Paper. sept. 17. isso. FOK rr.FUiENT. ', A. GAUFXELD, of oino. FOR VICE IKEM)EST, ester A. Art&Tir, ftp XKK YOKK. ?y SUunked. in SZalne ! Seven" ' Despite the MH Democratic Cor ruption a'und Lri;llttire Ovenvhcm- in sly Republican ! ne Xew 17. S. Senator will toe - a Ucpiibllcim. Davli a II DpabtlCM be Kc "elected Governor, Democracy Sirk and aired. DUcour The news from : Maine, on Wednesdav looked well for the success ot the Green oacK-iiemocratlc fusionlsu, and all over the country the Democrats claiming the victory because they furnished the corrnj tjon fund) speeched, torchlighted. mnsick- ed. bonfired and "ratified" in the old ftyle to their heart's content. But the dispatch es or yesteruayioiu a tnnerent tale, ana now the Democratic lip has to be thrown over the- shoulder to keep from being tramped on by ita owner. Maine is true to the old Republican party despite fusion, frand and the lavish ex penditure of corruption money. The Leg islature Is largely Republican in both branches, lnsnriiig the re-election of Davis as Governor, AS well as a Republican U. S. Senator. The news from "Maine will strengthen the lisnds'Of Republicans all over the Un ion, increasing Garfield's majorities and every Xortherti.State will cast its vote solid for the Republican ticket in Xovem- lH;r' : tv Tub Exrliwive Diclnni Oou't Seem to be m Siwms. The exclusive element of tlie Democratic party tried to inject a little enthusiasm in to their worn-out political bodies last Wed nesday evening, but only succeeded in getting tilt cen members to attend the wake at the Court House. What will they do with the corpse, is what's troubling them now. Without the .excluded wing Democracy pure and simple is gsne utter ly to the deron it ion bow-wows in Linn ; but to be compelled to humbly ask for giveness 1 and ' the assistance of said ex cluded wirg is, if anything, worse than tlie Austerlitz defeat which awits them it they clout. It S galling to the "white man s party," (and it's the only party that can do it ; so then we . may expect the 'ex clusives" to get down on tltfir marow. bones, ask pardon for getting defeated. eat humb'e pie, and then gracefully retire to back seats and let the victorious "ex eluded" run de machine !. How are the mighty fallen !' Democratic strat?gy exhibit a new phase In Maine it attempted to purchase majorities. Democratic strategy failed. ' English was put upon the ticket solely be-, cause he liad a "bar'l" and was expected to use it. Anil he has promised to use one hundred thousand dollars in purchas mg vote for the Democratic ticket in In diaua. Doubtless lie wilf try to carry out his promise, and spend even more than this sum in this endeavor, but he will sink his money to'no' purpose, as was the $100, 000 spent In Maine. '"Bulldozing in tiie North don't 0an," So these ' Democratic "re formers", have but one hope ot success and that is in "buying majorities But the plan has been disclosed too early In the cam. paign, and a close "wafcTi 'will "be kept iipon bribers and bribe-takers, which will doubt less result in furhiKhviig tnorre Democratic candidates for the penitentiary. - Last week Vermont came to the front with thirty thousand Republican majority an unusually heavy vote for that staunch Republican State. " The first gnn for Gar field. On Monday, Malne held an election. The canvass was the most exciting and hotly contested ever witnessed in the State, atxl the report Is that the fusion candidates (Green backers and Democrat; get away with a majority of the offices. The Legis lature, however, Is "largely Republican, showing that the State is all right, and will cast her. vot for Garfield and Arthur iii Xovember, .-jQurDemccratie friends efT-ct to feel elaUtd over the prospect ot carrying Maiue io November, but they have no hope. Tliey are doing some masterly 'whistllng to keep tlieir courage up," but thU Vs an old dodge of theirs, and will fool nobody.' , Later news gives, the victory to tlie Republicans. Hons, J. N. Dolph and John F. Ca pies will deliver speeches during the canvas In tho interest ot tite patriot and statesman, Gen. Qarfwld," Ti'-a Gveriior'8 tfieisage covers about aty " trefva cui'jsxns. brevier type, ami Is a err !" '.ills paper,. Zo Statistics. J More GlM-to ftoatbcrn Fmuds. J An Asylum for (be Insane. I "Free Utud for the Indlesa." I P.obate HMtm-FIira Jf. I LEGAL. According -to the census returns of the solUl Sftilh, notwithstanding the vast num bers of colored people who have left Hint iwppy" country tor the "cold and rigor ous North" during the pant two or three years a tact which was deemed of such morunitous importance by a Democratic Conjresa as to demand the appointment of an 4'lnvetlgatin8-" committee there h.