The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 17, 1880, Image 4

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Corner Parry ami Firtt Street.
One copy,one year.. ........ t 50
One copy, sis month...... 1 50
single copies ........ .Ten cents.
THIS 1 APT!T?. !"T tmmd ot nln ot Geo
Alvrrtlslns: Bureau (10 Spruce St.. where aJrirtWrj
contracts may bo made for it in K HW YOKK.
Agtuti for the Reg-lster. y
ThefoHnwtng named crennemen are author
ized to receive and roeeint r,r subscription"
to the Register In the localities mentioned :
Mews. Kirk 4 Flume. Brownsville.
Rnh.-r,in , Crawfnrdsville.
8et.h Hayes ... ..HnlT.
O. P. Tomp rln narrlaburg
FRM-AY SEPT. 17 18S0
John Crowley an old pioneer of
Polk comity, tlied on the SOih ult., at
fet the age ot ?A years.
Harry Christian, ot Monmouth, h a
cew Jkksd of "barley, of a purple color,
and very prolific!.' It is a curiosity.
The new lighthouse in course ot ereo
tion at Cape Henry will, when com
pleted lie in ix" storie", with a hight
ot 155 feet.
The house of .Tame Burke, at Mar
tina Bluft, Columbia county, was
burned on Thursday bight. Nothing
waa saved hut a- solitary chair. Lop1,
between $2,000 and $3,000.
Dr. W Patterson, a hop grower of
Lane County, baa had picker at work
on his yard during the past week.
He had hired white people exclusively,
and finds that the work is done a great
deal more satisfactorily than by China
men or Indians,
. A SO" of A D Hyland, residing on
the Mid lie Fork, near Hutte Dis
appointment waa drowned in that
stream Saturday of last week. Tl e
young man had wounded a deer and
went out on a riffle to secure it as it
came down, and was carried by it ii.t.i
deep water and drowned. He was about
21 years of age
. Eugene Guard: About one month
ago J. J. Poill, of Springfield, left for
his home at that place with the express,
ed intention ot visiting the Siulaw
country, to be absent about ten days.
Since then nothing has deen heard of
htm, and it is known " that he did not
go to the Sitislaw. His friend- tear tlist
foul play has befallen him, and conject
ure in rife as lo the can of his myster
ious disappearance. He came to this
county with his family about ten years
ago, and has always h. .rue the chatact
er of a steady, industrious man
Tbereare now 46 inma'esof the peniten
tiary at Seatcn. ITolman whose arm was
shattered by. a. bullet, when he attempt
ed to escape.ti few weeks ago, is doing
Tacoma Ledger: A brivate note from
the engineer's camp.on on tle Natchess
pass, informs na that the work of locat
ing the rrad is being pushed actively,
and that the work will be completed
as speedily as the torce in the field can
accomplish it. The commencement is at
the summit, in order that in case of a
enow storm before completion the piog
resa ot the engineers will not be inter
fered with.
Miscellaneous Mews.
A cyclone swept over Central Flor
ida, doing great damage, Sept. 1st and
' French capitalists talk ot construct
ing a tunnel under the St. Lawrence,
at Montreal.
Owing to intervention of other pow
ers Chile and Pern have commenced
negotiations for peace.
At the Newark, N. J., lime stone
quarries, a fall of rock killed Pay-ick
Mullhall and injured three others.
At Hart's Falls, N. Y., Baker's
Opera House and ten other buildings
burned ; loss, $150,000 ; insurance, $75,
000. A joint discussion has commenced in
Indiana between tha Democratic and
Republican candidates for Governor.
All the rifle teams from the regular
army, who are to contest for the Hilton
trophy, at Creedmoor, have arrived at
New Yoik.
The New York press is shoving np
the fraudulent pretensions of different
mining companies aud. their illegitimate
, The English House ot Commons has
passed a census ' bill and rejected a
proposition to have the census indicate
the religious creeds ot citizens.
' The Star and Herald ot Panama,
just received, has a story of a disastrous
hurricane which swept Jamaica on the
night ot August 18th. -Vessels have
been sank and driven ashore, wharves
destroyed roofs blown off, and trees up
rooted,' N.ot a single coaster in King-,
ton harbor rode out the gale iu safety.
Twenty-seven vessel,, brigs, barks, etc.,
were driven ashore or went to pieces at
thei' dwsks Everwharf bttt one was
blown away aud the beach was strewn
with cargoes of vessels wrecked. Many
seamen are missing and they are sup
posed to have perished. The damage
on land i roughly estimated at 100,
000. ThreS Mvere shocks of earth
quake were" felt during the storm.
