The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 27, 1880, Image 4

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t. .
! f I
Corner Ferry awt Firtt Slret-U.
e copy, ono year $2 50
One copy, Bis months 1 50
single copies Ten cents.
'I II 1 Ct T II T3TT? mn v he f on nil nn file nt Ora
AAAAia UTXiV i itiw!l i (Jul Kmnpsim
AtrrerHstnf? Bureau oo truce St. X where ad vert tsi
comracta may lie uule for it la NKV YOKK.
Aarenta tn Kcjrfster.
The following namot gentlemen are author
ised to receive and receipt for sipiscrtntions
to the kboistkr In the localities mentioned :
Messrs. Kirk A Hume Brownsville.
Robert Glass Crawfordsville.
Seth Hayes... ........... ............ Iliilsev.
O. P. Tompkins ITnrrisburg
ITtat EnajlannTs Warn have Coat lu TUrec
Years.,, Etc.
In the house of commons on the 17th
the Marquis of Iiartington, secretary of
state of India, Ftibtnitted Indian esti
mates for the fiscal year ot 1880-1881.
lleeeipts are placed at 66,746,000;
expenditures, 66,329,000, a narplu
of 417,000, Bhowing a decrease ot 1,
000,000 on each side ot the suount as
compared with 1879-1880. In present
ing these estimates the marquis said :
There would have been an aggregate
enrplas tor the last three years ot 11,
197,000, but for the Afghan war. The
time is approaching when productive
work in India will no longer be a charge
upon, but a source of revenue, to the
courftty. War expenses for the fiscal
years of '78, '79, '80, and '80 '81 in
rouad figures are 14,000,000, and the
cost uf the frontier railway, 4,000
000, mating a total of 18,001,
000. Deducting a Fitppoeed surplus of
11,000,000, it leaves a deficit of 7.-
000,000. Lord Ilartinglon severely
denounced t'e negligence in preparing
war estimates and underestimating not
jnly the expenses, but tLe difficulties
of these enterprises on the part of the
late government. Of the deficit he
said that 0,500,000 remains to be re
covered this year. A loau has already
been authorized for productive works,
the proceeds of which are to be devoted
, to this purpose. It is also intended to
reduce drawings in India on the same
account ahoui 1,000,000. It tbese
measures are insufficient, a loan mtht
be raised in India, but no addition to
the Indian debt should be made it it
is possible to avoid it. The statement
regarding the imeria! contribution to
war-expenses ot India must be deterred
until the complete cost of the war has
been fully ascertained ; but the war
was certainly the result of imjxnial
policy, and therefore assistance to India
from imperial resources is necessary.
About Fleas.
Just now fleas are fashionable,
jj-veryooay lias them- mere is no
prejudice against the ilea on account of
his color. If the flea was perfectly
white, people could be more familiar
than they are. Some people are care
less, anyhow, about the color line. The
Bible says the flea is wickeJ when no
man pursueth, which means, it you
wan. to cure a flea of his wick
edness you must catch and make a good
Indian of him. Various remedies tor
fleas have been suggested. One is to
over your entire body with a coating
of tar. The best way is to hire a de
tective to watch a flea until he is tired,
theu pour on an ounce ot chloroform
" on him and send for a policeman.
There is no such thing as keeping fleas
out of the house, although an old man
in San Antonio, who was very observ
ing, said that there would be no flea
in a house if the women were kept out.
It was the women that brought flea
in bouse. The flea is round-should-dered'
and keeps his nose to the ground
like a dog trailing a rabbit. Like all
the old residents of the island, the flea
is very brisk and enterprising, which is
the cause of the present tidal wave ot
prosperity. Unlike the rest of the old
residents, the flea does not go north ic
the summer, but stays right here and
enjoys himself at home. The flea has
no politics to speak of. Like the Hous
ton Press, he is independent. Galves
ton Tex.) News.
Jk Sfotable Death.