-is been a steady and extremely gratifying in crease of population down in Dixie. In fact, in sonic portions of the South, esjiec- ially In the quiet and peaceful State of Mis sissippi, the increase 111 population surpass es the wonderful growth of our most pros perous Western and Middle States, We may take, tor Instance, the county of Yazoo 1 ill Mississippi, somewhat notorious in the by forty millions of dollars than three 3'ears past years, it is true, for the murders, and ago. The number of houses have not only robberies, and whippings, and midnight decreased, but the number of domestic ani raids, committed upon defenseless people, mals and other personal property have whose only crime was that of being known as Republicans, or at least as opponents of ; the Demociatic party an out of the way rural district, it is true, but apparently po- j sessing attraction so greatly outbalancing all other drawbacks as-to dec; ise or In- j crease her population as occasion required, j In. the case of Yazoo county let us see how 1 the "plan" of tlMS,s"shlM Sonth" looks, ! when comparfcfl with ftvrftier census returns j We give the census rem-us of Yazoo for j 18S0 anil 1S70 i , r; j White txpulation"s.'T,'VliitetH)puIation 4 87; Colored Colored " 12.32: Census of 1. census oi ih.. 325 ' Total 2-2,373 Total 17.100 : Showlng an actual decreixe in population of ; more than five thousand from ISfiO to 1S70. This marvelous, out of the ny county of Yazoo, which s-hows an actual decrease in population in the ten years Intervening between 1SG0 and 1870. gives evidence of such vast reci ipera five powers under the "plan" of the "solid South" census returns ot 1SS0. as to fairly astonish the "world and th3 ltalanee of mankind." eciipsing the phenomiuai growth ot the most favored Western or border State. Read : Total r-onnlntion in LS70 17.109 Total pojmlaton of Yazoo in ISSrt 35,000 While the rensns ot 1870 shows that the population ot Yazoo count' decreased five thousand in the previous ten years, we are expected to believe that, under the sooth ing effect of the Ku-Klnx. White League anil shot-gun policies of the "solid South." Yazoo county actually increased in popula tion during tl-e ten years intervening be tween the census of lS70and 1SS0, eighteen thousand ! A short hi-tnrv of political affairs in Yazoo county for a part, ot the time inter vening between the last two census returns, as given by an exchange, may lead to a better understanding as to why the poj.u- latiou should decrease from I860 to 1S70, and increase from 1S70 to 1SS0. Follow ing is a leaf from its history . Inlf75lhe "White league" made a raid on the Republican r.f Yazoo county, killed some and drove others off Among those killed was a memler of the legisla ture named Patterson. Patterson was wealthy and at the time of liang'ng had on his person a large sum of money. This money was neepSreeoveren hy I'atterson s family or even ever heard from till Dixon, the leader of the gang who did the hangtng hecamo an independent candidate tor sher iff. Dr. McCormic. tlie Chairman ot the Democratic Committee of Yazoo county. published a card declaring tlwt Dixon was the leader of tlie mob which hung Patterson, and that lie converted to his own use. the money on the person of Patterson. Dixon replied by tlii card to l lie public : 'Owing to certain reports now in circu lation that Patterson, a member of tlie Re publican legislature who was ha need in the eventful campaign of 1875. hail a con siderable sum ot money on his person, and that saitl money was nsetl tor my own benefit, I feel in honor bound to vindicate myself. Although I regret to refer to the past, as it will bring before the public many of our bet cifizet.s. I will simply state tha t said money, and larger sums, were raised and used to deray "the expenses of the campaign, and to stuff the ballot boxes, it necessary ; to purchase certificates of elec tion tor two ofiv.-eis now holding offices of trn'-t ana emolument in our county. have in my possession the necessary proof, and if called upon will publish it." To tins McCorniick replied evasively. saying only ; "itm constituted antiiori ties of the Democratic party had nothing to do with raising said money, or' the use mane ot such money." To this Dixon replied In a card that "the Patterson monev whs used to defray current expenses ot the eveurful campaign of 1875; that 3.000 was paid to have the ballot noses stutteil if necessary, anil to ' issue certificates of election to the denio- cracandidates; that Dr. McCorniick was chairman ot the democratic executive com mittee at thi time and was a party to the contract. I have in mv possession the nec essary receipts to show who received the 3.000, and also the false key to the ballot box." - It will be noticed that Dixon does not deny the killing of., Patterson, but charges that he had tlie proof that the money was employed In the'eahse ot the