, SVEET FRIDAY, JISTER BUILDING. .',-iry and First Street. LfcJVE CO., PROPRIETORS. , JH. COM. VAKCXEVE. KMS-IN ADVANCE. ... vear 2 50 months 1 50 .....Ten cents. n A OTT? imr he found on file at Ov ii-t Xj iW p. iinwt-!l A Co Newspaper rtnrreMi m Spruce KtA whTe advertising . ni tnn.a fur It la N EW YORh. Agents fbr the- Kctrlster. ol'ow-insr named gentlemen are atrthor ic'lve and receipt for subscriptions K-iiTKU in tne localities mentioned : Kirk & Hume.... ...f. Brownsville. i ; lass Crawfordsville. iye.. Halsey. rompktns... Ilari-isburg DAY OCT. 1. 18S0 Tlie Time to Part. 'TIs our love's noon of glory, You say with smiling face ; Xot yet the wondrous story For U3 grows commonplace. Then, dear lips, reach and kiss me, And, fond arms, hold me so ; For now, when yon will miss me, Is the time for roe to go. Xav, tiny, I am not cruel Speak not to chide or bin me ; But now, wheVi lips are fuel, And now, when kiss is flame. Before dreams lose their splendor, Or ennni finds the heart That is so fond and tender, Is the time for us to part. 'Tts better to feel borrow. And part with tears this morn. Than to wait nntil to-morrow. And part with hate and scorn. TSs better to go grieving With many a tond regret, Than to deter the leaving Till the sun of love has set. 'TIs better to remember Our love-year in its bloom. Than to wait nntil November. Dull-sklcd and full ot gloom. 'Tis better to go freighted With our passion, full of grace, Than to wait till we are sat-d And our love grows commonplace. Then, dear lips, reach and kiss me, And, fond arm?, clasp me so ; For now, when you will miss me, Is the time lor me to go. Ella Wheeler. A Miner a Luck. RETURNING HOME TO F1NI HIS "WIFE ANOTHER MAN'S "WIDOW. 1t. Vernon (O.), July 14. A case coinciding with the romantic incidents narrated in the story of Enoch Arden has leen brought to light in this county. Al though the parties most interested have tried to keep the matter quiet, yet your correspondent has gleaned the facts in the case, which are as follows : In the month of February, 1S54, Madison Robeson married Miss llettie J. White, ot Howard township, this county, and lived happily with her for five years. The fruits of the marriage were three boys. During the gold-mining excitement ot 1S59 Kobe son got the " fever" and left for the West to seek his fortune, his objective point being Pike's Peak. At first he wrote at regular intervals long and interesting letters, giving glowing descriptions ot the country acl his prospects ; then life letters came less frequently and. finally ceased to come at all. Years rolled by and nothing was heard of the derelkt husband or his whereabouts. His family concluded that he was dead and had either met with some mining accident or had fallen a victim to the vengeance ot the red man. Then a Philip Kay put in an appearance and sought Mrs. Kobeson's hand in marriage. She finally consented, aud after a lapse ot fourteen years from the time her husband left was married to Philander Marlow, and left with her new husband and her children for Iowa, where they purchased a email farm near uecoran, ana took up their residence there. Her second husband died two years alter their removal to Iowa Her sons have growu up to manhood ; one of them is married and with his mother is still living on their little farm near Decorab. A few days ago a stranger ar rived in this place, who proved Enoch Arden like, to bo the long lost Robeson From his Drotr.er-in-iaw, j. n. am less, a business man here, be learned the wherea bouts ot his wife and her second marriage. Robeson tells a romantic story of his wan derlngs and adventures, and of hU luck and ill-luck. He says that after leaving this county he went direct to the Pike's Peak country and engaged in mining there, but after ft short stay left for Califor nia. There be was not successful aud left for British Columbia, but in a short time returned to California. When he arrived In San Francisco he found a letter there for him from a former mining companion who had gone to Australia. He acceded to the request of his old chum and left tor .