VOLUME XIII. ALBANY, OREGON, OCTOBER U 1880. Fox, Baum &. Co.l PAY 75 CENTS FOR WHEAT Wheat 75o TDer For the nest 15 days, on XTotes, Book Accounts and Trade, lay Fox, Baum & Co. I AY 75 CENTS FOR WHEAT ! ;AJA vJvjy ALBANY, OREGON. On account of the large purchase and immense stock of Goods bought this Fall, we are compelled, for want of room, to sell our entire stock of AT ni Jin b Ln I T V SAN FR ANCISCOl COST ! The Utteat MHrvel of Sclemee. The replacing of tlie wire necessary in : telephonic communication by such an un substantial thing as a parallel beam ot light ; that is the latest marvelous achieve ment of the inventor of the telephone, Professor, A. Graham Bell, first announc ed to the'world iti his lecture before the American Association for the Advance ment of Science . last Friday evening. Professor Bell's relation of the steps by which his discovery was made, ot the successive experiments which led to the final result, is a remarkably interesting piece cf reading. The starting point, of these experiments, conducted jointly by Professor Bell and his friend, Sumner Tainfor of Wateitown, was the investiga tion into the. charaeterUtics of selenium an elementary substance which hns been known for the last sixty years, but . which has always been considered simply as a I chemical enriosiiv. The effect of light in the production of a change of its electrical conductivity was discovered by Mr. May, the assistant of AVilloughby Smith, in the course of some experiments looking to ward its use, oa account of its high resist ance in crystalline form to the passage of ! electricity, at the shore end of a submarine cable, in Mr. Smith's system of signaling and testing. The announcement ot these results wa3 at first received with soma In credulity bv scientific men. This curious property of selenium has led to its frmploy inent in various experiments looking to ward the tiansmission of light and its effects by electricity, and several state ments of the attainment of a certain de gree of success in this direction have been made in scientific publications. Professor Bell and Mr. Taintor have already spoken. by means of the new invention, which has bee' '.'hristened the photophone, between pol.fe 213 meters apart. The nececsary privacy of tlie experiments has hitherto prevented the determining of the extreme distance at which this new method of communicating by speech will be made available, but Professor Bell huds no rea son to rloubt tlmt the results will be obtain e l at whatever distance A BEAM OF LIGHT Can be flushed from one obsarvatory to another. One ot the most recent experi ments was between the top of the Frank tin school-house on Washington street to one of his laboratory windows on L street, the distance being as above mentioned. Professor Bell heard distinctly the words 'Mr. Bell, if you hear what I say, come to the window and wave your hat, CONSISTING OF v Hen's, Youth's and Soys' Suite, Ulsters and Overcoats ! At the same time we respectfully invite our patrons and the public at large to call and inspect FALL of Fancy Dress Goods, Fine Cashmeres, Cloaks, Dolmans and Ulsters for Misses and Children, Sleeveless Jackets, Zephyrs and Chenille Shawls, Satin, Alpacca and Wool Skirts, Latest styles of Satins, Silks and Velvet Brocaded Trimmings, Ribbons and Buttons and Belts to match. Also, the best selected stock of Ladies, Misses, Chil dren and Infants' Hose, at corresponding low prices, and, in fact, ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. "VVe quote the following low Prices for "WUent at 14 yds Calico for fl 00. BOOTS & SHOES ! Men's, Youtti'sg Boys a better selected stock than ever. Misses'. Children and I u runt' Shoes, all Calf, Kid l'oied, all Cloth, FrencU Kid and Flannel Lined, Jaced and XXutttmed, at corresponding LOW PRICES. 20 yds Sheeting lor $1 00. 43 inch black Cashmere, worth $1 37. . i. . 75o per $1 75, at Patent Overalls (oar own make) 75c per Bushel or Cash Golden C Coffee Sugar, 11c. Golden D Coffee Sugar, 102C, 12 yds Cabot W for $1 00. 11 yds Cabot A for $1 (0. 10 yds best Lonsdale for fil 00. 10 yds White Kock tor $1 00. 8 yds Cheviot Shirting, 1 00. 8 yds best Gingham. $1 00. All colors Worsted Dress 25 cent.", at 15 cent". Goods, worth 40 inch all wool Cashmere all worth 75 cents, at 50 cents, colors, 44 inch black 75 ceriM. Cashmere, . worth $ 1 00, at 43 inch black Cashmere, $1 CO. worth $1 25, at pair. Gent's White Shirts, from 7oc to $2 25. Men's Knit Undershirts and Drawers, good quality, 50 cents. Men's Canton Flannel Drawer?, 50 cents. Undershirts and Overshirts from $1 25 to $ 2 50. Men's All Wool dozen, $2 50. and Cotton Hose, per Bundle Hose, per dozen, 75 cents. Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs, hemmed "ready tor use, per dozen. $2 00. GROCERIES. m o 3cxx otlii 1ST o xr jJ3 A J Q ! WARE A fine display of this Ware now on exhibition in 23axuixcft Oo's Olaow-,wi3.ow Fine Crush Sugar, 12?c. Cube Sugar, Best Costa Rica Coffee, 18c. Cheaper grade, 14 Jc. Chemical Olive Soap. 60c. Cold Water Bleaching Snap, $1 75. Glycerine Soap, fl 75. Cincinnati Candles, per box. $2 50. Grant's Candles, per box, $3 25. 12-ft box Saleratu, 90c. Raisins, per box, 60c. Fine Liverpool Salt. IJc. Stock Salt, 100ft? lor 60c. Best Loriliard Tobacco, 00c. utility, but such an entirely new field ot action is entered upon that it is yet hardly possible to estimate the consequences. It bids fair to make communication , easy through regions where the maintenance ol telegraph wires is difficult or impossible, as, for instance, in time of war In a hostile country. Communication might thus be easily kept up over the beads of the ene my without fear of Interruption. Another useful application might be to lighthouses along the coast, which thus might actually be made to talk to each other, and who knows but that the vexed - question of the telephone wires, now indefinitely ronltlply- ng in our cities, will thereby also be settled ? The matter has Its poetic as well as its utilitarian aspects. The fairy legends tell U3 of a talisman by which the possessor Is enabled to undemana tlie languages of tlie birds. "The music of the spheres" ls a s. etymon expression. This is now shown" tt" be an Actual foet as well a8a poetic figarciiand the talisman lia leen found by which w can listen to their music as they shine upon us from their'heavenly paths. And, viewed by this discovery, there is literal truth ln the words of Scripture : "When the morning stars sang together." Boston IJerald. Oue pound and half-pound Tea, 50c per lb. B3HAMG 151 REAL urE. finally Best Elephant Tea, 5ft box, 2 25. A Splendid Assortment of the Latest Styles - C jLjR. je n T S,: - From 50c to $1 3, About fifty forms of apparatus have been devised, but to all ot them the principle is common, varying the beam of light just as the enrrect of electricity in the telephone is vuried in intensity by the vibrations of the voice. This beam of light acts upon the selenium in the receiv ing apparatus, frofessor lieu having tiis- covered that light had the effect of pro ducing sound In selenium, and that this property could be utilized by Dlacing that substance in connection with the telephone. 1 ne smipiesc apparatus yet devised con sists of a plain mirror of flexible material, such as silvered 'mica or microscpe glass. Hie speaker's voice is directed against the back of this mirror, iust as it is against the diaphragm ot the telephone, and the light reflected from it thus thrown into corre sponding vibrations. Any powerful source of light may be used, but between distant points sunlight has ' chiefly been experimented with". The beam is received at a distant station upon a parabolic re flector, in the focus ot which is placed a sensitive selenium cell. The light may be controlled in many ways, and a steady beam may be modified at any point in its path. In laboratory experiments it has been found that articulate speech can be reproduced even by the light of a kerosene lamp. Many curious facts have been brought to light. For instance, musical tones are produced at the receiver when no sound is made at the, transmitter. A silent motion thus produces sound. The beam can be entirely cut off by a slight motion of the hand ; and at the distant receiving station musical signals, like the dots and dashes of the Mor.se alphabet, can thus be produced. Another discovery is, that an effect . of light passes through certain opaque substances. A sheet of hard rubber was held about twelve-feet away from the receiver, but an Invisible beam passed through, producing a fidnt but perfectly perceptible musical tone at tlie telephone connected with the selenium. FURTHER EXFKltlMENTS Showed that this peculiar sensitiveness to vibrations ot light belongs not only to se lenium, but is a general property of all matter. Distinct musical notes have been heart! from hard rubber and many other substances, while a beam of intermittent light was focused upon them by a lens, and tills without the aid of a telephone or a battery, and Professor Bell says : "On the whole, we feel warranted in announc ing as our conclusion that sounds can be produced by the action of a variable light from substances of all kinds, when in the