democratic reform. Mr. lixon, however, paid with his blood for Ids. temerity in opposing the democratic patty. o man ever pretends that Patterson was "a ted man' except that he was a repliMicat.;.: Murder a man. rob his dead body in the cause ot Mississippi chivalry, and apply'tlie proceeds to pay for stuffing tlie ballot' box. This is the "plan." Murder, and robbery, and ballot box stuffing, and false swearing and false census returns being the whole and entire assets of the Democratic party of the " solid South." can honest, lawxhiding. consciencioti citi zens of Oregon vote for Gen. Hancock, tie standard bearer ot that party ? If the Republicans in Maine had been defeated by the liision ticket, it would not have been a Democratic victory. Plaisted, the fusion candidate for Governor, was originally a Republican and became a Grecnbacker. He was placed in nomina tion by a Greenbak Convention, and then endorsed" by a Democratic State Con vention. Had he succeeded It would have been a Greenback victory and not a Dem ocratic On Wednesday night the Democracy ot Portland expended a good deal of breath, and money, and powder over the Republi can victory In Maine. They are cussing the telegraph now the "hired 'tnlsary" ot the "radical."; ,. . Big Nosed George, a noted road agent and murderer, arraigned at Rawlins, Wy oming, on Monday, on charge of murder, plead guilty of murder in the. first degree, refusing all legal counsel, saying he would 't3ie for his crimes. The great frauds committed in the South ern States In taking the recent census are so glaring, that a man must have an ada mantine cheek wIk dare deny them. In South Carolina where an increase of forty" three per cent. In the population Is claimed in the last ten years, the decrease in wealth according to the same census, is. if any thing, more remarkable than the increase of population. During the past ten years the value of land is represented as having de preciated more than twenty-three millions ot dollars, and the number of huiMings is less by 2.610. than ten year ago. By the official report ot the Amlitor of State, innd recently, the taxable value of property in the State is less largely iW-rensed. But these unblushing census takers, under the direction and by order, doubtless, of the shot -51m bosses. ask us to believe that., although ten years ago there were but 705.GOG people; living in 124.545 houses, there are now 90G.S24 people living in 121.031 hones ! Does any sensible man believe that men accumulate wealth and decay in that manner ? The eleventh biennial 'session of the rwt. T.riwlntnr mnnwMl at Salem on Monday last. The Senate organized with the following officers : Sol IIirch. Presi- rient ; .T. O. Peebles. Chief Clerk ; G. O. Holman. Assistant Clerk ; George Tatem, Sergeant at Arms ; Joseph Acton. Door keeper. The rules of 1878 were adopted for the government of the Senate for the present. The clergymen of the city were invited to open tlie sessions with prayer. The house organized permanently with the following officers : Z. F. Moody. Se:iker ; C. B. Moores. Clerk ; J. W. Strange. Assistant Clerk ; E. C. Iladaway. Sergeant-at-Arms. T. A- Bacon, Door keeper ; Charley Cosper and L. Laughead Pages. A South nmle Solid by Frand. . The following outspoken paragraph is from the Mobile (la.) Gazette : We shall live to see the day when the solid South will be regarded as the greatest political mistake ot the age. A South mailt? solid by fraud, perpetrated under the veiy sanction of the vlh-st election laws that ever cursed a community, cannot long exist as a menace to the whole country, and should not be permitted to exist tor the safety and happiness of the tree people of America. In it present aspect it means antagonism to healthy national feeling, political decrepitiule, industrial death. Cant. Dolg. charged with having caused the wreck ot the steamer Great Republic at the month of tlie Columbia river, was arrested in San Francisco on Monday by ! U. S. Detective Finnegass and Special Of ficer Fred V. Davis, and turned over to the U. S. authorities. He had a preliminary examination before U. S. Commissioner O'Brien, who held him in $2,000 bail, and transferred the case' io the U. S- District Court in order that the necessary papers may he issued for Fending the defer.dsnit to Oregon, where he was indicted, for trial. Oar M'onld-lir nulers. The Chicago htter-Oc-".an says : The Sta'es of the South, one br one. are payh'Z their bonded dt ht by dr-twing a wet sponge across the face of the Ledger. They are all solid for Hmeock and the party ot repuiliati-m. In five vears past. $277,000,000 of honest debts. mo-tlv to northern and fort-itrn capitalists, luive been thus disposed of. and moie in pros pect. These are the t'op'e who propose to run our national affairs for us. Their credentials