--Australia, where he resided for several years, was successful, aud accumulated several thousand dollars. He then determ ined to- return to- this conntry and to his family. Arriving in California he was led Into unfortunate speculations and lost all the money lie had saved in Australia. He ' then returned to mining and worked seven yeaf in the mines in Nevada, . Idaho and Wyoming. Two years ago, when the Leadville mining excitement broke oat, he left for that place and located and worked what proved to be rich claims. He now owns twenty residences In that city and runs a large hotel and livery stable, and is worth $300,000. He claims that he wrote several letters home, but received no answers, and concluding that his family was either dead or had lelt the country, he ceased writing. He left yesterday for Iowa, to see bis family, make atonement for his conduct, and hare them rejoin him and enjoy the luxuries attendant upon his large fortune. Cleveland Herald. Tbe Sehnauu Expedition. Kew Bedford. Mass., Sept. 23. Mem bers of the expedition headed by Lieut. Fred Schwatkn, which sailed from New York June I, 1878, for Baffin's Bay and King William's Land lor the purpose of peeking further data upon the fate of Sir John Franklin, have arrived. Tliongh the special object of the search, recovery of the records of the Franklin expedition, which according to Esquimaux testimony, vere known to exist at specified points, was not attained, the explorers huve nevertheless obtained many relics ot the Franklin party, including the remains of Lieut. Irving. They have, moreover, carried out to the letter the instructions of the promoter of the expedition, to " make it a geographi cal suecess." The largest sledge ride on recoru. Dotn in regiru to time and space,, has been achieved In the face of phenomen ally cold weather and deprivation of cus tomary food. Important rivers and coasts have been discovered, and serious errors on former charts have been corrected. The adventures of the Schwatka expedition add p:iges of interest to the romance of a relic exploration and furnish all the world is ever likely to know of the fate ot Sir John Franklin. The conduct of Capt. Barry, of the Eathan in reference to the supplies of food Intended to be deposited for the ex pedition, is unaccountable and needs explanation, as the aleence of these sup plies on their return came near proving fatal to Lieut. Schwatk's party. The result of the expedition has shown that It is feasible for white men to adopt them selves to the. climate and life of the Esqui maux in prosecuting journeys in polar regions, ai.d they are not necessarily restricted to any season ot the year for that purpose, but can travel at any time aud !n the same nay which natives travel. A Mistake. A western editor, whose style of writing was calculate ! to arouse people to deeds of gore, being himself not much on the muscle found it necessary to keep a lighting editor, aud he h;id a speaking tube connected with the heeler's room to call him when danger required. One day a gentleman whom the editor had referred to as a ' "cross-eyed dromedary," came in to request a correc tion, and as the fighting editor was out he didut respond to the signal of distress, and while the editor and his visitor were on the floor under the desk, the former agreed to correct and the . irate m:in left. Pretty soon a gentleman trom the rural districts came in to give the editor a big squash arid get a notice, aud about that time the fighting editor returned, aud a boy in hi room told him that the boss wanted help. The man was quick to re spond, and dashing into the chief's room and seeing the latter in a somewhat dis ordered condition, the result of his previous visit, he thought the countryman was the cause of it and clinched him, and after staving up some furniture, ran the victim across the street to where an empty hearse was standing in front of an undertaker's shop. Into the vehicle he jammed the farmer and shut the door. The commotion lie had created scared the horses and. they started off on a dead run. People soon noticed the runaway and ran after it, and were shocked at beholding the hearse col lide with a post and become a total wreck, and their horror at seeing a human body precipitated to the sidewalk was only equalled by their amazemens at seeing it spring nimbly to its feet and takcofl across the conntry yelling murder. They thought it was an attempt to bury a man alive, and part of them went and got the undertaker to lynch him, while the rest pursued the farmer, who was found hiding in a swamp. And after he wa3 brought in it took over three hours to get matters explained, and then the farmer went liefure a J nstice of theTeace and made affidavit that he hoped to be struck by lightning if he ever enter ed a