: Railroad" accidents are- numerous.
Near Gid Jis,.'N.- Y., av freight train
imaubed a coiistruciioa ; ; at North
A&ub,. Mass a special express smash-
ed a train loaded with grain, scatter
ing corn and injuring a fireman and
damaging pastenger cars; at White
Horn, N. J , a coal train went loose
and mashed things and got mashed ; on
the Hudson River Railroad a locomo
tive jumped the tracts and ditched t'ne
train; out at Springfield, 111., there was
I a genera! smash up and a fireman kill
ed. '
The Egyptian obelisk, Cleopatra's
Needle, which was presented t America
by the Khedive, was received at New
York two or three weeks ago, and will
be erected in Central Parle, on a knoll
of granite nck near the museum of Art.
Wm. II. Vanderbilt, it is understood,
bears the whole expense of the trans
portation from Egypt and the erection
The obelisk is a single tlH'k ot stone
seventy-one feet in length. The man
ner of quarrying these immense shafts is
thus described :
Esiypt. resorts to a very simple math
od of doing it. They drilled lines of
holes iu the quarry which met at right
angles. Having forced stirrks of dry
wood in tl-.ese holes, they snaked them
with water, and the h-rce developed
broke the rock and released it from the
quarry without running the risk that,
incurred in getting it out with imple
ments requiring powerful hlows to mk
them effective. So expert were the
Egyptians in producing these shafts
and iu moving them that the largest
olielisks were quarried, dressed, carved
with hieroglyphics. and set up in Thelies
eight months after they were order
ed by the king.
On thr 4'' the horeof O'I.eary won,
maUinir tl.e 30 ni'les in 3 hnurs, 7 min
iiitsaiil 30, while 'the three
runner!.. Mcl.taty, the Sivtch cham
pion. O'l'l ire. I he English champion
White Eail'e. the Indian champion, ie
;ievini each other every 10 mil,
made the distance iu 3 hours, 23 min
utes ami 5 seconds. A close race.
Narrow Unnge.
In regard tc the progress of the nar
row gauge, we append the following :
The. grading on this road is finished
from Silverton to George E'-ft's, on
Howell Prairie where 35 Chinamen are
at wirk The largo stumps along the
road will all be blasted will, giant pow
der thi-s week. Between Eoff's and
the hst of the hil's toward Aumsville
there are squads of 400 Chinamen at.
W'-rk under wlrte Imsses. The wmk
is protrre-siitr rapid Iv, and will likely
lie tinishei) teady hit the ties and rails
by the 15th inst.
Some forty teams with rcrapers,
plows and carts are engaged on this
line from Eoff s to Aumsville. The
Chinamen receive 10 cents an hour for
labor, they boarding themselves, and
the railroad furnishing the tools.
Work has commenced at the depot
at Gorman's on Howell Prairie. Nine
hundred men are now at work on this
road betA'een Ray's terry aiid Browns
ville. There is not a sufficient number
of teams on the road to p ish the woik
forward as fast as desired. Hut in a
short time plenty ot teams can be had
Four dollars a day is paid by the con
tractor tor a good team and driver o::
this road.
The route from Silverton to Bmwn
ville, on the present survey is direct
aud excellent. There is some talk of
rniuiing a feeder from Anderson's on
Howell Prairie via McAlister's mill to
Cal- Geer's farm But this would cost
the company about $60,001, without
benefiting Lhem to that amount iu 15
years to come. . It is only ahout four
and a half miles from Geer' to Silver
ton, or about that distance to Gorman's
on Howell Prairie.
There is talk of a diverging line o
this mad from a wet ot W.d
burn, and direct via old Vaeiid. Wm.
Simmons or Parkersville, through lower
or north S Howell Prairie to intersect
the present road on south Howell Prai
rie ' .4 Lonjr Tunnel.
The proposed tunnl between Eng
land and France seems likely to lie built.
One shaft, has been sunk to the re
quired depth, and it is asserted that iu
about eighteen mouths at least two and
a half miles will have been bored un
der the channel, and tl at the work
will be completed in four years, probably
by 1m. ring from each end. There are ev
idently, however, contingencies, such as
a break in the rock, which may destroy
the whole enterprise. Meantime anoth
er bold scheme for crossing the channel,
contemplates a line of steel tubes sixteen
feet in diameter ballasted so as to make
it weigh one aud a quarter tons to the
toot less than the water displaced and
held at a depth of thirty-five feet be
low the surface (so as not t impede
navigation) by being anchored by chains
to caisonssunk to the bottom Through
this floating tunnel of twenty miles or
so it is proposed that railway trains
shall pass.
