam boots at Samuel E. Young's are jtistjlie article for our winters. Try them. School books at Flummcr's. Rain plenty Wednesday " night it sounds natural like. a Sirs. Coll. Van Cleve is slowly, recover ing from serious Illness. Judge Pijier, our active and efficient Prosecuting Ai tomev. is ma kirn? & ki-Ioi.- did record as such otlicer. 'Rah for Piier- Spectacles at Fiench's. - ;. ; . r. , Young East died on Monday of con sumption. John-oil vs. Coinpton was on trial yesterday. Try a jmir of those Spencer glasses at ; French's. Every pair warranted. Sunshine the greater part of yesterday. Considerable sickness reported in tlie. neighborhood. Dr. Boiightou was up from Portland in the front efthe week. t .-..j ; Full assoi tinent of watciics. clocks and jewelry, at French's. , - James Elkius and John, Millard return ed a day or two since from Ochoco, where they spent the summer. T!io p-epple -ot that section have been lavored with three sales, e-itt!e selling from $18 to 22 per head, which lias m.-.do flush times out Ih re. ,; . , The RFXiiSTKn Is full of good things this week read it carefully. Buyers are paying 71c per busbc-l for wheat in this dry. One of the mosCaftccthig tights we have witnessed, was Xez and Gen. Brown marching out to the Court House just . be hind the Brass Band. Saturday afternoon. Those two men lovo one anothervso ho'c ! It Im- to luMre. . Business men make tho matter of insur ing tlivir gootls and property of the first importance, as no man can tell the day nor the hour in which his property .may be damaged or entirely destroyed by fire, even though be uiay exercise the greatest care and watchfulness. Our farmers are prctfy generally making assurance dt.ul.ly secure by insuring their grain alter plac ing it hi the wareliouse.s Tliis is wise and safe, and should be followed hy, all. In sure votir grain, houses, .bams, or goods of any kind in a sound company, and you can sleep soundly. Among tins soundest insurance companies doing business In Oregon, none can be more highly reeom. mended, than tlie Connecticut and the German-American. . It Is a noteum-the- lact tliat bolh the above comnctnlea .i.i iwiliea every tlollar of. tlielr losses in tlie treat Clueago and Boston fires, a tact which! speak loudly In tlielr favor. The instrn.-- tirtna to .T 1.. . '"H.- nons to agents hi every case U to find out IMWlllr ihe amount of any loss by fire In which they are Interested. a,i 1nv lt to (he last farthing. These are the com- imnlesin which to insure. .Mr. -Julitw Gra.lwoi.1 1. ,i.'.. . ' . Hh eoini.titiiijs h. this city, to k-Ikhi nil wuv uctsiruA iu insure in - w.w)s pin 1 ib cy , Dr. Ct. W. Gray. v Dentist. Albany, Oregon, O.llce in Fos-j ter's brick Mock, up stairs, at largo bayi window. I'rices In proportion to TiMg and 1 uiTiitnt is.i siti.u.t tl tt MAI LIU AL CojtimtM, . t . . ,.. u- , , Tltoa Bros. : Have just received a largo Invoice , of. gold and bllyer watches tmd jewelry, ot the latest designs. Also have for sale ' the ??. UoME sewing machine; nianufac- , lured since the expiration of patents on ;f ! ? n'chlt,es, 1H,d combines tlie good quahties of leading machiues. , Call and ' - ---- "' '' ' -' - e 48" ' " '' '.-""'. A M, "W MMlp. : 1 - Fprn VI . . - . .- - 1 . ".....hkt 1 now wta)jt,r.,f r a,,-. aWo'uji-ina asvisms v WltUS 1KICK,. -OE2TTIST., tartnrv - - I r. -j i"i lormoa, aud "wo'm,'lc consistent, with good wurit.' - ; ' - - m ,:. nvia IKaiTI?-.T. --'---' - 4 ' a.. B,"-" rli:":A loented f Alban for the I-r-tetloe of BentUlur, f.lT . . ' PbTrh ; invra, rancr rirst nad Fcrrr .1. ri. i . ; ' m : f"bl Xolice let leliiiquiia. . '-.""'" -1 . oo! H'-'tir'Uih.quent-r i f.?. ! -S--" LH,,'f on lro rty in ,!, ','' i.iuu count v. On iron, are , ivr ... I I u ln. or. . - ro not 1 within flfttn day from dat itereov that Ihey u ill l. c,iecii-d accord ing lo law. The following 1 a list ot tlto persons from whom taxes are i due and th uiiionnts due, to-wit : Kiva Aie-umiter, 1 .17 MrsKI Apples'e.ii t2 J W Raldwin,l67. V M Ik-rcar. f3 15 J 1! Baltimore, jtl3 K lkvle, f- f3 . W llelj, ir. 70 , 1. llilimi, $5 9 M V Hrnwn, f!5 73 AlM-atei-dItelit'ont Jg W F Alexmi.ler. fl T" MrNACarotbera,o 24 J Ft'onn, $11 gr, : J 8 Covall, tl yt TSCi-aiill.