- r ' J' : I I &3 . . y. , - ' . ISSl'ED EVEKTFEIBAT, . THE REGISTER. BUILDING, Cnrnr" Frrry itrui Mr xt Streets OLL- VASCLEVB & CO.T rUOPKIETORS. j. H. MAINE, JE. - ... ccll VAJi CLEVE. TEEM3-1S :,ADVAXCE. . , ... .wmr.oiic year...............i .ti 50 ..00 .-niW.sil months 1 -0 in Rio copie. . .-.-. w ....... . . . .Ten cents "m ti I C! 'tfiY'TT w.nv bo fn;mt ti file nt 5v A'Ix"trtlslT'rB"raii3Af:'-rru(--fi.v,-t-epa.ivrfTil5is'-t co.u-ftcts be nUtf to? ic In 3V s; W YOEtk. Asre"' for tlie Ketrfster. ThVfAliowhn nnme't wntlrmcn jresnthor- !7.-t rj recivi nnd reeefnr for sulertption I totpafit&i iu the localities mentioned : - 1 MesstJ-. Kirk & Hume.. l!pfiwnvillp Kotef' tV.stss etb Ih'.ye. t. PTompkins ....... .Cvawfordsville, ...tt Halsey ... Harrishurg FRIDAY .SKPT. 2t. 1SS0 -, A . Wonderful LK. f while sine1, we met with a description of la":e a central r loriiia, or wmcii me the 'fititat.m'ci.' It 'rads, !n- VI . - - - Jl - UdpdY like some ot the stories in The Ara Jvvin Nights, but having the confirmation Jl scientiflenntliority in tlie person ot .1. P. t teelewediiiotliesitate to inb!ih the Tbift lake rivals th6 tamons valley of f-linusd the sailor. Ill thought to average 2.000 ft down to the wator, all round, lite wall may be reported as entirely perpen dicnlar, riuining down into- the water and leavinff ho beach. The depth of the wn- teir is ntiknown. nd it surface is smoolh and unruffled, n it lie so fir under the surface ol the mountain that the air cur rent do not affect It. Its length is e?ti mahfd at twelve miles and its breadth at ten..' There is a""beautiful island in its cen ter, with luxuriant trees upon it. No living man has ever yet reached the water's edge, and it is nott proTiabte tiiat any ever will. It lies silent, still, and mysterious, in the bosom of the 'everlasting hills.' li! e a huge well scoopd out by the giant genii ot the mountains in the unknown tges ot lohg"ag6, and nil around it. great primeval forests an eternal -waUh and ward are keeping. "In company with an experience 1 guide I reached the little lake in question at about the hour ot ten in the morning. II 6 w large it was I could not ttll. but I judge It roust be of considerable size, from the fact thntl could not see across it. sil though enjoying a kind ot birds-eye view from a location some distance above fhs level ot the" water. " 5'Seelng nothing nnu-ual about the place I w iis on the ivniiit of i-xpre-sing my dis appointment t3 the guide, when he, bav Ul'LIUMUIUrUl .J lire. . . .; v. ti ..!..-. i. k. lug ,-eau my inouiiis. cut -- ino- tlat lmakeacar. tilsurveyofthe wa-, tr. reinarkinff. at the same time that! while there was really uothing estraortll nary about .the lake itselt, it was strangely and wonderfully inhaidtcd. turueu my .iiit-iun'o i and was soon convinced that I had. mi-j pie must eat eat, in fact, all more donbtedly. met with a phenomenon, for it v,ra(.,onsy because it does hail or was so clear, so very transparent, that I j en(w as -t ,u j,eVj,P! rate an unseasona cv.ild see through it in every db-ection esneeillv turned my attention to the wafer. w ith as mueb apparent t-e as if it bad j l.n tli utinasnltere itself. Presently I saw one of the inhabitants hinted at. a little creature of a light brown color, looking, as it glided here and there through the pure element, not unlike a common chimney swallow. Then came another, and eanother. and another, until all the waters of the lake seemed to be thickly warming with them. They were very iMEVaml terv swift in their motions, dart ing w Mr ling, and angling with the great est ease and the most charming grace ; the guide said that like birds of the air, they were in quest of their prey feeding upon animals to small to be seen by us from our stand-point. ' "Suddenly while I was gazing In won der upon these strange creatures, a new actor appeared In the persri of ; a large ahimel, abont the size, jdiape, and color