A good cause makes a stout heart
and a rtrocg arm.
Nobody is com pe led to believe this
story ot the Chicago Tribune: "Sharks
are very numerous at Eastern watering
places, this season, and visitors cannot
lie too careful. A St. Louis belle,
while bathing at Atlantic City, the
other day , stepped into what is known
as a 'shark rest' a little cavity in the
sandy bottom ot the ocean which con.
tained three of the dreadful monsters.
One escaped, but the other two were
fatally ci ushed.
- . .
An ignorant man, unable to read or
write, had lateiy died in Cincinnati,
leaving an estate of $250,000, iu steam
latsaiid things. What a lesson this
circumstance is to those who will fritter
away their lime learning to read ami
write, wl en t l ey might be buying up
sieumb.-ats ..r their heirs ami a-sigu-!
Knowledge is power, but steamboats
are powerer.
The boasted compromise and settle
ment ot differences lietwceii ti.e tw..
rings nt ihe Democracy in New York
it now crops out, don I pi'oni-e much.
According to the Times, in near'y all
the Assembly districts there is a hos
lile feeling, and in many there will In
independent candiila es this fall. New
Yoik is not a Democratic State, evei
when both rings are uniied, except when
tfie Tweed rejieaters have full seei
and the law of Congress millions', ng
election mar-hals phiye l huh with thai
game. Even the muM sanvuine Demo
crats have given New Yrk l (Jaifie d
It wiU give a rousing majority for the
Republican ticket in November.
A man may understand half-a-dozen
languages which are musical and poetic.
buL when I if washes in the morning and
discovers there is no towel in the room
and is obliged lo dry his face 01. hi
swallow tail, he finds Ang'o.Sax.,11 fully
equal to the exigencies of the case.
"I now have something tor a rainj
da-," said old .Mr. .Mcuifkiu the othei
evening, as he entered the room and
erected his family.
"A windfall, a windfall?" screamed
Mrs. McSnifkitis, iu an ecstasy of men
tal paralysis. 1
"No, no," he responded quietly, as
he drew his slipers from under the
sofa ; '"it's an umbrella."
Mrs, Mc. told him he was a ri al
mean old thing
A communistic philosopher is ot the
opinion that organ-grind, r- are nt a
benefit i" s. iety, inasmuch as they
give i.i n lome: 1 Im. k keeper or
other clicks
It never liies a v mig 'ady to wind .
ba. of worsted ivheu she wnds it 1 It
the hards ot a young man with a tour,
banded name ami a bank accoiinL.
A lady does not nave to wear a paii
f creaking hoots t attract attentioi
when she goes into church.
There are two diiinct kinds of" b . vi
lli this world- the huma:: Iny and tin
boy who exists iu Sunday-school books.
Last Saturday the steamship Citt
of Vera Cruz was lost some thin
miles off the Florida coast, nearlv ill
011 board perishing Major General
Alfrei Torhert. who distii gnisl ed him
splf as a cavalry commander during the
rebellion, was e of the vict'ms.
Smal'pox pr vaiN among the nortic.
em Indians and 'ey are dying oft rap
illy. Tie B nles are tiavehng in
S nail part u s. a- soon as a mendier i
takeu sick, they abandon hiin to hi
tale so 1 hat if the disease docs not kill
him he starves to death.
Miss Clara Mcfariy lias been num.
ina'cl iiv the Republicans of Picice
C iiniy, W. T , tor the office of super
i itendent of school-. And si e will gel
away with it.
Ge-. Rolieris surprised Ayouh Khan
in his st:,ii.rln.d in. iht tirst.and com
pletely r- wed him, witli sma I hs- to
the Engli-h army. It was believed
that Ayoob had lied to Herat.
Louis Terrases, of hihuahna, offers
$12,00:t for Vietorio's scalp, the Apache
chief, and $250 fbr the Jcalp of any ot
his warriors.
Theie is no disappointment iu life
more keen than to make a kick at a cai
and have 'he cat get out of the way be
fore your fix it gets there.
When a girl purchases a pair of kid
gloves, she always likes to hare them
sent home i a red wagon.
1 iscreet wives have sometimes
neither ey s or ears.