do not impress us as being ex actly what they should be. A Chicago telegram of the 14th has this of the lil tic mare : Captain Stone is said to have stated privately to-day that he in tends to drive Maud S on Thursday for a' I there is in her and to lower the record to snch n point that St. .Inlien will not bo able to touch it. for this year at least. It is said that he believes Maud can make tlie circuit in 2:0S if conditions are favor able. Her trial trip of 2:14 yesterday, in the face of a high wind and poorish track. is considered quite remarkable. Don. deorire II. William. Hon. George IT. Williams is expected to arrive in this State in a few days. Jivlge Williams is one ef the ablest men in the United Stater, and if it be possible the Gar field Club of this city should secure him for at least one great speech before he returns to Washington. No man is more thor oughly acquainted with national politic, and none vould be listened to with great er attention by all our people. Fell oat abon QnarrellDar T "All is not gold that glitters," and the ancient harmony and good feeling, once so boastfully claimed as reigning In the ranks ot the old ami reliable Democracy of Linn, 13 stirred to its profoundest depths ; and it is feared, with reason, too, that matters can not be amicably adjusted hi time to save it from utter route In Novemlier. Vale. Bourbons of Limi your light has gone out. Fairs. The Washington County Fair begins next Monday, September 20th. The Walla -Walla Fair will be held next month. Linn County Fair opens on tlie Gth of October. Mechanics' Fair, Portland. Is advertised fo commence on the 7th of Oc. tobcr, but may commence on the 4th. and will attract visitors from every part of the State. W e believe the races are to com mence at Salem next month. Judge Caples was absent from Portland, and therefore did not receive the letter of invitation stmt from tho Garfield Club ot this city, asking him to deliver an address on Saturday night, until the latter part ot t'e week. Previous engagements prevent ed his coming, but he will be with us be" fore the can vars Is ended. Senator Bayar.l has taken tlie stump In South Carolina. The State has submitted long enough to extortionate charges for keeping its insane, and a determined effort will be made dur ing the present session of the State Legis lature to build an asylum where the unfor tunate of our State may receive proper care and attention at figures that will not impoverish the State treasury for the en richment of one man. Under the present " management" we are inclined to believe that persons sent tliere slightly demented are almost morally certain in a short time to become permanently and radically insane. It it is possihle for the State to erect the necessary hiiiMing. let it le dime ' if not. let the contract be given to reliable parties, who propose, as we are informed, to con tract for the keeping of the Insane tor a 8ecifiel numlier of years at rates prob ably less than half now paid the present monopoly. Let justice done our insane and the taxpayers at the same time. Ilnnroek Ko!' tiling: Syrup (o Beauregard. Following is a Toledo dispatch to the Cincinnati Commercial, ot .Inly 2d : A gentleman in this city to-day received a letter from a friend hi Vicksburg who was a residen- ot New Orleans at thetinie Gen. Hancock was Hi coniniand of the latter city. He incloses a. copy, ot a note sent hy General Beauregard to -General Hancock j in reply to an invitation from the latter to j dinner. The not" ran thus : "Gen. II. ; Please don't humble me by those flags. : I'll come anil see yon. but first remove , them." The frigs were accordingly or- dered down, and Beauregard diind with General Hancock, who was thus guilty of an open insult to the flag to soothe the irri tated nerves ot an unrepentant rebel. liienulnt Keporta. Through the politeness ot Hon. R. P. Earhart, Secretary of State, we are in re ceipt ot the following biennial reports to j the Legislature now in session nt Salem : Report of Secretary of State ; State Uni versity ; State Agricnltiiial College, Cor" vallis ; Superintendent of Penitentiary. Salem ; Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, and State Librarian. Each is neatly printed in pamphlet form, showing that the State Printer appointed to fill in the time before the Printer elect could take his office, Mr. W. P. Keady, understands his business to a dot. The ORrOrld Ciub. The Gai field Club meets Wednesday night next, at the Court Hone, and every two weeks thereafter until after the close of the Presidential canvass. All per-ons in sympathy with the party of Union ami universal freedom, and who prnose to vole and work for the election of the tried Statesman and patriot, Hon. .las. A. Gar" Held is urged to place his name on the roll and become an active