of a huge muskmelon. He was quite trans parent, so much so that I could see through and throilffb him as plainly as if he had been a glass jar; and as he moved le'surely about, I noticed that he was catching and devouring the little 'swallows without mercy. His Interior, which seemed to be a huge cavity nothing more was literally filled with them, some still alive and swim ming about in their strange prison. The entire mass held within his gigantic stom ach kept up a rapid whirling round and round in one dtrefloii, from which I in ferred that he had no regular digestive -or-gans, btit simply tco-e out Ids food; that is, reduced it by friction to a proper con 'dition for Ids sustenance. ' "Scarcely had I got tairly Interested in thiS extraordinary animal when along came something which looked, with its litn, arching neck, very much like a swan. "Its course was so directed that ere long it was brought' into Contact with' the 'tnusk Vnelon,' and a fight was the consequence. It was a short tight, however, for neither ot the parties seemed to relish the busiue-s, . soj.hey parted, and struck off in opposite directions, i A -little distance, and .the swan met another -of its own Wind, aid-! Ihey comirierwKrd Wtlittg and cooing -like r-n mated doves: but their pleasures wre. destined to be of short duration, tor just at that ibani large' and " hideous looking creature, wrffieatTin's aiid glaringeyes jiounced tiponjhem f rom a covert hard by, seizing theni botbr . A terrible struggle' en . sued, in which one of the 'swans' made its escape but the monster gnpjied the other by its slender imtli until It eeafced to struggle, after which he settled do n with it to the bottom or tlie lake, and very quietly began " converting it into a meal. 'About ttis time : I - noticed a second monster equally as frigrtful in appearance as the one just referred to, tliough evide.nt- ly ot a different species. He was moving along oil the bottom of the Take, and uu " less fits course were"f changed, would pass "vry near the other." Tlie first monster's treatment of the swans' had made me bis enemy, so I was well pleased with tlie turn a flairs showed a pYospect of taking ; I ueslreu that his banqueting should, he . dis turbed. Ana it was. The new-comer fourrl lilru, pud went in tor a share of the prey A bsitlle, the most frightful I had over before witnessed between two living creatures. Immediately commenced. They pel zed each other and rolled over and over in r real deulii struggle, for several min utes, in the course of whii'h they actually tore each other limb Irom limb. Finally one of them yielded up and .lied, alter which the other wi;h but two leg left out of six. drafrged itself slowly away. Ahti snntlicr Installment of animals, some like gigantic leeches, and other3 like Oriental turbans anil all effecting locomotion by """ " . , stretching and pulling tneniselve into 1 ..n.,.v.u-ili!i. .linn'. st.;t'iil down and fell ton galinjj t!:iii:-lv- upon the car casses. Tliev wore, dfulc ie-s, 'he vul tures of this tt'in:ii !. .I'!.' body of w.-iter, -IMlf a day .,. -..or- w:,s , nt ny ,ne . ,vi,.hi.nT 1I1.. inliribi ants of this Hon-, da wonder. In tin cour-e of that ; tun.; I saw very many strange sigh:s. more than I could hint at in a short :n tiel-J like this. Besides, a writren description - could con vey but a flint id.-a of the reality ; one must see tor himself before he can appre ciate. Every reader of this piper who lias not already examined the remarkable body of water under consideration should do so without f ail before lie dies, for it, will give him new ideas attainable from no other source. It he can not make lr convenient j toer me all the way to Florida tor that nnrnose. let him arrange to see the lake at home. A good micnscope with a drop of impure or stagnant water upon the stage j .it ui. 1.:... ... I....... tli.i i:iiiiu Lint! fif ! wmeiMw imium 1 , lake at any locality lie may select." 