-M,3 C7 M T Crow, $2 62 : - , 1 utner K kins, fit IT ' James Klkitm. i;- li i il..rl .1... .... . . M - ...... . . ..eortre rAikler. t 30 ltuel Custer, 13 12 John Foster i 37 J II Campi-ellwi-. "a J Fox. 3 ir? VF?.J 1 ""- ' H i tiodley, l 44 JAf iiiw lord.-l ulis 73 K II tJrilllri. 4n 7 A. C'teriy. 1 75 Fred tiraf. S 40 Milt lionston. a 43 t.ral & Froiuni, a 45 "".J, '''-mrilirej-.sa 10 NallieA.V-lJj,-iw.rdni,:.T , N, ' ;l'""flirey, 7(l J W tiiliiland, 1 u". V,":;1''- ' 31 I- II MoiitBiive. ILS .1 L llarri-. l -il K MnrUiiAt o, W 1 i'.V" H.tirris. -WSS ' Monftth A Veck. Vic , I' l'e,3 83 . j MrSVMeCnllv. JCv)a -,,-'.1.''.rr''"' -'"' M Iwnuc Newlioiise, ti til JV II Hil(m.3 52 'P ltOI.-nent. 1 1", K JiU'Obs. .-!" hatwt PHee,ii 47 Hen .lolinson. fr, 3S ' li.?or-. -M tfe ion, til J3 S A John-. 22 Alex Parr. 15 Knken.lull. tl 31 " - Kunkm, S3 88 ' . ' tJeonri- RiehardS, 8 M ' Ir in Lister, ; . IX t-iuiili, -pi 3 Mart Lnta r, t7 x; T ;l Sntr.wd, 72 Mrs l L K Lnpcr. $7 33 lr P Chim-h. ia Mrs A 1: ijiyton.t 2u Jason Wln-'lef,2 75 liiiljiyton. 1 i - K Sloan. 4 7s I?,'" -", 8 Hi-orge VVeller. 7 3.. t tins Miller, S3 23 Frank W.-0..I-., a i S estate JMonteith.23 30 II We-d. t . noill .Mills,4 211 Mrs M S While, tl 51 Mrs Mcl-ennot. SI I 73 'ii W. Walker, r2 S Muii-j.ii-ldAMonteilli. c; W Ynune.S12 2S tlO 50 John McAllister, tl 10 1 By ordt?r of- the City Council, made -en th liili .lay of October, 1800 J. I.. IlALTElt. - City Ki-oorder.. Allmny. Or, Oct. 13, lssn. live Thouauansj IHillar Bevant, Five thousand dollars' reward tis ofl"ere.l for evidence that shall leadto -the arrest and conviction ot the forger who coufoct ed the so-called Chinese letter, ami signed -Gen. Garfield's name to it. . It is believed, the rascal will be found, from clues al ready in the hands of detectives. In Right ol the City Hall; Xew York; probably employe)! ry Win. H. Barnuni. to per petrateihe infamons rraud. Whnt will the liemocraey not. stoop to? I there anything in the catalogue of vi!aiiiyand crime llie leinoeratio leader5 will not, sfiwip to in their efibrts to serve tlie "solid. - J. ! I lie assertion that the Republican Stat Central Commit tee -m collecting money lrorn the Portland C'hiiusc companies to- aid in this carapaign, was suiii a silly lie, and so easily refuted, tliat the lowest carrin followers of the Dcuiocrncy are ashamed to aiu 111 rc-taiiing it. i , What loes Hancock's election involve A thousand risks.:; WhatrldoW tJarfleld'a election mean ? Continued prosperity, and not a single risk. Xobody can deny ihesc statement. Why therelore.' does any man wlio has a penny In the world think or voting lor Hancock ? Give it up. Early next year the 'Northern PacifiQ railroad will be completed to, the' Yellow stone, and the company ex)ecta to finish the entire line within two years. 'Rah lor the X.; P." raifrntid. Secretary Kchura gives it as his opinion that it . will be one ot the most profitable roads in the country. The outrageous policy of the Democrat lo majority in the last Congress is bearing Hi legitimate Irult. Ohio-is determined to do its share towards redeeming that body from the tendency manifested recently of converting it into a mere machine lor making partisan capital. -1 The population of St. Louis Is t be te. j enumerated at once. The whole Of the j South should be served in the same man ner. Broadhead Alpacas rpII KSK 'F.l.F.MK ATK l C. ail IS STlt.l MAI S. tain their ntandar.t uicwsllninitiii ' . i ; ; ' - - .? ' i . " Cheap.& Hervicnbltf, -Will ru.t CX7HL or SHRIITII .. .1., . .. . ?ilurgood,ilM.r '' FORKIGK OK DOJIKSTIC. L r An rnMre uneorthomostdcalmbl.i-aia.lea j J"1 rwx-tvca at ..; ,, ...... v.,,..- - , SA1IUEL S. YOUNG'S. f j Vy fZH .1 I . cj ' a-.-r -7 01 r"-- : - -farmers waxtixg thu cflfbi; vteiv Thr-iiLei,lfiti.iiuJii,'si?f,l'i,:t E- Vvo 2. , ,H5'sot'l'i with the reWwn standard Serew, wnrrantvd not to r!r. --" on h,SSm-S. Wm01, hor,. 'ek;,.,!,","...-' kind, or Jo nntitifiu-?tii'--.il.,ij;,7"'l-1- enntinne he lnu.-l. .. . "JF " w" which w hi iieiowevt IwitwWil figures on re-ox A. E ' I 12 1 Ml