Toe death of Viscount Stratford de
Redcliffe, or Stralftrd-Catming, as lie
was called in the days ot his prime, "is
one worthy of remark. When George
Canning, whom Englishmen generally
reverence as a very grea: man, was
Prime Minister 1827 he sent this
now dead Viscount as Minister to the
Court of St. Petersburg. lie had no
title, lie waa sot a noble. He was
simply Stratford-Canning, and the be
loved protege of the Premier, who bad
trained him and knew him to be a man
of greet diplomatic ability. The haugh.
ty Czar Nicholas revolted at the thought
that England should send to his aris
tocratic Court anybody of less rank
than a lord as Minister, and refused to
receive him, or at any rate treated him
with such disdain that he asked to be
recalled, and was. Mr. Canning imme
diately appointed him Minister at the
Porte, and there he remained till the
close ot the Crimean war, always a
sharp thorn in Russia's flesh, and dur
ing that war and at the treaty settle
ment a eieater power tor the humilia
tion ot the prMe ot Czar Nicholas than
all the armies ot the allies and all the
other diplomats of Europe. In 185"2,
when the Earl of Aberdeen was Premier,
Glalstoue Chancellor ot the Exchequer
and Palmrrston Home Secretary, Strat
ford. Canning was made a viscount,
wic'i the title ot Stratford de Redcliffe.
His diplomacy at the Porte won for
him the k::isilit.hoHJ ot the tiarter a
distinction that no other nobleman of
England below the rank of an earl has,
and very few earls. In the Houe of
Peers he has never displayed much
ability, fl is forte was diplomacy, and
of that he was master. Viscount Slrat
ford de RedclirTe was the oldest man
in the House ot Lords. He was borri
in 1788, aud died in the 92d year ot
his aire.
The Meaning- of Reconciliation.
What is the meaning of this "recon
ciliation ?" Why is the south" not
"reconciled?" Is "the north" to be
forgiven? Is "iho south" gravely to
play in the union the part of John Kel
ly at Cincinnati and pardon the loyal
country? The democratic tactics are
the madness ot sectionalism. Here is a
section ot the country which has plung
ed the union into a sanauinary contest,
in which the t-ecHon was worsted, and
after fifteen years, during which all
that has been asked of it is no penalty,
but the acceptance of equal liberty for
all citizens, it is seriously announced
that the section, will li "reconciled"
upon condition that the control of the
government is placed in his hands. As
an argument for the su;ort of Genera'
Hancock this is simply silly. Thi
only ground upon which 'reconciliation"
that is to say, sectional harmony is
possible is ttie aoq':esceice of every sec-;
tiou in equal civii and political liberty.
The parties ot the war continue, because
that equality is denied in the old slave
holding section, and the last reason
that would persuade a loyal American
to vote tur General Hancock is that his
ejection, by giving the government to
those who practically deny constitu
tional equal rights would "reconcile" or
pacify them. Ifarpcr's Weekly.
Wade naiutanB Speech."
The N. Y. Tribune prints side by
side two reports of Wade Hampton's
speech at Stanton, July 26th. One as
taken at the lime and priuted in the
Stanton valley Virginian, and recently
put forth as endorsed by Hampton.
'rom which offensive passages in the
former are carefully eliminated. The
Tribune shows that Hampton does not
deny the accuracy ot the first report,
The Tribime says : We do not know
what was in Hampton's mind when he
delivered his speech in Stanton, but
we do know what his language meant.
He declared that "the Democratic par
ty under Hancock's lead was fighting
tor the same princ:p'es that Lee and
Jackson fought for, and tor whic south
ern soldiers died." There was noquali
ticatiou in the terms nsed.
O reg-oii's Advantages.
During the last decade the popula
tion ot Oregon has increased 93 per
c6nt, and that of California something
over 6'). The difference has been caus
ed by the San Francisco uionopoli-ts.
These mighty potentates have nullified
the great natural advantages that make
California immeasurably sujerior to
Oregon as a place of permanent, resi
dence. San JFVjncisco Post.
Alabama has repudiated $28,50.000
of its public debt ; Arkansas, i 8,300,
000 ; Tennessee; $22,8: '0-000 ; North
Carolina,$44,800,000,aiid othei equally
sound and solid democratic states great
er or less sums- The readjustee ot
Virginia recite these facts in their ap
peal to the national democratic commit
tee for recognition as the simon-pure
democracy ot Virginia; adding, in
proof of their claim, that they also pro
pose to repa-hate about $27,000,000.