1 The TJiree Ioavr-. The day was bitterly cold in Virginia City as winter days most general'y are in that. MniiiP tnwn. and though the Still r j was bright, it was a cheeilws and chill i , lr:t l ..... ! nlm.-t as moonbeams. lid gusts wbStled through ti e Meets, breathing icicles and tn.sl in their furious conr.-e, and drivioo cverv li viiiii thing away to seek shelter Irom its biting, jnetrating iirealh. And yet not every one was boused and sheltered from the pitiless gale, for he who had work to do or business to transact was summoned by inexorable dii'y to come forth to his post, or else, when the day of reckon ing came, abide by the consequences; but,-with such exceptions as these, ihe male population geneiaily sought the warm and friendly atmosphere of the -,! ilriol-itxr sfil,.-ins. where, with b' t Fc.,f. al!d a glowing furnace, they ,,Pm-:A(- from frerz- tng. Of these luckless exceptions. Ale Denning the baker, was cue. Iu sun- diit e or storm, hail, rain .r snow, jteo- . . . in appetizii g weather, must see to it that his customers' larders Ije properly stored with the rarest and best pro ductions of his oven. Even such cold weather as this did not deter Mr. Dcni.ing from attending to the wants of his cu-tomeis with the assiduity and attention characteristic of his class. While di-a pearing it to a customer's hou-e. wit 1 an armful of bread, a girl of s. m- fifteen years t age emerged from a miner's cabin close by, and first ca-titig wild and lurried nkuws around i.er. rnsl-ed t the baker's cart, and had just abstracted therefrom three h aves- of bread, and was carrying them . if, when the baker returned at;d caught her in tlie act Unfortunately, an ..fh'cer was passing just at the tune. ait li'e i.HKer, me spur ot the moment, and without giv ing the ca e the consideration which he otherwise might, gave her in custody on a charge of theft The girl, without any attempt at expostulation or expla nation, burst into an agony of tears a sufficient evidence, perhaps, that nhe was but a novice, after all, in the art of Etealing. "Oh !" she exclaimed, "don't take me in this wav. Let me wrap a shawl around my bead, or the people will know me." The officer, consenting, 'accompanied i.er into the cabin, tlie baker having drove away, telling the policeman be would be in court next day to prefei tlie charge l5re the police judge. The t fficer. en re entering, fbund no oiic in the cabin but three children the youngest about three years obi, and tlie l.lost ki. The but was cold and clteerlest" ; there was no tire. Tl.e two elder cl.iMien alarmed at the presence of tlie ofTlcfr, exbibited diseol'-re". eyes and laces, wliicb lmre evidence ot fufffr ing ;and recent teari. while little Willie,- tlie youngest was crying - and inafttteasalile, ni"ini -aimlesKiy around the cabin, looking into the empty closet and putting bin hands mechanically int.. the empty dishes on the table. "What made yon steal the bread, my girl ?" asked the ofKcer. : . At mention of the wonl ' bread" little Willie looked tearfully and pite ously in the- man's fat. The girl hugged the little--tallow' frantically in her atrtiB,' covering him with tears and kiree.- ; - - - . . ;. Ob, my poor little brother !' she cried, bitterly. " What will become of you now ? Tbis man is going; to lake your Lena away with him." Here the child threw lii arm? around" her j eck, as it to detain her by force ; while the other two chi'drcn ecreanied fit to break their hearts. The officer, titispcciiny: the ectual stale of atfairs, began to cough cot vul hively ; but in.-t ad ot applying his hand to l;Ts chest or throat, as people u-nallydo on smh occasions, h.e applied his hand Kerchief to his eyes. " Is there no coal, or nothing at a" to rat it) the house?" said be in a gurgl inj sort ot voice. " No coah no bread, nothing to oat." r.