form of thin diaphragms." , It is believed that all varieties of articulate "speech can thus be obtained from other substances, as will as from selenium. The simple way in which Professor Bell tells how one experiment and discovery led to another is a beautiful Illustration of the methods by ; which science guides her "devotees along the pathway to great results. Pro fessor Bell entered Into no speculations as to the probable future ef the discovery, but confined his lecture to a plain state ment oi iefs accnmpiiiiea. it seems. however, as f it were destined to great Itoy Molen by csynxlew -j tinuii his i-arenix. A correspondent of the Cincinnati En- quirer writes from Anderson, Ind., ns fol lows : On a hot July day in the summer of 1874 a boy perhaps 15 or 16 years, weary and footsore, was making his way along the dusty highway that passes the farm of ex-Eepresentatve David E. Croan, four miles north of this city. Espying hands at work in a harvest field near by. he timidly approached and asked to work for something to eat. Mr. Croan's son William took him to the house, where his mother gave him a bountiful dinner. , Mr. Croan then set him to work, and finding hi in willing and Industrious, employed him to work. The boy could give but little account ot r.imself. T he first lie re membered of himself was traveling from place to place, . with his parents, as he supposed theui to be, called gypsies. After traveling about for five or six years the family finally settled down near New castle, Henry county, this State. There, after enduring innumerable hardships and cruelties, he determined to run away from his wretched surroundings. One evening after receiving a terrible beating from his father lie grew desperate and after dark stole away, going north, and sleeping the latter part of the night near the roaunds. Tlie next day he made his way to Mr. Croan's, and here found a comfortable home for several months. Since that time he has worked for several in tbe neighbor hood, always being Al. ft On Tnt Of -1 Up.1 Fell tl Mo Sue loo. And the Trouble Toot tTndertht They plan And their Boo he What of flit Warmed by Ah, well, lta Adieu I KCOXOMICAL AND SAVING In his habits, and laying by quite a sum ot money. A lew weeks since he deter mined to go back to Xewcastle and visit the Home of his former miseries, in order to see Ids sister, to whom ho was warmly attached. From his sister who was much older than himself, he heard a wonderful story. Stie told him , his name was not Hiram Brituey, as he supposed, bnt Hiram Twitord ; that the J5ritneys had stolen mni when lie was but six or seven years of age from his mother, a widow by the name of Twiford, living near Angola, in Steuben county, this State.- His mother made every effort to find him. The coun ty was scoured ; tlie river was dragged advertisements were inserted ln the news papers of the day, but all to no avail, and tne mouier nnany gave up tlie search as hopeless, and settled down to endure best she could, the horrible agony, and doubt surrounding her child's disappear ance. From tlmt time on up to three weeks since, a period of sixteen years, no tidings had been received of the lost child Young Britney or Twiford, as we shall hereafter call him, on hearing this strange story from his supposed sister, determin ed to go to Steuben county at once and fathom the mystery. Arriving there he inquired for a family by the name of Twi ford. He was flirected to their residence. Knocking at the door, HE WAS -ADMITTEn And invited to take a seat. This he did, asking numerous questions regarding tlie surrounding country, the crops, etc., the lady eyeing him closely All the while. Finally ho asked : Did you not lose a ' boy some' years since ?"- "Yes," replied the lady, .and tears came unbidden to her eyes, "and I would give anything In the World I possess to And him,". Another look at the stranger, and, with a mother's quick instinct, he threw her arms about him, folded him close In her loving srms saying, "My child, my child! My long lost child. I have found you at last." When the lady had recovered her self possession sufficiently tlie boy's story was told, and hU identity established beyond a doubt, one of the strongest proofs being a scar on his face. - Tlie news rapidly spread through the neighborhood and hun dreds of persons flocked to ;iee hiav and iui ouiiio nine no whs me iion oi me neigh borhood. Mr. Twiford came back to this county a tew days ago, and I settled up his business and returned to Steuben couuty. nerearter to live with his real mother and sister, irom whom" he ; was i so long and cruelly