The question of moving the capital ot
Idaho from Boise to Blacktoot is being
agitated This latter place is located
in Oneida county, within one mile
Snake river, and about two from Black
foot river on the line ot the old emi
grant road. lis alitude is about 4600
"eet above sea level, giving it a climate
extremely hot in summer and cold in
winter. -
Within the last four weeks, ' about
20,000 head of sheep have been taken
into Haystack valley, Grant county,
from Wasco and Umatilla counties.
Baker county paid $163 for keeping
ber paupers and $1 12 for the insane last
Starting Mew.
Mr. Grant Mornin', Jedge. I come
on circumstancie I want you to de
lucidate. Judge Well out with it.
Grant Well de whole circumstancie
ob de business am dis : Yer see, jedge
ii salery lime I had tree wile on tree
plantation. Dey got 'long bery well
togedder when dey was apart, and I
was well satisfaction, hut, since rebel
time, dese "devised statues" fetch upall
dese dern nonsense laws 'hunt man
and wife, and I find I ain't got no wife
'tall. I's no 'jeciion to dat. but jis' I
here's whar de shoe pinch, is' here I j
want yer legal precision. De tac' is,
jedge, I wants to jine de church ; dei
boss leader say I can't come in onless jjl
git legally married. Now, kiu I, 'eor
diu to law, marrid all tree, or mus I
marrid but one ? Et you say but tine,
and I 'tempt it, my 'spectable jedae,
you better b'lieve dere will be dedebil
-Hz on that 'casion in dat church
Judge Mr Grant, under the circum
stances, I seriously advise you to rub
out all old scores at.d begin atresh.
Marry alew wile.
Gran: Dot's my ban I I go;s in
fur you, jedge, all de time. I te!liy"u
white folks is smart. Whar de3 can't
ciawtish out, culled folks no ue try.
Hyar's a quarter, jedge Charleston
The Powers which have Ijeeii sitting
in judgment on Turkey promise soon to
lie engaged in a general low. France
has chosen the latter part of valor and
insists that moral suasion shall not be
overstepped in dealing with the Turk.
She wishes to be netitral in care of
trouble, so that she may husband all
her energies and fall upon Germany at
the first opportunity. The loss of
Alsace and Lorraine rankles in the
Frerch rpind and cannot be forgotten.
It is kept alive by all French writers,
and tokens ot ils strength are shown at
all public deiTi'Mistrations. Even so
clearheaded and dispassionate a political
thinker as Edmond About loses his
calmness when this outrage to France
is mentioned. In his recent novel ha
2'es out ot hi way to b'ing in a bitter
attact on the German and their meth
ods. When opportunity comes, France
will do her' best to wipe- out the old
SilMtr In lit inns.
"Does kerosene oil improve butter ?"
asks the E'mira Free" Press. This is
making light t a rank offense.
It is the same with nature as with
humanity, when the land gets worn out
the farmers plaster it.
If you want, correct information about
any kind of business, ask the individual
who has never engaged in it.
On last Monday week Frederick
Brigerhoff, at work for F. A. Patterson,
some three or four miles from Indepen
dence, fell dead in the header wagon in
which he was at work.
Mr. Henry Cook, ot Damascus, had a
grain ot cheat extracted from his eye
last Friday. He suffered excruciating
pain from it for nearly twenty-four hours
before it was taken out.
The Astorian says : Not enough
work has lieen accumr dished by dragg
ing at the bar below Sand Island to tell
just what good may be exjecled, but
there seems to lie very li' tie doubt but
that a deep channel will be made to sea.
Mr. Grayson, ot San Francisco, and
Jos. Ffeiffer of Bonanza, are erecting a
forty-stamp mill at I'onanza City.
Prospectors in the Wood river country
report evidences vary favorable tor de
velopment. W. W. Baker writes the Astorian;
Sand Island has moved more than its
own size northward since 1854, and
argues that improvements should be
commenced on the north shore and so
compel the river to clean out the channel.