newspaper office again. Sempfl. It is only when a man pawns his watch that he realizes how little money time is worth. France has only 40.000.000 hens, with only 5.000,000 women to throw things a hem. "There n a time for work and a time tor play," but it's unevenly divided among different people. A contented mind, it Is said. Is a contin ual feast. Give us the feast, and the con tented mind will folio .v-. An Indiana editor refers to his "esteem ed contemporary, the foul-mouthed, black guardly sheet over the way." If you happen to encounter an imperti nent hotel clerk. conole yourself with the thought that he is inn offensive. Few persons would hesitate to Iny down life's burden it they didn't fear the- devil would pick it up. We presume that pork is a favorite diet in Utah ; at least almost every other man has his spare rib at dinner. The man who gets maddest at a news paper squib is usually the fellow who bor rows the paper he reads it out of. Artificial teeth are now made of cellu loid, containing considerable quantities of camphor ; they come nearer .to the gums than other teeth. Murat Halstead of Cincinnati is taken for Joaquin Miller when in Boston, and for Eh Perkins when in Hartford, and b's cause for sorrow is deep. George Eliot says that she admires a genial, whole-souled man.' Oh, Georgle ! why didn't you tell us before you struck a trade with old Cross ? It is said that Gesler did not command William Tell to shoot an apple off his son's bead, because there were no apples in Switzerland at that time. A South End man asked a one-armod organ grinder if he was survivor of the late war, anl the organist replied : " Hang it, do I act as though I was killed in it ?" A Boston believer iu Bob Ingersoll says : If a man smites you on one cheek turn to him- the other and whack him over the head with whatever comes handy." You can disguise the nailmarks of petty shortcomings, but you can't putty the knotholes in the fence of a mean dis position. Several plates of ice-cream And a piece of cake Make the finest kind of Modern stoinach-achu. It is said Vice-Prestdent Wheeler cured himself of stammering by holding a peach stone in his mouth. He knew if hs hesi tated in his speech the peach stone was lost. The New Orleans Times finds the fol lowing on an alleged tombstone : Saet -was tlie fate of Zachariah Blumm ch, Kicked by a mule 9 times in the stomach ; His soul went to hevven In the gloaming. Richard Henry Stoddard, who was at one time a hard-working molder, with every prospect ot a successful life, is now one of the most notorious and confirmed poets in this country. In what condition was the patiiarcfi Job at the end of his life ?" asked a Sun" day-school teacher of a quiet-looking boy at the foot of the class. " Dead," calmly replied the quiet looking boy. " I have three children who are the very image of myself." "I pity the youngest," replied his Interlocutor. Why ?' "Be cause he is the one who will have to resemble you the longest.'! A Maine school teacher captnred.thirty thrce cuds of gum from her pupils in one day, and it was a rainy day at that. Detroit Free Press. Most any school teacher can do that if she but chews. A regular physician is now in attend ance at every performance in Uaverly's Fourteenth street Theater, New York. This has been the custom in the leading Paris and London theaters. Now it is Rev. S. F. Smith who " just threw off a tew lines and thought perhaps the editor could fix it. He says substan tially that when he speaks of "My Country, 'fis of Thee," and it wasn't much of a day for countries eilher. The sun is down, but backward sends His parting rays of red ; The child its day of pleasure ends, And trundles off to bed ; And softly o'er the eastern hill Conies the translucent moon. Anil as one chair they each do fill, The lovers sit and spoon. A man in Iowa has been arrested for assaulting his wife, and he was found gull ty, even though it was shown that he only stuffed her month full of putty when lie wanted to go to sleep. Do we men have no rights at all ? "Take the elevator" is inscribed on the fence of an Iowa meadow. A curious traveler who climbed the fence dieovere.l In about ten seconds tnat the elevator is of a dark brindle color, with a curl iu the middle of his forehead. Upon the summer's cheek a tint Of tenderer pallor lies. We read a soft, unspoken hint Of death within her eye. And much the same prophetic shade. Pathetic, strange and mute. Falls