If it were not tor hopes, the hnai t
would break.
Industry is fortune.s right, hand and
frugality, her life.
A wise man wid make mote oppor
tunities than he finds.
It often costs more to revenge injur,
ies tha 10 bear them. '
HOT rAlt. to send
for our Price List tor
188a rsits to sny
wlilres upon p
titrfttlnn. Contain
description! of every
thuiir rranlrrd for
- persona or mishit uu .
Wttb over 1.S00- lUsstnulou. We sell H
f:ooito M wholesale prices In quantities lo suit
no purchaser. The only Institution Id A merles
2e 'hlthwr itial business. AUdrsas.
. . a37SS WskuBATSCUUMlU,
"Wliolssalo and
1 11 fact the I.sirse.l, best Assorted and most Varied Stock of
,ISOCi:2iIKi in the country.
la "7i2?33f Sj?is!s, irst
aatKt.',.i.'Lj,i-ji.iJ j.iw..
Ovdj? OrJE? IIOUi3ArTI5 in Use in Linn County.
Albany, Oregon. FcFARLAND & HARVEY.
For more than a third of a century the
Mexican M isMtniicr Liniraent hasbcen
known to mil, ions i ll ov-r tho world us
tlio only 8a 10 reliance lor tho relief of
necideuts ami pain. It i-i n monicino
nbovo prico anil jnnlse 1 lie lrst or lie
kind For cvci-y 1juh 01 vjctcrnul pain
Mnstanfr I.inimert in without nn equal.
It peiaetrtl.e. flv-lt anil musrle to
tho tery loe niukinif 1I10 com inu
ancoot'p;tin i.nilinfliitiiiitioit imp'i-slbio:
lis eflecis upon Human Flosh a"d the
Hrntn Crealloii nro equally wonderful.
The Mexican
T.inlmrnt is rocded by fomoboily in
'Vi y house. Every clay bi iiifs news of
the nAuy ofau awful st filtl or ljurxi
sutxltietU of rlieiaiiitic martyrs 10
8torel, or n. valuable horse or ox
aved by tho bcuiiug power of tljii
which Kpoedi'y cures such ailments of
KKtniiiatlim, Swelling:., Stlfff
Joints, outrsctta Muscle., JBurns
and Scalds, Cuts, and
Spinliu, Foliououl Bites and
Ntlni;.. Stlfite.s, I.nmeness, Old
Mores, I'lcers. Kroatnites, t lilllilaln..
More Nipples, Caked Breast, and
Indeed every form of external dis
ease. It hrals wlihont scan.
For the IIbute Creation it urea
Kprains, Swlnuy, SUA Joints,
Founder, If nrneaa Mores, Hoof lis
eaaea, Koot Hot, Screw Worm. Scab,
llolloiv Horn, Scratches, IVlnd
rllSr Spavin, Thrush, ICIncbone,
Old Sores, oll Kvil, Film 11 p mi
the Merit and every other ailment
lo vrltich the occupants of the
ntnble and Stock Yard are liable.
Tho ill ex Iran Mustaner T.lntment
jjnl'vuvs cures and nover disappoints:
(I aud ii, is, positively,
r.stail Dealsrs la
3tes3t, Al"b.-.7, Cragon.
The Croat Carriage Eftanufacturing House of the
Material, Good Workmanship, Handsome Styles, Strong
and Durable Vehicles in Every Kcspcct.
They Eive nnfaiiins-naTif-fnction. All their work In warranted. Thev have received tetlmo
ninls Mom all pari 01 the country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of which are un
file subject to inspection : .
Menors. Emkrson, Fisitkr Co.: " Oalva, Ills.. Jnr 18. 1179.
I hive used one of vonr Top Bnsgtea threo veai-s. and three of t hem two j ears in m liver
slnole. and t hey have given t111" perfect sat isfuetibn and are in eonstunl use. Oscak Smauet.
. Messrs. Coppix-k A Jchks n : - Nkwhrkky. 8. C. July 17. 1H79.
Hear Sirs 1 have been nsinar f'e Emerson A Fisher Bnsrcrv I bouirhf from you as roUKhly.I
sunro. ns any one could. I had a fast horse, drove htm at- full .ed. fomeiimes wllh two la
in. s and myself in the hinrsty. and it is t-day worth all the money I paid for it. Isay the Em
erson Fisher Bujrgies will do. A. M. Teagce, Farmer.