The si;ht ot Mr. P. M. liinearson's
phim oichard, below Oregon City, is
one cf the finest of the kind to be seen
in Oregon, The trees are literally
breaking down under the weight ot the
titiit, there being thousand!- ot bushels
ot them.
The Dalles Itemizer 6ays : Persons
engaged in digging a well on the place
of Uncle Jimmy Harris, east of town,
yesterday, found a small piece of wood
at li e depth of 26 feet, whicn bore un
mistakable evidence ct having at some
time been cut with an edged tool ot
some kind. The query now is who cut
11 and how long has it been since it was
Leopold 11, the present King of Bel
gium, is almost as popular with his
people as was his wise and just father.
The only word to be heard approaching
censure is about his excessive fondness
of everything military.
The yonng physician ot Lyons who
tried to fast fifteen days succumbed at
the end of a week. It isn't every man
who has Tannei'a will power or stem
ach. . ..
The Duchess of Edinburgh has been
suffering from tie infantile disease ot
measles. ..
President Hayes owns a SQO-acre
.v beat field in Dakota.
The monumental mine-'lTas suspended
operations for a short tiefne for uecessary
repairs on machinery. Three 6ilver
bricks, weighine respectively 1881 and
$1331 and $1382, were sent to Pendle
ton from that rniiiast week.
Faw Tooth Cjr'ty is h cated in Beaver
gulch and on tle edge of Salmon val
ley. It is w'ay up, being over 8000
teet above, Aiie level of the sea.
Deerare more plentiful in Boise
count jjthan ever before since settled by
the Whites. The increase is attributed
tothe decrease of the Indians,
j Henry Bishop, of I5oie City, who
was employed a a herder by !laoii &
Lovel, was drowned in Snake river i
while trying to make his cattle cross it. j
In France, since the abolition of the j
empire, no oath has been ai!mhiitM-el to
the legislurnr. Nor U there- formality as
mi equivalent.
A man In Augusta. Ga.. on receiving a
doctor's hill for medicine an! viir, wrote
that lie would p;iy for the medicine and
return the visit.
Sew To-Dy.
I.ailies' Variety Emporium.
German Zepftir. Canvas. Thread. Pi?i,
Keeillex, iiiUmis. Ileal Hair Switch
es at.d Curls, Hosiery, Stamped
Goods. &c, -c.. -c.
Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's
Ileulth Com ;
Child's Waist!
ami Miulaui Foye's
Coi-f?et Slvii-t Supporter.
Gf"Freiieli 'tamping (lone to order.
l:lSBroiilalbiii St., opposite Post Olflce9v
For more thnn a third of a century the
Mexican Nnstang Liniment has been
known to million nil over th
the only sale reliance for the relief of
it-.-umuma Him nam. Jt ts a meiilclne
above price ancl pi iiisc (lie best or ils
U lad. For every foi m of external pain
Mnstang Liniment is without nil equal.
It penetrate flesh, and muscle to
the -erjr l,one milking the eon; i nu
ll nee f pain unci inflmnaU"n impossible,
lis effecis upon lluuinn Flesh and the
Jlra! Creation, are equally wonderful.
The Mexican
Liniment 13 reeded ly somebody in
every house. Kvery tiny bi ius neivs of
the ncuy of nn awful scald or buru
sulxlued, of rhrmiiHtlo martyrs re
stored, or a vainuuls liorse or ox
savea by the healing power of this
which speedily rnres such ailments of
the HUMAN x'l.ESH as
It h e u ii a 1 1 in . NweI11nK, SJtlfT
v ununcwra iriuscies, unrni
and Scalds, Cnts, Ilrnlaei and
Npralus, l"ol a o n o li Bites and
Situ nx. Btiflrurs. Lamtncia, Old
Sores, ('leers, frostbites. Chilblains.
Sore iVippIcs, Caked Breast, aud
liidfed every form of external dis
tHo. It hraU wiihent scan.
For tlie Bkite Crkation it -urcs
Siprains, Swlnny, SttitT Joints,
Founder. TTnrness Stores, Hoof Ills
eases, Foot Hot, Screw Worm. Sb,
Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wiud
(Bralls, Spavin., Ringbone,
Old Sores, I'oll Kvil, Film upon
the Slight and every other ailment
In which the occupants of the
Stable aud Stock Yard are liable.