-olini 'ho wirl. wrinainil ier liand- 4, , ,.,. wniio ami ihp rest of u to eal sillCe ye.tev.la; morning Here the officer bail another hard tii .f couching, and went away, saying thn' lie would be back Again in a short timrt " Ts the man gone (or biedd ?" aske." the oldeci f the children. " I lush, Mollie. dear !" said Lena. " I don't know what be in gone for. He's not a bad man, anyhow, foi ho hasn't, arrested me, as I thought hi would." In a verv few minutes ibo ofneet returned with his arms full ot bread nlll groceries, not forgetting some cake . . , ; met,!s for the smal est clnhl- . . . , ren , one nmoon ioo n . n.- carrieil 3 big sack of coal on his back. At sioi t of the bread, the children screamed with, delight, while the officer now laughed, now coughed, and be quentlv applied hi handkerchief to h:s : T fac0j to wie off the perspirati. hi. 3s t were While Lena cut up Targe slices o( bread, ai d helped the children and her" self, the two men sit to work and made a larae fire in the stove, the glow o' which soon diffused warmth and com fort through the cabin. '1 hen the) cooked the meat and male tea, and spread a steaming meal on the ta'-le for the Pur orphans, whih; tl ey carved and afended to their wants until they were fViHy satisfied. Ilappv, happy chi'dhood, whose prc rogatives arc innocence, mirth and j -y ! The children after their dinner, didn't look like the same children at nil Their faces were bright and pyons. happy ind handsome, and in a tew .mt ntes thev were pSnving and laughing "and romping, a hapry as it they ha I never felt the pangs of hunger. " Aid now,'' said 1 hp. officer, de lighted at seeing the children so happv, " sit down. Lena, and answer mo a few questions. Have yon no father or mother ?" " We have no mother," was Lena's replv. " She died ahotit a year ago. and father went awav to Eureka to work about eight months ago, and we hain't seen him ever since." " What is your father's name ?" " Dawson .Tim Dawson." " And hp sent you no money nothing ?" " Nothing. Xever heard of him since he went away. Rut when he was goii g he left us a hag ot flour, and lots ol grope ips and things aj much a would last us for six months, and he'd he sure and be back before the provis ions were all out.'' " And yon got no letter from him at all ?" ' Not one," replied Lena, with a deep sigh. Poor Dawson had written to his children, however, but postal communi cation being at tl a? time very irregular and uncertain in the Silver State, tb children did not receive his leMers. " Well. I must go row." said the officer, altera pause, " but T will ca'l tor you to-morrow, ami you'll have t accompany me up 1 the police station, for T must do my duly, you know Good-by." Ami Lena Dawson was left alone with her little brothers . and sisters She felt sad and lonesome after the de parture of her kind Iwnefae.tor, hut the buoyancy of childhood fcoii gained the ascendancy, and lieforc bed-time the orphan? were as happy as any gronp of little children in Virginia City. ' Meantimetl e report about the steal ing f the bread and the destitute con- j rlition t tlie cliiMreii rjot abroad. Jim 11amci.il a miner litmelf. was well known and popular among) the. miners. and the case created tuich sympathy and elicited so many reminiscences and commentaries, that anite nj crowd w attracted nxt 1ay to trie rolice court. Jn.loe Moses presided, i The juder,. bore the name ot being lUirioht and honest, kind and benevolent, and i fault he had at all, it was thought lo lie somewhat nnconi promising riuor iu the discharge of his official duties. It wa hard to say how the case would go. After the transaction of some prelim inary business the case was called. The baker swore to the stealing f the bread, and identified the defendant 88 the .Concluded on third page. CM HEM D T7Jio2osal3 sivX FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, CALIP022TIA GSACSSES, CA17SISS, TUTS, 2h fael tSsc Iarget, best. Awsortcd aisd most Vnried tock l THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE ALBANY. wty Ott2? OrES aE-IOUBiiriJI5 ra Use ixi Iisaia Coiaxat-. Albany, Oregon. McPARLAND.A HARVEY. 