member of the Cinb. W:ishlirjfii)ii"s Ielsnte. Hon. Thos. Brents has been renominated by the Washington Territorial Republican Convention for . the Delegateship. Tom lias made a good Delegate, has labored in dustriously and successfully tor his coustit tuents in the past, and will be re-elected by a good round majority. L'iilnnlrictl Mifrtu Linen and muslin guaranteed of the best qualify, to be had nt L. E. B!ains for one dollar each claajier than 3-ou can buy the stuff, at retail, ot which the shirts a.c made. Cull at Blain's ami see tlicin. The Democracy of this city are trying to sell their " spliced" pole, as "fusion" don't pan out. Vide Main's election returns. Maj. Gen. Bushrod Johnson, of tlie ex confederate service, died at Brighton, III., on the 13th. One by one like leaves they fall. m I tie people l Maine have decided to have no more attempted Gum-Ion fraud: Dcuioerolfe t'nMeiialn Kong, Fin!? a sonar h s!iot-inn, A pocket fnli of kni ves ; Fouroni twenty black men A rtirminjj tor" their lives. When tlie-pollsare open. Shut the niKir- rV moulh ; Isn't that a bullv wmv To make a solid Soli I h 1 Jf ortbern sympathisers. Making ve:eh c-ii:ilfy ; 5!fljor Generwl Hancock, Killing reliel taffy. Emrlish hi h qnandVy ITow to sjhmi.I Ivs dollars; Along: comes n politl Sonih. And fits them all with collars. A Krnsfrnnt RrinKi and Pearly Teeth Are easily obtained by cleansing your teeth daily with thnt justly popular dentifrlee.S' ZO IJONT. Composed ot rnre antiptic herbs, It imparts whiteness -to the teeth, a delieions aro ma io uie urea luanu preserves intact, from youth to old nfje. ihe teeth. Acidity of the slonmcU will dest ywy.-t he. Hti-oKt-rwt teeth unless Its eiiucis are counterautea with SOZOIMJNT and this pure tool h-wjsh protects the ilenta surfaces by rmovthif every imnnrhv lhat ad here to tlicui. Ask your druggist lor SOZi- An immense, amount ot fmit is being canned in Marion county. A heavy frost fell in the Waldo hills oi last Wednesday night, nipping potatoes. Deans, etc., without mercy. Mr. Phelps commenced picking bops at ni yarn near siivcrton last weeK. employ ing 25 Chinese. His crop is most excellent. the ate rains being very beneficial to it Wells, Fargo & Co. shipped from Pendte ton during August a total of $10,346 11 of which f4.55 20 was in silver bars ana fS7o in gold dust. The Baker county Agricultural Society have ofiered a purse of $100 to be contested for by any one desiring to make a horse back ride of 50 mtles with the allowance of ten horses for tlie instance. William Cox and Albert Nash, recently engageii in ine manufacture or brick neai Pendleton, have shaken the diut of Uma- tilla county from tlieir soles, leaving liabll ities to the amount of $70C in Pendleton ami Weston. . The tax levy for Douglas county for the ensuing year is zi mil's. A Rebecca degree lodze has been oraran ized at Ashland, under the name of Hope looge. io. 14. Members of the -Jackson ville lodge assisted In tlie ceremonies. E. F. Walker and J. B. Wilslev. of Jackson county. hav recently received machinery for the manufacture of orghmn svrtip, an-1 wtty soon. commence operations. Thev have twenty acres tu sorghum (which reseniDies orooon corn), tnat has grow finely. : To the Republican party are the people of the United States indebted for the pas sage of the homestead act. During the first years of Buchanan's administration every effort to pass a free homestead bill through Congress was defeated by the Democratic party ; an 1 when in the last year ot Bif chanan's administration, by Increasing Re publican strength, the bill was put through, Buchanan vetoed it, and tlie Democratic party sustained' the veto. When under the administration of the patriot-states man Lincoln, the bill became a law. both branches of Congress were Republicans, which niade its passage possible. The Republican party has from the first not onlg been in favor of "free lands for the landless," and pre emption laws, while the Democracy has as stretiously oppo-ed, but its whole career has shown it to be in fa vor of all laws cnlculatfd to lie of the great est benefit to the gn-aie-t number. Anson C. Ticht-nor. ot Calisloga. Cali fornia, has been interviewed regarding his dUcovery of gold hi the Thermal springs at Calistoga. which Tjcheiior and Judge Dnndy have recently purchased. Hi as serts that gold is'held in solution in water, and that from a gallon ot water taken from the Pacific oceaii he lias obtained a net profit of $1 3a Unsay thai the waters ot the springs aru richer, and that ii-oui ten barrels he obtained .930. He proposes to make gold as cheap as sand. Here i hi theory as given to a reporter of the Call Well, down in the interior of the earth where all this hot water comes from, gold is formed by tlie agency of intense chemical and electrical heat. This is