o'er the trousers slightly frayed. Ot the young man's summer suit. " Oh. pshaw !" petnantly exclaimed Miss Lydia Languish, looking up from the hist new novel in response to a summons from her mother to come and assist in pre paring dinner. ' Oh. pshaw ! I am just where Edward de Courcey Montalber; is about to propose to the Lady Ethelinda Adele St. Clair, and wish dinners had never been invented !" Aud the look of supreme disgust that flashed from her eye showed that sfie meant it. The hoy stood on the second base, With cotton cloth his thumb. Was bandaged, til! it really looked Like a minatiire Krupp gun. Two men out. he would not stir ; The captain grew quite hoarse. He loudly yelled at that small boy. Who never stirred, of cour-e. But hark ! What fearful sound is that ? The boy. O where is lie ? Quite easily ho reaches home On a hit ot bases three. A Easterly Stroxe of Ucnlus. The other day a muscular young fellow, having nn otlor of the stable about him, entered a Detroit photographer's estahlish ment nud explained that he would 1 ike to have about one photograph taken, but on learning the price he concluded to invest in a tin-typo. After taking his scat in the chair he shut one eye, drew his mouth around one Mde. stuck up his nose, and patiently waited for the operator, whose astonishment caused him to explain. "Good gracious ! but you don't wanl to look that way lor a picture. Xobody will know you from Sitting Hull." "You go ahead," was the reply. "Do you want me to take such a phiz as that?" ' "I do." Tlie artist took it. It beat Sol. Smith Rusell all to pieces, and was highly satis factory to the sitter, who paid for it and said : "Yon see. I had a sort of object in this. Coniehere from Allegan county six months ago engaged to a gal out there found a gal hero I like better got to sever od ties, see ?" v 'But what has that picture got to do with old ties ?" asked the artist. "Lots heaps ? I've writ to her that I was blode up here on a boat and disfigur ed tor life. She's awfully proud. When she gits this and sees how that explosion wrecked me, she'll hunt another Jver qnicker'n wink see? How do you like the plot? Just gaze on this picture once and tell me that Mary Ann won't send me back my love letters by first train ?" He posted the picture. The letter was briet but explained all. It said : "My Ewer Dear Gurl I inclose my picture that you may spe how offul bad I was hurt, tho I know you will luv me just the same." "Ever see that game played afore ?" he asked of the artist, as he licked the stamp on the letter. "No never did." Course yon never did. It's mine." "It struck me the other day while I was greasin' a wagon, and I think It's boss. Blode up see ? Disflggered for life We? Picture right here to prove it. and she'll write back that she has at last concluded to yield to her parents' wishes and marry a young man out there who owns eleven steers, n hundred sheep, and an cight-ncre lot HAFFEWDEN "Wholesale and FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, FANCY GROCERIES, CALIFORNIA CSACZEES, CANDIES, NUTS, ." In fact Use Largest, best Assorted and most Varied Stock or GROCERIES in the country. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GROCERY IN ALBANY. la Firoproof Brick, First Oj-cs? OFE THOUSAND in Use in Linn County. Albany, Oregon. KftcFARLAMD & HARVEY. r-rri tirftsrnfHf-fltf THE BEST OF ALL FCH HA2T AND BEAST. For mnrA limn a. thti-rt rf a uptifnm v 1. Mexican MTuatHng Unimeut hasbecn f- Known to millions an over tlie world as the only safe reliance for tho relict of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above price and praise I lie best or Its kind. For every form of external pain U1U Mnstan? Liniment is without nn equal. It peuetrates fiefi and inuacle to the very hone making the continu auceof pain andinilaination impossible Its effects upon Human Flesh ami the Unite Creation aro equally wonderful. The Mexican T.illimcnt. 1a oo1 rl l.-ir anmahmli. I. m every house. Every day brings news of me agony or an awful scald or burn subdued, of rhenmptie martyrs re stored, or a valuable horse or ox saved bv the nnwi.r of fhia 9 which speedily enres such ailments of the HUMAN I'JLESU as llheumtlsm, tiwelllngs, Stiff .ununcKa ivi u.cicg, jsnrns and Scalds, Cuts, limine s and Sprains, I'nlionoiu Bites and Stings, Stiffness, Xuneness, Old Mores, fleers, frostbites, Chilblains. Store Kipples, Caked Breast, and indeed every form of external dis ease. It hrala wllhnnt can. For the Bbute Creation it cures Sprains, nvrlnny, SUIT Joints, Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Dis eases, Itoot Bot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind fall, Spavin, Thrnsh, Ringbone, Old Sores, Poll Kvil, film noon the Sight and every other ailment to which the occupants of the Stable and Stock Yard are liable. Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment always cures and never ilisappoints; and it Is, positively, . . THE BEST OF ALL FOB KAN OS BEAST.1 , LIHIBHEHTS Retail Dealers in Streai, Albany, Oregon. The Great Carriage F&anufacturing House of the World. EMERSON, FISHER & CO., -AND- Cost 3Iatcr2al. Good Workmanship, Handsome Styles, Strong and' Durable Vehicles In Every Respect.. 70.000 ICARRIAGES HASlTAt-TCBED II Y KJIEBSOTV, FISHEK & CO-. ARE SOW IM rSE IS ETF.RT PART OF THE AMERICAN COSTISUT. Thev ei ve nnfallinjr satisfaction. All their work is warrantor. They have received testimo nials trom all part of the country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of which are on file subject to Inspection : ; Messrs. Emerson. Fisher Co.: Oaiva, Ills., JnJv 16, 1879. I have used one of your Top Busies three years, and three of thvm two years in my liver stable, and they have given mo perfect satisfaction and are in eonstant ire. Oscar Smalley. Messrs. Cor-POCK & Joiinson : Xkweekut, S. C, July 17. 1879. Hear Sirs I have been using the Emerson Fisher Buprgy I bought from you as roughly.I suppose, as any ononld. 1 had a fast horse, drove him at full speed, fometlmea with two la dies and myself in the bufry, and it is to-day worth all the money I paid for it. I say the Em ei-son & Fisher Buggies will do. - : A. M. Teagce, Farmer. The favorable renutation the Carriages have made in localities where they have been used for several years by Liverymen, Physicians. and others requiring hard and constant use, has led to an Increased demand from those localities, to meet which the manufacturing facilities of their mammoth establishment have been extended, enabling tlieui now to turn out in good style. .360 CARRIAGES A WEEK. EMERSON, FISHER & CQ.'S CARRIAGES ARE THE BEST. TITUS BROS., Albany, : Oregon. REGULATING TIM E-PIECE8 & EEPAIP ing Jewelry a specialty. Call. vllnl7 Agents for "Sew Heme" Sewing H efoiiiea. Infallible Indian Remedies. A Sure Snot For IETVnER &, AGUE. DURING A LOSO RESIDENCE AMONG the Indian tribes of the coast and the inte rior, I have had th stood fortune to discover, from the "Medicine" men of the several tribes, and from other sources, a number ot remedies for diseases incident to this country, consist ins of roots, herbs and bark, and having been solicited by many people of this valley, who have tried and proved the efficacy of them in disease, to procure and offer the same for sale, I take this means of announcing to ail that, during the past season, I have made an extend ed tour through the mountains and valleys, and have secured certain of these remedies which are a sure cure for Fever and Ague. Those suffering from Ague who desire to be 3tired,c:tn leave orders at Mr. Strong's store on First street, where I will furnish the remedies, warranting a radical cure or I will demand no pay. W. . JOHN. tiKemcdies done np In $1 packages. 12-1 VHEAt -AT TBI- LINN COUN'xsJ F LOURING M ILLS. Ballard, Isem & Co., Will pay H premium of FOUR CENTS per bnsh el in Mill Feed, over and above the market price, on all Rood merchantable Wheat stored with them this season. Are always prepared to Ty cash down, and guarantee as pood prices as can be obtained elsewhere. A large supply of sacks always on hand. x We have onr Mill fitted np with all thtf latest improved machinery, and do custom work. . Albany, August 6, 18a0-12nt5 Phil. C OHEN Has i amoved his stock of poods to the brick lately occupied Uy tue Crrangs "Union Stors, Corner Washington and First Streets, where he will be pleased to meet old and nei 12 customers 44 Albany, July 0, 1880. flFST tn91neas now before the public Too . f I Li 0 1 can make money faster at work for rta than at anything else. Capital not required. We will start yon. tl a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and jtlrls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You t an devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. No other business will, pay yon nearly as well. No one willing to worfc can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. A great opr-ortunlty for making money easily and honorably. Address Tuue A Vo-, Angusta. Maine. . 