1 THE BUST I OFALL. fa PCS IIAN AUD BSAST. For morfi tlmn a. t bird of n. eentiii-rr the I Mexican M?iMtner UaimrKt has been 4 1 1.1 .. ; 1. 11VJ n 11 IU ill 111 AVJII.7, 1111 ,l f LIIU t III ill III; JtS the oulv sale reliance for the relief of jaecidenta and pain. It i a mc.iieine.E3 J above price unit u raise le best or its fM j U liid.. i"or every luun of external pain fc 1 mo i3 m Mustang Liniment i1? without fin eriual. I JC piatirAte Ueslk f:il muscle to 1 me -ery none tnaKln lllo conlinu- ntieoof pain and inflainatinn impossible. lis enecis iinnn iiumun i-tesn ana tne lirute Creation, are equally wonderful. 3 'Liniment i3 reeded by somebody in .very notise. jvery .lay urines news ot i the ng;ouy of nu nivful sculd or bnra j Bubductl, of rlkeimintic martvrfl rc- stored, or n, valiuiiile lietrso or o x j saved by the healing power of thin which speodi'v cures such ailments of the HUMAN fl.ESU as M 1 1 ti e u ni s 1 1 9 ill . Swell tfifr. Sj t S T t- Joiikts. 4 outracted 93Hscle, Hums Spratits, Pnhoaona lites and !!tiS, tTU.so, l.nmriici, Old Sarea, 1'Icers. frostbites, t biltilains. More IMipplcs, akett Hrriist. and Indeed every form of ettcrual dis eiise. It lirals wit tioti t scars. . x'or the Ilm.TE Cre.iiiob it urea -Kpraius, Kwiuuy, SiiflT Joints, Founder, VTRi-uess Sores, SToof lis eei, Koot Itot, Serciv tl orm. Scan, Hollow Ilnru, Hratcl5i, VYiud cnlla, Spavin, Tlirnaii, Itinalrane, Old Sores, Poll J:vil, J ilin ii IUii tlio Mcht and every otlier ullnunt o which tlie occupants or tne Isrnltlc and Mock Yard are linlile. . Tb) 91 ex lean Utiist n rxu; T.lniment always cures and. never disaiipoiuts: and iL is, positively, THE 'A BEST.' OF ALL POU LIA1I OH BEAST: Katail L-ealsra ia. . 15.! y c PllOiSiONS Y GROCERIES, a tUe country. GROCERY IN ty MI ti The Crsat Carriage IVlanufacturing House of the World. E3IEKSON, FISHEIl & CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO, an '-I V W 11 h.! IMtaB g M ti S S B H I Jf 2 - IScst Iflaterinl, So3 WorSiiaansSsIp, ESnIoiiie Styles, Strong and Rurablc Vehicles in Every Itespect. 33 iM r.4t TIBED II V FMERMW, HSHEH & M-, AKE SOW WE IS CTEBY I'AItT OP THE AJltlII( A tOVii.VtM, Thev pive nnfailinR mxrisfaction. All their work i wnrrsntod. They have received testimo nials trotu all iwrls of 1 he country of purport similar to the following;, hundreds of which are on file subject to inspection : ' Messrs. Emerson. Fibhke Co.: O .iva, i:is Jnlv 1. l.79. t have used one tit your Ton Bunraries three years, and three r f i hvtn two years in my liver sialile, and t hey have given 1Ue perfect satisfaction and arc in eon-tuiit no. Oscak S.mallev. Messrs. Cototk Junsa w : Nfv. i:kS;ev. S. C., Jnly 17. 1879. Dear Sirs 1 have been nsinsr the Emerson Fisher Bntrtry 1 -bonalit from you as roughly. I suppose, ns unv one could. I had a fast horse, drove him at full six-ed. i-ometlmes with two la dies and nwseif in the bmriry. and it is to-day worth all the lunacy 1 paid tor it. I say the Eui ersou & Fisher Bunaies will do. - A. M. Teaovk, Farmer. - Tlie favomble renutation the Cnn-iaires have made in locaii: ies where they have lieen used for Ktvcral wain bv bivervmen, Physicians.and others iVQiiirin h:o-d and constant use. has led to an increased demand from those localities, to meet which the ni;imoactnrtn facilities of their mammoth establishment have been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good style. ; 360 CARRIAGES A WEEK. E&3ER8QN, FISHER & CO.'S CARRIAGES ARE THE BEST. TITUS BROS., ffewolers, Albany, Oregon. rEf;ri..TlN.i TIME-riECES & KEPA11 ing Jewelry a specialty. Call. vllnl7 Agents fur "fT IT me Sewlnj; 11a eliltieM. Isfalli'blo Indian Issiedie A. 4. Sure Shut For SISVISIE, & AGUB. DURING A LONG RF.PtDEXCE AMONG the lii'Yv.m ti ihc"? of the coast andtlieinte rior, J have tiji'l th3 