The Mexican 9Xnstanr Liniment
always cures and iicvcr'disappoiats;
and it. is, positively,
RfST U'l!'1"-'" now beiore the public. You
.-.ui iiiskc money iasterat wnrK tor ua
than at anything else. Capital not rcnuircd.
e will start you. $12 a day and upwards j
fuiwn: iKfiuc; u I lie ill n i lf,us. MUH,
women, boys and Rirls wanted everywhere to
work for ti. Now i the time. You inn devote
your whole tiinetothe work, or only your
spHrc moments. No other business will pav
you nearly as well. No one willing to work
can fail to make enormous pay bv enaing at
once. Costly Out lit nnd terms free. A great
opportunity for making money easily and
honorably. Address Tbuk & Co., Annuals,
Maine. 42-13
Mfttie under Cani ty1 rtfltenf. Fltroat e?PV,emep
fid and healthful. Satisfaction pnaisn'ei d." fudei
the clssp is laid a nuiltid ppl. 1 i h renders rt:ftint
irapnKiirilo. B"Wre of iiifrintcnieiits. A?k foi
Cooley's Corset and take tin otlnr. Scrtl In v
through ynnrd-jaler fr a fsniple roryc-t. tnneinfr in
price from 7Scenta to J?00, and v-i ur eider v itl lie
filleil lir n tnrn mail. MHiiolxctmed otly liy Ihe
Globs Manufacturing Company. , -
o , .".T ntff- S47 Jirotrtttrtitf
v.iioli si: t: nitv teimh.
ti .
ETiolcsalo and
lu fact the Largest, best Assorted and most Vurlcd Stock of
GROCGBIES in the country.
la Piraproof Brick, First
...mi jum ... .
Oves? OHE THOUSAND in Use-in Linxi County.
Albany, Oregon. McFARLAND & HARVEY.
f'lll Fl Orent chance to mnke monev. We
iriil. need a neivon in everv town to tnko
snbscviptions for the larsrest. cheapest and best
Illustrated family publication in the world.
Anyone can become a successful sireni. Six
eleeant works of art civen free lo sniiscribers.
The price is so low that almost evervbodv snl
scribes. One agent reiwrts Inking 120 suliscrt
bere in a day. A ladv niront rep rts making
over floo clear proflt in ten davs. All who en
sraue make monej' fast. You" can devote all
vour time to the business, or onlv Rwrc time.
You need not be awnv from home over niarht.
You can do it as well as others. Full directions
ana rerms tree. t.wiint anil expensive Outfit
fiee. If you want profitable work send us vour
mid! ess at once. It. costs nothing to trv" the
No ono who encases fails to mnkn
creat pay. Address Geokgk Stinson Co..
Portland, Maine. 42-13
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the county of l.inn.
Lillic J. Hasbrotick, plaintiff,
M. Li. Hasbrouek. (1. C. Con.'ev m,d .T i n-u.
burn, partners under the firm name and stylo '
oi iHney a n asnmirn. ana Albert liutts, de
fendants. To M. I,. Hasbrouek, one of the defendants
alsive naiHed :
In the name of the Slate of Oregon You are
hereby required to nppear and answer t he com
plaint riled ajmlnst you in this above entitled
action on or iMifnre the fourth Monday of Oc.
toiler next, it being the
25th day of OcHiber, 1880,
and the first day nf the next rj?nlnr trm of
said Court, and if you fail so to answer, tbo
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded therein, to-wit : the dissolution of
"" ,""'" i iiiainmony snuslstinr ictween
plaintiff and vnnrself. for the mm nnctnii, .....i
control or the minor child. WulterC. Hasbrouek.