The favorable renuiatiou the Carriages have made in localiMes where they have been used for
several years bv Liivervnion. PliysieiHns.and others requiring hard aud constant, use. has led to
nn Increased demand from those localities, to meet which the inauuliiotnrlnK facilities of their
mammoth establishment have been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good style.
inf? Jewelry a Hiieuiiilty. Cull. vllnl7
Arcuts for "Kew II uie" SewInK Ha
rtilura. Infallilsla Indian Baciedies.
. Sure Stiot For
t liu Indian rrilies of I In const and the inte
rior, 1 rmve hatthe ifood fortune to discover,
from tlie "Miji Heine" men of t he several tribes.
and from other sources-, a nunilieroi remedies
lor dis'HSH's incident to this country, consist-
ins; of roo's. herhs and bark, and hnvintr wen
?oSii;it'l liy iiinny ieonle of this valley, who
iv.ive irn 1 nrii m-oved the eiii'-acy or tiirm in
discua,. to ni ocnie and "iter 1 he same for sale.
I tiike this mi'nns of announcinii' to all that.
1 ni r in -r rue inis; se.sson.i nave mane an exienn.
e l to'ji thrwiiith the mountains and valleys,
and Imvft scenred ccriain of these remedies
which are a sure cure for
Those puiTeriniJ from Ai?ue who desire to lw
t'nre I, cun lea vt. orders a Mr. Si rone's store on
First siivet, where I will furnish the remedies,
warranting a radical cure or I will demand no
pay. W. s. JOII.X.
tRemradies done up in tl packages. 12-1
-AT '
E a" lard, Zsom & Co.,
Will pay premium of FOUR CENTS per hnsh
el in Mill Feed, over and above the- market
price, on all Rood merchantable Wheat stored
with them this season. t
Are always prepared to pay cash down, and
guarantee as liood prices as can be obiii-ied
elsewhere. A large supply of sacks always on
We have our Mill fitted up with all the latest
improved machinery, and do custom work.
Albany, August 6, 18ttO-12nS
FHijL. Cohen
Has removed his stock of poods to the brick
lately occupied by the
Grar go Union Store,
Corner Washing-ton and First ntreets,
where he will be pleased to meet old and new
12 customers.
Albany, July SO, 1880.
HFST hnstness now before the pnbilc. Ton
"',0 1 can make nionev faster ar work for ns
han at anvthinir else. Capital not. required.
We will start yon. $12 a day and upwards
made at, home by ihe industrious. Men,
women, boys and erirls wanted every - here to
work for ns. Now Is the time. You 1 an devoie
your whole time to the work, or only yonr
spare moments. No other business will pnv
you nearlv as well. No one willing to work
can fail to make enormous pay bv engaging at
once, t'nstly Ontflt and terms free. A great
onorlnnity for makins money easily and
honorably. Address True St, t!o An'justa,
Maine. 42-13
mil II Rrent chance to make money. We
sisi. need a nei-son in cverv town 10 tabs
subscriptions for the laraest. cheapest and lt
Illnstrnted family publication in the world.
Anyone can become a successful aireni. Six
elezant works of art sriven free 10 snbscrlbers.
The price is so low that, almost evervbodv sub
scribes, one agent reports taklnst 120 sulmcrt
bers in a day. A lady ascent rep .ns making
over 200 clear profit In ten days. All who en
ffaije make money fast. You can devote all
vonr t ime to the business, or only spare time.
Yoi need not be away from home over niirht.
You can do it as well a. others. Full directions
and terms free. Elegant and expensive Ontflt
free. If you want profitable work send us vonr
addiess at once. It costs nothing to try the
business. No one who enir&fres falls to make
ereat pay. Address Ukorok Stinson A Uo.,
1 viimiiu! numc aa-ia
Ladies. Variety Emporium.
German Zephyr. Canvas, Thread. Pins,
Needles, Buttons, Real Hair Switch
es and Curls, Hosiery, Stamped
Goods, dx., dx., &c.
Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's;
Health Comi
Cnlld's Waist t
ann Madam Foye
Corset Skirt Supporter. v-
. . . r -- I. - . 1
e-rrencn 'lampm cone to order.
l-'l&TBroadalbin St., opposite Post Office J&gir
Stocknoldcrs' ITIeetlnp.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the regular an
nual meetlnfr of the stockholders 01 the
Albany A Santiam Water Ditch or Canal Co..
will be held at the Company's office In the ciiy
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on the second
Tuesday 1" September. IS), tha being the i4th
day. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
of said day, for the purpose of electing seven
directors to serve the ensuing year. -
L. EL KINS, President.
J. H. Bukkhart, Secretary.
Albany, Or., Aug. 13, 1880-td
d d Ct a week n yonr own town. $S Ontflt
?p OO free. No risk. Reader, if yon want a
business at which persons of either
sex can make ereat pay all the time they work,
wrile for particulars to H. IIaxjuett A Co.,
Pori li.nd, Maine. 42-13
Notice of Final Proof. '
Land Officx at Rosfbubo. or.. I
Amrnst 7. 188". f
N OTICE Is hereby erlven lhat the tllwing.
named seriler has (1'e.l notice of his inien.
lion 10 make final proof in support of his claim
ann secure nnai entry tnen-of on Saturday, the
11 h day of Sentetnlier. 1880. Iieiore the Jd.Il's
or Clerk of Linn county, Orei-on, vte: K. B.
rtui-ns' jinmesn an Anpilcattons-rios. 3I and
3MO. for the S X of NE lr.SE of NW , and
NE lr ofSW X, Sec. 22, T USR I W, and names
the following as his wli nesces. Ie : Harry
Hamilton. N Bice. Greenbnrv Snlann and li
vid McDonel, all of Crawfnrdsvllle, l.lnn eonn
t5". Oreaon. W. F. BENJAMIN.
August ;s, 1880-4Bvl2w5 K twister.
In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon for
l.lnn county.
In the matter of the estate of-James A. Wil
son, a minor. -
To Thomas T. Wilson. Isaac S. Wlls n, John
8. Wilson. Maria E. Wilson. John A. i'laster,
Margaret A. Wilson and Martha J. Baltnurand
to all othei persons interested in I lie estate ot
fuid James V Wilson, minor
In tnenan.e of the Stale of Oregon: Pnrsa.
ant to an order of the County Court of Linn
county, Oreiron, ma le Annual 9iu. l0, yon and
each ot you are cited and required to appear in
said Court on
Saturday, September 1th, 1880.
at the of one o'clock P M. of said day .and
show cause why a license shonld not. be xratit.
ed to T. T. Wilson, Guardian of said minor. 10
sell the real estate in said order described. which
said order is in words and figures as follows, to
wn : .- : -
Now. on this 9th day of Angost, 1880. cornea
T. T. Wilson, -fnardian or the person and estate
of James AWilson. a minor, and presents his
petiiion to the Court, duly verified Iry his own
oa.h, and filed with the Clerk of . this
Court, showing that- it would be for
the best interests of said minor to sell the
real property of said minor described in said
petition, that the same is non productive, and
It appearing 10 the Court that the ailega,! iioua
in said petition are true.
It is ordered by the Conrt that the next of ktn
of saui minor. Jsmes A. Wilson, to-w It : Tbonv.
as T. Wilson. IsaacS. Wilson. John 8. Wilson,
Maria E. Wilson. John A. Piaster, Matvaret A.
Wilson and Martha J. Balfour, and all 01 her
persons interested in the estate of said mtn -r,
be and apiwar liefore the Court 011 Saturday 1 h
1 It h day 01 September, 1880, at the hour or on
o'clock In the afiernoon of said day, at the
Conn House in Linn county, Oreron, to show
cause why a license shonld not be granted to T.
T. Wilson, the finai-dian of said minor, for ihs
sale of the following- described real property,
to-wit : The undivided nne-sevenlh Interest fa
lee simple in and toihe following tractsof land
to-wit : Tin east hall of claim No. 44, in TP lj
S It 3 W. Iwifinninual a point 11.18 din s an, I
24.00 chains W of cornels of Sections 13, 14. ia
ami x in saiu uiwnsnii, inence ronnmg north
S8. 12 chs, t hence east 92.80 cl, thence sont h 84
77 cha, thence west -7 M3elis. thence nonb its tan
chs, thence west M.87 chs to the place of beam,
nins, lying and being tn Linn count v and Mitia
of Oret:on,and that a copy of this order be (wrv
ed on t he next of kin of said minor by publish
ing tin. seme for three successive week i tn
Albany Bkoistek, a newspaper of gener&l
eirculatiou in Linn county, Oregon. .
L. FLLNN, County Jndu.
In witness whereof, I, N. Baum.l bounty Cirk
gnd exoflU 10 Clerk of said County Court,
hereunto set mv hand and afllfed the tu'ni t-f
Court at my ofnee this Stb day of Anw-. , L.
fj m4(( County