in solution which no quicksilver will amalgamate This water tills seams of rocks and becomes transmitted into metal state through elec trical influences. .nw, if we can repro duce this state, resulting m the precipita tiou of co'd. the problem is solved. I sus. pend a piece ot rolled sheet lead, chemical Iv pure, in boiling water, to which I have ailileit two of the i-ements of gold which. uiiiiiii-r with a third, form a b'uish black protoxide of go!il which H'lheres to I lie lend All forms of gnM have an affinity tor leail. By mi-pi ndini lead ill chemically reati-d water electrical infiiiences occasion precipitate. I believe gold is alloy ot other iR't ils. hihI the only reason ah-lieiiiists ilnl ot discover the art of transmutation was "ecaiise all metals weiv not known then A hundred ditlcret-t metals may enter into Hoy. Fin ther without any chemical pre paration, lead may be placed in ea water lid in tune gold will precipitate upon its ii r face. In both case- ordinary treatment for smelting gold bearing lead ores is fol io well. Another humbug, doubtless. to get a fabulous price for the property. The Willamette rails t'anal. Following is a statement of the business of the Willamette Falls Canal for the welve months, less twenty flays, ending August 31. 1379 : Ninn'w r of passonsers, fi,(VJ". PV $ 1.WS 150 Mimner tons ot riciifbt. 48, Sin. spc 24.8::i 00 N limber of liorses and cattle. 4'.n. 2ie. . 124 10 Number of shecpand swine, 2.jl, 10e... 25 10 Kilt's ot ,'oirs, ir.. one 44 7" oi-.lsof stave bolts, 91. 2."ic 22 75 One scow 5 CO To'al tif'.GOi 70 Following is a statement- ot the business from September 1. 1S79. to August 31.1&S0. All boats have been "safely passed in the order ot their nriival. and the locks were lnsed by high water for only 38 hours d u r- I iig the year : No. pnssenfrers. 17.S73. 10c No. niw freight. ns,71l. 51V No. horses ami cart le, ."7ii, 2'tc No. pheep and swine, 275, liK: $ I.7S7 30 2'J,SV 10 14 00 27 SO 10 75 fl 00 39 50 No. coiils ot wood. 43. "- c lS.OiHift lumber, raft. 50c 7:J,ooiift los, raft, 50c Total... $31,373 05 The President and Party. President Hayes and party arc expected to arrive in Portland in a few days, .the exact time we have not as yet learned. It was at first announced that the party would come overland, but the progamme has since ln-en changed, and the3' will ar rive at Portland ot one of the fine steam ers plying on the line bci u-ecn San Fran co aid Portland. The pingianiiue then seems to be a trip up the Columbia as far as Walla Walla. Upon returning to Port land, it is understood they will pass Pack to San Francisco overland. It possible tlie President will he induced to stop in this city a few hours at least, on his way to San Francisco. It seems to be an houorab'e thing for Mr. Slater to take back pay as a member of Congress in the eyes of Democrats, but for Gen. Garfield to refuse back pay and rnvir U back into tlie treasury wa an act of robbery" and --plunder." Gen. Gar field who refused buck pay is denounced by DomocratU- journalists as a "salary grabber." while Representative Slater who did take linck pay and keep it, is lauded as an honorable man. Fashlo-19. Mr?. Parks'i-rlll he in receipt of her first installment ol new styles and fashions in Fall and Winter millinery, hats, bonnets, flowers and trimmings, early next week. She has ordered an nnnsnally large rtoek, which will oil soon be here, due notice ot which will be given. The first installment ol the new j-ood will be here next week, and we found the alarm In advance, so that all may be on the'ookout. TLIst of Letters, Uncalled tor and remainiiic- in the Post office in this city for the week ending Sept. lfith. 18S0: Bean, J Kiley Harris. Mrs Mollle Blake. Vl!son Kixlgers. .1 II Cooper. Femiimore Kisiler. Annie Cure. .1 M Keed. Jos Cumtnings, Ilattit Ferrill. Mark P. H. RAYMOND. P. M. Amos Wlllits has sold his saw mill and timber land on Kean creek. Jack-on county, for $3,800. L. S P. Mar-h U the purchaser. The proiiert.y is regardetl as the best of its kind in that "sect ion of the country, aiiu cost more than the price realized In its sale. Adiuliihilmlor'M Notice of AppolHlm-nt. NOTICE Is hereby sdven that the rmdersisrn ed waa, by t he County Court of Linn Conn tv, Oregon, at Its reiular Sept ember term, 1880, duly appointed administrator lr bonis rwn, ettm testaments annexo,oi the estate or C. A. Williams, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, will present the same to the nndersiKned at Brownsville, Linn county, Oreon, vei l lied as required by law, within nix months from the date hereof. JKTF.K -HUMfE, Administrator. Pated ept. 17. 