rooi fortune io discover, from tlie "Mo lichie" men of t he several I ri!es, ton, fvcm ot tun-sources. ntin.nerol retiie'iies tor (lionscs incident to this country, eonaist tnir of i;ofts. heri -unfl bark, an'l having ti1;n soiicitl hy irifotv people of this vulH:v,.ho luive ti ieil'an 1 niove t the effiincy of IhKm in disease, in procure an1 .uter th,e same for sale, I take, this means of announcing 1o alt that, (t.nritn? t ho ims; s-::ison. I hnve luafienn ex. end ed torn through the niduntains and valleys, a: t hav si ctiieil ei;r!auj of these remedies which are :t 3:n e cute for Those snir.'.riiijr fi-oni At?ue who desire to te -nrc 1. cuii leave ocirs a' .Mr. St rone's store on First stree;, where i will furnish the reme'tiea. wnrnoitiii a radical cure or I will demand 110 pay. V. i. JOII.. ii-KemedieB done up in tt packages. 1-2-t ys AXD - 0 iiHlilji:a WHEAT WANTED ! -AT THE LINN COUNTY Flouring JVIills. Ballard, Isom & Co., ... 1 u-rTTT? ri'.VTS rwr 1nsh t-I in Mill Feed, 'ver and h'hivo the market r'ice, on all trood morcliantable Wlkeat storea j with them .his senwn. Are alwava pre' ve.n .I,.-..,-..-. Kuan.nlecas.!-'ood ji ices as can lie obtained else here. A large supply ol eacks always on '"vre'hnvp our Mill fitted nr with all fh latest imriroved nim-liineir. and do cnsioui work. Albany, August 0, 18u-l2n5 P IIIL. C OHEN ! lias removed hi stock of eoods to tlio brick I lately occupied, 'oy the Cfranga tynioa Store, l onicr WASlilntoii nul FJral Ktrretn, wlicre he will be plcnsed to meet old and new 12 customers. 4 Albany, July SO, 18d0. fs 3?STp biiMne' now Iwjforo tlie pniic. Yon . - P an ituike tiionev tati at work for n tlmn" nt unytlixii-j til. C'niUHl not required Wti will start yon. $13 a tJav find u;wml iiiae at. dome ly t he Indiisi riotis. Men, wiHiicn, boys H!i(l jirls wnnted overy heie to wok for us". Jsow t tlietiniK. ou i'an devote yenr whole tiiuelo tlie work, or only your sp.ire luimicnts. No otlier hnsmpw Will rm V you ?ifarlv as veil, No one wilting to work trait fail to nirtlm cnnrnioiw Tay by e?isaiinir nt onw. ii ly Out lit unci terms tVeo. A rr-r onwrf unity for making money easily n'! lionoia'ly. Addifiw Titi k & Co., AinriiAta Maine. 43-13 Gifc $ Great clianee to make money. We Ifidif m-ci a ix'inn in every town to take su inscription a for tbc iaruept. cheapest and be-t lUnirntel fittniiy publicHlion in the world. Anono can become n snc-eftsfnl nroni. Six ee:;ant works -.fart rive:i five lo subftcrl'ers. The iriee is so low that nliaot everybody mib HcrilH. Oneaent rti'orr taking i'30 Rtiliacrl !. r.; in a duy. A lady asronT iep rt making over clear pro tit in ten days. All who en jraue niake money fast. Yon can dpvoie all vtmr tit!i- to !lie tnsin'S. or oniy txre time. Yo'i nt-et-1 not be away from home over ni-jlit. Von -;! do It as wed a" others. Fnll direct ion ? and term free. Iiit:nt and expensive Ont fit iiee. If you want proiifale work stind ris your ad'licss ai once. It costs not bin r to try the bnttiness. Nnono vh enirares fails jo mafe rrreat pav. Address ti tx-EGK BTlKfiOK X Co.. I'ort !and, TaIne. 42-13 1 Varlely Emporium. HES. H. JV HYDE KEEPS COSSTAXTI.Y OX IIANIt German Zephyr. Cftnran. Thread. Pins, Xeedlez, Bnttong. Real lliiir Hicilcli es and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped Goods, it'c, dec, te. Also, Agent for Dr. Warner' EScaHIi Coi'; t CliUd's Waist! anu Madam Foye's Corset Skirt Supporter. J:-Krencli "tamping done to order. 13CirBroudalbin St., opposite Post OniceJK9v fcloeklsoJciers' Meeting. "VTOTIIJE is here!).v riven that the regular nn .lN nual mec'ine of the stoekholdein ot the Allwnv & Saniiaiu Water In'ich or Canal Co., will he held at the Cnniiiny'a ofike in tlie eiiy .if Alhanv, l.inn ciaiTj-, Oregon, on the second Tuesday i" .Sentcniher. lsso, thai beins the I4tli d:iv. at the honr of oie o'clock in theafternoon of said day. lor the purpose of electing seven, directors lo serve the ensninr ji-ear. ; L. LKINb, President. J. IT. BlRKHAItT, Sii-reiarv. Albany, Or., An;, 13, ISciO-td App a week in your own town. ! Outfit ttjtjO're-j, Xn risk. Header, if yon want a buines at w-hit-h person of ei( her ran tnnUi' i-cat ry all the time they unit, i for p.