42-13 tll1 T Great, chance to make money. Wo Mwlit. need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Anyone can become a successful agent. Six elcaant works of art given free to subscribers. Tlie price i so low that almost even-body snl scrilMss, One agent reports taking 120 subscri ber in a day. A lady agent, repjrta making over $100 clear profit in ten days. All who en gage make money fast. You can devote ell your time to the business, or only spsVre time. You need not lie away from home over night. You can do it as wcllas others. Full direct Km a and tonus free. Elegant and expensive Outfit f:ce. if -ou want profitable work send us your uddiess at once. If costs nothing to try the. business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address Gkokoe Stiksok A Co., Portland, Blaine. 43-13 Ladies' Variety Emporium. MFvS. m7J. HYDE KEEPS CONSTANTLY OH HAND ' German Zephyr. Canvas, Thread, Pint, Needles, Buttons, Real Hair Stottck ea and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped Goods, c., Cc, e. " Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Cors ; Child's Waist t and Madam Foye's Corset Skirt Supporter. fS5T"French "tamninjr done to order. l:iSijBroailalbin St., opposite Post Offioe39T WHEAT THE Pr.OPRIETOltS of the Magnolia MUla offer a Premium ot . FOUR CENTS PER BUSHEL fn Mill Feed, over and above the market prfee fnfiiood merchantable WHEAT, either sold to or stored with them this season. J. II. FOSTER ft CO, Albany, July SO, 1880. rh ( f a week in your own town. $3 Outfit' &OU free. So risk. Header, if you want a business at which persons of either sex can make trreat pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. Hauitt A Co., Portland, Maine. 42-13 G r oar Price List for - f t 7 1880. ran a to any III ( I xl'lress upon ap- l X t A Pcatlon. Contains ja fe ja descriptions of every T-iTffur thinff required - for with over 1.800 Illustration. We spiI ll 6oods at wholesale price. In quantities to sul le purchaser. The only Instltntlon tn America who make this their special business. Address. MONTGOMERY VAR CO., 78 Wabmih Ave.. Chicago, IU. Summons. - In he Circuit Court of the State of Oregen for the county of I.inn. Lillie J. Hasbrouck, plaintiff; - vs. M. LrrWsbronek, 3. C. Cooiey and J. H. Wash. : bum, partners under the firm name and style of Cooley A Washburn, and Albert Butts, de fendants. To M. li. Hasbrouck, one of the defendant, above named : In the name of the State of Oregon Ton are herehy required to appear ai.d answer the com plaint flled against you in tho above entitled' action, on or before the fourth Monday of Oc tober next, it being the . . ;. . f 25th day of October, 1880, and the first day of the next regular term of said Court, and if yon fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit : the dissolution of tlie bonds of matrimony subsisting between, plaintiff and yourself, for the care, custody an'l control of the minorchild.Walter C. Hasbronck, that the interest of all parties in and to the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of the Sam nel Johnson donation land claim. be!ns? claim, Nos. S2 and 38, and notification No. S071. runn ing thence west 147 rods, thence north 90 rods, . thence east 143 rods, thence south$0 rods to the Iwif lnningr, containing 80 acres, and lyinp andl being in Linn county, Oregon, be ascertained and determined:, and If necssa ry, that the same be sold by decree of said Court, and such portions of the proceeds thereof be decreed to the plaintiff as she may in equity and justice be entitled to for maintaining and carrying on this suit, for counsel fees and fop the future maintenance and support of plains tiff and her child, or that tht undivided one third thereof, free from encumbrance, hf set apart and confirmed to her in her ludivr.iunt right, and that any portion of the nersrnhi Eroperty, that mav be on hands at tlie cn.l earing, lie decreed to plainlJir or be sold i-.c the benefit of plaintiff and child, and tirt't costs and disbursments of the suit to be tmcj. This summons s published by order ot t'cifj Bon. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court,-in a ! at Chambers in the city of Salem. Oregon, on tlie 47th day t.t July, 1880. WEATHEfiFOKTJ A BLACKBTJTSX. vlznli. Attorneys for Plaintiff. job mim: "catly executed, at this ofiV, i