1880-n:lvl3 jfeai harford Blackburn, attys for admr. On the 6th Inst., J. W. Stahl was adjudged Insane, and Sheriff Charlton ordered to convey hlui to the Insane Asymm. September 7th, J. H. Bonghton, Exr., filed final account In the estate of W. H. Goodwin, deceased. Hearing appointed for Saturday, October 9th. tin the 8th, Peter Hume presented his petition to be appointed administrator de bonis non of the estate of C. A. Williams. Petition granted. J. A. Bilveu. administrator of M. T. Mack, deceased, filed his report of 6ale of personal property. Approved. Rnsnna W. Williams adjudged insane on the 10th. and Sheriff directed to convey her to the. Asylum. Petition of Thomas T. Wilson, guardian of James A. Wilson, to sell reil estate, granted. Ifitndnouie Dry Uoo. Mr. S. E. Young has returned from San Francisco where he purchased a very large stock ofdry goods, etc., which can now he seen upon Co inters and shelves in endlesn array. The ladies are specially interest ed in those handsome styles of dress goods the . latest and most fashionable. As Mr. Young buys far cash, direct from the mai,iifiielure.he"'"llas a. large pweentage over time buyers, and can and .will sell at very much less rates. Call and see. Wolves ton hills. are numerous In tlie Silvcr- "N'olloe So Teacher. The public examination of teachers will he held at the Superintendent's office in Albany, on the last Friday and Saturday of Septemlier. tn coni'iience at 1 o'clock P M. ot Friday, September 21th. 18. J. L. GILBERT. County School Sueriiiteiident. Xew To-Day. Albany Furniture House. JAf!ES DANNALS, Manufacturer and Dealer In . FURNITURE, Bedroom Pnits; Walnut, Ash and Maple Parlor Saits ; Piitent atoctcers. Easy I 'hairs and I.puDges a specialty- SprinG MattkesseS, Extension Centre Tables, i I'iliar Extension, etc. A SiIun'Jid lot of o n X "E-S. 25 , Wnlnot and Hardwood Chairs of all kinds, "vTIxatnots, SicleticarcLs; In tact, I intend to keep a first class Furniture HousE. I am thankful for ixist patronage, and intend to make It to the interest of all residents of this city and vicinity to come and see mo. Corner of Second and Ferry streets. ALBIMT, vI2n24 0ltr05. M . Santiam Academy For 1880-81. Fall Term loinmener Montlny, Kept. 20, ltf.O. SANTIAM ACAPKMT is located in I.eha"on, I.inn county, Oregon, at the terminus ot the Albany & iJclmnon Railroad, and near the line of the Narrow Gauite Kailroad, In a pteas nnt and healthv part of the Willii!iiett! Valley. Tli' Acft'lcmv is snoplied Willi Philonorihieal and Chemical annai-atns. and a Library ot two hundi-ed and fifty volumes. The arroiinds ore ample and pleasant, and the building commodious. B r I can i obtained In rrort families at niioiia' -'e in'is. Rooms can le otitaine l by tlios wli- n-ih to ltonrd themselves. Itooms will he fnrni"lied in the Academy, if application be made soon. RATFS Or TUITION. Primary i on Common School j "0 Hivrh School 00 Comnnrcial Conrse ,...97 00 Instrumental Music 12 00 o Incidental fee required. A Xormal Class will beoiiranis-cd and especial attention -riven to the Normal methiHls of teachliisr. inclndinK Ihe Tonic, tnetliods of in strnciion. tonii-al revies of all the common school branches, and contractions or shorter nif'tlio Is in arithmetic A monthly report of attendance and standing or studcnis win Do sent to parents ana guarui mil. It will ho understood that, where no previous arranurement is made, natrons will settle the tuition on or before the close of each term of lv) weeks. Students can enter the school at anv time. and tuition will be charircd for the time they are memiM-rsoi i ne !H-nooi. The irovei-ntnent will be strict and Education al. Our motto Is : "Practical Education 'Knowlodire is Power. Edniration is more- it includes the ability to control and apply that power. student" eotertmr the school will be consider ed In honor- rdedmd to s'-stain the rules nno Stood name ot the school, by industi-y In doing nenr. -rr oriiers win oe rotninea. Koi" furtnor pttrtif-itlars nmMy to. rT-i.. U1LU-.K1, iTincipat. Lebanon Sept. 3, 1880. Summons. In the Clrcnit Court of the State of Oregon for me conn iv oi i.rwrj Lillie J. HasUrnnck, plaintiff, -VS. M. L. Ilasbronck-. G. C. Cooiev and J. H. Wash burn, partners under the Arm name and stvlo of Cooley & Washbnrn, and Albert Butts, de fendants. To M. I.. Hasbi-ouck, one of tho defendants above named : In tlie name of the State of Oresron Ton are hereby required to appear at.d any wer tlie com nliiint flled against von in tha above entitled action, on or before the fourth Monday of Oc tober nest, it oeing ine 25.'ft day of October, 1880, and the first day of the next regular term of said Court, and if von fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded 1 herein, to-wit : ihe dissolution of tlix lionda of inatrimonv subsistine lietween Plaintiff and yourself, for the care, custody an-! A... . ihi minor child. Walter C. Ilasbronck lhat. the Intei-est ofall pa it lea in and to the fol lowing desci-UMKi