separated, ant) to take charge of his mother's large farm on which she re sides, xnis is indeed a romance In real nte, ana we can truly say "The ; web of life is strangely woven." A Toonjf G Scarcely less a ner's recent feat i tion of a young la May or of G ra mb kt who is said to have since the second we the exception of a fe fulness at intervals t weeks. : An Interest in, extraordinary state Is Hanover Courier. It app plunged lu a profound slm unconscious of all that goeis night and day, reclining oi warmly covered up and with spread over her head. Nurish. In a liquid form, is daily adm her, which she swallows witbou. for a second. She s is a pretty. girl, ot a pallid complexion, but s not lose in weight during her trait.. from forty to sixty days,-'and, win. awake, exhibits a cheerful disposition ant. an eager desire to perform such smtril household tasks as her strength enables her' to fulfill. Her father Is a well-to-do-man. who has consulted several eminent medical men, in the hope of discovering soma remedy for his daughter's atoormal condi tion, which entails serious Inconvenience- and constant anxiety upon the othei. members of his family ; but all efforts. hitherto -made to keep the unlucky girl . awake have resulted in total failure. ' Since the case of sleeping Uhlan, at Pots dam, no such interesting subject for study and observation on the part ot the faculty has arisen as that of the strangely somno-. tent Burgomaster's daughter of Grambkew London Telegraph. . Derivation of Woman's Xamec. Anna Bella is -not- Anna-bella, or FaltK- Anna, but Is the feminine of Hannibel meaning gilt (or grace) of Bel, A rabella is not Ara liella, or beautiful altar, but Gra billa, a dying woman. In its Anglicised form of Orabet it was much more common, in the thirteenth century than at present, Maurice has nothing to do with Mauritius, or a Moor, but comes from Amalrie him-. mel-reich the kingdom of Heaven. Ellen is the feminine of Alan, Allan, and ha no possible connection with Heleiv which comes from a different language, and is older by about a thousand years at least. Amy is not from aimee, but from amle. A vice, or Adv3, does not exactly mean advice, as some seem to think. It comes from vEdwis and means happy, wis- dom. Eliza has no connection with Eliza beth. It la the sister of Louisa, .and botb are the daughters ot Helolse, which la lleelwis, hiildcu wisdom. There is Indeed, another form of Louisa, or rather Louise, which is the feminine of Louis, but thl was scarcely heard of before the sixteenth century. - The older Heloise form of tb name, ' Aloisa, AloUla, or Aloysia, was adopted into medieval English, as Elesla a name which our bid genealogists always; confuse with Alice. Emily and Amelia are not ' different forms of ene name, Emily Is from Smylia, the name ot an Etruscan gem. Amelia comes from the Gothic amala heavenly, Beginald is not derived from Begina, and has nothing to do with a queen. It Is Reinalt exalted purity. Alice, Adeliasf Adelaide, Allsa, Alix, Adeline, are all forms of one name, the root ' of which Is adel noble. . But Anne was never used as identical with Aonis or Agnes (of which last the olrl Scotch Annas k a variety nor, as I sturdi ly maintain, was Elizabeth ever synony mous with Isabel. . v '. If yon would be wealthy get upon a nm'e. You W'll soon find that you arc hotter eft"; The democratic talk for "reform" la oily enough, but extremely thin. What democratic reform did for Oregonthe suits against delinquent - officials show. The. great anxiety tor (a change" simply grows out of a desire to get Into Uncle Sam's money vaults. The last time the democrats had control of tlie national treasury It was. bankrupted by robbery, as the treasury ot Oregon was by the late gang of ''reformers' who controlled it. History lias recorded how the treasury was emptied by Secretary Cobb ami his secession coparceners; John . B. Floyd ' and Jake Thompson. Now, when tbe treasury is full and the debt la helng reduced by large sums every month. the political successors ot these sterling- patriots are Itching to get their arms in up to the shoulders. Give them a chance. and at the end t the term tbe treasury would be ln as bad a condition as It was where It came Into republican bands In March, 1801. Portland Oregonia, No; Adolphus, she dldnt mean anything? when she told you that her father alwaya went to bed at 10 o'clock. She simply In tended to intimate that after that hour you need fear no " step upon, the stair," and instead ot going home as ypu say you did, you should have nestled hsr c' manly breast and asked old man usually go " '