that the Interest of all parties in and to the fol-
iiik iiBcniHiu i-csu csiare, to-wit :
Heslnning nt the southeast corner of the Sam
uel Johnson donation land claim, belnsr claim
Nos. 52 and 3S, and notification No. 2071. rutin
ing thence west 147 rods, thence north PO rods,
thence east 1M rods, thence south 90 rods to the
beginning, containing 80 ucrt!8,and lvinv and
being In l.inn countv, Oregon, i
lie ascertained and determined, and if necessa
ry. 1 hat the same lie sold by decree of said Court,
and such portions of the proceeds thereof lie
decreed to the plnlntitt as she may in equity
and justice lie entitled to for maintaining and
carrying on this suit, for counsel fees and for
the tiitnre maintenance and support of plain
litrand her child, or that th undivided one
third 1 hereof, free from encumbrance, lie set
apart and con ftrined to her in her individual
right, and that any portion of the personal
proiwrty, that may bo on hands at the final
hearing, be decreed to plaintiff or lie sold for
the benelit of plaintiff and child, and tor the
costs and disliursments of the suit to lie taxed.
This summons is published bv order of the
Hon. K. P. Boise. Judge of said Court, made at
Chambers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on the
2th day f.fjulv, 1880.
Vl2n Attorneys for Plaintiff.
NOT F ATI, to sen4
rice i.r. ror
to any
upon ap-
of everv-
thinie required for
personal or f am 1 ly use.
Tiii Tor. 1800 tHustratlons. We sell
foods at wholesale prices In qnsntitiea to suit
he parchnaer. The only Institution to America
Sf,nV!5.'.thJJ.rIi.',1r,,Pp'Jl Imaliieia. Address,
7 Xl 11 abash Ave., Ctucajo, (1.1.
J UilUi descrlotlons
i . V "'r r
Retail Sealers in
Street, Albany, Oregon.
The Great Carriage Manufacturing House of the
Kt-terlal. Good Worltmaiislilp, 'Handsome Styles, Strong
and Durable Tcblvles In Every Respect,
' - &
Tlicy give nnfntlinjr satisfaction. All their work is warranted. They have received Jestimo-.
nials from all tarts or the country of purport similar to the following, hundreds of which are on
file subject to inspection : . '
Messrs Kmerson, Fisiikr Co.: Oalva, Ills.. Jnlv 16. 1879.
1 hivenscd ono of vour Top Buggies three years, nnd three of 1 bum two years in my liver
stable, and they liuve given me perfect satisfaction and are in constant use. Otic A K Sxauey.
Messrs CorPOCK Johns s: NEWBHRRY. 8. C, Jnly 17. 1879. '
lienr Sirs I have Intcn nsing the Emerson & Fisher Buggy I bought from yon as rongblv. I
snniviso "as anv one could. I had a fast horsti. drove him at full speed, fometltnes with two In,
dies and" mvself in the bugcy. and it is tday worth all the money 1 paid for It. 1 say the Kin
erson A Fisber Bujr-ies will do. A. M. TKAOt'K, Fanner." '
The favorable regulation the Carriages have made in localities where Ihey have been nsed for.
wvemlvmra bv Liivervmen. Physicians, and others requiring hard and constant nse. has tetl lo
an increased 1 demand rroin those localities, to meet which the manufacturing facilities of llielu
mammoth establishment have been extended, enabling tbem now to turn out In good style.
T ewelers,
Albany, : Oregon.
j. injf jewelry a specialty. Call
Aireuta lor "Sew II me"
Sewlnir Ma.
Infallible Indian E-sjnedies.
. Sure Shot For
PEViGR- &c ague. ,
Die Indian tribes of t h- const and the into,
rim-, I have hart tlRrood fortune to discover,
from the "Melielnc" men of the several trilnw,
and from other sources, a nnuiherol remedies
tor diseii.-ies incident to this c-onntry. consist. .
ing of roots, herbs and baric, and having been,
solicited by many people of this valley, who
have tried and proved the efficacy of tlieni in
diseasivto proenre and oflwr t he same for rale,
I lake this means of onnounciiur to all that,
during the past season, I have made an extend,
ed tour through the mountains and valleys,
and have siHmred certain of these remedies
which arefa sure cure fir
Fever .ncL JlLprue."
Those nflterinK from Ague who desire to he
?ureU,can leave order at Mr. Strong's store on
First street, where I will fnrnth the remedies.
WHimntiiiK a radical care or I will demand no
pay- W. K. JOHN.
CiSReraadie done up in $1 packages. - 1S-1