real esiaie, io-wn ; : i t cumtlitMicit cornerof the Sam- neljobnson donation land claim, being claim ... .i oo Bnf4 ..titlnii nn Nn. 2f71. I'll n II- inR thence west U7 ro.1--, hee V'?!, thence east 14. rods, thence south 90 rods to the iM-ifinnlnir.contaiiiinirSii a-i-e,and lylnn and lielnu in t.iii coiitm.v. v"-."", iw narartainMl and dctermlneil. and If neeessa- , thB.t tlmsn-iie'wsold by dereeof saw court, ad such por-ions of the pi--eeds thereof bo decreed to the plBiiilift s she may in equity arsticSbVrei.tii!l to for nminlalnln and wrrvinK on this -lilt, for counsel fees and for .'eSrlnB, W decreed to plaintiff or be .sold for r ni.intifr and child, and tor the costs and disbursments of the suit to he taxed. This summons Is published by order or the lion. It. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Chamliers tn the city of Salem, Oregon, on the S7th d'kfkKRI A BLACKBURX. vlln44 Attorney for Plulntlff, tilt nd her c in". or um "'"""tv- , ErlatirneT ?uTh"ndThi. anyion of the person. X.. FLINM. O. B. CHAMBKBI.AI1. FL.I1VIV & CHAMBERLAIN, -A-ttorny ts ;r at Law, ALBANY, . - OREGON. rFriCE-In Foster's new brick block, first door to the left, op rtatrs. vllnl5 O. POWELL. w. a. BH1TKC, POWELL b JilLYJEU, Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery. ' AlBAtty, - ORE002. ''OI-T.EeTIONS promptly made on alt po fa. OfVi'iT "eV,"i,ii on reasonable terms. Office In Foster's new block. nlivll K- WEATlIER?ORD, IKOTAET FCBMC) Attorney at Law, ALBANY, : OREGON. yi LI PRACTICE IX THK DirFKRl. i-r. eoroUee1 -Hi Odd ---ellowa- Temple. mMXTi- . n. sr. BU Kui'ii-i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUIAXT, -tit4, Ofr-CUON. - ' - !2v8 -N-B- nt-MPIIBKT. C. S. WOI.VERTOIC IlumpUrey A Wolvcrton, Attorn,- aa, pu,-ior- . , VV of thtttfii StAcarcK rv ai t. tu. of tbi.S.ote. "om, ViV-V.a.7- (upstairs) Albany, Oregon Hn4 X.. M KO.VTAl'E, Attorney at Jn w, ALBANY, OREGON. OFKICR-TJp-nln.over John Brigsrs' stora on First strict. vllnls C. II. HEWITT, Attorney and Counselor at Law . Office, Old tost Office Bunding, Albany, Oregon. TTTIt-L PRACTICE in the different Conrts ot tf the State. rllnSi MEDICAL. I. M. JOXES, ITI. ., Physician and Surgeon, AI.HAW, OREGOS. OFFICK-At Plnmmer'8 Dm? Store, in Odd . "iJow Temnle. Rksioexce- Second anil Washina-ion sn-eett.. one block sooth of Ana. Mai-snail's livery slables. 46vi3 OR. BI. J. Clll'KCIIILL, Ifoiueeoim-hic; Pliyilclnu noil Snrseou, OFFICE -In Mi-Ilwain-9 hiiik. Alliany. Oirn. Chronic -fcwae a Upeciultv. Can lie tounti ar mv of-li-i-fit nil hour of ti, Huv ,xtu. wlieu not iiroiuasloually absent. vl2n1 (SU?i---SOR TO DR. BREWEK.) OFFICK ANI KEIHENCE-On Second M., near Albun v l- n i-in. I Yi On.. . house. Albany, Or.. Jan. 9, 18SO-vl2nl5 B. 2-1. SAVAGE, 11. D.f PI-yiciaBi asinS ' Stirireon. Fronians-a Ilrk-k, up stairs, ' First street, s Albany, Wrrcou. vl-inlu . C. C. KELLY, 91. !., PSYSICIA1T fis SUEGS0IT. AI.ltA.XV, J s OBimti. OFFICE IN McII.WArN'S BRICK BLOCK. Kesidcncc-ono door north of broom facto ry, Lyon street. llv!3 JdiVSCS r. AVIIIXIXCS, ARTIST, Fresco, Sign Scene. AI Pictorial X-'-aiiitjugf. DESIGNING A SPECIALTY. Rooms and 7. Parrish block, corner First and Ferr streets. Albany, Oreson. I- CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO J. B. WV ATT, oealer in Heavy and Slielf Hardware. Iron. Mu l and .llvcliantcw" 1'ouIh, First door east of . K. Tounjt. AliBANY, (Vlln40l OREGON. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, : . OR EtiON , llrs. i Houk, Proprietor. Tin ITOUSK has been thoroughly overhanl t;d ami renovated, and placed In "rst class condition for ihi' accommodation of r inests. liiwt SHinole Room tor 'nmuierelRl ravclers. Gi-neral Srasre Ofrlce for Corvallis. Indencnd- ence and Ixibanon. Frre Cowb to and f am the house. vllnO ALBANY Albanj, Orrgon. Tlie Second Term will open oit Wednesday, Sept. 1st, 180. ; For partlchlars concerning the courses of stndy and the price of tuition, apply to Rev. ELBERT JS. COMMIT, Pres. July 30, lWvl2ntt WHEAT THK PROPRIETORS of the Magnolia Mill offer a rreuilum oi FOUR CENTS PER BUSHEL In Mill Feed, overand above the market prce for -rood merchantable WHEAT, either sold to orored wilhtnemthseason & Albany, July 30, 1880. WANTED! Notice of Final Settlement. N6tH:K IS HEREBY GIVEN that Franklin Presley, as administrator of the estate of 1 .'avid Presley . decea.-ed. hns tiled In t he County Court of Linn county, Oregon, his tinal account in the innl ter of said estate, nd said Court hns appointed the third day of Angnst, 180. at t lia hour of one o'clock in the nlternoon ot said day : as the time lor hearing objections to ssld no- -count, if any there he, and for the settlment- thereof. FRANKLIN PRKSLEV, . July 8d, 1880-vl2n4O . Adtuiiiialmlor. JOB PRIHTIHGI ... Neatly- m?nt(l at this offlc. J . sisWK(BjW