-uiieulai'S to H. llALLMT Co., Pi . nrt, Jtaine. 43-13 XotSce of Final Proof. Lass Office at Kosfbtbo. Or., i Ansnst 7. 188.. "VTOTIOE is hereby srtven tliat 1 lie 1ol!,.u Inn 1. named settler has liied notice of hfs InM-ti-tion to malce final proof in suprort ot his citiiut atut secuiv final entry therx-of on Sainrdnv, the It h day of September, 1880. lielore the Jndifo or ttterk of Linn count v, Oreiton, viz r K. B. 1 Filths1 Homcsti-ad Applications Nos. 2231 nnd !JW. for the HKal E . SK of K W , and SB H of sV x. Sec. 22. TU8R1 W, and names tlie following as his witnesses. iz : Harry Hamilton. X 15 ice. (-rreenhtiry Spiann and 1 u vid McDonel, all of C;-av foiiisville, Linn coun ty. Oreaon. W. F. BKNJAM1N, August 13, 18S0-tSvl2w5 Keisier. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of James A. Wil son, a minor. To Thomas T. Wilson, Isaac S. Wils n. John S. Wilson, Maria E. Wilson. John A. Master, Margaret A. Wilson and Martha J. Bailout-and to all othei pei-sons interested in the eslaitt ol taid James V Wilson, minor In I ne nan.e of the State of Oix-sron : Pnrsn ant to an order of Ihe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, made August 9tb. 188.1, jon and each fit you are cited and required to appear in said Court on Saturday, September Jlth, 18S0. ' at the ho.ir of one o'clock P M. of saiddavjind show cioise why a license should not l Krunt- ed to T. T. ilson, bnantian ot said njinor. io sell the real estate in said oi-derdescrilied. which said order is in words and figures as follows, to wit : ' !' -' . , . Xow. on this 9th day of August, 1RS0 .comes T. T. Wilson, iruanlian of the person and esiate of James A. Wilson, it minor, and presents his petition to tlie Court, duly verilied hy his own oath, and filed with the Clerk of this Court, showing that it would lie for tho liest iutrrest of said minor to sell ihe real property of said" minor descritied in said petition, that the sama iet lion product ive, and it appenrtntr ,o the I urt that i he allegations in said petition ai-e line. It is ordered by Ihe Coiirt that the nest of kin of saiil minor. James A. Wilson, lo-w ii ; Thorn, as T. Wilson. Isaac S. WPson. John S. Wilson, Maria K. WiNon. John A. I'lasler, Maruaret A. Wilson and Marsha J. Ballonr, and alt o.her pt-rsons interested in ilc estate ol said min r, be and apivar before the C'om-t on Suiiirtlay the 11th day ol September. lHi,at ihe nonr of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at i he Court House in Linn county, Orcxon, to show cause why a license should nut tie grained toT. T. Wilson, Ihe tinardian of said minor, for tho 6ale of tlie follow itur descrilied real property, to-wit : The undivided one-sexciith interest In ice simple in and to the following trnetsol land to-wlt : The east halt of claim No 44,' in Ti, j, S It 3 W, lieuinniiiK at a point ILIA chs 8 and 24.00 chain W ot corners of Seciicmg 13.14.23 and 24 in said township, i hence rniinint; north art. 12 clis. thence cas H2.K0 chS; ihuiitw snm l. m 77 chs, 1 hence west S7 !t3cbs. iiei e norl h 2t Gti chs, thetice west ; '" clis j tho ptace or U'srm- nins;. Ivinif and ts-intt in Linn cminti t,i of Oregon, and thai a copv of this oi tier le serv ed on the next of kin ot said minor by publish ing the. same for three snccessix e weeks in the Aubahv Hkgistkk, a - nen-spaper of aeneral cncuiaiiou in Linn com.tv, Oieii.m. '. - :C S'LliiN. :otmv Judae. In witness whereof. 1. N. Bantii.Connty Clerk and exoftk-io Clerk ot said I onni v Court, havo " hereunto set tuv hand and ttft.eil the seal of Court at my office this 9th day of August, 1880. irrrri N- baum, jSEAi. County Qci k-. 1:5 .It V i 0 t-